M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 12, 1863, Image 1

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    .• .•
. .
„ .
VOL. 5.
Ip'ti4o:: : ii . ju.lol). /ZlCOtiicOt
. ,By J. 07IATT;
'TERMS: • sl'bo in A.ddaziCe
Rates of Advertising
3. C. lumumfie yedr
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Role or figure work will be double the above . rateUi,
Twelve - tines Meijer type, or eight lines noiqoareil, is
toted a square:.
Theseterins.will be strictly adhered
t3ui:ijitep6 .:Directptp:
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will iittooil to ftl
profe.ilogotl calk with prompthe.:.;. 016ce two thiont
Itorth of the Ihqhoceat
SinPtliport. t. S . 111.tso t, Propi•Jefoi".
upposile tlrr :.:ourt. - I.lue. A 110 w, large. commodi: .
'Out Itivl . w.,ll fix rub he.l house. . ' '
NOUR'SE. ...•
FrA..rmploveH..Tin NS:lire; Ware.
oteJ or the Publie !;:lioltre,: • eonelhport.. P.a. • Custom
tvo r k,lone to Oder en the shei.test notleo, aedin . the
most sohst;tethil manner.
. ,
. ..
. 11031 ' ,1 * In rfrY. C ,. .1 0, , (;rOceries,;,ernekery, nre
•• 14, , t,•,..:i11i,e,,, linty:. Caii4,l;ls,lg. Nali4,' oik N e.., &.c
• '. 1.::14t .i(1....0! the l'Olje :••:titt,:tre, Snletlw,rt, Pa.
8Y110 . 1.1 HAMLIN
• - •
A TTORNEV AT I ..t W, 1'11 . 10.111!.L1 ic 0:111 County., PR..
A.z..”;: tor Mr-4 , 1 , . Atti•ipl!-
elpoeially t. the (41oef.i, tl of Exatttillltiio of
Pastnel.t. of Tat: l ,;;l!wi nit bit-ine,,, relit
fr:,Lito Ofise it Ilamlin Mori:
,186.;:3.7 . 5: si) . 6e! : i.ut it'l,-...
GRAVD ?,11 . 1 . :*4011 O. i. A NIERICA N . (4,E:i LIS
Correct with tplrlti eloquent with erose,
,futent to rea,on, or jinhW to pleatte."_
I'citc'i•llV NI:: \\ - .l' - 1•' ? .% I;
. .
' lt is at 11'm
I 11. t
.\7oEnc; V t`d I:t . 111
of 1 .0.1" II: real
r.cific.:l,.., and a niianne . a tp .1 1o.'ilh audio an!
11,: 1 1 Till. Nu:v V'Nut
( I ~1;:1).
J.iteratnre than ever be*.lorea it, is no up'start,
.teiriporary , tseti;ottion." . but a
first :ItSs literaiy weekly . ; Mill:hi:las been la
tniliar' to the United' t;tates tor a quarter of a
century; and. 'the wishy-washy intish;
r o etn•prints.of yesterday are coiling (limn their
talent eve!' w bile they raise their subscription-.
pi ice, Tun New YOpt all.
its • s!d fr. a ,11(imi?,:icei
aid Eilitors;:and pro-.
toke , to niake ereatir for 1563.
It is the One paper' for everyhoines; Its fort 3,
columns oll'eading Tatter per week constitute
811.1 its No,ios,•Atikeianeous7arts; Beauties of
Vo:rse, •13ro.t.lsi‘his'ol I.lu
!nor,.and polsshetiE(litoFiOls, c - Olobihti. to
•totilizo all itio charms ill • •• •
• ' , wrr 'AND SENTIMENT! •• . .
. .
The.lnisb ! ind.readSbt to his wife, - the mother`
.to her C.hildren,,the lover .to s'iveet-heart,
the.soldier to. his comrades, : and the - 101,14C
sehOol . rnaster to the circle around the:stove.-J
Iris familiar. to the sight of every mangy rvuinnii
and chad.iu our. cciunti y, and has'. regular sub
scribers in several countries 'Europe.: Tire
It'ew:YQti,lt MR,R6JIOS: also identified with the
grandest patriotism of the age,. (or several
Members of its brilliant
. Stair hold high rank in
nitr naLle army, nod have 'made . , themselves as
famotiS i with the SWord - as with the Pen. ..The
great illustrating artist of I. , ns "NM.v Yous
:.MEILCU'ILV, the inimitable Dailey, giyes the
pap . er,ihe highest artrilaitaS of Art ; 'and,
yet thisiargest literary weekly of the day 'pro,
.wises to .siirpas'e itself, in ail these.reqietAiii,
illig:the NOY Year! .: • . • ,
. . . .
The.'firist,Numr.yous,,MEßClTßY Novelette, fur
the Ntiw Yeur;lo he eiimmenceit..'in the issue
. : •
I'ii ICit`L`as CCastic C.%liffo.
moo or t l otesir nowtoW? "synit. CANPUEI.L," '~'E4
" .
'MISI&. I ' t l toiNtrowtl ll :," &C., Ste •
, . .
~.:he prOductionS of this distinguished authoress
CL cd no eulogy. Public opinion has long since
; . --onottnced them superior to any other nov
eiettes.published on this side of the, Atlantic ;
and the true test of, their - . Merit is found in Ilia
that • they are eagerly reproduced, afti;r
their publication in the Alimcunic, by the
ile.nglislipress. 'We may add that the new tale
'Vic'toria," is-fully equal in . interest iind.depth
of Plot to 'elther r of thoSe which have:secured
!13 large a share of public approval, and we can
earnestly recommend it to all story-readers , •
Tula &old by. all news
teen and. periodical :dealers in' America. , •To
• ibscribers; it is regularly•mailed every Satur
. ay
,morning, for $2 u , year; three' copies for
hi:x copies for $9; eight conies for:sl2,.lwit h,
;in extra eon) , " to the get ter up Of-the deb.
t 4 ix months'isubscriptiens:reeeived:. - A/leap ,
p ! ritrt . plainht the slams of ?mat Poet Office, eiitin
1 . 1 and State. .We take.tlte notes of all solvent
hanks at par. Payment must invariably bed
nelvance. • , • • , • •
Specimen copies .sent • free to all appli
Address all letters and rernittanbeF ! ;o os t pa id
Ploprieforsail the New Yolk
itreet . , •New York City. •
CHICAGO, Serif. 2.L—Tlie following is .Presi
dent Lincoln's letter to . th ' e Springfield; 111.
.., v.c4MAN6I6N,:
WASH oicToN,..A usual ; 2(4'1863..
. Ibn..7:awe C—Coallidz:-L-My :DEAR ,
Vlritri letter layit ing•me, to attend a mass Meet
fright unconditional Union manido be 1•1161.41 at
-the:Capitol the-.lfl. •day%Of
• .
tember, has heen - j•cceivi.ed. •
;It : - NyOuld.. yery' agreeable 'to Inc 'anis to
meet my old friendi fit- my f oyik home': hat I.
Cannotjust new be absent limn this (iffy so !Mfg
as . a visit there iThe. - irrMetihg .
is to he or it il•those Who Main tairlan
al:de'volion Uribin,-and I aim sure. that
my old political friends will Wank - me fort:elf—
dering,los I (too he nation's' :gratittide- to thaSe
other noble then - whom, no-'partisan malice or
- partisan hope: : can — make.false:to the nation's
• . •
. 'There are those Who ale disgatisfied4ith rine.
To such
.I would.s#, “You - desire peace, and;
yob blame.me- that, van: dn. ncit:lhayir, it. fiat.
how.ciiii we ; attain la', There are .hilt •three'
.conceivable waysi. Fiist. To-sappress the re.:
hellion by force of arms. I am trying; to
'do. Are:you •forit f I (You arti,; so far we. are
agreed. 1f you are not for it, we•iire uric acreetl.
.A second way 1.•• to•giv4.hp the Unicit...l
. ant
against this, you are,'you should . ..say'',is;o
••Ifyon are not-for.force,i.yet: pot far
.. • .
dissolution, that:o.ol,ly fefriams•so ,
me tinaginary
ccinifirotniaa.- rO. hot belieYe ally
prhmisie.ernlifacirr.; 'the maintenance:of tlM.l.ln
iaMisih.ow'passible.. AT' t 11,ra, rt leads 'to
it directly opposite belief. The strength of, the
Cribelyian is its rit Oita , That army
dominates all the country 'and all the. people
with : in itsrange. ay- offer:of. terms maile• by
ally Mali or men wit lifit.that opposition
'to that army, ig'sitnplvi.hothing 11;,t twpresent,..
.becaase such marl or' men have no pa'wer what .
ever to enforce Of a cniiirquipisf..,il
00e wererrniple with thetn.•To,llro*ltilti,—.sup
pois a r efu g ee from the ;Squib and , the- p. , a,e'i;
inPii"ok he No4l .together in
.Coriv eat ion,
arid fiame arid pioclaim •a compromise vtribra—
i'ing 1 ,Stol ipii of, iti What way
can thotused. !o keepchin. Lee's:
mint:Jiro 011 3 .,tnitcyl va Ma'? Gen.' )ICairei's array.
'can keep Lee's 41 my not of l'enmyl.Vaafaioind
I .think tin tiltimiltefy drive it Mitt ot`,--.lstence;
tlilt..'no paper •i.opipro'itii'sii,:to, • t ecint rol
lei, 01 illy ate hot agioibil. can at .
all etrect the at my.' such coal. :
promise . we Would Waste,t he _time, whir I t -
enemy would improve to 'Our disadvant.tite, and
that .. • '
Fa; . 00'
. 00 00
10 101
. - 20 011
12 00
.1 re
1 600
A compromise, to be efleetive-rmst be•meile
wilhflAWit. Who control' the rebel army,
Of N6th lihoiareff - from the 'dornintW
time of that army by the snecrws of our m_v.
Nov, allow' me to eli3,llle Volt that no weld or
intimation frdM Jebel army or loin any of
men r out rolling- it. ; in relation doan y peace
compromise, has ever v ime to.,- my lorrwholge
or charges' or intimations' tif 2 the
i;ontrary'are direeptive and giontAlles.,.and I
ornise . 'you that if any such, ,propositiom.shall
loctreafter'come, it 'shell notliri.reiectitil and 'kept:
.secret iroin yoti„ I 'lreely acknoWledge'myserf
todie 'the sti. vont of he pe4le, according to the
bond of seryiee, the United:Statei COnstii MIMI;
and that aS such lam responsible to them-
But, to be plain,.you are disim me
abOut the negro. Quite likely ther.e is a:differ 7
.elect of Opinion between you. and .myself open
that subject. I certainly hat all man
.conhtire free, while yoa. I sfippOse,'dd,'lnit.L . - .
17t I,have twit her adopted ,liar any .
.whic'h• is 'not cOnsistent ,wifh evetryout
provided yap are for the Union. I 'Mtg.-
gested 2 ,eorriperviated cmay - ipat , ion..tO which,
•you teplled that yi! wWhed not be taxed to,
'buy begroes.. Put I hat! not tasked yOu: to be
taxedl y bay intgroes; except in such A way as
to sire win ,ftern greater taxation se'vd the
Onion exettiFdvely by other means., : Yon dislike
the emancipation Prochimetirin,, and' perhaps
yoti Ottiot to havejt retracted.'., Yiiu say it is
uncOnStittoinnal: • I:think difß.fently.. I Heinle
that flieCotistitittion invests its COMmanderAM
Chief 'With the . low of War. •I itne Of writ.' The
most. 'that•cdti be said, if so' Muchis, that slaves
are 'ptnfierty.. • • . • •
, -
Is there, has there eve; '.been; any rrinestion
that' by the.laiv 'of-War the property, both' of
4inetnies,arid friends.,. May.be taken when need
ed, iliad is . ,itMot ifeed-d whenever taken it help's
us . or Butts: tier- enemy'! • A truioF, the. world,
over, destroy enemie's'proporty.when they can 7
notOse it., anite'vendlOSl roy their own to keep.
if, from the, enemy'. IWligkeiis do all
its their power•to tieljt.thntnsirlyes, pr. hurt',
enemy, exeept d,lew,.thing'S regarded as barbar
bus . or.ernel. A moog the: exceptions' 'ari , the. ,
:massacre of vanquished thel.and 'non-combat 2 '
atits,-Ontle and femafe. . But the proclittrinition;
as late,.
Calid'or not If it is not valid;
it needs no ietraction; df.,it is valid, it' cannot
be retracted tiny more 'than the - dead . _ can ,
brou . ght. to life. SoMe Of you.'profesi - tO think
that its'retraction , yOnld operate favourably for
the Union. :Why better offer the retraction,
than before the'isstiel • • - •
. .
• There was More than a year and .a half
suppress the rebellion:before .the proc
lamation was issued;' the last one hundreddayS
ofwhieft passed tinder no eipieitnot ice that it
was coming unless averted .by those in .revolt
returnin,i; to , their .rille r giance. The war. her',
certainty, progreSsed as favorably for its *since
the issue of the . proclamatiorr as before.; I knew
as fully as one eon - know the opinionsof others,
thittsome ofthe cornmande•rs of our armies in
the, field who have given us our most important '
vieteties,.belieVe'the einancination policy and
the aid of colored troops constitute the heaviest
blows yet dealt t'o' the rebellion; and that at
least; one of those
,important succeises multi
•tiotmile been achieved when it.was, but fo'r
the aid 'of black soldiers. Among the cominan 7
•ders:lieldingthese views' are some Who . : htive
never had any affinity. witirWhat is called Ab
cditioninne, or•with the Republican party poll=
tics,but..wltn..hold .them' purely ; as military
.opinions r.Sbiti4 en—
titled to Some weight against the objections of-
tirgeil thiit emancipation and arming'of. the
blacks ate' unwise as.. military :measures, and
were not adopted as inch s in.• genii faith. Vol
say,that you will not bight to free negraes,---.
some of them seem . willing • to: fight for you;
but no matter—lightlyou, then,,exeluslyely, to
Billqr the Union.:' • •
' I issued the proc'amation en purpose to aid
. titt. in saving the Union. Whenever you shalt
. .•. ••
SMETHVORT-,' M'KEAN .;CopiTy;..p..A..;..sATu..RDAy,;.'SKrTEMBEIt;TI.!4;,-,15.64.
have.conqueted all resistance to ,ibe ti;;if
I . shall urge .yoti 'to .cont inue: fighting,. it wili,ae
an apttirne than for you' 'to. declare 'that you'
will not light to free tiegrofta.. I thought ihati
in. your struggle'
,for the Unio n, to whatever.
extent•the heerpes'nhould cease helping t•heer
emy, to that extent It weakened tke.'encriY in
his, resititenee to ~0 11'.••• • llo you:think:differently:l
I thotight that whateiierne,groeti,ran. be . got ;to:
'do as aoidiers,'leaves•:just.io . mtich less forwhite •
.soldiers to do iit'ahving the gniOn. ap
pear olherwise to you oth,;
-er People, act'itiion rmitivetS. , Why shonidthei
do anything fer.us, if will' do • for
them? 'lf they,Stake their 'lives 'for us, they
Must be piompted by. the rongek
.even.the promise olfreedona; -and the promise,'
living'trinde.; Must' •
.•: '
The signs look, better. The:Tattier of Wa-•
ters again go-s.unvexedtothe sea;-thanks 'to'
the great Northwest•fitr;it; notilyet':Wifolty to
them.' Three' huntlied •rn testi'? they . tnerNew
England, the Empire, the•Re'ystone . ,aral Plesv
Jersey, heWing their:way right and lett.. The
•sunny sotittiooo,in . mote colors- than.enii, also
lent a'. hand; on.the spot; their part of the
tory was jotted doWtrip•blitek and white.. The.
.a' gi at national ones. and let."noire. te•
tanned who:bore ap honOrable . part in it, while
thoSe who have•eleared the gietit
-. Even Abatis not all.' hold to say. that ,
anything has been Itnire tits vely atnihet ter thine
than at. A ritiettitiv,.:lllll freeshoro, %Get t ynbn rg;
mid on misty fields of less . note.•' . ..Normust
cle Satit's iven•teet be
. forgoiten.. At all 'the
wate't'S margins thek , have been ~piesent, not
only on:the:deep: sea , the broad- bay and. the
rapid. : river, lust also-Alp the row,.' !middy •
bayou. and•whiit rver the•ginand was . . tat le
.damp they havil been.anit Made their track' s, Tfanks 'For•tite Hopulitie:- ; ‘tor;
the ptincipl....s . by which it lives and Leeps alive
—fer'man's vast int tire: tlidnks 'to
' I'mfre'ones.not appear• so distant ifs it . did- 1
111111 e it will come soon. ii nil ' cord.• tri. stay,' boil
sn eimoe PS: to.be worth keePing till
lime, It wilt 'then htive. hoen.i,ri‘ved that
among freemen thet'e situ bents stoieessful;.ap
peal troth lie ballot . to thelitillet, and that they
'who take such appeal ;t.r. Stile todose their cast.
and pay the cos:: and then there will be , some
'black men who 'eau remember that„With siknt
tottgoe',-and citMcdted !pert); and steady rye,. and
well poised bayonet. thi;y lirive helped Mankind
ori'this _rent while I (Par tho.t
fheie will be t.Ome vvititel•men • unable to forget,
that, wit Irmaligtaint hriirt'and deceitful Specett,,
tin , y harm stiti;en.io hinder it. Still, 'edits not
bit'over;i , angitine of a ; speedy t Humph. —.
fen us fie quite solu.y. Eet. its dilligentiv . apply
the means, neverdoittiting• that a inst. Gi;il in
.his own good time,'Avill give therightttil re'-'
lin U:Sios.—"These Slates aise • glorious in
indiViiiitalityilint their collective glories are in
the Union.- By rill.meons, at all . .lialaritS, are
theyto q be maintained : in their integrity and
tie-lull ine.istire of. their . constitutional -rights
o'nly sad's:the Union to be preserved—on.,
•ly so is' it 'worth preserving. It is the' perfec
tion ,
Idetided, - pro
duce the-roy•of light. • It is the.'completeness
of fhese,assembled soyereigntir;s, lacking rioth
hg Which they lent for r. great' pui—
pose, fhb; makes- the Union ;precious. ',.This
word 'Chinn is a word :of . gracious oien.. It
implies Confidence mid . rilection—mutual sup—.
Jaw and protectiiin ngninst external dangers:—
It. is the.chosen expression •of .the strongest pas
slot, of ' It is the charmed circle'
within wick the,family 1 -is A man
helping his fellow—man in this ragged
It iS'Statci's; Peidecl in themselves, coitfeilerated .
lop mutual advantage,' It is th'e people tit.StOtesi
separated diy Tuns, and intelests, and . institir—
iionS, ;lief iiriages, and laws,-all forming one- glir :
notion--allrnoving onward ro the some
sublime desi instinct . with o 'coin—.
mob life. Our litiiterS pledged their
- .lutes,
thei . -tort ones,.and.their 'saired - honors ;to 'form
ibis -Thinto—fet ours be pledg doorintiinlit."
Ono. WanowA P, Jgly .lth.
The draft in New England is' turning Wing.
ive'pi•edicled,.months.ago, it:Would turn out,
W predicted that New -Englaid would not -fur
niski'mentinderf he . tfra ft. 'Rhode. Istand th . e
end of-the performance has- heed -reaqhelyand
how (natty Id you think ,reader; Of:the:drifted
ru'en go to war? Jutif exactly .iritergeii, : AR
the otheds• have have .bee'n exempted or:
. paid
-their $300:: • Ana .Rhode Wand hai done as well
according to her popitlatiori,.iiii the other, New
Siates'are doin . g. and' tietter Than Min
. .
There is as mach howling - in that quarter-as
eVer in favor of the fight, 'hut the howlers have
no 'stomach . , as, regards their 'Own persons, for
the light'itsjilf.' 'lt is a .beautiful commentary'
on the assurance Of Gov.'Andiews, of Massa- .
Chusetts, on a certain occasion. Said -he; in a
letter to the Secretary:of 'War;'dated. Boston,.
May 10, 18(32,—“1f the President • will sustain
Gen. Hunter, recognize ell .men—.even
. black
men=as legally capable of loyalty-'—which't he
blacks are waiting to 'inanilest, - and let them,
fight with Gad mid harrier) nature on their side.
-the roads will sWarm,..if need be, with a.mul 7 '
titude whom New Fmglarid will pour out to obey'
Aew - England has never. furnished her . .. fair
'proPortien Of men for the:.war,.and she never.
will: - Massachusetts has beeperinitted 'to SO.
,ply:her former deficiency with. negroes, hut site
has has not done even that. 'She 'is'. behind' on
Negroes as. well' as White men. • '
She has.nevey been behind in'stirring up'llls
cord among the . StateS. - tier roads do. indeed
«s - warm"?whOn there is anything of-that sort
• - •
It' is'said that-the ;toff J'nsvis 'cot rospondence ,
,discoVered at , hid home ih
'letters "of which have-been published, Were sent
to ,WashingtOn. • Tim reason of this disposition
of it is, that several letters are.amongst it (Min
BeMainin 'F.llutler,.Daniel S. Oickinson, A.'
E; Burnside, and others of the Breekinridge
conspirators who have since Joined. the Aboli
tion.. part,, -Which Partisan .interests require
'shopld ho suppressed.'lThey will ba,suppresseil,
Of course, though they be mare treasonable than
all .the Other. correspondence beside. ' Only such
letters will be publisheitas will:damage' politi
cal oppohents. : ' It is believedthat the existence'
Of these letters Of Butler, Dichingen
. and
side itasintlitenced theirobieiptionsness to. the
Liheoln'Administratien Chi'rtco!Tintes,
: y6urs r ver. truly.
'A• LiNoot.N
,Testimony of a Dietina'aishod Opponent
The. following , , - 'sketch of. the. Democratic
cantlidate:ter.Governor IS froth the pen of Da—
'yid Pant: gteat 'Philadelphia
1a syer:. Vie . cOpYstrOm a .wot lc his . entitle4
.. 4 The Forum: pu blished' in 13a7.; r. :B Wi
ie dit . ..Abiditloniit',6l.the .strictest • sect, and,
therefore his te'utimoi4 ihe ability
atid.givat..moral • worth of. ~fildr,r. WOOdivard
will not'. he doubted by . - the nppogition to • the
We sliallJor the present. draw nn compati
sonsi but ecgulatmg oni...aliticipationn by our
experience:, there would he little ,hazzaril I in
51)iue ; 'thatall lualiticat ions • of' the . judicial,
chatactef, extensive legal Icnritil t, sawnl inn . ..
ratify, and most Urbanidand aip'eeatile muiniers,
there joive been tint feik.judges
perhaps in the country, who, at 'bis.iige,,,:have
.given . promise ' greater . . exCellence of:emi
nence. t hil ti,l he Flon. Geo.:A% —Woodward..., li'et
It•tiot he 'said our .praise is . not too gUncral . in
regaid.to'the metnlieri of this 'Court to be•ac-.
eeptable.or.valnahle:': . This is
; nothing to us,
It dhere.be no 'general Merrit,;thiqe: should s be
general npproval. : IYe borrow no man'sdpin
ion, and.ask man, to ailcipt mos;Truth is
more I lesirablii 'and moe'e vidni+ble rind- mote
InSi ing . :thit . it popularity... We tlo 'trot mean 'l6
say,that, all or any= or OM jriirges - arp. .wii,hotit
Imilt . .: hot ,w, leave it to others to.firpl ihein
.flirt; • aiiii trost'we.rthall.tMver, mitniieS,t- that
vent goestioitalele virtue of „seel:Mrt for tr lee pr
blemishes, where they do- novitettpy ti(em—
. . „
. •
. .
ttiodiv.s pretty'.have tt t...bitid-.14.;, athl • nell
not be ehvitil. They etionot . pleitse e',lteryhmly;
arid 111,1..41e5:e1. sa!isty the patty or the. !otto'sel.
nalfinst.!.vbffin they decide': . .l.lo,x unrosottable
. Iben, is•wbettibey.ericonnter 1, , 0 - tinny prej
intierti to ‘‘ithbold-fronu them the just meed of
apprpbatiint...• There 'is nti'snlefy in a
that is swayed by any of her consideration thou
- si.n.se of duty; yipry do•tihguisbed judge.
npotran oerasion-not .111ilny yea uYi sines', • non•
soited.tbe to-ilo% great dibideriguire'cd
flie.enion , el, or edit:se; 'Wbieb tile . judg e per-.
him nritk • ,, Yott
"Tit I.ottlito i ern," htisiily
se,plimi tin" clitit,i=,rl.. 4•1 II link I Itait",renginintn
hurt:" • ..• I drink tar trii-,tith,e, said
•the Iterge: tv" initye L ith our Au
be: to ine't tont); .ytthri ii!ivt.t•lneen'fatlitttlllytinttr ,
nn.1.1 triis,t . have
110 nioiti right to make yours'ell i'lie•Jutde then
baye..iomakc mysdi . the counid." r.
once uplersfocid, anti. thcre can be no tlissutis-
tt.f tinge Writirtwrd'it birth Piaq,nn the'26lh pf
. . . .
:11.irelf, 1SOS; in the efila.go of Bethany,,Wayne
einiiity,.Petint:ylvania. .'His parentage was us
ee...p . et•table ,as. any iit • the State, • of which 'no
other aciiieher• eillr . be •reiiiiitril.t hen the moral
ant !'rlieimis training id ilieir.literr.- ' : •
..ocTlie academic education of young
Went was priacipall.y•receiVed.at.Getowa,.NeW
Volk,- and at IV ilkest,arie,', in 1017. , Trie county;
Upoti. its completion lieenteced
at the loiter'' place, into the °diae of the ; Hod.
OatrickMallery nod was admitted to:practice
at . Aiorost tei'rn IBJO.
~ • In the s.pling of I 831,.a Jew monthi after'
the admission of Jedrre \VoodWaril • Mr. Mal:
ler) was, appointeil.to the Bench'ef •Nortjrato
t oti: I,ehigh,m oil Bee ks .emmi ins; and upon as.
iiumioa'liesi t,, tramderred hisvntirt; . Moles
aional toisme - ss; aWhridttheh extended'' through
all the.roitaties of Norkliensteiti Pennylvante,
to.his • fa . vorite pupil,.4lr..Wltiellwdrd,
though-fit that.tintetiot weiti iee years.old r
given tun earnest of that industry,
!idelity;and ability, which) could 'tietlall pvi4,:
et!re More success and •comitcirce the
WoodiCaril.. from the tiin...'or.udinieSnni;
remained' to Judge Mallery'S.office;:whreh'
retains Sidi down to the present amnion f
‘ , llere • he continued in the..enjoythent of full
practice at thi; Mir antti the 'fiegi lining 'of •the
.year .184 •• certainly. no. man of his age, at'
least the interior of •1 he State, wits over
mere •rapiiiia his iiilvanceMenr; More implicitly
'relied upon by the. community, or more deter;
ving of that advancement, and-reliance.'
1831; through" his professional' labor&
and exposure -apeo • the,circriits; hie health be
ginning ..to tail,. he accepted - a commission . as
PreSideOt Judge of the FaurthJudMiar District,
'composed of
: th‘e cMant les of Haut ington, Mifflin
Centre, Crawford, and Clintoti:=territorily•the
largest-district in,the State.'.• t'wo:courdieir
first named were taken from 'the 'district the
next yiiar, andint he other three;doilge Wood-
ward presidinfunathe expiration. of his tenor
of office, in the spring Of ; • •
t•Declining'on election'in the Youf thilistrict
(tor at this time the oqiCe ha&by:•cOnstittiticnial
j provision became elective,) and also declining
a nomination on a' State. ticket for the Supreme
Bench he returnedlo..'his.practice at Wilkes
barre,.with the full . intention' of contintiing at .
the bar `for Several years; and •,anCh was his
popularity with all :that knew• thithe
would:have had no dilfieulty:in.- retrieiring • his.
former Iheatrive and 'extensive buSiness; but
,upon the death of - Judge .Coulter', in •the year
1852, the appointment to:the SupreMe-COurt;
in the place of the deceased Judge, being ten
dered to hint by the Exectitive, he accepted it,
and thus unexpectediy,•but..not :undeservedly,
'reached the highest judicial honors . ; of' the
"4t. the fall election (for the Governor's . up : -
. tvtii tentsorery 'and .pt ovisiona . l,) he
was ehesen. by. the people-for I he.. (till .constitu
done' period 'of' fifteen years; Irotn the tirtit,day
of 'December, ;852.
' , Judge Woodward is now about forty seven
years of. age,.ot .nri agreeable face, and grace—
ful'pers.rin. He•ia Upward of siit•.feet
well proportioned, always • appropriately nrrmir-•
oiled, and'verk kind, attentive and d
itiedeportrr (inf. patient, an dita
tine, h&closely marks the progrept cause
omit the - couree'of the argument; - exhi -
fret fulnesii rarely interrapts -counsel,
jumps - to con chisiOns,* but wityi hideti" . ‘.
time, In his charges at Niii Paint.; and its hie
opinions qt. bane, no. man ean'.fail to perceivei
the legad and—moral tone of. his mind. Whitt,
person, as we hike elsewhere'snill; .he 'strongly'
risembles Chief Justiee.Gibson at his-age;. hot
there is very little reneinblanee iii the etruc=
of their- minds:. Judge : Giblegks attain—
ments were more comprehensive and Vntersined'
but less concentrated and 'available; his' mental
tfrasp was stronget,. hut it Was not' so steady.
Judge Gibsdntruek a harder Wow, but did not
...... ..-,
.. .
. .
~... ','..,,it.:::::,:-.,:.:.:•.,....,::::,.;,,.;::,...:‘,_7'.....: '''',....;,;,.,,
. ...
~..,„. ~ ..
. •,... .. .
.. , .. ... ..-
.. . -
. . ...,
.... .
. . ,
• • , or If
. .
. . .
'always .planot; or'follow.. it .0 SO jiliiCiously::
Judge Gibion..sOnietimeis 'rose :.übove' expects
' tion;:' Judgii IVoOdyinril ',mover - rails .•.below:if.
Judge Gibson's industry uniformly iNualleil hii
Juttga Woculiilud's.t . tilenfs 'are, if pos•
sihie,posseil . v his industry:" Jude Gibson
yVascpprhars, tho.itiater . .rtnin; Judge
tins safer judge,- •,.!' - ' •
• .• •• ) , Vin.it is .'foni l embered . thnt, this.
spn Merl. of nit e . g .
forlehier.jUstice . Gibsdn . WllH'lrlbrelilltlJ4Wel)ty'
Yeats ,the'
_senior.. or judge ' . Wouilwit s ril-L 7 we . .
must in ottr : eorppitta Linn ; :tipon . i he. oilferi.idei,
throw. into .!ho wide' he' expetience
score of yeirs'w ill prodke; • whil emu" tirin other
we. Mitat s one ke 'allowance lar the iitlirtintjrinitl
.ilnTer is which 'aye tamest tenilii nt
upon ttlife.. perplex - ed with..neitirtittleteit cares;
ail:prolei'ted beyond . . the Ciluspo allowance of
score stollen. i• It is,. indeed notch to lie
dthi lit oil,'
.ti,t-110 I t t;r. it. matt ever improii es :
leclunlly utter lip Lie mak still lion
(limn to , acquire. Mit .
gradually' losiis Mitch that he had ey
o p s l y
impression maila'Ppon the- mind .
of . .the Aged, us "riniMared with the impressions
upoirkotith,ttre like thiv; , ititil; in sand; cnim. -
pareil.witli tare, nni:Cription.'tiplin thin • rotentiit,o
rock.. • .
18:("1:.he'itecarrit* nutmbiti of
h 0 ti
, Covent 101 l Jar alit the Qpn
stitptinn Cptietitioli was
session froth tir a tri
the 122d : pf 're . bi I • ireon,
st is ss:.s.l I known, or snin.t.Ar ills ablest
'nail mritt mon State,.—
Anil- when it 'itt..rPinoptheri.ci 'that NI r.' IVootl
rem rut wits:l Loa y eight yea! 01 .7kge
tutu had Lien m4[141441 :to ltrityt hat. shoat:
seven spit olticieut torsi.
thin which-1101411 th bads. is'as.rolitarl;-
.oble, though, not sin prising to fho'se,WhO lion
beiin fittnitior ttili•ntp:..tind vffintik;
His .peech ,upon . n 6 iibie.:l.
whleh called faith: ill the' 'etieriies . :..nnit.
111 . 111101)Cy of. the Con wont ion, was for' peyoltil
whir conlif hive been expeetiiil iro•. one - of his
iiiiteed,,rifitre'A pion in the ranks of.
1h i ii'qt .11 ' , linters. iu t
.I*,///,1 / ' • •
,The Anti-War Feeling in .11'fai ne
%Ye have hefdre us the PorthifitV(illiine)
nne of tile inntd influential a inl'able iun•
per* in New hlngland. ttuldeediltits it 1)1
Old Line,Whig. ;It , is etlitturby•l..o, J:Stnith,
fotinerly member of colttirevii anal wp believe
lie was 'mice .Clerk of. t .Fittli;ral ilouse of .11.eit
learntatives. says; . . . ,
z•WAn:•:-. 7 The hirr i. not to be'llisgnised
however unpnlotentile to • !mit izon
that ih Maine, in New•Hairistitre, in the gren
State rit• New York, nod • in other- Sintep, thr
.rontlitei of the War has' riintlei nil the •war•itsel
litipiiPtil4r, and in rapidly beeonnioit
mong the peopfe.:'•••, • • •• • •••• , •
•' Men-nri-lotiger yitsh the•war,from rittint
.and litit•solrly, tor: the sake
'l'hiv-is orriiitoite, hell yet It is in.
Out of till tlfe•eitizens nrelteil, We tire: cjititi
slur the fiiit Pint went
will not be. eit her...exert - 10yd : tor Y ix)
will hire a r;trli • itt lie . rultiVr than go himself.'
'AVhiti.does . 01 th,iy rhron7 Obett-ii!nce - to - the
tio..Coivei moot in thOiviirovhe . to
it most be,•tiot, !Mt it step to;').Otiiit • • :
It Fs' o - defied ,111 task to one's closet
and, write psi riot rtieles and nddresses ro tire
.14r1i1Ve; 11114ot'.to
.. • . : •
„tilt! 10
. 'nll , lll nr
11)4, , aging 'rnelt to . tile :root r . onks of the
i I , :rn r_ ran rortiiiiit ripieoneed : ot
hi s or some at hi,e
in !be es joyineitt of the se rY, opd perhaps still
stesillopiotr-it fat t.;.oretotrient office or .
finvertinimit'enturt net..
Gut ihr penplr nre. (opening iihriir ryeff • ripn
hie-mock chivalry and mock patriotism, an
thaya are getting :With 'its: eontiiii!
.... We verily' ie - ve hn't If . the honest•heitrt
'the penple Mnine eottld be inirly , nntle freely
exprei . trect . three-fourths • of on!: entire
population would vote tbe-wnr,'eseonduoted,
nOisance ands curse; and : tha!,•ty
Anxious 'to know'how to Vhange it land haw to
anbonorable pence.
. .
. • The moderate Republicans are cutting loose
(rum the rabirals, who :have neer whehned
their party and, us Wendell Phillips says, sunk
it ileo•per . than, • poliikal . . plumet ever ••
and . we haver no doubt 'will in. the. future.. act.
.with the Deinocra ic party. - They see the hand ,
the' wall which hetokring the down—
full of Abolitionism Or_ the . destruct* 01. our
,republican MO) of governmen:, : *and . under the
circumStaOceS they cannot 'bet choose the side
oPtheir country. •
She' Man,: of . .Ohin„
in •a speech, made at Daymn•recently; iemark—
great deal ii . Saiil abOut the.. President's
emancipation ploclarriathin. iiien..of it. IM
that. - this'war• PrriSectired more
successfully it the Presuliint had not saiilany—
thing';about negrti." •
Bat .the• following from the; Newhitryport
herald, altepubllcan paper, is still more
:''"Seven -eighths of the people, all of them out
of New England, exc'eprstrell as have, freshly'
emigrated from here, and a 16%V . red Republican
QermanS, would be in faYor of a restoration of
the Union upon the old bask, leaving alf
tions of loc'al institutions aside, and letting' the
pimishment of the rebelleaders take' place mi—
tier National or State laws; as they have always
existed; if, therefore,
,the .opposition. slimild
shake. this the gratidissrie;.theywould foree'the
Republicans to say yes or nn to, it. If they as
center], the North would be ittni t With. the • ex.:
ception of .the.Atmlitioriists, who .wt.n ll,l not
carry more than two States for theerY of subjuga...
tion,. extermination . , -ruination and . damnation.
11, on the other: hand; the, radicals should get
*the asCendancy•in the enitven . tihni; - ,.nntl say no
.to•the'prOpostOon for:restoring the Union as, it
Was, then they .world full into a' lessciOlfilita•
ty, the Whig party of -18;32.."'''.- •
The Aholitienists - .Wlio noW rule the arlinin 7
istiatian obsolete. sway, have already de.
cided the: question splien of 14:the Herald,-
16.1 against the'restorailon of t he:Union as. it
was.. Nu conservative, therefore, can act yith
them hereafter; andlit• order to lie consistent
the Republicans' can have no alternative in, the
eoroirnt contest hilt -to join with the Demochicy•
to totally destroying the -political power ort his
race of:madmen. • •.•
614 c.
I , I
s ro
:The Legislutariol Merit uckY:birlre,i;el,gitstOisr—
pini ing such an orktrage
right of free Sutriage, air histr...:bretVipitpetirtite.l .
in Ken t uCk y anoVitypresfribing - the.i,.rpletyikil
regale tioni for rir
forth. go!ernear , oPplective'rrfil
tp f i Pertaltir4 for vielattOns
.tenclett.t6 protect ttie.O'ectiec' : innaChileothry
Invu, ilrearnetl:thiit,..an..A.Arnititstritiiiinsiof
General. Goiernmon. *oobl , or.iol)ti'itictst turtle
United Stateii,.biise:enri:erirrupt - eftooth , tr:n Sena
heir' hired-and a rme&Soilluiry tioyerpigo
Stittrild .control, by . niece IhrllectionWtheif;a .
cninorrinder se distinguished, hierepr,4lfe,
over the tirtittNitgol ire his leri!foliotipolie!O • es
i'ovost Arai rtilor .'irmil*,orrler I sergeont a
pOiver , uniforilers .set an.i
atul-. l ,Witti!;shottlit
'be voted tor.. ' • ' '
• -• The irolg..is. of electidni, 41 Name- iittitances,
In obey the order!_ of , the.: riMeerwitiot
lowe..They .were:.arreited
Stu to; vet ers were arrested and inepriScinatt fur .
oft ring. t 0: vote the: - De . innetetiO:tiCllei:.:
gineei tie elect Mill hese*rinehyv ha have:dared
to .IYrat‘trize Oyer itslinve to..eriver
lurrnily',lrnd.lrOnson to , the State anti-:00)11We
tiou by 'calling tlieir.imay. n•the littOon , Demo.
xrat,ic party."..--e• haw libel.. .Their lebiiimate ,
(Menai:ter is he iithe.A holition , :•All- •
• people hail helot .leff free tri ihlte; the;
iteinnere tie flail , would. have, heeri elrcluill
,tvi;enty• or 1 hirty thoosand msjori I y:.
:Tbeftinpirtat inii;aprin:thrit
tlie . .s 4. rfitiloll' rty, falsehood
find Thar.perty we,, ceinpertell
al sound. Union inen,-,veho, were -opposed,- to rho
wretched mill 'otterihelitiitional 'war,irimsoro3 . ,
or the. A mi is I riitiriiip optiMreil &
to Mimi the.,
orliroes:iiiiii 'their emeneipirtiorqmpnhopil , l4vt . tij.'.
bill &id universal' ile's,lroitionr or:
ion. oh private property i , f , , , p.onetryo;
thn.trnuds aril sr ealiugg of, public: .plticrirs
1411,1,c .roritieetit,.• •
l'io;y desire I rest orationhe OOf the U . ninti..tipoo
thit .. lia SIR oh t Constitution, Rio! that
armed Mr re'Avite nee:misery .totieet firmed force
me :or just Sett !knout and lit peace ,
prorinimed and Mrdiett to the death. •
Tire ii. , nocre t c -pa st y , . in :Kent irkY;i',nre.:op
riOseil to I he. la wless,tirrest
ot.the Three...fourth's rit , KorituCky,lif
left Ireeln net, would croolemn'itui.•war. policy
. •
01 !Aticr,lll.- They Wriiiid deflianini he . , i(1.,;11 . 111
•hlirototiFig . iirn
Onvf;rnlntotirs i6il• Con
stit ittiollq;irn,l non vt*rrin).l - titii in ; IN rritor(!ii
to bra goVerneit by 111 rt . ry irm;ernmihir. , ,:-Pitarty
belieye,fh!i witi.,nk . contlitete(l . %oll, not :.roototo
lb.; I,ltOoli; . ‘tirne were. opposiNtl to wit
. 1 . ‘6r.):11 1e: oritreosito; : .tbnm- .
;ii•lvoN by tlin •Lipiled . States WMit
. .
the etirring tender!' ..nt Slhir
party in vo
fine nr for. . • .•' '•.• •
io a copy of ‘Vm.
, .
fl;limiiiiitiii Al %%1110011)1 ri, Cul Inwar Cohn! y.'
• .•. . .
Mi —C'ovitillitin 'sit r,ellll4,trinli ni)11. it , Dp,mnerai ,
a gill' hi . s 1.1 ni ,irso•to, misty be rmiti,; , ol • upriti: =_;'.,
. : Wkrwsnottni . :Cokr,i.nlV . h . V c!,(!.- 2 - Kir . .., - 460,;'1,..0.,..
. hig.connty .:the elperenn: winf
milif ThWolliePro .nf electitin
no,wlll . g htir
tit' I; et) in be pini•Pil , .
fr;ftiieil in' plitt , e t :no me i or
ag . 91.1 i nil ot. •the bri lit tier, i)t the., Demnrretic
tiekrt tMon thit voto4
, nmliante for !lie . MO/datum, end: 'numerous
..,b004 . . worn' marl,. in
hare. my, mime. the .b00k,;48
lions 'ot Mr: Wie4hfri..imil . the reiit • M . ' the
. .
tieket,-whiell ileinpiuls %erre promptly .'•refuied.
The result :urns thin some three hisedr.ed.. rates'
were rest,in Ale' coitury;' Wiwi ' there . is..it , v 0...
... .. ,
tinK . poplolutiim of fourteen hundred.. The same
policy .Wlin putpmett genitally:in' this end.of the .
Siete. enuk.be prnpec for me to •tnl4; that 3 1
em o. Union mon; end-finite
devotedly . % mo .
einCe the' commencement of put' tionbles, • but
net:an min. .• .••.• •
•Reim'y:yetti ohedient'iteriant;:
.. . -
In .Kenlaekx, the vote is pins you, The
entre.; of t hi. candidates andtheollice see'plackd
On it poll book with appropriate :headings. and
C0i . 11111115 . . .The'voter's name is repopled o ,.arol
he then annomfees the man he votes'for; - and
his'votwis recorded.- . ' , • ... •: •,. -:
Ib min}' counties they regime*, the Detnocre
. s
moor to tin' oatlyprescribed by the. Legisk—
trire'When,hiri vote' is .elnillenged: ' . Derneetate
were sWora..nt such places mr the ticket :Nes
allowed to remain on the. riorl•book,'An places'
Where this conree , was puretted,• and ,wberever
tt W4lll 80fftl that the - Deinoiratie,
tvere 'get tine nearly. all the 'vote!, the / Pion: Van
tt as eteppetl'hy tinier of the military; /snit tthe
polls closed. . eame.talee,:,the votes thelhant
h,..pn cast ler the Dernoeratie ticket. were eras-
In some instances Voters were. require4l4 . o,
swear to support 'the Atlenini'strationiri•
nnea , nies--In emancipating and Brining . , the 'tie-
roe; gm.
. one case, in Woodford COunty; sound and
respectable Union man had . taken his 'Oath to
tinsWer quesiiima..: After answering , affirma
tisely that he wes.end always had been Union,"
antEagninst secession; he was asked if he was
for'Lincolnsts emancipation. • Ott said he did
not know that that was peceseBry order to
restore the .(!nion,'hut if it was, he would say
it plight *to he' done,. but,
'ens asked if Mr. Lin- •
coln ordered the. negrees . of Kant eel: f.tir
Med anti pliieed in the army of :soldiers',
he We'itt S vorofit. Its'. reply was; that IA,
had sew enough fo know. that wavinit
sary to he done; and he was oppoied
decisson of the fudges under, the influence' Of ttitE
tun s i t pts"wai, lc You ate not a kooil 'vott;r;'enn't..
. .
The ele ction lar.oflCeptucky..hitinot; pro
vided. for any remedy for the, recent °Ural«,
otherwise. the leading men 'of. Kentlicky
impeach the- ,election : of the Admiriiiitation
- candidate • fo r - the office. .of' Governor ' The
.central Committee will make 'an'addresi to
the people of the United Statesind'set fertlyin
hold . relief the treason cotnmitted hY.the'Vnited
States Army against'
Not only is' butoir GOF
nmentis to be 'Simerteded by: the irjosit'Oiliotni, ,
a nil infatnous deepaisin: -
The soldiers said .here' .that:Gen: ,
'a iirrieiife:
intended to ''dO:in 'Ohio . ,as he did
(hilt the rt;oPle should not; elect .
: Itr ; ,All'f•'. 7 'f.t,:t . *
,3...igi, '4•1:::,c .1 , ..0 .
'?. 1.4' 0 • .•,, , • : AlArii. IP .
4....„.,1 . ,....4, : ,..4,, .
', r ` NO :r'.