, - , . -, .„ . •' , , . i , • ', ),. .'. , . • . .__ --- . ------------ - - 77 --------7 : - —`-'--------- —=-:-- --- 2 -- , --.---- --- --- --__:____!.. l7:.....;____ , ' 1 ,, ' , • ' - • •', ti \ N ' ;-., e ' i ' I . O ..' ' ' • SIN, . . f ' ..7 ' '•,', •,,' '•- .' ',t,, ~ P , ':- ' ' .' • • ' 1 ' " i ''.• a, , .4. , ;' , -:;. ' ;,tl, • %. ~ .t:-', .. ^ - ,4i, ."!I,': . 7 ' :i •- • 4 ‘ . . '" . ... . . Pc:'• - Kiv Y - - • 4 ' • kir: IA , , ; ' ,)' , f. , ; 10 - , 10 ,, ' '1' .. .. -' ft , , ';' qi , i ii' ' i , 4] . -*.... '- . 1 , , f ,,i 4 ~, • , ; , 4 " ~,, ~ st, ,•,.,. , ~,, F..... -; ~ .:. ,%.„ ; ~ ~ ~,. • ••',, • ..q •li', , ' r - S‘f ' , . 4 ''. ',. . 1 . N ) .. , ..A ;•'. ' , . g , .' " ~.''' ', S ' ' t !i. '1 . . ..,. ' 4 ". V . ' '..^- •' ' 4f. .. '. •• '',-- ',, • . . _ VOL.' 5., ..gy : ,fiean.-4crtijltp!..Elcittprra. TUIMISIIND EVERY SATURDAY MORSTNG, . . .13y J.' SgETIIPORT, • ,IIPX EAN COU,NI'I"; -PA ' 9 FICE t . B.•) . , I."CORNI.;It fIF unrc TEELIVIS: - od . . in Advance Rates of Adveitising. 1 Column, boo yen,: . , .1 ..', :Mx montlig ' ' . . - foe square 91,12 lines fir lees, 3 jialertiinia, Caeh subsequent in5erti0n,.......,.., i.. ' .astnelie elude. with pap er.:.. ' .. . it 1114! br ivli•re work.s'vill be double the Ahoy, rates. 'Twelve lines trerier tiTe or:eight •lities senpamit, is tryeeti . ternilwill be_ strictly adhered to, BuEi.ilipi.i...Pirr.ctorv . : ••,. . • .:DR. :W. Y.. 111:00Y, •.. • : OURI{4:',AST . CORNER' Snaeil:lport. '7'.:t. DR. L. R. WISNYV., . , • . , fitirnirko :put Stirvon, sinethri , rt, Ph., , m viil t . '".. 1 to 41 pront.otionill'callit with prfinipttnisit, ' 0111.:ki twt , dotty , . • north of the neolocritt.ollire, .• BENNETT 9orthpott.'2ll' Kenn en...l't -oppuvite the Court 11.ut!“ , :Qum and weft furrii;thel liumte . . , . • . . . . • ..• A..l:' NOIIRSE. . . . . . . DrAir . r in I,oves'". TirilVo.ir; Japp,nr,l Wo.rr. A: r ..: 7 , v , • , '. rutl of thit Publia Siloam: . Snwthi.ri7l.. Pa,. Ct.:il] iv,srk fluip. iii orier , nil the sholltAt unties'. 'dug in :fli. , uiont.suhstantiAl Manner. ' • ' ... '... • ' • . W. S.. BROWNELL Danler in Dry (limas:-(iroc”rilik, Crorl:try. floots, Sip 10. ILit4, CAI.. I; [ilq`'. .N . 1114. r• otlie , '• • • . . V . . F. tr111;e I_ Oat tar has illn starch in— , iron torn - 101y, r. PitNi f c .. S gqi.,67e, \O n , tin is pre'pa red to refrPstrOlp .inner • ‘vill," ;311 .t R EST A UR:. \ NT.' . ' • L . E; t . IhER, QON Fr.cTioNA RI FRUITS. C.LIE'ESI:, &C.. &C •FRESH „OYSTERS served, to . order,;eittirr tr o or conked. Thniwho lavor me 'with their patirrolav shnll haVe no canse'te; conylain,.eitlier' a . to price.:•or.quar,,t,y; . ' •• " , ' • . J. L. Imrtnr,:c s.nethpnyt, spw.`2.lth, 'ILLUSTItATEI) SCIENTIFIC .AMLEIL,AOI, rnE hear INTECITANICA 61'.1 , .tZ, IN Tu'r: won'T.T, TIGIqEENTIIjr.ATZ. • Now , A.,n, . m r . voloO of this' -ci-rrplo'e!lT.n -i,r commence , : on lie 'ls', no,t . r.;.- :Every e'ontiOn , :6Ttxteen mot ion and fiorn.li ve• to, ten.ori~_iiinl, v liars of riew invetitionF ,11 . 15(:()%t , '11y . f. , :...il 11 of ire rirppored .' To .l.Thel echo nic,•alor "Ala,milqc,inr.?ll:• • . 'o•6ffnu , .l linF. 'tur•cl3.tnira , 1);61(1 • 0.1 f! :".`lllgN ; rlF',C7 ev,ry'tiorribe:r er!),taii...3 . from to ten engr:p:infz..t niArl,tll , •••• . cannot'b”.foood in ani „ n!h estabb , ..tio , d to:o of the rob listiers itti..tt Jton'e lint Okinpl tjjo , o , bill he filFt•claFs iti ar`. jt:f , .( . 11 Anil e9l.froyed by exo'pHOtict , (llisrrsoOs . and h" their 0wn . 4ur; , ,,•,' , . • • To the Inventor! The SCIENTIFIC • AMERICAN— is pensatile to every inointor,.ns it Tint only eml tains ilhistrateil Ili;• !)est . im'entio,ns.tis ptlinbei• eMirains an Ofilciol Lis; t'd the Ciaittt - of all the l'etent isstivd from tine l'aterit,OfTice ; ilming the,. week' correct histritY of tl it ilregrcs's of vktntiOns.in this, coimily; 'We - are the JOurna Is of Great J3ritriiii", Prange, and Germany; thin piaci in our-possession traMip',r,ing• in ..rneclianical.ecience. and:ii,rt in Iliece, nhi countries. - We - shall . continue . to, Oa : aster -our columns copious .ext rncfs :from these jou'r nnls we rosy . deem of interest to 'our readers. . . Cherni4ts ) Architecit§,.. . Am! FARMERS! The' 'SCENT! FIC ANI ERICA N'Arilr 'be (Mind a most usdful Journal to theist. All the new discover:Ms of . science•ol chyinistrY are nrven in its;colnmns, and the interests of the Architect and carpenter are not .nvellonkeil; nlj the new inventions :11kt - discoveries upritain, leg to these parsttits: being published. trem week' to ,weelri Useful And practical infra-ma: lion pertaining to - the' interests of millwrights and mill-owners will bcfoundipublishethip the SCIENTIFIa A stEnt:cas which information: they cannot poSsibly obtain from ntlic..oth'er : Source.. Subjects in, which : planters,ondj'artherS MT' in: terested,will he.found disetissed'M the Si:ins. Tirio AMEIZICAN; most of the improveinent4 in agricultural implements being illustrated in its. columns; . . . . • . To mail - snhscribers:—Three Do iar's a Year, or Ode ."Dallai• foi•. four Months. 'The•-•vel• nmeg, commence on the lirt:t of. leaudly art . . Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. .. • . • .•. . . .Wieste'rit antl-Canailian money orPost•office stamps .taken. at par, for sbbscriptions....eittia tlian-subscribOrS'will please to remit' '2,s,cents extra oft each year's subscription 'to' pre-pay postage. • . MUNN Sc CO:,. Poblisherq, No 37 Park-roUr Now York . . .• • -;. WAsilicrroN; Doe': 9. .Isc3. Faifoie:rnzip,.a of and How , he,llll' artl . of aulficiently:lih,irn"danl irveFts has. For and espveiiilly.i tbe . iinprove , l;eimditioti oi etfrhatiOnal retie rir;ttitude.tri God is •S'Ve ierneiri peace. and friendsh . i , p'with i lcejy.n powers... The e ff orts of States to involve us4ilfdieiantVars, to aid hi ineirPsable in , n.riPSli , i; have bee . n•iiiiavailii:g:' ilfr.l3rittanie Majesty' .6o.veim . ment, as was .justly :ex-peeted ? •kei•cised-the'ir authority to prevent the •d;tpartti 3 ..of .1 ions. ,froni . The EmPvinr• of France proreptly vindicated the nentralir%videh..'he iiroeliti liegining of tliucontest. • . , . .Qaes.tion9, of g,nat - and- - imPnrtahce ha vi.'aiiten :atal 0' 11 , N . oPer"tio" 4 b . " l . wo r Ore .Go6.l . iiin , t several . of . the .tnari I itpelowerij hut t hey . Ilavr?. aq,,as,Atr. :as „now.: possible,. c in ,sp:i I rai±liCsq,,. ja . stly.a owl; mut ninth will., e . 'Li- is especially .g . rativiliy, tbat 'O9l. •pi,ze creirts; by the iinpntiall cif , their sitiedic,e-. h m ave coma:rled thirespect 'eotai driirl . ' sappiementia 'ireay - bei‘yeen,the TTeit, S:to;ps atl I (4 illy A fliest) Satol'rat .t.lO 171 h .4 , 1. r of February ( : Irr led into /..xec2.ciinn.. 1. 141. as - A oirr i&Jj Tor.t.s: an IA citiz-115' air erfnct'. , riled - . that inhu!ith.al3,l - ,odions•t 1:a". . S I'rftpr'4.lr , r A ii'w laigl.;c.ll:inintli. . . 1.. I shall E.ulo.nii; for tho . -6nsNlnration ol 'Ow . 9 cortv,,ii!iorl daim; .not iraalyS 16, by. the 'Grf.at 1;111:60; haverbov.ripi.? I . Pf-diqq . ni,•t Wm nt t °tint) • . • o I:..nt • of I!.e, !na!il•inin which: kh . cnolil hav brtr>v (I..bate! vilhout irp ;12 rer:ii•lit, uml it in prOfms cl in zinlv:9bio submit it to Theuuiharnrtitrern 111.1 . VVr!1 : . ,lor that rnipos,.f • rill be snb:110 . red 4,, the S. ,, rttp: • ..•' . . :"I..h.tre tI n liit proper . , .the - ,•17- 11 . : - eivul 0.1 0 , he Si qon,,ir.‘i , illl I fip iuter rocumerviul, : 1 I for the lqrplula ion of. the IfFlOll I IP' prilloll'o‹l‘llje.}l:flilV..l,trl) . er , qolllre tf , , , zard .tu the. im;iurts upo: vig tiOu wutrrs '( * lf .Denmark. . . a ' . . controVrky GOvPria - nent a.nd that i• - etz-.lre . at Si t(911.1, in Fern; a ,11,)tii}: i.n tredsni. Co rill: ze . nq of' th, [wen - hi ought In' t.h, of his tim•Ritiv, ul t toy 11 . 0 n r,l the part 4e. sees pa t ientlyexzirriinp,l,ny't hat idt!)on'l . Cn 'At at . vardr , l 'to T'lw elaitnanl;'indy - not' 'ha e . born as 1.,!::,a; they oxppefrl, i i •a4 4 , l .t o I.lkct,icct tio; tvi , ,lorn of fits. Lir oinjitly v6:11r1 iiit.,;lTZ..•iice in re:it Ni to it reached' t!;at roni“1 : r• . ' II:it , art of tie last foe r:o ; f Cfriq o..ti,t ion on zip., at),inna, 'and rugoL...”l in t!ie 1)!1=inr . .; . ii1t!, , 1...,1;6 it., ~:1 ~~ " t;ta :: • ii~ ~ ICdf L~ a. -, • ‘t , thr. ili1111,:i ;I'L ;;:trot .10 . v.e11 ot6' T]iiite.l:t,' 6 , 4 o1.(1,-L . e. at1:1 rinlz lit !Le war' l'a'... -, l4) . reed - iTnn'tily'itito:titin thr in .1;11. , of into . .rna:i..olll qu , itirh; !!), of foreiffnPri eift4 ,. il:nbrna,l:, inrt.2; , t4.1•.t0 I , y 11‘'..yr7v , 'r, it in' qtip'n'ncoLi 11,'at - in .!;;, eren , .nlicivityvin* a (proi2lll:,..s,,j,:inv, in ce.;:thtty . . . . . ti , lv. :•.t...t111 - 01.it limo' th.,.. rule i vdlit..! •c1a. , . , - .I,i:p : a.l ;I . lt. , lll:4t.ri:tit. in -tt host. hltm . :i. , il ., • '-'.."''' - ernM,•-nt Of 'enent ,eannot4yeet any le -. vilngesr' tbbrirminities regr, t to.av however, (bit stieli,eldr•l's ha ve.been lust forwa rd . , Morin snne tits; a neo , , 01 fureignifrs who Itast lived in f Sfat,‘ , s a greater part reason-to believe that hinny person. born in fc;reign eeentries," Who ,lifive , let7 l afed t Ind, in tentio'n to heeotne citize n :. or vide; 'oay.e becntolly naturalized, hive evirid.d . the tnilita4 fluty. required of thein'ibmAlenyifff the 'find therehy'thrntcing u Ron I he. grey eni nt , Ito buf • den of Proof: . • It has difficult, or itimr;rticalde, to oh-, fain this itrptif.., tor the want of, genies 'Jo' the. tiropersotireo.ol iolormation, rliele might he supplied„ by fequiring fhe..eferlis of court, %%here dee tion's of intentiou may be .inade, br natiiritlizattons effected, to scud pet iculteally I iststil. t he names Of rim Person . itattidn I ized, oi declaring the intention 'to •lieeome cit the Secretary- of flie'lnterioi. r ie whose ir)- rslent theme iimnes inight he nit.ttlge,:land print ed for general. inforniation. 'Then' is alSo .son to believe that foreigners bemiently beetntie citizens of the linited 'States for the solitper- Bose eciwtillingdgtits impose:l-by' the lairs' of .their native countries, 'to-Which, nit becoMit , g nattirabzed fiver;, they at once'rePair o and tough never rettii Mug to the United States they,•stilt inte postifoit' of this governini , nt - us eiti - z'onsr; Alany tidieratiots , and ar.!.l[ prejudices have' heretofore, tiriSed nut of this •tallise. It is therefore,.sultinit led te'ynnr serions• censideta tion. it Might:be adyistilitoti • rdis'a limit. be. , 'yowl which dm. citizen's. ot • the fltdr,it States residing a liroadmay claim: file - interposition of " • .• • ~ . .. . :". the right of itialtage'hatiatim.beemaSsarMeil and . exercised by'. aliens, tintler• 'prtiiiMes 20l Matta / ilia:llion, which . they have .cliitivowtl ‘ ,..l it t it dr a ttettinto the md tot ry service. I 'sub mit t h e exiiddm;ey :of such ao arrairoltnent of the law as. will make the fa'et'of voting an es: topßel against any plea of exemption frOul Milt , . tarY.s'ervige M.Mther: civil obligation on. , the ground of alienage. '," ' , .. . , . ); • ETTIPOR!i,c .APIcEAN- PRESIDEIVS MESSAGE iro 0f a filA•.)Ye , . . In eanapon h tither:Western npr relatione . with • hnvti, been lirotitzlit; into Serintisleoptai tly'tltrough the perverse. tiPif pith.) li Pled a 'strict tie.y- 0 1 01(14 , 111pin , to (he. enli lift ann . riflie l'y; eann, tle.=ioVen to bribe - -rho country iii(n . • I he. sneiety . 01 'initina . s. ;It ..is • jin'pen 4), • I t hmigh, not wo h entire Corth.leile(;, that these'dillieplties - . niny:lie.ipeaeefuilly.o6:!rrinne . ; .1 titik yo(1)-.P't iiintinn'to• the chi .. lnv . :of .dm, 11 - Obis:ter fn . ': the ilitbagfis he First the fire of I liti . resitle . iiee . 4 the. • • •: • • .. S.ll;isfitetniy.aj . ratulment have • born !nsith. • V‘iril• t fie wili4ll, it liar; nl'.,trir'~raplt ,that'Fitivirii Irvin eitir :coast, I. wend :t consideration thii'silhiiiet'of an 'intpiDß.:, Ire. A tlimi'iii(lc,an, aiirh r;l'a tyli!grap . h,biitk‘:tl'iiii Al- is capital and th,-Natio,nal . loos irlon the aiint ' seabcarit Gull of iNleNii.o. with any ,rpacionn e . y , tv aids dti thi . , military. mat fin rid The coni•illarsystenror anfter if,e'eniiiitiTint of tbii last. Cong . tesi , • hi , : gins trj lie sail-sagtitinfria; that it may- heroin!, ent:iriily:so.l.vithfriii• increasr of p'ea fie is.rest ..‘. • • • ha v . e. Bern .'L•titGully [iiiotectinit entotheriiial intnriist 5. onr con , ills has einei.wisa riFyihailto, tabors a vl, re of the %VIII', tin have, - for the part, ani , t aart nil with ittrfirirq IbLice AV:\ loroeco, Cation, and otlior:"Orte . iital. limn,: ions nit xtrtotdt nare rower:. • I'a, rn'nJi!inn I?;iiiv srvrral Ter 111111011Zif In .liaa'r!isynba'avoi Stave bor boon: of. rololalo, f;ots' anil •atiznna nth:provii!)) tirjo , ,r . ilian: hotio ; Fay ; ;f:f;;;; - .. von a cotnuoir . 4ubj,:et how .t.he•Gov ernor ' . th , ? ex colitag" , nient irk . 4 - 1111,1' . 6f ryeaittl'alid sife.l);:th 11Otylna tcith _mater heetioni .than forcer rrl tht;'• in , ort'ortiOn it ..,titi a .tr.r . e.it 51..ficieprly . ;•'nfiabbl iii every fi,ld - 114riculfttre . .e.o(1 in our ourirnins.,:as . wf , ll or iron' coal as of delnand . u)r this loot ro , iol bore.. leoo Or I isol:;bnil4, of p . , :r.sonsof re.mitoelativ..kirieenpalioo, are Iblonging nor con , :uktes roni..r,tte. tiut y; , iy:ctifit)p. it , ,i‘tdnee can be then . 1. It to . 5ef...111.1t otolvr the shiirp ilkripl'oc , of civil :nit ts 6n 1011❑ e. in',.‘%% , life. 60bla rfi nrtd••ma.inl;.ehr 1, nn~lnod.ht In till' t tVot.rob' anfl t of .the';:ovrt.{,nvinl..' 'lldnrie.titforoen by 111,1t..., , ,ve1nin,4.1.f and' nniVendi.d, [nay ..;01111! 11;1V.(, • bean . 11, 7 11 - ;V:t.' , l 0111111``cuhject nr i 7.011 S ,cif countries, 1)9111 . ar F.;.1 and tin lan,J; by p~reun= in i1.n..c, , rv4.1.61 . I be, sO - 11 GoVertiml7lit naperts rodre., , s:fr.m)e)thpr when injwies• nrolut.liC;ed I,),rson in Stato,, , ,y,: 'nu°t be In s juNtiFe. If judicial :1141111'4',1a:0 • f !!: in. 1.01 : p0se, t % . 1 , trp of.. 11) may W. tor (...roiAnis,.ioti, 'Orop.s.2ki•to , on'o• Lu.t dellotto ritiF \yoi• rroirq,sition et rie• z ervivi.ll Irwri p.i)r.; • ' S'p.• Se,,ltlri ..OJ.III prub:ll)ly . iai ,:wcasion to fti0,f, , ..1. you 'to elajohinti (I. , c.rt•e: p! f 11.1 v o "hf!Oore . l3 llo r:7l .. noti rztr -1 and ;11 . o:11; , r, trio! ho el:Ftowi to tiolio.ft. tcho . !o do , ii inoitht nl th;it ace.r:,liiiotl by at) ittro'rrioll orbit ion . • •• . TI,P . basoi• by 1.1w . 0f t rt Iu ilvti!:lll,trit 1 H jot :f...111 , 01111'.5" Lll itirt. , lgll roit=:tils in • Ibis rotund y. • l •• in lel q,ttinn o ;pftYie lacy ; nr of- a t•x - i;:•1 'treat y it ! " S'ltito.:•4 and, a torelv.o coo;n16.,ill" expo.: tlieney cif • , ,o I. r. rriodttylioi trwact . to (. - xernitt burr tt;x t,lne i ocnoto 'to-r , not of tlit , •l7l:ite..(l:titates from tln rmoluinefit 'or 11, , ir• r . of r i,e, or !corn peorrty !lot .9 it tutted in Ott; Unit ?trSitites, is sith'inittet! to iotis consl.loiit inn; I ma ji. ! hi, 'st)L..l -,, t tipu - n , 1 itat - it comity '43to.:tit.- to • lii -I , Poiptot a t .e . xt•ntros, out- rotiqul..±, iti all littler. t•nnott le:, front 'thin to Ott: t ,, c! ont 'no; Sta:eq' ; 1 :t l i f .l;, ool::1,1' not to .bp' 'l , xl•vpti(tnalty illibrrtl to national ttatle anti. etitnowtilo: • Tll k!.. O ' pe I•LI i 0115, of tht• last' yvtir . have biTir suer essLtil The enactuilit.by Congtos4 of . a :Natf omit I lialik., in . ;:.l,a‘r, has prhnuld., lllrr,dorn yr ‘l.!iftlett6l Iri:h.lrotu: Ihr tempts +tit+) ilifilitirFo; pentF. *fttal rrot.tp:•, ;;;726,11:)!I;0;):1•79, nod the riciitti t...ollrsiltents.. - 1 . ;1.709,9.9 . 5.155; • • ' . . . ' • 'lin. art 'nil receipts aniiilislitii•nrititint.s 4yr tin. 5 :NlT:runt ,y.rar, l Ill; I; in (Intail I:y•tini •the invitr••yriny'ntli , ntion. • , It. 'not btik”."'d t (tat. netintl n•fAille In Ill'! •rnutitiy her , •tofoe, •s tt , d,' it iv bi :411. 'foal dr lit' pyrtly. 10.s . •tlinn his • • • . 11121 - ,Seer ., -lary:nf r.is iitnikurrol • It consist • : . • wili!ary . • vf.i.) diq" l . l ' 1.;,•iTra1 7 110j0r. , .. • :5.'17011 of c(4lqe...r 1,:•i • cry,, , •;• int o I 11rk V;tf• , :t• I ViCft,.. • . . . . -Thir..'.- Th; ~., h ;i, : i.2.,, to: priF.oi,er , folly set. ro tli in ih.• iv t tor o(-Go:). II itiliroek. .... ':. • I , linfltii, ' 'l:!,evi,:r,l4 tow; , it;der it'i.!. "A i't fm. .1:t41 Hi 10..., pip! callitigo9( , tfit , •;,ttioli.al Ft f cvs,!' ,i,jaiki: iu t 1 .30 ri•pf , i.: 0 'ti' l!iiii . :o;:t Marshal Fifth. orgi, ion mf I in. ;110 •The . n'p , rto;nriks. :11• a pyf;itti pit men! a 'Of trie.(iln;trtr; . l,lti'll, , to , r . c.;ttnytal, I,:ni4:ary Gt.nerd Pay.tna , l , l..Gt.itt.ral,!(:l,lpf tit Etc: ititttt. : :, and Sutiirnn cititteral.• It•1 - tnN apjr , t4.6.11 to tonke valitat)ll.• y of tit i.;•rtint t. except. such "as w 0 9 1,1 be 100 CXlPlidi'tl . for tin.; pinry;-• tint] j..tte.nt'n contain t my - s,ll'lty ',kg . your . careltil t.att.l.ntlnn n-po . r..t ifst.ll. • the naval )-the i;et iCe. tiering the year, the tvfrgle alSt his untta . pily, eeritest;- hive tarn Idiselyt?r4etl mud cthinettt sOrce'ss.. t 'F:titi'pxtonsivat blo . c.lat.tp has bet•rt rontnittly in .rinai.ing in effici nr.s as: lit arty. has t.t.xpati,li.4. 1 - 'et -citso 1.91i_ a line it . has. ',wen ! ' y6)11-1 rev eived 4t the Nayy rtepaetm'eet,' it . 1 . 3 rpf!ar's that imp , Hind, 1,000 :t:Paapfs•liaa been'" captured Mixt , 11in blo!tlcatio•wa , , tin(' • vtt ati,;;lrly s at in 16,..11,1- j9dit..t'ititt apto . ttnt.tt,Pto I . ~,,o)orte of lire liiiited,Stlit.srori:ist-, 'at Otis' i corOplotril rail in ilte.ennr.ae 61 , snlpi . ;•ti . on, .and nl. It are 09 . 11 . 01 a'ißtot.l , ,;teatttorg , .. I Itx scar jt:t11101'.-- .1 111Lr . C.• to . ibc ira:l• tyill prOably t Ito' Av . o : . . . .. . . . . ..' 'Fifi• ai wort. , : .V 4.59 el 5. il) liur Marc, co:iii4eti....l 4 i n; l:i i , ~, ; rvict,3*. r ~ ', : s hich ii.r, , iirol..,i - erlrirl ay! u ~ rn 0 pprOA ( , :i iii 42 comprot i,..?n , ,' of e 1,r!) irly.;,l 11) 10N C f! , ll' :iii .. nti , t,iw r - :liof. , 'AA it . fiy. , 0 , 1 hrl ;) , 11.i.1.: . Bpi whil:: Ilif',l mti:, , ,u,.' tilled upon - to,i I,:if bor.. d...... !tMci. C1),1 , 1 In ! 11111 . , .,!.6 41)4 to '. 0!I ,I.1!1,,111 Tho 'Om rt. , 2.i‘ 14.11, M 5 , 1*,`,1 - 11, :;16.t of war. (1-riiarii'k 1101.. r. - a of , coi l :4'l /. 04 07 1:1,1 repair s itf ftio,!..rtt delay :nod 'limp the ivitnt . i%l . ,,ii . .l)l;oe . r,‘llitilonia I .-st'ablisbmotlg. suelOi Nlivy Yard', =u 'fiir• at 5 . 112.. (Hi ..tiy Nat 'y trpori 01: S wl,tril conputinicanori.' it ni.t airy tei ti) 5 . 111 , .it.t, nip? 2,1.- . 0 ti, 1,1 t , , ~ tatdi,huitt. a .y a o itd , :\ IY;itit fnrce,lir.n 011' fht o. in tr,,•iof‘vitha... tihtler tliscply . luta.;e3 *\ , .,lllin tittle than ! .in nutrifieiu ii,, wll .0.0. hatal fmc.. o ; t . t y at. 111” rmimpnt:.Ptilent of tip. pr'.': , , , tit :Lk!. . mini~u Sati,(ac'toty',anzi,• hoyartiint.,loi . 111.!:poiforin . anve3 (4 :he 1:otole iron I.ll.en.ays. at t hi , ii - rierostingpoiind, they aio . scarcely inore . ..Wondif , fal than' chit, sisre'etE..q 01 oar ineelniniro..iti,..l ::r:i tant in • thr prOthietinti of war ve5..a1.1.,; %vbit.l.l: him IP? 11 , rountfy tt t rolvantat..:e. stifa;iior to any other nation "in our. .resont'rr.F. ttl tint, it :1 tin:ber, with ityrxhatistible iinaloi .tie,,C,l fuel in the iqe.inity of both, nod - Oil ,cln=e ploximity to navigabli• Abe aAlvantage..,ol - tbe r ,, Foutef! ow. ' 14(106 .hive been devei(incal,.:L ,, ti itspoWer in the .iton:t I net 10Ia II ilAvy .sneh tit ti Ill!tlttr, hvl,i Is 11.1$ ii r, v e fin it.n , 11.ii4.!,1 signal 5 , :vi5...1? to the linioa. - ritittittoi ; • ilf .s ,, :inwn . 7,500 'inftit in, in the 'o tb.lil, to ebuttt.. 81,0 . 60, Int.: eaornpliNlv ii • extilen . difiary . ••lionttlii.A . to pt.,fife,L.Ytiint • `it lie:; lttru fiiilit.l,•ll9lvever,.tl4o.the ell- , - h;k't ie)ntaies ren , l 1 . 01'r : 0.111i'; ',..1'11115i I,i:gliften4 to. ;,tre'et in . , • )-.trii•et the w -it • nut to ittlintir • its, cliicionev; Gl ilettit: titeit..propw.‘ nn , l inanew: . 7 e n tni to;.i..titei• the "•:31.- • itty, Rit , :;•gyst,- Oat: butif:the ntt-. 'Pt`ot:isioil (in this • suL9eo,•w,n , oll Would ht tht . i..satne ,tinio. lit . , . . , lithi/lit•ill. Olt!, 11,11)? . evspevnil I v:int,.roit:(l., prittion t o tll6 , Bl.aretry tle,! .. R k tv•,. in :( . i tito•til no:l4l'9 9N ' :tlt airirit iii',,proppritig,7ll..itkliipmen for boy I le (•::11 :till; t11, , 1 'Jot to •t'u •I • • .111. 01• ! 1'..1. tho hut II• It (lip ilrope'r of . olp,2ritetl 01:iii , .rs; ‘v fins. IKru 1).N . 1 , 1“ .§'f. , itoni; . I Ili! -1,1" till' : 111.0 , 0t 01: tit. 111 . V(`lu tt fill I I is .1.111! Of 51.1111 . 01 is nhy in,4,?rp full . . coittl;b.l.o. tZ1:01•!it. t nV 11.)111..11 , 1' p11!- rhtion . , t h,. yoni• fripni). 'orthe* I.1 , ..1 . )1111;1)( pn.). - pority..llll . l bYntilio.l . !wilily. rt~tiall it I fit . 4 .l ilirf' j}itter .2011 0011 k, to tierl.!ll . ?ll4ty of ' 1 ,;1 . .5 1 ); .1.. ,h) tlit 11117 1.9. Tito 11;) , ;11) .1001 , 1 i ip 1 The 1 Prof) 'III 'lllll . lO 11114.,1int tynnlorta fiqi, lins 1,0(11 :11,,,tit . 1111 , ;t)11,1:11 v.):ll , 4,litlirr• 191 . h l.l ` , ' oil p.r . ci , nt: It iz:lpnni , t)wri.fwv, that tI 'oq ()Ilik:o•ilebni.l - h , ' Lql.ll , ! s , ll' iii' 'n IVNIOL;111,)11 . 1 , 1 . 11ni 711.161 e Tlio•int. , .rn , •,•C.cand ir.oilft.riato.., - i of. , iinttn .1 . a.1,L-.1t1 , s front. !iii. priliripal ( . 1)111)trit:S 9' 1:111•6.1), , n 11) . Alll , lioN, t - 111.'11 IV:ik e:111 . ,10 ill Ow , :ki,Tez. ,,, lioti 'o f . e . ro:tnin.tvi : ::(1 , 1i1 . 1111 UPI ;it I'; ' )ri4 rill OW I 4th of Nlnv".l3,t, and oora'.lndo(l'its delilim•ations'nn .tlio, 8t1) 61 ~. 1i0... • 'lll,(..i,iin r •ipl• • (;stniqishoil . I,y -tin' i:` , 4nfpi., , nr,‘ ii , 4 1 ) (- , 1 :id:ii,tv(ll,..) facilibitelios• tail ini..rpourcii . lwiii.,:en nirttion, and •ns 'n 1.,a , i5,,0f ftititropost,ll -6:n11'4 1 16011.4, itintitti nit, :Cgrina•nl cvst4o ol'.tittif,t in 'intortia , tioinir (...11, , .ig ,, s 61*.rc.ilina, , ,1- . 1.:,t,,i.;.0f postagr., runl.t.'alit;t-fail to •protlitor., I,eit.licia) l'i f'ref,'.r. you-to f1n.:111) , 41...0f tho •Sec..ll:i,c I:\'fd'Aln , Int±:rior, .iyhicli is...licreivilli Iflid 1. , . :10 - re yun: c' ns ,, fol ;Ind .•varif. ,, d Inform 47 lion in re:ltitiull to V:01110 . Inn 1,.:11•1i1101 !if-. fitil . '.l.:lll:7if , ,..l)(.ll , likiii tliill 01 . 1111: IllyArl'S of c ,1 1) , •1),1i4•1111ilillg.to , If. , _ di . 1;:i0.111(111. '.' • .. The tpi a ntity o f I:ityl,; 411,p05, : il of {luring tlp 1:1,4 and. fir,...t.tp t in I ,, t'of tha.-pi.,... , 4 j t .}is= cal yony Iv-to: •:1,‘:i.1.1,t,79':10.,..s . ~...cif.. ,% hio 161 4 ~ 1 1 1 ~,,.,•,..,., :...4.( 1;),..5i ) ,,• 1,450,. F r i -I ;int.'s ‘yk r takin up lindta...the'.ln,ane -toad 1,tv,., and t1t..,1 : .-i;ltio.ili.ipt) ,, k.l ,of tin ,1 , 1- I:tw , :n.:intin , ,- 1ti4,1-; for nilitar,... bone `iii.;, f'orr . ailt : oa l's ;:11,1 I. n' 0111,,r, p n rposr.s,:- 11 a1,..0 tippt.nr.: Elva 1.11.. , .)- , alt. nf (fin . ptil)li. 18 0 ,1 . , i‘,.1a t . ,. ;41.,•• on Hy..it:0n...11 , P: . 11. 11:1A , Irl I!!Til ..n.:(.ll,li'liell OPh/101/ of i i.h.illi• 1111)111' .t 1 it.1'.. , t ' , , t.„:(,.413• . ii . ((lit 14 1 pc( ? :. pi .;,r 11, ,, iiii•ii, , ,i :...q,,t , 6 iii.iq ii. hi leer will in,.,,, ~ t ; inrin : .ifil, i; : :.t in op. ~,ffiv.:si...loi• ~,.iir. p .,.,!,:litio;inti:ii.c:, iitz,,ti, t ,i ortiiv : puh_ . 1i,.. ),,n , !-, .0,,i; In Aiiii.;,;ll::,rdo.: or diNct,,...v-: I r iit)' . , I . I . :: \ 'l' , I f1.1 , 1.1i 61.. , :ti ,. „1 ' !Beni. .Tl.llB i . 11:1) . p oil 111 ' ',..11:ill :I, k!01it., :0 11,1,..g • ittilinaten. in -ir,pio ., : . I,l 4 ki.:tion upon tit. sulji:ct of our ii.itional. (iottra:n. .1. may :cite its .t.yiqotici.: of.t it. -. (It ! ! lilicr a I. n.-;,ttrps ad6pt,d In . 'ref iavn...(:toti&tintl- r , itli.i.s, tip ~n tlit tp thin •,-4t,,f,,,,. f 't.llQoy(allo , .‘,ll liittiklyitliin llpii; linfit,, 'in oi . :lei. 'to tin:ir (wing. il,..:•lstiittr;l : o ld ri . :11.1,ri,.1 .f,t'f,.l'...ctittivation.' awl. tip ', I . ::IItS 1... 12:itir113 , ! . (.•0111palli.?•.; . t . Pl . lllo.,l'ililte . s ,; (•tioliri o.; 111 . 1.1 d 111,6;1 Ali.; • c!iliti::11 ' 1•1•11aed ii!l , :.i 0',.. filt•ir ro: ' 1,1:-:,• tvlill.li,: kV11.;,1 . filllsll6l, w..111111 , 4 ; (1s ondliply . I.l.l....f,ttt;litio'sfor,ren...ll- 1:1 11 (J a y ••111.1. 0 it p05..,,55', 9 11::...: Thi s p . olii.,y lai'i I. .t•-ivi.:l It-;• 7 11ni,t...-i,-, wit nit,l honk•ll v i a l ir,ti-..tr.1,1.:.iii in .111. 0a.,...nt I nnetnnatt ,o.i.: t nt-, 'rin : i. how ,-t.:;al . to aclii:',l..,-ttli..i.i, I Sint.e I C.) , ! . 1.t..,:fir of .latitia - ry 1:01, 11,..fa0 'flier:- ... .1,!,..thi , :; Ila-o c iantliy..6l.l:4,)ti,, - ;11: :wrt.a. of. 1.1',1.bv. ,: !..5 , "ti ta;.:...ti np ninl(l its 'pt-ovis i,tti. 7 rln: fleet nti,l. thtf .ronohni, sd . I . llrn',ll • g intilyin ; ! ; 0.‘1.1..n... , ! ! ,f in c a....aing . sottio':nnit:a..npon.fin t rill.!)'- 1.:..ti„.1,, itcitliit!i ,tan Iliti.l,•tl-u..!.. ; 11:at , tiitz , ,.. 4 l. in ‘r,lticli tlo , 01va 7 ..,:i.....s .if lii if.ithol b:0,.• 1.,,...i).1•11 : 411.1:e11, :Ili 1. clticli Int; r..,piiri.(l .8o lar f ro . a -‘vitli dtaa.al of o iti• clUs.•its . front.tlwiacettstotned I tan , ,lial'.v. con'cin• 'in. 11l reerattint.ntla tion-o.f 11), 5.,. ilia; v of t',w litteiint•sti,.. ; _ . iity, ; • a inOilille:ocou of tip: act in..favyr 4 tlio,:o en..2.: !:. ,,,1 . in I.lli 2 .iiCi . litary :Halm:iv:Ll ::,.rvio. of GIP. 1:11 . 11 , 1 1 . :S(..if• - :cu.. 1 (lonfit, not . lliat-t'ofi g . n.::: '‘ ill ..11 , (a.ffilly . nklopt: sin...li npasu o ~;-:,s-d):;!, .Al:llont'it--.:iiti a ily i:linng-, in,..f lll'v :, , n1.1:,: f..„tini.: iir,oo, . - :; . % , ,t,,,,,, su• cure tic 'llte..:::,l:t'ato.t pr i pti.,.;al,i,xt,tit its hon.,. ,'-fif,:. t 1 t 1,0.;,• v;11,-, itav“. 1,11166 , home's in ,I(.fkat,:'o Of tit.: cotintry iii.this.ardnoil,i cri . , • Lilo ito your. att.:ntiop to the, views',.ef th 'See. ot"lnteriw ti= to ; the' proprirt)' .. Pf le z zi"Alation. 0 l'eVe010! (roll) llic '1010:101100ds , or 1101 Ulfilti , J,Sinte. 1'lr: urea pi•Oyided yotir Imyt sesion Mr dm removal :of certain Tntliao • t r ib es Baer tr.en carr ied into etteet, trefities, i•arrebettr:negotiatett, ,Imttior.. be .sillonitted for the constitution al .1:tion; of. the ::tictillto. They contitin the possessory ti theinaimig, to large ned . vithet t.le tract; of land. • his . hoped that,. the et-, f,ct. orthese tieaties will . festrlt . in the tslifislinivnt, of pc , rnisnent "trivoitly.rolntions 'with such of tliese into tregtiont nn(l bloody.colliqion out. skticinents tictind poliity; 9911 to tlu ,witvils or Lite g,ovtivriment, dernioni our 41 ti x 'mos nt9l constii ift„it I inntion to Oinir .Itviteriiel prog,ress Chit I eivilizstion, ntiqr,ollov9 Idol tritining• Or.".l.)ivitio • Proviiii item;•y•dil, Aconftr,„ , up ? . dip.. th e elvviiting.nnil ces.—ntin consOlitt,ions . 0f,.'1.119 rist iiiri I syggesteil,,iii,nly hist annual ,torsfilig4! propdvfy 11:modeling otir. . oviints . Tiiive Sstistivd iII It 3 net:l•ssity. dknils sot forth veriort Sivi:...‘ret:ity, urgl.lit. need ;,fol' , 111). , inedisie logislittivo notion, .lieliqvu)ent pstr'Onizcs.l t!io ,8,900.„in I)i'Avict., to. : . Votir gqiicroly ! :990. I'oSt.ll.-. intr. (.:0!. • „.:. nit I ion, ..91•'Conzres: - cittrin" lagt session wits : pint:aged to • spine .extt.itt• 'with tipriVcipriiii ain't lnr.ealni•ging:the,.. water. iii tttnti tiat• ll . l isitt:ss;tiplirit';'; er itn;l,tll6 noilltenatikvn f , rcipoMtion, tor. the thien,:tuinti of,.the -greatest; . r e_ eonvention tins :Lieep,,iii.i.a . ,pc ; upOirt,jfe viutt'sis entitiiiiiett iii . it intano-,, rialinhcr e sseq Preatilent twit. COP- g•e , , , :; end' \vide!' •honoV,:tst . •lay •hefore : ~ • : ' Thu ititereA is ruin whi c h 'era ki ng. : foto.e it 3 own Why: L not.vatertaiii whil-t, it • i4 . •Suliniittritt Yottr; hint- to•w hat lie One interokis, given tO•this .sub- , ject' Ih Ilti actnnl ecani ne. i te ei n e n t, o f wor k .., upon the . .1 hilroail, • tinder '.,itu - spit:)lC. .to fat orahle to•ttipill progress anti • ti . ontple, •Tho eilla - rfeed . tutvigntion Liecontea 1)41- , in the.grest .rotitl. , • ; .1 trait:Unit the seeenilitninnil rettert t *C - ointitissieners of. the .1 - ietairtinent, of yOur - mttt'uticd lle.twlolnuislls. in. flint interest of , the nation. cVlieli Congress assembled a year . the hail alrefeiy twenty' inontll4, 'awl there bail many. , e6tilli t .ts..c .n itnth litteLatt , i. sea 'with vary ;lig • The retaillibti'llial been•ptiissuit bail: into. refine 11. limits,.. , Yet the tone ofpubliefeeling'and•opittion : at - .. - biunt , ntl aliion,, rwits• not, i•atisfitetery..Nyttli • At lilt' poptitir eletitions . theti . selre9, %%Idle tinti.l intich dint )VILS '1)01 , 1 tip 4: uenti - eiie! the kiittlest uririls:..cviniin, from Etirriri ,tver . e uttered litnet:enis' of Jilt} that,' WP wero•.too 1)111)(1 to - sumitikr., n lieljelest • . estese...Our col:11111(.mi was 'starving grent...;: 15 - • by ifll.;tv. in mei', yesitels . . - tuilt atal fur- • forvig,ll.'sliort ruin wo wvro tlirV:l6.ned wOh froth: 1116 s . mie q p :11 •4, 1 . I , s v,•,; 11 1,I• sweep • our .6/i11a! ^ rOld. ay , sf./1 told 'raise our t ! lOck:ide • \'\e gov,ern ./Lt rllll' itpOo •• . . Th . & ilt...liftlinnry prooktwitiori issilt(l ~ Feptclubcr . , ‘yns . Itsi..l,l g npd hcriod tr., thr .c . gin . i,f t 1 lo w • Yekly, A. omtli ,I't cninC*; anivninconp.nt.". tl4lt, cOlOrctl locti , I'l•;iiit:thic condition woutir be tcc . civeil I . l] 'lllc 'or 'PArnrol 7 ciputioni mi. I ;•;o.c fulinrc' 4 -ru:'w•-I: l '4)cet, 11b("it ich . ll4l); nti,rfoitr and doutit eputonded titwei Lain . - Ao,:or,itng to Ott]. th,r-nr 111c4it, 11111 no lattl:111, ppwo-t0.,(.1) . 0e!, cinntifin in :iny Fitlilt., and .1:in: . /1 tong: titilt!', f : r. lind sin 1 . 61110114 . p:f+0 , i4111 , 4. 4 It 'vv;r tLII tl t wliil+ =MM ina,(l'll . t!etl...,ify for . it • . .6 • • . • if .it sliptild 00(26. I ie, tt. eelne; :end, 11S WAR ..• . . hr 160.l.1011litre! dityg.:., - -gleVi tirentlis - luicimr. ec.)%v inei:o 4 4l,..we are per-• . . 4•, . t,it.tod hi htli(inuothor ITview . ... The . ..Vebel ti t to.L. pr . i:ssfr.d .still filyther :1*1:,.. niiil V tho'volivlch.op..iiing or 11. K! •Ni!.i:•;iii'sifiPi . .., .41 e'ounfry iloinibitleil over by: tlie'• l'i.h(ll- iu.is'diVi . 4.led . -iiito (listink' part...,' with. :bo _ . . , iketieill'eetlimuittentiop bytvv,vo ri:— i :timf. • .., ,;fijibswo . :Ird t Allows:IA have bomi sub-.' . . stn itinllt denrrtl.of itrnr eel cnulrni r nn I owpin•s : of shi . ./el3, !In. I . ' : I,IVOC:i tCS or 6111Vei'V 111, CIA the . ..hr.giptiititir. of tine Ition, , ' , now ilednro.oli(l4 for etwoloilinliolt in thoir:respretive . o: . •thvii.2.Btates'llgt il)C l 4l . (tCd inthe emnn- Cipation. soul i, to•Itho• id• tchieh • thi.(;(l yOrs "itgo w,m1,1 teleyata Itilyre.t,trnhit upon theexten- . sinii . orslnvory ino) theunitorios,only Nit!! floW: US to OW 1)(14. 'Mode or, rt.ttflOV:. in git NVWIiIII.II . CIr Own 1111111.. OT• those wlto were slt . o!esat the I) Ilion, 11)11.100,000, :ire iiow`in'the United. Itiout• on'p-141"4: i .ie w n . ctualty • 1)64... nt.)ll : s it) 114 , :idinntig~ of taking itifitirgent„ e•tilie; and 51114)1,i'ing the erwige mitql be tilled with au many 'White . . So far its tested; it js'ilifiletoti6 foirfliey are not as . good soldiers as 'any No. servile inSurr6etion Or topi:frwy';io violence or seiviity: has !narked meal hresor.etnaneipation anti arrniattethe ;.,:.;::,,,..: • •