M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, May 23, 1863, Image 3

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:ghb~ding the :Receipts and Eipeadittaies
'Ocean Coan7 . for 'the year 1E62,
„Received cm, seated MX 1858, 18592 •
and.. 1860, ' 169 65
iln seated tut ,for'lB6l 5r..1.862 3,358 69
TinqVated for isee & 180 • • . 9,180'15
'Received of Tieas. Cameron co. :.819 14
3,527 , 63
Totit. Receipts,
• .
. .
'.By paid Trasiero ucorB,- .-.
;.Gra'lo Jurpr3
Sheriff- •
• ' •
'l . .ax-'refundeil, •• •• •• .
tlection expenses; • ••• • •
ForadOitiOn.to • ".
Road darnagos,
• Auditors,
'. Bedding addlinutiles for •
4Thadwick,tPfathonotary's Fees,
... , Coinmisaionfirs . ! Wage's; '
Repairs of Rwbiie,Buildings,
.QualideatiOns, .*.
.Oil' for Lights, " • .
9 cleanirig"Paurt House, •
Tip Staves,
:Grand bury Constable . ;
. Counsel Wees, • .. •
edemption order, •
Pitch c, , round Court Hotise . ,
Chairs for, COurt HOIINC,
'Stove , for NothonOtary's office,
Wood liOuie„ .
Ronnicg, Tocvhship Line,
Incitiest on'Pat Roney,. •-•
Paid.on judimeat - against county,
6i.Stskil ailyertisini.ll tracts land,
RueaTaling Treasurers .Bondi . •
•Treasurer's commission, • •
. .
i l iir
:Lihbilities of cornier iears,
Interest Orders . taken up, • • ~ . 7.0
..r.rxes of Ree 'pts over Expenditures,. 1., f
311 . 00
.r/;,l,tai : Exprmilituresi
To' Orders . (3t!tsta,tding . (ordinary
Orders on in terest,
against County,
C9rismissioner.s.AVaig9s, •
iri favor of :County,
Amouni doe frorriColleotors,lBol,„ $3.11 13
.4mourif thre.frorn Colle6.lors, 1862, . 1,550 73
4 Frtseated Tux for 1802, • 152'48
- Urteated Tax foi 1863, ' „ • 2,273 06 .
Seated, l'Ox tot - 11833, ~.
Due. from Sheriff
Total ResOursea,
Bonds.for Irian of money tor:VoC• . $4,310 . 00
Relief orders on!standing,• •. X 100.07
POCKET BOOK LOST.: -, - • •••• •
MIRE SUBSCRIBER, this.ilay,,.lost a srnal •
. 1 Wallet, some hat .ivorn, containing :ivro
$'757 .V.ll $2 notes, t. , ..1 . n0tr.5,' :one filtY cemt •Ehins.
1;07.0 24 1 rilaster,,t‘v ,- • ~n-Eillisters of ten •cents each, a
..7'.21 67 t rocitpt .r..-..., J..S. - Slim. for.riaiiir, of $2 O 6p,
1036 531andn. ..ote against. LaGrarF. Cook, .ritten'
. 1,679.11'' alaiihli 'pincilt of $7 62.• • • •-- • • • • .•• •,
. . . , .• . •;.. • . . ,16 s Any person.lindinti the ,a,bove., &sc . ribeil wat-:,
. .
. . .
. sisoo• jet and re s toring il,vcith•coiltrints[will be.::s.ui
We, the 'tinittirsigne4 •Commisstoners hitt y rewar . dech ••
... .. ' •
, . .
M'Kiian County, do •certicy.thaithe iiiiegoi.,, ,, ...March II:, 1863, • . ..2 J. M..FARR.
stat 7 inent or the funds, , Receipts . iirni Ex s pend 7 l •
itnre of said County for the year.lB62; is cor
ect, to.the beSt of our knowlediet kVttness
our hands at Sinethtioit;•Jannary ,G 3.., .-.
A. P.. BR , ER,
I li
J. W. ST' CS . ; ••
. ; go • aorrinissioni7s
By,Seated tax forlS6:2;
, Unseated . tax for' 1562,: •
Sealed iox •:
Unseated taxiiir 1863,"
Balance to,be provided fori
. .
. .
'All'pe - rsone..indebted to me for costle, in Mc-
Lin county, arc requested to pay the same to
P. E. 'SCULL; or J., R.. CHA UWICR, and all
in Citmeron 'county . will'pay to P. SCULL,
or JOHN ., M,JUDD,—immediately., ' •
All attending to this will very: much
ottlite'm'e and save•themselyas coats : - •
• •
'JOSEPH MORSE; Late Sheff. •
Smethpori, Dec. 11th 18.62.
• GLEAN.. PRIcEs.T.•
I:vrotild.respectfully announce to the citizens
of, McKearrand adjoining counties that they:
•ean . do as well in • Smethport, in the Stove and
Tiri-Ware line as in Olean. 1-shall, at all
times, have on hand a largesteek of
Sheet-Tron4l Ocip'per7Ware,. • .
Hoot Iron llose-keepers.llard-W4re, • tic .
. . .
Job . Work • 2
of all Iciiias done with dispatch, and in a•Sati s s
tory.menner, at the lowest possible prices.- -
Orders promptly attended' to.. ,• .•
Give .me a call-at the building known' as
ceSide Hill Tin Store"—fortnerly occupied by•
Geo. H.iVason — §methport,4'n; .• . . .
•Igay 21., 1863. L.•W..MASOINT,
• . . • Prupriitor:
best and most reliable Fashion Magazine in the
World. • QuAtaine the largest and finest Fashion-Plates,
thegreatekt , faumber Of 11130, Engravings; the'. latest end
most, reliable information; three Patteinslor
'Dressses, and a sheet of, now 'trade-{York and Embrni
'daring Patterns. Every Nether ' Dressmaker, Milletier
and Lady ;should have it.. Published Quarterly, at 47.1
Broadway, New York .aold everywhere or cent,by , mall
Yearly with a voluablepromium.
Tho kiuunnoromber, now ready:. •
• .•
. ' iVolurhe . •
. A — tiew volume of this - widely circulated 'pa
per commences on the Tst orJaiiary.j. Every
'Number cootains-sixteMi pages of useful infor
mation and from five to ten original efigmiViogs
of newl n ventioosa'nd discoveries, all of which
kre-.prepared - expressly for'its-:(q31 . U11111S. ,
s'46l 08
214 50
To.Tl!e' Mechanic and Miluiaetitre'r!
• . 0000
' .201 25
..1,b32 14
505 . .15
. 31008
.410 00
. .
•No . person engaged `.in 'any. of the ''..mechani ca
pursuits 'id - meld- think ..of doing without .the
,ut six cents
p . et .Weeki:every nutnher contains,
ten engravings of', rieW,,rnaefilnes• anth,inyeti- .
,tiOns, which.catinetbeThend in aiiy. other pub , .
lication,lt is, an established rule of the . pob-
Ostlers. to none but Original;engravingi,
and those;of. the first clan's in .the . art, drawn
antrengrned . .by. experienced, persons .unde'i'
theirown supervision: •
: - ..T0 the Inventor!:' , •
..The..SCIENTIF , IO-, ADIERICAN is indis
pensable to every i nventor, it.not only. con
tains -illustrated 'desCriptions of nearly..Ulf:the
. best - inventions 'as:- they come out, :liiit• • c
numbOr contains an . Official List of.the. C ti a
of all the Patent's issued from Atte U.nitil. 5 ea
Patent Office.duting the 'week previ. Ini
giVing a •correct . histOry of the. pro 6 .f.in- .
I l i
.v.entions in this country. •..Wo are also.receiv
mg,' evety...week;.the best scientific journals of
Great ; Britain, . Prance, and • Gertilany; thtis.
placing in our posseSsion all that is transpiring i
in 'mechanical science-. awl art in 'th'ese '_old
countries: .We shall continue' to . tian.sfer-to.
one column ' s copious extracts from . these jour
.nals of whatever We may deem of. 'interest...to
mit. reacl6is. .. '
Chemnists, Architectg, And
' • Tbe SCINTIFIC. AMERICA . N . *WiII. - be
foupd'a moat,tiselfuoPurnal. 'to therP. All the
new.: discoveries of, science. of ,cheMistry. are
ari.irMin its coluirins; find:the interests, of the
Architect end Parpenter'are not over)opked; all
'the new inventions' and . .diseoveries :amiettain
ing:' to these . , pursults" . ..b.eing ptiiiiishelf from
eek . to' week.'* Useful andipaa '1 infOrmii..
tion pertaining to the ;intervits iliwrights
and Mill•:owners Will. be found ptrblished in the
•Scia'N•riric A;InttMAN whichinferination' they
cannot possibly . obtain from any . other' source.
Subjects, in. which planters find fanners ere in
terested will'helound;discusscd in. the SciMi-
Tryfc A.U . anicAN; most of the A s
agricultural imPlements beingpustrated in .its
1,017 22
405• SG
$1 . 3,527 . 93
$1,069 03
i,26,3 03
•To mail anbsclibersitlkree Dollars . a Y:ear,
One .Dollar for four monLhs. :The 461-
ume's commence on Op lirtl.of Januarllllg
$0,790 75
Specimen copieS sent,grUtis, to at
'paSt . of the country.
:Western and Canadian money or P,ost•offic.e
stamps taken
.at par for subscriptions. Cann . -
dimn subscribers will:please - to remit 25. cents.
eara on each ye'ar'S, subscriptipn to • pre-pay
$9,790 00
AIUNY .84'C0.; Publisheri,
'No $7 .Park'-row Ne w York
$4,600 97
A - Reverenirg - lentlethOp having. beep resfored
to heulfh in a few days,'nfte'r undergoine all the
usual routine and .irregkilar expensive modes 'of
treatment; without 'success; considers . ie his
sacred duty to communicate to his Ofllitted fel
ereatjtres th,l :ifEA*s Or CURE: ;Hence, on
the receipt of an addressed - envelope., he--will
send (frOe)si copy of the prescription' used . .--:
birect o . Do. JOHN M. , DAGNALL, IS6
Fulton Street, Brooiclyu, N. Y.- •
, • .. . . ,
All.persons are forbid 11th:chasing a;Judgmeht,
eien by. 4. KALI - Am:lt t0.N.'1. : Bksws.ift no.
•88 Dec:. T'lB6l for 8;300; 'as the consideratillPOr.
Which the judArnent was - given„ has Pattitly
failed and the judgment will not be • paid until.
the consideration .is made good. .
• , • JOHN - KALLIHER. •
• keating, 'March 25'1863; .. •
• M HE SUBSCRIBER• has opeued:a new
ery Stable inSmetlipoit, at •0. R. Ben
nett's Old Stand,MnjWain street, just east - of
Mchanics', Where can be found the bst of
sea and Carriages at low priec:s. He intends:lo
make Smtithport perrnanent'reSidenee, and
asks a share of patronage. •
• • A.. N.CITHr. .
• SMethpOrt, August 24;1860: , t. n23tf. '•.
To colisuinp .
. . ,
. ..
. 1 1111.11•Asivertiser, having been restored to health ink
1 few weeks, by n very simple - remedy, after bevinu
sugared sever: l years with a severe fling affectinn.kup
that dread slisestse, ConsumPtion--is anxious . te motto
knoWn to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. • • .
Than whadesiro it, he will send a copy of the cure.,
lion used (free of charge), yitli the..directions for pre
paring'and using this some, which the V wild find a soon
BURR roe CoNHUSICTION . ,- . liT1131A; BRONCHITIS, d . c. The.
only 'object of the AdVertiser.hisentlingthsf Vresciiptlon
Is to benefst"the. stillictesl,.nodr,spreasi information wilful('
lie conceives to. be invaluable,. and' he belies' every Of
ferer will try his remedy,, as It .will cost Chum nuthiog,.
'nd may 'prove a blessing.. -
.. ,
Parties wishing the - pressriptiorrwill please Address
•' ~. •.• . . Any. ADWARD As WdIs h SON, •
Wi7lialts burgh, ,' • '
, .
n7.43n1..) '''.. ,:. , •' .' Hltsgs Cousfy, •elvt,:y.rk. '
$40. : 'WAGES PAIP - spo.
. .
• To sell goods for the Amois S.wilvn Mn cin.N .
COMPANY. 'We'vvill give n commission on nil
goods sold by our Agents, or:pay.wages' at from
$4O to $lOO per month, and:pay all 'necessary
expenses. Our, Machine is perfect 'in its me =
chanism. A child can learn to
_operate it by
half an,hours'instruction I , It is equaltcinny
'family Sewing Machine in use, and we - haye
ietbrced.t4o .pricato Fifteen Dollars. ..
Each machine'is warranted for: hree.years
Address ' C.IRUGGt;ES,
• , ' Gen. ,Agt., Detroit, Mich..*
Cere.i—Putnam 'Barber, Peterllianaing, C.
.11. , Smrth,. • • • -
• Otto-4m....f.;miejoy,.Samtiel Barber.
. finoin—lDenry Smitb,Divid. P. Simpson;'N.
. Eigred . , 2 -•L bennisi Thorrias • KingsbUry.
A.. Backus, A .IV.
" 440t/dig—Miller C. Stiehles,,Wro:.WilliC4S,
'Alexander -Off*, Z. R. Tubb.. ••
liberty—J. J. Abbey: . . •.,
•• Brodihrrl—John N. Browb, - R..' v., Davie,
Amps Kingsbury. ,• • .
Corydon—A. Wilkinson:
:LatasoteJolin'Hutson. ,
Beegeant—John Huhn..
• , Hetmilton—lohn Campbell
K... parkvti k • A. W.' Maull,
Ilaitiiltote—Lyman Paryileter, Isiah Morrison'
Aratisom Lewt's.•: , . " •
. .
. Eldred--,rphh St I, - ..Terome:Nutt inr. tester,
Parishy,Jabez Ric e . , • • . •
.;, Liberty Sirner, J.F..Ctnie k E. C.
peies—LD.: C. Barber, Jeremiah Thos
• Atistin, , F., F. Bishop: . : .,
.I;afayfrite-1. G.. Tidd.:
Serkeaut,:-.F.vo Cook. • , ' ' .
L..Billei 0. S. Burdick, 0. W.
Gallup, Jarric4 A.' . ',.• S.' :
• .
Baartlfor4.—.oliverPiltd 2 E.. D. NortoO, Geo.
BichTrtleori; A. W. - Olde,taniel . Laßyty, Al
mond. Locip.•• •
Otto-0. A—Gra.y . ,' M. Baldwin, Peter. Gor—
Bunkei. • . • .
Bo;;lrgh—A .N.:Smit h.
. •
Corydon—l‘lorse A. Weelanno,.. ••
,• • ..
'• •• B. BLAIR Sheriff: •
Titogiiciii-.Oonsai,JIELIAIWE,Iiiid FRAC-
Jourpol, devoted ...to the
.diflerent de.;
partritqls.of soil culture, inch tis growing Field
Crope , ,terchard and.• Garden Fruits; .Garden'
1 /eget:ape.% and Flowers ; Tries, 'Plants,. 'anif
lor 'the La oh or Yord.';'.care of Do
r cneitie Animals,. Ste., &c., and, to Honsehold .
Labors.. It has also an interesting'and itistruc:.
tire' department for children. and 'youth; 2 •
; .A full Calendar of Qperations..every month.
Teree.to Foul' Hundred, hr Mere, illustrative
Engravinge.apiteOr in eaCh•Volume,. •
Twelve tfuntlieil plain, 'practical, in
structive•artidles'and useful items, are given.
The• Editors and Contributors are all Fee
, tical :Working .111 en.. • :
• The' teachings of 'the. A GRICIITURTST, are• CO7l
- to no Stateor ftcritoiy,. Int are .4daptPd to
l'the sotintt of nil sections .of the . country-it is,
its name indicates, for the whole XIIERICAN CON
GI:RDIAN:EDI`PION•to pub] 'shed, the
a.arne: size and price as the English, and con-.
tainibg all'Of its reading matter, and its ntime
roue illustrative engravings: • '
one . yeqr,. :$1 00
-Six i w p one year • 0 0011.
Ten Qr. more copies 'one year 89 cents each.
• QAdt to the aboVe rates: Postage, -to
Canada 6 • ceirts, to : . England, 4nd France,
ecnts ; to Germany, ..36 cents.
POstage anywhere -In, the -United States and
Ter ripries• rriust.be paid by the -suWcribey, and
is only six carc a veal.; if, paid in.advance.ut
the"riffice where receiyed. - . •
'All husineSs and o . th6;cbmmuhications should
be addre ssed to the Editor and'Proprietof;
ORANGE JUDD, , ill'ark 7 Rdw, N. Y: City
...•-. TO . OUR. SUBSCRIBERS; - •
The commencement of a new year is a gdod
time. for renewing subscriptions and increasing
the dl i t : tior of . :th4tirtial of Coinmerce..=
I t
We ild s oars I sto the old readers of the
paper,,vytt h . ent nfitlence to tbeir'willing
ness try• aid, us,. 'a tend • the 'influence Of the
sounil conservat ive rhiciple and.mnrals.whieh
have hitlirtneliarecter4ed . and will' hereafter
characterize this' paper. F.:vsavSuriscotorat . te
'the Journal of Commerce" might. do' a great.
service to these principles; and strengthen us.
inilotirlbilirrto support and circulate thern, by
.semiirig tis.the. name of at least •one''new soh=
.scriberr in: his town. ' • • . • .. ••• '
.. .. .
. Devoleillirmli as We hovebeen.to * Citir 'cotin
• try's '. intvri•sts;•and having, lon been. called
“Cniolf Savers; 4 'a's : a term of rep oach,we are
and shall, be the firm opbolders.of ' " '
opposing with.heart - and pen every.man, South
'or North, Who is an enemy to eithe r. % Every
form of disorganization.and revoltition.will find.
- us ready for, the combat. -Among the foes of
thy: American Union and• American pri n ciples,
we rank side by Side ' • •, • '• • . ' •
anti we propose with flii 'our: strength to defetid
the nation against the ottarks.ol bOth... • -
.. •
A .LIBERAL .OFFER. ... . - .
OM encourage those Who may volunteer . to
ipil n'a
in the i rrganizatiof Clubs, we
ter an entra copy ofthe Weakly to every'pet
otliwho shall'lorward twenty new subscribers '
Nitith the money. ' •b • . • ' .' . •,. .
may he organiled in 'communities with great
allyantage. The. present-is the . best .period kir
- „tbeir cotrimencement... The terms 'on Which
we can furnish the paper are as follows :.--
'TO'companies taking
20 copies or upwerds . QNE.DOLLAReach
13 copies • :FIFTEEN DOf.LAIE9.
8 copies TEN
4. Copies.. •Tlx " • •
• 3 copies
'Under 3 eimies TWO. each :
The ,Papers, wilt_ be addressed to different
perons at the , same . PoSt Ofkce; if desired, ext .
eept in eases - of clubs- of . .).j Or Mote &Ties;
which will he mailed to one.addrei,J.
may be made at' the following rates:—Papers
added to a-club . during.the first qdarter of. the
club's year will pay the full rate of the-origi
nal club for a year, during the second quarter
three-fourths of the original year's rate,durieg
the third . qtiarter ene .during the last
quarter 'one-fourth,. one all . such' subscriptions
Will terminate:With the year of the..original
From HolbrioneoU.:S.
Where packages of. netospap;7s. or periodicals
are. received at any post :office directed to.rint
adclrese, and the names'of-the club olt "substii
hers to which they belong, with' the . .postte
for a quarter:in advance, shall be'impded to the
postmaster, he 'shall deliver ihe.sarne'to their
respective, owners. , . •. •
Aut' this . does: apply to - weekly newspapers
which .ftee in the county where prin
ted andpnbliiheth...•
,•• • • •
••, 02" Address Bill:ors of he JOional of Coot
naree,.No, p 1 .I'Van itreetto . roik: .
- • gqitprva nd Proprietors
. ..
11 skit, feeble, And
'Mgr' Aro you out'of
Ilit your system de
ad your feellngh uh.
Ito? ' 'Those ~ syrup.'
oaken tint pinlude to
iluess:.- Staub.% of
In eri.ePhig upon yoni
thl -be 'averted' by a
No of the right rout
he Ayor'o PUN and:
ndisordered hit
Ito blood, and
I ti n .
a o it v i o t
I, ' on .
a t
g ur i6 b.: ;
initiate tho.functions
sly Into ' , vlgorotts oc,'
airy the oyotoni from.
. .. . • -, , the Ot.trUctious a hiCh. Make
. .
dist - moo. :.41 cold lefties somewhere. In till, body, and oh-
. otructal to • natural • ftindiions„, , The*, 'if not relliived„
reect:upon themselves and lite einrconatilag organs, pro.
doting general 'aggravation, • intilering,,; anti disease.'
While' In title condition, oppressed by the .derangetusitts,
,talto' Ayer's Pills. soul tiro bow directly they rostoroetho •
natural action of the system, and. with It. the. buOyatit'
feeling of health.again. What Is true - audit() apparent in
this trivial and countion contplaint, is Won Unpin many
Of,tllo deeti.romted lipi datiget otof distempers. The sawn.
pitratitireVieer.oxpels theta.. 0111/1141 by similar obstruc
tions and drrangetilents of tluilittlaritlftincliono or..tho
body, they. aro rapidly, and many: 4,4110111 Sorely, cured.
by the Saute itiontt.s.- Noon who know I like virtues.of them
Pills, will .neglect to employ thorn wltiti4ufforitig front
the disorders they (10.. - .. .... . .'-
Stith:n(ons front leading phyillelans in Some of Alan
'principal cities, anti frian otlier lvelt linpivii - publla pbr.
_Prom. 4.1 . 1,' rwarqing . Aferchunt of SY. Louis, 1W,4,1860,
• .Dit. Your Pills ore the paragonor all that .18
great In medicine. They Intro curod my little .daughter.
of ulcerous StireN upon her hands and foet.that had pporocr
Inpuraldo for years. Ilor motlior - hiui beau -long grioi%
.ouidy Blinded with blotches and pimples on her skin and
in .her - hair: • After 'one child woectrrod, oho' also triad'
your 1111!1, turd tin hurt, cured bor.. • - •
. . .
. .
Your .11lia,aro theivince inirgo,.. Their excellent
qualities earpma - any. cattier tie Uo • pneiese. They aro
milli; Init verfeertain in - tbeir action on the
'bowela, , which malice their inieluatilo b lid la I.hudelly
trfiatment•of disenso..• ' .' • • •
... . .
. .
. • ' , rota Dr. kgiuurd Llutl, Dattimlet, : . • .
..Damillito. Avant I cannot unmet; YOU who( complaliiti
I havo'crired With your Nils Leper limit to Fay all Mat toe
.e'er (reap with purgative medicine. I place great depen,
flour° on anoffoctual ,catherlic. in my content with
(Moose, and believing ai .Y+lo that your Pills afford us the
hest wo hare, lof coursu valliu•thent highly. . '
• •• ' • talttyrstouth, Ow, May 1, 11355:
D0..1. C. Arr,n. Sir iT. have lowa rope:ltaly . ..cured of
tholyorst kulhiche • any holly can hero a doge or two
of your Pills: 'lt Freill9 to. mine. from akloni stomach,
whlch they cleanse . •-• • ' •
• • Yourd with givat.tespect,' • . ED. W. PEBBLE, •
0 • • • , , Clerk of Steamer elusion.
Troni•pi. 9rie9iliiri:ll;ll, if :I'm Foik. City,
. .
.Not,ntily aro:your 11114fultilluiltly inflipted to their pun;
pose 115 an aperient, but f flint thi•ir beneficial effects upon
the Liver. very niffrkett Indeed, . They have In toy prac=
Lite proved inure 'effectual. for thif 'cure of bilious coat
plaintB than any one remedy L can nieuttoO, • 1 sineereiy
rejeteeLhat Wll have at length :a pargative.whlch la .11/ar
tily the cantkletice el•Ahu ofennieu and' the petfplu. ' •
• • \4lOdilop,loll,'D. "
.. Sin: I liavornael yo'nr goneral'and Luxpitni
praellro ever Mao., von ',undo them, awl railing hesttuto to
try•theynio the lo;st eatharlido o employ. Their rept
'notion. on the liver t qui.* and tledtlfal, 'corm
nnently they wro.au aylmirablo remedy fea*ilerangennoita
of that urgaw' Indeed; I have aelitom tbund a cosi, or
bilious disease to obltlnato glut It OW net readfly yield to
them. • Fraternally gourd, ALLINZO.BALI,III. D st
•• • -/7gisicivi Vic Agri ri.o 119 Vital:
- . 'Dyseitteryi Dlnrithcca, Ititlax, Worms..
.1.1r.,,f. G. Ot ern, •
0 .
'Your Pills have lied it boil; trial in my practice ' and .1'
them esteem its ono of the hest ritierientsl have
ever found. "Their tilLerativd etfert.upon thu user makes
them tut excellent reinediovhen given in meal' doses for
dyientiry arid •: Their etigar,coating
makes Mein very accept:lldg end couvulent. rur Alku uso
- of WOIIIOIL and elilithen. •. • .. f; • . , '
'Dyspboiiia, Impurity:of. tlio Blood.
Tam Rev. J. V. 11 . ioncr, lieslor fir
. ( 1 / 4 tir . e.re, Boston
, . .
Area:11:1 used your Pitts faith " extraordinary
itiCCOS4 Many faintly Cud ainom those I ain called to xlett
in distress. To reguiato the °None of digestion and.
purity the idood,tliey.are Ote Is beet remedy I harp
. .I can confidently iceonnnend theta to
Joy friends. ' • . , Yours,•' J. V. urgug.
• w - Almptwoinin g yo., 17.;0ct.2.1, 1855:
lt, fi
DeAt% 110.4str in'tny prac
tice, undSlud IL excellent loircatlre•tp cleating tiro
system . MI ;Nairn tirefountains t j i{te blond;. •
' ,'' • :1011::
.0. MEACII.ASI; 31. D:
• COnstipatloO, CostirenSHP; Soppre'sß lon,
Pouf, tiralglaiDrop.
sy, Paritlygls, Plt . sip etc..
Hunt I.lr.
Too Much cannot: to said of 'yolit Pills for. tha Turn of
Itothers of our fraternity have Puna them
ns efliCaciousns I have, they should . join WO In proclitim
ing It fin' thO hcuelit er the mithltieks who Suffer from
that eamplaiiit, which, although lied enough in Itself, Is
the progenitor of.otliers that tiro • y.
tivenew to,originato In the ilner; Ma your Plilkairect that
organ null cure the tllntia6c.
:Prom Ilre ;.E....S7dart;
• .
I find nor two larg, d 0..:.; of y-of'.l'o,ls, Nihon ut the
prnpor lime, OtT'rxvolleia io. 0u , 11, - .•,.III•e PiAtral stern.
limi when wholly or, pill iol ly 1-opio . ..'4,1,1. hod- Itiha) very
effectual Ip,rtrolisn.ilin 411 , t0 h.'s iiistl .'app( .11 , 111IIS. • l'hoy
are so flinch Mu 1... it i'yllyel, ,c.k.Lvotlaut I ltieuniniand
no otliOr to toy pittfeotr, • ~ '.. ' . ' ' , .
11 , . .
.on& the E. Dr. I Atiqkol. y . M.! ..11-111641;st 'gds.: Church.
, flov.zr. ,luti,.6. 1856.
lloNor.ll • StA nrunittefol for tho teller
your chill lutv 3.01 re'vnt to
ynli, , A volt: in my lim94 n rot 'fironght I , a
elating etoloel rigunsa•
Not,Withstm.dluy. 1 hiol tin 11M oI phy , klikll., thin
disease grrtm . - wf °ye and ‘11)111' by the ittivieo of:Your
PxCylloilt nprut.in Bitttiop
. 111.. itt. 111,.”1 your
'1 hely vitorta woe vow: thy ki.,,iyeri iig •
114 the no 0r (lion, 1 Pon nr c entirely sell. • • •:•
. .
SPNATE: (ll.%mntn. Baton Bongo, La., 5 Dec. 1855.
Dn. Aynn - : 1 hare botmobilrolY.onn. , l; by yrnir
Aeumedic (AJut... a pabdiil tlispasi, that bad• afflicted Tao
,for years. • • ' VINCENT SLIDELL. ,
. Alt Most •of the Pills hi triarlict contain :Mercury,
althiumili,e valuable remOity.in skilful liands,•ls
dangerous fit public pill, front the dreadful 'cense
querices that frequently follow Its lricatillons use. Thew
contain no mercury or'nifnertil substance whatever.. •.
. .
. . .
Plriee, 25. cents per Box, or 5 Bozos fofsl. :
'Preparpd by Dr. Y. C. AYF,.R .54, CO., lioivoll, Mass
:' II: Itinflin,S: Co:, Fm'etlipof t;:e..,1,;'..C15g,00d
Bradford; L. H. ,1)0Bey; Port Allegany;atid by
'dealers e very ivhere. -
.. • . • . , • : - .
MHE Subs criber ha'ring purchased ',yen
known: stand, and re-furnished and refit
ted the Hous e ,, is piepared to entertain Board.
'ers'and the naveling.publie.
UIS :13.:VR ANT)
be supplied, rind everything done
to merit a liberal share of, patronage. ,Tirift
men wiltalways find the “lateb-al ring" out..
• • • FULLER.
K6ndal'Creek, hnuary 2; 1860. : 32-ly
(Ja;:.o. of l[,urt
..Cormaeileing -.Monday;
. Nov : . 17th, 1562..--,
.TrninOvill leave Olean at about the following
hOurs,viz: 0b . ., '
Night F,xfiress
No. 91
• .m2yING EAST
si *
Night Pcproad. , ' • • .
Mail. •. 'b. :
Stock • .
‘Vay Frei.t.,rht
. . .
os' 3,4, 'and 8, run every dny. .No. 6 runs
S,sndnys, but..not'Nfonduys. , Train 3, a Bittur-
Vdys,•fron New York; runs thrOugh to Buffalo,
but does riot run • -'
NATHA N I EL MAIISIT, Redeiver.. • - ,'; •
CHARLIrtC . MINOT:rOepoI Suct:',•
_ .
1863.. 1.863.
. .. . ..
• This grearline traverses - the Astorthern and
Nortßvest . .l:onettes'ot etinsy va
. nt o the City
It. ha P bee eased 1:;y•the; f i etinsvcvssts 'R.
R, • COMPANi COoller their . auspices'. is being:
* 0 1
rapidly opei
.. _ iprougliciat its ' eistStigt h. :
'4 is now .in• a:le : for Passer' d ',Freight
bosines4 ' .frdnt „liiltltledlilllG • 0 . 1 ItIriWOODi
('2nd Pork) . (177 tiles] - on . .t he ..Pasterit Divis•
ion, find front SitEiTiit.o'to Fa ie, (78 miles.) on
the We l ,ste:,rti Division.. . '.. ' • :.S - . '
. .. . . ... .
.. .•. . .
'F!Alli OP esssannart. TRAINS kfirFTWOOD
-• I. , ' Leave EustVeatil.• 6 •.. •'
Express train leaves - ,
..... ~ . .
.'."‘c .". . firyiVETis . . • ..•••••• • ~:
.• . TIMII OF PiyiST,itillitt TRAiNA AT sonpvtalti
Leay.e' Enstward.
5:00 .
Cam .
run „through ,•wriiouT . CU ATkICE. • both
ayn iiO . th'ese trains bet wool Philadelphia and
to'ckAlli•on, and. Oet w . ior Bnltrrtiore . and Lonk
.•- • .
I:LRCM tiT, SL6EPIf9 COT'S' on F.xprei!s: trains
...both ways, between Wiliianosport,'.and Balt
more'and Williamsport and PhiladelPhin.
For information rospacting Pal!lienger bask
ness.appl. Corner
. • ..
• .
.And for Freight . business 'o‘, the Corntiony's
• ,•
Agents.: '.• • .. . •
Kingston,..li., dor, - 13tii:iiriMtirket
Ste., t'hiladcliihia:.
•. ."
'J. W,..R..yooldsi.:Erie.. • •• • • .
J; M. Thill;'AGent N. C. R:l2:',l3altimore...
• HousTiiN•i: • • ;•-• *:
• • ' Fiseigia A g 't
2 • .. iii•ftwr,. •
4. •• • •.• •• Ov't Tidet Ag't .Phtlta.
'•'' Illa;tager,'
• - •
• •, WI IC:rill. i'INE • TABLE. •
Tbriie doily tratrislo and from Baltirrioro and
Washirigton . City.- Connections Muria With:
Ira OS •
Pittsburgand the Virj.st. Two' t mina daily In
and, lrom tltn Numb and I.l:lest Branch, SuAqua,
hi tana , Elmi ra arid nll Northern New
ON. AND A FT.F.,11---MONDAY,:No%;ember
17, 18Q2, the Passenger Trains of the Northern
fleutful Bail way,will ariive .and depatt•.floin
Harrisburg and Baltimore as 'foltoWs,;
. . .
. . .. .
MAIL TRAIN 'leaves S!lAbliry daily ( (except'
Sunday) at 1.45. p. m.; leai , ea :Harrisburg .at'
5.20'p; m., atitfarfivel at Haltirnora at 40.20
•. .
. . ~ I , .:.
EXPRESS TRAIN:' haves'.' Sunbur y dily,
(eucctlit Sunday) at,11.20 ; p: nt:, Ica ' ' arViiß
burg (i!xcfpi Monday) nt 2.45 A
i t y,
live4 . ' at Billtinidre: daily (except .
7.30 ar:m.,da t
leaveillartiAburg tlaily,it 9, 05, a. m. '
. .
ARIL TRAIN leaves lialtimpre dal!). [er a
ceps Sanday] . at 8.30 a.' rii.,litirrisburtt'at 1.41 F
p. rii.frtml arrives titSanbary.at 1.30 p i e
4 .
EXPRESS TRAIN leaves. Baltimore! ji at,
'8..40 p. M., arrives di liarrisburtt.rit 1 . .50111 m.,
and leaves Harrisburg. daily [except Monday]
at 3.2 a a. na., and arrives .at Sunbury at 0.20
leavea',l3altimore ,Icily [except Sanday] at 2:45
p: m., arid arrives attlarristmig at Bpc sit. '.
' , ...V0r further inhirma t ion apply. at 'the:ollke,'
.ania 'ltailroad Depot.. .:-. '. •..
Permaylir •.
~. • .. J..N.:DifiIARRY,
~ ..
. .
. . . • - ' • -• Supendent.,
. ,
, . , . . eriiti
..,,Flarrisberg.,•Noi% 1.,4 1862... . ~• • . • •
• . EDITOIi . 91 , -DI . 3IOChAT; DEAIi Silt:-7With your.
permission [.Wish to Say s .to the readers Of your
.paper that•.l. will send•.hy return . ;mail,: Eck :a Il•
who •wish it; [free] a 'Racine, with: f,lll..ifirte
!ions for . lillikllig . •lll)(l . llsing . a 81M1)14 i' Vegetilble•
L3alm, that' will effecttially remove, in ten days, I
Pimples, 131ofrhes,Tan, freckles, and all lava
ritiv.s of the Skin,leaviag•fhe same soft, deal.,
smooth and, beautiful. • ..' —. . - • . • -
. .
...I will nine mail fret to -thole :having-13dd
Hneds'of Bare Faceiii simple directions andin:.,
inimetion that will enable thern.to start 0101
ot.tuxiirient • , Hnir ? - • Whiikets,.. or a.
Monstnetic, in less than ar d i sys. Atl epriticn
tion:sans‘i•ered by' return mail without. charge,
Respectfullit . • „ •
• -. • THOS. F. CHAPMAN', •• •
• • • • •
: '• • ••• • Chemist; .•
•-• • -1s70•831' Broadway, New York.: •
Lbeep granted: to the I/ 1idi.91410 ort. the
Estate '.ot
,I)ELO'S not , (incivin . atiDer
los . A Root) deneased; lots . Lafayette
toivnship,, - 111'Rern 'county, Pd.. ; all 'persons'
,indelted to aid estate are regneited:to. make
immediate payment, and rose having :eliding,
against the same trill pre. hernduly . authein- •
tieated for settlement and lowanee..
. .
Lafayette, Feb. 2,4; 1863. • • .
. . .
. .
This prepnratinn..mnde (roan tlio best Javit D oleft, is
übles( by physicians ns O superior NUTRITIOI.D4
ItliV Kft.loE, for (Dogtrot Debility, Dyspepsia, nod all
bilk/1/14 disorders;. Th,;11X,!1,11118 who hove bben compelled
to almodon thit use of coffee will use this without lejUri•
nos effects.' One eno'contsins tits strength of. two pounds
of onkittury 'coffee. Price .25 catto: •
• Tkc purest and beat BAK.. ING POWAER known, foi
finkingß light, sweet and' putritioua Broad and calzeo.:-
Prico.ls tents.- • • ,
.ImArtosno'rumEn BY • • :
• M. 11.:ROLLOCK, 6hl;mist,..
Corner ()inroad nod Chestnut streets,
I .
And sold by all Druggists and Grocers.
NI A Nife on.
HOW . j,OFiT ! . HQ* 44 4 7f)itEri . i 1..
. • ,• • . •
liiided,'itt a Sea Isti'litirel ;Tr.' lit-ice Six Cr;ttts
IladCure Speimateirlineit, or Seminal Weekaesa,
Tavel ntnry Seival Debi lty, and linpe...limentO
'to Marriage generally. ?larval - 64pm; Onrisumptien;Epf.
lopepand File: Mental 'lnd Y4yslcnl , Inennadity, reault •
I. , ,elf•Abuse. kn., —liy .1101 M. J: CuLytntsrei.l.;
D., Author thi) Green h auk, tee. - ' '
10:08 .A - ;114.
1:00 I'.. M.
1:00 A. M.
The wiirld.renowned author,.in this admirable Lecture
clearry rreres frrim his - own exPerlened that the awful
cUnsequerices of - Self•abutir'inav be elreolnally removed
without medicine,hntl.wfthopt dangerous HurKical opera- -
Cons, bougles, instrUments;:rings, or cordiale , ' pointing
,a Tondo of. ogre at once certain and effectual,' by
which:overx cUlferer,,ho ',natter what - Ine sonditiou ',may
be„ Inv more itinuelf cheaply, :privately. and iadleally.
'Phis lecture frill prove a Loon to, thousands and thou;
Bands, sands, .
7:10 P;11 . 1
10:17' 4.
3:10 111
Sent under deal t 14,n plain envelope; to nby fuldrees, on
reeelpt : utelx cents, pt two postne 4tptnpn, by addree#
'Uri, • ' •• .• Dr. 01.110. , 0. KLINE, ,
:11.27' Bowery, New York, rest Wilco Box, 40116.
I • •
.4 P!
12:00 . - M.
6:40 P. M
sotil'llll , A RD
• oificit ;TEteticliiiEs
0 1 , 6 4 41 i: 1 Y: 1 * AP,i . ;'4 "
: - • I , l4;sooriiytitrin
. • •,.' . • • • • :
. The unitersiOned , • :beiqi. • rt 5 r 10•., .. 4 . • •
SITIISC RI PT ICi •A G E . N•T b y tie Bi%cif , , .iiPa
the TreusurP,
once - the •• ' • '- • ' • 11.
. .
at' the, - :United' ! States, designo s ted as*,
Ti.veisties;" redeemable at the itleasitie.'.4-4 . 1 ,.
GoVerntrieni; alter • fiye years and ..eu I heti: d
by, Act of Coneretta; apitfoVed:Veh,
The ~ C;(IIIPoN'IS. O NDS are :issued 41510'15 . 5:4
'sso, $180,.5500, $lOOO. .1
..Ther.REGISTER . BONI)S ikstima •
.Interest-at' ix` per • e.eiit..per
cotinnettee ffoirf'ditte oriitireheie;
.09L14.` ,. .". •
which is equiti,,,:,utAtiiseni;,
pferniern on gold, to litetit EIG I- 7 . : PE ,R 13 , Rtl4
. . • ~
Tanners, MPChonitgli Cai 7 jf.ali!":TN
and'oll who have 'any money:;o' inveat,.alcotl
know trd. reri.itn'ber these Bbnda
.etfe . ct FIRST 14 ORTdAd pon.a 'ftur.,l;
Cetile, Bank Stocksaiiid•Se'curitife r filii;-,„
the immense prodoete of.all tlie•Mortufeet!q.i . ..
the..poaintry: 'enti!that'lhe fat of.,
nhop . le proviaion n:ade. for thepnyliont
interept end. liquidation or ptinelpal, by. CuP.f .
tonna o 'nutiee, Exelaa. Sumps and:lntertio.4lev=.
enue, serves to.rmilco,these•bontle . the..
ks!:lifost Available .44:1164'.f0p4r-kvi.:ll.leo
in *Oa Market,
. .
Sobseriptinnq receiveir.at
of Notes and checka.of banks at par,
n Sobsetibaza by.ennif rr
reive • prompt al ten,tion anti every:faadty and
explanation'will be afforded. on
tide • .•
A' hill pupply ke,pi , .on hilt!d
or imriletliiit.et i
4\Y COOKED solisoription '4pint
THE : O L 1),. 1( fll l' . 'S TO N ES' f r OIt:12.
• .
AT C.)"_,EA - Nt. , :'.• • •
11, old-friends in McKean counly, "that he is
ig s
on hand, tliis.Spting “P'usuril;, with 'illp
, -
' 'LARGEST 'AN* ,or . .
Soiected stock' of. Goode in'tht Oleo. IVlntkot.
To IT,holeOalo krs . l
' .1. cfin oiler you bet tor inclueemtuts.than' you
ran g,et west of Now York.. t . . •
:rntiki!s . 60 illfre . renCe what you want, :any
!Nog In the , • •.- • ".
7 .1? (IC ER 113 . 8 1 1 .1? Eth..1 . 0N.5.,
, .• . . . •
r • cot' of the
.)Und,ioti will dnd.the articifreplio:nd chegjv
I•t's no use talkirig).tte
always has nnclalways will take , 141104; end
regulate thq market in
(is'Odi•ies• aiid
Don't fail to call and 'see nib when you Arieit
Olean ; 1 shall'not . lrrr.you, but shall certainly
try to do you good. • . .
Olean, May 23d, 1860.
~. • .
•JtotiIVICIRESVS '•,* •
. .
The embodiment Of.. practical utility; kiln] a
marvel of eirpplielty.; conning stitch
very rapidly and perfect ; taus. a coMrrion ne -
and last' a . • At the New York.
-State Fair, ita eimplicity;efliciency, and great
practleal liviii: ; coallinred • by, the,. avrarrl
orflie First Premium:* • • -
It Gather, - .flifile; Shirr; Tuck; .Ran up
Breadth's; etc., with , a Single or double thread
on any runterial•adarted*.to the. Running Stitch:
The thinnest; usually the most dilfictilt to stitch'
.-.machines ; being sewed the
easieSt.., ehildrens! applirel;
andoth'er atticlas.ennite of light fabricso will
therefore be foUnd alniest
...his at tached,to the table like a sewing bird,
and,huying no
. .tension . , - and• requiring no
Cation or change ofstiteh, 'is 'al!vnyereadY for
operation; and such 41, ntarVelfoi ; than
six or elght years can t.timasTAND.,it,
and tigelf,sreanssFut.tr. .
'lt is not at ailliable tft get ono.
. Illacilmachineis,put tii) in a neat box, accom
panied, wft h : 'full and explicit' ilirections h ' and
wenty five needles.'
• Sent . toarly address in the United States . on
receipt of an order; Melosi . ng, the amount, or
may be collecteil by txpress on duliverY c, the.
When the money sent:Nvith",.the order and
rekistered,vive guarantee its safe
,receipt and the
delivery of the triachine,..anywhere *ithin 2000'
miles free of
. any I:xo : psi charges
Veryditietal arrankements - for agencies :
See Miattoa or .F.lllo . DiS i Oi for full:. Tiarticu
lars, specimen of sawing, ete.,.sand a !stamp for
tiEMOR pTi
473Proadwayf.N,t Y.
Every . latly, - mother, milliner end siteits.tna..ik
ker, theuld have one of thOse
machines. • ,
. • •
BEiStlttS,o'f the be
_u °ray Ssen,•rsiied by tind
•:- .