M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, October 10, 1863, Image 1

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    . . .
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VOL. .5.
..#l. 7 .llitOn. OT,puiloi;.P.cttio-i(pt:,
i11181,1,817 . i1D EVERY SA:TVIIDAt*:3I.OItNtNO;
By,: - J. OVIATT,
lr OH) li!. y I'UIILIC SQUAUE.
TEENS:* $l . -.50 in Advance:
Rates of. Advertising
" • •
1 Column One . . ' .... , .. . ... 00
X ; - 44 : 4 i; ' • • 20 00
•, , 5.... !,. . . ....
1 '
as ' sir ' • .: 20.00
m •-. ' • - . , ... . .... . 00
'ut *square o6l2.lineS ni.less; 3 insdrtions
Each subsequent .. • 25
'Jashitten cards, With paper.. .. ..... : ; 500
. :ItuleA:ri figure work Will- be double the aboi'e rites.
.Twelve lines *evict; type, 'Or eight liumi'nenpureilOs
:rated's • . ; .
::',117.• These terms will- be sstrictiy,adliered
eth °it, Pa
• . •
Physician and Surgeen,Smetlipact, Pa., willtittend to al
profee4lonal calla with,proinetness. Office two, deers
'.north of the Detnnerat Office.. • , : ' • •'.
. . ,
Bmetbpoirt",•M'Kettn.o6,Pa. E. 8' 111.4111.5, Proprietor•
•—opposite thioouit-Itounp, A,neiv; large t connnodi.
ous•and well furnisbed house • - • - • . •
. . .
. .
• • • '-.. • - ;A:.I.'NOURSt, . ' - • . .- '
.. . ..
puler iii Stoves, Tin Wore, Japponed Ware.
~.5:.e... west
. end of , th (Public ',ignore., ..Smothporti 'Pa, • Custom
work done to order on the shortest notice, and iu the
most iinbstantiaLuumer.
~ ~.
. .
. .
Dealer le Dry,Goode, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware,
Boots, Shoes, Hate,. Cape, Glass,' . . Nails, Oils St . c., -
.' East side of the Public tiquitteiEtnethport, Pa.
finHE SUBSCRIBER announces tri"the Public
1- that he has purchased the stock of the sa—'
loon formerly kept by W. H.. Baker, West side
. .
Public : Square, •
. . .
where he is prepared to.refresh the' inner man
with ail' the delicaces usually 'kept at a first
class RESTAURANT. • . •
FRESH OYSTERS served, 'to order, either
raw or cooked.,
'Tficise who, favor me with their: patronage
shalt have no 'cause to complain, either as to
.prices or quality. . .
. . J. L..WORDEN'•
'Smethport, Sept 24th; 1862.,
A new volurrie,Oithik widely, circulated pa
per commences On the
,Ist of January. •.:'Every
number contains sixteen panes ofz.qs!2ful
motion arid from five to.renoriginal
of. new int.elitions arid dfscoVerie'e, - atl'of which
are prepared expressly for its coltimns. . ,
To The 'Mechanic and ganpfacturer, •
No,perion engaged.in any.. of the irthichanit:a
purkuits 'should think', of. doing,' without .the.
S6IENTIAIe . AMERICXN. .It . Costs but cents
w:eek; Cvi!ry number contains from si:c f mi
ten citiiiiavings of new inachinek'. and invert
lions,' whichcannot
be found - in any oi MM.
.11 is:an estabibilied rule of the .pub
fishers to insert nonehut original engravings,
arld'thosc of the 'first , ,clas' in the art, draw n
and' engra v ed by' eNneriented persons' under
their own superyikinn.r. •
to the Itfv,enter!
The . SCIENTIF . 'IC 'AMERICAN is. Indis
pensable to , every inVentor, as it not only con
tains illUstrated : descriptions of nearly all the
best' inventions as they come, out, but 'each
Mnger . contains an Official Listbf the Claims
of all. the.Petents issue'cl.from the Unit4d Stut,;s•
Patent : l:Mee •ditringllie -Week previous; thu.
giving -Correet hiatory of the progress of in
.ventions.in' this country: .11tre.are • also.receiv
mg,. every week, the best scientific journals of
Greta :Britain, France, and. Germany; thus
Placing in'eur :poseession all that is transpiring
in niechanical acienee and art in 'these old
countries,* We shall continue to transfer.- to
our columns copious.extracts from these' jour
nals of whatever we may, 'ileem of • interest to
Chemistd, •Architects, Milkvriglas, • And
fnund a most neelfill Journal to them'. 'All the
.discoveries of Science of cheMistry are
.aiven.in its teturnns, and, the interests of the
Architectann carpenter are pot overlooked; all
the,new, inventions - and discoveries . ' 'appertain-.
btu to, these pursuits ..being published from
Week.to' week. Useful and practical inforrria
tion pertaining to the interests.of millwrights
and •niill-oWners willibe found published in 'the.
SCIVITRIO A*IOCAN which information .they
•c.annot possiblyohtain from.any, other .source.
Subjects in which planters andifarmers are' in-.
terested'will be fotuid - discussed in the SCIF:N
TIPTO ..4.IIIERICIAN) rpost.uf the improvements in
agricultural implernents being illustrated in its
• To iilait , aub'seribara:'L:Thtee Didlars a year,
or' One Doltar, for e foot months.;, , The '
umes,..comarience on the first of January 'and
.:•••• 2 ' s • • • I',
,Specimen cepicti will' be-sent, gratis •to any
part of th&eountry.' ,": •;.••
Western and C'clnadian coney, Post-offloe
stamps: taken'tit par for subscriptions. Cana
dian subscribers.will please to remit 23 cents
eXtra on each year's subsoription to prelay
• NUNN Br. eo, • Publishers •. •
• • • No 37. Park.row New York
NO — political:topic. IS of . greater Inmertance'. to,
•the:'individattl'eltizen; s or to the.ttation at..large;
than the eleetive - franchise.: 'TnE;suirio;r is'
O 1 ni:itsitutin Atm. I.ncssiNn Ikriiltf.ST: :Let us
contemplate ititi,seie'rai points of it oc.
The. elective'tranchisc is a great privilege:
It - giVes each voler, a. , voitte - and-an•agency•in
`did selection of from the 4Ol4eSt
to • the -highest ..gradc. plaCes . the' 'poorest
Man in -great degree on a.politictil
the 'richest, 'The .humblestEcitiz,en ".is. thus in.
tint ed'With.a . peculiar dignity and elevation-of
social character. - .,, His• rights of. person arid .
property are more sectir4:sinceltis:vote'is both.
a.weapron and a shield. : -. He'. is encloA;01 with , a
'share of the: sovereign - anthority of:the State
and,the'nntion; and . 'his vote 'is the scepter Of .
hii s . overetgn sway..- '•
,• ..•
This,,franchise .
public "trust. The 'right.to '.vote. isqlecoropan- .
fed by serious responsibility; aritl.•it should neti-'
er.be exercised thoughtlessly or for' mere self--.
ish purp.oses.• , It should' always be exercised
deliberately and ;with, a, single eye to, the. pub,
lic goptl.•.'.',Personarmalice or•personal
ty•should never . .guide the hand..of the•voter.—
'The ballot should ne.ver be cast for
petent pr immoral. man.' 'Nor should.it ever be
subject to. thecontroland.guidattce. of a party.
UncOnditional.s.nberviency.to a Partyis ikon
sistent with' fidelity . .to ..our,.cutintry.- if vye
Place Ourselves.passively in-the hands ola:par'-•
ty, it 'will . surely call upon us to yote , for un
worthy rrien•and for -perhiciotli. measures: ~:No
e.lcigencies 'of 'a party,.anino rules, of party dis
cipline, can ever •juStify us in giving sitelt
. , , .
. . Thd'election• of 'out...riders •is also th e grand
characteristic qt.our civil institutiiiris; as cemL
.pared wilts those •of Europe... With them, the
,scmtreign power,.ilie privileges of nobility, and
a' large share:of the . legislatiVe:and executive
funCtions : are jtereilitarY. •Though'in England
the elective principal is largely applied. hi the
designation of inferior officers; yet the heredit„
ary principal is, greatly.predominant ;. and in
Franc.e the', formal election of theEmperoi is
the merest. farce, and he undertakes . to estab,,
lish the ItereditarY principle as the basis ef the'
claims*Of 'his own 'descendants.. 'This clistinc-.
tion of out's is one of which we' are [timid; and
for which , see''are.grateful to.Hea:ien. • oite
Which draws upon us the'jealousy rittd.hestility
'of the' nobility and crowned heads istEurOpe..
Remembel'ing Our formey colonial relations, and
actuated by unfriendly acil.revengefhl *pulses
they are availing theniselyes of 'our 'present de
prcSsed Condition "for the formation . of a grand,
coalitien idr our•destrnetion. Sectional states-
Manship'haslurnished them with the occasion;
and upon national ate:test - 1i inshiP devolved
the duty of saving the country froth the dan
gersto which it - is thus exPosed.
Nothing can be 'than-that in
this species ,of government therejs a peculiar
necessity tor
. a biz's...degree popular
•gence'atid virtue. Without:extraordinary, pop:
pular intelligence, the.peoplecannotjudge-what
is 'the real' . interest and policy. of the cot try
or the State'; ,and without public yirtue,..they
will' not conscientiously .'and impartially keep'
10 yievi the publ ' i'c welfare,.or regard the de=
wands of. public justice.
,as one means of AP:-
coring; the requisite .intelligence anil indepen, ,
dence of mind 'the elective franchise is restrict
ed tb the adult truile partion of the population';.
and thelestering of,poPular.educht
ed by elf:judicious then, the essential means of
securing' to reptrolics the, bece \ ssa y.. itvgree
both of popular intelligence, and viitue. :I'n the
light of this 'principle, we cnnform •'sour. , faint
estirnate of the folly, ofthriSe who'woulif elevate
•to . the. enjoyerientOf the privilegerand.Powers
of electors, a class or.race,unprepared.to:exer
eise, t;ise functions Witli,iiitc;grity-or..intelli-
.the election of public officers,
.by. the people,
'is as exCellt4itand noble:teattire of. our
cal system. It saves_ the people atiarge 'from
being made the prey of 'the •ambitionand.luSt
of kingS - . Pini ensures the
great - ileideraturn in'poli tics,' a' sincere dispo-
SitioMon the part of those who wiehl the cover-,
p . oover to-secure the public welfare. .i.reoncen-,
traces the thoughts and energies of a vast mul
titude of -minds neon the , one end of snationat
prespority, greatness and 'glory.' It is as strong
bulwark -of puliticil and civil liberty, placing in
the Yawls. or the . ..people a' weapon ivith ohich
they' 'con,: if 'they desire, protect -theritseiVes
against the. encrotichtitents 'of ambitious Men,
countty wheiti the--people'enjoy the elective'
franchise in its genuine purity, :cannot: long be
deprived Of that liberty so exquiSitely describ
ed by TActcrs, as. 's the power to speak what
yon think,:aturto :think v‘ hat you rilease.",- 7
Though 'our country 'and: her-beloved institu- .
lions are iiocishrouded'in . a cloud Of adversity;.
yht.our past, history'has shown'that our,systeni
iS'adapted to pruduce: public prosperity ziml.
happitieSe; and we trust that now; deep as
our distresses, we ure . only experiencing one of
those vicissitudea of fortune" to 'which all na
tions;', Whatever - may be their form of govern . -
menr,must be occasidnallY subject.
In view. ofthese considerations, the, an per
verted Mind triust be deeply-impressed with the
sacredness Of the elective franchise. We have
seen that the getieral diffusion of the right 'to
vote is uu inestimable privilege; that it involyea
high . andsolemn responsibility; that it requires,
and tends to produce a-peculiar degree . ..of intel
lectual elevation and: moral rectitude in 'the
reass . dfAhe people,; and' that it iv in itself etrii- .
nently adapted to promote the national-welfare ,
and 'grentness,anil to secure the piiblic liberties.
On aecount therefcire of.its.great v
,aliie.fo pub•
lie apdiridividuai_haPPiness, the elective fran
chise must
,considered -, as Pre-eminently a
sacred thing. ...Mere especially is this *the case,
when itis regarded as pertaining to that. Sov
ereign power which ii•sordained of God;'?and
'which He Will surely guard With the 'sanctions.
0(.1E1 mora l l government vier mankind.
How urgent ihe'netrd that . the• purity and in
violability of this, sacred franchise should be
carefully guarded!.
• Ev•erythibg hiving the. taint
of.fraud,ln then - cicle of voting, In the treatment .
ofVoters, or in their own conduct; should be
guarded against'to the utmost, possible . degree . ;
end When it does Odour;,iti should . be. Severely
punished; The • greatest‘j.dezree . .of fraidom,
both moral, and,physical; Should be accorded.to
every voter; and the attimptto control the acts
of citizens, by threateor b3r actual farce; wheth
er'. irr . respect mode'of voting at all, should
be regartfed as4.henicitteCrime against the pub.:.
tic as well as againit the individual.. 'A fraud-
sNi.F*lpowr i . M'IWAN2,O).ONTY,:P*4::.:',S.-.4a..viw0.1..:.001,013
'ident'or coerced eleCtion is morally Una
cally; good fornothing . . -No imaginable motive
-canjustify the vioiation of this high prerroge—
tive of American citizens. Eyery species aiid
degree of fraud, even for the . Supposed purposes
of philanthrorihror national salvation, is mend
yeet:en; and every species and aegree*of 'intim
idation or forceids,an•outrage'upon the 3 mittor.:
ity ana.senctitrof the,sovereigiiPover of • the
There, are - deeidedfly,mptorns and proofs,of a
disposition in our natiimal rulers . , trilvinhilate.
the parity atfil•security-pf the elective franchise.,
The..ilisnosition 'was •
.first manifested sitr'„the
treatment of the Ciiikens inhahitingiStates'com•
trolled by to the rromnial •
and :partial electiom-and actual: reception into
Congress, of sham Senators and Representa
tives from WeSterti Virginia and 'Representa- .
tires-from othernortionSrol.. fhe : region .earned,,
Norie of these were elected' in accorilance - wlth
the existing 'constitutions and laWs Ot•the States
in . quest ion, It the 'course ;should .be
in, Congress itself isliable to become ' nothing
but a sham, - The,.country Wants . - a.. congress'
composed of 'men freely. chosen''.by Ithe . lawful
.periplersj., end legiSlatiii•es
. of . their' reipec'tive .
States,. ' These proceedings are "doing 'oil
that goorlmay:corne;" and Nylicteyer the.'plea
of patriotism or necessity, they can produce'
nothing but Mischief.. They are'an itnltation of
the evil and Shainefel example of, the,.,. unguided
and wicked leaders df , rebellion, .•.
• ' . .
The experience thus acquired by:- oar rulers
in those dark tegionsialie them a taste add ap
titude' for praCtising.upon the elective franchise
in. States free•froin the power of Abe
It fed their followers to..clamor for statutes Mu-,
powering the'soldiers to•veto'iti their camps,:
•while subject to*.the salutaryrcoercionot"
ry discipline.. Thu the door would he' throWn
wide open 'for - 111hr 'fraud and force which" is' so
d.estructive of the'purity and sanctity . ol the bal
lot.. - Theii.followed in succession those Opera—,
t ions dpon:the.eloctiorrS aml
Connecticut, so disgraCeiur to 'the operation's.
and so injurious to.the true welfire of the lie—
ticm...;And thelnoral sense or the.e6untry. has
been firtelly shocked by. the . audacious invasion
,of ptipular rights in the palriotic State of hen-.
lucky; where voters.. were driven away 'froth
the-ballot-box'by . military intimidation and. by
the actual sUrrounding of the places. of voting,
with bristling bayonets! These attrocious.pro
ceedings, so mournful in the . retrospert,iite ter.
ribly'ominous of what we rnay"expee . t in the
time to come.. iTheir alarming import is he.igh...
toned by . the • significant, coincidence. -that in
September of last 'yeM-,.jdst .preVious to the au
tumnal elections,t,be countiy . was startled
. by, a
general proclamation df.inartiaf law;. and It.
now, imsiniilar, cieburnsiances,•surprisedi.:by a
proclamation 'of the 'suspension of Vie
. vvr it of
roriths--broatbenough in . its terms to.ein
brate.political offinices'as . well as military, and
to affect* eiviliaits as well as sOldiers:
Cp . UNTr.V.NtIiN! let no . motive' or, 'pretense
of nicessity•or'expedieney lead you.. to violate
or - to' excuse tne , vrolation of fiindatnental ptin
'idples! Stich acts *ill not 'save, but will surely
deSttoy, oitY country. and its free institations!
Nk:w HAvEN;S.,elit. 13, 1863
Furioughs 'for Abolitionists--Fighting
foi ,Demoorats. .
It is very.evident that the cehtrol despotism
at Washington intends 'to use':the army; es far
'as, it - is; possible: to do so, to control the - next'
election Pennaylvania. %Already 'the • foot-,
prints of the'pdlitical trick'sfers are plainly vis
. [We: of: soldiers 'have :been sent
home furioug-h train Meade's army, to .elect
tiena;er:Mi . :t3e a thditiou State ticket.'- Ao.Dem•-.
ocrats ale- permitted .te'•be •absent -froth their
regiments—they rpost:•roMain
.and' bear. the
out Of the battle,'tsh,ila the ,more.larered A
olitioniats meallowed the. ivilvsted . spending
;:two or three weeka•ht home;" just.heforeflie
election iii this: State. One insteuce'recently
came to our klit)WithlZO, where as 'officer' in
sound health had-a furlough of :rhree -weeks
granted linni 'including the second Tuesday of
October, when, at the's:line tithe, his regiment
was hastily despatched, ate lew -hours' notice,
,join the main•Lody of..Meede's - fOrees:
,that he is an -ult re Abolitionist, 'and is sup
posed to Orield: consiLito able political induenee'
in •his.diattlet; fully "accounts for he tavorite-
ISM exhibited. : 'This game trill be:extensively
played bylheartfliorities•at•Washingtim„ The
wicked Men in power will not lea'ye any means
untried, fair tit -secure:the succ,eSs.of
their treasonable doetrines. The-y. believe that
s , it better to lose,a.battle in the field [hail
an election." ',Actiog-,Open this infainons.sen
timent, they, depleted the Army ofthe Comber- .
land to send, Political recruits to Ohio. :By
lug •so, they mate'ialiv'assisted.in the defeat
of lioseerans undhis.eallant neirry. : They Will
'not freaitate to peril Meade and his heroic
mond in 'the. same Manner. Their policy is to .
rule' aid, ruin-the free white, men of the North,
in order that they Mai - elevate_ to:sociol and po
litical. equality the African has: race: The
Press, of yesterday in'orning; adVocateidthe vig
orous -Prosecution• of the
,war in this_ style:H,
“ . .The rePtilse at Chattanooga would bets mere 1 ,
trifle eompared•With the success of. the -Demo-,
&Mit - party:An:Ohio or Pennsylvania."-
Ot'course,.if the Washington' duthorities be•
lieve'this; they will' send •hothe every soldier,
froui, thoie :States- who. Will' vote their ticket;
and 'as-there are nearly two hundred' thousand
men in'the 'field from those States -1 and 'ris•'.it is
doirnia/ that, a Majority of- them are:Republic..
ans, ' , ltch 'a_ policy • would take away a• greater •
number of - meir than Rosecran.s has in his whole
army: • The first fruits of this Tiolitical• strate
gy are i< the losses of 1,700 killed,-S,OOO
and a loss
. in artillery wiji.nOt fall
'short 'or fifty. pieces, while. out deficiency 'in .
transportation and.baegage cannot be:estittnit
eil."....sUch is ',AbolitioO ;cfriondship , ,lOoha.
' • •-: •
ccTciu CoNsTrru'uox As 'IT ts."-:—Nothing so
anhoys.the liepublicanS as this platform.
e,rywhera'throng,hout the country the . .offichas
are taking
n t he: oath' to support it, but 'like .Mr.
Sumner •when tirt . entered the Senale, they;
do so ,t,iitlota teservution."• Their faithon the
subject . is that of the heroic. Lane who has just
abandoned'his pursuit of Qua:m.(4'ond come to
'Washington for—safety.' Ina late speech 'he
said: . . '
'ens' Conetitution as it was, is' played out—
its tachilicSl definition is •the restoration •cd .
slavery, mid Lain ready 'to see any Kansas man
shot down N•ho favors the Union as it wae.",-.
Plain Talk for 'Plain Teolite.
,• We do not"thirc'that any man of.plajn; com: 7
mon, sense, will say that the.Co'nditien:-61 .tiP
coontry ut present iS woulddaSite,it
There . - rn
Soething.Sisirong:--soine .of
the ,Machinery oat of geurantil.we. take it,
as:iv•mtitter of cnerse;thet,e,izerY ,right-rnireled
man Would like . telsee , thitig'Sset:to . :fights, and
the breaks, alid'obitroctions in'. the: , Mhchinery
retniived;ind: . mentled..: , 'gow,•":it.is•cibviOte to
nor mitici. tipt . -the then . who hayofor three years
past' been.running:the machine:del ., :nut...ender
stand its inecheidsM-,mtherwise . .it wotild . not
: have putoutheenjarreand of
: running , order
nof:understanding cannot' safely .b.e."
trusted by the.peeplt tolepairandi - Put: it'agein
, good !Nit-tied by costly
experiencesin our own Office that:a steam press,
-.which en experienced ingineef,:a., steady. Man
Well-balanied mind, Will run-without :.brealt
mpedireent for ri year, a ri : inexPerie aced
confident iti . his own ignorance_,'viii put
ouvelorder,everY meefr,.and ,if :continned,.to
tal.riiM'in a Meath. • It is . .the Same in gevern•
raental.as •If the . Metr
entrusted 'With the manugement of the State are
,or'..careless, 'or reckless, the inuchine.'
ry will .soon be diSarranced,.the. levers . . and ;
serev . vs and pulleys and cylinders,' and wbeelf ,
and bands cease to work ea . :they were intended: .
to-r-and unless the;.burglers- are. : removed, and
competent wotitmen . -put. to their -Place ; the
whole machinery May be.utterly. , reined in •as
short a 'time as it takes. nut' 'incompetent engi,
° neer and pressman to..ruin a douhle cylinder
steam printing preis.•' l ' . • ' .
. - .
'The history cif the gauntry,' which is open. to
•all; ;in its puldic-rocortli,.in the'proceodings of
.Congress.and theS`tate:Leg,islattite . s, shows too .
plainly for contradiction cp. rlispute, that:While
troubles havealways. arisen wider .iniministra;
lions other than Demeiratici evetything..ha's
gone smoothly and .well' when'Democrate .Were.
in power, • A lid' there is a veiy.plain reason for
this.. The • Dernoeratie par ty,.'mhen
I tering,.the Government; have alWays.'crinfined
thethselves withinlbe limits of the 'Constitu.
I limn, literally,eoniirtied, and heed in rill things
observant and, obedient to the lav;S: Theiram
bition has been to rtilivinildly, to cnriy . out the
intensionsof their' Fathers strictly,,to place no
I unnecessary burdens upon th.e people, to restrain
them.in 'the exercise of no privilege'granted by
the, Constttution Or natural right not:volunfailry
resiCneil lortite sake 'of gOod governinent—in
short their aim has been to l;estoW . the 'greatest .
number, end "they have never'fniled to do
while their . politiCal opponent'S, whatever'
name:known, have inveriabfy.parSued..a, differ
•ent course, and invariably, under' theiradm.inis,.
tration of• Government have the peoplesuffered,
Wiong.pn4 oppression. • Theii views, ,Wkatever
they, may pretend to . the contrary, nre.`ncie
cathey are aristocratic,.
trary to the principles upon which rittr . .fre.e
stitutions are founded. They never could find
poiver enough-1n the Cons'titutintr to carryout
their,policy, and bence'they hays 'disregarded.
it; wherrin ant hority . , trampled . theleWs• tinder,
foat.'set their heels upon - the 'treks of the.peo—
ple, and.brotight trouble ..antl, pippin' upon 'the
:Under: th.. ittlmi.nistration.,Ofjohn:.
this was e'xenaplifted-, in the Pasa . ge and enforce,:
ment:.of. tbe Alien, and: Sedition lad's,.; from'
whenrearose.persecutiOns for .ophopna
,speetes Of tyrripnY. otlions . ton free
people ; Th,, same policy, though.'in a lesser
.marked the administration 'Or everk
succeeding 'administration hostile to' Demo
cratic sentiment., down,, to the 'irraugnratiop
Abraharn Lincoln, since whed•the , true...pirit
.Of the party has displayed . itself'in• . tbe, : rriOs.t •
`reckless acts of despotism that ever 'disgraced
. ,
.any nation. ..• • .
• ..Under this administration. nothing 'has been
. t . ,er-tarded but n the uncheeketl will of the, ruling
;party. KverY barriei.ereqed•by the. Gonst.i—
tation and the laws against. the exercise of nt
bitrary, power and for the prcito'ction . of. State
slid popular rights, has been brushed away from
it's path, and we•haVe had is reign:oiler:vet and
blood, of-conscription and 'exaction, of, plunder
and onpre.sion,stained by crimes of 'every no,
t ure and tiegree,.l hat finds no parallel in.histerV.
__ t h at •o c k et pi the heart. and inantles.the cheek
—of the rivilizttil woild.with the.blush of 'shame
and' indignation.
.• • •
•.. No one' who , nriderstands ilie,itisti.tutions
the cOntitry;nod • valueS • his reputation,. will
deny this statement. It i s trile—and truth is
. .
. - This il an g o r ignoriintund reckless engineers
in;Pharge of. the N'ational and State 'engines,
hatietlfrowg. the train frrimtlfe track, andliaye .
neither the desire nor skill to jut it 'On 'minim'
What, then', is to bp:rlOne? - Weribst.chanr, , e
nuro.verktnen—we must dischargetheincompe ,
'tent aniticarelesS hantla.we have, anti' employ
skillful mechanic's' to repair the damage and put
the iritin - epan the' rails; s..6':.inust do this;
every hope of this free people, Of this:great
publican nation,. will be wrecked... ' `.
It is . time to open nur eyes and look the truth ,
in' the face.. There is, this 1 ilsy; bet ,One. step
betskeen us 'and destruction,. iYe must; break
down the ruling power, or We . must ourselves.
go' driWn. We 'cannot now ,reach
through' the ballot.bris . --but we cot . reach .Cur
tin, and Curtin :is. Lincoln's. right' arm. Let
'us loP'olithia.right arm, and, by, so:doing,.les•
sen the power .of the Federal administration
for mischief, :And redeetrr Penhsylimniit from
disgrace, ,To save yOur. country and your
selvesyon must .do this: You syill .have ; .an
opportunity 'on the 13th—avail 'yourselves . of .
nothing: doter or restrain. you-strike
'hell, and . strike bsld/i. If you fail ;you can
loose 'nothing—for,things are as bad as can be—
but if - you Succeed you vitl gain much—it
country, liberty, constitutional government:
peace, union and prosperity . .-=4"oidt and ,ITte-.
4, AVITfCICIS LOYAL.—'The will of ~the Presi-1
(lent is above the Constitution and.the lari.:—
Whnever (lisPutes this, is, sympathizer with
secession:"-=l7isßoyeb/icam. Pariy. 1
t•The lavis of the United States muit be ex;
scuted. I have no .cliseref ionaryllo war on the .
.subjec , •, •
• Gann JOKF. 4).?in Taue,A.• young man Was
asked the : othor day why be•was going.to'desert
his friOnds tind Vera the Democratic .tkeket7-r
-i,Beratise I . ...vant to prepare' myselffor a'notni
nation on the:R • epiiblican ticfretnext,fall,7 Wes'
liis withering reply!
. .The querist
/umbra (0!r.io) •
. . .
• •
:; •
•• ••• • .
R . .
Whht Gciv. ,DID ' , NOV do,. ind
What` he DID Do.
i'yoeythe,Psylet anti Union,. i ...7
'1 ho friends of Guti...Chrtiti.eyidently do not,
feel ".ver'y sarilrlifne'.Of his electiou;'o'r_they.tro'd`
not' resort to the. miierable .ohitts they- do Jo.'
lit:deter, -him ,110.;=,, . At: this , titeriien ,therare,
he 'String, ',‘y.icth
great efiergyibut,t4 rierpesp.; ; They seem•
:to hase'a'estled ,(Idw4 . ltytheeenVietiiiii that only,
a .very strepg.tnilitary feeling err bitilavei and
a getteral belief .that his election is'-necessary,
. to. pieServel he Nation #leavensaye the mark)
can secure his.election and llence„ they resort'
to.. e.ety • means : to priAtiee'ilich l feeling•Mul
snob a belief: , "-The people-are aSsuied . ky them:
that he.is very'f6 loyiti.antl,W,oodWailljayery
disloyal-that the ,PreSidenv . desire's. his elec..
tiimand:dreads.:lhe election of Wuodivard more.
than !iing(hing 'else; that Itiii.'efecSilett , Nonld.
'cOnftrtii-the aclyrikottiltation4nt down- the rebel. ,
lion; ' , and save the:liter of .the "matien;:4 , :vhile,
\Yeedvtatd's elect ink;retild,'c riPpla,thelP !psi
dent, ye: the independence- el. the:Bonthetp
Cenfederecy;:and, of.ceerie,'sever 'the:Union .
loreYer.... , This is said.to, the peoPle to frighten
them into the support of Cortin., 7 lt. is 'mainly
false iii relation..to Iyoodward.....dut whavot
that r, the, 'only 'beans ,by Curtin'
can 'be elected, , and thereldre 'they de net sera:.
pleAo uSe . '.This their: "course with the.
people: : emit her string : frit the
they -tell' their; that',Curt in furnished . ..
the PreSident 2do,tddi: troops-:that., he I
rdi . yd the Rreeer've b!rpi f and has Sinee wat ch
ed .nvel• it us ti-hep..,:doea ovei hsr, hibod-'(ik
they would say. ne-it,haiyli tides - over it partridge
they , vi . ,uld - . .iielrery—;hut•lie;Eatc.ptlpie 4eyter vas
were.seny to the army, Made . eitraoriliiiari).
e}tippis to raise u second'sfmilat, body, of •
to Feted the frontier} and many other.thing's
'Neatly. silly , :end utterly . :These aye
Altings that - GeV. Curtin de.'4.eit es see
'what he Wilt 'do, to:entitle
dence and.siMPort'uf the soldiers and the Peo.
Ilete is:a • iatalogue'of E . O.Mt) Y7f
. the':praise-
Worthy...ts.whieh :11 . (l pertermi find
it I,ti the ;;Inork wadi oed•iii th6.low' q .. of
'tentie County, .Guv. ,cuitin's
home : .
Win!' appointed c•mq.r.ietoo that clothed the
ttfree months' inen' ,shoddy; . gaVe then)
keth 'thin- 'a's air=furttlehed them •fioei.'yviih
pie 'soles:-;einf ' fed therh on, ratter
herring and beefl, Curti°. •
%Via) '.rode over the iWrrible •
Getty sherg;•niul an. liearit% I,yoaiileiloilicer
vyVvitaians,'i7rerriarlced, ,""'it mattered: little;
there were .plenty . inore•ta.talia their piaceal!' .
A.. G. Curtin, • ..'• ' ' . .
Who a ttem ptedtt to force the State militia in
to the ser'v'ice or , the 'United , States: for six'.
months or lon4er . A. G.'Ourtint •
Who 'keeps that miserable , pnek-of Shoddy
tootractors, horse,tkieVesi and public 'robbers,
that turnit t hed the'three.rnotiths'-nnen with , ref-.
ten blankets a n d worthiess.clotlies,•still
'ploy'?.: A..G. Ctirtin, • ,
Who approved ti bill 'that took' from the tax
payers of TennsYlVartia eighteen, millions Of . dol-.
fats,. aod-gave. it to lite Pennsylvania r4ilroad
• A. G. :Curtin: „ .
• . ..'Who' 'transferred, Ile `State' and ire Legiila
turd nit& tht . t hands' of Mil pltintiering corpora
thin? • .A.' a. Curtin. ..'•• : '1
Who made an. agreement'. 1:01.11r:this .name
co . ropany; by :which' it was to pny . the State
5T.1,000 .per'artituin rodcealt?trtharagreenfent
itod . .itterwaf'ds surrendered it to Itie company,.
.oven preservitiei.:n copy or:inemorfiri
dolma it ?. :G. Curtin. • - •
: 17!f6 permitted 04 ; 011 of.our State
vaded by th'eConfederates and then, said 'be had
do poivq. to defend the. StatelMhen thonsandi
of our citizens mere . on hand ready Yo .repel nn
invasion and protect' our honies
cirtyled ti 1 1. .. 'Washington, , a rioor s
miseratilff trog,sar, and then., bendedlinees,•
implored 'Father .Abriihurri tO.ullOw.hini to pro--
tact our State .Capitol 1 A. G.'eurtin; ..:•
Who, tioasted in thii.. town on' 'the night of
t ho' election, that.lie had his heel -on.t he necks
011)etrioct ats, 'and would ke . epit there for three
• Who iii.finittOd , the• minions of. Federal au—
thority. to.:•enter:.'l.lie Qapital Of our and
drag' from- their
patriotia.citizers, tita
incarcerate them in the )oatheseine Cell.4,ortrill ,
itary `prisons, Without warrant or Ctiuset•
Who pardoned: the :AbOition misereents at.
Blootushur. t aft . o, they intd , been - .foundgailty
of rioting 6y judge and In} , A...G; 'Curtin.
Who aave'a reApife to'a negrn 'Murderer in
Philadel " phia, andat •Oe' same time refused to
grant •a few •days to , an'lrighmaneonvieted of
the offence 1. A: diartio;
. Who touk:an oatli.bel6re'high Heaven, swear,
ieg that he 'would riot yhte,,nergivei hts
ence 'for.'any rTfaii for anrollke irt:the - gift of
tlie.people;unlesi he be an.,Ameriean bora' eit,
zenolor it be be a goman
Who took an gathheforehie;htleivn, swear',
tilet if.eJer eleeted,Or nnpointed to en:offi..:
dal 'station.con(erritg . on him.the poWer to• do
.ho would:remove all:foreigners v alliene ot
g.omith.Patholies (tom oil ce or . place,. and that
in no case would he appoint such to:any office
in his gift 1 A. G.' Curtin.' . ..• .
Who-swore to keep the oboVe infamous olittis .
sacred and inviolate throUghlite 1 A..G. our
tin. '•
„ . . ,
Who was the first.. Secretary of State under a
lino\y—Nothing .Governor ? Curtin..
Who traveled over s tias State hi ISst,'organ..
izing Knovi.—Nrithing, lodges . / A. G.: Curtin.
Who took an oath to prescribe you on account
of your birth6place and Jeligion.l
• 'THE 11.EIEL'.11/.l.,ins.,The RichmondEugki
ror,•giv.es the following opinion,,nf, the --
critic arty':. ,
That the Democratic party mei Our'Worst
enemy, and but for its poisonous embrace these
States would have'been free and , 'clear of. the
'nenatural Union twenty-yearingo.:. at id not
the Sewards, iind,Sumners,-the Black Repucli
. .
cans and ,Abolitionists,"who have hurt;
TheY'Were right all' along; there'lzittian:irre—
preisible conflict between two different
zations; two' opposite soCial' - organiiations
they 'were no more''able_to livepeaceably.to.
gither in one'goliernment than two hands can'
wear one glove." , •- •
, •-..- '•' ••• 1 -414 V,i4I4:4IAA R ': ;4
' 4 1. Atj i
. • , •• •
• • • 1.
- .
"k• I + ditti
Is it, res,spna le
New' York Swr . ,ra-noutralpLiper;
slightly - LannOln•'prOclttnie's" tont e i fold
lowing: •
ep blieaN
t "1;
'lender In tic last C'ciritti 'cis;
ere(' in ' ony,
.Thitndtiy, icy; irf.Cur . tln
expr e ssed.tlle"l6l;i4jrng - sett timepts:
gne : Union silt Constitution
its 'it forblkiitti Thikin'ay
tion doctrine,' but it is the right (Met
'l'hisnay.he loyalty,"..hat it
lookS H. •lstliir traitors."
never said 'rinHljnftiOitalri c it'tifiti: :- .Thei
least,%Vere in faviir .of the . .reatoratiori of ',the
Union'aridttliti'Oriblititutiiiii,:tiWetieat in think',
tog that it can be, better aCcomplished by pil . tice=
than war. The is.4tiilienennd Congress . have
placed on recoidithe most. solaind . :declarationa
that the solo object ofr the: !anti' viaato restore .
And , autherity . . of
thsGeneral Goireramentlin th'e insurrections y'
States, ana the ftiiii v oi these assurances: a,
tnillioo or
triclinly..hni been ': Ai a Sit Lai eVilVo
..• •'t .
years anti a nail a%o
tsoar alto tho itacri4ce,of a
milliorfor men, a I adinp me'mber
m gl t tlie Y dotni
naat Repubbcan derneacjoi :the
principle or.vu au"l . lave liei.n roaten n 4.
Other: traitiore'haVe Jieen - ste!siil
be shot'
• fmniiSo Or . ana . eVe,c'POs ' ellittit O r
•! • y
°: • ; ;',' .. t
LINCOL;N r/1.1..313 TO 415.1Pr1TP0P..7.1
116 ' 110e ' Objei ' V to abi' , ioii'ileclPTpii
Stater Sopeettie'Court;
on tbe•constitutionality, 00114 tlratt:llov.7lll
fact l should . be'yviiiing to (ocilitaiaj,b,e.sibtalq
ing olit, but f•c#nnot coupent,ta kir
while it is beluld • olitaiuull.-L;liqiiitiuie Li geolis
The President promptly conatintettla have
it tasted by judicial in terPiokiitiou, —G au. ie
livre is a distinct push - 144i
eililute n legal decision a,+ vallititrarthei
Diift. • Set when by special appoiptmeittithe
juilve of thenprtitne Quart., of. Panitlyiyiinia
met..on Wednesday, in Philadelphiair4 hear an
argument. upon the donstitetionality orthiCon'-
ac'riptinn Act, the Lr. , S. pistiiOt
fused to appeati it iesaid,by'inatructioni dom.
Waattingtunt. •.1 „ . ,;;! „4,„ i,,,, 4 ., 0
-111 every
ysn s - u - p on a otstinot,isntie, , tnagovsji:R.
rnent refused' ' - it=ireftini 4 •tfe
iictipti or °pier parties go; , rathei :than
.. • . . -AM •
, 414: lat go s. tli e u spans ion. r,:of, thq
ys, !It,. tot .
Aatiras tori,rf3,.whicfi taken
. all tllese ,can,l,l
many 'more) 'rout thiS2'juriedietion of ' the
G our t s ,•t•t - t , 1 4. 4
- - .
Haw di libten t,i h cotirse W , ,President
coin,vin big met to r,.nrui in q nest none t ef
feeting the Negro..' Enthose
must leetit.:! , : - ~- •
• He re the, i)io arts e Is"m rid e to . ( ten Oiitecfw- ,
zens—edily to be'
. . . .
Coterts's pr.,sir'ottst.'--"ishroe
ots recently. .insde speeehorfor AridreStr,G4.Ctir4
.tiq, the a ho_ddy, sandldlate, „for ~Povot.nocotPoi
.wris,Thaddeos S rens, ',Who ,pyylully
tlpieiCas it was nail the dasti p i,troft jig
it ia.:—Gcl larbiil
Armstrong, wife' 'coollY inforined hiaL." :hearers
that c4it.waa:battor lose.4.battle in,theetleld.
iVUfI tlio'noterioui: Teniamre
ref ut as .fiora Ma s s eta be'
.been eetiertly` chastised' fet-instilitiae.4y. a LOW
ell stone hisso'n; .who . 'antioance4 , ,,,
A bolitioltatittienee.
Union 'tie it WAIL". As,, tlieso:,three wgyttties
'were, einplcikeit to he l p, Cufftln. by r. Wayne
Malreaugh,'tinPahaienati'i4 'the teuttiii'lltate
Committee, ,tney,,untfoubtedy3 expressed, the
opinions of their ehtl4y leader,/ irEttoqe,whii,ere
willing to. eialorsaflia
rio sentiments quoted a tidvt.,Si,qllt net
fer Andrew . 0": '''"P"2"
• . •
llorii S. t!tiit'firtacir
of . Gov:. utrin,'.remar e
fortetttensf,Which Chyie/f.[Wisli‘scti
I N cannot consent: to Cciiitiiiutt'it)yiltiti Th feat:—
al,:ctiori With . your , Adininlettatitiro th'et 'a=
fere, tender yote-rriy . ,eki g hittiodriger
Attorney Gcneraf,"'
' The rih
Pitturg .
rWe are not inforAottryet,.Whattheie;reasons
are;, hitt enough , is .:kiteiwn,it*i.stabsithitt: , thiqf
ariseout'ef the alleged ,Csomptitl4.o' the dotier=
nor, in these scandaloiii\coptyacr /transactions,
Through which.the.etitto , has been.litivittilleCout
of immense sums of money,.and our; brawl vol
unteers, subjected to a; series . or hardiihipes j _and
inconionienceswhich levy hut. theimelyes would'
.haite, had Ahe patience to tolerate"e':.
. . ,
ton TYainrr's raaa.';-:-The,Prea ofdgmilitary
necessity," when plainly itatittammintn to tbja,
anti no,mOye:,
,That wit rnt.t.•PetTit vtololions
of the
,ronstitdtion and initinr,mlttt+.9l,la.,4r;:me
must witneas,-wiihtiut .1 4 ~,°t,rd•!igY) , „•- . , 0 , v4l._ : , . ri/ , 9 #, , 17.
strance,.•theinterfaience, 4:4 ine . nnyttayy2::porse
to Controtelections;:ii,ibt‘and ljuatise.po4,4?*
hnld;in abeyance at the . dictate •i,l,loo4ilimy . t
in short, that we,must Conaent,-o,,r t liqtti,oo
, r
surrender our libertieithat•tdie.ti 3 Ov,,!fintyks 1.111"
policies may succeed . . l .',kiri :h44oo,ctn x , pf err;
that in tArrin'ol.Witqbe jawa l looai,th,Or i loql9 . ,
. tIAIORteII , and Tka trian(l l •.4ol , ct'4ol4l4l4 - 7
tion,..party, , pr ? .Fiantilin : thought leg" 0;
but he was. not 4 modern patrio t
.. ! ' lii,liio . told
the inheritors A Mariann OnVon ',thistleih;ilei'
who .Would give, up essent . tallitierty4o , pkyOkaie
alitilb tempbeary aaretY'?'dMilseitikijil,o4ol44.;
ty nor atifety.'t;-=chicak 4 , 4110,•ri1,k4.
' ',c,,4•; ! ,,'
. . , „.. • : %,.....- . *:'..::•; , :5:.' ':••••,.•;,,' .•-' .
• .
Tha rndieal •":jotirnabirt - lire ; •ttriatig; fle—
•christian thii-Thitinblinatt . Oitli.4C l 444iAtne w •
name 'sadly,— ,T4,e,':9o.4*c..ik* °franca iili s the
nostrils. they (ialL . let
the dctinition` tie; truthful? and complete . ; Let it
be stated ;' ' stitl state b oldly, in iii title that_,the
Republican' party ,is favor , .of;;the Union of
Colorsi•nathe•Dernoiratic part y
the Nrkloir 'or Siaies;
, . .
- 07,=14 .