VOL :4illtiCan.4l.o.teiltv: . :Metoptrat. k"G13LISI11.11.1 EVEILY SA;FURDAY MORNING, ,By J. 13. OViATT; • ', SNIETIII , OIIT,-' IWKEAN', COUNTY' PA ovrtue,•s. • I,:;,.CORNEi . : . 617-1'1:131.10 , 1‘14:1 , ,,: ,. ..:;:-. ....:. 4 . 1 ; . 5 5 : .i n :14f(1.V1160 .ite.tes of ti si3ig• . .. - . ar —.-. , .., .. . • . -Ci,lunin - one s'e ' ' 335 On - -. ' 20 On . . . . 1. • '‘..l ' kilt Mol.tli. '. ' ' .x • •I 1' •I• ! •: ..... • . •'...• •• ...... ' .... .• •• . i 1 '. 2 09 One square of . 12 , 111. i . ,,, /l . les.. 'd ...ii I.4tiens }esh inili•opiold in • Ortj . n.';..: , ........ :,........... - .26 'lluilini—ii'e - ...:drii. at'll - Irli•er.• •• • • ••• ; •••.—.....• .••• • 6 On , Itals'nr ilisii e aiis.w..l.l be. oiniible 1 in 3 a bove rat, To' dee liiies..llresicr'' , yir ~ or , bight lines nonpareil, is rate lit liquiito: . . r . : . . ... . .. ". IL,i - 'no , e iiiiiii. will be -,t.riely adhered: N. Xi . - .iit7,ip - ,m..',EirectO* • ~ • igt. .Y • sOu Rif : ....r AST:C'ORNEU.MAIN'S;FOET Sun thjx,rt, Pa DR. L. R, • . . .. • : .. • Ithysician end Surgeon. Smethport. l'a . , i' . .l 11 . al tOid trial professional cells irifli prutripinc , e. : Office Vire doors north of the Deinpcnit Office, i- ~ ..-. ,7i• .. BENNErt 'HOUSE, .. . , . . , . . arr.ethport.3l`lcuan Co.. Pt, 'l. S .1110otri Proprietor ~..' ./ppri6ite, the tlourt Ilottqe.,: . A now, large, eoranntli . one and n'ellfurnighed hodse:' ... .. . , . . . . . ~ . .. . . •• : • ;. li: J. NOVRSE, : , ... ' :,•., • ' -• • . ~.. . . Driitr. in . S.tove4,.Tip Mire, Jappaned Were. '3.c.. west 11r the Public .s quare. • Zintethpert, Pa,' curitom • iv rit . ildne to order on•thi shortest notice, and . in the • most sitbstential nienner:. ••• ••• .. „' • .. , .• W. S. BROWNELL • . . . . . . , .. Deftlcrin Dry. Goods, Groceries, Ci•ocice6 - , Hard Ware., Iloots t Shueil, Hat,i, caps,•Glitisa, Mai. OUR &C.,' , 5:C . .• `East Ride'uf the Public Squure,liniethtfo'rt, Pi."..,_ Bni.opr 1-O.IILIN ATTORNEY AT TrAIY, 4 Solothpok t, Qhunty, Pa., Agent for lllemrs. Heating .A. Llb`a .Idands. Attends espocially to the Collection of•Uainis; Ilm'arninntion of . Land Titles; Piqment of Taxes..nnd all hush:less relft ting to Real Estate Office in Ilarulin Black. - • r .THE PRIDE YORK. 1863's Specialty-. . 7 GRAND MIRROR OF AMERICAN GENIUS "Correct with Fp!ritielnquectwitli ease, Intent*to reaten, or polite.to please)? THE NEW , YORK MERCURY. VOR THE NEW YEAR . . It is with, no fear of War's'effect; upon their literary' fortunes; that the; publisher's 'of TM: Nriw*Ytorii:: sliteunx . acknowledge the unwa vering loyalty of their, TWO Ill7Nnlit:r. TIMIISAND sunsculeans; and announce to' them, and to all, - dhnfr IRE Ncw'Ynuic..iklidainey tor this' year, (1563) . will he richer every luxury of Pelite Literature than ever Irefore: It is no upstart , .peculation, 'Pe temporary ttsensatierri,'.' .but a 'first class literary .weekly,,,which . has•been fa 7. milrar to the United.StateS for a quarter of a century.; arld.vklille • the yrkshy-washy mush room prints, of ye'sterrlaY,nre cutting downlheir talent.even whrle.they raise their subscription"- SKtv,Youst Aluffeenv maintains all its, glfttlt Staff of Romancers;Pdets, - Humorists.; I;: , :sayists; Story-Tellers:Y:lJ d Editors, and..pro rnis--3.,to'make it*Srill greater for 1863. •: • . I t onifi piper for evet y home. 'll5 forty fOit11)11, of reailina matter per week eonslit'ute 1111 ii"vorAneled.. • • 4.:ONS or'turE.: ENTEIITAXN USG • V , roOtt-ttio.,. at 111i o 1• o I • ot colobi no. to' .pt-, '..• Ni I) tiF.N.T.! \WATT tl,lOl l r .1 y' s , •-: ,t . •;t2.llipt Nl:w Y It.; •Slt•i:t-'l , :v .• - , • t • i—y•.; =SEIM lIIIMMEMEINI V •1),a)..y. •.'• 1.1, Ili'' , F01C,., AI i. and • • I I I, a day . 11111 . . • •, lII ' I'd llf • , 1 0 1' Nl;:rci-:l•rtv'Nov , lotte fop •he. Ni;% , ; . :,) o.M..,1••••0 - •' a 'thf.' is6llP 3, !5(53 VICT 0 Li The EL;irese or 4..);tE, LUTLIORIIP "CIIPSY . 00WRIt," CAMPILIELL,??,,.gw. , &It • • The.produ'etions of this di:stinguished nutheres need no eulogy. Public ()Onion has long . :since pionouneed them superior to any other nov elettei published .on this side or the Atlantic 41 . tut the'true test of their merit is fountl'io the fact that - they ore engetly.repioduced; after their p'uhlicatioi in the ' Msecuay.,: - by 'the • Englieb press. We may odd that the new tale 'Victoria," is fully equal inipterost depth 0 plot to either Of those which hai , e secured Ito large -a share or public apprOal., and We . C . an earnestly recommend it 'to all story-readers , • T,ur:'Nr.'ih Vous . M Ell . cllltY is •softl' by all, sews . prip‘licar 'dealers in .America.subscribers, it is rft;g'ularly . rnaileil every Satur day. morning, for $2 a. jean, thre'e copies for . $5; six copies for $9; eight copies for $ . 12, with q'rr extrit copy„fres,AO the getter tip of. he club, Six ',roodtbs'-subscriptiOns re'eeiveck, Ahear write plainly eke.nrimet of yortr POst Djice, COun ty and: State: We . take the notes of allsolvent .bankS at. par. Pa y ment mustinvariabl'y• be in Specinnen 'copies sent •free to .Address all letters and remittatices;posr paid to'• CAULDIVELL & WHITNV.Y, •.. proprietors of Me Neu. l . -9rk Alar . cier'y.; .113 Ftiltoti street, New York . City. . . . 'Resolutions o 4 the' Domocratic.State Committee . . At a meethig ofthe Deritocratie State Corn- Triittee;. held al. the..Delacan Meuse at 'Albany, .Lin 'l'harsday, May 2gth,l£36p,' the rcilloywitt; resoltaiot)s weri,.after 1 . 911 .consideration, •atiimeo.ly uilopteil:• ' ' • ~ , .This.Cornimitee deem it: the , ixpresslen . 01 thef vieivapon..the atthis Writ' tifitipiopriate anti ,Ipp4anited. by :the cir euititalice.s of the-country: . •:. ' .11e.solyorlohai - apprOve the inll , iwimt by the last . • 'teThat they'svill'ectatirinatoriarler the . Gov- . 4iinmept their sinoire anal . inito'd support in the. use M rill legitimate means to sappeess lioo.anil to resrm;* tile Union as it ,Vie, ' arid . rintintaiathe Constitution asr'it. i. believin thnt sacrectinstrument, foundeil wisdom otirtathe'rs; eloaws:the "constiuted authori#ies . with :full pool r to•TaerOmplish • such 'purpose." : szoot6-311OVE:ittiST FOIL' PEACE... , Reselyed,:l:,That' we Nunes . tly desire ihe restoration of peace- to our: beloved r ouni ry,„ now so longdesolated;by the scourge of this unnatural arid fratricidal ware '2 ' 2,• That the terms . of peace,. .: . when:. made,. rnii=t necessarily determine:the future .charaet er of our ,go;rerninent,,the 'condition of cur ,peo ple.and the desdny.of our 'countok: . • 3. That' wa have not, faith in the . views, the purposes : orthe capacity of the dominant party, to'determine.cinestions of y ital importance. to the,.liberties, the rights and the haPpinesi . oP the . A'n^erican people. • • . • That we hold that it is as ineapable.ofmak.:: .ing an honorable, beneficent peace, as.•experi... ence has shown it, to..be wiiging. successful • . . . 4. T.hat,asthe inauguration . •bf affirinative peace movements at this: time 'by: those who who have no powet 'give .•efFect•.to . ' their .views j might afford, the dominaat party:a •pre• text, in conspiracy 'with) the Southerni Con fediiritcy, to:Make a peace by "the epatatioti; of, the States--i-and-Whereas the. Democratic and ant) cOnseryation• Masses .'cif our s peopli•:, •who are opprised to any terms of peace,. which 'fail to restorethe'Linion; and save•tho'Constitution,• hesitate to trust that measure to •the • hand 4. of those wlib are - bostile to, both—we' deem this alitoccasion•tO protect'against themegotiation of a peade by the Administration, except • upoit the basis of a "preservation•'!of. the Union and Of the Governm e nt established by .the •Con- TIIITID-LSIMPATION OF PCiWF.P. AND INVASION - OF - Whereas, the Republican., party, through' their' journals, and through their accustomed speakers, ,at an . organized meeting . recently held'the city et . Gtica,. have openly declared that this Government ought to-place the Nilt taty above the Civil' and dourbal atititOrity obit it ought nut' to he. held', in • check, by the Gon -st itut ion of the . United Sfates; or. of the 'States; and OP( it tilay.tightfully disregard the laws of the i land,.by suppressing freedom of speeetr, vliolatingthe.horni.s of our •citizen.,: and de- Priving them of; their: liberties,; 'Without 'due procesa of •law,'or trial by-jury; ,whereas,. the great .end .of tree goveinmenta...i.a. to secure to ihe,people the rights .of persons . , of property, of . t.he fireside, of speech, -and public thsctission and of religious' and political opinion; Therefore; in behaif of the Union. loving,' and .law abiding citizens' of tiffs State; we repel and denounce the ''slavish, , cowardly and . "de'stiotic principles thus puf forth. hy ,a assernz binge; vrhich appropriately assumes the 6 1bYal" de,signation.nader which, the Tones of ,the. Re volut ion : proclaimed,. their Unconditiona I 'slip. port. of the Administration of thesfoe.orGreat .Britain.' 'And ue charge that rattly of the, act-. get t op . saitl meeting.Nvcie • in-, 'fluene , l by . peetiniary 'and personal - interests,' ennfrael oil-stocks: ' • • .• . I?eoltil,i. That we accept thit issue thus ten dere,f .ac. by a rty which proclaims its' con ,tr.lop[ nt -ir e Con , ritntion and the La we; and tl..•t WlO cti hefiire the people of .thig State . ;110 of coantty, with ' hill. cot:full:net ,. that rho; - 'trill•rlirnW:a.way, those princip!cs of. civil amt . !el.uinitd librtty, taught , to them 'thy n at am! iioott II) e of 'the, country and • in.' enrpnrat , d in the-inund,!t ions . and flame' work. n.• arty... 1,1,11010 . Ilia t • not only he ''disorgii Major. pi jimmies by the :teidiners of file. Ail ra ruin', the 'a ary: act : , eateulatoil to inspire, dhe friends . of,Coostitir imial • govorriment , dhiriuviintit Ibe with Th.; ifispri)sar of Cunven lions o th pdriplo hy,armed.foree; ihe'simpres .ion of oublM . tlie• iirreq of•eiviliadis rind clergymaid for opiiiinn.dittered in the forum and OM. .et net ,punishdrintd the coercion • and 'fakilleadiiin ofthd votes:Of sold] c; . removal, with opprril , rions . s'tizms, of en offieer • of. a' New Ildropshire . re'giinent, for fhe 'caren.SO of 'voting the J)ernociiitic , t icket -are'. nes. which rim 'through the whole code : of dr;stiofie sys• .tems:anidturo the' guaranties of • Constitutional libertyinto ri maelrery ankh' seate.• , Resolved, That while 'we do' not object do. - the, rightful 'exercise of Military .Law ; within the lines of . w.arlike operations, or amid the scenes , . of. irsurreeitonarY stile,..wf maintain .that heyond those limits; the Civil Law,is sup reme, and . that those- who 'seek ;to prostrate it hy• forie od•nrms aVetiaitots tai the Country and the Consd . • 1r T ,111; I,?e.Colved, That we rcenenize - in the states manlike let tei-of Governor Seymour to the la,te Albany meetieg, a ,noble defense of ther-rn eirdes of . Civil T:iberty, to which•we'pledge .our firm anti "Atnanimous . support; CDiorv:vAti, Jane 1-1.- 7 Mh. Stevens, deptifY prOvesCriayslial,-anil . .Mr. :Clayfjeld, a • detee rive, accomparded'hy an eniollingofficer, 'Were fired upon near Mannyille;Rush'eountry,'..lndi r yesterday, - •by a putter men hidden in 'a wheat, field. Mr. Stevens • Was killed, and - Mr. dinyfield • mortally wounded, and. afterwards died. The enrolling -officer was, shot twice through the. clothing; knit_ escaped uninjured.. TI,Vo corepanies.left Indianapolis yeSteiday- for the scene of murder. A soldier was shot - by a deserter ht• . Shelbyville yesterday while•at emptiug to arrest •him.. . • • .• • • , • The military authorities of Kentucky are nrrestitg wives; sisters and daughters °Umbels, and sending, them' bi;yond nur lines., Oiier, one itendred'were sent South • during the week. 5NP1711:11',0RT . ,: . ..31'.K.E.A, .C : QUNTY,. TA., SYPTJI3,PAY.;. JUNE;. : . 2.1c).;-.;:,-..1:,5.0, FIRST4-SOi . l . olo' OP Tllfi GOVERNMENT • For tho Miner. DECISION • Relative to, the itssessment of the Income tax.. olaxginngt. ho assessed and paid in.' the: district in - :Which assessed . ~ per Sen .reside,s: . ...' ; The. place . ..where ti person .person. votes;: or is entitled , to Si:ete; is deem , ed his : residence.' When not it Noter; he place. whero . tax ;On tic!l'Sollol: . Property - is Paid is, held to be the place - of In cases . ... Of. limited part tiq . rsli ips, :formed witli Ow condition: that na.diy . ision . Of prof-, ,its Made until.the eXpiration:of th(;• , partnerships,. *eh me . raberpfsucli firm yfil . lie required to • return his sha re . of . profits arising from..: such business, for the year 1862, as, had they .so. desired:, a. diviSion of Coubl.ha:ve been made; ;* • Pains or. profits realized from:the stile 'Of prOperty' during the. 'year '1862; which .ProT pertywas purchased before the ExCise Law went into effect, should be: returned as in-. cOrrie,fOr the year .4 Merchant's return of Me:Mid should -Cco'.ol' the husiness . :of the year.. 1862, ding 'Preyions .yenrti, Uncollected accounts must. be esti mated. • •. . , 'Physicians. and law.ycrs :shoidd . include actlz'l.l recni pis •for scri;ices ren d e red,i ti• . 16 6 2, tOgether wlthniCnstiniate of . unrealiied, continien . t income (hie to that year. .• . Dividends and interest payable in •1 . 86.2, ShOldd be returned 'as income . for that year, no !natter when declared. Dividends derived froni 0s stock are tax . able ni; income. • " • . . Ineothe 'Jeri ‘ed 'froM.coal mines mustbe i'tittlxned,nithough a tax has beCn previously. liaicl C)11 °the :coal produced. •. No deduction can Made.beCar.se of the diminished val ue, actual or supposed, - Of the 'coal vei.ri or by the process of mining. : Rent: de rived, fr - or . n:q6ai mines is' &eine; • Preminins paid fol.. life. insuranee.shall notl)eallowed as a dedtictiOri in statement of income.' • • Tensions reei:ived frOM the United States . Government must be retnrne4 other income subject to inxnticin.• • • . - • . • .. , - . •-.- Old 'debts, form evl:t . considered hope I , q,-sly lost, but:paid thee. time covered by. the return of ,income, should be included, in . l his sintement: • . • • , : .DeLO'considered hopelesily•lost. on' the 31st: of Deeeniher,, 1E42; and due to th siness; if subsequently . paid, they . must ,Le inelnded in the.:return_ for the year in ,whieli iii: or " dcr to give full effect to the . prOviso to the 01st section of thti.net of Jnly..lst 1562, repecting: the tnx orthat portion of iOcurne'derived . .from United•:Statei securi ties, itfs.directed dint when income is deli- . veil [Way .fro,tu . fliese.tind froloother spitrces,.' the - $6OO. Other: alloy tines undo bylaw 'shall be dedUcted, ns.far as possible, from that Po:lion. of income from other. sourCesand subject' to three per, cent t.rx., • dt".duction cm) Gc rrlldwetlfrom /the taxti . l)lii . ineoine for s;ltion or n b to t' S Yl ' A. i . : 1111 . 11 r ;E, %t . )1011, t i rauu. !.1 !..cfitri) Of the mti•otnCof 10. 0 ,11):• , ...s111111 ;1 116 w ,•,1 - t o (lightei thort•frolu oNim nrid cnttiu no of proil lice" 4: vtP,I •ILll:prodifeti6ni of!I of'wlintiutttiry oi• kind E.zoitei.. • -:•• ••• • The account. of stock Sold' hy, n• ••farrner since December .31st :1E432, should'. not be inclUded in: the present :ns , ';essinent,'GUt the profits realiiedi thereby . Must : be. accounted for in bis l liet Year's 'return, •\Vbere lie has included in his :returns. produce raised by and' fed in .whole or part to stock subsequently sold, he ninst:nceount : for_ the gain realized by, the . feeding aml :selling :of said . stock . When he'has 110. included.the . produce So fed, be. Must' return, ns Trofits, the dilkenee•between 'the raltie: of 'said stock on the 31st of December;. 1 . 80 1i and. the amount realized for them. • Fettilizersinirchaseil by flinners; to main tain their land: in present .p . roductive condi-: tion,.wiilbe Considered.' as "repairs"in esti; mating income. • • Interest shOnkl.he considere.l as ineoMe_ when unle•s it is collectable and remains unimid..by the consent or agree ment of the creditor, .Losses - incurred in .the prosecution of bu siness, nrc'n . fnir offset to giiins derived from business; but not from those portions of in come 6 rived Iran 4xed* . investmentS, such nfi bonds, Mortgnges, rents, and the like. • .• PrOperty- nand in busineas and fUrnishing profits, when destioyed by , fire, intly,be the= stored,. nt the expense of tl,„;;Oprofits;to the . condition' when destroyed ;j , insured, the difference between' instirtince , Oceivo' amount eipendecl in restoration al l owe d . ~" The. increased 616e:0 , 01 A - new.' buildhig . : by . p eiln it tie n t !KI to enpitni.ot interest:, The . :coigiident 'fund : of , l trinriuriictu 186%,. and pbtilistribtited; should. Ti twined .ns Oiyt: of the income of the, stock The udisti:ibuted earnings 'of a - Corpora: Lion, range. previous to . September Ist 1802, % - v.hether-the.corperation is reirluirett to: pny, • Ink on dividends ; or no(;atuisild not be con aS.the income, of •the stOckholders`,.' no - I:Should the corporation be required . make return. of said:.,resei•vec earnings as trustees under section 03 of th6.Ekeise lanar: • .1 The income ,of fiterary, scientific, or otiier institutions,: n tbcfhands:of.trlis , . teeS; . or other's is:ndt subject to income personbonrde mid •rents: a room . :or roOms,.the . rent Thereof in lieu of rent of sbould:Leidectucted from die amount of income. subject. to 'taxation: Losses sustiiipeOn )tisinesss4.ce•Decern ber.;3lsi, 1862, will , not' enter the in corne:askssment for 1862. • ' • Interest'on honered capital, itsco in . bus may be. deducted frotn jacome. • • If a planter returns all his farm products he -will be, alhiwea to (leduct the actual cx.: , . • • pense, of s' Misting and ,elotbing.his slaves. legatees are not,requii•ed to return their legacies nS incOme, Thereis a. special tax' on:logeic.s . of 'Personal property., in section . . . . . . _ The ineonr; tatis iissemed..uton the ne tunl income of iniliviVitals...Fir - ms,ni:stich will not make i:eturns: The profits Or.a- manufacturer: from his husiness.are not exempt from income tax io consequence of his. having..paid the' (*else tax- imposed by law- upon articles manufac tured by him.,•, • . • • , As bridge,. telegraPh, steep), and ferry. boat coMpanies •or corporations; arc.-not anthorizt.d by law to Withhold and . pay .:to Government nay tax,npon interest paid, or, iiiyidend...de . elared . by thein; nil incOme:o ,individunts derived from -.these SOUrces,- i is liable to - income ; • . • •:. Ali persons .'neglecting or refusing . to make return of incorile*;, - except in cnie of sickness,. are bronglit within the. pew:IWO . prescribed by the 11 th' section (It :the: act of 4ity:.lst; 1802, viz: an. addition of 50 per cent, to the.nrnount ascertained; by the . Assistant .asseASOr, tipop sitelr inforinntiorins he enti.obtain n o penalty :of $lOO .to be received for the United Stntes,' with cost.; of suit, DANIEL LIVVSGSTO.N. . ; • Ass6ssoriutiLDist.. • .VRTlnrdlgtiani Going kichmond.. The Chat tan . nOga Rebel of *gr. V.llen.lighani Wag still at Shelbyville priyoe - libuse. He 4 0 to Vii it ibilvio.nAdy.or two.. Fla' is is 6.1 Awl...rifled as.totlie precise point; bt i will e•• • • . . • In eilitoriiit on' the 27th thS.Re4si • - . . ++j( Vellenikgham. cornets South of. hie Own.uccoril, declares himself a, 'southern Irian unit for the:southern cause, and also' desirous of th,!.prpret . ital separation of the' . South • from, the. Nor , h, then we are for mOdrig him a gen , eras of division. tO lead the first advance across the Ohio.. If he Is not so in sentiment, what in the name of liberty 'dOes he. here • in and ofwhat use - is . he ;duet" •.. • • YeA, if he will—but he wont.. It would be harilto.say talent; c , in• [IV • name of. liberty," Vallandigham is doing in in the. name . of tyranny and 'Enilitary,mob 7 laur: . he has been eirited,, and may the , I,ord.pertect him and see him through?. May the prophetic lines . now farniliar to the nation in all their: fullness and force prove true—may the debt ; this injured man owes to:his oppressors one day be paid: ' Free.ipecch—Wendall The renowned Anhelition leader,. the most talented and elorinent . man:amOng.them all, ih a recent speech'at.. . c.W,ho can adequately teli the value and se. credoess of- unfettered lips . ? Who ,can fitly describe the enormity of the crime of its viola—. tion? . Free speech, the 'v'ery instrument, th'e bulwark,' he' bright . constitnmale flower 'of . all liberty! 'The time to assert Tight.t . is when; .they are denied. Those ,wli6.should assert them - ore thnsa—to whorit 'they -ate—denied. And. that community which: dares„notsprotect its:hum: ,blest and its most hated Citizen in' the free. ut teratice of his opinions,' however hurtful, is a gang of braves." , • • . : However .worng the deluded, fanatic may be is the coarse which he has selong. persistently purshed in regard fo:the instantaneous tion of slavery and immediate elevation of. the. negm'M 'equality, -social.: and political; .with .the.whites,•ttiere is much truth and. iound sense in :AO abotts4einatics. ficontemporary well , •• , • , ,•• • 4T•rt'''• Af.'"`" '•••, 4 4•,,: • 4•iii , 44( , 01 , 0.41, 1•14; iioll4 • -,14„ . . 41 4 ,, 4 4 -;,4,6 • ‘• • . • , • . . , fahe time to asseil right is:lade:id, when!" they, are denied? Thisis a truth that his riot Imen'apprepiated as it ough,t te be inihis try:: It.is intimes of danger. aud• strati : inotinti;.or wireed : vitilehte, that .the jsreinir-; vition'of Fri rights beeiniiie 'of practical and vitalirnportrinee.„ cat Wititj the Cons titnt better in'timeof Pelkie.:ikea* ' _; r A;Single, issue : of realm. inino titatlY,fatit.enitimhs of-nanies, Kotir kill. ;.d, wounded before •Nieksbarg. It ii , Wortfif of note that loostof the "would. ,. ate 'pharaeteriied,as '4i,seVere.n..Medicafnen say ihe:proPrittion of..wountle,,of this,:charanter ir enormously great, and 'a scribe:, to thi use of explosive, balls by the rebelt.-`'.!rbeie are miniature permission shell' lvhich 'explede afterlitriking the objnot. In .cOnseguenccit is found that whenever a bullet enters - near a bone, that bone is always. shattered, and am. potations become decessaii to save life. ,Sur.. ;eons say they have seen scores., of legs and arms taken off within the last.few days which. might have been 'saved, :had the "enemy used the missiles ordinarily in Ulir. The':22tl' loWa regiment; 'which went *into the • memorable ': charge of Friday (22dj withfour hundred:Men, come outiwith less .than- two hundred:' The 'Opth Illinois went into action at 2 o'clock P.M. with 250 Muthetit: the Mei ,of, the-20th, in this engagetnent, is eully:thirty—tbree • pet, cent of the nuinber with which they entered the fight. ' A Chicago Tiwo writer gives the following statement of Gen. MeClernand's antler: in the ascault on. Friday, May 2:2:I, at : Vicksburg: itGen. Mcrlernitml on Friday sent a dispatch to Gen. Grom saying he had taken three. of the enemy's forts in the front, and liked' for linveeia.minhd this negro -business and 'probed it to the-bottom," said the President', irt 'reply to an upplication olsome . Captain . who wanted to..faise a negro 'regiment. '"lt's - the same thing with'all . of:you. " If Lgave... you an.:. thority to reiseihicregiment the.resolt Would he . ..that you would get:.Colonelis pay for several months, and I would get—not d nigg • • Indiana and Mielliga . n hi6..e linen. formed in. a Military diat.rict, Gen:O. IL Wileozin . cam• ' • . . . Ari.order has . been jawed permitting, ladies and Children to golo, and return from the South under . certain regalatiOns:. These going South• carinotyeturn until the Close or ~the .. war and those coming North muit'subscribeta.the oath or allegianee to . .the National Government.,.. •Gen. Pemberton, in command .of Vlck ' sburg,• haiiieon charged, with being ',lll. traitor .to the Confederacy. He alluded to this charge, in a :speech to his troops as. follOws: . • "You have heard that: .was incompetent and b traitor, and that it was my intention to sell Vicksbarg. :Follow me and you will sea the cost at which I sell'Vickirborg. . Whin *the last . poun.l primer, bacon, and flour; ' the last grain of corn; the last cow, and. bog and horse and Jog shall have been conaurriedi .and Abe laiit Man shall haye,perished in the trench es then end einlir then, will I sell Vicksburk"." . A mitehl ' n umber 'number of-two. years and nine month's men were bent home during .May from thearmy of the Potomac; and the.Depart ,ment of Washington than was at first anticipat ed. From the•official - feeord 'in appears, that 8,901, men.Of New Yark regiments (tyro yeara,) and .10,593 Pennsylvania. (nine mouths men). passed throUgh:Washingfon for ,their respect ive States. during May, - making a total of 10094. Rut there were received and sent to' the field and ConValscrnt camp 5,000. soldiers, thus reducing the 'number. somewhat... • A frightful accident occurred on the Kentricky , central Railroad, at Nicholasville., on Saturday afternoon. The locomotive XentOn,- attached to the passenger , train. which was to' have .'left Nieholasville that afternoon for Covington, plotted her boiler, instantly, killing. Dili soldiers and wounding twelve of fifteen °theta,' some of whom have since died.. • A Cottraintettorr.--The ripened :ill-treat thent of enroled officer Joseph INckerson, of Brecknock township, Befits county, and .hi° subsequent resignation in cotptcquencc,. eially contradicted in the Reading Eagle., by :the woyost marshal. Mr... Henry S. Ritpp, who alleges that the'enridlment proceeded 111 quietly in.Brecknock as in and other tosynship. in the country, and the whole enrophentWas.comple ted in one day. • , : . The New. York • World has" the following June 10, 1868:,-LThe Gmi ernor this morning issued an-unconstitlitioanl and 'revolntionnry proclamation, proroguing the Legislature until 1865.. '.The . Republicans' left the. heir and thereby broke the quorum in each but.. the Democrats 'refused to recoanize . the prorogation; and continued th , e session: The GovernoOs pretext is that.there is .a this -agreament-et wean the two Houses on. the sub . -. ject olatijournmeat; and there was no, podia-. r entail' disagreement whateyer. •. The Democrats, in': the. afternoon; • finding. themselves powerless to do qn y hither. business entered a-protest von the 'record recitingthe facts; and arraigning:the Governor .for •hs *Us urpation and unconstitutional.ticts,and informaly leit,,ihe 'seats, net recognizing an adjonrnment, but :a a revolutionary breaking up of the.Legisla- The Governor's proklamation' was intended .to and.did defeat the ona hundred thonsand dol lar appropriation.for sick and wounded soldiers. The ftnalpassave - a that : hill was 'pending in the llonsewhen it dissolved. • • • There' i,s.great excitement here.oo deepin 9ignatiOn against the Cleverncir. • ••• . . . . -Color:cram June .13.—The'apecia,1 of- the Carnmarer'ai, Indianapolis, June 13th, states that the murderers of provosfruarshal Steavens have been airested and .bronght to .thaf plate. :A man was hung till 'almost Weld's's by a crowd of excited citizens in the vicinity.of the twit— der;-for using traitorous language. A company of cavalry hes, been sent. to Johnson county to aid the enrollment... , - . NEve . Yottr, lime 12. The government offl— '6oB have .set the. deserters to . .work • lOsding the transports dining the ottilre of the steyi— dores, end have a company of regulars tO pro— tect them, - . . ~ :;:::NEWS MEWL' * • - : - :• - Mi'd.linti!i,'4 0 3 .';+.40iteti.'ffe*),N•wiit 1 . . Criefti4 a titAilir in.'', qttertnip ;loin bette4 : . era the Probtiht/t AO ..t!i4t (#O. 61 0 16 , liti - :b.4.- f't ' lei will .'bei q . ed*ithii . , iOr:4 . ** :: ir,r' .., 'q .t '' far iiro'; ,.,: '4`4. - ' ,. '' . :o'' -'" ,, 1 , ..':.,.' W•eirtiAi9i; . veifiiOn'iaiihj , 4 , lil4o l;l. I!aclaan - : - ",..Ouriako*inflOiVe'lilialfr, , .aniiataitr„l6'!'i', 4 c.Onairdefilit'litiOiii!ill'Allini;, l .4i, , .#o o '.' NOW: . which would inieeinpltitaitt Old ;Ortiei,t;'"gablet f..-ft`r• the 'Oilier 6 .1 . tiiii' 6 0 4. : - ! . .rtii,iftioiiiiC* l ',# lo o l .'4 the rebels : anvil - 64E cild:oga' , taiititi=feesib.olot . ...' thereafter,' : - ,k'deetirier4aiii:_ahearr;-40,risCiagi small ',lfaitiaii3O%':`;'-',l:%'‘f•f.."':''C A 7 ,pit, '. ' , , , • , ....' ;.- -,, , n....2: , ~ ' 1, :.,,4 1 .A:'! 1 , ~ ,MICIC,TMO•OrigOITOALqW . , ... .'., Nev Yorki4unao.—All meeting Of , 0 4q1.0" ls .'2. v , today, Renee G reeler, Alf the 11VOSWeaente .; ,, c ; ,'i - •! firooka ()Lille 'EITIRISS WM. C. Praire ) '' iit' th'ir:;.!;,,.' ICITJIMAL ClEe . COMMERCI, ' and vegeta . 'etbertat.), l . . were present, and 'resolution; were . allopts4pio‘;S* the.,effeet that We recognize and allirittheltve,,JA-;.` ty of fidelty to •the Censtieution•igevernatins , ~:-.. and laws of the country: :,..?.... '' " 9 l'; ' .;?:-; That treason and. rebellion; apd: , erinses r,thati , ',., l .l while we empbatically.diselalinind'4dely: our'. ~ .i. right, as inhering in' joutnali4s to ineit . ,iii'adire-7 ~ ~„ eate,.atiet r aphold er justify tresson,':;er. , 'Shell! , .; -:, tv . ti:tespeetfttily,, hut firnali; ';. t 10:•. or,.the Oreia 'to eritleise . freoly.'ind` , :ifear..! lesslitbo Mete of those. charged With the ministritiOn,Or - the geiletnnisint and of theirely—, ii and'rnilitary subotdlnateii•and that an r y•Yrn: itation of this rigitt, crentod'by.the Iseeemeitiea Ofvnaroitioiild ,bc . ::.cqiifin'Cd : to; ihe'' lOCiditii4.",('..,' where .bostillties .exist,• or arc:..imriieditteli . :. ;„, .threttctned. Daniel Webster in . one of his irenispeeelitsi." - ;', makes nee uf the fullo:ving, language. ten constitutions innctify . and• confirm . great, . principles, but the iatter are prior in eilatenca to tbo Wirier; Tfie,httloiss torjiato sct.the of rights, _ the trial , by Pry, are surer bitlivarka of right and libertythan written conatjtutions. ;r 4 The establtstinient of. our (reit institution. in !he griduul work or time and: eFpertenee, ,not' l ,l-` tha • Jrnmediete .any , • written' inetpw.' •And yet all these princiPles, *hatisas eorpoii ;•': bill of rights, trielJury, which were.priorits" ' eiiitence to •wri „,,nitstientions, tho.gradutf: Work oftinie an ,theiro yak' • ' and only solid roundations.ot ireedom,'Volth th. • written 'constitutput in which they are embod— ied; have beenssleprawayby the hand let power, under the false plea of military nineset-' ty, and the Anierican'peeple, the halal:arias they had etacted . against the' 'en:4. eroachtnents of the Executive,; are .a's mien' setts .te-day as the peasant* of Rosilo, will stultify bimself. by denying thls,'vahen the''' ( set is patent to•all thaty.no „rnitit, ‘ in ..the Joy= al States dare utter sintirnents In 'clillPinv m o; me of the Administration, (except the, Myst , of that party,] without,euhjeeting himself is , military seizure; trial;and fiunistiment? '„ Somebody says youni tidy should shwas • ask (our questions before accepting the bpnd any young'man, . &lows: Is he -firrsterablif Is he kind of ain't Can he support mi. nom- - ; fortnbiy? Does be take * Paper/ • 011 it GEN GA Ne iv York hylopended . (Al.olition) any': Generale do not thrlee under the drip of the capitol.. At ,thirty" hours' distance from Washington armlei an 4 generals succeed. At twenty'bours, they must hold their own; at within sit hoMise %key are • as dead es a field of wheat 'under the .. ehatlear of upal-trees." • ' • Rerstotton In IlHuatel Gov. Yates, of Illinois, has undertaken ,the , part of a rule r‘by the Grace of Goal,"andbitseed a proclamation dissolving the r.egislatate, of . that State until 18651 Tbe Republican mem— hers fail in with the usurpation and broke up the quorum; the Democrats were therefore, powerless, except,to protest, whichl, upon the record. They then infoup '. left their seats, not recognizing an ad t ent, but a revolutionary breaking up of Hui Lecisr • • lattice. r,' The 'pretext lor the Goverior's iciton was chat there WAS a.disagreemeot between the two , houses as to the •time of adjournment, and that in such case he.is authorized by the Constin• -• tion to adjourn the Legislature. , But though.., the two houses had voted for different Jaye of ' adjournment, they hid still the right and power to reconsider their , action, ' to appoint torn- , mittees of coulerence, and to agree upon a new day of adjournment. The houses could not be said to have dissgreed until each had fired its day and reselvntl to adhere to it. end the lower ' house had , not done this. There was, thrrefoie, E 0 disagreement in thi meaning of the Constitui ion, and the action, of Gov. Yates was an•u:pation of power vevolp. tionnry in chniacter. The Governors • "chief object seems' to have been ."to defeat an;appr,op. • ration for sick nil wounded soldiers,. , He succeeded in doing it, for which favor than,. friends of soldiers'will , probably nut ,give him • many thanks. ' 1..00a eon Younser.ves..-.411)Ce the intiodue" Lion of De. Land de Co.'el-pmiiii:c4,siiiritoi . , ,, . , the common and Inferior sitiejas ;celled 1141.. ratue, have continued to And tbeivrayfoL. ..,..;•,, ' ket; biit none need be deceived 'Nina will ; I '''' ,_ir; . li! for theniselves. The •genleisC:Jitiiili 4.,:d'i ler-:'; up in bright red papers, 'aild: ili;'..fikl4iteettit , ',''. thOse'vrho have seen one, package, will IlwaYs.k.. knovir'when they, sea, rintithere.i , ,Calb far.; Da..;.... ' Land $5 Co.'s Chemical Militates; lad' ifyinas-,7, do not find, it wbCrer . ynir,iielei,''ool 0 '11 ;0, ii . :-'..., : : •'•'• it there iS something : erroag,ior it vin pf; iff4: 4 , - ..,‘ by all • retailers;':at a. fair profiti AO !lhej,•i'..:;' , l 'should, not be without it. :. -• .; ‘: • • ~i- :4-A . ,-. E M N.