'll* 01111'11E1i - • TiME TABLE. '614 :BM ti'olite ntl '%V ash t t aid de with tri Poptioybranio. , Aaßtoatt to . aoditoin Pit tsburcititl, rotiti Aotly II anti. now the Km : o'llW . ofost Hi:inch; Stisqur kaal4riti, DrOtttliri,Ne'iv ' • . 12IN 1491%1.1:41iir.Nity.embc:r 1&62;.i1ie Po - sieng iptyi del . pirt flon't fi t irtistinri land' oe 'follows; Viz :• • ' ' . Suar!tirY'ilaily(excepf SaOtlaY) at 1.45 rti.; letives,•Hafrisbur . g.at , .520 arrivca l at .00ti:rilitre•st: 10.20 : : • Ii!XPRE.SS leaves' Sillll,l4y 'daily'. ..(excepi Sulittay)',at 11.20, p; berg :I'eseept -tlariday> at 245- . a.. to., ii'. es at • Balriirare-dailkeOept Monday): at , 'll'A..l2ll:lSl3VßG:ACo7. l lNtopAtlaki N T . Traiti, leaves llarrisbarg . ilally at a •.." . • • NORTHWARD. .• ' • MAIL TRAIN. 'lea'ves. Bali iroore daily [ex.. • ceit SandaY) aj8.30, a.. o.,,llartisimriri't p.Arf., and arrivesiii'Sunhury at 4.50 p,tp.. • EXPRESS Irt. ? 3l.N.laviis'lLiltimore B.,lo'p'...io.,.arrives at Harrislar:i ut7.50 a. m.. a pwleaves ll'arriSliar,g • daily [except. Aloriday] at '1.2.0 a. m., and arrives,: ut.Sunbury at • lIAT,IRIStVO'ApCOMNIQbATIOIsi in . linves•paltimi?re daily [exrepi..Siiailay].at 2:45 p.:61 ~ancl arriVes at : Hari . isbure,,at 8 p',Jo. For . far . t her in tormstion : apply nt. the ()Mee; • in Pennsylvania Railroad 1)=-per: • .• • . •. ,J. N: DuBARIIY, • • : Sort:bite/idea/. Fbirisburg,ANOv.•l4; 1802'. . • . . Great Ip4r9VemOts in Serving elliges EMPIRE...SHUTTLET,IMACHINE!-. d, 'l 7 e . b,riary 11th, ISGO SALESROOM 454. BROADWAY ,• -This M . ,:ciaine con,triketrit-oli cud yglu~ibin_,imps)crinrgls r ~.lilvin,~,:liwrn'e.xnro itl4;fi by. rll,--0 ,0•I jirrifeion r erci to 1 1 ,;,.. SIMPL WIT t;nd • Pf:R.Fti2TiON . • . WIlow!hp: are' the firincipal:•ultpei•ions urged hghih , t - 40 • L-1 xr..•ty lungut ia'lhi op' ixlor, ordPr. . arof:ioss of time in - replit fosf7W e ve,jrd,4crltion of ma . 5.•:-.l)O;mlrepOble.n . Oiso in opera i The .EMPire S&wiug rdachino is Exempt all • - theio Object:ens. • I' . • It has iistraight-...lle . perp.itdirular Action,. rrok..s:tho wh , ch will nvither.Rip h performsperl.et s,ewirft! on every '.l,4e'ripikoti tie rnatPri t 4,lronfLi•iiitl'im . to the hne.r • Ndf,..orik ”;i , h,cortof., 1in , .11 or..ilk. thi'ead, tiotri :hp lot he rifie , tt • • CAE' •tleo n , vssible it ict Ton. it run; es ~tnootkr .as ;in/ . 1 is '. • •. • .-. • • • ' EMPHXTICALLY ...,.; .NQISP.I.F.SS'-'.AIA . . PlErt .(.` 1 7 , ',IT 1.. 5 ' . p 0 1546 It than .arty . 60,..r.ittat'l.'!he • . Eno v,. yea, s o ri•eitil..w i l• t k.' it • I sl.re:mq rid PQN 1)P 13.1.....51:11Pnirr• .Ty ol'.:cm,Flrtiction • rende4 t •purin , sit;ip . to het ; dutt,riiider, and is the crmpairy ii, lie.eMiir•'•nti=i h etioh. We re.spr•ctlully ,lirvyr ),yhp :way 4r, 7 r 1::;11 a ri.,l t Itfs. - 17:11 . 1 VA DEI) .• „Bait ill ,ti . mnrerpi , rial . Ih. ni •• ' • • . ERC 11 ANTT A I JAS (OA rfl MiAi.ERS. 11001' SRI R. 17. NI • URA' 7TurtEri.z, .411R-1' and 8050.31 MA KERS',bRESS..M P 1 ..: .S CORS'EI' 'ALA K ERA...G.:1114;11i FITTERS: VEti inl P ANTI LOOS:. ;\IAKERS . . Ittl,ll3fol3s.stiad CIIARITApLEIN:;TITUTIONS • -will be liii9rally dealt with. • P.RI E. mAparliEs;:dpmpt.ETE No. 1. 11(antper,. No. 2, Small Algii,tfacturizi3, with ~.zten sionTabio; tarp Mantif.3.6.ttirina t mitt. rqten.- 'sion Table, . •io .No..3:.targe Manufietniing',. for i,eather,'. I . wil,h Roll'ne Fodt. and (": . 11 Cbp, 1 . . 8.6 One half insfetietionii 1 sufficient ta'ena hla anrperianitti wtielc this rilitelilite'to their Er== l' ur attentiuu is ilko - e'llllo.l (11 ' t siiTITLE.,. Pet reit;..l'.itsrie 26;11 . 2 . 1860. - well.kUnwti'thnt n Sfr.tle with rpring rentrnis : prelerable triany greet ohjeci ion agiiillSt. its list), Wacpir.a.!..rpotit of j , spring getting nut "nf'oriler, havini:theti - Id - be inut in . the the to he .repo red: • .• The EMI ,. ire'Sbut - tle: •:so ha • 'any operator can rcintir . it wilhOut loss or tiine or rx Agents want:efl for till ToWnS in ,the United •States; wher:Agenis are wit already establish - lsoi for. Cuba; Mexico, Central and-Snuth Amerign, to.whoo a liberal discount will 'be . . . - •.- • terms invariably' Cosh Ori delivery. T..: MoARTTLITit & Co. . - • . . 4. ; 5-4 ; Brcia4way, To Ponstiinpti yes. Advertiler, having heen.restnred to health in 2 J. low wiek•i. by a•Ver7....simple. remedy, alter havinu sulT.,red eeveritlyeare with a severe lung affection. atm, that . dreadiikeiv , e,• 0- , usumptitn—le auxinns to make known to bin fellow.•miTcrers the invitnaor cure, , • 'r nail who desire it, lia, will solid a Copy of the.preserip . thin used (liaqi of charge), witli the directions for pre.' parina• and'using the smile, which 'find n MORE CUBE POP, CONVIMPTI6S .ASTINAIIItOOOiIiTI'3. FCC O nary olijrat'of the Advertiser iu sending the reecription to to beirdlt the • afilleted..,and spread Information which' he'coneeiveate be and hones every nut. rever,avill trYble - ramody,ace it trill .cost, them nothing, 4101 may proven, " '• • • Parthis *letting the' preeirlotion will please riddrees 'nay, ADIVARD 17iliaineberrb. , :Itiocre•Cerrf T, KENDAL-CREEK: HOUSE ICENDAIARtE I , - 311/EAN' C 0.,. HE . icrown . stand, and . ,re.:furniShea' and si•E ! fit. ted the 11ause; is prepared to .entesiain.Beard :era, arid the Tiaeeling; •'. • •;' • • HIS; BAR AND• ABLE,•• Will hi well supplied, and - everythin'g' done merit a 'liberal share !hark of, patrenage. • Raft amen will atwaya•find tlie:!tli!Ol-si ring" oat... :.• "•• 'sr. rt , L . FuLP.ER; • ~ : j[e.idiT . • :48.1y : . . : , r'00111Vr" - PliOCLAIS/1 1 1102V ' 4 7 it;ctn.;(i:.White I'Vereei'dent;findge; - :rind the . Ilona. d. Dar .ltttlges of the. Cotiris of Oyer s'r tertninet and Mineral Deliveryi Quartet' , Settaiona of the Peace, ithans'l'Coliit.ine Court of Coritrnon Pleas for the Cintity . of M'Keari-ltaye iasned their lireeert, , boarlitidate FiltraY,:the,"t weut y, tx h 01 Jhne fn' - ` . the '.year'' of : otir.l.,ofd •rn i e thoti - and eight,:iitindtgi,and tlixt.three; and tome directed, - ..flat .Poitr . t : o( Oyer , and, Te'rnainer.and General ,Jail, SeetriOns.'of the: Peace; Orphans' gotirt; and. Court of..Cettn.trinh F!ittais,'. in. the, Totough.ol Smathriort; . on.. Minnie y, the '2Bth .Clay De.. cennber'next,'and ;to continue otte.iseek.. . . Notice is-theretorehereby given -to the Coro. ners, Justices of . the peace 'end Constables within the county, that they be then and there . iri'theit proPerspersons',-at 10 o'clock-A.. M. of . said day, with their rolls; records,inquisitinpi, - i.iarninations, and Other reinertbranees,: Ride thosfl thines:which'their offic6.liPpertain .to he done,. Alltl'ihope ,who are beund hy,their':rec . oenizances to prosecute the prisnnerithat are or shall, lie ; iri the jailor Said count y ::'K en n, are to he then and there to'prosectite aganiat thern-aa.will Dated - ay !Smethri(iit,- this I.oth day .of Oct. 1803, .a nd the .86th year of the.' Irdeperi ence of the United Statcs'Of America: ' . •.. JAS: B. BLAIR, Sheriff: 0. - 5..14'.0-1R.N:1!IS CELFBRATED-PRI'.:PARED JAVA COFFEE, IV - ARRA:NT - ED SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. . . . . it is.nsrd by first class fd,milies eyr'rywhcriii -stid highly r..-copimcnileil'lpy neri•mtsend.dys ptipticAwrscns, bcinsi yery nutritious tier' train all iii.leterion. snbstances; in, teSiimony of ,Ybicli I bar- ccitifir'ii , Cirlyrim •ne mpst eitt.Phy