.• ~.•. VOL, .5. touttiv lOculograt. ppOysgED:EVERY.SATARDAY MORNIN(}; • .13y . 4. B OVIATT, smORPOAKEAN;OuOTY,.:I4 B..B..dqurimr:oF•Ptritup - . Kumin TEEMS: -•- $1.50 in Advance. Itatis of Advertising. . . . . . • 1 column one yeir........--'•-• • • •-••,,'• ••••'•—•-•-•, • • ••• •,. sas oo . - 4, - .4a 44 ;....:.....,.... ....—......,..............: .... 20 40 x • 4, ‘• : • ‘. 4 . ...,•.4........... •' . „ 12 00 17 . • '4, . 'six months. ... -• .;• -••• • • •-•••-•-•••••• '2O 00 X< , ' - ,4 ‘!:. ...... ;............-.... ........ ' . ...,.12 00 One square pf 12 lines or leis, 3 ineertiorus,..„-- • 1 50 knob enbeequent Irivertion,. - .- .....—, 25 buelnees,earde, with paper.: , ..;. , ,.."......—:......*:.. - 5 00 Rule or figure work will be 'double the aboVe retie. Twelve Hoes Brevier, type, or eightlinee nonpareil, hi LET Those terms will be attic* adhered to. za Busintoo Mirectorv. • DR. W. Y. ICCOY, SOURH-EAST CORNER MAIN STREET bmeth . DR, R;VISAER, physician and Burgeon, finiethport, Pa. , will attend to al professional calls with promptness.. Office tivo doors 'of.the Democrat Office.' .:'." : • • . . BEN NETT • HOUSE, • . . Breetliport, M , l.Cean Co.IPa E . , 9 BlieoN, 'Proprietor —opposite the. Court House; A neii.largu, commodi, .. Owe and well furbished house: : . ~. • . . • .• . • A.J... :NOWISE. • Dreier in Stoves, Tin Ware, Japanned Ware, dr,c., west . end or the iPublic Square, .4imethport;• Pa. 'Custom' . 'work done to order on the'shortest nottae, and•in . the mont•suhstanthil manner. ' • " • W. 8, BROWNELL , Dealer Irt'Dry, Goode,. Groaerlep, Orbekery, Hardware Diets, Shoes, Hate, Caps, Glass, Nails, Oils Eastaide bf the PublipSgeare,,Sniethpurt,' BYBON D. HAMLIN . , .Atroaarr AT,LAw,• Smethpoit,• County,,Pa., • Ageit for Messrs: Keating & Co's Lands. Attends especially, to the Collection of Ulaiins; Examination of I Larid Titles; Payment of Taxes; and all business rela ting to Real &tate . Office m Hamlin Block.' • THE PRIDE OF NEW YORK. 1863's Specia#v. GRAND MIRROR OF AMERICAN GENIUS 'Correct . tilth spitit,•elnquent u'ith.ease, Intent to l'plifion, .orpplite THE NEW YORK MERCURY. FOR TX-IE • • It is.with no fear ot'War's effect upon. their 'literary fortunes, that the piiblishers of Tiir; New Yank .11Initcuny• acknowledge the upwa vering loyalty of their TWO 'ITITNIMFD THOUSAND . -sunscnicrMs', find announce to them; addle all, -that THE Now 'Vona MERCVILY. for this '.y ear <1863) will be richer in every luxury of Polite Literature . than ev.er before. •, It is',:no upstart specidation, no' temporary. trsensation," but a 'first. class ,literary weekly, which has been fa to the. United States ..for a Autirter of 'a century.; Ind the..wishy-washy mush ..room prints of yesterday are cutting•down their talent eveti.white theY raise their.subscrintioif price,,Tur. tIEW YORK maintains 'all ita great ta . • of Romancera, Po6ts, Humorists, Essakists,'Stoty-Tellers; antrEditora,"and pro• mises to make..it still greater for 1563. It is the one paper for every home. Its forty, columns of 'reading inatter'per week constitute n 'unparalleled •• . . • . 'CONSERVATORY. OF TIIE ENTERTAINING and its Novels,•Miscelaneous Tares, Beauties of aossip,leuilletons, Broadsides of Hu mor, and ,polished"Editarials, combine to epi toinize all the ctiarms of `WIT AND SENTIMENT!, The husliand readait to his wife, the mother to her children, the lover •to his sweet-heart, • the soldier to his, comrades, and the Village schoolmaster to the circle 'arciund the strive.— It is familiar to the sight of every man, Worrier) and child iu our country; and has regular sub ecribers in several countries in -Europe. TUE NEW YORK MERCURY is also identified with the grandest 'patriotism of the age, for several membere of its brilliant Staff hold high rank in our nohle army, and have made themselves as famous with the Sword - as With the Pen. The' great illustrating' artist of Tun NEW Yoas .MERCURY, the inimitable- Barley, gives the paper the highest artributes of Fine Art ; and. yet this largest literary weekly of the day pro .mises,to surpasi itself in all these,respects du ring the New Year! • . , The first ,NEkyo - R.K MERCURY Novelette for ',le New Year, to be commenced in the issue of January 3, :863, is called ' The Heiress of Castle Clitle . . • BY •001.1 SIN MAY CARtETON,. LOB OF "0.1P5Y . .190w6R,” f7 BYBIL CADIPBULL,"Rn . , YINIB 7 1f t 7 LANABQOB f 7 f ..140:i &C. • • •The productions of this distinguished authoress a3ed no eulogy. Public opinion' has long since pronounced them superior to any other nov elettes published on this side of the Atlantic ; and the true test of their merit is found ie the fact that they are eiigerly reproduced, after , their publication in the MERCURY, by the English press. We 'may a;141 that the new tale !Victoria,"' is fully equal in , interest and depth of plot to either of those'which have secured es large a share of public approval, and we can earnestly recommend it 'to all :story.readers. • Tex NEW . YORK M ERCURY ia sold.by all news 113 en and , periodical dealers in . America.. To labscribers, it is regularlx mailed every Satur larmorning, for $2 a year; three 'copies for $5; sixcopies for $9; eight copies for $l2, with an extra copy ' , free, to the getter up of the club, Six months' subscriptions received. Aboar write' the name-of your Post Office, 0011 n by' and . 4tate', We take the notes of all solvent banks at par. Payment must invariably be in advance. . - . tar.Specirnen. copiee-sent - free to all appli cants:.` Address all lettere and remittances, post paid CATILIiWELL Br. WHITNPY; . Proprietors of Me 'Neu, York Mereury,' 113 Fulton street, New York City. tcsirt,.TEE A BOLITION"PARTY 12 A DISLOYAL ORGANIZATION. ITS , PRE— TENDED LOVE FOR 'FREEDOM' 'MEANS NOTHING MORE OR LESS. THAN. CIVIL . WAR AND A DISSOLUTION : OF THE UN— ION. HONEST MEN, OF ALL PARTIES SHOULD UNITE. O 'EXPOSE THEIR IN— TENTIONS AND ARREST THEIR' PRO— GRESS."—[Andrew hckson.. "If theig Infernal • fanatics and abelitionisto ever get thepoWer In their hinds, they will over ride the Constitution, set the Supreme Court at defiance, change and make laws Suit them lay.vielent hands on those who differ with them in Opinion, or daro question their fidelity, and finally bankript the country and deluge it with blood."--Maniel 'Webster. ort, Pa In the Senate Mr. Clay said in relation to Abolitioniams• “To 'the agency of their power of persuasion, they DOW propose to sUbstitute'the power of the ballot box; and he must be blind to what ls pessiiig before us, Who does. not - pricalve that the inevitable tendencrof their proceedings is, if these should be found 'insufficient, to invoke finally, the more potent (powers •of' the bayo— • net.” ' - FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES - OF ABOLI ggl have. always' hated slaiery, I think, as rpuch•as any Abolitionist. Thave always been an old line' Whig,. I . hava'alWays hated it. bUt I have:always been quiet about it until ° this new era of, the introduction of the Nebraska bill again. I always. belie * ved that everybody .was against it; and that it was in course .of extinction. • • . "We are now far into the fifth year. since policy was initiated with the avowed object and confident prorriise of putting ail end. to slavery agitation. Under the operation of that policy ; that-agitation hair not only ceased," but has con- stantly augmented. In my opinion it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed; 'a house divided against itself cannot stand. .I-believe this government cannot endure permanently half4lave and'half -free.. I do not expect . the. Union tn be dissolved; do.not ex— pect the house to. tall; but.l do:expect it `will cease lb ,ba ,divided; It will become all one thing or the :other. Either -the oPponents• of slavery will arrest the further spread of it.,.-and Tine° tt where the publieMind shall rest in-the belief that it is in the-course of ultimate extinc tion,-or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in: all the States ' , old as well as new, Wrth as well as South."— [Abraham Lincoln—campaign edition of his Afterwards, commenting on this, he says only.said What I .expected • would take place.. Iniade a predidtion only; it may have been a foolish ...one, perhaps. I did .not even say that I desired that slavery should he : ppt.in coo r.s4 of ultimate extinction. I do :say so•now, howevei; 'so there need he no . Mager any ditls.- culty about that." .- • " cCorrect your own 'error, that slaveri has any.constitutional guarantee Which•may not be released, and ought not to be relinquished. ,Say to Slavery,,when it chows its hand, (that is the Constitution,) autl'demands its 'pound of flesh, that'if it . draws one drop of blood, its .life 'shall pay the forfeit, Doan this,tind inculcate all this in a spirit of nioderation and benevo lence, and' not. , of retaliation and fanaticism, 'and you will soon bring the parties of the coun try into an effective aggression upon slavery." =-[W. H. Seward, Cleveland, 1848. ' • .. "Send it abroad upon the wings of the wind, at I. am committed, fully. 'committed- to :the fullest extent, in favor of theinimediate and unL conditional Abolition of slavery, wherever it. oxists . under the authority of• the Constitution of the tipited States.?'--[Senzitor . Wilsoa of Massachusetts: - • ' • • • lii, the year ISM, an individual named Min-, ton Rowan Helper, who , had been forced to leave his native State, North dartpa, in dis:- grace, published a books of he was the reputed author, entitled aThe.lmpending Cri— sis," The book recommended direct, warfare on Southern society, "be .the consequences what they might." It , was so extravigarit in tone and so diabolical in Its designs, that it was. at first generally siippcised to hi the work of a fool or a Madman. What, however was the surprise of the public when the book, was actu ally adopted by the Republican party as 'a cam paign document, and • its attrocious principles endorsed by SIXTY—EIGHT Republican 'gem'. hers of Congress and all the influential Mem— bers of the , partyl Below will be found an abstract of the principles it advocated, taken . from the large edition of the Work, published by A. B. Burdick, No. 145 Nassau street, N. T., 1860. • • • 1. We unhesitatingly declare ourselves in avor of the immediate and unconditional aboli ion of slavery.—Page 26. .- 2. We cannot be too hasty in carrying out our designs.—Page 33. , 3—No min can be a true patriotwithout first becoming an Abolitionist.,-Page 116. " • 6. Slaveholders are more ciiminal than com mon murderers.—Page 140. '7.' All slaveholders 'are' under the'shield of. a perpetual license to murder.—Page 141: • ' 8. It.is our holiest 'conviction that all the pro, slaver:Y,slaveholderh, who are alone. responsible for the•dontinuance- of the baneful institution among, us, deserve to be at. once reduced to a parallel with*the basest crimindle Mit lie fetter' ed within the cells of our public prisons;,-P.age . . 9. Were it possible that the whole number (of slaveholders,) could be slithered together. end transferred into four equal gangs ofii censed,, robbers, ruffians, thieves , and murder er!, society, we feel assured, would sutler less SMETHPORT, M'KEAN COUNTY, PA., §ATURDAY SEPTEIVU3ER . 19 1863'. FACTS FOB : TO PEOPLE; The Aholition , Leaders Convicted ont of their own. Mouths of Disunion-Abolitionism-4)f In ' aurrietionary Doctrines—A Dosign to Change 'the Government i Override the ' Constitntion andnirm a Cinitral Despotiim-T:Of YaliehOod, .Corrupticin and Treaeon. • . • ' „... . . . . . , - - • . . . . . . 'from their attrociiier than it does oow.—Page 10: Once and forever, at:least so far as this Country is concerned , the infernal 9ueition •of slaiery must be disposed ot.• .A speedy and ati• solute abolishment of .the whole system is the true policy of the South, and.this is the-policy which we propose to pursue.—Page 121. AFEyN.FbRL OttliDMINkR Tb T/IT . . Inscrihed on the banner' which :vve (11r.. H• SeWard,.Hortice'Greeley; and the other endors ers,)herewith unfurl to the world; with the full and fixed determination to stand by it or die.by It ; uniestfone of more virtuous efficacy shall be presented, are.the mottoes which, in substance, embody the prihciPles as we conceive should govern as.. ' . THE . MOTTO:II1 . 024 atilt .DARNER. ' I. Thorough organization and . independant political action on the part, at non-alaveholdilig whiles ot the South. 2. Ineligibility of slaveholdere; never. anoi her vote to the trafficker in bamin flesh. 2. .No co-operation with sliveholders in poli tics, polellowship with them inreligion, no af-' filiation with them in , soclety. . . 4. No patronage to elaveholding merchants; no Wiliest, to slave waiting-hotels; no lees to slaveholdingjawyersr no. employn3ent 16 slave 'bolding physicians; no audience to elavehOleling 5. No recognilion of pro-Aavery , men, except as ruffians, outlaws atid•criminals.• . .6. Immediate' death to slayety, or if not im mediate, uaqualified proscription of its' advocate during the period of its existence.—Pages .155 .and 156. • " • • 7. 'l:hue, terror endgenderers of the South, hive we fully and frankly defined our position, we have no modifications to propose,.no • Com. promises.tii:offer, nothing , to, retract ' ..: Frown, sirs, fret, foam, prepare your , weapons; threat, Strike, shoot,stab., bring orr civil war, dissolve the trnion, nav annihilate the solar. system Al you will- -do all this, more,'less, better, worse, anything--do•what you , will, sirs, you can nei ther foil or irititnidate 'us; our purpose is . : as firmly fixed as the central pillars of Heaven; we .have determined to abolish slavery and so help us God;atiolish it we wtll.—Page 187. .• • . Wendell'Phillips, shortly after the organiza tion of the Republican party, speaking of that party saith. ' . • “NO man ; hair a right:to be surprised at .this state'of things. It is just what yve (Abolitiori ists.and Disnnionists) haveittempted to' bring about. It is thefirst sectional party ever or. ganized in this* country. It:does not know 'its own face, and itself nationair but it.is . not national—it is sectional. The Republican par ty Cs a•porty orthe'North pledged against . '. the “No net of ours do we. res:,ard with more con scienciousness approva for higher satisfaction none dd we submit' Mote confidently. to the tri banal of Heaven the moral verdict of 'Man kind, that when; several yeirs ago, on the ..Itl olJuly, in - the presence of a• great. asserribly we committed tci.the flutnes , the Consi itut ion n the United States:?', (4 believe this government"cannot' endure ' permanentlY half slave and half free."---(Abra ham Lincoln.' . . '‘‘The master not only goyernetlie slave•with out his consent, bile he governs' him.by a set of rules altogether different from thoie 'which: he prescribes for himself. .Allow, all the governed an.equal voice in the . government.--[Howell's Life of Lineoln,page 279. . ' crook Legislatures, State and.Vederal;'shoulc raise the platform upon 'which our •free colored people stand,. they shear(' oive AO the.fulliloti:i• eul Lights to hold offee, to, vote to sit on iIIOCS, to give their testimony, and tomake no distinC tion between thein and ourselves,' The instill ment called the Constitution, after pronnuncing all men equal, and having .equal rights, suffers slavery to exists, a free colored , "perion • to '.be denied all political rights, and after declaring that 'all parkins shall enjoy a free 'intercourse with the States, suffers the free negro to : be driven out of all,and excluded from such rights. Deliver 'me from such an' instrument thus unjust, that can be thus perviried i and made to' sane= Lion. prejudices'and party. feelings; and note , the accidental' distinction of color.---[Cassius M. _ . When questioned ip the House Represefits tives, the lion. T. Banks, afterwards. elected Speaker of the House, ar.d . .Governor•of .Massa— chusettsi by the :gephblicans,'declared. his inability to .dPcjde 'ychether the white '.dr black was the superior iace,.but would leave' the questiofi to be decided by. abiorption.• or amalgamation, •' He soldi .t , Se far as he bad studied the subjea of races,_ he had adopted the idea that when there is a weaker race in eiistence, it will succumb to, and be absorbed in, the stronger. race.' This was .the aniversal law as_ regarded the rase of *men in the world. In regard to the. question. *whether the white or the .blick was superior,. be prOposed to wait until time should -develop whether the white race shoul4 absorb the black; .or the black absorb the white.". • And Horace Greeley, while 'admitting 'that the abolition of slavery in the States 'is the real. :object of the Jlepublican, party,, explains the reason why they, did not then openly aciyogete the. doctrine.' We quote 'from his paper (the Tribune) Of . July 28, 1854: ' • 4'We.eontend that the abolition of slavery in the States is the real ,object. of the Republican, . . ::Admit that Abolition in the States is what ' all men ought to stri4 for, and it is clear to ourmind that &large majority.are not prepared for this, and the practical question is this—shall . we.politically attempt what will certainly iolve us in defeat and failure? 'or shall we not 'rather attempt that which 'a majority .are 'ripe for; and thus, by our conseqUent triumph, invite' that Majority to go further? Shall we.insiat on having all the possible eggs new, or be content to n.Wait their' appearance day by day? . ..The latter seerne m'a 'the .only rational, sensible . . course." We care not how fast. Messrs. 13irnef ez Co.; mny ripen public, sentiment in the North, for emancipation; we will aul. them to ihe.bmt of our ability; but we will not refuse the good now within our reach out of deference to that which is yet unattainable. My. Briney's 'ul timatum' maybe just what he sees . fitt.we have not proposed to modify.or meddle with it. We only ask that he shalliot interdict - or prevent Om doing of some good at ence r merelybecause he would like to do more good, as we shall,. also, whjnever it shau have bdcome practiCa • W. P.' Cutler, another Republican member et Cpngress frorri:Ohio„ in a.speech.in' the'House, g4slaVery bas,cauned . 'the 'present .; rebellion, and •thpre enn be no permanent . Pence:and Union in thin Republic., as. bug as .thaf, institution A t•the, •snme seisiOn.Owen Lovejoy, n Repoli Ikon Congress Man from Illinois, said: • • "Tiler, ten be no Villein. elnvery •Is de .stroyeil." • . DISUNION pENTEI4ENTS OF ABOLITION LEA DE RS—“LET THE TINTON gI.IDF.," • , iTHELEAGUE.WITH: HELL AND C 0 1 77 . ENANT - WITH DEATH." • . . . . Union is:not worth eupportini with the . c - )l.lth.'"—[Horace Oreeley.. • : ctl,am willing, under a certain state of pit-- cimistanceei to let the Uri!on. slide:",--fGenero • “Incase'of .the alternative 'being presented of the continuation of slavery or .'a dimOlutjpn of the Union, I . dm for p. diseolufion , and I care net. hovv-soon'it comes:"—q - itufus.l3 Spalding.' detest - slavery; and; 'say unhesitatingly, that I am for'its abolitienhyserne rrienns,. if it, Should 'send, all partyorgariliet ions in the or.the Union itself, to theAd , dison of thecitiretican Adveitiser. .• . • . . "By all heiltegard for the,geheretions of the . future, by her reverence for God and. man, the North is bound to dissolve ber present • (Tri— ton. withlidnappere and murderers, and. torrri a Northernllypublic on the ,basiri- of-,No Union with elaveholders.'"—[Hon. Henry C. IV,r . lght, of 111., Tune-9..185G... • • • • -This treason i‘‘as, preceded by Senatai: Hale ? who Preient'ed - n Petition dn the Senate or a 'dissolution of the.Union,.and . bonsted•• that he had already "presented Eight petitions for the of.the Union." See CongresSional Globe, Feb; . S., I Sr ! O., rlie.sarde year in' which Senator : Hcnry'clay declared that, "the great question before the country waS - wtipther. aholie onld tionism el pit down the Union, or the Un— ion should put tlowri • : • 'To those IsieW.England disuniOnists, Senator Da.ron.Of New Jersey, said:. “Sir, I. have, .yet 'to know that thevig,hi'of petition has ever been extended to the'distructign 'of the Government to which it is. addressed, : It is not the right of any party to petition . the - sovereign; Ociwer:' to destroy itself: This .yetitlon , (presented by Hale,) comps here:end asks•us to , dissolve 'the Union: It asks us to put' au . .end JO the Federal Government; it asks us to destroy,the Constitu tion. .11 . 711 . V . , - the first thing l did when I.came here Was to take au bath..to support the Consti- lotion Which'those men ask me to :tlestroy. . . who wants argument, Who wants debate in an swer t:o".Such.memorials?" , . . Massackusetts' inogtnoble Senato . r, who for his reverence for the ConititotiMi,' and his deep love forthe Union—Daniel - Webster, for his in . . tegrity. honor,'Atuthand - jostice, was.. stricken' down 14.: Afassachusetts.. Sed - atOr r • Webster said: " I am much obliged to the •thernberfroni Mich'igan,'(Mr; Cass,) for 'the cleardese With w.hich.he has expressed his.ppinion agaitist this petitidm I apa'quiteeorry - thht Such a petition has been - presented, and•shall be quite Surprised it there shall, be any voteln the Senate', for rr - ceiving it.. I think the.suhstance - of• this. peti lion ist.his:- You and each ,or you took your 'solemn oaths.in'the presence 'of Almighty God, and. On I he. Linty - r.vangeliits., that you -would suppOrtthe Codstitiltion of the United .States,.. .now therefore we' prat' you take immediate step to breab• up the Union,. and ciVerth•roW the Constitution . as soon you can; and . as in 'duty hound we will. ever May." Said Senator Cues, i•Tkat's first rate:" • This"petition for' the dis-: - .olutioit of the onion Wa..s'.insit9itly and Indip tiantlytejeqied, every' senator voting against it; except 'three:. • • •• Massachusetts, because of. the.admissioO Lonisiana;, eent•her.representaliie .to' Congress to (lecliire the.Unton of the States dissoNed... Massachusetts, on the adinissidn.of T.exas-vo ted hetielf out oL-the Union, apd.ha,s newer* to.. ted herselfin again: • . ' ' To follow up the course' of..history, look at the (ants: r Massachusetts was• . fofemost in the party, which,.in IS . SG, raisetltlie:sectiorialflag:of dis 7 blotting out One lialiof the' stars .froin our, glorious flag, and striking boldly for ion, as that State has 'always, done and Is: noW - • • - Massachtisetts,in.ltinn, bent oncarrying out hgr 'deep laid cowitacy again9t tlfe.Union; re- organized the. party which announced as the 'party ofthe free States agpitisi the. Slave' States.. the .North against the.Sout.h.. ' • •.. . James S. , S Pike, lonseditorially. conniketed. with the New York Trine and now ,Miinster to.the'Nellierlands, said: S.• • "•I'have no .ooUlat that the free and .slaVe States ought to separate.' The' Unloti 'is not worth - supporting in connection with.' the • The Republican party'• is moulding public sentiment in the right direction for the, speci 7 lie 'work..ihe Abolitionists are Striv,indto 'ae cemplish, viz: The dissolution. of the Union, and :the abolition of, slavery thrpughoitt the The ',resent Assistant Secretary of the Treai. uryL- 7 Francis E: Spinner-during the Fremont campaign said: . • “Should this (the election . 'nf Fremont) fail,. no true man wn , thl any. longer be aate here from the assaults of the arrogant slave oligarchy who then' rule. with in iron hand. For the free l'forth.wpuld. be .left the choice -of- peaceful disolutien• of I.lle,Union, or_ a civil war Which would end.in the same. ' • t{l Will not stultify myself by . eukiosing that we . liaye any warrant in the Constitution' . for this prOceedinfp , ; • • • . I 'Phis tulle •: . of restoring the Union as it was, under the-Constitution as'it is, y is. onq ot• the 'abSutdities which I ho;e hearti.repeated.until . l have become about sick The Union 'can never be restored as it tVas-' There are "many 'things which render such an event inn : possible. This qnioti never shall, with my, : consent,.be restored under : the Constitution aft , it is with slavery to . be protected by it."---[Hen. Thad deus Stevens, the Adminigtretionleader,in Con, .tcW r heneveany portion , of thill' . Unionilirge enough to form .an. indipendent, nation, shill see 6t,to'say aulhenVeallY, disk residue,,cwiWant, to get. away. from- you,' we v shill say.ind we - trust Self-respect, if 'not re-. Bard forthe principle.uf: ielf goveiuMet . it will constrain the. residue of thi American peOpie to say tribune, D'ec.,• ,1860. • "Nati few of 'the Republican jouonals'of. the . WorkinkthemseiveS•up to the.belief that theyure endeavoring to impress Upon their 'renders 'that the seceded . Statei, he They few P r . many,'.will be whipped. haelc . into, thp.Union.--:: •We caution all such that in 'language .al t4,at sort they 'ore adding now fuel to the flame which is already blazing'so fiercely; and.tbat the prob abilities now are that the result will.prove lhem to be false prophets:, No maii. "movie what public:policy : may demand of the ineOming ad-. ministration; .but the (Whist opiniOn.seems to be thakif peaceable secession is possible, the retiring' Straeuivill be assisted •to go, that ibis. needless and bitter controversy maybe brought to an 'end."-.-EChicago.. - Tribilne,'l December,' As proo(:of whet we asiert,..we ,quote from the speech.ofStephen A. Longlas,delivtired in the Potted StatesSenate;January 3tl, 1t561, on the-compromiee'rneaSurea then pentlitig' before . that body] : • t.I believe this to be a fair . hasi6, of.ainienble adjustment. If, you Of . the Repnblican side. rn ocit willing to accept this, nor .the proposi• tion'ot the Senator from. Itentucky r (Mr. Crit.: tentlen,j pray tell,ui.what you'are - willing to *dgi addresi the inquiry to'llePublicane only, for. the reason that in the Committee of -Thir teenol few: days ago, *miry member from die Sunth,'including•those hobo the cotton States; (Messrs. Toombs and Davis,) expreesed their readiness ta'acceptlhe proposition of my.yln". erahle , friend from Kentuckyr.OVlr:Crittenden s Y as a final settlement of the controversy, if in= tendedand sus taineciby • Repnblican mem- 'Hence the sole iespensibility- of our .disc agreement; and the only diflieultyinthe waxo an amieable adjustment, is :with the republicat . . Republican s will surely, not discredit one whom they . ,so . frequently eulogize .end from whom they Occasionally. quote. Mr. Douglas boldly charged the responsibility on them, and they - had not the hardihood to deny it. - In February, 1863, 'Horace Greeley wrote a render for the Trjfune, in. which . appears the following; . . • . “Speaking; for ourselves, we can honestly say that, for the old. Union, which. was kept ex— istence by . Southern menaces and Northern con cessions; we have no reglets and 'no 'wish for its reconstrictitia. •*. •. • • • . . . . 'itwh o htriits u.t.Nion •shich is nothing but 4. icritiiiicnt to licquer , Fourth "july orations . . 4 .1 f by chance, in ancient' times,•the. crimi nal felt the loathsome corp.s.e, which justicilia tied upunhis shoulder!, slipping offho did hot we fancy, cry out: "Oh wretched' man that I am! Who will fasten' mo again to the body .o tide death?" if We 'are, in the providence 'o God, to be delivered from unnatural alliances if the January of .alavery is. no longer to chill,. by; natural embraces, the. May of human hope, who is there weak and wicked enough to forbid the' righteous divorce?" •. Dr. 0.. A..Rrowasi)9, - . - whorn the Atialitionsts, . last year ran . for Congress in . the district .. o New Jersey,oppUsite New York City;• said' in his well-knoWn Review lor • ' , tit is no secret now that 'the lencleis , of. the TtepubliCan party were' prepared, if they Could not' re ta in the' border Suites, to let South Carolina und . the. Gulf ~ States gooind form, if . 'they chose, and independentconfedefacy," ‘ , l will continue, to experinient:no longer,•it' is all . Madness:: :Lot the Slaveholding Union go, and slavery Will go with the.. Union .down into the dust. . If the, Church dis- Union, and, not on the side 'or , the' slave, then Lpronaunce it as of .the - devil. , I say, let ,us. cease striking hands with thieVes and adulterers and give to•the winds the rallying:6.y, "no union with slaveholders, socially or religiously, and up with the,flag disunion."—[Wm;•L:. Garrison: - •• • ..• Mr, Bingham, of Ohio, the 'Chairman,. of the Judiciary Committee of the ;House, in a remarkabiespechmade by him at the •same session, sayS: _' -'( , ,Who in the . . name;ol,God, wants. the Cotton Ste tes'this side.% erdition, to remain- in the Union, if slaVery is to .continue? . - .• “The Tlnion. us.. it was will never bleu - -.the vision of any pro slavery fanatic or, secesaion synipathiet,, and 'tt never ought' to. It is a thing of the past, .hated by. every, patriot,- and destined never. to curse an honest people,. •or blot the page of history , • . . “The fact can•no longer be disguised. that many of the RepubliCan . Senators desire war and disunion,• under • pretext of • saving • the Union.. They wish to get :rid of•the Southern States, in order tolave a majority in the Sen ate to confirm the appointments., And 'many of them . think they can .; hold a ' Beptiblictin ma jority.in the Northern 'States, but,niit' In the. whole • Union;. for partisan reasons. !hey 'are anxions•to•dissOlve the:Union, if it can be done without holding, them responsible before' the peopld.'?..,-LStepliert. A. Douglas,• in:the U. S. Senate,..Dec, 26, - 1960. • : • From a speech of Cassies M. Clay while the President .was .pursuing a conservative' policy. "Better recognize the Southern Confederacy at Onc.e.,and stop this effusion of blood than to continue.in this ruinouS, policy - or have even e restoration of. the Union." • r4lf the cotton States' become satisfied that ,they can do better out of the Union than in it, •woinsist on letting them go in peace. The right to. secede may be a reiolutionity 'one, but it exists nev.ertheless. • • must ever resist the right. of any State to.remain in the, Union . and 'nulify. or defy the laws therof: To withdraw from the -Union is unite another matter;- and whenever a consider able section of , ; our • Union shall deliberly re solve to . go out, we shalLresist coersive measures to keep it in: We. hope never to live in.a government where one section is pinned to another • by: bayonets.- - [New York Tribune, • Also the folloi;liing from the N. Y. Tribune, Dec. 17, 1860:: '" • 4 . 1 1 f It (the. dasation of initependemm) s tifled the secessionlrons the British FisisPite, „three millions of' ertimfilt,s - in1770 , ,, de,iet see why it wont() not. itirtyfy . the slislisiori ,tif five millioni Southront from , ibe ' Union itS : 18.01.: If we ire *mistalsita on, this. point,, Why , does not some one attempt , 'te;. shoat'. wherein:. and whit For our_own part, while'vre''diray., the right of slaveholdere to hold slaves•agaiiist tho of the latter,.we cannot see hoWtorsity • millions of people can- rightfully' hold ten; or even five millions in a detested l7pion with them • 'by' military forte. : . • !"If tweet] or eight. contiguous States shall pre sent therneelees . authentici4. . Washington, saying, iWe.hato the Federal Union; we hav e , Withdrawn 'f rom, it; •me give you the choice be lween acquiescing ,in our secession end ',rang : . log amicably all incidental questione ;one side, mil attimiptirig.tii sUbdUe u,s on' tke we could not stand up for coercion:and jugation ' m fore do • not think it woild be right:: We hold the tight of selflovernment• Meted, even when invoked in behalf of times who deny , it to inhere.' . • • "If ever seven or eight States fiend 'agents to Washington to say, iWelVant to getout of the' Union,' we shall feel constrained by oar devo tion to human liberty to say, thedi got And we do not, see ho* we could take tkefither lido withnut coining in 'direct conflict with those, rights of man, which we' hold paramount 'to all political arrangements, however convenient and advantageous." ' • ' The same paper in February last declared, that if in the next ensuing ninety days, the reb els should not be. whipped the Federal goyerti—.. meet should make with them "the best &tisk- , . . . . When the borne paper'nmed a tiarbarioua er' sr.- fare that would bee reproach to the 'laden and the age r and stir the most bitter hatted in the Southern people.against the loyal States and the governmenkit meant'dielinion. . : ' When it demand with unparalleled lino-. letice; an .cmanc,ipaticin proclamation from .the Precident . in the name of twenty. mlllione, it mennt.tlisunion,. • • Wien it pressed tho extreme measures nt Abolitionism upon Congees, it meant distill.; • • When' it says to Jeff, Davis and ihe Confede rate leaders, continue theltri!ggle until the first of May and we will then separate; it means dis- .What has the administration' and.. Congress ineaat in the adoption of its. policy? Were. ther,blindU. . Will hietorq be ,charitable as to excuse their fatal errors on the ground that their ,vant of. comprehension absolved.: them from criminality? . Now•wheri the mask , has . been thrown tillable brthe,Garrison, Abolition. ists, and they have proclaimed theirultiniatiim of war till May and then. disunion o can the.ad ministratfpn 'continue the policy of these abo lition disunionist, .and.' hope to •;eseape . _ the_ criminality AV hirli thafpolicy iiivolves?-IThur low Weed-1n the Albany Evening Journal. ',' INS URRECTIONARY.DOCTRiNES CP THE ,AI3OLITION LEA D ER'S MASSACRE AND' BLOODSHED ENDORSED • AND AD- ggl tell you,- :fellow-citizens, the Harper's . Ferry outbreak wai the legitimate consequence, of 'the teaChings• of 'the Republican party:— Senpior'o( ilfalsnoidietis—Spech," at Syracuse, Octilbar 28, 069 . The Hon. Robt.• C. Winthrop, , late' speaker of the National House . arßepresentatiVes,, on his return (Mtn Europe,.uttered the folloeying proof of the true.character of John A. Andrews, who was elected Gniernor of :Miiesachusetts because of his complicity with.the attempted massacre:of Virginiii.women an s il children; • Mr. Winthrop says":' tt.l shall, not..soon,forget the . emotions with which .1 received, ...at Vienna, last November, the - first tidings *of that 4troc.. ions afar at. Harper's . Perry. U think there. couhlhave been no.. true . American . heart in .Europe at that moment, that did not 'throb and thrill . with horror at. that announcement. But I confaser to have' etperiencsd 'mot - bins hardly less deep or distressing when I read', not Nag afterwaids, an account -Of a meeting in this very hall. I believeoit which tbe 'gallows at Charlestown, in Virginia,. Vial likened to . the Cross on Calvary; and.at which it was sperily• declared that the .iingleader of that desperate and wicked conspiracy 'was right. Sir, if it had beee suggested to me , then, that before an other'yeur had paased away, the presiding ',A— im-tut that meeting would have beem.delibera tely nominated by :the Republican party of Illasenchusetts for , the' Chief Magistracyof the COMIT onwealth, I should have, repelled the idea as not not within the prospect of belief--as ut terly transcending any pitch...rit extravagance which even •the wildest and muaNdtra. mere - hers of that party had ever prepared us to an— ticipate.- . „ ttßut the'nomination is before tis t (and An drews was elected):.. I should , belittle to every impulse of my heart, if being here at , all this evening—if opening my lips at all losing this campaign -.-I did not utter my bumble protest --as one•to-whorn the cause of Christianity and social order is dear, as one , who wouldve. the wordmf God and the laws of the land res pected and obeyedl-it I did notenter my bum ble and earnest protest against such an attempt US give the seeming sanction of the people , of Masigetluskitte to sentiments so impious and• abornina ' : , • John A. Andrews, Governor of Massachu— setts, presided at John Brown sympathy Meet ing on the - 16th November, 1859, at. whieh. Wendell Phillips and R. W. Emerson 'ander speeches. He, too, made the speech shoes, re ferred .to; and from it wie make Om' foll Owi ng . extract: ' • '!John Brown and his compauloti :in con diet at Harper's "Ferr), those vr co fell tit and those who are . Maurer upon the aeaffold, are victims and martyrs to an ids " There . art irrepressible conflict, [greet apple tween freedoin and shieery a. Old. and es , mortal; as the irrepressible coUtliet between right and wrong. They are among the mar— '. tyrs of . that conflict. John Brown; wiz Hght: ' • . I sympathize with' . the , idea, because X thizeseith and believe in tbe 'eternal' •: They who'aredependant upon him . and.hiay.oge and his associates, - In the battle cif yerrY, have a right to call upon whf,,? . ;l l #ti • professed believe, or' who May - hive, m;tsiojr • ." , ; .f: manner or measure, taught the doatrine*ttiis rights of man asapplied to. the 'colored 't' ,- :~' F~':ta t {:~~ :—Yia ._ NO. 4.