M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 13, 1863, Image 1

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.411'lic4it'4ci . uiit)y'..):111citOrcit.,
By. J. B•' OVIATT, • •
oeiior:, S, E. coRNE,: ptnLio sQUAitE
.T.E111115: . - 50 in Advance.
Rates of AdVertising
• ••• - •- •• •
4 Calunin'oite •• • $35 .00
" ... ... t . •••••••• •••—•••• • • • •-•••—.•-• ..' 20 00
" Mx months:4..4? ~. • . ; 20 00
tt . • 1 . 4 ,•••
• • • • 12,00
One square nr.l2 . lines Cr less; 3 00
Each aubseqbentlusertion '
Business Cards, withE. 00
:Rule or. • work 'will be qbuble the .tbore rates.
Twelvn.linesqlrerici tYpe,.:Or eight lines nonpareil, is
rated a square.. • . • . .
. ,
These terms will be strictly. adhered
En9int66:. Mit:oo4:
• DR.' W.
B.m.etlipcirt, •
• ' ; • !'DR.: L: R. WISR, , . ' '
NE ,
Physician iind..sergetid, Sinethpcirt;Da.,*fll attendto' al'
.professlonal,calls witti'promptnese. • • Office tiro doors
.• north of the Democrat Office—
..... , • r ' • ' • , '
' • "- .BENNETT HOUSE, ' .
Siisethpbrf, BlPKein Co.. Po. ,E. S, : .Morino, Prnprletor
—opposite the court Ilonse. A new, larie,•connuodi
ono and wellfartiished•hoPse.••
,• • • . 1
A. J. NOURSE. •"'
iirjer Ztovf4; Tin War'e, Jappaned Ware, ko., W•tst
• elld of the. Public L'qUare:.Smetbport, Pa. Custom
•rvork.done to order on the shortest notice, MAIM 'the
most substantial manner:
•. • s,••BnowNELL.
. • , ..• . •
Dealerin'Dry hoode, Groaertea, Crockery, hardware
heats, Sboee,liai*.,.4Japi, Glass,. hails; Gila
haat side athe. Publle Squire", Sinehiport, 1'a: : •.
• . _
ATTCFiNET AT LAW, ' thllol tt Connty:, Pa.;
-. Agent .fot Janne. Keating & On's Lands. Attends
espocially to the, Collection o f, C 10.111113; Exantinatlon of
Land' ' Paymenfo( Taxes. and all business,rela
ting to Beal Estate'.' °Eke In Liamlin block. ,
1863's Specialty.
.!'Coryect eloquentwltli enso,
Int Tit, to reat , on, or:polito to please."
.curt ,T111..].; ~
It is* . with . .no,fear of War's effect ;aprin.their
therary fortiinesi that the publishers.,of Tua
NEw Yon.a. - MEnconsz, acirrio*ledge•the unwa
vering ioialty Of their rwe tiu ntieo TII9LIS AND
strasnammte, and announce. to . them, and to all,
that Tirq•Ntiw.Yotin MmictinY,:,...tor this • yenr..
(1.863) will.be•richer in every luxury of Polite •
Literature t h • anever before.. It is- no upstart
peculatioo, no', temporary . “sensation,". but a
first class literary ;Weekly; which has been ra
.inOlifr:io' the Uuited Males . for a rfuartiir of a
Century'; and :labile - the'.wistly-washy•muSli
-rnom prints of yesterday are cm tinit do • wit their
talent elien'is bile they raise their subscription:
Touts, Mtnciiiry Mainrains' all
'Di lire:it:St:lft of Eon:lancets, Poets . ; Humorists;
Essayists, Story-T.ller s, d Editors'', and .pro.
• mis-s to Make . it ill nieriter for'
: It is the one paper' for eVerY.home. : Its fOrty
'columns of reading matter per: week constitute
ul unjultalb;le'd • - • 2 • •
•••:.N.) •VI ise•ehineorrs. Talesi.lleauties
V,;rse, Penttli:tons, BroadSideS :Hu-
Mor,"and 'polished. Editorials,. cornbine epi:
toitiize all"rhe cbarms m 1..................:
• • WIT 'AND
• The: laniband reads it to his - wife,••thi• mother
to her eitilitr , iii:-,,the. loVe r t o his'sweei-..hearti •
the to his . . chtnrade • s • and the villane
sc,hoeTruestrir to the cirele.'arnirid the stove.—
: It:is liirniliitr . to %ight•of every Man, woman
and 'Ora(' in our' country, and has regularsub
scribers in s e veral ern:vitt:tea in Ent:ripe.' TUE
NEW Ynrn Meacnavis•alse.iilentified with the
.nran„de.at pan:lutistrt. of the ;pp . ., for several
.•members:ot told high' rank in
our noble•Arnriy; and have Made themselves•aS
fitanitis. With the Sword as,:with the Pen: The
great..illtistratint artiat.of Tim: NEW YORE,
• Miiaceitit, the 'intuitable' Harley., giVes • the
paper.the,higheSt'artributesol-Fine Art ; and
yet this largoitrliTerary*erkty of the 'day pro.
...miser to surpasei'itself:in ail these • respects
rind:thelsiew tear I : . • •
. .
. , . .
.The first Nivn YORK MERCURY Novelette for
the Now Year; TO he commenced in the'..issue
of January 3,':863, is called '... • •.• ~ :,
• ' VICTORIA; .•- '. -- ' • %
The....goires, of qiistle
. .
. .
Amnon ciF ~ecLieFir GOWER.," •:13yoft, cAmpdgi,t,,,? i:EI,
. . KIRIB"," .. 4 LAIIARQUII," &0., ece. ..' .
. . ..
. .. .
•. . , . .
• The prothictions °lads dieti hed'authoress
need no eulogy., Public tnion has ong,sinee.
• peonnunced them gape :or to • :any'.ot r ~nov.-
. elettes 'published.on this , side of. the. thintic ;
and - the true test of their merit is fond in the
• fact' tlit4 ,' ; they are, eagerly reprodUced„ . after
• their publication ,in the llunouss, by the
Finglish,presS: 'We may add that the nevi . tale
' • . 4:Victoria,?? is fu ii interest and depth
.cof , plet: to either of. those which have secured
so large ,a',:share ot,Pablic aPproVal,•,entl we 'On,
earnestly recommend 'it to all storp.readers.
ie Sold by all news
• , men and. Periodical idlers je America. To,
subacribersiit.is' regularly mailed every Satitr..y
• . ( 1 4. 11161. iiPit , fdr.',s 2 year;' three
. coPies' for .
sfik six 'Copies for *2;
,sight cOpiee . eoi $l2, With'
eXtr a cnnydroe,'. to the get ter up 'of the club,
SIX Ativalic,
toriti ylainly tire name of yFur'Post Office; Conn .
ty "end .qt ate ': We .1 "Fe v :9?kfiotOil or I, solvent
'Ramo ; _ at-par. Payment must invariably .I;6' to
copies "Bela; free'to all
Address all 'iett ers and.reiril tta nces, post paid
!,V . . tCAULDWZr.i.L . &IWI - 11TNEY,`
Proprietors of efte Now .1174' Illereory, ,
4.l..,Fttltery siFeet;, , New Yea: City..
:., It was over at last. sun which,. had .
,walked through the Fong:hi:Yore:of that
terribleilay r hellgonide.wiiiti a.column
hey'onil•the.ivestern [haat:at:a:aye'
:coming' out Swiftly; like goideiypetals scattered
All over an . - • • . -; •
And the 'stars looketl'doWn'on. the battle field
'as they`,fiarye•corrie out :and looked • cloWn, for.
seores,years' . en the. fair young land which*.
'has: arisen st rength 'and:
. bertiity, - ontil amid
all. ;he nations, there were'noacto• : Comnare
'With- her—On . thegrea'faities that Were .' hung
like jewels•on het. green liosorni.‘•On the brOad
'harvest elds that 'waved - theirliesies..or joy
through. her. goltlen'summers-on• the houses
where • tiiectwellers: thereof Sat peecefurand..
.happy undt!r• their Oviip _Vine'sind:figtreeon all ;
this had the' Stars whiCheame •up night. by
night to the '.Watch'towers.of-•the sky, looked .
until at last
..there'eame change-and'.. now
Where the hat vesibad waved-their locks in the
summer Windi.Wa's the, 'most 'terrible sight
svhich the 'sun had ever beheld—the-conlliet.
had raged hot that • ••• •
•• 'The'-..heartS of :The:. distant mountains hart
; shuddered with. the : thiirtrierof. cannon, and
,the'earth I-ad drank in blood as :in:aufumn'she
'drinks the equinoxtial rain; ':but,, at last the
dity's 'awful work , was, 'done,. and'..the'`night
Winds lifted' the grafbanners of' Smoke -from'
the battle' field. • ,
1 .• 'Tbe'air was fall.of . ,,hear,.an'd smell of pow
der;:.the deadlay thick together, .•with 'Stark
ghastly face's On. thetrampletl.grais,' the woun
ded lay thick . .alse,. filling the, air witit - rnoans--
riderless horses rushed . terrified over' the'fiellt;
•and the dying daylight and'i i lie solemn' stars -
Watched - over all: -• .
. A, little way'. from the battlefield tan a small
.strearn,.makine a blne••fold_iri.the dark
'and taro wounded men had crawled to its hattl.2: ,
'fo Slake ihe:ii thirst.
.. . „ •-
• 'Add when the 'two Men' crawling. along the
banks...looked:up and • met each other.'.s• faces
they, knew they wereenernies,..and they knew,
:ton, that a few hours . ago'pach, had aimed his
rifle at the'other,..a . that aim had. made the
ghastly' vcound; . ll.'little way_ , froth "the heart;
which' had•dranklhe :life 'blood of eacli,., and
each glared dt , s'rierately•on his' advv-sary a trio:
ment,hefore he fe11.,• . • •
•• But there was no fierccness• in • the eyes: of
„these men"now, as •they sat:faCe to taee'on the
'hank of the 'stream:: the strife and the_anger
hadall gone nosv,.and.tbey sat still, dying men,
who a few hoitis'befere had been deadly fneii,
set Still•and lo . oliecl at each other. t. at last.
,one Of them spoke:,
"We haven't -.hence 'to hold . , out
much longer, I- judge."
"No," said the. other, with. a' little UT ixture
of sadness end•reeklossness....":,“Yoa ...did that
last job, of yours. very• Well, that,hears.wit
nesSt" and'hepOirited to a....round'a.little above
the heart, from which thelife 7 .bloatkvas slowly
• .
. .
of better than you did .yoOri," replied the
other with:a .grim smile; and : he; poinled.dci
wound' a little .higher more ragged
a ',deadly one. .•
And-then the two men gazed on eseb other
egain - in.itie- dim light,. for, the moon had. roine
overille.hills now; and stood among: the stars:
lilte : .a . Ottorl of great peke. And. as they fook:-,
ed; softer. feeling Stole orerthe heat tof each
towards tooling of,pity, for the
strofig, 1110 . . laid low; a "feelimior.regrect
(or that inexhorabloneeersity 'of 'War, .which
-made eaOh.inan.thO'slayor cileach other, aril at
last one. of, them . spoke : ,;
, There's Some folks in' the world that'll. feel
1.-s'phsebecaue no out nf , it ?
A pastr: Was on the' loonze-d
tures. • , . .
'• said . the man' in thick' tones, there's
one womaU. with a riffle boy and gitl,nway
among the New. llampshire mnontains,thiit. it'll
'welt nigh, kill to hear of Ibis.' And .then':the
'man groaned, out, , in bitter , nrignipli, • 191 i God
haVepity.on Wife:and elril.lren.
, . .
Arid then, the:other fli:etv closer ,to him:
' , And away:di:long the cotton-61:1s of Georgia
there's a woman and girl.whose .hearts
will hien': wheti they Gear, what, this , day : has
dritie. l ° 'And then,ri . ery' pv. itself' Sharply
out ot'his heart: Oh God have pity upon them.
Anif i TOM that,merrient the Isloriherner . And
thf; Southerner censed-to be foes:H.The thought
of tim.e ilfstant heines on- which 'the •iinguish
was small :to lall , , dreMthem -close toFther
thelast hour, arid th'e two wept like children." .
': At the , last "the. Northerner' spoke, talking
more to himself than anything else, atid . he dui
net-know thaCtheotber teas • listening greedily
',She used corne—ray little girl, her
heart!—every night to meet me when . kcame
home front' the-fieldi; nod' she worth!. stand under"
the•great plum tree tfine.siiist heyondahe hack
door at home, With the :Sunlight making .a
yelloWcroWn in 'her golden curls, - ahtl laughter
: dancing in her eyes when .she' heard . the click
of the gate—l see her there now.---and I'd take
her in my arms,. and she'd put up her little:red
lips for a kiss. .Tlnt my little girl - will' never
watch under the old pine& tree by the well for
her father again 1 shall never hear the cry; of
tiny as ehe:catehea glimpse .of Ape at the 'gate;
I shall never see
. her 'little feet running 'over
the grass to spring' into my. arms' "
.cAnd," the Southerner. Said, , ithere'sa little
brown-eyed;,, brown-haired.oirl, ,- -that .- need to
watch in the cool afternoons for. he . r fat her ov he n
he rode in , frOm his visit to the plantnitcin- lean
see.her sweet little lace shining out .now , from
the roses, that . cover the -,her shytit
boninifid my horse .ond :chased
the . little flying feetund.the lotldlaugh . ,ttif : : and
down the verandah:. .But, my darling - you will,
never. 'watch' nrtiong 'the :roses -.againfor your
father, and you anfthe•Will'never ;go, laughing
and romping up and ,yloWn the:fold .verandah2a
- And the'NOrtherner drew near.the Sotitherner,
andthetibtiettrs:stood oh his:.cOld' checks, as
rrriend may have pity onpurf:iaiherlese
children! :
eaid the Southerner,: fervently. .
s pokonor in: a' '1116? •whisper,, for
the:eyes of the dying men Weitigla?.ing fast:,'
: , Wo,' havn'foughtlik:e brave-.men -together.
We, are' going,before,Gatlin a,little while . ; Let
us now forgive each other.,„. , 2 ,
The Spullterper triedto speakiibut the sound
died'a‘Vey n'gorgle:{rom the iyhitelips; tout
• • • ••• •
, '• ,• •-•
SNIETHPOII:I', M'KEAN COUNTV,: i"..A ! ,'' SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, ',1863:
. . .
. .
I he took thichand. of the:fallen _ foe, and
. oe . aliffA ,,
erring : fingers,closed ,tight oy . er:.:ii, . and his
last look, a • smile . of • forgivenesa•
• And when the next .',mOrnines 'Sun • walked, up'
the gray stare of the dawn 'touched withi.pink;
it looked doWn,and,Saw two foes lying 'deed,
Withlheir hands elasped in 'each Other,. by: the
"Strtnitri high ran close to the battle—field;; .
, 'And the: little' girl.*ith. golden 'hair. that.
watched under the phim tree .amongg - Jhe
:of New Harripshiire, and' the liftle•. girt with
bright hrOWe hair. that . ' waited .by the • roses
. • [MICiII g the green plains of 'Georgia, were father
;.• . •
caTI attention to the Resolutions of
the Dentooratic Stittepominittee of'this Stife.
They:define -with Caitnness and clearness the
pcisiflrrn - of 'the - party on
. the,-Motrientous - sub
jects:Of war, and peace.: -They 'accept.- with
alacrity, find Meet •with boldness, the challenge
cast. down b'- the -Loyal Leaguers at
and accept :the defence: of. the' great idoett ines
of Civil' Li berty .against the • assaoltf of its
The LoyalL'eagua we's intended to serve the
.pulpoie „of the „Used- up organization of last
The•Republlcan party Jilt!. strbseneent
e.eased eiist,'
. as span as :its incapacity'. for:
administratiOn became
,manifest,Onits-riccesr -- ,
Sion: to power,;: The P.ebrde's Partyi . the . Union ,
party, the . . No-Party .were'gotifo
to : succeed it, have sunk . into dissnlittion. The
Loyal' Leanguer's were hi take their plecittad:
serve. the .purpose.ot . politician's who had ex
hausted these previons. devices; and: whose old
devices now, tailed to huinbnC,-the-people. .
Thg 'conception was • a . n ingenious one.. It
combined the Secret •Instruipentality - of the old
.Know .111fothing.todges; with the'.piiblic ma=
ehinery for arrousing populatenthusiasin. The
[lagers took . hold:of it. Mime y svis nee,
rle-I the- shoddy ',contractors,- the Go.verturtent
hankers, the hrokors who hiiVe beimme'.rich';
upon stock jelthinz..:werff reatly•to turnish the
money. TSC Til,3;ine'b9st (11 bat one .banker
offiftedtwent k*.thousaml dollars to tire ...party
tend §inecurtst (dice :holder's hol . iday Geher r
als, and thehirelittga' of party-were ready, 'for.'
:They tried it and tt failed:. Why? '...Becatie
'in crisis of the magnitude of, the present, -the
depth , of the'popular heart .cannot. be 'reached
by, shallow devices. •' Humbugs Such as Dies!
attempted 'might ..do for a day Of Prosperity',
When political iSsuesware'triviai- and the feel
ings. thi y - excite superfieitil; But now, ;the, tate :
of a Nation-is at stake,
and the, mtiaes."Will. not:
permit themselkee CO. be 'Miiled bypew-gavrs
nod flauntingdeviceS; by'eatch Words and'clap
trap -oratory;' by the cant of the Pharisees;
who. have set up the worship . !ol• 'the War Ale
loch,er the slang Of .polificians,. who*, - . ln the
!pine of Liberty and'. Freedom; propese ;to or-,
.gnoize, system . ot milttar.y. despotism 'and ar-.
bitrary power.
. These demagogues haye come before 'the
public with. masks' rnd:inuromeries. We strip
from their) their disgitisds and eqlogf!!...hefil
the people hi :their true character._' '.But .Vce.flo
.not propose that they shall avoid 'or-evade-the
contest they hive challenged... The . Deinectits
hOld . therr to it: : The acceptance wlitch .
the State. Committee ii.rive'mfule of their wager
of •trttla; Will'•behaaked by every. Denier:rat
- of the State.:-.lry.,e'very.-Democrat Of the North.
, The riuestieti is•th at of Constittitional Lifer=
Shildwritteri Coestittitioris be
'valid; shall
representative 'C,Overnmen't 'existi . shall laWs
lii .onfOrced;-' 'shall - jury trial he . preserved;
homy be sacred; •• :Shall the
• r ules of the Oriidenre,. 'the right to witnesses,
the privilleges . of appeal,. be 'assured to. a citi
zen saber accused? '. - or shall all these 'rights
be'Prr.stituterl before -the Military power,' and
C'erts'Llklartifil annul them, at
Thesis the . issue rind.the single, one, before
be,peotile. Thaltiestions of; Peace and War
are env of the lands, Of the Democracy:—
They . cennnt appolnt . 'gc.nerals nor. megotiate
treaties. They Cannot ; but.by the force .of
public opinion, coerce or 'instruct - the. men .in
power on either 'sttbjeCt. ....But they can defend
their home ' end.they -will .do-it, In'
these. resolutions they are pledged' to do - - so;
.and they will • fearleSely redeem - , the promise.—
On the subject of the' cortflia; in Chicago
between the Courts and military, .the .rourna
of Coln meied says
‘ , lt appears, then,. that. Judge • Druminutul's
order; an order of thOUniod-Stateti• Court, the
'highest tribunal in the land, the highest in' the
World, since it is of "lull, coorti on.",earth. most
SolemnlY"chaiged with the dete . nee . of
it'appears that this order" Was 'hutted fOi the
.iireserviition . of personal 'rightS" and. publie
honor,'nnd to pievent a wrong to.. b.oth.
maybe said hereethat courts Oo.nut .iSsue
injunctions to prevent military. actions;. that a
judge Might as well issue an.jnjunction to stop
o great battle., 'd'he.onl anstVer.,riecessary. is
{mind in 'thefact.that"-ChiCagn is no battle—
that at , this, very:,moment a peaceful
convention ofthe'delegates of the People • 'are
assembled there in a volantarY:tneeting td pi . -
..inote.thecorrimerce Of 'the "nation. I_ObyionslY
'theri. is 'and can, be noi . )ossjble 'reason jos ex:-'
eseisint military laWin ChiCago, to the, .extent
rif,overriding the law "of . the SUpreme,, Coart:,
EVen ifiarh.a.neeessify exist
elsewhere, the circumstatices most be viewed'
as if there ti er,. ,
. AIL crimes in Chiedgo.
are'cogniaable by the courts.
"Tiie.court, then, Was • etigagel in protecting
*great Arber'!een principles of freedom. The,
arm was ",rursed for' preeise!y.'eon—
'tra6. purno , r. in-such - a case surely the 'court
.Seems; to,be,,the arni "Which slicitillt
•be sui . tained; Athile the other "sholife
. • ,
drawn." • • , •
!'lt is theyeforp a duty we ow'eto' the' Conr
stithtion, to etisteip the court: It. wilt. not • do,
yvhen einan froposeS;to-injure hid ~ i neighbors
property ' ; for that:Man:to a 'soldier,
and therefore, no 16iig,ei " . "tiLiject.to the ;warrant
of the Stipreme Court.' piesi. Will :not
avail him in a -CivilizFa'connrnunil3 , % , "
• • * • ..• •• •
cSoefi itro aptfto letin to' der
Ous,"tesolti. Thud it , is in tlii! pc's.r . of "the
court to. order its atriichrnent enforc'ed.
F.nrorc,ing. it may make it rlicessaty 'ou't
the pos.!6 the 'lol6le force of .
ifiesoitniy, or . ylistiict.."The dolliiioit thus oc•.
cuirini"Vbetween the pe'cple aid'
•• • • .
. . ..
.. , . , .
inlitit'be. - iefy extended'hi.ita evil affeefil.'' Or'
whatie a more iirminent datiker,.the;-Opp'osi—
.tion of the Military:to law might induce: dive •
Bard of law by . the civilians,' and, ritit . :;tacd
bleollsh'ed.enque "
. .
. .
Stich ucti Americani..
to a feeling that
liberty is threatened,. and Hit - is threatened . no
Promises er.pledgeer.ivill iiifriCe to quiet' the
defenders of..ont : birthright.:'• Ole - -..have: molt
serious fearirel ready of the restilt.tO come from
theia. ill , jud ,, ed proceedints. il- • . •
• .. . .
. •• Gen....,llaCiellau.. in • Albitny .
.The noble ex-coinrietider , of ,the army., 'of
the Potamac.paid a brief Visit. to AlhanY, N.
Y.,On the 24th. inst. He intended. that.. It
shohld..be as private as .possible, but._ the fact
of his beingin the citywee sooo'kdown,..and
prepsiations were'at , once set on loot . to , give.
hith a Public ' demonstration . 'Learning oribe
inteodecfriffalr, : he sought fo avoid. it; by, leav,
ing on the stearnerit 8 o'clock,. but the.town
,ers,good notuiedlY seiused.tO , her ,go, until
11. 'o'clock, ',The' test .of the, story' we, will
let the correspcindelit of the. it relate . :
"Two hoUrs before that - ,time . ..the whOle
town in .the Streets; the bells were . rin g .
the : fireman.to .. their posts; .tbe was
alive.withrockets,bonfires and Roman candles;
cannon . itundered . . their y.‘elcome. EscOrted,
hy . a juliilant of soldiers end
:from the tioale pf Mr. Pruyn the City Hall, -
Gen. McClellan:Was fairly . takeo `out of his
Carriage:and bbrne rip to the..receptiOn .hall
not upon the. 'shield's 'Of hired Pretoriiths but
open the stalwart arms of patriotic volunteers,
who hadshared with him the laboxpohe;perils,
and the fatinvof the sable army which. 14'efis
him so -faithfully units heart 'Of hearts.' Speech •
es Weie, made by the Mayer; by the• General
himself, by. Mr..Pruyn, end by Governor Sey :
motir., who congratulated, the Democracy of
•Albanymn their determination in do.justice to
a brave and . loyal • General unrighteotisli dis
missed frosri Itis 'great crimmatid by an ineorn•
:ruttent.• and tyrannical Administration s :L.-From
the City Hall a brilliant torch-light procession,
winding, with picturesque amt's:tilting beauty,.
down the finely.slentrig.streets of this beauti,
.ful old city, escorted the General _to" ,the steam:
er Hendrick Huilsoei• arid, lie: was received; on
reaching ihe'deck, with the roar hundred
guns itud a. fresh. display, of fire Works, amid
which Le was'onee mote taken from hii earri
nge and lifted on't he popular wave to. the very
deck of the steamer. • •
..* If was interest , .
ing to see how Itttle oi a. political color • thug
whole demonstration .wore.. Here and- there
spo'railic shouts were heard for "the next 'Pre
sident;", but the overwheltriing.hUrderi"itf the
Popidar voice was,' hearty and continuous
clamoV for the,tiGeneral of-the Army. of" the
Potornaerl 'Soldiers who ,ght
the Privilege - of kissing
,or . :Pressing,
'Pressing,4lflu the Gen
etalo liapd called out repeatedly,.‘ , Go back to
'the army, and we'll all re-:enlist."' One 'man
Made his, way UP.jo, his'old •cominander, and,
turning to the crowd,' exclaimeift• ttl've , been
in the field two Nears, and I'm going hOine to
my.' ife and children, but let ;Little Mac' say
the word, and PIE go bad: with, him to the
'ooton - 111C-to night." '
; The. Malignant politicians who have sought
to riiin,Gen.McCrncLAN in the popular. esteem
will find . before long'that their efforts have only
been wasted. • lie holds , a plaCe in the !warts
'cif the people, such as is posseised by no other
living mas t and this feeling groWs 'stronger. „in
-stead of.weaker as each •successive" on straight
s . na de upon him by hiS enemies.
. .
, . .
~.. Piirsiton Firtilkirirow , in n letyirto•an Abolition
League inecting in Chicago, IlSeci the (ollok•ir,g:
language: •
. • ( , You citizens of Chicago roll you rs , (tlves.loy.
an, you glory in'yOur I riyalty; ; you proeinirti ' it.
titian* thn*trcTts, nntl herald it in yOuir • presai
and ()centre it • from "everk. plat trwm, bra . it costa
•70441114. , , •be 1 *LI here hi - far
fron'!, danger. Lotjall jYradsto the field." • '
. . . .
A lady . i in speaking of P gatheiine Oflawyers
to ;ledicate e ilw Court—house, said 'she sup
posed they had fioue"tn" view the ground whore
They must shortly lie! .',.: • ~.. " • '. '. ' "
..•A pbYsician at one of 'theParis hospitals htis
just cored a cnseof delirium tremens;• brougbt on'
by e,7ccessiv.e drinking, by . the singular' remedy
of subjecting - the patient, to..the constant
df. the vapor of spirits. The platy : is not
new; havintrbeert long ustid' in SWeden to rad.
ically cure drunkeness. The persons addicted
to drink.are sluit up , in a.cell, and 'al I, the food
supplied them is impregnated with brandy.. At
the end of four or live days'they became com
pletely. disgusted W.ith the taste, and smell,'and
they come'otti radically cured. 'The. slightest
smell of spirits at last makes ; them. shudder.
. , .
A curious experimentis . said, shortly.•
, i
to , be tried- n London - to..turn• the. : sacrcity
rags to good.accotint.: A rog .collecting Brig
ade is:to 'be
. fOrmed, to 'consist ol boys—of
course otlielwise neglected and uncured for—
who are fo.lie orgAnized under a committee. and
Who are to go:l6m doer to door,aSking whether
:there-are any rag,a.to be sold. . The boys ore to
have trucks, and will be furnished with weights '
and scales, and will bny . raisat aseitled price,
giving alr,iinted memorandum•'for the weight
.ariti..price. The. rag .brigade, like
. the,,r . shee.„
black'brigade-wilt be dressed. in uniform, and
will be under proper control and care,• morally.
.Mts•raans.--The editor, of the Star of the
Nest turniilies ; the folionlinginuilest attempt
at 'c'or'recting rather wide-ppiead 'mistakes:
Ills a rnistake'to suppose that the subserip , -•
two price -of paper ^is elear to: the
TtiSa mistake to think' that 'he gets'.
white paper for nothing: . •
'a' mistake to "suppose that it •is jtriilied
'inittiotit: cost.. • • . . , „, •
It is. a Mistake to SuppOse . ,,that he can-live
bodilphy faith. ' , •:• • , ••
•Itis p mistake to think easy - td-.please
' It is's, mistake sitppdie' thei-moner'due
for.a paper would Ate .just; as . to Os
o yetir fioqi now,as it-would be, now; '
It is t a-mistake. to.suppose that he vrePiii , not
be tinokful for 'whet. is due him and for new
stibecribeii; • • '
' '3 , ~ t ' '.
,'• , . •
-r., ' '
, •
s "`',
' ''' l
5'; t r t,..7. 4 ;; ; ; 'r tt (4'l N.. , I 4 * ;
. f -, • - ' . . 1
'.; •••:. .., 1 t.. 4 '' ' ' '''' 1- ~, , ‘..' -', , i eil',,,h(tiOti t' , ' , o 7, ,)glilkl ,
3 y ~ '
•, ,s,':
• -. t. ~ ... , A ••Y r '. • '''' '''' ' ' \'' t, I.'' ii fir= I'p' ~ -.4-11.,, , : ;
r.' :PP:AO k '
. "' , ‘1 - . ,'.. ' ' " 1 , , '`..,,•;""'' —, j , ' ' . 0 ,W144 4
_. , ~..6 , , , . • ' ' - .: ' '•.• • ; ' :1 ' rij. , 7 ' - ' , . s ';''. i ' ‘ ,° !- , S O - 41 " 3 '" + ," Vt',47o , .
- ,, , i ~.., t,i t , -•3 ,-,, i!,t.,t-i ~q,- , ,yr01, "air ,
' ' '," ' ' 3 it , -T l '3iJ' 4 i''''3•3i . ~ 0,;:r 1.4..' 4 ",t .
'''' • ' , . . .I.:. a , .. , 1 , , , ,'• 4.1 -, :.* t , .. , I= , " ',( ' -' 54:14m ' '
''''''' 4 - -, :'::::'liold r pOldier . ..o4 l6
:,.„ • .
The Lduinville 'Journal, of , dbe
ciintsine ...'. • :
LientAhrraty, of Park . Barra4s,hrouglit,th,
our office list evening . a.Young girl
,in Federal
:uniformokbo.wasYttirested.by Sergeant, Fur- %
ray; of,,,the' Patrol 'Guard,. yesterilay,•...neer the.
railroad:. She
.stateethat her name • Liize
Compton; her parent's died: when shewiia an in:,
tent Andersoircounty,,Tenn., and strangers
brought her up. Sbe : fared Very well Until the - ,
rebellion' hroke .out, .when sheivairlivirig with
Elijah Scherrnerkorn, whowai furious sacesa,
innist; hnd shas since joined •,the :Contedrate
army:. wan . true tn,the and with
female detertnitolit oven occasions ,asseried
her loyalty, untiFtlinmari • attettpted to punish :
her tordierslitielity; when she left her home,and
found her'wej to a Federal regiment, thigcceind-
Minneioti,.we . thlnk. For the last months
has been, knovvris Jack, and, although
hot More. than. sixteen` years old, has :gone
through a. great dealt Of service . ., Col.' 14tondy,
commanding this ;gist, propoied.tO tier to resume
ihe,habiliments.of,heir sex and take a position
ue hospital at tividant, and re=
iterates her determinirtion o,ttio die .before she
.wears anythihg . else lint Uncle saro uniform,
until the war is over.", :In this., reeolve.alie
teems iirtlexihki end says she' can.,tlin'but
.She has a pleasaht fore, , inielligeni eyes, end
,dimpled cheeks, and is :at present domiciled .at
the Park Barracks', • Ifer,conduct, hs we
,con learn; has been irreproachable; and, she:leers
perfect confidence heini".able.to protect .her
hell. • What future disposition . will be' muffle
of her , has not-ye . t
,been deterrnined....We: shit))
at this rate door , have a battalion , of female re-
, . .
We would not say, to AP 'young' w omen;
thouand dO eWjae,". but there.are certain of
the. Hear, arnotteohose who are conirddistingoisb•
ed from the i‘ fernde woinen!''of the day—iknawn
as the , fstrong-mind!;d"—tp Wnom the'injunC T .
lion would well apidy--to Miss ..Diekinsonjor
instance,,y . r.hoy . wiring .he ray
de,iv,erine.stump speeches, which tire', rematlt•
.able only for . their falaebooda, , indelicacy 'and
. .
. ,
On Monday there, warn: a •charter. election,
held ii Washington, and,the result is significant
the administration candidates, with power and
patronegelo aid; being - badly beaten; The
i-lidminitdration candidates tar. the general
city' offices were elected by Majorities .ranging
ticirn 1;300 to '2,0001 and •the •councilmen.
the Same 'ticket. were, elected in . the several
. .
• Solitierri who . , have been diettrxed, ire
now ptlysirally, tit for.the kervico . h are liable to
droft 'under: tkke .conscripttoli
. act. •
The lollowing ion.'epeeitti despatch r to• the
New 17orlt. ' • ' •
. .
I.r.)4l , lrermi; Ky:;June 4.--grlitor of !Irk New
York.TVl:rld: • Haying been : directed :by the
Nesident of the United Sate to revolt° that
'part of.' my . order •• seppressing .the 'Chicago
Tfrote.o have reyoked the nntire 'order; and
your nailer...will - lie allowed Ili 'circulation' in
this department. A. flenasum, Maj. , Gen. .
uro . mio, June 4.'--The Chicago, Toned hay
issued a papei this -Morning; thn military
tonic possession,of the office and remained en
, til evening, Whi4f a . telegram was' received by
1 the prOprietors from Gen. Burnside saying.that
his order suppressing their: circulation. having
been:revoked by..the President,. they ti . are, at
liberty, to continue, 'its publication,.
• :
. ((Tits: Multitudc;," says Forney in 'the 'Philo-.
delphiasPres..l,'n few days si:ncei'""rarely: coal,- .
prehendsen idea, but it follows a threat or ' a:
command," This sentiment. fitrnishei a key
to all the'recent arbitrary akeofihe tulminlif
tration. .It. has no faith in the lnyalty of "the•
people .or their reverence forlaw, but supposes,
as all weak rulersitave done in timecpast, that
force alone. is. 'efficacious. with 'the masses of ,
men. Forgetting that they are he servants.
of. the: the peor‘le, and therefore bound. to obey,
the members of Abe -administration imagine
themselves the so'vereigns of the people, whose.
• function is to compel. This hal been the theory
• •
of all ‘veak and'. wicked rblers' The o'nly• hu
man emotion they ever dream of appealing to
is that of which.they are,mnst conscious them
selves—fear. depende.
popular intelligence, judgment,,, loyalty,' for- .
bearance, is simply impossible with . riderti
whbseronly panacea for toner al'. discontent is
force, The administration of .this country,.
operating under this fatal theory, is turning
against fit: the conacience, the enterprise, the
loyalty, the respect of. the yvhole country.. It
has lost all moral power, tiud will soon . be : too
contemptible, folio • feareil.:-4frorid.
•. . '
, .
as Allen was' the first . minister' of . Pittsfield.
When the American ,' revolution, commenced,_
he, like the great body of the clegy' aideritly, -
espoused the cause of the oppressed colonies,
and bore his .teatimerty;against ',the ,oppreeeion'
of the mother..country. When in . anticipation
of the conflict which tinally,.took . place at Ben—
nington, the 'neighboring country sStas'raUsed 'to
arms, he. used his influence, to,increacethe band
.of patriots, by exciting his townsmen' to 'pro
c4etl . to the battleground. A. company was
raised 'in hie parish and proceeded. Bearing of
the delay, he proceeded immediately to join
them, and his; influencts'A uielcsn'ed their
and ,soon;.presented , , them^ to General. Stark.
Learning from h im.that• he meditated - an attack
on 'the enemy, he said -he would 6ght but coald
not bear ,arma, against then until he had invited
therii :to submit...:,'. He was.insensible,-10,,Ieai;
and accordingly proceeded so, near oe, to *aka
,himself diatinctly heard in.their camp, ;, Y?f,.), , ere ,
after taking a'stand on ,convenino eminence
he.'crimmenciid hie . pious,,exhortationtsi;uFging
them to lay down their
ed. by a volley of muskerry,.which'JOilged 4heir
contents in the lot,so9:#,hieh het - stood ? „ - , Tarn. :
ing calmly. .to a, friend, %OM., had . ..,fo)lovvud ;
under cover of the brenitwork, which' ; ' (00114
his.footstool, he, saicii , , , Nctitr, prtg ;. a Op t '
and that is said to tie•the first gun which 'Ore
on. that. memorable .ocoasion.-!lie contlpued,ip
bear hit port WI the battla was let iderl, in favd
. of the American:lll:mb and.,contriArial,e4
tikthat reedit. , •
, • .- • •..
• • .
try. Ne't,
art %.141 , 14 . 14'frkfi .
:14 . 4
wicked writer, strings' together:the (PIA
,iH •
;extracts from his dispatehess. , t0t.t...;4r . ;
• 14:0p,re hr nu rY:19, , 1862',.., he , wt,itelti,,l9 . :,,,rlc l f, ' s
- Aflame.; was joir 'shout iimpoeti4 ypu ,he
Ao . insweis theyquerulna.ceTPlain,W.ll - :.st'4„ ll ,t
moot whichyoulhaie anticipated,the ch)tar:or
wliiehie the essumed,inedalleiVicY o l..licr!lk .
'ment to euppreee- the itlior,te,c,t
'shrewd , observer-I loyer,onchet, rpmeht,:ipt,7 ,
lied Virginian, fell in etthe moment and ez-,„
pressed to. me the opinion thot.the
warts in sightt that ;there will wihort.
Apid'eeriqe of , au ccessee . , Oiler
conspiracy, and then all will be over.", ,
, Moth 15:, lane ,porolt,,a?..
well as the physical elements of ,'the..,inSnrreO,-;,,,
Sloe semis lobe rapidly
- ; ,,approaching
' +
"On the 25th. of March * ‘;'
seeme itripossi•ble
tothe sanguinmSecretary thst, tbe.,:,,,sarganiati-,.. •
tion of the insurgents . C 411 ). be longer maintains, ,
"'On the,lsth of April he;:tells -
A few days Win PrObOtlY goTPleilisthe.P 6 h ( nit;
of the, i ssisSippi. riVer, ~and ',restore
cotintry.that , natjonalioilht of the „great
nary of . Amer s ica disunion 'Wits ante,
ness has temporarily,.attempted,to obstr uct,
vinlation..kor more of political lawit then pfAht„
oidininces pa titre. . •
:6224 April:. We have • reason to;
yannah to come into our pessesliortirithin i ithe,
next tell days." ".
4 .5 th IVfay;.!Weehall.have peace 'and „
in' a very few montbsp.let France ,itnd,, l 4oa;,
Britatrido whel . they,tnay.,! ,
660 n he. 10th, of At ay ,he 'Arid; „
ft,. year will w itnees. the, dies:Antler:Of aft'. the
armies; the, iron clad navy., rest. ,
lyin "our,
ports; tuxes ,willdeciesse; end
new States , will ; by coming, into . thri cOnfede7
racy, bringing ,rtch . contratiitioris td the TOM rittff
comfort otmenkinP.., „ 4
16.01 lune'2(:,6.Thel,lVer in .ihe:;Mts , olefi p et.
'Valiey,may be deemedyiVt erded:
.4 e the, 15.01.1tili;hisiys: 4 The.'redaetfii.
'of•Yjelshe the poseeis . we Of„Chitanpege . „
and, the'apture Ofßichmond,Would
civil war With ,complete „success., •;Ait'..f!me,
't hree enterprises ;rap igidditm,wtp . d.,•
termer, will, we think, be ,effected withip the
Add to this Seward's -.memorable . 'dthintflieV".
days'? liettee'pioptteiy; and, preefy's
nine: hundred thonstind:.,emencipartid
and Gee. Andrew's unrealized, blaek army . pro a,
ject; and Hooker's.promlied annibilation.otL s eep ,
stnrise 'shall see how ,ofteii 'Hope t hie told' sc
flatteringlale. •
;.'Titt . eo;t.i:p4•!ii,.Q . .m•,7i.v.: - ;':,:::.'.,,
. .
'the Neyvtorlt I :,4 ,v'enietk,rost,a'bltiCkitep4li =
licari.napei;''very fruly's'aYs;;` • ' '
governthent • will ' altteitti rcioselY.',th
4 entlemeri'Will'gictindAght , :
theertemy, we:'shall:,fidat.lesst of '.arinstii , ,stie,'
other abuses of home; bat to; try;itolituent of ';
tenders by Milltary
the, rebellion; to Oryest women for flapidni,tlfele . ".
crinolines at
,the star epangled . hannef' :itot
put, down. the; rehelliont,gbut
. fo 'Mail,
armies rind to ,so p'ap • Our Bummer campaign
'as to defearinuk, and destroy th'e robot'armies '
that will put anend t not only;t6 'the
but to all-mischievous , and silly hutinifeettitlOntr:
of sympathy With it Which appear to :the 2 1Yeet .
.„. „
Taken (ion) so loyal a•Souren, we trpet
above extract,will,ruit. be Considered: ireiteani-t:).
able, Alid will 'only add that f.dtiring' Oust
two yearsrthe L' i ncol'n administration' has gad'
at command men, and Means ; enough
to haee'
conquerOd, if, properly handled;,' any nitlgn':'qr:
E oropemore th'anthe 'plapideon'
Mantled in unit' two. ears of his eventrul;Cafaiii:':
more Oita ATexander had with.vehrelf;lB 7 :ion• : '
quer a World--:..and'yet oiler all 'thie hrocittl hes :
been ve a stnd 'and this, enormous treasure tguari- , .
dered,,whst' good resat ' ha's been attitnetrt
Will t•orne unqueStioning.stiPpOrter of: the'
ministration tuiesirearatriot
. A PPOlWriti Cl;ZltK.—Tnomp,s Brawn - II brOlt;. ,.
er of "Old John'BroWn," the' hero .o.f. the Hitr-6.:
per's - Feriy 'massacre, has been , aptioitited:!*;
a s2,ooo'clerk'ship in theTreasuryDepirtmil
havini.beCome tried Of the army'and tesign.'
ed.-- - Washingian pri)mr . .. •'
We think the Browns . (the'iine•t!nd
'of . told John,") are now tirnvided:.:lor,'.`all z , of ,
them having been qUartered,ution'theGovent - '
client at Very arittg stilatieS. , 'After : tgold''Johlt:
Brown"- had *made hie niuidereuerisid opals the.
women and"ehildrerforilafper's P•erryo,the"Re7c
publiCans, or Abolitionistsi began-to think 'thek
haflgone toe far, and tenspted to divest them.'
selves or the reiponsibility of that aet . ...hut no'
sooner Were they power than' they .exhibitr:
Ml' the 'Moat •ntarked:effectitin for' ' BiOvVne
and' the favors of:thi Adrhinistration have'been
'extended tO them' ever since. The John Brown.
raid was a:portion of .the'pla'n.adopted by'. the:
AbolitiOnists.fo. involve opt' Country' in. civil .
Cartiild Volunteer: '
FIGURI4. 4 no Not Lis,r-TheTrArtee,- says
Lee's army at the tirrie he crossed to give him
battle only counted 50,000 then. The •'
Faye Hooker's armrat , the eamelime number
ed 109,300. rron.' It 'hint , appears 'Abet .witts,
more than three • tirrieS :Lee's .artny, - ; , .liookar..
*es rina.ble to *hip him ih,rhe • , fitstc fight, ;end
,imable•to do it with twice; and a. hall his num.
bet of, men atter the got ,his.-reinforcetnerits: ,- ; . •
A conrding to•the statements Of Aber 'Z'riourte
and Tinsels, Honker'S loss in killed.'end,Woupded,
in the several battles, alnotintedlo•;onlr.111; 000
18,000,,Which, ikit the; 4pr4cinera- e mpptutet
by the' enemy; numbering free ,or iiritltoueand'.
more i.vcould.makcthertotal.loss 4 from ,: i4 ,ooo
to 2'4,000:! Lee it iitstated-hY.thUttiatnitituth - s
orities,. loat inoterhaiii.HookeHlid,etii about 3 9 ,
006 then—exceeding half hie origtorii forcet;,oo
could nothave teerl•3•.reinforced more Altai
10;000 mert.laThit *odd Teaie hirkwitoieldrait;
after: his
Jaeltarir van sviur arbost inihirriselfr=frotiiii 39l
0003 to'4o,ooorteni ••. -Before !rbili....tentall ) foto.
Hootterrietteiteit withlan army which after' oil
His Abesifs ;ist illininhereitl36,ooo,rneetr :or 'bowl
fogs to t onerif the p o netoy.:-..,Hod:mtieh
:for ;lb4
k e niralshig.no . d.ftettinci - tin alitibir: O ti.tbet,itto k.
Napoleon -I•llrerscirofk,littateL,' 4