M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, May 23, 1863, Image 1

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    • ..
„ •TY
VOL. 4.
~tirtiicia. .4 .C.ioWil . ,P3e4ia4nlt
By J. 11. OVIATT,
01110 E; S. COANE,Ii t - or PUBLIC SQUARE
TERMS: - $1 bo . in Advanco
Rates of Advertising.
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i. Column one .... • •••....p.36•00
• .nix ..... ................ • : 20 00
ne square of 12 !looser lees, 3 •.1, 00
Eich, eutmecrientineertion r 25.
Duduese cards, with .... . ~ 5 00
Role or figure work will' hi. dofible 'the 'Above
.ratei3.. -
Tr4ve lines Brovicr type; or
, elghL:lineOnonnareil, is
rated a squire. ,
. . - ,
1,0" T 1/6 he terms will be ',strictly adhered
- ;:..,.600in00. -1/134:00rD';.
Sinetiiport, Pa
. .
' Phyaician and Entgeon:Sinethaort, Pa : , gill attend to,al .
professional calk alai promptness.. ' Office two "doois
;au:loll'9f the Democrat Office. ~ .• ••• • .
. .
..fireethport..lVlCean Co.. P - E. 9' lititeoti f Proprietor
—.opoiisile the :hula Muse.. netr, large,•cotornotli.
' bus and well furnished house. • - ' '
• ' •.• A. . 1 .N OUILSE • •••• •
Dr.apr in Stoves, Tin Ware, Jappaned wegt
. end Of the. Public Squire. Smethport; Pa.
'work done to order on theahorteat notice, and in the
moat Fubgtaiitial manner.. • • .
D ,
ealer in Dry Goods, C}roce ides, ' Cr,ock e Hardware
Boots N
~ Shoes, Hats. Caps, Glass,. ails, Oils
.East ,dde of the -Public Square,•thsedhport, .Pa.. • . •
• •
. . .
A .
rroHNET AT LAW, ' EtiW thpol 1. 3 .. itl'iiman County,' I.
Agent for Messrs. Keating & Co's ' L•intln. Attend. -
.'; "estieeinliy.to the Collectirn of Claims: •Examiriation 0
.- Land Titres; Payment of Taxes. nod sit. business tele.
tog to Beal Estate 01lice :ottanilin Itloek • . - ;
1863's Spe,cialtv.
"Correctirith eloquentyith eaee,
s 'lntent to reasoia, or polite to pleaso,y,
It is sVith,.no fear of I,riar'e effect
. upon.their
literary fortuneS,- that . t he
. publishers' f
..NEVVYOILK MERCURY acknowledge the unvva
verine, loyalty of theieTTO lIUNDftED•THOURAND
sunsOticsris, and announce to them,'and to all,
-thiat THE NVV . YORK NI ERCUFLY for thiS year,
(1863) will- besieller in every luxury-of Polite
Literature. than ever before; 'lt iS no upstart
itpeculation, no
_temporary cceensation,l'. but a
first cla s s lit - erary . weekly, Which has been•fa . ..
Millar - to the -United .Mates", for a quarter of a
century, • and -while. the , iVishy-‘aza , hy . Mush.-
Teem prints of yesterdayari cutting down their
Aalent even vv.hile they .raise "their Suhseription
price, THE NEW YORK, .11ERCurtir maintains . all
its gieat Btalf af,Romancers, Pots,.Humorists,
-Elssayisis,.SlOry-Telleii, and 'Editors; and .prei
rnises to make it Still:greater for 1863.
It Is the one paper for every home.; Its forty
*.itoiumtis of leading 'matter per week constitute
an unparalleled • •
and its Noyels, Niiscp.lcipeous.Tilles; B . euties'ot.
Verse, 46ssip,Teniliwtong;.:Iroadsides of
,polished EditoHals, •comb.inet, to ei)i.
tomiie ull the charms 0f..• • 1 ' • .
--.•••• WIT AND SENTIMENT! • • -
The husband reads: it to his 'the mother
to her children, The lotier io • his . sweet-heart,
the soldier to his comrades,: and. the village
school master to she eireie, aronnd the' stove.-- .
It is faMiliar to thO.ight of-every -miiii,•worriani
and child in nur. count, y,. and has regular
scribers in several countries--in Europ.i. I THE
'New You( filandniiy.ts.also identified with the
grandest patriotism of • the. age,' for:aeverif
Staff' mold high r.luk . ini
our nol.le army,. and.have made 'therrisi-dves as
famoui with the Sword as With --the' Pen:: The
peat illustrating artist of THE New Yuan
.. • •
.MEacumr., the inimitable • parley; - gives the
paper: Ihi highest attributes of Fine Art,;•
yet thi's largest, literary weeklfof the pin.
:mists to. stirpiise . ii,self ailrthese respects
,ring the New Year!: , .
The first 'NEW tlßK.Menc.ujiY - Novelette for
the New Year, 10 he comnienced in the •issue
91.1ppbar): , 3, t 863, is called • .. •
• •""VICTORIA; •
The Heiress of Castle Cliff 9
YI\Ili; 11 "LASIM,QUFi,". 4 . 5r,C.,, &C'• • '
• •Therirodueliens of this distinguished ntithores.
- peed no eulogy. : Public opinion has long since
•prononneedthem stMerior •to' any other : noir.
• elettes phblistied•on this-side: of the Atlantic;
,and, the true test of their merit is found in ths,
fact that they are , eagerly reprodtaced,•nfter
their. publication in the MERCURY, by t.to
.r.n.glish•press. We:may add that the new tale
•ilitetoria,". is fully equal in interest : and depth
of plot • : rtii either of those which' have s'ecured
eotarge a share 'atpublic approval, : and•we cnn
:earnestly recommentlit to all story.readeri.
'Ttte New . Yone Mee.Cuttit is sold by all - news
men and 'o4dr:idled' :ftdealers in• America.. To'
sulascrihersi it is'regittarly mailed every Satur
•day moring, : Tor.s2 a 'year; three copies "for
.$5; six copies for . $2; eight 'copies foe with .
'en extra cApyorree, to the. get ii.r,up oftlie
Six . .rmititha! subscriptions - received. Atterzil
totite plainly:the name of your Port Office, Conn
ty'Anti"State:'.We . tulre'!he notes of allsol vent .
banks at 'pee.. Payinent- must Inverts* be in
[V" Bpecimen copies trial° all appli
•• Address all letters and remittances, postpaid,
Proprietors of the New York Meroory,
• 118 Fulton ;street ! New,York City.
.Full. ind Distinct iteport of tiie 9 day's
- • Thuricl4,...Muy 7, 3 . a. , m , 1 , - •
The campaign of General
. 4-looker • Is, over,
and Vie operations of the Aimy. ot . the Rappa—
hannock,upon.the-resolts of
.'ivhich . had:
looked IVltti hope,.;Odall.with'itp,;tety,
elided in.conplie•iailure.:. Comutimetng
theinosi iiatfertog prornist4 of t:he'arffig, and
deeistve' victory it'ties terininiteed . in defeat--;
fo disaster. • ' • • • •
. . . .
* The'confused - and.,tragmentary :accounisal; ,
ready puoisheo.can give : no in.e.piate runtiza,
tic+) Ol . eVenti Which the past 'trine .days ['dye
'developed;. and a' resume, conneeted .Order,
of tne various movemenis,•pnaoenvers and con
ttiets caul:dime convey a col reel idea •Cij how.
far-we were successlnt, bow lar.7.We were de
tented, and the cetises'ot .he, present
ati ler as ofey . coi ue disturbed.. ' • ;
The dinitulties of . the - position' in which the
army was placed. are known :to 'need .
much explanation.• A wide liver arid; laity
ntles Of.earthWerks were in iront of the enemy
or thetrdefense:'.To - Cuiry this position' by.
an attack, in the fate ol both obstacleiri , Was
sunply)atilussible • and:to thtow the entire .
army paioss the river: above Or lieleieti , these
vvoras . would necessitate' un .auandobinent ul
present base of supplies at4equtia'..Latel •
tur evithour'suplines add . ..c.Oatinuideett.ents
.;nu4 expeiseellhe , eljetny cold not p.issibly l tail
Iske.'enivoittage'ol tt. . How (heti; coed/ the
:I , llioAitas.:4 the p . osittolt. be sitecisiully.thet
and the 'enemy driven Itorn . . their entrenched
position? iollowing .seerns io
. .heive been
the titan which was-adulited,'and which was
in a : gfeat degree .suceessrul? ' •
• A portion of the urniy, about 'of Was
'to moss therieer near k'redericksbutg. and pre••
tend to ienew 'the at tempt iii
• s filch tiutilside
mitlbeeM jii•ovimisly.unticcesoful,,.. and • occult)...
2ptish two objects—first,' to Ithe cheitiy,s
torce•at that po,int;.aiitl secundi• td . •piolect nor
communiCalluns•aint supplieS; 'white. - the other .
hail. oi, the aim) , shOuld 'indite a usstng above,
the MI tificatimiii, ands)ce.p.nst' dpism svflh thy
greatest tanidily to. the 'reaeoi Fredericksburg,
take a g,
,otton position and hold .it until tti,y
conk be reitituiced .by the portion of the, arch')
rug,iged iii making the feint, 'which was to.,
withdraw•frotn is positfon,.toke• the Lir - Mgrs
to the point of the ,river which had been um;
Cocefed.bY the fiank'rnovement; and the. whale
army was tints to be .concentrated the rear
.of Fredeiteksburg... The hollowing °Udine
eacti'day,s'op.rullollS. will show tb eir-•
tent•this bold and Maiandou; plan . bas . . proved
successful, and tit whot 'aegice: and lot - hat
reason it has, resulted so oithirtenately„ '•
On Monday;-the 26th, commenced .the
execution of his Pla'n: -Three corps,: thh h,
Eleventh; and Twelfth, were ordered. to march
with eight days ration.i to 'Kelley's Ford; near
h e o rane.. . e and Alexandria Itailroad.:' Gen.
Slocorn, Of the 'Twelfth corps,. Was-placed.'in
coMmand, and on Tuesday .night the' force in '
i rus e e d. wvh- the . , inmortant—part or eiceectifing
the flank movement had . reach ed the' point
which they were ordered to Cross ; the' itaop . ii-;
leantioblr: •',Vekesilay night, also,. three other
corp, the'tirit, third and sixth .'were sent to
Frai-klin's crossing, three Miles below Fred-'
erick....hurce;'io be ready to unde rtake
. the cruis
ing siniultaneetisly . with ..the ','other other corps' al.
,Kelley'e Ford . unVednesday 'mor '
The enemy were evidently not prepared to
resist' fhe . ctosiing at either point, and the'. al—
fair, was . so. ' well managetrthat both: dfvistors
or the army bad established thrtnselvra on the
west.hank of the , Flyer apillmvered 1 heir britltOS
without anyserious opposition by Che enemy:
• Gen.. Sedgwick; who crrnmarded -the . •three
corps•Tl 'the left wing, made no forwar.d;' de-
Monstration, except enough to attract dhe'ene—
rny and prevent' him fiom dunning 'upon -the
detachment which. was' foicipg its way toward
the rear of the rnemy'S' works. in
Gen' Stmiethan . ., ' Gen Hooker had, personally
511periol.taed of the troopi'. at
Kfdley!s Ford, and returned while . thfiy. pu'Rh ,
Ad'on toward the Rap i dan at .G,?rrnaida
where they. crosseidsuccessfall y 'wade some
progress beyond before Wednesday . night..
. .
.Seilg wick' •still . threatened .t,he enemy, ant
hell Lii,lll,ll.lr FI edel id; sift rg while locu ! ir
preteed ou iruni the liapiJau end Weir 1)N
sithrh -ae us.,lh plehk•ivad the imenry'.. 1 / 1 10
°I Ydl toward
v de; CO
,(.eeoud Coups),
remained . at 13eha's..Fur.‘1,-nowll.ll;ved uj, h.) the
Uutied States'Ford, suede cto.;.s . ing . to juin den.
Sulcuth. lienerol Hooker also I,judiecl, and
oolt etrinuldn,l of the tour carpi 'tiros'Coucett
rd'tett 'the rear of Fredertch,Uutg 'and actual
he line ()Hite erh , ..t4's 'retreat.. 'lt- WU nOW
ne.toi bus dot 11 cifotebt to take .tho' drlruse
and.hold their position mind the others voilb
should join t nefir,-atid,-the army dine united,
be enabled to meet all the forces wliich, the
enemy inigm - dtring against • them. :Ilan sday
night [here was sharp wink Mt both sides
. tu .
out maneuver the : hers. 'The. enemy had
liow i lthirned with sufficient cettutnly. that 11
large torce was iii their rear in' the
. direction
of Chancellursville, and that StonciinCes cay-•
airy was • greatly endhngaring their
. •railidad
and they, were tneving u• cued
ingly away I olit'Sedg • wick lorwatd the, rear of
Hooker, between C h mcvllursv nie.- and Hie
-1 by the roads: • ut tf.e• south' of the pf.iiik
-road, which abs. in our possiii.s . sinit.. . While
leaVing Sedgiailek's-trim theiederny math; 'un
usual demonstrations of camp tires; as -dl'reon
centrading thOre, and similar : devices Were re.
sorted fo on' out; oWn Bud neither de
delved the other,-for both were • ano,ving away,
'and on our side a portion of the bridges wear
daken iMined fatal) , ; the • .*lni rd drys.
moved all • mght toward the: Unin . itt'bfales Fo-u
to juin 'with 9eneral Hooker, at' Chantielima-
.‘ When the First kt ti were.moeing
Irom the lett wing to join General tioeker. rit
while Jack Son wui i'dic
itig . a.circiittou;'route to redch the rear of Gen.
Hotikerti.line betwe6n Chancellersvillennd'the
Rapidan, two divisinns—Sykes _ of • the Filth
corps, and s or the Twelfth. pushed
SMETITIPORT,.M'KE AN : - couny; . .. p.A. f :, s.A.TjujR.E . lAir; ,ivlAy. :21,;,:i‘Sf)
. .
On nearer to the rear of Fredeiic,kstiurg, - skit
onshinig. atid . tighting • with :the enemy . Who
showed slight_.resistance:in that, itirection,—.
The enemy Were . , thus driven' tor
miles, -when H
,Gen. ookerdor 'tonne reason, or.
dared them. to 1411 beck and rejoin . hislinea 'at
Chancellorsville:' l y_ni'ght hrs array . was
concentrated except 'the thixtti,corpsy'. and lea.
dy lei ,aiorWard tnue . ernelit to the rear el Fred- -
..T main; body of :The
enemy .had now moved., away titim.theit works
at Fredericksburg v and 'were 'preparing to
tack.oniam any onttie . right in a direction: Irmo
which, it beaten, they could iniccessiolly re•
treat, atuistruok which IC was hart* expected
they 'Would meet' us.
. . .
"Gen'. Hooker occtioaLl 1.4 day . avinitinz,
the attack of the enemy, 'WiIS
'citieetett in Irani.: 11a.rnolienients of tne.ene. , .
iny'46:int.Ctu 111121CAILO tuatikey. were . ratreat 7
ing,:ku . )l.l as We L n aiil 1111 . t i. Oh ttieir . '.retreat was ,
. .
occui4Ll . ny out loicei au attack: to iecoyei
.tnat lute was confidently expeeten7:
the.auitirtaa, thchlj to. Mal . 6 . toto . wall •Jackd ! ou,
wi Saturday isiternocku, upon 'our extratisa
rear, bei wean Griancetlutsv‘illiiiiiiii GeiinVa
....A. must 'Julio Lis and.. nespora ter' at-
Latic. waaLoWle , and the -ul our lilies
which was Genf Uy,the 'Ele.Yeuptp'Orpr yilts
instantly: orukeii, awl' tile panic' sti
tilcu, to titter cootusitni,'witn.aint,witilout
arts.," hats . and•euqis;fush.ei Leadloogyoni
deg tit . e.doyvn Ny4idEl led the •
iii'ofges, and no puwer•on'e . ariti:eould . liaL atop
veil wayelited triv.eoioptte .d1:%141%11:CiL11
Oi the pulthera.wito have 'hitherto Ouvo
wetter quatitiea tiudet yhetriOrdreil eutnitiohder
tiCll. Hu Wu I tii4)lll{l..G ' 4: '.'l/0:1::011111 , 1 er • th
.logitives,•:/O;ho atupped..out' tJ 16Lki
1114 . 111 they had retie Ided.the liapplithsuitaca
'tttu.disglatietril altatire tida /Ad( been
Jrflty...; . •
tril corps, uutle,'.
laisrq muds . , awl tue exc el
• alai. CLviaeSs.ol talsi• ufliter,
.Vittu. the" 6ettvi
W WO/ Ii a Lulps rxtliutled, sdVeLl tie
luciasr p.ugress.Ul tne painc :dud llie ieut'; uiiU
use eVil wad /Slit Me . 1). , 17 ,
was lalll.sell;,latruLaer pa' hod Wilmeas6i
me utter cuiditS,Ou until:Jam, uh talelull
'dad their ialauslat.llll:ua/ . .ltail
jrtu.l Me . e . uutti.kgitce.triry 4uU hi Mut to - le 11
1k Inca . su.ccebi utttici Penerel 11voleer' wit
eat In LA.: i llecu n Lil t Lucy could place Lau
tle ; confidence.in o ie liriu LLeri..
jtoluto try •.ollinn. 1 - loulcir hereshoudout
eousocodublyi and every due wilt atlutne toe
scli ..ielidee With' Whiott.rte alre
tretne,Ol . perti to restitru the edoti—
detice.ol ht, even autl put on cud to :Llie pi.{lllC
wolel,lied beeit `created.
But .4..111.1/C pruuud was loIF id this eveht,
4111113 d an aelibtf uf . Zeus that uui
hen'wbulo hit plUVei .1 eliabt, u!id uvr
yuce.se. tiiu .h 4r Were • )tit to prove. Il tut le.;.
• . .
I ! : me end. i hia rud; 01 theEieveirjh ourdivr:
wssthe Cr ISI6. l hli ‘vdt the
tuil4ihg putut Oulu winch our' sheceediqg
jai edd•be tiaeed:
day'. ciused ,l .e opeidtions 01 the- first ‘veek,
with dquutiu I pruin.tet. ofthe. iinul result', 11111 i
the 111 0V1UU,5111:14 . b tllO - tight•wirik- seethed
4eslinted ln end 'in dipdater. •:• • •
. . .
,Sedgmeki.with - thessixt.h C : urps, had.at tilts
tne t 601 i1.%4 n. to the .ealt . batlX at • the tivert
iiinedlip 10.6 btnlge
airec . tly in liurd of . -,.. feciditiiksburg,, zuld4 Eire
pared' tor an assault ou theincrrovi ., ut the.e,,rth
winns back • olliice toivn. • . .
The 'assuit of
. G . ener . 4l,.Se . dpviek :upon the
heightsol Frederielisu'u it - was .cualuil/c.e/c'c/1/
'6u6/0./ . .y 'trio/ 1,1111 g:
... A• Inure tlqtertnined, 41/11 des
pelikle attack 114b,t/Ot. beit thude. • No nie . ii even
~Ltdcli.etl,thg loruliestio.o. ok an edeniy; wall
iinuret , il Ulu litsin .
; or vigcii . .. Wink was ''ilteep;
.tile lira ut.shut and shell was I eilitidi jai/U.:lnc
•ot Sumitier'4 coips; r1o:u1
iiruntnS agv, ,gdvsl4tle pructitie el succebs.. .16
nlwLtul certaui..deatii the melt chirgntl c.l) ait9
ie . & [he ' works E drove [sta.
eir guns, :ciiiiturcd twel
_v,e piee . ss: u( the beet
we iicac,est and •tibuly
Wei w 111cti'seachea."•With the .tieuVicst . losCs
. et ipinc.kii9lioweit tits success
clicig,y r itiiil put sued the. enemy tow . ards' . : Chau
bcdie. with the purpose
'HuOlter that ).
. .
taut success time t 6 'late; for
tnecuellay held toe plank ipak which the
orthe Elevetittia:ulpe bad yielded to, theiti uu
the.iiievions night, and the. enemy
to tiWotd ugaii:nt to
pierelii his jilhetron with klooker.•'.l . lli . n wits
slieediy . dune, and soon .iedgviek's • fine..curpS;
hue laige.nt and ut
wits' cut . 011,1tuitf'cuininistiiii . iition either \Vitii
I.l.iiikar•of with liVetis'itcl:9uri, and, taus is . l.) - --
ititcd; wan. ciitniielleit 'to bu . ek'tif oh - tile
Cut U; wliete Urtdgee 6xll been
1 . 1 secerel p.cssC'd, Lie
teeth. matte sulk: retreat iict Abe:ltaly.,
.Thys lulowel.rriislurtupe on
Ownlortaiir, • not for .lack -of skill ill
Jur time vutiiluct 01 , the titiscieiiiits who had fleu
Hain :Chen . ifusitioii on . the ineviousiiittlft al
most allow lie hint atta ck of the enemy.
But another repulse was Susrarrierlltn Sunday
morning ' the army near
The enemy rener.ved.the attack en I agriin drnye
back our-lines 10t hall a mile: • From the laign
brick house which gives the name to this
I,y the Ones attire erittiny- could be seen err eep . --
log elowly, but eoufidr.ntlY, . determinedly, and
surely through the clearings which extended irr
.tront- - Nothing could excite more; admiration
fur'lhis best gealriles of the veteran soldier-than
the mariner in which, the enemy swepporit,
Ihey•moved steadily' onward, the' , forces wlrielL
were oppoierl to,teem... We suy it .reluctantly
end for,.the first time, . thii the: enemy. hdve
showed.thri tin.rst qualitieSpand we'acknowledge
on this ; occasion their. superiority ,in the' open'
.Ge,ld In our own-men.
'• They delivered their fire with:precision‘ and
.were apparently inbAtihle and immovable under
the siorm.of,hullets.and!shell.,which they Were
constantly to .a piece of
timber, Which was.oecupied by irdivisioir of our
men, halt the norther were. detailed to:. clear
the -Woods. It seethed certain that here they
would—be repulsed; ,but they
,marched right
through the wood, driving our own!soldiers'9ut
who deliVered their free end fell bitck as beforey
seeming to cOnevrle to the enemy, as a matter
ofrouese,:the supe.riorily which, they ;'evidently'.
felt themselves. Our own men fought • well.,
There was no, leck.of courage; but an. evident
' teeling, apparently the:result Of baiing been so
o lf e n .whipped or of haymg witnessed the..rout
On the night previous; ,that they were. destined
to be beaten, and the only tbingfor them to do
yeas . to‘lire,and retreat.
.The'eqimk felt centid
ttiat th 4 Weie.to.be victorious, hind our own
Men had, from aortae oceasion, imbibed'the same
I there . sa ton. Our men Showed lack: of].ettrneit ,
fleas . and enthtiatairri, but na.,.•Want'.:6l , ,courage.
All that ihey needed was. the: inspiration' 'l3l
series.Of victories to look back upon;und shear.
liest.nysk and Confluence in n'
cause.the success, of the
tor, wb,t'cii.triey we'refighting...Thus end
ed the ; .Sabbat h, andanother chapter in.this icr i es
. 0 . 4 e disasters. • •
. .
Another' dayof rind Misiorttme, the day was
hardly Ushmed inhelore -the: enemy.. in juice
'came down, ainin' the•Ae.tactiinents..4hialt had
been thought sufficient to hold; Lair works . : Lipoti:
the.heighti:ul Yretlenciciibuig. Pi; t a 'ht
gdit„then' a divirion, the a, lam er lorce . cuuie
in'apon 'Uteri), 411,1'114er strongly. contesting, the
position they were compelled to yield Jun
uuck' under . the protection or the ;The
eriernY . 'Mi./Lied their hue of battle od the. out
*kit ta, and wania 'the town the 'two brigisUct;
ul lied. UlbUoll neat theta in:check:Ulf Wog
'awn were heLe
the hoimttiils, and, tue - spo.iiiiori was iiiiiin'taineti
a,s loug:4S pusalule. At leltglh Ctiu greund.Was
given up; the troups• et , ete teitialrown, the ucidg
es Waco> up, and Vretlericitsbutg ; was,.-given
• .
'yVere:lllllsP at liberty to turn :their itt-.
teutioulo aedgr,a*:l4 cud they ldst nu time lu
coneentrettug, their Lori:es- iiguiost halt. They
Were. too Btiolig .• •,.
-Alter a must .obstUotte light.; in which • the
alioust were set:cesium La de•trOytog,
tits hiaigeS, chit the pusstbility ut hie escup.,.
'itiatie guild. rev/eat .411. u. Le the .east ba c k.
ul the-44ppati,.iitioe4L - .41a ILISA•eI were appall
lig. • lie suffered 'terribly, 'llll4 the . tr:r.tre;,C
.there , ydn ' ll/1151/ 6:61111]1 01. 1 War: diSOider:llll4oqg
Old .4 /a w at i'.Je•litet uniet Tula down'
Uieit arias and yielducl tueiliselyes , up. prison
er, Without liraig 15 musket,: but - generally the
Jaen ul this claps oisplayed.the greitteSt.galiiii
tri..iii h htwg, sad only yielded when or ei•
powered superior nemeses. • • .
By.ttlis time the aspect uj affiire
troutis were much Eitel
putted although they tied d their pear
hoe on .Nlootiay,.'trre 'l)suspeet of rneetrog the
...oinhineti knees of the eneeny ; with large rein
fure:etriepts; y‘.l.!ch they Weir kiniveiitunuee le
also epp . eeivd un he6ildy
the Iteppeliaiiiioek to 4 torrent cod thre.fteo
tog to wdy the hin:gee:: I:tie‘ilay tugul
lhr Army ul the kapihrhanuock wassmrit ray°
out cherie force lito . oglit again to this- side .
of the ricer, with the exception ul :many *deitil'
end Wuutclycl, cii,ine 'ten
der mercies of tile enemy. • '
itit4'ended the nine' days . ' catnpai'gn on the.
.Rappahamiiock. What wits;, t
. t 'Wunid
,the part of-the task, was UCCOIY/-
plishedpost sucmesstully.',•The.army was Oa::
cetitratedinAhlrear ot. the enemy's • works,.
and thuy'we:re tweed to come' mit .tit them mid.
giye battle in thCopetifielti. r. Strange, to' say,
the'any latted . to beatttie etierr4.on computa
tiirely'vquai: ground and 'upon eyen
- - •
. . ..
During, these nine days our hardly
lali•stiort ot 15,00 men.. Possibly 'they ;.Vlll
be inure. • . --. . '. . - D. W.
The Hour . and its Lessons
In.the fieur,of out — sorrow, 'let us, not seek to,
magnify the gieutness‘ol our Alt.,:ifffers„ • The
siMple truth is ..'suthetehtiy ierf . .wittiuut
',resting I tIIIe In oppreheaawns.ul;tutufe'inereasfe
Mauffertog, - .and loss. But It becomes :us . to
study the past , , e4i 'ruin' it the lessens .el
Witturit which 'e)tperieliee• stone cut gi v e us.
...From t he hour lout Hosier dossed IhS Hap,-
ihanitiOcii and Rypitic(ii been that:
there' was' 110 nor ally - .'ectileniie .
ul generalalffp in MS inciisrnent. • There was
mournful ruliculuuoness to the columns
some . pi mse whieh.weia
pepffis - about Mtn and his plans, since , troUrthe
moment he Went intu'ustion,
.therti -has 'been'
eouttnual'undl• inereasings evtdeffee that' he -hail
no plan which could be carried out. n, ;We face
of a vigilant toe, and thatrbe „must nee, siailly
sacrifice his iviiole army in di vain battle„ . where'
.sueces's was hopelesi. We heard 01 Ins leading .
clidrges.in persciii,and if the correspondent's who
wrote these accounts are to` be, believed, he•ex• •
hibited that personal bravery which has d'lwayS,
t een'lns charactei istic,:anif that total neglect
'of the duties of a commanding general widen
uniS4 indicate:the redicauses of the lailure of .
his movement: Let him receive
due to ebbrage; hut tet . u,.at the:saine.time'ac
knowled,ge the truth, which cannot for a , mo—
ment be doubted, that the idifure..ol the h.ditle
IS due to the incompetency of the
i-le ahotild never have divided his afrny;.: aS
he'dLd iii fact; by .three rivers . . For us long as
there Was nu commtiniCations
'und . centre and the city. ot . Fredericksburg, just
.o long he was practically separaied. noun
Setlgtvick'i limes by the Rapidan,. -the north
-Jerk of the Rappahannock, and the Itappitan :
:sock at Falmouth.' It was ne strategy :!.titts to
hiS iiirny in. u position of great' wediarees*
,tutt . eitpostt it tu.the-defeat it'. . :Ttie
proul O the stiat egy is In tti• result. ' Ales iur
ia. - resultl. N•iiiher was jlicre any, strategy
crossing the liver Ttiere.lias been no
tilde within some tmouths when the movement
cuultl not h4ve been rnuile.by Hooker. it could
have been.ma tle
,by gurnsitleAulte as
The rebels'never eiren.eiedted":batteries to' op.'
pose . it,.ter the crossing at' that point did not
ltreaten' them seriously. The Public have been
deceived. by the ._newspapers which : . 'aseured
• them that th'isrisplenthit strategy'.! had gained'
us a ctimmantling position on the dank, unit even
inthereai of the enemy. . haVe never' been
on .his fl,ink at all, except so lar.ai being
Miles distant.and tb the . viest ward of tiim ma y:
be said to be on' his flank. But his 'rear. has
'never ler a moment beep Open' . to, th'e
contrary, by crossing tit thepoint selected we
exposed Or right wing to the attack madd in
overwbelmirlg lorceitn attract tor ,which' the
enemy could.virell ifford.to abandon his works
'behind the eityi sureilvf kw ability' to. retake
them after •befiting lfsek our right. 'l4fft '.was
there any:truth in the relterated statements
that, we had :cut the anerny'ailmeo . t . retreat.-1.•
At no moment has thare'been any Itlifficialty,
his iet.rOat toward Richniond. -His.. rear • has
always been open and eker, • Rad' the .pcsitiorf
of our forces•at ChancellorsUille has2nOt for , aa
latitant'tlistiirped his full posiession•af the'iouth-ern atinroaches to his 'forti ficitiens; the ottly ap
tiroachea,alotfit whieh he would uu der any.
cumstaneeche likelito:4ll„haett ilhe so de,
The whole history, therefore tathisi—.l-icealt
er,had.the largest and the fineet artily eier.un;;
"der . commend of an, American . General.'.. He
placed that army in a most' exposed and .6n
:retrills poiition; so eiposed and onikillful ib all
respects, that the-rebels came out of their in
frenehmints, and but for the desperate, valerif
otir gallant men,lhe brave old Army,of the Po
tomac;. would have utterly destroyed "it.:: We
give all honor to the endurance, the noble con
duct of the inen.of that brave and fated army.
They deserve everlisting yeniembrance. . •
1.": Would to God ihe radical men who 1)11%4 well
nigh ruined usWould.stand aside , now', or. that
the •President would awake: toAhe soleMe
aipect'of the nation:and thrust them aside for
ever. But If, that Wiwi done, let us 1;4. 7 -patient
and firm . ' Resist.; to the. est . moment every
"man who dares . counsel disunion,. Unit the .day.
will come when he conservative men ol
ice . *ill re-establish on its Old riedestal , the.old
Statue of Union.—Joar. of Commerce.
. .
This • war, • aceortling! to Mr.. tationtres ',in
augural*, Arose oai of. a elairn one side and
a. denial an.the other, of constitutional righti,
'‘f All pirsons 'professi" said he, !tic," be ,satis
“ fled .:with the:Constitution,: ps ov hied, their.
” rights are respected:: But: what are those
.! rights?' *Upon qUestions .of •'which the COm:
stitotion has not expressly spoken we divide
"•into ‘triajoilties and. minorities, nod' if the
it ininerity will not submit the. majOri4
•,, :
0; course, Inn war arising out 'of's.. dispute
of cons , ruCtion,.one.. would • Suppose that the
regular goveritinent would be :most intensely
scrupuloas . of:those . rights .actually expressed
the Constitution, and Which (according, to
the same inaugural) ""it is:difficult
. to conceive
any one, audacious enough. to violate," bet
such hasnufbeen the exrierience,*of this coon !
try.. Can any Man find..nn.y . constitulidnal Itt“ ,
thinity for the proposition to' the: loyal' . slave
spites to
, crimpensate emanCipaticin?.. Can any .
one find .any such authority : for the adinjssion.
of Western .Vriginia, or. for the. partial . repret
sentatfon.olLothsiana? We de not, hero hod
faith..with not exercising the Constitution over
rebels bur . for usarliatione over OUrsefves...
We are to be governed by the repreSentatiVes .
o(a bogus state; to be legislated- Tar by the
the memhers whom a. military .governor.• has .
caused to be: elected. - These.. measures hur t
not.the rebels . ; they injure ••us. So the arbit re.
ry arrests never ; took a Men from, the enetoy,.
but...they outraged and insulted every man in
this community. • ..• . •• • .
These acts, for which the .President Is spe c=.
sally responsible,' are' acts which exclude
hope of peace by submission more .effectually
than coluinns 'speeches. exciting fratricidal
hate betWeen.the .tieel and. slave states; — .The
great 'feat Of the South was. that the' leye of
thatt - respect for .the Cotistitotion hnd:' died: out
of the northern 'heart. Therefore, the first
great .principle of this war should have 'been'
to prove to them . the mistake;
. .but :instead, of.
that the epithets of Traitor and COpperhead are
applied to. northerners who' recognize law. as
theirsole ruler, rind party men 'only .to
obedience te•4. • . .
We.shall not make. a riy exception :at .pree,
exit to the 'emancipation 'proclamation, or the
conliseatio,n act on..the ground, of right,. but
on the ground of expedience r and we.„ltre sure
that history wilt justify man the •verdict . that .
'the Renoir : heat' *Arty (even '.ilwith,tho'v . ery
best of resolutions) hy: evety ingetrous arti
fice en cOnducted . the. war 'as to 'moire 'its
cot tinuroice cheaper • and more .safe for. the
'Sou th. than• itit6 cessation, and dangerous to
liberty inthe NOrth. a 5: 16 create 6rpeace- s at 7.
any 7 price''. • ,
• reds related that one day last' week a 'large,
.r.e(l4aced Woman, with a'• porter's' load of 'ex..,
iiensive finery 'tiPan her persoo, entered . the
tardestfewelry Store in New York, and. hmitir•
ine tordia Mends, a ritignific lent: assottirieut or_
rings,' hronchea,. ear.rings,
.neckluces,. etc.,
Were qWead.before her. From rhe‘e she se.
lertedlihree.thousands fire hunlrid
Which' :she remiested .miitht sent to her
house with tYe hill:. The clerk'would her . .
husband at home, she said, and 'be would 'pay.
for therm" A pen and card ‘.k.ete.hantledro•heri:
and she was requested to' write her address..
She.he'sitated, her broad -face turned froin: red
-to crimson, and finally, and in great
she rnadit her mark (a big on the' . 'card,
anT tossing it to'die salesman; said: ''That;
-haint-time to:write, • but guess' he'll know,
that." The illiterate queen of dkamonds was
a contractor's wife. • • • .
!Tub: Vicksburg Whig of the . 21 Rt . - ult. ex . - .
Cities its shortcomings thus: "We owe our
renders an npolOgy for the scarcity of reading
0 .- tatter in this morningrs paper. The shells
ireiri the. Yanltee.hartery across the river burst
sOelose to our office yesterday that .the print
ers co . uld'do but little .work.',
. .
Gov: CozzcNs, of Rhode Island, fn hia fa'st
Day Proclamation, sap . ): And' %VW() depend
-41;4 on God's blessing,.let os he.liore that we
do ritthi—lct ui save ourselves iron) that fatal
hereby ot.niStalting °fir politic.; for our loyali•
ty, our .Tiryjiidices. 'cif. self Interest foriustT
Tux Sits:von op•DesTrt.—ln consequence ''of
General .11ascall,s.milltary order; and the fact
that no, sort of fair play is to be rdlqwed .
the C'ornin. , municipal election
. of Indianapolis,
Ind, the Democrats • there have 'withdrawn
11s:their candidates, even for the ichnoll.
Nora Democrat will consent to'be a .candidate.
'l 7 ,v'ery' Repiddiran candidate, even doWn ac
losv as . for the,dog . Pound,' will therefore be
'elected. • .
•Rebel•paperselairn that the Union ettrtihoats
on ihe Tennesneo_river have been• driven baelt,
entl• that an, attempt io land at
,Ttiseurnbia • had
ben fruatrated, TheY report some heavy ekir
.mishing at McMinnville, Temn. . ,
. .
A•number' of . leading Republica .
peers,' we
'notice; aceentering into a delehce. bi
.preachers, and would make their , ' 'readers' . bei:
tieve [nit this pernicious practice. Is fight
and proper ; the' the ' practice
fratitin with grant evil,: to the enurchas . ,
to the State.. it.lias• - elready producedl . 64in'
.iii congregationa, divided Church:less'. d'egiedid
clergymen in public estimation,: and ivastl y -seneu their influence hir pied In .
SO his it created wrenglinibittirness Of . spit.
'if i lend, sindperseeutiori- amontioeighborsend`
friends. It is noticeable that:the praCtite
approverfor iolloeved only wrtiong: , these whom
- politiCAl sentiments are oFAbolitind stamji;
and they make their seligion• subservient'. ` . .to
'their patitical.belief.. And we find It alines:
-universally; the .Case that, among:the
societielthus con tarninated • with, politico, the
utmost uncharitableness Prevails, .egainst ;:all
who difier veith their joint sectarian and. tekt-'
ty beliefs. Surely there must , be. 'something,
then, of evil ins systegi which is so
crentive'of ill-welnend enmity ; among' neigh...
burs and cornrciunttiei. Indeed, it would
as it oda evil was . ordained by the Almighty
Himself, as :a terrible penalty 'upon . *hoist ; who
this easey to degratte. His, holy cue ;by
sociating with it the•unworthy, mere worldly
cciricernments of men. • • '
'But We _ think the. preeticc 'pernicicies an.i,
other poiiit of, vie W. yhe framers of, thit.:On- .
stitutien wisely-. declared ; itgainsi.i Onion .o(
(Thatch and State: .That ihstinmehteliouid hi• •
regarded by ell eitizens,as . eW4l, ntritht;,'
er the:heirshor their discendaiits.sheeld • Steer...
desticiY.• And assuredly; : We're all:
the different religious
,denotninations • threnigtt . ,
net the l . pnd 1.;): adopt .the practice which 'the •
ItepnbliCan,papers . defeat • and :ipprove,Wierts
all the people to countenente.:4 2 —ree'eliouldldn- ;
conthtion.ol drain. which •
wuuld.esfablish the power. of the Church...oyes
(hut of . the
.§tute, ',end pu;tors and. leading.;
,would then,become our civil
as welt as Our Jeligioutt . 'teachers.: 'The mani.•
would'grow out 'of Such"' state
nlfuirs,.who cannot predict?" . We 'ought_ not
to miligle religion , and • politica. The puie..
postor.whor well and IA4101111)+46148 his. Great
Mester will Instinctively , reirairi from partici. •
'pillion in party. mutters.• • Ile cannot serve both
GA 'and munin such mi xed. Auties, and per.
farm bin duty to each. He cannot touch his
clerical robes in the .p,031. of poliftcs without
soiling thern—arid he • should preserve . these ;
ever pure or never wear them more. It. has
been, we sincerelybelieve, a ripe ,criustr.for . .
the growth, of ihfidelity; • this degrading the
e lergyman to the level of the. Abolition' politic.
ion, tor. we find that, in' the,communities where..
.olid.'polities are • requally disCOursed •
scorn the pulpits . , tnlideflty. -moat flourishes.
syi , can view thep. rigetice in no light in which
it is lisely to subserselfie . cause'of l religion,
to . Pronnote the bene fi t of mankind, or to . edect •
good whatever: It disrupts peace and ge:id...will .
among men, and putt.e. mi.ghty -engine in' the •
hands of evil, minded r ambitious,• vvorldlY-given
mortals, wherewith to bring:shame and cen.
Sure upon religion, :and trouble. and misery
upon the country, that - themselves tnay.thriles
upon the ruin :',wrought. 7 —Cartis/s. Vol •
- •
Tho .Richmond.' papers of...yesterday - an
nounce 'the death 'of Stonewall Jackson' on
..Sunday afternoon, from the effects:of his recent'
amputation. and 'pneumonia. His burial wee
fixed for to,day. •. The mllitary.harid in Tied
ericksburg had been performing
.dirges agreatei. ,
portion of the afternoon.. . • .
• • Sketch. or General Jackson , - -
ThoMaa Jefferson,. Jackson, late -lieutenant'
general in the set vice of the Confederate States; •
was born in Lewis county, - Virginia; in 1826:
Left an orphan at an early age; he was enabled
'by . a friend to enter Vest Point; where he
'graduated in 1848, and was , appointed brevet
second lieutenant in the second Artillery,. and :
served in. Mexico with Magrud.er's Battery=.,
,becatne second lieutenant„ August 25 1847; was.,
breveted' captain for gallantry at. Contreas and' '
Cherubusco, and.major for-gallant rt at Chertel
tepectreeigned.February:29, 1852, • trom itn•
paired health; and. became a .professor in. the •
Mitltary 'lnstitute .' at . Lexington,
where he married, as his. first wife; u daughter':
of the Rev. Dr. Judlcins, president of. Wash- .
'inginti College of that place; his second. virife•is
the daughter of Rev. Dr. Morrison; of Charlotte,'
N. C. • On the outbreak Of the civil war. Jac- ••
'son was converted to Cenfederata vienrs",. arid
was ppoin tett' nolonelin, the confederate' army
of Virginia. .11 . e,was made brigadier-general
soon: after' the 'battle 'of Martinsburg.. His
subsequent. career is :His death is
an unparalleled loss to' . Confederate. cause:
:CONCEDED:~—It 'is ' now generally : conceder;
thi t the fellow who goes in lor "the last' :man'
the last dollar," doesn't intend. to go hint—
sel rind•Caletilates so steal seventy-five :.cent!
Out of the. dollar.
—Art emus Ward lectured in o.last
Saturday eeening, and after the lecture, went
to islorwalk on a freight train. He. said .he
was witting to'stny "Sixty Minutes in Africa,*
hut he be d—d if he could stay.ever Sun—. '
day.in Oberlin.. '
. .
: the more that is known.ol the expedition ; of:.
General Sioneirian t the rperOinunieroiis end der,
ing thWexploiti or his forces . eppear.
.wider the range of his operations. One tletaek•
meta went us far as Charlottaville, another to
Coltirribia,ovi ihe canal which feed! the .Tredie:‘ ,
gar Works: Gordonsville. was, the only . .014.1cp
of importance' not visited, General Arerill:not
having followed out hki instructions.
, .
Assauta ON SIR. Lowni;--On,4ittufilay nicht.
at a•late hour,, Morroist: B• Lowyr,•Rsq.; .Wis*
attacked by a party of men;, in his own *yard.'
and beaten.in *a •brutal mann'er: It imp e es,
from. what we can understand, thattlfr, Lowry
hnd Veen at the .telegrarili billee; , , waiting, for
the 'con fi
,rmi,t ion, alba . disnalehdhat Richmond
hind been taken,. and was ,lcillowed
by 'the parties Who assaulted hint,' :Thi - tato*
isFifa to.hsvi..beso.mad.e..viitbnoi. .;Pir°‘'.o!
• . .
cation'..'Mr. Lowry has.sinee bee_ e4,to
his bed, and Wairreporteil for
ada ngeroils (ion. • fn. Cueof biairtifrir
lberit is no doubt that'll, Wilkprinwthig
,011[A4, -
~the:full-ririst *of tile jaw.. : •
. .
NO. 4%