M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 05, 1863, Image 2

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    ,••••'` . ,
..:t'.: . ;.,•::',%L.t.,,,,cVA,Stiite..C(invqation..', • • -• •• '
• • • '"'"'"'!`":";
• The 1::/!imi*lifrii•Tti!site
tbsi:_iiMinKed":l!ine7 -4 .:iee, 1 7!1*,•R1 . P.c o ck
Islikhal I,i) I I tre. :'RePresen is-.
s proeVeding4 given io.dui• is
. .ue sic, „ t
he - greatest ha
''.'•,,seV end i n ciri d pre v I Ot -
et fag 111:41:V rit meiit, which existed •on .ae•-•
count:OE thi,threalktrvil invasion of•.oist:'. Seat e,
VirViY:ll:VlVett 'w^N . present.
..Large numbers
' goopltt:lrtimalmost , evary..risirt of the State
',' - I,44;irittendance, showbiz conclusively that
• : 1110.!Aemokretie miliaria felt deep interest in
tile Convention. The final
reetilt F 4thiaeministin* Gina. •'Wood ward
o . tor Governo,Tand *Alter 1-k J :Lowrie' for Su
praole:4odgi-'-;vsios'atsietteitwith the most rap
•• vre•intibt not; will• be
echoed by every honest heart sPennsylrania.e
Atiocink, , the thoifiande. assembled, there Wai
evident * pervading feeling ,of rest for the pie,
- end , security for . the tuture,seiticii as we have
'•-tineer:beforivwitnessed; with' this was mingled
settle of teSpeet and gratitude - toward a .the
Con'vention i , who, they % felt,
.hail 'nobly, done
their Whole daty.; • • - •
Atter. the •nommation, Messrs. Witte • and
ClymAr, the , gentlemen most prominent :before,
. the ConVention; (until the concluding ballot,)
r-:addressed thiraaserribly in the most high tamed;
. . . .
• aed'petrietie .etrain;. giving in their : adherenc e
to the ehoicii:of the Convention, end:
itemielies to niti'eviri effort;iii their power to*
peter. for'hiin Op Overwhelming
.majority. in
•: October 'next..
.. • • ' ' .
. . . .
The . nomination •of 'Judge' . WoodWarif is • of
peculiar significance•at this lime... Formany
yearepalt there ` has. hien .a settled apathy.
among the people in reference to Puhlic.affairs.
• They bed•enjOyed so icing a period of peace and
prosperity - .,that they. did . 'mit .appreciate the
dejpger of its being disturbed. They hid • for .-.
.• (titian the sublime maxim that "eternal ,vigi.
• %knee is the - price ofliberty." They „had • per- .
*Mittel! experuknaves, Wily demagogues, .
!tieal _tricksters, and iselfish,..., 'scheming politiL
thane to'asuip ill the places of power and trust
. in State *and 'National ...Adniinistra . tions.-, The.
result war; that venality end'. corruption from
• every department stelked boldly . ' forth at noon
day, and. went unvehtitt of justice. This'decay .
of .publii morels was followed.by a decay, of
patriotism, until the philinmpher, wi! viewed'
us, with aeritic'i eye,: began, to• fear that tee
Were no ioriger capable of self . government, and
•that,onr republican institations. Were. a %failure.
Front this sleep of folly we are awakened by.
thirelankirtp,of the chains which an attempted
central. despotism, tatrying to rivet upon us..
Looking . ironnd for some means, of escape in .
this. season of peril, 'we find. it nowhere except
•in a return to public virtue and a re-kindling
of the fires of patriotism, 'which* .
*lighted our
fathm a through•the dark clays of . lho revolution'
and ctliminatedlicf securing our liberties •under
the'..bast government ever devised by man.
in this reactionary movement lowarils pub
lic safityNetv 'Ynk and Jersey. have :token
the leadk.and ploced.at the bead of their govern
ments true patriots and' statesmen. Following
in the isme direction the Legislature of Penn
sylvaniab. last winter, elected to the United
States Senate; .a. man of Undoubted integrity,
and high qualities -se a statesman, *and now -
the nomination ni.lidge Woodivard . for Chief
Magistrite of the State is . a (other evidence *,
that the - people ate aroused 'to the importance
perile• that environ• %them.' 'Under ,
Woodward thipeopleWill feel the fullest as
parance that their right, and liberties will' be
carefully* guarded and the dignity of our good'
old .Commonwealth fully maintained. , • There
can he.no doubt
,of his election by a tiiumphant
=Seri! y. , • - .
Executioi, of Substitute Deserters.
29.,—The.Execution of thesubstitute'deserters,
sentenced to the penalty 'of death in general or
ders-No:lit, took plide.tO•day. .
'More tban.cudiriary interest was exhibited in
this execution of the mililary law * it is.estiine
ted that 'not lex. than twenty-five thousand per
sons.were present.' •' • ,
The ground wae.well selected; a ncl every ar
rangement . was so complete that no acciden
occurred to mar the aolemnity of the . pronged.
• The .positimr of the spectators .yras upon a
•semi-circular elevation, partly surrounding the ,
,place execution. .Thiteccene presented a re . -
markible view to the: stlectators.
Two of the sentenced men . were'Protestants,
two carbolic'', and the other a;. Hebrew:
spiritual advisers of each were' present; ed min
isteririg ,lhe list ceniolatiorc of religion.
• The criminals Were sitting upon their tespec
.tive yaivning graves in the rear'.
The troOpi were. drawn:up in columns by
. lions. • ,
The opdar Torimmediate execution was issu
ed by Gen:•Prillin at .3 o'clock p. m., and the
officer ot the guard,' Captain Crocker, 118th
illiannsylaania, then celled the clergymen from
their spiritual duties. *
llhe rest' is briefly told. At the order to fire
thirty-Six muskets were discharged, and instant
dentls,,ai announced brthe surgeons in:attend
ance Was the result. The • bodies* were then.
plaied'in.tbeir respective.grares, and the der
avian then performed the religious rites,..over
the;deceasedi . •
The specteclet , ' vras an ;unusual one. The
Catholic the Protestant and the Hebrew stood
side.by Mite, eaeh Amer ing, prayers for de
. parted.souls. The•netnes of the deceased- are
Gorge Kithn, John Felane, Chas.
- Walters, Geake Reinese, Ell Lai.
The clerif`en who attended the unfortunate
I,metetr ere:tba-chaplain of the 118th pennsYlva
niaMetr. C. L. - Egan, of St. Dorninic's:church,
- Wishilittilf, and •Rabbi :B. S. Scold, of Balti
' 'linynt,..Leagne ovation in Juniatta
county thereejetiir a banner carried bearing ihe
inscription 44% 1 W soldiers should elect their
' own leaders.". This is - like their' banners of
Ofioo press:" - "free speech" "good:times" &c.
• Itis aidoctiptioMitinb lying inscription. • If the
soldisiii, could could elect , their own leaders
the* would soim,eleM McClellan. .The udmin
**WM have defied the Whales of the
. soldieM al regards their ,leaderm—Northuber
j fold
ifsm!'lfinsmines:.—The Democratic Atate
Control CoMmittee..at their recent meeting in
.Philadelphia t .designand.six, places in the'fitate ,
to:hold monitor mass meetings on the 17th of
Septombity.the,iani; yof the adoption of
the Federal tonstitution, The - places seleited
;eyqlsiladelphiejlaiteastert Wllliansport,Scran,
..:1;.:7,45.1114914 end' Miiontown.—Pturioi and
. :
Of ,isiembli bt
11.90y1foida of 2d idly,' 183pi.:it:
- •
, .
:::iiNoliely':of . trooPs'
in , t h,e army of the ofTn lied
Cortirnonrrealtlr,,aballr,be pre:
Orni.rintiertilirmint' or iinermed,:at any place of .
election within' thiiComnionwealth; during the
tiniirof anch electio n." • • ' • •
ur4y, . Sept,. 5 ! .1843
' ' FOR PRE .IDENT, EN 186. i, -
Wal ter- Lowri e.
. .
credibly informed that several
meetings-have.. been held. of -late, .In en old .
school 'louse three Miles this side of Pert :Alle
ganY, near : the residenCe.ol
obinc t. sif the Meetings, bei . fo dee eaSh res .
to resist . thO exception.df. the donSeriptieti
:The men who have been - meeling4t•this place,
baye,•Sevoin'that - nOtiCe.shall never lie Served
upon those-Who happen. to .be. draf Litter6i
'Powitshiri... r in'. case. Abe officer succeeds . ..in
sorving the notice, howeeer; there is a.
: Settled
tlaterminatiOn'that nOMan'shall be faked.frinn ,
there.,partiCularliif he is a member of the gang,
they. ate also sword to burn the; %pinpertY oR
any•rnan:who nnorins the public' of: thiiiit prO : .
ceetlings.'. 'lt is hot known how manY . ltien are
engaged in thislbitsinass, but ltliChelleved they'
nre.numerous,.ait t haLthey reside.all along the:
Alleganydiver; from Turtle Point in'thia conn•
,te, to iipai Coudersport in*Piatclr County. Mr.'
Vosburg;• the Enroll fOr Liberty.
Township, while in 'this place'on s'atur.tlay last,
Was . informed. of the inteniioni of these men;
and,rill probably 'prepare. hinoielt for any enier
- getiay., - yetle. considers the story' a :heat, and
thinks there, will, be no'opposition to . the •ofrt , .
.ceis Of the Government in thodischarge of their
duties..,: Wehppe . helseorrect
.his opinion
and at the sit - rm. - time' will add that we have :no'
doubt theleading inen of Liberty toikaship will
discountenance any unlaWful proceedings.--44,
the ahoiewould.he fronted' as a pleasant
. jni:e hy the residents of this.coon!y, acquaipted
#ith the faeti.. \Ve have enquired of men liv—
ing in that neigitimrhood,wno . pronounce it
false; for the gocid name di our citizens we feel
it our duty to contradict Such report's. Air.
yoshurgis.rightshe need . not 'expect opposition
to the discharge of his.duty; if : in a proper Than:
-ThO.Cbtisetiption.ls.d tearful trial, .to a ,peo
ple who' have been taught that'ii was right to
.resist, by 'force,.a law which only compelled
the roturn.:of a negro vvtio owed.service or 'labor.
to his master; but they 'submit to 'the law,
though 'it eirrig a .fond fathor'atid husband.. from
biethotrm iffitithe Suppoitof his family,- . to
death, in a needles war. : . •
. , .
Liberty is a Pernocratii township, and it is
important to cast distruit on .its pt;oplei ain),
Perhaps, alforda plea for soldiers, to enforce the
draft; aitd ,establish, tnartid . laW. • . ,
SincC writing the aboOe we learn that the
“Loyal League" is the only “grine, sworn" to
resist 'the conacription,,or any .other law of the
There is no war news of importance.' 'Fort
Sumpter ,hasbeen reduced by our gun beats to .
a. mass of ruins; but the Union force's' have not
taken possession of, it, as othar confederate forts
command it. The rnain eflorts of the artily
seem to he, at this time, to subjugate the North.
.There are 40,000,U. S . . , treoPs• in .NeW YO'rk
city . ; taken from the Potomac army, which in
consequence is aaid;to, be, retiring on.Washitig-.
We publish the List of drafted men inilleltean
county, again, by request..• ,Some:of our town
'Cortscripa think the board of 'examination not
very skillful; being unable to discover the in—
rioits ills that should excropt.frOm Military•clu—
ty. non.) tile present indications the, army'
vall:tiot be . very largely , increased from this
last; the Republicans., alias Union, met at , the
Court House; for,the.purPose of quarreling for
'the county - spoils. - All differenees seemed to be
settled, however; in secret caucus, and the con
vention was passably hatmonioui. It , seemed
to be the desire of dPortion,oftbe delegates to
nominate Democrats. for.. the mare important.
• Officest but ilia hard heads nominated . Capt.
'Frank 'Bell, (who, by the - Way, - is a .citizen of
'New York. State , ) was nominated for Assembly,
and was Called on 'for . a tipeech,in which . he
shoWed a 'great quantity of egotism, and , l)ttC
little capacity forcommon 'sense legislation.—
The following are the county noMinations;---
„Teo. R. Chadwick for Prothonotary;
,A. N. LAl
:libridge,..sherifT; W. Brown,; Recorder; 11.
C. Cerwin and J. M. Baldwin; County Commit , .
stoners; Jno. Duntly . and A. S. Swift.,.Aud
'tors; Jac Bond, Jr., Coroner.
At , the close of the nominations our neighbor,
Cap' t. L. Rogers, President .of the convention,
deliveretla speech; which; whatever, it: may
have kicked in prolundity,maa gt fair 'sample of
proscriptive partisanship. We cannot, under -
take to gli;e our readers an intelligent account
of 'what he said; but the: whole burden: Of his
song was—tethat the copperheads : meet be, put
down, (shaking his fists violently)'-- vroeld
try words first, and if that would , not do we
I . would try...tOnierltiog else,!' We apprehend an
iptprestini time in putting down
. a party which,
according to his theory constititte nearly two
thirdiorthe population.of the country.. -
Cumingtrom the source it - does,we 'must ac-.
ceptthisan the policy of the. Abolition party,
not onlY . in this • cpunty,lint throughout the
country.. A 'wholesale proScription•, and die
tructiOn:ofnil who : do not fall' clown and: woi
ship attheAbOlition shrine. .
'ln.:Warr-eh county the draft nearly iwept.the .
Ledger office , hitting the proprietor and two o,f
the workmen. ' , ' ' ' •
:'At the jtepubliean Repreientative •Conven—
tionliel ht . RidgwaY, on Wednesday
was the only COnnty rriiresonted: . • . ,
IVar.to the khife
• A n appeal is itosila .
.lot:. public
,chn . tjty , to .the
siiffortirs by. ihe ilest rovt ol:Qiiati troll ?s
iihon the inwn nl • 7.awrence,KanSa's,
The a (fair Wild, and Sit'v g e . plece iit Wutk
worse Sven 'f hen .rllnni;roltiery,'e raid on .Daritm
sla lig titer• which
,was comfit • though:
,ither'ontrages worse , t
d-atli, which befell
Darien, seetn i to have been , Spa red' Law re lice.:
.• Wp Inivetactitiinted :in another* place fin or—
der by Gen - ..Ewitig,;.rcritdring 'the removal of
the populationentire s t from several border (Ten—
ties 'or MisSdurt and Kansas, in conicquencessf
the supportihey.aps supposed ..to s :have • gitien
64.41 We observe wstatemtint in Our Milos
t rionS con loin porarv, the ConsiisS • dis' Etats .
Oit'i's though not elsewhere t that. these, - seine
cotinticshave been ravaged and 'devastated
Alm. same orders.. At' ' large. public :meeting.
iii.LeaVenWorth, a reisointion,..offe'red by. the
Mayttr. or the..e.ily, Was
...‘entilusietarcallY adori
ed," to the.effect that' the counties. 'or Plitt to,'
Clay', Becharian,'anit.Andrew;...ln Missouri, be
h • Piti'respinisible Stir any relief caltrieii. - ,ner:th:
o ther'river . ; the penalty tO
Hein' of a line' loriy miles wiile tilOng-fhir fton-
. , .
Glen. Jim , nane promisesto-haVo - Q. -force-of
5009 meirniSernbled the.,Btb lost', and Calls .
,upon the citizens to rally under . his - s:tatidsol.
Generals h:vviiig.• n nth .Schblield were. -fierealy.
denounced at,thc Leavenworth 47 , efitiz. The .
latter-has plaretl,• two. cornpahiei of. troops- in
City, Mo., to:protect the . citizens there
age inst. the ~. , . Aveat:zersP. frorri
A 'Jorge - number of.ineti frotn't he of Gtinyrice
are orgattNing. intOAUef rine . bands in Clay , and
adjoining counties of Missouri.
. •
FRIEND: ..• •
Extinct.frprn - the'depision of "..fudge WoOp T
vrAso sustainiirg the stay law •patised by' our
Legislature iii favor of the soldier:
• . "Now, if a stay of execution forlige years
worilri n'o't be toleratOttin
.ordinary tirnes„ did
riot , the.se eircumitances,-,constittite , sa erntr...
.genet' thatjustifiedthe pushing. cir•legislation
to the exterrneet 'of the . Constitution?...No
eitizen.could be . blamed 'for—volunteering.- He .
wt.s. invoked to doSo'.by appeals. es strop; as
hls. love of country . . In.:,the nettre. 'of things
there is; nothing . unreaSonahlu . 'in . .exempting a
soldiee.sproperty froin. execution' Whilst. he is .
•absent from llama bairli f ig f o r fhe:sureniacy ;of,
.theConstitutiori and.the: integrity of the Union.
.And when he has notlrun before
.he. nrus , sent,
but has yielderrhiinself op :if; the call of his
country:: his'solf-Sacriticing .patriof ism Pleads,
trempet . -longued.,...for all'. the indulgence .from
his creditors whidh the Legislatiire hiive power
to•grant.llf the term Of indulgence scorn long
iirsta ricedt
.wris not longer:than the f lode
for which•the firesident find Congress demand
ed the soldier's.serViees.".' •
'August 2S, 1a62,
Lieutenant eolonel'loekwood, commanding
the Seventh.Virginia : ll:don .regiment. 'reports'
a'series . of,robberies'of the mails' nf. the - third
divisiOn, second army corps, running from"the
Bth to the 2,5 th of August; • . '• '
Several thousand of dollars in- uoverhment
and priVate dratts, checks and funds have been
riurlcilned, and theletters.covering.thenn 'fotind
along the route.•' . ' . •
l'he:maircairiers'are under arrest. . •
ThO publieare cautioned sienst negotiating
checks or drafts from this Ailiision, unless com
ing through responsible..C'hannels. . •
111 , :i.EASF: OF ' , STATIC PRISONRII.S.--“On the'. 6th
last. Gen.. Banks visited, Fort. Jaek4on and
F,ort St. Phillip, beiew'New Orleans, and liher=
ated-sonne of the State prisoners who had'been
confined there' by order •of . Gen.'-''Butler.'. 'On.
the tirienti.recordniainst their names was (blind
the . entyyo , enuse Onknown'?Gen• Hanks liber:
ated.twenty one.orrthis• occasion—eighteen at
'Fort..Taelcson, and 'three (the •bist
ones) at St.' Phillip: .• 7.
• illinusanila of others bav'e been cruelly and
illegally seizeil:nnininpriacined by this:despotic'
Abolition administration withthe . sarne entry,
"cause iiikernea".againsttheir tomes.] • '
.Rieitut.inn'Ns' Fria Disim .---
ON.R.Ov. 0 . A.
BroWnson, was- Republican Candidate for
Congress. in New Jersey last.tall,-and he Ought
to be goeraiithority in 'regard to' .Renablicaa
views and purpo s es. In a late.issue of his
Review he says: is no'secret bow. that
s the
leaders of the Republican
: party, were:prepared
if they could retain the border Slave S6tes,
let South Carolina and' the Gulf States go,'Ethci
form, if they choose, an' independent Confeder 7
, .
. -
CINCIN:qATTI, Atlg: 29.—1 t is announced this
morning•that no draft
,will ..he made in this
State. - Officers or the army who' were 'sent
home to secure drafted men were instructed to
'open recruiting stations for enliatmenfsi.'
. ,
CINCINNATI, August 29.—Late information
from , ViCksburg confirms the- report of the
death of Gen. Pemberton. He . was shot- by A
Texan soldier: No particulars of the affair'
• WAsitinoToN, August2B:-In
view of the
.speedy capture of Charleston an l itoccupation of
South Cerolinalry,,theUoion-fOrces, the inten.: 7
tion of the government has: been. indieated:to
place Maj. gran Butler in•eorrtmand; of that de.
partment as soon as.Gen..Gilmore"and Admiral
Dahlgren.have.coMrileted•their,worlr, • , •
• SruvrNsoN, Ala.,, August 23.:—1t is probable
that the rf;bels are evacuating Chattanoogaancl
all East Tennessee..
. .
Deserters who come within Gen. Reynolds?
lines report.that they are moving guns and use
ful and important machinery trorn the, foundries
at Chattanooga to Atlanta.
The rebel cavalry it reported to be 'concen—
trating at Rome, aa. '
Meade's Army
WA6IIINGTON, August 28.—A letter from the
Arai) , of the Potomrc ..states ,that about.. two
hunred Germans of the Twentieth, New York
Volunteers, who mutinied and were sentenced
to hard labor during 'the, war, have received
commutation.of their 'sentence through- thii ex
ertions ot, Proiast Marshal General Patrick.
Accounts from the country between. the Po—
lormie,and RemPahandock show that the rebels
have a considerable infantry force at Port Con
.way and are, prosecuting their conscription
vigorously. Parma! Kilpatrick had a skirmish
with them several days ago, and was compelled
to tall back from his reconnoissance. '
. .
. .
Money . comes. in, -not men; 'ln-Oswego.the
Collectof of Internal. Revenue had severs! days
since received upwards of $31,000 under . the
• ..The Buffale•Exiiress says that ninteen - sub
stitutes from that city escaped on Friday night
on the way to Elmira. They putoutitle lights
in: the eur and jutnged from the !rain— It is
said that .. five- were killed'. • .
Hoine•Rdlief Society:
• ...Aka tpe! , tiat.t'ot the Baie.thport, held
on Aaa.'29,'a socit!ty. was OL , ,[inizeid wider the'
I flain . p. : Tidder Boc•alty. -
obk:C.l.6f Nhall Ilel . 4„durpish,
old to . dlitfamilias at till. 'scildiers. from' .111',Kenti
Co.. The this
Vicp . Presi ' dqpt,'Tie!tstirer;Se'Crelary aird
Collec,iing.CinntaittO. •
. ,
the Presidetit• shall :be to : pre:.
sido et ell . reeitiogeof-the - society,. nod to 'kip
.point all,speeiel:Coointitees. :The Viee Pres
Won't lis 'to preside ill 11(e . absence of the . . Presi
•• • •
. .
The duties, Of. the Seraterystiali'.l)e•tO reared
the . rirea,iediris of. the. Sae hay, hold all
'.aatiesiary -corrasrisdaneelpert,sining AO the so-
• The di/tic's-Of the Tien'sifter shall i ..he to: re
'calve. all donations 'collect erl.by t he' corn:nit t ee,
no 'd CO disburse the : same upon the raceitit. , :ol
,ordenfrominy•tnefoher.of the Committee.
The' fluties-or the, Committee shall . be to, Col,
or articles of fornilk . .nSe anddepps: .
lie' the SilMe-vCjr : b .the .Trealliire'r, 'and gtve'
NV rit ten:orders-a ilistribution• to' theTr'eqsurer,.
in.enSes 0 . 1 applications for relief. •
.• •
The officers of .this.society aro,
i'rrsident— . ll ft,.
:Yiee rs. - H.
7'i.c . a.verer.'ll.rs C. ,Corliforh
. ..
.-- 1.,0//erl;n4 , cum/di/ice, - .--Mr.4 - . - • A . N. • 'il'itli.)r,
Aff.W... H. rilelimmid, -Mrs.- 1..... A. • Stevens,
i4i..3:. A. S. Swift;-Mis...l).t. A. Hulmes, Ali.s. J.
17..'0.iiii;h.Fi.ck.::: -.—.. ... •. •- • ..- . •
rhalonfiwing. rnsotu bobs score passed
R c signed, That the Secretary shall . correspltul
With tho' lailies of •the towns McKeiin
soliciting . I trern to form '.Att xiliary' Flume
. Reliet
Societies.. . ' •
/i!e.wiea, :11)4 the Tiettsere'us.of the.Ceet.rel
and Ato4liary
.Seeietiet-oe required to publish
their reports' que;terly. • . .. . .. . .
Relob.. , rd,....rhat . :The-societyineet.oe the last
Thursdiy of every month:. • ..., -... ' • •
. • . .• - • • - J11..F.1. FOR), Pees.. ..
, N..:11i , .1-I. COIVLES,See: .. . '' - '' • • .'. ',
Teachers Institute.
The TeachOs - Institute;of Connty
at the .Coart HOese . of Tiesdai, Oe't.
13th,.at,nine.o'clock a.•rs.,:and close. Friday,
. .
Each ' teacher Should co m e provided .viiith
set, ol.text: books; afsn' . an original ,essay. on .
subjects pertaiiiing to Education -and Teaching.
It ie;expected that several dist.foguislied gpn- •
Omen, from shroud will be present.:
TIM evenings. will ,be devoted to 'Lectures,
reading or Essays' .and discussions. ::The Nit
days exercises will.:colisist ol.the inspection of
teachers... . " .
It is hoped - there . twill be a l
fuliittendairee, as
these wishin; to'.teach : Wi:l need this opportuni
ty improvement.. 'Board arid roarpica'nbe
Rad an reasonable .
State Editorial Contrention
- Pursuant to the resolution adpoted-at the late
meeting' iu Lancaster, tlre•conVention,assemb
led at.the 'Merchants' Hotel,: .at. 2
.Tuesday, Hill.' George' Sarideraon, President,
Os niotion,llenry Ward and
e- J. A. Felton
. • .
were Appointed permanent Secretaries.. The
[olio's ing papers' were represented: •
Lancaster Intelligencer; Hon.' George Sand . -
erson; Johnstown' Democrat, James F.
bell; Bedford Gazette; ifenj. 'F. MeyerS: way—
nesburg .Messeriger, ;runes; 'Clearfield
Reptiblican, G: 13.
.Gondlander; : Pernisyk , ania •
Argus, AL'Laird; Laianon AdVertiser, W.
M:Bieslin; Selinsgrove Times, 'Franklin
. Wei.
rick; — •Demoerat arid' Sentinel:, : (Ebensburg),
James 'S. • Todd; 'Patriot :and...Union,: Henry
Ward;Mcintor, Kittaning, J. Aleiander Fulton;
Sullivan Co. beniocrat, Michael Meylert; 'Clen-•
trel3i;riebter, F, Kurtz; Belfelebte 'Watchman.
1): . p..11,1e0; ; :11 . 1eKen Ccinnty . Democrat„J. B.
Ovialt; Democratic Standard,..
:Q.:* Barclay;
Reading Adler,Qhas..Kesslet; Pittsburg: Post,
Jas. P. •Bair;.Fulten, DemOcrat; 41. G. Sinithi:
'Easton S . ...orue], SundaY;Mercu ,
r.y . ; F. W—Gruyson,:Evening Journal', Chas;
nessrs, Fufton, : Jones and Meyers., were
:appointed a• conimitteeon'resolutirin..
The..following :gentlemen Were named to
constitute a Permatrient excutive committee,
Under a : . previous resolutionf' Alessrs..Birr,
Sanderson, Jones,.Ward; Bueler, Neiman, Ful=
ton, Grayson and Pine. • •
After some discussion the . Convention ad—
journed to meet at seven o'clock.'; •. . .
EynXinci SES§ION,—The committee 'on 'rese
-lotions. reported 'the'. following, which were.
adopted., ,
Witereas o Tatfre'edom of speech ' , and of the
press has, even been a cherish, tight, founded
as well in reison'as in Id.w., and guaranteed to.
us by the Constitution of United States as - well
as the Constitution' nf •Penniylvania . ;,
.AmnilliitEnEns; Ite maintenance is es.sential
to the Otelligent excrise of-the .elective fran,
• Aivt.rAVuEncas, Its ebridgement or suppres
sion is a direct tbrust at liberty, and a puptilar
government Hire - ours, a tacit
.confessinn —that
the acts of those. who•attempt so' unwarrant—
ably to destiny this sacred.,tight will not stand
the test Oipublic . discuision 4nd the verdict of
a 'free people;. therefore, . •
'Rasor.vim; That freedom of speech and of ,the
press is as accessary to the perpetuity of 'lib—
erty as the, freedom of the ballot-box;' and
those' who' ssail the rights of the former would
not heistate to stilie-down the' latter, and are
equally the enemies of the people. •
RESOLVED, That we emphatically denounce
every attArnpt to interfere with - or abridgif the
liberty or - speech .or'of the Tress, whether it be
by the unlaWfUl
and imprisonment of
public speakersand edltors, or by. Suppressing
newspapers by.citherrnob violence or pretend t .
edeivil or military authority.
Rismntr, That inasmuch as the Jiberty
terests every citizen, and its denial, abridgement
or extinction may • affect .him personally, we
call upon . ° 11, without distinction of party,.th
vindicate their. .high - priVileges in this behalf •;
and' here we cannot but- express our -astoniih,-
ment that Republiean editors 'have not only
stood by and seen 'this 'dearest of Ainerican
rights violated; but have actually approved and
endorsed the violation. , . . •
RESOLVED, That let others doe s
. . they may,
tot'ourselves we intend to. stand 'up. for our
tiglits as American' freemen;
~that we will nev
er yield to them, imirwillrosert and maintain'
them by - our voices, by out votes,. and,if need.
be, with our lives. . . • ' '
RETOLVED, . That the so—called' rulers of . the
Ameican people are but their agents,,,and do de
.by the right of the principles to direct; control,
orcriticise the nets of theit agents, is as repug
'omit to the principle .of taw •as of common
sense. •
RESOLVED, That a committee of three be, tip—
pointed by the President of the convention to
prepare and publigh an address to the people
of Peimiylvio;il oit ifieehopo'rtiof stil.\jecri
J. Am.
.T,ToN, • ' ; ' ..• ,
R. r...J o Ngs; • ' committee
8 . . F. 51E1 -nits,- : ..• '- - .
' The ChairtM.iit of the Slate Central . .CorriL;
initteehaviv been introilaced, sormediseaasion
tarilr,place open:rho best _Made of circulating'
politiebt intellittene thrritigh the '.press of the
:State, - iiiid.the prOpe'r, disposithia of, party pa t
.ronage—An Which Messrs;. Bart.- Jonerr,:Nei•-
ma . n. GraYson, ',Oirtl; ...Cessfer,'2FOlton; and
others, participated.:' . ..i • .••• ..
~ -Metiers:- Fultrin, Ghlyien'tind Me'ylert,..were
'appointed: to prepsre..na address pursuant-,to
the'reselution above Raised. ~• . . :- . ,
Mr. JO.nes.cifferecr,the following; which...Was'
Rssor,vno,'That•the interests of the : Deino-,
cratie• press of the' State - demand a, tharotigh'
and. efreeti've.orgaiizatioaL that an occasional
.friendly interehange'ot opinict'Jital sentiment.,
brits. representatives, will' 'giVe 'it baimorly
and strength; . that to this' end, '. th'e. Elice . e . uiive.
Crarnittee - lie - tuid is hereby instrtieted : to :iiii
paint a;tiniri iinil,pliir'e - , - .itt -least pace' n: year,
lot.st-ineeting:of the li;ilitoria r - Cprirentieri....: :
Convention 11,(119ufned.svii: 1 , IE; ':- . .• , .. ,
'• GEO. ' SANDERSON 'President
Hcx . dy - AVArtp; - •
. • •
J,.-A. FuhTort, • Secretaries.. •
The redudtion of FortSunapter
•Thestirrenderof Port Stimptet: completes the
Epic of the Altierican, witr. : -Whtit fellows
will b but'she dull epilogite, tvlint tirecedeil
was hut:the : prosaic iirefacesu - the heroic
The...bulletins . and the newspapers, the poems
arid . the 'Orations which-will celebrate this event
will nhs . r.ure..its.trite.charactei.frOm. the people;
fOrl:years to come..'- History' Will*.enter upon its
-task after: passion and prejudice shall have'been
decided; As no one, who, is , engaged in great
-battle tealizei its true character, movements
and proportions,:ao nOnne , aces' 'in the :smoke
of the revolution, its secret -springs of Move—
mein.. 'the people of .•Charleston opened ..this
terrible drama of civil wail:4'llring. upon. Fort,
umpter,.and the'firat s.ue'cess of the Revolution
was thii lowering of the AmeriCan flag hnj ele
valion .of the sinster: bars and' stars -of . acCeS
The act fired the. Northern heart,'ai it was
itttendeTte do. • The uprising of . • thtepeople; in
nd ignatiqn, wits wonderful in its ananimit y. and
in the intensity. of the•feeling-that is eoihited.
The. 'Nvar of.se . ci was •opened; and th e :first
6low'wa• struck by 'the Southl' The other
Vows of retaliation • have followed; under the
last of which Fort-.Sumpter crumbles, an d the.
barU ahil stars • are lowered: itt the dust and
• •
... But how came this blow to lie struck? Hiss
tory; when it tinfolds the: Whole of this:affair,
will reveal an intrigue.• Which intended to
open the plot dfcivil-war,.but throw :the' onus
the guilt upon the SOuth.. -
A fleet was sent, to South
,Carolina,'ostensi- •
bIY to relieve the garrison.of Sumpter.
'we.' at the saute tintß sent fro7ll, IVashington . of,
de starting of !hefted.. It had.been Understood,
if rot agreed, that there.should nore-inforce
mein of the garrison, and that suchen act would
be regarded•o's one of hostilitv •
It Was as.-well known at.. Washington as at
Charleston, that:when the dispatch was sent,
telling of themOvement. of the * fleet, the'-fire
would open . on the fort.' ' . •
me MachiVala in:the Cabinet :out. matched
the ho,spurs of secession.. Secretary Seward,
hoisted, in-his speech a fter Gettysburg,thatie
.had felt it hisdilly 'to make.the other side the
aggressor: • The other side was the'.agresser,
and wofully bas it paiibfOi the Crime,
Sumpter" has again -fallen! ' Charleston is
crumbling to ruins under , the shell of :our guns;
and burning uP.with•Gicek fire; The seat of
the original secession has:heen : purged . by war,
by farriine,'by eonflag.ration; -and pestilence IS,
to follow.in-the train. Thb' place that knew.
the:proud city will know it nh.mora-foreVer.—
And'yet an inestiable fanaticisn and
Cable Vengeance, call for. further expiatiOn!
TEA'. TADLE• 1,. like to take •tea
with you, said:Mrs...A. to. Mrs. B. the other
evening, "becaUse. you always have suchniee_
biscuits.. 1-low do you'make them? "It is easy
to Make 'good biscuits,"_ was the . replY, "if
you have thelright materials. An indispensa
ble article is DeLand's Chemical Salerates, and
i would not use any other if r went ten- miles
.on foot to.get it. . .. And what's more;(,would
not patronize h . .gioCer who did hot keep 'it. fOr
sale!" All the ladies present concurradin 'the
opinion of Mrs. A., that the bischits were, the
hest they ever st! . w„ with Mrs: that the
ChemicalSaleratus was an indispensable article
for Making them. , •
special delights which have so richly repaid our
visit to New England was the inspection, it
was Our,privileie to make of 'Dr.J. C. Ayer
Lai:oratory, at Lowell. Although` we
knew by hear Say,that.it was large, yet,we
were surprised when we came into view of its
real magnitude.; and stillmore. by the- extent
and complication of. its truly immense business
The whole maesiye structure is in feet' one
vast chemical lahratory, in w.hich the processes
of this wonderful arfare constantly going on.
Medico-chemical sciehce ha's found'-that :the
curative'.properties of
,any -substance exist in
eorne one or mole of its component parts. Thus
the remedical effects' of opinm are , due solely , to
the morphia it contains; although, this, is but
one-eighteenth 'part of its weight; the other
seventeen parts are gum, extractive and inert
or offensivenatter. Dr. Ayer's system sepa•
rates the medical properties . Of each substance
employed and we are here Shown the prBcessi s
by which' the virtues of each remedialagent are
chased . through the 'alernbics until they come
our completely pure at la's!. These concentra
ted, purified 'medical properties, or virtues, are
finally combined together to'produce the reme.
'dieswhichhave made themselves a' reputetios
for unriValled'excellence,ell over•the.world.
plot only doei the Doctordhicleim .secrecy
itihis art and explain every process.and every
particular, bufhe meintains.that this is the one
ly process by which the people can be supplied
with'the best possible remedies for the: treat
ment of disease. The Formula by .which hL
remedies are made are'published iti.ihe medical
JOuriels and.havebecil..presented to. a large
of .the mediCalFaculty of the United States,
and are constantly sent. by mail to . such
Oar's' as apPly for them. -L- San: Frr!nriscS flatly
Claulticle • . •
Election Proclamatiol
AATHEICIiAS'in by the 18th . ..14ctior t
the 'Atie of.GenerulAestunlily..of.
M V /V T)iti; Ithsiied: July enttlled:
Act relating . .to • tho• eleetionti of 'the litinnon. •
I .veli4 l ),."it . is enjoined on the Sheriff of ererk .
etninty to give notice .of:stittlt.eleeli OUR ,
to. ter
held and pir - Oinerate'rn' mm.. 11010666. what Of,.
hO elected:. In inirmtrince thereof,
JarinjW.hl. III:dr, High • Sheriff Of the county
of lfleKeiiii,•do,therefore nuilici known, and giro
• thia public make to the'.eleeiorm of fetid, county
of McKean, that A general election will beheld'
,iii laid. con nt Tuesdily he au, day cif:
• 0e . t0her,,1,863,. ( it heing t he'nccoutl‘Tueiday'
_ntinitli.). for the 'election of the TolloWing,Of-•
. .
'One p&son for aot , ertipr of the
olPenn44anta. ' •' • •,••.: •;.
o)te po'son; for Judge .of 1)4 $1!2.)?•41.10'
- Gou,ft Pen)l4/Ivoni . o .• •• . • 1., •
emhly, - Id. repr,-
sciil,t eo:filtiee of.Cleailild,ok-Jl,
peestilia4veß.• of Prim sylya . ni r • . •
),e "Tereoti for , ~l'rothoeotary; of I.llelceaO.
county.. .'• .. •• .
One' persOn..for Sherill 4 McKeall county.: . :
One perusal for Iligimter and At:colder of Mo
• IWo ri•rsonA fur Conn!).
Two jioNottu for Conn
0 iiiq‘ersoit for COreiter: • •
:'Otto persoir for District:AttOrney.• .. •
. And the onali riot] eleetoris of :the county I.l`
1,701C011.1); will Bold their 'eleetitiits'in Lice sey
taal I)i.utri'cts fif• • .. •
of, A npin ttt
.the ricer Rchuol
house: • • • ' • ' '• '
..• The Borotoinf Sinethport at the Gourt Nouse .
in Sine ' tliporri • ;
'l'h e tow nship of Bradford. a. the kebool
in. Littleton . • : •..
Tne ftOkiiship of Ceres [ at the- 'house .6f lg. J.
The township of Corydon at thettchoel house
near - Jaynes • . • • .
The iliwnsidp orthired nt the . .klihred'Holel.-
The ttiwiishilf : Hamlin nt, the Aldrich!'
5'00(4 • •
'The tiiw'aship of Hamilton at the school Lousy
near Isaiah
.:11orriinan.'• • • • • ' .•
. .
The townshipoili.eating at. the Court House
tnethPort: • . : - • ,
TliO,iii.WiWtip of LibtirtY at the school 'town:
in Port 'Allegany. .. ' • . • •
ThO. toy uship' oCLafayette nt the
hoarse near the publiclu'inse of Luther Day.i4; .
• 'rite township •uf..Norwieli at the hoUse of
It. : • . •
The.towoship of Otto at•t4e .
l'reot . .
lown4iticof Syteaot at.the house of Jo
eplr Lueas. • • •;
Trie'.,t.iis‘o6liii) of Wetinoi.e at
.the house of
And I also, give` not Me....that every peroor,,
`escepting the• JUstices of. the Peace, who shall
hold any office or. appointment, of 'wails fir
' trid ;under the. Covernment, - ,of the 'United
•Slates, or.of the•State,.or of any city or incor
poraled district; whether a comminsoned officer.
ur otherwise,•subordinato officer or agent, who
is dr shall be employed under the. Legislative,
ExectiYomr Judigiary department - of this State
or of the United states; of •any, incorporated
distried; and als.oohat every member of 'Con =
gress, of the State Legislature and of the select
and common, Cou n cil of any city, or Commis,
sioner - of arty incorporated , district, is Uy law
ineapahlp otexercising• at,. the. same time. the,
office M.Judgel Inspector or: pleat of an elee-.
tiotrin •this•Cotritnonwealth• and 'that
.nO In:
iliector, dodge or Other office of any such'elee
auat, shall beeligible to any Office, then tie bb
And in' and by the 'dth.s'ection.of.an Act, ap
proved thq 15 day of A'pril,'lB4o, it •is enacted,
that the lElth section Of an Ac't passed
9.d,Wi9, entitled an Act relating to 'the•edec-:
tionsdn : this ComnonWealth, shall:not be con
strued as to iirecent. any inilitary,,or borough
officer. frOin serving as Judge, Inspector or
Clerk:any any general, or special eleclion •of
this (20in won w ealt h. • • .
' Mel the Return Judges. of the: respecti.ve .
districts aforesaid, 'are. required to meet. in.
S toetliport, the county Fkit of said-county, Om.
.F,riday after the 'second ;Tuesday of DCtuber
next, then and;there to discharge the dn'iies
required • '•.
Tursttant tntlre provisions of the - 61st section
of the A6t, e'very. general and special . plectiOtr
shall be opened between the hours of 8 and
inJile,forebeon ',and shall,contiOne without hi , -
terru iiinpradjouinmenf, until 7. o'clock - in the .
evening, when the pulls shall he'closed... •
Veil under my hand,at'Smethpbrt, this, Vie
11d day of Sefiternbei., A.: D., 1863, and of. ditt
I ailepeedence of theVnited States the eighty—
eighth. • .
JAMES E. 131.A . 1R., Sheriff
• Be it &pl yeti:4.llw Senate and hrouse of Repre
..tentaiives of the Connnonwealth ofrenneOlottata .
General Asse;nlily inet, That the following amend-
ments - be prepesett to • the -Constitution of the.
Commonwealth, hi aceorilance.withlhe • rprot4e--
ioILS of the tenth - artiele•thereoft: ,• • '' ;'
TherO shall be 'an additional :section to the
-third article of the Constitution, to be designs,
tedas'sectioti four , as' follows: . ' . •
Stcrtoc.• 4. '•Whenever. any of the qualified •
electors of this COmmonWealth shall be , in , any.
actual military service, - under a requisitieci,from .
the President of the United States,' or by the
authority of this Co nimo namal th ,such electors.
May exercise the.right of sultrage in.all elections,
by tt.o citi4ens, tinder Such- regulations as are, •
of shall,•be 'prescribed by law, as fully as irthey.
were 'present -at their usual place of eleCtion.. . •
. "There shall be two additional sections•te
eleventh article Of the Constitution; to be desig- ! ..
nated as seotionseight, and nine, ea follows;
SECTIONS. No bill shall be passed 'by the
Legislature, Centalhing more than one Subject,. •
which shall be clearly emiresied'ln'the title, ex
pept appropriation bills.
ScprioN 9. •No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature granting any powers, or privileges.'
In any case, where the authority to giant such
powers, or privileges, has been, or may.:hereafter
be, conferred upon the courts of this ' Comp:ion ,
wealth. • : •• 'JOHN QESSNA,
• Speaker of the house ofßepresentative:. •
, • Speaker of the Senate.
PENNSYLVANIA; SS: - : - -' ' ' , •
eatdo hereby certify that the foregoing and
annexed is aTull,.ture and correct copy' ' ..
of - the original Joint, Resolution of tho..
General AsSembly, entitled ~, A Joint llosoiutien
.proposing certain Amendments to the Constitn.... • •
'tion,' mile same remains on 1110-iktliie office.. •
IN TEST!NONY.Whereof, I have here unto Set my
hand, and paused the seal of the Secretary's of.;
flee to be affixed, the day-awl year „above . writ,
ten. : ELI SLIFER, •••
. . . : .
Secretary. of the .Cconiziodwialth.•
. . ,
. .
. .
. .
• .
• . .
Exkutoes Notlcs,
- krOTICE f , ' hereby given;' that 1)21)101 Pu
ll 'body, Executor of the.laet Will and . Testa , -
nientof Garret Vandernistrk, deeeased,has filed in
this Gillen his last and final ficeonnts afi.said EX:
neuter; and will Present said accOnfita for coq-
firniation, at the next stated Orplian'S Court in
be held in' Sniethportlnithe 4tli Monday of Sep.
Welber, 1863.. . :
• • , • C. K. SARTWELL,
Suaethpoif;Aug. •