M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 12, 1863, Image 3

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    GireAtibaiiroTemtlatbiin . pewixig Mao . h*ei
'EMPIRE ~ . .SHUTTLE.:- '.: mkpOINEI.,i
PattenlS d , F ebrlia6r . : l44 ; 1860:
:This Machine is ionstracted'on entirely new,
principles of mechanism, possessing many rare
aind valuable imprOvemente, havintbeen exam.
iged by the mosrprofound experts and prononn
The tolloiving are , the•sprincipal objections
urged against Sewing machines: :
I.—Excessive fatigue to 'the operator. •
2.—Liability•to get out,of
3.HEcPense, trcr;ble and loss of time in rep,air ,
4.—lncapacity. to 'sew : every description. of ma
5.-Disagreeable noise while in opttratioti...
The Zmpiro; Bewinehlpsbtne. is Exempt • all
thes; Oblet:Mona
. _
It, has a straight needle perpendicular action;
Mikes' the:Loclt or Shuttle- Stitch,..whicli. will
neither Rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides;
perfect sewingon every description of
'material, from,Leatber.to the finest Nansook
Euslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from
the coarsest to thefinest number.
Hiving neither: CAM
. nor• COG WHEEL,
and he'least.rissible friction, it runs as smooth
es glass, anti is . , • • ' • •
I(reqiiires FIFTY PER CENTless poWer
to drive it than afiy other machine ,in market':
A 'girl (welve years old can. Work it 'steadily,
without fatigue orinj lay to health.
Iti.strength and WONDERFUL . SIM PIACI
TY ofeconstructiOn render it almost impossible
.ro get out of order„and.isOUARANTEED by- .
ifie company to give entire satisfaction., .
We'respectliilly invite all those.who may de-
Sire to supply therpseldes with a •suneriqr arti-•
ele,iocalland examine this DNRIVADEDMA
CHINE. • '
Bo in more epecial mariner de' we solicit
the. patronage of • •: • •
' will be liberally dealt with. •, .1
. .
No. I, Family Machine, with Hemmer, sso
No. 2, Small Manufacturing, with Erten
aionTable, , • • • ' 65
No, 3, Large ManufactUring, with Exton
.aion Table,. . . 75
No. 3, Large Maitifactiiring, for Leather,
with Rolling Foot and 011 Cup, 85
'One half houroi instrietisnis a maltielent to ena
ble tiny person to work this Machine to their en-
tire satisfaction:
• Yintr.attentiini tO the EMHIRE
H'ITTLE,• Pdt tent ed fone,26th, 1860.. -
It is well known' that' a Shaul , . with'a, spring
centre is prelerabte to any otherhot a great
, rhjeet ion against it,s .use,-n•as oil account nlits
spririg gritting oat of order, having then .to
put 'the the hands of n skillhil mechanic to be
. Ernpire Shuttle Pl 'simple' that any
operator can repair it. wit huut lola of - tirne,.or ex•
perm , . . . • • • • . .
A - gent* wanted for all Towns iu the United
States, where .Agents are unt already establish
;rd.. ..Also, for. Cuba, Mt;xieo, C,entral'aral South
Anieriea, to whom a 'liberal tliseount • will :,be
iivets. Terms invariably Cash delivery.' ...
• . . C 0... .... .
'454. 132.fi,:til.way, •
. . .
ft is used by lira; class families everywhere,
and highly recortirnended far nervous and dye
peptic persons, being very nutritious and.. free
from all deleterious substances,•in testimony of
which.l. have cer!ificaresfr9in the most. emi
nent PhySicisns . and Chemists in thi4 CYuntr . y;
Try it and . yon will be stile to' continue . its use
in preference to ens' other.
. Said at retail for ~ T wenty-Five Cents per
Pound by First dais 'Grocers
.throtighout the
I:3Cr. • A liberal discount to the trade.
put spOnlY by
Wholciale Depot; 69
. *arren,et.,,New York
. These Machines make the loCk stitch alike
on both rides, and use less than half the thread
and silk' that, the single or double Unread loop
stitch 'Machines do; will Hem, Fell, Gather,
Cord, Braid; Bind; &c., and are better adapted
than any.other. Sewing Machines in use to ..the
freqUent changes and great- variety
. of sewing
required in a family, for they will sew from
one to twenty' thicknesses of Marseilles without
stopping, and make every stitch perfect, or from
the finest pate to the heaviest beaver cloth, or
even 'the stontest harness leather, without
'changing the feed, needleior tens*, or making
any adjustment of Macittriq 14hitev"
• They . are simple in construction, and easily
untleistood;. and if any part is broken . •by acci
dent, it is readily replaced. .
These are peculiar facts, and will eo further.
to determine the.ehoice Many intelligent buy
, .
N. B. • Local Agents wanted ' in iectionte. not
yet occupied.: Addcens, : .• • .
. . tot •
A TitOrtrruoit-ootnts,RELIABLE-and FRAC
.TICAL Journal; devoted to the. different de;
partnienti.of soil culture, such as grOvvini Field
Crops; Orchard ,and 'Garden. Fruits'; Garden
Vegetable's and Flowers; Trees, 'Pliants;• and
Plowers for the Lawn Or. Yard care of U 6.•
meek: Animals; BFC., and to Houiehold.
Labors: It has.als•o an interesting and instrtc
deliaritnent•for.children and youth... ... •
. 'A full Calendar 01. Operations every month.
Teree to. Four Hundred, or inore, illustrative.
Engrayinge appear in each volume. . • •
Over Twelve Ilitridred tgain, practical, in
structivearticles antt.naetul items, are given
every ygar'. • - .
~ The Editors and Coadribu!.ers.are all . prae
Lice! Working :Men. 2 .
, ••
:The tettehilige or the AGRibtrityntsT are cot-
Pet( to do State or 2eritorit; hitt are adripeed .to
the teat ti of all section: of the cottntry,--it is, its,
its fltime itaiiieates, for the whole A*kittqett CoN
• • .
GERMANEDITION rs'pablislied, of (he
same siie and . price asO
'e Englisb, and 'con
taining all of its reading matter; .and ifs nnme
•fous illustrative engrayinaa, . . •
• •.
• One copy, one year; ••• $1:00
Six copies, olie - yer •
.5 00. •
.Tenor more. copies one year
. 80 cents-each.
[l7" Add
.to She above rates: Postage to
Canada '6. cents, to England and - France, : 24
ecnts ;
,to Germany, 36 cents. •• , .
Postage. anywhere In' the 'United States and
Terri t ories Masi be paid by the subscriber,.and
is ordy . sii—ecutt a year,. if paid iii advance at
the office where, received. •
All. business.and other communications shoal
be addreised to the Editor and Propriatot,
ORANGE: JUDD, 41Park-Row,-Ivi..Y. Cit.
The comniencement - pf e new'yeni n good
time for renewing sobsciiptiohiantljnereasing;
thecirculationof the Journal of Cprioneree.:-,
We'address ourselves readers of the
paper, with entire confidence to thei . r:
!less Maid us, : and extend .the infloence of the
sound conservative princfple and MOrals which:
• balm hitherto characterized and mill: hereafter
Characterize this paper. Event SunscataXa to.
• tlie journal of Cornmerce Might :do.. a great
service to • these principles, and'stretigthen its
io our ability to•sbpport.and circulate:them, by
se 7 Mling us:the name of at least
.one new sun=
scriber irrhis .town,.• , • :
• Devoted. firmly.as We •have been r coon
. try's intrresis, and having, long been- call ed.,
~ ,U nion Sa.vers'.' n'term Of.reproach;•o e are
and khan he the firm upholders of • .
oppo . ,,inewith heart and pen every man,' Smith
or:.Nortli', who is .an enemy to either.. Every
form of_ disorganization and revolution will find:
'us•ready for• the combat, :• Among the toes of
the American Union, and American•principles,
we rank side by side. . • ' ;.• •. ,
and we prOpose With all our strength to
the nation against 'the aft - arks of:both.
.To encourage 'those. Who . may •voluntee - r•to
aid' in the, organization •of • Clubs,' We hereby
offer an extra copy of the Weekly to eveiypiu.:
son who shall terwa rd twenty new inbsertheis
with'the nioney... • • ' . •
• • • ()I•4'fl_lS •
may he'organized 'in cornyminiti es' With great'
• , ,The present is the,West period for
their comenencemerrt: :The tetins'on
•.tve,cat fornish.the paper are asdollew's; 7 -t,
•To companies•taking •• . • •,
copies or tipivards . . ONE DOLLA R each
13 copies. ••••• F/Fl'o
R copies
copies • , • .•., . ' • " •
3 copies • • , viyr: • • •", . •
Under 3 copies • ' • two : ••• ach, • •
::::The papers will be addressed to different
at. the satine,Post:Office . , if desired; ex;
cept in eases. of cluhs.of, • 13.0 r oriole copies,
whiCH will be.mailed •• .
; • ADlnlatilu iv ULUES '
May be•mnde at :the
s followliftt
Mhle,l to a did) during ; the firSt (matt rr 01. the_
club's year will pay thelult rote of. the Mill
hal •club•Sor, it•Year;during-the second quarter
threejotirtifs of the Original year's rate, (iring
the' third . rfiiarter one-half, :and during, the last
quarter 'one4ourth„, ane allsnch - snlfscrifitions
will:terminate,with the 'year •of the
.Irolhreoos U. S.•Pfuif
' Where packages of neursivipers or periodicals
are . received at any,post, office directO to one
address, and the - names of the chib of subscri - -,
•hers to which they belong, with the; potage
•fora quarter in advance; shall be handed to.the
postmaster, he shall deliver the same to their
respective owners.: •
. .
-But this dnes - apply to weekly newspape:.s
yvhielfileulate fret in the county where prin.
ted And published. •,, .'•
.'• . - - . ,
117" .4dXr.c.e Relitcrs of' 111 . 8 .Thitriial of Com
.meres, No.- 9t . Trall,SereTt ;Vele Puck. " ' • .
F.intora' and Pro'n R
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Vendicio . ni Erpo—
nas issued out of the. Court' of .Common
Pleas of Cameron County, Pennsylvania, to me
directed ' I expose to public sale at .the
CoOrt House in.Shippen, in
_said 'county, on Mon
day the•l2th of October A..D..1863; at 1 o'clock
p. 'M.., of said day.' •.
.. •
The following real estate and now to 'wit viz:
Situate in the township .ot Shippen,'county of
Cardillo, and State of Pennsylvania, inbAivi:
sion dWmber eight (8) of Warrant nurnher 4969
Containing. Seventy acres,. and Six hundred and
sixty five acres of Warrant number 2052, all
Seized, taken in'Execution and will' be sold
as the property of William L.. Gibson, at the
suit of J. Howard Pugh, George We McHalley,
A. M. Rinehart and'Elizabeth Rinehart, Exec
utors ofthe estate of Edwin J. Rinehart.
Chun e •of .Houng
Commencing . Monday, Nov:, .1700862.
Trains will leave ()teal.; at about the following
hours, viz: . -
Night Express
No.. „
Night I;ipres.
Way Freight
Nos. 3,'•t, and S . , every day. No.. 6' runs
Sundays, but not Mondays. Train 3; of Sntur—
dayirfiom. New .YUrk,' runs through to - Buffalo,
but does not run to Dunkirk:. - • •
NATHANIEL : MARSH, 'Re.eciver. '
' 'CHARLES 311 NOT Supt.
These Pumps have now been,in gerieptl uae
numbe of yeas, and •give, better . sattstaetien*
than any , other, and are.reeornrnended as
TTI • '
by Capr Eitiesim, and coth,er eminent Engineers.
ean •• refer to' thoovands Using' them.. and
guaran s tee that all wilt rerpmmend them.' They
a re'mnre simple in construction,' and work Old
er, and^eost less than aii others..
. . .
Our reaelers.wih find the double acting
proved Pumß Oij; Weet Po;.,', one. or .. the
best in the market. , It. is very. simple'; works,
to so'that..any . child may use•it;• throws.
a steady continuous - Stream, and does notireeze
in the coldest'eapestires, and ie unusually cheap.
We say this knowingly', apd.ive the. testi mot
'tiy.of our own accord, without the 'knowledge
or 'request of the proprieters.".. Y. Evening'
,I n ly tar , d863.,':- ...• •
. . .
.:This may Certify: that I • ha v e kdew . using, at
my manufactory,
.lor the last four years,. West's
Improved Pumps.' 1 now have - In.use three, of
said purripsi one of which is kept .constantly at
work,-24 tiours each day (except Santlays).and .
pronounce them; unhesitatingly, the best pnmpi.
that have been'hrotight to my notice, having
e f
need Many others previotts .• They ate
ple in their, censtroctionot d. nor :easily; Olen,.
•ra ngell.
.. .. .• . . .T.iatis . A.. WEER . ...
..New York, o . et. 40, I d 9. • - ..• :. ...
. .
..3. D; Wssi ; .& C.0.: 7 , --We. are "pleased to stat e te
that the"PumpS we had of you; . abaut a yearago
haTe'been ia constant -use, 12 hours'. each ~.day,
and ritis'e.for.theage of:.nor Wooieu - Factory.,
aboui'l3o:kallaus.perminute. They 'work.with
13tit littlepOver,. compared with pumps we have
used before, and do not get- . 'out . of : repair,. and
are Satistsetory in all reayects. .Ydurs, &c.,.'
RonmsoN to the farnieis Club, Jan. 23: .
• •.Nofaimer.whooWns a well or thu
,eiste, con
'possibly *8 floral() he Without an iron pimop.
.shotild be at once a.surtiamand.loree. pummLa . .
perfect little fire erniini•-,itch a one known as
Vesi's'lmprov'ed sp - erik al this pump
heetthse I bappen TA know it to be. very simple,
durable, poWerthl anp ebeap;and it don't Ireeze
up - nor e.4 . 6nt of orde'r once, a' year. 1.1:m6w
this; 'and'think I may doing: the farmers
good by speakiott of it. :A boy keare :old
can work it,.and • throw . a.iontinaOns
ai s quarter stream. 'lt can be made to work in
d..ep wells'aS.well iti,as In-shallow Ones." •
From tht'..Nely ko'rk'Obserre'r
We have had iLuselor months- past „iine•.of
We.i's• 'Pumps. which hOs.•'given us nnote,.satiq:
faction as a fricee and lifting pump than any:we
have ever dsed..• i.t iS'one of grear...power, aiul
‘VellailaptelFror ship's - decks; mines, factories,
s;:ee'n houses; graperies, ke.,'&c. The Mining
Chrimicle and railway Journal-says: ; •
It is . recommended for it 's extreme simplicity of
cousiruction, ureat qrength, and consequent
durniolity, add, chvaimes 01 repair:, .:There no
box:-.the preciire'beiqg,firild by a. cUp
rocking. like • fliat .upoil the working ~p iston;
Working n-11 cylinder, tilted for tint piirpoit
viihinthe'tinprr cnuorberWhich - We think'
gi eat iinpriiveriient, as ituffting lc so liable. to
be deranged, and leak under strong pressure, to
say nothing ofi the loss, by • (fiction ;incident
thereto. It has also •tuvo:air.chamberst thus
the - action of the. rake is cushioned upon .both
sites by air—preventing water hammer,. and
carom thump;'. The valves are very accessible,'
and simply and - cheaply repaired. They work
much.casierthan any pump we have ever seen;
thed inch cyl . inder. worked
wells 100leet= deep, end -they are extremely,
c . benp strople.and 'ariOng, 'lreely
recommend them: ; • . .- • . •-•
I have useil,this'lptimplor,.'one slimmer 'and
winter;eicpised id the North We'srwind .gom—
ing. over Long jeland snund,'lteing hi coldest
possible ezpostire, anti' at no time did it . freeze,
nor }mere We unable at any time.to pump 'water'
with great ease. '}L B:.Mch.vAIN:
The undersigned, use .West's Irn•
proved cheerfully recorprrienkthem..ais
ilurable . and powerful in raising . ,and
throwing water, and-for their ease of • action,'
se6urity against frost, and :low price, we be—
lieve them'eaperior, to all others:
WARREN 'LELAND, Met. Hotel, New
J.' W....P0:1140Y, Yonkers, N. Y.
ME:SSE:at:it:. . •
• DPEINICK I..4.NyRESeE, Westchester. -
Cambi,idg'e N. C., Tune 1.5., 1863
U. W:EsT & Co.: • , • • "•„, •
..GentsTlie pump whichJ e ordered for , our
Mine is received and put to work inourunder
lsk shaft, which . we pre sinking. We find that ,
one'man will with ease. lift so'galloni per min•
ute. We lifted ir. three and se half hodrn all ihe
.water in the. shaft, 'which measure/ -Seven by
twelve. feet and , 3o feet deep; and it'
when we commenced. It answers our expects.
tions inevery:respeet,'aud our workmen are
highly pleased witVit. It . will do great ser
vice with .but trifling expense for repairs.. •
Yours; respectfully ; . :*.
We havaplenty mere each certificates
hint: these are enough. For Pumps,
Pipe &c., acldrcss or call upon
D. West & Co.,
.179, Broadway; N. Y
. Y.
To Coil.sumptaves .
w ill: Advertiser,' having been restored to health in if
few weeks. by a very Simple remedy, after having
suffered several years with a severe lung affection, asp
that dread disease, Consumption—ls anxious -to make
known to his fellowisufferens the means of cure. . •
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the presCrip .
tion . used (lieu of charge), with the; directiena for pre-'
paring and using the - same. which that will find a aunt
Cl.ll}E EOP CONSUMPTION, AtalplA &Ci The.
only Object or the Advertiser hi sending the %'rescriptien
into benefit the afflicted, and spread information which
he to be invaluable; and lielopea every aut.
terer will.try his remedy, as it. will emit;them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the Pressription. will please.. address
Itsv;.ADlVAltti k. WILSON,
•• .IVillamsburrh,
Ringo OcterY, New Ynrk.
10:08 g
1:05 P. 51
1:00 A
THE Subscriber having' purchased this well
known stand; and. re-furnished and
ted the House;,is prepared to entertain Boaid- .
. 7:10
10:17 . A. M,
3:19 P. M'
1:15 P. M
Will be will supplied, and everything done
to merit 'a liberal . share of patronage.
.Raft- .
men'will always find the 6 , lateh•string" out:.
• . 1.111.1,1 M.
IZenddl Creek. tanuary 2, 1860.. . • 38-IY
1it....1 . eck - L. 1., ISUU
. ,
. .
• From Me Rer. Dr. ll.itokei, of the .11elhodirt 10fs. Church..
' llnVllß:l3amutninth, Oa., Jan. 6,186 e.
!bullet's!) Bin: 'slmuld be ungrateful for the relief
your skill has brought.nie if loliti not reportmy cue to
. A Coln settled, in my limbs null brought on excru
slatingmutratolo poiux , which ended iu chrortin rlettpla,
[ism. Notwithstanding. I Mut the'best of physicians, the
tilmose grew Morin mull wurso:nall the.advlco of your
oxrellent agent in llaltimore.lb,Slacicensimi tried.your
Their effects nertrtilow; but sure. By persevering
lu Lim use of them, law now'euthely wells _
. .
.. . .
• ••• RIVIA.Ti ;CUMBER, Baton ltmmei Tat., s'.Dec. 1855.
' DE. 'ATER : 1 More boon (quire!). fmrwl . , 11 your Plllm, of
Rheumatic (Ana .. It painful Olsei.4l thirt Mid !Afflicted mu
furl-oars.' '.' • - ' '. • . ' I'l il.ll.'4B'r SLIDELL:. :
rrirßt. of the Tina in market 'contaltr Mercury.
which : Plit h engit vitleab n'e mlet
le renioly ikilrui . ha, id
dnngernuapuhile pi 11,.: froth the tip:mind ronsa
ttuenres that frottnently.fellow Its incantionsvibe.• These
contain no nerruty'or mineral nubstanee whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes , f'or
Prepered by . Dr..T. C. itY.E,II. 41, CO., Lowell, Maie.
. .
permission wish to'say to the,readers of your
paper that .l willsend by return mail to all
who wish it, [free] a Recipe, with, full direc—
tions for rnaking'and mane a simple Vegetable
Balm, that ; will effectually remove,ln ten .days,
Pimples, Blotches, Tan, ireckles,*and itimu
thin of the Skin; leaving the same.soft, clear,
smooth 'end beautiful.
also mail free to those having Bald
Heads or Bare Faces, simple, direction's and in
forMation that will enable them to start a full
grOwth of Luxuriant. Hair, Whiskers, or a
Moustache, in less than 30 days. All applica—
tion sanswered by return . mail without charge,
Respectfully yours;:•
- " Chemist,
• • , No. 1.331 Broadway, NeW York:
. .
Just P üblisked ~ irpi Sealed Riftel Six . Cents
Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea.• or
Involuntary Emissions. Sexual Debi IV ; Ned
to Marriage gooorally.'Nerrominess. Consul
lePay and Fits; Mental and Physical • loespiA,
it% from Set (-Alms°. A o. —4ly Rout. J . Out,vtt,
11.. Author of the Green B opk, &e. : -. • • ~
The world.renovliied author, lu this . admirable Lecture
Clearly troves from his owe experience 'that 'the :mitt!
of Self , ahuna -may be effectually removed
without medicitte; aud.without datr , orouesurgical opera.
Mons, boogies, instrtunenti,. ring - cordials.' pointing
out a..mode, of cure 'at. oncewand effectual, by'
which every finfferer, no matter w t hie cobditicut ma y be; oily core himself .cheaply , privately; and radically.
illi i
Tbla lecture 1 , 111 prove abloom to,
,thOlissiuto sad thou-
Bent under. seal, In a plain envelops; to etiiiddrese: on
receipt of mix. cente,• orVo rte.' stasepn, by addroe3..
iv&• • r. RAS ; KLINE, • .
. ,
12'r Busier y ew York, Fee t Oilier !lox; 1366.
Yoh, 15, 'tn.. ly. .
Are you eick,. *elite, mid ,
.complultdilg? ' Are you, out'(
.order, with your spina do
' tionpah nod ; your feelings tt,
comfortable? • --These quip,
tome oftettlhe prelude to
serkent • Illues4 'Sumo' tit of
alukuess Is CreePlis upon you,
mud should be . evened: by •
timely Use or. it.. right rani-.
*O.. Take Ayer's Pills, and
plumse out theAlsordsred.hti
mere,— purify :the blood, mid!
quids mote on unob
structed. Its health suptin.
They, stimulate the .functions
Of Abe body Into.vhserous so.
!drily, purify the 'system prom,.
„ . the, obstructions Which make
illsesurrn A'cold Settles somewhere •In the'berly; and ob.
structs - Its natursr. functions, If net relieved,
react upon themselves and the .eurroituding organs, pro...
Ilnslig'general . sgeraratlon. :eufferhatt, • (Mil disease:
IVldle in thin conditlonompresserl lay the'llemorremetits;
'take Ayer's.. Pills. flint gee limar..(tirectly 141(w-restore the
natural action of •tho: sysiion: , and with' It 'thohttoyarit
feelliti(of houltii 'Nola. • 'Whet Is truo'und so apparent In.
•thld trivial unit cUumUns.cumpliti at. le uluu true In many.
of the deuu•seated and ilmigurutiu'distempuro... Thq ustOu
purguttro elTUut.uxpeln them. Caused by eltullur obstruc;
thins and dentogemouts of the natural faitctitme 'of the
.body, they, tow rapidly, and many (if theM surely; cured'
by the name mom!. .•;qOlll, WiHrkrilAY the vlituei of them.
Pills. MA neglect io employ them when:sufferiug: from.
the disorders they Cure: •
Statements from leading physichnis In some, of the
principal tithes, cud from other well known publlo per
Front a Flirtuardenp /ifirchant ,§:. /Atis r AG:' , l, 18G6.
• De. Ana: l'otir . . Plll4 Ito illeVill*On or Al that 11
gnat ht medicine. They bare cured7asy little daughter .
of ulcerous sores upon her handle Ind feet that had proved.
Incurable for years. — Ifer mother 111111 been long grilse.
away afflicted with blotches acid !dimples on her skin and
In. her .hair. After our child was cilred, she also. tried
your and they•have cured her. " -
. • . • 'AM 31.0110
. •.' , As. a ,rtimlly • Pi 01110:.. . •
. . PromDr..E.. Orkatu...
Tour Pills aro tilt...prima or !antes. Tilbti excellent
qualities Bargain any cathartic' Wo proems. They . tire
mild, but very certain and their action on the
bowels,. will& makes thetd Invalueble,to lu the. dal
treattuoot of atomic)... •
ileadaellie,fillekHeadache,,Foui Stoinikoh
• , /mit! Dr. Edsocird Boyd, ikillitoore,.
. •
, DEAR Ilito. Arita: I cannot answer you ichat complaints
I have curd with -your Plills . better than to say all that we
ear treat with a purgative medicine... I plait great . depot*,
donee on an effectual cathartic; In my tinily-contest with
disease, cud believing apt do that your Pills afford ua the
boat we hare, I of couene value them highly.,
. .
. , : : . • ' .'. Piyiimilito, PR., !tiny'', Itias.'.
tiet.l..P., keel. • Sir: I haie been .repeatedly eured'of
tliiiwuint. heuthwhe anybody can' iItIVO by a Mee or. two
of your PIM. ' It'
,norms to twine from a foul stomach,
which they cloanne tit iiitco. • - ' •. : . " : - •
•:. Yours with groat , t (lancet, .. 1:11. W. Pltltittil,
' . : ' • . . arek. r!!' Sleuiner , Plitriori.'
• , •
- •
ullions Dixorders :—. idrer •Ctimplalatte.
.. I;',..inn lir. Thehilore Mil; ,if AN'ew Thrh City,' ,
.; : •
, . . •
. .
.NOt only lire your l'ille admirably adapted, to their pm , .
lose fof on aperient., hut Illiol their beneficial effects upon
the. Liver 'very marked influial.,.They)ffive in my prar:.'
lice pioved more offectual for the 'Coro of I , ,lious, con.
2.4ohdi, than oily cola notedly. I coq men 'jun. .- I einceruly
.reJoice that cr., buffo fitleimin a purgative whiclria.wor.
thy the cuothlesico ulthe 'profefi4iou and the people. . •
.., .
~ •
.ai...• •
• . • LPARTMENI• Or Tilt INTkiIIOR; 1 •
, ..• • .•'
Wishlngton, 11. C., itli Feb.,:lB3d. . .
Stn t'll hey. 'IWO your rills iu my frunerstLand hospital
practice ever NIIICI: you inade.theno, and rennet hesitate to .
saytheyare the best cathartic we employ. Their rigu
lacing action vim the liver le quick and. dacided,• Congo.
fluently they are In. fultuiraislie' remedy for derauguments
of that organ. • Indeed, I. have • ielflutu found a case of
bilious disease no fibstinattellaut it did net readily yield to
theist. Fraternally your*, ALONZO 'CALL, AL D.,
• ••• ' '-' ' . Physician nf She lariflC I.l4BofilL
1 .
Dyseitteryy Diarrhatii, lielhts, Worms..
, ,
. . .
' ~ Y our Pilla Naive loot niting'irlid iiitny tintellee ' and I
bold thew iii eiiteein no ono or tint best open letiiit.l limo
eviir found. 'their illieriatvo ellect ul.iti inn liver nialcee
%them oil excellent calmly, vvlien Oven In onnill.dosen for
bihi , ii. ' 1 !/$0 , key.iiiid ' itfurCierit.. 1 lode olittite-crini lug
'nukes thorn vevy neeeliinblo nod convenient 11,1 tlio uiie
el Ir101111)11 ilillialiiii%:ll; • ' .• .
ot: /he ISlgod.
I trite;dt, f Church, li,dior;
. . .
Dn. 'A TF.Kt. I. haVe tooni soor Pills' with extvitovilinnry
enervivl to my family itiolvtonnig those I nut salted to visit
lit distrenn. To vl4OllllO thu Orioton• 'or digestioo Nod
lir.try lhu blond. 1114 Oyu 'lliti . vry bolt remedy 1 Iruou
over known, ntid• / can coolitlently runottitticuit thorn to
lay frlends. 'Your' ! • ' V. 11131 ES:
WARJIM Wyoming - Co.. N. T„ 061. - 21,
Dune SIR: I not using ytair Cothnilic Mlle lu my' proc.•
I Icu, nod find them On excellent .ptivitottivis to 'cleanse the
nyntniu loot party 11j
.. I it i aaa bfepoffl.
•• . .101INSIKAQIIA31,.51.
Cotistlpitlot!: Cost li.eness,
• , Rheuptratiuma, Gout,. Dieurftigla,
Parialy•li; Pits, etc. ; ; • '
Errol Dr. 3. lityylon, Ncriltrall,',Cdtiuda. • ,
Too muds auiontio,, hold of ymir the care of.
i.oitimoos: If other* oriour fraternity hove Snood
an ellloteloun'as I . have; they bhoold..,jolo toe lo procloh
inteltlor tilt! benefit of nialltllanicecrtho
'that eomplainforlaiela. although Nal enough In It.elfi 1,.
45,u prOgo.llll.or of other. that .nte olnoe.". I IN.lieVe
'tirefirAi In of igilla lar Liyer. bait your NIL. alleet that
targan antl;cure the '
•ham, ifes. J tal?, PkriAl'eArls . .111.11rip...Mspm.
I Iliad 0 r ta,,large olynne•Pilk tielren ot that
11114 , 0 r .ii 1110,111.1. Ilse /nation/ xpere- '
'llettl Zn• pnrtidly -nl.laeev.od, mad • nine eery
etrectual to rh•umr..lLo J6IIIIIIOI and "wet wornl4 . They
. ute en touch beat e'e 1/ItVii, that 1 recumpenil
no other to toy patletits. .
I mutt,
• LL, BI;
1863:, 1863.
This . grant
,lirte.traverseijhe 'Noythern and
Northrieet emintiil4 of tire'city
of Erie, oirtalie
it has•been leasW bythe.PlWflit.VAN.lA R.
R. tO . MPAp4Y, and tiMie'r fhe t ir .atispices
rapidly; Operied_throttOonr its !Mire
It la.nnw in • 'use foe•Passenger' Anti •Freight .
Inisineas from •11;tattninnari In I)sirrwooi,
(2nd Fork) [l77 . , tnifesj 9n the- Eastern bivis•
ion; ; and, from Sirs:FF.lmm/ M (78 miles:) on
the Western Etivision., • ..•
*. . ** Leave 'Eastward. •
ExpreWa train leivepf .• • 4:20 P 2, M
• arrives, • • .12100 - M
- Lea 4.. F.ak!wafil:: •
Ateotnodation • ppin P. M
Cxrs rtrit•• • 'thiongh. • winronT iZII•Nrif4 both
.ways on theie. trains bac wertn-rbitadelp s hia and
Lock . Haven,:and. bet‘ynen Butt innora.and.Loak
' , EI.E:GAN* SLEEPINI7 -airs, 0111• ',F.ipt es*
bottyyr.riya,, bat wperi . WilliartilpOrt,. and
..Poi: information.- respecting Pa.serigt.r.basi
nesi apply the S.. E. primer 11th and 'Mar-.
ket . •. . ...• . •
• •
Anit-fur .1 7 reightbu s sinosi. of 'teCompany's
. •
•.... . .
• B. Kingston,..4 . .; Cur. I.3tb• • and, Market
Stir.; Rhlladelphli.,• . .• , • •••
Reynolds,-Erie.'' ••
•• J.lll. brill,. A aOnt
• • ' 1 . 1r7el FriOt Aifie
.7?)si l'a
Lb:S VIM L. Hour+, • . • •
• ' • Con'l !Navy Ag't P
/ ilfauaarrr; '11"1/ ain sjiart.
• _ • ' •
• •-• '' ' Plifintlelphla, Nor 1, 1 . ..011,
• .
The' iindenogllo.l having . :be on :appaintea
SU BSCA i PYIO'N :AGENT by the Sarretary o f . . ,
the l'ii:' . ll,!itry,' 14 now prep,ared
. to furnish, at
. . .
. .
New' Twenty 'Year 6 per et.Boude..
t,r • .tht; C . nitell Staieg, .ilesignisi..l asLi'..Five .
rf went ieq," rt!deemable ut tlii , phlisfire 0f..1 . '
Goy«riiiiteit altPi . fivt...yrArs, niid:anthorit
by. ,Act.bi Cotiiress. ipplovpd.Ft.li. 25,'150:
.The. COUPON BONDS are btstfed• in ruins i
sad. $l.BO, $5OO, $1069. . . '.• • .
• ..ThY M.:GIST - FR . BON DS• in stung of
• Stif,
$ WO. $ 500 ; slooo'atut VSO6O. , •
Interest at six -per cent: per apnum VI
commence from date of ilorchase.autr is
• PAYABLE IN GOLD, • • • .
SoMi-Annoo . tly, which'iS 441'60, sr the pi...srm
premitimon Bold; to aboilt.l:lGHT 'PER CEN't
PER 'ANNUM. • • - .• • • • • • •
• Farmers, Merchant.", STer haul( ellpit'lllls49
larWho hive any motiey, to 'ineear; shod
know and remember -thnt thie I
effect, n. FIRST MttitTGATlß..tmon all , •11a11 •
Bnnk Sock ..iiird Secnritiaa, o{.
the immense prothwts of nil the.Meaufacturrr
Szc.:. ate, is the country: and .I.ltat the toll `ni
utnple provieinn rt ado ilor,tht-paytnetit of -the
interest and linuithizion -6f•princinaLliy.
torni, Ditties, Excise Statofts.und Internal . Rev
vet; tomake'those bonds. the•.. '
. .
, 5t,...)105t. Available Nog.. loestment
. ..
. . .
,SittbscriptionCieceiverl at PARin l'eLroll Ten
der Notes, or Notes and !becks of banks at par
ta,Philuilelphia: SubsCtiliets by '7 . 'll6l'u:ill re
ceive prompt attention and. eve'ry' laciltY rind
explanation will be afforded: 6u appliOation to
A full supply . of Bornls tis ill he kept on hand
or trntnitliete-dPlivory....• .
*JAY' COOKE; Subscription Agent.' .
Itil:1: 0 . 1 . , f.! li it; V:STON EASTOTZ E
•oldfriendeJn McKean'County • Out he is
on hnntl.thisSpiing with the
Selected. 'stock 01 Goods In:the Olean Mantel
To Wholesale Cash Buyer's I Would Say,
'.l can offei you.heiter inducements than you .
can get .west 'Neiv:Yerk. . . • ,
t makpsi)Odiffeyeiice what yotvwant,• any
ng in'the line of: • .
eq - zociEkißs pßbpsioNs,
Call at the
And yOu will iind.the.iirticle fresh and chillp
is no use talking the
always has - and always will , take the lead, ;AO,
• .
regulate the market.. in •- • .
Groceries and Provisions.
Don't fail id call. and. see me 'when you' visit
Olean ; .I.ahall not hurt 'you; buishalteertainly.
try to do.you good. • • •
, • • - K. COMSTOcK::
Olean; May 2, d , 1860._ . 5•2
bier) restored to health in kiew daysoifter un.
dergoing all. ihe nit's! routine and irregular ex
pensive' .modes of ' treatment,. without success,
considers .it his sacred duty to communicate to
his' afflicted felloW Creatures the airsas or cults
Hence..on the receipt of ett addressed envelope,
he will
1 send free a. copy of 'the Prescription
used. ".Direct to Dr. JOHN DAG.NALL,
186 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. .
Office-of JAY Otiukkg
81:1B8ofil PTJON AGENT
I JAI .COOKS` laakeil
I /.!'.3oll!Tif. TiIi,IIIA,64REET,
in the larket
.1-: 'K., COMSTOCK
• ,
Turi MCAT '
, ne‘v•volume:oithno oiretilateo
per,eommenee's on t
matigo five to ten.origittalianttriVitign
of:netv . inventiOnO and iliecoverico' 'all of 'Which ,
are. propaiocr . olelinessly'ler its .:
'To Tfialreehanle and. Manuisoiturert .
. _
Per'.on or.tild therhenirte
ptirsuits should' think: of doing ..the:
SciENTlrfo'Auttittcor.'..Old ! but Rik cents
pet weekl'et/M1 Ounibid •eunfeini :from sik to;
teo.engiavinde. of'.nottm `maelliitetr• and, invht.
tionm4hieh cannot' belbund'in inyt other po6-
licntion.:,•ft . iti ant odablishstfride of th e pith
friinsett wine btif
the' drift elWis - Wilt 'the 'art, dritirn
and 'mightyet!
.by experienced persons: tinder
therr wty - ti supervisinn::: •
To. he veiliar!
. . .
peusuble to every itiventor, 09 It not only con
tains illustrated - descriptions of nearly, all the
best. inventions as they enure; out, bin each'
number contains att Elkin I . List of Cleiinn
of all the Patints hissed froMitte United Stotrs
Patent Office dating' the :Vveeit previous; . thus .
eiving_ri correct
.hisfoty Of the progress of . in-.
ventions' . in this country. We are alio recely
-Ifig,.everY week, the.bent scientific jodinjile'or
Greet Britain, Fraitce, and Germany; , ::thns
placing' in our possession:alit that.is transpiring;
in. merhanli.al Pcionre and. art. in these old'
count rio;n.• .We shall. contintieftti.' transfer to-
,oar colomMt•copious.ektracts from these jour
nals of vrlittieVerve may deem of interest .tfi•
our rstitiers. - • .. • :
ckietritai9;. :Arcliiir . rili; •
Pbn,,SCENP.IFIC • ..%4V ER 1.0 N • will be
,foond orn Yoornal to ihe'tn. • All' the
riev‘ , discoveries of • aeienre:rif
.eheiniq try, are ,
arien inita anti. the 'interests dr th.;
Architect and farrenter.are not oyettriolted; all
inventions, and discoveries - appertain.
ink to Ahem*
,rnirgnjia •beiije ; 4liibliahad Iron
week to week; .tigeful situt.ritietical
thin pertaining intr3reeis of ,millwrikhrrt
,mill,owners foetid in, the
F,1(); .
which information' they
cannot tinsitibtv'Obfitin fromany 'other source..
Suh,iret.4 . in'vrhieh pinworm and farrneta are in
tere . steil will . be foiind disenitaad in' the; :SCIE . N.
Ti 31P.160 . A31.1110:11:01 . ,1p. impravernenfq in
inipletnetita beinw ated.ln.
•• To moil •tobeeriloo!...:—Tliree Ilvllni.a u'Ye•,ar,
hr One Dollar. for font months. Th!i 'col•
ones commence an the.'Oritnf JiMutity
Specimen copies .wi?l , 'be :gratis to airy
part of. the Cothistry.
Western anti Conciliar,' money 'or Post-,oillee
. at . par ler subsCriptinne: -Cana
dian suhacribers will please to .
s remit 25 cents
prom on.cach year's subitiiption to • pie-puy
MONN Re CO„ Pub . lllhow,
•- No 37 Pi . 1 . 0 . 4 . r0w Now York
. . . . .. . .
• •
. .
$5. _SO*ing. Machine.
The emhodiment- of a
'marvel Of
,ximplicity i mek ra thti'ienning stitch
very'iapidfy and perfect o Hirai common net.dle
and will' loaf a lifetime. . A the New York
tite ruir,ita iinipticity, 44 , 1(.64, Ind great
pr . aeties.4l utility, wtta cottil med.. by.lhe **aril
of the First Premium. .
It will Gather: Ruffle, Rno 'Pp;
Brenclihs, ete., singie or .double thread .
on any material adapted to 'thc Running Stitch,'
The thinnest, asnally. the most lb sii fel?
by other' sewing.. machines; being •sewOlithei
easieat.' For Indies' and ehildrees' apparel.
merle of 'light fabrics; it . Will
therefore be.fonnil almost fricat.onaLF,' - •
It is attached to the table liken Sewing bird,
and haliing.nO.t.ension, and requiring'no.luhri.
cation or.change ofatitch, IA alarays ready tor
operation; and Bach a mariel of simplicity thee
a-child Six'or eight Years - can toinnitsrAnn it,
and'use it liittccEsssuta.ir.: . .
It is'not
. .
. Each machine is. put up in 'a neat boi, accom
panied- with full, • and explicit direction., and.
weniy•five needles. . . • •.: •
Sent to any, address in the Plaited States .011
receipt of nn oirder, inclosink, the nmoutet„ or
may be collected by Expres on di livery t.i the
machine. — • *.
' Wh en the mone y ic.sent with. the order tin&
registered, We guarantee its role receipt and the
delivery of the machine, anywhere within 2000 •
miles free of any Express charges:.
' Very liberal arrangements for Mgenries:
'See AILIRROIVOF Fssnionsior for 101 l portico
lars,.specimen of sewing, etc., send.a stamp tor, '
..473 Broedwar N. -Y...
Every lady, mother,. milliner and dress•nrd,
ker, should have one. of these valuable sewing
machines. , .
. .
This preparation. made from tha bealJaia Coffee, la
recommended by physicians& a superior . NUTPItIOUS
BleNtillAGE' fay Oenoral Debility, Dyspepsia,, and all
Ulm disorders..., Thousands who have been'ionipelled
to abandon the &leo( coffee will nap this witbauticinri
ouri effects— One can contains thestreneli of two pounds
or ordinary co. Too. Price tib cents, • • .
. . .
The purest and beat liikKlNtl. POWDER known. fo.l
making light; serest aid,.autrittoini Bread. and cakes.--
M t H. KPLLQCK, ChOmist,l•
Corticr O'Brimid . pead ClieptaStraets,
And sold.by all, Druggists and. Groont.
$4O. :WAGES .PAID $lOO. • •
-• To sell goods for the Aiimita SE,wm'Maciinv
Costr.txy.. We will give a commission 'on all
goods Sold by our Agents; or jiay wages at from •
$4O id. $lOO per month, .and pay all'nedi.ssary.
expenses.; Our Machine-1440feet iti'me , •
chaniam. ' A child con learn to' operaie it by
half an hours' inStrctlon't equal' to any , •
fafnily Sewing Stith'inc-in use; .and • we 'haV
radlecsd the price to. Fifteen Dolls rs.•
Es6b maellims is warranted for three-Yearn.
'• Address , •. ' C. RUOGLES;. .•::)f;