M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 29, 1863, Image 4

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    ;,r EPERIENCE,
• or • •
• z
Waining and
A (%,A, 1 4:1,',19:1' YOP..S9 -11 EN.
iV' i ini.eulit;'#.:,POlK:Prtiinfili:pi,bility;;.Freattnre
bI•eRY - -- it - 'the
A):O:`,N benn, .. •
iirteelV• ft being.
2ced l eXpNi n ; iirW Injury thirough med—
i Cal bum Unt'llfftt q.bii•liierr. • •
• •tia `iiddressed envelope,
*iPAl.Clorii-ti• May belied-61 eiti !tor. .
NATI] 'AT ATEA IR, Esq:, •
jimportl, &tit County; Y,
TO.. , :IitYOUS'; -, KilittEllS • ORjOTII I'EXES'
. .
/VReVeientl,getitlenctiii haiiii;•:heen restored
I# . .heallb.in'tf laity day. , sodter undergoing . all the
usual , rtidthae - and;frfelt ular,..exiteneive rriodes'Aif,
treatmeati,.vethou siireess,.leonsider . :if his
Sairearduty to•eilinnlunicatifo his •atairted
lovit'.e;reafnfe,s-t,ha;:IIEANS OF cpse'.
the'reeeipt of , an addressed' eiturlope, be
send(free) a
. co l ty .tbe . preseription'ased.--.
'Direct to.. Da: 'JOHN M. DAGNALt;,...IB6
Foltoti Sire'ef,'Brooklyn,..N. Y. ,
. . .
To sell goods forthe.Animi . cwttro MACHIN
COMPANY.: We•vy ill give-a commission on all
goods sold.b ai 'r. pay yvates.at from
.$lO lo•$100
.. alj.nceessary
rApenaea. :Our , ac' me
vhanistri; .. A child can leara to op. 1t by
halt anhonri.!: iriatiudrion' I :It is equal to any
reality Sewipt.Michi.ne An•nge,. and are have
redurei . tth price -Fa Filteen•pedlare„ •.; . ..•
.....E.actCeatichineia vVirrantid for three , years.
;Addresi • ;.• • ' C. -RUGgLES, •-:
..• •.} v s •.) . 1 . • .-.i ' , Gen.; Agt •Detroit, „Mich.
..• •
- •
.1),ONSION .for'disabled. Soldiers, Widows,
.111Oth.ers;.,and 'minor. Children. .BOUNTIES
lor Soldiers..discliaread by rtiasen of •-woontlii
ec.ei'Ved battle; WidoHs'and•Heireof de.
ceased Soldiers. BACK PAY and , settlement
of all, arrears and; balance • doe urge( and
deeiased Office'rs Soldier and Sailtirs, • PRIZE
AIOPTEY for all. United' States vessels.
• 'd-land-. Book of Insirliction•sent; by enclosing
• . ,
stamp to payriturn postaga.r •
• . • _ BUSIES &:BROWS,,'
, So/ix/ear's Cl aims limit Patents; •
(Under Broidway Bitn_k) 2 park Place„ :11. Y.
470 Seventh, street,.Walihingtonep.
ittEopinow BANK ••••••,:tiow York.
BROADWAY BANK ... .... . . •
nos. HANNIBAL EIAMLIN;VIoe Presideht.. •
, MARTIN KALI4LE.IBOII, 1114yor of prooklyn.
MADM. Now York, .
JAY, cow* Wag hi egtori and
, •
Whereas,"mywife . M. L.. Skiver,. left
my bed and board without; cause of provoca—
tion, this is to notify all. persons .againet bar''
boring or triistine heron Ink account, as I will
pay no debts of ner•contracting- aftef this date:
'•• Eldred, 31'Keali Co. Pa.,..lithe 9th,.1.863,. •-•
• , , • . - JAMESSKIVER.
. . .
Libt of Jurors, Spt. ';'rorm, 1863
Bradford—i; Smith, Orrin Smit,b,'O. D.
• Crooker r Channey Snyder; John Apt:baby, Darius
Frank, BF. Colegrove.- • • •.'
'LafatkiJollus Clark, William Talbot,•-•
;•) • Elcired--Ullitripp ..Wooleatt; D. .11: • Buenliani,
D: 13—Percival, Norman Wriglit. • :• •
11:,Knapp,.W.•Vaullertnarlr,. • •
Icap3er, Thomat! Oman, floury
Smith, Henry Chevalier.
rSzneflipore—M. A. Sprague, 'Noni Lutz. •
Keatini A. J. Otto:
.• • . •
' •••••Thom C, „B.' Bbl(lwi
JVRORN, •,-.
. .
Serr;nut. - --.D. Eastorbrook. c • •
'..Bradford—D. .T.• • Clunherlidn, Samuel. Gray,
Lorenzo:l/take, 1.. S. Foster, J. 'A. LsOns,.. Geo.
W; Monroe, liarray.lThrges... .• • . •.' • . •
Soiethportz--W. - B.. Brownell, John Hell, .4 - aant
Martin, James MoDonald. , •• ."
J. Patterson,. M. B.
Hall; Enoch Briggs, Charles White, - E. P. • iloag„
S. Col nelius, ,Horace Tyler. • . - , • .
• 'Hamlin—Joseph ..White, •• . . • •.• ' • ,
' • .Cerie,—Nimrod Larapher„Josei)h - Cari, Daniel
' Gleason;W: K.. King: ' ' '•
.'..0tt0,,G, C.. Robinson, J. J. Thotnpson, G.
Baldwin; Isaac Cooper.' . • • . •
'Annul--Daricil Buckley, John Brown..
B. • •
Norwich—G: . Smith, . • . •
.Eldred-Arnold . Reeves,Pet.w
.. • . .
,Larch..; .
' . . . - ..J. I.llAlll,'Sherio
A JOINT REStaUllorli
TILE' coNsl'irtrilom. . •
Ost:the Senale.and Musi.of Repre.
. sentaifiel ophe Commineirealai of eedusylydnies in
geiiircati4,ooi6ly not, That the .1160 g amend-,
intaittliti3i/oposett to the Constitution: of the
":Coniiited*Calth, in accordance - with the pro Vis-.
tenkl s ottlib tenth article thereof:. .•
'There shell:be : au additional section to the,
thirdarticle of the Constitution, to• be designa-;
toil as section' four, as follows: • ,
Sx&rioN4. .Whenever any of the :qualified.
electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any
actual military service, ander a requisition from
the President of the. United States, or 'by the
authoaity'of this Commonwealth," such electors
'May exereise•the right of suffrage in all elections
by tt e citizens:, Under such regulations 1111:•' . are,
or shall be, prescribed`by'law, as fully eta if they
:were present at their usual place of election.
•. There shall be, , taio addltional.sections to the
eletOth Ottelepf the . Constitutioni to be
nated,as,selltionialtht, , andliine,jl9 follows:
5E014.8:: NObill, shall be passed by the
Legifilatnre;eentelding fnore than • one. subject,
‘Vhich shall be Weedy exPreslotlinthe title,
cept appropriation. bills.!. • .
. SsoTlox,9. ..147'0 bill Passed by the
Leipsiatttro granting any powert, t or privileges,
in any eas'ef,.whare the authority to, grant such
powefs, priVileges; has been,.or may hereafter
be,. conferred upon'the Oourts'illf. this CO/UmOn ,
Iv etiltit:Y JCIII.N.CESSNA,
4ealeor of tbe irouse•of Ppreseataiives
J .
.„ SpeOer of the. Senate.
- Rinitimmind, JULY - 14 18131.1"
pp,x/NE, - 4vANIA4 SS: ' •A
I do herehy eertify. that the foregoing an.
exed is,a full,,ture and correct copy
AD •
• .l the original Joint Resolution of the
ooWera4iutsetubly. entitled " A Joint Resolution
proposing ,eertain 'Amendments to the Cottstitu
. tion,";its the earns remains on file in.this..ofilce
Ix: TaiaFiroiaz Whereof; l have bei* untoeetlY
and Caused the'aeal Of the Secretary* f
?,.-tfoe4O,hii,allised;'tiie darned 'year 'above.. writ:
. ' .' . P . DT ' ti . .
Alli*li24 Itr,43:r V
..., 9 CV.
.:' oiVig.lTotiiigigii,tii:it t he A.dmlntatratora
ti l etio' '"'• 'fell !ipit'i,aatate, W il l present at
.;• 9 , ',. ,,, Aef 4 4' 1i '
•• Colin 'to,' be held In
t 9.:1141 1,.t+ . 9 t 9P!..! 1 , e - 9- 1 / 0 v . t Vhinda; of Sopt., mixt,
: f39l9ltig6lP-14 P' 9 ' ' - W"' Ytti to Coi l iltinatiom •
tif ;14 I A ant 1,1#4; ,i1,.9e.r
. ~. , .
, 4%.,igrAti•18(4.4q) v.. ),• . •. , ' •
. . t :Ap.eillitfn , • '' . ' ,- ''.. • ,
, - ,ft;i4isril..KATgp::: , .':...
- - • ,
. ' Ntiw Se.ries:
. .
A ne,w volurrie.cf cireiiiiiied pn
per.orrkencei on die is 01 idnuary. Every
sixtee,n ,infer
moyone in
nd rrn.live lo'ren.nriginal.serigravings
elle( vrhiizti
are prOared • expreasly tor its columns:
'To The': Meehtinie end 1111inulutturer!.
. .
Nr per Son eng.tigeil in ' any of .the nechunica
poi Suits 'should think of ()ping Without the
SclexTivio:A3tanicno. It cbst's hat . siSx cent's.
pet vi . 'eeht:.ave.g.number cOntains; froM six to
ten engitiVing.B2.cf • new triaChines.amtiriven
tions, which cannot be ftiundln anY.other.nub 7
'lication:. It is. 111) estubliShett , ruin of the pub
iiehi tojnsejt • none,but enittivinge,
and those of the firstelnis.. in the
end engraveqhy..;exrierie.naetkpersons. - ,untler
their own.surejviSion. '
1' . 13 t tl; Inveiitin!
: The—SCIENTIFIC • AMMUCAN-.ia . indis
Peristible to:eVerY inventor, USA not Only 'con-.
tains .ill4stra'red descriptions of i nearly all they
hest inventions as they ini , ‘e "Oilt, but . each
)turhhereontninS' OfftChil List of the. Chums
or all-the Pateata iaaad;(rom the United Status
Patent . office.dttriiig; the .week , - previous; thus
'giving' a .correct history'of the progress of in . .:
v.eßtions in this country.' We are etso reeeiv
ing;NiVeryw'eek, the best scientific
,journals of
reat France, !tad . Germany;;, thus
7tnatr,•irCour 'po!session All that is transpiring .
in mechanical science and art !n., these' old
countries'.. We 'shalt continue to : transfer. to
otir colunins copious extracts from 'these -jour- .
`dais of whatever-we may deem of interest. in
our reiders.. . ~;:, •..
. . . .
cheivists; : :: A rcliftd6:l; . . :Mill iyrights,: , An
Tbe . SCEN l 'lFte •A.MERICAN will 6f;
found a most . uselful:JOurnat tolhern... All - the
new .discoveries . of 'science of .chemistry 'are
:arven in its columns } and interests of the
'Architect and carpenter are not . overieoked; 'all
the.new-inventirins: arid disroyeriee,appertain' !
ing to
_these „pursuits, betpg ptiblisheil from
week to week. Useful.nnd practical informa
.tion ,pertaining . to ,the • interests - Of wrighti
aud . mill-ownerl'will..he found publiShed.in 'the
SCIpNTIFIO A NIKItIbAN • which informal inn they
cannot possiblit.olttain from tiny other source.'
Subjects in which planteraand firrne;is are. in.
tereitted will•he found :discussed' in the Se]
TIPIC imist of . the iniProvernents in
agricultural imPlemerns.heing illustrixted in ,its
aubscrihers:7 7 Threellars a Year
or One . Dollar for foot. months,/ The vol
ones commence on the first of January, any
Specfmen copies will be sent gratis to any
patt or the country.
, . . .
' Western and ,Canadian . money,orPosi-office
'stamps taken at par for subscriptions.. Cana
dian subscribers, will - please to remit 25 cents
extra on each - year's '"subscription to preitay
'MUNK & CO.', l'ublishiqe,
N 0•37 Park,49'w . D.levy York '
...„_,.. .
~,,,, • ,
.*. To UOnsutriptives... ..•
. . .
• . . . ..
/111111 Adiertieer, having been 'restored to ; health Idil
.1. -lew WOoki. by R. Very 'simple tionedy,'after havinu
mult,red.oeverstrytiarm with a. severe lung ntreetion f nap,
'that .drea , l disease, Consumption-10 anxious' to niako
known to his folloW-suirefere the manna of cure,'.' ~.
To all who desire it, lie 1911 sand a copy of thenreScrip
tido axed Om of charge), with the directions for pre
paring thinning the. 641110, which then willdad )I,,BUItIS
only object of the Advertjarr in sending the ;.'rescription
Is to benefit the' afflicted, troll Apielut.inforniatlon which
he conceivesdn' be intaluable, and he hopes .every set!
fprer will try hin:retnedy, an it Will
and play' prove a blessing. •. • -
Patties wishing the, prespription will please, addrees
• ' Ear. ADIVARD A. WIL S SON,f • '
• • handl, - •
• •
. Kings Conn' y, ewKYnrk.
All Persons are warned against purchasing
We following jiidgment notes; signed ...1)y me
and payalde•to.C.• Bulrom.or. tiearer; • tri:wit:
One dates Jan. 2211 18153 'for $lO,OO. due Yebrim.'
ry 22d 1803; one dotes Jen. .22i1 1803 for $50,-
00 'due '.114.1 . re1i.2,2ri 11863, one dates. Jun.' 22d
1803 - for. $50,00 due April 22d 1863; one '.dates
22d 1863 for $50,09'. dtie, May 22d. 1863;
one daieS 'Jar., 22d• 1803' for. $50,00 . due'• Jtine
22(1 , 1863; one 'dates Jan: 221 1863' for . $25,00.
due July 22d ~1803.. As the consideration, of
each and all et' than' has failed I shall con.
feet•the payment of each. . •
~.•• .•• • •
Crimerob Co., July .let; 1863. :
, • • • • • • • HENRY HANES..
of Ay CUU.KI
AL JAY: .000.1iE k CO. ; lanlOrs
.•114 SOUTH 111112. D. STREET,
. • • . Phlladelphiß, Nor-1, 1.
.The undermiened having been appointed
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of
the 'freasury, is now prepared: to turnieh, at.
Twenty Tenr 6.. per et .' Bonds.:''
of the United States, designated as "Fly
Tweniies," redeemable at the pleasure of I'
GoVernment, after. five: pears; and anthoritt
by Act of Congress, approved Feb. '25, '.7
5, 186.
' The •COUPON . BONDS are' issued , in sums I.
$5O, $180,.5500, $lOOO. • .. ' .
The REGISTER 'BONDS - in sums .of sr.&
$lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. •... • ' .
• interest at six per 'cent. per anuum .
comnienea from - date ..of purchase., and is .•
Serni.Annually, which is equal,,.at the presto:
promium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CEPI•i
Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, CapitaliKe y
and all Who have any money to invest, shod.
knciyv and rennornber that !hose Honda are, it
effeet.,.e FIRST MORTGAGE upon all 'Rail
roads, Canals, Hank Stocks arid Securities, art'
the,immense proclacts.af all the Alanufacturte ;
&c . ., the country!, and that ilia full at
amPle 'provision made for the paynnent. of the
interest and liquidation, of principal, by Cult.
toms . , Dutlea,l.Exeine Stamps and Internal Rev
enue, serves trirmtke theee.bonle the
jest, Most:Available all Most Popular Investment
in the Narket.
Subscriptions received at PAP in
• Legal Ten
der ?totes; 'orNefes' and checks of banks at par
n Philaqelphitt.' - Subscribers by , mail will re
ceive prompt attention and every facilty and
explanation Will be afforded on; application to
this office:
A full rippl.si. of..
.Bonds will; be,keet on hand
or irnmedinte.delivery...
Y:TOOKE,. Subscription .A gent. -
• nA1z.p..71 TJML 111.4 DE E $
. .
I would ' , respectfully announce to the citizens
.nr AteK,;,,,n and itdjotning counties'lhat tbey
can do'aS well in S'methport, in theS•ov;e. and
Tin-Ware Irtie„ its in Olean. I sb'all,:st. all
tunes; hay.e on band alurge sto ck
. - . .
.161.1roll:aml llons-beepers Hard.Ware' &c
. . .
, . . .•
• . •• .
of all kinds done with dispaich, anil r in a satin
tory manner, at the lowest Possible prides.
Orders promptly'attended .•
Give .me a call—nt the building krioWn as
"Side. Hill Tin Store"2-liirmerly ocoipiecl: : by
A. J. Kourse--Smethport, Pa.',• *. . • • .
M 21, 1863. • L. W.MASON,
. • . . • • . Propedor.
. .
111' best and most reliable .Ifambinti . Maa,rt.lue In the
world. Oontaino tho largeßfsinil MAW. Fashion-Plates,.
Itliegreatest number 'O.MM' EngraVing4, the 'latest and
Toost.reliab le infordiattpn,'threa • fulli-si‘zed Patterns for
Dreawma, and.a shunter
,new Ilrada-Work and Embi.oi
(tering Pa [terns: Every Mother, 'llresinuaker,' Mille tier
and Lady, dustilil have it , Published Quarterly,. at 471
Broadway ; Now York, . cold . everywhere or pent by mail.
at 25 cents. Yearly $l, with'a valuable premium.: •.. ,•
~ The Sutemer euteher now ready. • • ,
AjnoaTtfou-ootrie,RELIA.I3I.E and PRAP-'
TlCAL . :Journat; devoted ;to the..dilierent.de
.partment4 of SOO culture, such as . grotvingField
Crops . , Orchard and: Garden. fruits •Garden
Vegetables and Floivers . ; Trees, Pletits;* and
Flowers ter " the Lawn . o . r . Yar'd ; 'Citreof Do-
mostic • Animala,; &c.; and: to Household _
Labors.'. It 1ia5 .. 41.46 an interesting and instruc
tive'department,for children and youths.. • ,
A full Calendar .61 Operations•every month.
Teree. to Four Hundred,-,tir more,,illnstrative
Engravingi,appear in each .
.over T%Velve•• Hundred 'plain, practical,
structive.artieles inCuseful• items , are given
The EditOrti en . d . Con'tributors.aie; 1111 p . ree.
iiealAlorking . Men. .•. •
.The It4seltimOs .of tho Acp.ictriiln,isi are.roq
finneljo no State or 2 iritiiry, bitt ai-e .adaperd to
Wm wants of all seetlons of the country—it it, a:r .
its name indicates; for.tho7Ohole 4ismiiics.N.Corkt
-A.GERMAN EDITION is iniblishe(l,9l the
Set - rift:size and price no the English, snit 'con
taininglill of its 'reading,motter, and its nurne
roux ilhistratiye engriivings.•.; ' • .
One copy, one year, -$ 00
Six copies',one . year • . •• 5 00.
... Ten or,more Copies one 'year 80 cents eacti.
lr Addto...the abcive: rates,: Postage to
Canada 6. cents, to -I,:nglend,' and' prance, 2 , 1
eents;to'Germany, 36 cents.
— Ppetaire anywhere in the United , States and
Tet.ri t ories must be paid by•tife aUbscriber, and
is • only 81 . X Ce)i eg w oar , paid. in 'advance at
the'office where received. : ••••
• All business and 'other communications should
•l e addressed to the Editor' and PrOpi4etot, •• •
'-ORANGE, JUDD, dlOark-ROW, N;-y:-City
• "
• The commencement of a new year_ is , a
timeter.renewing subscriptiOns and increasing
she circulation of the Journal corriinerce..--:
.We address our-Selves -to the old readers - of the
paper;: . .Vviiii entire •canfulanceto their willing
ness,to aid us, 'and extend -the influence of the
.soanconservative principle and morals
•haVe hithertoeharacteriZed and will hereafter
Characterize this paper.
the. Commerce Journal of might do g. great
service to-theiteprineipleS, and etri.ngthen
in Our ability.to support and cireulatethem, by
sending us the name of at least one new sub
scriberlnbis town. '.• ' • •,
.. Devoted firmly'as we have been to our count
try's interests, and haying ions been .called
‘4lUriien Savers?' as a term of reproach; Weare
and shall be the firm apholders.of •
opposing with heart and-pen every.mta, Smith
or North, who is 'an enemy.to either, Eyery
form of disorganization and revelation will find
us-ready •for the-combat. .Among thetoes'of
the American Union:and American principles,
we rank.side by side •
and We:propose . ..with all Our. strengthto 'defend
the nation against the. attacks of both.:
To 'encourage 'those who may volunteer to,
aid in . the. organization of Clubs,. we - -hereby
. an extra' copy of the Weekly to ,every pet.
son who shall forward twenty tew•subscribers
with the' money.' • . • : . • •
• 1 - , OLUIAS .- • •
may lie Organized . iir•communities
iiilvantage.• .The present is the-best period: for
their commencement. - ;:The terms on. , which
we-can furnish the papeC . ,are as follows
To companies taking
.20:copies 'or upwards ONE . DDLL A R each
13 copies. . FIFTEEN DOLLARS.
. 8 copies "
• • 4 copies . • • !ix • ." •
: 3 copies FIVE
Under'3 copies-• each ,
.The papers Wilk.' be addressed to different
persons at the-same Post Office, if desired, ex
cept eases of -clubs of 13 or mole copies,
which will be'mailed to-one address.
'maybe made at' the,.following- rates t—Papers
added to'a club during the fired quarter„ of- the
club's year will pay the fullrateof the origi
nal club for a 'year, during the second quarter
three-fourths of the original year's rate; airing
the third quarter one.half, and •daring 'the last
quarter. one-fourth,- One all Such subscriptions
Will terminate with the - 'year -of. the -original
Fro'm . Holbrook'; U. S. Itrai'4
Where packages of • newsinapera on periodicals.
are reCeived'at and'. post office directed to one
address . ; and the names of the cluh of subscri
. to which .they belons;; . .*ith the' pealege
for a quarterin advance, shall lie handed.to the.
'Postmaiter, he shalideliver the same to their'
r6srectiye owners. • . ' '
Bdt this does appli.to weekly newspapers
which eileidate freeiti the county Where; pTinL
ted end, published. . ..". . .. -..- .
117 - Address Editers:of tlte Journal of Porn,
inetee; NO. 31 'Nall street 'Net! reek. . .
• • ' rditors and •Proprietots
• - ...A.T . g1t , ,§:. , - .
Are yi,ll. feettici . ,' and
colitplaliting? , Are you out'of
to der, with - year ;system ale.
ntogntl,nutl your feelings un
com lortaltiel Theta ;.synip•
toll pi or. ellen the prelude
Apt lotoi 11111e/is. Sumr tit, of
sick hos IS ereeping.upon you,,
01 11111111111 be averted •by a
timelY of tile. right. rein:
Take Ayeell ,Plll4 and
cleanse tuft 11111 illsurdetcll ha
'more.— vitrify theblood; and
let the 11111(10 More tai hoot,.
Structed• 'ln 'health again.
TIW.f. tit 'mutate' -the fottetioits
of to body into. Vigorous no-,
v Ity,,p net ly the system from
, the -01,111 1 ortiOne whielt•totilte
di ß efin. 'A cold .nel Will 'lll the hotly, and ob.'
streets' Its nature' foitetimet.... These, :if oat relieved,.
tenet 111011 theueadves lola the inirromyling ergani, pro.
dialog general lrggravniio iltiffering, • mid disease..
Irbile.lit by the derangements,.
tonti.AYer's and see. her directly they restore the
not hut %ellen tit tile' eygteta. Itlill wkll It' the buityant• .
feeling of ilk. 11). What hi trite eittl.sii,npftrent la ,
this triAttentl Common chtitabilitt. is tibia true ill Many -
tif the deeieseal ed/1 . 1111 tlangurouv distemperii. ,•The same
purgative °livid expels them. • Caused by similar olistrun ,
thins and durengesnenta,of the itationlionctions of the
ladlYt they are rapidly, nod, many' of
,theal sorely, cured
Ity' the name means. None Who know ; the virilks, of tllOB6-
Palfm.'will'-heglect to employ theta when sulfeehig4rom
the disorders they mere. . . ,
Statemehts from leading' physicians In. somo of the
pritteitiol Clues, and from other weil.knoiva:public per,
EVIL In ArlUltrd ;lig ArerChant f Si. 'Loisis,'..ol,. 4, 1856. •
Tin., A liEti tie paragon of 'all • that. is
groat in have eured toy tittle daughter
of olcoroine sores Matti her hands and feet that hod proved'
'noontide' 11r': pears. Her ntether.has been long griturl
dimly enacted with blotches 111111 pimples on her skin And
In her hair; After - Mar .chit.ll . 'wtei cured,. she' also tried
your Pine,
,apt they ,have cured her. '
" • ASA 11101P3RILICIE.
.As et: *fluffily , • •
Front Dr: E. M.Cititivriglif Netu'Orleatas.
. . . .
• Your Pills .are•the prlnee of. Their excellent
. . purges., .
- (mallet' surpass' any cathartic we' possess. • . They aro.
mild, but•yery certain and effectual in their at:lion on the
.Bowels, whleit makes. thew hivaltuthie to. us in the dully
treatment of disease:, . 1 ' . ..- - • '
. .
.Ileadaxlke,Sichilpgdache,al Stomach ,
. •
.....' . Prom Dr. Ed leant Boyd, Dal " more." . .- -
.. -
; . DEAR lIIRI •A Yin': I cannot ausweryou uhot.compleints
I, have cared with yourVills better,lhan to shy gllthat we.
erer treat with a pargatioe'Wedici ne. I place great &pen
'dance on an effectind cathartic . in, my daily politest with
'disease, andhulleving as I de that yeur Pills'afford us the
Wit we have, lOf COlirtig VOillif them, highly: - . ' . • - •
• . • - • . . -•. ' Prrrsoutto, Pa., May I, 1855. •
• • Da. J. O. ATER.. Sir: I. have been repeatedly cured of
the wont ii , ialach'e any body con have by a dose or two
of year Nils. It seeing' to 'mite from to foul stomach,
which theicleanle'at otiee. • . • . ' . '
•Youre -with great respect, . En. W..P . IIFIILff; '
', . . • . • C7erk of 'Steamer elarion,
. . •
.. .
B ri
illo,us biorderillver Complothats.,
• . /Nat Dr. •Therdore•Delt of KeiciThrk (iiiy.• •
'Not only aro your .Pilie mint trebly atiapted . to their Mir.
peso no an aperient. but I find their beneficial efforts upon
the I.lvor very 'marked indeed, They have in my'prac.
lire. proved morn 'effect nal ffir cure of btlions: corn ,
plantd than any i.,ll....rentefly 1 can mentibp. 1 sincerely
rejoice that no have at. Itioglh n pitrgative which is wet.-
thy the confidence of the.prefesolutt und.the people..
DEPAOT3I6T or vuilxreition, ,
• .IVenhingtoti,..l). C., 7th Feb.,
Stn: have TOIOII your Tills in my general and hospital
precticwever since you made .11tete, and cantigt hesitate to
say they ere the, hoot cathartie wocinplOy: .Their regu-
Auting, actipu otr the liver' is quick • and decided, cones-•
fluently . they are nUattm treble remedy for derangements.
of that organ. .Itbieed, 1 have 'seldom tilund n case of
bill'ous.dixtaie so obstinate. that II did not readily yield to
them. Fraternally yolltp, ALONZO BALLi 31. D . .,
' • • ••. 'iyeysisictit of the Muriria Lasfillat.
Dyeenteiry, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms.
.fsvm Dr. J. U. Green, ny Chicago. • • .
. . .
Your Pills hey!, hail itlidig trial in my timeliest, and I
hold them-in esteem lis'one of the liestaperleuts I•-have
ever found. ' Their alterative effect upon the liver makes
them' au excellent renteilyovbeu given hi small doses'for
blights dysodery aH'/ diarrlitru. -Tilde sugar-coating
makes them very aceeptablo ma-convenient fur the use
Of'wontint and children. -
BycipoioOny Impurity or
.li•otn, Rea. J. C There:, lieztor of oickent.'Clturch, Boston.
Drt.'A rtfit have used your' Pills with oxtramdgaiy
succe'se in my family anti thoSe I not called to visit
in- distress. , • To• regulate .1 he organs .of digestion and
purify* the blooth they are the spry best remedy I have
over known, and I eau 'confidently recommend Mete to
my fritinds: ' J. V. 1113IES. •
IV titsati, Wynating Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1055,
tl,s itt Sin: I 'am UMW,: paw Cathartic Pills lit my. prac
flee; and MO ant excellent purgative to eletium the
.system mid 'purify the finuttains .1 the Watt.
• • • • JOHN' p, 3IILACIIAM,'.3I D. •
. .
Conelt.lpatlois.,Cemitivenewt, Supprenxicoli, .
•Alie than, Goat, Neuralgia, Drop
ay Varalysis,'Flts etc • '
. , Froth fir. J. P. Neigh'', Montreal, 'Canada.'
, ,
Taw, tench enituot he said of yeatr.Pllll . 4 forthe curb of
, cestircitsss, If 011terfi Of• nor' fraterstity•havi) thou.l them
atettriOnS is I 'MVO, they should join Hie in pritclaito
lt for (he ; tettefit of the•mullltattes who sulfa* trout
Hutt complaint, which, altlainalt had enough in liSelf, 6*
*the' progenitor or others that ore mini°. I lolgieVe Pot.
lirenem togrightete in the liveribitt your Pills affect that
organ and cure the disesse, • • •• . '
.fronejlre.l.7; Ottart, l'hysiclan and Jfifrutffe, Roston. •
I fled eno or two large - doses urynni• Pills, taken nt the
proper. One, tire eXCeiletit protiletiVtotor the eattarat seem.
ttoll,Ulii.O.'irhotty or partially. tiolopresMell, Knit also very
'effeetnal to &sass the elllllll4ol 111 . 1 d 'repel worms: - They
are HQ the ithyiqle two thaws that I reconunend
ndother to my patients... -••. • • . !• , • .
: Faint die Rev. Dr. Ilittukes,V (lie Ilelhotlist Tpis. Church.
PttlAtiftt napes- Slivannalt,tht., Jan. 6, 185.6. •
IhiNottri, &It t I .00iihr,bo ungrateful for the relief
. .
ynnr.Alll has brituglit me if I did not report my case to
you, - .A-cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru-•
elating totarsigioistios, which ended in clown kVietna
. lisw. NowltlOlintllng had the best of physicians.' the
diseasogrowworse dial wet-se. until by the adylcu'of your
Actwellent ! I.:iota il k ihatimm, - ,Dr.;slachenzle, I tried your
Their effects were idow, but sum. Ity poriecoring.
In tilt) non of them, rant matt entirely woll. •
• • 'SENATE CliAlnlign, Ikann Rouge, La., 5 Doc. 1855.
have Ibsen entirely cured, by your Pills, of
Rheumatje Gout —iipaluful disease that lout Minded mo
lbe.yoars. • 1, • ' VINCENT SLIDELL.
. , .
•arit- Most of the Pills In, market contain Nittreury;
Which, although a' valuable reinetly in 'skilful hands, is
'dangerous in 'a public pill, from; the - dreadful conse
quences, that frequently follow . its Incautious use. Maio
contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
. . . . .
.Price, 25 eentsper Box, or 5 Boxes ter $l.
Prepared by Dr. J .C. Ain & CO., Lowell, Kam,
H. Hamlin 14r. CO.,.Smeihport; .C . . F. Osgood,
Bradford•, L.'H. , Eiolley, Port .Allegany, and by
dealerseverywhere. . . . • :. . ' :
HE Subscriber having purchased this well
1. known stand, and re-furnished' and refit
ted the llouse„is pre'pared to entertain Board !
ers and the Traveling public. •
. -
• . Will be well supplied, and everything: done
to•merit a liberal share of patronage: Raft
nnen will alvvayir find the "latch-string" out. •
• • P. M..FULLER.'
. .
Kendal Creek, Tanuaryl2, 1860: • •38-ly
. .
. .
'Change of Houi.s.. . • •
Commencing . A.lniixtay,••Nov.. 17th, 1862.
Trains will leave Olean aPabout the following
hour's; • •
Night Express
Way Freight
NO:'2l •
Night Express ~ 7EIO, P. M.
Mail. . ~ • . .1007 A. M.
Stock'• • • . ••
Way. Freight •. ••• M.
Nos. 3,4, and 8; run - every day.-: No. 6 runs
Siindays,4tt not Mondays. Train 3, of Satur—
days, from Netv York, runs th'rough to Buffalo,
but does not run to Dunkirk. • • • -
• NATHANIEL MARSH, Receiver. • •
1863. 1863.
• This great, litie triikrerees.the . Noit . herri.and
‘ Narthweet•connties Peensylvaiiia t o the city
Etie, on Lake Erie..
It has been leased hy tho PEN . NSYLVANIA R.
CoAitvirry, and'under their Auspices ns being
rapidly'obened . threughout itp entire length - .
Iris now, in lige for Passenger and Freight .
Jnisiness :'lrritn HARRISBURG to 1)1tIFTWOODI',
V 2 9d.Fork) [17.7 milesj the Eastern
ion, and froinSrferFrELe to Et (78 miles,) on :
thd'lVestern Dickler):
PASS - ENGE.',TRAINS AT .rntETwo,on..
.• Leive!Eaitwad. • •,• •
Express trait . ) lettv,es, • "• Pr. M
: 12:00 . M
Ac . corno6.ti . o . ll.-traini'
.6 ; 40 1)..-It
• •
~thoo P.:M:
'Cars run tlitoogh: . WlT,upot
ways on Oleie:trains•bei ivoon Philadelphia and
Lor.k• Haven, and between•ltultimore and Loa-
. .
ELEGANT SLEEPING . ears •on' Express :trainsboth .
v‘.ays,•hetween *and Bolti'•
more and •Williems . por4 and Philadelphia: •
For .information'. respecting •Passenger
nesS aiTik at the Cornerilih. and ,M'a'r=: . • • . ,
A iia.for treigi;t busio;ess•of the Company's
• S B. Kindsron, Jr. , Cor. '•130 . and Market
. •
Reynolds, Trip. ' •.; •••
J. M. DnII A aont N. C..R.
HOUSTON, .. • '
• •., • ' (iv)/ '1 .Preighi
LEWIS L.. . .1
Tidet Ag'l . P11 . 11'1.1,
Jos: D. POrrs,
'Gen'/ iltanager.,
. •.. •
. — Three.dailtrAiris to and from Baltimore and
Wa . shinat . on cif Connections made 'with
• rains on 'Pennsyl'vania from
Pittsburg AM) Two . traibs : daily to .
:Mil-limn Nill I h And•Wee . t.
Eliriiia.and all Nortlieril Ni4lTork .•'
theTnqsernzerTrains'of Ho-Northern .
Ciiiitra I Railway and depart" fithri
FlArristmig•and.•l3alriinere as 'follows, •yiz :
rn . ;. HareiNbo6z at
520 p. arrives in Bditiniote at -10.20
. ,
...EXPRESS TRAIN Irav*os SaMurry, daily
. (exceM Simfay) at 11.20 p: rn..,lepves Elarriq ,
burg (xcrilt.l4lomfay) at 2.45 arul ar•
riyei at ItiMord
.('except •Mnrtday)'ar.
'1439 a. m .
!raves Ham s u re. da t .9' Or, a. in.
• 'MAIL TRAIN leaVes Baltitimie dail, [ext
cipt t.tility] . at 8.30 a. m., Harrisburg t 1.13
p. rrt.; arid ; arrives at Sunbury at,4.50 p.
EXPRF.SS TRAIN leaves Bnltimure dailyat
8.40 p. tn..; arrives at Harrisburg a 11.50 tr. m..
'and leaves Harrisburg daily Lexcept . ;l.londay]
at 3.20 a. m.,,.and arrives at Slinbury at 6.20
leay.es 13altirriofe daily (except Sunday] at . 2:45 .
p. m., odd.nrriees.at Harrisburg at 8 p. ml .
Foc fortherinfprmation ripplyfat the Office )
in Pennsylvania Railroad Depot.
. • :J. N.:DoBARRY;.:' •
• . 4 Sitieren'teittlent, •
..• 1882.• ,
EDITOR 0.,F Ith•mocitAT,' itlr your.
peimission I wish to say to the fenders of your
paperjhal,l . .will ken& by refurn. mail.• to all
who_ wish it, [free] a Recifiei with full direr- -
firms for making and. using sifinple Vegetable
l3lslm, that will effectually remove, indenilaVe,
Pimples, Blotches, Tan; freckles, and all impu
rities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, 'Clear,
smooth ~and Idautiful. , •
I Will also mail free to those having Bald
Headi or Bare Frices; simple directions and in
formation that will enable them to start fun
growth of Luxurient Hair, Whiskers,.: or a
Moustache, in less than 30 days. A ll applica.:‘:
t ion .ianswered by return mail without charge.
Respectfully yours; .
No. 831 BrOadwaY,,Nevil York. ' •
, been' granted, to.' the. undrsigned on the
Estate. o'. DELos,A,.. Non•rn ROI , (known as De
los A. Root): deeased,-- late of tafartte.
township, M'Rean 'county, Pa;, all p e rsons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
• .
immediate iqtrient, and those,..having :claim' s
figninstthe•satne will present . them:duly authen:-
ticated for'settlement and allowance.
• -.. • Administrator:
Infej,r . ote; Feb. 28, 1863.* '.' • • , • . r
. ..
~ 'l' hle preparation , made from the best Java Coffee: is
'recommended by physicians as a superior N UTltri`f 01.1 S
BEV l'itAol.l for General Debility, ,D2lspepsla', snit all
bilking disorders. Thousands %rho Imre been compelled
to abandon the use of coffee will use this without icjuri•
ous effects: One can contains the strength of two pounds
of ordipaiy, coffee, • price .26 eenti. • " . .
• The..purest and beet BAKING PONDER known; fo.l
making light sweet and nutritious Bread and cakes,-
Vriee 15 cents. ' •
' M,.. Ft.. KOLLOCK,. Chrmi.t,
• Corner of Woad and Chestnut Streets,
And sold . by all Druggists and Grocers;
AfAINI-71.00D. •
, . .
'Just Published a Sealed Envelope.'. Price*Six Cents
,Radical Cure of Spermatorilmea..oe Seminal Weekoess,
InvoluntoryEmlisions, Sexual Debilty, arid Impediments
- to Marriage generally; Nervousness Consumption.
lepey and Fits; Mental Ind Physical: Incapacity, Vemilt •
tng from - Self-Abuse. Ac. —By ROHL J Ont..vmavegii M.
D. Author of the Green Rock, Ac..
The world-renowned author. in - this admirable Lecturn
.clearly troves from his own toiperience that the mital
tonsennencesbf golf-abusa tasty be effectualle removed
without: medleine, , and without. dangerous surgical . ape ra
tions, boogies, instruments, rings, or, cordials.. - iminting
out. a mode nt-eure, at once certain and - effectual, by
which every sufferer, no Matter what its condition may
be, may lure himself cheaply, privately, and radically.
'Nils lecture will prove - a hobo to thousanda and .thou
io:os A. M.
4:13 P. M
1:0.5 P.•M
..1:00 A. 'M
• • . .
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any . addrens, on
receipt ()raiz mite, or two itontage atampa, by address-.
lug, . ' :Dr, CQAS. J. 0. KLINE,
. 127 Bowery, New York, Poet Officeßoxi•
. ,
iE olii frrnda inNiKean County i that lejs
on hard • tie Splint aen s auali:with th':
Selected stock 4:if .Goods:io the.Olean Market
To yltolesale Cash Buyers I .Tfou hb
. .
I pan offer. you better, bulucetnentis than you
cart get.:west of . New'',Y:ork.,. ' •
It • makes no, differenco.what yOu,vi;ant, any'
Oing in theline of : • ,
N r i 0 agiu es 4: PROVISIONS,
Call 'at the
And you, wtfCtindrhe article fresh and rGai;
:Ws no lisii•talking.the
al ve4s 'ari;l take the lead, an,'
regulate.the'market is ."•.. • '•
()Lb' FRIF:NDS :AND' N.Eltl. ON F.S.
IFIO 1 . 4111' rye when .you vii
Olean 1 4 11.117 r,hnit vholl
11 , -V r..
01 11, ‘...211- ISll'fi
, ro'NNt yiv• • .
• . • .
• . . ..
$5-.l . •Sewi, , lg' •••Itiliti!iiiii . e
, nit' '.l -. .IIII'lidIflt:J.:• i,'• ,pi • ,•' '• ...I! W. , t} ' . I , ' .
rt•l oi ...Fuji! ,
.;!,,,',',.... , r.,. ,:„-;
.1.....: , 111111 , ;;.. 11 , -. .1 ,
. • .zll r-it
IF .11 , :onfi . rn/ , - d 1;' lir,'
ot - t br, First .
. ,
airy;f S.
Nsw,.lll: .tho
by ()Owl s .n::ui'a,'.._,,.
and 'wt.'''. fmido It Halo I,+InIC
ih r , I n , I;e 1 , 11 . 1111011711/.i
It •ir ' a;l , irhell to tho
indlitivint.; no • trusi,m, and "feiin frit*,
, p() 1111 , 11-
ign or,lidiange st itch, • i
a alts
oprfation, owl such a morktrl of - simplicity that
child.six or eight years can I.7.loh:nsTiusto
flint . tise it .st:cciE=POt.t,r. '
It js not at all liabl.e to got on'i L.
gacli' , rriachirie is
,put, up in a rent tio:c,...accoin- ,
panied with 'full j'and•explicit•tlireeth - ,n . s ; and'
twenty five needles • • ,
. , .
. .
cSent.io any address in 'the United Staten on
receipt elan oider,.inclosing,tbs - amOim* , ,. or
may he . collected: . ,by Express on dt!ivery . c the
machine. ..' • . '
• When the money is Sent 'with the order arid
registered, twe gilarantee its safe reveipt - and the
deliveiy,of the maehim., 'anywhere within 2001•
Miles free of any tkpre.S.S •ebarges. • • '. •-;
Very liberal arlrangemeutsjor agenqes
See Milian:m . 6F FAsniq:ss',.ok far' lull .. partiCu
tars, specimen of sewing; etc., send. a stamp for
return, postage
• Address,
..473-Broadway; N.:,Y.:
Every lady,. mother,. milliner and dress,ma•
ker, should have one of titese ;valti . able.sewn,.
.. :
mncbines.. • . . - •% ... ,'• ..
. .
OF ANEtwous. YOUNG MAN.--Pub
lished as a warning and (or .the'espeCial .bene'fit
of young Men, ant'. those vizhoseffer.'with Nelf
voUs.Dp:nrwrv, Loss 'OF MEMORY, .PREMATITRE
DECAY; &C., &c., by.ooe, who MIS cured him
self •by . simple means, after being. 'put to great
expenseand inconvenience; through the use 'of'
worth less 'medicines'prescribed by learned Doe::
tom, copies, maY he had .cfre , :) of the
author, C.. A . : Lamm:we, Esq.", Greenpoint Long
Island, by enc!osing'an addressed vel o
POINT, Loiir; ISLAND; Nets York. ' . •'• •
The Perfection of Meehitniclis
One of the prettiest, most convenient, and
decntedly the !test and cheapest timepiece for
general and. reliable use, ever offPred
within it and:tit - inflected. with its nischineyy, its
own winding attarlinnent; rtinderins a key eta'- .
tinneerssary:. •The Ntses,olW itch
are. cnrnposrd of t«n nnials,- the onrrr'on
fine e t ira' . itto it lint .tht
prayed: ruby
w;ti ran ird au,reuz . .11111-p.t r P,
lily em;)llvpil. •1)..)
00. Sirnplo ‘rdtr
. .
ilin4e . fireinesiiiii in tiny m . $35 . s. 11:!
by• . e;.riire,..s; }rich inlyntite
'hers roust remit payment in %%F.
catinnt•eolleer Iron] .those in Pio • A-i ti
. . .
1.4U.1313,A Rr) IMP
j:(11IN STS., 'N Yoltic
(6 yverks.)
. .
Lettit tr:stOrod iii io•altlf li W . Cloys; after
oil 2he usual rontine anti irregular ex. ;
pelpiive modes of treatinent,.- without , suecois,
considers it his sacred dory to comnunteatp.to
his afflicted fellow creatures the MEAN ' S or; Four:
Hence, on. the receipt of an 11(dt-eased envelope,
he will send free a, copy of the prescription
used. Direct to Dr. JOHN•M.DAGN ALL,.
180 fulton :Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. • •
K (11N1r,
1.,.11 r,•Zi