M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 06, 1863, Image 1

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    , VOL.' 4.
..41.1:!.14n.,41,6 4 4t.p, -- ,,p,r.itoi.c, r ot.:.
Punusuit) Einni SATURDAY nronNlNo;
B .
OFF10.1:;,8. 13; CORNIIIA' OF . rinikrc SQUARE
TERIIIS: . ; $1.60 in Advance
Rates of Advertising.
3 Coluniu•
I " :•' "FIX /10100t11.1:.,
One .
equitro of 'l2 lines or lees, 3 iwertions t
Bash sub.equenttosertlou,. • •
111113Ifiefti eoIJP, with .
• • Rule or tigUre work will be dliuble (tiny° sates.
Tit—lei trees Itrorter: type; or'ell;litliies nonpareil, ie.
..877* Those terms wilt 'be- strictly adhered to.
13115i11C55 Mirectorm
. . DR. W. 111t0Y,
SlTlethi;or - t:;, Va
Physician and Surgeon, Sibetliport, Pa., trill 'attend to al
piocessionwl calls with promptness.. 0111 Ce two doors.
north of thoiDnmocrat Office.: .•. . • ; .
.. . . .
, ..
. . .
Pmettipert, APlieati.Co:. Pt. E. S - illtses; Proprietor
.-'-epposite the Co urt Iletvei.: . A _dew, lArge, etiinitiodi.
°us and well fii rriislied litittee.; , '• :- - ' . , .
• • •
• • A, 3. •NOIJRSE. " . • • -
Dr.der m §.tOves . Tin 'Warn; jappaned Ware. , A.e.." west
end' of the Public . Ca. Custom
work done to °Herrin the shortest notice,, and in'. quo
most substantial manner. .• '
. . .
. .
Dealer in Dry (;eotIS, - areeeries, CeeeSii.y. llRrchv.are,
33006, Shoes, lists, cal - cp., (Ness, NailS. Oili:ce.,Z:e.
Eastsidv of the Public Siotre,. Sknethpt;rt, Pa..: •
, • •
ATTO . RNEY ~ cr 1..A1% ; ,.
:inptlipo t, Dl'tiean '. , .
County, •I'n:.
Agent lor .31esgrol Keating & . en's LaMds. Attends
especially to, the Collection of ulttimsi Examinationot -
LantiTilles;• Poyment of Taxes, 'lntl oil 'buqinestt rat
t ing.to ilealEitato Office An Hamlin illnek.. •
1863's Speciziltv.
'Correct with rpirit, eloquent with easO,
lott:a:to reason, Cr pulite. to please,,,...
It wii no fear of Wars effect
literary fortunes., 'that .the .pithl):sllori . orrtr:'
....N i i;sy 'Volta Mi:nciVlSY ad; nOo.l.o!ae.t noWn
.vering loyalty aft heir cwJ liu:pa - E - ti'inorsANO
yl;j3s9rlc'E N S; Oil. ith;
than 1 ilg. Natylona. Mar:et:ay yo . ar
(1863)-will be riatwrin 1-lixotY. of
110 lipsittrt
~p+'cnlBtiOil, 110 ti , rnpora9.“sr , almii;o.” hot
'fits(' class literary•wklyoiiiicn
-initoir to the • tiniteq Stales' tor.o' (Oar' er.,,f
ntary; aid . triot,h•
ye:tertay'arecoltina (!owo.their
'talent ei•en.s.alle rai.6 their . tit) , :4.cript
vprie*; Ti.ls -YOna 'tnatarails all
,$lO fr o . Rom docr nmorists,
and pro . - .
roisos to make er,,,atet..for.lBti?.
.otie forty
cops , jttit e
Novels, lietti neg();
Verse, G:is=ip,Yetittletoos, 'ot•
rpor,ond polished cot : 10111e. to epi
titnize oi
•• W 11: AND SP,'.N . I . IMI'.i.NT!••
:The bushmid reeds it ,c'tle; the inrithet .
to tter'eltildfi-,11, the' Ir;ver 'to his sweet It,
tlesohlier to—his c0mr.1,1, , c,
SOlooll master to the 'circle' a roniiil the stove:
It 'is . fainiliai to the'cieitt :ieer'y
• •
our'Clint)'.. and re'goini ;611 7
serThers'to a iet'ire'l (-nu titles. in . Tun
AIKIICCICY 19 , ,11 , 11.1.1Pvii 11101 with , tne
. the age, -.lor
Members of it: Staff roll '•high. rich in
our, itol.le:artny, atit,l'hitye. triode hems-iv'ea'sts
-famous.‘vith'the Sword as 'with the Peti. The
gi c.t i • illits - trating artist. of TIM Nl3'.V n .
MErtcuay, the ipirrittahle
paper Die' h.ig.hest or Fine Ait ; an t
yet Ibis largest literary .weelt . ly of t day pries
miss to surp?lse. in ail these respects do
the New 'Vea'rl ' .• •
The :first .Nrm; SgErtetniliNdeletfe for
the New . .Year,.to I) . e. commenced • in the •isoe
of January 3, 1 .803,*is called .•
The Heiress bl Castle.
v.urnoß OF i'II.IPSY• GOWER,"
• MINIS',". "L;AAIASQIIE,P-&p j&C •
- The productions ofthis distinguished nilfhoress•
need no eulogy,. • Pdildlic opinion hasiong since
()renounced themsuperior to any Other, nov.:,
'elettes published-on'this'side of the. Atlantic
and the trile.test of. their merit is found indhe
fact that :they. ate :eng,erly'lreproduced, after
thei,r..publication in' the Mert.cuay, - by the
'English press. 'We may add that the new.tale
'Victoria,".is fully equal in interest end depth
'of plot to either of those which have seemed
so large a share.of publie.a - pprovaly and we can
earnestly recommend .to all story-rendcrs ;
Tif e 'New Yeas. Mescuivi is.soldby.allHews
Men and periodical dealers in America.. .To
subscribers,it is regularlynailedle'very , Satur...
day morning, for $2 a year; thre'e l , copies.. /pr
$5; six.copiesdor eigl4,coPiesfor sl.*;'with
an extra copy, .free, to the getter upof the chili.
Six Months' subscriptions,'..received.
tmite.plainly the name of Yonr - Post o,ilite, 0 011 'n
ty aittlStgte. We take, the notes Of all solvent
banks'at•par.. Payment must invariably be' in
advance. •„ •
. Specimen copies sent free to 411'oppli 7
Address all letters and remittances,, post paid
Prolifietors.gf the• Neti) York Mercury,
i 1 Ftiltori etreet ) New Irork City
CO .8
0 11
in 'I
. • •
vide ancl congiter"tis a war'. maxim . that
"dCo:vn to us froln the early times 'of Civil
ationahstitife,•and is one. of the . :sell••evi ,
'truths'all•anpreeitife. Much latilt :; fintlina
s Otne 4itarters •ihirfalred the If • :which
30. the. 'great ; .'inajOri'ir,.• 'or. our N'ortliceo
had in the earious Presideo...Cenilid,tlet•
tlicht.at • qttiea'e . M,stUl who;',since, hat
rat4if. blondles;s ()Pt!"
ting . theirfra•necendental tttif ; tegie.pnvitats
silleitt and Cabinet .iniciSt'pis'mt Wash..
A little candid . examination. 't how
S 5 04.
••• • • .. • 2.0 bll
. • . 12 00
' 20 00
• ;!. 12 Op
chat ey-liave .
:pon. : this . fonilti•
moot .l.noaiitti or milit'rey . .%inicess 7 -fiDivide
and' c leper.," 'No• gunner: visai
errwa" itand.ont in its:goly•tirlifiMents,fho . n..
they Min'enceil - 'polltrig• the will : thiit
the: people; iliyillprg tie' army,
illy Mitt 'lltk.eliortS•ol
to the, rosi!inn .so reirddy• a ear - Mos : I
rperihrliavelbey IfePt lip the
the North' to,' ho. rigreeil••in :notirim• but ,rloi
nnparalled'surcecs of. this Policy. Our trii ens
have been divided and,. stilithe Med and '
icy general Ties dared to. remonsti ate • he 'lie',
beer treated as 'on Inibecile; Mr:, well thiiy.•
know the valtie:Ofillyisi'Mis. 'The , ,' -'
, einplification tve.have bad of this :time tri,•J
and 'proyen . rnaxiirr is,'iti the • p ! r,
Merits of. General llookrir:•• • Ile' rt .t he
Rpprsahnnnkiek, liebiive;:at two .1113ee , , in
two divisions,' thinly' actin , separat;:ly and
..apart; :were defeated in detail,. which Might,
:i,6t have been the roust...lb' they , h,pl Lien mass
ed, as the, miserable rebel .ttr'llel 11
forces; cavalry was
sent - off out of,tbe.' way when
.11M tug of war
came to . our forcesi• for-well the miliral y geniir
which . gbyerriotir•operations know-arid observe
the maxim, “divide and ronipier." "•
. What Plight have'berirdone;.Whiit ,sari 'if's'
esters,may haVe been prevenreit . by let
tuthre'fienerations study out If.tne). - ensi. : ,`bate
miserable meddlers in , ll
claim that Heixelnian with hisitliirty•turiusaiel;
and Mther,. corps in • Yerioirs..ii•rlat'eil.,
should have . .been On the barikS ;el tt,e. fLrp or .
harinock to strilte . With the forces dim ii,.tosaec.
the Creditor the, nation, and fMni defeat the
brave soldiers 'Nrho•fooglit 'sustain t•lrethus
and Stripes Iron) paling' Gefor'e 'the .rebels' in
that disastrous encounter. I , m iltfinili4rs there
will always bp; to . s.eize.tpon 'any . iinl every
occasion to vent their . spli•en. : UnacqUainlat
with the•subtinie• mystery of g-dviiiiineirii,•th,•y
Suppose lit to be either' a tsiltnl .act
Ireacherr tc; nit ur,e blmider oeciision•
ed by t!ie: corn pet en cy of those who direr!
the irm&ements Off our •
know that th:s;exalted intelfecis . 01 ii lion, they
complain fathoined the art of war to
the extremest 'results o 1 tll , . ~X1:11, "(.11V1 , 1,
and.congner." . Anil !la a...'lv. it .
( pile enrtquered.lur patience of • the. Na, ill:ern
people,' acho r in ri fir of exiarae.iiiir
plarprl!hem in.pnwer. .'•Cbr,s' I,a s-a i•Hrl vi ii'
no r,
tci:sl4-11.1,antls ti-e. I 1!1 .
p ,ti
that cent' Mlle and • manly rF ri t • le, tL
arrnV. • •TlmiMive tired i,r,rers,' It
. .
. .
St;'llq . it;!itt at ..(10'w.m1: mat.-
orm ti.hmt , ! the
t•'-91 . it v..• 9 •1; im!,•
011 .,, t
mnue haf4 in tit Air l t y 411,1
ti - er to hp , ' ales 'hop lit
;it 1,::
tl - 14'n di ! l in any
. .enuntry.'
o•l6 . l•s.friiin t he' .
po,ition g
the . natinip- to almos!• conD.rnpf.. •
. - . • •
. . . c
• Pe tu,ixitwis' orject,toil - it - lit' ! With ty
.. in
poli• . erliaii'constint , ,tl to..tlit. litteritl: pr . opq , .,a'A
of the border states'compriiitikt.., it wriilid 11:i ye
iiivi,tleil the Still iil•a w I lc , Tt 'h . . , •Nooh..titiiti•it.
if:it littir.tivreti to di.n.• Ml:el,P.ail the Inin'e+,
it4.;;y9t0 . 0 of iltviion .-kept'.frn iiiiiii,
ILI 11 'it .11.it'a 1 mu'
a rti . i I r, : v it rrosi it
10 , 1. the selip6rt..4iiil
. .
. ..
'Ol t . he' roul e ! •
~11,t.,1 I! ;tot, .ion i lO 6 .1 " , i !, . 1,, s
p.ril i F. poiiey -of iir iv I it!! •01l t : ;;old'--and ~ .i: •E•r.
Irbfri ihe i'curr,oncy . anti- v11 . 1;1114 (Iwo, it .!al,.
1 i 01!;,. arOth'e . r. if,r:itt ...s , ol'tr,sP•' of ilf . iii:ontotit,
,would have been oqiii t otb by it.. • • ..
.... -•
Tho . rnaxi:o• is a good t tic, 11 trts.ing. diiiae
ho'ottoo.tk and' itot yo'or
lattit to affixli •, - ttrott. .• I t
all .cait It It folly, 'x'r . ongly.tl;tidied:
{Ve the - frttlis 91
are 300,000 li'vec-• last. :CAI 0p .. .. Ow'
tltk± ..a:ator: of It o , i;• . t0....01ti,
It ()in daub tlvolitit!... miasma -•oi .
_Nli..sissippi, from laiitli•-ftalds th'oy a ill c,tto ..
. .
up to your reektuition, nn
. uI . ,
for . wounded . und'
delirious fever,
ruin the sufrerinos upon l'!r•tyiy.yof,),
here brures,
thrown theth; € . O MP from I. , alboow Prt•o - . K.
•%thereletirlin had 7a,:atom : izt , l. them, Pn...rie
departed, some freim
law . e.oursiamql them lor attomptiog To
break I
. Imit.h its ro,sles, io rll6r.
the• fiec‘s o 1 tnnt he rs,' .s.kd I i
once more. ; hcone oi,d its 'iunronntlio 'Tip,
dreadfol hornr—sickness ola,Hens
calefully tenderly ivatvlied
['vied unto, first Frpiratril (rpm . Flu' us
sosiathinsofehildhooif and ,youti; w_ill. sviul
up to.you its thousands of . 516 le:ti.ins to swill
the grand army of the lost,
warfare. Place them'. in front.. With -sper•lr,
. •
officers, sommoncil, from thr. some Charnel .
places,:titroo spectre •horses friLtlitiol us .i.heir•
riders, array the des:Mess •bodes, broken. %'viiir
balls, eaten with disease, that once• .move'll . so
gracefully in domestic :life,'. of .ili , jmusWian,
thn'trumpelmrs., t he; tan , l . d . rd ' bearer:, and I , t .
the grim: wail. of horror re'sniind from the
sacrificed ,to this most philaiithrefiie ,
of humanity'.—Place next to them (lie how ii
and hii4rt strjetcen,mouyners..
tdls—and :horrid s.rrne which
will b.° tObfe "t1);:p1.11w
. . . .
. .
poyeripburthened, ragged: . roultitiole whb
,always;.in.all enuntrie9,* e . p . me.helplPasly in
the wake. of, war's .desolatjon,' with, thr
inotilate4 cTipples who- escaped y. - ii.l -. lile,
. .
contemplate . them,pri(l in mockery kin:: your.
hosannos of triumph if' you hive .triump
Alexanddr'Ancilis"horse - live in
iemenebrarice, the only, prominent 'name's - of
. hri, Viers which have • places in ' the niches' of,
fame for'which Mankind 'strive in . %Var., The
Treat mass are in the' dark forgetful region;
SMETIIPQ.R,T,':WKEAN : .CQUNTY,' V..4 , :SATURpAYA.I 'llO, .6; 1 ..1).863.
dr.ihe grnvP, enil• . eyen to the
. hero find .his
boy se, whatit'lslL'Tiaga q Britiljorq
. , .
Mince 'Pies Vs.
V. li eird - 11.g0 . 0d story yesigr . .l.liTr!!l.4city,tr
,Gormativ 1 . 1 ri, •Imppi—
Ja; a t:-...15a s . h . t• HP., ...whir) . .. pin v ; Rs'.'osne!tisri-ely
fhab I.o:friod for stomach
more than foo!I fiirthv 1). raj - 6 , •• •' •
A' .
. . „
. .
..r ,, bel Iwili[i•isiteil the h,o'spiiel., , one
ing,•Witiiiti rieero . 'sdrya'nt,.who efirriPd'n )wren
hesl<e(oti Ilk arm erov..re.(l with....a 'white • iineti
eldth.•••Slie.npuroeOpil bur dermati I rienti
, cA re yo.w a 20o(1, Union inane,"
ish,(lo,!!'tisos:;hei.hrooic rpply.
G Pr . rtion ;nr.t h firne. time •.cast:ing . a . .h0g9114
ner'af'itiO fore•ni(l - . 421,
owl; boo no-urn' to folfo~ti.. shy
to the oppnsittO.'idr of 'h.?. tt'horO
a I.,bel.qoldieilar,:orid OsliOil 'him the -saute
rinorrion, to.: which .hn. soy' prominly re
. . .
. .
. ..
''''Not.- by" ai il—il. sielit,"::.
.. '• ' . '.-.'
•.' 111 - p Lily . 110..ri•npon lincnvii,ri . 4l the ' basket
and In id out n. Imt.ile or ttini, mince pica, pewit,.
,:(k ,, , ar . ili piliek.4eliiMcies wiiieil wate.,grcHil}'
il..vniiii - iii in the f)9.s . Pncf.' 0f the . Mijcoi 1 old it - 4s ,
wi l ii T e lt
..ciumqVithr iiiiiiir,iiMif.' - ~ ~
. .
..0o . !lu! folirrri•jay..mornin!t., itowovur, another
INIV rnodp hor•appea railer; wi!it, alla.r . v.ti corer
ed basicpf,.au'd she also accosted . our German
ft ivilil, aud'utpsired.folnow if ha was. it . good.
Union mail?' '-., ' ' • • • • .
‘.l kb,- by Got; I ne'care vet you . g0t; . .1 bese
Unino,"• . • .
. The lady !hem set her ;I)a.lcrt on 'l.he'table
nd narGermah 'friend tla•rp4ht thF(t the. tr!itl
. . .
spa - ilf,l in. this c'ac , , , irit did I'4o in Itie.9l her.
iltifirnai4inii 'tiii , ii!al , ,tli . .ril'ille • rMOr I.IIOW I S
fart . Wilf.'fi i hi' hilly plel)V/;jrrd . ti' , ba-§l;tit 'and
proseiitei.l him I.i.th alormt a s bushri, of trti,Cts:
116 shook •
• !Pad .I]fitlli , h; 11011 1 dat . tebr
nn I . oth”t so, mot.
41,111 , "
'Flie . !; : icly•ifis(ribli!ed their), and left'
Soldiers . : and. Generots
The•Tributo dar n el tr - iil s tnow
a - tticirtry, a lailur,e Worn a success." - The pub
lie, which rem.- mlorrs 'ho;m•thri. 'f,:rd.unri hailed
the niass'acre of. -Our. troops 'before
e r ierloiiek.horg as a glorinuS triumph.. ivtll.
prola Isi 17. ifs own opinion Erik) . . . this
flift whatever 'the' value of t
1 . 1 . 101tflf1 . 111( r :ot battle r , alt .t he world
•wil.l.arr,rerr ts- hen Yit .conceiles that the
•of 'Ci.`llF;rlo-•Iove 1111. 1 .
routine in him," - 'Dry alTor Jay' the evidences
1 : 1 •V 1 .. 61 . 11 which the 'returned reo'i r
t • A rmy •e( • th Preofriiie . - a rriii3teil.
01.1 . ,c0 - mrnandrira: he •Wii S: fir t throMih
•.i.fliany s ' root . hi:id:him t'aPtic . c of. -their
upnu the: -; Only a .. ,hy 'lir. too
,Ooil - .the
riot Mc of syeetri
Sy ra eerrived, trOrri
wont on 'his marClf 'thrnegh the ''Street: of
hat 16,vncgYch all ovlttio&ot.lAtititi 011 F appla
•aso; as. the , actual . esence of few- tit hei men
commar,l. AV4shiniitop
or'er4harlowing" ef WAim'anir
and 'the
cirri not, pro Vent the br'aye • volunteers., 'MM :S . .-
4'ollller= with themanirri. of :111bel.km,AN',..
froM Onitinz the 1:121(11P
of 0 . -,O r r illfa the' xars of power they
march back 'to. thrif Apd the. homage,
or - this riabomdit militelry . otiectinn 15'111, 1 ifigh' ,
;,,,st tiMotr . r',:lertit lie fernetnher;ol, that .can. he
paid 10.111 . 43 . Cdp Wiry as the, char4OPr
iota l'6tT):11.• n.de r in. war, as in II
oi her Litman puirsnitii;. very' far, I.?rirlt heing . l
an intallitilo Jes't, at merit. It is - colitingent
. c) hap! burns 'the cbrn and .
the day with a g'enoral actually waging
a ro r tfvr. only comprment arnrsu ..jedrMs 'of
tint gerorra I own %Ora 'om he ...Cie rip y Whirl)
erio.vm or the defeat whicheleirtis.hiS campalio.,
Thri,then who' Prt/unoyrrric atiSaraluga,
.aril I ha-o. trod tun If' beaten try' Cmt%iw,Ll,iii iet
Carojina, rriOlit . have. been. safely 'appealcil
With:oe danger that the. orie wriuld
(; A TE or th'e oti4 vilify Gitictap. The •iroOtp ,
wh% saw Richmond WISH 110i11 . them
14.'0' and , oliishro 'is at IVashintitrin 'know
. t roe'•value well .* as those who
ilOrrialior.itlintik•heaven'wjih GeANT that
. tbe
tilt;;i;~ip . ni
is not telectimh tilp-Pziro;
`imte, and Al:ar Mike sufficient
ty , ittilinlitiMy -,. .anvent 4.00 tb Ile %Ocelotl yttlthin.
Every Fit - tidier.. this day liritio; who narrated
who .srnit
ten into de - sipa'ir tinder
. Popeat 'Mantissa - 5. woke
', r cr.rst r willi:\let.'l,e.t.r..t a to hope. a tiif
r o.A ri rr,.l,, ro ,- i s a ' %,% itneSs odrose eireple shout
at r•rri ht of. his 'e r oMerrl's 'welr-linciwir lime is
itMtc - olotiOctit of trutharid history in the •Mat
-101 All . 0111.11EITIlt:G and has' to. eot9Mand..them
than whole•linsts. of'rolitical 'committees anit
!thole' coniiiikes .of partisan newspapers,
, to sei
ram", 51.Erca.—Eitract (rim a speech.•cie—
cm , ,ml;e'r M'CongreFs from . Ohio; in' February
. .
"The freHern of pertelt k the.. last -,fran,,
chic a tree people' Will, surrender, and our milt.
•lions' will eicereise it M. the rpitt.'t 'ofme.matter
•wh4 ' tMlatwities. .discuss the .
events and . manazement ()Oho war. It: is'r
war, ami, 11!. heintitest of them' has . mr 'interest
in it liillll , to ihat:mf, the first' :citizen. and .
they must and mak his .(:the:
Os: with free trl.maniy -•
&certain vonfliful -Second'. Lieutenant, Who
is also 'A's , ri , tant Provost somewhere'
has decided that the people
his district co aunt. ha cut the privilege of lead,'
tug-the. Chicago Tiehts. Cleveland for9rr;•iitri
and at tier papers. -Ile has' issued an ocular
that 'effect. I'Ve -have hot hitherto
any (Aliens' hen'eath — a colonel having sat in
jmilgnient upon . rho question' of the loyalty of
!my nem spaprts. Ilene, however, we .have
Second Lieutenaht thus sitting vutil doubtless
we shall shortly behnlil, a Corpo“il exercising
the'rume Tune tion.::--Pae. vflion
. . . .
The Mozart ,
Democracs . •mot 'at their ,
roornson. large .numbers . ,..en Tliurtotay. elien• . •
ing. and. adopted a) series of :re:soltitions in
fiver' of Podee•,. nod ...p . rotest i '.utrainst. •. . the
arrest of llori.:elein • ent •
i -'shire• nat
deajiotisrii ort • ,tlie•face• -earth' where • *ii,
..marl at IMiSt . .h.i.s . .rfot), thO: 'right _tn.:express
his'v"leit9 iii be
. cause of : - •••But-iti
thisq -s
country umart . • who : has, lat ely. occur:Out .
•,!1 high pbsition.as•if inesmber . .of Congress, o
•mitisof•alfility, Oducatien mid .. trif?d• patriot- .
jsm,..for do cause .in• the wUrld• "excePt -that
. a.pOlitical•treciting - he said to that
WereOround•li t we-wcri: iu a ,ii•ar
eantnit'result beneficially ti for- this,:•hlif,.
house is forcibly • ehter.eff by. .salrliera,• itnir
irecarr,iinl it st, ntyLianpr-1 . 20 1 4 0 '4 0 qt
before 'a Militaty not • '
defined by the statuti•?.• 'ls tliere• tiny , • reason
that the :lair Should. be tiarrtpli d
Jirelyrilisregariled ? ..as . lf . thoY'wiched :n show
lair people the powtir they hair; and•that the);
care. not (arc the Conciit titian am'. 1 0 . r? Ths'Y
(moon it ..t) n net- , of. outrage" -ind violc nee • ini
pa fa in the hiStOry-of •tbis or. any oilier
land suttee the bloody ibiYa . of - the
Revolution. 1 . /iliplause.f Neither this
Ouvernioent orsnay other:cab stifle -t nice'
of he the
,people, '.except Ilkey
drown it In *. blood. ,[410,1115e,1--11,ive nn ,
forgotterileiv . lluryze and Cliitthath the'
P.a,rlialnent denonticed till, Attorietto 'reV . n.,
These : 'noon -were riot •• seizad- and.,
liroughtliefore a tnilitary 'tribunal tor 'i)cpress. I
mg • that, Lt. Is true there •Wag• a
peace : patty.,, '. • • ,
. Iry . v, ! r tlryre was a . tiirie 'when Ave 'shOuld.
edit fur a c.es4tior, of .(bete ex,petiments, we
have beerf Makilig; it i.s non': Some of these
then who are opposed. to • Jilts, .if 'they . . co'" 1.1.
hilt' hear •the'•.iv,iils,. )t•lie 'weeping,. that go
qp all-over flits laMff if they cenlijunifer . staint,
.fs . they: will tualeistano by Mel . by; that. IM
benefit 'whatever froth • thus wa
it I entniittl-ic(ind that se' may go
trea'imr , , tipo.;
'our tillthlren a debt I. l :at. will be burial; Mid
if they 'could imderstand that. it rritist
in sorneorrungement or other r.t- last, .the'y
.would 'with - 'tit :Ind stay; ' rifer . .
saleefet tin heal he the%void' and nitilre
peace opon..soine terms .or her, f n rol stop
Olio het thjivar, which'is 'a curse . , to Joni.
North and South.": f,k..pitansej, ,
. . .
• . . . .
.desponse to land cells. ;lon. James Brooke'
rose to speali... Ile sail fie thought a
G,yl'aris•ri hi' public. uffairs•• in si•bleb ;it i,-
rte.cessary for'evaly man, as ol'eu as possil•le,
Jo slitiiv.liiincelf.• in order • tn.. •r,e1.1116 ,
the exi-ting Admmistratinn.. Ti heir . a Ali, :
tingoiblied patties Man, Wliqiii•lic• • l,:aetv'
whom rminy of Ilion knewY.‘vell, ;vhnin w'e
all. loved. and .r,:tiered. .for his
•efoquenc,) , his high .ntiainintints,
flistinguisioul abov•) nil for; his Imo al heriiisin-,-
tiby,sical herOits'are alth.idant; nut nio:al
ettirt , •fetv awl.' I.; t it, en--witer .such a
tnitaliail . been arrested,: ha. ha.l Mit it •his
'duty. to appear . antl join in "a. general
e . .xples,.ion of .publie.. • onittion; • Mi. ,V:i • ilaii.l • •
itrreSt., - door; of home)
ballbeen haft ere)1)1Own: it 3 o'clock• In, rho
morniti.;;; lit coryipatiy.of Abolition . soldier'o
arrited inu.sketi; and; '1! tins • or
re•sted, .Kidna roof ?drion' hi 4 tti,te• and Jhouse,
•aollicfed, off to .and.
,tberd la wles,,ty;yly runically- - wick-'
edly by the rninions. poire'r.*: No , Mit tzge
on .earth din that: No .I<it;g it.
• inEttrop”;
.upt - .Napoleon 'on' his
the•Czat, of d:th‘Pa • v l6l '' h.' • tie
.:o'e'redne , s.ot
is' 1.0 high iii acts. iu . Jin;;lish4pw
that for' five bunched year , ko,-g of. Eng'
dant! line - not , dar;.l A moo's.
tiast le.• • The dr , ols.o!' to . aa's,
hroise had•heen - hroicen'it,t'o.by . a wle.t-4
.diery in •tilis Amur apprea,l•LiliZ iiyaning, when
man slofabrocim2st he a t vdy , - .cruelty itlarniMg
his wife :mil .• ' • •
If sueh Eton:: England,. not 0n..1
ly peacaut ;Ind fit : er. t. Ott• c rt-istociat
jcnitltr;ai•ice -to overtop( art
Allthinistrdtion hat dawri ol . .Stieh all,
ontrag.e. (A pfdatiße..)
has he.tii'u been at Feninted. in °M.O.): to , 1- . )
!fight Oadrivf y a ,he nethoc . raey of OF)io:- 7 .'
Twenty five years nen, 'when Napoleon .
out be.intifal of the 'l'itiferie • ••
t gratiticatiOu of 111 . nn=.'.
lion, a' rnise.rhhlc brit a'ilirty. shanty' .ii•as held l
some two loinilred yards from the- tialaci• t
lira and:ttutzu'st ', ; ttpoleonovlio had
thrills:lnd bayonet a under hi , control, by its hum,
trio hrrtirhman, swan, nn being asked to self, re„-•,
fused, healiglics Napoleon never dared.t.) . -
breaVoi) . eit the dorir.nf !lair • hut, snisar'rvil
was this tight; even Fratrei).:-[ . A p r o. use.)
I.fwedo not resist thiS note, it trill Sopii be tint
late to resist.• We do rot pratest fig tuns( it
from the beginning anJ on 'very. oce,:. 7 iicr . ), • the
manacles of deena' ism will be coon soene.lmitieil
atpoti - os that rio hi:twin power-can .Bear them.
We Should 'carefully, Within iltebounds of hts . vi
t•i'eate. the sy,te'6-10( rout [1).11. 7
tat ion, whidi wilt iirottie the : pp:Op!). and awit..'
'ken tivin to resistance.. Oio(1)41, preset',
pet tion s well a§ 'fen:mist hinees•to the PreS
ident-,-for the right of,Perifion is - yet left to in,
Poor subjects of•Araharn Lincoln: . we .shonl,l
petition par goeernorlf necessary, to use his
influence with•thefjovernor.of Ohio . to, 'main=
tin the'principlos of the. Charm and
Iv'fbea's corii;ts to'r Ihe. libi•ratinooltiar illustrious
tizen Sandi g ha m.
Mr. 13ionici 'said Ito-hail, received "tt let:er
this 'afternoon di!'
Indiana,'General Which lui. speaks
of nn cbillrri , ,iititig on. a 'inn,St .extra
or:di:l;6-y war prier Ire had issimik -and sayS,l it
.is lucky far-him (the speAtiirythat'llit . papei
Was not publi , ll . eil In • Indiana', tar wduld
have . sappre , seil • it 'vPsy quickly. • Thee au
'tlacity an•liiisolence of ' these thiserabte crew •
tures.in tiant and lace . the speaker-,would
resist and 14.1,01160 t Orr. even): occasion' ;fort
id all hiitta.r.d••;. • •ReOntilirali laint'd.Y in . never
to hit ei;clllecl, but .I,y ronlinual .watChfulties..
Tyranny . mid• despotism, so-' - should resist.. to
the ntrimst.ol, our , ability in' and under the,
As• long as 'they. leaVe us the ballot•
victory.is sure, rind 'lf-they:de not,
lea've 'us • the ' , .balltit,box, 'said, Mr. Bfeek9',
hy the eternal deft I Will be
,to :lead
rin army if you 'will - . trust ,•to . my
. Icnidership
'to resist all such. tyranny.. in, active appeal.
tion; . •
. • .
. . . .
. ~ . .
.. I
. .. .. 1. - : i• I 4 1,
..., .
~. '4
' ....: , .
I '..,
,' ; ' ~..: . • ' . '
.: '.
1- 5C)®
';' ;'' .' ...;
' %...:,• .4 , •• I ;';' , ''''''
. ~ . • .
hik• ...
. .
.' • . - ..`
•' • "‘;''''' : . l ';' . . t ..
~'.: , '...' • ' ' !..."' ''''' "lir :
• • . • • .-
- . - •
immocßATni . PARTI AliD • FUME
• • • SPEECik.
'Thag'ritune finds it4ef aka party . organ '
`mightya unnloamant'p . reilicame - nt. 'lt ia . eN
•ibutlbe Prnaaadiogl..,a . grairiat, VA'LLoolorr
clip;•6i . hiust ruin Orly• ;n.nlesa...their damn-.
. 6. lTodt by inrna mcana . ii , arded off;. anti
ii . s.th!s., 'too, that these prnceedrada , aio eat ry
Cray;',.atil in nil 'teepects, .
.thi?refor6; has reannise to a shallow Oral nti,-
. -
o tal'iloago. • It rr.alre's a:sho'llk of : ebargitig , hos.
ti I ty: t 6.:1re0 rhseussiorruport'Demociulsl ..And.
is_ its .argtmaiM Why,,..that, 01 , •Moral
13tilm.stio , .:(1;.c.avei!..save the'prinfld).. 14'. a . 'T.J'erri.
"per..ll; atiil.llmt Joilga'ralitvitt,:wlioilanioil Mr.
itt' . Demooratr Democrats incr6edl
It matters very.lil tle....what party, iv:Arlan_ who
coaoract. the 5142 vies .
iviThrfni:' "Petit OW itf
ltho ora prpt n Mat, the
writ Joty or . ttiay . mot
really has . not • brains . oroiligh;hor politiol
information enough, .to eilps
intrlligent'oriinion any.palitical
'Ole polities; of .such men are Merely' the re
'lilt of yin. Thor drift .111;6.. chips '
.io•thr. .water. YOu might nn
thig.,ll.l)i.rooera f' (of '
...11itIlublIcaa oitlier,. for.
thuf mutter) or.on, ochli , o tot! • monkey ii D rot
fiill}, fulled as _ a oottl . poi • such . hist all , rroii,lv
self.rejfamm, clotche3lat the only-,spur
can lierp hnn afloat, which .i 3 abj,e't
to lhe adininiStratiom . . His 'first ronspicoons
exThibit ion of despicable servility wa's
immediately aftcydiis. 1°01)3111y •dasliing.ltis
muly,t6 pMees. atptiost IFredericlfsl3mv,„•lind
mum:lin - led when
to Make Ifirnielf the', scariegui4'itf:-tile,adniiii . sl.
tration. fie lins never dole a.inanly act sinee; •
proiialily he never'. will. : .
. . .
Of Judge L'E.AVITT. VVI 'llolhillg, fur
•we huow .
,li ".halee • has. had •on
A:li•cit plirp• it dhe bfue•book • as; one -of .1 he
.ibstriet judges "-of: Ohio,' for something . ,
•i r're.r . of century; hot . .it •tr;ever found u,
anybody's" . inr;mti.r . y. H. in
probably. sinking into his...dotage; but who'
.ever heard' of lairri when he wag' in"' his prini4
IWha!'•:las he ever. dOoe? • , At the. curse of a.
1 9ni: rife i'reiehtedjo
for•I be
,moinentary which the
. . .
, . .
.fir .
.try . , for thn first ,titrie, bestow!' :'lman,'. him.
11.(3 . ennral RuaNstem's silly'. pr,Oteat ,had ..u6, ,
itlifnence in cuntrolli - ng his judgnient: that
tart tillieinntli gouges his inielleg. -What
‘.l.e . the i:olitical, v.ievi:9' of this. 'man' anti
por.Nstfiryeats ago, . nobody . knew or cnri.3
to tOquire; Ih , were hitneat h curiosity... •It
is 'et:him,' that they. me no :DunsnrintS
they me mere parasites 'or! his admittisirta ton:
But Oe . it has • foundi in the
t id, ratite at. our hiititry, another example
ot.thttrothUtie.regenney ta. the right s.of:Alis.
enQs ion: n . amely., General Jnessott's'proCee.l:
togs' at Ne • w . olleans. - . To: liken hint.to -Btrltrr.
sing is.ridirtdous. The caire4o.liffi4rttit4tilile'
.tat'a Other at •a11:—. When. JActiSoN tirtielitimeth
tnart,al law at New
.it Oh' the
et..tti of battle. The enemy were, within
three hours' march of thlt,'eits,.-nlid its (Ste .
41190)111d. The rityformetf . Genttial .JsctusrtN t s
i atop; utnhody gnet.tion . I.hitT right of a
t an' rommaml . o,.o: : abseitutO control: in his
tta tun: •!atIgo.HALL 'aSseitted to'
thc:proclainat lop of martial law; .and , •eapi'ess
est.strriigilpprouatitidnfit atter. it was. issiretl..
When. tlie mtiveinent - was marle Cim gross
Jo let and Giit.fla .I.4 , L , ltYbN's.fine,'ilirt• ..pa t•
riot. rlnn in : uetirerricnt•- . . t the Hermitage . ;
'wrote itsena tor a letter on a ysoltject • 'in
e said). iiivould de" tied ' . la 4 man nil
ra - 1 t :to II rI V act rip' ri ~t ho tad in patid ti,
rt . pt . 'ti4rl TICE. • 1111,1 TA 11Y. t S ft Oil Li; A LWAYS
11F; 51.71 . 1.1E6T• TO 'f .CI VII. IC)
. . . .
The D e m ocra tic ~ pa rt 1... hos...alivay • been
ho chatil•pion of free•iliscu as icin.. ' ]t . was 'that
)ori ion oCt he •,oilizeps•'lsf the country w.ho
verward • rallied
~icenti.t.soi; • that
iochred :the ititrotinet ion . into . the. .C.onstitit—
ion of he guarantee of 'freedom of speed
oil he' press; end placed. it at the; heed, . n
aII the. rimendtnents.“ It was the
rirrty-that broke doWn 'the' stamens Sedition
Lar.Y...l\fe. 'MADISON'S celebrated repdrt•on
flm Virninia Vesalhitlons. (aler'ayS 'corner.
6t0n...a the! Detrronratic crvelf) : .is':u. masterly
vindicorionof the !ref:item of jrress, Mid
the utmost lieeirse . M .
pr , sidentiril eler thin 'lint
the,Deinocratic.rarty:imo . poWeeov,i ,
'nnr.git.'rrt ion Jrgainst Law*, Which
ii;retelereti forleyer . :ndiouS..Tlie De moan lie
party. bas le!!'!'n in
. firinOr in both' . tlit• great
WA IA Ilia/ I lit;:count ry, bus been -eng . a2eil
proiloos to . I he•presetit; in both tbosu w t ,
there was II viol! nt, , virulent, and viturwr,
olive. 6pPi):4l,liiilOierreb! ,. liVllll . illg the war'ai d
. .
its Amotives; anti tlernandiru , its illson't
atictmlnit• in neither was 'airy a retort, ninth',
rn combat tlit:uppokirion Cxcept . 1)3t; irs, own
weapons, in Opt. Ort.titise of _that.. frettilorn o
speech v.'llich[thu war . party ' .while. 'using it
it sal f.conceitytt-as an unquestinnabln :.to
it while he. I)eriutera tic record in anis
nil !mumable, hots, 'it with .I he
. .
liPptaiiican party?: ,That p.
the lirsttinrie in pcmer, arkil it.:-onght to Liush
for its riTinanry to the principles it. 9frofo.sfted
it'syaS' i a candidate for 'public,
.fay Or.
It • thott . ..the . -pfeteri . detj . 01 the
1,94.! en.rints,.. not tnlerrilinv,r' itx denial e vOl
to a imzitive glnee;:now'it denies .4..t0
freemen. • 'One. of i".t first mottoes -was
IrPe'speeel - !,. and free. men," which it
.. . , .
-snbqP'quently riarili!..il into ' , flee soil, ,free;
spelicbt... lo l( l - .FnEMON'ti" 11 . 11 t. • the j)..., veerli
‘Fiti a mere', electione'erinz . pret , O.i; ps , •is,
proved' by - its: suppressicin .as `soon as .the
Orly came into power.—N.': /7. 1Vi . );4,1: ' -..
. •
• Tn),s:UNlni on ANOTEIER . dOI7,2N3INNT,*.The
'CrpSerViltive 'paTty tfirontynit'llie country '.'is
pledged firmly to the'Union . cause.. tan:-
led Tarty ii rvinywhere. 'enraged :in Fowing
the seeds:of disoitiop by tetithina,.the people
that he Union as it ismot to:be 'rind
we nre fighting for 'tome neyrt governmeiit
which is .to - .bee• hereafter constructed..L.Th'e
61,1v.rule'of fsith ought to he the Constitution,
the sole.objeet of the war ought. to he . the old
UniOn, •That is worth. fighting tor. • Bill-. as
ter a new, vague, undefined governinent
suit radicals, that is . itot Worth .
Let al keep the lwar:to, its true psypoSss,— .
Journal of Commeorts. ••• • • •
. .
• TEE .. INCOME TAX ;. .
• •
The first et kitY: is. the' time desigzatt,ed by
the tax low for the'aisesstnent 'et the, ai on
' iticernea, " the present .asse'astriPiikiteiiii.for;. the.
year. ending December
son; whetheriu usi neSii:or fun; including ihose
actirt,stlo 'a 'fiduciary:. toy guarciiiril;
triisteeß, * ititritinitistratOts, mut...retain to
the:Sfsistaat assesiers'a stitteOterif of all; the
receipts of their httlinesa, or property
kind aridideseripthin, rind thi assessars',Oti I
decide what . thidattfons be niildo';';:tthis .
tax is'nnuunl, 10;1 tbe",tisie”iriept,;will Ve:isub
,te mintit ,
be t aken. : pars i eta s 'pia Ice 11 , 4tite ,
intint,bt hetr incerite ' er the' statement rot.
ileitined:to t tati, flit tre,,tilide on:the',
besr.ib formation the assi;ssore can obttiftf''iitib—
ii,iq'ifoite.:rait'ii sir liffiVtsityrion' •of ibe..‘iitfiiietis , .
asiitissed,ris prescribed by 'the
trim feuds the e.leniptjon . of $OOO will • ifot be
M .
Mode unles s oath,
cither inronio _from ....which
.1111'4600 I.7ompt i ono, lie , Mui
ink sOcpine( itbst rect . of.theint,v relitting
flood footitl.o fiti in gyidiniper;
meos,in me Icing out n of their incomes,
'tledoo:tions 'bO;n3a4o',,liy
tb:e.eniiossors: • . •
14 , 41terviri; riwteliantg and' . Maim faeturirs,
will. telurn.the - sylv . llt; mount - 01:11ie• avails: or
)•etie/me eribeir atif! n steterool4 • of,
the ;'•xt)eti s s. of same,:Ote, for liibor p . - mote:riot
Sze • partoers . .retorn.' theii
~.shorti., dr.
intlrc~t.in the
. (10•ItertOorithip Cor
hioretorl.tho motint of profits, whether, in.the
brothkrvtice,',- , Evideocov oC
. .
.. .
debt, (nrudjusied.:ureptipts, will, .he tuarri ai
ii the p , t)3(ttt . , i'd li iti ,l l( 1 flg ; cin.in ven tory • °Kill's .
sul-ne, ao.seti)o'roont or un euttitec
.. rot -mere' will'rettirn.,tbe - value of the 'produce
.61.1h,'! farm: . portion of the inme hail been
'.‘fed onf."..to.atoeldor sele;:the value-. of. the
.eroek fatterieO., returned also. all.
((Th. (Thi;l'will avoid..the pay-
Meat of-'a don Wh tax, Adz: . both 'fOi. the
prrolloi:q of the fa and the in
coati', from the stock fattened from ihe..istitne.),
No deduction will' he, made' tor. the..-lebor,. or
ser.vire' of himself 'or family:•:•Ex'pOisee - of
hired help Will be ilediieted; also ell :payrbent
for rent, instiranc'e,' ordinary repairs,. int erect
op.mOrtgage ,, ,;&e , . '1%,,t0 'deduction will:he - made
Jar 'ar t y portiett 'of the . prodots, „of . ' the , farm :
eMismned - he.' fit mily: • Preduee .on : . •hand
'December 3t, 1862, must be' valued ihe'
' • •
Sllitried men will return the full .amount "of:
the 'salaries
. they receive, whettier: fiked., by
sii.totes or agreement, lir deriVell - "froin - fee!,
&c, Pre'eimin tO September 1 1862, 'no', deduk..
Lion ot(tin•,• pi'r,etnt,waq,erode from 'Balmiest'.
of . PeiSoMi iri.thn orpplb)}'Orthe -, 'United' States.
It follows; that he'grose .amount received be;
trees January 1,;l802 and August • 31; 1862',..
inclußive,. Int& he returned..
•retttrototist,he r.iae ."of the 'income,
Kfig'oooi;in. LO X lin Il!r;
eimmany, sat;ingi, stit ntion, trnif 'eOmpaey,
rniiroeo., railrriad4 "bonds, steamboat,,:, ferry
IMat or bridge,lietWeen Jan.,1,•186. 1 2;',a4,Aug.
31:18C3.,:•incloivp••• • .
not. giiina 'or rimnufactprpri lire
to be:citimi ithdpr . .section:fliiletY, of 'the '.law,
thofact that 016r...hive el
re'44)- paiii tax; •
.the : ,o . orpption contained
in thn :iirif4inal • gtiitute woizrfimoveq.,by the
iwendrmihtt of • •
Gen. McPlena%
A Fick n the New. Hayen
t s 'the (IJ - y:,..vt; . 11 snd diesled :by tt:s.traw-
ei•r . wilo silt behind hitt); aril in the . courati of
'eonves , :ation tbe latti..r spoke. of General
terrns ... son . ieivhat the seine. as'.are.
dttily used by Rep :novapapers: .. The . soldier .
rned.aroundiu•his seet•and at first ery.,gent
.ly. reproved The latter' repeated
his remarks, an,ll,molf.m lixly riressei'l his stir
prile •I,h - at n.,Upion s'oltlier.should defend. Me—
The. s k lllirr took n,rollof rhonei,from
. .
is pocket, gild, viiil,"so that nil in. the: car,
give you. .
yoU'll go .
to the nest car nud .'say put loud what
+to. just said to What do you mean by
. . . ,
that?" nske.i) her. .
Poi too
sick to tauchyoirmyielf, bnt atacatnOhrough
thal car I sal!: too c)l;liers there 'that I .know
are.rrom tl,e kmy,of the' Pototnac; ' I' never_
satv , Milvtr or them bt‘fore, but,' if youql:,4c! in
Ogre unit say' to them what :you havit,:Baid„ to
ut,•;they'll pot you'oti..thir c'ars.: bolore• you
lcoovi• ivber: , ' you are, un , d 'see'
it .1100." • The stra ..ge!
JieaTty.choc:r priveil that the, car lull qf
.11. rs watt in entire gymntit hy" yttitiOhn
Atfain4t influence likel his; in every town'
vtilage,,nhainlneninst retireliertri- House s
the comitt ry, the'radieel Ainntierers - of .the :gen,
'eral iii vain lahnr. Soitriers' letierf 'priot`if
iheusandi tintV•htincketts..:of
ihnitAtintis are read .and re-read hrie'verf colmet
of the Noitherpstate - s, expressing the solders''
lirsi :Of American. generals. • . •
'Ti:e National idei/igs ,e=rll‘e'l said, a short
lime 'ago, sO)slittlee, that wfien tfie 'enemies
of .:Ctrllun choo . se 0:11rer their. iittacks on
then pat .honest
nilnu it: merit' to be Aintlisturtied. But
he. Honed). bra iciers determined tis' . keep'.
. .
Irini Itefort; the pebliet anti the roost. remarks—
ttit.i.eitihttieri hitherto Riede it . fnirrid 'in 'the
avidity' with which 'they seize on the remarks
of violent ;5010.11.ett! *rojiers,:. atfd gtiote them .
with 61itetial.epproettl, ,The elosest..s):69 Pa
rity-seems to exist between the .
cession organs and 1)0 Icprthern.qulii al papers;
and they: work together witli.a :whether
the niliirt is to;destroy the Unioii:, er:itamao
the y;Tulation. Of the trnion - arrrt . y.an . t.l Ste gen
eral4.•• . -
rel'eren to, tho' • l Ysriatis go vernment . .
nxoActitioryi gn inst. the'. Ind nt .Brigha
sitys: rrl ivili,:eo . mparittivcif :speaking,
tiatce one .pl nit of t ohs cre; shirt, ...three
cents i.s;hrtif nf stiff roero'ilife' end.
Ily£expeiirlirrrinilkions . ito.l,lars.y . ested; is en
emy to fightoliCkill .
. . ~
Mrs IVlstilda Megge'has A. - fresh..shingle , at. . •
her shop (!orkriip oneof the EaStern gfti y a-virith,,.'., '...,
t . llkg'imliQtilieriiente • '. :,•••-': •:, ••• , .., , : :.:,4 . , ,y. ,' .:+, -
, •I`lirrts— , -i'ar got sprti nu iirttikeis,,,:fqtr pap'' , '1::
such' •,is kraeliers;.kaiiiils, : ktips; sereesrsi.'r . ind .
.. • ; , , t •
man's other arttikels tO numerus"lci;tneli!ibuh s . .....:.".:
ill Belling cheep," , " , -' - : .',),:,:`:: ~,',T.':•:,
;:~ . - r
NO ~,5Q;