M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 06, 1863, Image 2

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    i;ii.• , ,. 4 .'‘ , '.i.,i ., •:•' , k45z.;:i , k'.. ,
D1W, 1111 ;
!Ort?It 6111 ) -e, ife!!'c'e, 7l . ;
L a rArtti t ,; ; l;yent, optimist: from that
rmikkie4Muigeon.in theynited State!,
tba imboUght inflriges ol the people . 'Ol
injustice done. : him hid "more`
do with' the . ' pislAtical revolution;,:in New.
thenall. other causes :• combined.—
-';;Edson s.' , '. Olds, .of , - Ohio; was ~ trinaferea
!;.`f s; rriiiti JoileinearUeration , in st; Military prison'
to 'the Senate. ot, that: State, from
Which Under : other cfreurnitincek wmild• have
,dpuhttul,. Anit. • which' , "
. gave, • hini 1,000,
,majority, as. a rebuke; his' prosecutors: •
There ii to -days hundred men , anxious, ., to
resent the 'wrong drine . to Tallandighern where
titr;re was one rho'sympathized•w it 11 - him be,
foie b i le arrest:, enemies have .made his
''..Ol4itiori id the 'OcivernorshiP`. of Ohio
. 4 sure'
„ .
thing:—Tioga , lc . Brad jciht Battier. • ••
ATtini AT, Farnumasstuia.-L--It .is
.Teportell front Fairnouth that about one hund
of. the 20th -New York two year's regi-
Meat tiefused.t& •crois',the Rappahannock •to
:the lati attack .on Fredericksburg, on the plea
• that-their 'term:Of; enlistment had exPired.
.'"ghesi men, 'hay& since .been - court:inartialed
• %arid ienteneed.by.their. division Commander,
Genetil Howe, to'hard labor-during-I-the-war,
• , 'with a forteitute of all -money due them by
thu Government: -• • • . • - •
I _,.MOtret Rirao.-It is not generally known
that the bald peak in the. South . Mountain,
neat:the isMatintain House," on the border
of Frederickand
,Washingion countiess, where
the gallant and "accomplished :General 'Reno
fiJl~ is nanied end knotvn -.by the inhabitants
or that.vicinity as "Mount Reno," nn honor
of, the lamented hero. This is a befittsng
tribute to his memory, and no. nobler monu.
meat could record his faine, than the
ing-miuntain Which was. the scene'-of .hie'
martyrdowto the cause oh liberty .—F'rederirk
When' tiFighting Joe Hooker" Was asked
by The . war committee, why, our army did
not takeltichhiohd after 'the •battle of Seven
Pine's be answitreds with . thlit . unparalleled
modesty for Which he. is. diatinghisheit, •
' want ofhapacity in the commanding
Geheral." • . • • • . .
.1f anOther -War Committee , should .ask
441 0ighting Joe'.'• the'esuset of oar late' disaster
on the Rappahannock, he might repeat iris
answer as above withotit mueKdanger. of con•
tradietion, • • -
It iaatated •that _Rear Admiral Foote has
•entirely•recovered from the wounds received
at Fort Denelson. He laid aside crutches
about . three weeks since, and has offered
his'sevices,to the Secretary .of the Navy, rea..
itly *for a , command . afloat, and , anxious 'to
again • take•ao aFtiie part in the war. He
Is now, as he has been since hie , partial re
novery,at tffe.head of. the . .importent . Bureau
• of . Equippient and Recruiting for the Navy,
in Washington. • • . • • •
Theßiclitnnnd Sentinel of the 19th; ;says:
—lt is reported that the Confedefate anthorities
have' determined to detail one Federal eat).-
tain and . one lieutenant; with a view of ,re
taliating in kind. for the hanging of two .Con-'
fedetite •offieers In the West, by" orderOf
. .
A Cincinnati dispatch; dated. May 23, says::
, A Leith/Ville diipatch . says that the reliels
IN cirtainly praparliw for the invission of en
tuck'', and that ' the forward e
movement' will
be erode about the Ist 'of inne. • . , .
On the 20th instant a party of them ad e a
'dash on the Memphis branch'of the Nithvi Ile
'road,, and burned the extensive trestle 'w rk at
Hampton, twelve miles from Clarksville The
only rebel forces ' in, .Kentucky are ving
bodies of guetrillas; but the rebels are cer 5 0... t
ly preparing fot an invasion in June.
, Morgan' bee left his command at Monticello
and . gone to , Sparta, Tennessee. Pegram's
forces are still , between the Cumberland and
Monticello. There has' been some '. picket
skirmishing along the river; 'but po important
Lartica yaoth GEN. CARS.—ThO folloWing
letter was addreised by'Gren, Case.to a mitt—
jog.of the Democrats Democrateof Vyaehington . Co:, held
;on Monday etteninp, . . •
' • PITTSIIURO, May • 15, 1863.
.712essers. , Gibson, Braden, Brady, find Hart
Corainittes-r-Genta:--I have received your very
flattering invitation to he . presilnt,and. address
masmeeting of the Democraci of W'aihing
ton county on the 18th instant. I Wonld with
pleasure:accept your invitation to. Meet: you
in eirincireis that day, were I not under an
• engagement which .cannot-possibly be. post •
paned, to be in the Stete.of Ohio ,on the day
of your _ meeting. . • • .
1 have came to look with almost qa much
'solicitude upon the action
.of the Democratic
party in its primary-Meetings as for the
suit of the conflict at arms; for th e . reason
that it is now clear to nie.that the perpetuity
of our 'present form-of governinenr.rests on
the patriotism; intelligence, forbearance and
consistent course of action by the Democratic
party.- l i be Jacobins' and , radicals, whb • are .
the leading spirits of the party in
' - power seem as intent on destroying • our civil
'rights.sa in whipping the 'rebeli into sub=
potion'. it' s our duty to insist. On the pre.
llervation inact-of the form of government es.'
•.tahliehed in 1780', and that the territorial
'limits of the ,
,nation shall never. be diminished.
':To attain this end we ;must see that the goy.
arms:lent is net allowed to ' tall to , pieces. We
most hold the executive agents of the goiri
ernment to.theirduty, until we , can, by means
of the ballot-hex, put in their, stead those who
:will administer the government at: it was
framed hy their ancestors.
', ••- ' • Verytruly yours;
. W. CASS.
Psoacvarrtort tit IND/ANA.—We have , reeeiv
. •
ed this • morning
.6 copy. 'cif. the South • Bend
The•editor vi;aa notified by
that leoniuminatis' ass , Hake% to. •discOn
tinue his paper•or•bovir thelnee to Seal. . The
editor prefers to discontinue. rather :than sill
hi a soul at the bidding ofsuch a . ,poor wretch
ap•Hiseall (or.:Rascall.) He 'therefore :closei
up:his newspaper with.a manly editorial, from
~ which we extract;.• • •• •
• nor now accept • periona . lly 'dia-
upon wkick anytncpt,'ltit
ea .' ' u{koiiiy;. • may * i'... solphly propose,
46: °r. '
°fa ' a .misiion t 6 .1t5,....110 Pio'
*itiiiii'44'4"4?343 P 'therekre . becatisei
•":,,,-, ; • r I; , ca ll ing. . A n d , .
Allan laFf.•l 4 - • . • • out . attention , beeanse .
- " 'Wrne ' Re'i'ill ' reggi! ' ' " -
of nrbitial
'''''''l llir ' ..- i - ' ilit the (batman:in an
',,-..iiiidnf.;noc2 t and tr io ' at i... lenvy, bbotlesa
.' !4O q t ,,___**;,..rat ; kin44,lli treasury ;, and teal*
;;-:4lfrepa,,i.r'rf;,,. 7,-- .; . ; , •.hi,mirtviAoni''Oat cornea,
, ' ;' . ,i 1 4# 1 ,:,.4, it i. kiting , , 'l4 :ii ioe, a f, the. ;Wag inter toxic
' :ic: O..ir il g ,gi v !, ::.. Pl ' - i;!!. - i;St;:Lii.,',,i.... m i ty tie nllowed
nt:4lo.2lP.: . ti'; ~ 1 1 1 i c airii,ini , :tii4...Foituaf ri . %vs7
:r..:Y ; titl7 l l 4 7'sa lf il if* l '' ': tiiikWiV::initention': frpo. : h : A ,
i1..49 '' t w ithout . ; fisithei :;reOpeFt to fur
;4*.#o,.i'llo4' l , ,
.;; , •,., ~
,-- , , : . : i .., .:, :., •• ... ..,
.*: - itfliti r eifisii4.", '''''. . ~.. :.. • ..* . ' •':' .. ..' ."--
Saturday., june 6;1863.
. .
~:srpmePow4ll, of Elk connty, hos been op
pointed.Entolling.Commissioneri.nnds Dr.. John
'ilocklin, of Clear fi e ld , Examining Surgeon for
this Congressional diStriet...... • •
, . .
, . ..
-...AeyondFriday ltie : 2'2, we'.ate not in,ponsea
sicin of the events of 'tit.sie;geexcep . t 'through
meegie. telegraphiCinnottneetnents, many of,
which do not seem' to be confiCnied:
.ktlispatchnf the; 23(1 Soya that:there-was ri9,
. .
'fighti . nritntitat . tlay,,folleviing . the assault I of
Fritlay,.bulthtit our troops, were.intren . ching'
and digging rifle pits,'Othling that our loss, the
previoun,day.wpoabout .
. .
It: having been .•Rreviously' atuniuriced: that
Gen; Johnston Was. collecting tere'es :in 'the rear
- elGen.,Gialit; determined : th . rhise - the siege
Oossible;caearrywere sent out; to reconnoiter
hi liosjtjon, - and',the country was, assured that.
ben. giant waa prepared for and: able torepudie
riniietiel.jittack from . that'directien
: - .A'staffetoer frdm Gen: orant's army,:whci
leftit-on ihe 27th, made the following stateL
mente in Cincionath-:'
Three-assaulta had been mode by'onr.- forces
upon, the rebel strong,hold,in -r all of which we
were repulsed. .•.• . '• • •• •• • •
The last assault Woe. made by Gen. shermain,
with 20,000 Men, in which
,we lost 000 killed
anaa large : nuarlier wounded.. • • •
Our outer:line ie within one hundred yards .o
Our sharpshooters prevent the rebels from
working their - piss , ~..• •
This olficerslso reportsd that. Gen,.• Grant ,
hasrtaicen 8,400 prisoners, aitd.Bl Pieoes of or-
A Cairo dispatch announ.ces,t'hat• One hun—
dred and eighty rebel 'officerS and . fonr .thous—
nnO two hundred privates, prisoners, had ar—,
rived ihrre. . , .
The• third assault, sPoken of above, : togk
place on:Monday, the 25; • Sunday, as . wejlitias
Satniday having been . appar . ently. • quiet. .The
fighting inked trorn 7 a.- in., to 9 p.. rw., when
there was it cessation orhostilities . to bury !he
dead, asked fur by Gen. pembeiton.
.A. rebel dispatch.of the 28th contained ru—
iners that Gen.. Banks bad crossed the ,Missis
sipi at Bayou Sara', apparently with the; par—
.poie of. reinfetcing Grant:, . The same dis . pitich
said:that '•the slirgi4er of ihe , Federals . 'was
far, graater in..theaseault • upon .Vieksburg tham
to anY-battleduring:t.he war.", •
The bemoeratie. State Convention meets at
Harrisbarih'oh Wednesday, the 17th' instant,
at which a cahilkilaie. for Goverhor
.I!fict.r.:Aopst:—Our old friend L. .Roridas has
"returned from the, war," end is aliotit : olfe--
sumo the' publies,tion 4f the Miner:
pleased that anopposition pa pir has'egain.'beeti
sterted: Mr. has our beSt
.wishes far per
ionet'success; while the s , l)emocret" wilt-neu
tralize the evil effeets upon the .cemmunify'ne
,eisioned:by Oa false teaching or the “Minei.',
WHAT'NEXT, PRAY? —The Louisville Itiierdal,
states that Mr.P..olow,'An. enginer on: the Big
9raigagle, was. arrested by : the. prOvoit
guard yesterday afternoon 'for using . langUage
deregaiory,to Dr. Fry; hospital• surgeon . at Nevi'.
Mr. Vallandidehammas, at last accounts the
guest...of,General Bra*g at 'Shelbyville,_. Tenn;
'essee.lt is reported7that 13ragi has been in
structed-by Jetf;Dtiyii-t6.tender Mr: Valland
igham the oath of allegiance to the Confederaey
and than if he refuses to take it to,: send him
back-to the North.- • . • .
Gideon Sevres was•'arrested , yesterday
Albany and held to bail on a charge Of attempt
ing tribe a meMber of the Assembly, to, vote
for the Broadway Railroad Bill. • •
There is a prospect of a union betweeir.t he
Donglas snd Breckinridga Dernocroey of Cal—
ifornia preparatory: to the aPprOat. iiit;g, State
election.: . The. main plank of the' tubionists
will be opposition -to' that adnninistritiOn;s
objectionable nets. • • . . •
The Court matrial iii the ease Of General
Corierin: . for shooting Colonel Kimball fins
concluded its investigations.. The reault is, a
jestification ot the General. • • .
, .
J. R. JoyE§, Colonel of the fit3tb .regiment,
Was killed in an engagement
,with the rebels,
recently. Capt.. C. C. Moses was slightly
wounded in the same e'ngagemant. •
Mass meetings. have been• held in various
citiva.' protesting against and denouncing the
illegal arrests of the Piesident.
The supreme Court of the Stste of New York
have issued a Perpetual injunction against En
ten'and Jenkins, for counterfeiting Ayer's Ca 7
thartic Pills holding theM responsible. for - the
cruel -imw.ition in what they' , have done , and
restraining theni from furtherlike injury to' the
peblic: It any 'class of our People more then
another needs the interposition Of law.ro shield
them from imposture, it..is the sick and suffer=
ins Who are unable to protect themselves. A
remedy so, universally employed as , Ayer's
Pills by all classes, both to c'ere . and prevent
disSase, should as it does,' .have evey security,
•the la w cin'atTord it . ; from counterfeit and im
itation,—:4Cabinst,. Schenectady.. •
IT CANT' DISOAP6D7 -- We are assured by
'holiservives whcrhave used D. B. DeLand' ' &
Co.'s Chemical Seleratua, that it cannot dis
plated from their domicil; while they preside
over the households, foi• which it they always
have light, beautiful biscuits; huebands ,
are good , natured, the s h ip don't cry, and
domesiic matters all g oothlY. It will be
solvi•esitry famiiy•where this article is 'used,
and it can be found at the best stores town.
Buy no other. * . •
, . „ • „
Cass Hort. L. if ALT.AmnavAtc,-The.
follmiring, petition is circulating in Columbus
and other parts of the ' . •
"The „undersigned: citizens Of Frankli n
connly, respectfully. tepresent: o'l4''tn.& 'Omit
sacred• rights of citizens . ore guaranted by the
CanstitUtion of of our.' fathers.' It has heert'
-iiiolatedby.the arbitieryarrest. of Bon. C.
•We. thereloe.dernatid of the
?resident of the' United Stntes his 'immediate
and unconditional release.', , "
, • Poivran . lT it,.Coaranoron..--Greeley's fan.:
Cy sketch,- or troC portrait_rather, .of a swinA.
ling Government:contractor, is a .fine piece . of
humor, and' if it vere not , too sorrowfully true
might well. excite ”.unextinguiShable
„ .
'•4 , 11-we had the artist's bend and.eyes neces 7
sdryVorthe parPose:and- equal to
.it r we shbuld
Itke, tOriodel.a.,coritractor .the :cormorant
species; and telect - tire lay•figare
:through thetak l nitYing• citice and hamlets .of
,the North::' . .the.faeeshotild be of . bratis:::moul
froltigirns. long since burst; - the 'heart of
iron made frOm-Ints olunserviceable„martara;
the paunch should be . stuffed..with. ritsty . pock
and mouldy bread; but the :feet -be of
. pure,treastirY *gold; .around . ' the Si . ..dders we
wrialtl drape : a piece of 'caavass'eur from a--die
carded tent ;.upon the legswe - would-pnt 'a pair
shOddy'inekorr*lhltii'in, the...hand we would
'place Itliistoldangeiona•onbr to the user; while
Shoes with paper soles should guarit.the golden
. feet;'—the *hole toile placed.-for. the, admira
tion of-rt Wt.—ridden community, upon a .chair
-constructed from the timber Olsorne- cendemn,
ed transport, bought for a great- price rind not
Werth a-little one:: We appeal to P.- T. Barn
um,-Esq.,the.great patriarch of- shOwrrien, -if
that - figitre... would not.- draw at twenty-five
centsiwith.reserved spats' at fifty. 7 •••
Thq.New Vroclamatioit.
Minn( alien birth,. who haVe only filed their
first PapersOf natuializatienoire . .now allowed
st:xty five—day. in whiCli. to. leave, the United
if they wiSh . to avisid• the . :operation' of
the -national conscript act. The 'President has
isned a proclamation .to'tho t effect. The •act.
of . Cong,ress.tnaltes male citizens' . het . ween 20 .
,and . 4s)teari of 'age, with certain exception's,
and every male person of foreign birth who has:.
legally declared his .•intehtion to heeorne'.a
pap.ers;)•a member.
'Cif the natierial militia, marls such owing mili
tary duty to the goveinment, ofr..flie United
'States.• Veiiiing that in•thiveve'rit of_ a' con-
Seription, the latter class of:, persons, haVing
neyer voted.ami,•never having 'completed their
citizenship twee, Would 'app'eal for protection
to the:several rekeseuititiv ,, s'of the respective,
Countries of their birth, sixty-five days are' now
allowed this class, of • citizens 10 • depart.. 'All
of thern.found after.. that period, will he treated
as citizens in caCt.. ,
• Lsst 'Wonns or ; " Nome 13 . 0y.—0n he ..20th
.of Sa • nuary whin the Army of the . Potomac,
by command of Gen. Burnside, was ordered lot
ward into action, Licut. J. Worthington, then
• A . . to Gen. Platt under 'the •fnreboding . ,
realized in a feW dais, that his end Wes near
wrote borne givid; directions about his worldly
alttirs. closing with'theSe stirring words;', .
4 , 1 pow go itito . bartle with a . .,light . heart,
trudting - lo 'the od of.all. - I w ill do my 'duty;
and if t die; I hope it will be with my face to
the foe: — [[[(all! wish my . reniains to bebro'.i
home, if they cambe obtained, and, buried With'
the rites of the. Presbyterian Church,: by, the
side of my. mothir,•in the, full uniform . of ,my
. .
. .
fervent.prayer is: May God restore
oar Unidni - May.our country, again *united, for=
everremainone great free nation; and may
her euemies.be overthrown."—§'coia (Ohio)
; .•
'A SOLDIER ' S ONNION or ' "11/LN ' ION:
An officer in ~an lowa regiment,.. who form:-
"erly resided this.ceunty, thus gives his . viewa
in regard to -the “Unioni.eaguee;' ). - think
t bat '4U.nion Leagues,'.madO up of. Min, pledged
to.enter.the . army at . ~ country's call,'
would be of some benefit; but 'leagues' Com—
'poied' of men . pledged to stay at-home and• Vote
the Republican : ltickeA,- or, -in . other word's,,
prepare for the: campaignof cannot hirof
any use to the Arbninistrition,:,as far ' as,sol-
diers aricOneerned. If we.. are. inmpelled to
fight, the South into the Union,.it is soldiers
wp want, Theie ineetinge ire very good pia;
ces for Intid-talkiii..pafriotito go and talk about
suppiessing the rebellion, and calling all 'these
Nvho hapriin.tcr differ from Ahem, 4copperheads,i
and imterrniriatingllremliite race of the' South .
'and liberating:the 'Wick.. One Of these meet
ings is the last plice•to go for l'ecruits.... Por 7
haps some of them may, be. drafted;; then the
three hundradollars would . .be. paid: quickly,
as it is pesamed leigire? is able•to•fork over;
but *old Ahat benefit: the...war power?"—
Chillicothe Advertiser. ' •., •
. .
• • The Black Heifer, policy. •
.Lick 'Downing hits off, 'the ultraad--
'ministration. policy ,in the conduct of the; war
in the following, pointed style The 'bidet{ heifer' .
mark, makes 16Osse wink acid is considered ex
ceedingly promiscuous: • .
'The war has tie.en carried on by us jest like
old Sol, Pendergrast's boy. pirtighed. • Old
Sal took his oldest boy Adam, a. thick-hearted
feller, out one speing and. set him to ,plowing.
He told him to go to work and strike a furrow
across a field to a black heifer, and to keep on.
After giVing this direction old Sol went Off to
the house' and left.
.Adam alone. The boy
started his oxen inn bee line for the 'black hei
fer, but when he -got pretty clus. to • her, she:
threw pp her tail an rati off in another direcshin.
Adam thought he must fuller the heiter, .no
matter where she , went; so he Struck another
bee line for her, an, with jest s the same result.
When he to heti he heifer gave another
trick with tail and off' she went. Adam
geed his oxenarotind; en struck for, her agin;
an so he kept rill day'.., At nits' the old man
mini out to See how Adatn had got 'along.. He
found the field all cut with 'furrows zig zag,
criis-cross an in every direchin and asked Adam
wet on arch, it inent--tWel,' BeZ the thick
headed numscull; von' tole nue to steerfor the.
black' heifer, an . Pve•done it all day,''but 'the
.darned critter would'nt standstill an s'e the fnr=
rows'are a kinder crisscross: you see. Now
sez I .thut. is jest wet Linkin has been dOin.
Greeley told him to steer for the' nigger an the
result' is jest like Adam Peddegrasst's plowing.
Tine's. been a.eonsiderable 'fighting done, but
it. is all cirisseross,:zig-iiig an'tiont amount to
nothin an so it will be to the .end of this ere
• The biggest hog piobably .• in ; the, United
States, was recently exhibited in one of the
•Boston markets. It was of the Leicester breed
raised at A mherst, N. H., and was fatted and
slaughtered. by IL Morse. -Its live. weight
was .1,330 poonds--:weight • dressed 1,180
pounds' 9. years 11 months old,' and
s reached
the 'size of an Ox.
:...''. Oftileeling.in thetrest.' ..•..
, . .
.•.7rhe .N Om . York: tfrorld:dayi . it 4 .ls:.irritiossible.
To - read the phio'anaintliuna newspapers, with
:oat .coming! the conelusiOri ; that. a *Storin .is
gathering - in the West fell of the direst portents
to our ceuntry'spea'ce - :: We'stibinit the'follovv
ik 'extracts from the' .last Columbus '[Ohio]
Crisis.that has reached us, end I)ekbr our R. , =•
publican friends; to weigh calmly their , terrible'
. ... .
import:' :
g‘The enstern"Papera come : loaded with de—
nenciations of the' arrest of Mr....Valla,ndigharri.
Otir friends nist: must 'net suppose 'that beentiie
.Very little, is said in .Cillio,.that:there is no feel
ii4r, on the subject: • The
.feel in g is' 'far b.eitaal
the audible eir.i?rersiou of the people: Under via
fiircantstances did weever wages, the .-,eanie,..,tate
of pub4e
. mind.:: It prrycides every.part and per
lion of the ) §:tate.
.."earpely . a word pa.fs'eibetween
the Pe:twit - y.le add the ftelinblicane-- they 'pass ,d$
And Again "
• • . ~ . '
~. ~ S o inteaeeisihe feeleitg ,
-in.the Statti,' diat
feta, feed: like .eityiUg •anythiug . au . the , eubjeet :-
Role . /1 - 4 . death like feeling on every heart,' which.
is Smothered. under the me - re.imptiry. of ;What
h.'s been done...With..Mr: ;Vnilandighain?'; -and
such like, intpiire. - . Would. to God that the *tin
tborities Nitere . ,ltiii . sensible of the grea thin tider,
their; ha ve- niatlet . of the sium6ering Pateana do- -
derneaqt . .. WhecOtinsels , ;46 advises them?
Stirelyndt. the men . of sense—Of .plittiotisin; nor
levers of 'order and of sofety. We, pray . for
pence, for laW, 'and far a
order,' but we fear that
our :.prayers are' but - mockeries. If. trouble
conies let Wrest on the shoblers of those .06
would have it sr.t.!?• .
The. report of. the proceedings: . • the late.
Indiana, Democratic Stale CatiVenti rt . , the. de—
liberations Of which'were -heitl . with. 1 military
fpice in the hall 'and . soldiersi 'pat oling...the
streets, tills - in
,owh . .story of the's trifles . ,of
military pciwer.in til.ree .end loYal . Stabt,,and
Ike - siwpressed fury with which it is. regertlea*
. . . .
. .
The accottitts.yre give' from,oui. correspond:
ents.tindAtie•WeStern journals of the,sceries at=
tending the late Meeting of the Indiana Demo;
cratia State Conyention...4.l Indianapolis will
be read with etntitioni prcifOund: alarm 'End
indignation by •alt fair Minded • Republicans. as.
well •aS Democrats. The malicious proceed
lags- of Hascall.the.'mtlitery satrap , in that dis-.
trict, were clearly intended to .proyolte a.. rid
fission With a, peateftif assemblage 'so as•tO give'
: him . art excuse for•soMe new Otitrage, hat his
'intent was happily thwas tee! ,by the ,forbear:
anee•of the Democrats in attendance: • Hascall
planted cannon 'in the street and placed soldiers
in the, hall
. to overawe the delegates; he. closed
the -shops. to cit:zens hut left them open to
'gangs of drunken' soldiers, who were perrritt
eil to go about[ groisly insulting •unoffending
people, so as ' . O create if possiiile.'• a ..gen eral 'row. With rare self , eontror the'
. Democrats
'in attendance bore the insults without f .
frig them on the spat. Poiled . o this attempt,
resorted..to the ingenious plan
of. stopping' the railroad trains as the itssetri-
Wage was.dispersing..and robbing the passen
gersof their pistols. EVen this outrage failed to
bring nbOot the,general scene of massacre he
had : evidently• been. instructed to', inaug
• ..•
It seems almOstcertain,; : frotri.. : the course
the niilitary aathorities, are puriaing . 'in the
West, that if•is their •to
provoke an outhreak;:so.as to give the Pre t si;
dent an excuse for:declaring"martial laic and
Setting, 'aside.the pOu'er to All the stales.
ottlir North. That thern'T:alone' will ttcrount
for-outrages .such thoSe: perpetrated
BiniXslne. and , ilAnc.LL.—..Zlr;•l".lllToricl.
. . .
Tilf: ligNS.HellrX:Rrlyaloll(l 3 •edito r .
of the New 'rink Times , (Abolti.iQn,) ip.a're
cent speech, ' '
We ore about . played••out na party... We.
played the , til4aitie.'laW," a good enough 111 O
ran fo'r :the:time beingL-blit it was played out,
;trills° Abolitionism ie.played put. It may' last .
LinePli's time oat—but . if We hold otrtill then,.
there is,Pot:oneol. us living that will ever' get'
into pubt'ic.ltfe again. Weed getting.
Outof the scrape. Grieeley . is fool- el - lamp - I'. to
_hang Ott.* The oily' hope dare is !tie' any of
is. to keep oldie via r-npell the Uitiort (a 50.
ortglily split
,np 111al can' never, be got together'
.gaiit: ieunion with the South on any, terms,.
is.death to' all this generation'. • But, .at any'
rate the : taxes, Whieh.tbe 'pople. have not he-.
gun to teetithe debtand the • conseriptio'o, not,
yet begun.' hut•to"come, will clamp every,.man
concerned levyng.them. •
. T 1.113-
ERTY . C4 Truf.PaasS.—Mr.•lArebster was
'vor of the. right of petition under all circuur•
r..takes,' - nrid , , for . that.:purpOse (Infeinled vep
the rights of ,presenting•anti.slavery potltio'n.3
but with :be following proviso: • • •
"Any petition which,- oiir opinion,' asks
us tondo that which is pla inly. rigainstthe Con.
stitOtion, we might:very justly reject: : : liper ;
sons, for instance,.should petition its to 'pas a
abridging the freedom , af 11v.:.presxi or re
specting the, establishrinent o f . reli ion, ..such
proposition would very properly 'be denied'' any ..
ereption 'at • : .'•
What Mr. Webster would not allow even to
be petitioned I°r--an:abridgment of the freedOrry
of.the PressL—ean now be.affecte&by any . pro..
'cost marshal in'the.coontrY.•
Noni.c Worins.Hon. Charles R. Buckalew
the . new .!ienat9r from Pennsylvania, writes
of the Restoration of the Democratic party •to
power as 'follows: c,iThat this party with an
old history 'identified with the .glories of 'the
country, binding to it.sympathy and affection
iri every quarter, with no. selfish, local or fa—
natical paa4ion to .weaken , and mislead it; with
a generous even'-banded,' imperial, time-tried
creed conformed to the Constitution, and spring
.oaturally from .its principles—this party
thus qualffied', '
to speak. to the wholeland, and
to be heard with.affection and reverence, 'can
and tea/ . commend these wild waves of human
passion to be 'still; and rejecting alike the fa—
naticism of Boston and of Cnarleston, will re—
bind. these great States. together in enduring
bonds of interest and sympathy.'.' .
The testimony before the :',llellewall military
Commission in St. Louis.haS,alteally developed
the fact tat three_ officers of Gen.. ; curtisrstaff
were engaged .in •bOyini cotton• ot. Helena.
'When kt . is knovri tharCurtis' staff embraced
nearly all his family relations, it 'may 'be
(erred .by . whose authority and on whose
aecoUnt they were enaged in cotten speculation'.
—Bellevelle ,Devtocrat.• • , •
The Palmer. cotton manufacturing - mill 'at
Thiee Rivera, in Palmer, Maas, was destroyed
by' fire . Sunday' morning. It . was• a granite ,
building, 250 • feet long and five stories high,
with ' a capacity for 10,000 spindles, and
employed 300 hands. The •lose is estimated
at $250,000, a large portion of which is insured
in Boston and • Hartford officers.
IXTHEIREAS the 'Hen. Robert hit
TV •'
. . . . .
Hog and .N. Peabody Associate : Judges the
Courti'of Oyer &.. 'Terininer:.and. Genera Jail:
DeliverY;9yarter SessiOns of .the; peace Or-
Ohans'OOnrt 'and Dourt of Common Plea for
the.,doinity'of Mgcean have isSned.their fireept,
bearitigdate:Priday,. / the,tWenty Seventh
. 4y.ot:
Febrbary,..in' the year 'of Our.-Dord.onc:hon ,
sand eight hondied and itxty-"three.; find b me
directed, . for' holdirig A •Court of 'Oyer. and
Terminer, and General Jail :Delivery, Qiiiter
Sessions of .the Pdace, OrphanS'.Totirt and
Court of Corrimbri . Pleas, the DorOtith.
.Smethport, on. Monday.; .the'. 22d day.ofJun .
'next; and to continue one Week..
.IsTotice is . therelore hereby given to t
,'of. the. Peace tottables
within the eannty, th . at they be then and t
in their . prener.persons, atr.lo o'clock .
said dhy,)vith:l.lteirrolls,"'recnrds;
examinations, and other remembralicrs, to de
those thimis which their olliceetinfierttiii. folio
done: 'Ait.tho .those`
'who heund ree:
ognizances. to.prosecutelb prisoners tiarare or
shall be in the jail of -said..county:oliM'Keen,
are to be:then..4nd. there to prosecut against
Aliern as will jest.. ' • • ,• • ,
Plated 'at Srneihpcirt, 'this 23112dai of PeraY,
1863, and the 86th year Of'the
, rderirnil 7
'ende Of the United'States of Alneria. •
uqui.c NoTrc.v. is heretiy'gitien - that ap•
plication ',has - been maile,ta the' Court •rii:
COrrimori Ple,ia of
,Al'fi:Pda'Catfoly for a , c . hartal•- 1
of Incorporation of the' "Smv:tifport 'crtn;••; , •ty.l
Society,". and ii.ao.sifili . 6out'riurson should' . hp . '
ShoWU to thU coatrapi,. B r;lul'arff will -be -!e-1
cfeed nt 4fle nest .caul. held
at Strifitlfpgrt..lheifotimlf Monday of ..Lane
.•JNO. IL PHA:DWICIt,-Proth'y.
llhp 23,,1803. ••• • • • - •
ITE Pollntving named persons haverespcc•
Alfa petition fo'r u l'ai einhicenae, aecoUttog to raivf:
8' •
8 .M. I t inairr3,"-"• " • • •••• .' •
. • • (1. IV, Mos•uaa, Ceres • •
.. • Ito itrant, . •
.• ' ••
hiherty • •,
,•• • 11: Laii.tuar., •.•
• U. Ms:its : yr ; Smetliport
11 ssacht. ' • " • •
ra .v -1 0 1;i t tn t s h : i s s n i i i iih , • i i , a v a n t r i .T 4 u s u c e .al
I t C 3 o . tiit at'
• •
-• .4NO:.111 011,11)111C1C, i',rOt/ry.•
• • • —..._. •. .• • • .
• ' • •
TRIAL. LITT; suNE . TERN, .1861*
'N Ta.);ler " • vs- A Knapp. C ,Ilorrows,
D A 11asterbrooks - . 1 • , •va 'Wm. - Barns et at' • •
minis'• - • .vs ,Wyllin . A. poi ma
(too ~]V ' VS' 13 Harker et at • • •
John Magee • • . \I fare et al '
Lew ial . 11: ben - vs Woo. Wl.P.ney •
IVin:- Bache. vs II 'rapt Pavile•
Cox use•-of Clark • ..'en Brewster .Preeman
Drape 1 . -• Perry Carter et al •
'T . R'-Cole • ys'First Cong, Church -Brad- .
Wall:ill 'Barth • vs Daniel 11 . ingSbury
Ilenry 11 7 Parr • ..vs Benj Riketnan ;
Bank of Port-4arvis• no Daniel 11iugisbury
Walkill Bank,' '. „., vs' • same '
Inn. B MinninG ' ' . vs • FIIIV, ~. ~
NI G TS • yler . . . 'vs 0 11. Bennett's aden's et al
kla s ydele use of l'ichla • . vs 1. It Decti • or l,
ll,Freenin ':• . ve,IV Ilaskoll ' • '.., ,
Halt use of Tayitir • —,• •vs Gliurdis Criteria -•.
Itichar.l LlOrleur et al •-• vs CI) ii-'il•
. Swine •. ' ' • -To napkin's - it 0 Cummings
^ •!sanie• • • . ~ ~•vs'tierslner C Hoyt .
. ' name' ' • • l '. ..ye .11kort. <I Otti, ' . .
name. vs 1101 . 1 i; Treble •.• '
Beckwith use Cartrin ..' vs GidOitlllp , us
Seth A Beekus• ~, John Conner • • ' .
• same • ' ' .• : vs - Henry Coriley ~ '• . •
• name .•,• vs John. ,Crowley. ••••.'. '..
- -IMMO . . • • VS lichitl'itleCanlilT '' ••' •
eameAr • J • C llackus . .be Timothy Mullins,
,Bingham Trustees :, ' ' Ts Gideon Irons , •
Jaime ve samo
. sauna. • . .', • • • Vu' same . ,•': . . .
same - • ' pP Famo
•• . •
JNo. r. CLlA.Dlll(lli,.Plp . th'y
86161.11pnrk, May 9,-1;363
'.•- • ...SHERIFF'S SAEES; • ~. -1 •
nry VIRTUE Of suiidriwrits of Yr n '1(1 ion i 'Exi7onrcs*
- .1 1 .ni.l al irtt Ve Ad i is.red nut of the
Court of Common PloaS, of Meliean cbesty, have
levied•upon tire follooim , destribed !twirl:l:tate which I
A.! II expose to public sale at the (lona !louse, in the
borough if !Ilethport, no•loutlay the 2'll d ty.of Juno
next, e vont! b'cloek P. M. • . : •• .
• Tier following• real calme bounded•on sob th by land
owned by • Nathan Dorm tier. West by tharotot' loading Itp'
the Tuttanguaut •Creek, North by flie•
. leaithrig air
51 . 1nard ook.. Plant Kr h.. , TunaNwaut Crook, coot-titl
ing quo and !lire!, tenths, .acres; ono trailed hou,e, •one
shanty barn, situated in Bradfortltoonship l'lleKent Coen.;
• '•
• Relied; taken In execution and will ;old as the. pros
perty of 'Colt if rp - at tha•snit of,Chitchs 11.0avis,
„ • .
The f illowing Real Esta''.o situate in 11, unit ton town
ship', McKean county and Slate of. reninylyania:' Be
ginning at toe Nortli-west corner of war-ant', Na, Idle,
thence. running ;easterly along the line of warrant Nil.
lifty three yids, limit huh, sly
angles With said WV:lamed line, ihree haieled
and twenty rods, thence West at right
line last:named one hundred 'motility' time 'roilt to Bile
°liana late of Jennings, deceased; 'thence Sari berle it
right angleS with t imid last natniet.iiiiie,'Wne hundred an d
sixty rails;Alienee Westerly at rightwn raid line
last noised dud along the him 'of lend.. late of said Jen:
slings and of. 8. B..Linciiln, 'Pour hundred rods to the
'place of beginning,' Containing seven hundred and six
iteleA, noire or less. Unimprtived. • : • . •
.tiken in eX6ClltiOli, and will be .sold. as the
property of Wm:Miele, at the suit of L. D. Finch.-
, .
The following Real }state to wit: Beginning at a post
the'NOlir west corner Of lot No. of the allotment. of
theAlingli am linds'in Lafayette Town Ship 51e1(ean Co. lin
conveyed to Itoswell'L thence along:the north. line
of said lot• South Si: ant three foortht•of a 'degree east
.one hundred and fgrfy-one perches and nineitentlis of, a
pgrch to a post, thenen*along line of Iota) 80, conveyed
traWilliam Bullock north tWentyifive• degrees • east, one
bundrod and twenty three poi-clies anti Ilveitenths of It
perch to a nest, thence along ling of lot•NoL97. conyeygil
to Bpaphrtni Root anti tine of lot Na 63.. west enl!,ilUnd red
and niticly-four perelies to :vino< thencoatlong the east
line of No. Stlonth one hurtil7eil & six, pouches and.thi no
tenths of a perch tattlic place, of begioniug,
one hundred and eight acresand foitriitontlia of Jul ;mac'
with the u4uitt allowancitof eix per. Cent. for roNe
she same martian* ['poi, it beinc hat No. Or).". th., allot' .menta. the Bingham lands in *Lafayette 'Town-hip Mc-
Kean*Co.. Pi. and part. la -*warrant No. 2.256 *iihout -
acres • impreved; one framed .11(m-in, one framed bare,
about 10 bearing apple tree's. •
Seized, taken hi execution afhl will be. told an the pro
Party of II: A. Fulleriat . The s n it of Francis Tidd, fur
himself and use of *John • . . .
. The 'Billowing Rea) listate; one Village ht in Br Word
village MeKeitn.County Pa.. No. 40, bounded sodth by
Main street on the . cant by land owned by. Du rey Dego,
lier, on the North by lend mooed by Daniel: Kingsbury,
On the west by land ownedhy J. W.' - Nobles, all, im
proved, containing seventy two rquaro redo, nue frame
dwelling house, one frame barn, one stpra• hence and . a
quarttity or Fruit Trees, one Wall of Water
Seized, taken. in Exeetttien and be sold as the pro
perty of G. F: Peckham, at the wit of Hall, Grant and
Forbes, use of Ira Smith, now for use of Thirehard Whit
ney, & Co
The :following fical.:Estate, to wit: - situate
,in' thO
Townships' of -Hamlin, Hahnlton,, and Sorgeant in' the
County of McKean, Pa., as follows: Subdivision No;
sixty five 'of 'warrant' !so. 2320, in the -Township of
'Hamilton, containing two hied red and twenty fi ve acres;
Subdi Vision Nn..ihreo lintelred and' thirty six of ..warrant
No: 2:110in the Townslifp:of Sergeant,. enotaining one.
hnndred and se feu fy .11 t'e acres: Solent:boon 'No. ,me hun
dred and eighty five dr. warren No. 2575 in ihe Township
'of Hamlin,*containing two hundred and twenty five acres;
Unimproved . . • , , •
Seized taken in execution, ant will be Sold a . sthe pro=
party of •William L. 6R/5011, at the Hutt of 1!,,J,. Mine
• The following. Real Estate situate in the Borough of
StnethpOrt, County, of McKean und, State.of Pennsylvania
vii:—That patter square,,No. LIM seventy:nine,- in the
general plan of eaid.town, within the:following bounds.
ries: Beginning at, the north west corner of said square,
thence East one 'mulled and ninety two feet, to • the,
building now, occupied by Levi Wells, being a eventy two
feet from the North East corner of said square, thence
South sixteen perches.to the South. lino of said Square,
thence,West one hundred and 'ninety two feet to the South
.welit.nerner of said square. thence North 'sixteen perch
elite the place of beginning; contain Dig one acre and
twenty six. perches more or less , ' now occupied by David
It. Bennett ;. All improved, one large tavern bonne, two
horse barns, one grocery gore and dwelling house and
other out 'louden. • •,
' Seined, 'taken in' Execiutit , n, and' will be' Sold ac •tha
'property . of S Mason, at the cult of I. B. Warner:
BOSTON L M'ay 12
JAS, El BLAtßiShertf.
The follbwing Resl getateu-tCOmnieneing,lat • 'a :White
Pine in the - Nast line of lot•Ndi 70'of 'the illottnant of
tho Binghani lands in Ifradford Township McKean Vann
ty,stlieuce East one hundred and twenty four, perches to
a Red Oak, thence SoUth one hundred anti one and four
tenths 'perches, thence West- one haidred and twenty
foitiltnd' tie tenths porches, thence ,North one hundred.
utd one and fsiur:tenths Porches to a, White Pine,' the
hiade of begitining.+Containing•seienty eight and eight
-teethe acres, be the mania more or less.- beinglot No.
100 of the altotnieut of the lifinghant. land's in -Bradford'
township; PleKean' couney,. State of Penns).and
pact . at warrant'Nu. 3317, unipiproy,ed;•, . • • •
Seized, taken in , Execatioli, -and wil: be sold . as 'the
.property of George litoole -and Pranklin:A.
the suit of Pingliain Trustees •
• '-111..50, • • • , .
. .
• • Vie follow ing.lleul Estate.—:Warrant No. 381.1 n Ceres
town hip, McKcnn county, Pa q containing four busdred •
and,forty-fultr. usd ono-tenth acres awl' Allowance, more•
. ,
, • Akso-Anetber tract,': bilenning, - at .a sugar tree,'
thence by land: of Aelltur.Bryan West three t indeed and •
[wooly nikierchee to - a 01 . 1gar' South, one : hundred ,
anti fifty, four perches to a" Beeeh, }Oast three hundred'
an tlltirt•ylitiir perches to a- post, and North' three do
ibis WeStone•blllidra uud 111'4 four poi clieU,Atillie be
g) tonne: eel 'tied; Obit t'
henfved relief autholiowaneti of Six Per cent forltuads ,
kg.; winch Said -Lea -Was' eureeyed ' in. pUTptlalleo .. efib.• '
WittrUlit: NO. 115, dated the 17th daytif 'bitty 1785; gran
led to John Bull,' ktitiwo es the' rtle oPoint, propertyli
about sixty acres: insprevUd , one Sete-••Al Gloomy ,
house,' two Framed - Barns, afitiatitity of, Fruit trees. ' •
• • At.so—Defendant's .Interest•in the following tracts 'Of:
ituared in•the,iiii.ough: of 'Sniethport, Couhty.of
fficßeau andSdete of ,Pentisylvatia,•ku- - ,wn u>-square No.
11500 the general".l l!tri . 'Of . said horough, containiug 0111 w
acre mad ettlis of. ant acreof land; it' b. ing the some •
square or tester of lan I teat Renseittier -Weight Esq high:
Sheriffs.: Mcfleatt.Cotitty. shlttatin conveyed to Griswold'-
•111 Warner hydre I the .sth • dey. May A.l). 18f9, and , -
registered in book t,f. page .10 01 Sheriff!irdeedeir.c.,and r
that the. set's Gs tUw•oltldil. Wainer by deVd doted the
day of November A . recorded in the °nice for":
recording deeds in 'the Comity to deed 'book. D pogo 106-
grin fed atid:eoliveyed to the said Hiram Payne; all im •
,roved, one Weroffiug. Ilonee;••itne -Railroad Office use::
Stinnett -Barn, a nave quaiitity of Ping Trees
• AI,SO-.- Iwo 0 Wei. sguttre, of land' situated In-said Mk.'"
inlets of Smethiort, Containing one-acre and three fifth's
tf an acre of land:each and known ns'eg dares Ko. 45 an •
:10 which said:two-lest inentioned•Squeres were purchased'
by-00 ne.frotu Johu die wine Sr.. Cu
Also--. 1. lot I?.p.,.;buiog at .a post corner.iner .yeiches
South 'of the south Siete ternet of Siva e Ni,. 85,in •
post, thence by lieu of sheet, No rte eixfy 'Mite degrees,
- Went, thirty-eight ,retches end ifs-delthe of a" perch to a.
post euerree thence, See* nieeteen perishes tit a post cur-,
nee, thence Soutli,k ty• eight ile..yeee west, sikteen perch
es and min-tenth of a perch. thence. South seventeen de.;
green west nine I - etre:lies, 'thence .routh • thirty,eiglit
grew west ten Perches; .thence South eeventy.oue
lli ee gnat:ter degrees west tweittyfli tl; perches and MX.'
tent's of a Perch'lti: a'poet corner, theme Noah thirty
six perches and seven-to/Distil:a:vetch hi the place'-of.
beginning, - enntisio, bog eight acres:in , ' thirty'-threeperch
en strict measure be the same mere or less.' the said lot'
being known he out'. lot No 17 adjOiningSmethret im-• •
'proved, about twenty atiple,b wei, two teamed barite, two.
trained houses and geed fountain of water,
'Second: Another lot, adjoiningtf.hiethreirt. •Begiuning
tit a post corner, sod perch ;rest of the center of the cell-.
for of the Secothlstieet from the East side of the Village,
thence North thirteen iterate!' to a roe' corner, thence
Wes; twenty one perehesto a post corner in the lino or
•- lot eoureyelte George Darling. thence by said line.
snutli,'wenty:threrl' pe relies toe post eerier in the him
of the North Street- four 'perches North of the- North
..East cornet' of •iquere No. 25, thenee . by quid line. Nort h•
testy : hint: degrees }lest tweuty•to perches and 'five
tenths of a, perch to. the ]dace of rang, conteining
noel 'hires and lifty-eight percliee,•striet measure, he the
saute more 'or lees, all improved: • - • • .
' 'Third; Another-let begiuning •at a: post -corner::
four perchett§outhof the SoutlrEast corner of square Not
b 7 :in ffinethrort, thence by line of Street, Norfli Sixty:
nine degreee.East thirty-eight poreltes,and ,sit-tenths of
a perch- tu a post cornee.thenee
, S outli forty-nine perch
,.es to ' post :thence, North sixty • three- degrees
west twelve. perches, thence ,North eighty, degrees west:
tie lid Verches,, thence, North sixty•three degrees west
fourteen perche r; to a pest corner, thence North twenty-'
'one, perches and nine-tenths of a, perch to till: plitee of be
ginning. conlitinin- ' nine acres and eighty-eight perches,'
strict inearsure be the game mars-or less, about six ocres,-
improved . . • ' ' • •
' Fourth; - Another lot ' known' tie:out lot ,NO. - 20, ,
beginning at a ,post coiner, standing thirty-four perches,
South of the South West corner of equare No Sit is Smeth
pert; and being:the South west corner of aut,lot NO. 19, •
thence' by line ofsahl lot east thirty
. Fie perches, to a post
corner thence South nine perches owl .eight-tenthß.of a
perch to-a rust' corner, thence South sixty-tali degrees
Crest me
est nine perches i one tenth of a persh,-thence South '
,enemy' degrees East fifteen perches, thence South sixty
seven eezrets west Pi enty-two perches. I fleece' North,
eighty-one and 000 half degrees .west - nine perches and
Ere-tenllleof a perch to a post corner,, thence North
:thirty-five perches and six-tenths-of a perch to the place
of big:inning containing fire acres and twenty-six perch-,
es strict measure be the carne more or leis, all -improv
.ed excepting and ieserving therefrom a lot heretofore
conveyed by the said David Crow to Ghoreis COrnin, by.
'treed recortietfindeed.book I of said:County:ma page 218..
said lot ,tid • to.contitin Some over one acre with certain
. water .privfleges ,therein nie • ntioned,' said ill'
Fifth; Another', deem eneine at: a, -reit standing
Sheet rods North „seVen stn,. fivet tenths rode East of the
North East corner thr the Borough of Steethr-rt, thence
North twenty eight rods to aretst- then,ce-Lforty rods tre
a puet.corner, thence Soutlitiventy-eight rods to a White'
OaKeerrier. thence East forty rids te - the 'dace ef.begin-,
nth.,-Containing - seveu acres strict measure he the same.-
mere er.less and being part of warrant !No'. 20• 65," unite
Sixth; -Ain:alter let tonics is - square -No: 85 in the.
'null plot ohStnetheort Aforesaid Containing one acre end
threefifths - of an acre of land unimproved. . •. '
Seventh; Another lot " known as -sgeare 'Not. 6:6 in,
I the town plat of Sinethport. aforesaid'. Conteitneg one ac'es .
j• andthree.fltbsOf an acre of laud. asont one half : acre
I - Eight; Another lot k w n as square No 67 -in the
town•plot-of Stneeh port aforesaid containing one .acre and,
three-ffiths °ran acre of land, about:olle acre improved,
[ Est:opting 'and reservinii the right 'of way-.over 'the
1004111eircribtl tots heretofore eel eras by the said• David:
Crow to he granted to the 31glieeu Cerinty Railroad.
end Nltvigelit h Company. and excepting 'nod reserving ,
s., the ,right ..nd privilege-heretofore granted- by said:
David Cr.. Ay so A la :.ar,Nt.ell and . GllONliq•Corwin . ,im ,
% s itter from 'Ote•mill 'II tin passing through out lot
N.,. 17, it linee mentioned - . .• • •-•
At s•.—Del'itiotts interest.. in other. tract of ;land::
CiMinteit at the South bank tif, Mervin Creek at a
•cortierit I',tot 51 A Nlitchell:thence Static one hundred'
and two i ~.-lies and '.e,•l•l)•telltbS Of a pereh.to a post set
in • the roed and being it, the Nideli line of land formerly
btruipi by now by.B.'ll.
! th ace by I said land East one bend red and 'thirty
seven put ~his and the ee• tenths" of' • a• perchte a 'water
Beech standing' en the west habk'of Pete' (IS .Creek it'
heitte. the Norte East enriter of lot -NO '4l an I the'Situth
Posh centers f be 'No. theslletheitits,of land of
Ketiting.A C. , , for, lid toWnship. Diener , ' dewn Potatoe
by the • stied,, and. rl stances lo the
month of Marvin Cteee: tltense lip Mervin Creek by .rho
'several Cob rses* end' disfances•thereof le the place of
I ginning . Cootainlitg, sixty eight and one-fnueolLacreis of
land. more or less, it being part - of Tatt'No 182 of the
' alletinent s,l lands of Ranting 'A Oo for said 'ToweslliP,
tnd bein W arrant Ni,, -Ate. about thirty ism es
improved one framed 11l- two, one ramed thorn und . a
lily of- fruit Trees. •
dts,—Another'irited of 'land eituated in. the Iloropeli of
Fmethent t i *Citunts of McKean arid Stets Of peons, viz:—
Five lmildiee tots to square NO 07 salt jot, being No's.,
.110. t‘VO, three-hir ling eight; one, two, three, fou r,
being tale Niisth half of, said square No. 67. a nd 'No, • B,
• being In the South Kiio: Corner of said square No. 67;-
known es.i he obi Na4brlbllollo 'and L O t. Said (lie hell-.
Allan I C tiboot..,•be ncro land. • •
•Seiird• biked in 'lietttetion and: will be sold as the
• property of Seth A BaCkus et the suit of John South
Tito Tollowi Seal 114030.. vii• - •
War' tNo 31:03. containing loth) acres, BradfordAdel:l/hip
• " .3125
• " 4310'. •‘ . 285 .• • " "
• ":• ' 31;07 • ." •. 1050 " • •'•
" "' 3150 • " .57 5 " ". .
cc , cc- - 83 00 .• 5 32,, n '4
'3996 .. • " -111 "."
•c is 3010 cc' • 1 9 0 cc •cc cc
u' •‘ .3117 " • 213 •" ' " • rr •
. 4 ' 3310 ': • " :: • 437 " • " .
• 1{
". 3121 33 3
• •cc It
" " 2281' , 1100 ".
"429 " . ":•••
" 1381•'", • 15 " • • •
44 cc 3332. 01 9 ..; ic
"" 3.329 670.
• •rl" 2283 • 961 .- •
•cc cc' 3 129 .cc. 505. cc • c •• c
kg 3130 • 014 "
44 ' 4 ' 4 . 3109 -' 4 i " .
' 71 0 ' 4 3 • • :4
2287, •: ~ 700' 'I • " "
"• " 286 " • 410 " •44 ,
ft . is
16. 3313 • :• 44 .'233 ,• cc
II ft 3310 " , -472 • " • „ 4 4 '
cc " 3901 . 341 .• "
cc is• 3416 - " ' 1005 Lafayette " • •
; 11 11 3904, " .303 "
44 4 4 2477 ''l ' "
,c' 2270 , 'I7IOO • '"
• ."
2278' 44 •.. 501 ' '• • "
"".'c '3411' " ' 87. •' -• • •"'
ci " 2264: - 4, .. , 100; 4, " "
" '" 4878. ' 44 ' • ,1121 " " • '
" 11 4007 . . '. '9 1013 . 11 • "
'" •l"'- 11 • 273' 4 4 .• '' 44 ,
" 4010 " 105 11. cc. • : " ',•••
" " 4909 1013 . "
. . ".'
All unimproved. .
Beizoll. token In.exectitlon nnil will be sold as the prop
erty of Daniel Kingsbury at the . suit of V, W. Knox...
. • Sheri f f 1 8 Office Binellport, Juno 6th, 1883 . •
. • • :JANIES.E. BLAlR:Sheriff.