M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 19, 1863, Image 2

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    --i;'‘' '; ,* - :''''' - i , ' ,. :
:~ k fi4i A' X 4 471: ~
Ali 4 '
;,on;ltigi~yo, flies ; , ;fl.*ilkiheikr'jti
61.0 (I l i te
• ..!!*:t l. loiie:llii'* l o 1 `' . -11 * 1 :! . q'
24*.licit - ,*l;:i.)ojßrj.ippoi)3;':oli4 - ,l 3 ;biej: . 4ita
e i'os u
ti 4 ;40:y u
:' in i l rfhi.thattneyuo sl'avery '; ukht ' perish ' with
•••,..• •
.. c i r mt,.nelp, t giot.,fri),cif the_ ; Wlnste,ad (coliflecl.-
''..541444,;;2.44, foirce . .lttitilicat; piper:*
We: hci
He, is : honest in
•:. iri.; tiOr : and' %ye
:;have:,yet.to he taught, '
readin _ from th 9
of Inspiration. `, a'elt nowt hoW
wherein oil John. Brolwri is a'transgressor.._
..„ . .
to undertake what yoh
' publican leadere) the'seCurity ul your,sanc—:
Aunte t prily are bold to Preach. , .'
edflaiirelected.,Gnverner:of Ohiniind I ex
, pisCe'fb he . ,..1 nOt.lei any: fuiltiVe be Ketiiin
' 'ect, 4 :b s iteihtit.ckY• Or nth if. alai, State; a n 4.1 f
ny 'other way, , as . Conitil
--atidit;,irifi,-tibiO.nf the . ' Staie;
SO, help•trfe
Ohto; : • -• • .•
. • . . • .
Action af this 'convention". (the con- ,vcntiop which , ,
noininated,Fretoont,) , “depende
~ttiti': C tiCutry':', If the' fleptiblicans
hox, we will, be forced to drive .
sfavenc racy. iv ith fire and t he s Word."
jainett Watiotritr. AA 1 I 0
0. - I.46 4 k—seat, Minister
sincerely hopea civil' war may beret: upon
.this:coentry...:.l want to see Amentan slavery,
abolished' in, my day it is fe . gaCy I have no
leaVe my childreni. 'Then my inestfer-,
Vent prayer. is that England,France end,' Spain
1013 3"-,speedili take tWS•slavery-ac . Cursed nation
- into especial consideration,' and When the
time arrives for the ~ s treets of . the cities: of this
the free and the home of the.
run ';', , tiif6l)lood to the hpr l e,'s bridle, if, the writ
•V* - I bi;tiyine,.the're . Will he one hpart to: rejoice
at the retributive justide.of 'llenven . .--IV:
l'prk, a. !eliding, Rrpilbl ican,
, . • •
on the 'part of. Northerif members hostile
•.thiS • intolefable odirage;" [Kansas' bill] -rand
demand(of them,. in behalf ol peace, in behalf
of freedom, in behalf of justice, and and hum
- unity; reshitanee to the last. -.Better that con- •
.fusion'aboUld eneue; better that discord , should
reign .in national councils;' better - that Congrets
should btealt up irt•wild disorder; nay, better
:that the Capital itself should blaze by the torch.,
, of the incendiary, or fall and bury.. all its :in—
mates'beneath its,crthrbling ruins; than that
thisvvrong and perfidy 'should be finally accum
,plished.P—iforacs g'rebley. • • • • •
yrom.thi. Helper Book.
11. Slaveholders 1 It is for: you .to decide,
whether We are t.O have jnsl lee. pecieeadly or
by violence '.for whatever confequerkees may
follow, We are depirmin . ed to have it, one. wily
or the.other. 128• .
:4, Against slaverholdersi asn body, we (that
is, the•Repablican signers %intl . endorsers) wage,
en exterminating war.—Page .t2O, .
5. SlaVehohlers 'ere nuisances, and it .is ..our
imperative duty , to abate : the niiisaiiees; , we
propose, thereloreoo exterminate slavery, than
^Which Stryehnirie itself is a less nuisance.—
. . •
means fail us, and We . are drlven
the last extremity, where liellote are useless
. .then we will' neake..ballets ejeetive."—Hpa..
.;.41:4sius 144 ins, of , • ; •
.• . .
'prillavery% can be limited to its present beunds•
otrieliorated. ItCan be,:apd it , must
be:abelisbed,.and you and I and must do it.
I'belaskiti simple, and as easy as its . consum-
tpetion'veill . be bene fi cent and its rewa r ds ow-
It only reqUires to, follow this simple rule
- , 1o• do ..everywhere: and .. .on every
vieeiteicni what we can, and not to- negicet
todO* what'we can, at any time, because .
at that ii_ropfse time, and on'tliat'partl'eular oe
leiteinn,, we cannot do . mote. •Cireumstanees de-,
termiairiossiglities.".—Seereigry Seward. •
ittEktend &cordial weleeme . to the fugitive
who lays hivweary. you door, And de
fend :him !salon' wont& yom wotild yeti r patern
al gado:
-.•PrOrreet.your owmerror; .th'at Slavery.. has
any. onatitittlinialluarantees %vhich' may not
b&released.and Might..itot to be ••relinquished."
,•_,,Atssachusetts' lA.epresentative . in Congress,
4.,,n . eary 80, 1842, John ~A'dam's, piesented"
•. a petition to Congress` .for a' dissolution of the
:Union and . eloquently.'supported . thrit infap.ous:
,petition to dissolve the Union declaring that,
there e principle. sacred'. on earth,' • and .
,established .by our Declaration of llndependence,
tight of the people to itlter, tO change,
•.to,destropt.hp. government' .i(it ,hecomes 9P`
preesiv,e . . to them." And. this trea sonable
• Cition: dititinion speech 'kat; supported;. and;
. .a.d,s,ocatettby,hlseollertgoe,,F,dward,E,verett,,of
,Msfsetinbmette,•,who :-uttered this. treasonable
~qos!F i pe olthet resolution
444 1 , 44,1[1(iiisqecliuse t ; ,disunionist , • from
.CPoooolsty,carried out, it. would produce a
~ XoyMotiqn,o,.lntne.7periecxble if they. can,
they ,rnust! If no peeleable mode
could fqt the redress of grievances, that
should;, become intq!erqble, it quiet be done by
forXia:,!..,:—Congraeriontl'Vol. xi, ,'page
. .
• utitner, front „Massachusetts; in preying
..§,thern, , rnett tO,be .ftunsivilfeed.'.!
said;:in the ; Senate ,-of
tbe_tJn'itad `,Maces, . g. they mutt; '
P!tilf h?.1 0
,0 1 .0 1 1 • •
~:.T.Mtejer, jo' the
,gouse, pod - the Helper book
'adviidated thPMieettehusetteBMMtor's', plait of
' 4 . 4 driy,i9t them like rate into their .helesi?by:
- . 4 1;eittitif,,o,l(plyeteri.eou'ree, ,eeeial s politiectlped
rAttpreugOtid,ptitiiii-:o knife•in, the, elevesi:
'- ' '4lOO (4 'cat theiy,rnaiiteii'. .throats: s, -' ~.:-
-1 . 1 4 4ie ,tgreit't e,,;i:eie 'sit,iiMiOned i:iy ilie eigea- . -
.: firroi i3(47;nieni , tiql at coiiirsa; end Governors:
'-',,,,..it 41 Af i i ' el: ,* 4 ok ii) i4:4 l E ;' friber B :ol the P,rtY; Paid,
4 1: '' Iritimiq, Fiii 7 ‘ bave 4eM:ectivit by,iadcast.over,
')., Ijii, %,,. ~.' ~ ,;, . :-
-. ;44411i0iie? oitieches were. teprodtteek with
4 4 (60sOgilidtterederkerations, in the Tril.- ;
Tiiiit(ifil;tolllol;rlid,:rl,) and, in 12•3 dol
f k
',. '!' , 'A , ftWiiii Ofiiip,lo/,.. :44,1860,, ti §enator of
;,- .... , e "" - ir '4''t' 4 hti - WiltiOn:ltti is
belie . at
;,--„ # I V "Ity4' ''' : our. l 't • ' the
I ' - 4 figuluge t emq , ,Arkayp, . of? , upon
'',g . riiiifitA ond.l,we • will crush ; Ihern
'IV' , " `f Areltl• Elia :thcarto powder! rand
: l'cv' . 7 l ;.':.: .', , '.:::.;!' : ..•!;;,• • •,:• , ! . , ', , ,`_„•_ , :•‘.:. ,. ;.1 , -', , ' , : '
..; . •
- ..A:-# - , , ',k. , * . , , , , ..40.5 , .i,'0.,'.2;.,,-,=-;?,.
Aiar.....rehts a ycare.met Ivith cbe most -vociferous
apjliqehl . braiiiiniri,coi-lYlaserichusetta assein r.
•,:' • . .
-',-;44Kti!c'orfess.that. we intend to trample under
foot iial,gOitstitutiori'Of :this . country: Daniel
%IChafer:says: ...• . • .• ; :•
',Ychi hi& a la'w abiding ;people;.' that. the.
glary of . Nt4 F.uglund ii,that it ip•it law gltiding
community.' 'Shaine on At,. e • r e,
'if miff' the religion el :New England sink's aaiow
aft statute b00k . .., itiit I ink We : hrello! a law.
:abiding inmiritinitY... 'God:be thanked for
We:iileli Philip ..
. .
. •
• • •
, e central y ea, in our political op! nion t at
the•heginniUg.was, and until recently,
to•be, : ihe equitlity of then. ;:knd,•altlieugli
it w a e aulyriitted 'patlently to;.Whatever
inequality: there seems to' be . as - rt. .rpatte r of ac . --
tual necessity, its constant working hae,be,en a
ateaily prOgress towardeihfi Practical equality
""Let past diti'erenceV us .nothing &c.f. and,
With e‘tearly "eye prk the real issue; let us - Mau,
6trale . the good old cebtiuridea's of the repel):
cau•thr'it:: The hearken heart is' with.
us. (o(1 i s with Us. We shrill again be Eti)le,..
n0t...t0 declare that ell the . Stateu, States;are
equal ; nee yet; that all, citizens, us citizens, are,
eijaal; hut renew•the - broader, better , .tleclara•
both Ilicse.snd.much more, that
all 'men are . created equal:''—A'. Lincolri, spiecte
delivered ;Sept, 'lsy • '
. ,
"What commentayy 'apan.•the • hist9Fy •of
man . 'tithe fact .that, eighteen years after., the
death of Jahn Qttincey.A lams,'.tbe kopla' have
for 'their standard:, be:firer, Abraharri' Lincoln,
confesSing ] lhe obligations of the. Higher.. Law %vhichthe SageOl 9.l.iincey proclaimedoind con
tending'for Wealor 'wod.'for • life or. death, lri
the friepressibie . :contliet between treedom and.
slavery. I desirri.polyto:sity that we are in the
last•stage of the conflict, before . triumplial inan-
guration.•of.this.pnlicy intelhe government 'Ol
the'Uniied States.v—Hr. If. Seward. '
. .
The . . .
The Secretary Of State i ,wbile endeay.oring . :to:
v.indicate (be•vitadity of the Federal govpro,
meat to I"..ord..l:4ons,illustra , ted his position by
PaYjngt. . ....: -:., .... •
"My Lord, I Can. touelf . 6e,11 'on .rrty . .rrgilt
hand and order. Ike .iirrest.,4 a citizen of Ohio.
:4 ; i'ati;toucit:thc:.bell ngattilindjordeC the iptpiis
onment of a . otizprf in.rfeiir.Yorlc,and no .pow
er on earitibia . ,tliae of the President can release
them. Can the-Quo/to OPEnglarid, in 1ter . ...d0 7
minions, do
,as .inuch?—;Secreniry.6! rioar:(l',.T . Pow,
I. have no parpose,.directly. or'.indirectly,, to
interfere 'with the institution of ery in 'the
States' where it exists. • helleve L'have .no
laWful'right,to do so, and I have no : inclination
'to 'de so.—Piesideizi Ligesln in his: Inaugarai
' I order' and declare that...all persons. held as
slaves in the Sail' States'and parts of Stntesate,
rind hereafter' shall be free.—Linculies - Emdat—
'cipcstion Proclamatipii.
Dawes; .Itepublican rifein
,ber.ol•Congress tram Massachuseets, made the
following Confessionip the House on, the : 25th
uC4prilr Ib62:'.
, 4The gentlerheh must reMember.that in the
first year of a Republieanadminisisatien, which
came into power upcin professiOniot reform'and
retrenehment,..there'is induhitable evidence
abroad in the land that sorriebndy .has plunder—
ed the public, treasury well nigh in . that single
year 'as much as . the entire curre nt yearly ex
petise.S of thegoyeinnient duriOt. the 'admiOis—
tiatioa.tvhich the pioPle 'bUrled Icom power
•••• A.'dOrre'sponderit of Stand
:Our people 'and Papers e,Fpress much chagrin ,
,that Lee .Was ailowed to escape; without 'an—
Other.battle, 1 don't share:in the feeling; On .
the .rontrary, I was glad When I heard that he
: was Over .the river ; end .
heie seen no reason
since for any.other emotion, If Meade had eu
gaged Lee 'and been whipped—which was pos—
•sibl,—,it would have been bad; if he had utter—
ly defeated Lee--Whieti was .made more than
Possiblo:—it would have heen• worse, The poi- -
itieal.consequences could hardly • have *railed
to be disastrous.'. The nation is not. prepared
for a sudden and • triumphant suppression. of. the
rebellion.' W.O shall riot tie ready till we get a
hleek army . of at 'least one hundred thousand
men in the field. ..
"ABAD : at.oesnv!triinnua.on.Tna-nanin•"—Cal..
Wm. M. iitone;•.the . Abnolnistratioa..camliata .
(or Goveinor 0! lowa, in a recent 'speech - made
atiCaokuli,,said ;.• , •
adthit,that ;Oils is an Abolittonvvar
not such - in the'start t but the Administration
has discovered, that. it, , could not subdue the
South else than by inalcingit.an.A.bolition war;
.and they - ha:ve done so ramlit.will.be continued
as an Abolitidn war so Magas thereiaone slave
,at the South to-be . made free.l, •• • •
I would .
.rather eat with: a .nigger. 'drink' with a
ni,cur,.and sleep with a. nigger,: than with a
The' Lady who loather eyesight by reading
a• borrowed paper, his recovered it since. she
became a•subseriber. ,
, It it•saitithat the pig ran.away from the bot
cher because he h a d heard that, preveption - is
better that' cute. . , • • '
(Oromthe ,
All haul.
,theilaunting •
.fiturs,grow'pale . find dim;
A bie:thtj•uu9:nting; hymn
1t shields deck;
hinds y- man in chains,
it yoke's-the:capthie'Lneek,
And wiptie the bicody.etninii
Tear dOwn the !hooting
Hll . -mast the'stairy
insult no'stinny sky.'
- With linte's.polluteti rant . .
Destroy it.yo who can!
Deep sick it in the wavOs;
it bears u feJlovV;mari
To groan with lellowAvies
Furl, furl the boasted Lief- :•
l'ill.Fieeduim lives again,
To rule once mare in trtith •
A.Mang Umrameled
Roll:up thi starry.sheem , •
Conceal its Moody itaihs;
For.iMits oltti are' seen •
• The stump of rusgink chains"
:11 : 171i0t.,4111)q!It0....xupoo'coit.
Sattulay, Sept. 26, 1863,
FOR PRE iIDENT;IN• 186 . 4,
GE O,R:GE W.: W 00 . D WARD.
.AVCilt63l.' H
District and Opurity
~. . .
• • -- • . . .AS,SEMBLY.: .. • - ' •
!r •.•J. BOYER. '(nf Oleivflottl Cotinty.)
4. 51...8ENT0N, (or Unlit:lan County )
snEgier• .
GEORGE. 11. M 00121.1
G. 8.. GILL Kw, yeai l .
J. A.ANDERSON.;.( I year.)
• •rtr.connem,...• :
Oucv . grti
.We hiive l devoted
.week, to pOting,ohodoetrines:(itoght,.aoq.seri
.,t imente 'of leatlitiggleputtlicans, Preserve lite
'paper . and when blatant Al3olWonists accuse
y'ou.o( disloyalty ', con'vici'iptmtby their own
Words. • ,
The IVPh - ...man :11ripse,i6 its issue Of the I,sth
itistapt,'PSYS its compliments to the Democrat : :
icnotninations, introducing the subject thus:l
- of.this that
the:late Detnocrat ieCounty. CoOvention, in the•
-Selectibn of -a county ticket must'-have hod in
view the old Democratic maxis-,measures,not then,'" We would :here rerrinrk that idea
.ding•Democrit" has expreesed hi"Mseiladper
fectli satisfied, alleging :that the; RePtiblic'eas
:riandM their nominations without ie:gard 4o
either.' :Thel;maiMptirt of the'disconrse de-
Voted to ourself,' iri.Mbich the attempt: is inade,
to create .a jealous feeling against thO Dome:-
cratic party oh . thescore of ingratitne.: New
-we assure our friend that he.' has awakened no.
such feeling t . •Unlilte.to many-politicians; we .
have.neverrnade our action sitbser
vient to pecuniary interest; have ; not sought
`office.erpface;' cohsequentlV ' have Suffered no
disappointment: So fftr from - suffering
morse of conscience," or .‘"ilegrailation of sman .
hood." we leek upon otir efforts (Or the cause
of -Democragy-as being most worthy ; . and -the
consciousness' -of having attempted: the dis
charge. Of .a ditty - is. fat-more.satisfactory .thap
to have reeelved : the emoluments - of-offices,:ny
striking hands with hose 'Whom bee consider
. „
'the 'architects of :ruin.", Who, having a ;mi.-
tide of regard for his , countryor : ltind, would
not be'aDEstocrisTl :When we :recollect to
1 -what our .conntry had grown'under Democratic.
.policy-and rule--respected, aye feared, abroad;
Our citizen's free'and -prospering beyend'prece•
dent at home; :4•had become the asqltirrinfthe
oppressed.ol'all nntionS,:and.then.contemplate
its present •Ideploreble condition; snubbed by
'the Fin:Opean nation's;-' engaged in.a• relentless,
internecine war, which the Most .- sagacious caii
not foretell' the end; .our .male citizens dt'agged
bY.the Merciless - conscrintion,.away : fromtheir•
'families and• homes to Suffer .and . di e- for what?:
that partizan vampires may coin money,' and
thdt the laboring while man may-be reduced to
'an equality- with the negrri;' we repeat :Who
would not be a Democrat? ...• ...• • •
The' editor makee . no charge against the
Democraticnominfes, _.except the general one
disloyalty applied: to the • p!rty,. •We 'had
hoped for the credit of our friend that . he would
haveceased: that silly ~babbling of
and.'coimerheadisr;:befOre:before, the sober
seeond' thought".. had , taught the people the
motive and wiekednes • s of. the .charge'. •
Dispatches rom Gen.. Rosecraris•• we're re
seiVed at .Washington yesterday morning. It
appears, that the :attack Upon Gee., Thomas's .
corpi . on Monday afternoon was handsomely .re. -
. .•
pulsed; and'the.forceS marched to the position
tO4iChthey had been ordered before the 'as
sault. - The official dispatches on Monday even
,ing state that two divisions . of:. Gen.,. 'Long—
street's corps were, advancing. upon Gen. RoSe-
Cran'a left at 4 o'clock-that afteimoon, but it'
Was afterwards discovered that the movement
was merely
,of the nature of a' reconnoissance,
no attack-following Ourtroopi . were - said
to ha,ve - been concentrated befere 'midnight of
Monday, and now occupy' a strong defensive
defensive position:
. Four thOusand of our wound=
ed were removed from the field after dip battle
of Sunday.' The - Richmond Dzsparch has a tele
gram tram General .Bragg in' which Le claims
to have, taken twenty.five hundred. prisoners
and twenty ;pieces of 'artillery: A dispatch
forif Pauisville , yesterday: reports that. there
Was some slight skirmishing in the front'of Ro
eecrans's 'tamp Tiresdad, but .nothing of:impor
tance had oCcurredlip t 0 .5 : . General A:
P. Hill is said to be in:command 'of the rebel
forces at that
: point.' -Reinforcements are stet . ..,
ed to have reached General RoSecrans Tuesday
from General Grant's armyyla D'ecature: This
however, is not confirmed by the later adViCes
from Washington, which. state that the . battle
was .probably resumed yesterday 'and• add that
much anxiety is felt abOUt. the reinforcements,
which nre.on . the Way. Rebel accounts place
their !asses et 5,000, including many
• Washington dispatches; .dated last evening;
report. an advance of the Army of
.the Potomac
a large pot don being already on the' south side
of the Rapidan.... , •
Riiiseoram Army.
On SStardar, the lOtk, a demonstration .wits
made by the'rtebels in atrotivforce, *hich ap
iiparS'm have been repelled by the force tinder
Gen. Theinas with the . advantage ow.theTedc.
Sunday an engagement; c * Orrtme,nced,date
in the Morning.': : The litstgitri Was fired 'atnine.
I'cloek'a. tn. , bet' no'.considerableifirfrig took,
place untillln :Pte - vious,:tO ten o'clock
Gen. rcide!the cur
line. 'Soon after•tlie ha.ttle . :eamnienced. •
Gun: Thonl;:whq heid . the let t;•began to - tal
for Te,enfoicements...::About .twelve O'clock
svo . rd-came . that he.hod beehAfcirced to retife.:;. '
second line of rereriforii meals wero-them
sent to hint, arid AcCocrlc'd Whale: Corns,, : which.
was On the : right and asn 'teserye in the center,
Was tient.tp his ,assietailei t ;•{frenetai.l , . Wood, et .
Crittendyn'S corps; and Yap Cle.Ve, who held.
die I'm A -center, were alsoorder:ooa' .the' left,
Where..ihe for." of the:*caiinnntide shOwed that
the enemy 'a force was tnassed.• : : •
Their. places were:filled by DaviS and
ilan,of Gen. afeCnog.'s. t . hafi : llT :hat(
these divisions taken:their places. iti: , the ,line,_
'wrien: the. Relaid h had steel:cued, hurst
oatiMll . lelise'volltlys:,iipoll. the .
'Tirislasti , d . alieut tverity' minutes, and fiitm
Van eleg,e; 'on ThiMaS! right, was seen to give
:way; but:iii forerable ode:it. :soon arter':which:
'the line EA .fineo(lan 'anti Tavi;l;inke . to 'disot-
der; borne : down--by . tile - enemy's :coleinns,
,which :a re - said to have.•eOliSisted •of .P 0110,4
. •
. These t‘vodiyisions were the only diviSions.
thrown iiitn much Those • of . :Neigley
Mid Van itleynWere,fhioyeninto
Socin.ralied and heir! - th_dr places;' the 'ffrst.cin
the left:and the seeond on theright , oflinimas i
CorpS: Davis and. Sheridan late in the day , sue:-
cePtletTio eallying . :about 8,000 of their, tome.;
.GAti.'Thointis finding himself cut off from the
iireught 'his'Oivisioni info nOsit . ion tor in—
(l,,p.,:mdent lighting; . his line assurning the norm
of a horse shiid along fhe. crest, vooded
He %Vas' neon joined h . r:Granger ,from
'div tw i n . of Gen: McCook, and
Cen.:.Ste'admati'sitiviSion; ali'd with . theie .
titmiy.maintained the fight•hritii after daile, •
,Otir treons imnumible as. the . . r.ocks
they.siood on, The 'enemy repeatedly; hurled
again t ; tbern:•the''tiense, colutinis Which' had
rptiteil , Davis'aild Sheridan In the morning; hut.
every •oriset was . repulsed'wiih dreadful sjaugh;
ter..Yailing flisron onin and the' other point
of.our lines, the•Rebela for hoursvainly.'sought
.to, - bretik them., . •
Gen. Thonias ,seemed; to have filled every sol
dier. with his 'own oneorliperablC firmness, and
Gen. Grainger, - his •hat torn by hullets., rode like
a'tirinwherever the combat was thickest,—
EverY' division . coininaniley bore himself glori 7
ousl y; and among theni Generals Turc'hettylia
zon, acid Parker esliecially :distinguished• them—
Turchen -chatted through the- - Rebel • lines
with the bayonetiand being , stirtounded, fOrced
his way back 'again.; Paaker, who had two
horses shot Under •him on Saturday,. fOrming
his men in one line, made them lie down 'until
the rnentY iivaS close.prion them; When sudden—
ly they rose and; delivered their
. fire: with such
effect that the assaulting - columns- fell: back
•Confision, - leaving; the ground covered with
night.ler, this belly olherOe'S stood on
the.snmeground o'eenpied by them In the morn ,
ing;ttheir spirits being•nnbroken.— Their losses
are not..Yel estimated. • • , •.,
ctioinas telegraphs (Monday ' foreboon)
that the troops are in . hig-i sntrits.', rie hiciU . ght
otrall•his wounded. pr•the.ick and wounded
at Crawfish Spring, including our rnain.hospital,
nearly till had.been brought awai.• :.• •
The'tlutnber of prisoners taken by the enetiiy
will hurdly surpass 2,000, beslcle the wounded,
of whim not More. than 1,009 c'ould'have fallen
into•tkeir hands:.
.• •
.pf. Rebel rnisoners have sent 1,300..t0
Alo-t ol.our losses in artillecy. were
Ocoesionnil .by the killing 'of all the hors.s. •
Gen. Thumas• retired to Robsv Ole on Sunday
night itlier• the battle ..had elosed.'. Gen. Rose—
crans haS issuedorcl . e.r.sjii . : all • h is' troops to
be coneeni fated with. the farces. at • Chatta--:
In the last two. assaults'. our troops: to , *ght
with: bayottets, — (httir ammunition
being 'ex
henste+l: . •
. .
•Thelafest information that lias'reaclied th . k.
.city is eimp Chattatioolta lastevening, and was
to the effect Neit fitoiecrans.would concen
trate!' on •Cleattahooga•Jast' :General
Thomas hael'heitoengaied with the enemy prim,
to 'firm o'doc.k . , ). ,,.st-,era v ),a'nel •wase
theretore;questioliable 'Whether •we Would lie'
able to reach' Chattai.oolro last night. 'There.
'were indications that..the enemy weie'COntein 7
plating a demonstration Orr another part . 'of oar
line last evening. : , • *., •
«'a3rec . e.iced here to=dny•.from
the Officer in,cciitimand r.t Qiliittapopga,.ve.hich
srieiiks iq the rno.it'ericeu'raging,:.terins of tne
.general re=.ults. of the actions of Saturday:• and
Sunday, in which,:accetdirig,to
succees, the. enemy:loOkl,, , the most in •killed
The,great men'wile took, leAing. part 'in
sour Revolution' of 1776; had cry diffeient views
,of loyalty frolll those entertained to-day by the
supporters 01 . - Mt. Lincoln's : Adrnitiistration.
Tory did not believe that-duty to their 90y
erranenCrhquired them to stibmit to the- tyran-,
nice act of its ministers. On 'the contrary,
they'tOok, tip arms against stich . aoressions
their Constitittional rights as British subjects,
and' they did not end ,the' struggle Una they
had funnily achieved the' politiCal independence
of the British colonies in• America. They were
denounced as i‘rebels'. l :,..and traitors" by the.
loyalists" of that ara,just as, the , -patriots who
protest against the desputie:measuiesief the
Washington Administration new, arestigrnatiz
ed es . traitors or.r.copperheads". .hy the very
loyal supporters. Of president Lincoln..
„Among the'emittent,“traitors",io n bur Revo•
lotion was the'lion . .Williarn Livingston. • He
had a most.herty haired of : . tyranny, and he .
wrote against it with a bold and seething pen.
1n1765, he eitpressed the following sentiments,
which are trunly 'refreshing in these degenerate'
days, when base pandeiing to power and laud
ation of its moat atrocious estimations, is 'held
to he the only•proof of patriotism arid_ loyalty.
William Livingston said: . " .•
"Tyranny,. • •
is a Jcir.tl of political damation, and
were all the eriemiee.of human happiness to con
sult together for a wheftt Century,•thei:,could
'not invent a more-effectual method to destroy
it, oan, by .etislatyrrg a free ploile, tat:l - your
eyes 6) those parts of . the alpbe where liberty
is no more, and what do you behold but.naked.
ness, beggary, end want l' Th e , lonia of .itert,
•tiOn: Used like the bestial herds; and . a .single
tyiant.riOting in the spoils of thousands
• 4 !'4 1 , tree people maybe, said to . be touched
wheifesir an y of Mingo ,whichilieir civil
right:laro?reninil iii elions,'are.ia; any, ibigreo tiro-
fringed or. vidatod. is the; foundatiOn
of oui, liberties:.Take eivey..this, and . th eatir
perstruettne tamblis : to the ground. 'HoW
tr;ly, therefore, do they touch the people, tvho
ttiutdd'.razo this , glorions foundation, and. in its.
'rota erect the.enarmous.Bibel of despotic plea
sure !:= Wifeneyer. any. (Tian deelaxes.-that g.ne.-
`lishrnen have no.other *;title.to" their• liberties
than the will nflheir,Prine('.;.lle . maY'he • said
most severtey soueb the people s and deser ve ,
to be severely rePrrived for his impudeneP.
'l3le""eti be:God,Swe, do not hold'ourlibr;rties by .
the Preeartotiq tenure, of any.man's will. They
:are defendgcl'by the.:impregnable .bulWark •0 1.
law; and guaranteetrty'the most awful.' sane,-
tioes!'! • . , •
•De,irti . oi GEN. H „. ouran:—Gen. Satb. 4 •
ton. died at his'eVsideneain Hunteriv,il.le, TaxaS
on the 20rh of ittly..-1:10 was 70 years of age.
SoSays' the Riehmortd.Tlthig.
The Lo3ialistii And Tories Of Two Periods
: Now:Aid . .Then. ;
. • I.li . .quite.xerieshink:,. in th'is day of;deSpot 7 ,
read the .deci[iratioti of the. Virginia
Copenl lop of, ).77,4, upon . G a ge's proclamation
{fl Las
• goo , i'dal of what'
. • .
our loyal journals in this :neighborhood mighi
call Copperheadisto, and what: those - •whO
Semliled them jn-1.774 tEl'eTories)cienounied as
• .
frightfully: disloyal:: • :
"The prOclam.itiOn issued by General 'Gig.,
ii the . crdi; e'rtiment.ef .T.gas'achiniettsoleclaring
it treason' for theinhajiitmita Of .that . .proi , ince.
to assemble, ther&selves'iogeiher to:consider of
theirgi ievaaces' and to form . asSociatiOnsi 'and
rogiii.iing•the civil officers
,Dassist thern,'.in the,
'most' alarminA . process 'that ever appeared:in'
'tne•Brltish Government. Gen: regrt'itas taken
.upon himself powrits , deni.d.even'to.the covet—
itig,m: His attemptini•to•execute‘sueh procla ,
.nation Will justify reSiStahee:l.'.
. •, •
. .
Thirrlow'We'ed.don't . seein to think much
Of abelitionlits . Who shirk the . draft: a . . let.
ter.he just published; over : isi*.own • Signs
. . •
ture; walks into tro.yor Opdy . ke and Mr. ThP
odure Tifton in the folloWing handsome - style:
.• ..I.cis to be regretted,"that . leading,- boisterous
abolitionists . ; who are-so free of their abuse of
.all . ,who dill'er from them, fail to justify their
precepts' by their* exaMples. • The.ed itor rsfthe.
iii.r/erminiont,.who'se zeal , tort he draft, .led him
to, rail at- all . who..questioned its wistlern ; :.when
dratted ; himself, ingloriously s'hirks frothr tak r ;
Mg his share of -dirtY' and 'danger!..,Shame . .on. a
.sneak) Subject. - -by law-to military, duty;',- and
constantly pressing others into the field;
Tilton •riist. .be craven' in spirit, without patri
otisin,pride of manhood; to skiilk a draft . him
self,.while he is:merciless in regard to the one!-.
chanty and laborerwho is compelled to leave Ids
eznd children. • • • • . . •
• . Still more mortifying,
,if passible, is the
course of •AlayorOpdyke,'. whoSe'drafted • son,
instead of gallantly, stepping forward as an ex•
ample . to poor . men,',`,slculkq • The Mayor . is fill
ed with patriotism at Convention's; he is gorged
with government contracts; he leans • heavily
upon the governmentto , inake good his 'profits;
but his son; When.drnfted, is . not strong enough.
to be a, soldier; he is; however;.•strong enough
ro hpld o . ffice.i;. but these offices: do not. expose
him, to' any but ,s'cLioryartd.lees. Being sol= .
Bier is quite a difforent.thing.. Out
.upon 'such
false pleterises—stich cheap loyalty—such bo,
gus patriotism! . • ••
;.This ought-to lead to - .s , pi,stols - and coffee i '? .
for..three; but there is not much danger.: Til
ton and Opdyke have, too profound a . dislike to
theuke of villainous saltpeter to risk , even
chllenge Wi'tti . : ar(old "veteran of 012" . like
• .'Tilton is catching it boi arirlhenyy. all. over
the count ry:fo'r his recreaticy to his own rcre--'
ceptsi; The foll&wing passage frPnrißuil..6 has
.bee'n'applirid to him: • • ; ' •
Icer . coneeive no existence 'under heaven
that is'ntitre*.frulk.odious and di.sgUStini:dhen
an impoteet, helples . .erettrtiro.' with Our civil
rvi'sdom Or militety'skilf without , conetousnei ,
of any other qoalificatiori "for power hut id;
et tolt,.bioated iv th pritte and arriigance
tied rellidg fOrbattle which he 'is not . to. tight.
. .
Tha . derastation of the Missouri proceeds
loitle; , ..sly . - 7 Cais county is a dessert. .
The Juarez government in Mexico have sent
o'Oecial ernbussallorTn Washingion: •
.ttGlcvirpor. Curtin; „soldier's the
saviour of-the Union, and the cliOice,ollite:peo
pl e T. heavier Inquirer.. . • • .
-Theltsoldier's friend" is 'the Man 'whti was
intrumet: tal -in clothing- : thei . soldiers
tram t'ennsylania' with shoddy. ,
..is rather
Barley to &all a 6, man t4the, savionr of-the'l7n
ion ." safer* to-speak of Curtin as one
of .I,l l ,then Who' have helped in deitrny the Uu
ion. Whether pr.l:lot . he.is choice the
'ty , 9o . e" - wlll, he : heitrr . known after. the 13th of
°cipher.- If 'the peopl6 are abOn't to
. chonse a
fit man for, pi'iiMte I ife; - Curtin may-be set down
as their t 2 tehoice." be elected ' , to "that
positiop by-a. very large-majority. .
. . . .
One remarkable feature, of the ..Demodatir
,meetings in-Ohio at time is the appearance of
carriages filled with yound ladies or'. little girls,
appropriately dressed, with flags. and -bannerP
flying and inscribed' with suitable mot toeS, glen
ybung.larly Or' little girl representing one of , the
original thirteen or, on , of the', present thirty
four ,
our - glorious' old Union No mat
ter where the 'Meeting, may be 'hely,- .whether
in a large town, a small villiege, or in a, coun
try 'neighborhoodos, is sure. o. have (Ma or•tvi
. perhaps- hall a - dozen demonstrations Of this
kindr God the Democrati. " Theri
is yet, hope says ate*Oh . ie 'Stleasnian, that .. the
young men of - anothe'r: generation will hav,ethe,
manhood to-do arid diire'-allithat may be,renuir.
ed, to.r4intain liberty and 'uphold the Union,
'even should the men of the: Present day -.prove.
recreant; Which may Heav,erifOrbid I ,• .
It is said that the Maryland . tobacco crop
t his' year will only 'get gve thOnsind hogeheade,
or forty fiii , e thousandiese than' the prodeet of
r usual hEtrvest.—Exchtzi;ge.-;
, . • - . . .
To ,gratity the nigger' slealing . propensity of
Seheck, Don Pistti the industity ,of the country
is, thus prostrated, ••:: • ' •.• •
ARE: XOl/ AssEssio?---Every, ,Dcpperat
should inainhdately see - , that' his name is upon
thinssiserrient list of. his:. al‘cetion
Neglect of this impor'tant motter may deprive
him of his vote on the , day of election.
ucca.si tworr,Menyr there "i's . an !alliance •
upon.the.recordsaf ourc . onatryi,Vvheie an ar—
ticle of Aineri,aan'.manufacture7his , made its'
way to 'universal favor orefey upOn
and twithout : eitraneous it Is . thalt . : ekt the'
e hepsietil:Baleratiis., It has. only to be: solein
one4laee and it dernanded in another, and , :so
it -hatigone on-increasing, in favor; until: the
products : of tha eitensiVe.Chernieal .Works, .of
D. B. DeLtinit at.Fairpok, Pdonio'a Co.,
-New ArOrk, a're'notv immerse. This article' is
inadeOnty at. thfse .vrorks,,byti process 1961.:1;
'nl3e - to' the propri e tor's:, They , sell at
sale; but this•Chemieal:Saleratus can be had at
the'gra . ceries Onerly; I.hronv:hotit..the.country.
EA. — TEN — G . S .
m tlE.SUßdßOFß . '4iinotinces to the.Poblic
' timt• le.lins,OrCltar's - e.d.t))i. r stOek•ol.t . h'e sa—
loOn.fonnerly. kept by Baker, West aide
• •
in' •
••• . , • •,
•• •. •
wheret.he;.i, prepared to refresh the' inner': men.
dclica , .es - a first
,i..1a , .1 ESTAITT.{.\ NT: , • : '•
'FRUITS'. CH E.P,SE, &C., &C. • . •
•FRE,SH OYSTERS served; to order, eitlit:r
• •...
tow or cooked. • '
. .
,lavo:r . ter tfirii:,•pattonage
.h.,ll.linv 'an c, ase to coriirdaia, tri•
.price3.or ilnality..* •
' • .T..L; WORDEN. •
• Stnethoorti ' . Sp•pt 2.1111,1863.;•..
y VIRTUE. of. e VednOioni .
Vsseed.out . of, •the. Court of. CoMmon
Plees;Of Cameron' CoMi.ty; Pernsylvanid, to me
'!ii,rectetl.l r,xpo:9P, to public sale 'at the
Co . urt'H(Ms:e* . M Sul plum ; (.09nty,. on 'Viou 7.
.stay .the 14(1) of October A. D. 1803; - at lo'clock
p. M.., cir . said.day. • • •
• . , ,
The fullawing reel estatelmil onvvio wit viz:
Satiate in the.toWnship of Shilipen; county :of
i'dmermr, and State .rif • Pennsylvania, sub.divi..
sionnumber of Warrant number 4669
'Containinz',Seventy acre.s,' .. and Six hundred and
sixty five:aeres oi :Warrant 'nuMber 2052, all
Seized, taken' in Execution arid will ; b:e
as theilropeity • of William L. :Gibson, at the
suit - of J. Rovraril Puzh:. Geofge
. W. - McHaft4y,
A.M., Rinehart and ylizabeth Rinehart, Exec
utors'of the estate of Edwin J. Rinehart. , •
iY VIRTUF of a writ•pf Yonelitiani EaTponas
554.1' nut of the.COurt of Coninion‘Pleaq of
Cameron, County, PenTylvania, tb rr e directed
expese to public sale at the Court .Douse
in Shippen, in said County, the 12thq;40 - ctober,
A. D, 1863; at 1 n'eloCk P. M., Of said day. ,
• .The folloWing Real. Eitate sittlate in Ship
pen township Cameron 'county . . Pennsylvania,
at a Heinloek,• -it: being••the.
gunth West cornerr•of Warrant No.. 0107;
thence North one handl:ed . and ninety six, rods'
andAhree tenths rod to,'a liernlock; thence
South seventy five degi'ees.East sixty . five rode
to a Post; thence South lorry nine degrees East
twenty five rods.' . th a.Post; -thence North 85
ilegrees•F...a•t 26 'rods to a Post; thence South
56degrees East 3.Trorls to tlie corns of the
Willccitt lot; 'thence down . the. creek to the
Northwest cornet •ol 5 'Freeman lot; being
:part of warrant6lo7;, thence South' 132 rods to
a Fast in the •Southiline . said warrant;•
thence 'west alOnc , said warrant line 182 rods
to a, Hemlock to the place of, beginning: except
a' tract of • about one acre, more ur less lying in.
the forks or Wtst creek, 'on the Driftwood'
Branch and ohcupierlby ~ G. e orge :Warner's' Saw
Cc:Wait:in!! about 200 acres bh•the same,
more 'or less; 10 acres:cleared land, More or
less; being part .of warrant No. 6107: in, the
name of John Earl, , one Lc . , Log
Mato, t wril3oard Shabry's,".on'e Shed one Tool
Rouse and Out • Houses;•one well of Mater; a
large .Apple Orchhrd : thereon and' other 'Fruit:
L . So,—.one• other Lot .sittiate ,in the said
Township ot Coinmencing.at a ..beecll
corner, being . , the Norttitiait coricer of Warrant
No. 4951; hener;•Notth
,more or less,
to the north hank of th.; Driftwood bran -h• of
the Sinnainahon ne; -thence down said Creek in'
en Eesteily.dire.ction along.- the line of Seneee.
Ffeetnants land -to White; Walnut- 'Ciorriet'•it
being Ott; South vest - coiner of the- Bt'ane-
Tmet; Metier , South to a. Beerihcorner in -the
Snot Warrentl No 6107; - ,thence' west
erly .39 toils to a Beech cornier;' contaMing
About 25 a errs, rind ell uniMproved:. •
rk:r.so,—One other Jot known as-the'
.ton•tract; being part - of warrant NO 75 in - Ship'
pen Irin-Alp; Beeinoinks. at the South west.
comer 'of 'V.:tram:No 6011:noWn as the Nelson
SurveV;- thence North 2-55 rote to-a White Oak
Corner; thence North 40 1 deereett West Bg. 2-10
perches to :a .White Oak ',Corner on the North
haiik cit the creek; -thence clown the creek - to
he place:of.,..heuinninz;
,containirig About 30
acres, :'improved;, be the same more or less:
linYlitg 'thereon: -tWo - Flame :Dwellintt !Inip.es
-with' Wood Sheila Sh'eilaantOur
nine Log and Frame House'and :Shed
itacheil;one ot her,FraMe -House with Sired-at
tached, Bud two Shanty' Houses; 'three.long
. 131111151, one Shanty 13. rir and Out...lioti
ses, bile, :Sin-Ma; three Wells of:Witter,- and n.
ity . of A pple Trees and Co het - Fruit Trees,
mit he property. •• •
.The track of the.lhifadefp!iin and
road, pip:'s.i'S throUgh the, properly...
Seized and tak,.ii in Execution and will `be
sold Cs the propr%rty.-'of .Brevi'Ster.. Freeman at
the atilt cif David Crciiv, ExecutOrOl David.
Crow; tleC'eased.. ,
RY, VIRTUE of, a writ of•Tierc issned
it out of the 'Court 'Common plea ? , of
" Cameron. county; and lb me 'directed; there
.will haminna'ed at.the : court
'HouSe' in Shippen, nit 4he'second Monday, be=
big:the 12th. day of Qclobrry A: . D.-1863," at
one o'clocle.P. M., the', following described . lot
Of land and prerhiseS! .
Situated in the ToWnship.of :Grove county 'of.
Cameron and State of Pennsylvania; bounded.
- and deseriltl as deseribed as foflo . yvi; to, wit: .
Bounded on the' , North and. West by Levi'Wil
Hams' Survey;, ori"the South .by Wairahr
4118 andSarnnet survey, on the - East'
by warrant .No
. 4175 and containing about.
(400) foti.i.huadred . , acres; morO :less,. Of
which (00), thirty' acres is..itnproved on
which ts•ereeed fdur • Frame Dwelliag."HOuses
and Out bui , dings, 'one Saw Mill , ' one_ ; frnmeil
Barn" fptir, Springs of '•wateri First 'Fork:
creek.ol — tho Sinnamahoning rtininethrough .
the prOperty,— and a , large quantity of Fruit.,
, • .
• .Seized and' taken .. in ExeCution ••and will be,
solti - ai the property Of CI G.Lyinzin at the sUit
of-W. T. Jones, •now for Levi :Williams. •••
Sheiiff's Office Shippen, Sept. 10,' 1863. .
. . . • JOHN A; ELDRED, •Slierif