M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, October 24, 1863, Image 1

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VL. 5.
sllientt4olinfb Peutotrat.
By J. - B.'
TEEMS: 50i in Advance.
Rates' of Advertising.
1 Coluien one year.. , •• l . 63.5. 00
, t,. '2OOO
‘,. .. .12 00
six.moriths: . 20 00
'bee:square' or 12 line s or less, 3 160
Tie& subsequent inseithin, , .." • 2.5
7 aslowls card's, wl „.. •..-.. .. 00
Rule-or figure Work will be - double . the Above rates.
"i'welve lines I railer type, • on - eight lines nonpareil,ls
rated a square.. . • , . • •
• icr These terms will lie etrietly adberetl
ppi*Os. i ''.llllifOtOrii.
• DR. W. Y m'coy,
. L'
..• . ; • ... - DR.
. R,'IVIS'ISIER, - •
Ettyocian and-Sprgenn. Anwthport, i.a., .ill attend tt, al
• prossiouaLcalls with prompine,B. • .o . tlllo tap (1601 w
north of therDemociat OMeu...: • • • • • ~...: .. , •
, .
Smetbpo.rt, U'Kesti E. S: Mtsnx, ptoptietiu ,
:_..opposite the Omni House. ♦ new, 'large, eounnotli
•oie atitt*elt furnished house: . •.
' •• : ...•• A. 1. tOURSE. - . . . - •
• • .. .
'Dr.lerrO Btoaaa; Tin Ware, Jappaned Ware. &c . . , west
end ef... the VllttiiC Square , Bmethport s • Pa. Ckeatom
. . work done to order oo the ahorteat notl9p, and in ;the
• Imodiubstantial manner... .! ' . . , - -:',:, ..•
. .. . .
Dealer in Dry Goods, °remotion, Crockery, Hardware,
Bouts,'l3hoes, Hots, Oars, Manx; Nails, OilnAc., &C ,
.. East side.oftbe,Public Square, Broeibpart.,'•Pa. - : • •
. .
TE.SUBSCRIBER announces to the Public
that he has 'purchased the stock of.the sa-•••
loon formerly kept by W. H. Baker, West side
• .. • ,
Public . .Square
Where he is'prepared to retreat] the inner man
with all the.delicaces usually kept
o at a first
glass REST AURA NT. . . .
FRESH, OYSTERS servedoo order,either
raVir or cooked: . • '
'Thotie who favor me •with- their patronige
shill hhve no caiise to•complaile, either as, to
prices or-quality. •
Sinethport, Sept . •
: • •
Volume New Series:
'A new voluipe.of this. widely circulated pa
per conirnerices on the tat of January. Every
number Contains sixteen .pages of
,useful infOr 7
and fr oin five•to , ten original engruvings
of new inventions and discoveries, aired which
are prepared exPreisly tor its cOlunins...
To The Mechanic and Manuticturert
No...person -engaged.in any of the mechanica
'purimits should .think: of doing..without.-
t * Cost ' bilt :six gents.
pei: week; every .. .number contains from six to ,
ten enonvings
,of 'new - . machines . and inVen
'tions,.which cannot be found in any other pub
•At is an estahlished rule of the pub
lishereto-insert none butoriginal engravings,
and those of the first class,' in the: art, drawn
and. engraved by
,experienced under
their, own suiterviSion..
To the'lnvi.n,tor!
• The' SCIENTIFIC' AMERICAN ' is' intlis..
pensableto•every . inventor, as it not only con
tains illustrated descriptions of nearly all thy
be'st inventions es' they2vome out; . but „each
numher . contains' aii Official List or the Claims
of all.the:Patents . is4tied from the United States
Patent 91flee'dming tke week ':previtnis; thifs
tirredi:history of the • progress of in
venti.oni jn this: coun try.. .We
nig; every week, the bestpeierit Hie • johrnals of
Great'. Britain, France; and Germany; thus
plaCink in opt.riossessjon;all that is:transpiring
. in' •medhanicat science and'art: .in these . old
countries.' We shall continue„*.transier •to
ou'r columns copirins extracts; from . these jour-.
nags of whatever we may 'deem of
,:intcreat .to
our, readers.
. .
found a most uselfulJourrial,' to thein,: AWthe,
• neii - discoveries of science, of ch,;tpisstry are .
aryen in its columns, and the • interestii,,of tho
'Architect and carpenter are not.,overloOked; all
the new inventions and disedveries appertain'-
Mg' to these pursuit's,: jiublished ftimi
week to 'week: Useful; and; practical informs.:
" Oen pertalnlng tothe interests of millwriglitS .
Till-owner . will be. feund published in the
Sciaweipto Anise:Kurt
,which information they
'...' s ettiiriot . pOttsiblir obtain from 'any' 'Other source.
":;, SUbjects: in' which planters*and farmers are in..
iireited be found . discussed in the SqIF6N.
:' . ( lTisto•Astsitidnts; meat of:the "iMproVenients in
implements, being illustrated in' its
• • • ..
T&Maii'eubscribers.Tkree Dollars a Year,
'or,'One Dollar for four months: ...Ilia
unies comments on. the",firerof January..BO
' • •
•• 'Specimen copies be:sent gratis to any
part,of the country. : •—• • •.,.•'•
Western Oankdiaii moneyor Post.ofkce
'stamps taken.ktliar for subscriptions. Cana=
i' dian Subscribers will .pleinie to remit 25 . .,cente
:eziraon each year's ' autioctiPtion...to :pre : Tay ,
pasfage•.• ••',••;•?...•
. - 1411 . NN &
. . ,No 37:. , P,ark-row New York
The Providence Journal prints e.letter, nev
'er beford•made Public,from.John Quincy ,Ad
ame to. Rev pri(3hanning,'M which is Contain
a .curions.bit of secret histOry; stipwing'the.or;
iginof what is - called , the etMoorne - Deictiinet't
•• • • ....QuOcri. Aitkustll 1837,
Rev.' Wm. E, CuAnNIN Dteviiport;RA
Mir"Deart `"
,• •.. It Was.in Septem,
her, '1822, that the events: to'-which I eluded in.
my speech in the iliouse'of• Representatives . a
the 25th oflllay,'lB . 36,:toole place. It was the
time when the §pistiish.dovezMnoent of the Cor- ,
tie was overthrown' by the French invasion tin
derthe Duke D'Angotileme.:.'Greatßriteinha;
ramp alarmed lest Ondei . the, shelter of
, tbat
revolution . the' ofCUha should noes in
to th . pa.4sesifon Frailer. The 'French Gov : .
erarneut fabiicated pr was imPOSed upon,•by tt
11 prar . that.le Bri!ish : cali:iner.had determin
d lo sendla squadron and take. pcisession of
the The people of the Havana, divided
Coites andthe King, 'were '
isrified by prernonintcy sytwoms of negro ;in•,
sort-eaten andlooking round for a !quiet tor.--
There was a patty for resorting 'to Great . Brit- .
tine aq.arty for adhering - to.SPain, and a : par
ty for seeking ;admission to the,:NOrth Ameri.
can linion-the last pt . Which was the strong-
A proposition Was then made by a , secret
agent from themto Mr. Monroe . to this effect—.:
that they; by a Pnpular movement, Of, the - sue
cess of which they had no doubt, would de - Clare .
the island independent 'of Spain - , if the Govern=
men of the United States would promise then;
protection and t;dmit them into their Union un . .
der a State i Constitiition, on the model olthose
of our Southern States, 'and with. the
standing that as the populatio - n of the island
'should increase they. should beat liberty to di ! '
vide themselves into two States, awl that 'pm
portion of represeientotion in the Congreas . of
the United States.. As the.inducement; to the
American government to.pledge• their' protec
tion, they were aieured that the aiternative
Would probable he the ; prevalen.ce _Party
'in - the island for the colOniol connection with
Great Britain, and a yeSortto her for. protec—
Lion.' While this proposition wasunder consid
eration of Mr. Monroe 'and ;cabinet,. the .
French Minister at Washington, by a -verbal'
irresponsible communication; not to . the , Secre ,
tory Ofstate,.the only medium' of official inter
course hdtlyeen foi•eigh ministers and - the GOT
'ernment of the Mitred Statei,,but to Mr. Crew.
ford, the Secretary of the Treasury; assevera
ted that the French • eicivernment .. . had ;secret
but positive information that the British 9ov,
ernmenj, deliberately ,determined to take
possession Of Cuba. •
The Onewer.of Mr.. Monroe to the preposi
tion' froth. the Havana - was 'that the friepilly. re
latiOns existing between the United States and
Spain did not permit them to , premis.e c . ounte.
nanee protectiontonnY insurrectional moye
ment'against her authority. Their *advice to
the people ofCuli'.was to adhere,,as long as
possible, to their allegiance to Spain—that, an
attempt of either Great Britain or , France to
occupy . the island would present the proposal
from the. Havana under .a•,, different point of
conce:rning the.Presidept.was not
duthorized to pledge prospectively the action
of the United Staies, but that the .people of the
klay.,ms; might ' be assured oft.he deep • interest
tinder, all. the circumstances which
mightuecur; the Atherican Government would.
. . .
.takein their walfare•and,their wishes. '
It was the . opinion' of at least onernembeof
Mr: Monroe's' Administration that the occupa—
tion Of the iSland,ot Cuba' by_ Great ilritain
should be resisfed even aft.he cost of alwar.—
Their unanimnusopinion . was that a very. ex=
plicit • though ; confidential communication sho'd
ha made•toNt...Ch•anning,,that t,he ' United'
could not seewits.indifference 'the occupation
of Cuba by . any, •EurOpean power other lhan
Spio,' and 'that:runtiors bad reached the Amor
rdan Government that 'such an intention Was:
entertained 'h'X' the - _Biitip . b Cabinet,, which
'made it necessary to ask an expleriation of
vis‘vs: . • ; • •
Mr. 'Rush' was . instructed aecordin,ely; Afr,
Channing disavowed: erikphatically, all intention
the part of Gfeat'Britain to take 'pos.ession
ofj,lle lint avowed her intention not to
se'o, - ..with 'indifference its occupation : either by
Fiange or by the United, States, and he told .
Mr: Rush of the:mined cons dispatched• by ',Louis
:XVIII. to the West [Odle:a, without "notifying
bitin the expedition - ;'and of the, schooling he
bed'ordered the British Emt;tissador . at Patris
to etre the French Cabinit for that 'sin'of omis
sion. - Miming, then •pieposed, that, by a
-o.reticii; n and 'American Governments, .without
.any fot'inal treaty cir2convention, Cuba' Antal ,
le4 the quiet - possession of Spain, with
out interterente in.tlie . tanirprnpent of.,the:-
ivati prccisely.the poiicy
Ali: j *onrite:belitiVed Ao-be.6estidapted
inteTeat and tjintintins,n( t he, grated States,
cheeriully.aseentett to it, ;.
. .
'Pliere was no;!nrther communication bet Ween
14tif:and the French; GovOrimant on the sulijact.
lituar as France wee arrange= :
mint was left tote concerted between. im . and
(Meat The geode of the 'island,ot Cu-
,SME:THPOII,T,:M'itgAN CijUNTY, 0' 1 11458ER'24,;, LSO.'
ba aubmittid to thegovernmentel - Feidinand,
restored ;by, the Eleked'Angoulente, and receiv
ed alriceroy and Captain General in the person
of General - Who had been piiiister from
Spain to the 117nited State's; , one of the most up.•
right and honorable men with whom it has ever _
been, my fortune to' hold politicatrelationa.. He
was preciselir the pan. to tranquilize , - and.con 7
clliatathesubtni!ision of the p - epple of the island
to : their•old government,` and he. tio effectually
aceomplished,that pUrpose that the Government ,
the'lltnited States heard nothing furthet of
intended.insurrection in
,PUba during
• 'thee, re
mainder Monroe•a - administration and
the whole Al' mike. • • ••• • • "
All these transacticins were at the time.pro—
oundly secret. • .• •
.• • .•
im;- of. Course; your Unlit terable• frieUtl
. .
You are quite wrong,". Napoleon •
Telma, 41n the representation 'Nero. You
should conceal the tyrant. No Man 'admits his
wickedness.either to himself or . others, YOU,
and 1 . speak history, bet..weSpeak it like. other
men." These '"words that Napoleon addressed'
to the actor of Nero Point to One of the most
important principles of buman nature.. When
vice 'appears in )4 native deformity, 'it .
venially shunnidl its features'are horrible alike
to itself and 'to . others. • It is,by botroiving. - the.
pat.sioat(of virtue that it insinuates itself into
the Minds, not onlY sif the epeetatators, but the
actors: The Worst 'deeds 'ark, committed' by
tbose who deltide thenoselves "
and others by the
noblest expressions.. Tyranny speaks with the
.voice•o( prndence; and '„points to . thettlangers of
populev insurrections;. ambition 'strikes op the
Oorciref patriotism, and loyalty.:
. What a !Vy
ing iiliteration.we have of the truth of this in
the present Administratiotrand the policy it has
'pursued. 17nderthe pretense of the moat devo
ted pan:intim, With a great' parade of.unselfish
ness, it: has steddily been enslaving the country,
and tightesiag the chains•upon - thelimbs .of its .
citizens. In all its: abnormal eats, each, •one.
more startling tbaa•She last, they have. part
tially admitted the. evil,.but ilwaYs.-justified it .
under the skallow plea; ((that good might Come
of to the State... “What are the sacrifices
of an half million,of men, eaya"..kbOlitionism„
."to that eternal COntest betweery,fteedorri and
tyrannyt.. and what.the‘ destruction 'of its pres=
ent enemies , to the liberty of unborn millions of
the human , racer',..Why;. this
. .vas the 'very
language of revnlutionary cruelty. in the Reign
of Terror . These. the : maxims,
: which . , beginning with the .enthasiaern .of phi
laolbropy, ended in the rule Robespierre.. Well
did . Frank Blair
. say of these agitators now con
trolling,this 'Government, "that they are 'seeki
ni to be Robeviorres; but our peopli will not
. . -
tolerate thee xiutence of such hionsters
. on
side of the p;enet.i' , ',The question of their:tol
eration is yet to be tested in the cOming . Poliii-,
cal strugles tilts fall-. These men believe with
St.,,JUS't; “that the fciundatio; of.all greatinsii
tutions is terror:. :Whbre would now havebeen
art inditigent Republic?.' Ipprisotitnent,:baniah:
ment, death, these are .the,' tiandinaidens , that'
ahould eyer wait the bidding of the Gouernment
to:make ationg, to make it, respected, to make
It feared,!', . , . •
The French Revolation . wirsti 'perfect
traimn 'of the' truth of that saying of Lord •Ba -
eon's: c;That a little experience Makes gov—
inn:lents and•people iniquitous; 'but . extended
information brings then? brilc to the principle's
of Justice." The bloody; i*Perience of what .
ignorance bad accoMplished, brought them
back to theprinciPles of , justice and wisdenu;
and let.ps hope that this will be our happiness,
before, theignirrance; weakness and Wickedness
of our fartaticatrulers have plunged is all into
the bloody giill,whicli,.in•Frinc!, for awhile,
swallowed'Up all that WaVgood.and virtuobs; •
. .
ABRAIIAM Atizsrfeas.:—The American
Revolution owes a great deal of its final:success
to3fie bra Very and skill Of the-iwo Polish he
rpes, Coscinslto and Pulaski. Thst .. lattei lost
bia life in isis'noble effort to establisti'Liberty
and CoristßutionalGovernment'on the' Aineri
can Continent. • Both had previously heroically
(might for the-independence and- existence of
thelr,anlisppy Poland, and finally , been com—
pelled to fly stools's theuceen from the nsirmi
dons of despotic Europe. Until. recent/y: the .
American people hive revered . their memory
with gratitude and almost 'sacred veneration:—
They have always, ayaripalhized, as long as
they remained a' free people, .with poor; down
-trodden Poland, and given, an asylum to her fu=
gitive children; who in vaitilbled and struggled
-to redeem their be - hived country from thethrtil
dom of Russia. But, alas llhat is %so - no, lon—
. The, fialei are at present engaged to throw
off the baneful yoke of AI Europe
sympathises with them kand desecrates theeru
eltiee and butcheries of the Muscovite soldiery.
toward that hapless tuition...Eye/1, emperors,
Icings and pritices;' , Milte in beseeching the Czar
'to do justice to theM, and Atop those heartrentl.
ing atrocities which , .rizake humanity shudder.
*he whole civilized world 'is for Aolaad and
ageing Russia: .. • • , ' • , • .
, The American Goveramant and * rte party
Merle Make an eiceptimiC,The'enCeTreest na•
lion on the globe has 41bne no erripathY; no
, .
good Wishes of ,isuciess, for the enuntrynie• of
Kosciusko and -Pulaski.'Abraham LincolO- and
Aleiander Bornanoff are intimately_allied,; ci-,
gether. Both adMire-and honor each,other; for '
both agree , in principle . , end action.' There is
no difference betu4en•them; both Possess' deep
potic.powers, againstwhich the Goddess of Lib
erty struggies,'apperently Vain: Both agree
that OnlythroUgh the ativid can their Penpletie
governed. and kept: ht, subjugation , : ke,
therefore, against Any . compromise: Punta
that do not qMeqaubtnit to what they think
tight. , Between thetvtixists a pertect harnaciny
of good feeling'and ititereits.' , Their countries
are filen' on an equal . footing-,liherty; freedom'
of the Piess, habeascotpus s . etc.; are " unknown
to their inhabitants; Siberia eid-Zanada sate
the 'receptacles 'of those 'that tiate(,,,tn','questiotti
what Abraham and Alexedefordaini .
. •
, Abolition , contract ors and polie.officers .of
this country are now feasting:,.the servapts of
tbn Czar at New York, for the purpOset of con
vineing.the astonished world that the United,
States haiti reached one the . , same level
With Russia.' • The • 'imientelei;r.daitri..lietween;
them is ,perfect; for deipotiint is the:earn e"
whether nnder a so'called Republican - or min.:
archical Government'. Resale and Ainericii ,
Area - ander and Abraham! . Three cheers fai the
kiiiiitt,and down with , ell nations struggling for
liberty!—Boston Argus,
. . .
Fanaticism 'paver reasons. The.blihdimpul
aiis. of passion are substituted in , the place'. of
reason, and'are guided. to • cOactileijne. tot•-by
legitimate deductions; but through the 'agility
of desires . : giThe.wish is, indeed,latber to Ibis
thpught," with the impracticable , { •These men
Would gover! kingdoms by the same agencies '
that they use in bringing about what they are
pleased to style reform's. Ip their 'blind raga
against slavery.tbey brought abonta civil war,
they look to,•results that can never happen, be;
cause their possibility will nntharinonize:wilb
the ides, ot •the existence of fixed lino* laws.
Of all forMs of Slavery.; the
.mostditricult •to
dispose of is . the American, because .it is not
onlia question of domestic institutions andpo
liticstl'econOiny, but of rice. The negro gees
tion lies far , deeper than . the slavery' question.
The fanatics - now conirolfing'afte. gov.ernment
are the merest abstract ionista . in the.
They ere merse than those wild designers in•
the• Academy of Lagodo, hecause theirschemei
were harmless. The, wild abstractions
men are disturbing the peace of kingdoms. fly
this war and its fell agencies they are endeavor-'
inn- to. promote a scheme that:iipregnant, with
manifold evils... This grpiti .emancipation
scheme has been tried in Other' reunifies, and
proved a most miserable failure . . r..ngland tried
it in her islands, and but a dew years age; The .
Lqpdon Titne pronounced .thi)•. whole
, ralniserable abortion;?' and decldred athat the
list•state Of that man, the free black, was worse .
Ahnn.the first, or the stave condition,' freedom .
having inflicted worse evils tipotvhitn•than sla
very had concentrated." 'll.o...Tarriaca today
the oficks are not Only' falling'below the pblnt.
of civiliation attained' during, their: seivitilde,
butitiMany cases returning.to.their native bar
barism*, and the %vatsltip at What
: will
be "the fate Of emancipated slaves , is j'u '
st all cer
tain as the fate'of the North Athericad.lndians
the,difrerencebeing that the Indian flies froth
the civilitation : Which destr4s• him, while the
imitative and mild tempered African .clings to
that which as certainly destroys:him.'
But that antagonism.of races lhat:must gOw
out at ibis:h . ctiema is
m uch more formidabl a and
destructive. • Trom:isO'inehf our Weite'in Statee
the„coloted race has liPen exeluded.,-
this is a Wise•Prov4ion and a Merciful one to
the blacks, who come into our free States only
to drag Out n - few years,in some menial employ.'
merit, and then disOppear With their t e milleir,if
they have any, leaving no traces behind. it
history and experienre teach ue anything, it : is
this—that no . two •reces constituted like. the
Anglo-Sexon and' he African can co-exist in
state of equality; which Means com Petition.
Se Tongaothe inferior. race is in a 'dependent
contlitten,:and can 'claim support and protection
retnains content and happy:,-thegreatbur•
din of the' relation falling upon. I he. inaeter, and
.not.ution, the slave: ' ,The .moment thatrelation
.is changed-,-thy negro thrown Upon .his own
resources, and exposed to the withering and.
blasting effects of the ineradicable .aptip ithy
Which exists among the whites toward
,all at
African deecent--that :moment bie fate is seal
ed. He perishes iihOthe Autumnleares when
comes shilling lost, and in the . cdurse ol a very
few generations not a vestigeremaine to - show
'that he ever existed. The Almighty. has es.
tablished physical add moral, up,
on this we would do well to ac.'
quiesce in it, lest, unhappily, we' should be
found fighting, against theßuler of the 'Universe.
This negro, question., never, presented to any
other people in the shape it is 'now. presented
to us by the fanatics who have control of the
GnVernment.• Englind.endFranett, had to do
I with it only as distant colonies, and instead of
solaing the'problein'by.immediate and absolute
-emancipation,rhey have ruined these••coloniee
and presented the question of. race in a more
difficult form:. If this war goes on to a sue , '
cessfnl termination for the Porth f it must result
in the sinitlen and forcible emancipation of mil ,
ItonOof blades 'Creme' state ofearyitude and de
pendence ta• conditicm'of freedom and intlepen:
dence, - which'may. entail tenfold . .more injury
upon the white race of this continent than even
the waritself, independent of this particular re
suit, bas . produeed.' Before the evil effects of
this war have passed away; we shall realize the
troth and pertinency of the old Italian proverbs
, ‘bla • epiito , tonleas Neat°, al sputa eon tra:
.visa;" “he.what spite against 'the wind, spits iin
bis pwn tice." '
Tue. °Alma ot , timaatercatoolc.--Soroe farmers
sell ;Jr slaughter their bait stock domes, ewes
or cows, and •thus carp" all hope of any im—
provernent.itt,oile bloW,,DOes si.beifer show ya
o llisrxisitiowto fatten easily? .She . is, encouraged,
,to,feed until fat Land is' then; sold and', eaten,
rhkle,her follOws, whO • belong to the ° Same
bxeed as, Phartiab's lean trine, are kept.lor milk
or . reariog calves, because they era not, and
cannot .be miide . let z :for the butcher .
salargrei.aeoVit—Pic-Which becomes fat;. upon .
i 'feed 'On 'Ay hie h he ; ies tOf his pike are star vy,
hie .. lie givers her,O#r;te the'Ailitnitafr'Oraife
and, propagates frion.piand..:,ihads!':' and corn
cribs: .
has be a'fine, round, briglitliyail awe? She.
will be fat shoat the time :his pork
•barrela aroeirpty and she iieStripped of ~kor
fair•skiniand, fair , proportions simply because
ahe is%worth the trotible,•.of
tnaiiy'elourfirmets'Orpetostai'btend ' of an- 1 1
imals tliat area.dlegiate to. the country:` , : They
seem 'uneityy.while they .prowess ; animaislhat
will, draw, the attention . ,: of ; their. neighbora or :
the•butcherskanti- woe: be it if' it put
• on. a'
better APpetiiince- - thati its foliate* for fi•Orn
'that tiaie ite doom is, foaled. - • . •
• imprav tbe'lireadPf animals, it. it. by no
means necessary: o inetty great ~n)cperisa,;in
'bringing .animals froM e'diatance..'; If akirmei,
will mount his horse anil'ride aOrnia the 001 7 . .
try some fine day, and vieW ';4lm,,fitoolt.:4 his
. aiacut
„perceiiik.„ that thing
ittabitkaant means`Of bettering his cirittin—
stanies'by a cross or exchange, itya slight coat,
and he, by this plan of:improving his judgment:
by compariscin, and boarding up, eiperiencelor
s future day; will be;of Teri - value Mittiin;
than the' expense,; of , many Such exetirshins;
and improvement once begun and . • Persisted in
for a short time, will produce such
_a corms-
PUnding improvementin the, mind and,circum—
stances' of the•farnier• as will insure; its ton,-
tinnation, and richly reward alt hiS labor and
—• • •
• . .
:Many of ourfarmeri destroy the:hope ofiim—
proying their stock by a system ,of filluseemen
my in the iieiection of the rriales freiri. which
heYtireed:their•stock; many' do mot...keep
male from'.wbich to bieed Their horses or. horn-.
ed Stock, nor is .it,neceisary dnfor
it.neighborbood; but tbis one:should be the bruit
and, in order to:keep a good•Oriei a' price.
and should be charged for his services:
. .
Itnito-Ameriban Alliance aga7t Poland.
':•The:Spirit of individual
cases at least, is being rapidly enfeebled by the
influences pf strife. • With many.citizensi
and With war, journals especially, the',impree
slots seems to prevail that. our system of gay.'
ernment has proved a failure, and it Billet un
cozmion to hear open iiipressiOnitof Preferenee
for a•change in the direction of 'abselutiarn.-i-'
National poiver Mrs become with these apoi:,
tate. the primkrYeoniideration, and the princi
ple of liberty, which, founded the Requblc; isms
longer, in.their conception; the. presiaing deity
of our national' destinies.. Although the, events .
of the past three years have rapidly developed
these inclinations toward 'Centralization*, end;
although in Many instasces the people have
Most seemed to justify the doctrine by the tame
surrender, of their meat precious' rights*, we
Were yet unprepared for the pithlic utterance of
a proposition ; that ; if realized, would be Mech I
the shame,aa'themisfortine of our country; and
would be both, to an inCaleulable degree.
The Herold ,says: '‘ , SUptibal that rrancgd
: shiould•succeed,by her,machinations in inducing
England or Austria to make_ common.: cause
with her against .-Russin. :The Czar. in that'
•casi can find,be ally . in this Government; and
most powerfel:one we dare'assert,'?... But does'
The Herald “dare. assert" that the people of
thistopublic'could prov.e so false. to manhood,'
dacencyend jtistice;ns to strike ; with ifesills
agriinst bileeding: 'P olariii?• Is it, possible 'that
'this - monstrous suggestion - , emanates Iron) , on
Anierican journal, The' words.: imply' it,,..and
ihe terior of the - entire article is direitly:tii that
purport. tiLike Russia,'' it continuea; ; :We.are
smuggling with It rebellion; -f and thelWerldvbe.;
holds, the greut empire. end
. the great -,reptaiiie,
:together q."thii 'mainent
,by trait:
.natura syrup's thy.'' What natural sympathy?
SYmPaHIY With'Ressie in. her. siariefe;rigainst ,
Poland? . . , .The Herald says it, but the eentiment
of the American peoPle ,brands the '.imputntion
not only• as
. false, Mit us slanderous. :They
'may so tor'Yiald • to a parsing .1111011 e. as' to
make **holiday show' of Russian, sailors,;birt.
they never . ..consent that:their Government'
ihell league with . a despot to:rivet • the i,Chuins
of an oppressed race; . The& is riot an ticinesf
avrord in this Republic. that ever will he'stained'
in tyranny's battle against the; countrymen' of
Kosciusko. If there.wgre,rio asteroid Memories'
to:protest ..against it, no page in the;:hiatery
our own - revolution hallowed the record
of .Polish blood Spilled in our cause.; _lt the, na-
tulle of iittr :iestiutioris and': the= thortra .upon
which our' national is Weed not
forbid us to syropathize with Busalgagainit PO.
land, the common inetates of humanity, and jos.:
tire that. weown as civilized and.,Christian men
would preventihe infamous . alliance.., ••
• 'What deplorable,oblivicin of duty. had belied
upon 'our. journalists, that they venture: ; to pa- .
rode such hericies before the public? . Look,
legatees otfreedom, hairs of repoldicardstri,ar
the destiny marked oul.for you by the, pervilf,
pen Millraces your own degradation in its zeal
for a:foreign despot:, iniagine:,the artniel - Of
your, country, tho.• soldier, of `the .Republic ' ,
treading the soil of Poland in companionship of
arms with the savage ,Cossack, end diaolating.
that unhappy land that tor . centuriea has wrung
commiseration from the Christian world. Hop
well it would become your antecedents, your
political faith; your, sacred mission among :na
tions, to employ your mighty energies in such
a cause.
,• A while ago, you feasted and lionized
the Hungarian'patriot (or those ;Attires thatere
pre,eMinent in - the Pole. „Yen:lauded:the Ital
inn for. revolting against the insolent.Austrien:
/rill) applauded the Greek when, springing from
bondage with an gwaksined : inspiration; he -re
deemed.hia classic soil from the Mesieribi(not,
from the influence of his own degneratiOn. You!
lyric poges celebrate the martyrdom Cif 'Him,
zaritit. whereyer'dciwn trodden hilthanity has
turned, against oppressiOn, you have rejoiced in
its triumph and deplored its'ailure. And now,
'yotf.are invited to ignore }icier gediMusinetinets
to:control yoUrnateral and,honorableittributes;
to betray your prinCipleti,..end , march with:
the . CessaCk to, seppreasthe last hope
of Polish -patriotism. '
The Herald invokes you
.not onlyby4lie glo‘
rise of the 'struggle, but, with a ; picture of the
result. - It slays , ' ic i tt; lest; worn
equal ;stfuigle, they will 'submit,." ,,
giant despotism and
. 11 gitint'itePublie United to
crush them,..they isubinit.' , The knout, the
thg,exiletn'Bkberidd deaerts. will cam,
Pieta the. We're 'simile or inblugitiOr;* and tbie
completely tilcken spirited; will'perialt.
Am' • 1
.1 7
, '
•t_ . .
serfdom, with the tnetiorie's OPA ;h t. , " 1 ;
wives , anci•slaughterittl:ehildiii4flut:titeA
ald errs.; 'write great hirmire hMtalieiretiffilOr;'e'
public" will net "be dravrttftegettwiTOPibutco4
cause. Sheol& the lust, ofz poweeitinkelr,thlel. ; ,f
Ad m i dire t on=io league , with
ltatand, the United States will havit - eciieftesjiivi
a - republic,' ind,Oe'woliaflidiityPr ,
as the , etch deepotlemof "
. v..
Recent Army "' •
,11111.1(Corpi9nWli *mkt, •
titan-Theße = •
• TAT; yid ' r•-; } "
Nxia.2o op Ceas Mar* Taff Portratao, ,
, • Oeteibit'lsil464 l , •
TO 0 6 &War ofthtiNgto
Mit ater4 MinWeiln -which the.Atmy of
the Potomac bee been, Wi;bdreefn 0 0 04,1ltlhAlkr
tenable bY - ground;deld it'oh"the'Repiditnloo2 , .
present' ad Mirable posittir,,rortleetsgrent,#edlt:
on•the at tagetic tbilitycititiournmeri'dep` For
thh terti'of one month it hold'e;peiltion;•'Hark
to be , turned 'tiny titni'i, , aad'aoli,,*lo o the
'iblegliminander of the opposing forcelttith4fa
the Movemenretrlong loOked,,lor ) :Gett i tr . Mla4,o , . •
fills back steadily hi'V°4-:o.".sl.4tk,_llolng
all his lines perfect, end , readY tiorMr4ov4Ml
at whatever point he may ihtiVitilm If. There
is now noes . shadow of doubt tlyttloiemtended
and expected to press beck the wing. Of.,
this army, and coming;loWn ily . the, Blue Ridge
and Bull Run Mountains with a pottlatotifvhiti
tercet, reach tit . , old iiittlegroung of ; Bull:l{an
turd -operate on our tear. In this he.,ihit;heen
'completely folledefor thoush the,ermy .huttral•
len back a greater distance thin its friindaole-,
hire, yet during the whole of the entivomittkOni!
rear has been, well guarded, cad all:thitilike
retreat open. .
• Owing . to iny.unavoidablkiihsente!'frOrikAbe‘,.: ' •: .
field on , Tuesday , and Wednesday,"•l ain,linalihr!" ,
etpresentlo give as hill itkietotint 41-'I'•OM : ,
desire of the movement dering.tbesksliy,l4"'i ' " .• '
Airing the afternooniil Wednesday''lt,:wits • 't•'''
evident to those who Could: heat, ;Mgt. %n all'• ;.-,,:•', :, t?
I gageinent Wee going on in'ilie mielnity•Or BA "."'", "
Run.''The cannonidirig.Was
. plainly beard, in • :
Alexandria, a dietetic, of thirty4ve t milesfiom' • .'..
the scene of action. '' • " "i, 1'.4,t.e";
,'•,, n
'lt appear, t that the multi , cif',01,4..4;011,* ,.
which started' from:• , qMileffififllli?:ont , tilthiY.
morning, struck off ,)ii,fino:tiglifuiend,*,littl
Warrenton on Wed*thli s t.olo,flitt,iiiit , Nitietti l . t r2 t
ton;Conti nntfilid not' in' etiOoetiiiidleritir‘ , ,,,Oi - i ' ~
renton jutothin res "thiiiii it tijef,fde". l ,in'd : ':'4iip4r; , .. -
tent difference l betweeoloiffrit\gliii'Mvoi - is.. : ',
nine milee'froM thcitiaptititiOf Obit Trmir ' ie, ind N
1 /inn not fir from the base iii tht:lsllßlMMtnii,- ..
isins.•• A turnpike leide friiii,S,thy;ortvio Con- • , '
treville, and this road wit in , fesesiton; ofi,or ,
or purposely left open to the ekerny. r, Miirejang:,
down this . rued` they - . reached it: peinfAiiiiellel
With Bristoe• Station jet-an. estrly.‘,•ltiont,,...flien •: ;
I l turning to 'the left, ,thef soon' cemkrin•pf,..3:oo 4 7,,:i)'
lion wheii they expected to find,,etttrrmiiiiiirtl''
accomplish their: - deilgt,'Whieb ,ati4,l4l,efereil . '
to be lb harraskour right wingtind,get-i i ltr.pur .
,rear if. possihle. ~. : it;; •t„ ~,, ; ; ....,y4 . ~
-. The,Second •Cotps,itider Geperalp,Worren;
Was atrn
that time on the'arehititd*lien pass
ieg, pieet'orioi.wreceivitlt'tollerof MU,.
kitty from Cnnfedei tiles . postodt - ; there. . The
fire wait nnicklyrettnyned, and :the aetine threat
oiled to.; beCkno'''Benotni. - •T.4 .ll, 'ellOt t iYi, C tO tio' .
their stronglind.tompirettetly safe position in.t ,
the 'wothi,.torifinged..to.Plint if rrierdereraisart
into reeksOill Were finally drive'n ; NO . ,
their `hiklizg;Meee, 'find forted,', to light itlbe ~"
,Operffieldi I . .No Acioner:Were they fortettlfileaVer ~
00411446 d pitsitionlhan they began to give •
' e fe'*•i,ne• tfiergimerrilly ,do„ when Coin/tilled to.
meet our troops on /..qout termi.
::, They .were
`sepptitted'by artillery; and kept ' ttea running
feght foi.some - miles, closely'.' purs ued by the
Seconitlind part iitt he Fifth Corpi, which carte
up trolie relit! of fhe former.: ' .• '.
~..The. fight 'Wei kept Op until sundown, and 'at
that time the enemy was in retreat, leaving tbe •
field iii our :The , heaviest ;pert of
the fighting:took Place near. BriettkitatiOn.-':-..•
The enernfe loss
,was . quite heavy, and ours an
Laminforrnedby sorne who witnessed : the - en• ;
grigement, - was very light, consideFirigthe mag
nitude of Ilitlight.. ' ' ' . , • -
~ „
'l'he'enerny left in our hands about six. lion-
dred : priktitters and ,nne whole battery or sr: ille
ry...;;..The prisoners were sent to Alexandria in
tht,.three o'clock t rain tn.-day... - All wound- '.
erl were else sent down thiff afternoon,. ' • . .
`= . :'.l . he nrisonera an belong .to North' Carolina
regiments, and were attached to Gen A. P.
411I's corps. • They Brij,' they 1.11 Gordonsville' ..
on Friday' morning, and, marching around •
hear:the Blue Ridge ' stock cloie by our sight,.
and reached Warrenton on the day of '' : .the_ :.'
• They deny that sty 'troops from Ilillttorno -" '
went. to re-enforce Bragg at Chattanooga, but •.
'admit that Loagstreet's Corps yreht there for
The object of Lee's movement appears' very, •
difTrult of'-solution. , It is Abe . general , opinion
bere that but a portion of bin army, has .been •
engaged in the. movement • now drawing, to a -
Close, and whether ; he kept a told front and •
threw against' our right wing, while lie sent
a .
part of Ills troops to operate against Wee
crank at Chettanooga, Or pressed us back" to
cover a movernedt on Maryland, is a• ques 7 •
Gorr that continues to puzzle the astute brains
of many military gentlemen. - •,,
~• .
Whatever his , object may have been, .it is
evident that 'farther effensive
~ •,
on his part are not probable. The army, -- ot*,.
Gen. Meade now fields a position stronger .'in4y4
every ., respect than any that could be '
, had :on -. I'.
e ither the :Rappahannock or Rapidan.', The
whole ferce can be kept in front, ready. for
any emergency .that may Arile...• Heretofore a - ,
large number was required to keep' onk . com- ; ,
mugioation open. , •
.: ' - ' . .
~`lt.bas been ascertained from remarks of the • .'.
prisoners captured aktlioatt Run, near 'Bristoe
IStAtion,„ that put, a part of Lee's army was"en
iege& They efly that , they lift a pretty strong '
s • '.
force at Orange Court Haile.' . •
,••' •• •: • -
' :"."Th;', cavalry Mid, end artillery , have .render-
ed vety importantiservice since tbs. retrograde .. '
,t6eithi a c ed . - : . :They" . :bave been en- ;..
gaged • eveor ,d' . kii , ee'. - Friday: afternoon,. and, ~;
held the ; ene . ,t , , , ,,a)P ; ,„ i w 3 htli ; ,,:,the tign,_,.Y" : . :r,
4 t,:mtj., ,14,1 t,, Erpt,'"lr.V.ltY, r p! r ;P:::,q„ -,,,
..„tof• e 70.1„ , ..cava M. ; to !me , c! ..:;,,.. .',, tie,t;
MIA liiiii%'Ciii.: they' bati Rti) - , : listilotint°,•'antlel2 - ti,; , t ;
Iglol4;olinfip - r. W.. 1 ., , tii . ,r.,?'1 41 ,43,:c,wai:i .
,TJ'-' 2 fh'''''''.. t :''''''' ' . '"''''''`a; ' .• :'''.'-'.4:.:',:,,,..":..,..-#,
.1' iirt'figit . 014
•:.'',.;; . -; , 11. , '.'V . :