M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 29, 1863, Image 3

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    . -- , .. .. , . .
'- . ..00 'll/1" .PILOCLAMATiON. •' •
W:HER AS fhb IfOn:,. Robert O.' White
Present•Judke, and the. Doris. .J. sErar•
/ 11
ling and . P'eatiody. Associate Judges of the
Odurta o Oyer ,Br,:. Terminer and 'General:Jail
'Deliver , Quarter • Selsions of ,the Pence,. pi..
•phanS , ciurrand -Oourt or commen Pleas for
the C itt'y of M'Kean ka've issued theii , prec'er4 t
1 6
lieari . g date Friday, the.:tWenty-'sixth day, of
'.rone.. in , the' :year Of our Lord. one thou-,
*and'eight hundred.and sixty-three;,and .to,rne
ftirCeted, ',. fOT holding a . 'Conn of Oyer and
Torninei. and. General. Jail. Deli Very, Quarter
Sehsioits of the Peace', Orphans' Court; and
Court of 'Cornmon "leas . , 41 • the Borough of
SmethPorti on _Monday, the 2,Bth . day 'of Sepe
ternber.next; and to coutintietioe week. • ..•
;Notice:is ther4ore herehy.' g• iven to: the Coro
mers, Ju'stice's .of ..the Peace: and' Constable •
within 'the county, that they be.then 'and: there*
their proper persOnej . at : 10'o!elock A. M. of
said day; With. their rolls, records, inquisitions,
'exairanations, and:other remembrances, 'to do
- these•thhigii:whiCh their'•offiees-almert.ain to be
, done.:. And . thoSe who; are bolind:b . y.their:ree,;
•Ognizanceii to prosecute the prisoner s that atom .
•shall.be..in the Tail of said`, county', of M!Keitn;..
,are to be then and there to 'prosecute :against
. thenfas'will:be just. • • - .
Dated at . .Smeihpart, '-this.29th.day Aug.
And .the •SOth year •of the Iridepend,
once of - the United States of America. ••
.Jas. T. BL AIR" S4eriff.
A linapp &
• C Borrows,
4.lin W Pientiss •
,'lra W Bellows''
•• • • lows • : . • - • ' 101 Sept 1860
Con use of Clark . 1 , vi 4 B Freeman • '4O :June 1561.
T• IV Cole . vs First ; (long,:
' Church, -Bradford .• • • 87 June 1801
Bank ••' vs Daniel Rings : • •
• ,bury • • 108 JUno 1001
' Thoe L Kane • •• • .rs (IR Maydolo •46 • Sept leol
Bank of Port Jarvli.. v 9 Daniel Rings . ~ • ' • '
• bury, • • ' • •• ; . rQ Sept 1861
'Welkin Bank ' • ••• VR Annie +47 Sept,. 1061
. Jno. B Maiming' • • vs. , same 86 . .tlept . 'lB6l
• •Maydole,use'of Fields L It D.ecker . 130 ,•Dec+ 1861.
li•Preeman vs IV Haskell 39 lllch 1862
use,of TaylOr • VII G Corwin '22, Juno 1862
: Richard Borden et at .Vs C Atria • 2.1:• Juno • 1862
Same • ; vs Hopkins' & • '• • •
•G Cummings' • 96'• Juno 3562
stuns ' yri G CHoyt 26, Ju'uo. 1862,
Haute .••••• vs A(I Otto 27 June 1E62
same ' . vs - llenj..Preble 28 jhne . 1862
Beckivith use Corwin' .vs Gideon irons 72 Juivi 1662
Daniel.Lenoi' vs lice Staff • 'Bl - Juno 1802
Wit Acre, , vs I'lkosiOng• •5- Sept 1802
Hull dcliforso • • • Wm:IV _Niles 10. Sept • 1802
IVm Field " vs ,Ser.t•eant 'VII: • 1 Dec 1.802
Lmiel Kiugbery, vs Bradley 'and . •• ...•
"Burr T • . • • 16 . Dec. 1802
•Bingham Trustees ••' vs Gideon Irons 18 Dee 1862
Caine:,,.. . vs same . 19,. Dec 3862
same' , • - •. is same'lo Dec. 'lBO2
, • .•••• seine vs shme • 21 Dee 18112
'Charles Bridge •• +vs S C Hyde': '2O Dec + 1562
.111eCkman A Itockwood vs S A limier 27 • Feb.' 1863
Keating et al • • .vsS I' 'Merritt 43 . Feb 1z753
• • • JN0.31.-013ADIVICK•i•
• Smethport, August, 29 1863. . •
, • • GO' June 1856
to 11 Barker et' nl. 3d June :1859
vs 'Chas .1. ..11elL
I'ANL 614uroirs,8ept. Teriii;lB63
Brot?foett—.T. II: Smith, Orrin Smitlr, C. D. H.
17 roolier,.ClutuntT Snyder, John .Croshly, DariUs
Frank, 11 F. - Colegrtive. • •,. • '
Lafayelle--Julius Clack , William tulbof, .•:
' Woolooti, -1). 11. Barnlnuit,
1).13. Y4rcital, Norman 'Wright. . . •
11. Vanden-n[l.lk;
Cars—Williani Keyser, Tlio • ntatt Dunn, Henry
''Smite, Henry •• .
.Bnaqiporl,M. A. Sprague, lluntan Lutz.
• Ketaing A'. J. Otto. • • : • . •
pson, C. B; Baldwin.
. .
-- .tiergeantl). Eastierbroolt - , :
&ad/bed—C. T..Charnberlain; - Samuel Cray,.
Lorenzo Orake,- - .1.. S. Foster, .T. A. .1...y9,n5, Gee.
)V. Monroe, Ilarvey.Burges. • ' • -
Sineflyturt—p'.Brow nen, John Hall, Adam
.11artin, James - APlMibild. -
-5. 4.. Plitterson,, M.. B.
Enuelt CliarJes White, J. -F. Hoag,
C9ineltne., 11,trate Tyler, • '
- • Hanilin--Joseph . tip hite.
.• • ° • .
Ceres—NiniripllAtinpher,•4sciill Carr, Dani l 2l.
Gleason, ' ' ..•. • •• •
-Ot L ' 114 ES 011, - J Thompson,
Baldwin, Isaac Vooyer: .. • • • . •
. 'Attritn,Ra riol. Buckley, Brown. :• . •
Aurtrich , —(;. 11. Smith, •
'E/tlred--,-.Arnold Beeves, W. Cliiis - mai,.l!eUr
• Hamallith,--.-3Villiain:Mafeh. . • , '
. .
resolved b 5 the.genate and Muse of .I,Vre
sentalives Coin ouniteralik of l'enn,yirama in
Cleared- A ssenibly nirl,T hat the following at:tend.
` 'sonata be proposed to the' Constitutiou - the
(fommonwealth, itiaceordance.with the .provis
ions of lie tenth article thereof: * • ••
• .There shall be an additional :secGo , o .tbe
.article of the Constirittion, to be deSigne
.ted as Section four, ms' follows: • ' •
6EOION 4.• .Whenever any of the- qualified
elector: althiS Commonwealth shall he in any
.actualmilitary service, under a 1.6001;10(in from
the President of the' , Gnited .:States, 'or by - the
authoaity:of this Commonwealth . , such,s,electorri
May exercise the right; ofsulfrage in all elections
by o.e.citizens, under such •regulatiMis• as arc,
or shall be, prescribed'hy law, as fully as if they,
were present at their usual. place (f election.
• There shall lie two additional sUctions to' the
"eleventh article of the Contititution, to be ifeslg
,nated as ecations.eightintid nine, fts fellows;
SECTION 8. •NO bill. shall'hognissed • by. the
H., egislature,c,c,ntaining more than :one. 'subject,
, w ick'shall, be . clearly expreiff lathe title,' eX-
Ampt . npproprifition bills. ;
' A's'Eur oN Lt. No: bill :shall he .passeil..by the'
tegMlature granting tiny power's,:. Or • privileges, ,
any case, where.the authority.to ',grant such
powers ' 'or privileges, kris been, or ranyhereafter
'be, conferredripon the•cmirts - of 'this. Common
metiltb. • '3OHN.CESSN,A,
`,-.Speaker of. the' House of ibTresetantives.• •
• • JOHN P. P.FiNNEY, - •
. •• • .Speaker of lbe Senate.:
' WEALTH, lieaaisailnu, JulYl 4180..
PENNSYLVANIA, SS: • • . • ' -
Mil do hereby certify thane foregoing and
annexed is a•fulLture and correct catty
qi11111.7 'of the .original Joint - Resohition 'of 'the
General Assembly,' entitled " A Joint, Resolution
proposing certain Amenthiunits.tO the Constitu
tion," as the same remains on firs iirthis office.
IN TESTIMONY' whereof, I helve hare Mit° set my
band;•and intused•the seal:of the Seareta4's„.Of
lice to be affixed, the day and year. above 'writ
ten. • • Ef.l. ALIFER,
Secretary of ihe Commutiwealth
Admininistfat,oes .
Notico is hereby giyen,that the AilininOtratgrs
•of (Wien Bennett's etatil,' will present; et
the next stateil Orphans. Court, to .bn held ,in
Sinutliport oirthe fonrtli Monday or Sept. next, ,
thiiir.lakt and final account for•conlirinailoil: •
Sinethport, Aug:22 ? • •
. . .
... „ . .
Ir i s 'hereby given, that the A ilinipistratora of 0.
' .12. Rennett's . .estale, belie Mad in my'ellieo the
aiiemints of Ch RAliniuett,Otoomidil late guitHi an
of Jim miner heirs of N.. Richmond, di:yea:nal,
and will present the saine - fer conihmation at the
31eit.stateil Oiiplians Onfart,.to he held in Smith
liorh oil the fourth 'Monday ofSept: next,
0. It: SARTIVELL., Register.'
.. .
'Simitlinert, Atig , , 29, 180. • : - • . • ...-.
BE: IN 1 ' 11E: ivolu.D
fVolum'e Series
. „
A new volume of .this - circulated pa;
.per commences on the. !stfot Jannitry. Every
mumlie . r.contains sixteen pages useful infor
mation and from tiVe.tb ten original' : engravings
‘of.ne‘i. in v entions nod', discoverie6,'ali nCwtiich
are prepared expressly for its t,,
. .
-• TO The Meehanlctind IVrannfacturoil
No -person 'engaged in
,fin - of — tnechaiii ea
pUrsuits should. think • of.doing without thf;
SCIEr.tTIFICAMERICAN . . It costs but. six' cents
'pet week; every number: contains. from• Six to
ten engravings Of new machines and inven
tions, which cannot be foun t in any other pub
lication.. ltis an established rule of the pub
lishers to.insert. none but original -ettgravi'ngti, ,
and those:of the firs..-'class..,in the , art, drawn
and engraved by' experienced persons..under
their Own Supervision,' • • . • ••, ;
.• . .
. . To the Inventor! •
• The •SCIENTIFIC ' AMERICAN is' indis.:
petisable to. every inventor; as-it' not only con
tains illnstratad descriptions oVnearly all.the
Vest .inventiOns.aa they come out;- butl - ach
number contains att Official . Listor the - , Claims
'of all the Patents : isitted.from the United States
Patent pffice:dtiting the -week previous thus
correct hiatory,of the. progress of in
yentions in this' canntry.. are also receiv-.
mg, every week, the best scientific `.,journal's of
Grant Britain,. France,, and Germany; thus
placing possession.alrthat is transpiring
in -mechanical science and .art. in: the'Se old
countries. We -shall ~cciAtinue to transfer, to
ouri . c . Olumns-copiottaeAtracts, from these jour .
nals of whatever we may . ..deern of, interest. ''to
Chemists, Architects; Afp,,
• •
found a.most uselful the
riew discoveries or•-science.of ch«taistry. are
arven io its columns, and:the interests , 01 . 01 e
Arehitect.and carpanter are 'not Overlooked;
•the new.inVentiOns..and'discoveries appettain- .
ing, to these purittits being, published from
week .to week... Useful and,practical informs- .
tion . pertainipg.to . the interests of millwrights '
anil.mill•owners will belOund the
SciENTivic. AusinicAN•,which Information they
cannot possibly obtain from any other source.
SUbjects in Vilhich.planters..and farmete:are in-.
t'erested will be, tounddiScussed in the. 5,6E:4-
tIPICI. AIIEkICAN; most of 'the improvements in
agrieulturalimPlements being illustrated , in 'its
columns . .. .
To mail subscrili'ers: ~ Three Dollars a year,
'or 'One Dallar for fool: months. :The' vol
umes contimenee , 'on the. first January .aml
Specimen copies will be sent , gratis to any
part of the country. .
Western and Canadia'n timneY or Post-office
stamps taken at par .for subscriptions.: Cana
dian aubscribers will please ‘ to remit ?ri cent's
extra on each year's, subscription to' - pre-pay
postage. ,' , •
MUNN & : C.0., • •.
•• • No 37 Pa rk-row'Ne'N Yofk
To Consumptives.
Pllf Advertiser, having been 'restated to health inh
I few. Week g. by•a•v ery remedy, after hay inu•
ejulDre,,l several }'ears with a-- aeverelung• a(finitiori; nap
that' rf rend dbeneei,. ConathaPtion—ie anal ova ' make
knewn.to hia fel low,-4ufferera the means Of cure. ' • . .
To :ill who denire it, he will send a copy of the prenerift
trim used (free of (Marge), with the...directions for pre. ,
paring and using the' same, which thee Will find 'a b 11111 1:
CORE calf CoNSOMPVION ,•.. \ 1,4011 MA • thii ins. it tits .
only .
the'Adyertiser in nendingthe ireneriptiou
is to benefit the' afflicted, and spread information which
coneeives s to i v iirfaltiabte, and . he' hopes very suf
ferer will try him remedy, an cost then) nothing,
alidnia.y prove a blee,Aing. • —.7 •
Parties •
wishing, the prescription will please eildress,
WIL s S(IN, ' •
„ .11Tharn her)
Kings County, OwOrtk.,
All perions. riiewhimed 'againgt purchasing
the'following jedgment.notes, sired 'by, me
and.phyoble toff. Beacom or behrer, - .to
One da • tes,Jan./22d 15133 for . slo,oo due Febrea
ry 22d . 1863; 'One dates 1nn;.22(1 1803.10 r ,$50,-
00 due March 22d ISQ:3: one%dates—Jaii.•.'22d
1863,(dr.550.00 due April 22d' r 5 6 .3; 'one 'dares
jan.,2.11 ISG3 fur $51.0,06 thin May 22d 15133:
oii dales .14 . 1;:f0+1.1 1863 for '5.50,611.' clue June
22d. 1803; one dates Jan.:22d 1863 for 82.5,00
due -July 22d:1863.. :As • the' . consideration • of
and • al of :them . has failed "'shall con,
test the payment of each. ' • .
- 813 iiirsen,'Citmerpn Co., Jilly.lFt.'lBQ3. .• •
. _
Office of J.4I."CU(IiiE,
' • SU/1.:;Clil. PTJON ACI
At JAY . ..COOKE.. k CO,, Bankprs..
1 . 14 SOUTII
• Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1 •:.9.
• The undersigned 'hai , ing .been nppninted
SUBSCRIPTION .AGENT by, the Secretary of
.the 'frensury, is now prepared .to furnish, at
. ..
New Twenty Year 6 per,et. Bonds.::.,
of 'the United, Sfates, designated • a's .i<Fivr
'rwentias,'! redeemable at th . e Aileasure (3(o'.
GovOrnment, after five years, end -ailthori: 0
by:Act of Con2ress, approved .Feb. 25, 1.35%..i
The COUPON BONDS are issued in sumac.
1 50 , $ l 5O, $5OO, $lOOO. • ;
The. ROISTER BONDS in'suins of $5O,
$100,.5500, $lOOO and $5OOO.
interest . at six' per' eent:per anuum
commence Nom date of purchase, and is
.• . •• - PAYABLE IN GOLD,.• •
Serui-AnnUally, which is equal, at the.presint
premium on gold, to about EIGHT CEII,I
PER ANNUM. ' • ' • • •
. ,
Farmers,Merchants,l4eChanics, - CaPitelisla l ;
and .all who have, any money to invest, shOr,h,
'know and remembei that these Bendsife, in
effect; a FIRST MORTGAGE Upon all 101
roads„Canals, pank.Stocks and Securities; ant'
the immense products of all. the Manufacture t t
ltcc.,Ete.,•iu the country: , and that thefull act
ample provision Made
.for the payment of the.
interiin end litjuidn4ion of principal, by Coe
toms; Duties, Excise Stamps and Inteirnal ROv
entle,,serves.to tnake the4e bonds the •
BOit,.....MOstkiail4lllc. anti MostPopuLit luvestiuent
Snbscriptions received at PAR in Legal Ten
der.NOtis, or Notes and che.cits ot banks at par
Philudelpbia.. Subscribers .re
ceive prompt attention And every facilty and,
explti4tio'n afforded- on. application to
this office.', :'" • .
A_full'.supply of llondk will 'be kept on heed
for itrittleilk!te delivery. '• •
,TAY COOK.F" Subelyirio#ll . 4-4;04.
in the :Mgrket:
, . " , • •
11,414 . D"TIMES'
• ,••• . •
' I would respectfully announce to the citizltia
or.lVlCK.ean•andeimijoining counties that they:
can do as - well in •Smeilipoit; in The Stoyn.anil
Tin-ware • as, in Olean... I'shaj'l, at all
titnes„have dn hand a large,etock of ' •
COOKING, PAILLO4., &. BOX S'i'o7;l2S!.'
Shoet-,lron .Coppe , r-Way.-, •
•• • „. . .•
.. . • . .. • . • • . . , •. • .
ILoof lon pl ..
. • •
Job Work .-
. . .
• . •• ..• . " . • •
of all kitida.done with dispatch; and; o a - eat is
tory mauner..at the . lowest priCes.
Orderi piomptly.ittendetr •
Give me.a,.call 7 -at th? buildineknoWn, as
c_cSide Hill Tip Store"-- fortinerly,Occ . upled. - lj,
A. J,Ndurse—Sinefhp'ort i •. • .
11lay•2l; 186?.
. .
. .
yi , a . . .
:OE kit° It OF ' FASHION:3.-1130 ,
beat and' most reliable .Fitallion Magatine in the
war Id.. Contatitia the largest and Ilnent I hint) #s ,
thegrentent 'number of. fine ,llngraviettn, the_: latent and
mitt reliable information . , ill tee fell-nlzeil atton-9n for
'Pressmen, and italteet . of new Ilrade-Work' awl Einlirtd
derlng- l'a tt erne }leery Mother, preanntaker.tMillen et
and bady;should have it, Tolistio4 4133m0r1y; et. 474
Broadway, NI`,V York, sold' everywhere or rent by matt
at 2.5 tenta.- Nearly 1,31,-with a Valuable premium..
number now ready; ••
• • .A.gtitlCAN 'AdRICULTURIST. -
A ,TtiOicruGit.tobi, RELIAIME and PIiA.CL
devoted the cliflerent . .de.
partinatit.s cuLture, Bitch as.groWink Field
,OrOps, Orchard and 'Garden . Fru its ; Gardeti
Vegetables and. 'lowers; 'Flank, and
Flowers for (he Lawn or... Yard; aarii of 1)o
-mestic Animals, tu tlonsehold
Labors. - jt.htis arso an interesting and instinc
tive deparrment •for children and "youth.. •
A . full Calendar ol'Operalions.eyery
• Teree to Your Hundred, illustrative
Engravings appear in each volume. .
• Over TwelYe :HUndruil plain,, practical, in-.
structive articles and useful Reins, are giveh,
ever . Y'ycar.,• • .
l'he" Editors and Contributc4s are% all..prac
tical IVoiliing Men.' . . .
.• Th e teachings: if the. A c:ltletTt! IST:tir4 con , .
ir,reiitory, but are - adciprgd
.thetnakts oJ•alb . sectiaas Willie coPpqry— . -ii le,. at
its'nanc int:eLeales, fur tlatt/tol
• . .
pablished, of - the.
:seine size and; price as the'E nglish, ;
. arid•cnn
taining'all of its rending Matterod - ntll7l
- engravings. • -..-••
One. copy, one year, ...„ $l. 00 •'
,Si'x copies, one' year- •.. 00 •
Ten or mere copiei pile year . Cto 'cents each.
the .above .rate's ; Posta g e
Canada -6 - cents,' England and Fratice, 21
ecnts ;' - to Gel-Many, 3G cents:
Posta s up anywliere 'in the United• States and
sTerrijoriei must
,be paid by the sahScriber, and
is only sc'; ten €T.a•yiwr ) it paid in adyanee at
the office where received. '
A 111Msiness and other eMniminidations should
.be addre.ssed f;) the Editor and Propri'etnt,•
'ORANGE- JUDD, , IIPayIc-Row,. : N..Y, City
.01Tg., SITESoRIBERS. . ...
The . cpmmeneement yenr is n good
ime for renewing subscriptiOns and.Mer.eashig
the circulation of the Journal of ComMerce.lL.
We address ourselves-.to the old leaders of the.
.pat,; . or; with entire 'coniideOe to their willing
ness to aid , no, and extend the ilifidenee,of,the
sound conservatic.e,priheiple and morals which
'have hitherto; elia . racteriked and hereafter
liliaracteriz, • e'this :.Ev'Frty SuaKdri Bpi. to
the Jeiirtial of Commerce mistft do.' a great'
service. to • dies@ Jiriiindples, and stre . nOlie,n)is
obilitY, to suptiort . .ind circulate their; by.
senoiritt us the. name' of at Aeastcine•ners• sub-'
scriber 'in his'tcmn: . • •
:DaVoted firmly as we ha ve '6een to our court,.
.tr'y's • Interests, and having lona. been'" l " -
“Union i'avers" as's.. term or .r,,oroii,p, 'are
and shall be the firm upholders of •
. .
Opposing With heart and•pert every man ; Saria:'
or North, ‘Vho•ii: an eneMy-to either:: i•;vere'
form of disorganization' and 'revolution will fain
t's' ready rot the•amphat: Among the foes of
the Atnerican•Uninn and American principles,
we . .ratik side by side:••
and we propolie.witti 'all our strength to' defend
.the nation signinst the atte'rks . ni
. . .
.To encourage: these , who inay 3inlupteer
aid in the. org,anizaticn'of Clubs, We .hereliy
pfleranextra cop . ) , of the Weekly:to:eyery
.son whn . shallforward tWetkiv new sUhscribers:
with ihe'mopey. • '
may be orgapizedf::in communities with great.
advantage.: • The present 'is the best period for
their .. commencement. The ;terms on which .
ive furnish thepaPer - are as follows :-r
.20 copies or upwards 'ONE DOLLAR each
.13 copies • . • .mrraXX DOLLARS. •
copies • TON, •
4 copies . • • •rise• ': • •
3 copies- • I,'IVE • "
Under 3.cimies rwo each
: The 'papers will be
,addressed to different
persons at the'same Post Office; if desired, ex
cept in, cases of clobs of.-13 Or . more copies,
which will be. mailed to one address: . • .
. .
may be.made at 'the folloWing'rates :—•Papers
added to a. club . during the. first quarter of .the
club's year will pay the lull rate of .the
nal club for a year, , during . the second qinirter
three-fourths of the - original 'year's' rate, during
.the third quarter one hail; find dUring.the.last
quarter one-fourth, aria all sneh.siihscrintionS
will terminate with the year' el the 'original
Froin .11g;ihrin4's U. S. .71taii.
. ,
'Where package's of iz;nturellirrs or 'periodicals
are received' at' any post office directed to one
addresS,...and the names of the cluh•ot sabscri
hers to which they,befoo4,- with the .poslage
fora quartetin ad vanea, shull , be, liktoded to the
postmaster, he shall 'deliVer the same to their
respective 'eWriets.• • . • • •'•
But this : does apply, to weekly newspaper's
which cii.ctilaie . free in the county , where prin
ted and published. • '
1127 Addrest Editcrx Ike Aurn:al 'of Conk.
nterce, ,Aro. 01 Mill streeL New York.':
,Ed4nrs• and Prop i iitui s
-; the tit.Jett nel ions ,t Welt' tintlig
Alsenbe.; A.collisettles some In the .Ludy, and tile,
i•tritels its neftiral ftincthmv. These, .if nut: rollev.ed,
ree'd upon- I toensetren .ttott the' sarronialing tortntus; pro.
nutting ..j.ierientl tiggrAvetion, end disease: .
IVlitle'ln this Omen t inn; o Ititreslo,l Ity'tint derangelnen
take Ayer's
.I'llls, tout' rove , how tilrectry they 'restore the
natural action of tile, sy,loni, nod. *VII•
. the. lieofnut
. . . .
'feeling of:health spin. - .Whits Is tf'll4'.lf off so ftflotreitt: In
this tlivtot and emumon 'cOmplaitib 19 Ati411:11:110n:if
ilrilio it et 011 ' 11 thifo,fortfits difffempors, ' Tho same
po,,fgotdve ofh.m , oxpels.fileilJ. Coll4l.li . hy oho flu °hot rtio 7
'llona soul dersitgointinto of the net oral functlonOot tho
body, they to rapidly, and ninny of thou ouroly; imbed.
by the some moons, . NOM Wilo ithOW thu Virtues Or 'lllOBO
.Vilig. will neglect to employ them triton suffering- from
... ..... .
ll'ff diSorders (boy min, , .. -. •
fitoterneffis from lending physhittns: In. notno of the.
initodual'oltles, nod•fruni other well. public pot,-
Fenna a Pa'warding. Iterchant .d: .SY. Louis,,llb. 4, 1860..,
Da.' Arta: . Your run • the paragon of all' that is
great q . IIOY hays, clud. my little daughter
olillveri!tistootimplm hUr h ands' a utl.fuet that hits prove d
incurable 'for -yrant. • lior. Inutinte has been. lung grlav-;'
°lndy gttIllei:11 wllli blotches und'pluiples on lair anti
in bur lira.; Alter 'Our dllll.l •uas Gunn', she also tried
your Phlia, and they hero curod her. - • •
••''. •As it . Flintily rhyme:. .
.I , Cnin _Dr. R. 11: ChrOciriglol,..A'etu Orleans. '
. .
. Your Ville are the prince .of toirgrx‘. Their excellent
uloilltlei etzroncot•ony- ratlout 10... 'WO - lIONAPIOI. - They urn
amid, het very ccrlaln and effentlial in their action sop the
botiels,„whlch Inelcca Own lovulthible to ho to the dully
trrotinout of tlisc'exe...i . •.: : :-.• •'' • '•' ..
. . . •
... . .
-- DtAp.ltito. A vgn : 1 ratinnCrinewee•von ii , hat rnmpinint I
. :3 littvo Mired williyour Nile hettee thinito . sey oUtlnq we
et er treat WO a imenntive medicine.. 1 Ogre' great, depen•
lenro nn utreffeetied enthiudie in my dally ennheit M with.
;enne, nod lie
.1 do Chat pin. l'ille Latham the
beat too hnee, I of eiiurati VilitlO til.tiln 11 44h 1 3 . • ..
. ' - .
, . ..
.• - ••• • • Nil'Anuno..Pw f •iitay 1,1855.: „.
Int..T. C. Attn. Sir: T :11five lairw t•opmitrdly cured of
the worst, braddelie any bady,rati liar° by witatia or two
.0f yam l'ills;, it R 4411118 la urbio frau:tit foul titotnacii,
which tliry,rietnia at acre. '
~ ....- . .
'. • . Yours with great respect, .. El). IV...PREIIT,P,
. . Ci . ,:r7.: of Strainer Clarion,.
. .
.•. - .
. .
rillious • Disorders —Liver Abomplioints.;•
~. . ,
• . Pain& Dr.• Theodore Bell, tif Nina York City.'.',
• '
. ,
• • . . .
• ''Not only urn your PIIIN admirably taloptod to their }air
line° an (itt aptuient, loft I that I hair littnetfrial ofTectit upon
Ito hirer very niiirked Atniond. • 'fluty Ii tvo in uiy
tico prayed Wort, olft.ct toil for tlio corn of bilibu;
plaint.; than any 0110. nionticii; . I hincoroly
rojoico Clod Ivo' hit io nt. 1rn416 u.purgnlhv t.hlrhanAvor
thy thooontidtdatoUf amptuliegiuu and flat `
• •
-• , ..W . 1181141V,i011, .4.. C., ;OE Fob., JBO6.
•, SIR 414'0 naell'ye lily general mill limmitta
prattler; ever since you tmide t befit, and chime .heal tato to
.nay they nye lie hem; cathartic we tatmley. Their rrgu-.
lilting action out Um liver Is quiche - and doehjed, en:me
tmently tiny al ttn (elm Iraldp remedy for derangements
of that organ, Indeed, 1 hard• seldom . hnont a MAO Or
blilolls diaruse xo 111ilillittlf Witt II did HOG readily yield to,
Ciotti. % featernally yenta, ALONZO 'BAIA, M. It;
. . ~ •
,17,yaidwl of the JMantis Hospital.
Dympittery, , Dlnrrlicen,•ltelnx, IVorma.
. .
Piva'br.. J. ti. &reit, 11.1 MiCallo... •
Your !'ills hatVlind n long trial in lox pfantico, and I
-Itold thou lit tostnnt» otrono-of tho hog overload 1- Intro
i oho ft,llllll. Tliolr nlterativo eflog upon ,ho liver innktql
Anent nn txcellent, tpn'itnfy, When giVen'mtual.doses fof
labrus olyzentery. nlid diarrhea , lodt',--ditgar-contlng
. Thalte t i thou veiy , nefnpEnblu, null Cunvindent for, Hill U 111 ):
Or WOlllOll Hllll clultlten..; •. .•
• . .
pyspepnin , , Impitylty of the' Blood.-
Prom 'Rev. J. V. liilll[l, 1 tutor of Aiken& Church !Pisan
. .
, DR. AYER:. 1 have.iieit your I'lll4-with , Oxtroortlitiary
soucees Lr inY I riot called to visit
' To Jiro:too ot, digepthin nud
purify Iho blood, they oio tin; y !lest . railway.] .hwo
veer ill pan cOollilently recommend thine to.
. , J.,V. 11131E8.
.. . , . . ..
irARSAIr, Wy(11111110 CQ.,'N. Y., .'2.1,4g55.,
Dr:kit-Sin:o tun'itillt; ptur eittlittrtlt. Pilli In my prim
act., ntaflttit thetit Ina emlttl(eltt 'l.ltrgatlFirto clelllnte tho'
- systeutand purify l4e.frinitains ~r 11, btotkl. . ..
JUAN d. :11:EAC11A31,,31: I),
. , .. .
. . . „ . . . .
Colinit.lpat 'lin t Cos ti rioncis,tipliircsx lion,
Itliountfitionk, 'Ciotti, Iccurttlgin,.l3Fpp,
!kik, •Purstlyn is, kilts, -etc.. • • • - •..
', • ..li-ola Dr..l. It l'vliti, AlMitrAiti, Conula. • .
Too touch .•nanot"l43 miiiil of yo u r Pills forllto curd of
cogirciims. •if others-of our fritternity gave - fund them .
„,,,fii,,,,,h,,,, t "..1 b,,,,, th,%y 4hrlulol Jilin too in proclaim-,
in)! it for. llie IvetoJit of the:mitltlllidus tulip suffer . from'
'tikat' eolitithilot, whirl), nlthomilt 1)11,1.nm/1'01.1u itoolf, Is
If pre;cnitor of other's flint-are won, ~ I belluro ;Vll
tirenex., to origin:lto hi Ow liver, hot your Pills uircct,llisi.-
iirsaii. nail cure file ItiSetlie... ~ . , , . . +
1 , )•ont ilet.E. Stuart, rhyskim, anti . 1 11ith( 1 ;,•17lentt.
I pad min or oryour Pillm; Whet] rtt 1114
• ion 4,e'r t tine:nee pl of the uuturof secre.
/i nn ; 1i Lee ,%1 0 111 3 - ..r pat I.lhipte•owil. nud hie° vory
etrectthli II 0 . $1. , /r/110/ e`,Tiie, I. • They
111:11141 111 . 14 , 11 t.lO we lutro that.l.-reequliituthr
hp other lo thy patient,. : • .
. .
.1470. Dr. nj ilia jt,2 7 ,01id
.• . • I , l'iA.:r.i•llol7 , r. Fikv . itminl..4lJl.,•.lo.il.' 0. 1916. •
. IloNonrri. Fm: bholtht • t,o •tlngtotofot • colfor
. your tkili halo-tomtit ino . ll I did not retool my crow to
you. A cub) gorthol in my Huth, tool lo tomtit oh 'exech:
,titetiog,h , rteliffiht pairrx, Wlikill,•111!41 ,i•lriluir; jLolllog
Nottvilb , thildin4l lied the hoot i,f phyttklatitt, the
grow wol.• - o owl worst , : untilittlkigoof ytiur
g x, • 01, 1 0 01 0,1 to Itolttutoro. to, 3f:whm
o:hi. I fritol your
Thoir thrill wogo otow, lott.totro• Ily yorioyorlug
111 th:lt uso of thout t 1 Om now unlit lily Well. • •
• •
SOINTE.CII.OII4II. Panto It.IIIW`OAI., 6 Deg.. i 555....
Aviu,llll . llVe bm;11 elitiro:ry etith'lly your I'ltlu of
Illtrutius'ic ( . 7 'W — it 'Stint - 111 tli3eah I lot t .Itott ofIllet•11
fog year?. ' • • INCENT• '61.11)61.L. •
)last et the Tilts In market enirtnln . 3Jerturjr:
,n v,shinble remedy n fill, hands, Is
th i n' g e rn n4 n pill, frnin the l'OllElO
- thilt fro,inently follow lit 111,i, These
Colltrall no inerrnry or mineral substance ‘thittever.' •
• •
prieo,•2s 'bents per Box, oft) BoiosiOr .
Prepared by.lllr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Naas.
• .11..11arilliti (Sr. Co., timet hpol t; C. p'.ose;o . od;
p ! ..0,1160 ; Polkiy,PortAllogany, and by
&Oars everywhere. • • . •
H F—Subscii!)er'hnving purchased' this well
..known stand, n'tal. re-to rnished and re-fit
ted:the prepared tO entertain Board.
ers'and the traveling, public.'
\N.]) .A.. 111,11, • .
• 'Vill lie ‘yell•supplied;,and ryiqylniq, done
to merit share:pf p • atrpnage.,
men will always find the.“latch-string" out.
. .• -• '1 • M. FULLER. •
Kendal CiTelt, Tanuary 2, 1.860..' • -:1871y
ir • LV roah ANP 12,111 E ILA ILBOAD•
. .
.. . .
Camrriqneing. Alooday, allov. 17th, 1b2. , .:-
Train's - :will leave Oluali at about the folloWilig
.11ouis, viz::
Way 'Fipight •
Ni g ht , Express
Stock• - . 3:16 P. bl.
Way 'Freight . • '1:15 P.. M.
Nos, 3, .1, anil S; rtnrevety day. .•Nci..•6 runs
Sundays, hot nut i‘fondayS: Train 3, of,
days,,trit Ne‘"rirlr.•,runs•tlirtnii,ii to fiullaloi.
but not inn to Du itkirh.'..•„.
NATHANIEL MA*l2l4ll, Rt ivei.• •••
. • •, • ell A 10..1 , .1; 111 INOT Supt.
' verii Noithern nint
Nom tiwest: f.,9ltripg of P'ennsylvilnia tqlhe city
of Erb!. on•Lnkel•lik.:". •,
It os, bPeii :biased by I he. ' Pkicott.yottA*R.
and nntkr.theti nininices l being
opetkatbroni4nnit its eittire;
.AYEIVS - .. ~
Ate yea slat, 6,4 40, MO
lug?. Are ypit otieur
systant do.
tool. your fuel lugs um;
t'aiiiiilirtithiet Thou ayttiti•
trip. nrr ullen• the pralltdo: to
Put fiti : Sumo lIL or:
xlekiles;:js iirrephig, , ,upott
and itrurtril by a
'thinly ono of the right, rem
rily. .Aye's .P1114, - and
out the disordered
inert— purify , the blood, awl:
ha, the , holds 0100 e 'tot utiolt:
They ellmuloiu, the' hincifinia
tjvity,.piirily thu.systent from
•It is.ni.p,v in nv , tot Pa;stkongv• and Fteiglit
blisinPss f . rnm , Djtig'rwon,
Ond'Forlt) [177 nn'an. , l.:flqttten.
frntn SIIEFFIRLD to l';110, (78 miles.) on
the •Weta ttirn - .‘ • • ,
.•Timo Or PASSE:Winn; 'TIM I i.;!..; 'A
T I.:Ttlrlwoop
• . ..Leave :AS( WIII I
xpeeFts troinleilyes
. . .
TplE OFrAssi;:matit 'rumNs A;r.strKFFIELLi
Lenve nistwaril
:,'viTurperr 0nm , (6.t.: bOtis
'whys milliege'irtlifisyhciweci) I'liilnilalfihin and
Lock ifilorc Cod Lock
... •
. .
' Eiditi,6i. Si:Er:.lN°. en rs on Express truing
'both 4t•ii'yr,,,.l}7‘twiien iVillionisport. no(l..thilti
nniro find XVillio,nipoil onil•;PlHßl:ileipb4i ? • : ..
" :For infourifii•CtiAn:ref;))ei•ting PagAiinger tiqsf
neNs-lipply at the S: E. Corner
.1)14' Lmi - Mar'- .
.... .
ket,Sts. • .- • . • -..• .
And for Froight btisineB9 Of . :the COmpliny's
ri..Kingsion, Jr., Cnr. :nib and Marko
Phdade . • •.
. .
.. ' • AyINTEA l'Ailtit TAlif.C. •
Tiller doily- traitisAo a n d &or!, ..linitimore and
Waslii•niton City;' . ' Connections: made • • with
trnins 4n•- • Petinsylvoniti liailrimd to and from'
Pittnhorg a nd. I lin \Vest. Twit,,t mint daily to
nod lyptn't IM NMi It' nod .West' lirri9elt e liongut!-
Milton; Elmira nitil nll'Northorn New .Vor,lc,. •
•bti, AND miTER-51:0NDAY,,Ktivrtriber
.i 7,
.18012, illetPansettger•Tr . niti'n of ,t lie Northern'
Cattfral 1411 Way will arrive and • tlepart, floitt
Ilarrisbnp , and Baltimore. an f011owt4; 'viz t'.
• ..
MA I I.' . 'PRA IN 1 . 4 , 11 v:es! Sunbury daily(excent
Sub.lay) at 1.•15 p. m..;• Ipayc4 . Frarriaburr, nt
3.20. itri:ivea at •Italtirhorq at 10.20
. . .
(exe:ept,Sopquy) nt 11.20 p. rn., leave's Harris
•litire, (exe'ept 'NEspilriy) ilil and ar-
. at . Bairiinora daily (exce . pt Monday) at:
7,39. m: ' •
lenve9 Iltirrisburq ilail),'nt '9 05 it.. in.'
. .
• • 11f 1 TR IN loa ire% Bil I tirporit (i [ex.
pt limnlay] 8:3.0 11. m.,..lrard;i4lari g at 1.45
p.' m:, and arrives-nd Sunbury at, „:111
14 A.:IN ImtVos'llaltimbri.daily'at
§.lO p, In:, In l'iVP4 at- ilarriAliitrilit 1.50 a. in..
and leayes Mari klmrg ilaily[eicr;pt Momlnyl
itt m., and urrivra . ut . Sunbury at 6.20
. .
. .
IT .
- • A T1R181.31.112G A eCfIiPIPDA'PI ON Train
reavissßal(itilfire' daily (rxeoptlStititltiy.l lit 2 . 0.5
p. fii., and lirrivf;s a,t..ll.a . ris,biiht.iit 8 p: fit.. ..
.•.Fiir. fur Tloirinformiitipit npply RC-the . Office,
in Priiiisyl.Yania'Railroafl . Dpriat.... : • - '
J..N. DuI3AI2RY, . '
'.. . . •. • S'eperintinclenl:
Itarrisburg, Nov, 1-I; 18G. • , ...' '• .
I . :1)11'012'OP Dt`slo6li.A4. DEilt
permission -I iyish .. ln;say 'to tliti rnailers of your
raper that I %Kill:scull' by icturn to
tylle %violi :if ,- l'reej a' Recipe, ..with" hill.
Thr inn knig and using o sinlplo;'Voigelable
effect.ually riirnove*,'inlenAsy s ,
Flotylles, l'on; heckles, anti all. imps,
rilles 6f ; the S.kin, the snipe soft, clear,
. . •
. •
•. I •will also triait free to. (pose having • Bald
lends onßare J ichs , simple directions and
iliaLwill.enable-them to start a full
'ol Laxurielit
louslactie, iri lees than) :itrilays...• All applies—
by return mail hou t. charge:
. • ,Respect fill:
• CitA.I'MAN.,', •
• •...No: 81 any; Nrw Yolk.
- r - Err ERs:01;.: ADM A TlON.4dvin g
.L 4 been iirnrired to the undrsumed •on, the
Estate '6,•• 743:11s.A'.'NoriTql10'(1cnors'n'as.Pe-
Ins A' Rol) deceased, Late Cki • 'Lafayette
'lV)• . Kenti Pa., persons
inddliretd.lo said estate are requester) tp 'nuke
itninerlinre payment, end.thuse huiring claims
ocAirist preSentrbem duly arithen
ticritcri.lorseitteurni a n d titi nt r n n ee ; - ' •
A riltAtiAm ANnEnsoN,...
Lafayet tc•, 141); 24, ISG3
Thiti prepttratlwo, made . Irma t 1 hrt<t Java•Coilve,b ,
as'n xultr • rior N tyrnrc
UEV gltAak. fay' I.ltrairal llrblli.ty, fv . aapai at :mi a n
..Thouitiniht aho haw• hew ewmpitllrit
to alianilon of 'eillfeti will as, Ibis Without icjurl•.
QII floe can ehnlithia Oat strength of two pounds
o r ordinary ciao°. Pritip:2s cents..,
The purePt, and bent liA POWDFII knawn • Ina
making light, mient and ziutritioge limed and Cakel..—
Pricels ceute. .
• • ' • ni.+NurneTrnro 'BY ' •'
• M: H. KOLOC ; K. Chpmipt,
Coiner oi l Broad and Cliestwtt Streets,
Ahd . sold byall'Dyuggists and Groom.
. .
lust Pobriehed, hen Sealed Envelope. p rice Six Cent: ,
Radical Cori. itf Spermatterrhuea, somima weekimm,••
Inman tilnry Ernisaimm. Sexual Delulty. find Impediments
to Marriage Monwally.'NM•Vodsomel.;•Consllmlltion•
lepern nil Filo; Mental sod Illu rNIGII InealoseitY, rvflult•'
ing Wein Self,Almso. Au. —ally ltont.J.
IL. Aniline .dthe.Ne..” Pdok,A a. • '
TIM world, renoileal author, in refsadniirahfe Lecture
ohnirly rem his .111 , 11 experience that the asvf al ,
coheerplesmea i,i sor..blitto may he uffeettfally removed
wuhnut Modiel LW!nml Ivilboutllauguroun.idirgical opera'.
houghs, loptrumenli,'rings,.Or cordialo, pointing
out a 'tooth , of cure at once' pertain aria effectual, by
wbiely every aufterer, - no unifier shrtt •Ins condition .may
he, may cure himself' eheaply.•privately. and 1:m11.1411y:
This leelnio will prove ichoon to thousande and • thou•
afands, •• . .
• ;font meter seal, in a plait; envelope, to any fuldreeel, an,
reevipt Of six 'cants, or, two peas:tee stumps. edam*.
•• •
10:08 A, M
• 4:13 . 111:
1:05 P. M
J:00 A. M
7:10 P. M
BowOryi•Ntiw York, Post Oflit,licu4 4bt6
V.EiP4 .
.• •
j. - 1\1:, brill.. A gent N. C. ft. R.;
• • /101'4 frright Ag't .I'ltil'a
Lswis L. thion., . • ' • • •
' • '
Jos. D. Purrs,-
• 'GM? Maiingrr, jrilliainvon
'N0,111 . 1.1 WA It b
THE 01Jp li11181OE;1*Cirtil
x AT bEk.A. , ,:i . ;•:
-.,10#4,-I.4oo . ****iio:fr.. -
4:: . K . t , ..c,(:):Ai . 5.170 : .K.
pp ESPECT.F!JI.Y.ANOOIisI!te,F.S.TO,.I-115
' Old' frieti On II) Mcit6aii• I tiSs jf i
h . er i 8
oil hand bi)ting.tts
•• LARO.P.ST; AN.O . BESI';..• ••0
Selschiil stock of 4,1 dot u•the.
To Wholesale Clisli tuyers I Would Say,
:2o P•'M•
can gert .west.of,Now.,York.
It.m9eo pc, difTerehee.Whaty o u woo, any
thingA the line of . , •.. • •
6 in P. M
CnJI nt the
And - 3 ., ou'iA;lll tind . the article CreAh gad cheap;
It's no Otto : t01ki,11 . 14 the
ithyliya take lepd;aq
reglitate. !he market in S . •, • ,'.
Groceries find Provisions
, 01:1) 011.',NDS AND NEW. ONES,
. .
Don't Nit to entl.'ond 'two rite When you vitkit
.. .
Olopn ;, 1-thnll lint liurt you 2 but 'shall c.e•rtailtfy
try to do you good. ~ ' . . . .. . . .
Olimn,'Atny . 23il;lB6o
: . ' ' • AND A'' : ' • •
• , nuNNlNo'sTricH 4 .
Sewing '
tr . •
The - emboditrieni 1;1• practical utility, a
. •
rtnervel : nt ninnplicity; rneken the rtinnino stitch
very'rnpidly and perfect, it6en . ll.enmnion needle
and will,lnet lifetirrii. At! 11)6 ,Ni.v.,ko'll: ‘
Stnte Fair, In simpl!city, effielenw
ey, and - ear
prnetictil - ntilityoyne oonfitriind by. the. sword
of the:First Premittrit,
. .
It' Wilf.Glittier: Millie, Shirr, .11fin;iir,
Deep(!the,. 'etc., with.. d'single or double. thread.
' r!tiy. inn terial udatited °to the Running St itch,'
The thinnest, nssially the, most dillictdt to stitch
by oilier sowing; machines,.' being' s'e'wed the
easiest; 'For 'childreris' epparel.
and Oilier articles m'eitle':of light .fsbrics, it will
.therefore be. lound,nlynost tNyst:toetridg.:
.t is attached to the table likeit'fiewlfii7:l;ird,
end tension,"end requiring tin.
eStion'ar ehelige tilWitys ready .for
operation, and. e ii•inervel:of sirnptickty. the ,-
a child or eight_ years can.:etutoonfurser l 4ll,.
and use il.succnssyni.i. - e;- . •
it is riot at all liable in get: otii*. , 0. *utile:.
. Each. machinels fut. up in a •rierit box, atonal
panieil-with - full and explicit .tiiteCiiens a
twenty, five needles. *
Sent to -any address in the United States on
receipt. of en•order, - ipclosine: tha'•.amoOn', ..nr
'may beeolfeeted i y tExpresa on:4lclivery
machine: •• •
When The money i.:icent with the.ort_ler , and
reeistere(l,•we guarantee its.sitle receipt n-nd the.
I.l,;livery sit th'e machine', anywhere mithin 1009
mike 'tree of any Expreas ehargea. • •
.liberal orrungetinenta lei agencies-.
•• • Son Minium s OP FASICIONS t . for 1011 . portico
si'weirne'n of scm:ingi•erc.., send O - strimp
return .pest age. • • .
473 Brood war'll.
tvery lady-,mother, milliner:and dress-ma' ,
er,,shopld huye ene..ef these..valuable sewn,g
likhrd as n warning and for the especial, bonefit
of •yonntt _then, ant - 5,0164e wbo pulTcr with NEW-
V(11;!i bE7IIII,ITS',..LONS of , MylitOity.,..tßEMAl`ttltfi
Re.; Rte., by one who hissured biro-
'golf by simOle.meana, after being put:fo . gr'eat
expense and ipc".novenienee, 'tkrotigh thtiAtie
prescribed by leitrtiet)V.9e! , ;.
mrs. Single copies may be bail (free)' - tif4tle•
author, C.,..A..L4Ainittur, EPq:, - Greetipoint Long
Island, by , encinainglin addressed
rotrir, Loim ISLAND, New Yolk. ..• .
•Tho Parfectionef Mechanism: .?
.oife l nl.the prettiest,: Wiest' convenient, and
decidedly the .best end. cheapest 'timepiece-for
general and zreiii r ible use; ever'.ofrered. , It has
within it 'and , mected with its machinery, its
own winding attacliment,!rendering a key Ma.
tirely unnecessary.... Therwes, of this'. ; Watch
are cemposed two metals ,, the. outer one.
being fine 1 . 6 carat'
,gold It. has Mr.
proved 'ruby action' lever :movement:, aura •la
I warranted an accurate timepiece. Price,iitipei•
bly mien) ved, , net . - rase of a. hall deems, 's2o4.
00. Simple .Wa tches,:m neat mortice& ho'xes; foq
, tho Se. proposing t0 . 61y. at IN bolKtahq,o3, send
by' i xpresS, With hill, payable oirdelivitsy.
"(Hits milit remit payment • ia. advance, as
cannot collect from. those itt 411;e:Alm,
• •
111JOBARD . TROS. Sr., Soi,Ebtrnitimik;
Con, 'rp,ssAv 44.30 wt Nr.w-Youm., ,
T0'011Y!)1)181IFFEBE.118 (R.IOTH SEXES;
.been seatosed to heelth.in a few days, aster an- .
ilergoing all the asOal . soutiOe noct
pensive modes of tiestrtseat„,...withent.sacc4,vs,
coniWers it 'his sacred , duty, to communicate
his afitreteil fellow cleat reslhe OF COE ,
on the reearpt.of na addressed
he.will „send riot a,.. copy_ prescription,
Direct to Dr.,JOHN.(q. PAqtlA.l4l 4 .
180 Fulton Street, Brcwklyti, • :,