VOL. 5. , , giottitip, Elettiorrat. • i!Uli1011ED 1 ERY skiuni)liy ; • • SMETHrORT, COTTNTY,' PA Pinkie:" EQliAit}.l TERMS: - - 1131 SO: in Advance Rates of Advertising .1 Co Winn otioyear..—' 1 " niopthed—:— lt.the square of 72 like or lees; lf tneirtions, Each suhlteatieot lesertion . • ltualnem' etude ; wl lb 'poter .... . ; ... , . 6 .00 • , Rulemi• figure work. will 4o:table the *Above rater. "I'Welvo Hoes •Drevier typo,' or eight Boca aontairo I,le rateda square. ICP , ,Thede,tdrms will be: strictly adhered. t0.•./Z1 • :13,p6i 3 0c0: ..Eliteriptp. DR. W. Y. M'COY," • SOURH-EAST CORNER ItiAiN STREET •••• ' Syriethilort, Pa. •'. .„ . DIL L. R. WIENER, Phytlicien and,Surke.on, Sinethpott; attendtp el .• profe'selonal.eallnwith nromninese... .ofilen two doore north of the Democrat (Mee: ." . • . BENNETT HOUSE, Smethpart.lt.'KeanTe.. Pa. E. 9.• I%lnenN.,• 'Proprietor • —oppoe4e the genrt House. A new, large, n=11110(11... nue and well ternislied.houae; - . . •'.. A. S. ,NOURSE. • Pr.ier in Storoq, Tin Ware, ,Jippened Ware.' &c... weut emd or the Public Sneard, Snlethport, Par-Custom . work'doue to order an the eltorteet notice; and in the . most . substential ioanner.•• IV. S. 'BROWNELL . . Denier in Dry . Goods, •Groceries, °rockery, Hardware. • '•,boots, Shoes, Hate, Oapia, Lllaee. Neittt; Oils &c:, &c ' ' }net aide of the Public'Sqiiiire,lSinetkport., 'Da. • BYRON' b. HAMLIN ATT9R.STET AT LAW, snietJtpot t, AP KOMI . . County', Pe., Agent for •Ifeesre. Keeting..Coitt.. Lunde. Attends eepocially the Collection of • Ulaiine; Examination of Lend Titles; Payment of Taxes, nut all . rule' Ling to Rentiletato, Office in Hamlin Block. THE PRIDE OF. NEW YORK, 1863'5. Specialty. GRAND MIRROR OF AMERIC A N GENI.US "Correct with spirit, eibqeent isith e a se,ae 1ti4 , 14 to reaeoo, Or polite, to please." THE. NEW YORK MERCURY. FOII3:THE NEW YEAH . . It is with no ( ear of War's °fleet upon their literary, fortuneS,: . tiot • the ;Pohl iShers of Tire ISTFw . Yonic Mcnotrarir ,acknowledge the . unwa. vering loyalty' f their Two 'ituNnitEDTtions'ANn sunscuidensi, and announce.to.them, and. to all; that TILE NEW YORIC ;11I.E.CE'ttl!• Jor ..ttiis yedr (1863) will he richer in everyitixury. of Polite .Literattirethan ever before. It is no upstart speettiation; temporary “iensation,'J but;a first dais' litelary weekly,.which has. been fa: miliat:to•the United' State's for n quarter of . a century; and %Min the - Wishywashy-muill'-, room prints or yesterday.are cutting down their tajent eVen.while they raise their subscription . - priCe,.TIIE New YORK . 111KIICITRY maintains all its'great Stafrof RoManeeri, Poets; Humorists, EsSayists; Story:Tellers.,.ar,d.Editors', and 'pro mines to make .it'still greater f0r:1563..: ' . , . . Iris the one paper for every hotne.,. Its forty coioinns of reading.tnetter per week constitute an .unparalleled . , " . • CONsElyvATOlly OF TO ENTERTAINING and its Novels,. Miacelaneous Tales, BetintMs o't Verse; Gossip, Fenilletons, Broadsides . of Hil mar, and • nolished Editorials; combine to .epi. tomiieall the charms of.. , • . • . -• WIT AND SENTIMENT! The.husband, rends it to his' wife, the mother .to.heichildren, the lover to his•sWeet-heart, 'the soldier .to' his comrades,. and.. the Village school masterto the circle the stove.-" •It is familiar to the sight or every, man,,•woman .and child iu our country, and has regular sub 'serihers in several countries in Eur Ope; THE ,N,EVF YORK MERCURY•iS al.so identified with the grandest -patriotism Of the. age; tor several members of its brilliant Staff hold high rauk .our noble army;and hive made themselves as famous with the Sword as - with the Pen., The great illustrating artist of Tim NnW Tour,' 11Inactrav, the' inimitahle 'Darley, gives 'the paper the higheetartribotes of Fine Art ; and' yet.this largest literary weekly , of the day pro. miser to surpass itself these - respects du: ring the New Year! • • , . ' • The first' NEW Yona MERCUItY Novelette for 'the New Year, to be commenced in the iaeue ,Of January 3;1863, is called ' . • VICTORIA; • Vhel - leit;ess of Castle Clifie : . • .BY ootlyN MAY CARLETON, . AurooO OF c'OIP2Y .VOWER," "SyntL cAatrnr:LL,! , '•ER . • . '. - miNce,l , 4 01.AM/if:ICOR," !Le:, &C. The productions of this distinguished authoress need no eulogY. Public opinion has long since pronounced them superior to ' any other nov elettes, published on this side of the • Atlantic ; and the true test of , their merit is found in the fait that they. are eagerly reproduced, after their publication. in the Alsacurty,'•by the English press. We may add that the new tale 'Victorja,'? is fully equal in interest and depth or plot,. to either of those which have secured so large a share of public approval, and we can earnestly•recennneend it to - all story.readers. , Tiler New Yona 'Manama' is sold by all news men end periodical' dealers in America. To subscribers,. it-is regularly mailed every Satur. 'day'mornitig, for $2 a year; three copies rot $5;; six copies for $0; eight copies for $l2, with an extra copy,frir . , to the getter up of the club' Six months' subscriptions received. Altuay write, plainly of your Pon Office; COW ty a nd State:. •We.talre the notes of all sblvent banks at.par-.. Payment . rtiust•invariably be in Advance. • • 132." Specimen copies 'cent fiee to all appli- 'Address all letters and remittances, post paid so • • CAULDWELL &WHITNEY, . Proprietors of the 'New York 11fereoiy, •-113 Fulton street, New York City: A-DIDI-IJ - i]ss DEMOCRATIC - STATE CENTRAL CObIMITTEE ~ • To tlie„People'ot Pippsylvania:; •• '. An important election ia.at hand, arid the is, suire.invalVed in it.may now, your atten; lion. The tideof war has lieen•'. ! tolled 'back; frarrrour: borderi;, and with thanks-to .;(3d, and gratitude the'skill tind.vapr Which, by : . hie faVor, achieved "the promptdeliveranee of. our invaded COrntrionwealth, vve.niay now give. - our. ioletim -consideration. to. the 'catises-.• that haVe: brought to its ,Pretient condition-a country once, peaceful,,..tinited:'ancf-Se.'cure. ace scene et , a great civil War...between 'States t .tha lately ministered to each other's prosperity iit . a union founded ' for their. common.gocid.. It . was this" - union that gave them, peace at home ••arid respect abroad; They Copertsucceselulliwith. Great . Britain on the ocean and the 'doctrine", utterred :by .President, Monroe :warned off the "mortar* of:F.tirepe trent thir.whele Affurrican continent: Now, Prance carves out •01. it - an :empire, and ships built, in our. commerce on every 'sea: A- great •public, debt . • and.a . 'conseription burden - the people. Tbe. Strength' and .wealthot the nation. are tinned . from productive industry and consumed'in the. destructive arts of,war. Our "victories fail- to win-peace. Throughout . the landi . arbitrary ,power. encroaches upon civil . • Who t.hai wrought the wondrous, :change— •no n'atural'eausee embroiled'the'North 'and the South. - 'Their • interchangeable.' products • apt commodities, ,and various' institutions, .•were 'sources of reciproCat 'benefit, 'arid excluded competition-end strife. But an:artificial caus e of.dissensiort.was . :foruid in the position . of the African race; arid 'the ascendency in 'the, natfon al council of men pledged to an .agiressiVe and :Unconstitutional Abolition .poticy, has brought our country to the'condition of "the • house . vided againstiteelf." The denier .Un- ..11 00 00 .. 1 00 20 00 1000 1 50 ion -.began Where 'statesmen'-had fofeseen t; it began ire thelrimmill of 'a sectional •party, foumled on principles of ' revolutionary hostility to. the Constituthin'and the laws: The leaders - of this party:iare. pledged 'to a conflict'. with ,rights recognixed'and sheltered by the. Cnnsti: tutinn.. ''They Called the conflict 'irrepressible;' and Whenever one . party is 'determined to at tack what another is determined.to defend., the. conflict can always be made "irrepressible." -r They.`counted on ameasy triumph throtigh 'the 'aid of insurgent slaves, end., in this 'reliance, were careless how noon :they 1 - M:oinked a collia ion. Democrats and .eiinservatives strove'. Co . , avert- the They•saw.that Union 'wits the,paramouat interest of their. country, . and. they stood by the great bond . of • Union, the Constitution'of the United Staten. 'They 'were content to leave debatable questions under' it to the high iribunar framed Am decide them;. .they . ' prefered it to the sword as an'arbiter between the States; they strove hard to merit. the, title which. their'OpponentS gave them in scorn— the title nf 69iniOn savers.?'' We will not at length 'rehearse theic - i..elforts..; In, the Thirty:- 'sixth Congress, the Republican leaders .refused • their assent ,to the Crittenden' Cornprinrie.— . 0n this point'the testimony or Mr. Doiiglas will, • 4“ belieye.•Thls to lie 'a fair basis of atrileable adjustment. If you 91 the Republica'n side are not. willing:to accept:this, nor the Propositio'n of the Sedator from 'Kentucky, (AIF. .Critten— den;) pray tell us. what you are. trilling to ;do? . ,I.address the. inquiry to the: Republicans alone, for the reason that, in the committee pi:thirteen O few days ego; every rpernbeOrocn dhe South, tlidselroth the . coi ton Staics,V.lessrs. Davis arul Toornbsi)- expreSsed their i..ead;nesS to eccept th'e proposition of rdy Venerable. ifiend from' Kentucky, Mr. Crittenden; final set—i tlemtnt of the controversy, , if tendered and sus. tainted by. the Republlcali members. Ifen,p6 the iole•responsibility of our disa'greetfient, a lid• the only in the . ' way of an amicable adjustment, is with , the Republican. J . 46 3, 1861 . . The Pea c e CorieresS• was another' means •by Whieh.the border States strove to avert the irrt pending strife. How 'he Republican leaders then eonspiied against . the peace of•their.coun try may be'Semi in aletter•troM. Senator Chan dler, Of•'.l‘l.iehigan;• to . the Governor of..that • 4 To His , Xits;itle Blai; GoVernor.Bingliarn . and mySelf telegiaphed to you on SaturdaY;ailherequest of Massachit setts and New. York, to send delegates to the Peace or Compromise 'Congress. They admit that we..were right and they were wrong; that no Republican State slicitild have sent delegates; but they are here and cannot get•a way • Ohio, Indiana and Rhode Island • are ..caving 'in, and there icdanger of Illihois; : and now they beg us for nod's sake to come to their reidue . ,and save the Republican party from ruptare.....l hope they . -will send stiff Lacked men of none. The whole thing was gotten'up.against nay judgnrieat and advice, and will end in thiri: smoke. Still I hope as a matter of cciortesy .sortie of - one erring brethren' that you will send the dele gates. '. • • • cerruly, your friend, , • .. • • " • "Z. CITANDf,ER. • . . P.S.--Someef the manufacturing Slates think that a fight would be awful. Without a little blood letting this. Union will Mot, in my estima tion be worth a rush: . • .... . . ,- cg WAsuDnTori, Eeb. 11, 1861 .6 . - - .- • . In Pennsylvania, too, the same spirit prevail ed. It was not'seen how necessarily her posi 7 tion united in the interest with 'the border states. She has learned it since, from oor.tend= ing armies' trampling out her harvests'and del— uging her fields with blood. Governor', Curtin sent to the Peaee Congress iltr. Wilmot and M r. Mr. Wilmot was chiefly known from the COll,- iiekion of his name with the attemptAcr,ein broil the country by the • "Wilmot Proviso,"• baffled bp' patriotic statesmanship, in which Clayland w.ebgter:joi n ed with the Denrioeratic 'leaders; just'as Clay and . Jacksorrhad joined in the Tariff Compromiseln,lB33. had published his belief that the Mutterings Pi thesrisin: storm were what he. called: unworthy of the slightest ratan-, • By Mr, Lincoln's. election ' , .in November, 1 60, the power to save or destroy the . Union s in the handy of •his party; and no adjust 7 rnt was possible with , men who' rejected the. julgment *of the Supreme Court, who scorned sivIETHpom,..ll9ic.KNN-: - : C(*Nyl7, ‘p4;,... sAryujiliA,f, - : Au:qus..r . , , to a ttlittlehlood letting" tii.em'iMrtlici•A meri can Unicin.,. Till this . time; the, Uniati 'teen -ril the South had controlled, With, little difficulty, the sMail.but : restless class among' theiri who ;desired a separatii.nationality.'The.siattanrial 'interests of the 'South, especially the slaveheld-, ing interest,.Weredratim reluittaritly into seers= .sion: Gen:F; nerit_Repuhlivari,. aeid very, truly . the 'last Congress :. f . ..:(t.tiver); man'acquainted With the facts lriMvCs that it is fallneidas to call', tills . • closer crutinydemen.- stratis the contrary to .bC•ittu.e;, sueli derhonstf ales that the rehellionoriginated•chief ly with the non—ilaveholders residen't in • 'the' strongholds'of. the• institution,. tin t . rig howiever;frOm any love of slavery,htit Worn ad. antagonism of - race and hostility . to..the idea of equality with. the bliichs . .inVolyeth.in 'simple. . •• . ennanCipation. • 'lt : ,• . • was the triumph (tithe Alien tionists'aver the Democ . fats and eonServiitives•offhe North;, that secured a . like tiiurimh . to..the secessionists over thelinion . rnen at .the South. - .The John Brown raid was taken' as a practical ctsposit of the doetrine of ttirrepressihre.conilier." The. exti . I tation - over . its mo men t 2 rY . .socceas,.the. lit—. imentatidmover its, failure, hadheen . svVelled..hy .the Abolitionists so as to-Seem a-general expree— lion of Nertbern•`tee!ing. Riots end rescues had nullified the 'constitutional proVision . krthe rettird'of fugitives. The false pretence -that slavery woOld.inon . oPolize the territories; when, wehad no territories in which: it crad exist; had been used asfa . means of constant agitation against slavery' ih the Southern States. &lan of attack upon it been published 'hi "Help, er's book,"' lot mally •einlois.eit and recouimend- - edby the leaders oi "the patty that Was', hbout 'to assumellie. adininistration : ; Lit the• federal government--leaders whoopenly inculcated con tempt for the Constitution, contempt fur the Su preme dourty.and professed to lolluiv'a “-hi4her. lair." . l'hOs the flame of revbliition , the South was kindled and .le(rw.ith . fuel.forolhe'd by ilia Abolitionist:, It •ffliglit:sOotn•supetilopus:' to . . • adver•C•nohl to what. is "past iiiiil yievocalile, wereit •not that if is'agaiost the saineMen'ano the same iiilltieuces; still dominant in, the coun cils of. the Administration, that en • app;tal is noist to he inah to the inidllig ne of the peo, depreMaie these ' sions to.the.piat. To cover up their own tracki, they invite us to spend our indignation upon '..Southern traitors" but truth compels 'us to. add; that, in the.ruce of treason, the Northern traitors to the Constitution' had the start: Th. y tell its that slavery . wus the'cause.of the war; therefore, the Union is td be restored - fry wag ing 'a War upon slavery. This-is il'ot title; or only true in the sense that any institution, civ il or religicers,lnay be a 'censa• of the' war,' if wuris made'mon it, Nor is. it 'Just conclu sion that it , you' fake from your neighbor' his ' , mien-seri/4'M or his mail], or anything that,' is his,".you will thus - establish harmony, between - Yon. No danger to the Union arosefrOM day.e ry whilst the people of each Staterlealt celnily and intelligently with the question within Ocir • own State lithits..'Witere• little imPOltance at tuched to it, it soon yielded to the, moral.-Mid econornical.e . onsiderations, leaving themegroini. a. position pf social and . : polrtioal nowhere .more aleurty marked than in the Con,: siltation , arid laws of Penngyfitania. The strife .begen•when pedple in Statea.where'it . was. .an =Material 'question. undertook to prescribe the course of duty upon it to Sla't'es. in whicb,it was o question ol.gt eat =pot tenceandlifliculty,. This iliterference . became mare dangerous , when :attempts were Made pOwer of th.e . , General Government, instituted-10011e benefit of all the. States; to the'injury . and proscriPtitan of the interests of some of the State-.• . • l' was not merefy a danger to the4nstitution of slavery,. but to Or .•system; in which separate-and diStinet colonies beenfmei by the Deelifration:of Indepeii'dence„ ,l 9 - ree and independent ktatei," and tilterwaid.q establiihed Federal Union. under' the Constitutionof the United, State's. That instrument, !.virh,4crupu- lods•care, discriminates the powers delegated . to .the general government frOrri those . reservd. , itd the States respectively, or to the people.". And letit be noted, that, in spealiing o of the powers .so: delegated and reserved, vve !trier to no vague docttines or pretensions; but...to : the Clear''Pro— vitions ofthewritten instrument which it it the. duty of every -citizen,..and especially of every' pubdic.funFtionary, to respect Mitt -Ilial6laitl; The protection of American liberty against the , encroachments of centrAzation was left to-the States, by . the framers 01. the .Constiintion.— Hamilton, the most indulgent of them 'to, the Federal power, says: "It may-be to•ely recei• ed tts an ai : iom in our. political system, that the State governments will, in till. possible •contin• gencie,s, afford complete seenrity.against 111 Va oons 'cif public liberty by the national .authori .ty," Who.e . att : be.,blimf,te. the. 'consequences that have.folroi;ved the'depattore from the, (rue principles,' of our government? ' , Abolition" vies with cesecession" in . supping the . very foun • .dations of the'structure reared . by our forefutk era:. . In Pennsylvania; the party on whose net you Wil6pass a,t the hallot box has trampled upon the great rights of personal liber ty nod thelree dorm of , the press; which *every - man who can read mitifind aiserted in the Poristitution of the State and 'the CoastjtUtioh of the United. Staten., The dignity of our Commonwealth has been in su,ted iii the'outra'ges perpetroled'apon" her cit— izens.'.. At Philadelphia and atliarrisburg;iiro- prietors of newspapers have ben seized at. rni& night and.hUrried off to military'prlsoos heYorid the limits of the State. Against sets like these, perpetrated •before- the eVes of the municipal and State authorities, there is neithei protection nor redress.. The seizure ofajournal at West Ches ter was afterwards the subject ola Snit for dam ages in the Supreme douit of Pennsylvarda. It came toirial'before Chief. JUstice . bearsingthe ar.cient 'principles at. English. and ./itneriedn justice, lie condemned the acts of the Federal.officers'as yiolatiOnt of the . law .thai binds:olike'the private citizen ...and - the public ftinctionary;'. He sail: "All public functiona— rkep in this land are nndei.' the law, and, none, from the'highest tothe lovreat, are above ..Impatient at any'lestraint from lavv,a partisan , majority :n Congress hastened to pass an act to take froM the Siate courts to the United States courts; all suits or prosecutions; ""for trespasses or wrongs done or Committed by virtue or under color of any authority detived from or exercis ed under the President of tlie United 'States ;" and such authority wari declarcd to be d full do . . . . fencelor the wrong - -iluer in any action civil' Or criminal. '- 'Tlie . ..tkrtlericati-Execative is, ns the.word pOrts, the exerieto ., of the duly enacted laws:- •Yet-thePretenslon islnarle that-his trill cart take the place of the laws.. The liberty;.the cbaritc. , ter of every ;Citizen, is, put at•lllemeritY of pew: ftinctidneriekalleds , Movostinofiihals.-7 Secret ticenOot ion 'before t heSe Oflicirile•ta hes file:place. of open hearing befOrota . ,lawfalltrineistratn;..enrl •lio writ. of irsilrei;';lorpit.i. niay- ' t he 'ciMse of the - arrest. To illegalairests have been add ed the titaclfery•id ptivateeitizen for. his political opinions -helot° a coati martial,'ett. dinglmthitinflictirm of a new and outrageous .penalty, invented by the l'iysident of - the red Stitter.-• We heed not Ccitiitnent' 'upon tiefs lilce:JlMSe: The' president ofilm Uhited Slates . has"net authority, In peace Or war to- try; even limenlisted•soldier by - court Save: by. virtue a nilstrict conforinity with the.: mil Miry law laid•down . in.theact of CoOgress ttestablisli: tint; rules and twit:lei for, the gevernmen a t efthe • 'armies of the 'United States.'?. 'Yet; 'by his proclaMation.' - of, Sept ember . 2 1 th„ . lStl2., he' MIS assurriedtoimaire all citizens 'appear amenable to Mints ry-cOur!e.: Jle has violated the,. great' .principle of free' gover•timent,•ori Which ingtomcoodueted the', war of the'illevolOtion; tmtiMatlison :t he war of 1812,--the principle: of the Stibmilination of the,nitlittiry• to, -the civil .pOwer." • jle.has assuilted to ptitinattiol.law,''. Whichtis the rule, of forcelet•a spat whore:all laws 'are silenced, inibe:place of civil J i estiee throttglinUt the 1and,,and..144 thus assailed', in; seine Of . tbit'Sfatits'; eVen,the flredom of the; lot .box.: are not oecasional- acts, done baste, or heitt,.or 'ft:nem:Mt: ; but:a new sys.: rem of•grivernifirtitrput in the•plaio iii that (Wined .and 'etqattlishedity the people.. • • That'l he ,Qtteritt Could not dri what he [:mild, was Mr. Seward.!sboast tolhe British Minister The military arrests: of Mr,,,Staritnn ieettived. the ''hearty commendation" of- the convention thltf,..fenominafed'• Governor ' Curtin,.. and It plerhsed him: and his party- to tihearty campettit. '4 mu" tin Such tiers of the administration- in the the inttire'.. e is 'the,drading platformrill xyloch -11 eartilida te . ler; Magistiat e:. of Pennsylvallin stands before her people: These pretensions. to' ardtitritry ~ poWer ominous' significative Ma tate change bur, militarY establiShrnent. • :,.The time honot ed mer system of calling•on'the States • t torditifislibm' their Militia has t 'beem . 'i evinced' by a "Ferletal conScription,,on the model of Eitrope t tin despot.. elms..'.'"We would not minister to the excite ment 'which it has - caused'. 'among 'pen of all ' parties. ItscmistitutiOnality.;•w .he tested before the courts.. :If adjudged' to be Will) in .the'power of Congress, the people will decide tlit • ,the'Propiiety•of a stretch' of: power on whieff the thitish, Prriliathent —Styled ,omnipo * - I.cot has never.' ventored. On this you will pass et-the polls; arid thetnex(Congress- Will .not be deaf fothe.:.voice of' the.people: ''Far all political evils a .conititutional remedy..yeti re mains in fheballot box. We Will not' entertain a fear that it is not safe in the • goardirinshipmf ti free'peopfe.' If men in elliCe shriuld' seek to perpettitite Oleic 'privCcr . by Mrehtlilg, ifolll. the 'penpre'of Penrisyliaitia,the 60a 'of sudrage if the servants oc--the people iebel-against their .rnaster-:--ont hem will rit,st-the'responsibility ul an. aitetopt at f•voluiion, 'of Which no man can foresee the consequences' or the end, but In now, addressing you upon the, issues Of, the times we tt.F9,tlllle tharthe institutions of our'cOuntiy are •destitted to endure.' The approaching election tiefiir.esquithot Im •poriance . ..ffroir the , influence if will..itxereiso upon tits policy of the qovernmenf. Tbriniti of men mot blindi 8 .by fanaticism hied y spirit •woto hest :fruit trom. t viclories• ach levedthty . mir ghllaiit nitest —he hest fritit.wmild be peacelthillhe esjoia tion of the Uniovn.• not-the tiiir t .ol the. lullty iq 'power.:. Deminatedliy. Its • most bigoted tnembers,it uiiges a 'war for qle:lfizgle arid lie ft tfie: . Uni6ll: . : - it avows the design to otter tile war • be.abolislied , in all thy Southern Stalest' In the one ,' its ,pamphleteers, "how' can. ~a, Marl, loping and, praying .fer•the destitiet it'in veyy. desireibatthe war shell be a limit ore Mr. Thadeus Stevens,ttliejo;publican leader in the lastllOuse - lieptysentutives„ decla , rrThe. tinier! shall neVet,.•witli - ry consent., be reslored• the.Constitrition -as . it is, with Slavery to' lie protected , The: same spiii(uppeara iiilll.r.linuolo's' late answer to citizens of Louisiana who dosittll'he return of Alai 'State undAr7te nresentdonstitUtiOn.- Lincoln liostponed them till that" Constitution shall be,tit*ti,lP,t..• Tile A beilitiOliitS deeite the War s :to:last till freedom is seetire.il and the :11oid'es • - pnlitifians, and con traetois,•ntnl. purveyor, whit fat ;firm] the wai, desire. it to last fore . vir. When thii empriONt s ed by the Federal tt con•, i stant . military ntervention -l will be - erctled to keep:them it hove or equal the. white tare in the Southern States, hag no place:in confiscation and abolition the objects of the. *wet-, and the Smithern leader catches up the - words to stim• ulate his;lpllowe : rs.to - fight to. the. last. -It. is not the iateresva.PvtinsllVaainthat: :a fahati- . . . cithfuction shall pervert.and protract the 'war„ for ruinous„purhaps unuttuinable s endsi i : What .the North,Oeedri is the'return of the South; with its'. people, its territory, its'. staples, 'to coroplirte the. integrity of our common country. ' This, and not mere devastation Mut sucial, couflision; would lie theoim..ol patriots mid istutestrimi. TheiATMliiion 'policy prOtni4es us nothing bettet •Sout burly; PolarUl, ' ruletl.- by la Noitharn despotism. But history is lull or ex airMies how Wiiel.ralere. have assuaged civil dis cord' by moderation arid justice, while; bigots, relvingsolelyon fordo, have - been. hailed by feeble opponents. .: That a aimperate:eonititu• tiorial pidiey 'wilt fail, in our 'ease, to reap . the fruit or 19 artris,•ctinno( be knovvni till W 'it is ed.- The. time tire critical. .France, 'under a poweritil' .mribitious monarch, is milerilig:on the scene Willing again to 'playi,• an. Imports ot•pa'rt'in tut American tevolu t ion.' The Engli§h govetninent is litistile.to us; it-has got tt wanted from ahaition; anti will have noth ing 'Mire, to do .with it.. .1.110 secession leaders, 'and. the pres s es their centrid, oppose ye t-mien, pre fetriog, perhaps, even ; hunibte de: peodenne .upon' European' powers. But. from ninny. parts or the ,South, and acrosathe picket . line's; and, ffoirt the prisoners and the. wounded, has c4inte the, proof of a desit . e . antorig the. -pee, pie of the South to . return tdecostifutituud I'de Clow!' ivith the 'people o(' the ,North'. -Early •io the e.ontf - st this desire. was: e 1 Own to.,North f'• ~ — t ~ v. !,.., ' • - ':. 6' .: ) 'IT • ~ le? , `-r, 1: 7 1 : ', ',,,,, • ~...., ~. i,..i ~.4 •b, . f. t.. \ . .Y. ' • if., ..'; - .2.9.',.:.18.6:3. Carolina, one , of, lOW Ihi r teen tisioeiated with P . ermsylynnin on . 1 beltdge nl ReVolutiona ry. 'tdsfory.. But:111e m..jority . triCongresi.rnade haste to idio'w that . Abolition, pot reunion, was' their- aim:. • hi a moment of depreSSion on . the .1 2 9 1 pf . 11 4, 1961 ; beint.o.lre tray alter the bottle of 111.1r . 106, - , they:allow et! tbepassa.ge Q r. a oititirilf,:offered hy,. Cr iftendeti,: deli ning for .. .the ....eSroral ion; hf Pinion:• ' Ilut sOen 6101.'illletl, he Statute hook• *with: nets eh:lint...Cation; nbirlitido,rinlietrit.'neipationi against the remonstrances . of eminent jurists Wild ronserilitivp 'Men Or . all ;part reS. coin, too; yitildittg; he said, c..to, pressure;"_ pot hr.r.provia oint inns in place of-ilie (..'onst it Ohm and the la l ll...s.oebry 'interest nral senti-• inent of the, S'eu ther . o .people:Were dill rsteil - on the Fide of resistance by the policy Of 'a , party Odell . ; as frlC,l7:tevens said, not- ehnSent to ti ter:lora Hon of 'the' WI th ' , Abe Ceitatitu- I inn nii . jt ix." • I t polley that has firotrai. tedrthe War, arid is n.ow the greatest nlnstaele to. its terminatio.r. .• . . The - rennion Of: the States 'earl. alone ; give t heal ' , their old security, at home,. and power. 'and .dit , ,nity: a broad,. This end- can , never . be readied tipon::the nvincipleo :of! I hu:-. party . now in Bower. ..l'h efr tiriticinles are radically, ("elite, and tan novel; it.;ad to - a,good concluition: Their hope t neva in the.. . rduce of the .white titun,rit its en iiiiter'fo the taw. ;If race; 'the. I ws"of nature.. their at at eMpa nnhip hag been welched !bealttnee• and. found ' well:Ring; theirlittle.hfondt,ettin:gi'' has, provrdtr delugit. Their . ftiferlei•ettee 'With 'nor. nrmies, hue often frnsrinteil 'a :ney el" aided their- succesp,.l ill it hp: heroine: mill iary.'plilverh -that the- best thing Itir a 'general' is. to be not :of reach-from Th . e• pits my was funitilethiphit the lUditte.d and moral. hes t..q or 'oppos ition to cbcp prrato4p,...whkelri in the union •u-. rrion!!..State. - , and 6r pence item good-witl ott earth.. : IIIC People 'ere sov - el vigl. and tbe'r mind . sensp of the telinfecdin infinity eoriePts, Li he . errcile of p . m 'pinipliY of Pennsylvania has,: ro1;10, aims 61,the AL , Mitioniets substituted for the ori objects pf. AVtlf They hiss. seen . . wititionlignatio niony gallant ,sOldjels of. the (Join') iven service, they' havt , ...6.l . boweq dm:vil . to t he. A holit ion They will is'eo with, hot tert lie' War protracted in order to secure the triumjth of' a putfy.Platfotiti, said, saYe the Republi can party In urn rpm ore." " . • • The tithe is now at when the voice' of• the people will ho, heard.. - . The overthrow of the A 'mint ioilists at Abe pons, and the - re 7 estalt lishmeiltO.l,2Coostit.ittional principles at, the North' s the fin frd, the. inilispensiblo step towards the tilniotintinto ot the lihion - arid:the vindication .of civil liberty: 'To thIS grsat service to his roon 7 . y earl citizen - way contribute. his vote, Thud t he: peopiriot . the North may thernselves.eirteud Ihe • fl'nist itot ion to the people "tlo South: tv6t)'lriurt' he'a'spineloili oiler of the politicians, to be, obsei ved.with no better fait lohnin the, ea ()lot bins . of July It would he a returir. to the, liationiii policy of the better dayg,of the Re= public,throogkthe intelligenerl pi - the enlightened by oxpetience.•.lt would strength en the giiverhihent.; lot a constitutional govern- theiiits.atroog When,cxernising with vigor" its er;itiniote powata,:ond is.weak.Wheit it s . _ • etaan ainple. o t - revolet iohary violenee'hy-Invading the, rightsof the' people. Our principles' and ma 'amid idateatire '1; onwniti you. yheretnelo-- of.the Convoptiqp.tit•lla'rris . burg . .weri I inns, the 'sarnitt lint] !beet qopteit . by. the Dein...tatty in several Stittes and by :die Assembly of t v ennuliinnia J , I), tottliortifiv ! ely the In inciihs.of fleortrier'ritie rarty. !II is, ns it tins!tilwnys been, for the Ctlion end the nitieti ! tution ng. iinsl all oppot,ifs. !. 110 oretitit . resoltilion -declares, . . I I , " uliilr / 11 ". Ge.Pera ksseinlily .contlemnft 'and iimiounref, - . 61' the. adrniniitotion. . . , . . jand It?e rerrouelirrientsof .the.,-Alialitionlits; i , ,1,i ,, .5 . ; eke, most - 161061414 • com . lemn :arid' de nonjie'the Id.reAy.of SVC P L sign 'RS Illlowarroin'tet bk. tile' Ceesiifdtine, cod . deqrnel(Ve alike 6 . . . iho-r;earti•a , nd 01.'1 he peoplei'notl it doo Ireby soletnoly (ItielAre :that., .people of. Otis Stilt« ate . unalterably 'oppospil to uojr the 'Union, and tvi paraistently'exert ir inilyenee'a tni.rtoWfr, nntlrr the'Coq: Ittinit 7 14 inhintllitiltha.cletend it." We have renonn.inntedchiel . ,Just ice • Loynin for the bemch p bich he adorns. 09r.citOda.te .fo r Governor, lodge . Iyoi)ii word, in his public and pi ivine h . q.; arbKils tiie.best p,sspra.rico that he.wiJl'bring honesty, cripacity,. firmness noil.patrintism to the direction of . thei alrAirs of the Corntnonweal tn. Long - withdrawn, by ju— dicial: ion , h 'trot]) ,the, pot/Lica! arena, he not-V‘tithhohl warnintt - voiee when con— . oryn ti ye. mf . l) rook.ounsel . togiet her . upOti . the tenure tbatonenaced.uni Cuentry. His:speech li•the. Own mectin at. Philatlelpoa inDeeetn— bc.r,.1 . 8G6, has Lieell.s.ip,hratiti. by s.th.setrtieh as,a sigtutl eNriibition,of stiltesmutilike sagitc, , , !ty. • , • • • . . :..IrOor his administi•ration tir? may'hape'llist 'eons 1:11 ia, w tli.God's,hlessing,'willresume .er place tot the 'iKaystune• of the Federitl J. 131mii.E, Cbuirmau .., . . . . Tf Mr... Sevittrreuld• snatch' alittle time, from .his pahlic dotiea; and could employ it it staiing his present • iniressions of relations .of the "higher law!! to the• progress of events in 't Pii . .4' country, ho weuld . gratify a , g . rou,t: ninny people. : Whet vie would especially . like to know - is -whether' the Idtzhei• law iii'hierer than ' , military. neee4ity.!? Both.arO i , hiliher than the constitution," but ,we desire to .beinforrned which IS the higliet of .. thr; two.. ,' We await Mi'. Seward's pleilstire'—efiit://go' - 'fiezcs. '.. . Tbin is - hni•the ' said of • the - mobs that itttit.cked the Itonocraticnowipaper Mikes at thii hoginhiimpi the war,. . "Thq .of _the peoplo..at the;ireasMt.. of, the Nort harp presses; which have helm or Months iititatilatin,* the slave-. huldeua tp.rehel agairist . 't as'verystrongly manitosted to vicious' parts : of the country yesterday."' ; • . :It did 110 t ,Ob.reet. . the mob •the ‘ . *peni,lo" ; then. .• • ; . . • Greely, see, thinks. the wolf -is art `ugiY, Beast when hu ffs heading towards hits but'that. Pe.is a 'chittitling and 'useful animal, when em; ployed in.rarining. down people he tdon't. . . ~ .„ . ,• .. . ,„ , 1:1.:$ TH af .11 Al:T:Elk;'-:AVE-f.O; -. "..,:., • _. : -•. '‘' ~ oF, ... '., ~.%'::•:., .; ~.;-.,,,, mi*EA:iv:i-coifiki: . SIVIETHPORT .13ORPtiGilt w!, . „ SiSiff!minasdrawn' . itr Tulin C lilirro[t'. }dram Suckles_ John.C, Hamlin • Robert . *. hone Daniel Acre. • A NiSinitli Frank..Pichipolid ii;•emiish McCarty ' °Litnan Martin. l~ in II Daher John M,CArdifit Kellahan 'McCarty , • R Tolaina . endk Henry . Dishnp ' •. Chailes*Cros.inire • • Aaron ACri . ' c l . • tharles.McCoy • 'Stephen 40119 Evans • Win S:ranton Henry James Daly A sit Q gory . . • . 90th • 51 na : trus. drawn . Kenway ,- • A. 3 Hay.wardi .14 , 8 Both John Welch, . Lawcence Shielik 11 , 1•Farpha4 WraGotiles • '.lohn Jamei . Jitnritut MGoblete I'hrmns. Lynch N.P-Dedrick A•P . . A NNlN—Dist DISTRICT. • . , 52 narnvg Fri box-15 drawn:: . . . litia)ll Phelps Wm SOnne, ' " C floicornb . - S:Dextei• : S shPflyood • Levi GIPIiSMI J,ll Olfal • • ." .:Peter;Clark: . Flijuhaluwvird jpmits.trpt.4giotie TylerC9g'stlitin T,I 9241 TTISTRtet, 102 lIRIDCB it! ,bux=3o drawn T 44 fling fitiltz • Corydon MON. mtos Dolly 11 ii am Nicer . Geo'd Barrett .Thos: lifeDc4eti - ' •Wol Clark : John . R tkrally wain • !rhos Jona ' Peter Perlis .';A:ll;iert.'ll4 Fitch Jotni!s Robinson A Wright Gr , o 'Salisbury . .FJlos.Grimes • a 'Me I n tosh • Geo Frederick 117 . A Wright ' 'Aso H ljarneby Fairnond Corset' B . G Stone jr Allred M Joel 14, 'Rogers Michael Mein' NCIIWICII- 7 -.93t1 :DISTRICT. , 22, name's in bok-43:dru'wn: 'A. C Goodwin Wm G .Diainsou. EI.DRED-91th DISTIII6T. . • Gr.).names in box-7-16 drawn.. tin Burnham 'Char)Al M Ztmrner Aiek • • Malvin F Keyes• det Rice• • • . Broder: , S V Lamphear: • ' Lewis J . ,Wright• • .r. Jao:A. Canliq:l,l • Wilson Cooper . Randall (land : .Thomai Gill -! David R Shill . dilbert 14.11/oody Wm.D Bear4olllp : Wm Pm' I; . e J'ahaz..l Rica , Jamei M Child! OTTO- . 95th• DISTRICT 2 . 6 !limes in box—j drawn: Wm A Prnatise • • Jay W Ivan N Stanchfiald ' • Norris 13 StnitS • 1-lirtim . M Moore Jos'enti- John P Smith SERGE ANT-96th DISTRICT •H Silms in ;boiLl3 drawn John Hitemun Eaaterbrook James Fox • Coaper'B Criswell' Tillasnn • ,John Hugh . Mi•Cluughtin jamei Golden Joseph Pull ' • Michael Koirnan• Jonathan 13arnes • Bishop Lucas, John Nutley . • ' . I3RADFORD-97th .DISTRICT: 85 nnmes in bcoc— . -25 draivri . . John 'Robinson Wallace Campbell And ,1 Hammond. . David - Frazer , • Joseph DeGolier 'Aug C:Snyder 'Dexter Moore •• nun ey Snyder. Edwin F Clark `Robort•L Thompson' Aug Aug W Newell . Seaman•W Snyder Pat Lynch' E V Dikernan ' • Daniel Wash GeoTatten Wm Crooks ;0, Geo Richardson. Spencer,Thibbitts • Warreti Olds James White • . Di'F 1) Finlay Wallace :Boss James D •Matte.son • • CORYDON--98th DISTRICT. • • . •. names in box-3 drawn. ' • Henry Fogles :Snriith : • James Davidson, ' - r LAT AYETTI-9 th , DISTRICT;f: ; ;-. 4 • 7 nanneo in boit--2 drawn:!:,; Geotge . iragfidopt . Orlando liagadorn • , . •lA naines . in box 5 d ' Alonzo Field 'gollia Locnio Icing .1 C Porterfield '!, [Last ti,vo br,eipirin rollrrwur. Two drawn from HAMILTON fcvirEt.moitE , -.: l9rst Drq , crl. , . • 24 names in box‘--17ilialsls';;;:::.::;.' Michael, Chn 'Riley' John Sbeans ,- . Edward,Sirfney Wm Kinney Yobn Gano George .. A nnia ~: 6 .4 , .. , ,. ...,., : •'.i4 , ;?-,.: 4:! - , , i,i44- :.,...ii EMIL ,a ?:.4': i ',1 . , ,tJ.-;',k.,,tpi, , ,i.. ..... :Fy 4. , -.01 , '' --' •,c r-C ; , 'of illeoben„Cartet G N North; k)~!nnta I:ono Stri Moo „Richmond Grinnehi Silas 'Selman& •:.; MuirOs L•Rifle I. Sanford liatton Hoiner :~ s : , {i.