M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 05, 1863, Image 2

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    •:'.:4' ,1 41:44411.1440.4Prtei5ins A fo. , 1 hitt.k#l)in : t nTo I Old Us,
. 7 - 1 4#40 11 " 44 #4* t . 1. : 41 .01:"' - .P.t ll '-.C°PY i(145 0 141 - 11Or
.L .... ', fitylipp7,ll7a! rot, ,I,lfl• s i Ours ii? .f 0 .'ll.li plainly,
:inuTntillk4'X'iptitilml fero,lit appeal ;for liblity '
''- •S ' €rv,i,:iiircihnk t lt;' , :''P ' ~ ~. •• • ,','„:' , ~.: ••, . :
.•' nil 1 59. 1 . 1 'd ncX, 1 6 4 :olitle,bitAJl Phis a - i''' parry
"in be. 11 1.4$ I•o a e.co , l4?pttt, pri n n 'plies., • Pan ci
, : • '•iploj ato oppo;ttos, nrii(JSb#,', - , golf . ' between .ouri
..., :.and.iliairs i 9. itllll‘ ,, g' liAi. 'Ou reis.'iiesce, ieiiinn,
e fb..qinipzsr..v.,,ii: o !1b.4 0, nte . Airco • which
aiAilaii' ,4- I.stplOt.!ki niaileind. - .".
;,i.... Jie,ficr , 6-,.-6;m.,,e.,,ery.,vi.:,.„,, ~,..., 6„ ~e,„
..............wij;..by-,:, e,i4'is i.cerigreili; skater lye piddling . -
••• " Ilo i lo, .. i tti f i l . tp ;II I '.ppe,etheF—ni - al • unleis the'
. '.- . I ;k:PCtlitii-iiiii ty;dsmand.a. pt; 4 csable solution
'..th . .4.1v...ar'.., tripit , goon. land . ruin ill :.-.2"iog a 4.
A raiif4r;APanuorat:. ',.'.'. ' . • '.
- 'i,•„•,, , ' 1
,;, , -
~, i, , ~, .1 - !" — ,7 -- 7•71 - 7---.---7 ,
..,Pisirt;',Parigie ram. :S sit Ileekt, ' AND .
t, GIAOM:9OtittS of nine si . hots; ha.
three layers,
, trhichvark in size Acccisding•to the calibre of
the lunt',:ttrey are held together tiy two plates
~.ctabOut nue - foarternay ot artindh lesS in dianiater
;..than th 4, calibre of :the gun,•two rings,*., bolt,
:. ' :anti
e , nut. •,., -.'...,:-, - .'
~.•...; : ...-
~ ~ :,
• , ,The.canviiii#,.bak'errangement is iou'old - for
this War;:.ii'is riot so,simple 'or : durable, and has
.;, :net 'been . u . serVior years. Canister; for a gun
ioritainslYrenly . seyntiarnall Cast iron•balls, sir
, ranged Vin' tont laYer.vot twelve each;. for how
. Stier it 'contains'iortr-eight small iron balls in
1 014 laYgigeof . twelve'eseh; forthessime calibre
i,:.you, will see that thg‘ case;for• canister is a tin
cylinder; closed at the bottom by a• thick 'cast
:•.. iron plate or k.m
°mien plate, with'e handle st•
• tackled; the inteOticektietween - ttie • balls- are
• closely packed••• With 'saw . duet to . prevent crowd
~ing .When the pieee - idfired,' ; 1 ..
~Sherpaell consists. rite veryth . in,shell which
.is filled . rvitki'musket ballet .the• interitris , fire
• then Ailed tiy pouring in'inelted sulpha:l.a hole
-isithen borid through:the mass of sulphir and
•, .bullets to receive the. bursting .charge. - .No'n's
„ to.,e#Plain the difference between e i ggiharpnell
~ot•aperical case" an a ggshell." ' The d'estruc
,,, tive•fuiee-of ts•shar nell 'is: mighat it receives
from the.chergis 1 the•gun,:the powder in the
sherpnell:being nly ;tn. brealfthe'envelooelnd
e il
spread the belle, theyare still moVirg, forwar d
•:. by a force of the impulse theyrecei re :from 't he
_charge in the.gnii..• A shell 'is made very , mdch
:thicker than the envelepe of a •sharpnell,•and is
nearly filled . with.powiler and will
- 'do trial i.x..
ecution.if it exploder.on the erootid; it having
destructive finalities .in. itself, aside rroin the
•,. discharge of the gun. 'A' s . harrmell .shell hay
ouly.ha!fortha charge of powdet' thlt a proper
.has; thus.,.'" "tweni y 7 tnor pounder sharp.
'nel contairisq welve musket nails and six•iiiiiiCes
of powder.' ' A. twenty toorlionnder has tvveN , o
• ounces of powder. A •sist: pounder . Olarnisell
basthlity-nineriausket • hols."and twentY-ftre
Ounces of powder'
. ,
',A Rotoos• Latin: 7 -1f there be'. pint or. tiy.
.world Which ought to tempt. the travelet',.it is
assuredly that region of Asia . .which„,:li'es be
•tWeen the Caspian and Black seas
declares this to be the 'cradle •or the• human
race. Here say the Persians 'arid 'Arminians,
was the garden of Eden; .here,
every o'ne.
knows, stands' the Ararat; froth which mankiod
spread.alter the deluge, • •
• 'Hera:are the beg. and undeniable phySical
evidences of that 'astohistring' :catastrophe.
Here hunted Niihrod, here Noah
planted the vine.. Here larguished Promethip4.
'chained to the rock with vultures ever gnawing
at his liver.' . ITithar'saited Jason andf.the A rg !
cinautai .and hello , . departed the enrhantrei
Medea.: One:of,the river of this-regions still
beats the. name.the Gteat.
`adder of
,Illason is
a household isord arming the
*theCaucasian flowed Greece!.
that sneer') of. gorgeolia fable, wbieli
• widened pelfenip my..thplogy. Here .P.m..
.pey conquered, and the soldiers of. emperial
Rome' hied !attain:. - .Fie're Gregory mreacired;
and .Tainprl4nd 411,1 &wills Kahn spread havoc;
•the'Turks uprooted the'Genrgian on these shores
'to ; be t.litsovpiliprootell in due dine by the
more app'ertrine.Rassians:. Ov'er the Caricasii.n,
wall, at the dread hoer when, Allah's time shall
soiind,.Gog and Ma-kop shill put an e'nk to the
.enipVe Ot•lslamisraon earth, and. destroy. the
kingdom of the' true believers When
e'll tcfeßii4 liana ,:
swept,aWriy:theorgirin throne • .
learnedoren exclaimed in 'their an
guish. th at the fallen - monarchy: had...existed.
vvitlimit interruption since'the time of Abraham;
is good hiatarical evidefiee. to:prove' 'a
line of kings over pf.qicid of 2,3 : 46.'
.• ••
• Thing Worth Reading and Remember-.
Equality the
.Condition of
We find'in'the-N. Y..l ;, •ibuire i one of those
outgiv.ings . , which' are - intended to pro--
• duce the result they indiratel
The attention of the. Preeident, of the more
preiwneht members of the Cabinet and of other
: gontle;Oon has beetillargely.gi yen to the cdosid
.eratidn'of 'the' important question connected
with the recall ',to 'the Union of. the truant
Southern States, seyeral Of . which may soon be
knocking at thd door,. ,The precise course to •
..be-adopted r y ou'et determined.- SeverAti
theorists claim.the Preside it's 'war, bat be is
himself engaged in returning a practical plan'
by which to 'seente reunion upon the. Only.
-.practicable basis-rhe 644 is of freedom and
cloolitlih'eforo,tha law for all. Re.cent teran
ces of the Piesithmt ; and'instructloni.approved
by him to recently' commissioned representa
tives oftheOvernment in distrirtiolih e South
'now in citirposseesi on leaves no doubt Mat
policy of tki.r 'administration to perMit wood of
ae vagrant States , to come bark trills a tidavoCba
atittiady.A.x..rei. The' tires t di l gcu!ision re
lates to' the.ways anttmeans of effectuating, this
• • This is i'jnophicy that - is intended and ex- .
pealed to Work its own fulfilmenti and if Liti
colitAnd his 'advisers, and the "other :gentle
men" nlluded have not settled upon the
concluidoii above indicated, therwill . do sof—
The Presidetft's pretencesof conserva!ism• are
•all false shams! When he decides, it is always
mrthe spirit dictates!
No State shall be admitted back into . the
• Dnion,,.till it'addlits a free-negro, Constitution!
Thatis the policy of the administrationt• and.'
the war is tole against 'the:Constitutions of
the seceding States. • 'Kentucky, Maryland,
Delaware, Missouri, hold 'slaves. 'But -Louis
iana, North Carplina Mid Arkansas that want
..to •Corrie, tiaCk mast be warred , against till they
agree to Abblitionize their State Coris:tirtions;•
sit() Atrieanize their social conditio • - ••
• The Federal G'overnineitt - re"ceiv d• its on
a,tittstion from tb . e • States.. rt 4/.1 . ,3 41)66 t."
4 , ;4 bytbe aid of its arthies, assu• t i e •to .di
•to tkp. ststost itsurjs:tiori end' this is' rot
revolution ; , what . is?.:-.4aurty
caintederato euiaosi bas so dopreciated thi s t
mond setiNo say ? ifif you go to maiket
7414ki.PaY• to, take-yoarrolOneYfita', basket; and.
if/ ‘ C*it koin! your. bed
in'ticatt glouttty Elint'ocrat.
,13aturdsy, Deo. E
. 4, 18 83.
. .
, . ~ • . .
The snow nt .EH”, on - Monday, ivni full 19
inches deep; nig . d in consequence . tire. evening .
express - train 1% us clelay - ed.\ an-hour and a' halt
in its - artiyal at thiti• plade... In '‘yarr'ol,•there
,was the.ient.Pci4eible 'tincture of snow hn - the
gtound; - . hut when cold *pi', her, is talkvdahotit
we iuriender. .... :- . .. . . • • ••.• • .
.Tuetrectititi3.--,rhersday of last ‘l , 9ek be—
ing set epart as n (lay ';
of .thanksgiying and
priyer, was observed, in this borough:,—
_There was qiiite' large, atleadanee s at .the.Ben
tist,licitise„..to hear Eld. At the' close
orthe exercises it collection was taken for the
corninission, airprientingto',33.oo, as
well about $15,00 to be divided .bet ween the
•elergynen . .who (deleted. •
NEW TEA it!S hag isqued
cards for 'at the:i3eitoot 110111!',.:ori Friday
Janitary . .t.st; 18 . 64. Th6se know MAso:v.
<atid . whn cities nee(l • not he , told. that no
!mirk tir e;7riwns6 tpat'Pd to make the‘
• Comirii (i•si t:o be fong'reniernbered h!.;
th'ose. pArticipuing. A splendid band of music
has opts ei)gaz4it . end'eyeryifiing... P . % to
`'Ahe «loselyl' geheral . invitahon is'extetid-
. . .
IIkiffC:4ATION OF U. S. Javcr...—lt is .t urrznyeil
that the resignation nt chi
.ef faitice Taney, at
thel.Sigireme:CoMl•Of Ihe•Unitril States, is'nor
in the hands of Ihe - .Prealtleat, that: it w ll be
accepts I, and that NU-phase . ; new, §:;e'retary rii
the Treasury,uill Oka
the.meetinil at; Curiaress. 7ifee e rumors', thi
Cipieinpattt .Enquirer: eeje,.are.. watt lauh'cleti,
who i! to be the successor of Mr. chal!e;'in the
gteen-btck depakmen(. - . •
War News,
Tug hftitratir SiTtinTrox..--The news:groin
army:nl the l!ototnali. is so' gar good. The
R , .pi . tlanhas been erOssed.in farce withOutser;
jells erwialttea, antintir army was at last au
aounta in a gbod position MrAelivering hattle
to LOH, who seemed tlispnired to offer One in the
tiieinity of Orange .Cottrg House. There 'was
4OmeseVerefighting on'Friday; and it is' not
improfiablr:' the t• the .great—and let us hop'e.ibe
the war was .eomafetteed
oriS,iturdily attempt:M . llml continued yesterday.
•/'ls our army has eutloOse.frorn its communieat .
ions' with . Washington, tied overfotty
distant from ; the rnearest telegraph.atation,.itk,
• . possible that We may. not hear any definite
news of the conflict before .. late • to-nigiii; but
in the meantime We caution opperatoys on th'
street and the - public 'to pay: no heed to the
stories and rurnota.w,hich'will be cirenlated:to'
. •
'• It Gene ralMeade succeeds. iii' defeating the
rehr , l • ltrmy, or if 'l,,ffe •Shotilil.fall back .upon'
.Rielriind • Withnot the country may
expect to•hear tha s l hereafter the baSt; of .sup—
plies of the Wriny of the Piitornac will be loco,
ted on the . Peninsula: For the first tirisinCe
Gen ItfcClellanwas withdrOwn•froli.llariisnn's
tandingohe Ar'my of the I'otomae is left free
to operate iyithoutiefe • rence to Washingt • ori:,-.
-The. capitol: is 'fie W felt to. he.:safe; as. the sea-;
ann is telt to be too 'far advanced fer'Lee to take
advantage even of the' dotinetinn, of
Meade's irmy
. ,
rain•which:preyaileirilawa in the region',
:of CeOtral yirginia up to. Satarday .noan will
help:Lee, if his objectis to retreat . uponßich,
Tend, cia move birailroad by way. of two
roatea—=the Virginia 'Cent
. .arid the. 14nch
bari 'roads: ' The atrong 'prObabilities. how
ever, are that by thin . dale a. battle has been
fought ariday)ctory wori for. one . eitfe... or :the,
Gt.:r. ATEA? FAlLtiivu'ljAcK.—The news frodi
the 'Potomac atrily is 'not
,very -encouraging,
Geht Meade . ,difer an iiideCisive .engagement
With Lee;-haying'fallen•taCk tc, his_ ld ground
at Brandy - Schtiod,.Which• is.. now made the .
basis It; seems prObabla that the
campaign in Ea . sieriv Virginia is '
'over for this
seasoli. ,
Gra'nt has obtained a splendid viciory over
Bragg, at' ChattaMoOga,•haring,, p:lter 'EI -:desper
ate engagement, lasflng three days; complete
ly routing his entire army, taing nearly 7,000
prisoners, 48 cannons, Mid 'a large amount, of
small arms'and camp equipage. Bragg's army
is said to ire.enmpietely deinorillizett, and is es
. .
cap:ng In detached , bodies...lt as, also stated
- I
theta portion of .Grant's forces' had cut off
Longetreet and . captured 5,000 prisoners. This,
tioweirer is, not confirmed.. •.., • •
. .
The following,. frorn'a late letter of the Hon
Clintles:R. Bockalewiwell epiiornizes the Ab
"Join us (this is the cry), be. with us, think
as we think, do as we do, forget that you fop , -
told 'these horrable eeils- as results of our poli-'
ty and we scouted the dating; forget' 'that
we•had plitforms whic we have falsified, and
made promises which, e have broken: Mtge!
that.yon werefreeme ieforc we mounted your
tacts, - and ruled • .y decrees,.and put you
n prison by tel•egraph, and sent 'you tax-got.
, herers to take. your earnirigs,.and P.royostMar
sitar, to seize your rionsfor. the
all this; and do our b idding, . and 'hold. up your
bands; and bid us God sPeed- 7 oryon are,ser:
essionists=traitore- , copperheads—worse. than
the enemy in armsand, laved of grace, !lilt
by merit, for most condign and pitiless
';. .
The .Baliimore County American bde relied
tha flag of Presidenaincolp for re•election.‘
„ . .
( • A t his iesidenee,in tKaaetng,, on Ikloq/ay,
1 the ti3d GIDEON . IRONS, aged GO years.' ' :
Deceased was an old•restcent of 'the county,
hav , ing: removed .Ittre with his' father,'' from
Chenitn - go'County'in the foil of 1815, his•: father.
first loe.ited On . Potato creele;On the fararreeen...
tly-nceupied by the 111;he's...
after : ha was 'married rerno'red to ; Stnethport;
and purchaeed the farm.on'which he resided at
the time ot dieease, He suseeeded.,.by in
tlutrlj end econotiry, • i'n tieetthatlating"
some prop:lly, ktirely by agriCtilt tire;
orations oOtsitl/ief that dvogatien - h,ii , ing
Ofauccess. •At one Hine he , was iriiereated With
•Judge'Sartweli in the luniber &artiness during
the riistisrrout periOd following the (attars pf
th d U, S. Bank, and lost heavily..' 2 .Reeently he
also engaged in ate mereataile•business..;.This,
also . 'proved e nfartun e a IN testi! t Mg. , in aa
.brithee ori btu real estate.•. His well 'c ' utiivated.
farm has been prL;ven a mine of wealth, on
which ,h e could rely to mend hie unsuccessful
.operations channels. ." .
. . . . .
Txs: cemetp Y
. loc . ateaton . conitnantling' '
,hall a inile . south ws , tystincg, . het weee
thr Bal6moteand TonoytOwn roads and iii iains
On the West the old :Ge . ttShurg
.re,Metery. jt
'teas - there. 'heti oit the',lll.ancl - 31 :ot • Jiliy; .t,he
hattlewes the: invasion beaten
Ni , or fo;t he tilt] Ce'rm.tAry been pla.n'ted
the Union , batt?ries, commanding the "count.ly
fair mile's- in every direction. The , Yatiunal
linrying.gtottnal.conaluts ..iitalicnit ten . acres GI
.2,,mq - sloping. towards the weir;
highest Point * tieing nearly abjacent bo the old
. .
• . ,
The grodnid.laid, eut for 'burials comprise%
only shouCarie-lialf the'det rilirchAse•l by Penn
syl va nia,...anid. was plotted by 111 r. Siniters in the
Corm of a regular aetni-circle, hityrng.one main
avelineacielii the base llne (if itailiatnaft4, neit
the old cenictry; 'panther eke cut rounds itt (qr.,
.'ulpfrence on the outer' one of a 846
plar ivrdth is laid nut about hall-way between
the'fava,'tciriner and conceniric:o ith the Outer
one Ihroirg i I 'ACiria . s these
avenues the smaller paths are arrenge.l as radii
'of the'circle, tending up toil conirnoucelitre,,
where w , rll probably:be 'located tlie.commemer
ative,menumenf, and around which the lots ate'
laid out 'in regular and tasteful forms, ',•
• The ihnPlicity . of this 'a,rrungement
separate seen at a.,glance. Each State hail it s separate
dot ; ofaiae piopnrtioned to he /mother of. its
lead,soldiers, 'comb . ) (be ((Weaving order of pr 0...!
p orti on: — NetsPennsylvatile,-Massachu.,l
,;elis, Ohio, MaChigan, Maine, Indiana, Mary,:
land, Corinectirof,•Wisene.siu, I
'ls ., ,'N,e(s'Jersey,sVermont,lhoil e '(;land, New I
Ile inpsliire, - Delaavare and But be-I
the - nomber•rit the slain whose:names and '
regiments Could'not'benscertaine - d,is very large
'ravodarge Int s . ha v'e been placed for these
less soldiers,. iipon Mince trio, amenriwill'het . he
simple inscript , nry.tliiionavn.' The Enfrials
are ill trenches, piriallel with the main avenues;lris intended in place it , ihe head of 'theteen.
chess plain..granite ut. rn.trble . cwh,. running •
the,entit e . l , n4ifh of bi- lot, utien Which will bi#
cpt . t no rants et he. soldiers, - with their, regial; •
company, &c. This will obViate•the nu-. •
cessity of.private, Monuments, and will 'place
t ha. inernory of all who are buried there upon an':
equal frotiag:
. .
The cataract. burial! are Stijl prozressing, at
he rate of fifty or sixty a day, hut it is doubt
al if the whole are completed, thiSfalk
soldiers could'vcite. % . vithout .resiraitit. and itilL
itilluenceS Which affect their.fellow -
ritizenS, there woidd. hesitation. abbut.
leaving- to.thetri.the choice Of' ofriVials.in. civil
life.' But they' are nui. allowed tikchoose their
own officers, much. less to Vote unconsirainedly
for civil ntfideem.:•:llere . .is, an example of how
'the •syStertr ks in practice:
In L.enievill,.,,nt the EXcliangc barracks; an
Ohio•iegiment was, statiooed at the time ofthe'
Ohio election. The vote of this• regiment. was
348 (Or through' and • 2 , for. Vallutidighiani. air
Farlnty, a welt known citizen of Defianc e ced e .
ty',.ohio,•was onFlAf the voters.
'berm Read his story: ' • ' • .•
At the hour of 2 o'clock 'p.; I went fo the
place appointed for the. Ohio
.sOldivra to vote.
Royal Tailor,' thiState agent, offiCiated.. J.
asked if - theli".hail any .Dembc.ratic ticket.—
They 'st .
ud they had not.. halo ticket in my
pocket, neatly folded, on I.tirpose for the; occa
sion.. I handed it to one of. the office ' Tbe
Man'Who 'put Die tickets .into . the .box had it in
hi 4 band the last I saw of it.: I started back to
the tiospital....l gnt'part way bark, ..I.vbeM ;an
officer caught me and took..rrie , hack into' the
uthiw", • and.Said:: :gi • There . i' another' man that
voted for Valliiniligham.".• They took ins 'down
to the barracks and.putai il/ the gtiarit-li'ouse.
iVe were atimminied.to'appear. befori'i'a• convtr,
martial.akout 1q o'cliick•that night. The charge
.against me was, voting for , Vallandigliam.
plead guilty. to charge; 'f wrote . mrdeteeqe and
as then lake .back to prison, and havibedn
kept th'ere ever . •
THE HABEAS. CORPPE:L—T.lbifigtOßleatl
lay, The tifeai Engli.h.hi,stnrran, in ipeakilig of
Kinr,i.rafTWS the SPCOIIIt, I tp, tyrant whatri the
En':dish people 'Oxpelled :from the, thronO in'
1668,•50y5:, ••
. . .
. .
• , One of hiobjects.was to obtain a repeal of
the j;nbeas 'corpus act which he' hated, iti it is
41.4 .1 4:nal a tyrantshould hare the ilpsT STRINDERT
TyitANY... 1'1 . 444' feeling rt4inained deeply fixed
. 444 his inind to the last, and.oppears . .in the in—
strtictions Which he drew.bp, ...When in eicile;
for the guidance of his son. But. the habeas
corpus act, though passed during the ascenden
gy.of the Whigs, was not . risore: dear to -the'
Whigs than' to the Tories. ' It is, itideed, 446 i
wonderful th.4t this great law should be highly
priied by all Englistroien.' wit honfdistinatino
ne parry; far it.i.4 a law which,' not by circuit
011 . 7 i,.. but by direct' operations,add., to .. tlie .terill•
rity and nap}ioe:!s. of. evely inhobitane of the
. . .
W. don't think he . h ated the act more than
ti irn r: t. P . re s . i ( . 1 7 1 and . , eabinet'do et . the present
Wrisir BMixe "I :can
conceive of i iici'existeirice under disgusting than
an impotent, helplss::Creatiire,'without civil
wisdom or military skill, without conseious—
ness Of , any other qualification for- power hut-his
,servility to-it bloated with-pride'aml ariogance,
mind calling for battles which he is, not to fight:"
'Did Burke live in our time, he would encounter
scores of just such creatures in his daily walks.
FroM the White ifouse, at' Waihington, tO the
meanest fiovel in the land„they,nre as plena-,
fulai blackberries when the crop is full.--Pat:
riot SeiTnio - n. : • ..
•vfm..r,jlstEs . - .. 4. , -... ~
. . .
- •-
, . . ~
'Conapoiled on ilia . death of £ ll #e Jim tiiiiiri aged 4 Y ea "'
•7 monis and diltdaye; .!. - ' .• • "
.• ••,,,,, •
V'' ' ' gentle ( . '
•.. ' - Dear Jai' t lovely etilld;;;.,
•.: ••• .. MN alien ly suikto redf. • , •••. z, •.: ~ • '.••-:
• , iial littlii•handallit peacefully ''' • •': .- • • ..
• .•
.llpoulier tailseless lir east._-:-• :_„•," r : ':.••:,, • :
•• • Donc.fit her n1211'1141 beauty, biliks - ' '-- .• •
• .• - To's fairei• world than thi5,,..• . ,•. 1.:„
.. . • i
.• Within the tender Shepard!' arnie; , ..; •• ' •• ,
Bile dwells in.heavenly blies. • '..••,'•:', ''• •- '
• ,
_ ..
• ,
.. . .
Tun .us'ar shill hear her practlitt,ioles,,..
-,* The music of each tinik;.
Lice heart is hushed ih.tt seemed so much
• ; TUU sunlight of ytiur ow•lle) ., ', - ":i ' •;''• '•'•••
'. • Noll:Mimi When twilight Shitessii t p . pes," , ...•
...... : Y o ur darlingjams fair;' " - , - •
.:Shall,loisly kheel deven byYoueil#S,,,; ...
.'....: - To - ssy bee e ven ing ' prayer . :•.,),..'.".,.. '
. . . . . .
- Farl4yon.gravey:Tlle t' •
'•• Rai llttle tomb no seen, • ' •
:'And o'er:the grave where.Jimie sleeo
ghatt watewthe .willoci-green;licr ••• •
epiri t' free from earth now emirs . •
Iu heavenly Mansion's fair
In Ilesua! inns yew. little cue
• :Is safe and happy iboie. • -• •
. .
Poka mothtir..Weep LID more, for her,
—.For ahtiiii happier 'lir,
'The seraph WI ht for'wbom you *bin,
"=•Thablbose wbo i timer bore, •'. •
:Butfiumbly bow yrith gra , Orul
Tiatim Wit* yiatebrul rye,' '
strewiiarobiel 4er patk;
And took her to the sky, . • '; • '
. .
. .
Tho doeo
.Al3liai his.abildrtn here;
Nor for11181)1ruieore es6e hts Oya
.Toiheitibe bittei teen':• 'But et hia love And Idei , cy great •
.TO broak the power of
From teirthly . tles too loved,
The strickeu.heArt.tu .
, . .
litaven will be 11,eirer te.yun n()?r, • . •
• Sitinu, Jun•o there' .• • • .
And for your,heatt unu , ,wi• lupe I itizlount,
.A Al) al datvil, •• •
Lk joyful bupe.and,liinly faith,
• ile fondly cherittlea still,. •
And from the chastening. Futherf eek
,ttubtnissittil tit hie
• Although your heart is bowed In grief, ,
"Mi.learthly,tiesire Oren, , . • ,
breaks cur idol:. here t nioa:e '
• • • Our belet,s , moreeuleet. for heseee.:
fritui the seed In s , rrose 80*151 • . • •
• • Upon life's ebeekerra'way, • •
AAA, of foste'e . for you shalt F • piing
. • ...To biotinn through.endlees day. . •
How •rnse'Cars ey halie heird of the'
.. .
. .
•Pennaylvenitt i1,11,1 . 0n in. elre./ibn . s (town South
The .r,.spon• f e is
,uni(Orni,.aril- may be .judg er (Joni a long O7t iota' in (ht. : Richotethl.. EVvrire
of the 24'h of Octob e r, of which' the followie ,
is att:rxtioct: , -.. .•
•rrlVe s 00111 haveilreadel the evil •ritriicts
Vallantligham and his Copperheads,, anti hii
murab•itasiori, united, 114 it, would • be, with a
vtgot,rnit's Prosecution of;the war--,in one hand
the sword, in the : other' tnoney..itribes, .party
alliance ; ciUititutitinitl ettranties,.and • ih u t,
orshle •those • influences would' still
tieve found, we fear; 'certain of the meaner and
mare stupid Cotifttiletates ready to listen .and
respond to the raise promisiis of Y'ankees. A
crop of Atiolttiuiiists.ceould appear a'gaiti; • titi
natural allies , of .Noith,rri - copperheads ,: are
Southern orittittal,
dints would again snuff at the ileshrrots of •ttre
, ""Far better as it the.present piogramme
.happily insures ro us a complete. tidal. And •
revocable-sepUr.ition, from. l'aiikee, Which. is
the paramoutit'political .' •
. . .
The. A bi!dit ton oratorsoind perhapS'here alway's
advised the People to,vote *just as - Jeff. : Davis
;didn't want them to 'vnte;"•.atl we. - hitee - ..n0
'doubt that many have intended to do 50..: hut,
untortunvely, they . , have mi.inntleTtood Mr.
.11ayisl wishes, and have vpted.,precisely as, he
would have them—to 'unite and iofustate the .
' Suitt heirn people, "
. .
SENTI3II3NT9-c 4 :llr. I:inctiln is not the
, Unit ed States Govecninent. I'he Gave 'timer) t
iq.lours, 'awl, we owe .allegiatice to it. •:Mr: :
r...intola not.ours, and we do not •Owelalle. ,
'glance to him . .. air. Lineoles• term of office
its brief andltleeting; the Gov'ernmeili hope, •
will last •forryii .
?plied A. Do' , egials. • •
this country, e , riecially, it is the habhti
not only congiAte . ht With the
. constitlition, but
even essential to its .stahility ; to ,regard ,the
Adrninistrlithin at.ariy. time existing ntidistinrf
arnhseparate tr . orn .the . ,governritent,..itseliiantl
to•ctinvass the procentlingsl of the one •withont
a thought of disloyalty to the other."— William
11. S'...unird.
. ..
. -
"Sjr,' the abolition: s porty is a di,it,,yi! organi
zation. . Its pretende'd love, for .treedom .means
nothing, more ,rii less . than civil war, and a lli s -
(flu; ion of
,the Union. '.honest, (ben of all parties
'should innite to expose their' intehtions; and' ar
rest' their.progress."--Andou,e fdektpV: ', ,
. .
. .
. . . .
"I have Ibis piece of advice to. give ' . you:—•
tilliiie the army 1Z fighting; . .yom as rifizens,.see
that the war.is prosecuted for the pr , •.'4ervao9M
of the' Union, and the, cOnstitutind—for your
rights•as nit iieti.s."Geor . ge B. Illcelellan,, •
Regulations 'Concerning Enrollments for
It will be seen by-the follOwine important Cr •
s'eulaf, th.st the'.War Department has 'at Last hit
• ;
upon the..plan for sera ringa perfeet ,enrollrneut
of all the able ! boilied men liable to the draft,---
,•'le name of • tho a already. enrolled are tis: he
pi 'wed in -alphabet ical 'order,' and the. lists -are
i'to be left in,pltces where they rayi b'e inspect
ed by "the Public A and correctesl. • It • will' of
course, be• the interest of every one already en . - -
:roiled to lidil to the list all whO• are legally
.This airing of the lists will puree them of.
all Ilia bogus and sion•liable names: All Who
are not liable on stcrounf of lisability, alienaffe:
!'or. non-residence; are to report to the board pre.
vions to the 20th 'of next December.- Uoiler
this arrangement the next draf prob
ability, bring either the men or 'the money', and
will not 'be. such a farce as:was'the last attempt
etl cOnseriptlen..- In view of the certainty of
the operatlori:of the next draft it will be. well
t o hurry on, the volunteering, so as to escape
. • •
N..v. 17, 1803: ,
CIRCOLAtt No. 10.1.—As complaints have . beep
nude that errors haVe Occurred in the enroll•
merit of themational 'orces by the omission .or
persons who,by riqrson of alienage,land for other
causes, ought nor to have been anrollodi and as
it is desirable that the department should have
such information as may'be. necessary; in order
to do.full justice to all parties, it-is hereby .or
tiered, •
. . ,
1. The Board of Enrolment Of •ea - hdistrict
shall.have printed lists of the.names . a'ild resi.
dente of all persons enrolled in each sub.district,'
and in. as many morn ea the board
. may, deem
necessary... Names will - be placed span: these .
liqs in alphabetical order,' •
2. public notice will b . p„iven by advertise--
meat upan the list of names and
_in the newspa
pers, that any person enrolled - May. 'appear be
fore the Board that he-is not, and will not be .
sik,tiieourti . ,:OfrztiriOtlienegel
second, non risida4e;,:thikti.•s:o44oloess of
iiit - o:::(otirth;:trianifest,pltirisqtenf dts
; ,i-,3.:f!eristons who may be cognizant oth
er.person'e lla hie 'tOtpitileiy (ItttyiwhOtre names ,
do'.not Bpp : earl:on ihe'erirellerientliir%' , llth: re—
qiii!sted to nottfiy . telloattl ofEntoßrneet,'veho,
stall tliereepOdireet.the'.eitioilihipffieerer.d.
the sub-district in , :which the parties . repide'
neeertain-the facts•eibtervoll the persons ilo:reT
ported irthey tirejoittitt:to be "sybject te
.Thekk m thernsetvei
priyijege 'et eripeq,. sprrified, in ParagiaPht
. ris they:hiidipeemarigintilly enrolled,'
iii.c'ollecting thettecttsseiy inlormatiotrand
king•the.retiutsite•tiotee to perfe . ct the enroll—,
meat lief... • r• •
s.•.Boarda Of. Enrollment will. hear eases'as
provided in paragraph 1, notil.tfie2oth or: De .,
,e. , enber,,1863, ot"ter:which rio cases. will he
setib as pn , 'sible thereafter-a 'repert
. of !imposed .correct lons .. .w.ildbetrinde- Out accof-:'
ding, to, the printed. instructions, and,- t renspoit•
ted to the Provost Allarshal. General.' •
The nftnes and:reSiderieeof those. proposed
to be atripdieri off or added. will - be.' written on
sheets. of !'ons . Olulated enictllinent lists (forms 27.
and 38;)"and tkonsirtittid •to- We - Provost Mar
shall Generallor the'puipOseof eorrecting the
lists on lie. . • JA:lins 13. FRY,. ,
Prov t ,st Marihal General..
. .
. .
. . .
CINCIN!4-171.COAL MARKET.-Thr•sqrrify of
colic io.how-6eing. felt gilrerallyand:lr . eenly; n it
only to. it wat red by neaiii _all 'tar (10 . '11,4 tc
Purposes, but•the JaetOries are: nearly
,out, and
MOriday and,
,yeaterility there wan* a. general'
' ,, rush" 'to. the City, Clerk'fi . Mike, to ..hot
-in.money and orders for this'•irtrcie. Of prani:
necessity.. • The city has Made . very :exteti.': l v.4,
arrangements through the committees appoint
eirby City. Cohncils and -the Chamber
Commerce; and •are noiv.bringing to from. t
tY—five:to thirty thousianii'bdohels,Fl:day
.livering . il to fan - titles at
.62' cents bushel,
'tau cost Outside of thiOwharlittle deal
ern are getting-by the river.they arc sidling' et.
50 cents hushel.. deliVered.Ci!hebirtatii
Price theitorit, Nuv.'ll:• • •• •
.Colonel` Baker, iclio, ha's . been in char:46ot the.
I,?ree . in
,Corinerrion with Phi- war
D-riartrneni• for'soine time pii,l.,reci , tvetl,•'noi
S. rirrita'y that his.' °thee was,abolislied. ac
cordingly. ef .the Net,
and Oley:Werc distill battalion of
rnoubted.'rif:rnen;'nfis'ea Cktion . el Baker a few
*months ago. is to he inc . riiii- s sed . to a hill re:glineti't
This sadden change eav=es mach comment, A'nir
airsorts Of rumors are living about Town in eon,
sequience. • The real reason •of the abolition .of ,
the, office is ttre.hope of Mr.: SiAnton to • stave
offs ent , gresiorial investiVa . tion into •th,e outrat.
egus villanies which have been
-- 2 1'11,611 chap hate George B...'Mcelellan
all•dhy" heart, anil with all
,thy iouf;'ntl. With
all thy This is the first find greaf-calm,
and 'the second is onto it..
. .
Thou sh.ilt hate 14oratio.SeymOur. •
Unon•iheae tvvii commandments hang all the,
cootracts.ano the'pro..fit4. • ....• : •
. . , .
beisnciforn exiati, unildr .the
name and style of Masoril3rothers, indhe Stove
und.tin business, is ibis day dissolved Iy . mu—
tnal consent.• The.huSiness will . hereafter be
e.noiliieted by LINN W. MASON'.
111 n'er•ons .knoi!ving thpinielves indtibted, to
late firm; either hy.nute..or: book. account, still
please call 'and settle the. Seine immedialdYi
for by so doing'iherY•will save costs. ,
Shipper), Oct. 27, 6503,'
PERSONS'are.hernhy ealitinOed Against
.tilharho:ing'or.tru,ting : rny son,'Lyrriam C.
St.rbridge, on my . acenunr, as he has,. left my
house and proreetirim'ynrhout• my gonsent,.ond
lore pay no charge'S he may, trorke after this date..
• . -
.Ardiin".rOtl,nslrip, Nov, 27.,.i5i33;. .•
CASH !, .CASH ! , !'CASH U !
fir - ii-iF...su!*:crul3p . ...R n • ay: cash for 'Hides
11 Pelts; Deer Skins: Old Coplwr and Braise
Tin FOIL Zino: .Biini-s:af all kinds,. Caitles
Peet., B.viiches. Horns 01./inimals, old 1 . 0 ,ri.
Rubber, and Dried Fruits of every destription.
.havt • rig any of.the abovp.ittripkion
hand, in.quantitieS, inay addreas' me at my reS
'aenen.and t will eall lot th'int.
T. 'W . COLD: , , ••
Bradford', Mil(qan Co. Pa. •
Adipistrators Notice
TIEREAS letters of: Adrimistrat ton on the
- It:•date.of Chri;tiati Spa'ngter . , dati; : of the
towliship of Stiippen; County ol,.Carnaron, de—
ceased, hive been drawled by the' 1 - I , gttc - t of
said coati, y,of, • Cameroo, to the untlersignad, all
riersotis indebted to said Estate, requested .
to rndke payrnent,arid all having
laiins against card P,stat. • will 'present, [hero
to . • R,I(7H SPANGL'Eft
NA RVI LL.TH AYER, Ad nt'pr.
27, • 610t6.
1,i,%1 of Jn rs—Dee. '17014 , 1 SG3
.E/a'rd.—(i. T. 'Dennis, Jackson Conner, James
'aninliell,'lfruben Dennis, Randal Hood; Daniel
Bradford.—J: I): (,lass. ''Mairißid I tigalsliyi•
E. Prosser Benj. Dyketogn,9'.j.,•l%. IVagoner.
I . Crot ing . —A. I). ifoinlin, forael Miono, J. C
Beykwith, Hiram Stickle, Jtonef.A.,Bond.
Otto.—John Mills ,
Viner, Joseph Amen
Ceres Nel.,on faitell.. • •
Atorin.--E. P. Fesseodee,l); VAndelmark...,
'ilanutton.—Zepli.Alorrison. : • .
C..Wrlght,• Jas: R. Hakett," Ar
nold Sonthwiek, - Jer., (;hadalek, Wad Centel.
ilia, hone Duntley, TnpPs, IL M. Bush... Era
s Curtis, u. L. PerSYth:. • . • •
BradArd.-41. IV, Brown, .Alfred Whip pl o,
Job Miller, Frasier Griffin, F. I).• Fimiley,, Thom
aa Wilson, L. It. Vangliam.W : H.. Storms, E. 'D.
Pratt, It. D. Ingalsby.. •
" Norwich..-- , David Greeley, .
Sergetint.—Liwrenee Boyer. •
Ceres.—W.• P. Cartier; `Wm. HelleY, Wm. Hobbs.
Liberly.—. A. - Bright„llera ea. "Coleman,' Jas.
. • . . .
- 010).—Glileon Ellis, Win. Baxter:
m. P, Wright. A. , T,. Barden, * C.. B.
Cobney. „ . • .
Corydon.—C. L. Knapp..
Lafizyetit.--.10lio• Fl o o . • •
J.F. qberift:
or . The -.1.114i4,0.5.'
el . :41E1011U AND FASRION.
. .
... .
•'.i.Tlie'ealficribeili would bg' Leave to call the attention 0'"
theii,trfetide and the pub lie li.:mtnir::::llbVe 3,1;1777.7
whielilliey tire about to ilian 0,, - awl.t4l. 'January number
'ift:athleti y nearly remly. Tho
. ... . . . •
l " f , - he . .14:4(1 - iT7s' ' . .„FriPnd
Jindif ;01111 be devoted to Choicelicterattire ad' the Mee-.
triiiiojl of the Fil'iliionv". - .It, : will also. cus.^taia the litteqt
.patterns of Cloaks; flaps; I.lOnnetii, WWI '.. 7 / 1 0018 ....l'auc'y
Work., ginhwiiilery, &c., &c.; with Iteeeipta, 3 4..fitu i • ou&
ether matters interestidu.fi, ladies e;euerallY.'.' • ~..
-Tilt: I. Al/I I.IS Flll EN D will iie eCted by ,Ilil ra .. -!".NItY .,
PETli:4Bo.Ni.irho trill 'rely upon the ;feevices of the Liter
racy department, of thotolliaving • • - ' • . . , ..' ,'•
• -
UNRIVALF.D..cORPS Witi.T.E4g. • .
Nrs Henry Won I Author c,Mary
llowitt; M lon Rapt:tilt •Author of .tnAlotie." .pare.
B, It;utpblpli, Etenl,r C M. Trowbridge, Mai—
caret Costner, 'Vrgittis F A Denison,'
Clara Augusta; Laura .1, A rter,;Are:ust Dell, 'Anna 'Li
0— —, Char les. Morris. - Attilt.tt M. nett, Maggie 0
by, Mrs: Ann , Buell°, bucintlkll2. llorwne; Oar& Moyer,
Mr, Ai:F. - Tucker. Fanny.M. Itayniond,Yruneis 'her ,
field, Mrs, L "lit:Shears. Carol at A, Hell, Annie F Rent,'
Sophie May, Carats ltyrne Mrs. Z. It • rpeteer. Mettle
Dyer liritle, - Aunie. Mlns A. L • Muzzey,'Sara J:'
'Rtiuisey,- Clara Doty.. Harriet Itfiattin May,
Arthur Ilaturton,"l'. J.':Chatuberti Barbara 'Wangle and
Other talented writers.
• - A•IIAND.SO:IIg.tit.BEIV ENtillt T 1 I;;G-
E 1) STI.EI"; FASfiIJN'PLATii mitt Hilostrale,„evei.y
tier; besides. w.I p‘touted Wonil 'Cuts. illustrative nf Sto
nes. Patterns, "it. c„ too' nitinerousto inkithin - The Jan ,
wiry number will contaln a • bf.AU Wit l'Stsel 'En •raving,
.design:dfrpr6oly for titi.i• t - rs/a,ca z hie by.Selt,n,Fsele',.
and ceded
"GilikitEL NVILKE'S 1:21.::17151IN.
Tlnaintad , sanet , teol'Plate Ilti,,tett f ;s a tato
.y . ' or lore,
'War, and a" broken eitgazearent;. Ni.o Elinor .C 1 bon
welly, and -a ill he.of itselriwn trust, worth the prioe" - Or.
the.uumber. .
Will glue to any nertatn sentiingthlrty subscriptitini
-to 'l'lfl L t LW'S ..111-ENltand Sixty D hire, one of-Wheel.,
atrA Allison's Celebrated setv:ric bla Chinen, SUCfran thuy
sell for Forty-five The Maithittes will be select.-
ed Ifel,N at the mend scency in Nety.York, boxed, and for
warded free id cost, 'with the eSeeption of fry.ght.
prociiiing a:ibseribers for this , Premium we prefer
,that the thirty.subscribers thou Id be procrired it-the reg.
'Liar terms of Two bolkirs for each. but Whoye this can
nottbe, done, they p:mitred at'ou r and'
the balance-nit he; i sty Pulleys forwarded thus ln COOL,
by the pncsou ' de:tiring the machine The ilingnzines
will, of sent to dijferoit Port O//ice , derirptl... Every .
:person eolle tunt ne w er shun Id s.td-al themeod th e money .
•3,1 fiat ds obtained, eokhat the snits, ihern mar begin .at
Once to receive their Nhopzinos, and end. becutraftlif,alis.
Wlten.the whole slumber ti; nattlea,
(thirty.) and whole amount (ZlXty 'Dollars,) in
recoil/0i the Machine will be-duly 114-Warded:
• . .
. . ,
. . . .
0111 terms will be•the collie es thosu for..tliat well kmiwn
weekly woper, .The ,vaturrlay E:vrilinl.j Post, pullihluld
by us for-fhe Mgt seventeen year , —in'Ordor thot•tbeelnho
may be mode up of the pollee and .nlagaz,inn .conjuintly,.
where it ism doeiretf—and will be es follows: • - '
. . . ,
. .
'I copy. , one year,.... n......., .. , ... • • • • •• • • ••'•“:•, Si 00
2 copies. one year, 22.'..,22... .. . ' ... ..............--..'... a oo
1 copies • one Tear;'............ ' ' ~..." .
S copies. and ono to getter' p efelub,....--- 12.10 .
20 copies, and one to natter up of c1ub.......'• ...... . 28.00
One, copy'nt each of 3'111: I. AU'S FR lENIt and ....
, 1.. sATuituA Y. El'i NINO '103,T,' ' 200
. . .
• .117 - , in...ile. rnimberts;ol' Thr
. Lndy's 'Friend . at ostage
paid by
.. us) 20 tents...' - ' : 000 0 .
.I[7° . The muter in l'Aeliidy7s alartys be
d (>Tereht from.tbet in Tlk, Pmt
. .
. ' Snli,critortA in B;i1.141.1 North Arneric,x must rri - nit tici-lre
cen tA
. ii i . addition to :he annual ~ u )isci i ptiqn ,- as we' lum
ill prepay' the U S Postage on llieir inngazinns:
. .
• '• No. 319 Walnut•Ptreet,
jr:l7.l3pecamounuiubers'w, , ll be'sent gratuitously (whOn
writteu.tor) to .those (16,q rour pronirin i übscribt'is. •
!'The oldest in4"host of the 'Weeklies:"
The Peoprietors of the'Sntierilay
paper is now in its Forty 7 t hiti/ Ymr!—would ainiply, , an-
ADUCICO in their P'rnxiiictua 'for that they- design.
maintaining for their weekly . the high character it has at
ready acquieeil as .
. .I..it:erlary: Paper!. •
• They Intre'reaMn to-belleae that AM., Mohr, 'of ,Nlit.9,•
W.I- 4 11 , 1 author East I. ‘ tnne'." &e.;- MPS If
author of • . F.leuor , eVierom.," i.IIIARION
author of "Alnne,'.'A:G i. larr:S. VI HU INF& A. 9'oll
SEXO, and I/Onerous' other excellent writers have: been
•vonerall.y regarded its pmiressing the
. greatest merit And
the uon.aheorbing intermit; awl they deign procuring
for. Tint Putt in the litthre an in t!it past, the best Stories;
She nth on, nod other'Li terarj No, It 1,, wiiin can
poreibly obtain., They 'intend .ciennne Inn ug• .in: the • 1.1 ret
tiamir in JAtruiry, '• ,
• Author. of .:s.q::l,ynner,' An.,
From ridtTnte she - ets, • .??,.. -, A/p foruidracd 'to u.r. porn
Tliii,:tory; will to; ;allt.:1 • .
and will be littoilt.cl.; ; of "Vyrnertti. " and
. .
• In.addit iui:to the ,L,rio, written expresFly Iflr . TI
PoAt. to jay her. re iii 1 , 1144 , 04, this
Ir,t skoriiN • ,t7l,llrive•i iu
ditirn 1.(I the and .r.lit'qrle,•!'../.,.14.
-tur.il tter:Aritli'a 1)1.1.11e. liveript, Ni3At. and )I:rrkri..
Dep.i . 4iuroth, every.. week ' Q , • "-
• .
-1 . ..8122,W,1'N.0...:v1A: jki I NI:_: (3 ItTIIS!
We wilt Wit.t..• to am thirty giii-erii.tions
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50!1' , o Abra frd S . mina Ohlbh in,. ht/oh.a, tiwy sell •
fur Forty : tiveD-liaiv The'.l.leliftirut 'will be. ieleetyl
iiew itt'the tumnifiyuiry • in &ea. .}'rd; firi.ilor
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jll proearitig the ...uliseith-rs ~,r this Prem... in we pre-:
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regular tot tun of•l'un DollaiN : tor vayii: but hie
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titiCthe bithinee of the Si, 1. DOldr , fa dverie,l to., us lit
•eaidi by'the the tuttebibe.: l - i!t
he. itilt to dill, rent 'euAt I ,e
SOH , elleDtin.t.turies shoal I .end thorn uitli tl.O nan;ey
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mice to'reeitive iheie paporti; TVA be,.7 . 01110
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: (JAS 11 .1 S," Nr_l,NCl;l.
.1 copy. one ...... $ 2.00.
2 copies, one , ... . ..... . 300
1 conies, one year ' • • ''
8 copies, undfnue to getter-up 01 Hun, 12 00
'o.cooieli, ant une to getter ap, of eit, uo
Oiae copy of Tao ruse and One of The I.ally , s
, . . • Yriii!J, 3:00.
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