M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 20, 1863, Image 2

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; °m
4-40 111 0;h1it . ,..,F17,1 , 44, 10 ,0ffi t i1at0' , follming
f;metsilaj ; rii v i — ,:tiO cepllnon; oCcUrred,af
anfga6k Whireet4ere eniaged. -
iiit/roPig Up• to Wvit.." Wigs had. been
' stopped on
; their.
WitS':hrupa r si!,, • () ; M ; hoeserif allegro barber, , who
'resblei Oere' lfar the pur pose of.haring their
iforturiesiAlffd hy'a mulatto woman n who w"5.
there . She claimed to be in an unsuitable
state' of .mind; .to comply with „their Meshes,
• when flier became sornevehat disorderly and
.the: bar. er.yras . sent for; w ereupon t a party
hoOse. -The barber'and-a white,
W, • Auf . .! . name ., pi't.Aylesworth, pareued them;
,the neirtit'etizing loaded Ouo of them,
EOM". Hoßslgr ; , was, dyertaken, and ; beaten with
• etone,'.andiiickedlil brutal'` mhOtlef: 13y
ipg unahlelV%vekelte anoihir 'men, 'Anion
LerisobeVriekeejired-cie him, taking 'effect in
:Maack; and...head: The. piece was charged
with eka4an,4.0,14, seriously, re- Mr. •
althritritk!' &Ai - one hundred. allot were taken
, !WM lstMed and the
parties were , arrested and ciboubd• to appear."
11.raTsiAipsy?csstois•-rWo . „hay: • • ly . room . to
announstsha,,noininatimia, • thill. k;. The
Bea. GFisit,o i a VV:.. Aroonynn o n rSelt ;the nn an
hil°o *llOrPiga.tl°P,'for.,GO v erPori ., •IPlis 'well.
known.cher.cter;as a. ju r iet and statesman, anti .
Ore and•sticorruptible:citizan,'AM his , nom
ination•pmiliasly lortnnoe af,thia trying crisis
in the 'sfsig,,ol.our country,- P, .: ' , ! '
Atter the,oomipatlon of JOdge .Woollyvard,
ih“onvanciotiomminatod Judge : 4ownra, hy
aeciart:alion, lor,As-eiection Co ,the ' Supreme
. T . higiitti . SlirUntler• Cohiniand 'of Evvell nod
.• .: LonfitilSO, mill !apposed tohe.thirty . .or fotty
' • • ,thotteanti.litiong,".continite , their. advance ; into
.. 1 Pensylvenia , asitl..,.. : ll4aryla,nd.. , chamberribui . g
, • :end Greencastle ire .hoteeupposed 'te have,heep
.. . .: burittevq'Carlille "wets expected, to ::be in.' rebel
• bandit„Xit.nrlcn ye s terday„ which : would • bring
. . • then l 'sithlo..eiglite6' inilei • of..Hireishilig.
. . . . The ex ,ix eirementtfirouVhont : Perineylianlit 'intl . ,
- - - the ne - iitlib'iniiik 'itetailli intenie.. BuSinees in'
•• ~
Philadelphia is is virtually austiendedthut the call
. • for.min peseta beep respouded to there with al
, acritVoThiiirtilitili do' not- . .Wish 'to . engage
.. . .themsellieoJorio tong a term' as the. six mont . hai
'.... • riOrninili l ly st!! . cjraftsl,tn the BVeitidept's proeinma.
• ,
tion. , - ;Striking.lappeals have been made to them
' . 'by! Giiiirn6 trirtia"arid . MaSier • ,l-Tearyt . . ' The
...• ' '. forme r,emhidp•theni et' what 'happened . .When
• the militiaosilkteistleid out list autumn, and.hoW
• • they thek:(4rnslad the , governMent and were:not
• . .. deceiv4. - -,lllfairar 'Henry goes so far as to speak
• -.. of the necessary, : defence of. the city of Philadel-•
..'. .' phia itself.•••,les request_for - alit has also been
• . •
made by povet.nor,curtirt tpop.thixov'ernors of
, ••• Nevi Jeraeyand New-York... Several 'New J.er.;
•,. . • "ley ii:ekiinintiheve!.t.sttlind'lO ihe i dall
• • ' -
. Fediter i t i viiiofeei : eng, .inf qivernde.Seyna9l
is do i igeverfjiiiitig,ptSsibie toiend troops for:
ward iiiithiiittte.•FOirieeiflounaid men
are ittetirfilifedu.red 'it'd" in readiness:' At .a
.. Tiriblci:titriiitirig g ,tilif in'ffitVriebtirg on'..Monday;
. • . • , : ex-§tiO.,eitily,, , OlWiii Cameron denOunced . 'ilie
edniititiotrtt 14kfor its' disgraceful neglect 'of the
.. ' . safeti l i3.(Prthiiailittiiiii,''Atad :called' 'upon the.
• • - govekkeii',6 'atipoint Gen . :" McClellan iti.Ce • n:
•; ~. - • Franklin commander-in-chielof the -.forcesi , Of .
; '• , tlte,iiilife: Illiii sPeeial..4inpatri hes say the pro-.
-- '
. 7 .o'sElfitiNiite . '. • iecelired . with:, the greatest.. en--:
. - ' ... thOilitiirn t 'i•i:A.t Varrisburgapil Pittitimig;ti ha all 1
• .. shiltittlii.liftekat railroad threatened by: the
. refit' i i refii.,Whede taile-bcidied pOpulatfon have
. , tureiedlitif t 'Xnalitittged‘in'thiciWiag up temper:. 1
2iiiy."Vikit,iii:rfatenSe..'•••: : The li • eauttful 'valley o(
' ' the trifill§eolliWand:the,ltveittern counties ofl
' .
`-Misr liiiitt i llS: j ent'ireli . littlie'meiey of` the in-si
• -.. ~, ' xiiecreili, `.:.' 4 . 0 tliirr,itt'is - little hope' cf . their . being
.. -, ,aria Pt . filirthe/Viilter:ii.X . p . eldition . ..is b e lieved ",to
be . ellie l jf l iik:vii`fiiiit4; and.' : reirenge. ......,9Overnor
. . . BtadNidi i of pp , trylitrid, his leisired e;ti.tOelarna
, tioiretilittiiiiMn!iillloYal citizens to' .. ..rally , to .
. . defetie..i.he a siiiir-!XsAfter!ii . 'is no 'organized
: • • inikii‘t(liittiriejitetiO he airiodoces that' he will
. . fail' ileitc' iiil'eii the“ rec e nt; oiirollment . :for . the .
'. . •'.. ,
,dralol . i'illiS.:bapes therit:la pa t r i otism •ehOuili
'• • r .
jrniPil ' , l? i S ii , e ' opl e to raise the . force deeded hy
. : • voli*el eelistanesite.. '• Our:,:Washingtoe'cor-L
-. ' • . reipthideiti suggests that the strategic . .....ptitti c 'Of
.. '''. General Lee in sending Ewell and Liiiigstreef
.• •• . '
en' .the Mit.they have icing is to•place the Blue
•.' 'R. idiPl ) il WI ell itheFli,:alld-4 1 ,99k:fTt - llk '. t.!?li t• 1 h
....: ' ..' *c. l ,l4 l ,CtirPfr• 1Tq,c0,r,. - 'PlAnlyti , apifiexpespi. 6'3! .
. :' l i eQ55 4 : 1 PLT1 7, 91t4g 6:1 tOthe•rraiti . ..iiibil 'artily;
••••,-.' ' ...,.. itiiiiftii`berinYlte.?.i . iielitib:"Of 'Culpeemei',":Siity”
• . • ::••••,..•tli " 'fldttittellikiAlt iliVetateit'On , theP judgrVient
-......,......,. ' lll ,4' , lithoxlty'atilVaibington that:the'rlibela.
i t
~''' •—' ;•,.... s i,. i. 11. ' Ai l l'llki4,4rof,4tto.Ut Cthirdbattle.bp
.. ; ont , e,,c,xna of Confliefitt Blidi Run : ";.Wifili,
. . ...,--• hit oi' iVfiVeii, -- 14 d'eciaiiirtii . be . ihtivbiigbly
deStilliviA' . 4ifti •"Hoilkir li'd . h • :ll' . - it
. •'• ' .."' '' r ........,„...„.. • „ a c Ingsa , -. is ' two
..,'„,..,.z.... , ;Or X#lo, l,, troMpletely,;4esituia -Creek,and
tili ol 4l lt44'.ol,loPAllit l l.lsclettfilW,thi t .,storee,
1 1 2.
.;•;:', , ...:4;' , /01!" ' ' Aftl,tiMilell"'.,,,go l l l ltOte l d, aad..the . SiciCarid
'''.. , ,r'',V4vit) illdraliaefre . t. 'to . We'sliFaitoti:' Gen;
..q..,„0,-.,f.,..,,,..,:1i..mt -,.- .oyatiif ol ltfeliiiinVift?'?isittriCiitink himself
.44- : .'fti o o:. 10.01.ril;iiies* . etticiii a t WinehOster to , :bs . ,
'•=',' ,'intit'll.fai•t!ttiliftl*e'lh4l'ilu9littill+titiliedet wolided
..;..,..;'.'....i'T ',iifittifirrtvOiteVa:. •.. He 'is
.now entrenched at fiiit...•
''';' , ; : •''''''; ,: '";Paiti;# : oo;;:''KPirftaoc:'tigtilseen made upon
'r', : ' : •.:';.?:Cliail4o4citi'llnalnlli'fb r vi • -,en:Ory; were in considera
i-...,; .),,tilijoiett,t tberlestOvimi: iight . Miles distant,
.1';..4., : ' , .' , .."Y:iy.. 4 ,:' : i. ', ; - - '" ''...; ' : ',..- ' ~- ', . ' 7.` . . • ; .
41t . it.k I , Us
1 1 1 ,4 l *gem* r , 1
h 1., ht i!urterind.
- Ue' ihrtiva m ail the
1 'rriebithg, Wrid H f
i • iil 1.14r4 ~.vt tild-..be
I'qlefenee...., ( ollt., ll l l,,
t;leirhPli Offides at
vere still• otteKlaat
.bels did not'advance
4ifirht fliarfbe ell!'"
t attack.. A/3114'10r
it•nightlthat Jebel,
ithin twenty' mi es
iir X•etiri I , ias fu t 1 here
cedukii" left cuip,lo
- 0 Tbornuildirre
f trriin WaPlitlafkit
'for ' , fifty,,:.
„ y, moon)
s * ~ 4 ;, ' ' l Ol ,
41%, • .
i ~ kaoh . ‘ a.,istiles , .
4 06 .rhiv0 115 ff a r
thibi4po4, ttir; .'
l'i } °6(irePre"A
i Alt qiigiit , Iltiills
'sti.al”W back ' ‘ ilita
led Bcotletur,bridgel
id• destroYed;Greesi:
mit founiiiiiicm. On
itlY Pr9tectO Private
was atitier , ,coirmiatr
d to 'conist or' 30 -00 .
of /light., nrtille'ty
itrating to repel the ,
toned to" have. "dii
ir asking for rein
forcements-., Harrisburg was, believed ti.,,be CO,
loilier in,immedlate Prril• I t f,itit3 regiments
frorri Pennsylvani . a,, New Jersey, and this elate
are rapidly,hurrying tevvard the poihts , tbreat.,
ened, and, formidable ea.rtlwar.ks b e;
Ofi'whoreeaar any attack annid, ne exPla tef l'r
Two hundred,heavy guns are in ppsitiotOtt
Pittsburg•andthe fortifications ore manned ,by
'twenty thousand Amps under >Mnjor-Getieral
Brooks, The Susquehanna was rising.
General Lee's movements ars still enveloped
in mystery, No portion of his army can be
discovered on the ea.tern side of the Mile
Ridge, and he is , supposed to have massed his
force in the valley , of the 'Shenandoah, Our
cavalry has been engaged with the rear guard
of the enemy. .The Union troops evacuated
Fiedertek. ,Viarylanil, yerterilay Morning and
fell hack to , the Relate House, but have . since
returned to Frederick with reinforcements.
Rebel videttes hail appeared 131 the vicinity of
the Baltimore and. Ohio Railroad, but had done
lie 'imbue. Harper's Ferry was conidered
secure. General Hooker wail believed to be
massed in the neighbbrhood of Mantissas yester
day. His army in changing base had not lost
a man, 'Are fr'ona sunstroke and excessive
heat. His cavalry was viligant and in strong
force, General Gregg beine near Warrentown,
General Duffle near Ashby's, Gap, Colonel
Taylor, (commanding Wyndham's brigade) pro
tecting the ()range and Alexandria railroad
and General Buford; with the rrregulars,”
blockading Thoroughfare Gap, Cavalry vid•
ettes hail captured a rebel mall, wherein was ,
found a letter from one of General Long.treet'a
side to his vtife, which 'stated among other
news that Pittsburg was to be reached, and
sundry parts of Maryland and Pennsvivanin and
devastated. Later news describe General
Ewell as'having reached Weetminster, while
the rest of Lee's army •occupiaa Hagerstown,
a position front when operations can be im
dated either toward the East or the West.
Apprelidnsions were entertained that the raid
might take the , dist.retion of Pittsbuig and
Wheeling, leaving Harrisburg 'untouched. A
federal scout says there teas, u •considerable
force of Union at• Williamsport; Maryland, on
Tuesday, who had some 'there from Hooker's
army on the towpath of the DelaWare•and Will
iamsport canal. They were upon the heels
of the rebel force. General Tyler telegraphs
from Harper's Ferty that the enemy has an
,infrintry and artillery force of eight thobsand.
at Williamsport. The rabel General Imboden
was at Cumberland with two regiments •of
General Hunter and staff returned from Port
Royal yesterday on the Arago., General Gil
more who reduced Port Fit facto supercedes Gen
eral Bunter. The Arago brings full part
iculars of the expedition of the negio regiments
agattist the Charlekton anal Savannah Railroad.
There aiming to have been no truth in the
report that the colored troops inflicted serious
damage on the road and captured Pocotaligo.
Quite a serious , mutiny had occurred among the
negro troops at Port Royal.
~ • . .
. . .
• - We have lost. raturnad,..from. an. interview
With the Governor,
..fram 'whom' we haVe.
learned.thai -the, rebel . 'army, in considerable
force;and.under Gen. Lee, are aereis the Po'
tOntac inirriding"Aiaryland, or upon its:Southeto .
shore, in:the act.of.' crossing, With the evident
intention orcrossiog the .Penn'sylVania border.
and sweeping over . .our .towns anti tectniiro
valleys : Governor is , songlike that this
js thei enemy
.'He the ene. ;He has infoi ma-
Men (rem' the: War Department and from ether
military sources. in . :.which he confides, The
Presidenthes called f0r..50,000 men from Penn
sYlvania, 30,000.fr0m 'Ohio,. t0;000 froM WeSt.
ern Virginia. and 10,000 from Maryland to -.0p..
pase . the rebel raid; and. the Governor s ' expects
. . : the . eitizena'.ol,Pennsytvania to respond.' e
ifirty.:hVe. assistance 'from :the Army of the
Potomace—there, is no doubt we should have—
we May have theloice under command of 'Gem
Schenck, butthese.things are uncertain, rind we'
must fely . Opon: ourselves•' and : our. own is.
sources to . drive back the invading.. horde and
teach them that we w-as well how to meet
a:rebel army as we. :do• how .to •circurnverit
domestic foe.: Pennsylvania • has ...sent' .some
- 200,000. men .to.the field, and :we are 'lammed
that there are.about 200;000 soldiers in Was -
:liington and in, that vicinity, and We .cannot un
•dastand why we are left. to our . : own defence;
btitit matters, not'now. what 'the Federal ad , '
ministration .should have,. done. They have
inionianaged - the war' and neglected their duty,.
-hat.thisdoes not: absolve us 'from the oblige..
lioni;vve.owe on). country. - Fellow-citizens;
'fat r
linty not:y r tsndl settle with
•thaede'ral. idnOiniitration: for its .neglect of
kity hereafter:' to...arms and repel
the' % ; ,
;Wirt ' ) !at* red - tiy the', Gnvernor .that his .
preatinnation'ef Yeiterdiy'With : he',So.rnodiOed
•,by an ofdePwhich . he - will issue-.tt s i-day , i;:ati4topermit .
the . :tutti:ouf , ,uhtler: the,
e4ll, to return to their hemes - wheneverkthe
Aer of .inyesion.shill pose: :The,col as first
issued piecing he militia"rota ` S ate
thawill , 4the president for sixrdantirs.'Weie
unconstitutional nnWiiii,4rid , Calculated
I defeat the Objects whiettlf
with 'the .preposed mollitleatfort the eatneitly
'Call - upon 'every. .trus.,losr.of his 'country to
-turn:out for.the defence of ourfireeicles and .our
homes •
. .
...,„.:; .:„._:.:7—,-7--7 -- - - 7-7,,-, - . 7
'. iiii ., §if nouli e ,-)4.. - :..,;.:: :
' - r)..' P,0 4. •:: r;
.sirili t agr
mil . 4
',..' t
s ii
, i
f .• i ~ 4 .t k- 4 . 4 41, cit. , ,
~,,, I TICIP . • , , ,
1343 . _ It ... ,4'", flr insurrectionarycum
tdriatTons47o*;,§*ititing:in several orthe states
iriiiiFieat iffilltit h ,fd make,inroads into the States
of ill'arildrid;flyeaterrr 'Yirginia,
~P. e p i /I,v? a ni a ;
'and Ohlot'Teilurrioilminedlately.i hn r i'adfiftoilit
tniiitaryfeicojertlm, t,ier,vice, of the United
,SPllki: .rO- , ' , '' ' •
T,FiA3,,,the'refore,ll,Abraliatn•Lincoln, l'reei
4'6041 i United Siatea,.and, corornander of
the' ifur,iy and pavy'theredf,ekr,dl.;af • the militia
,hiftlikge,erill'ellitel'whef:.lled into the act
10'0t.80..i.94.e,' fro hereby halo, • the se,ir v ice of
. ithe trilit4d'firaterr enfliertafed t hnuaand militia
1 . 0 P4.0 "t" .rollowliM tiomely ,
..,,:74.$1,,g#iiie;Statti' of. rtolkilitaird 2 ten thousand.
; -trettriiheSirife'inf, Perpsylvania, fifty thou.
'4 . tEi Y4 lkh OM Sfa r -ittlitbil ; ,',thirty thonsand.
'rititiriiiii.e!gie otyretlt. , Yirginia, ten thou
~ ,;:,t
::,,,rfiN'tiMsterridirieo hi service of , the, Un
itod;StOieortlivid`th;',.and' to. serve ;for the
peryirl',Ofsis"trioeths Iron) the date of suc.h
.Muster, ditto said, service, unless sooner dis
charged, ta he' mustered' in+ as infantry, art
illery' and cavalry, in '
proportions, Which
;Will be made known through the Department '
Wvhiclidepartrnent will also .designate the pla.
Thisri•militia are to be, organized according
to thtlulers and and. regulations of the. vol.
unteer,service, 'Under such:orders us may here
after be' kneed.: :
'l'hetStlites a foresaid;will be respectively
credited alder the ehrollinent act for the mili
tia service rendered under the proclamation.
'ln teritimony whereol, , l have hereunto set
Imy,l) 'nil and Aided the seal of ,the • United,
f Star O.b. e a (liked.' 4 ' . .
.'Del , t , at the City, of Washington this 15th
day of June, in the year of .ouf Lord 15G3, and
of the independence of the United States the
Ily the yresideitt: ,
War. 11. Suwanu, Secretary of• State
. .
... . . . .
• • .... -..
H.11111 . 1S11111.C.; JUDE: 15, .18P3.,
...'llrirt ,followin•3-pruelarnatinn has -just: been
isitieti . by the Goverittir of Petinsyltitiniar ••. .
.: In• the name and by the ntithority , of the co'm•
moitt.t;alt h of fi.iiinsylvtirtia and. Atidreei U.
Curtin Gotiernur or the said entrinionwpaltih:• •
:A .I I'II . O2CLAMA i r lON
. . ,
The State' of Pennaylvaaia'is, again threaten - - -
ed . with in , ailon an W
d aarroy ap
iwneeldntour borders: ',The President of the
`-United. States bas issued his Proeinmatiop.eall- -
ing open the state' for . fifty, thmisand men: • I
now appenljOnil.the . eiti'aens of'Pennsylvania
Who love liberty.and Sre..rnirnifid.of the history
and traditions of: their 'revolutionary fathr's,
and who fuel that it is it iner2l duty te guard
and maintain' the. free inatitnttons of
. .our coun- ..
try,. whohate treason and its.abeftors, and who
are.willing to.defend their hOiries and' firesides,
and do invoke them to rise. in their might:and
rush to the rescue Of imminent.
peril; • The .issue.,is .One "of preservation, or
destriictien. It inVolves Considerations par
amOnnt-to.all. matters of mere: expediency and
01l qiiislionsof.lpeal interest.: All..tiesi - Social
and,political; a•perSonal:and.'partjzati.
Character, sink- hY..comparison . into gnific
;Once,. If it now be determined. by deeds
and not by words aline; who are, for 118, - and
.are'ngainst That•it purpose
. of the'
enemy to invade 'our ',borders., with all the
strength he:can command,. is. now apparent:
Our only defence •rests upon the 'determined
acition-of eitigens•, Of our free:. 'common
.l.tnerefore call.unon. the' people.. of
,Penn ,
sylvania,•Capable,-01..-bearing.'armS to enrol
themselves in military organiiations and to en
courage all others.to give aid.and
. assistarred to
the efforts lshich will. be put'forrh for the pro,'
teetion ol„lhe State:and the, salvation. of
com,mon country. . • .
, .
. •
The follnkv.tn.e, despatch hai been reeeiyed by
Collector Thomas from GoVninor Cortin:
I . Tniturssutio,-I.lutie, 15
Wn. G. titomAs,' Philadphin.-- . The Presi•
dent calls for n hiindreil thousand' men, -for a
teini Pot ~2cceeding months - . ...All men
eai;ed nre to be mredited • to •the . ,draft.....
.general • Lee'suriny is approircing•, • in force.
have..meri immediately to check
Can you not . raise a . force at onee?.. • *.
.'Theine . ti are to be equipped and. Paid• by: the
United Stated. .• • •
A ..•C. CtotTIN
. . . ..
, .The'Teche . cpuntly, in' Southern • Lotiisiiana,
reeentlY .incinerect gy Gen:. Banks, has been
irnmediately re•Occnpie4 by, !be,' iebels„ , since
xbe'ilepartury of BankslM"Port.. - }ludtmn: • , ' -
Letters received from Yorktown state that
large numbers of troops' are paising through
Richmond from North Carolina and Georgia.
They are supposed to be conscript!, on their
tvay to re-enforce Gen. Lee. . •
It is supposed ftfal.Goti. frsemont is, to. be
assigned for duty -in the Carolinas. .
.rnmar that Gen: Burnside's Ninth. Army
Corps , haikeparted for Vickiourg,.lacks eon
firrnetion: • • •. • . • , •
. .
A -riegrO -eirpettitiOn, .consisting Or. several
coinpanies of the Sedond•South Carolina.. Vol
upteers,.ColOnel Montgomery,. and ri - ,sectirin
of tite , Third -Rhode. Island battery, Captain •
prayton, have bitely V6llll !if! :the ..Comba,hee
riref s inth Carolina, and, without much severe
fighting or any loss; brought'off a large Mt mber,
of Negroes, men;. ‘N'ofneir, anti children—the
former sufficient. 16 form
..two companies, of
:soldiers 7 a few 'Junks, and .some, . Other spoils..
A large quantity. of ' rice, ;bacon' cotton . and
other articles were-destroyed. expeditiOn ,
as a raid; was a success. Plenty of loot and
no one hurt. • • • '
, illqadie! :1! Erreur.)
. .
. .. .
. .
- , .l ? :Jcihn B. 0 den, M..D.,.
author and publish
er- of the Mini/ work; .do ..lierehy., promise . arid
agree to send (free of charge). lo any . young
min who . wi write for.it, 4' samPle . copy' for.
perusal... The proper, study of mankind is MAN.
This *va,lukible:work issued and is isineand sent forth
'for : the benefit - of the .auffering •, ii urnanit y., It
treats in simple, language on all the AiSeases
. Error, . including Serninal.:Weakness,„ !car
yatid behility,:lndigestion, Melaricholly, insan
ity; Wasting pecay; irripoten4.', Sic:, &c.—giv
ing.aale; speedy,. and effectual prescriptione for
thele permanent care, together with much yal
nahle information,. , All who favilit,,ine with a
dcaire to road my•work,shall fectiF4, 4 a, sample .
copy by . return, mail, free of charge 2... . ..'
. • - '.' ' JOHN , i3., OGDEN, M. D.,. .
' •.. ,
No. 60.'Na s ssaiiSt., NeYr Y.6rk. :
.Z 7 l l l. •f .
;PfElofoClf .JA 7777.4
x• sci;j:•.
iotkitti' vireo ivrntl4,
•• • .
'The iinderpigneil be?'4l. epnointet
SUBS.CIUPT!ODVAPENT. by thliSeerettiry.oi
the 'y'reasnt.y;,is ritv Jirepared.4.o furnish;
•onee, , • T
• ieiv. - Tweilty . :year 6 . .p9r et: 1304d5; •
of.. the .United States, ci r e;iiina(ed
.as «Pint
lhFentied,'•redeeenableiit the 'pleasure 'of 'ir r
nyernment,, after five, yepre,,.nnd earl - Imi;
by . ,A * .et of .Coperess, epproved Feb'. 25;1813:-
The .COUPON BONDS are - 1563d in surns
ssoe, $1000.:. •...-
The 'ItiZGISTER' BONDS . in stuns of $5O,
$ . lOO, $5OO, woo•atic.szooo... •
• intptiAritysix :per - cent:Ter nnuurn
cornunenceiriirr!' cate.af:purchase, end is
..' -.. 2 • . ,PAYABLB. IX .601,D,, •' -' - ..., ; • -
Semi-Anniially; which is 'eqitl, at -itii..presF.nt,
pretnitirn on keldila aboia EIGHT rER.CEIVi
Pita. - ANN tIM . d: ; . . .• • . ' .. • . •' • : :
. FarniCrs, Merchants, Afgelinnits',.oapitalisfa'
and all 1:vho have any moneyto ...inv r tit,'Shail •
Itnakrand rean'einber that These Bo s ore,' it
effect, a FIRStMORTGAGE. anon 11. Ra;,..:, '.
roacti f anals; BanleStoclts'antL.Seetri is, ar
the immense products of all the Ddanutacturto:'.'
Am:, 84e., in the gauntry: and that the full at •
ample provision iratre for . the payment' of, the
interesrand • liquidation of prineipUl, by' Cos-,
toms,.Ditties . seise Stamps .and Internal Rev
enue, serves to rnake . these bonds 'the., - •
Best, lost Availalk:
,and Most .P.opilir'.lnfestmeot
in the ilarkot.
...,. . . . .
Subscriptions received..fit PARloLegdl T.n-.
der 'Notes; or Notes, and checks or banks at par.
ii Philadelphia.: Stibset iherg . .by mail will re
ceive prompt,attention and every facilty and
explanation will.be afforded. on' ap plication to
A full' supply of _Bondi will' lie kept on hand
for iinthecliote d'elive ' ry. . . ..' s :
. .:- 2 .JAY COOKE; Sabscription -Agent..;.,'.
. .
It is herebg
. ordained_ aOty e:oet,ed Iry 'the
Stirgess . antl7 . l:.ot.yrrCOor;cdl of: the Borough' of
Sroethiiort t in coUncii:rnet,. that SidetValh s
it said liorough'aFfipbeput dciiooll Order . lild
repi'led'ort or before' t.he..`..loth . day of June t.
.Appioved May 22d, A. D. 1563. • • •
- • • • • iVIqiNTR
Attest,. J:.C. S ' ec'y . 2 ' • •
. .
. . .
A Reeerend•gdntleman having been restored
to hedlth'ina.few days, after undergoing 'ant the
usual routine anil•imigular:experisive modes of
treatment, •withoui•.suceeni,•;:eonsOrre it his
Fine red duty o cumrrinnicaio to h afflicted fel— .
loci creatures the. :iIEANS,OF 61:RE.: Hence, an
the receipt of an ':addressed enuelope;.
he will
sertil.((ree) a ropy of the pre's.erinfion used.
Direct to: DR. 'JOHN. M.. DA0NALD,....15 6
FUltOdStreft, Brent:lyr'; N.Y.: •. • . '
. .
:deres—Putnam , Barber,. Peter Manning,
Otro-LWm. Lo . yejoy, Simnel Batbor. . •'
Aunt' 11:-:-Henry Dayirl P. Siropson,:N.
7.11;r0..L5. A 13itekos;A..N. Taylor. - '' ,. •
.41 . exartder qiffortl;Z.ll . ..Tubbs...
Librity,-- 7 J. J.
~Allhey. ' •
Lirroiroid-Jotiri N.' 13rown,•,R. W. Davis;
Amositiogsborir...; • •
Corydon—A • :
Lifyvette—Jphil Ejoison.
Serg , irot— . J.ol;ul Peto:1: •
, . .
' //arizi/trin-John Cdmpbell. ' • . •• ,
. .
• Keating —M. K. Backett,• .
.R.:.Bee)rit . h,..v.;.• • • •
. .
Thieuiton—LymanParrnerer;lSillti 11forffs.on.
Amason" •,:.• • . • .
Eldred —Jsohn. Stull; 'Jetorne Nattini.:Lester
Jabei:Riee. • • •
•sirrie‘r,.J. E..C.
Ceres—]). C: Barber, Jeremiah Riley ; Tl:os.
ArinifiN..Aaslin,.F., P. Bishop: . • .;•
IkafavetteJ. G. Tirld. • • • •'
Sergeantvo.Cook; ' • ' • .• '
Norwich.--.A.:..Ritie. 0. S,Buritick,:o. • W.,
Gallup Jan'ies R. Carte'r.. • •• •
Bradford-Oliver Pike,.E...D. NortOn, Geo.
Richards . on,A.,W.,ol4, Daniel LaffillY,
'mold Loop. ..• •
. 'Otto-0. A. cray,jlt. Balikvin,Teter Gor—
• Borough—A: N. Smith, •,
. •Cetydoh,.Morse A. '
• . • •••
, .
WhereaS,:my yvife M. L. 'Skiver, • has left.
my bed and,board-without _calico or provoca.=
t ion, this is.tO notify all persons, 'ilainst
bOring or , trostimt heron my ticeouni, as I: will
pay no debts'Of herc6ntnicting after this 'date.
Eldred,. M'Kean June oth. 1863.
. .
;• - DY VIRTUE of a writ )of Levers Fe
cias issued out of the. Court . of 'Common
Pleas of Cameron, county and State of Peon.,
sylvania, to me directed, I will ex,pose:to pob•
lic,sale at 'file Court House,. in, Shippen, in said
County, on Moliday,,ilie Si fi.ilay of July, A.
D.. 1863, atone o'clock P. M. of said day, the,
followinc , described. Real Estate: •
Situate i& the township. 41 Shippen, county
of CamerOu and State of penniylvania;
iled'and described" as - folloWs, to All . that
tract or parcel of land situated .in the town
ship of 'Shippen,eou.nty of M'Kean, pow Caine-
I rap;.and.,,State of
.Penneylvania; known as
'Lot or, Tract of land number (4986) friar then:-:
Sand nine hundred and, eighty - six,; . and is .'more
Particularly deseribed one hundred
. fifty.ncres of land' on the Fast end of two.
hundred, acres deeded by John Bea to Henry
S. Young under, date of October -25,
1852, and bysitid:Young to , :said.party of the.
first peril)) , deoll dated the 23.1.• day of March,
1859, andrecoided in tlic:Recorder's office :in .
said -cOnnty:of now Cameron; 'in
Deed Book 12 pagc 66; &e-,'as' by reference
thereunto .futly appear. •;.•: .
Seized and.taken. in ocecutien.and to be sold
as.the property of Hellington Lin a too",: at t he
spit of Simon Heeker',: ... - 1 • '
• , JOHN A: -Et.DRE , P, :Slat iff.
, , June 13, A. A:, 1863. • •' •s• . •
.PROOL. jiAtIONV;S , !...
r t he; fi W hite.
Presidentlttigk , lnd the iiittj...llar•
ling.,and POibotly AsSoeinte '..luOg r ei of the
• Coarti, Oyef/& Terminer . and ‘.46fieral,'Jail •
Daoery, 9,darter Seasions.oF the; yeace;:Or 2 l
phans'Couri'and Court 'of . - Comnidn' Peas foy.
the County:of 51'Keati hc2;ye is,sited - their Precept, _ '
imuridg date Friday; the twenty seventh Atiy:or
Feb'rttary, in.,,the . - year Of Our Lord one thou : -
sand 'eight handred'and:iixtYzthree; and icitrie
directed', for holding a Qpnet. of Oyer ;Etna
T e frininer-and.Oetieral,Jail - ;•DdiVery ,, ,,q.na'rter
Sessionsof the Peace, 0444ita'.'Potqt;,' and -
Court of, Conoinon.,i'leas,i, in the• B..otough:ol ,
Smethpert,,on Monday,", life of June
next, and. Jo continue .one Week: , •
•NotieV:'..is.thtif fore i l eret)y.glyin to the'Coro
net's! Justices. of, the .Peace_ 4nd
• Constahles •
Within the 'countyithar they be then and there
in_their proper persobs, at .I'o o. clock A:-M: of
said . d rolls; -reedrds,inituisiliens;.
examinittions,..and Ferrier6 cp.F.;:ro do
those.thingi which theii, : olnees' appettitin'to, be
dhtfe. And those who are, : bound•by their - Yet::
ognizancesio.proseatite the +prisoners that are or
shall be in the jail, of 'said • &info y,of 'l%ll:,:.cah;
are to be.then . and there to prosec'ate, agatin,t
'them •
• Dated-at' Smut hport, this23 , l'day of. Nay',
1863, and' the 86th year Of, the' Irdepend.
vice of•the.United States QC 'America.
' ' Sheriff.
, .
tyaBLIC NPTIPT:is herebygiven . that np
hai.heeti mire to the .Court - of'
C„Orninon:p.leas,ot.:-M'Kenn County for ncharter,
of -Incorporntjon..orche ‘ , Slnethport Come: ry,
Society," and.if no sutlicient.rnason shonlii he
'shown to the •contrary,,a....clirtey
'ereednt the tieWerm•of.4lLid Cmgtip be h e ld
at Sipethporf, the4O.or.llolOnday of Jone.next:.
• •" C.g..A'DWICK, • .
• May 23, 1863. .• • • •
. . ....
rii ILE follo;lni . hanied - pueSo3ls have filed thei r. reared , -
11. tive pettlinn foraTai ein License, 'tlecording, to law: .
' •:• S .*lVALeint, Arm - Irani Township, '
.•, • ,
' S , ;11 ,T 1 lip ITT
s . .I,‘ ' ' '
G. W, ..11.asnett;ceres , . ^., .
. •• ..t/ . . 1 - Iti;unart, • , is : ". . . ::. . , ... •
. ;I.i. I.l..DeLLay„ liberty " .
..1t:I/AltA1114:, Cares ". ' _. • ,
. .
• • '
. D. It. 131iNNIUT,!....:11fetlIpOrt BOTOUgb, •
~. ' W. I.ISI3KELL, -. •" '. •• "...• • • .
ia Witness ray hand an:l:seal or Court idSineth•
- port, this •Itli 1 v Of J une, •1•5t13..
' J.NI. lI.CIIADWIpIi„ Prol)cg:
. . . . .
. .
A N Taylor„ , • •,••
" vs •A ' littapp & ' C • Burrows,,
(is:lli:4l+ , o.r -, ', . ,' . •
D A Hasterbrnuks • ' y's
,Wm.'llariis et at .. • :
• ! , .1.1a.. •• - vs W.4til.&..listrii.•
(Sitio. IV -trehtiss ... •vs 11 Bstrlts;r et al . .
•liiiin Magee " i ..vs 0 .1 :Briars et at ' • • • ••••
: Lewis Th•lion ' .. . • vs. Win. IVliiitoy .
~• • ,
Win...Bache • :•. vs Diem Payne_
iliix Use iir Clark • . • . , V . ik ' IliTAVSter.i.,[l.entlll .' ' •
Drape r &""Bli.triii4o . , .. . vs V. terry Carter et el • .•
Pt St-Cute •„ • • •• • is. I , lrst• Conk, Church fired..
Walkilj think , • , • ' vs' Daniel Kingsbury •
.. . , •
Ileury•W:liart •• -i. : vs- Itunj:"Dilteinaii
..• • .. •
Ilan:: of tort Jarvis' .•", vs Daniel liiugstuiry • , •
,IValkill Ititilit • 'vs aurae ". , •
sit,. 11. - utilng - —.vs . sitisc - '
NNeitayler • - , • - 'vs•O 11 . 13ezulett , 's a•lm's ct ;II
hli4,l”le.use...of Fields • .vs I, I.:l)ea.lr. :., ' • . i - . ..
.11 Freeman ",• : • . is - "W Ilasliell
Hall use of -Taylor .• i , -vs aliiiisils Cumin '• • ,
Richard Burden •et.al . ' 'vs 17 Ihiris : ~ '• '' •
-Sallie. ••• ' .. vs Ilinik'ins & U Outuntitigs :
, 'F3IIIO • • ys ( L i ilner C. Ilo s vt ,", •
sanio . ' ' • " :1s Albert li - Otto: -.• ''
same ' . -: • ,•, vs Benj.-1'0,1)1e .. •' , .
Beckwith not -• vs Gi.terin•lrstis ,
Seth A li,:ckus ' , .:rs'deinvcenner •
•-• . . -• •
.. saute • ,- , . ' ' , ~
s's".. 11 enry-Cenley
VS Jnpu Crowley ..
same • • , • .vs :ilichal geevillift , • ti•i
smile 5.....J'C Backus" ;.'s Tinnitr.y.M Helms
Bingllam.Tru,..teim vs Gideon Irens'• -. •
. ,
FA 1110 , • , .
bilkilo ' • • .. . • T, • F ME, .
. ' • llS.,wicic; P,./A:y,.•
. .
strie . thport,' May a i r'l6:l • .' . - ."
L) r r VtIITTIP c f guudry ti• - rit•t of . 111oirliiiimi .E.ri?anns
ntnl.nint, Venditioai I.f . .ripotfi,s.l• 4 . ll •••C • net. •• 1 ' 11 • 0
(tenet ,r com,don 31,1ie - an.l.•onty: ifa , I hnv'e•
levied upon the foll.tKity,' de•erittel Pont nbielt I
shell 'expoe 10 the Ctiurt•lfonse, •n•. 1.11
Borough of itnethPort, oh•Mutel.ty the ty of 'June
neat, el one o'elock P 31. • • •
The ftilowitz,rettl'esbne'botiable!l ton the i•outh by Inapt
owne•thy akin Delo her.11• • •••,1 •by the o.4.tl•:e,,ttite,;up
the Tunungu•tut. c • reek',. Stirth 11,•• ,ettter up.
tb . nett, • Ibt•tt. by.th • trimmer, ant:Creek, ennt,tir,
int; one and three-tentbB uere•i;•••ne frtnt•••l house. on••
sletnty barn, situuted-iii Bradford tow, in•ll:pSteti • ean Coun
:.••••••jze•i,' taken in • exet • tutiodentF.ciill be•ltonl tut the peo
.plirty of Colt Iltutvuut the. huitof Charire 1.1„
• The f•llrileinc Beal.'4l§tv.e situate in 11 "oaten 'town
shlp, 31clean,,,eunty and State of P.elin.s . 4 I rllnia
einning al toe North-west Ocli , lll.l', of .warrarrt No." 4916,
thence mining easterly al.dr4 the :dine of Warrant:
•11111: five hundred ntedllfty three rods, tlrence south. rty
at t9oo..ang•les with Haiti last named:line. three hundred
and twenty 'oda, thence West nt right anlles with raid
lino last nainedeno hundred, and tufty three roil 1111.!
,1)1 land late of Jennings, deceased; tlence •Nef , herly at
right angles with,§aill last n Levet line, npe hundred turd
sixty rothSthencolteSti,rly at ii•rlit atiFles with 'aid line
hist wianiedandwfln, the doe of late If .co•Jvn
' ilit44 and, of ,t 1 in, Four 111,1 re T. 14
plane Or :‘,"l -SIX
ac t eq.. moi Cur lest. - Uoinipros el.; • "
t Oren in-exerutieii, an I Will le; ,(1 . 1 , 1 a§ the
property Of:Win: (flew', '4l the:Sult Of LB. Finch_
. .
.The following Baal Relate to wit: liegintillig at a pos' ,
thO•Nothr weO'corner of lot.NO, 10 of the allotment of
the IlittAliant hinds in Lafayette TowOhipAlelCeon
coot:eyed tut - It:well 1,. Tidd, thence along the north line
of ait id •Int.Soutill 57 and ttiroe foortho• of a ilogree east
one il9lldrediiiiillorjy.'one pert:hi:a and ninedentlnt of a
perch to a poet,' thence alone lint of lot 'no - till cons:eyed
tat R'iilinni lit. lock north twenty-tiro .degrees east, one
riondred and twonty•three percher , and live-tenths of a
perch b 0.114,651, th , ne,e along line of lot No. SlconCeye , l'
to EppIICII. , Rent mill line of lAN. 9a. wCat one luuulroil
andminntytfour perches t 0.,, post; thence aloog the c.wt
liao 'of N,,. 80 Routh one hundred & aio Pert:Mot and three'
tenths of a-porch In that place- f lieginidog, cool:tinting
one hundred and eight, twos and fonwtontliTi of salt .C 1,7
wtl,htito c 4 ttal alir.qinee of sip poi cent for ro tda 1 c , lie,
the same more or lean it' being lot Na; 111, of the allot,
went of the Ilitighainlands he, t,afayette Township .
Kean On:,Pa, awl part of warrant No ..22.50, about 30
.acres Improved; 'nue. framcd'ltittanto, ono' framed ham,
anont 40 bearing' aptiln, trees. . ' •
Seized. taken in excretion arid will'be sold as the pro•
perty of IL A. Fuller at tho:ouit ?rancia for
hidtelf, and tudi'tif•John ' ' •
, .
' The following Real Estate, one tillage lot in - Brldford
village Illcliean•County Pa.. NV:46, bounded , south by
Main street on the east bylaud - owned by Durcr Dego:
her, on the North by laud owned by 'Daniel Kingsbury,
On the west .by hula owopdby - W: Nobles,
pies id, ooptlti Ding Mere sty two square rods one (rains
dwelling . house ",
ono frame barn,. cue store • house and a'
quantity id - Fruit Trees. one Well of Water.
Seized, taken in Execution and will - be sold nv the' pro , .
perty or It F. Peckham, at the cult of Hall. Grant and
Forbes, use of Ira Smith, now for use,of Burebard.Whit...
ney k CO. , .
• • . .
- The 'following 'Heal Estate, -to 'wlt: situate in' the
Tamhships of • Hamlin, Munition, and Sergeant - in the
county of ::NiciCtian,. Pa,,. as follows: Subdivision -No.
'sixty five of. warrant' No.- 2820, in - the .Townithip .61
Hamilton; Containing two hundred and -twenty five Acres; •
, Sittslivillion No, three hundred and thirty, nix of warrant.
N0..2310 in the Township. of- Svrgennt, eplataining o ne
Hundred and seventy fi've•aeres: Subdivisicin No. one hun
'dred' nod- eighty five of warrant No. 2570 in the Township
of .11amlin; containing two hundred and twenty five acres , •'
all :unimproved. , • . .-
taken in eXecution,'SMl - will ho sold a stlio,pre—
perty of William .1.: Gibson, at'tho suit of
hee-t!s Execittors.• • -s' . , ' ' , '
The following 'iteal Estate situate in the Borough of
Sinothonrt, County of Mclienn.tind - Stuto of yennkyl vania
viz:—That part.Of rqiiate No. [7O) seventy-Ulna; In the
'ration , ' plan of &flit town, )vithin the following
• ries: lieginning . et the north .cent corner of SAW square
thence East one hundred and . nitiety . two feet, to• the
bdilding now occupied by Levi iVell4,.helng yenty two
feet from the North East corner of sold square, thence
South sixteen perches tF. the South ]too of said 'lgnore;
thence Weet one hundred and ninety two feet to the South
went corner of said equate, thence North siatvett
es to'the plac'e . of.beginning; containing one .acre and
twenty slit perches more or lels4 now oeqtpiod. by , 11Thrid
tt • • ••tii iro . bei';6:o- •
enne ;• Oproire , One. 1",g0 VC' , .••
horea Varna, iitta,grodart store nod dwelling ItOUSa,lls '••
,other, ont ••
..,,S,Ulied,Autiou ip Eatittittl - zoi itud•*111•Ao• Sold
.property of g. Simanctui it • otu kat- 01. ii. Woolen:M. '•
,•4 ' ,
iollt4iiiitesfietatOt::brinirnetuitiAtt:a)Fitite." t.
iti the fast lordsloWlo of Alio 'idlOtingot
„the . liinglElutsjimai iii.Wadforst Township McKean l'ClOun•
, tr,•thende..Sait unn.htladred tuunty,four , porohis to. -
' alted.Oak,'thenae•Soutly r onO liOnd red and one - mid.' four;
'finials perches, theuCe -Meet .oiao ..)niudred• and Viral:dr :- •
four and •tralent.lisperclie;i•;thenee -North ouo•hundted • •
at d tnieutid four tentlpt perclte:‘ , to. ujithile • Pine(
-place of heginnittg.—C,ontoinitta seventy 'eight tuid
tenths aeres,•bc Ifni's:Cate more or h».:. It belnk
Pitt of thoalio tuicittsf tlte ~- lands in' ltradrord ••• .
toirtsltifs,',Ulclteun • Ctitnti;• State or l'Unni)lvania, land
.part ot warrant 'n).• 311 . 7, unltuprovrtil • •., , - •
• Seised; ll:xocutrou. hod- h a Fold `
old :the' r•
property • 6f , LI eor k :u NOW e aud::F.r.titkrin A,' 'Moore, at ,•
therStlit of ltingha.aftiroutooS......• • : • ••• •
• "- • . '
. . .
The fidlo n winz iteril . thitatC.—Wate ant NO.:381 I rtrires
slo'Kea cpunty',•Pa., containing feint heindred .
itild forty-four and nit tenth acres nod nllotvnnce ,niorei'
,Also—Another•traet,.beenning tit, a. eugar'tree ,--
theneG by-tend nf Arthur Itrytto.)Vert three huudred..and"
pronty, stx Perches totesti:pr. Sotitli . onollitintlred -
and. tirty ;lour petchee to.h Beech,' East three hundred;
and thirty lour perches •te'a. post .atitTNottli.• three.de'i
erects Nest out. hundred and lifty foot' perclicsyto,the be- .•
g nit og:.Contain lig -Two bandied t. nin ty•ac TO,
Inuadtbd pet-chi:nand tilltiwUnee of
.six per Cent for Beads
.ke;•,..whicli wild"ttaCC.was iitirvet:ed in ptittuttnee" 9 . 17.4
,warrtitit. No 115. ihttetf, ilo,;;l7iit'iltyof !tiny 17.85. gran.:
ted tin Jiihit -hull, ,ktittiverti; the Turtle DUDA property
about' Id:0y acres.hopro3ed,' one Saw'-Mill, one.-Fettnied •
dloutre, tun ffrained itarns, - tr quiiblity of nett tree S. - •
ith-So—DefendanVs. : lnterCst in. the following - tracts' of • '
land Atehteti in"the Stner.litort',..C.ounty . of
McKean and 'Stare of Pennsylvania. known s q uare
65 bit the general plan of said 'l3 aretigh ;containing
,eno . ,,
acre and the eollfilis et nu acre Of land; it being the.sarne
equate oritraitt - of land that eniterlaer Wright'Ekt,,:ltight:
Sherif of Mclt'eart,Coitely, Sold and convoyed ttiDrlswold": '
.D.Warner * by - tiried - the 20th, .day of 'May A, D. 18B)
'registered •iit hook page 46 otribeellthi deeds &0.,- and:
thosaitfatisWidd - B. *artier by deeddated the 1011 u
-day of Noseuit,iet .."1.t.:18.32, recerdrd:in ,the' -office frig'. •
'recording deedalusaid County
. 1n tired 'book D1nge1,f1.5 . , - '•
• granted and conveyed to the 'said Diram Payne," alltru,. •
2roVed, one Dwelling -Dense; ' ones Warned 'Cake, 'one
Fe:inject faro, rt nice rttittritit,y of Pruit TrCen.
'"Abge-:.-I'Wo other squities.of•latid ettiniteil
ough of pineihnort, Containing One-netts. and three:Ofths.''.
.r.f an acre of land each end knewat its.squaree.NO. 45 ant
.40`which saitl.two last ineutideed squares were - purchased ,
by the said Iliratu,l'ayne.frtintlolin Beating dc"Do,!,-411 .
A bBn—A rot begiitintig at: a post'eorner
Sbutli'of the south west corner of 'squat e:Nt?
I,nat, thence by -Intent street, NO rtn. siitty..rdne degrees
west, thirty-Cight perclior and Six-tenths of a.-'perch
post curlier thence,,S,outh nineteen perchentseu postUng- •
ner, thence houtlittisty.• eight degrees west. sixteen parch-,' I -
es and one-tenth of a perch, thence, ffontli seventeen. de - ,.
.grees *est nine perches; Coulee thirty-eight
.grees went ten porches, thence ;Seutit seventy• one .a tiff"'
tb::en . rpuriter herein west twenty-live perches • find kiss =
. tenths lira:perch to' a post ebruer, thence, North thirty . -
• six•tieeelies and seven-tenths of 4.11,er01i to the place of,
lie• Ono in • containing eight acres endthirty-thre e perch- • •
es Ariet. measure' be the Fame moil , or less', the said' lot
beinr known tei out lot No 47 adjoin' ugi Sinetlinerit, all fu- •
proved, about twenty'apple trees, two trained barns, two .
I ranted houses snit cowl fountitin'ef water.. "•.
: 4 0corulz . 'Another h adjoittitiq - metliport Beginning
at 'a post Corner, one perch westitiLthe center of the cen- •
ter of the Siicolvistteet fronititii East hide of the Village,
thence North thirteen perches to a 'post coiner,- thence •
taft'oty one - Pervlies to-"n pest corner in the. line .of
der . • conveyed tiv tie . orge Darling,..thettee by' Raid •
south. twenty- three. pe.reltes•to a p ost corner' in the-,lied ;
0r.t1,6 'North Street four ' , perches North or the North •
Text corner of square.,), 25, thence by .sutillinn North
nine de , ..vrecs Not ture . tity-awn perches. art' firer •
tenths of a I.ordi to the II leo, beztrning, ' containin g
twu 'acres co 1 lifty-eltht perches, strict measure, - •be the.'
1110; ri, or Irs -„ .
. A notiou. lot bogioning at :n post • 'corner
four perchei'ontit of the South East' corner of square No.. .
ir7 - in Southport, nonce by line of Street. North sixty
nine dtiltli?ni. ca•t Oy•tiizlt t perellov and *six.tentlis ,of
a 'perch to a post corner. theneu.t , Otith fortv-uine perch-
es. to a post theneti.•. North. kitty three . degrees -
weal twelve perele.s. 'thence North eielity decres 'west
twelve 'Pincite.4. thence N.• 1111 ,Sixty.three degrees - west '
foot icon perches tit it punt curlier, thence North twenty
-0110 reirchc soot! nine-tenths of a perch to thr.place of be•
cool:liu tiZ
nine ;tern; and *eiglity• eight perches.
to the saute more or Jess. about six iterett.'
improved. •, . - . - ' • •. . •
Itourth; Atwitter ; lot knowri• .113..011C ; Tot. No. 20, •
beginning alit post cm ne'r, statidieg thirty-four perches ; •
South' of the'South W'r - t comer of.knuarc,No ell in Bmeth ,
pert: ritel being the South acrtsf coiner of oui!lnt No.' 10,
tlience by' line Ofsahl, ea•t.thirty ri.rclirx to o'liost.
corner thence South nitre porches awl eight -tenths of a ,
lord; wr,t . corner. 'thence Sonth sixty-ty'm degrees .'
i - eat Woe orrolte , sand; r o te tent h'of a perch:thence South - , •
seventy ti rees Sart !Meet, porches, thermelSouth '
w o st to rnl y-two 'perches"theoce Ntirth••
eighty one and ono • half tiegrees west Pine perches .and
nye-tew,lis ota perch •to it post corner,.. thpoce North
tinttin tl v•floo perches end six-troths of a perch to the place
of loginning.coritsinim• tipe acres and twenty-six. perch -
mt strlct meastit• he tire tame more or less. all lin:pray ,
ed ,Nr•v• 111 j Ik4 :111,1 I t“ , •rVIITZ thl , rel ' ll4,lll a . heretofore, •
`niti.U6.l the, Cit,w 10 Wlo7dii Cf.rWili.,by •
d ee d , c f,iole'd 0; deed book 'I
of said pOunty OP page 218.
'said lot 5.0,1 to coeta!as seine over one acre with certain
Witt! r . therein Pnentloneti, said lot all in.'
proctl. . ...•, • •.• • . • • .
Fifth; Anolhlw eommencing: at, pest standing
. cf., en LIM thee-tenths ro Is rdmt of ibis
N„ r o s E,..t,, e o r nee of.thellorough".of limethp.pt; • theOce
N,rtlytwenty 'lo2Alt, rrol.. l to a post.thonee-4'orty rod, to
da'flotst rother, tlmitcp S fprentyTight Tod, tp a Whits;
Oplr corner thence Vast foPtp r• !I , tin lip' I I tee 'of begin.;
se•op tier!, strict puta•ure be the s ou k,
nwi•e'ors feet and' low.ft - pal Lof warrant No. 21 0 9 5, Oder—.
proyol . .• •. , ..• . '• • , •
Ar,,Alwr lot. knew!! Si.' agaarc Ni, .F 6 in the'
plot !!•• 4 11porttaot stor,o,ml contain:6.r ono a' re end
thrett•nro , of an acre of I old Oniun,theyd. • •
his filth; Atether '1 tt -known Ira •rl.l , tre : 00 . . in
the Inert j lot of -nitl•pdti.aforefitid:'Cntittiniug'..no aete
and' br0.:4110.s ati acre of Imi a slot 0u'.03,01 acre
• Ti01.',....%0. , tf0;r 01 1.:11 . 03VTI 'OS ' , qua re Nov 8, in the •
town plot of ,netitport alotrodtid•contaitting unit acre awl •
tIPW , !.. fifth, of an ;tore oft.nntl, about - one acre inn roY,ol'. .
r owing te•ervinr Ilp•
. richt id over ,the
above 'Mod:rifted .hits herotofore•azicerthe the maid Dirld
Cris to he grated r to the Melteart Crointy
. .
and•Nnyigtatir n. Company • and • exc....wing and reservire• •
also the right f ill ottyllptte turiado lot c cr!thted 1;y acid
• hayld Crow re Airs ear well CorNirt an to' '
waste water from •the•mill• dant _pos.:tog through' out lot ,
No, 17 ;Moto -, nfeviiote 51 • , • ••• • • , • .
••Al,s, - ;:,llett - wboils • ii!terest in other tract:of land:
Colninencite nt !hr. S(liIll; Itanh of Afars - in Creek ht,
eornor of !tool of :11 A 'AI ileb,llr.lll,'llee,i.Vltti sine hundred
.sivl IWO perchopan I w:011r1r1101 , of it ftercltto a post net
in the rod etol•hcitig io the N,lll tine of. land formerly ,
roeuerl Itull•nganto:',holi by It, 1),
lb ace be 1 tin of said lidal..l.:astmno hundred and thirty
seven peiclies'atal three:tenths of a perch to ti• water
•Iteech standing on the West, ionic sf rottat op-Creek it.;
. the North loltnit cofner ttf lot No I'l tint the South •
tCail.or,,,for Inc N 0.1,82 of tho ilotowntti or land - or
Keating Co, 9fe sold thabship,'llience down .Potatne,
Creek. by • the Revert) bearings and distances to -the • •
men its of :11,tr0in Cr rots, thence up Marvin,Crepli icy the •
serefal coo rsca and- dtstances ihOlvOr 'to the place.nr tie. •
' girming ; Containing 'sixty 'night host cite- (nano; tierce of
land. More or less. it being part' of. Lot Nn 102 of the
allotment of Lords of letiting h'-.Co for salt • Pl`ownslllo,
r e nd briny part No. ;1058, • about thirt r ac ce
• improved our framedltouse, one ratwol Bare and a quart - ,
• tiff of. fruit Trees. . •
• ,‘04.-,_•_,X.fo,ther tract of latyl•Situated in the Borough of
• Fit:0111pol Cotinty of MCKenn and State Of Ptiona,
TiPe.l,uiltling lots. hi Yon:aro-N0.97 .said juts - beteg Nolo.
one, tap, .thr.....-f , ur awl eight; 'one. two; three add foPr
bring the North half. of said sotzerc No. 67 and No. B,'
being in the South • blast Corner of said anuere No, 67;
known as the oil Ilastinan Ilinsc and Litt. Said fire buil
ding lot's, Containing about oneocre of land.
Seized; taken in Exerattion' and gill he sold as the'
property of Seth A Wackus nt the suit of- John ..SoMth.
Sheriff's Office Stuathport. June 13th, 1863. • • •
IiCiINTI Er - lii.ppitAlsErilENT.
, . .
T IST of .yeiblera.lof Merelmolise and Beer'
.1,1 (01.1 their Olossifiention 'of .11t'lienn County;
for 1 en 3,
SM E51.111611.T BO R0,13G, • •
W. H. Baker, [beer] 8 $ 5, 00
C. K. Snrtivell [beer] . • : 8 500
IV.l 4 ;,Hrownell, MerelinntliSe,, 14 700
Henry Hamlin • 13 • 10.60
"A. N. Taylor • -• ". • 10 50
G. S, c.mith, 111qrehrintlise,
. • • : LIBERTY.
- L. Dnlley, Morelia"'idiso:
Arnold di-Xonolo.
A. S. Arnold Co. "
Orlando Coleman •
• CERES.: '
P. Carte..,:.terehatultse ,
; G. 8.. G Mat "
,Notice is hereby given that a
.. c.)
will. lie held at ,the Contra,
Feiiethport, oe• Saturday'
1813, at Iv hi eh I inth nnj
grieved by' he fol•egoi
heard, :tint sheh.abattel j
jut altd groper
.. place all persona•ag
g appraisement w,ttl le:
Batamade-as ate deolned'i
•blurcau dilc .Appraii3or
l'imelliport, May 20,1E3.
14 ' • 7:00
11 • . 700
11 00
14 7 , 00
: 7:00
4 • 7 .00
'l4 '7 00
ma of Apponl4
oners':Oflioe in
27th 'day.. of