-- ,5 !.- t a,"71:ii 3 . 1 4...i. ,4 :' ,4,, , , '. ,, '; , : 1e , , - ,:, .r •, -,-.. ;: ~ . ~-:, .:. . - ~ . . ~ - ,y ,,,,,..4 ea; , J , -4 ,_. . ,,1t', - ., } •-•- • i, ,; ', . "-, - ;-, . - , 4,i41,z.,&,,,A,",,,,,-,..,,,A,.,_,,,,,,..,f,,,,,• TIME' • • . . ,„ , „ , , .• . .(''•,Tfir,•no4ally-tyokhoito‘OhtlArnr.r.Bal tiortoro',ond wp Ohl] (roir n,(1:1,he*,1!14.. r ...;; • 'liwit,!Atoir!'t -410 y Ohl!' N'oithi.ii ON A DA Ell t jg t) Ay; Nhoom llihoon ti 4 thi;:tihrtfinin yo ri . i.y.o• deiwit © I.lloishurg . a rid B.Otimnri ao• follgw,s, •o ko • • , sOuyilw . Shnhury•dally (e Fee pt , - • . MEE= titAlNlpaVes . Sandav)..ao.4 , s p 4. !n : ; , Ilaa yea Harrialnirg at Baltimpre . ,t4111;1.,15S : 1.-aves ;:Sunhury. daily led vas,Hairia 2 , Mninfair) at 2.41 a. rn-i 4ily,(eirept Mon(dy) at ACCOMMODATION Train al ofs a. m. . - MAIL TRAIN . - IPatiis' Baltimiitro daily [ex Yt'.B; 3o ' a' ' Ol 4 -liatri*burd at 145 Miotiititt . tivi4 at Sitnhury at 4'50 rt. m., ......V.XPRI , IBB TRAIN li.avoi 13altim 4 re daily at . 8.40 ii."in ‘ ;tatiivetc.at HavriAbltre..tit .50 a. RI .. indleaeolibir'rtitittr. daily [eirept Monday] at 3.20 a im.; tinth' acrikte4 at Sunbuty.at '4'2o HARRiSRtfRCi'ACCOMMOITATION ,tr)Iiii leeyea•Baltimore'Oeily Eaxr. , pt,SanilaYlat 1:45 ti.trriebtire,af p; tr.". • Vniitiitherialormatien" apply at the Offie, e.Petm3ilv•ania.Railroad'n..pat. ; . •• • ' :• • ••' ,J. DttBARRY,. , : • Steoriyienderit. ..."111Vrriaborg,•Npv. 14, 1802.: . . Great Improvements in Sewing Slaehines 'EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE I Pattent Fiibriary• lath, 1.05.60. . SIitE3tOtibI.46I,IIROADWAT: • 'lhi* -Nt,;l•iimp tt ,sim;:triirtednp.w priti6iproj ohy .1111 41;4 t u ru improyviimlit., Sepal rin t*t BO& P ERF joilowing arr. •t • 'l--7;rxi....vori• 'the•niOratot,... 2 gel nrit at 'ordpr. - . • 3 L'• tia . .ide arid loss al' time rip dir . . • • %. • 4 -- bleep 'city lo...seir• every description of nta s.—,Di%oviepahle noise while in operation. The Empire Ee!ing 1!II!tohine is .Exempt, . - • thee; ObjeetiOne. ' • • . 1i f'as't ne“.titt pettlentillar !ictiOn. make th.tLo.c.Vor shettle St,tch; which will brit.hrr Ilip'tior'rilvel, and iv o sbkr on both sities; peqfoitrot perfect seiwine, on every 11.1cription or meteriet, ircim'Loother the ,lineet..Naorook vri, , h cotton, Linen 'ilk threed,. itoth the.coarsost to the, hop./ oumtn.r: • Heviet neither CA* . tior- COG.. WHr..F.L. anil thotoo9irtogsihlO triorion, it rtins'aesinootil :E.MIi.IIATICALLY A ' NOISELESS - MA CHINE!. , It requires FIFTY 'ER CENT Ike .posvpi ; to Artie it- than any - other ineAlne :in 4 . 160 . twelve 'old -yen vriwk, it stegdily; siithout:drifi.:ae,nr l,j Iry tO hoalth: • , Its strength and WONDFRFEL SIMPLICV lii.nrsfritetion, totnterit tn get..out, oforder, anti is GUA.A.A'NTEED.by. :the'enmris tri ive,''eni We •We resin:etfii)li Invite !hole wii.inny, de: lire to Satipli.thf!ins'elnis. with a t•uporinr ele . ,tn call and examine'this lINR(VADED, MA", more epecial manner do . - we . Wick MF:Rt.,DANT TAILORS rOArti MAE.ERS. HOOP SKIRT ‘M, F A'TDRER - : ..Sll IR' .anir BOSOM :MAKERS,,. DRESS :MAKERS, : CORi . Er..MAKERS, dATTER.. FITTERS . ;. ' . 814,0E VEST' drill I'ALOON M A K Egs szucnotts . ‘na cumuyAsve syrronoms . will be libigally dealt with.. , • I PRICE GIE.MACiIINEI3, COpiPLETE. w 9.1, Family Machine, with Hemmer, $5O •• r i ro , 2 c.1, 11 4 Mbla4filetWieiti with —atm- • tittiTabla; - .• . . : ; 3, LargO'Kei*utoottiring, Irtih Exton 73 - . . ';flO.'3,•Lsigolleminfrictiiririg,' for Lather, ' .10 - 1111' .Rolll,nq root and''.oll.(!np, . One hnif hones Initrocti onsi • sottielenfio eon. Itlenor person to with this' Maehinc to their ea. . . ' ostibtoetiOnl . : • - T• Or ; sttiontion roll l l .10 the EMillfth: 5111•4:11.;E, liottoted dor:161h;:1800 , It is well known - Str th**;4lll) a ? , prine genticia preterable ' , it, tiny ..Mber—hut• a great injection, • , t •gamst Ito OOP, wag Oil serount of it, spring gPl:inCont.or ordei, having then to h.; put.in-the,the hands 08./1011ml mw:Chanic to be • 'Tile Einnire.Shuttleis so simple , that any operlitor can repair it without loss of time or ex . • • • . . penae, .. • , Agents wa4ted !Tn. all Towns in the Unite;d Sta tee, Whe;re -Ag are tint already eattiblish ed; tor Cuba, Mexico, Central and South ,Americi,,to whom a :liberal dineount will be , Terms invariably Cash on delip.erj. . T. J. ItoARTIIIIR & Co, • . .• . • •,•, . 4-54, Broarlway. . • . o. •onsuplp ylinE•Aiteertipier,‘ hewing been reettireir to in 2 11. ftew week!. by a very simple. remedy, after hariup' 'cuff • reit hit reral 'yer.r:t ?never...Wog 'affection. cap that areal theca ei 0 nPupiption.-ilf M 41111114 to 'link ' ) known•tolittitellow. , 4ufferere the 'aniline of pure. .• 4 . ,To 'all Who deal re it, lie . will%ienit a copy 'or the veedilp Ott* tidbit (f e; oliarge);Aritli• the direct tittle f ,r pre. paadl2Vtul'ucing the came, which they will - ft;f a stnui invp.cossuurrios, itansosiltis. • 'ph, opity..ohjrord the AitvePrfpei ikeiirollnir Tllll rii;tl.4) le to henAr- the afllictell,Thna 'epreibl inbtruitition iplikth iaikeencelyet tit' he' bripee• 'every. leaf .ferer willt,tyY, by v.:1:084 4 AR ; I!. lOU. cost them nothing. :and Viny',pte've bleAfmr. 'Pertlen'wiahing.the pro , ' intioe ....11WATOVAlill r VILSON;• • • 1 ' Core* NOWY - rk t? • KENI4I-CREEK HOUSE, ‘ - trENDAutitt.E . K..ll.-Kgv T9J=l - , , ° s uh s l r l l'''F.; t ! d rr l ll!!! o , °Be•'l ;aliis will kaCivr# ,Itern l l,l lll 4 .reqiltnilihed and re r ri , - te'dthe.ilissise,. is:preps`iea to, entertain: 4oitrd ! '• ire sitd the ; dr ; His;i3A.lt 'ANP4AME , kie,wPll;eoPPlAo);atill,\everYining done to merit a liberal, abarti vatronagis,; i,Ttitft.4 the' ,, letch•string!" oiit• 7110444 i Scovk' foamy Si IPC ill .:VOllitt - PROOXAMATTON.` •. • ‘V•TTEIIt A S Robtit- I••V,h it , fireiiident . 4.ittilteoind the '.fions:, Our' N...,•el.lbiitly;."A:is de . i ' Judges' ;he elf,O.yer.Br:L'Yerminer au t; Genefal IJa I) .00iiy.ery, Quarter s9esiona.of,the Peuee, , . Or Irhanst Cpuit'and" .Cotirt , of Corworin Pleat lot 1,11 . 9 y• of Nl'Keoll have issued thedr preleept, ;bearing dare'Vridny, the . ivrentir tv, day m Juno, .in . the= 'kear 'of-. our, I.cird. one., hon sand eigtit•hnndred and iixry-thrue;-and' . to ini• "directed, . - fot..hrilding -a Court of . Oker aiid ;l'erminer . nod General Delivery; Qtierter Sessions' of the' Peace, :Oiphenir' Cow t, •and Court.: of •Coriirrion Plenri, in the 1101Ough - 0) Smetlipqrt, on - Monduy, the - 18th: day . 01 ,De ',ember neat, and,i.o•ebotiiine one week.. . • . . . .No tier theretore hereby giveßto t he Coer oars Jistices- of the Peace "and Constehl . 'wit* county; that they be then and there in their !ironer persons, at t O'o'elock A. I. cot saiddny, with their roll', recorck irigersitionai examinations" and etb . hr remembrances la do 009"i..thin - es *ll4.6ll:reit offices appertain:to be done: , Andlthesc Who are bound by dlrcir rec. olinizances tpprosecete the prisoners that are or I shall heinthe "Ft il'of said 'eniiiity, of. M'Kesn, are . trihe theft and there - to 'prosecute% agaltiet thenrt as will he test. !, . • I,4terl. at Satethpnr'., this 10th .lay• of O. .1863,. and: the 86th year. of. the.' It depeod. enee of the United Stfilesni..Amerien. • • • • •JAS; E...8L AIR, 8/r a ted: .0 -.5.:R.0.'.R...5...7.-$. CELEIMAIEP Phi PARED JAVA COFFEE, .i .. - - w - A. - 13.04i. - TED ..:_.:. ';OPI. OR TO ANY.INTH-MARKET,, . ' in inied by- 61st clam, iAmilipio'nveiywhi , r , : • • peptic prrsong, very"ntirmiong itn.l Ire whieh'C hair.. eel iroin •no :mini] ant Phriciittni 40 i i•Cheint..ti ihis Try it 'on!l pm will bf.:onte to. coniinue• in rir4nr.nre le .in . inr Ti4ontit Cpnio, tiny Ponill I,* "tug cater Prociqa •thri'ughnnt•.ihi , . Mr A Ill:Dein} rlitecitint tothe vide. ' up onty.by LE\vis A. osßun,N, CD , WiirTen:llf tie* 'n!k, FINKLE 1;1:0,N'S SEIViiNG , . . The.' Machin"., make , the lack.. stitch • alike on both' aided, abd nse les+ !Fran half the,llir ,, n;! ind eilk:that t.ho Rill:1P or iintiblo rho Pita stitch 141a..hinea Cord, Braid, gind4 end drr botio ! :alopie ,, thin. any . -rittior.Sevi . ),u, M.kehinea in. 114 P tir'e frognent'ellan'eea.antl vent variety 'reqorrett in A .tivrlly,:for they aetv. tarp .oar rn . fia:enr y - • hivirrreason' or. ;1f rr , eillo. ‘a'ir bow •toppin . g. and Take. fell: or iintil th,lllloSt e ani.. to . the tienViestbeai , erslothtn!. even, the etnute.t harnr.a leArtier,...withOir , eb it neltivi the'reeri,, needle, or teriaion; or rni;ktry • 4 . 0 . 111091 1 4reni of Ntichine iarnate'v , .r !! Thy are SiMpl.o in ,ennornorion, 'a nd .eaail,:" rincle•siori!; awl. if any part is broken by,: aCci-• drnt.'it is reidily replaced. ...• Tbese, air:peorrlittr facia, amt.:QM.? n furthet ileferniine tlie , tiboiFo - of any intellieilt • but PQR Cl.!t .N.. lientm . .wantril in eectiorie not pct oecopi d. Addr.s+, FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO,, N 0 ..583 RRQADWAY. NSW YORK: :° . . . • AME aI.CA N AGRICU 1.,TU.11.15T. • .A .iiiinapioni•Gooni,RECl , lßLE aid 11 A TICAL Journal.; driSotril .10 t ht-'de = pitifiniints of snit culture.. such as griiixinu Field tfroul., Orchard and Gdro.-ri Fruit, Vreet,ibli grid Flowecli ; Fliiyvers. ior the lovn •or Yard; Caiii of .b; . , mastic Aiffmafs..firci: to • tiousi.holi• LIMO - tit.. It hilq Aiesl) arr Si 11 . 1 restinexmllostrde tive:ifeparim«iit fur cliilifrim a nil•youth: C i di!tidar of Opiirlitiorisvi•rymiciiith • T.qide':to foor' , HOndil d, iir more; illtistrailyi: Efip..ruvirtes appaur•iii . eur,h • Oct!! .Ttyrifiiii. Hundred plain, .prarf iral, in. iftroctise artielos and useltil item, 'die gfert every ycu~. Thy , Editnr.'oll. - Coripibut9rs err 'all prey. tlealW.‘rkinellrn. • • The t•rerhiaga of the Ataticr • fotorr are too 4;1,4 to'nO Siott.or itoty;. hot ate' of'op:rd ttontii - of all Alfein;lt h roontry—it 11, it.t - hri .intikate.s t .fut dm whole tt MEI: ICA N . Corq- • A . GERNIA.N E.DITIOSZ 1, ri , ll.lkhol; of the , ail • game iztt ai m price •ss'i he Eaglish, H Con . litining all of.its tootling matte'r,. and its Illinle. rails illitstraiiy'e etieravipss. . •• • ' . . TERMS—INVARI A BLY IN.,ADVANCE: - . ..000.ropy, one year, . ' • • ... .$ . l 00 .•-• •: . , Six' enliie . s . , one. year: , ti 00 - • , • Ten 'or mo're coMes.nne yaar • 80 rents- eitt.ll: 0 Add :to the - abovo' ' rltes: Pogigge 't r aiiiti l a ,!f, - .c'prits,.' to• .F.,;,,gliiiiit :nail Frilace, 21 eentk; to Gerniaity, 36 cents Postage anyviinle In ltie United Stnto4 nn‘ l '[C.' ri . ories -triaat he puitill.lhe satisi , rib-r.'aril Is' only . .si eent!'aV,*;/11' . 1)0(1„ in advance NI the nlftee.' whererred.ir.ol,'7, - :::';...:. • .. .... A4.1)6..10 . 055 ;I nil ntflfr,OMinnitieationq ~ html,•l he••adlif , gs,,(l ta'ihe .}).iiitir'tiii'tl,l!rnprio'nt.', ORA ISidEI'IULTDI.), , 11P.96•Rnw,N. r .Y. Cit SiItFEWS OF,IIIII SERS . , . . A RFSP:ItIi:NR:OI;;NTEIRII.ViI HAVING. hpeOrtiainieil to health in a tew qaff4, alter 1111 de.tgniAd all. the usual ant pensive moiles of , treiitm'ent, Forre;il duty to cothinunicate to bp i fe llow creatures the. .mtaia 0, CURS Henee; the'reCitir of an aililressrtliinvidop.,, hP will 01111 , 11 mi. a Orly, n! .the, yresetini ion 04_0. ... ; ',Direct.to, Or: JOHN ‘I,..DAGNALL, . Drsviorn;'ll: If; UNIVERSAL CLOTHES: . WRINGER' • ," . • • . . • I.: l Lnrie.ra,mily, :Wringer; 2.4retlitim "I. 21 . . 3, Brod'. 8. Lo'rtgo No. No. No. No. MMMI No. :I Medkomtautairy jto rein steam Not.22,Lnrke '•' . .or hand. • 30.00 2h and• 3 have ,no boi,ge. '•A II ot berg, are. warranted. . • . • •Wi u 7.ie the size . genrnilff•used•in'iritivatf; Ord' ;10 Judd of •th'e A UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER . . • A 010 , 1 can, readily eel int!' n . n't,'a • tobhill ' of If in . iii.tesility; CLOTHES ,SA YFR!-: TIM k•S'A VFW and a ST.RF,PIOII SA YERt,•The ea Ymit,.M'gniMeota• wilt.alone pry a hirer. perrent/ye no. ity• 99. t. We think, the'Maohine•maehMore 'tha'n PAYS FOR ITSELF EYERY•Y;F:AR'In the 4 . 11011 . 1,0 f Y. rritev,t.t There an; it'verit rly tt itonnytenti.that the strtirit.ter . he Iftte,.reeith (70 R .; ntheturi.e a ma o 1 ..arrn.nt.. may eloi iht• tel and. the rollefa !t. 'mark sh and tear th , •elnth:•,a,.or the ohher. from the ahalt:e.:Our own is . one of the` rat rna ay' !nod a. riear: after nearly FOUR : YEARS' CONSTANT ITS.E." . • Every WrinNor with Cog Wheels. is Warranted in n*eri Partionlar NO. WRINGER CAN, BE DURABDE WITII OUT (.!OGt W. HE ELS A.Ennd C NVASSER minted in.evory town. On Rettrint ol• ihp prim.' finrv. plortre oK.rr no onr• irt,!..llinri, wt• will iron thr W ring • er nyni. • ". t) I rt •lln.t• C,1 . 11`1117104 r '{iFto I IVO.. Brea I ;,viv N I'HE MOLEL _SEIVIE9 MACEIINE. THE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD,! Because the Pest! I . : Giency'ReOnrea : TIK TEED: SIIIA MALONE COMPANY, ;.500 . B.rbilclwa'v; _,..'.1.7.:. •%l tettieeturr thH , Inrh',l..tteelee foi one', pt gill 1. I‘6 ) eet , i !tree. Ittpit .to thr.Arni•r'— ni ylllllll', gnlll oin_x eott.p.lii , tte vt i 11'.it,S. the Untrell The Weed:Machines, with uv . ercu'ine all UT: ns: ,Thry,are SUPERIOR. TO ALL OTHEUS -FOR Family iNta:nufliot rinci Purposes ilnralile in nil their !mite Readily tilditstood.: .1.1111.0!' (701 t. 11111 . V 'Ol 'OllOl arm,. 1140r«d'in ' i . t tattl. , .}. , ! lwork'vt Ohniot. eke! IPV, ' ' Or kind; ni //cm. Bind, Fuc'hic, all' kiwis c;t -•titt.!•l by FiOrill , 511 ni 31x , Ii; hid; t;d4l;l"l.ll..'exe ,- 11rit ty, durnhtl ty xnd rk.g.ner'9,l finish; They Have . Received the Illhegt Premixing! a every inatance, where they belie been exhib tell in. comp..ittfort vtlth ottn:r . atdollartl •bities, all le.f.thott ih of an lilt llt any knot of Set lug tiowl lons bv,ll.4ehirierV,,to:int.pect „0,, ' cure rhrbrar , hy•iirovniv the rt'El . ll Inlote•b• iore porcha,itcß. The company heihg motectell i again foiittr.ternent. of Itt.ifittion. • rcr' PERSONS AT:A . PISTA•NCF. ran • .t.onfitlence flint lbe ; ‘I 4 kCIIIN.F.-with reach, them B,.fely, be . y . %Vitt i.e pale to manage it to their ent;re +,uiftaern n, uuh no othef:aiti Atm the niinteri tooinetniti , . accoMpanying each c, i o,l 4. r..t o get her wrfi•neritn..va of, tlhbe fotnir:hetl to . all AIM tletiteh hem . . . RELI A BY, AG F:NTS. ANTF),•in II loratt 1. v in the Staten, lir.fi.it'hrovince•. Ceiba'. M. mt.°, Cetttrittl , and . Stntth . :k West lithe N: 1 to. it hOtri. w e .:•11.1. GREAT 0111 ENTS„.. % b:netaptie mr•TI will find •it Apc nityhog boVtoetv: va•relittble Sewing 11 chia..e have become a nece...aity iu every c. We manotaeffire a great variety -of ..t vies, front hilt !jive a • INW prices ; Nt , . 2, Family, :$10 . ; .No. 2. .F.)/ r a , $6O ;' .2. Hall reqe,.s6s .tml . s7s t No. 3 & 4, Mai.atucturiag , $75, and sBfi'.. • ~ • • Weed Bowing, Machine Co., 506 Broadway N. Y (11 . c ;1 7 , 2,041 Pos OfncE;.) MANHOOD. HOW LOST HOW RE TOIED!! . • rust Published, irm.Senled•Enreloi Prise Sis,Cfnt3. ..A 141.101'Ult1: ON TON NATLIRE. - ITIMAT:tIVNT:AN d nlinol Oa e, of Sliertnittorrlnten: or Sentinol Wnoltn an, I nvoinotnry •lexunl OnlitOy. 00 finite Ijino n t. o M. 1.1 ring. nonentity. 1 , 1 ' .111 , 118 1 11. , K Co.stimptinu. 1:1/1 , and Fitt.; Illttnini • nd IncApacit to, rorntit • nz frntn.SYll- —lty J. OULVISIMF.f.I.; M. ..•10 hor Green Rook; A e. . • • • Tin- W.WIll•y0110WIlvd'Ill1ho In tlda adiniraldo,entitro -Inttrly I r“Celi fr0111111 , ,0110 1PX11, ,, 11P01.4 , Ili .1 tn., lin; 1111 't , o%y.lll.llTof , or •Setf-lilonta 'rti.ty l'ire4 . 101111V" 6,1 , V 1 ,1 1 ,101. 011.01Ci00.. , 114.#1 1 1 k t .iangerhum %nr 11 op • i. l inn, tnotgintd inntru itet,tn..yinp;tir eoldi. „ l , 1010n_ Alt 'lnuot.. 'or cure la 011 i!... C.lOlO .111.1 tic vh.e.ll. '...,•rf,lllT•ror, 011 cu tt er Y et4.,10.4 eon liti.ol may . . rare 10.1.11 priv.it.,•ly. vad ra•ll,,illy IPetarliwil prove a In n to thou.anin 'thou ' Son. nwter ee,l, ;n n plalnonyelnpa, In any al;ireas in receipt af natal, ur tap 1111,,fi,1!"gtantpx, h p isidrets!. inn. • ; Dr CR IS. J O. . .• 127 flowery, New:York, Post Whir f10x,,42116. NU. • , BYRON D. HAMLIN . , .trroasey' AT L A w,. S,m. tlipot t., M'lfeAft Countli j o , P,if.i AqPilt lor Ntevo!. K0n , 1.1, t tso , .. I,.it, Attet4i, oplinciAllY to ti o CAl..,tiLn of ,1nt0:0 , ,... KM.llllltiliti4ll . tif 1,:oul Tit Ito , PAymept of Tax.g. PnEl ,Il Iniduei A s 1.014 • iOIP4 to iluiSollste Moo u 4 Wain Mark , ..: r IVEStriIIII ) ROVLD PUMP ANTI-FII2EZING, DOUBLE7ACTING FOINING AND;LIFTING.' . . . . . . 'These 'Parirps hive ram; beeri id ',leriel - n I iir.. a nqmiii..i,r y«. - !,;; ;:,,,i1 . 0%. r . ;bi.r ttr o.sai is tae. i if.‘i thiiii any. of h'er . , anti lecaiialfeacted a's • .', ~ . .. MA 00 7.00 600 5..50 , . . . . . ..'..T.:.1 - 1.. E• ..13'"E..5 . .T1 ... by en,rif.trrieson, aril other eminent 'FMatmeerC. AVe' ran . refer An ttnin•oin ''s .iiktml.-.itteitr, m.ll aii , ll . 4il se r ihni•l 4 9 will lerommei..ll..th•mi'.;rtio . j ore incr.: niiripie - in'emisrr.iieti:iii,:neil %yolk e!iiti er,•.M.l . coif, liit.s . tban,all in hets:• . ; i .. i ;...:' , . . . . •10 , 1 r: r • Pdile6; will find t ilOoilet artOig. :oh proved. Pump ni J . . •ll.' W. & one 'ot hest in . t market.: ; I.vt.q . ' !..itniplr..r, to 'a chat m, thOt any chll I may . tits.. it; t iitedq co, titorowl stioa.r . ,.artidd4's - tot! in the coldogt and saril.. . in windily ch.a p' Wo.Any this knowingly; ny of °m own accord, at.ithotit th.!,:knovriritet , th oroprit•t•rs.7—N , . .r:guent'7q Poor, Jr "tar, d 863.:. . . . certify tb ! ,, hae b •en.:tiSirifr, at my rout y«ars,•Wes;t't. Ifriprov•fl Porrips.' I' iiill4 kav« "iir tire thlre . of 61.1111.p , m05 . , one of which I. folft 'con.tprdy RI woik, 21. hOurs . each y («xcer rolsys) sod 'protioffne:«, th,nrf, that Shivie h.ren.htotight 'to. ,my nor ice; lisiv•jor: "pie 1714,1 others previoifSly. th« . y . .ale'sirtf• thett copsfrwctioif,:sfal nor rarity:' fi , ftr• Oct. 40.1 . 859. • • • . J.. 11, Pta to , tha , the P,irrips we towar;t yop.oibeist a yearti2. hrive t'o;en ita eni.4tatit use, 12 hoots " and i•i4e for lb. 'rise 111 Oor...WOofeu ahOot 130izAlloti‘per:Trlinot.:: They yroik bfitiittlipower,•cianpareil ivith•pirmr, wehaqo hplorr,atul do uric get oitt:ot repair, ;Altt . are idittsl.ietory'ytyal.l:l.B*.etit. Are., ' , NIANT:FATHRIN'u CaNiParNY; Soi,n•. . R , ..Titt4ON to thr, Inrmria Club Jan. Ni" !NIA, hfl , rd to lir wit hoot . nit iron pomp. ' . !i . t nod tort , r pottiß—o I.trli• fit.l.nwrie—•tiill o ont. Ii iiWn. • I=p-a thi!! hi , ;anti. , I harp.'m 1014 it,in kind . rip, nor t.• tOO ill Alf If (111CP I .11 9.i, • 1,1 k I nary 1).1 rkrrr tar vtotnl .y . i.oili,it,:;inil.throvit ronlio , niii. .11 vrar.t4 Orr:lM. If Ito medr to Wnik in d. t4e115,114 Nell 'in oti-iii.shallow yo, ilh,erver, . . • had i n+e for . rhnt;ths :pa•t ono; : o) which ba. - 4tY ,, n un.Mn , iiti.••• •101'non rt In.rc , and:HUI:Ai pnrrm Then any tn.‘ PCVI. .11 in. Wit' of t Ur 11, "h r o,•ll..rk, I%te!otioa t!me''n The Mifiit t g f'hrorifele and ra , lty',o; :.: • , .11yeenrn , MPTI;1«.(1 'or p4rierne.sirnprOtY ( v_ rni , 440n.,. irea and II ir Ii fY Anil r•h,;Apn.q..ol.rpr.dr. tuot the pr'.!.ilre l!k• - • o,ll' 7'.41) . 1 . 411f1q •Worltini in, a rtlindrr, ti.t»d or !hp . nn;p.)..., ji hj ihn tOileh' . r.r.:•irk 'it . t;at iMprnveme . ny, , n ,I.Tan , iekl.'arol.j.nikArtio :Pay unth n! of I h 1; • try'.4llet'on ; ll arrion f the v.alk*e . is em,niim:ed ..npnry. kw I air —4l'PV,, , f)ii/lif, vi'ett:r.r ha rron , r, viiCIIM 011171 p .Thf , ..y.ilVl%c a » y4 , r,y and *imply, and vhPanly Tiwy, th.m any pomp ti hayi.l.v.r awr ; he.l . invh.eylnnl• - twine Wpik•oil loychtl rim tr. W• 11. lon : leer , th-v Pm r'rern..l.y 'chine mg'sjippit; dq.:lo,rofig ? recommend them. •i .havr.u•pd this o , unri till'• or winter.. xr,•,•d, IS713:1-w1r,(1'e";F— -irll LI,i1V:1.1,i111,1..."111-04-11,;111g 1,;11. yr. - tit/y..01.1 nor ti , ;.N.'we - orval;_jr 41 any !I•rir. tri 0.1 . , 141 : . I' withigreat ease. . •. 17y1 proF;wl r0111fr71. , 1 , .1 pl Otirol l o ! tp , l•,pnui..rt".l.ini! , ng'on wairr, .01 . .ar eecntity aEaiii=t hitt , Rticr, vi. Ti.: all iflilrrs. ' •'' •WAnitE*I..F.I.AND' • „I:i,v•••.•l'.l 3lET ioy, V9li'k , 44, N. Y. • • ••••,' • • ". '• • • D4:l;viCk LAwttr.Ncr.:l,Ventchis,ter.'• • 2, NT.TIP, N . '. C., Jun1.715:1863 '3. 11. : J . .Goot--THP pump viliir.h . l• (Inel:P(1 - for 'our itt.reeeiv4rl •r ui put • t.) Work in.oor'uiur r• I.qshof., whipll wr err oinking., N. find non !upr will with e4se, ure, : ir, hall.hours nll tltr iv..ter in ihe:.hur , .; which • ineiisurr.s..s—e—t7e twolvo fet.t.anti• 30 toot drop. And it tvae .full' iro , wor, our oxporta• .tiong in pyoiy mid; °Or-workmen • Uro 'lt will. do - v.reat set'• vice with but .trifling oxponuo for, r . epirp,. • Yours, rospeOlutly, ' •• — Butts Ilinctss' We have plenty more such.• er, ifiestes think thee.A are .en'ousi; a . .For . Pumps; Pipe &e., address or call open • • ..• J. D. West & Co., 179,, Broadway, N. Y THE. MAGIC TIME OBSESVER, Tho i'orfoction of flOohaniirai. ..". A ;H on•rivr, ANo F:A'e OR' -LA WATC/1 . 1 11,f- -the prof ieQt, grin -4 enny./nieni . , and 1 c otedly 'i t ;hett ries t fiu;pi for within it 'uii , l'enr,necteil Witni:ts - rmiehinerY, if•• • own. !rey'l.l.l Flrely uniier.4.sary: :The r ! ti;e:snt are' etin n , ;...1 of two metal , , he-niorr.roli. fine: 16-e,irat ,• It • ha t thelin. .Rrnye,l 'rithy .ge,tion• tnor "wai rioted , tlmernee, ' , MOT ,hit eri ni V.. 41; asp 01:a . • 00.. , 5i - mp l e 'w, i t c he.;l9 neat snroccg!iroNos; tot those pppiloiiiog in •huy. nl wiinfrs",lit,*3s; s;.111 irh'hill payihleS6t p.4;rintept u ;,. ! cannot collect (rnitt.thoee jn Abe, At mjr. • .• 7 • lit 39481) BROS. 44z Cn., Scitu Tift , isiTfats, •Nzw:Tojix. A:Y -1 : 11 R 9 RE BLOO D:: raoßrpusit.aypii.aiylla . • • .• . . • • • • le `i''''ll And.te for. the•mpeoy:rtilo 61 the.f., ow ng• comp 8,:: : . , . , Se.rofttla: n lid 5e . ..6(1'1911e AffettimisonObi ' its -I.' JJJJ i t t tt t tt ' ILl.l4,cesOorys, Eruptittols, • Pilkspit.s, . - il , ka+ll.talli...s, ;It; ote It vii, Atolls, Mains, , Itaitl*ll Skim& - .olsiases. • . ., , ':, ,:, ~:' , I .., ..-, -, OA /11,..,11 , 11/,'l l ' ili., 1it11..) 'life, it 359. • 2 . . • . . .anal BSc co. I'ol it duty. to-aa: kneewleilgo . •ye tat - . `.yeeier. roptif ' lobt • eleetio 101. 'lhuin¢ het! it 1,11;iro. Buffered: truth .it 111 silt ions - wit).s ber veloot. 4iettiet Oleos' It leterot ' 0 111 lei •1, keit, pet tell, lLi i t abet - atom; ,oletoietitesum It a'ni teed. loo . orel ettid pot at the stuoteteb,,. Slg.; i , I ,l' IV Olt oil till 110411 kw' col erall 143 , 1110'1p ett.ol I,ll ' With ,011. tool,lotetloonne wription.- I tilt- t many n 0 ilk:lees tool nevi:Val' lent coon lily thing. Iri• I la., der oy Nulot.. t .lealgt It I. woo I ejolood . lee ivied Jo Ileee -I.lorleof 31e,eeetigeir theit yeettittob ierep!ived nil nh, iwtvdirllratieniikelyv Roll your I.,.pielet tilt that: y6ll Itiatti . i . .tigt,t • I xaut to 111..1 . 111ta1l 111111 got: it, Wilt . 11,wit it I ill it, CUM! sue.. 1 took it, no yote,lielVlse,,ill . 1100y0 of a tedigkiottful over a . 111 01 ‘. 1114, . 11 . 1 1 6 " ,: t thieu hot NittY Atilt lietilllty• .pe 111.1110kr -M.' biol.. te f tOr, ..wiiltu I . OIPIII . . A . 15,1.111 10,1eOW 'dear. noel I know by my, that: lime 1160, boo toilet, I'l.l.'llly tqAtt;l.ll. You ono , el I looliOlo theta b.... 1 lent, I not t•N lit Whet) I tell . you. that 1 bold ,you to. b 0 ,,,,e0 o f of lie age,. Awl ovor Yeellys. • • A 1.114 ED •TALLEY. • ,St. - A nellooy..m,Pfre, Hose .011' Erysipelsot 'l'rti.re 'mind 'Solt Rho o ~,, Scold Head, Jiang riormoi, Sore. • .• •3;:-I!roble Writes Still that • in turitivtetertile tca.4o' of :Pt op.;y olikh..tlitoOtotOol fu teristhlikte fatally,' bk . tho po,..rietliO4 Imo of al,O a ibtiocerOol Malignant: , Erg. is 110 A ley ittrgit thy:loK 'Or' 0111 0111110; 'says to coroo tlio'comouro 1:11/p/iota by, it constantly. . Ilrourlfoc•olo;• °Wire 'or 'Swelled,Nick. 7,,•h010n Slott t i Preoleeri, v1.11i,41..`t Three bot tle. or s inii• cured fief town t;t4tt`T—tt Ititt - 0000' NY11.1111%, atj 016 'ltolik Intl buffered from • • Leiurorrham oilVla II 4.ll.l)vArlnn Titrfibr, Uterine Ulcerntfon r ruinala Disettsom. Dr.. 1.11. S. Clutinilug, of Now Yiirki City, Writer'; no . ..relive' fully eynoly the rogue:dor your tigrnt In 'sating 11',Iilive numil your i iihrynoilrlllo n'thost,excellent ultenttlr'u In Jim : tintnerous wnirli: we employ xurh It tonloily.,lintompochilly. .Rinitie Diseftscs of Om I 151tve:cuml ninny inieCet ale cokes of I, iirnrrhma i..y. it, uml soil. wing . ° tub Coln; loy ,Ihy.i tib , u ' of thelefru.t. Man iny,kuowl , elice omit's it for Itoo founde ileraiigemento.". }I row. of 'Newbui . y.•A " A ann. , negrigii one of ilio . refroopsi p n o• (ninny, • hod dolled 'nil the rounglies coillitomploy, has it tongtli:ll,iibu bon olotely run by ;Your Extinct. of riur thought extirph , "kit china 14(0'11 relit f. 10,1.1t0 advised the ti ill or your tlarottvrtl InAt i'vsot tli,,fiire• cutting. owl It etfootnol.% A for tektite your remedy eight weeks tuo o t e)... wren orll'h ',quoins." • , • ' ' Syylkiths RIO • Dleretirint plocase... New Allg110,1S59; . • Gr N.' - k r; r t4ro . ljtt .1. C. A YETI tift:Pirilf,y till , ' re liolllo of the eflecte ri,,117..11 with S.it•lipto • • .6+l W, lilt it I. puil•tice; moot of the euti. . 4, 1110 , rt' which it j+ . ti,...liiiiii.•ll,ll.tl,:and hero 1 . 0111111 ie3 Ii lily w.,j1.1.4 flit lii the ono tit •.11.imi•rat anti. Aler• i ,1* ilijf•palierjto had Syphilitic ulrrra iq his 1111.... a, which weir consuming I& ptilltto suit! the. top li. hoer. Val 'rltendily. token, i'ii ilttnekett by Sec tlot Oh:el . :o4m bud rune ossity n eiiii;ibiyeitlitti lsci t 4111,i...111111 1 believe tlio inli i. stool . „ , u`i u h his liiiiiii awl bill hill. litit rt .1110111r1110;.11 841 Y.1111 .. 11,0 , 01114:• tbo In or o.m“.hill llt roieir 041,11,01 , eR1 0 lit... Lie, A whin Wei le it :bit . the lie...like by iiielcory ens Joint, bit; tnnb 10. lit fir Irlll.n. 'I liey bud lieeenie 1 , 0 011 n 0111,00 Jay her cud butts. :t111•. Ire. 111111 elitliely, by yilite • Nileitionillitin it few . . tvveliei 11,1111011,:WIlial y , tie agent gave nie...llint pine !Mitt ben gust irnn ;„. ,, ilh. , ti , lyaltly. 111'00 it lily Irtitisal halls tertlll.ll eilhi It Gus 110 me, . hobo iiittly y nmi, . LA RI 311 qt, 111. • . it tit,spli II 11411111,' 114001.,..1.1vitr r., erloii %“.. 1111.10 y. I':14/. . . hnve 011110:NI tong limn , , a tilt h bellh4l the 4,11 .•1 k to ow •111 spetu....l ell the. ,14 , . I 0011/4 Ijnd, unlit I It tot '3..to.Ftowq,atilitt: One nii,l.lle. ill It". necks, nn4 t,...tt.:11 toy. gi•ilPl.ll I.q item 11.1 leo I niii IRE tilt lhuit leer , ro I Wne I think it. s .611 . ,11.11111 • J. klth.kbl. fleteheli of St. WI ilrnt' l il 11[0'0 torn )4 . 4 , 1 ; lush tglieli , pn '.f the Xiver, {Vb . It . Ji•••,;,;•.1 totheath,. 1n,,) every thing, and every, thin g 1.14 i'...itte; 0111 I 'W . I . 414,100 inert. ~n m• tu • fie). nee elite coo, (loin ilerotwettalit of nllollol'. ikil/ . l:tiV. Mr. Eity.advit•ed le,itiNe lie MO 110 'pine,' you, 01111, ..in 1 . 1111• . 11 • , 0"1.1.WIlf ill tt)ii.g. $ t0;..1 t•O loaltled toy blond 4, ht n. ihi• n,u , Man f....1 . )044iC4 eweie.. The 1.01 . 14 . not 11411' plotl t... , q 1111,411 J -iv Io . t• er T Evi eitnorl;.lltrgeo.elot, I rye. Ir I ii. n, k.llOllll 4t iloaa .of • It C.,.1•+ I•PpOrlm4 to 11“ where. 11.61 ' 11.1,11,1.• r 1 lnpluiulo Late:l,lll4,d' /1 , 411. I 111- I.iir 'Tuve Inge 11111 iba :•• lo • f••• mitt' • 1 . .. Mil 1,, .I.lle. A 1111. 0 ,116. al,i-111•• 1,1,1 .W• !I:111ml/ . lite to MI 11 h. 101 l I, tlat•111. • •/ I!l•Critme,.Fltm, Epilep. •Nettyillglei Mum • tro•iiihnlde 1110•4! 110...11.110 hare been of It 1111011- 11 . 111.• I'll°4ll4v. !nits :nib 11, uuJ tills 111 , ..111 , 1A 1111.6,1 . 1 .)1,01111 Ilt. ilippoSt..llll.yolttl Ito 'll. , itii•vowtt 'lnto I •no. 10i I lie 1,1 , T:1...10111 . .1\ 1' it, i• 1111.111 I !hi, . • Cherry •.Pectora rem TI VW ••• 0n1:i5...(0141%. I,llfllffovw, Ilolirernesy 01110. ft 1 1 / 1 1. it Int 11114 . 11f,C011/ 11uuy11 is u. WWI for. ilke Utley( . of -f'om.iflopflt 11 ('Ol lento 1.11. S WWI .1 • Si ,, gl:ll " of. 11, .I)bif-qNe. • : • . k..."“i1haq,1111).4.13. fn'Fitrppnn any Lair 1.. r ill.• Ills :it itull hug I,:mpl . nliits*. that it, the r WErr. Ite •.4 ,1t11111.111,1,11,1/1... 101 . "end I ow, udd jtA ,1101P:11 . 111 1,1 . 1.1116101i,1ry, h0,,1 Auntie it. 11 , 1111..110 4 ; 111 111 ,- 11,1111 1 011 111110111 nut the int me. then 1111.i1111i . 11- 1 . nr evl . ll Innititioc ttinotic 0 , 111 'who I,lll.ll'lll'e •cllll. ti , .phy in their nut lie ocer• the ' . .11."111; or the ' throat end :limp. AP tll'. anti 1 . 00. I hettfirettlti thi' mmrvlp, tlc urell not do tin.Pre llom Inn - A.4le them flint it hes unwell the viz , dint linve . ‘,liewnitilitiik the elires,which lilt?' Id ongly the Iloiltide . iiro of itlitlikied: arpd biDr;.i. C. AYER & CO.; Loyioll, (IF, . AND EXPERT ENC (IF A NERVOUS YOUNG liihed as a witridnit 'and for t•spomalb.;l,•di ot pions men,, aru F those who sulTrir - with NEII - DEatt,rry, Loss pr illr•,unav: . Pitt Isrt es. DECAY:&C.,I4OI:; by one who h, s enred. him • by•siniple means,.after being. Pm.tn great expie*e and incoaiitotietit , , throusli the.u"se nl moilbless meilieineipre.sr!ibrd by b.ayned Doe. rnric. Single'enpies may be WI. (free) . of the author, C. A. ,LAMBEUT. R , q ,'Greenrotut Long Islattd,Podo,in4- an ari•Vp“..,l d't,:ssCll A LLES A. LAW BERT, GIIRENCOIN6 LONG ISLAND, N , W • • ; 4;511 , 1 O i N . B in Ili iron 1.1. Coot iiuv she lar/e.t sold libeit flutes tho:re.ito4 number of lino fhigr Cvlogi., the 'Jateat an. 'nowt relbible iliforovitintr. Pattornl to and a , hoot of new ilrada-Work Awl ' ll , ;11,1. ',llverY Mother. lire...maker. Millene iu glom h .hio it l'uollalifol.gartorly; at .17, 'roadway:Nine Yolk, 'moll eviirvw bore or Rent by mai 4115 epotn„, fill. with a valuable premium • The to:10aq. rOav • KOLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE, Thim pre pa rag inn,'ln:tile• Irma the Lost JOXII Cofft.e N ~ennitileilole ns NI7TRI 1 r.V RAUH 51r (h•no”,1 11y.ppygla. aml T.111;u4.1m1. '6llO hp (wen cmnoelled sibar,tl rim nxeof ~1T14.; will • I I)" fr , .. 0 T" t!”ll , slnn - mhit.strciigtkOf two pouptls ,151 , 11.iviry ro:Teu. I.rice 15 petite.' •. • •"• : : KOLLOCK?:SLEVAIN, . . The !mead and heat HARING PONTIArt known. tea netkieg li,liiL aiveut nntritinua tread and caked,— . . . •-. : - . ' mivwvAcTvngn BY ~ . ..- M, 'II KOI.LOCK, Nip 'mkt, • . ...,Cortter of Proud and elirstuut Strrets, • ' • " • iIP.A DELPII lA, .. . : . -Ana gala by all Priggiata and Groeara . . liallow,L) . . 1- : : .• . . . . .:0.. • oftio.o4Air. cotiit • • - sta k cia.pi LONNT JAY Tittno ' 1 • :The": .ttrillersigtieit beef) sppoinf.f4 hy' i he, ry;of fhb 'Tieusiiry,:'is,fat'w .prepared 'to once, , • 1 1 1 , eftv, 6•per rif the I nitetl States, clesikitar ss. "h.: • T:wbbtkiiti,' i .reilbamalfle, at Ilia 'ltl::a,tuf:‘• ofd. fitoirarntirient; 'altar it k-firs; ii'nit '''i,oft.itfit • • !!y A - at C0at....451‘.4s ppro .2i; .1.86 t• The .FONLlSaia'iasueil ip . slims s . stio, .$OO9, .• • •••••• . • , •, • Tio• Rt.:GINTER kON DS., in 'sum , : $1. 00 : . iftrioo,4loo(i $50,00,; •'• thteratif at .5 , 1,j5 r titian tw..vi ii•tintritiog frnin of nu reibase: a nit•Js • • PAYii.BtE S• ntd•Ahmodh i s utb.eb a , this or-rohot ire oold;:to about EIGHT . PER ANNUM Fir mars, Mef,..ianta, Mac habit s, (':r put I lit; • arid ull p hp , linvt• aqMonoy to invest, shbt-. know anal rem mliar Clint these Bondsare, - .1.. a 'FIRSI',kIORIG'AGE all Ball Traits, Canals; Batik Srecks,aud Saritritu s, at rho immense prodhcts of all. the Mapufact ori B r , c, is the C3llll!tyt. 'nod sthat• !ht. lull ai impla . It . inviSittri:itaile for the . payment of the . ;merest uthl elation •prine . ifial, by Cus tom.., i/iities, Ex 'its» Btamp.i . and lifternalltev . - °ans.serves to braids the . . . est,. EA Availitlnc and Mosti.hifedif luintment in. the Markrt. .Siihsi.riptiOns.received 11TPAdi in Legal Tl4l. er Notes,.or . "Not?s and 'checks of banks at par Silbsriibors by mail v.ill re eive, prompt kt,ii;Otion aril eyery"! fgeilty and xplanation will be , hiforded'od'applicOtion his office. to A hill srtpply,cf TiOnds will be kePt on hand nr imrpeditite . . CQOK.F., SidiseriptiOn Agent; ; r HE Olill li47XST 0 'N AT 01,E1AN'''I STILL TAKES 'TIM LEAD J. K• COMSTOCK . . ECT FULLY A NI's:OUNCES TO HIS geKelin ()way; thift.. he. is hand this Siiiing the • • tARGE:ST A tt, , ' BEST Selected stock oi 9lcan ,Aldrkct To Wholesale Cash Bu)ers I Would Say, can oftor !jet terindureTionts than you can get west of. New York. . • • It •ninkfq no difference'what yen want,. any hing in the line el : . ; • G . 4OCERIES . ¢ PRbirISIONS, th . e OLD KEYSTONE An.'' you wi . ll.fintl the iii;. le treshand It's art use talking 11. i .KEYSTO3:E. SiOßi altaayw hae . an! always w , ll . teike ths4 nq'plateAhr market, in Groreries .Irrerisicies OLD FRIENDS ,AND. NEW QNES, PoOt. fttil clip app mP wlpt - , volt :visit Olrnn.; I shall lint hurt you, bu't ttha.d : vettai,toV ry tti.do yo . o good J . . COMSTOCK . Olean, May 23 , 1, 1860 ' • • 5-3 E. & 11. T. ANTUO 'Y, platinticturbro of Phot.ugaphio Materials, 501 131i0ADWAY N. Y CARO..:PII)TOORAPHS; . . Our Catelugue omit , erri . prficCs ronsiderobly. over FOUR THOLTSANO'flifferenr.subjeLts (to . wljieh'addi'ions are coll'jFlll,lll.y.beinn made) o€. 72 . Mujor Generals, 525 Statesmen; . ~ 191) ffrio.Gentrals, 127 Divires, . .. . ,219 Coldriel., ' ' 81 Lieut . Ciiionels . 3n. AiiiCsi.. .. 2.oG•Otfier Officers; 112 Stage,' GO Nave Officers ..... 46 Piriminetif Women; 117'Prnrninert For,kr.lll ) 6rt rails: -* 2 . .590 COPITP.gOF WORKS OF:ART; Includimz reprriductinus.of rbe.trio4t eelebiated • Euaravivas, Painlitigs Statues, &c. Catalo'guei ',phi oh receipt 01. Stamp. :An :order for One Dozen PICTURES from our Cainlugue will be tiled no receipt, 'of $1.80., arid seat' by . FREE••• • • PHOTOGRAPHIC ALAUMS. Of these we Manufacture' a • great 'variety, ranv,ingiri pike from 50 Terifs to $5O :each. Our ALBUMS have.the reputation:l : 4 being .operior in beauty and ilurebility to any others. The. smeller kuitta can be sent safer) by Mail at 4 po , ravi otsixcithta per oz. The more evpettaive cull be sent by express. Sterecopos & Sterecopic Views. our Cats!acne of , these .will he sent to, any addre . sq on receipt, of Stamp; • it, T. ELA.NTI-lONY, Maitttfaotuiors of I?hotogriphio Maozialo, 501 BROADWAY; NEW YORK. , . . 'Friends or ,releti'ves of •prprninent rmen will' (Triter a 'lnvert by, bentllng 'us the; to ropy., Thywill be,kept caret' 'y and returned oninjored. FINE ALBUMS MADE;TC ORDNR •Co s 4regntiontl,to present, to their Pistor, f ohor, pitpotes, wtth ouliablo inverictloo.;