M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 05, 1863, Image 3

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    . .
••• •
lotaziolutry Consumption a Curable Diseue..s
• 68631 to Conautnetlyes.! • •
. .
~ . ,
The • undersigned having been- 'restored to
. • . .
• , health ,in,a .few weeks; by a Veiy,iiim'ple reale'
dy after having sutiered,several yearn' with a
.;* ••• severe lung' afl'eoon, and that_ dread:disease,
' •GonsuMn.,-
ptiois.eniious to - make known - to his
. ...fellOw-satferers the means of cure
• To all Who . .desire it he %%ill send-tic . olik of the
.prescriptinn used (free of charge,) with the tti
• . .
•= rectioos lor .preptiring - .an.ii using the same,
• Which'theY: will find.a Siire Cure fir cot - tannin
iion, AstliMa; b'ronehitis; Coughs, Colds,•&c
The only'objeet of the advertiser in.Sending.the
Prescription'is to, 'henefit' . the afflicted;„ and
hiprend Effort - nation which he minceive's to be
• invaluable;' and he hoin s ev . e . ry sufferer will try'
• 4 114-remedy, as , it will cost: them .nothing, 'and
Payt.i4 wishing thr •ploio•
, . . .•
" ,
. .
: BELL'S s Pi.:2lvt,clr, , lLLS."-:- . 111- Artitlovri:Lti:
ALL Celts. c.„, 1)o r•lied 'on! , ...N , •v.41 fall
cop , ! *Do rot *nout'tilti",! 'Ars!. =ri,?, , ( ly . inati lift!
• No vhilitvi 2lf d iet .bo-not
with hti-,inos purvnils! .(:'art itv.;05e. , 1 vsilinrot
tletect,out . tipttvarif of 20 . 't nurev, sin pa'- 1 tpohth•
timm.. ver y serer 0111'
• fi(ir pit I Odns. have u4e ,. . 4 th" l r
ctimpog,ithip,• whien ontir:lV: ""
lintrole , s on the s3'sti•tn. flutittre.i,s'ot vet tili
scat,-s ran he st!novo. • • .•••
-•.* • 13P:f.L's Sertnytc.Pif.f.s..a.re•'the•-o;i4 4 n , atu i
only .P 1 .116110 SP.rifi . c• Pill-,
•• for- pale '614, fermi'', _old Or goring
_, l and . 111 P
:only reliable re merl 'Mr efr-ct :rig a. ye rm.an•
• and spe••dy core in all•ca . ses of Spoimiiiortq,..a.
orits . train of
; .SIICII as ..I•retririt I and Vagioal'D • pcliaii!es,Gicet.
- .the •Whites, Niamtly;. or . In volpti ta
Irripmence. l lYeaknos on Loss Neer,. Net
:vpils Sec.;64c., rise fir . .in• •
••eiptilly'from il•Exc'esses or Se.ll•4li , e, nr
pome :constittitionaliteratieemer l r,'a n d inca p,,i••••
'• ities the stiffefer froin •Ilir• duties of
married all sexual diseases. as Gonor•
. rhea, GI-et, and Strictures, and in •Diieris'ea'or
B!aildpi and Kidney;.. thry act as,if charm!:
Relief is experienced by faking a .intile box..
• ...Sold by all principardi - iiey:Fsts: PriCe $l.•
• They will lie sent by 'mail, s.ecurely sealed,
and confidentially, rinreei.ler of the money; by
. . • DRYA N. M. D.., •
' • No: TO Ce-'arstreer; Ne s iy York:
Consulting Physi.;ian for the trea.tme.iit.of.Ser;-
yhn.tvillentLitet{ to all, the fUllowtrig
liable work . , in sealed' enielopet.' . • • •
TICE , Firrthrit • THOUSAND—.D.a . . CELL'S
TREATISE - nu Self...A boat., Pl : 4 l m,irttre Decay,
Impotence and loss pt Poker, Sexual db.easei,'
Seminal Weakness; F.ightly Emb , sions, Genital
Debility, &c.; sir., a pamphlet of- .
cOntainme, important advice •to..t he • ofll:e . ted,.
and , whielt . .abbilld he read by every suffei•er, as,
Iltet.meariir e t cure in the.severest'stagesis plate:
13,; • set forth, Two stamps required to pay-pu.st,
PILLS yerfa ded'in rentoc:
ing dilfiaulties arising froritobstructinrt,. 01 stop
imke'of nature, 'or in rest mink the syst , tri to
perfect health wheitlsoffering from Spinal Affec
tions, Prolaps'os, Uteri,. the Wbit'4. or :other
•'We . .nitnessat the Uterine Otkans, The Pills a.e
perfeetly harmless on the. colfstirittion; and.may
..be taken by. the, most fem.ale • witho'M
,causing distreis—the same.time they act like a
charm b% strengthening; inyikoratink . .amt re=r
string lie system •to a healthy — condition, and.
'by bringing pn,the Monthly period with 're'ku,
larity, no : Tatter from %%hat eause't he Pie, O1) 7
strnction tfiliTarise. They 'should,- hoteeer,
NOT he : taken during the' first : three ;oar 'four
months of pregoaney., thrynkhale. at any tither
as.misearriakei twould be the resiilt •
•I•:.mbbox'contains PO Pills, Price.Sll. •
Dit: TRI•:ATISEoti Piseases'
,FemateS, P.regaancy", Mi- cares_
Sterility, Reprodai•tion, nnd Atluse • ni I.iftrre,
and enwhatically the Dailies' Private 11. Itral
A'dYiser, paMplilet if it) sent t ree I f ,.
any address, , , Six celitk , Tequired to- , pest,.
.• Tor an ,l honk wit' 1)P 4ont by
5 , 441t.t1.: 4;1 , 1 by'
.1. BRYAN. 11 Ci.. Ci• ry!l. - il A
• • No. 76' N
Sold. by;.i)ll r n (1! , (.2r.,z • .•
ARAY.AVO...NAVY G1...111,i,.
;ninny Chll,l6;n. . F,01.T.• ,7 Ell'
for:: Solifirqs: wp'.l . Fl,i
• rec.ivi.d •
13A •ONY, 615.1,
'Of 11 air . qat.; :and ir,,ja ki ,o
lirrrdß.'l Offioi;rc ti;)l.-1 , .r. and !..it-d'orc:. •
11 . 0NEY.' for.. ail Ificired.SrAN'S
Nand Book 3)1 In.triityio;l
stamp In pay tr:tiirri ; 000 , 1e.P.
. " ' SOIESR [3/7011'tc,
Soliritgrs of Cluints• aka •
(Unde•r;l:lrtiddwny 2 - palic.Place, N.Y
478SOpnth • Str . opt,. Washington; D.' C
It El , ' E C • • . • • •
m Fr lIANICA. BANK • •Nr'w York.
11RIh .. .'.. , •.
0,14 &MS liUltC CITY Wi iimußburg
110 N. lIANN I 11A I. lIAMLIN,'Yrce Pi•esid'ent
NI A HT( N t I.!:FLEISCSI, 1111yor ul tirooldjm.
A ISLI.III MANN New 'York:. • .
JAY, COOK Al Haukerg,..Washinvt9n, Hind Phila,Pa
, ..
. .
reRPKR INTO .MY enelosare, in the Borough
lilt of Sinethpart, on Ineadoy the 20ih Octn—
hf•r,ori Bay Mare, two years (mi. and one Black
G , ;ldine, two years old—.star in hip forehead.--
:rbe.oik,isr is hereby notified to : prove property.
Tay rhargos, and take said horseiaway, or they
'will beaold according to haw. • • - .
Snnetlltiort Oct: 23, 1 . 863. • -
• • ' • • NOTICE.: •
. All per s ons are warned against' , purchasing
thefonowirig judgment notes; signed by ..ow
anti payable to ( I ..l3alcorii or Dearer, to' • wit:
One dates Jan. 2 2d'1563 for SlO,OO diiet,ehrna•
r y 22;1 1863; one dates Jan. 22(1,1893, for $:;(.,7
06 due 11Lirch 22d 1863, Oner:datcs , Jan. 2`.ld
1863 JOr silo,oo dite•A pril22d 1863; one dates
Jan: 22d' 1863 J4-$50 ; 06 dug;•. May 22d 1863:
one 41itto 22.1 1863 for .$60.0n •0u June,
2.2 d 186,3 f one dates Jan.:22 , 11803 for .$23,80
due July 22 . 4 1863.. As the consideration •of
eich.and all of them has tailed 1 shall. 'con
nest the payment 'of eiteL . - ' • .
Bhippen, Catheron Co.,•••Suly • Irt, 1863.
.• •• . HENRY•HANES;
I!he.coinMencement of a new yeit . is a geed
tinne.fer renewing subseriptions•and . increasia g
ihe citeuratian of: the Journal of Cornnierce,—
We:address'ourselves.. to the old readers of the
paper,. With•etitire:cenfidence to their willing-
Tese to aid' and•extend. the influence of We
sound eorniervatiKe principle' and morals which.
have hitherto cheranteri*ed and will. hereafter
Characterize this paper. EYgRY SUBSCILISEI to
•the . Journal of r Commerce. might *do . 'eg,iicat,
service,' to
.these principles, iria.,strengthers us
in our ability to suppert and eirculata . them, by
Sending us the name of at "least one new sub,.
scriber in his.toWn. • ;
••, Devoted •firnalyiie we haue beeatto our
interests, and haying long been : celled
“Uni,oliSavers". as a , term of reproach, we are
and shall be the fam aphaldera of ' ; •
. .
. . .
IIiE..UMON . .
(mid...in:4 with beir.t,arid peri•eili!ry.-aion,:SOuth
or . North, .wha'js I,ll..enemy to either. ~Every
.cti•chg.orztihi?atiori anif.r , ;iohlfion will' tiiid
, is 're ady. for'. the . - eornti . ii.t. A Tong - the
. 11)P:S'. Of
I ii.;'.4.ln..r . icati Union' and American prinCirlPs,
tv ~. c
rtrik ..h. ilr•;ide•
. .
A 00 1.1770 .:\7IS
./) SE9 'S 19 NIS
Null our trrn. thto;(le,ofl
}rn.nutlor..a t;tinst . tfn attar F: 4 , 17bin1z.•-, •
• . A LITSERAL',OFFER. • . •
.... . . .
. . To. ;11,..;,iri1.: 2 .e.. ri ., 4 , 4:: . .''‘' , ..41'6..ini,i, yf;hirirer , r . r(:,
. 61',Iii;:th..e: orgel , .idii(in . .6l.:(:lubs: , we herreby
111 •,-,rr t a .eopv. - ,'f•th . p.l% , :•,:kiy. ti. , eve r y. r.ei.
or, who ~ h di rort.vti Itl t workty. new .:•'.llbserib t •rs
, t. flit the money; . "..: * : . - : • ' .
m-ly he oreeeizPil. vi'ilVereat
.i(l%-en.tee., ! •. The pres-et i.,the !best.pe!
!heir :coilT , liCelVelit: The 'leitio o n . which
‘6%.CiirrliirtliSh the perv . q. er.
ae follows
l'o eotriplinles tr - . • •
.20 copies:or uryvarLlß ONF: OW. f. A R.e'rieh
c,epies "FIPIEEv po'bitll.7
8-Copies • • .'rEN :
3 i•epies
adar 3 i•npies,. • Two earh .
The papers
h,. t tts'art.tie satrie Post if 3esired„ ex
:inya.ses of clubs of
,13 or iriftwetopies,
w hieb be nthileil to one atbfreSs:
, r i - d y bp i n . ,OP Rt. the collo wpil .
.rdies :- 7 •PitPOrlS
a I,l;sd to a 'lb (luring' I h 115 4 19J:titer nd - tfir
;,10 ) , , - yi.ii r '..vvi 1 1 pay tlwifull "fatpoi
.the on;i
nnl c hi t , a dAring - the- sect, rd quartr4
threednurths rat'rh original year's Hate, during
the jinni and durirg the I<t
: , ne. all suchquarter
will terminate svitil the -
.yeai of thq onginal
From.11";1 oo,f's ii. S. .Aft;li
IVhere'plielay.g of »..iarr,' , p.r.r.or lrerioilical
are' receivedat any past. tirreeU.,l to one
drhlrks, arid the riam.:s.of
hers. to %Odell' they nelnot, with .tho pps , age .
tor a' gook ter ih advalp..e, 'shall be Ironti.:tt.to the
postmir , terc Ii st.'ail.di.llYer . the
,5a.414, to their
•Iltit this finel .applyto:iveelo v. r,e3v..spaßer!.
which citrulate. fp-e I.n the'county 'where prin.
tpd and • •.
Gam- Address Editor:co)! die Jnornol of Coo
otette, No. 9t .W , lo..ctryet -Veto...Fork. '
Editors -and Prop l'i'stor
. • .
B .
usine . s Colle g e.''
Garner of Tenth and Chestnut Stfoets,
for the last'four years Principal chief busi
ness in:lna:46i o r BRYANT & sTea'rron's Coni
mercial College. : • ",
7 ' •
l,ort . dte fed on a'now syste:M'of,'Aet ua I tins iness
through the.estahlishrfient of legiti,
mate Offires . .and Counting-Housgs, represent ine
different departments pfTtade and Commerce,
and a.regular Depoitte and [s ite,
Ihe.sttident all :the : . 4(blantagi.s 'of.
practice,,and.quatifyin'g' hint . in ' , the 'shortest
possible - t inie .and most • e' ff eetiv.e: manner for
the various (hit ies'nod rmployments of business
The„Couree instructions in the Theolmi.ieal
Department embraces Bunk keepinti o Comtner:
chAl'ealeulations, Lectures on Business
PenninMiship, cotninercial Lay„Fo.frils, Col*,
reqpivdence, Sic : •,'
enters upon rho Graduating Course,
, h inolOdps.a erint pf the.abovestu:,'
with their practfuti 011 their
1 , t0 , 1;: , ' II e tvlll to tors , the _position of Ai,.
.000t.iof Orl I Plopyietor Ifl the viiroini Depart,.
of ”,o/ 7i01,1,7 Forward'
nein e,VS 13,1;1,6)1, 7
ctn. i
:w; linn . k . keeper and
....),•41 of %17!:ieb • i)otivil l i• hi•
tO" 'Sill IP , put - to.- th.
It As .m116 , .;•1/! if:
6 11 ), ,... .;;':a:v ., : . orwileiPikyly.liotial prn
•!plAs_ roar-o'D'f inctrliel kml4 um;ml.,i',-
d and'may iii.abotit oh 1,411,1'
•nnP Ii sally op.nt'ia
otfp.!' inn, in con
fI , VO 9( all NI ai.riine:Prri,tit.
.tho n,lorption,pl tha . tp4 practical cvoern. •
Diploma. awar,lo,l upon the lMtripletime of th-
Commercial Course. whirh emhrarec all rz pi.
.Ps Bairk'higi / 1 / 4 ;thfartm - ing,
Rmitrum/imT, t.cc.
El , md fur a Ciret6r
Chart" - p.ol'-1-fours. • -
Commetiqin . g „Monday, Nov. 17111, 186 . 2.
Prainsi at about the tolloiVilig
[lotus, viz: • ' •; • •
Night Expiess
Way Freight
No,. 21
Night. Expiess
Stocic •
Way Freight ;,
. .
Noa'. 3,4, and 8, run every day.. No.. 13.'rune
titindays, but ,not, Mondays. Train 3,.0( Suriir
days, f ro m New 'York, •rUnglitrouglito Buffalo,
but doe'4 not. run to Dunkirk. . • ,
' rEATHANI.EL MARSH, R..ceiver. . •
- ' ' CFI A 11r,FIS IvIINOT
.I:en'.l S'up'.'
• •
18 ttEDEBY GIVEN th . .tt•the-Annual - Election foi...thir.
teen Directors of. the 31.1Cean County • Dank will, be
held at the Land Office of Daniel Klugsbury,:ill the 01;
lace of Dradifc•rd, in, the county of M ' Kean, on- the third'
Monday of November next,' (be ing the 18th. day:) Pone
open et two 'o'clock . D. E.INGEDUEY. .Pres.
Tho Cheipoit,:mOst
. . • • ,•
• a
"• . •
Have this-day esta b l i shed , the ir East India Cof
fee prices it - S' t011OWS:' '• .
Single pounds • .15`: Cents.
Seven pounds •• -• • 1 Dolor.
20:pounds deliyered free, on .boot or. H. H. on
receipt of $3:00 • • -
For: sale by 'grocers. generally; at the above'
• /A sure that 'yon..,isk 'for and get
. .
. . •
.It has s Ptak Ltaar.: Aik, any grOcer for it.
a-oecially- valtred Dysprpflea, 'and
persons suffering with , direasei of the liver and
Itidnep., It requires but one'-half as much' as
any•other, is trotter. flayored•and ' • • •
Arin: pi orqess tci tf.r PF!OPLE.S PROVI.
.2.69 Gr« . et4tilfSl r . . , pr; Y., nud
cocksr cash a's our ;i.k. 268 Gree'rysich
N,. Y,,
Tho most ht•althy,
the : mo.s t economical , ,
- This Coffee is prepared under a fcirmuht,trom
the great Gerimp Chemist' .• •
. .
, . .
. • •. ..
. . .
• .., . • •••• .. - • , •. • • .. • • • . which eleeirri-fine plated • IS k.: arilif. sinii•la'r:to
.and giaes - thit essential full" stieneth and deli- .our lateittiveu Duri.diX,'lrt•rnf
. 0111111.1{1r ailitisted
eintis•ffavor of OLD GOVERN' \ 1 ENT "JAVA . WO . VeM" ,I3 with "5 . 1 ,, P,' " tp he used in t onto!!
I C.OFFEE,.wbicti.is the only'qual i ty ' o r car, horses, etc.; has Fookl riort.tr.s . lot IV ishington
used in rii•prep 'ration, without any•cii t hat nai-
rand t:reenwiettrune, sweep skilfl, and all the
c.?ti, qualidy wrlAieh.s.o sadly tlamages the ner-
Limprooements; :Add iti all, taking its* dream ilfc
ir o a system in the , •use of even the best. grades I. and (milt lesl!'appearance and Ili superior" naive:
o f Coffee as ordinarily prepared. . • ••• merit into ennsiderarion,lwe regard rt as'. decd. , .
'. 74. ?r: gives the essential tonic; and diuretic • deilly the cheapest. article of the. hind in• the
elements 0 _Dandelion, ,i e ith opt l if e i"herby," rnat;kitti Price. in - good 'tinning order, s3s;*or
cases of 6 lotl $2OO.
•• • •
.• • • . ; • •
coarse•taste so disrdussing, and yet always:found
inthe.ordinarv. -- Dandel On ,Coffee. ' " . • • • •We ask 11 . 11 ' pay in advance', hut will for.
either lif them tro re
Iris known to all ricp l uninted;evith ehemistry i'V'aid sprinsiblit prrties; to
that rhe essence, or oil, or whatever A mF. ,. t ii,i ) , I any pan of theinral.Sta'tes, with. bill payable.
be given it, when prOperly and'scientifically ' o b. to expressman when tbel.gnods are.•delivefed,
givingthe bui•erdhe.prieili.:ge .of examiniit ion.
tumid frdm any her b or 'plant, is a tar different'
arid ii . Hot satisfactory. the watch can he reitirm
article. from that prod; teed by putting tharplant
into Water'and boiling • it but—permitting . f
the i,ed irt . our exriensit. . -.. . • • • ' . '
escape of •the ;picot 'e,quisite 'and •reliable•l . -I r rim ~
,xPr',..5... companies rehire I,l4 klrli c'o llee
tioni onthers and othor parties in the rinfloY.•
strength' and; leaving; the' coarse. and earthy i ,
drugs percipitated or. in•solu Iron.. '• •- , • " : ;al States; cnns equently all swift orders must he
so this.pjeOaration••combin'es the exquisite l ae"lTlfitthied by the c-aih to insure' alfritlion. --.
lye make, a deduction of tw a dollars int either
aroma of dhe Jasia . Coffee, with the; highest en- I
Is e , Ltvatett. when . thepayrnedria for Warded 11 ' . ..r 1-
. sentlal excellence" ol therncrst:chorce.Dande .
f--ytelding the spirit without the grosser earthy i varier.• • '• •" "
.' . .•' .•'' '..
"none), mayrie.sent by expires .at our. P)C,
hody•ot. bat h.; rherehy avoiding ..the deleterious 1
effects of both alld.beeorning at' file . same time i Pt-Ilse.- • - •• '
The ji)ost.'lleillh.giviug. timl.llestorin,, , .. Drink
Known in the wo rld-In•ing Fa once ri..overeign
YemeJy instya(l,Of picniiwerof '• '
D ' YSP PPS] ANT) GKNOLIf, Drful wry,
FLATI:Tr.FscE . ,
,FIN.NESS Of • TITE 111:,./i ' 13;
AN , I)
beettnse its'great. T6nie and
'I f simpl^ fact
that the prvp,11111101) is Iroto
Bition•J,eitog will commend it..to the at enl
oft hit:seieni ifii m aif parts.ot th • country,. ivoile
.the'tiSe.l if will at'oure and permanently proi:e
!c, the massi . t.; eer;r:y t s the long
wity. •
The. irrtneirw trity.ei this e c iff ee nt t h e
Old "World 19 en earnest the tits use andpoptair
iry in A rilertc6 is hound .to beecOire .coolinetli
Wide. •
10:08 A. M.
l:05 P. Al:
1;00 A.M.
Ah..}ther..consutaritt 1011 no , to k)e pverldoked in
rt . .gartl to the inatter,is that "
' 7:10 P. M
10:17 A. A 1
a:I9 P. NI
1:15 P
It Costs Less tham ordinal y Green Coffee
And requires loss than half thf quantity to dive
the shine deitrOe of at rent Its Ilse proves
it at 30 cents . kpnlitidici he cheaper.thopM.srkii
caho coffee at 15.centi a pound,
••Nently4seckedin pounil popers'isrlth toll in—
stmt.' iOns:chr pia', on ear
,h,label,~in SIXTY,
POUND'ROXRS: , :price 30 cents . pound,,
A liberal OlneOitrit , lo the trade. • •
• ,Marniitaceur,kl4ohe PEOPLES' PROVISION
CO., ( 11 3'P'reeril , 04'ili••Sf.,`N; Y., to • whom' all
orders may be, addressed..
flold . breeiboleiala Groaari and Druggists. •
, 11 , 1AY , THE.pEST , 1114N */Iti . 7
SA V 11;: - ;, y ouR : •' S:II),NE v.
The most: deliciou,
Bieck L
Dark Blue,
Idea Bhie ,
French Bine,
'Cl . aret Broivri,
*Dark Brown, :
_Light Brown,
Snuff Brown,
Crinisoa, .- . .
Dark Drab,
Light Drab, .
Dark Graoa, . •
Light Ordoi , . . .
. . . .
I'or.Dytting SID it.Wooleti a,ntlltlxed.Uotic, ShOtrit, Settee
• . • : Dresies; 11..ibbons, Mortis, Bonnets, lieut. Feat 4.; •. '
, .... ' :era, KM Glom', Clihdrepe tllothlng,itud •• • - .
'•• . - . -.'ell..kltuic it( Woo rim. Apparel, • - . '
•i •
~ .. 41. , SAYING 'Ol 5 so PER CENT., ': .
. For 2..11 amts yo u Cali color no many flociic ttc-frOu Id bth.
entice cock Ilvo lit atm tlvit cunt. • •Vorious ghadec.ilan• be
produced from the ifoul Dye. :The proepel lc sicaPle, any,
ono can ace the liye with perfect MICCe4S . . - ,
Directionii hi
. 12inapali, Frageli and (kerman,liiiiiiiii, of,
. .
, . For fir Wier inforntil len In .
Dyeing. anfgitint, a:inn-Net
'knuirledfire whet &elm It are best e.tanted to dye over otli , ,
ere; (with manY"valua Lie rrt!Ceipts, I jinrclisse Helve ..t.
Stevens' Treaties on Dyeing , aud Ouleritig.. Sent . by.tnall
en receipt of price, --all cents: . ,
• Minufactursci by.` - ' ' " DOWD es: STEVTLNS, "
. .
• .. .• . ' . '260 )troadway,"l34ton.
For sato by Druggisgs and .Dpalgrs'gftierally:, - . • " ,
are noi.VofrOreilan oppinunity tkiy
IVA RR ANTE D.TO hr:E . ! , :l) ONE YEAR
':tic lluyFilt -js ALbii7kl).
'.: PRIVILEGE OP. 41,1A1rNA-Tii.*;'.
'Before T,yme,zt is Repirai
1311 1 1I0VliD 141)11X IN FULL. lU.6Y ACTIONS
; A firsf clatis:Hunting...time .silver
mate'rial,•over.which is elo'curi•lPie plated. 18 k..
goni, : ttiost dui blyfutriiii gtit 1.11
biti;flesF Ithit it cannot :he'd siectail from
the solid material: by xp , Nenceil
joifttes; acids will 1)01 r e tit Lon don roa!'e
•initreinent • bfeitovat):•l./uchsx Rmiv
A CrfoN, It,r Skleeil.evondt.,.und is Hot heex•
urenesal appearance. TLINI , ,U):C(DED :
one ofl lie ahst airrichrts oiler rilfetkd k'i
tiers jibif , poebyttotB.. its, i.NIEGILA
ilbcrriliSuNS :FICA filtil• them sop. riot
to atoi..cithert 'alteration iif ()limit . .. 'will not . af—
fect (heir' accuracy;• Poce, 'picked .409;1'
shape and*i2rind Tenni:lg ortlo, mity . s3s, of case
03 anit. 05 Srond St., opposite Ciiy Bank . ;
. : .Providence, R. I
5 Sewing Machine.
The - embodiment of practiCar utiirty, and 'a
marvel ,of simplicity makes the running stitch
rapidly and perfect ? uses a common needle
and will last u, Ittetirne. • At •ifte.Netv ; Yorli
State Feir,its'aimplicity,•efficienef, and peat
practical-ntilkty,.was, cod mid the' award
of . the .Firt Premium'. • . •
It •will Gather. Ruffle, Shirr, Tuck, Run•tito
iireadlbs, ordoithintliCenit
on .ray triat.riul adapted to 'the Running Stitch;
The trstially.the.inoit'diflittult tomtirch
by Ottierd it , twing machinc's,dheing sewed the..
d'iFiir Fatties' and childrens , .upparel.
unit othar at tichti made of.lighd. fahriea i dt will
r h r- for. be. toiihil alinrrit I NVA LOA nr.E,
tr 'ls attached to the ialdelike ii - se.win.a bird,
and-having no , tension: and requiring•no
eiddinii or chtinge'l( st it eh, is • al tiolys ready rum
( . .. ) inoation, and .dich.it marvel of idnylirity lbw
a child six Or eight :years can VNI.*;IISTA.,:I) it.
and it sitc.f„Es.- totu,y, •
It is 'not.at all liable to get ante
Each machine s jtiit tip in a alit box, arcorn
with MIL 'and ex plicit and
w,tit y five tTedl ,, s •
Si.nt to anyaddrHaln.. the Uriliedi States On
receipt of Alt order; iorlosing airman y or
may be collected by Exprekiq'oo di,livery c fhe
in,whirte. ' ,• •
money i sent thE.i)rder . onil
retriste!ie!l, ntee . its - th;
ni he aay'd•here, within 2000
rnile•fred of any Exnriisc '• •
al rongviin.ht, tor a,••neiae .
utote.oii "PAst timi;, or for 101.. portico
'ars, specirri . Pli of sivilig t elC., send -a stamp lot
yet urn. postage.. .
473 Bro , .ilmitiv N. Y.
.Every laity, mother, Milliner and dress-ma•
ker, should have one of these .valuable sewh.l
HEREBY caution all persons against bilyins
I or having anyihins:.4) , 4le.,witb a .certain
proniisa ry Nolo fer.l2s,9o,(lrawn by me, pato_
ablstn-lallac N . , Chas or-hearer, Libpr,
ty. ATI it 7, 18132, da6,l thlak,,in Oct:, 1863;
as 1 have pa)() Said mite.. S.- M. FA.RR.
"Liberty, Nov. 234863. • 000t4.
ci?.N.u:i•Np. PIiE AIt4iTICiIN
. .
pelitive and Speci6c Renledy for dieeesesi..of
the • 'Bladder, IChineys v qravel, and Dropeicul
•.••. • • k .
4:hisiVedicine increases the power of Digep.
tioni and excite the Absorbents intoitealthy:s6
lion, by .which the . 'watery 'dr Calcareonirdepo
sitionsi and all Unrietniel -EnlargmentsfAre
di4ed; ai well es Paill'anii
ung , knompll..kirTnAtr .1111c1M.
For IVeuknesees raTri;.Ftig 117itn.Exeetisett,;Hi b.
. its of 'Dissipation; Early Indiscretion ot;Abtise;,
altenden. with the following symPtemen—••• •
Indisposition to I.l.xertion; • Loss of Bower ;
'Loss of ittetnbry, • Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling,
'Hoyfor otDisease,, . • Wakeftilness,
Dimness *(.l . Pain in the Back,
Universal Lacitudc' Of the 111M•cular Systen,
Hot Hauls; Flushing of the
Dryness of the Skin,. Eruptions . on the. Face.,
•'. Countenance.. .•
These symptoms, if . allovied to go on; Which
this inetfictnri invatibly yemoves, soon follows'
In one of which the Patient me . ) , expire.- •-•
• Who can say .that they are not frequenily
luwed by. those , iDiretid Disea.es.P .
Many are aware of:tho.causeot 'their. suffer.
: 'AO Rtelonrttelly deirthe by crinsumptjon bear
antplu witness Ito. the Troth' of the assertion...-
The Constitution -once 'effeeteit: wit h Orgn
-IVeekeese TeOttties.-t aid, of: - M.erlicied . 1•0
Strengthee Red Invigorate thr . 5 ysto'rn; :
Which, HEt.:tieoLoN'EkTftACT
. . , . .
" -
A tOpt.isifl ebevince •.
many A fret: 111111:i peciitior • tri fernlike the.
. Bucit ts-1141,qpiiileli try uny other eon :
!sty, eedri Chkrusis or:ltetent ion, Irregularity,
PaiillultD.49, or Suppression of.customayy
liotionsrliTlikraterl or Sekrhous erete: of the
Iherys, Limehoirbarit'or Sim Min. and
fur all cOmpiaint& to the, sex, .w.heiher
arit4iig' from indiscretion Habit's Of piesiPat ion,
. -
.. .. . .
. . .
Take'nii more Rathain, ,Nlarciity, or - anpl”,as
51+.diclilo. I 0 r miple4,lfil wolthit44l44llB diseases.
1 - 11:Ll111301LE'S.,EXAT ACT 131.7:114/ ANDIM
- ' • •PROVI-'ID ROSI.: WA-Sl - I . ODIIES
-• , '
-SECRET Ii.IISeAsES • -''.
In. all i Fair. Sr.+ -
. . , , :' • Al Mil++ Expenir . ..
Little or no cliange in Di+ t', ;No iliconiteriieiti:e:
'-. • .... .'A airlio Explisiiro.'. :' '.''
. It eatraWsa . f(t•qu , ortlesrrWand gi'ves 4lreogth'
to C'liiktie,.theleby R , movrog ,atraeljorii;
Vr,vent ing nod ro,l in Striet oral of the (.I`relbra;
ayine Pain end Intlamationi, so irpqn.lq in
!tio clur-s'ot all Poisonolls
Dis,o , d'itnd W . 0111(113! 'Ma ter. •
' . .Thaoseroda upon Show:arolg who have been the
victims sf Q t.tt.kg; snd who luvo. paid Itettiy
let , s to he cuffed in a'othor.t !tine, have htmiht they
sver« ttoet..tyt;(l,; a nd thitOlitt 4.1 1 01QN" bas by .
of.Pt,wet iul • Asirthgetits,!!'heen .tirtetl
up in :he system, to break ont in nn aggraya—
ted form, kind'pelhapi after.Mn!riuge;
. .
• List. llKLmnon', ExrnAcT lincßu for all at•C•
(ions a id t lie U ru NA RY. ORGANS";
'Whethernxisiheg in NIALE or FEMALE, liom
W,hatrypr nangi.origiu . 4 Ong nod no nnitfer. hbw
, .
. .
. .
lli , i-o-t's oi !het...041;1w: rpOirog the old of -
eIIU.Ii:3 • TRE dRF.AT I)lo2F:llC r and i's cim
tain:to ha itot hii:(l,mrvd ett.e . t In nit'. Diseitsei
for 'wlikti It. is rocommencW.:... . . ''... -•
'Evieletice•Of therno,;t ream
cbardtP.r.w.i.il',Heri7Pfrpany (be
'Prier - SLOO perliottie t or Six for . $5.00
Pe.liverr:l tfi any Address, securely packedfram
Dosoribo Syrniitomi in all COmmuniontions
Cares.Guaritutred . : • ' Advice Gratis
:Address !or trilorination .to. ' .
13...1. - 11iLMB01:13, Chontst
104 Squall Ttintb-st., bel, Chestnut, Phila.
RELNI ROL WS Medical Depot. -
•ItELDROLD'S Dritt,t- and Chhinteal IVarehouse
• . 59.1 Broad w.iy NeW York . .
PRINCIPLED DEALERS, who • endeavar to
dispose "ot their 'own" and "other" atitels on
the rPpu tat ion•Ot tiiined by.
Relotholes.Genurne Preparations
yeti Rose Wash
. .
Soldby'all DriiggistsEverywhere. l ,
'Ask'for *Helrn . bold's• - - 'Take no Othei
''Cut.out'the Advertisement and send ro'r it.
: . ,I.:;i:, A liolD .bII7OSXTIoN 'Atlß.ExPost.ine.
1863. 1863,
Jiro traverses the . Northern .and
is;ortliWest counties.ol Pennsylvania to the cit . ) ,
or Erie; an Lake Erie,. .
.It.hu, been lcased.by the . PANNSYLVANIA R.
ft. Com,PANY, and under their auspices is being
rapidly Opened.throuchniit its entire leneth.
k now in .use for. Passenger .and Freight
bir.iness from. •HArriisimirG'Ap Eldpollll.l3l,
[195 miles] • the Eirste.rn . . Divis
ion, and from Sq6FIF.LD to brie r (78 mile's.) on.
the FVcste'rn•Division. . •
Leave 'Eastward. .
Express.traip !eaves
TIMI: OF ris , twzr.it TRAINS AT 15.11EPPIZLD.
Loave Eastward.
. .
41 4'
Cars Ttim t h r ough ~'WITIIOOT. CHANGE boll,
Noys : on theso truius bel . WePp Philutlelphie and
.nek'llaven,.and between Baltimore and Lack
SLEEettlo cars on. Expreei-train.,
• bi , th.'svgy; bPtyt:44 , 4ii Williamsport; and, B4N
rnoro.find Willinmepcirt , aind Philadrlphia.
infoi - matin..tesOrtina Pa!sengeb, j ,i.
rut , is apply erthe,S. L. Corner Ilth,'"Fid
And for Freight bueineas of, the Ciegin. y $
A ge - nts •• • , • • •
. .
Cor. 13th . and Market
••• . •
W. ItiTnabli., Erie. -• • •
M. Agent
• 11, 11.'. 110t..:4r01v, • - •
, • • ;, iie,l7l Freight Aet Ph:il'a..
Lzw.t..L. 'Ho ri PT, • • • ? 4"... •
• Tirtet Al',
• owt iltatiage!r t Wiiliorn#torti
8..f:..T.:T.::.:.4r::.; .. g.:5";
. .
A:Pore and poireifill Tonic, 'eoriectiee.ind• di
' rtetiitive : of wonderfu) efficacy in, dieeiile of tha
Corey Dyispepoia,..tiver Cornpleint,#eidec7isc,•
'General Debiiiv,,Neiitoushis , , Depreailion•
Conatipation; Colic; interrniltent•
' i 'Fevers ; Cremps antf,Speerns, and all Conn.
plaints.of either Sex, a riling froth pod
.: • ily Weakness whether 'inherent • iri
t,be iptern . nrproducedby ' •
. , . .
P Eoi ing . t hat I* not wholesome, genlal and re.
storatiee in its nature' enters into the compoei
This popular.preparation sontains- no . mine'ral
of any kind, no deadly 'botanical element"; no,
fiertexcitantt hut it is .a 'conabination , of. the
eitractsof rare haisaniic herbs and plants wiih
the purest and mildest .of all dfffusivis
. .
Avis - well to ,befhrearmed Iran disease
and, eo far's.) tkehurnan'system can be protect
ed by, human means against maladies engender
ed by an unwholesome atmosphere, iinpnre Wa
ter and other.external canses,',H9STETTEE'S
• BITTERS may be relled:on.al a safeguard.' •
,lu'districts2infested with Fever . anti Ague,it
has been friund infallible es a 'pieventive. and..
irresistible, as a remedy and thousendif who re-..
sort' fd it tinder apprehension of an , e neck ea"
.cape the 54ourge; anittliousands, who neglect'
toe veil themselves' of its Protective ' - qualities,
In adv.ance, are•cured by a very brief course of,
thin triarvelmis medicine, . Fever and Agne . pi.
tient!, ' after being plied 'with:' quinine. tar
months, in vain, :saturated with
Hint danger'ons alkaloid, are not unfrequentiy ••
restored to health . witbinn.few clays.by the use
' The Well* onmaOh -is rapidly - invigorated and
the appetite reateind . by this agreeable . Tonic,
and hence it works. Wonders in cases of Diapep.
aia and in less . ,contirmed 'forms of. ln'dieestion.
Acting.aaji gentle and paintee apperient,.as
well as nit)n the liVer, it also invariably re
lieves the Constipi ration superindaned by it—:_
regolqr action of the digestive arid secretive or• •
gam •
. ,
. . ,
. Per.on . s of fciefilehabit,diahla to.Ne'rimits At
tdckg, Lnis•ness of - Spirits and Ft.ts -of Langiior;
,prnmpt anti permanantretie( from Bitters:
Thi , destimony on this pOint'is most conclusive;
and from botti.se . ges. : • .-- .' ,1
The agony 01 Billions Colic ie immediately
assimed by a Single' dose.of•the Stimulant, and
by,oecasionaqy resorting to it, the return of the
' complaint may 1.1. preyented;
As a General Tonic,' HOSTETTER'S BIT.
• TERS prnduee effeets.tVittch,rnust .be experi
ierieeil.ur wttuesseyi beforelhe# can be folly ap..
predated: In cases of Constitutional WSakness.
Premature Decay and Ilehtlity and Decrepti-.
tale arising 'from
,Old Age, it 'exelcices the
electric. iliflience. In the convalescent tittles
of•all diseases it oper•tds as a delightfulinvigo.
.runt. When the, poWers of nature - ere celazed,
it, enemies to reinforce end rs-estahlish them.
Lost but. not least, it is The Only Safe Stint.
iant,.bsiiig manufactured from sound and' - inns=.
C 1101 1 .13 maierials„antle,ntirely free tram the acid
elements present , more Qr. less - in all the-ordioti
ry tonics aryl - tomachiciot the day. , . •
No fami.y..metlicine has been so universally,
and, it 'may be 'truly. added, deservedly popular
with rite intelligent prufion nt the commiunity . ,
Pfepareit . l3;• 1 - . 164§TE.1 - 0.11 . 8r: SMITH, Pi t ti-
. .
Sold :by Grocer!) pnd.Store!vep- .
era everywhere.
E.AND BURN! Shake and Sarni
. . Shake and • Burn I I
This is the:life of agony endured by the 'suf
ferer from Fever run: ,Ague: .; '` He wanders like
en uncertain shadoW; never knewing what nui
•rnent .heMny be prostrated, and therefore dis•
inclined to 'give any serious. attention to busi
ness. 'This is the. condition of thousands. in
town antltountry. It is no exageratiOn to say.
'that Feverend 'Ague kills more people 'than
any' twenty cither.diseases in America...Fo'r a
sure and, speedy tare of this terrible efflicticn,
we take great pleasure in 'recommending HOS.
.already achieved a..wide requtation • for.) rapid
ord,po werful effects .in renovating the . system.
prostrated by this disease. • • '
• For sale by Druggists and dealers generally,
. • .
every wbere..•',
permission I wish to say to the readers of your .
patier that will send by return mail : to al7
who wiSh itiffree] a Recipe,, with, full :dirde—
thins for making and using a• simple Vegetable
Balm, kat•will effectually remove, in ten days,
Pimples, Blotches; Tan,.frecklesi and all impu
rities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear,
smooth and beautiful. . •
• •
Twill also mail free to • those haring Raid
Healls.or Bare Faces, simple directioilaand.in
iormation'that will' enable•thera . to start a full
growth olLuxurient Whiskers, , or ri
Monitache, in less than 30 days. .All'appiic®:-
sansWered by return reall without charge.
Respectfully yours; • ' •
-• Cimist,
No. 8:11 Broadviay, New. York.
4.00 P. M
1 , 52 P. M
L. 1.,., T-IRATH;
6:48 P.M
5:00 P. :%I
TA:N:NER• : .* .00R,RIER;
PORTAGE, McKean Co, Pa.
• THE SUBSCRIBER titter, himself, froM
Mar fiat he , cannot be excelled, in
the business: . .
Particular attention wilt be'paid to CUSTOM."
WOR,R.•;•Fpr the ennyeeienei of thosil
at a distance Aviihing to have tinning en shires •
arraugemeuts havebein.rna4e *h L. H. Dole •
ley, it Port AllOany;'•wita• Will take this. di—
th•Hiitem 'and •tbe Leather , will barge
tnrneil to his t Store, when tinned. • . •
• The largest prlcOvilthe paid for Hyde., sritb,
ei in eesb,, LEATHER, BOOTS, SHOES, or
BARNES - S . 7;ldt at . Hailley'a or "thy tannery.
Entire sitileetion • • • • ' •••• , .
Connected with rriy tannery I..have Boot
Shies/410U, add Harness Shnp, '• '• •
• . "1- • L. L;
.Portage " Pa. Nov. 3,1802.. vinByl.• ,
:li - ostEttAtiref:!'-.
..... -. , :- , ,-,,, ;.; , ,..:: 1 -' , ...;*. ‘ •''.'
4:s*tstisrtoaitb, ',..'::