itoti • oblataatiodr • •WHEII.AS' anti byithe • of the' ACe.ptaelieral,,AsPetnhly of July 2d, 18i5P,.elittiled s' Ati Act 'relatinglo the electrons Corinnon; , 'wealth," it ia.enjuined On - the Sheriff: of, eFery county- to give notice of.puch: . clec.tlonkle be held and onuiterate 'in such' notice i'vhat of-, flews are to bo elected. In pursuinee. thereof, Jain es 11.Blair,Iligh: Slieritr of the•.couuty Mclioan, de. t Iterefore make: known, aiidgive 'Ghia public notice to tlie'clectors of staid county of McKean,- that a - Aw:yid ;019cthin beheld said county. 'on Tocsday,. lath. :day of Octel.'o, 1863; ((t being the. sileOnd 'l'nesday in. the !pond') filr' the eleetiiiii of the folloiVing of-,` 'fcera, to-curt;• -.• • ":. ; • ,Oire person for GovOpier:o.l- the State : Pennskloani.o.. : ':•• • • • 'ate ii'eroil.for , .;fudgtbe ''Supreme of . . of Pa it4s. ylvaili a. :• . • • . • . Zip6 . l);osoii . s for Asienzl4 y, .7'eprc :got , t •coulaids•pf 61iiii1411.ill•lc .' in'thq . • of. prentqatives of Peiinsylvqni a. for ProOonotary; , . or McKean . '. Onn.liGn•mib• for.SlierilY. of:MciCean • enpill.y. . • - One person for : Riipz4er and ltecmider of iN.ln ii'vnii county', • -' . •• .• • -..•• . . . . . . .. . ....... Two personslor. CounLy. Coin missitnier: - ~•• Twi.,•peri-ns fur Ul.niiity .•Auditiir. :. ' ... , ~. ' eini,litioiniifiii• Cormier.: ' .:o.iiii pei....;nit tin , 'Dinfrii.A.Ait4eney,'. And Ilielinililicil : cleciori of .t.he • cotipt:,,•' 4if 'Efel'ilinin, will hiilil-I}ii,ir (tied:kills in ,the •lie'v • end .Di,.irictn'ini fnlliiws:. - '•' •'. ' l .• • '. '••• .: . • Ther4;4liship of Antiiir at the• ricer . Borough at the Ctiiirt.•liouse in .Stuet hport. • • • • to W /011 1) of Bia,clfurci the 'school house in l;iitletuu .. ..-• • • " The. towOship of. Ceres at, tho huus.e , E.-J ITarbe,r. • . • T ,•• w tiship of.C6rydon at the Acbgetliouee neat J aige,..L'ar.uiotel.' The io fp .u . f Eldred . at the ; Eldred : The tpwtOliti of • liapilkti at the Aldrich :school .. • •••• . . • , Tlie•(owu.ltip OI lltimiltou beailiaiali• Mot ri6011: • tinensliirof Keating at the Aitirt House in 71:441109u. • tii.w milli!) of Liberty at the schuoillOUSG in Port Alleraily, , ' to‘ . ‘'oeliip • of : Lafayette. at . school house near the.public lung is iit'Luthe'r Due is., Thp timenship 9f Norsi7ch-ut the house of. C. R. Burdick. . IQWII , IIIp of , Oiio at:the - school hOoso in PrellitS. ATOP., . • , . . . The township of Sergeant at the house 0f.J0..• ..• The..township 'Of - Wetmore at, • •the house a. ' • And 1 . • also 'gt • ve •notice) . that' every '- person, e7cept i n g.t he Justices of the .I'eace, who .sliplll hold any -office or appointment of phifits -or trust under the Oorernment 'of the United • States, or - of the State, or of any'e or-incur pirated district, whether 'a cotontifisoned officer. •or othermif-O.,,•subordioate . dflieer Or•agent, .wlw •is or 'shall, la...employed uner. the. Leg' dative, I.4ecti re' or Judiciary ilePa • rt tnent is State' of I flo.' Uri itod . States,; of:any , incorporated district; and'a:so•, that.overy anember of •gal,s. of the state legislature and -ef ::and emmnon Council of any cay; Or Coin tilts • .sfoterof any incorporated ditriel, is by , ineapaltle of e'erctsrog at. Abe :sank , time, the , (Agee of Jtidge, inspect:lr or Clerk ef .an elec tion in Cionmonwealth and tlitit lig: Im ,j)ectot.:Judge or other office of any Stich elem nom -shall be eligible to any of ice - then to be. ro • teerf6r..' • • •-• • • • And in and . by. tive th • sect ion . an,, A c t, a p pyoved the ) of April, 1t?.10;•it is enacted; 'tit:11.010 18-thiseciioa of 'an A.ct passed 'duly' l Kitt, entitled in Act rdajing lu the, &.c -lions in this boinhibnwearth;• - shall'iiot voh stitetl as to• prevent ally tnildary or hiirough officer 'from. serving. as - dildge . ,! - Inf.pector or ctiork tiny inv . :general' or' special ••'elect iod; of this Con'inionw'ealth. • • .• • • „ . And the said act relating to the decline's oLthi 5 Com • inonirealtiop.aased Julyol,ll3sl,444l.loiiiift fondue.: Zhat'theJudge? and Invr eau NI chosen as eforeeaidi 'ahallmeet at the respectivelititeeW appointed for bolding, the. election ig theatistriet: to which - they reiipeetively . I ) ol6 figi'beforb ii Weldek on the morning . of the ;seennd' Tuesday of October in each and every ven,..and °a . :114 .fiaid Inspectors shall appoint one clerk, udid shall be a: voter of said di.;:trict: - In case' the purse] who latfmt changes and greatorariety of:sewing required in 'a family,•for' they will "sew from dime to twenty thicknesses of .Marseifles without, stopping, and.make eyery'ititch perfect, or trout the Miest . ganzeto the heavieit beaver cloth;.or even . the stoutest. harness dcathet, without changing the feed, needle, or tension, or making any adjustment of Machirie whatev“! ! ! They are simple in, construction, and . easily, iinder4tood; and if any part is broken bp. atei 7 dent, itislreadily replaced: • Thse are peculiar facts,arpt Will go further. to determine the choice , :of any intelligentliby er. • Pr,R4c sssn FOR CIR. I. Local Agents Wanted in sections. not Yet occupied, ' Address; • •• ' FINKLE & LYOIS X: C 0.,: No. 583. RROADWAy..NEW YORK AMERICIA.N : 4G,RICU LTII4IST Titouttibu-Gor.suS;IIF.,LIA)3LE and PRAC.: TICAL Journal ; - (hiyoted . - tis ihe''diffeient . partmenfs . olsoWculture, gi - owingyield Crops Orchard and Garden,,F,ruits ;, Garden , Vegeta bleS: and Flowers'; - . Trees, Plants, and Floweri - tor. the Lawn or Ithrtf; care of:Do• niestfe — Aiiimals; &cc:, and to flowSehold Gahm's.' It has also - .an interesting aturinsfrue eriart merit .tor Children - and . A full .Calendar'ot Operiftions . eyery month. Four)lundred, or m ore, illustrative illustrative En,graviiigs Appear in each v.ofuhae., Over TWelee - Ifundred, practical; :n ,frnCfive articles .and . useful • itenis, •Ore Phe:F.ditors.and Contribiffors .prac: tieal WorOng : 'Men: • ' • . • ' Thn Ira el, Ides of , (lye 41iICI.LUTLt ST tire.cOn! h ' .40446 no Spat or 7ri itory,, r hootre the 11 , ;1 of 5. *of oil err! lone o COIN/4-'4i its i n n v ; for t ?Olean MiIaCAN CON-• • • .. • . A• 1;;IINIAN' hltshed,,pf,the same size and price . ns'thr Etkeli • sh,•and con. taidintt air of ida•reatlirte;:mattev,and its nurric rous.illustrative angyainga.• • fiLY -IN ADVANCt.• '• . One copy, one year, • • 'Bl 00 • : • .•• Six 00.: Ten or more copies , one year • .80 cents each. •'• C Add •to• the ,above rates . :. PoSttig' t Canada 6' eania . to England and:Fia'riee, 2,4 ern!:; ta•Garnian) , ., 36co.nta., • . I. ) osteee atry.vvitere : ln the. United States and TOvi l he paid by . the•suhseriber,.ard is •oftiv ijra,r, - if 'paid in, advance at 'the Office *hare - . All lotsiness:rilid titherromrntinicationsshould be, midi i., 5 p0 ler the jiiiitpt.a4d • ORANGE JUDD,.4 f Park-Row; T : ,TIII:II,EKLY)OUJINAI F OF COMMERCE. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. . The commencement of.ti new year ji..n.good time. for renewing snbseriptions-and increasing t he' circulation Of, the Jost nal of CofnensiSe;-- I, , e'addr - eis ourselves to the old readets ; of the paper,' with entire confidence to their ness to aid us; ard. sxtsnd the: influence of the sound 'Conservative principle' and morals wlriSh. have hitherto characteriged;and will.. hereafter' Thdiracteriie this patier. r:Rvsay Sunscrti REA ts he Journal' of .Commerce . do a, great service to , these principles, and strengthen sir' .in our ability 'to upliort. and'ciritilate.thetn, bye sensing ge-thn'Otitne least -one new soh - Iseriber•in hie town. . . ,* . D ,. . . • evoted firmly' as we have, been,tccoar coun- try's interests, and having - lobs! 'been . called “Union Savers" as.a.terni Of reproaeh,•we are and shall tie the. firm upholders . of . '.. : . . THE UNION AND •THE CONSTITUTION opposing With,heail and, South or ~North; who it; •an enemy to either. Every form of disorganization and revolution will find us ready for the combat. Among the foes of the Anterican Union and American'principles, we rank side by side ABOLITIONISM A iy*.p SECIESSIPNISM, %ad with all an' strength to 'defend the nation - ageinst the attacks.Of;'.t'= r . .. AIpERAt MBA., '• To eneourage -those who May'VOThoteer to aid :in, the , organization of Ctuks; : ,we . .heteby •offer an extra copy ofthelVeek.ig4wei , ry pep. son si-hO shalt forward twenty new aubseribefs with the money. • • • . . • CLUBS • . may be organized in :eoMmunities' , witti . grear etiyantage.' „The present is the beat 'period (or their . ccOrylencern'eq. • The' terms• on which . we can Turaiah the paper .aretts.tollows::— To,conipehies faking • ~ ". ' • •20 copies -oy.upwards ONE DOLLAR each ' .14 copies. .:* ,FIFTEEN POLLARS. ; .8 copies . Trrc 31 • copkes.. „ . • • IV copies • , . FR ** tinder '3 copies • TWo * each . . The papers,. will be addressed to different persons at the same Post Office, if desired, ex*, cept: in. eases of clubs of. 7 , or more copies, WhiCh Will be. Mailed te'one ADDITIONS lb • CLUBS May be. Made at. the*.followirig rates :—Papers added. to' . a club during quarter of the .club's year will: pay„the full rate 'rd . the na.l club rove yeai, dUring' the •second quarter, 'thre'rt-fourths. of the otigiiial year's rate, during the third . quarter one half; and ,during..the last . quarter. orie-fouri h, all - such subscriptions will terminate with'the - year, ot. thu •, . . • . yroin.,l . ratroops V. S. Ata it • . Where:packagei of.nciespaper,,r,pr.periadicals are received at :any - pnst. office directed .ici One .,• .and.the .names oft be club Of. subscri. berg td ; Vvhich they belong; 101.6 the 'postage for a quarter in advance, shalt he handed to the postmaster, he shall deliver the . sacrie to their respactive owners: •••• ..• • . . . . . . . . :.:Itut: thi s . does apniTto ,wef!l:l3 , , newspapers 1, - yhiett cii ciliate .free, in thecounty'where tirin ted. and' pdblished.,- .- -.•• ,•. •' : :.' ..: •p 7". Addrevs Editors. of ihr: Jo - orOill Of qoni nicron,'No: 91. Wolf street Nero .I'o4 .- .. , ..v..... ' ? . '.- Pamir:, STONE, HALE &11A.LLOCk.,• •-• ~.- -...-,. - ' • ... A .., EAVtars .nnd P.i•ppili4cir NOTICE . MI 'persons tire ‘ warned . against .. purchasing the' fellowing jtidgmeht notes, siene6 by and payable to C, 13alcOm Or beare . i, to wit: 00t;(lates jati t 221 1803 birsl9,6o due Febrile. ry 22(1 1863; pike ~Intes:Jan: 22(1 1893 for' $60,- 00,(ItielVI;uch 2211 1863, o n e dates'. Jun: '.2211 1'663 10r860.00 * April 22d ,1863; nne dales Jan, 2211 1863T0t 430,00 duti' May ..22(11863t o Jllja,,tril :186g. for s:')o•,.on..duP 22(1'1,603; one(late'S Jon.' 2211 1863 fOr 525,00 dueltily 22(1 1863. As the eot4hleraii6o 'of each'and ull of tlrem'.. has ialled hshall con test the' payment of each.. „ Sh rpren,'.Camreron 'Co., July 1°.[','.1863:.. • . . 1-IENRY.HANES. . , . . .911 HE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE A NERVOUS YOUNG IVlAN.Pub fished as a warning anti, (or tJIB especial benefit of younx men, and those who suffer ,vrith.Nna vous pIintLITX;..LOSS OA MEMORY, PriEritriTuar Di:c:tir,'&c.,&e:, by one bas•eirreil self by simplemeans, after being 'pat 'to great expense and ineon'venienee,. through : the use of worthless medicines prescribed by learned:Doe. lora. 'Single corlies : urray. be had (free) •of the author; O. A. LAIIIIIERt, EFq., Greenroint Long Wand, enclosing .an athfressair any elope.-- Ad dress CIIALLES A. LA . MBERT; Load istArro,' New York, '• • • ;.. ARMY AND NAVY CLAIMS, • PENSIONS for .disatfled 'Soldiers; Mothers', and minnr. Children. 'BOUNTIES for. Soldieri • clischargeit by redsnn or. wounds received iti •Widnws.and Hei rs , de ceased.Soldlerp:.. BAOF .PAY.and s e ttlement all arrears . .afid..halance . Min discharged and deceased pflli!eis . Saldiera and Sailors.. PRIZE AIONEY-for Stittes •• 'Hana'..l3ook of instruction, sOnt„.hy'entiosing stamp to' pay. rGtOrn . postago. • •• SUMPS, Splii•ita;7 .71' ahil:P4trki, (Under •13. road Banhl 2 park P10e,.N..Y. . • 416 Svooth.Strob,,, 'Washington, D. C • • • REPEREYCES: • , ' • • . . . .. MCCJIANICS' 11ANI ..,.......—'—'.......... Nev.York.' IIItOADWAY.ISA NH.. -- .... :.._...'........; • . 4 , .. ~. lvo.LtAmslll7lto CITY• BA NI - .. ' ' ..AVOitaiusburg fins. ITANNTBAL I.i . AMIAN, Aloe Peesitleut.- I - .. .. MARTIN K ,k1.,44,1'.1..3111, Mayor of Brooklyn... '. ABIJNII M ANN• New York. •' ' . .. JAY... COOK;, itailkerg . , Waslilnu:ton Anil Philiont . . Al ME. uumpßEFT , sltoll OF FASIIIONFS:—The ILI hest - told •nrest, r.4lialtle Fashion ; :tlttgattuu in Ore' wnr_ht. Contains the largest and Fashion t FlatO, theermitest number 'of the latest and most reliable information,' thruit foll-ensed' Patterns for and It sheet of new • B k.. reda-Win anda Et roi dm tog . Erery 31.0 th er, Oressinaket, Metter and total Cshouldthttre !Puldshed Quarterly,' at 4Ta Broadway ; New' York,. told *everywhero 'or sent.hyt until :at'lrt.cettts.:. Yearly with u valuableliremiton. The Sdutiner nember. new tleady: • • .• t • •• 'NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. .. . , . . .. Trlrp,nleneing,, INIolnlay.; . Nov.' litli, 1602.—. Tfainq - ivill leave Olean at abciat the'folloi:ving hauls,. viz: • - : "•- '. " . . -• . ' MOVING • WEST : • . • ~ • • , Night Expres lfuil Wdy Freight _ No. 21 MoihNb.. - OAsT . • -. Aright icpre