•:'.:4' ,1 41:44411.1440.4Prtei5ins A fo. , 1 hitt.k#l)in : t nTo I Old Us, . 7 - 1 4#40 11 " 44 #4* t . 1. : 41 .01:"' - .P.t ll '-.C°PY i(145 0 141 - 11Or .L .... ', fitylipp7,ll7a! rot, ,I,lfl• s i Ours ii? .f 0 .'ll.li plainly, :inuTntillk4'X'iptitilml fero,lit appeal ;for liblity ' ''- •S ' €rv,i,:iiircihnk t lt;' , :''P ' ~ ~. •• • ,','„:' , ~.: ••, . : .•' nil 1 59. 1 . 1 'd ncX, 1 6 4 :olitle,bitAJl Phis a - i''' parry "in be. 11 1.4$ I•o a e.co , l4?pttt, pri n n 'plies., • Pan ci , : • '•iploj ato oppo;ttos, nrii(JSb#,', - , golf . ' between .ouri ..., :.and.iliairs i 9. itllll‘ ,, g' liAi. 'Ou reis.'iiesce, ieiiinn, e fb..qinipzsr..v.,,ii: o !1b.4 0, nte . Airco • which aiAilaii' ,4- I.stplOt.!ki niaileind. - .". k ;,i.... Jie,ficr , 6-,.-6;m.,,e.,,ery.,vi.:,.„,, ~,..., 6„ ~e,„ .i ..............wij;..by-,:, e,i4'is i.cerigreili; skater lye piddling . - ••• " Ilo i lo, .. i tti f i l . tp ;II I '.ppe,etheF—ni - al • unleis the' . '.- . I ;k:PCtlitii-iiiii ty;dsmand.a. pt; 4 csable solution '..th . .4.1v...ar'.., tripit , goon. land . ruin ill :.-.2"iog a 4. A raiif4r;APanuorat:. ',.'.'. ' . • '. F': - 'i,•„•,, , ' 1 ,;, , - ~, i, , ~, .1 - !" — ,7 -- 7•71 - 7---.---7 , ..,Pisirt;',Parigie ram. :S sit Ileekt, ' AND . .tqIELL. t, GIAOM:9OtittS of nine si . hots; ha. three layers, , trhichvark in size Acccisding•to the calibre of the lunt',:ttrey are held together tiy two plates ~.ctabOut nue - foarternay ot artindh lesS in dianiater ;..than th 4, calibre of :the gun,•two rings,*., bolt, :. ' :anti .. e , nut. •,., -.'...,:-, - .' ~.•...; : ...- ~ ~ :, • , ,The.canviiii#,.bak'errangement is iou'old - for : this War;:.ii'is riot so,simple 'or : durable, and has .;, :net 'been . u . serVior years. Canister; for a gun ioritainslYrenly . seyntiarnall Cast iron•balls, sir , ranged Vin' tont laYer.vot twelve each;. for how . Stier it 'contains'iortr-eight small iron balls in 1 014 laYgigeof . twelve'eseh; forthessime calibre i,:.you, will see that thg‘ case;for• canister is a tin cylinder; closed at the bottom by a• thick 'cast :•.. iron plate or k.m °mien plate, with'e handle st• • tackled; the inteOticektietween - ttie • balls- are • closely packed••• With 'saw . duet to . prevent crowd ; , ~ing .When the pieee - idfired,' ; 1 .. ~Sherpaell consists. rite veryth . in,shell which .is filled . rvitki'musket ballet .the• interitris , fire • then Ailed tiy pouring in'inelted sulpha:l.a hole -isithen borid through:the mass of sulphir and •, .bullets to receive the. bursting .charge. - .No'n's „ to.,e#Plain the difference between e i ggiharpnell ~ot•aperical case" an a ggshell." ' The d'estruc ,,, tive•fuiee-of ts•shar nell 'is: mighat it receives from the.chergis 1 the•gun,:the powder in the sherpnell:being nly ;tn. brealfthe'envelooelnd e il spread the belle, theyare still moVirg, forwar d ... •:. by a force of the impulse theyrecei re :from 't he _charge in the.gnii..• A shell 'is made very , mdch :thicker than the envelepe of a •sharpnell,•and is nearly filled . with.powiler and will - 'do trial i.x.. ecution.if it exploder.on the erootid; it having destructive finalities .in. itself, aside rroin the •,. discharge of the gun. 'A' s . harrmell .shell hay ouly.ha!fortha charge of powdet' thlt a proper shell .has; thus.,.'" "tweni y 7 tnor pounder sharp. 'nel contairisq welve musket nails and six•iiiiiiCes of powder.' ' A. twenty toorlionnder has tvveN , o • ounces of powder. A •sist: pounder . Olarnisell basthlity-nineriausket • hols."and twentY-ftre Ounces of powder' . , ',A Rotoos• Latin: 7 -1f there be'. pint or. tiy. .world Which ought to tempt. the travelet',.it is assuredly that region of Asia . .which„,:li'es be •tWeen the Caspian and Black seas .Trarliton declares this to be the 'cradle •or the• human race. Here say the Persians 'arid 'Arminians, was the garden of Eden; .here, which every o'ne. knows, stands' the Ararat; froth which mankiod spread.alter the deluge, • • • 'Hera:are the beg. and undeniable phySical evidences of that 'astohistring' :catastrophe. Here hunted Niihrod, here Noah planted the vine.. Here larguished Promethip4. 'chained to the rock with vultures ever gnawing at his liver.' . ITithar'saited Jason andf.the A rg ! cinautai .and hello , . departed the enrhantrei Medea.: One:of,the river of this-regions still beats the. name.the Gteat. `adder of ,Illason is a household isord arming the *theCaucasian flowed Greece!. that sneer') of. gorgeolia fable, wbieli • widened pelfenip my..thplogy. Here .P.m.. .pey conquered, and the soldiers of. emperial Rome' hied !attain:. - .Fie're Gregory mreacired; and .Tainprl4nd 411,1 &wills Kahn spread havoc; •the'Turks uprooted the'Genrgian on these shores 'to ; be t.litsovpiliprootell in due dine by the more app'ertrine.Rassians:. Ov'er the Caricasii.n, wall, at the dread hoer when, Allah's time shall soiind,.Gog and Ma-kop shill put an e'nk to the .enipVe Ot•lslamisraon earth, and. destroy. the kingdom of the' true believers When e'll tcfeßii4 liana ,: swept,aWriy:theorgirin throne • . learnedoren exclaimed in 'their an guish. th at the fallen - monarchy: had...existed. vvitlimit interruption since'the time of Abraham; is good hiatarical evidefiee. to:prove' 'a line of kings over pf.qicid of 2,3 : 46.' .• •• • Thing Worth Reading and Remember-. Equality the .Condition of We find'in'the-N. Y..l ;, •ibuire i one of those outgiv.ings . , which' are - intended to pro-- • duce the result they indiratel RECALL OF TRUANT 901.171p;1LN STATES, The attention of the. Preeident, of the more preiwneht members of the Cabinet and of other : gontle;Oon has beetillargely.gi yen to the cdosid .eratidn'of 'the' important question connected with the recall ',to 'the Union of. the truant Southern States, seyeral Of . which may soon be knocking at thd door,. ,The precise course to • ..be-adopted r y ou'et determined.- SeverAti theorists claim.the Preside it's 'war, bat be is himself engaged in returning a practical plan' by which to 'seente reunion upon the. Only. -.practicable basis-rhe 644 is of freedom and cloolitlih'eforo,tha law for all. Re.cent teran ces of the Piesithmt ; and'instructloni.approved by him to recently' commissioned representa tives oftheOvernment in distrirtiolih e South 'now in citirposseesi on leaves no doubt Mat hr policy of tki.r 'administration to perMit wood of ae vagrant States , to come bark trills a tidavoCba atittiady.A.x..rei. The' tires t di l gcu!ision re lates to' the.ways anttmeans of effectuating, this • • This is i'jnophicy that - is intended and ex- . pealed to Work its own fulfilmenti and if Liti colitAnd his 'advisers, and the "other :gentle men" nlluded have not settled upon the concluidoii above indicated, therwill . do sof— The Presidetft's pretencesof conserva!ism• are •all false shams! When he decides, it is always mrthe spirit dictates! No State shall be admitted back into . the • Dnion,,.till it'addlits a free-negro, Constitution! Thatis the policy of the administrationt• and.' the war is tole against 'the:Constitutions of the seceding States. • 'Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, hold 'slaves. 'But -Louis iana, North Carplina Mid Arkansas that want ..to •Corrie, tiaCk mast be warred , against till they agree to Abblitionize their State Coris:tirtions;• sit() Atrieanize their social conditio • - •• • The Federal G'overnineitt - re"ceiv d• its on a,tittstion from tb . e • States.. rt 4/.1 . ,3 41)66 t." 4 , ;4 bytbe aid of its arthies, assu• t i e •to .di •to tkp. ststost itsurjs:tiori end' this is' rot revolution ; , what . is?.:-.4aurty caintederato euiaosi bas so dopreciated thi s t mond setiNo say ? ifif you go to maiket 7414ki.PaY• to, take-yoarrolOneYfita', basket; and. if/ ‘ C*it koin! your. bed in'ticatt glouttty Elint'ocrat. ,13aturdsy, Deo. E . 4, 18 83. FOR EiOR kTIO: ''SgYIIOI7R.. . . , . ~ • . . The snow nt .EH”, on - Monday, ivni full 19 inches deep; nig . d in consequence . tire. evening . express - train 1% us clelay - ed.\ an-hour and a' halt in its - artiyal at thiti• plade... In '‘yarr'ol,•there ,was the.ient.Pci4eible 'tincture of snow hn - the gtound; - . hut when cold *pi', her, is talkvdahotit we iuriender. .... :- . .. . . • • ••.• • . .Tuetrectititi3.--,rhersday of last ‘l , 9ek be— ing set epart as n (lay '; of .thanksgiying and priyer, was observed, in this borough:,— _There was qiiite' large, atleadanee s at .the.Ben tist,licitise„..to hear Eld. At the' close orthe exercises it collection was taken for the corninission, airprientingto',33.oo, as well about $15,00 to be divided .bet ween the •elergynen . .who (deleted. • NEW TEA it!S hag isqued cards for 'at the:i3eitoot 110111!',.:ori Friday Janitary . .t.st; 18 . 64. Th6se know MAso:v. Tereht from.tbet in Tlk, Pmt • . . . ' Snli,critortA in B;i1.141.1 North Arneric,x must rri - nit tici-lre cen tA . ii i . addition to :he annual ~ u )isci i ptiqn ,- as we' lum ill prepay' the U S Postage on llieir inngazinns: . . • • • DEACON CPETERSON, ' • • '• No. 319 Walnut•Ptreet, jr:l7.l3pecamounuiubers'w, , ll be'sent gratuitously (whOn writteu.tor) to .those (16,q rour pronirin i übscribt'is. • PROSPECTUS FOR'IB64 I SATIPAV EVENI . D . 7I: FOSic • !'The oldest in4"host of the 'Weeklies:" The Peoprietors of the'Sntierilay paper is now in its Forty 7 t hiti/ Ymr!—would ainiply, , an- ADUCICO in their P'rnxiiictua 'for that they- design. maintaining for their weekly . the high character it has at ready acquieeil as . • • . .I..it:erlary: Paper!. • • They Intre'reaMn to-belleae that AM., Mohr, 'of ,Nlit.9,• W.I- 4 11 , 1 author East I. ‘ tnne'." &e.;- MPS If author of • . F.leuor , eVierom.," i.IIIARION author of "Alnne,'.'A:G i. larr:S. VI HU INF& A. 9'oll SEXO, and I/Onerous' other excellent writers have: been •vonerall.y regarded its pmiressing the . greatest merit And the uon.aheorbing intermit; awl they deign procuring for. Tint Putt in the litthre an in t!it past, the best Stories; She nth on, nod other'Li terarj No, It 1,, wiiin can poreibly obtain., They 'intend .ciennne Inn ug• .in: the • 1.1 ret tiamir in JAtruiry, '• , A NEW `NOVEL, BY MRS. 'WOOD, • Author. of .:s.q::l,ynner,' An., From ridtTnte she - ets, • .??,.. -, A/p foruidracd 'to u.r. porn MEM Tliii,:tory; will to; ;allt.:1 • . and will be littoilt.cl.; ; of "Vyrnertti. " and M=MI . . • • In.addit iui:to the ,L,rio, written expresFly Iflr . TI PoAt. to jay her. re iii 1 , 1144 , 04, this Ir,t skoriiN • ,t7l,llrive•i iu ditirn 1.(I the and .r.lit'qrle,•!'../.,.14. .1.0.)eu.t -tur.il tter:Aritli'a 1)1.1.11e. liveript, Ni3At. and )I:rrkri.. Dep.i . 4iuroth, every.. week ' Q , • "- • . -1 . ..8122,W,1'N.0...:v1A: jki I NI:_: (3 ItTIIS! We wilt Wit.t..• to am thirty giii-erii.tions to The P./ Dollors: one of 1t7i.0 ler Ara. 50!1' , o Abra frd S . mina Ohlbh in,. ht/oh.a, tiwy sell • fur Forty : tiveD-liaiv The'.l.leliftirut 'will be. ieleetyl iiew itt'the tumnifiyuiry • in &ea. .}'rd; firi.ilor lia.l,,i•frUit ul curl, ?OWL the •:yr,ption of Y n./ .h f. jll proearitig the ...uliseith-rs ~,r this Prem... in we pre-: for that the thirty Hubicribei be p . metirred at the regular tot tun of•l'un DollaiN : tor vayii: but hie cahoot he dune, they nine 1,, piecuriedat titiCthe bithinee of the Si, 1. DOldr , fa dverie,l to., us lit •eaidi by'the the tuttebibe.: l - i!t he. itilt to dill, rent 'euAt I ,e SOH , elleDtin.t.turies shoal I .end thorn uitli tl.O nan;ey as tont an. obtained that the 'at mice to'reeitive iheie paporti; TVA be,.7 . 01110 *till the delay. When the white windier of !unes (thin:. ty,) and the whole atnoutit of nuinvy IRistp dollars,) in re- - ,ceived, tlaCinatthinu u ill be duly laiwarded. • : (JAS 11 .1 S," Nr_l,NCl;l. .1 copy. one ...... $ 2.00. 2 copies, one , ... . ..... . 300 1 conies, one year ' • • '' 8 copies, undfnue to getter-up 01 Hun, 12 00 'o.cooieli, ant une to getter ap, of eit, uo Oiae copy of Tao ruse and One of The I.ally , s , . . • Yriii!J, 3:00. . . SubseVibers in British North Ainorica usuit'renill Oven ty rents in ad Stier' .to- the 'annual 'osibscription as ire . have to piepay the.t.l,S postage.tm tlibir joiners. IE7 ,ts'aheprice nf The Poet id fife Rome ii2d that of .The Latly'e Friend j .th.e.cluhs IlloyAit. composed richt slvely of.the paper, or partly of the nal - Mr and partly of the magazine,- Of course the premium may be either-one:, Or the other; tittoirerl. . . . . - . IT' The matter in the piper will nlwnyx be ill Qurent RI that in the 11111.1taZi tie • • • -.-• 11' Speeimen'nuui bare of The Post sent gintis. Ad Drees • • • DEACON Ac PETERSON No. 319, {Val nu tSt. Phila. • A QHNTIMIAN, cured of rvous Debility.,ti comp.eten. ay, Prehiature Decay•and Youthful Error , nctirtted, by s, desire to benefit oihers, will ne happy t.t furnish, to all who need it, (free•qr charge)'.thn receipt and direetions for'making the simple Remedy used in his case. These •ivishlng to profit by his experience—end poserna Vrifee ble Remedy—will receive the saindTbyreturn wail; (care fully ilealed,Yby aldreßsing . OQDRN; • . No. 88 Nassau Street, New York. . . U M& DEMOUNT'S 'MIRROR OP FASIIIONS.—The / beat and -most reliable . Fashion Magasine In the : world. Contains the .largest and, 'finestPashlon•Plates, ' • thegreatest number of flue Engravings, the latest and most reliablelpformatien, three full-sized Patterns for:, • Preemies, and a Meet of new BradesWork'and Embroi derink Patterns. .Every Mother,. Dressmaker, Millener and Lady, should have It.' PUblinned Quarterly,. at - 474. Broadway; New York, sold everywhere or sent by mail -. at 25 cents.. Yearly El, vilth'i valuable premium. Ibi•Bommer numbei noly.readi•:. •