v9i. 5. Z f , lie.iii . l : to.4iitij:.Elcit'iOtiOt. . ~.gunLquED: pvErir :sviURDAYMoItNI7.63,... •:. '• By 4. 0 . ...0vi4rt . •:.; • .0101'HPORT;' . '.I . IPICEAN COUNTY; *PA OFFICE, ;' . 3...E..COENER OF mum SQUARE TERMS: - SU 50 in Advance . . , . . . . • • .... • -. • ..- • Bates of 'Ad v e r t ising. 1 Cblumn one year:.:.:.::.... .... ' .... .i............ , ..;:f.t.:15 00, •••..........,.. , . ~ . ....2 ...'....,...i,...... :40 00 V• ' 4 • . • . 4 . - . ...,--.2.. : • • '-12 up " Rix montbi.--"• •rte" ' -•• 20 00. ... 'Una :square' 121inesoi lees; 3 paßertioile,..--, .1 60 Haat gitbk.quentAntiert ion, ilysinoßs cituht; with paper. It (I le or.ilguro work * l:vi 11- be .doublo , the above 'rites. lines-lheyier • type, or bight lines . noaparell, is fly• Theme terms will be strictly adhered to. . . .f3tipilit.o6.'l.lll4•etiprp: . DR. W, Y , WCOY, • sOURH EAST CORNER . MAIN 'STREET Pil DR.. L. R. WISNER, h,:n10.111.0 ,iiip•O ltnietti port. it ill attend to al • rrofr.t , ional with PrompLne s. • ()aloe two' tioortt north Of ttlaltattiocrot Mice ' • . . IMIIMEMIE •.%. • na r• I , •1 .•• •• • • T / THE• ~• . ;:: 1 , .S ••,, .1 tar 01 ' lV . ai f•flee . l. 14011 their • lc. ilia poi;,ishers Tirn N11:1:01:111.' aelinowlialge biya I .-ar!hpli"rwq urr,xtinkn and to.all, in,' Nnw:Venitillnizetiny tor . this- 'year (1563.) riebe;ilfeyeri,tuxuiy of Polite ever h.lare.„ I.f . is noopstrt , •Siin-.lfirai.".blit a first (lass:literary has been fa-: iuiliar totite , tar . a illiarzer . of a arid vi .fh.e wishysviasby mash ruorrrpirni.. of yesterilay rre,nolt log down their even their soliscriptiOn; plii!.e; Tile NEW:•kOlte . . ICl,illeliltY . mainiai'ns all ts ;Item Sliiff OfßOonancers,•Poeti, Humorist's, .Essayists, Srory'.lellets,lird',ll:ditars,-and ifro• to inake it- . still ;treater far iSti3. 'one piper lor . evti'ry fury caitiaing reading letter per wenk , cono.itute lin unparalleled . • • . • • • ~ • . . . ..coNs E•it vATortli :OF • TIIE FATFAITAIN'ING and its Novels, Miseslapeods Tales, •B • eant ies of Verse', - Gossip, Feuillefons, Broadsides ot Hu, !nor:, and polished Editorials, combine to epi tomize iill•the:chiirms of .; . •• • . . • • WIT 'AND SENTIMENT. j• The, litisharid reatts - it to his wife, the mother to'ber children, the, lover to'.his:si4met-heart, flie.soblier- to his ' , comrades, and the village 'sehoot master to•the circle around the• stove.— It' is fo'ilmAiglit of every man,'wuman unitchild in our counity;and has regular Sub scribers in several countries: in Europe, ,THE New YOltli MGItelfRY is also identified with'the eriindesi "patriotism of . the age, 'for. ,several inetnhors of its brilliant Staff hold high.raiik its our noble army, end haie made'themselves!as tainous'with_the SwOfil the 'Pen. 'The, , 'gnat :illustrating artist of. TIIE 'New `Yonic • Mnitaniy,•the• inimitable Darley, 'gives • the_ pipe, chic highest artributes of. Fine 'Art ; and y.lt• this.hirgest literary weekly:U(o,e day pro mises to,•siirpase itself . in ail these "respects dil l:jug the Nit* Year! , . . _ .. . . . . Th. ! 'first NKw Yultli NIERCY No v elet tefr ii i ,, New:Y,ir, in be 'commenced in the • issue nt luntiiiry 3, ;863 . .,.i5 . i.a11p . il .•• '.• - • :..... ' VICTORIA ; • ' e: 1 eil ; el3:-4 pr,C • fAi-ii le', CI i-!:1 • Inr Co I'll N..llA • y. • .• :IF •I,o‘vin; • 511:: , IK.," •I, , • ISMNIMI ; • , y t t.• ••• y .ecia•,l did dept , • •,. , •0'..tt000 . ; ha'Yf , serur ,, ) ,e. p i •'1: : pproval, a Id. weealr A.I it •o' dll s : trii y.rotl. - • •. • ,•••:' sA:ovit sold . s • •• •a AffloriE• a. To. •., •••• • '4,11 0 , :ty ;Ina ~ ' very' Sa' cs • A {ea r; liar - ee• repie.' tot 4.50; ttlit coisireijrir $l2. with' • . • T•iip nf ilitY • ATIVqi/‘ //WO Pilir r. . CO/11l .1 . 'S" .1,4 Z, '.notl . S . 61 - 441' so , vent .y . ,iks 60..111 -collie.s sent. freoto ' .• Aildress all !Ptters arid remittancpa, pnlit paid . itt; • CAULpWELL & WHITNEY,' • Proprietor,, of Eke' Niw...York.o.4rco ry, 113 Fultbn street,. New. York City. into saying; HONolt. TO' -NEW YORk!7--HET ,. Governor * leas neted . like a'snan'who itnotos token at time, for pOrtiseenSleip is al amend.' Her gallant Seventh is now inHarrisburg, and side by side with our' brave Pennsylvanians, preparing, .10 resist the invader. This is;the true sPirkt of brOtherly . 'love.: But *hile•the eltyof . New. York ig -do ing so touch' to SEt‘e our state, *hat is the city of Philadelphia'doitig s ? - .. • • -• • It is quite time the-administration' press did justice to:Governor Seymour.; •If the Nevi , ' York. Times -and Tribune and the. Philadelphia ' Press were-to be . believed, 'Horatio .Seymour and. those .who act with him have been from the start in the interest of the 'slave'- h'older's rebelltoiW, so they term, it. ' , When, hOwever;'an actual invasion takes piece. these same:pemocrats are found' in , the-. very front ratlike of those who are delendlrg their state' and nation.. The i4 • Copperhead" ,Governor New Jersey is quite as'prompt to send' •ti-nripS to'heat hiick - the enemy as:the most - ardent Re publican in the-land, and-although. southern Pennsylyini a is - tilled with bentocriit's who ab hor (he abolition poltcy 'of . the' - adminiattation., we have- notheard of one who heal :given aid and cnrniort to the enemy. If there was the slightest particle offritth in the • libels of the. Pre.is end he New York. Tithes upon the - Deth• erratic party, would.not :Pennsylv'ania to-day 1i- in a state of civil War and the _enemy .wel— eniii-iltroin. their qua rte:rs? • ' ,: • 2 ,5 . . . . 500 .1 • - t• T.,•!• • trjek‘' . .l; t ;' Fr . • G,en';: t.es Int; .I(rrt . .ll 14.0111101 y, T. 'pH ! , stretehed kt'f . tt c.roliFy of, t .kmoripan history. It 1,.. 1 i n with Pritranee in'ii th.s , nate of tirli . t.".. to a. seat 'in which body be '-,1 , •rt...1 in 1817, at tbi ,earlY sire of thirty ! o wn: anti it i•l ns p s 'with his deat hrepse•. -er.iiitive or his; niitive State in the Congress A'/ ""Y (fIN (J a, th. Unieii. In the interval' Mi.. Ciittenden twoht cil6 oast , ,tilt, to 1.4.itt0 , " I wf..e filled the. office of attorney:general of, the , United States, first under president Harrison, Liam! again . under .Pfesident Filmor . e, was .. , once ('governor, of.• Kentucky, and Wes five times a aenarnr . ,of -are- Onion: . Throughout the . .grestei • portiOn,of hiS long public .s . tn . vice he was a Onnspicnoirs leader of, the Whig party, a friend •of Henry'Clay .atl:an unwavering op ponent of . Demoeratic •piinciples. A Demo-, erotic mhjority'in the Sennte,..indeed refused in -18'2.8 to congrin him as a .judge Of the Supreme Coint,..to.Which high'siht ton be had been called liy the seccindpresident Adams. As an orator and a partizan 'he was const itinienally : fiery and inmetinius; ; hut despite' the ,energy of his ~temperarnent hiS.name will liVe•- • in the political annals of 'Amanita-as that of a'stiatesma'n who resPecterrell—constituted rich's and . .abhorred thevehernent injusticeof iithreines: His: seri: . atonal life began with an indignant . protest igh,inst those sedition laws of .17US: 'which have ,been made the- pretera in our 'own .days ,for -measures thraljj•• inconsistent - with the libel:ties Of the 'American citizen; and it, ended with an . impassioned but unhappily an trn.hyailing effort td-stay, the'tide of sectional passion: arid 'rail, ice!' reckleSsness which . has 'swept over the . SanCtities . of the Constitution and the . hopes of the nation. ' Cong before the fanatics of Arey. , . England had . gatira i red, the. evil courage to out rage the compact, ot ,AMerican Union in. the' abused.name ' of universal 'philanthropy, .Mr. ,Crittenden representing a. slave . state,:endeav: ored to' s cure ~to thei skive rmitive all the' i i guarantee of justice Which.reason. Could ask' or law .en rce. And his course oh' the' exci;- tine ques inns connected With the admission of Kansas,. While it earned•for him the: impartial execrations of •all .who either desired Ur were jiidiffererit to the ruin of the nation,, Will co'm-. mend hitt) to all:eamin7 time:as olio who, never -lost the:high Courage of cOnepromise•wifen, All the' winds of faction andof fork, were unloosed to threirien civil war. ' That courage did- not. abandon him when the tlfreati'of .1856 became the' terriblerealit:es . of 1861.. -on,the eventful night which closed the'last senatorial session, of the Thihy.;.si . .ith Congress'Ot,: th'e'.-United 'States the Republican 'senators fo• the flambe!' Of -twenty: five.finally rejected-the last hope of :Uni s on with peace for, America, in the resoln tion which history will preserve for the shaMe of the present 'and the instruction Of future timeS,as the “chttentlen proposition.',' .The •feats . :arathe . ' SPrI:iCP 0f ... 16e author pleaded not less earnestly, than • his elotincMce for their adolition. Petitioni. from a qtiatter of a tnilliorr of. Atherican citizens, memorials ' trOrri he. legislattires of . .. American Stateii, com birr Lions -.. ;property holders represent . ..llg the greatest .. and „material interests, 'urged .. theM Coner'ess. In the • 'closing ' e . senator from Ohio declared. in• his hat 9hefore . the senators. from the State lII' i sippi left the Senitte, he - heard Coe of " Jl a~-amtsto he r of t S nth'. riint. , leracv,.rarios'e tio..a . reept tlir 00 to maintain , he Unino,ir .prono..ittOn the wall, 'it ought t” rec..) ve Woo 'ho:R , potilivon side of 'rite Sinai, chalro'o,r;" Thig - I , .roarVol;lo,rl..elorittron true itoihr.ed whO his firtn. heiiet 'that 'thr , 'Critten - den inorm.:it;on wool , ' vp .ca veil' nil the' •Slefes I , lll'Sotinh rarnl , On. • . . . tkt . l•wa, vain..` m Pa'rty adncsn, SPC• 1,0111 n hlt due”, which may well triumphed river the pitt rint.httit 'rif.'P•lrceat rrbplr, and nullified the'6l- . inttn - of pun who was fitly enritled . the . ”patri-. ai,eli, of tm.Srunte.. - • " • • . . Thrntigh ailthe trials 'anti troubles' which heye - since oveitilkenns, Mr. Crittenden hoping ;I•guiest.hcp, unconotrerable :inthe (.!qnstitution anti, loyal in devotion to the Union, had bat tlethincensinglY forlhose principleicwhich are the life of, and which alone can make the.other possible. Worn Out with ',noble strife, 'and falling• With his herriiss : on, the penee.he had' -veinly inhered to bring beck to tis ell has come at hist to him. Out.of the shadow, of present .The Demeeracy and the Iniasiou, Philadelphia l!res* JCH".T•JAY CRITTEND.EN 'nl .stnirsynen wh! , t9 , 10r14 dad :n1 Their 'enifttrv. ;r , , , .01 III„ i~•~iuhlir, siviquipbßl‘,:mo44 . N COUNTY, ..P syORDAy;:;AtIOST,i,p,..-001, wrath.ond. thC 'cloud pi the'vriath to conic he has Passed.avvo . y . -. • • • - • an air of gicir.y, • NV,hose.light.doth trample on our ilaya." A POLITICAL' ARMAGtDDOBT . Fro our listet. cities 'in the :West, and to -all the pee* on the '.'littriks - of the Mi4sisSinpi.and its tributa'ri'es, we. say; ityliaternel )cindneSsL— ,ynd 'to' our national 'enernies' i .at 'home and atirolid; we Elak4 in ste'rnoit idefiOn.ce--or MANY, :WE Vi.iii oNs!--ilt(AIO Commercial Advertiser.• . upOut, thjs sentiment which touches the tight choith• ThetioadrOpidli.op• proaches Which to test our dispositions and . capacitieS as' a'people—our disposition to live together i itt bonds of: 'Unity and . interest--our captivity to. preserve, not merely•the . totegrity of Our sot!', but tbe purity of outlaws and in stitittiOns inviolate. . • ' . . . . • •There are foreshadowings of, evil as well as good horizon Vhen . the South has been compelled, to abandon this' 'uneelual•ciitest; and' the authority 'of :oar g,ov— einment is fairly restored .aver all ptirts of the . country, there will be'iit' least two;.corillicting .elemeuti, one of which not talft . cie act with , gfeaternal.'kindness.", - 'These two elc; mentsWilf struggle foe political 'ascendency, and-upon the issue - of the •stitiggle . our ftiture career as -a•grcat, united and prosperoua'peoplo will 'depend.' : One•of,:these s elements.will he satisfied With..nothing short, Of viiaking thfr,ne• gro, .popyl4ll,Oii ihe• phqticofly equal with'the • White •poptilation . . boih - .Pforth .and . South. This element is headed by Salmon:P. Chase, and exerts.a vast dearee-or influence in moulding- find•direeting, the for tuneS•of .the Ware is, rettponstbld for'the Olhys and disasters of the chntest, and npenlyglriries in- the fact that t v led to Ihe.fi'rtheranoe of the . ": reenititiOrs' intended. ...1 - ct 'Wirer 'dement .is' anxinps to'make n's re •thy upon' the basis , or :common t•.•: itrtore,t;.. 'lt is eminently call , harnaii , .; Ilbe,al and paitintte,lt is by . lov.. ol rountry and an ear-• tli ger." . ll - 10 nMinn . sustain its char:- a rter a fr..e . ,.happy•and jincrernil DerrtoCracy.• This elrtrittut . .men parties, we ;to say it is formally.rep= . re ,, ented iii theort4tinizat inn •of lhe Democratic When tlie piaetical issues brpiight to the . suilaCe by thc.collisibn orthese . dntagouisms, ore surnmett up, they will be loba;,S•to beabtiut as.follows: • • .. Have the peopleOr The States any 'political !Wits { h iring war' 1$ the Constitution obi kratriry dprimi• war? Shall free di cussioii he allowid:in this coo Shall this riegroesbe•lreed.nnil . have the full political franchise of the whites? ' The Chase element will takeihemegative of .the first three interrodatorie's and the affirrna 7 ti've of the last. The Democratic element Will atilt nr . .the rights brought•in •questien• by. the first :three - inquiries;_ and' will sternly. appose the" revolution involved' in the. Fast.. these Proposltiorrs the real battles of this epun try.are mite fought. If is'it e tested—which, we' do. not 'coritettiplateHorir system of governthent he •changed. :We will have '¢ republic in' term snit name.fer Lew years, bilfthe spirit: of republican instifu• .ions will be tr ampled under (trot. • If the De: mocraey .succeed--as we, hope 'and .believe-, the fothidatfou will lie laid. for's stable, cirn— stitm,ional and endirring system, alikegertiat.to the.people and that Stales, and strong 'enough for all practical purposes without. tMing oppres , sive. . Let tisrptit surselveg ire prm•Mr trim,' tp fight this gond light, so that our children will have n /ice ,izolynirrirrit; to •liye under and nor' !tr) imperialism. like Austria or rrance.-LiCtee.- Lind Plc:bawler. . • The . Nominee for Governor—lion. C. L •„ • Vallandialinm. • • • ." (From The Cincinnati.}:Jignirer..] . . • .•' There is probably-not 'an intelligent ,:man - in the State, 'who has noticed' the' demonstr'ation's of the last few .Weeks in the county Meeting's :arid in the primaty , isiemblagei of the 'Demd— crpcy, who was not 'prepared to hear that • the' Vallandigham was ... norninatMl for Governor by acclamation by'the - Convention •01 . Thtiriday..: - Such a nomination for, that office Is.an extraordinary xt thing in,the political history 'of Ohio, Never . befordinur . recollection has' a similar event happened. It was emphatically. a nomination made by the masses' of the •peo. pie. They derived . no inspiration ...front the' politicians',who generally: influence sucb..Mat ters. hoWever,.. - as - POwerlesa. to prevent;it as they.'would .he to .sail tip 'the cataract of the•Niaragain a bark' canoe- • • • The pressure from : .thethial , disriets was lit rally overwhelming and tremendous: Eve- _ ry county of the .eighty.seVen in• the State,' as its 'name was' called,.•responded Xullandigtram amid loud ,cheers; With..less.•than u • half dozeit' exceptionsi. and 'they subsequently changed their Votes, anti maile ittinanimotts on the re, cord,.. In this 'striking and. signal; manner • did the Democracy .of . Ohio: vindieate• the. great principles of indiv Huai '• liberty .and. political rights,Whichbed.. been cloven down 'in his *person; . The -courage,: the- eloquenee;.. the ability,•and:the bOldnese of .the„ distinguished nOrninee, are' respected end redognixed.ly hie most bitter Republican *opponents... ,•His friends go 'rather, and 'hear. testimony to hfs patriot iimt -and ardent devotion to the 'eaus . e of 'civil '1 betty.. • •• ' POsifive in.hie vices nd unflinching in their M. - treteutelii•e, Vallantlitthath never .quails before opposition, hat always rises higher ern . ' sirniietrpni hearing in his. late Court, Martial, and transfer to the enemy's line was so intrepid-and heroic. as. to. extort airmiration froin'his bitterest enemies. • . . • • 'Nn Imo has been more unjustly maligned and misrepresented by the, Reptiblican.tiewspaper press.of the 'count ry,.atCrespects his :charaCter and sentiments, than Mr: Vallithdighurn• This. arose from' the fact that tbev' fenred. his splen. du! talents ;and notent..intlitence--for : ,in that 'respect .he has' no superior: in' Public it. Was imPortant 'he should be broken': town. 'The same policy has' been pursued with all our eminent Pemeeretle. statesmen. ' . : _ •,'f he gr e at . end and object 'ham's career havinien *to, -. .nriserv.e "the pi' these States, es ii 'exists 'under the Constitn.: tion., ;Nobody who,is:honeat and is,conversant, with. has record carideny this assertion. There is.no one who will do more thin : he to. reunite, our shatterecl:Copietleriev Ke•is,now,..ega'instfhis , t.itill, in .the territory' of.the'COntederateei-hitt.with the . thstinet.. on derstanding. that he is a.•loyal 4cijbe Goverpaeprof the United States, and the state Of Ohio, and that man under' no . eircunititanee will' be . untrue, _to tint, allegiianee.: • He , Urea triedias-irithAire; and has' emergdd - '.lrone' unscathed'... ; • The , 4epoblioarigiO, the Way of -PpaOe,. The Republican Partylg for • fit he old UOien" Without eonditions, .rnotlifiCationi_or compro mises; and effect its reatorntion;it.is tor the. prosecution of.the•werlintil every. traitor' in the land, North end Sonth;lit brought into complete . SUbjeCtion to the laWful Govertitredt - (Taipei which. they ,haVe batty - Journal,' The Jegrnat.lins-a tight . to declate its :own• views,-atitl had it,said it is "for the old : Onion,. without conditions, modifications Or'cortitirri- . tnises,"..we sheet(' have accorded-to it sincerity at least in the declarations - of its own eon Vic ., tidos... 'But -when .it-clairris that Oda the pOsifion ofOtt Republican party," .We'faite Niue with it, • Wearequiteaware that, tinder the tright of the first. Bull Rod:- disaster, • 'the declaration was extorted -from Congreas (a-few-. Republicans voting.. in the negative) that the War:was:prosOrtited simply for 'the •resiorat fon of the Union.. But the Joitr;ll.. ktioves-:every: body knows‘;-that declaration has been-falsified the.-policy . of, the Administration •gince. The'Reptiblican'.party; as ry,wholer would:PO at thii'moment atecepupeece on the.basis Of the simnie restoration of the old Union::--leaving to -the States and the : Federal Government, respec :tively, the p tecise'distribution Of riowerestab. lished by. the Conatitittion..-pcitee ou such a hasisa - siropl:e abandonment-'of. the rebellion' and a restoration of. t he•grtate 'Jae ante Aelluat: would ledve . to the Stales, .respectively, the question of the existerce -of Slavery within their respect lye . Inn its. .The -seceded - States . wcitild.he at liberty abolish 'or. continue , slay ttry in their - discretion; editery regardless . 0 President LiNcobsi's Proclamation. TheY,would have:precisely the same control ofthe :subject of slavery withirs their respective boundarieg,.l which they had prior to the rebellio n. '.ln other words,- the whole .country Would : again., repose under the protection of the .Cotstitution,.: We repeat, - the RepubliCan party', aa'a whole . not willing to accept • peace 'on these terms. not enough for them that: the rebels lay down their arnis and return tdtheir allegiance to the Conatitntion and the Union. -. They insist upon the abolition of Slavery, as a condition. of peace., They persist in 'consummating, the.luir., pose-for which they:incited- witr—the lion Of negro slayery.—Simple . sobniaston an der the'Constitation is not :all - they demand. They 'require a .submiesion beyond' the iequire menti of the denstitntion—O surrtiltiler,Of rights secured by that; iris - Iron : ent. • A.' denial, of those rights caused the: War—a con.ti oiled refUsel to conce.detheM stands in, tbe...,vay of The Journal, may deny I..nis, -for itself-=other Republican's may deny that -they .hold'. such a positiOn 7 -bet it cannot be truthfully-denied that the Republican Party; asa whole, • standa on the plattorm.aboVe .described. -A .proptiai- • sign this day by President. LuScOLN :to make peeve:on a simple restoration' . of'the Union— with outtiny proyiSion for the abolition of glee, ery jo'the seceded States. would ittitantly -array onajorit p the Republican, party- in intense hostility to hirn,fle.dare tint make such-'a pro- Nisi+ ion, fair and' square, in gOnd plain He perfectly; well knoWs that - the whulertuliCal. portion of his party would. at . .once, abandon . . . • Not long ago the N. Y.- Truitt-Nu venttired 'to hint at the possihfiltY,OCpcace . wilhOut .si;ert ing the abnlitihn of slayery. Instantly it was•in hitt water.. The whole :radical .crew' pounced upon•tt andlt.wrs obliged to ipike.that . gun. Within days• the,Republican candidate for Gotritrnor of Ohio bus said: • ~• • • I for. one spurn the Crittenden reSohitiat. and Ido it for the reason that•the first gun fir-. ed opou Sumpter relieved as from that •tbuildom• ofsl•.cery; 'and I never 'ilektre to see. peace res toted - With the practical.power otthe instution reinstated. • • . •..' to-say—Mr. ...Toms 13trourui is opposed to peace, unless slavery he first, ,Ohnlished 0001 all. th 9 Re.p . uhlicans• of. Ohio applaUd the: echo. THE THREE GOVERNORS. . . •There are three governor Sat the helm in the three middle States of ,the Union;:who• exhibit: plain).o)o characteristics of the great politi cal parties of the country. -ftlneiit them is. a tontriot,'? plesides.ovev - the tlestiniei. of 'our unfortunate State ofPetinsyl, ytinia;' the tither two itte.called."coppethetOsi' and “traitore," and are this executive olieers of. titir •neighbors, New k and New. .Jetsey. Now there, is nci.inOre:ileerily eegitiyon •moral trutli than the. one•teaching• us that yogiteity_ will ultimately be laid low and virtue will tri umph, anil at no time has it beenmicite plainly shown than in this last week's hiOory of our State.. • . • • pennsylvania's 'governor bus had at his corn !nand unlimited power, he was elected' by •a high wave of, popularity., and : trent into office, certainly with the .well wishes 'of nil.' Had comrrion: sense directed his -Movements, he might have yielded up. his trust to Governor- Woodward, next January; equally-.steemesl and applauded.' 13ut common sense_ did not di rect him. His coutsefinsbeen erratic, foolish. De..haspermitted 'she libertieS of his State: to be. taken away by piecemeal. He has allowed the federal government•to usurp his authority. 11. has submitted to the grossest indignities; under a specious garb of hypocriti• cal patriotism. 'But twit things; during all his term of office has hp.ilorie tviiich deserve ari intense. Ile quarrelled. with Simon. Dam• crop, and has pieSentell flags to soldiers.. .•Dp to- Wednesday. ; the Tune instant, he however R ' c ' onsidpred respekable sort of a Governor; but now (ea' even of . his 'own •party .eriv.yhirri.. .. • "five'weeks ago,it Was diseovered that the enemy • intended invading Pennsylvania. The Governor traveled post haste to *Wrshingten: He.saw.the - President snit SOretaryi of:War. They consalted: • Day after, day they-scribbled letters and 'examined . map's. •Tbn .PreSident told stories, the SeOretary put in the oaths, and the Giwernor added the laugh. 'They consulted. ry week, and came to a- wise: conclusion—Abe vile rebels must be.ilriven out. The governor came back. i• 'Then carrie•a.proClamation.truin . .r , • - )0, . I he' President,. and 'one. ti orn the' governor, nivl d one Clain the . Secretary. Telegraphic wires were monopolized eq . speCial trains rune' .valuable.military 'affienr,-General Couch (pro— flounced COw),a rrived. at . llarristiure, and ive iy, one thou . glit. that the'rehels. Woultt . surely be driven out.; .. • • - . . . But time. Wore bh.• - Paper and electriettyarid steam . and red tape were.inereased tenfold, and .three or tour.days'more 'saw a Stair appointed. '""The rebels must he driven oUt - ,"says.thetay. , eroor. , '.T. II so, .ec nes Cow. co rse they Mast,"_ says the adjutant-general. •11 , 10 . n 7 . day; June'.lsth;aiiinu.' Peticial Milroy, who, in n letter to some . ""loyal"-gat ber)rig, "said. hi. -first intrind'ed to defeat the rebels end next the copperheads, ;lin away , from. Ilarper'S Ferry. • I)ls:wagon train carte tearing.tkrough .Cham— bersburg. • :His troops were seatteied. §couts aniltelegrame told the . sad'stoi'y •tri the Goys rri; came a terrible a!iitd of affairs..-. fi ! r. rUehe.dto Caw. 'Cow was eirvaltmed in red: ape.' ! Oh, :Lord, 'we',r • e' lost," said .the. fright• eteil'•grivernor..• ' Very • .likely," :said.' Cow; .4!when evening *tomes and. it gets a little' cool— er, go out and' see. " tvey, :iusbed 'the governor,; andontil midnight he Pro Claimed and. 'telegraphed. .Tuesday came, and r.iories-Wak, ed thick; so. did procliimationi:: Telegrams were. sent all over the . Country', ...:"Send me. troops," giisrki the ;goveriter„; Irst, eeveral pounds' ofilealr' tram'fright. :He . . talri 7 , graphed:l wartiyer.and . councilmen—.to contrac: ,, tore and lattguers , -; to :.Collisctois 'and, paritrOas• ters . --:4O; home 'guards-41mi no doubt Would . . . haVe continued telegraphing:them . to this day • had at t atrangelanggeitted his brother govern:. ors of NSW • York end New JerEie.y. .ft was. hard draughtte . sivallOW; he searcely :force.hireself to.it; io• dotatn.upon his knees . in atinplication to two virtuous men• whom had maligned and i eviied Was slinost,too - much, en he hesitated and telegraphed to the . ' general . government.adjutant-general- told . him he had sedt.Mr. Lincoln 200,3315 and' gurelY Mr. Lin relit could 'ipare him: ti regiinent. "Look out for : riatself," ie Linroln's.plthy an-, ttwer,,and in 'despair:the Prrineylvaida ist" . tords to New York and New:Jetßey otreit:. 'ors.?.' What a' fnagnamtnOtts, answer. he r ceives.,l:hey rish - to his' aid.. 'state•taiiivatled;",they,say; pijngfiphl °An& Cninitfn Elhimeey and and 4:- 7.. W,rtAington •r n l liriinbnio I. • 8. Wittortbrd .111eKtIni sp.] . Summit, .• . tps. purl-Toro's of Whteiforii pr . . 1 9 ;.,'G m1 , 11 . 1..41 Flarborcreek tp9... 19 . Gyeeilliplcl:n9(4 .. .l4o.thEtist.,tpe,., iintl . NqrtliEnst.. : Boro :11 lrennngo Autity and: r:g• • * • 12 - COacoril Unkin rid • Wayrie tps. and 13oro's of Corry and Union 2 AV - AIt:BEN COUNTY. • 1:3 Sprinaereek'iiiiil Columbus tps.. as I . Born of (,Toloinhys.' 1.1. - Soul west, E . I)eers.' • • field • ' • • ' • 15 Limestone inid Pleasant-,tps. • • Boro of l'idioute• • . 10 Sheffield Ilifead,•itil Chlerry • °rove tps. • • , 17. Elk and Uorydond,psi.. , 18 I,estriiiiiigtoa and Pine CrOve tris. 19 Sugar Orove '2O lenlvhca, arid \l'arren,l3oro tjt« , .22 ; Connewang,o.tps. 4 ,23 Brokenhlraw (p. and Bort) of I'onngsville • • 2 , . • JEFFERSON :COUNTY • • 21• Boil - ) • • -. 3 llatirtt.townsbip • '21.1 13pavc.r • . " • 2 :a7 .13ell . -• ' • .1 28..'Clovnr-,' • ", • .2 21) lildrol " • • 1 • '::10 Clnskill" • -.1 :11 1-lendeFson ..1 32 .Knox ; " i! 33 Oliver •." , ' • , 2 34 Pine CreOt " • 35 Rose 1 80 Snyder "' • 37:' Union . • • 1 33 Warsaw " , • 2 3f).Wita:+low - " . , ' . 40 Washington " - ' 3 .41 PunNfiuttiwnpy 13oro i 42 Yunng toivriship • • •.2 43 Polk. • • " • : . 44 11eatli. • " 45 Corsica Bore • . 40 Perry township 47 Porter " -I 48. *lting,old 2 40 IdeCalinoni " • • 1 CLEARFIELD COUNTY. 50 -13evearia, township • ' • 2 51 . •. 52 80g5: . ..: ." • • 1 53: Bradford " •• •" • 3 154 Brady " • • :3 55. Burnside " " • 3. 50 Cbest" 21 •57 • 'Clearfield Bo . rn' - • 2' • •58 , Covintoti township • • 2 59 Ca r w 60 • Decatur. township. ' •21 01 Ferf:uson " 1 93 Girard • " • .11 (14 Goshen 65 Craliain" . , 21 643 Ilu4tun " , •• 15 67 Jordon , .15 68 Ka rthe us. : "- . • 10 70 'Lnwrnr i en, • • „ . • 30 71 • Liiinher, • , 72 Morris " ' .‘ 28 73 New Wiishington toWitihip .:7 7.4 , Penn ." . • { COUNiIII7, ' • township •••• • ••• • :21 tipriu~crr k," • - • . • 1. fit! tto.ll!ghlttritl Fos " St Zsliiry'.l.lorti: Butizin ,, vr •' totdnsltil>- • 42 Juy i4 . 1.1 . 1kni...t • Ow CAMERON: COVNIT, pilsott, 0 royt) Atitl IVliart9ir is: '29 1 . 01 ; tiltjtv Sh 4)1;0;nnfl Ltiplber , • • .74• FOREST. COUNTY, .• • • nilil' 88 Forest County', MeK EA N couNtr.. . • .Keatin g lp find 13orol3fSinit1/-„ . • . . • 9U (Jees totvn,hip - 91' !` , . 9'3 '. Lifiurty ' • . ' OA .N h or‘vic • ‘' • . 01 . 11,1 red • " 03, Otto " , • • 911 Sorteenni ' " • 07 13rntlford. '‘ .pa Corydon• ." 99 liarttyett.te •" 00' linrnljn , " • • , 01 - and riffe . tmore town . E6e ob.ierver . RiPonx.—:Gen;'M'qlellran has not only transmitted his reporfto the War De— p.' rtment, bat'lso socednipanied . ge'ut rvq.lest that, if.the :Department declined. the trouble and ext;ence" fits ptifofie . atio . u; he should he . allowed. to riuldish . it himself . a own cost:.' 'Whether, the , adinfnistratio.n will grant hi'm 'even'this :priAtiledga is - very t i ne 4' Pike rind 11Icntt Woo , kvtild ,