M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 19, 1863, Image 4

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    . F ~ e t;Fr~`~jr` ji)~` .~i
4' ile.ruk r
Axssiq Cdr tikiliSAiltli'!.iiinthiti
~i ket . 4o46 ,lohernleetrolrt,c:of, ; tlrf'.t,..ornuraonr.
t4i,f,gtheriff , pf. evei•y
-,A4o.oiiltity"iri4aNec, notiow`:.of-auch. elec4Oini ; ,t6;;lre
;:;, -1 ;1 101 .4E11 1 444 1 . 1 0 1' 4 1 tle,:iii ioOkliptiOo?whit -pf
..9Cofikre'-W6'.ql.c4Pfea:':lti rstinticW thereof.
•iY - E4rtriole yeollior; ; High . Sheriff `,OV.thei. ‘o o olitY
Y.:4 , 14011G. a o.:t.lioivrore Snit give
oleol t ors of said:county
of., elieaii ; thin >C general
•• lo"olii<ii9dittli;;Ou‘Tootitio,Y),"this'43di:AftY of
Octrifkii4l363, sediind,Tuesday in
iniiiith",yfot the elOctioir of,the following' of
foi,:Gorierttot of the State
449 4 , of . fAdt Switreme
of POinOlvenia;
~: Tioo!iteioiie for Aseeinbly, to mare
sent l i g •poantlee ,;of Cleartfeld, k Jeff
,00i!it rd ' in tke‘ House ~of re.
• pr:eiealatteeeof Peaneylvania.'
One -.pert,oti- Ail*Prothonotary, of_McKean
106 e-person tor Sheriff of McKean county.
'' One person furs Iligtoter and Recorder Of Me-
V-Kean county. • ' •
Two persons for County Conunirsioner. • •
persons for County Auditor. '• • •
Ono person fur Coroner. .' • . •
'One person for District Attorney. • •
'.,And.the qualified electors of .the county ;of
MoKesh;' Will hold their 'elution, in the se!.
eral DOtricts u follows:.
. -- •
• ' Tire township of Annin .*tithe river school-
The iloiriugh of 13 mettiporiit theDolid Hon)*
The township olDiadford a.: the school house
• • in Littletdn
•Tlie,lownshdp 'of, Ceres at the house'of E. J.
• The township of Corydon at:the school house
vicar Janies .Parmeter. .L. • '
The tnaruship of 'Eldred.at the ',Eldred Hotel..
'The. • township of Hamlin: at the Aldrich
schOol house... o• -
The township of Hamilton at the school hOuse
near Liaiati Moir:lion. • „ • • -
The township of.Kcating at the -DourtMouse
„The 'township, of Lib'erty at the schoolhouse
in Port:Allegany. ' : • •• •
' The'otownship of 'Lafayette at the 'school
house near the public house of Luther Davis.
The township of Norwich at the houseef 'O.
The towniihip of Otto at the :school house . in
Prentiss • . ,
„, .. • - •
. The triwnyhip of l; 2 ergeartt at the hotise
heloWnship; of -Wetmore at the house of
•Wti..Toby: . •.• • ; ” •
• And also give notice, that every person,
excepting the Justice's of. the, Peace, who shall
hold any office or'-appointnient of Profits or
trust. under. the Covorntierit of the United
Statee, Or Of the State; or : of any city or iiicor
'porated district, Whether a coMmisSolied.ollicer
.torothirwitimsubordinate"officei or atcent,. who
is or, sbill be employed. wider the Legiilative,
Exectivo or. Judiciary department of this State
orof , tho:.Unitod States, of any. , incorporated
. district,: s'od'also, that every member or:Ccin
grees, otthe'Stato Legislaturio'quO. of the select
,anal common Council of.aity city; ,cir • COmthis
eioner of oily" incorporated district, 'is. - by law,
incapable 'of exercising itt: the same timm; the
'office of:Judge, Inspector or Clerk. of an efee
lion in this: Commpimealth 'and. that, no In-"
!rotor; Jiiage or.otlior office of Roy such elec..*
tton,iliallbc eligible to any office , then to be
And in and I.)y. the .4tli Acotioii of in Act, ap
proved the 15 day
. of Aliril, ..1810; it is enacted,,
diet the 1 Eith :snow& of
.an .Act • passed July.
2(1;1859, entitled: an Act'relating to the cloc-
tions in this . Coinnienyealth, Shalt not ..be con
striied as to ,precept any military ..lionitigir
officer froth serving' as. Judge, • Inspector .or
Clerk any any general, or • special erection •Of
this. Commonwealth.' • , •• ,• :
And' the lteturn Judges •of the respective
districts 'aforesaid, are' required meet •in
Stuelliport, the county seat of said county. on
Friday after" the second Tuesday . of October
next,. then' and there
.to discharge the duties
required by law. • . • • .
• Pursuant to the provisions of the 61st section
of the A s et, oevery genereil and epeeist election
shall be opened bettveen the hours of.'and 10
in the forenoon tind shall contioueliithout in-
to eruption or adjournment, until?. o'clock in the
evening, when the polls shall be closed.. • •
TA:liven udder nig hand at Smethport; this, the.
'2il day of September, A. D., 1863, and; of the
Independence of the United States thb eighty
JAMES - Z::BLAIS, Sheriff.
.Ipisi , t of J"rors, Sept. Tenn. 1863:
Bradford-1 B. smith, Orrin Sniith,, OD; H.
Crookcr, Channey Snyder, John Croabh. Dario!'
Frank, B F. Colegrore. - .
Lafayette—Julius Clark; William TalbOt, •
Bidred--:Charlea Woolcott, H. Burnhatn,
D.B.'Percival,'Normau Wright.
Annio 7 4: U. Knapp, W. Vanderthark,
'eeres—Milliant Keyser-, Thomas Bunn, Henry
Sinith; Henry , Chevalier.
• 'Bolethportf..A. Sprague, Roman Lutz. '
Keating' A.. J. Otto. , . •
Otto—William Thempson, C. B. Baldwin.
in.tvansi — Jllll . 4ll3. • •
Eaaterbro ' • . .
iirciford--C. T. Chamberlatn,. Samuel Gray,
;Lorenzo Drake,L. S. Foster, J. A. Lyona,....Ceo,
W. Monroe, Harvey Hargea, • •
• Southport—W. 8. Brownoll, ',lobo Hall,. Adam
Martin, James Ail Donald. • . • '
Keating—lL: O. Kent, FL J. Patterson, If. B.
HialeEnoch l3l4 lol4 . Charlea Whit 4 E. •P. Hosg,
.13: Col nelins, Horace Tyler.
Hamlin-Joseph White. •
Ceres.:—NlmroirLampher, Joseph Carr, NAM!
Gleaeon, W. . King.
C. Robinson, J. 3: Thompson, C.
Baldivin, Isaac Cooper. , •
Aanin—Daniel Buckley; John Brass.
• Norwich-4;a. Smith. . • .
Eldred—Arnold . Reeves, Chrisman, Peter
IE. BLAIR, nor!!!
Ts hereby 'given that the'Adininistratore of
I...4.lleonett'a Mate, have filed in my office. he
accoants cip..ll , ;Bennett;deoeased.littegutrditiii
or the minor, helm of Ni Richniond,.deeeased,
• and , '§r,ill,pietaent the ume foreenfitnuttion at the
next stated Orpheus Coart;to.beteld jek &meth-.
.pmt;onthifflonrth Monday_ of lilegirldit.
' -(1; K. BABTWELI4 - Itegiater,.
PmethPOrt, Aug. 1863.„ • • .
Adoilidid a t ri the s.
Vreilee :la herebtilveLtlutt thei Adoinletaitors
VI, of °Slim&lletutett'a estate,' will present, at
toe-'n'eat stated .- Orphan s - Court, to be held In .
Smethtutlii.the fourth . .lioullay , of. Sept.: Mast,
perk last siadllUal account throonflemaation.
":slokilliort,. Aug. 22," 1868: • '
ereby given, that . Daniel Pea-
P9l l Y4 l Xeeet.o/ of the last, Will and • Testa;.
401,4tet'ilarkot.• yandermark, deeeased,has filed in
~t itkpolnatt.llll3;litst final accounts as said. Ex ,
• -r- e•Sutori:s'and'ivlippre r tietit said 'account/ for con
-116140.10tv-,silito'ittitt stated 'Orphan's Court to
-bi/1 03 141*ftethbor4 on the 4 th Monday Or Belt
tettqlere' A. D. 1861: : • .. . •
• ti:4B.l, 'from, segis€er .
• . • •
r: , : , •
• •
- • , • . ATION
. ••
1% - 111MAg - ,fhii.: Non:
tYY J - ritr.ffiader f .. ( Judg4;inCtiii ' Hours..l; :Day.
COurti.ef 'l;fier . ik,Terminer•.stoil ..Gener t al
PeliveinAirartai S.eiWiane Of. the Perice,,..
Phani ) - - ,Ciiift 'and ' . .'Critirtrif :Common Pleas for
Witeati have issued their precept,:
'bearing date Friday; the; rWenry-sixth r.day.'lof
'June . ' in the .year .. of. our - Lord 'one thou::
.sand • eight htindied - and sixty 7 three;. and to me •
I - directed, - for a. Court . arid
Teiniiner, . arid Geheral: Delivery,.Quarter
Sessions of ttui Pence, : Orphans' Court,. and.
Court bf 'Common - Fleas Borough of
Sinethriort,, rm4l4inidayi, ;he 2 8th 'day- of Sept-.
iember !twit, iFid,t(i'conOnue one week:
Notice is therefore hereb y given . tii .. :the
:hers Jiistices ':of the 'Peace'-and . Constables
within the.echintly;that..theyi . .be then and there -
in their proper persOns . ,.at .10 'o'clOCk:A. M. of
said.dity,'-with their tollsi-reinidi, inquisitions,
examinitiOns,.erid . . other. remembrances; todo.
those tbings:.which.their offices appertnin-to be
done.... - And thOsewho are liound. by their- ree'
ognizariges to . prosecute:the Prienthers that are or'
shall he-in the jail of said
,coupty. of M'Keaii,
&retro be then'. and therete'.prosecute against'
them as will be just.. r- •.. •
•:Hated. at',SmetliPert,::this 20th day - of Aug.
1603,. .and" the .8 6th ; year 'of 'the , Ihdepend- -
ence..of . the Unit ed 'States of: America.:.
JAS:g.IBLAIR, Sheriff.
Tayler . ,vs • A gnapip' & .
•• • '
• C Biirrown,'•• • • ...TIDO June 1856
• Geo W Prentiss - • voi D Darker et al at, 'June 1850
/taW Bellows • : ' re .. Obis It' Del- • - •
' • lowa ••• .• • - • . . 101 Sept 1860
.Coi use of Clark •• , vs ./1 Freeman •• 46 "June . 1861 -
'T W Cole . Ye: Fltsl' oong, • ;"
. • Church Bradford • .8 . 7. June 18 . 61.
Walklll Baal! • ' • Dsnlel
bur) 108
,June. 1061
Thee 1. . vs 0 Rifaidiolii. Bekt, • 1661
.Dank 'of Forget:TlN' 'lll Daniel Dingo ,
. • bury . ••.- • • ~-. • -66 Beni 'lB6l
Wslklll Bank' • 'vs . sOme 47 , Dept lBOl,
Jim, B Maiming name . • 88 • Sept' 1861
ilaydole ape orFlelds Ye - Llt Decker. 130 Deo 1801
11 Freeman • •ea W Haskell . :•30. Moll 1862
Hall use of. Taylor • ,vs (I . oorwln 22 ;• June '1862
Itlebar4 BerdenOt al va 0 Dash; . June '1862
Same' " vs Hopkins &
Cummings • • 26 • June 11$82
elms. . •ve c tioyt '26 Jtic!o 1862
vn A G' Otto
vs Bad Prptite June 1862
neekwith use Corwin vs Nideon Irons 72, 'June' 1802
Daniel Lenox .; Neo Starr 84 •June 1802
W D.Aare • vs Thai King •-• • 6 Sept' 1862
'Hell &Morse '. • 'vs Wm .W :Niles 10 Sept :1862
Wm 11.14 • '• ' •vs Sergeant tip. Deo 1802
Daniel Kingtniii • vs •Dradler and . • . •
• 4/airr T• . • • Li •• 15 • • Deg /802
Hingham Trustee' Vs 'Gideon Irene 18 . Dee 1862
'same' . . vs same ..19 Deo ''.7862
jam. •„- vs.. same . 20 Deo 1802
. - -
• . • same ea seine • • 2l • Dec • 1862
(Medea Bridge 9 d ilydo Dec .1962
Blab/tame & Roekirood..ya 9 A Grove; ' . 27 „ Feb 1963
Heatlng et,al we 1.--MoTrltt • 42 • Feb. 1853
JNO.IL 011ADIVI.CE;' Pro th '
Smetbport,•Augunt, 291869, ' . •
BY' VIRTUE orsendiy write Of Yea'titian( Ealianas
• JUP and alias Ventliiiaiti Expanai, issued out 'of the.
• Court of Common Plume of McKean' county, Pa., I hero
levied upon the following described Real Estate which I
shall expose to public, sale at the Court Houeer'in the
Ilerough of ganethpurt, On Monday:the ,981..hAsy of Sep-.
• tembor nexti at ono o'clock P:1111. •-• • , . •
The following described Real Estate i altuate in War
rant No, 89, In Eldred townehin; McKean County; Peon,
Sylvania;Pounded and described nefollaws, to wit:—Be
giuningat beech corner sampling • one 'hundred perches
north of the south-past corner of the abOve named War. '
Vanti thence South fifty perches to a' hernia& cOrner,
thence•Weet three hundred and lifty-threaperchen to"a
corner, thence North fifty perches - to ft . corner, thence
East three hundred andhfty- throe .perclies to .05 . piece
Of beginnlogy 'cznitaining ontrhundred..and , ,two-tenths
scree, strict pleasure, be the.eame attire or loam. •
fifty sores 'lmproved;
,one, framed house, One framed barn,.
a large bearing' orchard and a gobd well of water,. • ,
Seized, takenin Execution and will bo eoldne the pro
perty of Dane 11. Nichole, at.the suit of Erectus Niche's
now for theme! of Aaron Osman & Amu, Caddie;
• The following properly. to.wit;-4ill that c'ertainploce
or parcel of land, beginning et a poet.inthe West line of
'lot No.lo6censigned to Alpha Morse, thence by North
Ihsao (lot No: 110, North'aighti-eoven and, live- eights
degrees Westt r one handrail and 'fifty-nine perches and
nine4enthi of aperch.to the. East line of •lot , No. 101,
thane°. by cold line North one degree three-fotrthe of a
degreellast, neventy:two perches ..antEfive-tenthe of a
perch; to the South corner oflot Igo. 86,:thence by South
• MM. of lots Nos.' 80 er... 96, South eighty-seven degrees
and three-fourthe of a degreellast, ono hundred and fifty
nine perches and nine-tenths of 'a :perch, to the North
, west corner Of lot NO..lo6iforegaid, thence by. West line
of said lot South one degree and three fourths ore degree
. West,' seventy, two perches to the plaee.of beginning, con•
telninit seventy two sores And Six teethe of an Acre, strict
measure, be Cie same more or lees.. It Wang lot N 0.109
.of the allotment of the Binghani Janis in Lafayette town
ship McKean comity • Penneylvanin,.and Part of Warrant
lieleedi„taken In execution; and will be mold am the
property or II A. ?Nller.and Ithotta A. Ifulicr; the cult
of itemerell L.,Tldd, - • . •
. . . ,
: All the white • pine Timber standing* g rowing and ..be
lig uprin Warrants Fortv-nine hundred nndlseienteen,
ThirtyAbur h undred and twenty-four, Thirty-four lion
dresl and twenty-three,-Forty-eight hundred. and seventy
tive . ,.North half of Forty-eight bundled And:seventy nix,
North half of Thirty four twenty-tivo. Thirty-nine hut).
dred , atid nine excepting three hundred on the' West end
thereof, all of which Warrants aro situated in the' Town
ship of Bradford with the exception' of Warrants 4875 and
4876 which are situated in the Township, of Corydon
.in the County of 'll-'Kean and State ol - Pennsylvania le.
gather with tiorright of Ingram and egresa ripen and from
said lands for the 'purpoire.. of .cutting and running the
guild White Pine timber therefrom; and the , :free. use and
enjoyment of the aald.prentices for allpurpoaas necessary
for the cutting-and...running the said timber' for the full
end and term of seventeen. years from the' date hereof.
'ThitedNaich Stb; 1860, All unimproved., •
Seized, taken in execution and sold as the. property of
'Anthony Fay, Samuel W. Ilmiley,'llehjamin parker and
David Harrower, at theault of John F. Rrthbono.
Sherlire 016ce klmeaport r iept. Roth, 1867/ • •
' • ' . • , . JAMES X. BLAIR, Sher'
- Be it resolved by lhe Senate and House of Repre
sentalities of the Commonwealth of Pemisylvania in
Genlb^al Assembly met, That the following amend•.
ments propoaed to the Constitution of the
Commonwealth, in' atteordanea with the provis
ions of the tenth article thereof: •
There shall be an additional. goiction to the
third article of the Constitution, to be designa
ted as section four, as
," •
SECTION 4. Whenever any of , tlie qualified
electors of this Conimonwealth shall be In ' any
actual military service,. under a requisition from
the President of the United States, or by the
authoaity of this Commonwealth, such• electors
may exercise the right of infirage in all elections
by tie citizens, under such regulations as. are,
or shall be, preseribed•by law, as frilly as if they
wore present attheir usual place of election.
There:shall be'two additional sections to the
eleventh articie . ot the Constitution, to be.desifi•
'kited as sections - eight, and nine, as
Sscriox.B. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature, containing more than one subject,
whioh shall be dearly expresiod in the title, ex
cept appropriation bills.
— iiEfiterioN 9.' .No. bill shall' be :passed by the
Legislature granting any powers, or
. privileges,
.in any case, where the aathority.to 'grant such
:powers,' or privileges, has been, or may hereafter
be conferred upon the courts of this'Common
HP taker of Me Muse ofßepresentatives .
' :•. • • • • .• Speaker of thi Senate.
°mos or Tas Szinommtr or TIM Coimow- Z•
• WEALTII, lixautsitutia, JULY 1863. S
PENNsyLvANIA,ss: . • , •
Nal dctheroby ertifY that thit foregoing and
annexed Is a full, tore and correct copy
1111411111 ! of the original Joint Resolution of the
General Assttmbly,'eutitled " A Joint Resolution •
sproposing, certain Amontlnichta to tilt; Conalitti- -
Von," as tho same renfains on file' in this oltieei •
• 2 111 ntertuouv.lvitereof, I have here ante set my
hand,.aud caused the seal of the' Secretary's oft
tee to be affixed, the.day and year above
tqll• • .. ' ••• ' , " ELI SLIFEI3,
• • • •1 Refiviary of the Cimoitontnealeh.. •
Theie Pumps have now been .in general. use
n nurnbe of , yeiai . ap;l :give better iatietactieo
than. ailx.otheri• and are;re.cotimended as
T I.
„ .
by Copt Erricsee, and other eminent" rngineers.
We can 'refer to thousands• using' them, and
guarantee that all will iecomrriend them. They
are more simple in 'construction, and work easi
er,and•cost less than all others. • •
% - lOur readers wilt find the double
preyed Pump'of 3. D. Xesu Cu.; one of' the
beat in the .market. It is very simide, Norte
to :a charm, so that any child may use it; threWs
a steUdY continuous stream, and does not freeze
in the coldest exposures, and:is unusually . cheap.
We say thicknowingly; and giye• the "testi mo
lly of our own accord, witlfout the knowledge
Or requeet of the - proprieters:"—AV. Y. Evening
Poet,. July tar, d 863. . • "..
This may certify that I. hare been using, at
my msnutactory, foethe last fOur yeari,‘West's
Improved Pumps.' .. . I now hive in Use. three. of
said pumps, One of which iv kept constantly at
Work, 24 hours each day (except Sundays) and
pronounce•thern, unhesitatingly, the . best pumps.
that have been brought Jo' my notice, haring
used many otheis previously. They are .sim
pie in thew construction, and not , easily diser-
ranged. Ituns A. WEBB
New York, Oct. 40 .1850.•
J. T).. Weir gs Co.:—We. are pleased. to state
that the 'Pumps we hid Of you; about a year ago
have . been in constant use, 12 hems . each day,
and raise for the. ese:of our W,ooleu Factory,
about 130 gallons per minute.„ . They work with
but little power, compared with pumps we have
used before, and.da not get. out of repair, and
are satisfactory 'in all resyects. Yours, &c.,
.27. Jukie .3262
SOLON Roninson to the. farmers Club, Jen. 23
, ""No farmer who dyne . a 'well or, cietern can
possibly afford to be without an iron pump....lt
should best once a auction and lorce pump—a
perfect little fire engine—such•a:one•known as
tWest'olmproved I speak of this pump
because I happen to know it to•be very
durable', powerful anti' cheap, and it'don't freeze
up, nor gat out Of order. once a • year. I know.
this, and think:l may b 9 doing the farmers
good by speaking of it. A 'bay
• 0 , years "old
can work it, and •throw.a contiauous insch—and 7
a-quarter 'stream: It . can be made to work in
deep wells as well in.as in. shalloW
Famthe New York Observer
" We have had in useler months 'past one 'of
West's Pumps, which has given : us more.satis;
.frictinn as a force and lifting pump thamany we
have.ever used. 'lt is one of great power, and
well adapted , for ship's decks; mines, faCtories,
'green houses, greperies, rc., &c. - The Mining '
Chronicle and'railway.Journaksays: •
It is recommended forlts extreme simplicity of
:consiructiorr,..great strength,. and Consequent
durability and cheapness.at repair. There is 'nb
stuffing box—the pressure beidg held by, a 'cup
packing, like that upod 'the . working' platen,.
working in' a. cylinder, licted for the purpos
within the itplicr air chaniber—which we think
a great improvement, as stuffing is so liable to
be deranged, and leak under strong prerisure, to
say nothing' of the'. loss by. friction Incident
thereto.. It has also two s air ..chambers; tints.
the action of the valve is cushioned' upon" both
sides by' air—preventing'. water hammer, and
liacurnabuinri. The valves are very, accessible,
and simply.and cheaply repaired. :They work
much, easier than any pump we have ever-seen;
the 4 inch cylinder being winked hy children in
wells 100 feet .deep; and are' extremely '
aeap'aswell as simple and strong, We freely
recominend.them. •
I bave_timed this pump for one summer and
winter, exposed 'to the,North West wind corn—
leg over' Long leland sriund, being the coldest .
possible ezposure; and at nq time did it freeze,
nor were we unable at, anyttime to pump water
with great ease. H. B. Mckvim.
The Undersigned', havinh to use Meet's Im
proved Puinps, cheerfully recimmend them as
simple, durable and powarful ie raising and
throwing water, and for'their .ease of aqtion,
security against frost, s and low. price, we be—
lieve thern sOperior to all othars.
WAIRILN'LELAND,'MOt. Hotel, New, York
J. W. rOATEROY, Yonkers, N. Y. •
.JNO. MX:sSEREAC. N.Y.' • .
DOEINICK LAWII47OCR, Westbliester.'
Cambriage Mine, June 15, 1863
J. - D. WEST Sceo.
Genta—The pump which I ordered for our
Mine is received and put to :work in oUr under- '
lay shaft; which we are sinking. We find that
one man will with ease lift 5o gallons ner.min.
ute. We lifted in three and a half hours all the
water in the shaft, which measures - seven by
twelie feet and .30 feet .deep, and , it was full
when we commenced. •It answers our expect a.
tions in every respeet, and our workmen are
highly pleased with it. It will do great ser
vice with but trifling expense for repairs.
• Youis,,respectfully,
• • , • Buns HIGGINS
We have plenty more such , certificates
hink these are enough'. • For Pumps,
Pipe Sic., address or call upon
J. D, West &.Co.,l79,.Broadway, N. Y.
To. Cohsiaxxiptives... •
PflHB Advertiser, having been restored to health in
1 few. weeks, by a very simple remedy, after havino
suffered several years with a - severe lung .affection, anp
that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to lattice
knowixto Ws fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire he will send a copy of the prescrip
Lion need (free or charge), with' the 'directions for pre
paring and nising•the same', which they.will find. a suss'
One roe 0011110.Vri1014, ASTEDU, BRONOOIIII3, Ace. The
only object of the Advertiser In sending the Prescription
Is to benefit the. afflicted," and, spread Information which
he conceives to be invaluable, mut he hopes every suf
ferer will try hie remedyiselt *at 'cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing. • • • - • •
• Parties wishing the p.ressri O lon will plasma addreu
Rev. All ARD A. WILSON, •
Molt 90 1 1 1 0 IgewYerlr.
THE Subscriber having purchased this Welt
• known stand ; and refurnished ' and refit
ted thellouse, prepared tci • entertain Board=
era and the TraVeling
AND -Ai3LE, • e
CWill be well supplied, and everything tione
to !write liberal share of patronage." Raft
men will always the "latch-string" out.
• • • . • , r• ; P. 1 1 ,1. FULLER.,
Kindal . ereek, January 2,1860.: .
Ot:Neck L. Ii; 1860
permission I wish , to say to the. readers of your
paper. that senff by return, mail to all
Who wish it, [free] a Recipe, with full direc—
tions for making and using a simple. Vegetable
Balm, that will effectually remove, in ten days,
Pimples, Blotches, Tan, freckles, and all impu
ritiei of the Skin,. leaiing the Same soft,, clear,
smooth and' beautiful.
I will - also mail free to those. .•having Bald
Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and in
formation that will enable them to start a full
growth of Luxurient Hair, Whiskers, or a
Moustache, in leap .than 30 days. •All applica—
tiOn sanswered by return mail without charge.
Respectfully yours; .
No. 831 Broadway, New York.
Join Published;in a Seolept,Envelppe. - Pries Cents
Radical Cure of Spermstorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness,
Involuntnry Emissions, Sexual Detulty, and Impediments
to Marriage 'generally; Nervousness, Consumption, Epl.
tem and Fits •, Mental and Physical Incapacity, milk.
ing from Self-Abuse: ha. —By Holt. J; CuLyzawnt.l.ol.
D., Author of the Green Book, • . .
The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture
clearly Troves' from his own experience that' the awful
Callflequencen of Self-abase may be effectually remoied
without, medic' no, and without dangerous surgical opera.
MOM, bOugien; instritipents, rings, or cordials, pointing
out a mode of 'cure at once• certain and effectual,..by
which ovary sufferer; no matter what his condition may
be; may cure himself cheaply, privately,' awl radically.
This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thou
sands: • . '• '
. .
• sent tinder Kcal, in' a plain on - relope,lo any athirem, on
receipt of six. cents, ol'e'o pont:v.4r iititinpu, by address.
ing, ; ' . - ..I. . . - Dr.OI.IAS. J. 0. KI.DO, •
127 Bowery, Nair York, post ()Woe Box, 4obo;
11eb..15, 762. ly.
axpl . .p i liw
Are You sick, 'feeble, and
' coraplainingt•. Ariyou ottebf
Order, with your system de,
unwed, and yotte feelings nn
rccimfortablet.—Tliese ..symp•
• tones ara.often' the prelude to
serious Illness; Some-8t
'sickness Is creeping upon you,
and should ba averted by a .
timely use of the right .reim.
'edy., Tale Ayer's ;rills and
•clesniaout the disorderekhu.
snore •L•-•purlfy - the blood, and
Jet the fluids move on Una•
structed in health again.
They stimulate - . the functions
of the body into vigorous ac
tiiity, purity the system from,
t.its, obstructions which make
. . ,
dlseeise.'., A cold ' settles somerrhere in; the body, and ob.
strriets its natural. , functions. These, If. not relieved,
'react upon themselves' and the surrounding organs pro.
dining general, aggravation, suffering; and. disease.
3Phile in this condition, oppressed by,the derangements, ,
take Ayer's' Pills; and pee' how directly they restore. the
:natural .actlon of the systoin, and with, it the. buoyant
. reeling of health again. • Whit Is. true and - so apparent in
this trivial and common complaint, Is aleelrue in many
of the deep-seatedrind dangerous distempers. The same
purgative etteat expels them. Weed by slmilariobstrno.
rtiorm end 'derangements of the natural functions of the
body, they aro. rapidly, and • many. of them surely, cured
by thriaame means... None who know the virtues of thew
Pills, will neglect to employ them when, snaring froid
thedisorders they cure. ' • • -•
• Statements from leading physicians. in' some of the
. cities, and trout Other well known public per,.
eons, ..
. .
. .
- . a
. .
Rom For wardi ng llerckiint of& Louit; lib. 4,185 d.
. .
'Pa. Arent - Your PHU are the'paragon of all that hi.
great in medicine. They have cared , my little daughter'
of ulderone sores upon her hands and feet that had proved.
Incurable for years. • 'ler mother .has been long • grime.
misty afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and
In her hair: After our child•waa cured, she ; alto tried
your Pine, and they have Cured her. . •
: • • , - ABA •• MOROBIDGIC:
- • As
. • . .• W Finil;y P ,hyli ..
c. .
• • .. : . .
•'. • ' Ann" pi: E. V..Ctn;turrfpla, /Veto .orlcani...'
. .
:. Y Pills 'are the : Prince of purge. Their micellent
qualities surpass our cathartic, we , possess. They are
mild, but very certain and effectual in - their action on - the
bowels, which „makes them invalliable to us in the daily
treatment of disease. .-..— .. - • ..' ‘• : -• • • :.
HeadacheAlokileadscheironl Stomach
. PSmn Dr. E4watd Dud, Baltimore.
• DEAUllilo.ATElt:csonot flOgWer you uifiaiCerriplaintit
I have cured with'your Pills bettor than to- say att that we
ever triatevith apurgative medicine.' I place great depots.
donee on en effectual cathartic in my daily contest with
disease, and believing as 1 do that 7i.iur Rills afford us the
best wo have, lof course value them highly. •. .
• - ' • • Prrrenttia, Pa., Bitty 1, 1855.
Dc. J. .C..Afrit.' 131irI have been.repeatedli cured of
the worst headache any body can have, by a doii or two
of your Pills. It seems to arise from a Ibul stomach,
which they cleanse atone°. • •
l . •
. . ours with great respeat, . ED. W. PREBLE, •
1 • •• .aerk of Steamer Ciariati.
811110tts . Disorders -Liver
From Dr. Theodore BA if New. Tark City. •• , •
' • Not only ire your Pills admirably adapted tethelipur•
rise as an aperlent,'hut I find their beneficial effects upon,
the 'Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prao•
• tin proved moro effectual for the cure .of bilious corn
plointvthan any ono remedy I. can mention. , • leincerely
rejoice that we have at length a purgative
.which is war•
thy thocotifidence of the profession, and the people:
. . .
Washington, D. C., 7th -Feb., 1850. •
" Sin :,r have used.your Pills in my generid and hospital
.practlce over since , you made them; and cannot hesitate to
say they aro the best cathartic we employ: Their regu
lating action on. thq liver Is quick. and decided; moo-.
queutly they uroitn atlntirable, remedy fOr. derangements
of that organ. Indeed, I- haicrenildoin found aMO Of.
bilious disease eo obst i nato that it did not readily yield to
them. Fraternally your's,- AWNZO BALL,. b.f. D., '
• .. • ' , Physician of the Marine Ifaspital.
Dysentery, Dlarrhpea, Itelati
.klyna Dr. "J. G. Grien, of Chicago.
oui , Pilis hare had a long trial' in my-prtictice, and,l
hold them In esteem as ono of the bust aperients I have
over found: TheirAteratlve effectripon the liver makes
them an excellent 'remedy, when-gireu lu smelt doses for
bilinus• dysentery and. diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating
makes them rery acceptable and convenient. fur the use
•of women and children. •. ' ' .. •
Dyspepsia, Impurity of. the Blood.
Front Rev . . 41 - ...llintis, Amor' qf Advent. Church, Batton.
Dn. Attn: I have used your Pills wills extraordinary
succelas . in my fondly and among those I am called to visit
in distress. To regulate' the organs of digestion and
. purify the, blood, they 00 the vlery hest remedy Y have
over known, and..l. can confitlently„recommend them to
my friends. . " • . Yours, .1. Y. NIMES.
. . . . .
. ' ' ITtitt.i.tr, :Wyoming on:, N: y,, Oct. 24, 1855.
'Dp..iit Stn : 1 act ,imuglyour eatbartic Pills lu my prac
tice, Cud tiiid them au excellent. iiurgative to eleauso tho
spatula mutt purify the folmfains of the blood.
-• • • . ' JOHN '0: 10ACIIA31, M. D. '
Coziatllintlitra, Costiveness, Suppression,
'll.lteumattani, qout, 'Neuralgia, Drop
. By, Para.! ye itt,.liiite, etc.
, '
From hr. .T. It 'llitigloi; Montreal; ainada. ' • • '
Too much cannot be maid of your Pills for the mire Of.
costivenass. Ticithers of our fraternity have found them
as efllcachnut as I have, they should Join Me in proclaim.'
ing, it for the 'benefit of the multitudes who suffer from
.that complaint; which, although bad enough in itsolt, is
the progenitor of others that are worse. I bettors cos
tiveness to urigluate in, the liver, but your flits affect that'
organ and cure the disease. • :.: • . •
Front Mrs. E. SYirast, Physician - and Midwife, Bnilon.
. . .
I find end or two' large descent your Pills, taken at the
proper time; are excellent promotivca of the natural secre
Hen when .wholly or partially suppressed, and also very
effectual to cleanse -the stomach and expel worms.. They
ere so touch the best' physic we'have that I recommend%
no other to my patients. • •
Fiom'tho Rev. Dr. Liaurkes,of the . ..ifothositst Epic. Church.
• Mimi House, Savannah, Ga.; .Tan..B, 1858.
• Ifoxnatn : I should be ungrateful for the relief.
your skill hoe brought me if I did not report my case to
you. • A cold settled in my limbs and brought on 'excru
•ciating nearayic pains, which ended. iti. chronic rheuma
. !inn.. Notwithstanding I had the beet 'of.physielans, the
disease grew wore and worse ' until by the advice of your'
excellent agent in Baltimore , , Dr. Mackenzie, rtried your
Pills: Their effects were slow; but sure: sty persevering
id tfio 'use of themi I am now entirely well. • .
SENATE' Crimean; Baton Rouge, La.;.5 Dec. 1855.
Do Alrsß: I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of
Rheumatic Gout—a painful dlleaSe that bad afflicted.=
for years.' . . VINCENT SLIDELL.
'"Most of the Ms in -market contain:
Which, althOugh' a minable remedy in eldlfur hands, is
dangeroun 'in a •publid pill, • frnm the dreadful ono
(ponces that frequently follow its incautious use. !rhea,.
.contain•rio mercury or minas! subitat,rowhatever. • .
Price, 25 cents per Box, or Boxes for SL.
Prepared by Dr. T.D. AVER. Su ca, Lowell, Mu&
1863. ,
This. great line traverses the Northern and
Northwest counties of
• Pehnsylvania to the City
of Erie, on Lake" Erie..
It has'been leased by.the • PENNSYLVANIA" R.
R. CoaliAnyi and under their anspices is being
rapidly opened throughout.its entire
' It is now in • use• for Passenger and Freight
business fro in 11s.rotisaiincr :to DRINTWOOD,
(2nd Fork) . Ll77 miles] on the. Eastern Divia
ton,' and from SHEFFIELD.tO Erie, (18 mites.) on
the Western. Division. • , ' •
'Leave "Eastward:
Express train leaves , 4 :20 P.M
.•:: c: arrives, . . 12:00 M
Leave Eastward. • .
Aecomodation train, -" 6:40 P.
Cars • run through • WITIIMiT CHANGE both
ways on thase trains between Philadelphia and.
Lock Haven, and between Baltimore •and Lock
ELEGANT SLEEPING 'CHI'S on •Expreas trains
both ways, between Williamsport, and Balti
more and WilliamaPort and Philadelphia.••
For infOrmaiiun respecting Patisenger busi
ness apply: at the S. E. Corner 11th and Mar=.
ket Sts. ' • • • • • • .
And for Freight business of the Company's,
, S. B. Kingston, Jr.', Cor. .13th and Market
Ste.; Philadelphia. •
•J. W. Reynolds, Erie.' : ,
• J. Agent N. C. A. R., Baltimore.
Goal Freight Ag't Phil'a.
.Gen'l Ticket Phil'a.
Gen'! .Manager,Willit;nupoit.
. , 114 SOU,TII TII rltt. 'STREET,
• • . " -
'The undersigned having 'been appointed
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of .
the Treasury,. is nevi prepared' to furnish, at
. New Twenty Yeir 6 per et. B.onds:'
United 'Stites, designated tie • “Fivo
Twenties," redeemableat the . pleasure of tr.'
Govermnent, after five years, and' atithori:
by. Act of Congress,. approved Feb. 25,
The COUPON BONDS are issued in sumac;
$OO, $l5O, $5OO, $lOOO. .
. The REGISTER BONDS .in surns .of $5O
$lOO, $500,-$lOOO and. WOO,
Interest .afsix, per cent—per anuum wtf
eommenee:from date ,of purchase; and is • •
Semi-AnnUally, which is•equal, at the presorr
premium on gold, to - abOut EIGHT PER CEPA
PER ,ANNUM. . • .
• Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists.
and. all.whO have any money to invest, Shod(
know and rettereber that these Bonds are,.
effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all , Raft'
roads, Canals, Bank Stocks.and Securities, an('
the immense products of all . the Manufacturcr,.
iu the country: :and that the full at . c.
a'inple provision Made for the payment of: the
interest and liquidation ; of principal, by Cus
toms, buties, Excise Stamps and Internal Rev
enue,'servei to . make these bonds the •• .
lost, )lost Available and. llostlopnjai Investineat
in the:Naiket. ,
Subscriptions received
.at PAR In Legal Ten
der Notes, OrNotes and.checits of l;ankiat per
n.Philatlelpbia. SUbscribers by. Tail re 7.
ceive . prompt attention and every facilty and
explanatiorr will be afforded on application to
this offiee.• • . • ' •
A full supply Of Bonds will be kept on hand .
of imrnediate delivery. •
JAY COOKE, Suliseription Agent.
. •
R ESPECTFULLY. ANNOUNCES TO . HIS old friends in iVlelCean County, that he , is
on handt.hie Spring ae:inial, . 1
Selected stock ot"Goods the Olean Market.
To .. .111pleOali.lish Bliyero - 1 Mould Say;
I can oiler you better inducements than you
can get west of New'York.. • •
It !takes no difference what you want,: any
hing in the line.
611 et the
And you :Will find the article fresh and cheap.
It's no use talking the
always has and always will take the lead, ane
regulate the market. in
Groceries and Provisions
Don't fail ta call'and see'nle when you visit
Olean ; I shall not hurt you, but shall certainly
try to do you good. , •
Olean, May .234, 1860.
been restored to health in a few; days, after tin
deigoing all the usual routine and Jrregider eic
pensive modes of treatment, without• success,
considers it his . sacred duty to communicate to
his afflicted.fellow creatures the arzyniov cum?
Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope,
he will send free a copy of. the prescription
used. ':'Direct to •Dr..JO4N M. DAGNALL,
180 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ".,
°Mod of JAY 'COOKE,
. . .
'• . • . .E.I6O.E.ENTI4,ItAIt.
.". Volume . ynt:•:— keiv.Seiies:••••.. .•
, A ne w. volution of this widely circulated.pa-.
per . cominehee's on the lit of. January. 'Every
number contains Sixteen pages-of useful infor
mation and from: five to ten original engravings
of new inventions and discoverieS, all of:which
are prepared ' exPresq. for its coltirnns.,
• To The:Mechanic and Manufacturer!
No person .engaged in any of, the `mechanics
pursuits • should;', think , of doing without ' the
SCIENTIFIC ANIERICAN; It Costs but six cents
Per week; revery nurnber contains front six to•
ten engravings of new. machines . and inVen-.
tioUs, which cannot be found in any other pub
licittion. It is an established rule of the pub
lishers to insert
~none but original: engravingir,
'lnd , these of the furst•class -in the art,, drawn
and engraved 'by experienced 'persons under
their own supervision. ' . .
pensable to every inve ntor, as it , not only Con
tains' illustrated. descriptions of nearly all the
best. inventions' as. they coire. out, but each
number contains an Official List of the Claims
of all 'the Patents issued from the United . States
Patent Office during the week .preidous; thus
giving a correct •history of the 'progress of in
ventions in thisi country..: We are .also receiv
ing, every week, the beit scientific journals'of
Great Britain,. France, and Germany; thus
placing in :our possession all that is transpiring
in inechanidal science and art in these old
countries. -We shall continue to transfer to
our. columns copious extracts from these jour
nals of whatever we may 'deem of interest . to ,
our readers. .
Chemists, Architects, Millwriglits,.. :And
found•a most uselful Journal to them. All the
new discoveries of scien '
ce•.of .chetnistry are
arven in its columns, and the interests of the
Architectand carpenter are not oierlpoked; all
the new inventions and•diecoveriqs appertain
ing to these pursuits. being .published from
week to'-week: Useful and praetipal informa-.
tion pertaining to the interests of millwrights
and mill-owners will be found publislied in : thq
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mich' information. they
cannot possibly obtain from any other source.
Subjectsin which planters and farmers are, in-
terested will be found discuised in the . Sciarg
rim AMERICAN; most of the improvements in
agrieultural implements tieing illustrated in •its
colunins. •. ' -
- . -To mail subecribersi--Tliree Dollars a Yaar,
or One Dollar .for, four month. - The vol
umes commence on the first Of• January and
Specimen copies will *be sent gratis to any
part of the country.'
Western and Canadian. money or Past-office
stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Cana
dian subscribers will please to remit.2s cents
extra on , each year's subscription 'to pre-pay .
MUNN Pi GO ., Publishers,.
• No 37. Park ! rpw Nevfi;York
$5 Sewifig: Machiiie.
".The . embodiment . of practiCal utility, and .a
marvel of simplicit y ; makei the running stitch
very rapidly . and perfect, uses'a cornmon•needle
and •will last. a . lifetime. • At • tbe " . New "Ydrk
State Fair, its efficiency , an d great
practical_ utility, was confirmed by• the award
of the . First Premium. • . • .
It will.Gather',. Ruffle, .s„iiirr . ; Tuck, Ru,n up
Breadths, etc., with a single or. 'double. thread
on any material adapted to theltunnirig Stitch,
The thinnitit;' usually .the most 'difficult to stitch
by other . . sewing :machines, being:sewed the
easiest. Farllloes? and .childrensi apparel.
and other articles made of light_ fabrics, it will
therefore be found almost invAtumiLE.
. .
It is attachedto the table like a sewing bird,
and having no. tension, and .requiring no lubri.
cation or change of stitch, is alWays ready for
operation,lnd such a marvel of simplicity•that
a Child six COT eight years Can UNDERSTAND it,.
and use it suconsvuzzy. • •
It is not at all liable to get put of order.
Each machine is put up in neat box, accom
panied with full and explicit direetions,, and
wenty five needles, ~ • . •
Sent to any address in the'llnited States on
receipt of an order, inclosing the •amount , or
may be colleCted by Express on delivery of tho
machine. , - • ' .
When the money is sent with the order and
registered, we guarantee its safe receipt and the
delivery of the machine, anywhere within 2000
miles free of any Express charges.
Very liberal errangements for agencies . ,•'
See MIRROR OF FASHIONS, or for full partici:l
Tare, speeimen Of sewing, etc., send a stamp for
return postage.
473 Broadway N. Y.
Every lady, mother,milliner and dress-ma
lier,. should haverine f these valuable sewing
. .
. .
. .
'This preparation, made from the beat'Java Coffee, is'
recommended by phisicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS
BEVRRAGE for General Debility; Dyspepsia, nod all
bilious disorders. 'Thousands who have been compelled
to abandon the use of coffee will use this without lejuri•
one eftectig; One can contains the strength of two pounds
et °Miner*. coffee; .Prlce 25. cents: • •
• The purest aid best BAKING I , OWD)* known, for
making light, sweet and nutritious Bread and cakes:—
Prioe lb dente. • • •
.40,Bread and Chestnut Streets,
And sold by all Drnigists and (Weirs.
To sell goods for the'Anssrs SEWING Msonin
Come...nit. We will give se commission on all
goods sold ,by our Agents, or pay wages at from.
$4O to $lOO per month, and pay all necessary
exPenses. Our Machine is perfect in its me
chanist'''. A child 'can learn to operate it.by
half an hours' instruction ! .It is equal to any
family Sewing Machine in'use, and• We have
reduied the price to. Fifteen .
Each machine is warranted i fer three years..
Address • C. RUGGLES,
Gen. Agt Detroit Mich. •
TO'the Inventor!