M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, May 09, 1863, Image 3
. 4 FREDARI Cliiil4o7 - ADVANCF.' O FTHE , NEMY . OGRTING COMMENCED. The news frdm.:Frederieltsburiie egeiting.' The long silence , is broken; and.: figWing—pro tablY.the;pfelude to the greet battle,--haecorts-. itieneed again yietWee'n the'two arrnie'S.. • Etirly . lester itay.'merring :the : enemy fotee• rfeeted.a crosS intr. .of the . .tiappaharmoek . at 'a .point knOwn as Deep Jun, a kw' miles '.beldw. Ttederickshurgt also repoited.tht the 4eneiny crossed al.. Jr...tll.fa Ford and.,other noin.ts % but 31'e'hay.e rid'eorthrtnatipn of.thiti. • On Floss ing to _this aide of the:river, at - .Deets Tild,...the. eneryiy • engagiid..tbeThirteenth Genrgia :and the §ixth . 6tSeroral'lonisitina-it' is , not . : cef ..tain . . severe • ihirniishing eystied Loud and'contnued,'the firing •was heard.froM other points 'alnng thiltnei . end :the belief at Fredditekshurg was confident that - the'enemy. Was'advanring in2strengtit, and that the mpve.- ment.woulti.leaitto a 'general netion!.. • • ''lris not known in What'forC'e'tl;e enetriy..i hes . •crdssed;•tint.itieved those•ntnSr.corci, Iletent - tniiiii.;e that Hanker' hest throtatt oVerthe . ••:. • • river th ewhoreAlength . nj grisly aid that. ides/pis to give ye battle in earnrst. it is 004'0: that.h'e has Been eneonraged' t0..-.this; by the , ruirior•which•haVe reethed f•lnitti• refire-, seating thni t.h bulh i ntour army. bad been with- , drailvn.from;Prederieltsburg . ntul - s`edi „ to Safelk . 'atid.SoUth.barolliii. • It. I's thrit• fie ha., w hiivic#: • ikivkrno, :that he tomtit! strike there.ioeitk.est. .and to/tot his .ehtsaess wets wastfisportddr. : • As the tinne.dt. the curs leaving .Guintry's • Station4esterdau, shoot rine P. 11 , 1•-. t he 'trio Was not allowed to go beyontl.-.-rapaid and yen tinned firing was . distineily heard, and 'it tens supposed *that the enemy .was, still crossing. -A thOustind ifurner,..- were rife, hut, iva-nre. - not •disposed:tO,tag the ereduity of, our ieatlet:s by. . • •theirrepetition., • . • • .indteations paint' to a battle. to-days 'Movements are.gping an whir:h weianticiti nor would it be ptudent.te • tell' our 'teletraph tine w.as'iast 'nlaht under . ...the.' ei •ellisive. control Of the government; and there :were other signS•that on - i'ruthoritiesare. look for.a great battle.: ' eirtrinired iast night the •War••Depatt; ment, but we rot our grePting , -'--"they . •ifail` got nothing." What ci wanderful ernirient, than it never receives any, bes from its armies. :GAtlinring 'news, under such embarrassment, arduolis and ungracious, task, and matt he our- •exeuse 'for the scent an 4 unsatisfactory .nutline . given of 'viiat is rirobdbly to 'another, grPdt and tirritile•battle • • A • lastENTAßL7':‘l,ts•rann.--:llany. 'people . appear to . think that the . human itomach.dias . Ali power fcir digestion tveatert ha n that . ' pt no_ ,trich,`end so' the'y throw in to It -compoond eadstic,.crtde, with•flour and then 'c'alled bread. Such is the . . nature of much of *the stull•pruclueed 'by`'the .use of conirnoti.Saler'attio. adviie have any regard 'for' health, -and who would preserve •their • digestive • po'wers' unimpaired In a reasonnbleold . n.ze, touse Detand Chemical ..SaHerattiS., - the:pure :article sold by most dealers, and at: Whole s ale by v the mannfitc• turers at Fa irpart . ...MOnroe ..New ,Yorlr.. drrat Px . ci'Prn.mt rxiktPd at Dayton, Qhici, y.ster.lay,.imrrLtrint to. thera . rrost C.(e :mPrst, L. - V4ll.tn.lii,liqm by order of the military uth orit irs; . . - • .• . . At.dark riuwil nf five•to. six . hundred proceeded in the .reirrerit niricP; took pos . session •rif Lt , . cumnielidy aWir,l th e huilting,..set it on . fire':and lifieit it to • I The fire cominunica fed 1..; the a , t . joilliri;:! inzs'and *all the property 'lram.:the end ot..the Phillip linos& to , tll-.inid lle uirtherrquare was desireyed: . ' , • All the lelov.,ph• lilies ; in the. • .cicty •+.rs'.cut siown• . , • ' . .1 . 110. ridtte (in the X-riia . ..rold :is reported td At lA nYlsel; at (rpm ''inrinnati and CniumbSs. 'sut-e'recieti 'rut' dgtc❑ the ristet, oral nt. Taff. p.tst •quiet was again 'rr , torra. '. • • eINCIN . NA .! I, M.. 11" . . . . ' .Telegraphic cr;mmoilicatiOn big iot.rropt ea w hay.. no . alyir.s: ac to the. condition of a frd ‘ i . rs •at Payton:, Ohio. ; this morning'.,'_ .. ' . - . " lit KPat.iipz• tp., • Nlarch 30th r 151.3.3,1::x;1,..vs S. Stkait . l): Pietre, agnd . yea!s, , el, ,, vea monqis and eight days.. • Little LIN. thou host kin's . 1-I.ro But Gp , l ttiort),lq be re ft .1 1 :;,. Hu 'ett tl all oiir.tarrowo,hpal: Yet:q2;ii`n \ye hotie to rrieet.thee; • • • tbe troy of life is.fled; • . 'Then in 11:eaven,,Withji; Jo grei.i• thee • : I'47h,.re r>n fare , well r e ar $4O, WAGES PAID $lOO To sell. _oats (or, ke•ApA'ns MACHINE'. •CmitrANy.. .We' will 'give -a cOminiiisiint on all .goods•sold•hy'Our A eentS, $lO - 19$1p0 per month,.. and pay ;all . necessary pxpensl , ,F,,, Our:Murlilne is perlecd in its. me elia.Msm; &child can.learn in operate it by half an:hot:ire' instruct Mal: .It is cgt.d...10 any. family :Machine. •in and wo. reduced4l'o4)66.'lo Filteen.Dollars. Each machine is wet ranted for three years. , Atltliess C. RUGGLES. • en. Agt,, Detroit Mich. . Tr!E'Nf..w ;YonK NREItIX ARC:VS.—In every Appiirtins!rit of newspaper enterprise Ibe • NEw Tom( , Aiions . ,vvill favorably ccinipit Poll 'ties, in Literatele; in Business ar'd'in Finance; in Assrienlttiral information, in ,General News, and eliecially 111 the ccitoplrt eness end acrorary of its reportS of the Money..Trodoce, Cattle and other markets, it has •no superior. Its ed itors haienadiarrangpments'for art uplift the er.et questions which'now e the •oonntry, ttn , : pens of lion. Horatio O'Conor, Sanlcirif Samttel 'J:Tilden, 'and 'others of the. ablesi .statesmen of the day., ;• Ifs Alticoltaral D ,partrnent, which receives, the especial care and attention of one of its editors, in addition, to the ifstolyvariely of original atitdsele.cted. mat, ..re . r, will. be enriched by articles piepaieckelc. pressly for 'the - Annus, by Hon: Wm; Kelly,. W. C; Watson, A. It. Conger, son, Prof. qvo. W. Buckland, of the Litiiv'ersiti of Toion,to, C. W.; and One. or, rridre distiti tingnished writers'urion'Atricultural ,Sdienee Term's—Single. subscription. per , onnorti.,;s2. .Tiiree copies one year; $3.00; eigtit. copies one. $10.00; twenty copies, to 'owe, alriiics,e„ $20.0.0. Address:CONIST9CK & CASSII)Y, • , .pr9pristors c..ornnr:Brea•riCvay York:. STATEMENT OF THE FUNDS: , Shciwirig'the Receipts and Expenditures of ti'Kerin County; for,the year 1862. RLrC ßeceived on seated . tax 1859,'1859 : : anti 1600, • $•169 65 On iented4ax,fni 18 . 61 &,1862: 3,358 CO - - Unseated ,fpt 1860 &.1861., 9090 15 Received Oryreas. Catneron co. 810,14 Totgil Raceirts, ', • ' EXPENDITURES. cry pail Travers Jurors;:. Grand 'Jurors Sht riff Blair, Public Pri'etifig,' Tex' refunded; -; Building and i'epairieg . Bridges, El.ectiop .exrenses,.., Aller[for . . Assessors, • i t ion Jail, Road dan'ages i . — FAA, Bedding arid 'rubles far Jail t `. - , CommonGi Coi7,ts, • 'Fox Scalps;' , • - ChailvCick, Prothonotary.is,Fees, Commiseloriers', Wagps; ' • Rupairi of Public Buildings, W6stern peniientiary,. Constable Returner, Qnalificationa, Oil for Lights, Cleaning Court House,_T •• ' Tip Staves., GraTilfJOri Constable, 'Cophei.l ••• " • , • ,BlEinkßooltS, • . ••• Interest, .• . Ile/lemption order, . Diteh'erognil Couit 'Hodse i l „•• • Cbairs. for Cport,Hou.e; • • • Stoke tor . Ppitboootery's bi . fiee, • Wood HoiiEe,..• , . • 11,t n 110 v,„; : To,tv rphip oe l .•••• . • I n uedt Tti . e•Ciitgf;:' Pai Lori fmterilerii agaitist . Cost's of atiVe,rtiiin7l4 ; toets land, geept(linit Ttea:iere'rs•Botid, • • . Tir.asurer's:cotorriission,f . former ye a rs IntereFi Olers .en up, Excess 01 - Ree'pts ovt.Expenditures, .1,73 90 Total-Expenttitures, . .. • .• •. ' IMLBILITIgS: ' .• , .. To Orders ;Outstanding . ,(ordinary..• • .• IssuO) • .: . orders•on'interest, . . • • 100•00 Jud;;'ts against; County,;* : . 30 0 .00 Com,misioners,Yogeg„ .•,., • .' : 07 - 79 Excess in favor'of COnty, •:. ; . • 8,26.3-03 . Amount due,' rom.Collector.§oB 6l : . $3.11 13 'Ammint dui? 'from COlectors, 18.fi2', 1,560 73 Unseated Tax for 1802, 4.102. 18 I.lnserkii:Tax: for 1803, . • '2;273 00 Seated Tei — (cir 1803, • •, 1,44.3.30 Doe fiwh) Sheriff Blair, • 30 CO Cisci:; ., : - .kri, Mity 6" Bonds for.loan df, money lotlrOl RebeltS orders ou•tandifig',' MX fnr ISG2, Ulo , ratPil tax Inr 1862, Sr•ill ed lax for 18G3,• ..721 67 13 . o , eatei! taX foi 1§63; • ,t 53 Balance to be provided fo'r,' ." 1 . . . Wit, • i ..titolersiebe4, •• Comroissintiets n 1 t'li an Couptyolit, rertifylbt tlte funds,. Receipts :‘n,l .E.xoettd:: itnie . nf said C harity for rhe• year 18621 cot— ,"oc, to the hest •o ( •nor.•knno•lt7iii. , .e. • WitOr•i.s our hinds' it Smftttp6ft, ;IFlnnart; .1563, '"• • . A. P. BREWER, , . . . . • . J. W. ST.A.fig.S, • .. . , •Atcpst, •• •• • • .• Curniax'sioneri• W. S. Ovirr, Clerk.. , . . . . . . • All persons iililebte'd to tro , foY' oi•t'F, in Mc- ICeiin curry, arc r - PcittPited to flay 1110 shine to P:• E.. SCULT.:, or J'. it; CIIA,DWICK. and all inCairwron - soliolv will Ny..to . r. E. SeVEL, or JOHN 31; J1 . 11)11-4mrrieiliiltely, .' . : All' il.ttiiiiini.t..to ibii'cilll .. , :vill 6 - iry much oblige 'rne• 46 .11VP . themF:Plv , .s Costs.' • •• •• •' , JO: - T.PII• MORSE,,Late SbCtr... ' 3:treobpori,l).f.C..ll l b 1662. • -•' 2 • • • ':•-• )1 E. DF.toit . II ltUOt3 OF P.ISIITO\S.-1 he iTi best and; •Inost• r•'tieble ntsbion Mn• a•inn iu the. •i•Or W. Contdinthe•lariteAt and l ine4l - EasIlIon• Elates tbeeKeatel‘t dumber. of flue. Thigrivinv.lbe Intestinal •moat relinble infOr on uinti, titre= full-stied .E , illern•'.fel , Dreite,p4, end a sheet' of new .I.lrade7Vork and', •Ilmbsoi • dming ya:terna. Leery dother, Dressmaker., 31illeael‘ .and I.a•fy; elmald have it • Publiened Qmut , rly, •17.• Broadway. NMvYork. • tinbl• eieerywherd or sent by, 'AMU at 15'cent$: Yearly $l, wltlt'a raluableld'onnum. • 'lit) zilitomer number now ready. • • •• . , .. :-1.1..44 . vT4,,Ary.p.ip0 ,:.:.S6ENTIFI.C.'"AfORiCAN;. TUE BEST. MI , CITANICAL PAPER. IN TIM WORLD EIGHTEENTH YEAR. Volumi." 1 1111.--'• New Series. A,,nev t : Volxplt ot4big t :widely :eirculAted - pa , ' per7e:oltit'friiillees,on.i.h4elst,a,)aiinitry.. ]:very . irriltercontains sixteen.page.of ' useful inloy mn Hon nntlifrerkftve.to ten original engravings of new inventions,nnq ilicoverieg'.all of 'which are ,Tireparrtl ; exiiteasbi. iqi, iti,,colyionk. ' .: ,:,To,Thq,lsle,e.tianl:c ihll - .ll , ltiqu r l , ictiiret! . . Nn person engaged in, ens - . of the tni;r'tninira pursititts Should . , think'of•dofng-t , i'ithnift the SCIENTIFIC 'AM . ERICAN. ' cnSts but ,six•Ce . nt.Y pct week; ovary numtiey.',contains from six to ten eng,ralvings of- pew machines and. hfrell ticins.; which cannot be found in any other pub lication. en establishitrule of :the pub likbers t« inset none but orig,itial . eng.raviogs, and ific..C . ol the first claSs hi the: ert i ilradn nnd,'engratred by nxperiepced"PerStins .• under their owd'supervision. • . • • ,• . ••, ,• , Tp tne4nventor: • The, SCIENTIFIC ','•XIWERI.CAN,, is indis-i pensal:de to:everpnve!)tnr, iiis it not only. eon triins itintrated ',deScriptions.of nearly . 1111.1 he . hest inventions as .they •corine out, but each nunpbee,enntaib's ati'OffiCial List or the.: Clairns of all the Patentsissned froen•the United States Patent Office during' the •week. previon . s; thus' giying a,;correct :hietory of the .progress•Of ve . ntions it this .country.. ,re are also receiV. every week, the best jonr,nals'of Great Britain,, France, 'and . Gehnany; thns o:lcing' in oarTogression all •that is tronspirint $9,790 7.5 RESOURCES..` • • Total,: Total Re3nti”.6%-, VOLUNTEER RELIEF FUMi LOOK AT THIS! mechanical science nd art these' - old a . countries: We shall continue TO. transfer to pre'cluilinscbpioiis extract's from. these 'jour t i. Mils of i.vtat.tile'r we may 'deem of intereet'tq our readers:. .; •' • Cheriiips, - • The SCENTRIC. AMERICAN will be. fount! a:most . uselful . .Tommal .to them. Alr.the new discoveries of science' of, chemistry are' arven in it's columns, and 'the. interests , or.t . tre ArFhitect.and,carpentersie net. overlOokeq; nil. the:new inveutions and dis!overies appertain ing to 'these pursuits beiyg published from week Jo week: MurptacticaL informa.: tion pertaining to:the:interests of. Mill Wrights and found tiublished,,ln - the Sointatne A 31Ell!Clill %which informailon they cannot rnssiblv'ed)triin from nny..other source. . .Subjefits . in %KIMh planters mid farmers are.. in.. ter'ested holouna discusith •the SCIEN- Tir'w AmentOtl; twist of the itnproyements in awriculturel implements heing illustrated in , its $13,527 63 $ 461 . 08 214 30 201 25 32526 1,032 14 505 15 235 83 31,698 410 00 4500. 75 00 34 75 10 16 122 52 0 42 19 12 196 16 158 59 .35 12 To Mail. eilbseriberst-7'Three' PoPart' nYeaf, or One, liollar:.fOr . four, months. The eol•' times "commence on the first of SS.,nuar.yl4ll Specimen coplrs will.,•b - a sent gratis -to any 'part of the country.-- • •• ..• ' •Westep and Canittlian troniy.or Post-office slainps_ taken:at'par :jar subscriptions:. Cana . (lien Fabsctibers will please to retnit '2s.cents exlia on- each. y'ear's cnbseiipiiqn -in pre-pay MUNN & CO., Pablishers, • —•—• 1 0: - • , .• No 37 Park-row New York 17 00 33 00 66 00 4.50 50`00 40.'35 1,1.50 16 36 .65 00 • 46 65 32.Q0 25 08 79 50 ' 12 22 1,047 22 700 • 25 403 6r AMERICAN ,AGRICULTURIST. .• . . . . A. Tnoattion-nritritl,RELlALLE'ond MAC:- TICAL Journol „devotelllo the ,ditie,rnt ilk payments of 'soil culture, such ds Craps ; . •drchard, mid Fruits; Garden V, , ,,i.,euitAr•s 'and. TlO'wers ; Trces, 'Plants, and. Hoviiers..for the .Latvp or Yoiii;' care of DO rrM:stie A oirriuk; nod •to Household Latinrs.,, Tt has alston intorestinit iveileOrtmetit (r children - awl • A ot:O.pi;rtitions every month. ••')..rce to Four' or mores illustrotit•e 1 7 .narivines Mmenr. in each••Volitme. , • .•, .."Over 'Twerv.e 'Hundred plajn, •proeticul,.iM ;tr u e veurticl unit useltil. ..tr j he Editors and 'Contribtitors •ttre all Hoc.- tient Wiirliimr. ' • 'The t?achipas of 'AGIIICUTUItt ST «r 6 con.: /lord. go no Shite or 'li7tiory; . -I , lt 'ore orlapred to are ti.aitts orall secildits of tletl foitOry---it is, as tot,a.ttodie inflir . gtesi for Attuilio/e ..34m1.34cAN-Coir,: 3 5 4 7 21 1.275 70 $13,527 33 A•GERATAN•EDITION Is pablistied, or the same size. and prlee as 'the English, artil;con• tainifig of its•reatling, matter,. and its -purne:- illOtrative • , TE RMS—.—INVARIAII.I7 IN 'ADVANCE - . ....• One Copy, one year,./ . ' • 00 •• •• Six Copies, ore year • .• CYO° • .' .Ten or' Miore copies nne•year -. 80.e - ents .C_Tr* Add •to the, above rates:..Postage' to Camp!.) G . vents, to England. ned France, 24 evi is ; to Germany, 3.0 cents - . • Pos4iitim'anywhere Unittid St attis.and Tel ri rniist tepail by- the subscriber, Is • °llly .tr.rtiomit it yen}, it paid in. advance at The nine: Whet a •'. . • All bti iness trod other e'oMmunications shook.) h o . thp.•Edithr, dto.Propriont, • ORANqE.Jvnn,.,llo';,,k-R0.w.,.N..y. $9,700 GO $1 310 00 IGO 07 $1 ; b0 - 0 THE• IyEEKLY:4I3NA.I, OF . 001311:110E • :.TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. ..,' $157'12 1,075 21 • 'ittevornineneetnent 'fif' a nAc:..yeitr is a !load . ; tinte' for renfoving he eirculeition of thr.Jauinrl of corfitnereO;:--,' %V.e. addre.,s.fitirs'elves 'to the ohtifenders of the paper. with entire contidence , to their Wiltrtitt tOss to aid 65, find extend; the' influe . ntre of a , sound ennseri.;fi't tirineifilfo,and, troini Is' o•hich hitherto. chfirfinterized find' will %beret - ate! ehtirfietor.iic this paper:. 'ENEItY =`,!.:13111,111Z7. to the '..T.otkrifiit'rd-..C:finr.fitetce...rnitzlit .do , a great ;s'fir't:ixT tO. theSo'priniriplOs, and sfroogthorrits ifi our obit it y to , uppfitt 'and cit - Ctitate them,. fir . "e'nfigin is•tho'nante toast, one new strin-' ..serthirr - his town.. . . 51,F , 00 97 _ . . . . ... i),;vot;.(l firmly as we hav,? !rem tq our (mom. tyv's Int , •rcsts, nod' having long :Form called fa.TnioriSavprs" :a. i a'.-ter . ril: of reproach; we are qml,shall be'the firm onhorders of, . . . . . Tali: UNION .AND-Till: ,cOssTrruTiog oppp ,..,„„wik heart and.pen every man, .Smith' or . Ni,rtit, .i.c.11.0 is azi.anemY io'eithi.r. : Every form of dkoreahiiahiiinand rei''oltrti'cin will rind his ready for the cimiliat . . Anninv, the Ines of the: A•rnerieirn ljniort., and Amt./ie . :in prheiidi.i • s, 1,%:,0 rand: sidi; by side ,:• ,• . ' •• .• ' • ADO rdTrox.r.s3l:t.A , D sEc ESS IQ NIS M.. vi•• pinpot:e 'Wit h. ail pot' st rengt h' to :dereoil the toAtiou siplll'sl6e attacks rd- both. • ' A LIBERAL OFFER: • Tn i•ricoorrje'::those :who rosy volunteer to ftitl in' the o'rza.oizatio . ti of RI ohs; we .ret,y Otit , t ,ext rs.cooy of evriypf,l. sorrohn clisll . lorW.ird tWr!itty'new.ittbs . c(thris . . . , . .. . . . . . _ may`. he org,anized in' communities with grnal ailyantage. The present is•the best period for theiC• corn•uninceinent. The detins'ori Which WE can fili-nish - theipi'r itreaS•follows.:'—• • • • ' I•o•Colopapi . e. hiring : - •• • - , • 20 - ,copies or upwards ..ONE DOLLAR each :• - ,1•3 coptVs • ... . rtrThr::: DO!. LA N.S.. '. • .. S 'vrpii.s *. • .• Tr,u •:• ," .. . • • i• • •,, -4 copies - . - - 3. copies •. - ••. • , rien .. • ,5 ....• . I llader,3 copies, • . • •••T WO . ' ranch •' I I'he pi'per's will -he • addressed "to - different. persons lit the ss Ifni . Pp.c t:10 Mee, if desired, etc.' rcpt in rases of ' clabq'of . l3 Or mote copies, which will be mailid to one A (Ili rfttisl .. ADDlTiubla TO uLd:UTS ' '''... . niay . be'maile' at ...I h o:w 0 . • 1011 in!: rates ..•-•Paper's trildOil to 0 (1111 I) during the•••first, gnarter, of 'the cluh's year Will pay the. hill .iat eof..lll,+:9riff,i.: I iial club for, u, yea•r - , - durini; the second qulirto.,r tkiri,..6:lrfh%'o(thje'cm - i;.;ittill ye'rir' c s rhte, during 1 ._. -the i 1»ril, qpa i ter,.otie,half, and , d aring ih e -l as t :quarter one-fourth, aneall.stichsobscrip.tions will,,tefeinaiti with I.be , year, 'cif, tire • Original I club. . •• ... 1• • ••,• .. :Root Holhrook'T,V. 15, IVO'il. , ' •-• / ••t,Vb r e. - paelogesor:nerecrapors. dr periodicals are i.ceived at any post office directed to one . lailtlrsss, and the .names of the clubet -subscri bers to which they beinne,, With the ,postage (or a iiiitirter in ailyance; shall..6e, handeildo _the Postmaster, he !JAI deliver the carne to their' respective . owners; ..: . : .: .•••• - .., But • this does .apply to weelFIT . newspapers whichcii estate: 'free in .the county ;where prin. tatl and pohlisbed. ' • . • • - ' CO - AdO'ress Etlii - crsief Ike Jo,ornal of Co'nt mire.. No: 9.1 (1",;11 itrnrt Nr . O. , York. . .• . HALE & lIALLOCK, Editors and 'Pr.oprictnia V. A WAIF.RSt TERMS .C.l 1.1,115 S A . YIi;R'S s#s.o4t.fll4, '..! FOR: PURIFYING TI IE BZOOD:' . . - . • • , • • . And tot the ev!edy or the TellotvineCoinpleiTitat.: .Stlrofitta teOd gcioftil axis Affection6auch •as Tumors. Ulueri, ores, •Enniptions, Pituptee, Pumt.ulte4, .13fittelkos, • • plainp, aqd 4111.81Liu • Jiine, i sag. : . . J. • 0. - Arco &;eO. - quatli.i I feel Ii rity..dtity 4io;• 'knoirludge what:your faisaparkla 11113 done fur me. ininalted it -Serofnletts, infection, 1 haro nattered front it 'in various waye'ifr. years. I .s..tanetinies lc burst. out, in Ulcers on my littala rind twins: sonietintes It, Wylie& Inward tilla distressed me at the httnitach..:Two /earn Igo it.brohe out nit lily head . utid .covered 'ray ticalp and oitra,%vrtli nue suro,Vlach woo ymitdul and. lonthAtario 'beyond description.. .1 tried ninny, 7niedleittee and several .phyolelans; but without 'relief from anything. • In feet, tin rlisorder grfar uurne.- , was rejoided• to rent/lathe tiospel Messenger that ,y on had prepared ea alterative (Saitapakllit), knew flopt , your ruputa non 'that - any Ailing-yds' made least be good. 1 sent, to . Cincinnati awl got If; and used.it till it cut eat Mil. 1 took: It, as,' you aflvho, lit - motif' doses of a feanPuonfol over a laud aniost three hottlee.• Now and. Nal idly; ildn" rutin :ander the scalf;witielt after, a: white, fell off. come derv; :Hall I know by thy • feelings that, the tifeetne has guile 11.0111 inyrrystran. :You - an well falferellatt 1 feel.what lain ray I itc, - wheal tall ,Sou, that I. hold lottda laiontrof ihn apostioS of tin ago, and reunda eter gralefully. :Yours, • • • • . • -7 A LFltkl) B. TALLEY. . . ' iyglpelaf, -St. AntlionyfitPlre,.floilo or Salt litho! t tt •, • . •Soke..Ep64 Sr. Itobort It. Preble write!. frout..Sttlein, N. Y 9 1 2 aA Sept., 140, the:, 1W COI ed. uo' ihrehattio ;ease of tpropy,4lllelA ilitqn(ottetl to lorettneto bunny, by..lbo pert:eye:leg:tow o f apd 10,4 It AiltilgtlrOpa Alak,fletet Erytirtry by Pro& tlosep of the iititou; Pow be cpres the eumiiiee /..:rup(ielks by It eel:stoutly. 'l.lr.oncliniJcio, Goitre ot' Swelled Nottk. •. Zelteluiv Shoat of Pioqiyet, Textu.; sthee:y "Thilet bet-. ties of your eery.) /110.fr011i. Goitre tila k.lslB 'Mt the ueelt r alrich,l had 'eull'eted .frem itiver live yeore.'". - • . ' .Lenieorltive. orlVliltemOlvOrinrk Tumor, Uterine I.llcorationa, it'ennalo Dleraisebti. • br..J. 11. Or Novel:olk' City, ivrltesl 'went cheerfully l•to ply %) I,L the iequestor ynrir agent .Isay inn I lurch f‘rotub your - t.ltrgnictrilla n tnunt. 4El'll cut • Alb:retire in the trumerous cern:bards 'for eldelt wo • employ such n l eneely, bat esteololl 3 hi Iltrude. Disown of ,1110 iirl , /1111011f1 CHOI iff•Sit. • .1 . fla rumil :tutus I:ureter ute,cASen of Leueol Ilion brit, and roue oan:re the,com, plaint Wa tch n canted try u:ati,,ra of tht! Wt:4 ir . 'll)u ulcer . Mien itnraf urns coot) cured, Nothing; ‘villau my; liuuttl- • (Sign eynihr it for then, On)tley Ibrangtquetiln." , : Ear:era : S. Mort ow, of'Newhory, AN.; writes; "A den. grrnilli . M,ll . llll) inllinr fill out of 1410.11.1101iat fetully,' 01''511011 had thalea all - Ilie-renuellett cool ' ) employ; hits 11 1,•)11,1)) 124)11 cured by your I:sitnet of Bar-. . , lbw Sici ylionuht: tualituu left nifet rebeh.loa he .101 henl the trio( ytor SineepOilln. an rho InAt: ver:orl before: eutliug.' mut it: - pt uved.rflectutib taltinglouT 01110 ) 1 5 0 04 ' 01 . 00 (i 3 ..01.1 Ay tOptont of the 515,1110 . 19 puma un." ' • • Sypiaiiirinxild ' . 3ltreprirtl.l)ltersse.. ' eabitnss,.2t4l( Attgent, 1 Yft9.'' • ' . J:C., Aran: gots) of .yOttr nttoni,•teol snort'to you notate of tho e(Tuetti: 1 have realized trithiimr • ; • • I b 000 0 , 10 , 1 5 1 , Olt - 11, in my reel 100, nast'of the nom.: plaints fat' wpicli It • 1 ,, rorraittoontled, rind have fount) its e &as vvetitlet ha its .tho clue of Vencrrat and Nei , enzio/ 1100,.."... 0)1,3:1 auy,l6llenls had Syphilltje nlcars' In MS Throat, which eta," cuitsnieing . lite. palate and thin top of lila' otouth. 1 . 11010 °nranpitrilla, Atonally tiiken,.. cured 111111-ill . notice rOM la ohthay. rYtoptuine'.in • his 110 he, and tho 1110i•atluti IlSol' Onto» lilt))")) cobsblerabla part of It, setlatf I believe tho •:tlinotater notiltbstion rend) konio antl'itill hlnl, •ltut it )lelded to toy aVinhastiothei 0)' your Slir.rnin:rlllS: ' • ulcon haled, lied he not of coin ha WllllOlll • dibligtirtakin 10 Ms f';‘..l, :A watoUu who Itatt •bevn trent, I t for the Noma cla•ooter. . fry toerqtry 0)00 totiTev hive Iron( 11110 poinen its for Lone).' '1'11 , 3 , bite IteVelo&So kat iltivs.to the tV,ather. that to a dstop troy bite tatilorett 00 . - nritelatitil tothi in her jullita•aiyl bolleN. 'She, Lill, eas cured )11th sly by }our net zitotritta four enotat; kilter rim - m.lO 3atllt• 051611 gave me,' titan; this. Prepaiation (mei polio lalaaalmy 10091 bon• great: realatly . i . qa",asegliently, Ulnae. It illy tuniarltatijltt (vaults • olt It 11'111100 ilut Nn prbaabtott. •." • ' , • • nubs - wally years;," O. I'. 1,A1(1311:11; - M. D. •. Tllicunllatl 1 , 'Gnu • 110010or,:t6r, clj, July. ItiCAL• • . o'. Ann: Sir, I Intro 6a:11 ell:food Onto- . : fnl chronic Wwiorluti.lirir a long time, width bellied the of ph , ;1,•511110, stab 411101) tv 1110 Its Npila ' 01' 44 1 110 Ivan:dies I graild llud, tiotil I hied your Sninapat.illa . • 'OM) hoti),) tau It 411)) Veil:4,'aliti 1 4,101e1.1 mygell6ral ...health 00 tench that 1 ton far botter.'than la•fore I -watt attackstl. I think 11 n nor/ham) ntotlivine. .3. FItEKSI. 1010, - Y-Ouldiell. of •Et. writen't 9.l,havb boto 05155 ktvi. for yelllo with ati offrction the. Liver, ps} lasath. I 11 iod'elri'y thiog, nffilovery thlu.g foIWS to 'relieve toe'v. And T have brit) a 60r);,wihnvn ,111/in j. so,i , a,.yeal -61101 110 r 1':1100111:1,) do.alive Men tof 3)othe ISir , r ; ltelovrti pavta. t 15e0.•Jilr. 1 0 .011,ad0100il, ,• :cis to by )our Fat-apat tb,t,'latramzo h o , t eld he Immv - ) . 1111,• cart atly thin:. snit whnth Iryinla BY 11µS 1) o'') Uod It. 14.10131) , :me. aid has ro' pal MO lay Llanti' 00 11)1)10110 uoti num of we. .1 reel Yotauf Tbo . la.ol - 154.1 t,i, 01 ,11„r3,1,(b. I),,thmi).llllll.till)ilgli.'! • . • Sel N,Cftlf er ma r), ISt In ygeils :Cli•vrtal 1011, ('OOlOO Unties), of, , yin 1,1 y ',I rivq. , 4,11.i'v0 . 1 ,, ... , n' nslrliero Lniii i.l 11,1;,. v. 1411,1.4111, )i.L50t,:,41111(.11 frOM 1111., rt•lll4. l ty, /011 ! lint admit . Vti•tit unt . Annnivnil 4,10 plilnsed 'tn for-hitt] it ,ait • . • Arspep. , en, frn r. EVlic:l ) - my, .111.41sIc•i,o . ).( - ', 3ent,.l gla.• - 1111';1. 11. , 1,11 i v, 1,000 nlnklot F;y.110; It !M1M1... Mt( I /1A;6•:, 111161 tlibx 11'111 '4,,•• .r , lt•b• PM), .0.• 1, 1, loy 010 r: vhi!ioe ow t • 4141 Will • , ATTAr i a . ectorall • • • • .• I lit)nrNoiteug, A.,1,1ttp,..11;5111• I Colt- . • •'. "vv It ' t: -..."1,1,• 1?:-Iv 1. : In f tirptlMl ~ 1 ,t :ad 11111;t that it lira et 1.1 is n t•I, Wes.' It 9 ti:ni ex , . ,0111015 1111.1 . .riat14. its truly ;: . s.ll . llllrll'y fuLsst ninth, it -10,171 10111011 H of Abe .wth. I ;h. t 0.);1. t• 1411 1101111 i: t.nmoue hbvia iet,..elll its 016AF*. , ;.,o'",y I vim: 1 - 4 In ',lvy . or. ivs hiss tho tho ifiront and • hinger.' hid ci•this I.tiltedy: tie 'we'd Ma %. In all the yin , .'.I fin vo o II111.11(31. C 11 1 ,4 which hisAc ', , 1(n.: it :o,lg'Y al nil i bis 4'116 , h - we , Prrzalv.l by Dr. 3 . .. c.t.Yrit & CC., 1.14611, Masa, • .Sz Cn., Stoe-thport; . .C, F.los.enori, 'Di a air ! ) L. II.1)011 ey ,Po ri. A 11. - .ga ny, Dud 1)): . . . KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE, KENDAL-CILEFX, ITIC,EAN CO., PA., E'Seitteribor •t his trill :nown'!4lntut, and r 1,411- tedtlie Ifou o, k.proparm.l to entertitin•lfoard o. and the Ttafiti t ; • • r fti j)A I? N 1) 'MIT, ‘..e el 1.)) upplied, an .1 every t ning done, to - riteidt• a 11 . 1)641 share "ni pat 1-46646 MIA trien 1,1:11 ys find teb-string" (hit. • , • • • •' ' - P. MI , FULLER.. Kendal Creek: . Tanual y '2, - , 18G0... • 38-1 y NL'Y TO RK AN . I), ERIE BAIL) OAD Nov; 17th, 1802 - .:_.: .Twins will lnaye ()loan n t about. follw'xing liar,viz MOVING REST Night . , • F'.xN;ess . Way rreight movrNo EAST Night Extircs3 Mail Stock IYoy Trfdgka . '' Nos, 3,4 i and B;rim;ever:y day. rolls Sundays, but hot MondnO. Train 3, of Snt'ut- , ' days, from New . ark, run.; through to', Bahl°, ,but does not !min DUrdqrlz. S NATHANIEL. MARSH, Rreeiver. ;" .CHAELES Gen'l Supt.' 1863. PHILADELPHIA. 'AND EFIE RAIL- , This great: line trveis,es . the. Northern' ad N orthwest eonnties of Penfisy,lania.bi the;clty . of Erie; take Erie . ."..' • • • It been leased by'tlie.'PENttsYt.r.6tA 'R. 11;tosfinwt, end untlei tbsir•ausnices:lA.being rapidly opened throughout, its.entite length. '. It is now in, nse,for.Passenger end k'reighl . from - HAnnisnong tn . Ditirtst. oo P) 04t . pdrIty[177 miles] on the Enstern inn, enil frojnSfiEillELU tie, (78 miles,) on ibe.We'slein,Dlvision; • . • : 113.1t0F PASSTMOEIt ,TRAtNEVAT VRIFIWIND •• Le e .:Eqiivlirii• • • M.• 12:00 . Tiids PASSIMCMIC , TRAIIIS AT sticrrtii.b.; •. . • Ledve 'Wesfwqrd. • : : Express truin arrives; train; , , Curs run ' , through ,witirovy etrn.rini::botls , :ynks Vin. thuseirrtins*t ween . Lock. Iluve,n;ancl.liefw'ean Baltinuire und'LOck .ELEGANT Cari on. Expesi .t6ins both tv . aysi more and For •friformqticil . resjw . eting ness Corne:rell.th" .and May. : Arid for. Freight brieirieso :Of the.Coniiiily' . S. 11. tingvon, Jr., C(?r. 13th 'nod Market 5f5., ":. •.' • J. : IV. • • J. I.‘l..Dti 'Agent N. : .11.'11. : 11 - ot(s . T6N, • • . ticwi . .s L. ' , Tictet At't Pltti!es: • Jos.: D. t'Orl'So • 'Gra 'I .1114;laiir; 07: N OR'rIiERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. • wiNTElt . rimr T;UILE.'• • . ,c . Three httly t ruins to'untl:frow Baltimore atilt: Cnntfeectorts. made with' f 0p... Pe n v-a in . fist . tr out! 'am ar tri Pittsburg ttna.tht.,Wt's . t. • ..Tvt:6- trs'ins to tt nit N tit anti West Brunch, Stisquii.. unit alt ,Northern ON 'AND: AFTEr, NIOND AY, Novetolier .17,1862. the lisqseng..er Truins 'of time Northern Cititrul Rajlwity wiltnrlive , and ..d!quirt •ltoin lisrriSbitrg . antr Baltimore' ns , follows;:viz t:. :It i k laayri Sikalpity tinily (eici.pts Siiriday) at -1,15 r. ' : m.; I Ilarrjabutg. at 4.20 p:.tn.,.and arrive4.at: Vii : ltiriidre at 10'.2.0. . . . •. , F.:xt?nrss' TRAIN leave.; Sanlwy, tia4 '(except Sunday) at ri - C6 leaves burg .(except,.ilanday)2.. , ls . a. in., and ar iicas'.ni.j'atirnare • 'daily (except Mon4j4) at' 1.39 a. tin: . • • . •.'• iI.RISBURG ICC ,. 9MMOD AtION train lea'vec llarrisburir, daily - sit (I 0i NORTHWARD.. • ' •„. .• . • MAIL 'TRAIN leaves finliimOrr • criyt' Syndnyliit at 1.18 p. rri., and arriVrs ,attiariViry at m. EXPRFSS TRAIN leaves Biikii'more daily tit p. cri., arrives Ilarrisbuig sad lenyes . 11 . 1antlay), at 3.20 .a.:tri "and. arrives at Sunbury at 0.20 HAritt(SBURGAC(7.OMMODATION Train. leaves paltimuia daily [exrePt . SUndity] at 2:4,1 p. and . at 11,,rrislitirg at B . p, • Por rin fat ;nation' apply at the 'in Pennsy'lvani,i Railroad • ' . * • .; 1)63, 5 , ally, • • .• . •• ~• ,•. • sup,rio,,,,iro. .•-itlrrisbt&g, Nnv. : • • Ehrfun up I)rstnamicr, DEA a sitti-1% your ,lietrraission' I.';',Alch to nay to the'retidii•ts of yonf ri,Tiier. that I- wilt s•p.nd by return, mail 'la tilt if, [lir e] a Rer,ipe,. %S:ill - I' t ions. fur tit! vnrl sitatil:w• - Wget utile . Bairn; that efrectualty fernove,;in ten Tlityti,. PimotaP, flotabas, Irtirlclas, ijnpu titles hf lhe.yiciq, lea vitt. , the...suniu• stilt clear, smooth and beautiful.' • mail tree 10 . those havii g rum F r ia re tinif,,in lorniattun chat utuilip . .tbutti. to start a tali •EfrOlvll, ni,t,i)xmi,:qd • Hair,. %Vlt okern, or a' Motistarliu, in less than .30 thiv4. Allapptica— tion"sausweleJlty. rcrnrn withot4t charge. • • • • •• • • . • •TtiOS...P. C11AP.74 A INT., - . • • • •.• No: , 831, ri n tvrty, New York... • . • A.DMINISTIt ATOR'S. NOTICE. • oF• A D:IIINISTRATION having -I_l her i, to the 'onclrme,ned . ' on : . the' riottTti.eop (I<tipwn is ne• log \ R. 6o t)• decrttse 1, .tale •of Laray . Ftto tow n fcip f. ,l\l 3 l;e'an • couhty, • nll rsons in'ilebted ' to est.q.; are 'rogne,str,l,lo •ni,ilce Irornel . llaPl, v tl,l. t 11).J.. cle:jo,s prell , ,,t them (1111y.,out1lon .Iiiiitkd 16r • - • . Aft All A . N! ANDERSON.. • - • Lianyetlr,'PrlJ.Jl29, 1863.. KOLOCK'S DANDELIUN COFFEE. , This II rO s f;“ (ion: fnacto taint th e liaßt Jaen 'Ciifine. i. recnmmenile 16p rhenictilint tin a nii [Hitler NtiTitlTlors 11KF1 ti,ti; f k ir strut fat rho 'lune bilnii.emptieiled tit t.tiniiitnit Slue tine E notree uno tike WithOP t tejiirt• One effects: O 1 t en it enrtuin. ilie htreugtln of fwiipuumbi f ortricatr3 - cofroo'. eent :! . • KOLLOCK'S Th o ftio heßt rrANINII . rtlifiDett kfini4ll;fqi making awl .iitatritiot . i 1404 , aud 1S cents Corarr of Thoarl and Chrktaii!,gOveii. And Sold, by all Druggists atul •Grosors. MANHOOD. HOW LOST: HOW RE TORED!! :Just Published, 61(1:Sealed .Enve.lope, Price Six,' Costs A LECTURE O'S i: - NATE'IIII, TriTiATM ENT, AN.) Itradlimi r . Corn of Spi4nritorblimin, or. Seminal Weekni.iis, Involuntary-WM ISinll9. sriswil Debi Its , . sad I amcciltheatai to gurVisiio geherulby. Nervnn.7os,s. (109sumpti . nn:, I:pi • hippy and Fits; Mental end.lthesii , eil Incapacity, tesl.lit in; fronvSeir-Ahliin.•Aic, .—ity twit:4 Author,c f the B oi , k; Ac. 'The world•rouownrd author, in this adiniiableLeciurn., olearlY proven from illf.OVlrla elipqr4UCif IlMt.t.llo , l'oolll coioequences of Self-aliasa 'may be elTeatially removed without medicine, mitt withriut ilangeroussurstical.operit.. !ions, boogies, instrilitientib.ritwv,.of perdial4, p ointing not, 3'1110(10 of mire at once, certain mai effectual, by. which aver„V'eliffercir, ntl matter what , lnx,dpmitlinn may may earn litniself' cheaply. privately, npd radleallJi This "lecture will prove u Icon to tbousandii: thou, 'Sent under seal, in a plain enveleptt,.tn anyaddrpaii. on Jeceitit of six cents, Co two pristaiiestamp< by addresb. lag, • "Dr, C,IIAS. J. C. KLINig • 0:0S M 4;13 M 1:05 P. M 1:00 A. M 7:10 P, m 10:17 A. ;‘ I 3:19 p. 147 glOwery, Now Yiirk ro‘t 011ie.' Box, ,ists6; .1863. D:10 A. 31. .0i00.P., len7 sountwAlm 11.;71'ACT1:111:D • ' Othe of JAY , ssuncliip.'o9N COOKli.' CO ta . nlers . "7'. 7 *::' Il•S'sniTH Th, tin 11 er n ,haVlng _;frtPfAt!te44' SUP,CRIP,TIEIN';M,GENT by the 'ths T'reasoky,':is now Opp:at& fainiOr, 'at- New- Twenty ..,7tear opep ‘•- • of pra riiiod. States, ilegigrinto.L retleetriahlt. at the. p . lessitiP c 4. Gov orrintent; af r foto years,. end '...notkinti*ed,' , by. Act at Consress, pproecl Feh. 25, 1852'.' The COUPO'S BON,DS are isenal ill - sums " $5O, slBo,'ssoo ' . $lOOO. • ' The -REGISTER 130KDS' $lOO, $500, - $lOOO 55000. • . Interest at. Per cent.: per unati;rt . ,sstlV::?; commence from date, of purchase, and PAYABLE ,Gozp;„ Semi• Annually, w.tech sitfhe prernium on gold, to about EjGHT TER PER AiV1N47:51.. . S' . IVlerehe Os; and 10'1 wiiO have . finy•money:td . know..tind reawniher'.•titt these llondirirre,'ln'''' ; npon.,rlll, Bell rontts,,Conals, Pitnk,Stoek's'and,.So.4urtties,err,.i . ; the ripmense . pioducts or t &-e.,;iu the . :entlntoi: and,`- ample provision ty e k l2). fni.t,h , (7 pfymerit'of tll . l interert.trid . 'o . f.,prjr . (e.iprifif . to ris, Exiise SI upnps.andjnierpall.Re , i- , ierves'tornnlte thke'honcis.,the Best, Most Available and-Most Potu!ar juleittopt, in the Market. . . . : .Sutirriptionß . rocoi.ved PAR in .I.,figBl der Zintes!,..i.lr :gi.ito%.ni)(l 'Ow Cit 1 'of .banki3auf)ai,'4.'. Is'by ' . rnoiru ill eeive pronipt iftteotion aria Prr. ry tacitly umti.JCi explabo.tionyili be nflorileo . !his:office. • • A foll'sopplyof . 13onris - will lie. ktpt. On hated„ - .4' Air Amt!').edin to /lolivi!ry; • . . . . TrlY CQOKt, Subscription. Agent.` TgibLP K,E S TOR E. OLEAN ! STILL TAKES Tz.tz LEAD :X -. 1(. 'COMSTKIc. LS . PF,CTFULtit ANNOUNCES Ta.urs . old frirnile..in-.McKFun County, he •is nd hand Sfuing LiOGEST •A. i.VD 13tST: • • Selfseted stock 01 Goods. in the . Oli!on 7.,tailtOt To Wholesale Cash Buyers. I. Would Say, .. , . ' I . can oiler yott better Inducement', than you , can get west cif New York.. '. it oinakes po.4lifceyencie•who.i.yol:l. thing.jn the line of '..; GROCERIES 4 , PROVISIONS, Cal] 6S Ihr OLD KEYSTONE 'And yo'u will rind the article fresh and cheap. It's no use talking tiie KEYSTONE STORE all.inya bag run.l ai , :cays . viii/i take -.the 'lead, aed regoa,te . the market:ln 6 . ** 0 erm id 'Pray I iij2S, 61,D FRIENDS" AND NiqW ONES, I)rin'! 1,61 ford! an t. see irie 'when 'yo visit 'Olelin.; A shall not. hurt. you, 6ut.shaltettiminly .•. .. • 'try . to do you. good.: .7. K. COAITOCK Olean, May:2l%lBo A GEM. FOR THE IvIILLIotr, SPLENDID A,NIYAPPII9.PRIA.T.EgOLIDXY .-• . • . • • .liii.E. ,DEDIOREST.S '. ' • • . ..... . • .....: :RUNNINq STIT(:H); „ .',' ~ .,... $5 . .Sewing .. Machine; . -.yhe ernbodm„„t oh practical , utility,' etnd 'n . marvel of , irnpli:•ity ;:.ma Ites'lhW'runnioO.: stitch very rapi3O a ad 'pr.rfiet, uses a commtin net.dlft ntnt. , :vit.l I , ;st . a • Itto.lme. ' .At.* the. New York' Statel 7 ,lii". it. , , irnplteitjr. r•flieieney., an , grelr I Pra'rtirarntilit.y. Was' : t , .iittet r ined' hy't he '..award ! ‘',r thin Pirt Prt4nium.• ~ : ' - ~ • ' - . It . ::will Gh11101';'• T 64110, Shir'r,..tuck, Rim tip Breacitio,'et , .;;with a - single or dotihle thre a t : hr. l• rhiy . irht,.o:9 rulapted'l6 theltu . naing . Stitsh. ll'helhittric , t, it rfltlll3l.the.,tuosrdird . cult tos . titch l' 4 nt liir . .`s , ''o Ii! , rna'vliines, hCing .sempd the I, it.ie:i! - ...' . 'Fos -- Isdielii': and.. i,h3lllo4 l ; o)parel. arid r, hoof' tic le's jpatlo4.figlu,iiibijets, it fy‘..,ill tlig , ,r,:fore".lie , kinni,ll2lnarpt.lNVALVAahz. ; ,, , Irk at t nctiteil to the title like:a apwik,7,,,tir,d, tindohavinut IT ',.,t, y.t.te;t4rl,',l4!il^,Vll:4'r-j!)'o*liii).ri" atitit:lrmhanAe,of,t4iisii,,,is,,,id::ayS":r i ady , ,for 'op'erat ioa,.a n, I , ~ -u cit i./-.o!;rfri .0f Alin, it) . 1 c I f.fr' 't bn: ,4 child sin or eit. , ,iit - years euil um.)o4):;,;i.,it.. 1 andidie it ,st:,cut.ssr,ul-1.);'... , ?,, , ,; ~. ', It .is notat atiliald.o lo 0,0 . 1,90 of order. , . I Each inarbitie ie, put up jira 'aim t box; accom pAllied with • full and expli'eit:directinfisi , sinl . . • t‘‘ , ,iaty. fiye,f , c,cdies,;.. .'. .. , ..- ' • . ,Stunt to . 61,y;:idt10 ,, a•iii: )lio-Vnitett" §o!tis on ir cr ipt of nti order, laclasiog. lbe, 'ailliattpt,,.or Mil) , tie collected by _Express on delivery ot•tket . , .. , .. . ,•, - • . , When the ,rOotry. i sent the'Or'64 rind riTistered, ice 'guarn;nten its sate, receipt end Om' delivery of the,.mnrttim, anywhere within 2000 t‘ i i ip s .r ro n or any Ex riyes'R. Vory Über t 1 toritoizerrierits . for ni,tencirs. ". Ser'.Minannor , : trottpoNs,,nr for full partica rs, spec i!non nf : ) . sea . rt a ,starap for' . . return postage NINIF,,-DEMOREST, 473 Vromiwny, N• Y A thlress, E,Very lakly., mothei; milliner ae,cl•dress-:ma— ker,'shool4 have one , of these .v.iltieble 'sewing 17 , IF-rt:Tkrii re. of ttis' hest iittalskr,Tl*,. .callY,Saiti,.ritissti breilti tor tale , part-Ailegreir, Decetrlier le) le •