T THE? CONSTITUTION #' ,ati'4,"kl;eVitit l `tri4i ;•. gent!! ; '.:44 4 - ' - '1 'i ii *ii - iliettii`to . eriftiei . .. , Rieiy , , Om* ' - ;!`gant Itiyi 'cid revolution willr,find "la . '''#';'tei'th s 'el‘voiiii;. 46 i':x 6 cittihi kids ef Witiler!efeueiee, et,..AMerielle Prieellbleet pink side ; b9 Alf, .' • ''•; : ' , •;- r. Ilitiri f irtpl, XIS* Alf, asurwl - TrorOse #i!h*li 'ort strregth , te'defand ' , She:lfetieti"epiiiipt.ltili attar it.'Air bath. ' • . , "•_ -i‘ - ',L. , kLIBERLU 01110 L. c . , • ' - - Te:rertiourantelthoie _whit tnity tmlunteer to .akl - fle`ike!orgiiniittion:of•tioba,„•we hereby offer . roa`-enttas4(y.rallthilfeekltto'eveiy Vet " son whe - ehalf foeWitdlwenty.new subscribers witir , tbeibotiej4:. 1:• e''•"j ' ' ' . •:,,,,.*,. 4 ':',: rnaiii,khictsigantnetlan „ettelMellitiee•wite greet Iteeertteee,` ' ll 4 Meant ill the•beee Period ler . theb(*atereenteMent,.::Tke ,terine en which wet,,ll i liktOitlilql, rkopaper.a re ai toilet*, t—,, To eliimmies taking ,". z.,••• :4: ':: - ; ' 20'',Eojwite,01opwardi ;;ONE DOLLAR each , v ." la rOpiikti, (~ • •"; ~iirrenzt DOLLARS.. ' t! - "_,Plee l ' 4 '"' j'.:" , .- • Teg ; "_ . ', - 1 , • e'eultiele ; ;.- " •, -eix, '- -, , 3 copies ,; , , .„, , • siva , D' Under A Copies ,'.. ‘- ', =' • . TWO : . , , smelt Thepiperi ;will be , addresied to diffesent pentane at the game Poet ,Ofilee, if desired,:ex-1 - enptc le - eases :ot'elobi of 13 or more copiea, whieli.•:erilltbe.mailed to one address. •,'• :;•• , ADDITIOIfiI TO OLIIIIB may belted° at the folle%vinq rates,:-Papers added le a Club : daring' the Britt quartet .of =the elub's filii will ,?.pay the lull rite of tke'irigi nal club for a year, during the second quarter. threlJteurtheof the Original year's rate, during • thelbiref quarter pie ball,•aatt during the last quarter 'One-Ankh; • "anti, ill such tiubseriptions will•terailnetti 'ittiththil yeas of the original rink.' - ; ' '. ~.. •••,. . . • •': ' Frost ireihrfoi..* V'• periodical.jjeri or . Millet t irligell y o r l ,o l,7ret, fie directed to one ' '- ir 441--17"--. a t ail- . of the'club of subscri e t(411.4:,,•*0_11,1,ehan,,,1arbi,; , ons with the - pottage' berec:l6.w°6"*.t."' s hall be banditti° the 6tll**.ilalaldnitee' " the same to , their , , - • • • 'ler he., shell deliver restieetieWeelHilellk . 'to •weekly, newspepere, .:Hat, thlil;s44* ' apply t sin. is f'a ritilitnret the coon y where llPed.'ll-ti'l46 ' ;" ''''''l. 0 the .hiensat of Con ' ' Mr..' hlal l 4 + 4loll - 11 ..' Ira, perk. di' leViltl - ,looll4eij ett.. , ';llhAtE & HALLOCXI I,Rniza% ~ „ ~...,,, ~, - d taveprietor .-4,,,?,„5,:;-‘welicerll IFI 4!):,°4,,,,' ,::',:.,.,,,,,,..i., . : Ali pailleinflii**#ndoslainsl ..peiehasing 4 • • 'the 014 4.)0106 1 *** by me .0 bearer; to wit, - iprodiates ian.l9alsalrei.slo,ol)dne Februa. ey:1184 1663 f line Anal Jen.22d 1893 , fcir • $56.,.. *Pitch 224'1803, .Ona 'date's" Jun. 22d • 1663 larll42l;o6.duiv April :22d 1863; , one •dates - -. .111i004;1663 f0r . ,.550,00 , •;d0i May 22d 1863; ',Olittaelnia2ll'd -1863 f0f'.060,00 due 'June i : 211111 *Vona' 'date. Jan - .20d 18e3 for 82mo • dui July 2204863.f' 'nciasiditration of eaeliiind Of , ,.thetii I shall o.ln-' toot the popoont of each':;;, , ; :'BhippeorCtieoeroil Co;*,) 183. • . • fr'; HEN.IIF;HA 6 NES: • 186 3 , AND RUE 3RAZ ROAD. KM= This ,travertes••the Nerthean anti Fiefth*ent,toitittlesol P* 116 +3 , 1% 4 1)4 'of Eel., on Loki Zrie; Y. • IS hal kik,lutsed by, the: PrtIISILVANIA R. 11. C 01144, and,,endet their auspices is being rapidly opened, thiougheut its entire length. It is floss in: use for Pasiengei . -and: Freight bosineis to :EIRPORIUMi Off miles] Flak ern.Diris km, from'Ssusivritt.o,te F.rie, (78 Mlles:). on the Western PiyisiOn; ,Wavortipismoip ,TRAINS .ExTircium • Leive . -East ward. 114011410ahleki4: , :," ' it' ". • irthias - • i:varow.)P4ilEilOkii Ts:tins-Cr SHEFFIELD. •.-. • . • Leave - Ea st w ard. , . Atelimodition 6:40 P. M. throu g h -WiTaoll7* ' CHANCir both , wiqi`tia,theii.trains bei‘yeen Philadelphitti'and Loakiiliverk, Arid ;between Baltimore and Lack 'Elniserna:carti on Express trains (both Wio; tialteph:lgitliatinspart, and Balt i iiiiarilidoltrilfilliatiispiiitAnd Philadelphia:: 'lrise.3'intaipatioti;,,reepeetiie, Passenger bosi nese n the, C'E; CoOer'l Ith aid ,Mar ket ;2, , • ' And Tor; rr,ight..btisin,3". of the-Company's o:tikingstoti, Cer. t3th apd Market " • , -';- J. M. Drill N.C.R. R., Baltimore ' . : i'f l 9 6l Pliiirltg Pilit'a• . G. ,7411 g Ae* Pr Portal , . SHEEP • • !RIBEFL*iI,I pay the lifehest ea sib iny.qpnOityt of *beep ppfts. • •• • , 7. .I , •!'WORDF.:N. Oct: 17; T Hk' '- price ft 41.,(f•RNIffiliff AN cured of Neivous llebility,)niomneten cy;•reematuia Decay and Youthful Ilcror, actuated" by a ttealiele.benefit others. will be happy to Intuit& to.. all whn vied it, (free of chains) 'the ' receipt and directions fot, tnaklng thealtnple Remedy med. in ' s hirt 04110, Those to prat by hie experience and pollen* a • Valutt, redelvellie Battle. by return mail, (cacti . - fialfyincaidd,)hy:ifdresaluit .' 'JOHN OGDEN.,• • . ' . • No.• di) lyameau Ste : nat. - Nen' York:. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. No. 1, Large Famiii , Wringer, • $ . 10,00 N 0.2, Medium, 4 s ' , cc- . • • 7,00 /4 0..3i ee, , er .5,50 NO. 8, Lirge HOW " .•, 14.00 NO, 18, Medina) Leuntlry.j to run steam 18,00 NO. 22, Largo , ), or hind 30,00 ~,Nos• Wand 3 have no ,Cogge. All' Others see warranted. tlke size generally , Used ; in' . private Orange Judd of 'the American Agr i cultur ist says of the " • • UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER 'itts,child•Oin readily wring out a., tiibtull of clothes in a few 'minutes. It in' reality .a cLOPHES' SAVER!' '...A TIME SAVERi and a . STRENGTH SAVEEI The saving of garments will alone pay ;a large nenteeg on its scot.. We think the, machine much more' than .PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERY YEAR , in the saving of geehtentst . • Theta are severel kinds, nearly a= like in general constrtiction, but' we consider it impotent that the wriiiger he fitted with Cogs, othowise.a TIPS of garment/ maycloiethe roll.. ern, land the rollers upon the, crank shaft i nip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose frowthe shift.. Our own le one of the . first 'Mike, and is acgood as new after nearly FOUR' YEARS' CONSTA N T USE." • • . Eery Minicar with Cog IPheels is Warranted in every Particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DJRABDE WITH• OUT COG-WHEELS. A Komi CANVASSER wonted in every town. 'l:Cr:On:Receipt O(' . the price. (corn Plaeei where no one it telling; we will lend the Wring; Foe'partidulareind cireii)arioddrees' R. C. BROWNING,'.34i Broadvray ARMY AND NAVY CLAIMS. PENSIONS for.disablif Soldiers; Widows; Mothers, and. inkhor .Children. .BOUNTIES for Boldieris 'diecharized.by reason of .woends recetvettln' .baltle; Widow. 4 and Heirs'iif. de-. eearied.Soldiera.: 'BACK PAt and seltleinent at all and balance due 'rtischasged and deeeikiell .offieeruSoldieri and Sailors. PRIZE' MONEY forseli UnifedStates.veseels. - • . - tiatid-Bocrlt Of:lnstruetion sent . , by enclosing to per reern-post:age. • •• SLIMES & BROWN; kloli4turs,of Claims and Patent . • (7nder Broadway: Bank) 2 park Place, N. Y. , . • ..410 Setietntli Street, Washington . , D. C 1563. lIIECIUNIOB' BANK Weis York. BROADWAY DANK ' • • " W ILL! Mantilla OfTY RANI. Wtiliameburg IIon.'.IIANNIBAL RADILIN, Vice Preildient... • . . • 1 • MARTIN KAIAIFI.EISCII,. Mayor of Brooklyn..' 1(' ABLIAIIMANN. New York. •' • ' 'JAY, COOK - 4. CO., Rankers, WitelitinitOn NEW YORK . A prD ERIE: R/11:1.11 OAD. 3 :00 P. M 12:40 P.. it. " • . Chance HOltlrf4. • Commencing Monday, Nov. 17th, 1802.-- Traitia - will lea‘re 01Can at about the following , • MOVING WEST Night Fpipress • : 10:08 A.. qll* ' • .4:13 P. M Way Freight . * 1105 P. M N0.,21 • • •• • lioo A. M • MOVING • • • . , Night Exiireaa MaiC Stock Way :Freight Nos; 3,4, and 8, run everyday. Nci. 8 runs Sundays, but not Mondays. Tram 3, of Satur— days, from New York, rune through to Buffalo, but does not run to DUnleirk. • NATHANIEL MARSH, Reeeiver. CIIARL F.S MINOT: Gaul Supt.' HE. CONFESSION'S' AND ERPERIENCE Tr. OF A NERVOUS YOUNG MAN.-4 3 061, liebed 6 . 1 • warning sad for the especial benefit Of young mei, Ind those who suffer with Nee vOtte ' T " ...C4ls'olMin g° ll . l l. PREMATURE, AWAY, Am., by one who has cured MM.: 5 0( by simple means, after being put to great 'expense and inconvenience,: through the use of wortklelswiedicinespreScribed by leirned Dec kle; , singl, copies may °be had . (free) of 'the authehp. A.!LAM.Ear , oreen t y,int Long :lalind; AOC addroseed 'envelope: 7 Ad dress cauLttp,c:l4l4,BEß:Ti . GazinfrolliT s looitels4tm, New , • NEIVWJS SUIFIBBIS'Of BOTB 31118.. 'II:IIICitERSND beimiestOred health in a few diy e ,:aftei "doilO41,0!:-00 llama irreg**. l th',! p e nsive-, esoit e p ireihneat, • withodt seeifie`;. colOtdoiOVll*Vo4 duly to comoitnii ltf 4. ilgielpeth 4 4ll o w erester e s the assens'es,wAti Heeeeienithwtheeiptef s e addrefe e d, enveloki, Ilri'end free copy of Itio-Piesortitttott rit...DAGNALL k ,1110 Felten Street; ileselayn, • , TXtfilitititithitilitt riot Mt., )tirttaitAtiltimoltioity 110614'w.111:' )011knOtOttitelltt lati; ttiriZZ lo) coititptif isle ott 't thi j ititklt*, :!Poltli loix,p;s;),, .‘ ITSlMtlyttr,tPreg...,..„ ESTRAT. r' ' 7 7 eidaildte le the 'Borough iiriTueldßY ;he .20r1iOcto 4 '.' Mr .e', tiro yeeki'olth and 'aria; Black year. OW- star in his le,iehead.='-. 41041,1441804 a prep), propel:ly, indlake;isitllciriei away, or they :codling. to o law. • . JOHN MULLIN. Oct 1863. 7:10 P. M 1047,4 . . M P, M 1":1',5 P. M' ..*•:' , i , :4til::,; .;.. '''igittOMPROVLD„PiIIVW ~1 ,,..;:i.,;.- 4 ,T:4,A, , ,-..:,...;;'.- , ..,:. :` : ''' , ' , i)''Y: l :: - ARTTh - 1 - ' -' , DouBLE-Aclinstef. :7-.7- c. , !.'-i, , ,i _ - k. - .••• • T. , 1 ' :. 4 ::: ..14 . 4;1:.','...i01*0010 : ‘4 0 , j 1- gq . ...:: . .1':: '.- .,.'i.. .:>, 4 .: ' , ' ( .1=,,.. , :t . .L . , - ,-.4,-:::: 1 ,- ~: :', •J-. , ,•._.::: , ... • • ___ . . . „ ' •• • • heat) Eiitqw:h4ve'niiiiiibiiiiin in general •itilie a' eatfalacre 4bittl ntheri".afitire recointriended as • ' • ; ' " •-"' EIE: S : • by, Cant Errieson,:aridother eminent Engineers. We can" •refee• to thousands' using. them, and guarantee th s avoill will reiornmend "them: 'The) are mere.ailnPle,in dpristructiUn, mil work viol er; and omit less than all others. • . . . 4 0(4 readera t he,.douhte, acting.' fin . - 'Moved Pump ,of & co., one . of..the :best in,the market. It is %Very *simple,: works, 'to a chin», so that a , ny child, may use it throws a steadycortinupits stream;: and, does not frerie in the coldeSt exposures, and 18,01984113 i ellen p: We say this knovv - higly; end give the teitinm, ny of our own' asiord; without,.the' 'knowledge or 'request of iliiProlstieters."/V;• I'. Evening, Post, July • . • • . • Thi.s.may twon using, ,at rny,rriann lactory,. for the lost four.years, , *est's lipproved -1 'now have in use, three of Said pumps, one of which is kept .coristantly Sr work, 24 hours each-day (except Sundaysyand pronounce them,- unhesitatingly, the bei•t•purnps that have licen.'brought 'to my -notice, having used 'many others previously.. •The. V.. ate • sirn 'ple in their constriction,',und not' easily disar, ranged. , , • jsmes A. Wean. New York, Oct. 40, 18 ! .50 . . . ' "1:1), West & Co; :=We are pleased to state that the s Ptimps we 'had of you; about a yeai ago. have bein:in constant use,' 12 hoUra each' day, -and raise for the utte of our Wooleti. factory, .about 130 . galloni per-rnintite They work. with but little power; compared with pumps.we'have Used betore;and . do not getout of .repair; and arisatiefactoryin all resyeets: Yours; &c., DUNLAP,MANUPATUSINti Co IPtNI SoLoriitoOtuiiq to th'e turiners Club, Jan.'23 •..4No farmer - who owing a well or .cistern. can .pOssibly dim:4 tube witimet an , iron should be at once ajdetion and force piroiri---a perfect little fire enginu—such a one keoWn•as 'West's Improved' Puinp.' I speak of this•pump berause . l happeO to know it to be very durable, powerful sop cheap, and.it don't freeze •up, - nor get our of order once' a year'.: 1. know. this,endthink I may be doing . the farmers pied by speakiog it, • boy' 20 years, old can work it, and.throve. a.continuomi inchl-and a-quarter stream. It' can be made:to - Work in deep, wells as well in as hi sheik:lw. ones'."' From'the New York Observer, .We have had it, use for 'months' Pest • one of 'West's Pumps,which has us mote,§atis lactiob as a.force and lifting pump than any. we have ever used..:: It is one of great power, and well adapted for ship's' decks, mines, factories; green houses, granaries; &c., &c. The Mining Chronicte and'railway Journal says: It is . recornmendeci for. its ,extreme eimplicitrof construction, great' strength, and consequent durability and cheapness of repair. There'idno stoffing'bm(--the pressure.beidg held by a,, cup packing,like that upoil the' working.. piston, working in a. cylinder, fitted for the purpos , within the upperair chamber—which We think a great improvement,, as stuffling•is so liable to he deranged,'andlealt.under strong pressure, to say 'not.hing of the loss. by friction _incident thereto. Kilos also two air „chambers; thus the action of the valve . is cushioned upon:both sides by' air-u.prevanting, water hammer, end vaium thump. The valves are very accessible; and *simply , and cheerily , repaired. • They'work .mush easier than any pump we have dyer seen; the 4 inch cylinder being worked . brchildren in welli 'lOO feet deep, and they are extremely cheap as well es simple and , Strong; we freely recommend' . Gt. Neck L. 1., 1366 I hiive used this' pump for . one sumrner• and . winter, exposed to the North. West-wind com— in' over Long lelandiound,'being the coldest . it _- possible ezposure, and at,no . inue did .freeze, 'nor were we unable at any time io.ptimp water with great ease.. . , •H. B. Mcltvsin: , The undersigned,havinh to use' Wese.s proved Punips,cheerfully' recommend ,them as Pimple, durable and :powerful in' raining and throwing Water, and for their ease 'of . action, .security against frost, and lOw price, we be— lieve'them superior to all others. • . WARREN LELAND, Met: Hotel, New YOrk. J. W. Poraiirov, Yonkers, N..Y. MRSSRRRAC • N. Y. • ' • • • Dontivica LAwiteuce,.Westchenter. ' •Ctimbridge.Mirie, N. C., June 15;1863 Gents- 7 The.putnp which• t ordered for our Mine is rieeived and put to - work in our und.4- lay'shaft,•which we are sinking. We find that one !nen will with. ease. HO do gaflons per min ute.• >Ve lifted in.three and a half hours all the .water in the shaft;•which• measures' seven by . twelve feet arid 30 feet deep, and it was full when we Commenced. It answers our expecta tions in every respect, and our wrirkmCn are . highly pleased with it. • It Will do.' great -ser vice with but: trifling expense' for repairs. • . • • Yours, respectfully, ' • . • • • . • BURR Ht6airia We have plenty , more such certificates think these ern enough.' For Pumps, Pipe address' or , call upon. J. D. West & C0.,179, Broa6ray, N. Y. • o . Corisumptiv'es.. tiflg•Adtertiser, hiving been reateusel to health in 2 Ifew. weeks; by alert eimple remedy, after harlot aoffered several poem with a severe lung affection, anp that dread disease, ,PonsuM O tion--Is anxious • to make known to' his fellow-sufferere the mean. of . cure. : • . . . To alt who desire it,, he will Bend a copy Of the preectip tioiusect(cree °Tabery)), with: the' directions for pre. paring and usiug.the same, which they will find a sues Ooas FOWOOIBOIIPTION L 'ASTIMIA,..IInosourna, Teo, ,The only objector the. Advertiser in sending the.Presariptien Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread infornietion which he conceives to be invaluable, end he hopes 'every euf. fever wilttry his remedy, at it will Gott them nothingi, 'mid may prove a bleosing.' • : • • • •, Parties withibithe iption will please whines • • . • Rey. AWARD A:, WIL gON, Wilemsburrii C , . EnT4ot.) •' . • • CfOlDi y, Newyork, KENDAL'CREEK.HOUSE... KENDA.L-CREETC, MIEEAN CO:, PA., THE Subscriber hating purchased this well ':,knOwn stand; and re-furnished and re-fit !teli,the goose, is prepared to entertain tioard :•;rn and the Traveling public. • • , ' ' • .; HIS BAR AND ARLE,' , ifiti-b e•.well,suppliet, and . everything done Jiberal share.of „patronage; Raft: Snit out.: . ' Creek, lineer7,2, 1560; • •384ji EMME=NUE aril a • TOIL.PIMETINITIKE:4OOD.',:,,:''. • —And fot• the sysedy. cure col e Ibilowing,:tosuphdatat S'eroftsta . and hicrieftilarite Atrottloitapetteb. &asi T *rs,'Uleersir • ISitses, Eruptions • ,phoplei,•• . ..ptstratilea p ...81otaItea,•„:11•I/e r . , Blabs* and . all; tikluf,Dla # : • J 1410085 . • • •Atsti & Co. • Gents r Ilea! it my daty . to' itc •knoWledge."What yotit.. Sarsaparilla has done. for •Ine. - .llaVing Inherited a Scrofulous infection; have miffered 'from it varicius Wayit • for yeah. Sometinies.it burst' out It ,Dicers oil ley 'hands and arra; sometimes It " !timed hsward• and distressed me at the stomach, ,Two years ago It. broke auCtut my'heaclaial covered,lny:Sealp ' and ears with one sere, which was painful and•JoatlisOlue • beyond description. I tried Many, medicines ttud.seretai . physicians, Litt without ninelt relief front testy thing.' Li . tact" the - , &murder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced . to readtti Gosi:!. 3leaseng r.tliat you had •prepared • Ina alterative, (Sarsaparilla), for 1 knew: nevi yourreputa. . lion thatany thing you made insist. be good. :1 sent to Cincinnati midget It, nod used it wit curedine. I took: • it, as you advise; in..small doses of ateaspoonful 't.Ver'a • month, 'and used alonAt three,bottles. New milt h ealth y; skin mien, began ti. form Maier the scab, after a • while felled. My'skiir, is now clear, and I know . by my • feelings that-the disease has gehe frowi toy aYetem.:, You _eau well hellee that I Wel what I anrsaying when I toll . , you, that Skull you he one of the apokles of the age, andratualaerer gratefully: : Yours, . • . , • • •.. . ELU . . St.•A tlt'anyos 'etre, 1168e:cox' .V.rysipelistr, • !Fetter emit.. Salt.latte Scald. Head, Sore .• • • Dr, Robert :31. treble .writes from Salem, N, Y., ]2t4 Sept., - Kit, that he: has Mired •an inveterate 'sourer - Dropsy,' iv e I 'threatened. to terminate fatally,' by the • permivering'ime of imr.liarsiMarilla, intiralsO ailangereue Malignant Erysipelas' briar*, doses of thu same; 11a3a lie onroirtlio comurem.Flrtinfiana by it constantly. ••• 13ro * iisliticeltr;.Glialtrei or Swelled Neeli.: ' Zebilloti,SloattOr troilatet; Texas, Writes : "Three hot. tles,ef your Sarsaparilla cured me from a - Wire —a Ma em's swelling an the, neck, which 1 bad Buffered from. ov Lerneoirlicia — foriVhllen, Ovarian !Tumor,. Uterlinonllleeration Femonle . Diseases. •. Dr. J.ll. S. Olianithig;Of -New 'York'elty,..writeir;•.".l mirat 'Cheerfully comply with, thorequest of-your agent in saying I haver , fdinnt your 'Sarettpatilltia most excellent niterative - • In the• minimum complain lit , for which we outplay such 0. remedy, but especially in Itmale Piseaset Of the Bcrofulonediatlie.vlS.' .I.bayo.curtal many limier.; ateritSus of Leticiirthrrerby it, and soma Where , the cont. , - Outfit vas caused byukeration of the Memo; The; ulcer 'Mimi itself vas soon'tureil; Nothing within iny•knowl; .edge equals it-for these female • derangements." • • • 'Edward B:lifitreliw, etNewbury,-Ala., writerr,." A dim srnntu mvrian tenor on one of the. females in myfamily; which had defied Mb the reinedies wo could employ; hoe •bt length been completely cured by your Extract.of separilim . Our physician thought nothing bur extlrpa. , • lion iambi Word relief, but he advised the triutof your Sarsaparilla an. the last resort before• cutting, had it proved effectual.: After taking your romedyeight.weeks no myrimtintrof the thematic. reinalue." , . . . .and. Mercurial Dicernee. , •-: Onteaita, 25th August, 1859.' . C. Attn: Sir, I Cheerfully comply with the re. .jnent of your agent, and report to you auto of the efleds `I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. • • • • have mod with -it, in 'my practice, most of the corn, to• for.whicli.ltis recommended, and Imo Laid ita .effUl.tte Only, wonderful In the care of :tiitiernii and Alen.: curial Disease.. . One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers Ira ins throat, which atwo consuming his palate and the top .of" hie month: :Your Sarsaparilla; steadily taken, cured,lllut lit five Weeks.: Another was attacked by sec= tindery symptoms in. Ids nose, and the Weer:Wow. had eaten away a considerable part of it; **that I believe the. disorder would soon teed, hie brain. and kill him. ,hut it Yielded to my tulthiniat ration -of your.Sersaparilin; the uic'ers healed, and Ito lit well again, nut of course withnut some dlidiguration to his race. ' A wuman•Wito had. bein • treated for, the disorder. by. mercury isle sulfuring •from this poiseu in her hones, They had Leconte so sen sitive to the weather that OD a damp day she suffered es, crticiating pain An her joinla and bones She, too, was' cured entirely' by your' Sarenparil Win a few' weeks. I know trout -its formula, which your agent gave me,that this • Irtepat nt lon Irani Your laboratory must bee great remedy'; consequently, these truly' remarkable results with it leave pot surprised me. ' • - • .Fraterually yours, 0. VAAXISIER, M. Itheuntatiam, Gout, • Liver Complaint: • ' INIiIiVENDENum, PrestOts.Co., Va., 6th -July, 1559, ' Da. J. C. Arm I have been afflicted with a pain, nil chrouießheumelierfor a long time, which:battled ttte . skill of physicians, and stuck to me in 'spite of all tire, remedies I could find, until I tried your Stimaparillit. One bottle cured tile In two. Weeks, and reatored .general health Unlatch that I am far butter Allan. betoro I wee attacked. I think it a wonderful inedielne. J. XIMSAM. . ; :Wes Getchelli of St. Louis,. writes; 'have been `afflicted . for years with au ofiktim4 of the Liver, which ' .destroyed my heal th..l tried every tit lug, and every thing -felled to relieve me; and I bathe been a broken-down man . 'for some• years front no Other causethan deraugentent.of the Lirer.. My holed pastor, dialler: Mr. Xspy, advised me fe try:your Sarsaparilla, ,because he said he know yen,' and anything yea made wasworth trying. By the Weis. Ing of Cal it lots cured niu, andhes so purified. my. blood. int to make anew Magi 01 me. I feel-young-again., •me beat that:can be Balder:you is not half goodenough. l " : ;liiehlrytte,Citneei Tit tit o re,'Enklargemenit; lilleezeit. I dit, Caries and Exfoliation • oft. . . . . A. g T ent ‘arkty or mos bovo'beitn.ronortell to us where ellreAar. thorn fortuttlablit Complaints lava resulted him till, MO Of this' remedy, but our apneo' hero mill not admit them. -- None them may be . totunl .111 our , . Ayutrlenn which this agents below tamed aro pluasetl , to furnish gratis to'nll,%!ho Call (or thorn. Dyspepsia, H e artr Disease, Fits, .gpileps My, _ . . . . , Many. rentarkable-cures ortliese. aff e ct ions have been tnado by the alterative power of 'this medicine. , It sumo- lates tliu vital functions Mtn. vigorous 'action, and: tlitat overconme dinorders - which would by supposed beyond its. 'reach: ' Euch u remedy bus lung been required by tbe fie. cessittes Or the'people, and we twe'confident that this will du:foi them all that medicino can do. , ' : ~ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , Coughs, Colds, In fl uenza limirseness, • CrCroup,,Bronchitis Incipient. Con . ption,• and Bronchitis, the ,Relief . • Consumptive Patient.' •- in .• itdvanced Stages , • • of the Disease. Title is a remedy en univenally 'known to mimes any. other for tlie - cure of threat and lung complaints, that it is useless here.'o publish the evidence of lie virtues. Its unrivalled - excellence for cough's" and colds, and Its truly. ' cures .of pulinonary .diseaSe, have Made it knotin throughout the 'civilised 'nations .of the earth. FeW arci the 'eonimunities; or oven fatiiilles, among them Who have not some personal experience of its ettecti-- 'BOlllO living trophy hi their. Midst of its victory over tho subtle and dangerous - diserders of the throat and lunge. rall'know the dreadful 'fatality of these distirders, and, as they know; too,, the effects of this remedy, we:need not de more than to assure then, that it hes now all the.vir. 'toes that it did'have when making the Cures which hays won.postrotigly upon the confidence Of mankind. ' ' • Prepared by Dr. IC. AYER .&VO., Lowell, Maas EDITQR OF De3lo6lAlri DRAT. Sll3:—With your permission • Lwish..tn say to the ,readers of your ,paper that I will send by return mail to all Who wish it, [free] a'Recipe, with full direc— tions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that . Will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, freckles;andall. impu. rities of tbe Skin; leaving the sarne'soft, clear, smooth, and beautiful. • . I will also mail free• to thOse, having Bald •Heads or Bare Faces, Simple directions and in. formation that will enable tbam•to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, ,Whiskers, or. a Moustache, in less than 30 days. Allapplica... tion•sanswered by return mail without charge. Respectfully'yours; , ' , • THOS. F. CHAPMAN, . ' • - • Chemist •Noi 831 Broadway, New York. MANHOOD. HOW. LOST ! HOW RESTORED!! lOst Pvbliihed, in a saqtagli Envelope. Price Six cen.4, A•LEOTDDE ON THE EltunE, TREATMEN'T; AND Radical Cure of Spennatorrboea, or Seminal- Weeknetw, Involuntney Emissions. Sexual Debilty, and Impediments to Marriage generally;Nervouspoils,•Consumption, Epl-• lepsy and Bite; Mental and Phyeical Incapacity, result, ing from Self-Abuse. dco.l=-By CoLvgawALL,./d, D., Authireolthe Qrscis:Book,•&o.': • • • The world-renowned author, in this Admirable Lecture clearly., iriives from his' ofin experienoe. that the awful cimsequences of Self-abaft mill be effectually removed' without medicine, and without dangerous Margical'op ira tiontis.bougles,lastraments, Xing's', or cordials, pointing out a mode of' cure at once 'certaio end effectual, by which every'sufferer r no Matter. what his condition .may be, may cure himself •chearo, privateiy, 'and•radically, This. lettuce will prove &loon to • thousands and thou- , .„ . .„ Bent um*. seal, In • plain envalope,.to any 0601 1 4 OP reoalpt al ala cents, : or two politer) stanalis, by addre!it ; 4 : , Di . .OHAB.•VO, Klan, • 121'llowary,'!!aw Yorlr, ropel 0111 fie 111% 44106. Nob. 10,111 . ; 17,. • : . , . ." ---- Mee of 1 f.exie'eeer.P.arm Aci*r 'JAY 100Kt.kreklailOW gotkrll. : 7lit: H p, STREET, , Philadelphia, N . Ov.lil Mt, , The: 'undersigherl having been ; ; appo i nted SUBSCRI by the Secret . atir, o!. I .the• Treasury; is near .prepared . to farnish,..at :New.. Twenty. year 6 Apr ofOthe 'Pnitad•States, designated' .ria Twenties,' o :redeerna'ble at 0 . % Ideasdre of If - , • .Government, after five years, anti authoriric. 'by, Act Of Cons reis, approved 180t' The.COUPON- BONDS are issued in sums $,50,*81:1; $500,; $100q;. • • ' ,ThF; REGISTER BONDS ...in SUMS. of $3l; $lOO, $5OO, Si 001? and . $ 5OOO, .. .interest. at six per ceni: per .antium commence trona 4ate nntchase,iancl is PAYABLE , IN GOLD, •. .Semi-Annnallf, which is 'eytal, at,.the Presm premium on gold, teiabont EIGHT PER CEVI ',Farmers, Merchants,' Mechanics; • Capitalists. and all who have 'any ttoney'to.•inveit, shed: w : knoand . reMPrnber that' these .Bonds are,. la effect, n -FIRST MORTGAGE. upon .all Pail rond.!, Capak t Bank Stocks and Securitiesi ari the imMensemoducts' of elk't he Manefacturir &e., 'the eonntryi and that..the ei ample Provision:made for the payment Of the interest.principal,'liyCtis, toms, Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal Rev en.ue, serves to make. theae.bonds the. ' 'cst,. lost . Ayailabk and tost .1.)144;ar. in the Virket. .....Siibscriiatinns received at PAR in Legal der Notes, or Notes rind Checie s s'af .banks at . pdr ii Philadelphia.:.Subscribers by'.rnail will re ceive, prompt attentiairana•every• facilty and explaha!ion will be application- to , A fait supprfof B on dsn will' •be•kept . on, band cir - innufecibne de:liirery;. , : • .: .. • •• • JAY. COOKE, Subscription Agent.. ; . . . , .. . ... THE OLD ,01_,EA STILL TAXES' THE LEAD . * • eomsToe.k. ESPECT . FULLY ANNOUNCES. .TO 111 S, !:1L old friends in-McKean County, that :he is. on hand this the. LARGEST AND BEST " Seiecteil stock of Gocidsin the Ole'an Marke, To IYholfsale' 6isk Bli - ye.4,..1. iVould:. :Say;.. . . . . . , . I can oiler you better inducements than you can get west ol , 'Neiy York. It makes what. you .v•tint, hing in the lino of . G4'OCE.E'S PROVISIONS, Call at the - .01.:P: .KEYSTONE And you will' rind thearticlefresh,and cheap It's no, use talking the KEYSTONE 'STORE always has and,alwirksivilktake . .thti. lead, ani! regulate the market in Graferies,and, 'Provf,stait4 'O4D FRIENDS :AND NEW ONES, Don't fail to call and sae me :when you visit Olean ';'.l shall . noi.burt you, butshall certainly try: to do . you g00d.... ' . Olean, May 23d;,186,0 E.'& U. T. 'ANTHON3i'I REctnufacturers of Photogiaphic M aterials, 501 BROADWAY; N.Y cAAp : pipTOG.R APETS , . Our..Catalogue" now .emprrices eonsiderabl) over - 'POUR THOUSAND different subjects ',(u which additions a're•cOntintitilly being made) o 72 Major - Generals, .525 Statesmen., . ; 190 Brig . . Gene.tals; 127 Divines, • 259 Coli;nels; . 116 Authors, 84,Lieut. Colonels.. 1 30 Artists, , • 206 Other Officers,. 112 Stage, • ' • . 60 Navy Officers ' • • 46',Promine.nt Women 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 2,500 COPIES . OFwORks 01? ART, , . . Including reprOductions of. the m ost . celebrted Engravings, Paintings Statues; &c. catsilo g ue sent on receipt of Stamp. •An order for crte Dozen PICTURES from our Catrtlogue will be filled on receipt of $l.BO, and • sent by, 'tail, FREE. • PHOTOGRAPHIC ALAUMS. . • Of these we manufacture .ii great ,variety, ranging.in price from 50 'cents to.stio each. Otir ALBUMS have :the'reputation Of 'being superior in beauty and durability to any others. The' smaller kinds can be sent safely by mail at a postage et six cerits•per_bz..,' The more evpensive can - be s ent , by expreis. , . . ereeopes SterecoPie Views , - Our Catalogue of these.ivill be sent to any . • • • address on receipeolStatiip. , ,••• • .P7 , *. 1 7- H., ANTHONY, Mainfaotarers of PhotogriPhio #faterials, 501 BROADWAY NEW YORIC;• . , Friends or relatives of. 'promine!it „ men will.tonfer al , faven . , b r ,:,, sea dmg , their ~ likenesses to copy. : will, , be kept careful ly and returned iininjored,;;..' i y • .F:IIVE A 1.1 VUI Td..PßDEit . ifor Congregetioni to;pijkient to-#lir, P,astoi, or for other inn poses, wit&iiiitableineeriptions, &e. '• : . . . . it.is attached t o , the table like a sewing bird, and hai , ing no 'tension; and vequiyingno cation - Or change ofstitch, is always ready for operation, and . ,such a marvel of:simplicity that a Child sixoi . eight years can lI:SDERSTAND . It s 4 . ffitUBd it hucaEssytrt.r.x. - - . • It is not at all liable , te'get.ont Id . order. Each machine is put . tipin a'nent.bmt, accom panied 'with full and eirplicit . dlriptlcina; and went y .fivp needles: ' : • • 'Sent to any tiddrees in the United Soars on recirit of au oider - ' inclosing.'the knoun:, .or maybe collected by Express on delivery rs the When the money is sent with the.ordei 'and TC,istered, we 'guara ntee its safe receipt and the delivery *of the machine, anywhere within 2000 miles free of any Express charges..' : ." Very liheral.airangementi lor . agenciea Serf'.Mmttort op FASIIIONS, Or for lull paitien tars, sPeciMen of.sewing„et e., send a stampicir return postage. 'Address, 111 E...PEIVI ORE ST, 413 Broadway. , N.. X. • Every lady, mother, . milliner and.diest”rna kar; should have one. of these . . vaijkple sewing. THE MODEL SEWING MACHINE. .fit Greatly Reduced Prices. 50G 13roa,c1:wav, . ... . . Menufac'ture the Most perfect . Machine for sew •ing; of all kinds, ever- presented to the Amer i-, ein•publie,.and.eha lenge comparison . wit h any Sewing Machine made io the United States. . The Weed Machinee, with all, tbeir val6a, able improvernent§ E onttretycoiercome .all lim— petlectictia;. They are. gamily (3.1 Nra . irvatlict:rizig Piurposias Si 'construction, durable in all their'parts end lliiderstiod. They have taint) , :ot stitch on : all kinds:of' fabricS„and are adatited to 'a Wide range of work without change or adjustment. .• Using all kinds of Thread, Will :Hoot, .Pelt, Bind,' Gaelier,': Braid , .-Tark.„ (23?ilt; Cord, and fact 'all •k inds alvVork re-' quired by . Families or • Manufacturer - a: They make theIPITERLQCK.,SHUTTLt'STITCH; whiCh Cannot be excelled : - elastick tY; durability and:elegance, of finish: ' in every instance, where they have beenexhib ited,t in competition' With "othrr standard 'Ma chines. We invite , all persons in search of an instruineht to-execute nny-kind . of Sewing.now done by Machinery; to inspect them; and mate. si,re'lliep secure the beer, by proving the WEED before belore putc,haSing. ...The Company being duly licensed, the. Machines are, protected against it.fringernents.Or litigation. 0. PERSONS AT A DISTANCE can. or'• der 'by Matt with * perfect confidenCe that 'the, MACHINE \rill reach them safely, and 'that they br. able to manage it to their entire satistaCtlon,.with no other aid than the 'printed instructions accompanying each Machine: .be scriptive.Circulars, together with •Spechrierisnf Wotk, will'be furnished to all who deSire them ity•mail or otherwise. ' • • .' 117.1IELIABLE. AGENTS WANTED, in all localities. in' the United States,'Ciinadas.. British ..provinies, Cuba, Mexico, Central and South A inerica; West . India . Island's rind'thella-": ham!' Islands, to whom we Oiler. GREATIN-,- DUCF.MENTS. • 'Energetic: men Wilifind it a businesS, as reliable 'Sewing . Machtnes litive'become a necessity in every•famili. We meaufacture• a great varlity , of styles, from Which we 'give a few prices $5O ; N0..2, Extra, $6O ; • No. 2,1-lall.:ase, $65 , and $7 . 5 ; No. 3 & .4, Manufacturing, $75 and. J. K. COMSTOCK Weed Sewing Nechine 00. i 506 Broadway N. Y. (13:0x.2,041 Pow: Oftlec.) BElNG*Huntepic Aim OPEN FACE, OR. "LA:- DY 7 B OR OENTI,I6IAN'S . .WATEII.OO3IIIINED. • One of the .prettiesit, must . . ,convenient, and, 'decidedly the. best and cheapeit litimpiece for, general and' reliable use,.ever....effered. It has within itand . connected with its machinery, "its own Winding attachment, rendering-Iv-key:em it4oy unnecessary..• The c . seeei of W this. atch are Compoied.of two Metals, 'the' outer one being One 16 carat', gold., • It• has 'the ins proved. ruby.;action 'lever • movement,; and ' ,warranted an accurate tlinepiece. Price, super ! . • .bly'epPra4edi, per,cace of a hall .dozen,. $204. 00.. Simple Witches, in:neat morocco boxes; for those proposing to buy'atwhelesile,.s3s,. sent by express, with bill. payeble on delivery..Sol diertf.mnst remit payment in . advance, .as we . cannot collect from those. the' Amy. 1117,138ARD BROS . Br. Co., Sou IniroitTEßs,, COR. NASSAU* Jcqtri Stsq Niw-Yosic: ~ • • 8Y4011 . . .•-• . _ ATTORNST. Olteihi*tv; hfifaan • A,gtifie, for. (main; Keating & Oa's , • Landif;. o ittgads • • ; eopecially ttetbe-ColleatibtrorlAilaiorEilunlaillor of t /And Titter • Piymentor Taae pe and all bualtanti 'ran- Slug' tat bad ilatate. 15tati tnEaseJto motet. . . '.:` -' A tiE3t SOir • 1112-MaittOß; A.Atin ,spLENDIDAND APPRORRIATE OLIDAV P RESENT- • - `MME. • The'. embodimen't or , practical utility; .and a ; tnakes,the running stitch , vary rapidly and perOet, uses a Cominori need)ir and will last a lifetinus.. - 'At -tht tti simplicity,-efficiency !nd. great ' practical utility,'was cOnkrrned by the - aveard of the First Prenolitm. • It will Gather ' , Ruffle, Shirr, Tucli A . Run'up Breadths, etc:, wit Ii a single or :double' thread on.any Taterial adapted to the Ituriing Stitch,' The. thinnest, usually the, most didlieult to stitch : by other , 'sewing machilies,: hCiag Sewed the easiest. 'For ladies' 4nd .childrCne:'apparel.. and•other articles made: of_ light fabrics, it will therefore be found almost . INVALUABLE. • THE CHEAPEST: IN THE WORLD! Becavise the Best! THE 'WEEP' SEWING 31AI,,IIINE',COMPA?iY.,., SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS -FOR They Have Received the, Highest Premiums! THE . MAGIC -TIME. OBSESVEK Tao: Perfection of Meohinient.