M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 26, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. 5.
IViii . alt.Ouptu' pntiottilt.
. ,
,By' J.. 11•••. MATT, ,
E CORNER OF mime- sQuARt
- $1 50 in.'Advance
Rates of Advertising
/ °pluton one }Ter...—
f, ...
' /- -. '
tt :• ' six • tri • ofiths'........:
ue squire of 12 lines or Ifths,.3 insertions,
• Each attbsequent insertiun,.. r : ....... ' . •.::,
• . .usiteell cards, with puffer ' • ' 5' 00
' ' Buie or figure .work 'will be double .the 'above: rates.
Twelve lines Brovier - ty i re, or eight noes nonpareil, is
:. .;
rated a squire.'..t. • • • • ... .
. . .
• • '
.• 1177 These termswill be 'strictly adhered , to,. - 4:1
. .
. . .
- Dealer in Dry Goods, Grbcorles, Crockery. Dar-darer°,
ildoti, Shoes, Ilats,'Oars, Glass, Nails., Oil, &c.,&c.
East'side.cif the Public, Square, Stnetliport,. Pa.- '
..,.::;: . .1_,T,',1-aI\LT.T.-I.: - _..
PORTAGE, McKean Co., Pa
• THE froth
long experienc'e,•thnt.he cannot he excelled, iii,
the htsizeis.. • . •. • • '. •
Partieulnr attention. will be•ralto CUSTOM
'WORK. For" the*invamiptice or the living
diitance wi hi rig. to have,ttroini> . on sho
arrangemeuts havelieen 'ma& .
Port AlliTany, who 'will take the
)iyery•of thd tfythis rind Ih . o.L'eather
ruined to'hii'Store; , when tanned. •-' •.•
The largest'pileelibe paid r,rr 113 ,1 P , ,nith•
e.r in' ens.h, 119OTS, 5110 ES, o!
.'HARNESS, tunitery.•
Entire katisfnction rived. •
Connepted with my tannery I have . a Boot
'Shoe. factory, and'Harness.Siinn.
Portage, Pa., Nev. 3, 180.. vsr,Syi.
'!The oldest and, best of the Weeklies."
. .
The Peopr!ctnrsot the Satiirday Evenjytz. Past—n !lief)
paper is now in tto Fatty-third 1 - ,:ttr.!-- , lrculil sr utply ant
unnitce In their Proipectua . Ter iThal: that they tlesicn
snitintaininictoi tll it weekly U16114;11 character it 11115. a:
ready acquired as • • , •
A Ifirig;
. :( . .3lasti; Liter:l,y
. •
. They have,rcason to belle.to that the • stone.; pf MRS.
WOOD, author of —Rost
,Lynne," c..; MISSIIII ADDON,
author of "Elennr'il yictory "&c . ; MARION TIAIII.AND,
author of."Aloney' kc.• ' VIRGINIA . A. TOWN.
and,numercium ot her excellent writers have LeCn
generallyrogardad as Ims=fwing• tho
,ureatest merit AAA
the moot ahaprbin7 interest; mud' timy iiiwicn procuring
for: ThiPosiin the future as in the past. the bust Stories,
Sketches, anil,nther Litarnry Soreltie v•which they can
possibly obtain. .They'intand commencing. in the, !Rot
psper,in January; • •
'Author of '•l3rjt
advance :ducts, e 'pre , s . ly forwaided to us fawn
, ' •
.loadditinn'to the Stnriii;writt en expressFr :for
Past..its also strives.t re' its ri.a.ters. Ole
:beet Stories.frota:thii Hai:teals. and . givr , iu Rd.
ditloit•ta the Tales and Sketch,9,,twa're nr hiss A orient.
liiralliattei, with a Ituci.ipt.i'Nows . , mid
Departnanta, itvory
:Y_ SV, \VINO , ..M,Aell INE CiTiATIS
We will !nil.' to any' per-on sending thirty suiwri.lptions
.to The Pon and Sisty Itollitre...ine of II';; 1, - a.
feleb,ratart'Serelinf. .1 1 / 1 1bki /I, a, ti, et, 44
for Forty Ave Dollarsi.., The- mitellineit Wiil, be,
' new at the manufactory in • New' York; le.xe.t an.f for
,trarded free of coat, tn itlr.the rh-reldreit - offrititrar. • ,
• : In procuring OM stile:el fibers Mr tick Preniii. in -we rm.-
fer that' the thirty sabsc tubers elinuld be proeurri.-1 at .t he
o regular terns of Teo holler; for earl, where this
cannot be done, they May be Provarriel at our rates:
an.(the balanee of the SIN ty linlbvO Po.warded ri, -us iu
seatib by the Person desiring the macjiine. The paper, 1171!
lie sent to different Port (Vices if rh.cired. Every.per
,'ode col)eatinz minims shout l Fetid I hem , with. .money
no fast as obtained' en that the sitlwrihere may lei in at
'epee to reeitiee them, pipers, and not liiirome..ll..scfistleil
delay: When the Whole number ern:lmes{ thir
ty.) and the whole amount of money tSlisty dollars,) 'in re,
ceived i ll.e machine will be duty forwarded
1 copy, onO.Yeay
. copissoino year,. ..... :1 041
-4 copies, one year 6 00
R copies, and oneln.getter..net of eloh,
tiO Coping . , find onelolottor-up . of club .---3 o 00
One copy of Toe Post and ono of The; I,ird . y. 7
. • • . Friend, 3:00
Bilbacribera in •Ilrit, ish North 'America meet remit poen
ty tents in addition to the annual subscription, as we
have to prepay the U. S.-postage so theirAtapers.: • .•
D" Aa the price of The Pest k the came no that of
The Lndy's the chitin martm tiontponett
lively of the paper, Or partly or the paper awl partly of
the magaiine . , Of course, the premitim may he suitor one
oc the atheront lof red.. • • • .• , • .
• V 3" The metier in the piper will always be +Efferent
from that lb the niagnzlne... - • . .
. .
Er Specimen numbers of The Port sent,:gratis. Ad
dress - • . ••
. .
No.• 310, Wittno tSt. Philp
.Smethport4 .111Plieanen.,Pa,. fklAsON, Prop . rieini
-;opp9sito the Court. Moro. A rio'viilasge, cqmmodi
' AAA well turnisliect.houAp: ' •
TTHE SUBSCRIBER announces to the Public
• that he has Purchased the , stock of the.sa—
loon formerly kept.by W. H. Baker, West side
- . . . .
, .
, .
•üblic •: Square,
where he is'prepared to refresh the inner man
with•all the•delicaces usually, kept at a first
nlaas RESTAURANT. . ' • -
•, - FRUITS, CHEESE., &C., &C. .•
• FRESH OYSTERS served, to :order either
raw or:cooked'.. • • . ••• . ' • .
Those who favor me with their.' patronage
-Shall, have, no cause to' complain,•either fee_ to
price 3 or . , •
Smethport, Sept; 24th, 184.:• .
, • ./ - f );."
The "Union League" at Washington—a
• Third .House Formed.
We. need to have..but .two Jinn : Sea of
giese--the . .Senate and Tense of ...11.epresentri
..tIves...-- We note have,';' wettld iseem,, three
hour;ei and. the third. house rs:greatertbnn . .the
other I,WO combined Its office. indeed, oppettis
'fa' be to fake charge' at .oncd . ..of the President.
and Congress, and to • 'exercise a Sort'of super-
visory and .controlling • authority'Over . ,
The ..Washington correspondent of the Nerd:
York Evenivg , Po:ri, a radical,.' Abel ition'; and
Administration ria . per',writing under ,date or
ihel3tlfinst., '
• .“There arttover one 'hundred - delegates • in.
Washington arthe,piesent ~ivis t o. eompese.
the Netiotral•League. . They meet 'dolly for
debate and
.the tranSadion of . bosinesi.
parsons - who bavetalceM.paids. to
lain the sentimehte'of the delegate's assert that
three.fourths and certainly two thirds of: them
are what are termed radicals,- rather than con
'bervatives. ... This faet.is'of considerable irn
-portance as affording an. index of the.senti
ments' of the Rebublicaos throughput . the
country upon • the;prominont questions of the
time. • .
$35 00
. 20 110
.. 15 00
.. 20 011
12 00
- 1 00
. .
:‘ , The.League.had not:been' in lessio'n'.rnany.
tiys before it appointecl•a committee ao .wait
pooAbe".Presi'tlent and ask him to. reConsitl'er
is . decision ; rearieeting'.llli . ssOuH and
also to sagest the 'dismissal of MesSrs.
end Bates from the Cahitiet:•ifll. iltitcts, it its
ehayged,,ha,s waged an unrelenting war . against
the Itt , pattlieans of ;11jss . ouri,arill this fact has
made. {atria:nen - ties ihroititho.nt the eauhtty.., dt
s also allettl that ./11r:Elair does not ottiet
air and that he too
einleaVored to tteteat the eandidatea hislity
party. for Col,gress Or,,tWo'Staies. TheSe
anirotherchargesare,mtle by tirMnittent dole.
gates cOr,l:lposing the National :League against
-thosernernbers*ol'•the Cabinet. and a,coMinittee
waited upon 'tie President.on Frtihiy . 'eeening,
io'coi ter with him upon the 'shliject,•
rot give' the gentlemen much 'satisfaction, mil
there. is not the slightest prospect that the,
Cabinet' Will be.clianged. 111 r. Blair stamts,hy.
'the Messtige.and the second proelathation.
does Mr. Bates, and tliotigh they propose'
continue their • opposition to'. radical Bepnitii ;
Canism, they, will support the President with
• d The Washington ' correstiondeni of the. Nev
l'ortc•Tribtine' giVes the following additionli
particulars : of the meeting: • . • • • •• • . .
WAsn';':•ftrrosf, Dec. 10The Grandlsfation
al Council of the Onion League's of Americo,
which began
. business yesterriay, will pr'obably
Continue' in session
. fo /I
,dayi. Th'ef number of
delegate; is equal to the electoral dote of •each'
State, end- the District of Columbia, which
has no ylectirear vote-, has-bad its. nineteen deles
gates eat !lawn to one.- •-.A morig .the delegate
are the.. Ifon•. Johnli: Rice,. of Aiaine; W, E.
Chanifler:, of New'•llamlishire; Gen. .Butler,
;(not present;) Gov.'Dentwell and Liirnt. Gov:
Ttask,, , Cif Afassachuselts,•Gbc, '4litwr' . and Au•
gastu,s Drandagee, of Conneeticutr . D„B. Mau;
'and IL 'E. Fenton., of
New Yor hi' AfOrton M cAlrchael, of .Perrns) I ya
.nia;:Joseph• • Aledill, S. W. Ardulton arid IJ..
Young Scare:Mein ; -Of 11l inois(Z... Orandler r of.
Michigan; Ilia Doti: J. W. Gurley, of Iowa; J:
Sunith•and•S. D.-Ilastings; of 11'i=rnniin; J.
ll.A.ane of Rairs'as, aril Gov, John .Evans, Of
tblorado.. • their' proceedings-:fre•serrct for the
esent,.but ther ‘ are eipi•cterl tO'intire to the
great henelit •the * Leagues," ' . • •
then,. for the we hope the;
last time, fn our history', i 9 a . purely partizan
atnrsidf-eonstifuted 'body- o(••ipeti,•who, retire
Sewing leaily'nobOdy but thetns.elves and their
en miiinbers. of a 'seerei • party • organization•
'throw!! out • the'North . , 'presunyi to: meet in
and to dictate to.both.,the'Natienal Executive
what they-shall. 'and not
dol• Did the 'world ever befote , bear of •such
ridiculaue-PresiirtiptiOn.arid ai - rOgatiei?
. ..we'tbink•,•bat once, and that was'during, the
Crunch ite'volution of .1789;whet(•the Jacobin
cinhanii.the club :of the cordiflfet.6, •cortiplYied
the'repreantatives• of the' :mildest an!,
yeltators of Puria,.absoluielYkohed theLegis
lativ:e. Assembly . of •Fuliiee . --.4lietated•rreasure.s
directed its action,..and• cede deSiginitc-il 'such
of itsrtioriihersas the tYirany of patty ,pro—
seription chose, to condemn tot he guillotine!
Eeery.'had'y,acc;iinted ssith French
rem s emberthe fate of ..these radichl, revcifil
tion.4 of Paris.-;,When tho . people
. last impatient of the sanguinary
and destructive doininaffon of mtultnen, diunk
.With-the idea of universal freedcdri, equality,
and fraiernity among men, and: inspired. 'with
the vairiest dren . ms of istc!bliihing.on.earth a
deree of political felicity of which human. na—
ture is incaide, they.revolted'againat the' revci-
latiop, sent the ringleaders to the seall;Ad, and
diss . olved.by tho . se.. Jaeobinical 'organiza
were the fridifulsotiree of so' Much .
turbulence aid misery to-the 'Ffencif.tiation:
Mankind today' are e=sentially the same as.
they Were then, and we not be surprised
to seethe "Union , Leegiies.? •in this country
suffer. a doom liks unto .that which bald the .
clubs'of Jacobins and. eordidiela of PariS.---
Philad'a . : .
PROLONGING: Tki: WAR.—Thir. Albany - Argos
truly says thait here' ii:no other 'explanation of
the' peculiar tactics of the .Adrninist ration;
. its
retuoi , a.t-or . generals, tied itswasteful
.metit of our armies, than a deliberate design to
protract the war, and to prevent, the possibility
of peace until after the re-election.'of Lincoln.
'Lincoln. is avowddly the: candidate of ' the .
radiCali, anti Was recehtly presented as such
depends kir re elec—
tion Utioe the votes ofitti'e. 4rmy-,,and, the
°us EleCtoral Colleges in the :seceded States.
Pence, even . thrciuh.victOry,/and the return of
the South' to its al legiance, ..would :tbt;viiit all
such calcolationi: tif6-
f „ •
, •'•-• • • • ' r r ?.,', • •••,' .114'‘
•' ' • ' 1". , A , •
, 14 ,
• . ; e • § ' I •-• -"' ' .
• ;. 2
SME,THVO . RT:,.. 2 IV*E AN : ' O.VNT ir;
. -rA 4 .r.'S Ail VR 0 AY, , „.DEcE18ER::`2,.6;.,.. 1563.,
AN E$sAY OT' Titicl),fut..n . :--ittr.Tosh
the.faeet lone contribittoe to the Pokeep.
sian," is. res.ponsihle ior the' following "F.:l;sa
onthe Mille," Which is lintising, and instrirc
ive entl•betrai;:ati intimate knowlecige ef the
asinine - e.reation:
.;.,. •
The , Mole is half hoSiind hilrJackass i , and
thett'eCrrneis;tii a lull atop,'lnitur discovering' her
mistae, I Tha •mere accerdinglo,their
-heft than-any other kieeter,'except a crowbar;
Ihey'rtan'r h'ear: any quicker' nor 'farther 'than
the hose, yet their ,cars are. big enough for
snowshoeS.,-•Ytican trus t tkemWith one.
whose life' isn't worth more than 'the mule's.
The only 'Way tOlccdp' them . into a pester is to
lu'rnthem into a medder •jteen, and -let thera .
jump out. • The use. ready. for. use soon ; as
tha;•wiltrin . to abuse:, The liaintgot any snore
beni,thali a Chatham street Jew, and-will
on lidekleberry.brtish, with an occa s ional chase
after Y.anada thistles. Tim are mottertijn.ren
shun;:rl don't think the bible', eludes to them'
at-all. . The sell-for !mire . rnoney...than anY•
other doinestic animate..'.' Yu cati'Ctell
age: by lodkin .into . their Maul h,• oink • more
th'an'you' could a- Mexican cannon's.. Thu
never had no disease that a club wont heal.' If
thaeyer ilie the must come,rite to life agin; for
I 'never' heard nebody„say.6cled
Tha are; e.,6me' Men,. very korrept at
-Pre: known them to be-' good for' six
months jjst to g,it a Ilanceirci, kick sitmbo'dy. •
I Bever oWned atie,',nor never' mean tinltss
there.is UnitqlStates law passed •riitinlring:
:The only reason the're,pashunt . -is
because thdare ashamed:of themselfs,-,l.haei.
• seen.eddicated ,intiles in a sirkos—tha . could'
kick and ttemenjis; Would.' not. say,.
what. I are forced to say •agio the mule, if los
birtliArant. an. out rage,: and. he itiht tU Warne
rEtiriy• man who 'is Willing. to dr i've-a
mule ought to b,e•exernpt . by law froir 'running
for the legiSlator. The are the strongest kree
ter on itrfh,an,d, the' he . arieStiticcortling to their
size; I heard tell or'one hit frerri the, •
tow: path ritt.the ka w and - sunk. but tic soon
as-he touched' the bOttorn, he' licpt on towin'
the: bate to the next :station, breathen thin his
'ears, which Was htit the,water about 2 feet
ilida"t see -this, but a auctioneer '•
told, me riv .it ; andi tte.‘er•kne‘r . .a'atictione.er
to IleoMiesshe could 'Make sumthing'outorlf:
It is ,
in vain tha't the. radical.' Abolitionists
esay 'to get rtd of the responsibility, thdt,
taehei to them, as one 61 the parties through
. .
. .
'who9e misChievoii...machinatinni. the ;nation
tva'pltitigediitto.the exiting w, ar. '. Theradii
Tat SecesFionios are the other party-; told upon
(Weir hinds rests an . ertial :portion of the blood.
been shed . anti
miife has ihilieleff..upan tans Owosso:its 'of
innocent people. 'The AbolitionisfS were the
.trensgressarsi. they ronitw i nred their' trai:
orons operations soon after the ealeptiorrof the
Federal Coh . ctitu t ion, and.rhey.tiever'pensedin
heir efforts until the .lire whidh.the'y hail-been
blowing•bnist.in'to o ilatrienor even. Then, for
they stlll.continue, and until, the Union
perrnitneritly seviired, or. they are _.condemned'
byl he' popu la r in ant and c ris shed' as 4 poi it
pmeer; The.agene . y•of b oth, these fanati—
cal 'and traiterrias. patties firoduciiig the
preaentdarnentable e . onditiotfirif 'affairs . has fre
quelitly beeb avowed and frading
men cif- the leslniet'i.v . e drganizati4na and daily
their (natal's, an!. presses' gloat .over the blood
I,llat has been s beil,t he' devai,ta that'has
6 - een.accomprisbed, and the anguish tbat . hhs
been ioqieted? • I'neir , iippetites grutv
revolting . nfryff tvhic!) telly feed;: and,
itltl)ongb, sinve the opening,of. hosjilit,space
ha. 4 be : rn . arrurdeti thorn tor reilcClion sint re
ngise; their cry is inori.t•
Goi-ernnr.l3.rarnielte, of K.”lituchy;
wt . stat.'s Ole .tars in . - his recent
lessago to th,; Ktii!neky-
.vicithis ambition.. of the, SUalliern Ine4,"
say , , tlie'.l)'.gbied:tapaiicism of t ho. • men
of tiiO North, in-givinqf and accepting.a sec-
. . . .
tional quarrel:. aboitt a fecal
.institution,•2llave .
Turned upon The "rnoit ttronnitlezis,• : •erttel
wivited, 'Viirtate that ever afflicted
any the 'earth:" for this.
figronnaless, eriiel, wicked, inekctiattle War—
iiire," the t•vieious:arribitionof. the. Southern
men, and the - bi t t s ote.l.lanaticisrp "of 'the men
the, Noll 11"—tiiitt is the Secest ion 5 the
Abolitionists-,are responiihie to Heaven and
[h people.
. .
. . . .
. Sthd!Huth
speech (which ,Fofriey endorsetfand eulogized)
before the Ntherichn - Anti,Slitynry - So.ciety;, at
•lire'eaters of the. Sou:h
and the.; abolitfonists of the - Not th
_have one
'bond of tinioth.'thellattth' 'undertook to kindle
itheSsirthern-heart; forgetting thai they would
al so 'Elie. the Sout he rth.:hea r• the ferther unde r=
took to 4e.the .Southern _heart;' but little
thought What.a trerficPdous firing they .would
give the Norther n*lleat
only diflererfce
iris that the.AbolitiOn 'fire Was borrOwed froth.
. .
leaven, and that of t he , five,.eater .I . rom ano
her unmentionable source.'! •
. .
ljere,Jn thie hypocritical and. blaipbemotO
extract, we have theilistinct.acdwal that theid
is a bonil.qf Union, between abolitionists:. chil
secessionists:: That bond of 'mien is the corn
mail Object they have in View; .thedestructibn
of the Union; anil. uniess.they.are - . soon inter•
rUpt,eil checker ) in their ' hellish'. they.
will'accomptish their deSign through' the InStru ,
tnents:ltiey are newnsinC.,
colir sail Mr. yresiilent .Dari's; the former per--
bap;i too ioicitant to -.understand: the nature of
theiiarniiblecritriehe is committitig;'the Int-,
terSacaeions enonc,lrto corbreheini,.but,,fi•
regard log .
tleterniinekto perpe-
. We•desire, to call the serious 'attention . of the
,conservative of all - parties to, this.tnomentens
•subject. Wiry' stMuld these desperate ; men,
few iii number, cempared.with the 'great mass
wlio dissent frunt.them, be permitted to over.
throw the GoVerorriept,.split.the :Union asses
der; en'slave:t he white • and ruin -the
country, Merely bectiuse,on a ore Ride, they
Want to abolish . 'African slavery, .and on !.t he
other tp retain it? This is a ijuestion seriously
to be pondered; - ar.d.it is one - .which, if we
would avert: he evils rapidly *approaching,
Must be soon and 'rightly solved;;and. the'. Sofia
tien acted upon with energy and determination:
In the language of Garrison, as a contempo
rary well pbserveir, vre.have the fact boast
ingly presented by, the head '.and front of. the
"AAidi-slaVery• Society' that :the Se
, CeBsiolll§t4Of ht!. SOilth 4111(1 . 1 fiji! I.N111)Iiti911
c . 9 of he:North are rhe. partiO3who bay
rightfully claim zill . thehoners, stick as they
nre,.ofinvorving t lie'rwo . sec tions n this (ear;
ful, - ex:hattative and deptroe'rivrf .-Tke
A.holktioiast's . of , the one section . produeell- thy
:Secessionists or • 'other; .the two. faction's.
thus biought; out';; al though en uptagcntlanr to
V&A otheri.cornrr , eneed anti rontiliuedte play
into each other's hands .until they Split up, on
the line of - slavery,- several of, oiir fnost.exteri 7
' sivechurch orga niat ioir.; and then'; alter:de.
ntolistiiitg ihe 'old - National IYhi r party i . 'rind
.next 'the .old Natipnal .11emc:cratic party; the
Se.res,sioniits.plunged into this dozy rebellio
and tire Afrolltionis.ls, syith this invitatiun;:n
varied their itatidltrd to 'the iqation t
'The. results are before us in costs 'at
cenr,equen6Us of this thsas:trou3 war. ' .TI
„ .
A boltti onists'are rej9icing.olier . their . -work:—
TheY.ieee hcfore.thont Intl. the extirpa
tion of .89tithertr..elityery, and Care - to see noth 7
ing else , . Th 6 Secessionists with till ihe
'waste and • ruin which this war - has trtought
ripon thern;merepting: it.its a 511 ' r - 9f ~-rxtetinin
atiOn; • are'fighting..With all the etohbornest
What the. (folk of. the - preppie Midet these
11nd : treason,' syliat does, ttiMtatrititis,M, yer'-tr
ittion - tor the - Constitution and love • ot j t
Union ;mid of - tibertSl domfuntl of 'thvn - / They.
must decide; and' if they would live, (reel-Tien,
the decision had listter. In ' , made at once . titan
Ia te (ant - • •
. . •
How •Al)olitiOnism 13,?.r.:efit . ,3 the Ke7,l-6,
If li tree islel3i WI) by •d:s.'lll6l3i
the iliefropaleila. aenkrft a:Sy:dent, nay
Ite:jtnigrnl resultd, anti bolitionisin b{3
judged euts.a sorry tittnrr. Pieortt.•. that
oneddlitsoineTtioraishle' II 'ad appearril iu
our inidst, enti , /iottl dwelt in... the land, penre
dwelt litlf pines? Twit in the , land
There yeas (':,;erni dtit %Veen:tit . — see tir ns and
11 . /liisllitrricimi- Statetir. 'Cltry glini'ed in
common pant, end Tot I to 'COI:IV:I ' M
end [4x
'-tire; S;lith'ern . lientt,'"
.rniktown an d - Camdetrfietut 141°0.1 enamel
lhtough . Noriliern Tho. Noithe'ri
Ineir•anti Southern inan • •tit tot rlos:d toitethar a
'compact, liYing au bust Which the'tidies
foreign invasion would ; break. in 'Vain, •Now
•htiw•diffi.rent ! • . •
tiieail%‘:-Or of A ltolif (level
ojled in the North a'riew plitiiy of :tiiat. 'of
self iirlitedurate'sA hatte of oor
present - stroglides—ditit spirit iyhielt ciies riut
riil the world, ai • of:old the Pharisee did.:to
'Heaven: '.We ore not, as other role rire;slave
holders,' traffieers 11 . ,.9 . 11 niel We..:llr:i.
'the . ..salt of the'lltild; . .the of thy
repfiblic; till Avila thitilt,tlifferently frotn:us twit
be srpi; teh sword of the . Lord -and u
.‘Veli, the strife inaugurated. b'y to '
ngu'e And
pen is now ceiried on by the .Aboli—
tionisro is,' enthroheirin all 'the:high. pr 4
fells the Preiidential chair; if' leadi.the • arfnies,
The resources or the coiiiilrk.are - nt it s.feef—,
thepeopli are in its hands . !Chas
ruineircomizierce, it .has: paraly!: , il labor, i . Thns .
decimated the ranks-o4:the ;lour, it has lowiired
the Aiatus of the cotinfry s ' it has 'de ' luged. tile
land With blood, it ha's. overwhOrricil. it With
taxation.. But whatliaS' It done:for principie r
what forait.s . cherished The coun t
,gn' s to the . the 'people t o '
'wins, but .sui little iiiistelfcs t
occurred in the iirarrtz al thecreation.linvs been
rectified; surely . lie of
rfgfifed unit the niggers piaceq at the top 61 the
i .Stit ely . nboliticinkm •rneeessful, triumphing,
bak•achieved sornt . hinLt for linbleimli!ol . ..;lnteri•
eons. mode tkem bolpier. ;it 'il i Vt:llF,' . ll Ile!
••inore lionored,htiare,Ooinihrhible, it • not bl a re
re , ..pected. Lot it's see: . A let.h.r; in tin:. - New
York:nib/me (rlis as thot iii. tiro Al'ii;y..of the .
iVes't the negro , :s - were 'il)iiig like ration ,lieip
tkit•COOse who acted ds.sereojits to tlio otiiceis
when taken sick . ..wero,Clriveir out Co ike woods
lo die; that•hhey Toy sii.hhe upon' sir, 'im• the.
pavement Id the streets's or lijUldled 'tot:eher in
'fields or vaeli lit hos, without fond': Wit hired ino
drrMe, without 'oUre. of
..roty. kind; • c‘iis 'filthy,
and pitiable a 0011 11 rdslilfvrlng hilitliariti . y . . no
Were'ever gotho.hed tosether ;. , einmst hi them
plantation netoes,•ninl tna iiy
, of 111.111' lancing
to be back trtium.. old Ironres:." "The chaplitin,'. l - .
says the letter writer, 'gold :lii that th'S-e•nc..
groe.s liad,sufflii tut, and
. were•sfilh Suffehing tin•
told want rind wretoliednessi . !lift nearly' .iga .
hail died since lie hail talre'd chriree Of 'Omni;
hliallrom eiglihtien to.twelity. died •dally;• that '
some times Iliey..,‘,Vonld crawl 'off. into: the
w'oo'ds and 'die wheio their luidies would bil
found only by the -strerich which arises ticiiih•tle•-•
eay;" "they:bud nu'. shelter extiept• bitrsli. to'
shield thoun'frem the 3011, or stuns, or •dew - .of
the night'." .' .• ' , . .
These ale the benefits' abolltiOnisip line be 2
.stowed open' the nogrueS—let the tie° he judge.
el by its.frni Is.: hose doels the A•bolition- presk
like the fiend: (•Iticli it'has evoked by its :lout
• 'Without pausing to resent the vulgarity.
blackguard isnt acid malice Of false accusations,
fet-us quietly look into'the respective positions
of the abusers and the abused, in :relation ,to
national politics, anti ace which is true:' and
which: is 116 e tothe countly, ,
•1. 'lie:fare Mc. rile; , The 'Abolition party had
its'origin end-its erowth, anti at. last, 1n..1b60
brii:naled into rigitation,.lierce and
presisktit; dgailibt'iliululfilm'ent by nhe North
of its conotilutional eligagetnents to, the South--;
,in denunciation of. the Censtitution as a “coven-•
ant with i'rac tical , distutionism yviirrthe
cradle in.whiebit was nartured.L—the' aChaol in
which it was edticaterf: And when its leach-.
ings•aml 'practices—respondent° by a kindred,
bid antitiodal, latiatieisin at t he, Senithhan.re.
suited in: the secession or everal States,. but
tliere was yet time to save the Unionbnd avoid
this calamitous war, exercise
of one gerieroas eituifien, towards our &int hern•
h:rethern, or the, cotteession . of.a single prejudice
or opinion upon the altar. of the Union, ':but de,
,liberately . ,stakeil Coe Prosperity and 'happiness
ofthe nation upon the bagarns of war. - Such
, was the attitude of the Abolition patty prioi' to
the•war:.'•)t held a position of hostility to tine
Union and obligation of the Constitution ) -and'
souglir . eviery possible.pretekt to :evana
once to . the, lattor.... •
. . .
he Denmertitlq:pitrty, througlf,nif
had htlAn *list 'fur
lion id. tfie Union mid espeisially for ...its fa lth 7 .
oliBervancq,.to'svii utl.SfStes,
whit'h the Const it be
. 11.04,11
is lbilii4.(l,,eri without Which - it-Ates :net exist
rimy , .• I'.l sill reel repryitch friini the
liolitionisls farit"
Contiiittlfiedl and its . eve.i.y .
etintlitifri.nof tie compliet, hoWev'er
divt,r'i, able, rdthei than weok;.ri the bonds
of either. the srisis in .
tho..-ii;;iteity:to,pieeeiye th e .. ( hip,:
„el; nod mttrintiin ial.nr . overt It`..'ll
tt.nl not its the of Seeeisiotiwas
'not sfityed n.6l this hatrtill tYnr• .ppt.,.nte , l.- Ir
ro-opersie4l with sil were... Willing to.
join Ole holy wOrk of ni.{l. if Aim— .
fitto . Aint could hove been pyts.na;ked hnve
rent its nil the toriont
.olbincid which tins isin6s
proltisely . ii6o constantly would have,
been ,s'tnyed, thus fountsiii. 7 LStielt was the
position of the Ileinoci.o tie
.party tiefot4 t.he
war; It wits 'err:not:filly:o;e p.tity:of.lnyoltY Io
the • Constitililllll -. :11.1t1;
. 1110 ‘Yllittet!Pr.
p.rSOILS I:Yr . 'wore - eltargekble with fres:-
6911 . to either . , it 4 akitts: were clean
9. Sin re tke. War; hen Iho 'war broke riot,
the..N: y w),irh s up' ,st,pts the trelx.s
or a. largo poi i kin nl Al's .Inpublicatt 'Or AbOfi—
t bap party, was in lavprore !lissi4otion .
(TIMM; !otting the silinlett., StninF:
Danbtle. , :i Ibis. was the
of tine more radinal.r.ortim or It . ,a . t.party,pr c itilpt;
.I by butAretl. pf Ate fiouth ;,ntba
~.tb, s lre. to 'get
art the blo%e St tto'ii-- , 'and th;!: , tepling tnintinit•
'etroMit ilrosi . ne , i by n'!;ttoo'gor jon:don 01
vsMge--the Loyd nh io) . n3ing tin! 'war ao in rx•
•to; Minato. tb..1”1. tit.,!o nil) they br . T . .urie
wctr trllet e antler the
oltiChlost ut tl,ey for a
1r th3f-- hut. :o grnt . 11: 1;1th - e.t.a) ,
-the Soirtb trt'll;tl tilt.Sil.lhit:i;lo 4 it';' iirstitutio
the tle:4 , nrtil.trni
nits rol thr robjm:.lt:onof -its. ietrily.
tht rm,•• 11,4 ? •,e,:r0 (,111 ant of y •
arty In :}l,l T T nii):l!.l. r rjr,,,
rc they for re..lttlr:,lle)t Th. y.
(In wit ! .
,i1111,..01" . I..ll:lsPlidji I , i! (30 , 1(!rn:'nCnt hilt not.
her t6r lr!)iim ((timed by nor. tatit4s; ; Are
they faithittl to Ole .C . onsrt ;ultr): Tt..ey sietro .
its proitisions nal •b:ea of. ptmt
Th::y ill. for
j , r 4 er COilL: I ion— not the . omd made hy.the
Convon:inn oyorovliinh 1V:10j:fool 'ji; - esitleil!.
Who aivt I.e. trait IF T., Wo dela:hove •Ibe men'
0 4 ' trait Ors. who . at , ! - IMia;thful lo:the, 'Union nail
hr r. ,- ,4l , C,twinn:.ro..s-tinintili: , ritatte - aatbrstifietl
ty.t he 'pt.9)- ! 'te •01:1:,.2 Slurs IVhot.ti'Dro , e.
nbrei t br.lll e3tablisii ,3111. e •othoi. or trio,
fthimol,goiernment in their Plae(.t
a this purpose of tine:A hurt Ono f)asty,.orl ibis
'arty ti n t its part isat , l te the triittOrsi'-4.A/bany
'• ,
. . ,
trorr'T.K.Novi . I T.—Li , :ccount re•
cent ly lo! . the rri . orrr...,e vo;!,-te.a.of 't;,e
. . , •
Adroms rrat ion ; uiid t •iropula seppc?r.V. aceoid•
ed them; iorne NP V:ork fr,rre.rn. said .• that. 'the
nat 4.rh'irr ~ •drurds." Forney., lif ktis I VAShin6'l6ll .
CYLiliiiiCii,lndirinantly denied . the :charge ) . 6nil'
. „, .
. .
ile nation iej,Ont 'that
public 11!Alls'are pv:Ve.l.oo;..thot I . llidurf! , s . .ore
eoriehiog CoOr :,,,,,noo:ipre anal . lesees; thikt
amiorqogrio-o , ,t R o
.VV eryy:lti ' ere 'the
Ilielse facts do ),..ot . :provo tLat nation
dttoik: ,A II t).is ;myLe . Iroe, Aviiile. friends
mill I elativr!'afe.l3..ii)a.'oo thrs Itop4t l in,.or ih
Tenaeq , 'P, Yet '6o,t Cl.ll/I';C t htY.pJoido of &milk.-
It i 4 prpyerb . ial th:it
- I.a st• I.;r hi
trost • j), , i-E10(1 , 4
l!p)r•IJo ;r,!+ , - , r,ritri , l t
is. !o in.
it'll • t A t
,Fts Fdltprlller:F
11_0,1 it sa;Ln fiff:rnii In
y 1,1 ron Vint-W . lh a n of i Lei r nit nAtioji.
y•coljtp,rr-s ILit
2Witftr 'crim, I n
ni , ;y: , ,:ll)ltv
111 7 “:5, l^_l,‘ to .ot t s rlernl+;l,ritin❑of
...Tip' Ili 11, heop ,;ibu t au chitYri—
..tVi; o ill rfst i •
:111 . ..1 , :ornry t l. , :;,'1! url:,tvitli Ty,'t of lijq
AtaCi.sef' , ll.-at 11',. 4, /ire,.ite . ,7 rr of tvhorn Lr
stii'lik4, are plinpinit tiutn' of Iftis
-06 at lloy:.hro pin
•Oet.l riptl%)spf!.l,y s rbrr rind
.1eq4u1 . 1:11 , 10 pAopl,•;,
11 nod :0)1,
(li4strhyvtll , ) , 'n . s,•t 1c.116:h
got' 1:01(1„of •11,10rew.y.: •
11E -11s:c C.d t, Sp^. a
!ter he . As,em'h:y ~.I. , theSt4te of
NOV a R:t %%lid; mil
!'nut burly was flrp..wlocit oil his. i-rt 4;,. sold it to.
this deeitl,l
tbe'comest hie
Oart y, ha . piit Iwo]) }areao - for' hat lust
net pei-roon I pr'est it otion by oppoh i l l 'oe fi t
the in...yon4ible'lriosition of nirent ri.e
Trea,.my Department for' the Dkrrii.t . of:, Ow
Valle i)1 was iiecessatY
to 1111 ko snrne . stic h prol*lion • for
in rutininitfor re-election'. tO the' New Voile
Assembly, igobminiou dy. flore'ithil by
•pp o . r l e , I hon f zli Riyrtiond ntr l Groin t y
simpod his ii ittict fOr I.l:tt whom the
profile rotor ns en‘Noi thy of. their 'respect, the
Wushington.Adin Mit tention is sere to promote
and ro=vorrMense.in proportion to t4iir
viency and Alai , ! for qie coon
tfy---ala‘,.! for the evil. Hays upon which we .
Wave. ittorin2y.
. .
An army rnrrmimtnit'mt. of it IVe , teln paper
stuns 'milk; I , fmt almtit.frenititz negroes thin.' '
. "First, j hay! Mtvt.4.s . een a rt-Tulnr'.Atrican
. ,
that...could 'tisk', cane, of hiroself.• tineourily„ it
is for R planter's interest' tO, Pea,. clothe, and.
use his 5h0..4 well., • They camfbrtable
and'•iv,lihs Our hard-.working mobs north, • Ethd .
orin . more. work
t hart' four arn•.fighting. to mike
:thesedingroris' isnrable.• We aro tulanglin
frisin beibi' and' plenty of food,• to live • cu
both ing'Ond sk4ip en . ; 'brink oaveronnis• We
tore living.on n little of nOthifig,• - sblepiOc'
in She hind, and extposing,ourselveS•to a thooS-,
hnd difierencdangirraitu bring about this seeliilf.?
iiCis,TrißWArroNn.'What' , has her-quie t u . ,1
the fiOn to Richmend ". cry 011ie Ainditienists,
I k:has.not: been .used si nce
, McCier;LAN
what=slow;" rahid lirogruse hes been
made since his removati•
. . . „.. • •
• .''•
very.t hor.i.:(l . case•ef)this , disease ocearred •
In. the town'. of Atiant,A; opt. far, .fiarri,,.'Whatia.
,Icao‘Vit Taliern Staildf . 'llin
.Ke.nyOri. a in'an 42.'yearsoreee
hy.ti titan dol . ; liiSt,,ltine, in the':kiwn : of :Rat.
field, :01weg.ti ti he 11 . 11111. lie,"thonght-
V el3l, 'lit tle a riot 'mylnit. that, 't he. deg
55'>ia ikiiil tnilil hevernl days , oftel: - Titer paiseyt
'Kenyon .01'14410 , .1411e about . it
'any one until about (Ive: or NIX • Alays .
' . • •-• •
Ile first noticed anAt.ching-Serisritiort, , ,on the , .
thumb 'which bitten . .by" the , dog t:
Wfic'nevei be tibbed . 111 e sensitive portion, cold:
thiils Woahl instanilli . pass.
hods , . 'lbis was nn. Sunday . ..
Idt •
chi Us again; lie then mietriiStatf that'
lie we . ilia . v.ing:ll,o3.l4(.lrephohis.. yet fogl:•
No; null went
. out, and worked
• I , V.ed.rmsilii:he.: was taken with
confirmed ItNirlyf.f . lll . day . ... Thiirsenf he .was ,
cross it . iid,"snappish".to• him,. and.
that night Atr. Jrereiniali Parker Was 'called, At.
•;thia - Om& Kedy'on. Wits vin, alficht fits, onee
in three of • . -four minntesi .. .he .talked
'and Said tliid• ivas - inialile
and;ditl'Ontkilow whet
.hit might. he led
end .f berelore hu wished to be tied tot he.hedr
11)13.•waS dons as.: he: had. reipiested, 'slit, his',
cOn . Vidsintis the' -11,60;0' ail(' straw beds
into and threw himself, from' ono
of the - bed. t),-thr: other, 'sberitiogly . eilitiielt. ne s •
liefaning-- - -inoving . at the "same time the,
'steail twelve or eigliten.inches s each - way—this
While he lashed to,thi bed.: not
, endiiri;. - It; ha ve'li drOP of , Water' even in the,
any. 11'03 aTered to ' , him:.
,Medately lentil into l'onvillstops. - ... • •
. .
. .
. ,
' Itqnolv•lvas ia.tha greatest agony 'amtplead ,
tvitb Of:A, Do9lOr to Wiled 'him 'to llerrth •', He
fie,,l . •.11.+10 7.:0'c10 , k - Friiinimo"rning, Rik
nonths from Alm' tim , ?.'hk , Was 14 Sr bitien.-=
ifeaf;.,,..;11. ,i0.,/etioi..: .• • • ':....:• . • • • •• •
. .
JNtirrOy.N... T., ttfew (lays ago a good
y;n o ti-4 eressed ift a black coat, cap;
unJ..li it yant , i; presenied hilmiellat .1 he' •tilit'
,of the Griswold Gaya
d...tsirerl.. to. 'enter .ihn service. the,
oftier•rcholig;tt titnt..t.he wond•be .ree'ruit Pas
ee;se.l. r4tlr-.1 a . fetriinine enit qf 'countenancer
tiol stra . glit story was:fold by the candidate
tot tacirilt, to the :effect that his :name
was-John Winehniont'lliat . he had' three broth•- . .
era in: the army nod that the only • way to see
Clinm r that 116.1rneW .of,..waS to. enlist. Officer,
1-loiU told the' reenit he :was n ' , Pretty. boy,"
and prepared the piipers, - tehiCh 'were signed,'
and I.nthirik ramained.but . a visit.to thesUrgeon..
Confronted with the !)odor, and..reqnested ,to .
'lot:Tart. for a.Medical examination-by stripping
stark naked'. JOhn. WiniYhester turned pule and
tn4riit,!qtett a desire f o two ye' the . ceremony:
nm all Sound f .llocior,l; heseid; cgwbnt's the.
use of exatnining roe??' .surgeon. : 'pointed
'ti . *?. the turny cegirlatians, Which.are iriejtorable
on thin 'paint.' Johti etepned .pp the surgeon
and whispered in his ear the. wards,
4, / '
Tr . ; rt rebstan?" Of course, all further, pro 7:
ceedings .in reference to enlisting this .-femaie...
candida to• for gunpoWder..were dispeniedlyith,
and John departed; Saying
,that . .she intended,
gOdig to Alnany and try Co get accepted as .a
s t u oh n : is - describecVns being deeid-•
.ndly 'pr , possessing •in appearance,' •
1.111!4 11 : 11).—‘ , Tyng in 11191ipeorh
at Ow ixta nfizrn•mt.etijig in thciCoopgr Itisti—
tbte, Now Ynr.lt.faitl:: ".
. . .
to all (!iose ipralities that adorn the man
ntid die,tay:lfie wotmin, black' man and
blark Womdn•shine a,y aq . .exalted end . j l9rfous.
a. ayy kehitokkaa r ;Ape
(Applause..). Tlfe flow ha's came: when sve:nre'
to toke theM . the.lotad .ankl . say Of.
ev . my ont. n 1 111 ,, m: • ic.riy th,7 3 it is my
xi.iter it my `,;lint; ~Tllll.ll.olf..righla
thar f•lp:lve Lr hhill,/ivi : C the very :claims I
!mit:, fir myi , el( I iVril make- for-himl
s tkie
re ., meet I deioaok) he kecefve; the - Counte-.
riaMe . ..l'reMiiie I wilt myself extend to MM..
A - Ymoie: Tonn in .(7nliforri,i,i whose New
r0 , r1,10,1 lool.ef!;1'qPil Ft) c . cOro , tiontl with
olio . .votic,•,l'op r inter, , 4l,3; ktlerg .
t() Int.i fie:lF:in/4r hiqnritiv,l• pldoe• ingOriOg
the pri" oL, ,:i.folorikbly.siziolfut Seih'iiuffec
tiobate lottor . f , epirieft out !hnfrifqvii by: return'
of ;p0..,t, Ood .t,o or atoti it% dirt 114 ye.. 'eorhe
ev. , T, • sine-', one from tilt olil, .(and
colt!) ' . -• '
. . •
...*.M. , rll...a , :rn.: . Flar.ntritS.The provost Mar.
shat General 1111 ,-,—. (fecidell that .soldiers whO
IN it, tec.;ieed a. , ficharf2e. from the army on
i,:courit of ; 11113,: , , , 1!:0 may Le rcceiveii .
anew tinder the lost call. for %;olthifeere.. They .
'*ill not,'l.nweVer,, be olhiweil to ie.:enter..set
as:vet ~ , r a soldiers, but will receive' only
the•b9titifFes • otkr.(l 'to fresh recruits. The:
deci,ion • will he of interest to "tilitnyi as ity.oN
en. a which has Iteretofhre•heen c losed'
amulet .111 , ; -It is also statett.that 'all 'mem
whii were i 4l n thil ServiOe on. the 'of March,
1863, are exemp(• frorWthe i...amingdraft. All .
such persons, y producing 1.11,10 discharge , pa
tothel board of ' , enrollment, - can' have'
their names strielfen' off . - the.list of enrolle4,
persons. The I'l lends of those who have .
onlecred since thelast draft was made, • can:
have the name of Sach.voluntepri dieo stiikgs .
enrollMent liet.by : furnisliing . the board
ivttli the. proper evidence, of. enliqtment;
, „ .
AVA,Itit:TON letter says'if, Gen
does not loqk to, his laurels, Gen. - Grant:will
prompted over him , to the rank Of, Lieutenant
Genetal.'" comtnander sti hu cnti show;'as his:
trophies four hundred...and seventy cgin•—.
non, nod ninety
,tliottin nd Merits it11: 1
the a
honoTs that, grate fal,Repabli:c'ean Veitpyr
npon President retained.
General Grant' in command
. is,t i a titie.:Wbert,„
pOliticians claMored rits
delighted at.the . ,succeSirof his'liero,".as,Afer;
Ginn it'At. SCIIENCI s. reswattorrnas. t", , Pn
'ecepteci th'e . .Presidefit-460 bi•the
of. Maryjdnd and
man and
Torr., • .11'.xT4 Prevotrt'ltrarthatri:',ot. : .. , ;-•
the': yitt ,
from Otrier'al; textOrl.litik
tlie,.tirtio to hiat,
frOm the ilritft,'''on the -grottnit ;Of '4l jeitiag'k
e !Ice; on !Airless :'ot : 14iiali#4 ;
Otiy:t d i tob i I kii; to th'ir'sli:of Btc 4 if , •
lay 4 0" ,
=.NO2* .