. t ik7,,v,if.;',:-.:i:: k , , - ;-' , 1 , ,': - i; -..';'•-.. ';:'... ';'. :•:,:- :, ,, ;,,,:i.1",ktV..44-5e.N.t.;;, , , , ',,- - ;! ,, f, ,,, ,,, ,,, _.• , : - ., , , y.,. ours a r • • • ;fir= il''Bone ' ligi>jtilir ,` iiil`vai~t : r fv4otti::: 4 iis . 4 'the'; thelebtt and tt ► tnplf plai t been adopted of sweep:. i re e 0111 CI, 49-.,..tki41;4(..; . c hq4 ren "-th. grea:t.Ctippet heati-;ett-: ''sjiii,oy,isi!*l4l.llloio'pi(kd.9liconti 4141.011, bei• the,;:ehronipti:s of t " if t :tat tales, . ;:pie* - ne)ip 4;110 iol cf. It would tbe : *upt,ll9r6, - ;of.. a vineral.; •••mititia.ere:tin::.make,the: .believe :.alaicisf sa.Sr . -;ii I, the, •rititi• eacre'dpieli-:purfuses.iiinfthei . BOV,intiteed•of • -,:whole,saie,i-the'.ittitlnifitieS.Ol 'the sloth .. chose' to iSfrest,ttein•iii - detitil'alte( 'dispersing therri whose-.hatons. :and yre I I beerf , trusted the . .. Whole h•itre lieetiii4delatigttble attire, order; was' restored, iii liiitlilti4:apthe , 'disttirliers:of'ottler:, - .• Man:: Whn weriebneeitibd An' beating, Maimitig,and niu r daring ne~toce , melt *ho siipialize . l) . I v es . tu,tlieorgiesof pliintl r:vr ehielf,marketl. 0110 !inters ' in . Who ...I their cum.: lades .tiohe .iissault. - age Met. The ..publief : . ..lorcei • haviefbeenidentifteirataarreitid:.„ 'fife, "e'on imiraters.!. whu 'headed thu 'onslaught upon, the Trileina i . 49 'the - gra s p .ot: lbw . lait; Thifpollee. reports 'paint. these'' Men UP heitire, 'a ttdorniit,Amtlite 'Ol6 re'ejutlietid .Loyal:Leignerlit *tonbeagu re. :thi extent . 'to 'Which' the . Traniite bad' tried': te • iMpose tinoit his credulity. in its high-wrought descriptions ri.heJorniidaWe' , corgailizatigii treasoii". in Nat IS' in the iilighte - sf thigree can. is is Politiciari',of beep even implicated . in 'Mitten transactions.. . •1 n ea4e - the pe ric's •rt pont' w the' taw 4salaid its hand 4,11)60. te . .liat%e been drifted. into their . attitude Of resietance.to the - government. ;Now it is a peddler who hells iri lvithlhe ' a.llout• • thrOng,. is•bOrne along with. them, appro. printes a finehorse end becomen , clieirtenant- . colonel, of the 'mob." Again:,it ,is S. 'drunken . ruffian, lounging' in • a harpoon.ildorway,.who espies a harmless negro, arid rushes upon biro • . with, prompt 'hut unpremeditated barbarity. When the. Tribune 'office:quaked innll its height end . breadth. and, depth,. and every steam, 'pipe . had, become a thing , of dread; and 11.fi, was, training his '.artillery to bear mien the Crowd,•it was a boisterous lierbet from :over the' way who . struelt terror to: these •gUilty •.. hearts. ..TlManonYrimirs Titus, Oates of ilie . . • Tributialiegen tnYatie'reveli,tions by a vow• mg that he had received them through 'tis cook; and:it is impossible not; to be .struck with the - overwhelming evidence in proof of the spontane OM' cherapter of thi outbreak *.their is Itirnisfied . :by tge'ealling and cOndition in life of the person really. concerned: in it. . .The .contrastjti respects between thia consPiraey:.of"the, Copperheads in ISfiarind the real conspiracy - of the Abolition ists in 1851, singular striking.. • . In June, 1851., the, abolitionists of the' North • took up arms against. the. Melon and . the 'Cori. atittation;:ind to - prevent the' ei-eution of the ',•FugitiVe Slave..laW. The constitutiOnalitY. of "the law•was aMatter for legal. argument; but this.fact was treated . with"contempt , by. amen who felt with the . ',i'agnne that . things' had.. reached a'point 4 ; where every Men's ..perceptions'„of right• nod . wrong: "must come into direct. conflict with a pretend ., ed command of that document known es the Constitution of the. United States." A. better inipiiretion for a niob than this.theory ortheln slividual's supremacy over the document knoWnserthe Coogan' ion.“.could . hardly be as- This was the Tribune's text. of 'riotous resist ance:. The applicaline was no•Vdelayed. A.:fugitive slave leas arrested in Boston. Forth • •. with the,. Thibiine :began to labor for the or , ..ganiz,ation of mob to .Prevent the eiecution ottbe federallavirs in this case., ; No Demecrat lc- journal in NOW-York • eier attempted' to. iindle. popular passion , against the Conscription act: But.the . Tribiins Poured' forth its:indigni tion:a V the apathy Of . Mass'achnset 'when' she savrr4 her process resisted: and insulted; her 'citizens kidnapped; her political, existence ig-, nored,•and.her: power disgrueed, upon her own . • The Tribune,; 'which now applauds gen . ' erali like SCIIENCitt and EineNsius for their at tempts to annihilate state soverignty,then .manded state resistance in arms to•the • federal autherity;and exclaimed, that 'the insolence. •the...United' States government In. earnrceilig federal lair in defiance, of the•reiblic sentiment Misatichusetts, , icOuld be brooked only in, a community- 'abased "to the lowest degree of hutiiiliation:" Does the reader .percerve..how .. • subily..this.mester in the art of exciting -to in. . • surrection•proceeda 'Firlit the. broad iirstifica tion.or treason by illumination; then taunt up= . on taant tir'sting. the Passions up; then words 'Of Military cheer and encourageintint. and-Oen . • 4 Thilviends. of freedom friti,st .move slowly •End Systematically 'to their work.' . Does'any ; • 'bodkeupposelhat n•frigitiVo slave could be to ken.otst ;of Massachusetts if• the hostliity to !lies aet;that exists.in the-domin,omwealth was' - 1 . iteizedr:',Cettainly.• not.. • • • •. • • • :There - id power enough in the . anti•fugitive law , masses 'of Maisachusetta, wh , n properly • di• . ; recto", SUCcessfrilly to defy the whole' force of Vire national government. Apparentlythere . is . • ...riot anything wanted. 10-day. but, the appear 'anue'Of a fitting leader on the stage to organize ' ` as s body of men wito'vdoup.uur PEll.5lli ON Ti;n sort, rrritit , STATE Tun ExisTerion Or . SINM,E •'0;1114 OF:TIIE AGENCIES NEOESSANY TO CAPTDttIi AND .. costvtore4snotTrvc . • • Observe the crescendo of thin exhortation.-:- It is nolonger the . reacuci of a slave to which the mob is invi'ed by the Tribune, but the an thQ agent:ids necessary to rap .. tore: and e i onviet alugitive slave," or in other Words the. obliteration of every' vestige of hider ' , al - authority , the • dispersion of the national treops and thq.deitruction Of the United Sta(cd . courtte:.. Before'a shoiluid-oeen tired in . Kan-, • . sac, bditre a . blow had been struck at Susiscit; Itercie the 7.'tibans instigating riot's as the, pre . - liMinary of rebellion. Warming with its work ittlien congratulates' itseltand the treason i't is • .• nursing Upon the..already brightening advent of these necessary "leaders:" . • '‘ , Dotiacongress doubt that iri.these ttnnults, , tartialent 'and ellective.leaderi be Nandi— • Already we see the nameaolpersons announced 'who barie . 4y,ortd . ,rit all thepriecipal slave ea. seCtbathave•iiiisea. Under .the itthurnaniaw , of •• r • • • • .;.v . :"!cki.yer.,:t. ate persons thnaloudiy tif.arined disloyalty and ill sitSo . ---;;l s Neiti:,(liey:'sltunken'ruffiabS,. casual Cart, : Not at alt. They teell%l'o,4l ;hic 40e: faction for i h men whom tiiiT fo'hoaar. filr:T a E . '°;'oboes"P4RKea end W . ODET,r, Pap.res vVe4311:031(;66111 . :ie5 . aims: in FanSuil Halt. iittkfri!' . 4(4 not' ,ct 11- 41/ l iiiikt , 4e, Tioniiim's matlnnen ' marching to - " • . . . . • . thir . %yolk; *Ndrtio Hi giiistiiti_hl'W.urres[rr—tlio.dne a' et/11517k' w= mis Oiolhioofot, ensurni'qsitir! ',;!s roloni I fti.Ot.rjrfa South Car VoluPluer.s". 2 l(l - . tho' . upon t hu,cout:tliou4e of 1100,a; t attaelCitt w h.i eh tt:lOYal erOini3 Can' : irish'mOn, as It 'ehaiecC• lull bravely , defend the s'aUrtity.at. the . law and the-Anfty. . tho '••' • , • When the'rniutiNE's eonsp . iraryof • lS,Vii I'ol 7 .eil for Want tit rtt full : oenizatitin, by tio,nieantyabantlnneil their enterprise. They fell hae4tßtillett , ditil dii4tied, with lirlinthingS of wetiih, since l'earfdlly wreaked iflion the:.:nation in 'emit and in. blood'The, rioters of 'New-York in .181.53,„ , when. ttie'te iinOt wai broken i.iy•tt!e. re%ule Itiet towel' tlie-.l),einnei r titie state if o.i.'ortt , rdent, rioters 'Only' anif not conildrators, disiipprnFrd in'silenee• ti eon spithtor:s: ut..Boston:in 15,11, tie rJed:this.delittnee at the ;toverinifent, which their -first onset: had failt4 to' overilit'oi,v; .. , • • , . . ;1311r6tt'..1'.it.s 1 - Jeeti.fitkett nwdy, Us • tell o,tlii'n.'bsus .406 liition that,,slaeh 'Oran-11ot be on tkte .soil fyegii .plished 1611.11.iiiitts4•tke northern 61164 'to 11)6 . I.leteiliiinittioit.6( I ebisinitt,l6 • 1 . 6 such tho time bleu hnvi.i..peen unti l mutt.. not•he.so . taways. , ' . • It has, not The' reLsoii, liist nod ortiiiiiizeo, has torn the Will. the evil: Work dithis iAist cota , phuolone.. 101 `the l'illitit'tty..e,altsttnut in t . tipinpli soh. r . ilepublic fr6evef falleit; its own t0c.i145 'MAttsktit•Litsr., .•.: TEA O. DOWN T NO 1.1 Ej " • 'I`IIE 1t.4.6 5 • !tristlia rip sit Nay SKY', •• „ • ." .• • %Vint 14A VtiLidn'El) !All; :. . . • Desrooc l'l' YE IYII6 CAN,. • • • • 1)11:1' SINItiiT IN 'T 11E' WAVES; . • lei% 0 .4 Ny . •!" TO ll F.ial 111 E. Iticortl. its aL. , 4l\io I..4rty,,j!titriot .• • • . . si(eralionwiiieli you regiiiiet dl iit, .1..e10010t . oveilook die (act 'that uteel :iiiieu.ke • ac' , Oil in J. (Rip, ll: U. • D. Otto, J B. Kimball,. C. It. M'Cord, C. L. Geary.; Stephen . ScarcizAN't-Poter 13;tres, • Laurance Boyer.. S.3l'ETtli;oiiT--S ? S,irtwell, L.' ,•IViSner, Phordis Corwin: •-- . • . • •-• A.T.llred, M. Morrlson,',l)l.:L.- .1,• M. Holdrldge..:' . • . •. On motinii:the eVere•norie:-. - Iniited : for 'Asse • Batikus; J. 41: Oeiatlj E. B. Elered,.W, J. Davis .A. M. Benton . ; • • • • . conVen!ieni , tlien.proceeded to ballot, nod upon, the Jiinth ballot A.- M... Bentorl : l;avitig racaived a-,inajority of •iill.ttee votes cast, way cleelarkal duly noitilnated. . • • . For.Sherßl 'GCJ. IL Moore was the . ottani mous' choice of• the convention, . • • , . . . . . . . 'For Prot holiotary, J. B.•viatt" had a major.: ..• - •ity of all,tlie•votes cast, it the sccolid • hallot, and -nominated,' • • For Cononissioners, G: (for three .Years).and J • year) were. "C[IO,SCII . III/011The {grit bat ILA. : • For 11e:corder; G. W. Sartwell wainuirkinated by acclairtitt , • . •• ; • , • FriyAntlitor, A. K. JOhniion... , ' • • To;.-Cori;ir t er ; L..lt. Wisner', • • Pistrict:Atturtrey, J. C., Cackus.,• The Convention — then:clinse J. fc.OviattiWiii. NV iI k Powell, C. C.-Melvin', P. B. -Gillett, C. R. and ' P. , Barnes County Citinnlltte'e I'or:the ensuing year:. motion, I coulvul that'the,rtoCeetlingS he published i Ihe p1 5 'Ke 5 a,it Dinzograi. . Ott rootion,•ailjourped, si:ce die.. . • : • -•• s W. -Wll,,KlN§,.Pres'i: • 'AI. N. PoWhx,r,, • • • • • . G, C. 'Ai The'exeentive'coninnittne.inei on l'iiesthiy; the iSth,:notl.appointed the col!OW.ing township . • VIGILANT .COMMITTEE • The . fullowine; dd*ed: .persoo , c6lnpose thp . Township.ecimniittoess . • . 'AN . Sinj-:F:Sherwoo,4 2 - A. June, HUgh Rrod7 Ftn.snFottn,—Philo . Ackley, Senj: 'Jewett, IsUaC Willetts. • 'Conn)(it:l,—E.. S. Suntlerlin. . •-• Er,unt';,•n;--Alexandet Barden, Nuthan .Den•L nis, Abram Stull. - • . • . C Gillett; E. J. Barbet . , Wrn. H. 1-lAs4.irr,—Jabez F. Gallup, 0. 'Perry, .WM. H.t3lit.TON,- 1 -M.N. Powell, Jas. A. Anderson. LinEwry,--Thris. M Dowell, J: K. Moore, Wm, N. Strobridge... . - • LA PAYIiTTER. L. , Tidd,j, M. Holdriclie. Noawmu,—J. C. Boyer, Jolla . B.• Kimball, OrTo,—Jan. McCord. ' Sicnotari•r;— . l..awrenCe Boyer, Peter Barns, Bishop Locus:: • . .• B316114'01E1! Bono;—Jals...lVPPoriald, Ros Well SartWell,.Miles Irons. . ICEATING,—:VIathias Olto, James OTaley, DISTRICT CONVENTION. • Pursuant•fo hotice,•the Dernbcratic Digtrict Canyention met at the. Court hoasa,.in • way,-Thursday, August 20th, at i 2 o'cJocl„ in., and On thotioni Dr, C, -R, .Rarley :was. chosen President; awl T. W. ildsangs and P. W. .13r •ett, S . ccietarics. - ..•. • . — ,l'lie . t.lllll.qpiitr.cowitie&'pre:uliti..l their credeii • Ours, . - . . \.. I% 7 iilt6r :Bat reit,. NV..T. hest, .lam re . R. • %V. Burrett, lki ha; C. 11' ' . JfJ+r.+on-1V tin: 'l'. I 4:13. dst jit g s ;Jo h On motion• of 5... A.— Backu9, thy. • Conveptio i ( prOceeduct to tiOminate edndidittes*:' 43.. T. 1-1 4 i1 noiniiptittl.,l. B. Ilutchihsoh, otlyfferson you4.ty... •' • • • 5.:4 BitelLus nominatY4 Benthii;.•tif I.tlclCeati County.... • • • .r . • ' . • Janies T. daltly'vetrootniti'afed T. J., Boyer;- •01•C.karfiettl county. • •..•.•• Ooqnotion, Dr: T. J. Boyer . .was. notninated by aaelippatjod. After 11 - lerfoiiiinlttibit'o(sDr.poyer motion, the•Con' , ientiou proceeded to be; lot. for a econd .. • A. M. benton received 7 votes.:. .1. 13.•Huichinzon received 5 votqs. •. •On motion, thenomioaticin of Bun toil yVili declared ' .• '.on inotioh_a.committ(ie of fiv.e was appUinted to draft iesolgtions expressing . • Convention. •• ' The chair "appeit4ed S. Basting's, Walter 'Barrett, George 11tessenger, and John'Ctitratt, said.commitiee. .Dr. J. T. Boyer adttreisett the Cp:tlientien du rin the . alAehee of the committiie. ••• . . The committee having reitirneti•reported the • •.• . • • resoltitions : • .That iii t.h/t nowi t •ar 'Hon. f;e'orire . W..lVpotlward and IVlrlter we lidve ctiOdidates.trne . and tried, and in every. 'vraY ;yo - rthy of the support of the voters of Peon; sylvania, C and .will•hw as ail ith pleasure "their' r : i . utripha nt•elec Lion. • B.CrO/ bcd., • T !la t the carulidrites t da y have heerr•tried and• notfOuliil and that 'we 'will uhe honorable metros for, , , Resid int, • Tliat acitept.,,tha resolutionS Nfssed by the late 'State CC:invention as expres sive • ••• lblsolvei4 That We'•juStly view :With 'alarm the teemit iliterierenem M the election's in thcky.by, the military, and. that we will stand by' the :f ci:eilorrt of the ballat . box as one of .1 he taestimableprivileges'bequeetlied to Ws Jay 'the sites of . • 'that the provepdin.v.9 of this Con vention all the lleatueiatiepa— petS'ul the, tligt(tet:. : • On modonjresuh'ed t this incetiuo ail [Signed, by the. L A T.E ST . .:,N-EW S! "OUR. FLAG IS STILL THERE." AVagribi• occupied. dy Forces. OFFICIAL D.ESPATCji OE GENERAL GILMORE. • • . • • FURTV.Eb.) MONROE, ;August 2;3 'The.guidtoar Western World; Uipyain Greg ory;iirrivetl this tilnrpingi'roin,.nfrWiltnfirginni and repoits the arrival there, of the United State'i stei;tper Charleston, with intelli*: '4enee:that:, the T.Jilion force occupied . Torts Sumprer ttrui Motithiy last.. • Oticial , .l4 . sp . ateh. from General Gilnpro, ‘ . .1.1D. QR.'S . . 1)1:14:OF 100.orrit, :• 111 . ;)1:1ZiS ISLAND . ' S: C., Aug: 21. $.,• if/./j:(1?n U. • hive the tailor to .report• the pocti• derporitieu.el Fort.''Suiripley as the're.sol, of our,,se'ven :day bombardment eluding o.vo . days olivhich n po'sverful' north easterly stenn.rnost 'seriously diminihed the accuracy and-effect of. our.fire.. • ' Tort Sumpteiis to-day . a shapeless ;IMI, harm lessmass ol'Tuins.' My chief of .artilery;col-• f. Njureer, reportS 44deatiucttonso far coin pleted,.that:it longerol any avail in the defences of Charleston. He also 'says that by a longer lire . it could he made more . .complately a ruin, an a d mass of broken masonry, but could 'scarcely be more pOwerless forth() dufence of My breaCtling,battelies were. located at dis. : tance variing,betvieen 3330 and :4240" yards, 'from the IvOrk'and.now remain as efficient as . ever. I deenT,it annedessary at present to con tinue their fire upon tho ruins of .:Sempter. '1 have altio 'at great labor and u'nder.a. healiy ,fire from James Island, established batteties on my, left, "within 'effective range ; of the heart o 1 Charleston, and have opened with them after giving Preneral 13 eanregard due notice, of my* tention: to do so.• • . •. • My' notification •to .General .Beauregard,..his reply diereto,'withthe threat' of :retaliation, and. my rejoinder, haie' been transmitted to.ar naY headquarters:, tie projectiles from my batteries entered tile. city, and General Beanregard himself desig nares them tis the most detrue.ii;:e missiles ever used iA war. • . • . . . Very respecfully, . : •-, .• . Your obedient servant, • D. A. Gtr.aniiin, • , • Brigadier General Commanding THE WAR. Atlyicei!frin our forces.Ofr Charleston to.the 22d state that a flag of ,truee - was sent : te .Fort Wagner on FiidaYT6rningwith a notification' fromGonOal•Pilmore'to General Aeatireguard .that'he would coommepce to shell the city within forty-eight houre, and refinesting•him to rertiove the'women and children. The ..wliffle 'moiiitoi' fleet ,weq ufi on Friday night 'for ,I1W : other assault ujion 'Sumpter.' T1,12' PaSbdit: gronttd, and- so' Much ti tne was loat. tr, getting; :her off dna the..expeditiod dhandoned , .for . night:. - The rebels:did noi.illseneer tier 1)4). 7 ' sition;thongh - :A.rithin hall . u.mile of th . e. rebels state - that: the , bette4--Of ,P,atrotr guns were , dietant.irom.utnider two miles and and Duringaeti n - dayS' mem; ending with Satindayi last,mccording to rcbrl eornrytitation; - thr . ee thousand six hundred, and t*• . rity-sthrele shots E;frock. Sumpter, ma— 'Mg an tieerOge 'of . o . ver.flee hundred each .day 4. and by their. b 110 W I rig . .hdt.little . More thtin One- . • fourth of the..ShotS 114: faileil Of •execatiOn,. so • , • .• that a total'of.abont . lour thousand fie° hundeed• ihots-were.thioWn. - .l,llnituirer says..that after Soritpter is evacuated . ; John ibis will be*criull, as the.fed,e - rale cannot: occupy it, an the hailMr:iiitifeetuallY defended . ..ly new• fortificationS. The'shellsSent into Charleston 14. - outlorees*efol h from. a. - -diSfarteei: . of five rnil6s;,a`nd gentlern - en in.WashingtOn con , . . • fleeted with the - service say is - a - greater suree . ss with Parrott.. , gulis than had 'heretofore entered into their:calcidations. Colonel Woodson's eavalrytitatle . a raid' on Pocahontas, recently; and,rduted' Several bands.of guerillas; e.apturing otielmnd red -prix- ainong them. the rebel General ,Jeff; 'Thompson: and his staff. • . .. • • • A telegram frOM'Cairo 'states*. that General Pemba] toddied at Selena, Alabama; last week., GeneralGratft and . stair,andAdjutfint 'Geneuxl Thomas, left Cairo on Moritlay'rdglii fOr Mann . % Over 100,000 . bales of Confederate States eott'onhad.beekcapttired 'hear Natehe. 6en :an..expedition up' the' Red . river. nere Were 8,d0 . 0: rebel troupe in ATOn :roe, sixty:live miltis'wesi of Vicksburg. . Gen.: erals 'Walker and 1-feber,were cornmand.-- 7 . Smith was in....Texas' General :doe Joiflison's-fOrees are scattered in the Chun!: river enunty.. • ' , LIST OF DRAFTED' MEN OF McIiEAN COUNTY! KEATING ,SMETHPOKI ,POROUGH.—; • . • . . .S9tirDISTRICT. -• • , • . OS namesin box-2'i , clrawn.. JOhn-C h}ahretr Hit ate Stickles Johii•C Ha mitt'- - 'Jobe - ptirtis . • Robert,Kihg • - • Otis lions Daniel Acre. ••• -'• A N Smith • . Frank Richmond.. -Philip Fri • shyl, ‘Y•tn.ll•Baker •• . 'John Kellahan NleCarty • Final! . 01111[1(1 . r . Nilea.RobbieS . Joel a' niwneend . Henry Jiishop • Mathias Otto ,".•. Charles Aaron Acre • •., -- Charles McCoy • • ••••• • Stephen Irons - • Walter Evans • Win.stariton • • Henry Pluimier James Daly • • LIEREg . --901.1)1515TR1C1'.,. 51.nairies iir box-1.5' drawn Fieriway Bell A J.llaywartl I:'R Beth . • ..; Jobe 1,11 , 1 eh. Lawretice'Sltiel,(l4.. D 1 Penthe.ll Wtn Gobles . :John Clark James .4iTies4l Gobles nirrinti Lyneb fleohnoCarter • N P IYedr ic k •G N Ali:Young • - • , • • in t bci-•-'l.sdraWn., Phelps IVm Splane . ' -.l6l4y•S'lieiter Loy T.ii.kkop; SliaT wood Levi A Gleason- • , • Fr . antr. Taylor B Glpas.on • • • ... 'Peter Clark Elijah 11(.vhril .lames Villbegrov,s Noah Wilcox: • ''• • Peo's Lan?. Tyl'qr,,Cogsvhle ' '• • LiLiEicrY-70.'2d •DISTRICT • tOt?..ijaMes in hox —3O drawn. Nathan • Wm Std nton • - Crirydon'Weeka:: '-.Richmond Grinneis Izetris.Doq • Silas It Seamans nitwit) Baker. ' Gito bidarrett Thos. 'McDowell - Win Clark, Philip Brady R Wilkin Wtp W Wit 'Thc;s Tones • Peter Petti s. • , : .Albert Id „Fitch JOmes Robinson: • .W .A•Wriiht - • •Goo.SOlisbury • Os Grirnes• •Eznilotimh .Geo Frederick A Wright : • •Asa, 11 Ilarp . aby Edmund Cbrf'er •. 13 9 Stprie:ir ' 'Alfietl".\l Haden Joel L Roger' - s. Wicikael'Hehiii!,: • Helps BuOiws , ISORW[CH—pad MSTI-KT. . . 22 -flumes in box-6 -drawn. A CGoodivin Andros L Riflo G A:Burdick • . ' L . Sanford Wm Dicklnson , Rattan Horner. ELDRED-9.4th • Uknaines in box— : 10. drawn.% • .• D H Burnham • Charles M Zimnior Alex Miligitt • Melvin FlC.eyes Hyde C Rice Wrn Brinier. '• . S G Larnphear • .Lewis J Wright Jno A Canfield . Wilson Cooper.... Randall Hood' Thomas Gill. David R Stull' *. . Gilbert -M Moody Wm I) Lamphear Wm Drake' • Jabez.J Rico • • James M Childs JJCook'• • • ...OTTO-95th DISTRICT •. . • 26 names in •box=-7drawn. Morris B Smith Win A Prenasi Hiram M Mobre Jas W Mills Jdseph Ellis • • Ivan.N Stanchlield John P Smith • • • SERGEANT—Q . GtI4DISTIIICT 44 mimes in box---,13.(1ram.: Daiiie A Eilsterbrook JOhn.Hitemati James Fox . Cusiier B Thomqs Tillason John Gil Hugh AUClaughli . n-; ..Taffies Gulden Joseph Dalt .‘ Alichdel Kearna• Jonathan Baities 'Bishop Lucas,_. John iphn . Muriey . . ' ..• . 'BRADFORD —67th DISTRICT 85 namti4 in drawn.' . . , . John Robinson , 'Wallace Campbell • And.J Hammond • 'David Frazer: • Jefseph DeGolier ' . ' ' - Amg*G hyder : : : Dexter Moore• Chuuneey,Snydei -- :. Edwin F Clark' • . . 'Robert L Thorripamt •Aug \V Newell ~ f Seamen.W Snyder . , . . . . ..., •• , . 'Pat Liinch •'.. •• . D V Dikem , •••• • ..., : I)iiiikl t)lat:sl3 . Wm Wib. olll \ ' • ';‘" GO . Pattert• • , • ', • ,:Wm Crooks. ''' ' : • \ GeO Ilithatdeori, ' , .. Spencer Thil4r • 'Warren ()Ids , • • • Jarhro 'White,. Dr .F.D Fiplay. : • : .. -Watlace DO!11,.. James D Mattes ' - .::-. •,- 0 ,-- ' • ' . . CORYDON,- 98th DIBTRICT.: •' ', : .• 12 names M box,-3 drawn:. - Henry 'Fogies • ...Joirathan if bmith , JaMes D.avjdaou -`. - • . 0 ,0, . . . • LA FA Y T F.--oo A toNsTrti ; i;riames 1:10:C72 ' dravitn. . .• • Orland Hagadorn Geor:ge:lplg 1006 `DISTRICT r'• bux 7 -5 dravvil r '' Alonzo Thonriss Collar Rulug 114, d ucore • :.• Erskine J C.PbrteFfield . I . last two .witimkrawr.; becatb(erroriti • i'vk‘o dravn:fromSefgehnt to make:. HAAHLTQN*WET.MORE—pi.stPIS'I"CT 24 nairins 111 box'i Charle's..Riley ' . Win Kiiiiwy John Shenne . John Gano. ' EdwAid Svane . , 'George Afinis • . • • • • • 'Conscripts can report, for Examination Exemptioirs, cti.;.oll br be fore . September 30th.. trunspOriation, from .the nearest rail .roallStation, will lie•given with . . . CAMERON C OUNTY -CO NSCRIPTS.. • .I:thf.of .Drafted . for Calacron ounts EIGIITY;FIFTIi SUB DISTRICT:. • . 96 Names Enrolled: in int Clnas=-29Dinfted.. AraiilinP Juincoi7ulton;: ,Repse tricks :1 - • JosCiill . ll:Shiifer...: K jorijan . •• • • Melvin • •NVin J Quin ••.. • Win ;:11 1 :•0(; -..Jueolil\l4ler ••. • Amos'Bitrber • • . •;,• Barr • John .• , . • JiLtu6s Dever6auk, .E(k9rot, Vc . )40.tr.4 • • • Israel • A mosalock John llicls. Phitleas .41scin ' John Jo:silk. Ulm() • Isaute .(k..cirvc *IV , 14,111(4.: John „Forgils Ci• IT:Even - 4( • • EIGHTY-SIXTH'. 'SUB DISTRICT: • ciIiCPPFN UNII3VI• A^:ll PultrAGZ 245-11imes • Enrolled in let CiaSii---74 Drafted. Ellison Illaf}it • A r illiniik• Lewis Lawreinx Pert. • • Joseph . - Kelley , • CharleS.W haven. • • Oscar nave • , . Thonitis'lleene • • -Swope w . ard Easterb.rook: John: Rowloy ••• QS, tioleson -James Norton, '• . •Deor!4e • Sever Strawbridge • • Jarins 1)- 1 Lorton John Crow -Thomson .11e • nri,441.[:ss NV .I.c SwecAey ** ••• Al ilitelicoek, • ' • • ••• Robert Morrison' • Sitnindiurns,.• . 1) If Matlier • . • 'Nelson s&ire* • • Niehols.ltiehards.: •• Dennis '.* .INlichaet Lally. • • :,.Elihtt Lewis. • -• • • 'John Redman' • . • •Miehael Marshal. •. William 11aMilton• . • J 13 NEWTON. • George:Bush •• .. Batayette.Qlark • • Strawbridge. llull. Foster • Jatll6.Seott Aylesworth . • • [teary Patterson ,• • Jame;Miles, ••• • lasper„). - laveu •.• • A (1 Oriltith Silas'lenson •: I) J. Morrison:. .•••* • :Enoch Sweesey.• . JoIM 811111'4A. • • • Oils Alhud.•:••. • - ,Charles ltohert Crum * • Samuel Devhling Joseph Daniel 'Flenigau; - • Franklin: [lousier ••. ohii Wylis• JaeoltSitncoek *.• • • .; Edward. Mark. • .William 011ara ;•• .;• Salmon Robinson'.• • LueinS Freeman . -- A 'MI Morrison • jarnes,Jinkes Cliniips Pettit , •- • John Byrne... - David'llubsel Q STandall . E Pettit '• • Smith Duthrie• • ' SHERIFFS SALES .jriY VIRTUE of suottrY writs of Vendftiowi Exlionets B Y and alias Venditioni Exprotax, , issued ,out of the , Court of Common Plead of hlcKean• county; Pa.,l have ievied.upon the folleiving . described Real Estate which I. dhuJl expose to 'public •fiale fit the Court House, in the. 13ornuirla of Sipe thport, en Monday. , the '2Bth ;Iv of 99- tomber next, et one &clock P..M. . • •- The following described Real' Estate, situate In War 4rant NO.BII, in Eldred tmiuship. McKean County, Penn sylvania. Dminded and described as follows, to wit:Llle,- ginning at beech corner. standing 'one hundied • perches north of the south=east corner of the above, named War• 'rant,, thence South fifty Perches id a, hemlock' , corner, thence West three hundied and fifty-three perches to a 'corner, thence North fifty, perches to a corner, thence 'Yost three - hundred and fifty•thrtie perches to Alm place of beginning; 'e.".sntaining one hundred, and two•tenthit acres,.strict measure, be the same .mote pr lefts. ' About fifty acres , improved, one trained house, one framed barn, a large bearingerchard and'a good, well of water. ' ' Seised, taken in Execution and wilt be sold'as the pro perty of Dana It. Nichols, at the suit of Brutus Nichols now for the use of Aaron Osman & - Anfos Reddin, • • or following property, to' wit:—All - that certain piece or parcel of land, beginning ate. poet in-the Weet line of lot No. 1(16, consigned to Alpha llorati,. thence by North line of lot No, 110, North 'eighty-seven' and live-eights degrees West, one hundred and fifty,nine perches and nine-tenths of a perch to the East line of lot No. 101,, thence by said line-North one degree three-fourths of a, degree East; seventy-two perches and five4entha, of Ft, perch,' . .to the South corner of-lot No. 65, thence by South, lino of lots Non.-$5 rt 06, SOuth eighty-seven degree& three-fourths era degree East, ono hundred and fifty nine:jn.oloe -and nine-tenths of a perch, to the, Ndrtb. west corner of lot No: 106 aforesaid, thence by. West line Ofaild lot ,South.one degree and three fourthe of a degree Went, seventy two Porchei to the place of beginning, con • Wining seventy two acres and six tenths' f an acre, atriat inetimnie, the s tuundniere or less. It being lot N 0.109. of the allotment of the Bingham Isola in Lafayette town- . ship, lib:Kean county Pennsylvania, enclpart of Warrant numbered '2•210 , . . -Seized, taken In execution. and will be. sold as the. property of Fuller arid Rhoda A. Fuller,•at the suit . of Roswell L. Thld. . • : • • - 11,SO . AIL the white pino Timber standing g rowing nntllt"e -ing iiittitin Warrants .Forty-tilito hundre and seventeen, Thirty-four hundred awl twenty-foliy;• Thirty-four hun dred and twenty-three, Forty-eight hundred and seventy Ore, North half Of Forty-eight bundled and' severity nix, North.italf of Thirty four twenty-two, Thirty-nine hun dred knil nine exitepting three hundred on the - Went end thereof, all of witicliWarrantn are situated in the Town-. Olin rif firatiferti with the exception of.Whirrints 4137 k sad .4870 which Ottiated in. file Townshlp of Corydon in the County of ACKentiantli State el 'Pennnylyania to-. 'quitter with the rightni ingrenn and egresx upon and froth said Entitle for the of culling awl running the, said Wilite.Pino timber. therefrom and' the fren . .unw and enjoyment of the said !vomit:ex fur till imrpitnen necetetaty far the chlting and ,'ltaning the said timber fur thit. full 11111, a nd s term of ( neyenteen. years finrit the; date hereof. BlitetiMarcli nth, 140, All unimproved. •. t:ittizeti, token in exectiCon and noltFak the property of Anthony Fay, Samuel W. Bradley, Benjamin Barker and BaritLilarrower, at the null of John F, itrthbane:* .E , Lierifr's Omen Stnethport. Fent 2i2th,.1903.. JAALEST., 1111.AIR.Sheril, . .