. . i : t ~ .. . . , . • . . .. ... . . ' • - I '.. ~... : .. . . . . , . .. . . . ~ . . . • . .. . . . .. • . VOL. 4.. , 44 1r;01 1 / 1 t1) ;Democrat. • Pi7BLIai[EDETERY. ;.'B.y r. B...i)VIATT; OFFICE, t ORNE pir..Pl:ll3tiC TERMS: -•- - - $1 50 in Advance Rates of' Advertising • ~ 3 Cob:min . one • -Oue sOunie of 12 linen'or l'esei, 3 ineartions, Taich . ...... ... Business cards,.rith paper:. ; .. . . oOn .. Rule orlivre . work will .be dOuble - .the above .rates:• Twelve 'lines Itrayicr type, .or eight• lima nonpareil, Is rated a square.. will. • , 117,!,,,Th'ese termsbo: strictly adhered, to.. , • Business itrectorv. .D.R, W..Y. M'COY, .s!auliff-EAST CORNER MAIN STREET, I.?a • DR. L. IL WISAR ' - • - • . . Physician and pat . rkeon, Ilhnethport,..Pa..'wfil attpud - to a professional calls,with promptnebs.' : Office two (Min. north of the Democrat. Office. ' . ,' . . . . . . - BENNETT IlliIISE;' ' . . . .. . SoiattmOrt, Al'ltertri On., Pa:: E. •S. MASoN, PPuliribtor —opposite the court douse. A new, larg,e,•eommoili_• ous witl'well furni,lied holm , : . . : . '. ' . ' : • A. J. • • Dr,‘ler in WorC, • Tappaned Ware: &c.. west end the• s quare.Limettiport; Pa: Cult6tir work done to order on theriliortest notice, and fu the ingot substantial manner: • • W. S.,i3ROWNELL Dealer Gry'Gnods, Groceries, Creek Hardware Boots, Slioes;'Llats, C MIS,. LISS, 011 R C • Gast sitle of the 'Public' Square,' SmetlipOrt; P. • ' : . • .•• ' BYRON -a. HAMLIN. - • • - •ATTOSNEY.'AT LAW, SlilethpOlt. Agent' lon Metiers , . I. La Dilg. •• • YgPOCially to lb. Collection of. Uni in s;%.lisantilin I inn L 11.11,1 Titles; l'itytueut of Taxes..iitlAll liti,inetk rein t:ng.to Real_ :Est-tte ...0111Ce Itatallti Block TILE PRIDE OF NEW YORK 1.8037 s •Sl')6"c•Vl,lf. V:. .AN:C;I 7 ..N . I US . • :"CoCrect ivith eloglient with "'SP! Intent reason, yr pOitel,o THE. NEW YORK MERCURY, VOA THEE NEW YEAR .• .It is with no fear of •War's effect- • open 'their • riterar:y fortunes, that the publishers•-Of Tits • STE* Yortx• MERCURiC acknowledge the utiwit vering..iciyalty of their T*o. HilimitED THOUSAND • - staisoittcext , ',..and annotince . t&them, Arid to . alli. that THE .IsTEW YORK . NERUURY: this 'year' '.(l/363) . wi1l tic richer in every I nicury of Polite' Literature than ever before. •Ir,iS•• no upstart : r:peettration, no ternporarr - ttsensaion;" lint a' first class litorary'Weekly, which.has been fa , miller. to the 'United statesfor a quarter of a contury4 and , while thy. wishy-trashy -room prints of yesterdafare cutting down their. t alentiwen:While - ther raise theirstihsceintion: YORK STKRGrrty maintains all• irs gteaiStalTolßomanCer's', Poets, flumorists, Stary-Tellets,ai.dEditors, and pr 0..., .triises to rnake'it ilreater for ' • • . . . . It is the one papecrer.every home. Its forty coiuMtny of rentling matter pe'r week:constitute . , an unpa CO.NSERVATO,II.I7 OF THE'. ENYERTApitN6 artJ its Navel's, ;%liscela'apous Talcs, Beauties of Vkrse, Gossip, Fetiilli•tori•.,2l3rooik - iides flu. tnor,.and Prilishrid . combin4...fo tornize ilie'cliairbs'of. :* . Ail) SENTIMENT! The litt'sband.reads to.M9 wife, the, mother `-to het children, the lover to :his sweet-Itedr.t. the 'snldier to , his comrades, and 'the village •school mas.ter to' the circle around the stove.:- ii.familiar to he ..ight,of every man, woman ' - and child iu our countiy,,:end has regular'sith s'erihei.s in:aeverarcountries in• Europe. Tut: • Nex . 4 Tops MEnconArris.akp - identified with the. .grandest ..patrlotistit Of the, age, for.several mernbeia,ol its brilliant .Staff hold' high rank *in our nohle.army,.and have made . themselves.as .fainous with:the Sword.fis with the Pen: The great illustratirig , .ertist of Tuk Ni Tops 511q11.eiltv . , - the inimitable Darley;*.gives the .paper the highest.aitributes of Fine Art . ; 'and yet . this largest 1 1 iterary.week pf the dify TKO. mises to surpaae itself in all•these respects ring the Neim Year! , • The Arst. NEW Yonii NlEnbuity - Nevelette fOr the Newirea'r, ro , be commenced issue of Tdnuary 3; 1863', is railed . VICTORIA.; The .I:4oiiress'orensitre C ['Mb : 'AUTUON OF . "arrsir GOwNlt," I.' t• 00 . , aii.xze : I “'•LAsuortru,” &.(3 The prodUctionaof this distinguished authoress 'need no Public opinion has long since :pronouneed them' superior:lo any other'. nov 7 lelettei publiShed on this side of the • Atlantic and the true test of their merit is found hr the . 'fact that :they are eagerly reproduced; .after their : the Maitounr; •by-.the press., We•tnay add, that the new-tale. '-‘4r,ictoria," is-fully equal in interest 'and depth, of plot to :either of , those- which have. Ccui-ed so large a shaie'o( - publie approval, end-we' can 'arriestlY recommend it to:all story-readers:: Tit s.Nnw.:l" . nari,..Marionny is sold 4'611 news '-mea.and perindical• stealers in America. - To subscribers,. it, is iegiihirly every morning, for' y 2 a year;' thrte cupids for .$5; six 'copies for,s9; eight copieS for $l2 ; with iin ,egtr:acopy,frr . e, - the getter up Of the eta). itionths'' subscript ions received. • Altiwy, friquly the 1% a Pie of y0:111:' °XI PRO! Cann .or47l(lState, We:take ihe notes . at 501 vent '.banks-at par. lloynrnt trlust invariably -bw,ip • Gg — Sj ecirogn copiOs sent . free to ell. oppli .Aikkesi all letters and renriiitanc,es,.pnst paid V.- • - CAULDWELL & WHITNEY, Proitr'leibrs of the '.New -fifereo ? y, • ito' 11,3i.Fulton'istreet, New York City. THE CAMERON BRIBERY CASE. I ... . . . Report' of the committee to ingaire into the truth Of.charges made by.T iefferson Boyer, inember.of thelrgislatere from Clearfield coon ty,.fer ettemptsjnade hirGen.Simen Cameron, directly, and" through 'the.agency of . Col.' John .Patterson Brobs - t,.to 'bribe _Boy eri 4 the.offef- of money and promise.of n !tic relive appointment, to vote lei the election of the saickSinnon Cameron'to tbe Senate of the United Stilt'=s. * • • , Tq'tlief Fokar of Repres'evtqiiveq of the contipton ..:' --: ,ti : ; weaftle of: 'Thursylvanig:' ' .. .. ' . r the:. ommittee - appointed' under the , reeolu— '.thip.....o(Vie 20th :: of ,January last,, to :' inyhire Whip)p . unlawful mertni• *ere employed to 1 seenteT . e election: of the United States Seri—. ,atOl'.iitir h.autliority.to• send for: persons ;and' papelir; egdeave to offetthe following', reporti Your committee met, for the first time ~ On the 21st flay of - Jantiaey, arid appointed L. - Jackson' Crane, - . Esq., as clerk: Since that :lime ;they . •have hulo Torty,-three sessions,: mid have .ex-'' arnined thirty..witness,es, .and some Of their. at great length. .A considerable pot tion 'cif the.. teitimony'Clus obtained dins he direct Ve'aring' tipqn'the.mailt•Oestion. I•Vilich..was' belore• the 1 committee; • hut !hey:. hard thought ':it'. hest j herewith to submit the Whoie O'd, it, 'that ''it may .spealc. for itself: : ' .'". .' .' .'.. ' ....' . . Lt was. the : constant, purpose of 'the corn . — nit fee Ib ioindoct the'itivestigatiou : iit...sircl..a manlier as 'Pliat no injastice. should he' done to any one; and they are persuaded that Pie per— sons:examined will', in all cases, award to them entire* lairness. . . . .. . • . .., . :The first nxitness examined , was "Dr;'.T. Jo 1 - . fin v>ri Ifoyer,,u member of the trouse . ,:ol. Be— presentatiYes froin., clearneld.; county, whose statement is substantialty:•• .. 'r . In.the•earlypart of't he essiinthe met' Mr. IKilliam BrobSt,.of Leivisruirg.; at the Penn sylvania. House in this.city; and. after sevet al meetings, at' the requeSt of .Mr....Brobtt, ..lie granted bun a private _interview. in .his 'owit 'rdom. 'l)o:ring this interview. .Mr....Brobit made known' to Or,Boyer his' arden t desire for ,the election Of General Simon Cameron to the Senate of 'the United States; assuring him that' he into by gen... Cameron to enter into preliminary arrangements 'with any niern ber. of•the' Legislature to".sectire his 'vote mid to offer . fine thousand drillar, to • any one, who woald agree to absent hiinself on the day of tire ele - ctiom ,Mr: 13Cobst informed Dr Boyer, that Ge . n.. Cameron desirll to seeliimt and arra'ge -nients were accordingly:. made.., by. [lien] to go to flen..CairieJon's house, but Were not carried M=MI 'Afterwards Mr. 11: obst told Dr. 'i3oyer Gen. Cameiosi xvanted . to see Min at the §tatil Capital Bank; and on Dr. • I3.6er's consenting to the . .interview; was 'contludtqdby Mr. Brobst to a back room in salti hank, ;where 'he found - Gen. Cameion.- The 'General. then - shut , `the door pirrdown Ihe blinds; and had pri vate interyieiv . with'Dr.' Boyer.;. He asked ihe Dotter what he would think of tore. thousand . dollars (Or a vote; to be paid Ache'' the work iraS.dOne; and remarke'd that, he ter:aided this auto', only.as a first :installment. .He spoke of two paymasterships, : at a salary-ot:three thou-. sand 'dollars• a year, one of which he could, secure for Dr...Bayer."' He also requested 'the, Dortor to name some - one Who should..arrange bk..veen'.them* in the . , fiiturei:'.auti. - lit. • Suggestinti of Gen. arrieron they agreed on lint :71:ri re: 4. • • . Mt: Diolist again tnet Dr. - .l36yer, and made 'anothe:r . ehgagemen't With •-him to get to Gen. Can - ieran's.hottse; but tailt;d- to-. fulfil - 11)4 pro 7.Plien ex t .day, hp • Priday prior to The election for a United States Senator, Mr:. Dr, hibyer%t hat GPn. ciamerim diieired'io see him ,at the State captital Bank; hat as Dr. _Buyer refused to meet hi'm -there Gen. Canieron,.at the instance.: of Mr..Brobst, was. eotnitieted.t. c i the room ot . Dr. Payer in the.i Peinsyleania House." At this intereiew Gen.. Gainiiiron. agreed .give Dr.. Boyer- 'fifteen t dollars for his_votei.and irifor . rited him -that lie was going • that aftitiohn'.. to Philatlel: phis, on the Lebanon Walley ears, that Jim Burns was - sick: • and . that 'John J. Patterson. would, go on the alarm!• train; and. woulti-nnake, arrat.geni6lite in regard to the mor.ey.. . . On the- inorßing of. that day Dr: .Boyet' had met Wit h John J. Patterson,*ho told him that he bed aeeti Gen: Cameron, and -that . ,he was . . aware of tile whole lOatter;,..propiising at the sime't ime to fleet Dr, •BOyer •at the Leb a no n Valley depOt. , They accorflio2:ly met,:anfrtoOlt the cars for Reafing, GOn. Cameron also being on .th.e" 'Crain. • ", ". . - • . ba.4l.laze apartment of 'the Ne'w . York car, Ms; .Patter:•rth a*reed %Oil) Bdyer that -he shpultl'hAee twenty thaiisund'iloOdrs if he vote for Gen, -.CanierOn 'far United , sobi''wt however tea the epiwaval of the General, Pattattmo. a itel wait) liffOrtn• etl Dr. Beyer G,"11... Cholera!' Wis agree'd krtaii ! jemetns we re. t . l) en mode Li y.. Mr.• Pat tres.6n and Dr. Boyer. to tifeet.with Gen. evon.on Saturdav:ovenina at tlfe.hOuseol 4 D •Catneton.. .Accottlingly, they all : niot appointed thou and :Place; ..and. it ‘S.a.sThere agreetrupOn that •would De : Boyq 1h on;y thousand dollar's Joe I,is :vote. . Tiii;, , ,ll,3%—limriting; 114 , 11;11, ot ,leet ion calluil nia itrini . cdratelk 'after accompahiPil Dr. Royer to hi. (Pin terson,s) .room, in .ilert's hotel,. sphere they lounii Gen. Cameron., General told Dr. Buyer that tiller would have an .interview with hiin there; whenever h= Was ready to reerivo . 110 requested . Dr...(loyer•to say to Dr.. Fuller .thathe w . ould vote, or dijm ' (Geri. eatneitM) fin :United . .Stales Serum.: ,Dr.' Fuller ' itrimediately: introduCed . into the: roOm, and inquired, as the chairman' of. it cotrimittee ap. pointed • by . .•.the.• flepuhlman.,;eaucus ' - whether Dr. Boyer .svould.vote (or Gen:, Damerim; and• receiving frittn . Dr. Buyer an affirmative answer he retired. • . • . / • • • • . . . .. . . , Now, if the siatetnent of Dr. BOyer is a;true, trratt ve of bra's, there can be no doubt ne to e tirnplOyment or 1161.1 . W1111 means 10 secure . , 'the election of-Gen, Simon Cameron to the Seri-' tite:fof the United States.. But the committee hail othOr testimony before them, in- regard' to the,' tiansuction4' related by - -;Dr . Boyer, and it becomes necessary, in the . !iglu Of that testi mony, to examine 'hie claims to truthfulness: Thin there were, within ti . few days previous to the Senatorial election; repeated interviews between. Mr. Brohst and-Dr. Boye'r cannot -be • • • • • . - . • • • V •' " • " 4 .• • : • • r .43 • • • • .. • '•• • • • .. . ' " . • . , • ~' • - snlF,Tm)fc.t.,. IvrAF4N:COUNTY; .-, r:2 . *:s*. lty..!tp.AyilriA . y,,. 9, :. 1 30.1.. deubted; because they not'onlitioth testify this . factt bp( their' tesihnonfis corroborated. by that Of Captain Chritzman,D,r'EarlY,%, Michael K .Doyer, and Mr. • V.aughti*. , A,They also . , agree in regard tot he private interViewq had bet Ween Dr.. ;Boyer and Gen. - Camerony:-fifit;,..at.,the tatel,apital Bank, arikarter W aide Dr.;Boi.;• edis room in:the,Perinsylviiniu ,F . ousel ;:and this they' are sustained' by the ...testimony' • Of captain. 'Chritxman;:.l . )r.:4arly„,, and Mr.. ughn..They agree, moreover; afiltorthe srraiage:: 'ments andipreparations [Which .Avere... made' to . visit Gen'.' Cameron at his' own'..hrnisei •the• 'request Of Dr..Brobsti i iihd as tartheYfoct 4ha" . t such' prepai ations .were have the testimony of ,Dl. , tarty.. •••• ' ..There is : also a' Marked ,agreement . :betweeti :the testiMeny 'of Dr.-Boyer . and.,that :of; John; j....Patterson.' They both. testify 'that:they . 'met . 4urrisburg od.thc•Friday immediately preeeding . ,the . Senatorial . electiom, that they went to Reading in the' afternoon . clay, on 06.E:ehanon.. Valley "cars, - and, that Gen. 'Calderon the same'llaimt hat -arrange rnents were thereilinode bet I.Veela Alr'; Patterson. and Dr. Buyer to mlretG,en.,.Camelpii at the . lthOse of his 'son ; Comoro'', on the next. •evening; - ..that, t bey met aecoi ding to. appoint; meat; and •that., on the following Tuesday mording,the day.'nf the. ,Senritorial election, I he'rerinest 01 '.11 . r. Tatterson, Went tersotr's room,' in 11cfr's he !Valid Gen.Camrroii, rind atterilins:met Dr., Fulle . r. The4c are only, a feW . 01 : the .'numerous _ points of coincidence between :the testimony of :Boyer a nd that of :%lossrs, tirol;st and Pat terSon.• Imb.e.l", tileie.o afitiost:•a peliect agreemetit . .,etween tliciit except in regard to 'the alleged .try)w.)" - t al.saction. ' .• Jrlt unit to . evcpy one, that in the various w ies . pfobst and . Mr. Patlermn had int!). Dr. Boyer, • tir-ir only, qt) ject,ltrus,,to Intilience 111,i1115.01' oother,. l'Ute. for Oebeial Cath.rinii Mr United States. byriator.: lint Jiy.whirt means dad tliey tb,ii.cdomplisita this ()Neel! 11 . 015.01 C te;:tirllol3yr Ot these .three witil6seS a difect Contradiction. Dr. Buyer asserts thsi r. 13rubst'toid !inn. he was authorized by. Ge - d; .c,iineror) 1.0 Lifer, bye tlion . sarid dollars .nor"a Vote Mitch Brob'st dentes;•and thdt :Gen. Carneron.and . Mr...patterson , poeitivelY agreed I to•giVe t ~himtwenty thousand . dolliirs, and 611. 7 ally twenty 'five . tbousand. dollars, in :order. i secure his vote for Cameron; which isd emphabileally. denied by Lif r Patterson. ...We are thet•Ciore bound to conchide;:either• that the statements of Dr.. Boyer on . the one hand,. or, those of Mr. 'Brobst and Mr . . Patterson '.on. the other, in. regard 'to this pecuniary censidera,.l .. tion, ace downright -and neliber at e falsehoods'. Men always 'ea fryn motiyes.. It is „there tore legitimate to inquite, what.motive- could ' have inihreaced.Dr. Boyer, this single ease,. ,s:vhile all the other•learling . leature of state-, .Brent ard•itro:Vn to lie true, to bear take.' testi- Mon . Yl. It' could not Nave been fear:,for surely 'tie had iio more•tn fear from telling the trilfh, than'trotil adeplaration of falsehood. i t. could 'not hai:e heen : the hOpe•of gain; f01 . ...it. in im posiible lot any one to see.how he could ,have expected any profit orlienetit troth :the. utter— ance Of any suchlalse. statement.. ‘ ..!YUi could. be have been actuated by a malevolent . or re ..vengefulleeling; fOr there" is. no evidence of the existence of any such' feeling, oh the pai l_ of Dr... Boyer, against General Cameron or any of his Iriends.• Moreover, to suppose that any .01,11 could falsely and.knowingly• charge upon hiafeitoW malt , without some, strong - . motive, a .Crime which•Vveuld forever tile/title :reputa tion of its perpetrater inn community; . and then' call upon. God in the .most - solemn. ' manner ,in attestation . of the truthfulnees :of his charge, would . be_ 'to .iscribe to: him an 'ektrooritinary degree of moral' depravity.' . : • ....Here 'another question will naturally arise: can,uny. Motive bediscovered, 'on -the part of Messrs. Lfrobst- and. Patterson, 'which Might incline either...A them. to a. denial - ofthertruth,• i'Mn•cgard to this money traosactioni. - The:an.. -swer is easy. this-feature of the statement of Dr.•43oyar is . :true, they have both .been guilty di,' attempting to 'bribe 'u metriber of this tegislatere, which' is, Under our Taws, a high misderneencir, subjecting the' ellender to . A severe penalty. But . who •does not kooW, that the tear of exposure and punishment, and el' the odium, that 'lnuit necessarily result..froan the cominiSsiori of, such Crime; would be one of the - strongeat•motiVes to inipel.rdelyto falie 7 hOodt is•renionable to• expect men to 'crini. Mate theipselves. ^, • • • . . • 'Let•us now.look. at this testimony from -.an . .. atherS'atentlitaint. •Triiilf is' always consistent With itself. The statement. of Di. Boyer- Is a- Main, straightfar,Ward, circuriistantial, and natural story 0i such events its • -;aiyiri occur, .and.beiiis•upon the., lace-of it no apnatent crepany.- ''lt'i.4,cortrinorate,l, in nearly :all its leading delaik, by the'. testimony • of • Me , ..srs: Biobst anti Patterson, and in 'erltietal nartic'm .tars by that of •Chritgman, Dr„ Vagliti,- Michael EC, Lover, and - Dr. Full. or, all Mitch may be 'seen by -a ielerertra' to te,t-iiriod sr. of thesir • •goriltetnen, submitted. Itut nom let us lake a ' , lief stir , vey of the statements of •Messri. prob:t and Patterson? . . r. Brotht m-t •Gioniral ' Cameron - entire Wei.l,:s beim .t lie meeting of' t .Legislattire, but, no cOuversation .between -them in I,,.the Slates` Sen ator. Sbbsemiently,'lvithoot-any request from' any and of Ills Own 'accord, .lie' came_ came. to' i'Llrri• bit t•u:, titer[ tbh eyening . ti? see Gen.' atul hilti ills s••ctira ht-i• elec— tion, twilit , Sonar; of - Ili ihiltt:4l -He n eau returned to Il•trisslnitgi'stipimil•ntclorr,g Hotel, 'hut.soon rct is Had ti) i •P!!)n , .y . l ti in Mouse, -Where Dr. llo'yer had his — rpent... ble . .. thMe'tnet to Getters I Camin . on's • house, moviiled 'horsey and carriage,'oll ttrn 0CC11.,1011.5 . ,. to conve . y him there, visited the Generetbiee• or fourlirn'es' . at his residence,-became' the meiliuM of -com munication between hini'.and Dr. : Boyer, land made arrangenients for several meetings be= tween-t hem. 'All this was done he it' remembered, at cosiderithle cost both of time annul nioney r • and -without 'any' arrange• ment whatever with - Gen'. Cameron or any' body else, - by which,hewas tcr- reirauised. This 18' Ps.v.vible, but' ti - rp . 'qnestion 'will necess-, arilyarise,.is it. at all' Probable? . Bal again—Mr. I.3robst is positively implira• ted by other testirhooy then thit, or Dr. Boyar, in , the alleged bribery.. Ilannock Brobst . told him he.hacl the authority 'of r neral . .camerou, to use money. Jo:secure his eleetioneie Uti/tekStates' Sauter; arid that • ally iirctingement he' might makei within :reasonable amount, Would her:'imme- , diatelY ,compljed :with ,by General',CatnerOn.• The testimony of Aichael: K....80yer- this :subject ii,"thtit - .l4r:',,Brobs( toldaihri.:.he "Wait authorized to• Ofter te'n.rtlioirsend 'dollare ;for . it \‘, cite; also jaevidenea that . . •13 . robst told ...54r. ,Pottelger, a..-mem ber. 'of" the blouse, that ii he Wonlo vote-for 'Gensral Cameron's-he could make an AndependUnt 'tontine; that 'ho Would . gitarafite - e:to . ,hitti . five . thousand 'do/late in .fiaild- . and :a position worth-forty , thoasarid" dollursfliist : if he would name a •dity r he would bring. General gerneron dawato /3erks. l county Maio a Tinal.barguia. and.: that - he had bet ter Vet party go io-tiie.';'de . v,il; 'aild'nialio lbw 'The festiinony.of Mr... Joh n. Pattersdn i already;iniiratite r • carrithorittes tkidt, of Di 136yer, in nearly 'every: .Thef..agree as' to their* rick to ; Iteadjog, .oii the. Lebaron Valley rood;' theii . iriteryiews oruthe..cari.; their arrange'ment to- ineet'U'eneral .Caineron- at, the 'host.. 01 his ion, en Saihiday preitiaiis the. Senatorial election; their 'Meeting.; . hes . cording to 'thiJ. statement; • interview hettreen General . , :Cameron, 'l)ti 'Boyer and Senator .Fuller, - in Pattersoli rduhr iu lletr's . .11 .otd.-„ ~mph .Ilet'Alr....PatOsos,deniC4;•Mo4 either its of, 001';... 1.411101 . 1 . M Offt,ro 130yettnuil'ol.3 , or an'ylMdg us ineans'aitidiicing hlw : u vOie tar Cainertni.:,- 111;5004:Ines true or hike iu i.ractl,.. is might be...expiie.led.'hiuler .the eireuinsiairces', and is, according toll he ,slate.ineill. ttej•iir, whiWM.r. Patti:l. l (in • said be would nit investigatiOn should be . ''l litere•ule • ether 64ot:own to:in the testilimity 'uf-iilWrattersoh. that .a . re wittily.t Consider. . lie pa id' he came 'to' listtls , bvig its •the request. or sudgestnur'urmi one, that lie arriv 7 011 righ;if tt Jasitialy, between lice Mid sin .I..s'eliiek . lll t thin etterimom . that alter ;tippet he Met , Cauterep,., by. aceideill itt•tjte t'tid lidoinied. by 'bon there, u,,t lie ir,An' nut a eendida.e "fur United Si'ates Senator; Unit the day he sougirt :an iihertview . arder...to asc'ertion whether he really • Mt, ivied to vole for Grim. Cameron; That altar havmo ho rte ilkil•Vei so 11011 with . DIVBOyet,Oi! I:ken .Woy 10 he had no H . uta 'in hint; and concluded' that: re would' .:advise .Genelai • lidineron.' rot 'to trust tiiin; and that General .C•miuruli said.he ia unlit nave';mithing to do:Marlow.. 11eVel, as the testimony of hOth lit.. Boyer' and Ili. PattersOti..shows, they persisted in holding turviewi, with Pr. Moyer, in.oruer to needle tuts vote. for tieneral Cameron.. All this bey ;vied Mr. Patterson . perlorined, lee or reward' bruin .one.; • . . 'There i's one other point id Mr. Patterson's testimony that may, be noticed.. lie says., he was. present during the•whole time of the miters view between Senator Utiller,• General Cuoi• 'ei,on end Dr. Bnyer i at hiS.own room. in Herr's HoCel. Accordingly; he 'relates. in . his testi. mony..this coliveri z ation which: teak place, be-‘ tweet the Nines on ,thet oaCdelQll., But the testimony of :Senator Fulle rto, that 41r. Pais : te:ison was not . es trot iooin' while hil . wa 'there. [tern, Oat Contradiction 'belween ,thi.iie*.t.ivo witnesses; but the thioinittee . have no dloubt . ,..lioin - the'evideaCe . betuie •them, and from all.the . circuinstam'ea.; 01 Ilie.rate ,, that the lestimoily'ot Senator/al is true. it. appeais from the -testimony- before the committee, that thete were .other Members' oi the Legislature, besides Dr. Boyer, to whom offers of money, and place .were niade, to in duce them 'to • vote Simon- Camerae (or United States Senator. Those. 'who ;.would come'to ed,eulightened judgment , in regard :to th,s question . , may eonsult 'the testimony. of Messrs. OraberiWolf, Thomas, and Hemmen •.. Mr. ,Graben testifies•thut Mr. Henry Thom as, at his own . house,. and- in a' private inter. view between them, urged him to vote lor General Cameron 'tor United' States Senator, acid aslted -151 r. Graber to mak e his 'own figures ii he could do anything,. . l - le emoreover insisied on. Mr, Gruber to. go. with MT," at a late hoar' ot` night, to see General Catne . ron, at his own ,house, and proposeu totake . his; par. Mr: Gruber .did not corn:l . :at to any . . el these prhposals. ' . .'• • • Mr. -Wolf's. testimony is that Mr. Iletiry Thomai said to him, "go fur General .C.iutei ' uut.down the figures," It is also . in evidence . that L. - liainmar told' \lre Won that •titt could make live thousand dollars' by cotta; for lor General Camoiont and again, that , he,(Mr. Well) could inakti'a iite . e thing. out is one Othe'r I r ct Which ha, been clearly biouglib toNiew in the course'of. the investigationi mid whre,li deabtlei'4 to it ioine hem tog upoodlie'qiii:•lition before. fife emninii; tee. It Is 'tins, that C,tlllleroll torilel— ii,ito.d a.strong •dm.iie: to '•bo elected to ;the Se11111t! ill t h e `proof of flits is so abundant that hardly coy one 'who leads toe te,timolly herewith - sitlornitted will cats it in tjudstiun. ~ It is seen in tne anxiety which was hiatiitestodon the pant of General Conn+tbu, as hi might to to a in lii statement of aseet . calii whe•ther mot- secure the vote oi- Mr. Nelson, a Deilici• erotic Member 1 . 10111:1V4 . 111.: It is seen, uaire. over, reheated intervtews* which Gen eral Came:roil:held with Di. Boyer,.•:is slated: by Me'tsrs.'Brithst•and Patterson, .to uctler lie vote ol lit. Doker; Tith, %art , lOW by Mr: Patterson that . General. Catrieitio -.aid to IWO, 11:1; thei' . aceblentarinterview at DM' pii.it-olliee; 'Om Cho - was .not. a. candidate;. but he, arto tilt Genaial- C.llllllqoll Ord- lil/11 011 th.e• 'ohms-mg.. iborning ihit he. wirold •thaillOill....tO hun, for anything : he eMoil . lOC . .Aremilitigty Mr. - Pal telson . ctormattliCt,t Irs Mho Li, end 'con tinued ill the latest Irour,• to secure' fOr Cameron CO- vote . of" • Sueh is a brief outline Of and e . . .atiiiices'which 'Were brought to • lig • lit in the cotirse of . lhe investigation, r oar camali c te . t , are therefore of !he opiniOn that:the te . stiniony before theinjustiaies the following .conchision:' 4 . 0 50 • cure the ejection of ii . noii.C.anieroti.to the Seii ate of the United States; in. last- Janualy. Y • 'our comipittee offer. th 6, ~/Iqss/oed, That tliey be discharked from the urater cuusitleration of the 'subject. • S. WAKEFIELD, Churinldn.' D. KAINE, • F. J. BARCER, • C.. L. PERSHING.. . • patitotils, onetsihri inves•his country: •It fir • com Men leelitsg,Oesintimetr. prompted by sell ... and' inve •olt.his-tarittedliste cOnnezionat. lie .setaci - Prefers .sette individeal gratifidation, gain or ....plensittitro,lO the *rid, which patriotismssiould . abate It:unpatriotic, treitotouft, • corrept,'' . ' • tribre'coittnoutthAn theAsiitakins' the attachment ;to party, atm the hopes to some special preferment.tiT uutseiveS arts ourintet. este, for loie.blagouti Insucti cities:tarn setupthe,s4litiaid.'et tieVottthrlolheir...viewi ai,t.be. jest of psi riot ismt..t trtutism, in itii broadest sensp; I.; nut only . ii tiiste Aur 'eounti.y,hat•a lirsti.cittivietiou that its inteiests are . ll only to he prontot6l by • supii: and siteli.praeees t lh . the good itillhi±Se outy.-wtittit it settk's ni, cotuit ry, by - lAolog' tttidtt, 10 • itti.• •ttke 'o'vary' Lob et titilest 011 ell cceh,.tty ititlll . ,l• fea to guilty 6mo-to Cotettruly, na ihe• tontitt:isitiont.ito it,,, Mlinultifs bitii • bOO•ot Wsi toy. Ills emisis;-, • tent,or wavelitig . , as be is' strong . oF weal:. I[ is., lie : kr aitsli. ab p s?tudilifeet's it, or 15 - 00111 nl b'ti.hjaeliun . .., .1i is 'a linnistiOus evil Ontiav ti ii psel rt.itit 01 VIUIL•I4 ' cuut.seis and atiMitioti; put .1 , , it iA a gloriously bein•liCtifirlitinelppi . 000111 t . t . 11111) , 'SOOI.O/A 100 0 . 00, :11:121',. 1 L 1 .1,b it t.ilotople. • • All are putibits % . Ito . :..ttif • ibe, l 'Avotl of ciptittly, snd •to'l p.itst iii their 011111- . o,i proinutei: it: of mil • is gre:aiei 'titan that,or c.;obtry,, and there it no 'cuittliet belyveuitfliettt.t . . •Ti,a I 11,,jai:es any, , lltougli it inay cat appalent. uJeuuluacol.o.r...s . tia It eqiittil-y, .1 011.00 .1111,4101;,. 1111bi:10101_,[001.1. lie knows file good so utti.ttitP.i. r tittfotti...e; to tieknows these. IS at, • 11' . t:nuwul men ty he; i; upuit others ot Waf . , i pearl, Men who have, it. ie o,lly t, stup sucli 'Ott:tains; 11) nuihi giveol - . 11/0 liW11101;otiVe trio 4".601 , 1 011.10;• iiiip;2llol4loll.s 01.10.101t . 10.1 trnlctl , oil Willi whom, in such a no hien psi ty IL.lapttlto to ‘ ai the ipusf., ..,1 1 , r e,tt,0a•,' u 1 ittpit It pitougn to te,l • t..inpla /On,. e ty"a 1.1 Int! 110 . 1 - liet.poi. )n111;11 tt'u01 . , ,, , o'lloll, mob itas -been 11.6011 tube ay too, rsucli :i•ol brit er pahhols Chan flie poiU led thew out as tra,l,i,zl „`.1,01 - 1,, y , ,dr, • this hopeless 1 , *.11' .0010 . * ale 'Standing nigh' alloy!! led 111001 wnen the e.VellO.l 111 0 1 1 ..110 , 111 ot:tit,lo they were - Jar beloW its ctanilal d of pat4o.: duty. To hate' the. , Suutli that 'is nor', what constitute.; tic u•tiv"siley the food needed loathe sustenance al the haw. gry . is' a vile' act. 'Pattiottatt'ta , nut • s'lte hut destructive To &tory over the sufferings of the t,outheru peopie,io as, far limn eitligliiened Patriotism as it .lc- trona chriskiiiiiq.''Ta make war on any people is net . , p ulriutic. . To.,.usurp • inute . .lorce;,tlic-firoviticenfreasoli,te cur ry to any people-ofir peauliar•v,less'i'ut is nor Patriotic- - It is .as fathom it us it Is lot a 'mob to assttil a ptifitteal opponent, atilt 'inshit and abuse' litei.. Theritcart•be , motive -Tor 'wishing eaubtry, anti in I he pres'ent 'struggle there..can.battlly beµ eliaitu . e 01. per- • gain by Leing . 'unpatttia. . •.A * patriot 'will love his eatintry • though he deein its policy. to be W rong..; II wil t nut ter in favor with itll/it &trill:lista pat ty, a,j;lry tyji rh itibmeaseres.and approve ifs' iimrae.: 11 will conserfeto recoil/4 the•abtise tyhtelt twine have received foNithery :fidelity to pi int:loll:, ait ' d if be correetlyjedges/atid . the. People are capa.: ble of self koverement, ,have the le reward of consisteneyoted public- - approval; or rather . the satislaetiop.of bevies Seen; as it Was ; thelgestion involved, and Fit bevies ,bis views applovetl 'Never, since man has lad a history, has., the •understanding patriot been 'more fully and. tri. .umphantly victorious than in this- country at this time:.: He said. ttyield What Who to the South, or,there-Will be a .division!'.--her was'de ridcd, • He•ssjil "avoid war,' for•yettf tittle:Am— derstand what it Will .cost•us,. sAd the power 'o: .South to resise?—her was • atIUSCd N•ords:(ire shown to Le pro hhecies us he predicted. • • t . l hl9 tirriO ore there any posseissed of sufli Hent•hardihoi)ol as to say ;'[hose who lti , .7.ltrr orit olo;ls. , the ~ ivan a o'..ye.kr an, rifol yddrs.• ago, - %vel e an 11.A.,.!s , or.thatt 1 hrisO who .1?oo ) . ‘si6nolly:someoOe . still porsi 7 t t of ribilse, then nrevaloo't . • IoW ill we hop!) of,the coodoctors of ..tho riress..sti'll resori to the' low; per:: :ill than so pres;uleht. The rtrp! kir , and the prorifintioi,:6l'f 'lfory no, litre th”ir.tot.-; iinpi ! .l.vo,l their m;oners, awl lost sortwifiWg or their sill ridiculous, when engaged in a ilkciission ineaseres, One! I letv vh•etch— s,diy trirrou intW be the - intellent rt•srrts lu A l o ' tFei 'step is t ! itt ichich in thpsi • ddy' s atieueciii:eil mob viol4nre . , which ? with ;r single exception, iv L: have not seen . inubob nn papas . . . , . . The pqtriricmay be for:. peace I.O;.iiiiy. • llii inify bc Gera coot intraticOspf the tear. • [( ' I fie ‘var'ethotroties', and is Succeistlii,"as Ilierc is not the least possible-ellitoce, jirdi.iiii !rum . pre,ent .appinfianees to. be'otherwise, I Ifi , it - tlMbea ce . p 1- • triot‘yill be shown tn have j.n,,. 1 . i lb, i,,,-, 1 ,,i Ili, two.' That beloved his. enuntry. to , i well .fn 'clmie.Ottie, nopulartty mid' nilv.M . CorritMt,' lic littirns: into the 'eurre lit 1114 C; isiih maniacal, 1 . 1 . 1 - rx, s wept into its; lniiling, , sttetliwiz, ~1 ea itiMe . vortex those leSs sell•poi.siiii. an 'I firth. L'.'o much has rhis term p,itiieti:: 'twee il •i9(1:i41,..11 1 with camps, bitetie r tielits, coriiii;e, ..eprol•cis, s' houlder,- i striips, eartrii.h4ti'boxes !Oil bityonets .sabers mid ciaiiisseS.l.conliOn . apil tlacs,.ilittirts a ii d'ilnis, i Mit people g o in wt.!! .fin-se verierii• teil coitc'iiinitanis -61 our prsent ciuditiote,, sup '. posing that 'beinc„ mis.4ll.iit end ' i np• ~..iiiit '''..o? Ina ith air he'ehiments of . war,_ ihe ! ire proroolid, patricits. LI - peace be hettiythiii wor. awl - its 1 'horrors i: irjn . ankitid I)3l..iiiinii.. .-u - :fill ' purmijs. iire•beiter than.in ruinous cites; i a billt,V . 4)lt , fil spirit is bettertitan mliarsit;,tnaliMant . one; it our Ujtien. must he test royirl by \jar; it'' peace • measures would ha've..itecuretl . i.ti : , tipn there can be on-question that the tertri, patriotism is not rightfully appropriated .by. 13(.4,?.. conten..' , ' Vous malignant!, if they inilerstal d tl.o -effect , . of their policy ft wilt he well for . thtitU,,to connider *broils t riotirrn ii, qnd to op l y.e. from . . ' their vile boasting{ :end'' . eweagerfnm, .' bp' well, for them to realize that time: to gniou 'on. sea kreeprd kept which will ner t them and.confolind them,. :1.4' sift Ito . well 'for ,those 'editors of abolition' sheetit,irhtr: yet, dulgi to th'e!.vilit , . re. : elar 'petunia, . abute;to,Dentoetatilto whomthey are water ed in diecitulons,'to reflect upon theitillesrae.- fel ceurie,: lees it -pieveke .riettlieervii. 'We hope,: hiwever,,eo Democrat' will' imitate tip scurrility.._ Ties. & Ittaii lord Mi.': • 'A. MODRI, - .. Srtuccn.:--A .c."Otain. in ea'tnwa informed "that' Nis. ,corn pithy hint4imie to;'11);!.''. - pitrpose with an elfga saOyind.sivOrd, eailed : rr , ;n '• i [you -hay.e'lloY.wohey . • 4' they, heed if it Unt . ll.,ynli • need kyoiitißej.Vpß t •I . vdjl-: my';'o‘‘'il .8 tvold. yon and s, shoidJ it conic In disgraoi , in ;halm' .hithlsjyou 'coo,hl..but `regret the gill; or 'should '• from you.,:aw' impetative.. duty to kicle 'soma or • the . donors 'out .of,. :•• el/flip : my, it Wight be unpleasant. to ikink ;Out I m.:113WI! to that person . .na'h coo • rribtai. to 'the. seVegaht swhi.(4 fond:. -For'.'throia-• , .' rausoWt . I must . 90: kit tlly. i4.llli:ll . yoq 103411 ompt: yout to thr.'si , ar is ovei.; WO it Mi.., tilLtho tide ot:, bAtth.i Ihull have been ati4yetl. • ,til!.t lui• iwiag bill ows'oi• t.urpit ; .4l • • , 411,11.hava 7 beea hqck; , omit Fhova7. proved.t. 1). noble , 4i it —until shos....O•.yoursell by Oeetts bi a vety: I,vortby to , 'ha— . it tipo).. : th. , - 7 -:;tbett: , fie . rebaace ,tnitytuct*: I m p i ,y m••••eist. lt::-your 'bowls • sorne• lusti te4tiwoniqt ~!ryao(cholile'nea awVe.tocip... . ..•...• :twit w . • . • '1101',4 wjatt" 61.11 , ..p6ro tinteisti..(l:-.patriUtinry.i. vombitted . (a 'emit r e, iiiljts...hope! of I . :(lll . ping Nig IVith— . . . . . out hir*.thl.,'tlxist pattiouc pnprr seems to' 'think tlm j: hi op: Jr' the - Soiltlierp negrops 13 , 41.1: fol us e but nn"llia, - mot vary remain true in la•ir rnitsti.rfl'i!t!il light for. tl?...rn ? 70/,' , .;:taph 1,11 . 3 u 4, Chitnf.f." 01.. • very . Brit .. •NVO.Ueit induce the...negroes to .- rponse . our' tullk a.reere.r , pri[the'worrt.ie npr abusen.l i.e of Glacic trnops, hearing 'with • tie.utetn,...info the.. heart or . the hicir,..4tut:t .sleve , oeuntry, !lt ' , 1f1 . 111!) it' V•• rilt!..V ie. tOry: Wrtlllo I,e•Ti•soted t o . conniry•''•; So it . Would,'" V. a • presume, if we• c multi thro v rp,,rf,d, tam ee"•• or White men into the seine p0 , 41,ti0n.: But 1114 litistliari 'eel:. .• civilly has it" , " . Knufnlance ' white "-rnan:--tind • we" can't blotna..bi'oc much', if he jthiges nil white men by those Who :new t is nvitrn the'. country, and." trample ttpno •the Constitution, 1 . • rob the ireesury, _end. tend Our soldier, to . slaughi'ar'initaat :God .knows "«'.O• " are.with.itim in .want of . lank itt'sitikornire 'men.,' We certainly :have, ,ourselves, -.More respect . encl .. Coofidence •IO negroas than in the crezy,.o.4 7 defyina end Ged-forsakeuf olitioniita who ere every day bringing thefnn.. ." • tion nearer the verge of-ruin. 'Bur, - whyiten't . the. hessian, and fellow : Abolitionists :•iier • .'instead ni . rdkl -Why don't they put the ne.grO" lortan;ies'itt the fold and Save the country, iteintot insulting the people'end w.Tering their. jta"trice• by.. increscent • gahhlo.' Rill up yotir . hluilt . hrittede.e, throw your,.::xuerosafut negro ••.• tinopslnto the heart, of:rebellion and,.subjii • • 'gate" the. Souttf-..-er gcr youri.elves "and. don't oi.licknpurledgq you! incapacity , iii J resiitn 914 adminioiration to , at;ler e handb:— Pat St Un 4'06 A TRAITOR'S LYRIC: . . . Du you uphold toe Nation's estate, . ' • '4t..1 think—ini Daniel Wenner thought... .The Constantlen sod the Lana • Willi Velionos Ote inwrotightl- Airiee 'thee your awl, ludignent o ,rwell With acorn fug the foul brad, ,who i• Your ittizzaa Charon Lifreirs • Hal!"* cm are a "Copperhead!" . • . • • no you revore'oui ctoiitered rlghiP? Aud thus prove .traitor:qUi they niy, .Zouphytui , ..• . 51ho.uow bold' swityt-r" ..• • Po thu vuliuta liouiltry's vitals ' tl lio saris ctirruptltia. as thefts Laid: • Yuit'sAi:a lie rerett to foritte ' eilys'iit gthry anti cohort. • petrhit's wiarttio fitittoiiictieuht to $; • Lo eat the pliteettoutil - iitake the • !Ill:. 11)a 111.1.110 e phice holier pi twill . ). te•l thit•Tiat! .• ' ore-it i.Copptitheitil!" . • - ' Lo yu.3 u'uf firuy that strife mity tense; Tuat irtir may stay his urismuu.liaiitk', tit tt thu brruol, withe wiuv of puttee, 31 iyArruiel tku lewd! It sucli.your prayer, Car One, I s..y, tiod'e.klessinge rrnt upon your bead!. Come, tikU • •sourNitut" . tritur: r•l:grp'perheaaf't • • , ilei.se clouds titti l7ttiiiti i4tui,c;.;lu'irtito its HO t•trlite : Au! Cite rutiltistittit. tit Lild'.vitt* • N rush 211 . 0 tuna..,/1.1 dipH., • ;No eulogy lie !tali ly tie ' 1,114 os•lori, Ir , ater l 11, ,CU1,01.1114,,Lit", . • Phi Ctolpt:tation tlr,iftad above tub ,),,!elk I ;liptily,orer or. 5 . 9 interesting t enn lay el , LOtt . tO, LA ItO . 11th:11040 'i,C !Kt I1;)4LIVL L'Alill4ll.lpAri,L Pf, . . -11 3 %1 ; hlr f ti- at Sotrio'sot,..creilit ou'oar Th 6 alpler.PeAratri, nyrri Uerii14 . ;3',6.00;: were. .ticked lour: miles north • .Ly.,195 ntir . . . 1 Giffinors, Ite'r A:l4'OC of ,els ifo,l'euti , l.bioor.envialry to i,he.rfv;i•,:. , 14.1;44(1 :to C1q 4 ?;5,. 469.,(.at0ti.. Tneir lass was tift:y . ' about onutc'liuting nyetity pommittfidoed Otfreent,.- We - sOfpeeti Ito ,t he,. (t.ttiorth cit'tete,`loted I well ty;11:v e; al report red:Oct.e our, 10. e ioeveitleiAiltao, : ttliii,• itott augthenta that O the • e nemy., : 2ooi 'G,toerttl Poiroshie . c . ampfintentsth federal tiers for' their-ulacriiy in concot!r!ltingi vigurutrd gallantry .. al the • 1!f~). 4:7.