:',0117.,.'",h':,:•;'i:, .., -';'. `, '7' ',11.-',::'-`,'.f,4.,•-. ~.,, 1 :i yam.. 1 P ..,;. ,?..•,i:".,,,,.5,; ~;it....-trli, , •,, ..„.... i'i %,.k.i171 3', - " .".1 . .T," • . :•;;:;, V.,,TbiiiN.v.4t#L,)it's.ii_e4i it64Wit v e :i t; Z' ..;;.!.-..Jl't'Cui,:-.1,..0it1iii3; ititherBl.lce.jc; :,,- ',"•!., "1-P''re,o - 1!..cit..r.,ii,,,....d,,,,„;,.„, ~ „.,.,,, :,„,,°..cnilke ut:,ihr ...,i.t.n terfle ittti, carvarii-4,41 'nMat"!•,' It !ih,,g .::.4614ineiliiiiisi;,,i,.;ip. e , se Kith, a' P'. 1 1 ioi - bi •`'.',7Pr*:oljfeiet.t,hpe.JP express ' th!li. sie6 ...,,,,ii.4„,ii;.::,:wi,h,liii), i . 1_ * s ee , Otvrs 1 0 the GoVein ',' •.ttieti!'3l4,:.'tfiii -,,. , , : ..,, n ;4.i. 9 . Pict ion-a ry d6fit • i ts IMe==s===g=ffl thitit: . :;:i(t''-'Pidelity.'to a priace :.or abrcr far; hilaband gfaia,:igi , rha'onty'defiaitio'iv't ha t. .ii.i•eo;anal heni.'the reference . . to :thcobtigationa . bl. a citlzfn , "Of.thia . :coutp :country" to 9Ovarrineat, is obyibusly'improper. It ex pitteri.".ienttinient; not ,a-:priaaiple or . rulei and means inniinly attachment, tn. devot ion to tile. „, , supiyrior; a' duty we nee d is . to.• oOr. i t lea' fidelity, to. President or,qov , taitio . ritt thitt:fioM'anY,:flomerican catkin • eatute,those.officersere the mere: Instruipents geople . put in execution their Itar.eMbodied In , constitutions and loa a ? and their:ioperiers-onty. by virtue of thei 'Oleial•trast . they,are temperarilY.chosen to ad.;• Mittittett - '..Ne_one . tiho.holdsotlice,in the'. zift kopleilehiesetiant, the 'President, - 1s: : reqoirett,to.'glye tattledge of , iloyelty?! to him. The prescrilied imevery such ' . ease, 'is...to tXppert tire nadtut o,u.and laws; . and ibargeflie,dttleis of his..tiffice Ile owes no duty or service Whatev'r to,lbe Pres - Tlris May:seem to lie_mere . caviling those . .who, perhaps unthinkingly, are.:in the Proctice of using the ',word . in question .:I;tut, when. we , remember. tbe terse diatinguisheo'::.flbilolo.pher, that .‘,Werila "toe tAirs,srs . ,',',-perhapa,our objections may 6 1 17,016 as is they . appear. .If we • re , .IliseV . thit'efarriiliiirit) 'with the, representative oten.idett Boon' predisposes the mind accept Ali; idea . itself, . we: find a sufficieht teaser) .for. disliliiitg the.tvord loyalty, as at present applied, If; as the crierzealool adherents'of the present idininistration—the office-holders; contractors unrid`the:rdependent chielly.—.Woulci have 'tis• • te:belieee,, we.ere bound to regard, the. Presi-, dent'as - the..GoVernment and to yield implicit univieitioning'Cibedience to ell•his digtg, hi 'the shape of orders, proclamations, we must: acquiesce in, consent to, and. even 'api his acts however, arbitrary, imwat:-. .rtinted'and anden:litutional they, may be in ourl.udgMent,-Iftwe Must make the e xercise of our, personal-uti'd political rights. dependent • npen'his Will and pleasure, instead of upon fixed fundamental.law .Which is an obliglitery ..upon_ hiakas. it is upon the liutriblest citizen—if, in' abort we ere to except the monarchical dogma •of the "Divine right. of and. its lary; "the King can. 'do no wrong," then ine deed kyalty becoineiiour imperative dury, and disloyalty seditious end treasonable. tint . thinks to the spirit of freedom' that still lives the breasts of the American pimple, they ha've. net Yet - been intimidated into • slavish .sulimis— skin to arbitrary power, . whether • exercised by Presidential edict or by tke more demon .strative exhibition. of Military, ilictatcO'ship,-, r sante • •sturdy .love.of !independence . . that 'nerved •our fashef•to throWolf the yoke that op 'pressed 'them in the days'of '.6, and establish the right of ifelf-government; survives in their children,, and will be . suffleient,- we *hope 'and prtiy,fo protect them from the , encroachments . and assumptions of thoSe who,' .upon the: plea ,Of timilitarrnecessiiy;" are using all' the Means thatthe temporary administration of the Gov, ernment gives them, to 'subvert our free insti lotion's, and stihgtit tailor them a consolidatO central government; based opcin the idea of eb• • jeet'.submission to c