• `E'VATEMzENa xO~ 7 ,w a a ,f.#.''" 4 ' • ' gliswintlttivanceipts tuni psn u. `" tifttitroaft county, lor th 6 Yaar -1382 . RECEIPTSI *p ee l 4 1 1 ondrited )858,', 11 1 3 0,' 0 - 1(1,18q0;. an sti'(.4i lux r.r 1, 86 A & 15 62 tingeOlpit roe'l36o ' tteeeiiiM*-p - !'as: cuniefoil „; ' '• Torarßiceipts, • • EspENDITLIREs. ' • • • -' , • , tlrithil s Jutors . • •'• • 214,66 Sheriff ; .,.„n.nn •,. , 4 . ; 325"20 25 .1. , ; 5 ° 0 3 5 2 1. 4 6 • .... • 235 83, Ager: Hire, k For.'addition to Jail, ;. r 410 . 00 ' " , . • 45 OD', • 110111,4 am*S v. , . Bedding Tablee fOr.Jail; COOnivoniiealthCosts, . • : ,C6a . diFielt,Zllll . ionotary'!lr Fees, Cormiiiss!orl'efe*Wales,... . • .Itepairi, of Pfiblic_fluiltlings4... . Western . POnitcnt,iai.,; , ,:: • • - Conifable'ltehir, • • - 9.laaffficatione,.. . • Oil for Ligbtsi . • Clerinini Court House, Crum' TipAraves, • - - Grand Jary inflatable' Counsel Feet, .B1a0k:Bookii; Redemption Order, .' • , Ditchlaroued . Court -House, . hairs Tor .Court House,: • Stove fOr Plothonotary'epllce, Wood Houle, .• %inning TOwnship . 79 50 : Inqaeet on. Pet Kelley, . " • 12 22 Paid on judgment itgainit county, ;•• • 1 ) 047 22 Costeol.etive'rtising 11 . tracts lant , 7 00 Recording Tr'eastirere•BoOd;, Treasurer's commission, . . . • • 4 ' 056 Eiebilities. of fertnei.yenrs.• 3,887. 2 . 1 hiteieit clrciers teken up,. ,• 1,27,i 70 Excess:ol Reepts., over, Experitlitures, 1,731 . 00 'Total • Expeiuli tures; LIABILITIES To Orders OulstandingOrdioark. . • Orders - on intereit, , ' Judets against County, .'. Commissioners' Wages, : Excess in (slier 'of lhitiniy; RESOURCES . . . . . Ardount flue fyaiii Collectors, Is 6 I t ... $341. 13 :Aminint`dile fro - T CollectorA,'lB62, . ' . ./,155/0 73 •Uogehtell.Tax f0r , ..1862, .. ....: . ' '4',15248 Unseated Tax 143 r 1803, ' . : .:2,273 06 Simted Tax lot 18113; : •'. Dlie,from . Slieriff Blaii• - - • . ..30 aii . Total . Rer;pres i 'VOLII . ISTE,EIUTIELIEte:TUISI) . Bonds forloan of money for yol Relief forderS By'S,ehted ,• tax for 1862 Vitectietl tiot lot - Seated tax fer 1863, • . Unse:ut . e.d tax foi Balanceio provided for, We, the un'ileiOgne(l;. Com missioners or m. , K 0 00 County,(lo , certify that the loregoieg Etatenetti . el. the funds', - Receipts end Expend :Rim . o('ltai(j County •tor the year '1.8.62. is col— re:ctag the heet of our knowledge..• Witness cur. hF#dalit S methliort, , January .1863.. . A. P. BREWER, • J. W. STARKS,' G. CORWIN, . Couptis:lionprs. W. S.'Ovi.try, Clerk: • - • -TinaNiw YORK WEEKI:i evry department of newspaper enterprise the 'NEW YORK:ARGUS Will favorably compare.: In Pull. ties,in'Literatiiiii, in Business. and in nuance,. in Agricultural iiitormation,ln General News, and espeelallyin the completeness and accuracy • of‘ lts reports of die 'Money,. proauee, Cattle and'other markets, it has no superior. •Its ed itors' have Made arrangements fOr articles, upon the great fluestions . ' which now agitate the' tonntry, front. 'the pens of Hon. IlloratinSey. '.'.moor; Hon: Chas, O'Conor; Sanford E. Chuioh, •'Siftnuel - and .others of the ablest' statelmeh . Of the.day. . Its Agricultural De; ;partment, which receives the especial tare and 'attention of one of its:editors, In addition to ' the Usual. variety.of oritinal and selected mat ter,: will be .leurithed by : artieles prepaiea pressly for -'the - , 'Annus, byailon. Wm.: Kelly, • .W. Watson,.. A: . B. Conger,• Benj.' P. John aim, errif..oo . : W. Sockland, of the University Toemito,C. W4' and . one or more distill. ,Ananiabstril 'writers quirt Agiicultural Science • • •• • . • e . • ,Terms ititiscription per annum, $2. :Three cOlies'one yeic;'4ll.sr.oo; eight copies one • year, slo:ooltweat, copies to one address, •:• .• •• • .' Address comrrocK SiCASSIDY, ?mildews'. .corner BroedWay &:Park !lace, New" York. A'SMETHPORT LIVERY STABLE T HE' SUBSCRIBER has opened a niw,L . iv . . cry Stable in Stnethporti. at 0. R. Ben „,iiett!ei Ohl Starill,..on Main . street, just east .of .:Meharrica', whe're can . he found the Vest or Bor ,,Sßll.,l9ld.carr)uges.dt.lOW. Ile ii itend to §iiiet . hport 'pi to 'residence, and felts a re . patrouage. • • • 21', 1860." • re.l3tf , 0:11S1_11:11p I,VOS: • • . • . . . ~ . . i le•Atfeeitlser,' ' having. een restored to health in n i_.;itit,_••.,....,• • i 11 le , remedy, after having ,'' ' tw,,eree.es,...., ,o . %!ry...s ! .p . . , i , / 1, r'od*O4‘ititl - yeire , with it. severe lung affection, d .thut,..drehdAlibkie4., thineurontlon-,la anxious t...n ; make ' - _n wo' to hfelelline-eufferere the . means ' of cure.: .. . . .. ,.. ....: --- 4 1 041r,- - w'Woraug - litc'hErvlll 'Amid - a Copy of the preecrip • ol..; hu'ilre);eiitti.;the directions for pre ' ''lion 02rtaq ,Ir rn ;Tr iti ., Atiig , Whleh-they , .wiii. fled 'a suns O Ws ` lk " fl • I ''''' lr r' ' .'' .IAwiITMA "Alitoxontrts, &o. The' ~0:11191'' (7,4"o"3lE,ri.arri. oeijkaepdliffi the - i`reseription lon S'tiiiit or 4 , 4";0 '4g ' - ' - ' - ar ' mid in(priciatloi,whic 14' '4l:liiiit'449Plirlitilii;Artld'ltti'lloireri every Net i'.411460p,—,40140449r: V I -1-!..p .- 1t , ...*(11, coat :them nothhhir '7.:4"r1,149k7 144-,l46*ltitcr,i4V'ii''l"..i!..'.:':',,. • ':-..iumi:m • ig4 k l64 p., 4k o, 4 4•_lfelfloteiiih pleAe e'',ethliei ,‘' . 4'.•! , ,AS#J , Of If 0.. l!)”, . tt,,er' • , ,ilityAltll '., MI h ,50N, 2,,...;:::,,..,:.%-,:b-:::',',:',.,,,,F-,iik;,,...: ........: - .::..wrlhouß ,litirrb. ~ -07-1,1#44,,v.:-.-,:'.,,Ai,'T • ~,....;:.., ~.., . n , ...,_ $4O. 'WAGES PATD',.SIOO; tho'Aon.his Sio:yrspALionl Yli . .We'iyill'Aivcjit . cplnnlit(sion op 441 sold or nay is. [12:01k ki from 15.1911 u $lOO.. per . roont . h', 411 nee scary expente's. - GO' 'lttocktiO,e is porfect; in its me-. che 'to "(pool's' 4 .by half an litiors' iiritroctjoii 1 tO any' family iir have the' ride° to Filtr , ot { Polk? rg. riltieliino . is woi wed for. three years., Addre's . s . ,-• •C. RUGGLES, ,• • Gen,;„,,A:gf.,..Delfait, S': 169.0.5 .058 . 69 9,180 15 .819 14 13,527.63 ILLUSTRATED ICIENTIFIcj(MERICAN; .•• • : Tine BEST /VIECIIANICAL I N W0111,t) YEAR: Volume Vlll - ;:-.—'!New. Series, :34 73,* 10 la 12252 12'42 19 12 196 16 108 39 25'12 44.15' 25 10 . . . . A Mew voltime'of ttiis widely circulated pn per commences on Ole 'lst - tit Jantniry; • Every aumber 'contains sixteen. pao.es of-:useful infor-. mation'and from live :torten original engravings or new inventions end discoveries, all which are prepared r;icprssly, for its . columns: TOThe Mechanic.and Manufactnrei!-. . . person eMirig!;(l in any of the' meChunica pursuits should think 'Of doing: without the SCIENTIFIgarFRifIAN. It costs hut. six cents per week; every.number: contains frOm six to ten engravings of new machines and' inven tions, which cannot be found in any other pUb, lication.' 4is an established rule of the pub lishere.to insert,. none but 'original engravings; end these-of the.first class in the art, drawn. and engraved by exrierienced persons under their own.auperviiion. • . • 16'36 63 00 40 63 31 00 , The . SCMSTIFIC..ANIERICAN is' fodis pensableAo every not only _con taint• illustrated' deicriptions of nearly all the' best inventions .as ,they rome' out,' but. each riutabeeeontains an Official List 01 . -the Claims of . all the Patents issued from' the Ernited.Stati;s Patent Office.dMing the ; week ....previousr,thus piyinga cOrreft history or the' progiess,of in- , ventions ,in this .country. We are .also receive ing, every W'o4, the best scientific journals of Grea, 13s it - ..Pririr . el anti't hos irlaeing in our possession. all that is tran4prrinfj.. Feienee art in these old count:ties. . We shall . edsitiotie 'to' ti adsfer . to our coluiirns copinns,vxtrncts froio these joui•-• ink of whatevenye nosy • de . einof interest to . 00r . i unders. .$13,;527 $1,060 01 100 00 300 001 57 79 8,263 O. Cbemisni,.• Archittiers, Millwrights, :An ' The - .SCENTIFIC AMERICA..7V • will ..be .found a most usellul Journal 'to 'hem. - -All 'the HOW diseoyeries"uf ..science Of 'chemistry are arven•in its 'columns, arid' the'.interests of r the Arc hitectand ea rpenre r not overlooked; ell the, new dwii4l.tions and die. olieries Ppei .ing . to these , pursuits 'being -published Irom Week . to . week . . Useful' and plac'dical informa tion. pertaining to the iriti,reste.of millwrights snit Inill , .O , Witers,will be found Published in the .Bi.7w.N•ririe • A mr.etc'AN.. whieb.inforthat inn they. 'cannot possibly Obtain (reel any ()thee.. source, Sirbjtcts-le Which planter's and farmers are in.' terested will be found:discussed in the SeinN-. TiriCAMORICAN; most or the improvenierits in agriculturalTmplements being illustrated in 'columns.: . • • $0,790 75 1;9,790 00 $1,310 00 160 07 It I;$00 ,n 7 $787 49 1,076 2 4 721.87 1,136 53 1,079 11 . . . To mail subs c riber s :—Three Dollars, n .. Year iar One Dollar' for, lour triontfi.s.. ',.The".V o l omen comMence' oli the first of - .Fade:try' ah .;• Specimetir copies writ .be to'ai part of, tire coanfry.". .• • • $l,BOO 07 yesternanil Canadian'irciThey . : stamps titheii . at Par' Cann (llan subscribers will please to cents extra 'on each year's subscription to. '.pre-pay . postage. & CO., •Vol)Hebert', ~ :0. jerk-row New York - ORi'HERN CEN'TRAL • RAILWAY T tit 'TIME T LE Three daily trains' to Sod from PSldirnore and Washington City.. Conlipctiotis drains on .'Rennsyliqinia Ridrioad • to 'and froin PittShurg and-tha West',,;', Two- trains daily to and 'from- the Not th:and .West Branch, .Siisdjue lano's,.Elmird'and all Northern JSTew .Yor!c. : ..dST. AND' . AFTE..I: MON D,A.Y, .Noyembei 47, 1862:,A1is Passangiir Train's:of the Northern Ci.Otral Railway Will a friyo',..and. Opal t from Ilairighnrg arid Ballitnhre as . fdllows, • , . . . ... . .. . , :.MAIL. T.I3.ATIs:r li•aves Sanbury daj,ly(exeept Sunda}Tat 1.45 p. n).; • FeavegTiarristmrg :ht 5.20 p., m, and arrives jit . Baltim'oie at 10.20 EXPAP.S. TRAIN li=aves• Snnbnry daily (excqit :Sundayj at 11.20 p. tn.;!wi ves Lb rris- . burg ('except Monday) at 9..15 and ar iives B4ltiguire daily (excepf ,Monday) at 7.30 a. m. • • , • • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION Train leavee Harrisburg daily at 95. a. at. NORTH W.A Ui . MAILTRAIN leaves Baltimo re daily [ex. cept Sunday] at 8.30 a. rn„ Harrisburg at 1.45 p. and arrivei . atHunbury.af - 4.30 p. m. EXPRESS TRAIN..Iea yes Baltimbre daily at in, wives at Harrieburg at 1 . .50 a. m., and leaves Harrisburg daily [except Monday] at 3.20 a. in., and arrives , sit Sunbury at 6.20 . • HARRISBURG. ACCOMMODATION Train leaves Baltimore daily [except Sunday] at 2ids nom, and arrives at Harrisburg.at 8... p. m, • • • For further information apply at the Qffice, in Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. • .• ‘N, DuBARRY; . • Superintendent. Ilarrisburr, Nov. 1.1, 1862: • . • . . EPITOII. Or. Dr:UOCUAT, 151:..111 h your . i,etlniSsion,l wish 'to :say:l6ll)e' readers 9i your pti,perithat . 1 will•send by .return tniiik. to ' all who AV . iSh it; [free] a Recipe, h . • 'lel I direc— tions for maktng ntl.using a'simple .Vegetable Balm, that rernove, , iniMplays„ Pimples, Blotches, TanOreekle's, and all • impn ritiesof the Skin,leait.ing same soft;' clear, smooth aiid 1:will 'also mail free to.- those •.'Bald Heads orbare .Faces, simple directions and in= formation that will enable, them to start ,a full growth .of LuxorVent Hair; a Motistaele,iff less . than'3o days:. All applica— tion !answe r ed by:retastrmail without Icharie. Respectful • . THOS. ,1 7 . 'CHAPMAN, .•... " BroadwaY; New York. TO the" Inventor! 1 7 Al.l RS! TERMS S . OYI,IIWARb AMEftICAN,• 'AGRICULTURIST'. • .. .•,A. Ttiok;ruCh.:oo .. .rum,,RHL tAIiLF,,and.PRAC/ TLC - AL ':.Journal, ilet;oted . to the different •de 7 . ~ riartments ti(seni culture, such as growing FiPld Crops,,' Orchard :arid .Ourde ) ,...Frui; f ifi : G ar d e h. .VegetobleS . and ; Flowers ; Trees;'' Flouts,' and Flowers:forllle Lama or .Yard ; care of pi,- mestie' Animals,-&c.,:&e: . ; slid: to Household Laborti. It has ulso'ri interestins; a [lli instrue tive.departmotfikr.children 'and youth;'. ' . .4.' fullCalendar,oloperations every month. ' ::Teree to: FOur thindi . ed, or inbre,. illustritive Engravliigs anpedr . is. each N' olil m e , -* • :... • : Ovei, Twelve Hundred, plais, .Inneticol, in- 1 jartictive , tifticles2a IA:115C f llr Hems,"are given . .. . . . The' Editors •suiil .Ciirit ributprh.nre - all: Frac: . tical: \\Todd b'g .. .-.141(.11 - •l' . -. '. • : • . • .. . . '.Th 1 . teachilOs' . . of (ke A 'lit will' l' 11l ST if:re r0,1,- . • fluted to iii). Shit' e.ot 1 1,710; y, 4,11 id e ,.trimprod...to , 'th,Rir, f aits of all'itreiv Os. of the - ion?? ry - -- , it is,: we • . ii;..linnii intlicizi, , er tdr, die ?dial; Amin t 6.(:v. CoN . . . :- A GERMAN Is . DlllON'is'pliblishe4.l; of the same' -61ie .. ;intl. prfai :as the English;: an d eon . - faitiii)g.iill.ofits tintlhq rriatter, - and its nufne roils il-histriitive'mngra.;/in..i... .. .•- :," ': -.. ADVANCF.:;!. One copy; one year,' . '$1,0!). 1 Six copies, one year.. - ' :.:0 po, T,en or more conies one year, : 80 cents each . . . Q 7 to. tbe above. rates: .Postage • ,to Canada' 6 celite; to. England..'and.France, - 2i .ecnts . ;.to Germany,. 36 cents: : . Postage ankwhireL'in the United States and Tcrrilnries must .be paid by the . subsetiber;'ai;d is. 'only Aiir re! . ,1.1 a:lyeq'r, if paid in ndvanee, at the (like where received,. All linsineii and other.eotnmtirdeatidtis sboiikl be addcessed:tothe Editerand , Propri s eint; •ORANGE.. JUDD., dlliarlc 7 ROw, N. Y: City • . • • •••• TIIE :WEEKLY JOVIINAIv:QE.OOII)IERGE.• .: • .TO OUR. suBsdRIB'ERS,.. •. : • The:eommencemint of a-'new year is a' good time for-renewing SubscriptiOns and increasing the : circulation of the . Jouroal of Commeree.--- . . -We address otirselvesi,rO- the' old readeis of the paper,,-with 'entire. confidence to their willing. ; nevi tg.aid us, and.extend -the influence of the -sound conservative:principle-rind morals which have hitherto characterized and will: hereafter :characterize' this-paper.' F.vztiv, Stinscattisao' . t the., Journal'of .Commeree 'triiihr' do a great, service : , ro• -these. principles, and.si remithht Its in ourability to support and eireninte them ; by sensing us the'. name of at hirist Ole hew 99114 'seriber,in 1 • . ' Dev as we hnv . r, been -to our.eolin try's interest soitol firieilli4, lone been called ttlTucon:Srivers".fiß' a-term of 'reproach, - we are ' 'antl.shall.he'.lo firm upholde'rs:of . -•; THE UNION AND THE: CONSTITUTION opposing with heart.and . pen egery man,: South, or North, who is . -ati eneiny to either. Every. corn] of disorganization and, revolution will find. 'us really .for the. combat. Amraig,..tha toes of the Artieilinn Union.. and lAmerican PftlfeiPle's; -we. rank Ode by side . .Al3O LITIOXIS...II AND. EC ESS/ 1 0N/SAT, and We -proprop with all our .s:treiigt i t the nation against the attarlis-ol ho.th, • • A. LIBERAL' OFFER.. ,To 'encouraee those. 1N ho mat' Vo,liinteertn: aid 'in the' oegati • ixation of we hereby oiler un extra copy of the Weekly:in everyiiet,- - spn -wha.stialt lorward Iwerity Jl'eW , subscribe's. . wit:lt the trioneY. ' . • •-• • .• •• —. . , may hi , orgimized - in • 1:01111110111t kith Rrrtl u the present ri% the be , ...t•periO4•lor their commeheement... The rerinv. Qn . we. can furnish tyre paper area o eaturamie4 tnitine..; • • 13 • FIVTU . N.DO'..I.AItS.• • c,oPituf nr•upwartis ONE :DOLLAR ,eacir S copies .• .rfa ". .27 copies Under 3 a;opies . - Two:: .eaci! • The papers erin tolliffer'ent. peisons a t •the Sn tUe'Post Office, if. ileSirert„ , ex cept • ih rnsps :of clubs of 13'Or pole copies, which, will be waited to (Me addresm, may be road, at the lofloteitp.t rates t..--.Pripeie (Wiled to a Anti iVie inv. ine first quarter of .. the 'club's year Will - pay, the. fed rate of the orili tral:club for a •yrill ~,!tit 1114 the ~ k, o roncl(jua.z.ter thrett•fourths of the•of i.winal year's iate,.il urine the third tpui:i.fer nue . ha 11:,,tinti...duifeg the :14s . t . quarter one-fourth, will terminate:with the- year 'of the original nub. • • • • F ioni rryikrooki., i...T. s. ..,ILO . . . 'Where paeliagea.of, 71e71 , 70:11PrS or periodicals are received at any post 'office directed to one, address, .and din aarne.s of the club of •ahbsciri heis • to which • they belon4+, with the postage fora 'quaiter in advance,' shall be..himiled to the postinastei, he deliver .thesame' to their respectiv.e owners.'` • • '• • • Rut .this ..does ripply to weeirly•nowsNpers which circulate' free in the county .where . . .... ted , and published. • . Add,re'pr , Pallicrs.of flee , .ToOrital - of Cont niefi•e, Nb.•ol Widt.:verort Nei/. York.. : PLUME, svciNt, iiAri Sc.ll4l,l . :Pt'K, • • . .I;:ijitor.s• and Propfietors NOTICE . • • All persons are forbid purch asing a Judgment given by JOHN.ICALT.I4I:I(to N. 1. Ramea, , no. 88.Dec•T 1831 for $300; as the consideration for which' the judgment was 'given- bus .fia'rtially failed and the judgment tvill•not until the consider4tionis made good. • . , JOHN.KA.LLIEIER . Keating, March 25.1863.• • • MME. DEMORESPS MIRROR OF FASUIONS.—The best and meet reliable Fashion Magazine, is the world. Contains the.largestsand • finest Fashiondqates, .thegreatest number of fine Engikavings; the latest and Most reliable information, three 'full-sized Patterns for. Dreesses, and'a Amato( new' tirade-Work and Embroi dering Patterns,. Bier); Mother,Dressmaker,-Millener mid Lady, should have it. Publi s hed Quarterly, 'at .47 i Broadway, New:Pork, sold isieryivilere•or sent. by mail at 25 cents. Pearly $l, with a valuable premium. . The Summer number now ready. • .; . To. the School. Directors 21.'Kean co., • GaNTr.a.:unrc r -In•pursuance of the . see. tion Of "the Act of Bth May 1854; you.aie here. -by notified, in meet in convention, at the 'Court-. House, in Smethport on the first Monday' in •the 4th day ot..the `month, tit 1,. o'clock in:the afternoon, unit select idva'ou . co, by.a majority of the . ivhole 'number of Direeters present; one peisnri of literary and scientific acquirements ;Ind of skill and experc- Mice in'the art of teaching, as COunty superin:- tondent, for the three Succeeding years; deter mine the amount of compensation for the seine; and •certify.the result to the Statd Silperilitent ent; at Harrisburg ea required by the 39th and 40th sections of said act. - . • ' . • , IVAREEN COWLES, county StipT, of AVliinift County: • April 10 . 186:1.. • . .. . . . '- - Eif:-„ 7 1;7 -'-•,,:. ' -. '.: ',- A Y.E . 11.' S . ', • q,tol i :-,;;4 , * ', .. -,..,. .• • , - ... -. • . :"T i' ; '.i';';` . . , :'"- t ,'`:- : ‘ , „ e: .. 0 A il HAR T IC [ t ,,, ,, ::.- • .. -.. ....... . .i 1 .r., . . 1..' _LEI: 4 E? •1: c.f,. , q•-..., r , p.r . ; 4. ~, i•• • ' 4.,,.. ..p0) shilr. fveble. and . .--.. E.i.'" ' Vi`;. , tv*. rein ph iii iiig? •• ..crii cont tin l'of • ~.......?••i .. Zr;r,-,,,i .w,,- .. .•e•pi . ez. V. iLli lon. .1.1y5.=0) , „11 , ..... '..1. - -, - ;.; , ^7 , t-,, ,, , , ;,&:, ,:,lii 4 n .. , 1;ai0l jai 11 1-t , liii , ,r9 oh; . • 0 ,411 C E- ~ ,, r '. % `, , ,.,;1 • rqiltlo%l.il , lr.?. Tliii.io i•iinii7 ',..:fi t itwAtifti. E i: I.?' - i.i.' '. brii.elee ioi•ei t hi , p i elude to -..., . " n .' , 'Viffi,, ,::t.k.i.l"i'. ''F',i''. 6, IV , 1n', , ... tii•nie lii. of .. m .. 5,, , ,, ; _ .,.... i w. • _ .. .. r ,„.,,,i,.... ~rl'oeping !Won Veu, ...!,,,,,?.-......•• . e ,, A.3: Jr•l , 1141.1111 • 1,.• • ikiortOil IV tt 4..'",: ,, ,,.... : ' .104:Ii•L".• liinoix lor tioUriglit tern `,.. co-4,1 , ,,, 4 .. .1;:i1.g'1' -. pay. " Tithe A yer'ir Pills. and' ;` , ..T . ,P' ,. • '' • cleiniou out iltu ilieertiored Int. 1 . 0 ot. ~-, r .. nuns—purify tliei blood, and ' To rt.,,,, ' lt%, ,14-.1, Ow Iliiids move, on -unoto .r., ViN, ; %.41"pll i. ' olvita . ,,il'. I . ri lieliltli -,, win. 'I. • k," ",, s . 's , •L'. li'llu,s iiiiinitiiu * tiLe-fonctiong Al - ~,,,,,,,,,T, /• 1 . ',-?; 4,r the. bady into vigorous at -..,;.;'"' i..i • ~.-,,, i •-•- . •i'7:- ,: 11;Ity.Inirir, the . system front --- ' - '' -------- r - . - .'. 7 . tlio obArtioilons which make . . . ilie..agr,.. -A r 6141 Rol 1100 linmeivlioro in thu ,Liutly, , allil ob• .iiiriiePi ' tlt natural Anna iiiii4....Thrie, ll' .114,,relliived, ro.,tot iii.ol .Ijoanyslyo...;,olo.llli aoirreitudingoigabs; pro' , du ilig",-:.0,..,),1,11 .aggi,, * votil,l),':.iiiiintynili . , - ,:•iiiiitl diii4Bo. .Wiiiiii in 1.1111...000k1ith01,...vi0...5011 , hg Ow , 12 . ranktoiliontli, 'l:,k.f., A 314 , n l'ilk.-..01' 5,1. , 1. , .w dirkily litOy restol•ollio :tat oral - Ad:oli Of tbo sy.o. , iii, rural .iviOr it: the bitoyant.. iiiiaing ia* health .1g tin. W.liol. is burro so llill'arent In ' tliki iiKictliiil4 I 'etlloolllll,4,otpltlint. I, 0,0. trio) lii loony or 'ow iteef...;uvd sod ,I,inj.;,‘imr,' ii,1,,i,11,01 . 8. !flie El1111(.1 loligittiyo effect o Npele I lien,. 'Caiii•alair similar obstruei .bats- mud dorottlityllook of fliO ofit oral' Inoctions of the, hair, iiiiiY, lira rapidly; viol tunny of thou, hikely, ennui by thort111111111e11114:. Ni),,.. ‘1 illi iniow Hilt Virtlll.44 of those liiiiii, will nealteit..lo 'airplay : them a Iwit. Suffering: ft:tn -. the abordore I hey en re. • ' • • .. -1 ' . ' I.inti••itionte ,front ,leiniing pll.V4iiiiiis 'in some 'of the pri 'Hod _altlesi awl. flow 011101' well . J:tiown p4blle, plir min). . , • - • t Y rK t. 4 l ..:I''runi a Daluardinglfitei . Bai f:f Lolls, Feb. 4, 1856. . . Dn.- Avsn:,-Yous . 1 . 11121 are PEJO Pirogoil or all that .19 great in tneillelne. They havo core , ' aty Littlo: daughter of uulveriotou sores upoui hew bond:rand feet that, haul proved loyara hie for you rm. liar' utialthr 'ltaq , bun ' long grlov 'oudy atilieteil with Mott:lair nod piiiipluis oil luor. able and la , her hair. After row • child urn 9 euretl, aho also triad )'our.l'illo;10111 they been cured her, ' ' • • ' ' • • ..ASA. 3104 W • • . . As a. Vanwily Pilyste. • ". • . De; r. il. eitriwriyht, Way Orleans. • . ..,`Your Pitts stru•tlia rialto or:purges; Their excellent gaatilitts a arptals oily. cathartic WO - 110S808. . Thi'y are rolltl, hut eery cortaiti and elicctital lit their acthicron the •loAytts: which tualres .theat iut'altutblo to us In the tinily . trent molt Of .•di;ease. .• , . . , . 11 .e.titiache;Sicialeadnelge,Fonl - Stomach. .• riont . Ethord 134(1, . . . . , . . .'.Di:Ait Itho.' A YCII :.]. Oki111(a. answer you what eciesplainte I have cum( With Y64.1'1118 hotter, than trcsay all that we roe ,. 1 re ,,t with a: pargatthe'theill:aiae. I place great depen, donoe on an offeetnal cathartic In 'fly' daily contest with . dloraso, and lieliaring Hs [AO that your Pills afford sus the _hest we have, lof course Cahn, thorn highly,' • ..''. • - • . . • • Prtrernitto, Pa., Mayl, 1855. - 0. Atra. Pir: I have been repeatedly eureslor the warn 'h , orlache any h otly. ran lustre by, dose or two of. your Pills.' It seems to 811190 'from litmilacht which they eleanertat onee. Yours with great respect,, W. PMEBLII, ' • ' • Clerk of Simmer 0/arinn. Billoiis . • Dliorders —Liver Cintippilimts., Pion Dr. riark . . . . fietnitly are your Mils itilinirobly inloptad to their pur• nose as an aperientelnit I find their neneficinl effects upon .t he .Liver very 'marked indeed. They have in my, prae,- Tice 'proved moo effectual .for the cure of 'bilious com plaints than any one4einedy I canine:Mien. I sincerely' rejoice that weliave at length a purgatiVe:wilielt is inr• thy the confidence of the pturession and the petiple. • • , : DEPARTMENT OF VIE INTRIPIOR, .11411114)1 - #0n, I). C., itit.Feb.; 185d.' butt have used yknir Hills in MA' giqadhl and lauipitai practice over. ninny 361111/111U thelp, Mitt 6111110 t heNit4ltolo say they nen the beet: eat hurtle tee employ. Their sego • luting adieu on - thou liver is .quick :Ind 'decided, ciente- Intently they are ini inhah shin sessindY for del angenkinta, or that organ.: I have svhhan lotted casn'of. Ldinh.4 Wrens,: s. , 11olt,11 did yield to •thent. IT.ncrtioh v I:1,, 3I.1).; %O,' Ntrine //uvitut. • .23.1-s . fi cry; I)iltri•ltp , t,„ . ..l2 1:,,,. P, i. Is..(•••; . • Your had tthtliii lily proptice, mid' , -I,‘ 4:111H; 1,1110,4 1!I•2 iji,Vo 0111' up,ul thtln 1111 111 rII in . 1• , 111,11". A 01,14 for L 'horr,; t:/ ,fir 1.11:1.,11i1.1)1 u,a0.10,1,1 111 1 ihr, the uhe t./hl, • •:.• Uy;rpehs!i,. Ziuli ri e::(y'of a, 1. Itlooil. =ffMn==fflMM . , . . . . .. 'Ptr.,Arri:: 113! ,, 4it,.. , 1 .1 ,It t . Pill+ tNiilt• extravraiinkry 14 ~ t...... , itilliy.1:11111iy Atl.l 411,6 ; Pr,;.,;: i ;T; “i51,:,1 1 9 i•j,it hi ~ 1... tit,..,.. 'l' it I . ..;;liiMe MS .01.2...0is ...ii ii.r2,l - .11"11 1111 , 1 j,,,,ir. d i .. 1,1,,,,1 . I i,,.v,4.,% 11. , • ;•••I,‘ 111 •t. 0.1,111P.13 . I !INC,. Pitt I,..sit, ;aid, 1 1.,116 . trii1;.i• 411 •;,.: ptit;tp..fitl i 11.1 k. to 1,1:. 14 1 ,. 1..1 . .. , ;' , .. .. . : I ..tii ., , ' ~ 1 . • V.. Ill_! 1.;.'i.-, . • u. 1,4! I!;•.-. i; • ,,.1 ; •1];•:, , 1;i1d ; c sr./ . . . . . . . , . , . .C -4 1 41 .kt.11,10.110nt.c,t,11 ; 1 C!.1., , ,, , , !.., , 1; pr7.•:•`..,11011. 104 it jor 1,11, I it, dr, In it! ilia. I or, kit'p,.i,r Mat, 1. • he 4 . 114'11,. • • •- ' Poe.. .1/p•'. E. /.14ten. 11.0 pirc or ite 1•11,•• .1, , -..•13 1 .11.• tatwu qt. the 1 , , III! T., NIP t,nlond arm. ii. , ;14 1 , 1,11 t. illi .•.• oeery oat to ' , Pity.. , Ile. feee,,.. They much' dm 1.•••• I pl„ir WO litre Irl t I re.:Otuttientl lily patient,. • , • / 1 . “in the r. 11;., V4e'.llelhmlist 1.11 . s ••1.1 Set•ut• tea, 18/.0. .11•.4••...r - 1. : Su:: I for Iha i•o11.1" it' 1 • Any ease to 8 jo km. 11411.1 Ltwlglt tql exerta-, u'itittuy: ”0i,11101 . 11 . 111.b , 11111 rheue.a.• : 5 ...tte.. 1 .- 1 t....1i0E:.1 • ;11.,.1 1 ...:t•0r,e11y..16..1.?; the mild by Ile n,lyke of your. ernelll.l.l I I tried your sitully tf,vo.llig • • • 'S . I'N I III : Cll tifltin. 1:1111 , 11 11.04w,.1,1?„, 5 Dee. IA1;5. 1) ,, ..A 1., ..R.: 1 1e.. , 160eri emlirely em 0,1.. by solir:Plik,,,r i?b,,,,,,," tie f,:t , ur-,t i "atilt 41:11.11.r thri t.li ad Milk:tell me 1 1 . r rear,.. .• •• . . • . V INCIiNT 1 4 1.11/1::1.1.. • • 'Jri) .-. .. I h , q' of the • marloit cantalii arr'6ii•y. whip 1., 01;nali a valtn.i.la •ra - naaly in nhilltd bawds,, Is dam:Prow in v, pulolla Ilia itivatifni cause-. thnvinapiantly iso:Laa ic. incaittinps nne, Tli.Ae ...raion tin meyeary ur lata,;1:11 baust11111:0 Price, 25 cents per Bp2::,:or 5 Bo;ceplcir.sl. prepared by Dr. 3. 9. AYkß4.oo.,LOwall, Mass. H. Hamlin Rz Co.; Sinethpoitv C. E. Osgood, - Brarlforilf' L. H.'• D.olley' r l'ort Allegany, and by dealers .e6e'ryas here.. KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE KpNDAL-CitEEK, ArKPAN CO., PA mliE Subscriber having, purchased this wel * known stand, and re-furnished and re-fit 'ted the Flotise; is:Prepared to.:entertainlto.ard ers and the Traveling public. , • ~ lIIS - .8A11.: AND ABLE, Will be well supplied, and everything done -to merit a liberal share of patronage. Raft men will always find the itlateh-st ring" out'. P. M.-PULLER. Kendal Creek, January 2, 1860:' 38-1 y NEW. YORK %AND ERIE RAILROAD • • Change of Hours. • Coinmeneing Mon!lay, Nov.' 17th, 1862. Trains will leave Olean at about the• following hours, viz •.- MOVING WEST Night Xxpreaa Mail . Way Freight No.. 21 • . MOVING EAST Night Expiess flail: WayFriiight •. Nos.l, opt' 3, run erery day.•. No. 6 runs Sundays, but . not Mondays." Train ;I, of.34tur d4s,.froul New. York; runs thrOugh.io but, does tot. run , • • - • N 1-1 • IyIARSFT, IticriivOr., - • .Cll A RLES .11NOT, Geh'.l 1863. • 1863. PHILADELPHIA' AND ERIE 'BAIL ThiA.'grent line:*traverses the- .IVOrtherii' end Nofthwest'coinities. 61 l'ennsylvania to th,c;it'y o r nn take Erfe. ,; • *` .) )Y 'lt has keen lenied,hy the .PENNsimvtiqtXl2. R. Coliravv, and w o nkr their auspices is being, .rimidly opened :throughnift.its enti r e length.. .11 is now in. use for, Passenger and Freight business from . 'llnirrivoor.), (2styorlt) . [177 miles) on the . I.:as:tern ion,' arid from SnErFipt,i.) ie, (TEI, miles.) on the Western Divisina. • . • :-.1131F•oF r4s.r.'xi7tir..iftAix3 AT . r.nitTwooi. . . L.eave':.Eitstward Express train 16ave8 ' .4 " arrives, • Tlnirs: TifSl4T-.11(481;, TRAINS AT -31 /TPIIELD . . . • •• * *Leave Weitwarcl: A'ccomodation train, Cars.. run through .WlTtionr CIIANGO, Goth .* * Arayi on these trains . b etween Philadelphia and Lock.paven, and between Baltimore and rock -EM:GANT SLI.:ErIn; ears on I , :icpress .• trains both ways, between . Williarnsport, and.Balti. more and .Williamsport and Philadelpicid. ..; For - jnforrnatioh, reSpacting .Passen,ge'r busi ness apply at the . S. Corner I . lth .and. . And for .Freight busin.ess of the Conynny'n S. B. Kingston, Jr.; Cor. and Market Sta., Philadalnhia. • • J. W. Reynolds, • • " J. M. Drill, Agent.N. C. 11.'R., •Baltimore..l . . NEW CASH STORE . - OLEAN - 'PRICES •. , nAnri TIMES MADE: .P.ASY • twiml4.resketfully . inpounce to the'citiaatis of McKean and•adjoining counties—That-they. 'Can c!o•aa well in •Srnethport, in the Stove•arid Tin , ware, line... as Olean: all. times, have on hand a large COOKING, PARLOR BOX STOVES! • • ''• Sheet-Iron• ct ; .Co:piler;;Wlre; . LEAD - PIPE - AND PUMPS, Hoof iron aml llonse.ivers ilardlare, &t At. Job Work, . , . . . . . . Of.all kinds done with dispatch, and, in a. satin tory :manner;al the lolwest posOltle . prices . 'Oyders.promptly attynded'l . o. .• • , • , , i• Give me a .eall'=--ati the IMildirtz known-. as ',sid e piu 'Tin' stoi , :"..- 7 formerly oortipied by Gee. IL , Masom- 7 -Srtiettmor't. pa. ,1 7 ., I' tyi s lf pay the . ' highest' Market:price..it' goods or cash, for 'any quantity. of Srmep . P,elt and Wool. . :•-•-- • ' .. • . . . . • ATareli 29,,..1§62.:: .' A. ,T. N0U1t51 , ,. ' • • - .•Propri,Nr. „ . ~ ~ . . . rr HE 5f.11;5c.T.113 . 1..:R.11.i : day, Iffst srodl,' Avatit;t:•soliwtshat worn, ,ontiohin g Iwo $2 not I.'s, -two notos, • . ozie fitly 'trot shin— p)4stor. two lets or iPn..cenis PO(' roesipt frorii J. SI . shaxv; 00' point. of ..$2O 60,. awl •.polo,..awailist LeGniial Cc:a:llc, .wlitten of, :I $7 02. • , .• , AO. per - sno (Indio:lh , , above Oftseribed - wal , let : a . OO rastnrinti Itoiqt.lirontonts; will.be sal tally rewarded. • . • • •• .• M. FARR. TO NERVOPS SUFFEOEES OF POTIE SEXCS . • . A . Re'verChil'gentleinanhaviiig . been rewored. to . he.altli iii A few days, afterandergoing allt he usual' routine arid expensive modes of treatment, without success, it .his sacred duty to communicate to .h is • aifiirted fel— low c'reatur . es or CURE. .110i/CP, : on the receipt of an • addreSsed•ertuelape, he will send (free) a copy of . the prescript ion Direct ; to tin, JOHN :M., .DAGNAT.L,. 486 .rul ton Street,;lirooklyn; N. Y... • . . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ETTERS OF ADMCNISTRATIOisi ha‘ving been granted to 'the 'findrsigned on the Estate CI. Deros A. NotyrnßOP (knoWn as De los A. Root) - deceased; late: of Lafayette township; • M'Kean county, pa: i • all persons indebted tq.said estate are requested to make, immediate payment:and those having claims against the same will piesentthemdulyauthenr tiented for Settlement and alloWanCe; • ABRAHAM ANDVIRBON, • . . , , • Administrator ,Lalbyette, Feb. 28, 1863: : KOLOCK'S i ffANOELION COFFEE. . . . . .. • f ro n t. This pceparatlononade the.best Java Coffee, is recom meods' by physicians as Is Superior NUTRITIOUS OEV ERAGR-for General. Debility, Dyspepsia, and. ell bilious' disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of Coffee will use this without tc.itiri. sue effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee.. Price 26 cents. '• - ~ - ' . • KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN •-• .The purest and beet' BAKINO POWDER knewn, fox making light, sweet and nutritinne Dread atl'eakes,..- Price 16-cante. . ' ' ' MANUFACTURED RY • •M. H. KOLLOCK, .Chemist; . COrnei of Broad and Chestnut ; Streets, .• • . : And sold by' all Drngicisto and Groceis. jn544.1 • mANnoop. HOW LOST . ! HOW, RESTORED! ! "..7:l;st *Publ is ed , inn Sealed Enealnpr. Pzicd Six (ilts ' A LEOTIIRE.ON THE NATURE„'TREATMENT,.A Radical - Caro of Sperinatorrholia,, or Seminal Weekness, InvoluntarYEMlasions. Sexual Dethlty; and Impediments .to Alarriage generally;NervoUsness. Ommumption,,Epi lepsy and Ater Mental and Physical 'lncapacity, result'. fag from Self-Abuse. he. —By Rost: J. Oeivicawsci:, D., Author of the Green' 004, he." • • The world-renowned author, In this admlrableLeoture clearly proves. front his•own experience 'that the awful consequences of Self-abuse maybe effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous mirgicel opera tions, Imagine, instruments, rings, or cordial.; pointing out a mode of ear° •at once Certain and effectual, by which "every toillerer,'nomatter what Inn condition may be, may cure himself cheaply," privately. and radically; :This lecture will proven boon to, thousands fait thou- ,sarala.. • , . Sent under seal, of six eenN, stamp" address.receipt, t 4, °via . ° pasta 0 . by ;t, in a plain envelope, ti, any address, nn • I. , • . I tIT Bow;4Y, NMI: , York, Past Office Ito, 4,6! 4 1 1 . Ch. 15. ' l;2. • v. • . . 10:08'A. M • 4:13 P. lios 1 1 ; M 1:00 . A. M 7:10 l'eM 10:17 A. M 3:1 ' • Gen'l Freighi.Ag 't HpUiTi..' • . • • " • • : *Gen'l PhiPai Jos. D. PQTTS; Gete'l Manager, FYill4onspeori TIN-WARE, POCKET FOOD LOST Office of JAY COOKE, - • SUBSCRITTI ON, AGENT, At Jill` 'COOKS k 110:, :Bankers • STREETS.,.. ..• • • - • ' .I' • Plilladeiplita, Noy. r, 1802., -.l.'be ' nryfersisnr.d ; .hosing . been' appointed: SUBSCRIPTION AGENT:•by: the Secretary of .... •the . :Freosur:y 2 . is now : ,prepared to furnish, 'at onoevilie - • '. ..:.' •.: . ' ' . . • New:-Twenty. Year 6, per. et. ; Bonds: of thi ! .. United ,Stntes, designated an . I, Five- Twenties," redecrnalitti at the nle4Sure of the I:nvernrrient,.atter . fivtJe_iirs; atiil authorized by Act rit 'Cnt 2 ress , npproved•Peli.,'2s, 1862. T6E...COUPON .BON ire issued in ennis o( $50;$180, 14500.' $ l / 1 11.0. ' . .'• The REcisTF.rt BONDS in sums of sso, $100 ; 5300. $lOOO and $5OOO. 4 :20 P. r ‘ f 12:00 14 . . . *. . ~'interest at six . .per s cent. Tier . .anutitn will commence 'll . oin date:. prp , orchase, and 11 -, ,- • ~' ;.PAYABLE `.IN GOLD, 1'...• ' Semi-Apnually, whiclkii.: equal,' at the i)res'erit prern - itin - i on 1 20,1 d; kii.nigiut•ElGllT PER CENT A. M. 00. P: 111 Farmers, Mere:juin ts, Meehan ics, 'capitalists, and all 'who have anY.monfiy to .invest, should know end - remember 'that these Ronda are, its effect-, a ..FIRsT .5101ZIGA G.t.' upon' all 11aif-:, roads, • Canals,,-Bank Stoelci and Sedurities, and' the immense' product's. Of all the'.sldnufacturea, &c., Bce.,..iu• the countryi and that the frill.and aniple 'prc . )vislion rrade • for the payment, of the:. interest and liquidation. of 'principal, by .Cus- toms,'Duties, Eicise Stamps and Internalliev; enue, serves to make 'these bonds .Ihe' Be§t,:lost. Available • aiul lost - Pop ula(brestliient . . . . . . ' • Subscriptions receive Fat P.fkltin'Legal Ten der. Notes, orNotes. and cheeks of banks at par n Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail iFill re oeive 'prompt attention and every faulty and explanatiOn will; be afforded on application te.• ..A full.kupply of Bonds will be kept on hand' for intimediate•delivery.• • . JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. 1'H.F...Q . 1D •Ii: EA:ST ONE S 'I'OE lil'. ai:ql - :..01::,T13.4,1N,'! Kitt TARES THE LEAD ! J,. IK,' . COMSTOCK D ESPP:C ; TFULLY ANNOVINCES.,TO : IIIS It old inhils in Cidiftity', that 'lie is: • on hand this ing ' •• • I.Ah'O4:ST AND . BES'I. - • ' Selected stock of Goods in the Olean 'Matti:et To 'Wholesale' Cash; ;Ilayel's J lfoofhl tar, . . . . I. can otter ) , on better inqUebroeuts 'than you can get nest of,Nbw Ydrli. : : It, makes no differepc2. , what you want, any thing in -the line of : • GROCERIES 4. PROVISIONS, Cal.) a't the OLD KEYSTONE And you will rind the•article fresh and cheap . . no use talking I-be KEYSTONE STORE alwaYs and always the. had, arm! 'regulate the market iii. . ' •. • Grbreries . and : , erorisimis. OLD ONES, . .. . . . I)on't.fall to call and . sec rnr.? , ‘vltni* you' visit Ole . tin,;.l shall : not hurt ybit, but shall cortitinly ,try totio yOu gtiod.• • .• . . • ' . 860 A GEM FOR. T/IF, MILLION, SPLENDID AND P [ATE HOLIDAY • - PRESENT • .• MME. 'll3-p,IMOREST'S 'RUNNING, . • • ss‘Sewing .Machine. eunhodimc;nt of 'phictic,al'utility, and a ritarvel.of simplicity i•niak . es•the running.stirch ver.y•rapidly.and 'perfect, uses a common needle and will last 4 :lifetime'.' At the New York Stale Fair , its simplicity , efficienoy, and great. practical utility,.was conlirified by the . awtird of the First:Preminm: • It will, Gathe't, Raffle; Shirr, Tuck, Run'up Breadths, etc., with a singte•or double thread on.any material adapted to 'the Running Stitch. The thinnest,, usually the most difficult to stitch by other : sewing . maciiines, being sewed the , easiest. For ladies' and children,' apparel, and other wicks made of light fabrics, it will therefore be found al most iNVALUABLro . . • It_ is attached to the table like a seising bird, and having no tension, and• requiting no lubri. cation or change or vitch, is always ready for operation, and such a rnatvel of simplicity that a child six Or eight years can :UNDERSTAND it, and use it StICCES'SFULLY.• • . . . . . . • It is not stall liable to get out of order. ' ,Each machine is put'up in a peatbox, accam panied,wit.h, full 'and explicit directions, and• twenty five'nepdles., . . : . • : • '- . . , , . .. . Sent to any address in the United Sl ates on receipt. of an:order,: inelosing, the amount, or may he collected by °Express on' delivery - el The machine. °. -- ,' .. ' - .- '. • . . .. . . When the inonny i. 'sent with: the order: il n d registered,'we lionrantee its•safe reeeipt.norl the deliyery of the innehine,..dn'ywhey.e.within 2000 miles' free of any 'Express chnrge‘. • Very libe'rnt arrangements tor agencies. . , . , See. Minnonop . ' 'FASHI9NS; or for full pai;tiruL 'tars, speciinen of sewing; etc., send n'sterrip for . .. . NIM P.: DEMORr.ST, . 473. Broadway, N. Y. . F.veryla 'v,:motlier, Milliner , and ilres—ma— .. ker, !should have one of 'these valuable - seivinv, ... . . . machines. ..• • .- ' . .. . Address, .-TimOTITY. -SEED.' Ft'"l . Y IJUSbIE,LS Of the best rjoallty7l3l , CITIFY Sim), riased by nod for Pale at• If..DPLLEY'S .Port-AllAgany, Doctiniher2B, 1861. iu.:thc Market: J. K. COMSTOCIr 5,2 =MI