M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 05, 1863, Image 4

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• •
'MER • • •• .-
1). -lel • ' MA N
''''''''''''' .
• s . e . tioi. • •
Vol I I •(14.!
• ' • I . l' (I •
ttm o . tl,, y rtlll.l C
jie t
-h . r1 ; 41 r"1-Iiiiii?'1111rt. - Every
. , hi s itnuer - stixieeti.pattos at . i.fsentl•
tion . tostl - friinfle tot tell origitial enginving,s
iii newAnVelitniti•i allot . 31 iji - co'y crie'g, nli of winch
tirejir , par! , ; y tts . - t.o . urnns.. •
n ' tilifioie and ' Matinlactit red
No' petfon- - estgtii , ed -in arty of the' ineeb tii ea
•• vvitbout ' the
..• . Scum Inc 1)41 C in) I F
•wpet c,i'ki y limn - 41er:,eontaii irr
rs . fiv,sis. to
ten engravinipi. of n m
ow achines:, and invoti
, tions; wbieb-cntrinOt, , be fount] in any ()diet - pith
- esfobliii bed. rpre . 'or the • pith-.
• hailer@ •ta ineett !noke hot orkinni engravintra;
•• firaf 'ela an - in - nrt, ilrawo
anir . i t 4rnVed Int • A ' xri , rjencil 'persons :tinder
heie - Avn; Olpert.ji, inn. • . • * • -
•• 't
... „ t 1 pv . en or. -
:AMERICAIi .18 .
. • ,
p . etisable to every inventtir, *us it not only cuti
taiiie descriptions *of nearly till .the
,best'inVentions is. they' 'corne out, each.
ittimbr contains an Pflicial . Listof the , 'Claims
or all , this - Parehts issued Irino - the UnitellStates
Tatent'Office . (litring'the 'week previouS,;:' thuS
_giving trcerrect. history of the progress
ventions..in this country. We are . also recei v.
every . .weeki. the best seient Hie %journals of
Great . Britain;, France,. and Gertnanyr : thos
'placing ini_Otirlxissession all that is transpiring
in mechanical_ science and :art . in these old
countriesshall' continue tfinSfer to
our eniumns•copious extracts.from these" . jour
nals:of whatever we May , deem of interest .to
• • •
Architec'ts, Millwrig,lits•, - • Arid
Tbe';'Sb,ENTIFIC A Nti:Rl.c . ..he
fotintr a'tnost Weil]) Journal' to t hem. An 0,
Uew Anicoveries of :13CiCilePr chemistrk . a Ef .
arven In' its Columns; and 'the: interests of the
Archifectand carpenter trre not oyerlooked; all
the new inventions and disroveries appeitnitt-.
ing, to: ihese..pursuits •being publit=hed. Irom
- iveeletri week.: Useful.and practical "informn:
tiori pertaining to, the ipte'rests of millwrights
and niilllowneri will .be. found pnblighed in the
Sotirritvic AftlimlCAN which information they
• cannot possibly obtain from any'Other ' sett ree.
Subjects in:which planters and ffirmrs are, in.%
terested will be found :diieussed in i the' SesErr
- veto A:MERICAN; most of the improvements in
agricultutal . implernents being.illtist rated in its
cdlutnns..• •.
: ',Tr) inail.subscribers: . --Thrrie Dollars it YOar
or One Dollar- for foimmonthi. : -The vol
iiins.corinnencef on the first of January
Specimen copieitYill be sent gratii . •to any
partof.the country.' ' ' "
Western and 'Canadian n:oney or post-office
ttimpctakeri . atpar !or suimeriptiOna. Cana-
dian anbaeribeia will please to remit 25 cents
extra On edett.yearla aubacrifitiori to pid-pay
MUNN Si CO., Publi . stfe . rs,
..• • No 37. Park-low Now,Ycirk
To_ ,"
• ," To Consumptives .
IIRE Advirtiser, having been restored to health WM
, Ictew ' , weeks. bye very simple remedy, alter havinu
sulTertal enveral yearg with n Hevdre lung Affection, anp
that'drea.4 . diaaaae, Clomminettnm:—la anxious id make
knOden to'bia fellow-aulTevere the means of mire. •
Todtll Who desire if,' he willsenda, copy of the prambrip
lion need (free of charge); with "the directions for pie;
partag.and using the , some; 11110 thev,Will. tied a stile
Oues;rov,o9sseitrvtoN,. 418111 MA BRONCHITIS, ,'co.
only object of the Advertiser in sending, the i',reseriPtioa
is to bepet)t..the Winded, and enresd.inforauttiod which
tioreseivei to be invoitta h le, and he hopes •Overy suf
ferer will try bin remedy; unit :will coat [halo nothing,
and may prove tt - bleaiog. . , • '
Parties wishing the preosription will please address
Rev. -4 nvymtp . A. 1511,,g0N,. • .
. . . • ,Wrilain burrh,. -
Ktugs - Coent
:All persons-are warned against purchasing
the following judgment notes, signed . 14 trie
and..payable*to d..Balcom . or nearer, "I'6 wit:
Ofie dates . jan. 22d 1863 for $10,0 . 0 due- Februa
ry 2'111863; one dates Jan. 22d .1893' for. $50,.
00 due March 22d ; 1863; one dates . Jun. 22d
1863 f0r.;550,00 LI e 241863; one dates
jan c 22d ;1863 for $50,00 due 144 - 22(1'1863;
one . ..date's:Jar ! . 22d 18 . 63 for. 850,00 due June'
22d, 1863;..im0. slates Jan. 22;1 . 1863 for $25,00
due Julyi 22d 1863.- As the :consideration of
each and all or thew has failed Shall' con
test the'paymeily cif
,e . aeh.%
C 0.,• . •
Sh liven; Cameron 0., July 1et,•1863. •
Oth.oo of JAY COU.KBi
At JAY COOKE A CO, Bankers
..,li4 SOUTH , TfirßD sTREET, •
• :.' . - Philagelphla,- Nov;l 2 1 ;'4.
A The undersigned . haying been appointed
'.. SUBSCRIPTION, - *AGENT.by the Secretary'of
...the Treasury; is , now 'prePared to furnish, • et
—.. onqd* the, c- : • ' . -5... .. . -• . .
• ...' New ' , Twenty Year 6 per '
ct. Bonds:: -
of . the '' , Dnited,Stntes; . designated -as c , Five
' . TWenties," retieemable at the pleasure.of l'l
Government, after five years, and authori: 6: .
• by 'A'e'cot..Coneress, approv.ed Feb.:2s, 1864:
The COUPON BONDS are issued .in sums c
• sso,:sise,.ssoo, $lOOO. . . . .
'. .. The REGISTER' BONDS .in sums of ..$5O,
$lOO, $500,• WOO .eed : ssol:ll.k. . ... • '
Interest alaiii'per 'cent. per annum wd.l•
commence from 'date 'of purchase, and is . •
. • .......• PAYABLE .IN. GQ1.1),.
.. . .
Semi - Annually, which is equal, at the presint
premium Ongold,.pi s aliout EIGHT PER CENT
Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitaliste k
and ill..Whia lave ;any. money to.invest, shonk
kinikv and,remenaber. that-these ;Bonds
ndo are; le .
'eff 'ect l a 'FIBST.MORTOAGE up o n all ;Re
• '.. roads,'Canals; Bank StoCks and.Securities,sar(
' . . thsimMenie prodUctsof . all .. the Manufacturir
. . ..., ate ii Ile:, hi, the Country: ' and that the full in c
aMple:prevision',Made ror.thi payment -of the
. .. interest and:liquidation 'of Principal,- by 'Dui- .
- . : i thm4DMies, , Excise Stamps and Intermil.ReV
;!enue, serves to Make ..these bonds the... -
Boot ''. • '. •
. . , . .
~ .
,'lost Afailable . r.aiii:llost•Poplar Investment
, .
..!:,.., ,, ,, , ,4:,,,. ; ,,,..:: ; ..in z t e, at et Li. ..'. *. ~
,;-' thibicriPtiont'iiCei,idd at PAR in Le al. Ten '
r.:;,, liptes,-Or N . stes..and checks ,of .banks at'par
..., Ai', 1ide.10,1114 :•
.Spbserihers 1 ?3 , ingot will re- .
gl i p
~...,:',1..41, isf . keiMMOaftenf:lon and; every MeiltY and
eiPlial*.kielifwill'... be.?"rififordf;d'.'on 'application' to.
r.', - ..ltifilke,;;;'i' . ',.....:•"?';', i ,..... 7 -1 - .''/' .. i I' . -,: ,'.' . : 7 - '',
''''''''i';' , !4,..._ ; ittil' 06 1 4 ; : frandii 'vilr , b6.k . e.pt'ori hand
''',foo,Miiri,idistedelivery. '',. . ....'. - ''z..:*. , , ..'.: .
p':?, ...., ' , JAY COOKE,..Subscription Agent.' •
'fi':: s :::''.' ,- ,,; , `. ) :::-...-,': - : . —1 ,, . . ' • . .
'I ' IAND - Ti illrl EAS Y ! !
titionni2e . l9 the tili:46lB
it .
WltEi . ol and adjoin:ink coPlitiea . thattitoy
enn . :llO . on..Welt in Sinetlipnri, in The Stove anal,
tin.wore:-line., 'us in Olean.:. 1 . 0101, at all
times, hnve on hurvl , n',lnryn - iimock of ; . ' .
..; . Slut 1 (_, (i) r; Per'
4J) PILE, A Ni r ) Pl MPS
116(11. Jrco and 11 . 0oge=6iiii011:11artilVare,.. tkc
Job Work,
ull kinds d'on . e
- toiy manner/. at: the, lowestpoisible
Orders protrißtly-uOenittll-tn.
. .
. .
m 6.. building i)wn. ns
occupied by
J..Noui's - e—S.alethpri'ri, • ..••• '
' May ISO; • • • • L.' W.MASON,.
. • ' 1 . roprator.
M 'DEM o.itit:BPS rirritliOtt (,)F, ititi I cllyi4,—T h o
111 bent and ninat'yellelife Pashinti Alegasina in the
thinCtlier the.lari,,,it end !Mail Ion:06n,
thogrbatest rininlior or line Engrav, the latent Mill
mina reliable inforiolluti, three Patterns for
Druabies, and a about ofnaie unit Thislirori
deriu l!etterne., Evers Jtollier, Dreguniiiker, hlilleuer.
nun Luny; ghunld hove it PiltIli8)1011 - quarterly', et •17.1
Ilreedway,'New.Ynek, nnLf oetrrivLura br 'sent by milli
:4 25 cents, ;'early $l, with a valualiiiiiiretnium
Thu Saintlier uu whey now. randy': •
A !inntertii:uttuttle;, ItELI A 13L•E' And PRAC
T[CAL Journal, tleyott4;'.to'.:thy .
pfietlntints of Sod ctileurqso4 as.grawing:Field
'Crops , aril. Garden' ; Gorden
Vegetables anal Plniye'rs Trees, .Plants, and
Flowers for the. Lawn or 'flird r ca:ea DO
mestic. 80.,:an8 :to Household
Lnl)ori;. It infs also
.an, interesting 'and instrtte 7
;lye. de . pn rtnient - for children sin . lyourh.. • •
A lull C;iterrar of ; Operations eyery
Teren.to FotirHundred; or InPre,
Fln4;nvings'Appear.ln each yolitine. •
•• 'Oe'erilwelve-,Hondred pinii),-practicnG in
sii-netive:aqie!es. and useini 'given
• The Ed i (Uri, a nil
• trib to re 'are'. all Rite ,
tieul.7Workin : g Nen:
i , uching:s Um.,Ar;toici . YrurLl wr.o . ron- .
fluid 19-oOStateroi 4eritory, bui:art• adopord
Ike vayei of all section,. of the..renoi,r—ii.
its fra me indictite,qfor the wholc,Am ICA N . CON-
A GERMAN EDITION is published, of the .
some' size 'and 'price' as !.lie*Foglish, and coo'.
lainiuk . all of its, reading mutt.er.and' iisf niitne 7
roue illnstrufive erigruSings.::
:• One 'copy, ono, year, • , sl Op
.Six•coples, One.year. • 5 09
.• • ..
or•rtiora coPies one year 89 .cents each:
• to the' above', ratee . : Postage to
Canada 6 cents, to England• and France, 21
ecnis ; to'Oermany, a 6 cents:. . •
Postage anywhere In. the' United States and
Terri t ories must be Paid . .by thdenbScriber; and .
ia•,only 3itr; cent.i year, ii paid •in advance at
the ranee where received,..
All business and other cammtinicationa 'should
be'reldresised-to, the Editor, and Proprietor, •
• • OttANGE J.UOD,' , llPark.Row, N. Y. City.
. .
. . TO. OUR • SUBSCRIBERS:- • • .
, •.
'!Thecorrimencereent.of e new year is a good
time for. renewing subseriptions and increasing
the circulation of the ,lout nalof Commerce.—
We address ourselVes'tiii the old readers nf'thii
parr, with entire.conflifence to their. willing
ness t9llid its,' and exteniLthe.:influence - 91 the
sound conservative Principle and . morals.which
have hitherto:Characterized'and will•::hereafrer
efiaracterize . this - paper.
Journfil'of -.Eomirtertce might. do 'a great
serVice• to. these principles, end strengthen us
iireUr ability:to support aptleirculate thee, - by.
.seniting tislthe name of at' least One new sub
scriber in.hie town. , • • •
~..Devoted•firmly we bane been to our form
try's 'interests, arid having lone been
“Huirin Saiers" as a.term - of reproach, we are
and'shall by the'firrif upholders of
.. •.
epposing wirlr,heart and pen Tvery man, South
.or North, who is an enemy to 'either.. 'Every
form 'ef disorganization and revolutiorryvill find
ne trendy for thecombat. Among the foes of
the' American 'Union and American principles,
we'rank..side by side • . • ••• . . •
'and We propose with all 'our'strength tri:defernl
the nation uplink the.'attrielzo ol both.
'A' LIBERAL OFEER... • " . '2
To'eneenrage 'those: who may..volunteer ati
aid in the' organization or Clubs, we hereby
. an . extra copy. oft[ e Weekly. te.eVery per:
son ile Shall ferward twenty:new subscribers
With the' money..•
maybe organized in, .Communities with groat.
advantage. The present , is the best ,period for
their eommenceinent.. The terms on which
we.can furnish • the paper are as f ollows: •
To companies taking . • .•
20 copies or upwards 'UNP..DOLLAtt. each
. 13 copies .FIFTEEN DOLLARS.
,8 copies ,
.TF:N "
4 copies . Tut' ' •
3 copieS • • . FIVE .
Under 3 copies, , TWO each
The Papers. 'will . be . addressed. to different
Persons at the same Post Offic:e, if 'desired, ex'-
cept' in cases of • clubs of 13 . or more copies,
which, will be.maileeto one address..
may.fte made at the following. rates :- . 7 -Papers
added to a club during the first quarter of - the
crub'S year will pay the full rate or. the origi
nal club for year, during the second quarter
three4onrtbs of', the original year's rate, during
.the , third wiener one half, and. during !he last
quarter;onerfourth, . ane all such subscriptions
,vvill•terminate. with the year:•of the 'original
clubs .
g04;.p0 i t : , 3
. •
.Virhere packages of 'newspapers or periodicals
are received at any i gost office directed to,One
iddrese, and the'na esof.the.club ot•Subscri
hers ..to which •they.,belone, With the Posiage
ffir.a quarter in advance, shill be handed to the
postrnaster,he.'shall m
deliver:thi sae to their
respective owners: .'-. '. • • • • -
I3nt:'Ahis•' does [inn), to vil,pekly,neWsp . apers
which eilenlate free in the nounty•where prin
ted and'putlitihed., ' • •
117 - Addrtss ,Editors of. Me:Jour/id of Co In
nietio; TP*4l rreot N4to
. . Editors and Prnprietoic
1 ! ':!...'......:,.A ., :-•:,: - :,41.1R•7, - .. -,
..0, ;; --- rs :, - '•• ,••• ap •,, , y..:•• ~.'•:.:.:, x , .: •:::?, ?
And :fur, the speedy cute of followlng,pomphilutst
Scrofulir ntitl Serrifail o nit - Alreetlons;suplli
on leuua ors, Soren, Eruptions,
lei tool es, .
JP -Itlotelli ea, Bollsi
• 'l3la/mis, Wort al/ ,I:llfilis'lNireasies , . •
. .
. • • ;sl,kai.Aicn, 111(1., Gill Stine;lBsl).
`J. - C . . Arbit.it: I feel' it my duty 'to
ledge n int 3
.ilutin for me
: intvit.l h inherited it 1 4 6,1111011 S 1111lial.)111, liniot suilmred
from 11 1313430 w la wayxl for, •carts. • •kiiitociiiinea It' burst
o It t-. mitt toy, intone and afoot;' sometimes It"
• turned ,lowara tool distressed toe ut t stunincli.
.3 eitre ego itlirrltoyuft 'oly,itend tool covered itly•acalp
and eart3 without hare: which 'was polofithrold loatioaatie
la , ytaitl'•ltscrlptioth I I rietlationy (61.111:1111..8 . 6110 beans i
• . 't It bur without tottilt relief bum too/1111;1g. • In
' fact,
,tile , 3llsllnier s gt i•W wore, At length I W . :l[l . fejolcpd
• L 4111.1111 lo the Iltlspal :Mese-engin' that, your loaf preplifed
• ail alterative' (Salsa pariiiii),•l3 ,c 1 litre,- float ylair reptile-
Unli !Ca any thing p/ii tooth, - noon Ito ;Goad: sent to
got 11, and, used it till It aortal tutu,. •I took
3,11113.103.0, in..+mrdl gi.heti of n'ti;m:ponfirul tivo•
1111,11111.,01.1111!,1 , (1 udiuest 11114.4, healthy
skim titlqll 1101011 to hire touter Una scan, it hick after a '
;33 . 41143T0! tof." 31y 'dal' inun , n int I" know by my.
feelltiPs'llati the disease lata'Polle'notO toy fivsteni. .You
vim well. bells o-uhlttl tel what 1 mini euyinK when I toll*
ylili, that 1 hold you to he Ullll of the apostle:l.ot tlarago, '
unit remain over: gratetiply. • ' Yours, • . .
•• • . ALPItED SE:TALLEY.- •
St. Aat O Hoer, or Erysipelas,
'Potter 'trd Salt Itlre tt itt 'Heald -Heaili
'ltirtgrrorsat, Sore Ic'yea . ,..llroliies7.4
• • Dr. Robin t V, treble
lino cured
P;69,. that he lino cured rin iriceliante case of
Drointy, 3thivix flu eatiiiied -1(1 telmitaite fatally; by rho
peroitering lan; of our.liarsaparillit, and idea ir dept.:emus
ma(wient largllrloses•of the seine ;' says
tures the common- 73 . :Capt Nos by•it , constantly. '
r o it chor el 6, 'H
of treor • Swelled Neck.
en Sloan 'of •T'rortalci; Wails. *rites : Throe hot.
that of - your Sll Pll I Ilia il;11...1 11,Goitre,—a hid-.
uunti ~wellin g on •necir,.Which 1 had eulfgred from
Leo riirrhoen. or.AVltll tie; ()Voiles' Tumor,
• 11 lor too :Ulceration, FesaaleDlifeaseis.
113r..1, 13. S. CliantiliK,' of' Now' York City, writes; "1..
1110 ht ehecrfolly e y ttil pip with the roiliest of yOuregent In
sayinn.T hare footol- ynor Pließaparilla a most excellent
alturath o iltionnotta complaints' for .which wee
eiiiplos midi 0 letiletly, nut especially in Illriute Diseatc.l
of : , ar.,rooltH)lll,9,ollm. .1-lutvu cured many Inveter
ate raife's of Linicorrliten t, 'and somewhere the coma:,
plaint wino Cillriett 13 ttleenttAnt'.of tho.utertis, Tito ulcer,
ation itself wns noel' cared, Nothing within my . .knowbi .
edge equalm it fifti these female derangemenbt" '
• •
.Eilirnril Tl 3: :11iirreiv, of Newbury, Ala: .wrltes, "A Ann.
geri ins 01,1)1(1 . 11 honor-on ono aLlhu funutlex'hi toy family,-.
, whiih all the remedies we-could employ, has.
'Ol leingt It been completely oared by youti.Extrnct of Sar
saparilla:, Our tiliy*iitivtlimittlit' nothing bat extirpe.
lion couliirtflerd. relief. but of - your,
.Sarsapai init. as the last resort. beibre• cutting, 'mot it
tens ed"rp2•chud: .Aner.lithltig.yOur remedy eight
Jill xf,npintu of Old ditieliSo 1011110118."
• Syphilis illeretarial Disease.
2bt h Atigiutt, 1551"
' .T. Alma: Sir; I cheerfully miniply with , the re.
"Meat of your neon t,•itail repeat° you Some of .the ellocte'
I have realized with your 81tMaparlile:, ' • •, '
• I here rnrud wltll It,in my prnetice r mest of the : rota.
Paiii le for 1111CII :it Is reeonnnended, and have Omialiti
effects truly
.wendorfal In the cure of rinereal and ,Ifer.
Omi of my patients had Syphilitic tileera
hi his throat, which were consuming his palate-and the•
top of his mouth. • Your Sarsaparilla, steadily* taken,
.in live weeks.' Antither ass attacked by tee•.
molary. spin/toms' in 'nose, and the 111C0111tIOl load•
eaten away n considoiallia part-M . .IC, so Witt I 'believe the
flaunter would soon' reach tile brain and kill ban. • Ilut It
. •
yielded • to. my aihnipisirliliou of your Sarsaparilla: tho
uleetp healed, and lie is well again, not of Colirse without
sum...disfiguration •tu.hig face. A woman who had he'en
•truated . llama disordei by inerenry
front: this poisOn'ln her bones.• They had betoige so nee.
shire to thb weather that On a darnp,day she suffered ox.
erucialing pain In Joints and bones. Itho, too, was
mired enlirely by your Sarsaparilla lu a we'eks.
know Worn Its furinula,whial your agunt glire•tne, that
this Preparatitni:.frorn your laboratory. must Le a. great
rolnotlY . consegnen tly,
: these truly remarkable. results
with it hare nut sniplised Elie. • •
, • Fraternally yours,
. • .
'Rho tism, Coot ir.ti , er' Complaint.
• INDEpwon.igue,- Preston Co., Va., Bth '3lldy, 1859.
Dn. J. C.' Aran 1 linen heen afflicted with a pain.'
.1)11 chronic Rheornatism for n long. time,Avldeli baffled the
skill of physirlan'it, and stuck. to me hi spite ofall the
remedies 1 could lied, until 1 tried your Sarsaparilla., One
Willa cured me in tao.weeka, sad restored my general
health .ito Winch that 1 am far, better than before I was
attacked.. 1 think it a wonderful medicine. J. FREArd.
bf Ft: Innis, writes hove been,
afflicted for years with an . ajpdion of Me. liver, which
drsiriwisi iny health. 1 tried every thing, and every thing
relieve me; 11111 i I have been a hrokemdown man
fur seine years' honk no other cause then deongeinent of
the Meer. My.belot•rd pontor,111(0ioy. Mr. Espy, advised
me to try your Sarraparllla, lierauSe he said lie knew ycn,
and Way thing you nude wee worth trying... thy the bless
lag of (laid it het en wi me, auntie KO periled my blood
as to make IL new man of mo. I feel' young again.. The
-lod that can lie sold of you In not half geed enough."
. . , ... . . .
Seliirrita,Cancer T tttttt n.q, Enlargement, -
' Ulceration, Carle* and Eitollation of
.tiro Bones. • '
. ..
. gust A .vaileiy of cases have liepti.reported.to tie where
cores of lirese form bliil de complaints Imre resulted from
the lime of.this 11.1111iy. but our Space here trill not admit
• theni.• 'Sumo of them may lie, found in out: • Ititierieart
Almanac, ;Odell the agents below named are 'drowsed to
farnieligridisroall.'who call for thorn. • ' '•.: • ' :''
li t yspeivs In, lienra 'Moen ne,.Ftts,
.")1 y, Melancholy, Itlesarntgla.
reniOrhable curerof these effectionalave been
mode by the Illterittlropowdr . of this Medicine: . It ettmuv
bites the vita& hinciltem into• vigorous action, and thus
overcomes disorders whicti 'would he supposed. beyond Its
reach.: Such a remedy has, Inng been required by the no.,
-sessions of the peeple f end We are confident that thli,wll.l.
them ell that medicine' can do. , .• ,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
von Ta; ItA. Op min -Or
. . .
. .
Coughs, Colds, Inuenza,- lionrseness,'
. Croup, ,lironehilis. Incipient. Con..
:sumptioniLand. - for the - Relief • •
•"o Consumptive Patients
In advanced Singes •
of the Disease... .
Thin la a.retneqy, no universally known to surpass any
•other for tliu (mat of throat mid lupg complaints, that It
is. 11H(40,49 hero to publish the evidence of its virtues.: Its
iiir exCellonce for roughs 'and colds, nud its truly
wonderful cures of pulmbnary, disease, have made It
known throughout the. eivitieoJ nations. of , the earth.
Few are'the'yeteinttnities, iir even familia, among than
'vette' have Ind some personal 'experience of its elfects—'
90100 living trophy tir their midst of victory over the
subtle - and dangerous disorders' or the' throat and lunge.
Ale nit know the dreadful fatality of,these disorders,' s,nd
no t hey. 1111 TV, too; the effects of this emedy, we need not
du mare than to assure them -that it has •novf all ant:vir
tues that it Old have'u hen'making the cures Which have
won CO strongly upon the confidence of mankind: • .
.Yrepaied by Dr. J. C.AYER ;54 CO., Lowell, Man,
& Co., Sinethport; 0:s,tood;
B.radford; DOley, Poll Allegany, and by
dealei . s.eveiywheke. '• '
THE Sabscrihri having purchased this well
known stand; and re-furnished and refit
ted the 'House . ; is prepared to entertain. Board
ers and the Traveling puhlic. • • • •.
Will be well supplied, and eyerything• done
to merit liberal . share of patronage. Raft
men Will ulwaYs find the 4, latch-string" out. • '
. • '• . • P. M. PULLER.
Kendal CreekiTanuary 2, 4860. . 38-ly
Change of Ho..urB
Commencing Monday , Noy..l7th, .1862.
Trains will leave Oleanlat about the followhig
hours, viz: • ...
Way. Freight
No. 21
Night Expres
Way Fieight,
Nos. 3, d; and 8, run every day. No. 6 runs
Sundays, but not . Moildaye. Train 3, of Saturi'! ,
from Ng,vv.York, runs throUgh to Buffalo,
but-dohs not; run to Dunkirk.
CHA RS 'MINOT,. Gehl Stipt.?
1863. r 1863.
Y , _
~ ~ ::~
. 'great I inCtrnytir s ßOAD• )flifi
Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city
ot Erie, on talie':Etie.
It has been leased by the PENIISYLVA:”A R.
Ti..COMPANy, and under their auspices. is,being
.ispidly:ahened thipitithOut its 'entire feitigth..
j.t now in ~use for Passenger. anti Freight
businehs .from . Haanismind. to I)itierwoon,
(2nd Porlt):[l77 mi!es] • on the P . :astern D,lvisi
ions am) from StIgIFFIELI) to E.;rre,.(7 . Bmiles:)on
the Western DNision; . • • •„, •
Express train leaves
arrives l .
. TIME nr PASSENGpf. TRAINS AT sneiliaLu
Leave Eastward.',-
Accomoda tic!' Amin;
sioo .
Cars 'run :through :I;vrrininT • cnaN . OE . bulk:
.vaya on !hese trains het wean . Philadelphia:and\
Lurk Haven, and , between.Batiinere and Lock I
. .
. .
. . .
• ELEWT SLEEPING. Cars on 'Fixpi . ess: trains
both' ways, betwesn Williainsport,, and Balti
mOre and Williarnsport and Philadelphia. .. ''..
- . For. information respecting Passanger buil
ness apply at the S. E, Corner 1.1. th and -....V1ac-
. .
Aniffor Freight business of .the Corripiiny's
• , .
S. B. Kingooo, Jr., Cor..l3th anti'Mirkc
StE.,Thllatielphra... • • •
•. • ,
Three daily traina to and from.Baltimpre and
Washington,City.. , Connections. made with,
I.t•ins on . - pennsylynnia Railroad' to and from
Pittsburg and"the West, Two trains daily.to
and from:the- Nor tit . and -West Branch,. Susque
harma, Elmira antfallNorthein New York.
ON AND. AFTER • MONDAY, - Nthiember,
17, 1862; the Passenger-Trains of the Northern
Central Railway will arrive' and • depart
Harrisburg and Baltirpord as follows,-vii
. .IqA I I.;• TRAIN leayes Siinbnyy daily (exce'pt
S,tinday)ti .45,,p.. m.; Yes Hdryisburg at
5.20 and arrives uf•BaltiMore .af: 10.20-
EXPRESS TRAIN 'Veavei Sunbtity. daily
(except Sunday) at 11.29 A). m. , leaves
burg . ( except Monday),at .245 . a.' [s, and ar
rives BaltimUie. daily (eirept Monda) at
lqayes Harrisburg . daily . at 905 a.m.' . .
;MAIL TRAIN. leaves Baltimore:Jail) teic...
• Sunday . Tat: 13;30 a:" m., Harrisburg at 1,15
p. m., and.arrives at Sunbur . y
EXPRESS TRAIN leaves 13alliurinredaily at
8.40 p.m., atrivai at Harrisburg, a at' .
and leavealiarrisbnrg daily. [except Monday)
at 3.20 a. and arrives at Sunbury at 0.20
leaves Baltimore. daily {except Sunday] at 2:45
p.`m., and arrives at•Hdrrisburg . at 8 p. m.
For furtherinformation apply at the Office,
in Pennsylvania Railroad Depot:.
• ..J. N. DiiBARRY,
• ' - Superintendent. •
Harrisburg, Noli. - . 14, 1862. '
. EDITOR OF DestoottaT;Dsaa. Stu:—.With your
permission 1 wish to say to the readers of your
paper' that . .l will send by return mail to all
who wish it; Efreela Recfpe, 'with full dirk—
tionslor making and tieing a simple Vcgetable
Balm, that. will effectually remove, in ten days,
Pimples, Blotches, Tan,:freckles,..and all impu
rities of the.Skin,•leavingthe same soft, clear,
'smooth 111111 . . •
also mail 'free to .those haying Bald
Heads M. Bare Faces, simple direetions and in;
formation that, will:enable them to start •a full
growth iii . Luxurient Hair, Whiskers, • or a
Moustache, in less than 30 days. All applica—
tion'sansWereil by return mail without charge: .
Respectfully yoars;
• . • ' Chemist, . •
No. 831 Broadway, New York..
'been:granted to the undisigned en • the
. I.,,state • of Det.os A. NonTurtar. (acnownas De r
los A Root), deceased; late of Lafayette
township, .11 , 1 1 Kean eetinty,
.Pa.,all persons
Indebted to .said estate are requested to make
imMediate.payment, and those having claims
against the same will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement and allovrance.
Larayette,•reb. 28, 1863.
. Thin preparation, made fiord the 'beat iave 'Coffee; is
recommended by physicians as superior NUTRITIOUS
BEVERAGE for. General, Debility, Dyspepsia, 'and all
bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled
to abandon the use of coffee will use this without icjurt-.
ons effects.: 'One can contains the strength of two pounds
of ordinary coffee, Price SA cents. ,
The parent and beet BAKING POWDER known, fcia
making light , sweet and. natl.' tioue Bread and calms:—
Price 15 mite. '
KOLLOCK, Chemist,.
• Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets;
And sold by all Druggists and Grows.
. . . . .
Just published, inn Sealed Env elope._ Price Six Cents
• •
-Radical Cure of Sperroatorrhomt, or nominal Weeknens,
-Involuotery.Emissions.Rexual Debllty,andlntMedimente
to Marriage generally,'ltlervousnese. OposUmidioef.Epi
lepsy and Fits ;.• ?dental and Physical Incapecity, - result•
Mg from Self-Abuse. &e, —By Ronta CoLvEawett ; M.
,11., Author of the Green .B oak, &c. : • • ' • . •
• The world-renowned Author, La thieedmirable Lecture
clearly r 'roves from his.own experience that the.awhil
• consequences of Self-abuse. may. be effectually removed
without medicine, and without dangerous surgical Opera.
Hone, tnntiee,tnetruments, rings, or cordials, notating
out a mode •of cure et once .certAln and effectual, by
which every eutTereri no !water what .butoondition may
be, may cure himself • cheaply ; privately,'and radically.
This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thou-
10:08 A. .14
4:13 . P. 11 , 1
• 1:05 . 1 ) . M
1:00 A. M
7:10 P. M
'5:19 P. M
• 1:15.M
. . . . .
sent under neat, In a plain!nivelope, to any addreed; on
receipt.of els cents, ur tyro poste entempe, by addresa•
lug,.. Dr.OIIA4J. C. KLINE," •
lgrßowery, New York, Post Mice Box, 4466 . .
O. 15032. 9y. ' • • •
J.•W..Reinolds, Erie. , • .
J. M. DrilLiAgeni.l4, C. E. R., Billtimpre.
,"„ .•'
;en? 1 Freight Ag't
Levi is L.• H9urt, . •
• : : Geiet Ticket Ag' l •Pht?'a..
Ailmia istrator
-. •
• •
T \ pLEAN !
LT '..!/01 . .ES THE X,EAD:!
Old triende id? IleKeui) Couint.ir,' that -he is
. . • ,
'on hand this SpiYint us, usual, With
• ; LARGI I St 4111) .
Selected stock of Go ode in the Olean Market
. .
Wholesale Cull •Buyirs I - . Wouid' . Say;
4 :20.p. M
, . .
I can °flir you Letter induceineAts than PA
can ge.t west ot..Ne cv York. • • , •
it: tniikes Ailier'et ice" whe . t you any
thing:in th'e tine of • " .
6:40 P. M
Call at the'
And you will find the fresh and cheiip
It's; no the
alwnys has and alw•ays.wilp. take the.lead; ant
r4iilate . the market in , • • • .•:
GrOcerics . 'ro44,o.Ais
. . .
feil to call . and see me • when yob • visit
Olean ; ; .' f ihal l not hurt you, t. !ut shall certainly
try to doyou gobth• , . .
Olean, May 2,3 i; 1360
MME. pumQuE sT's
.. • •
• RUNNING sTacit '• .
5: Sewing. 314 -
The embodiment of, practicalt...itility, and a
marvel:Of simplicity ; makes ihe-ri inning stitch
very rapidly'and perfect, uses'union needle
and will list a lifetime. At .the New. York
• State•Fair,'lts simplicity , efficiency'„ and gieat
practical utility, was 'conli imed the • award
of the Fit Premium. • . • .
•It will Gather, Baffle,. Shirr; 'l 4 u ek,• Run up
Breadths, etc., with :a single or 'do ttble thread
on any material adapted to , the Burn Stitch,
The thinnest, usually the most'difficu' it to stitch
by "other sewing • machines; 'being• sewed tliq
easiest: For ladies' and. childrens ' apparel.
and other. articles made of light hibri cs, it will
rherefore.be !mind almost islistammx • •
It is. titiached-to the table like a sec(' bird,
and baying' tension, and requiring nolatpl
cation or change of stitch; is - always ready for
operation, a'nd su'clt.a marvel of'slippli,•7lty th a t
a child six or'ei,ght . 'years ran' U'N'1)11:R: • , :r AND it,
and use ii-SPCCESSFOLLY. •
It ifi.no,t , ntall 'liable to get oi:tu, .rn
Each machine 6:ppt up in a' neat box, areom
panied with and explicii direction is,- ant
twenty five needles, • . •
Sent to any 'addieF.s • in • the United Ste tea •on
receipt of nrcorder, inclosing,:thfi omo:u .
they collected by Expres on didiVory
,• When the money is sent, with the Order • 'and
registered, we giiararptee its safe receipt at id' the
delivery of the machine ; anywhere within .2000
- miles free of any Express charges.' . . •
Very liberal arrangernentifoi agencies- .;
Se4Miatton OP FASHIONS, dr for full pa.} rticu
lars r spicimen of sewing,•ete., send a sterol, for
return postage
• 'Address,
4 . 73 Broadit•ay' Y
Every, lady, mother,. milliner' and dresi-r I na
ker, should have one of theSe ,valuable sem' tat
1 - 'OF . A PIERVOUS YOUNG ;MAN.--Pul .';) 7
lisped as a warning and.for the" especial beifeh t
of young:men;'and thoie . whci.suffer With '
VOUS DEBILITY, Loss 1:11 ,. ME31011 , /, PREMATURI
DECAY, &C., Ric„ . by, one who bas.cured him ,
self by simple' means, after being put to great •
expense and '. through the' use of
worth less-rnedicin ee prescribed by. learned Doc:-
tors.. Single copies may be had (free) of 'the
author, C. A. L'AmnEirr, Esq., Greenpoint Long.
Island, by enclosing an addressed .envelope.—
. The Perfection of Mechanism.
Onto:4 the prettiest,
: meet convenient, and
decidedly the best.and.cheanese timepiece for
general and reliable use, ever offered. It has
within it and connected with its machinery, its
own wincling,altachment, rendering a hey en
tirely unnecessary. The cases of this Match
are composed of two metals the outer one
being fine 16 Carat: It • has the im;
proved rubf : action lever movement, and is
Warranted - an accurate timepiece. .Price; super.
bly eneraVed, per case of a hall dozen, $O4.
00:•Simple . Watchett,'m neat morocco boxes, for
those proposing to buy at whole'sale, $35, sent
by express, with bill payable:on.delivery:Sol
diers must remit payment in advance; as we
cannot collett from : those in the. Army:: Ad ; '
dress ' • •
been restored to.bealtli in a few days, after un
dergoing 'all the neual routine andliregular
pensive modes ortreatinent ; Without, seam's,
considers it his sacred duty to edrumunicate to
his afflicted fellovv creatures the srasnaor cults
Hence, on the 'receipt of an.addressed envelope;
he will . send .'free a'copy of the preacription
used. Direct to Dr: JOHN M. DAGNALL)
186. Fulton Street ; Brooklyn; N.. Y., •
wli,; : i:r,s,livirllce i vi - p . 1P1J.110 7.
. . . .
.. , .
: 'These Pumps have, now:been:in general
. use
a nuinheof.Yeas,and giva..better. satislaCtion
than any other, and are recommended as ' •
. .
. •13. V S.T I' •
by Copt Erriesoil,and.other eniinentEpgMeeis.
We rain • refer to ,thousiltyli using. theta, and
gimiariteeiha! theM. They
are more simple in' constroetiOo; aod Work anal,
er, and Cost less than all others. :• , • •' •
" 0 r .reistlerS wili - find the double . acting
proved..Porori of J. D. West SzCO., one of . the'.
best iir the merkei.: It ,vety simple, works
to' a-c.hOrm,So that any - child may use it; thiewa.
steady continnoui stlearn, - and does not liee . -ze
.in the coldest otposures, and is nnusually.cheeri.
We say this knowingly, and give the testi nio
ny orour own accord, without the knowledge•
or request of 'the prrillrieters.'—N- I% Evening,
•Post, Jn/y ht; 4863. " • - • •..
. . .
Phis marcertify, that. I have been using,. at
tray manniatory, forthe. last fonryeara; , ..Westa
Improved Turnps.' I noVv•haY.e . in use. three :ot'
said pampv,.one of which , is kept •constantly at .
hours each day (except Sdadays) and
'pronounce . them,' unhesitatingly.', the pest pampa
that [iaire'beea.broaihf. to. my notice, 'having'
used Many athera.previously. They...are
pie in' thetr co . nstrri'ct ion, and .not: easily . ttisnr
New tdrk,Oct...4'o; 1859
J. IVE;ir &to. :.•IVe are pleaseii to state
that the Purnps_vve had orlon, about a Vat ago
,have beep iri Constant : tise,l2 hotiri each 'daffy,
and raise for the use of our . IyOrileu . Factory,
about 1 . 30 g_allOns per minute. They work with
Vut little power, compared With . primps we. have
used.hi;fore, antt,ilo not get oat' : of repair, and
are satistictory in all resyects. Yours,-&c.,,.
Sot:oN.RomNsON to the farmers Club, Jan.
N larmer whoc4ns'a well or'. Cistern can
possibly afford be without - an iron pump. •1t
shOuld..he lit once a suction and troree pump—a
.perieet little. fire errinestie.h.a one known as
t West's Improyed Pump.'' I - speak:of. pump
because I happen to know it,to . be very siniple,.
duvahle, powerful asp cheap, and it don't freeze.
up, nor get out ord,er.onee'a year. .know
this, and think:l may be doing . .the farthers
good by speakirig of it.: A boy ,10 years , Old .
run •Work.it,•and throw a - Continuous inch-land-
Jt-quarter . stream. .It can be made - to - work in
deep wells - as well.in as in shallow:ones."
From the.Neiv Yoik Ohierver
We have had .i,U . use . for months • pest 'one . of
West",s Ptimps . , which has given us 'more
faction. ai,a force end lifting pump than•tiny we
have ever used: It is one of great. poWer; and
well adapted for 'ship's decks; mines., factories,
green houses, graperies, &c:, &0.. The Mining
Chronicle and railway Journal says: ' . •
It is. recOmMeniled'for ITS ekfreme simplicity 0,1
construction, great strength, and .crinsequent
durability and cheapness of repair: There is' no.
stuffing box—the pressure beid held by a, cup
,parking ; like .that . .upod the; working. piston,
.working in:a, cylinder, 'fitted
,for the purpose
within the•upper.air chamber- 7 ;•which we think,
a greafirn,Proyeinent, as Stuffiing.is so liable to
he derfingo, and leak under strong pressure,' to
,say nothing of the' loss • by, frictiOn• incident
thereto. - It has also ',two air .chambers; thus.
the action of the valve is cit'shioned - 'upon.' both
sides by, air--preventing • Water 'hammer, and
yacern thump.. The valves are very.acceasihle,
and simply and cheaply repaired.- They . work
much easier :than any pump we have ever seen.
the 4.ineh cylinder bong,worked'hYchildren
well.loo feet deep, and: they are extremely .
cheap as'well as , simple and ; strong, welri ; ely
recommend theth. . • • . • •
' I have used this pump for one ,suirimer rand
*inter, exposed . .to the North ,West wind
lng over Long Island sound;being , the coldest
Possible ezposure, and at no time didit . freeze,
nor were we unable at any time to pump"water.
with great'ease. • H. B. MCILVASN.
• The undersigned, : havinh to use .Wes
proved Punapi, cheerfully recommend then:L.llß
Simple, durable and, powerful in raiiing and
throwing vvater, and for their ease of action;
security against frost ; and low price, we .be—
lievethern'superior to.all otherti.
,:. WARREN LELAND, Met. hotel, New York...
J. W. POMEROY, Yonkers, N. Y. •
Cambridge ;line, N. C., lune 15; , 1863.
J.C0..:& co • „ ••
Gents--The pump which I ordered fcir our
.Mine is received and put-to Work in our under
lay shaft, which we are sinking. 'We find that
one man will with ease lift-5o gallons per min,
We lifted in three and a half hours all.the
water in the , shaft, which measures seven by
twelve feet and 80 feet deep, and it was full
when we commenced. it answer's our expecte
tionsin every. respeet, arid our workmen are
iighly pleased with:it. It will do great- ser
%' ice with but .trifling, expense . for.repairs:
." • 'Yours, respectfully, •
, .
HIGGINS ' " - . • ' BURR
We have plenty more such certificates
th': ink these . are enough.' For, Pumps,
Pi pe address or call upon
J. D. W eat & Co., 179, Broaduriy, N. Y.
. _
P ENSIONS 'for disabled Soldiers,-Widows,
Mot' hers., and minor .Children, BUNTIES
for Soldiers discharged , by , reason of wounds
reee .battle,; . WidowS..and .Heirs of de-'
ceas..ed Soldiers.. B.ei,CE PAY. and "settlement
of a.. .II arrears end , . balance due discharged and
deer., Officers Soldiers and Sailurs. PRIZE
NEy for all United States vessels: .
and,-BoOklof Instruction sent; by e nclosing
to pay return.'postage... • .
Solicitors of - Points 'and Patents,
(Un.'der Broad way Bank) Zpark Place; N. Y: •
, .476 Seventh Street, Waehington; D. V.:
. • • IMPERENOYISr.' • '
WIL LI AMSBURG• CITY BANL • ' Wirnameburg,.
Vice Vresidea. . •
••.,. ..3'IARTINICALBFLEISCH; - Mayor of Brooklyn, •.
ABIJAII MANN, New• York. . •
JA' • „COOK & Washingt on and PbilaVa.
Gt. Neck L. 1.,'186Q