M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 11, 1863, Image 2

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    .!..o.,stin-Oiirl:iiiiiilOiiii 11)(1r.`11e
, 1 4041i': , 5 ,. ', •... W. ,,' " .% . , : 4 't." ,,
t*„ ,4,6, , 0 _._, , fw , ,,.."ll.tott,lerpt-.if , i)t,lirngi.',With
;NiTillii lt,".oMa i , t ; tl r,VV. . ali . ktp:lo,,*ore._tWh . ..
P'r?-;;Ifg-, ltiritfiq'ffl!,!o-oPiiSl)tq:.,4ceiY6 either
*'.,o*eliiiiiiiiii';'i6i'inill(eri' iiiii. is" likel ;. i
~ k i''- ' ; idiltykiire'or, V tebrit; meet - With. strong
.2.4:. :!:
'Apol l. PW4o';fO , le? 4 3 C! , from".. i'. !e . r
. .,.. , Amy7ythrqltishurg piiarol (aa
zfl'.ltmt . ~ . p
iit(4lrpet,) ; Wiclx-shoka
how the Govern-'
:;-•.' •- ' itsei'iiiitstiteiei In , 1114 ?gee i t ,' - il 'l' t '
. .. , e• e ter-is
.'.' 4 411414 . 1 4kilird'iliriiiae,-Third:.' nil/Istria; Sixth
014ii;.AitiiiVialii4th,"{rirgiriia;, 'Alien 28,
,- ,4144:4,;iii44,;..iitiia reada-a's frilio We; • .
"4401*.C. , ,01,04ediC10: Carlin . _ here; tee. other
.."•:-•;:-';; — iiriflie-iiistaiiitin an electioneerin tour of
''',-' A .terillikmi: regimenp,) and bad our boots
'... ..:42illith .- . titsieitiiveltitiatiiii,he friend: a ,
.':''.'.• :: :oii'a*sel4epii . - Chase hrilirney?s ilivisiOni and' so
':., „aditiiissoi!** , thk .. appointment; :We calculate
„.. , i. ; 7,;.**.ithbtli'e will•attempt to:get• another. three
• tt tble-Gcwetnor's chair- on.. 4 rihe . Union
5'.. : .; , ;;WiotiSail:ioliyotty,'.) lac., :although' , every . one
r'•,',' '' .4 . llMWs.its:bas done , more to embirass . the. 'Gov.'
',..,',hialnisititit and aid the than silk other G0Y
',..... :'oiitlllififUlrOtl:dtigtf.t to : hear the , oid. , Thiyteenth
..• ~.- Sielhif same seeen!'stiisiie fawn ts in their 'ITO
, ' .eineeti • Shop 'can't see Whrwortby sergeants
.:, '
.tentlitiorimitrie:wtiO , hive'foughrtikrocrgh the pe
' ; -isioioliAre•oyessiankhed,by men
. who ' never
...:;.) ,teilalt poider4 add
: whose, meri is are.unknown '
. .te4itims,f),7,..,-•;!,..f..: , ...„ -, ;:t ',.. , •.-
Bnitoz - Hiwtir DAN * .11.1313 Farin.ers of M'Keen
B'i) ear if, . 18NICR has con—
•‘ D
tOlifetlO:iiieittfilscekrbrated horse at his sia
iugt, A sewn of 1863, and has reduced,
,11WPrine!td . 145. EL Dan • trotted a
'Acrt,tt .
f•i:oarit.roiel PORfilitate--COL. of the
*key Oionire . ji to start a branch grocery in Port..
Mei , Weeks: The •' enterprising jpeo
gde ellPortyllle.have brought, theirtown to its
viirseit'stinditirr only :by' incessant -labor, and
irtee:o4 glad to of.it ir growing 'properity.
Cot.:- . COsrintos.--0/sora•- Times. .
'O7 iitt 01:111iiiitARY •OE NEtirS.
• ~,§l9v_progr:Ted,., of Ditio, was arrested by the
lA4CriPirtf!tiffield- county on,the
.IsCof April,
411.0p4harge . of . kidnapping . .Dr. Olds, an in
. Aretpentioieing keen . found against- him .for
04Ottence,bythe.grandjury of Fairfield coon
" Opyeynor. , WaS taken hefore Judge
.johniren c oithENSupreme..:Cciut :on •a - writi of
iri;osoe corpus, and admitted to bail .to appear
befote the court - 'of. Fairfield county in June,
will:be rernenibereil 'that Dr. Olds, a
lendinirDomocrat ;of Vriir - fierd county,; Was .ar
reatto,d.lbya;the United States Marshal,' uuder. the
Sundial:4w proclamation:of the President; at
411;initance'loteliloverner .Tod, carried to
Waskingtim . 4and confined in priien 'there .for.
lime: timer' when, like. others, he ems • released
without He. , : was 'represented : to the
gorrernmenlias . .a wdangeroui man" ,by. goy-.
.• The examination-of th e
, Detriot - rioters has
"eltsiiitliv 4 Prht. , tifrthese . arrested" •Were
Ohargit4indlWelireiware held for trial at tho
lillfOl e gYAllCA:,rtAl t his month: The bail.
• wits tilted f ttiottartqd - •
s• .April•':3, , has
itial • ropmved: The •.rehels. are fortifying
. Palmyra. General
iik'plishagelafter a..smart . ekirmish: •
fathilfiratioWini:jiewe from, Pensacola hasbeon
fitaikkOd itiliew?Yark:througli. a' letter from
rfewe;S:trlela'f4r,':. • .
8t Mg y'e : Hpll, the E no betel, arid , th e
et Cola, ' except Ma lary'a and
..43 I 't0..4 bbrned tloveri• 'by' the - .... United
timat rot*, .Th 6 15th Maitie and ?Bth - Con
nee tientlegimepre were. left 'there en.. the. de-
'partose:ol2 the 28th; .Maine regiment. The
soldiertriderniti to think thatthe entire #ivacu
,. alioomitheiiilapctO , lhe• enemy ' was intended
VillAktrigyliviiorethety; would ton . . the'place:.
dariltinooni the' fire commenced,
• 601114 '4:days and : nights.•the. town 'was
. tti%molie ,- ana •fiame. The . officers
. „
toed totqcont he wcitX,of destruction,.but seem
sittis have.; no,' influence over the men. Even
liart,trodpsl,placed: to guard property; Set it •on
• fcoltMyer,. the commander Of the poit; woe
.46100t.fliatracted . , :and- gave order's to,. shoot.
all2:perAbna,'eaught,in the ' act of iecendi
atjtaifilatlthqe . r. , Avai n o one to execute them..
• .IriaWlyiitho:lOng roll .was•heaten, - and the-men
.• iMAnte.thisNatty..Yard . ..antt,confined: •
. -
. .
War' the 'great heart of humanity is
battia on ,Our iiids 'is •in behalf
To.p. certain
,exteht. is true.
. ' 441 We11..!! - :..feebellion was a blow
the beat; intrirests.'nf society, civil,
'; politiicaliend religious-a', bloW Struck at "the
' -16 • 410
.law and
the Constitution and good. gov
:strankent—raitd . what is
. .Wqrse; it was Struck
.• This being
PnyilOwn.:-: : stranged--tramPled upon
in' favor of doing But, mark
./ol;,:rtlii:eiie'd6Wn in the way, and for. the
441 6 ,410flijiartY. in power, it.'Snds
iiflth i sitiiitiiblishinerit of , 'Abolition gOvarnMent
. 4134:geetitikont, it will. terminate in. favor of
the tricisir iiihrenrari--etiee that God ever per
:•-•Migefl;to_•,delle and c urse the earth.—Pat: &
' • : - •
- tt'We'lliiiri the following additional particulars
of:thiriffifiti-dni theist instant, in the neighbor
hood o( ; Drannsviille r near Boary Run, between
tkomeholC r ppt.„,hlosby's troops and Capt-Flint's
squadron o f First Vermont Cavalry:
'ittiliibyts% command' were bivouacked on a
, tilantatien‘when the Union eavAlry, came upon
Otn,m)Tbc-rebels,Were dismounted, andre—
ckfill'eAPTattlialry, with a fire from behind
ifeoFe,i'Whicti stampeded' some of the , raw sol—
' dleti." The fi g ht' became
„bylthisitenefi his'men with death if they flinch
`;', ."'llflimiti himself- , wounded Captuin Flint , five
tifPit l fit4 his. revolvar,- killed ~ I b iro. Lieut.,
%,• tiroitti k „of the Vermont cavairl . „ W i and seven
,',..: n , iitLVeiii'akso killed'. 'Our lost about sixty
'-" , ;,,lllRPOveiiitilkired'and, piiiioners. '
: ~, 4,ll4ll4lolitain,the house upon:the 'plantation
~::;',1114 . 144,,W414.111111i11edt,but we learn. that he
l''''+ 1' hijrtrtAtitt l'ghthing Pke ceieritY, and
o p ''
g ,, ;' , .lst__lP4 o ,,,!,l l lPlidron'broki he Pursuil 6 nd hack' I
..,:;:,- .'-'ettr',llliteidoeverely. Theiiiterllli chief received
.., '.':ii ;4ll o***oll',lde f olf:tho f or ehead , .
rt- '„ifjOilotilki4liat tllo^Nretmont carbine companies
% . ',":l‘ ,f e:. :o,'AfpluPon the,enemy with good
'.''Ai :7 'XI.”'
~(14011,Kottitp,Itut..tight and' lett,to
4;4 , 0 r
„l' , + fs;,:eritoPartisi to chargq,but they
! ' i ,' .' 4 ''')- 00A1 11 1 1 1Pi 4 WE'•'''' -
4 1 , 1 ' ' . IVOisk*ltnt,ii and Lieutenant
jA,Qiiiittlifil* ' ' lais' 010.0 t ..; 114'0'4 .' ' •
Mqr4, 4 ,11 , :: , 'i , t" WV - Abi , l 4 "/ • ~', ', , . ' ',
' . '
: ' 4 C1. ,i 7 1 . :e ' '7 ' : ' :' 3 ' 7 : t 7;.'` .. .,i f' ',-•, , .',, '2,,;
ti! IWcal{
,E.t..c0xt0n..,-• The y elec=
.tion i ln t B_At4i on" ls . pi aci :Monde r.l a
and 4 Janie liened 44.00 :liiiMblicana have
carried kit.4by ' , Freon?, 2i990 . t0.1;006
I.iist year their ttiajo . rities':Waia. 9,148, '•lf hoWing
a .Init;tchheinninaef.apob yeites:. The 'great.-
est„#iiiler: Is, ttiey , d id . . not increase ''rat her than
lesson' th'ililnajOrity E lriasfnuch'ae eoldiera
ip:t.tie.;arair were . tn'oirgkit. forth',ti aid them,'
Viand the. rule ?Worded ctfuilOughsinr; . Republi-'
btitDeMoerats:" 7 . Olean' Ad.
• •
, '11114; A. J. Shopintril,. el; Oen.'Stuart'siistalt•
was' captured few days since brnur cavalry
:iiitlie:.?4Oinity of Ditinfriea, and is now in
Cody. It , is sail that he nee repeatedly alike&
!our camps in Citizen's dress, and gave impor.
rant infoimation to•theenCrny.,...De will there;
Aire be .tried ale epy, anll, - if ednyicted;
citted: nit apy.• Whert .. taken he• offered to.
deliver up seven of our Ment with liorsesi
nnd.erjOipmentsi ' ' :
• 'The nflic . al . account "cif. - t he' Point Pleatiani.
tiffairit4the Month of the ,KanawfM; Western
Virtinia. 7 lnnkes: the 'Union . loss...two :killed,
three wounded and six' taken prisoners. The
-rebel loss, in. killed, wounded 'and prisoners .is
put • down at setierityL.twoi• , • • •
, Cairo dispatches sy.that - theatttick on Fort
Pemhertonwas're—commenced on : thi276 ult,
by ibe:.'gutiboate Baffin - De. Kull? .:and
cOtlie t 'but the result wee not ittiown, ' '
'A . large . force of the rahels he'Ve' been with—
drawn fVom the front to the rear Aof Vicksburg
in anticipation of an a ttick •in that quarter•
The heavy guns have from the
front.of Vicksburg; and..Quaket itins sbtistitu—
tit'. Yazoo City. and' Fort Greenwood hive
been•greatly strengthened : Ow 'believed
that all the.expeditiOns, inFludingthe one, sent
dOwn the 'Yazoo, have returned or are retuin—
ingto. Young's Point; Where it ie started near ,
lytwo hundied transports, are gathered. •
,The Memphis Bfiltetin saynthe United States
.battery opposite -Vicksburg.,bas ~silenced one
:91•the. rebel batteries. :Vicksburg':
. .
"Twenty of the Anderson Cavalry were late
ly'comdemned to death for:inntiny by :court
(partial.. Gen.. Rosecrans distipnt:oved of • the
sentences, and the men were orde'red . to return .
to duty. Their pardon ie conditional on their ,
future good behavior. . -
.. . . .
'A 'Union man, named Ilooper,.. who . trjeil ,to
. . .
'evade' the rebel conserintion was .murdered by
.niterrill4s oril'ueiday night' :ten miles from
Nashville, and his house. and •
.buildinge • were
burned;:'.. - ..• • •
- Surgeon Charles'Johnson, of the:First Mid •
dle Tennssee'infantry, ,sen - 'of Gov. 'Johnson,
'was thrown froni his horse at Nashyille on
Saturday and almost instantly kil. •
The - donversion of legal tender notes into five.
twenties; at Philadelphia, last week, reached
$8,000,000. Subscriptions are . pouring-in from
every quarter,
•• ''Ourrelations with Preat Britain are:thought
to..he.at this time of a most delicate nature,
growing. out
.of the correspondence. between
Enst Ausil and Minister' Adams :in relation
to-the.rebel priirateer dilabama;and. other re
bet •vesiela fittod and now Ifttiog.out, in _Br,ltisli'
, .
• .The extreme rigor of, the law:. will net be
meted out to deserters who voluntarily return
tatlieir duty'vrithin a few ',days, 'as..rnany are
doing, iiiit.fewer,'it iscar,pputed,. than - from a .
thousand to fifteen huudied a day on the ave
rage. Those froMGen.Hookers army, sentenced
recently In be shot, have been pardoned. •
. .
. .
Dispatches • froTh: MOrfreeaboro.' .
give an ac—
•count of a brilliant • skirmish on :the ISt. An
expedition under Brig.: Gen.'. Haien and'Col : 7
Edwards staited,for Woodbury to capture, the.
rebel force at .thaVpoint. One hundred of - the_
;4th Ohio cavalryaecduayanieddhe expedition.
The: iefantry surrounded• the rebel, carry; but
.the, cavalry dashed in So .viorously - that 4he.
rebels were dispersed arid fled ovef. the . 1 4 i115.--
..k uumber'were killed and wounded,.. and 30
The reports of the capture of-Charleston ars .
prethature. • -The hostile demonstratione have
commenced, and that a., portion- of Sur' troops
,were landed at John's Island;: at whiCh - . point
the pickets of the enemy ;were driven in,' Can—
not be doubted. The despatches from Charles
ton 'to Richmond cdnfirm . these Statements, but
they say.that .there are, so far,.ne signs of the
e,a . pected'attack . upon the •
.Official information..reeeived at'. WaShington.
Yesterday,..vvould imply that the forces of Gen
•eral foster.have been - engaged in a conflict
with 'tbe rebels'at Vashingten, Within
a feW days past, as the enemy were knOwn to
'have concentrated a large force there..
nverythitig is . reported gnietin Gen. Rose
cranis department, in tinnessee. • The.' rebels
under Gen. Van-Dorn fired, into' and 'rendered'
,for alimeh -tnmanagenble, he gtinboat Si; Clair
near Palmyra, five. miles above Fort-Donelson,-
while transports.:, She wee .towed
back to Cairo by the steamer Luminous.
Vluirrow Weed is out in a letter to ilia Alabany
Aurae/ in which, he exults over -tbe sudden'
°Change of base" by Greeley in the TriPme.,• a
leading article Of Which . says: • • . .
T/mrs . are , ciiizens'-lotheruzist stall 'ittfornied
whose party prejudices isnialsitezit to believe:that
this is "a wet for the-nigger." rather than ; for
the Union; avid that prejudicestaakens the arnro f
the -IVatioil, We seek; therefore, •to.:. dis p el.
and we..trUst•not without success. .
This; says Mi. Weed, is: • . • .
“A remarkable evidence of re—nctiona con
'version indeed bordering upon' the, miraculous.
This is precisely; the ground of MY controversy
with the Tribune. But 'for the teachings of the
Tribune, in,ut tet conflict .
itself, and now
repudiated, Our country would have.been 'spared
heart he horrors of this .
Mr....Weed,revenls the tact that he was
out of the Eventak Joy;itizl:” .• .
siaa read out of the llepublican'Party, and
eirteci, out of the •Evening Journal. for arguing
that',this War should be proseciited to over
come a wicked Rebellion, to're-establish the
autborityof Goveriiment and .to restore the
Union. This alone was the ground of itirrec
oncilable differetice with my. party.' That
was' the lenith.and breadth of my. Offendini.--
Wheo I stated that an effort illl5 making in in
fluential quarters, '"to narrow and pervert the
issue from.a queition of UniOn to 'one 'of Abaft
,tion;' ttur Tribune said it was cgs.' LIB;"..-.13ut
now Mr: Greeleradmits that the•saim of the
been.cirveakened" . by. those wliiise
~ .parfr. p rojhofteei impel them to beliete that this
is ('',y war, fOr eAs niait"'rathor thata.a. war for
, thotor•o fi .m. • ' .• • •, • . , , •
. ,
‘ ' . There.is news of importance' from: Vicks
burg !o : thq. •
- . -
4 . `,Thittritish. Steamship A rier f • whieb was ;
'Captured on.tbe 28thitlt. in Btill'ajl'ay,
miles north of Charleiton; by thnUnited'Stitte
-iteander Stettin,:viMile attempting
bloCkade o.n.her.voyage from St'...;,Thornae,
.rived at thi.port yeaterdartrom'Po.il
short of'ndal.' She : is bdund' for toston
..• • .
'.merchandise.. ' • ' .
I#capacity For Eyil.
. . .
''• A friend' euiti;tr close observer; ; ltyho'
just returned from Wiehington; tells us he' has
no further fears for thechuntrY.' He• 'Went to
the capitol one of the most despendent, rrfeit
• ftWhy,"teys he, ‘,€they.•lleito't ,capacity
enough the re to rota the country.' -Ten gener—
ations of such then could not dolt Any seasons
or permanent..herm , "--.l3esren C'eurier.. •
•• 7here horie.thtit In the ineapaoity. tor
:of the men . at Washingtoii,iye May find.•ancift..
set for their incapacity for good. All', that i r ias
been...done to eastain the. Natien, thus fai t . has
be • en % dene by the States, and the Federal . goy- .
ernment'has only. interfered ,te obstruct and
misdirect. Ut terly inaapacle•of, haOdling 'the
• •• . • ...
troops raised f or:hem,. or husbanding '.the . ',re:
sources put into••their hands,•they: have int an-
Jet - taken the immense task of . aforced.conacrip *.
Lion, and 'a forced:Sinking system,, in circler .'to
suprity the A;riny. and the Treasury: •
. • We do not believe the o y.hdve' the administric
.tive capacity to do thamiischief they. contem
plate They will aPpoint : Pyovo . st Marshals
and consume the Ptitrondge.sf-tbe new. system;
but they. will let the ' Conscription , fall. .The
Banking scheme also.: The bilk against
the:Mate Courts. will prove^nollitie§. The
whole grand scheme' . of Consolidation will. 'tum
ble 'authors' sink with,.
Why is , the North "Disloyal?' '
Does it not strike tho . se,Repuclictin juiirnal
fists who are, constantly cryieg . out that the
Democratic m a jorities of the North, are. “dis 7
foyal," that the 'qUestiOn.Mus; arise' every .
mind that accepts'the charge,' Why. are . they
disloyal? The people ofthe North •were . never
• . •
accused of inflitlerente•fe their obligation' to
their country; .and of all the
,Northerfi people,.
. •
the Democrats were supposed to be the . tnoat
intense in their'leelingS.of nationality; and so
zealon's in patriotism.acto be accused Of disdain
pf.ell interests that stood in the WRY of their
.Country's rights- elidprogres"s:
It is admitted that in the begintiMg of- the
war, the masses: were united with little' re—''
•garil .to . Party, in'the purpose,. of standing by
the goveriiment and- upholding' the Union,. at
all hazards:- Now: - we see the strange spec . —
facie of the minority. arraigning the majority
on-the charge of di'sloyalty.l: Disloyalty '
what r and to .whord? To the Constitution?
No, the majority are. only "too true to' that ;
it is the roinorify,, holding possession of the
government, that has" ostentatiously "thrown
of 'its allegiance,. DishiyaltY to the Union?
Norfor the DimoCrats of the' North to a man,
seek - for therestoration of 'the old Union, and
it is the leaders of the rninori6; who .proclaini.
their Willingness to •witneia its - destrtictiobt.
All that can be true, then, the .charge'
is'thattheMajolify of * the North is disloyal
to the minority—is reconsant tel . the dictation '
of : the minority when it bids it. depart from .
its allegiunce ' , ,to the Constitution and the
. .
LI If it were induedtr:ue , that the people of •the
Norl.lHiorit is no londe'r''to • Ge denied
that the grear:intisi who are ilpfiiied under
the word are' now rallying:, under
the DeinOqatie bannei,'—. 7 ifit:4N6 true. that
they, had becoilie' „then`a terrible
would somewhere.' :The
question . would be, who and sdhathave made.
.theca disloyal? : • . .
. •
A terrible yesponsiblity. 'Must rest upon the
. .• • . . • - •
rulers...or a country whoi,after.:having•suffe red
frdm mere: wariti:olstatesmanShip, one great
section of the country to lapse into' rebellion
his „so
.alienateA . the, masses -of the, People,
in the othe'r : ,half, 'that organS,pro-:
cliam thesp:• disloyal alio! .• • .•
All persons are forbid purchasing a Judgment
given by; JMIN K.Al.l.llltilt tO'N. 'I. ERFAVEn, no.
88 Dec• T.lB6l'for $300; as the consideration for
which the judgment was• given •has partially
failed and the judgment:wiil not be paid until
the consideration is made good. .
Afardi 25.186 a. . . •
I best and- most reliable Magazine in the'
world. Onutalnst he largest - and line-St Fashion-Plates,
thogreatest number of -fine -Engravings; the ...latest and
'Most reliable information, throe 'full-sized Patterns. for
.Dressoa, and a sheet of now Brade. , Work and Embroi.
daring Patterns. Every Mother, Dressmaker, Tlilleuer
and Lady, should have It.- -Pu,blisned
,Quarterly, at 47.1
Broadway; New York, sold everywhere 'or sent by mall
ut t 5 cents; Yearly 41, with a valuable premium:
Thu' Summer number pow ready. •
LETTERS remaining Abe Peat Office at
Smethport for . the quarter . .. ending March
3lst; 1863:—Mrs. Mary Torbel 2,.Sarimel W.
Sheldon. Rev. E. D.. Rosa,. James. McKean,
Lewis linton; Miss Alide. A. -Hadley;
rine Hammond, Mis&Phoeby Grigsby, Mr..
Charles•Grigsby, Mr. Sainuel Conklin, 2. •
Perions calling for the above letters . will
please . Say ccadvertlsed.."
o the School Directors of InCean Co.,
GENTLEMEN:—In purguince of the' '43d gee-
Hon .the Act of Bth MaylBo4, you ase here r
by potified to meet in Convention, at the Court"..
House, in Smethport.oe the first • Monday in
May - A.H. 1863, being' the dth day of Ole,
movhiat . l o'clock in the afternoon, and select
Niva coca, by a majority of the • vvhole number
of.Oirectots present, one person of literary arid'
'scientific acquirements and of skill and experi- : '
ence in the art ofdeaching;aiL'oUnty,Superin- .
!patient, for the t hree. succeeding years; deter
mine the amount' of compensation fqr the same;
ancl certify the result td the State SuperiateMl
ent, at Harrisburg as required by the 30th end
40th Sections Of said.act.
- •
• . County Sup't.of WKean County. .l
April 10. 1863.
• . •
: . : ,, ::: -, :..:,:- - -A . y . 1:11 - 171sH-:....:••••••
• •Arid'fo . rthe speedy •ciate 'of the follatineeMnplalnts:
- ,SiamtiftaluuntlSeibfrilonstAirectionefoubk
'..7l.'untori, or ex,. llitruptt
Pisitples,!' Pustules, - Illoteltew,
''• Blainsi and all Skin Ditrievirles. • •
• .
a " Intl.,'Gth June; 1861.
' Alin di . . Co.' : fool It to 'duty to :so:
knowledge , whir 'your' Ints done, for too.
:inherited a - Scrofultaisliactiba, have safferwl
• from it to various waysffor 'S•earit. - Sometimes It. burst
out In 'Siesta. on •nty. lanais autl,.artno; oonnitlink it
Janie(' inward and illstre:sied: ate at tho atomoch.. Two
years ago It - broke out on MY Wail and covered the 'scalp
and ears with One sore, whiklt .tOns plata Mid loaibsonlo
'beyond description.. 1 tried hinny modivines Owl noVoknl'
physicians, but without tatich.ialkf from any thing, - In.
, fact,thu .disorder grew weisO. - .Allottntli uot lojelood ;
to remitti the Clabp6ll3lessoliger that-you NO prepared.
an alterativalSaisaparilitt), for I I:now front your 170109,.
any thing yon wadi) qiiik,bo. plod, 1 soot. go.
Cincinnati nougat it, find ume4 It'lillit 5061 n 111.•, 1 took:
'yOtiluiVike, In small ilosi+o of a tsatipoonful over it.
:month, Ailid tieednimost throe hotties. Nouveau h ealthy
skip 'soon began forni malcr . tho'res b, width- alNr a.!
while full elf • My skin and 1: know .by my •
fittings that thif dieestSe has untie from my syntem; • VOil:
:can wall liullevelbut I feetllvind I ain,Saying when I toll.
you, that I hold you to be Quo of the apostles of tho ago,
and romalu fiver gratefully. ; , Yours, • -•
S A nth ia It y is' P I irei . ;• nose or trim in el nia,
••. • Tetter . glut - . Salt Rite ttttt Se!tld: Headi.
Ringworm,,Sore thlyeri,;,Dropsyi . •.- •,-•
• •
7 Dr. lioi)ert Proble• writes •frOni:SSioni, Y., 12114'
'Sept.;.:lBs9, cured On' in Veterato rade .of.
'Divvy,' which. oicontelicii to- terminito *fatally, by the
peysevoring•uso of our:Sarsaparilla ; and also a dangerous
.dliaignant..Drysipatat • hv, largo dose's of the- sante ; says
honroalito common Eiviplions by It conl,tantly. .•.
Bioiiehoeele . 6Ottre.or Swelled:Neck.'
. .
Zebulini Sloan td, Prospect, Toisis;.Wri les : Three hot: :
tine of your Sarsaparilla ailed : ma from a Coitr4 —a htd-.
sous swelling ou •tlia 'neck; whiulr...l had suffered •from
over, two years . " •
. • • I
. •
• .
Lencorrlinect or Whitely , Ovarlan'Tanior;
•Vtorlfie Ulceration, Female •Dlsease,s...
,•• Dr. 3.'11. S. Manning, orNew 'York 'City, writes . ;
mcst.cheorrups egniply with.tbd pejo:AM' your agent lu
saying I have fund. your Sarsaparilla a must excellent
alterative, in the inundrOns complaints for. which . we
`employ such n remedy, lint especially in Ftnitaft Diseases
of Scratilons, diathesis. -I,•have cared ninny tweeter
.'ate cases.of 4.encorrhrett by it,,allll some where the con- -
• plaint was caused 14:ulceration of 019-Wens. The Ulcer
.atiOn itself was soon cured., nothing within iny,knowl
edge eqUaltrit for thesefeinale.derangements." : .
Edward . S.s , 3larroti, of Nowlitiry, Ala.,Writes,'" A ttin.•
gerchis ovarian tumor on one of the femaes ht any family,
which had defied elf. the remedies wecould employ, has
at length been completely cured by your ExtrAct of Sart..
saParillal, Our - physician thought nothing but extirpn
lion could afford rope, hot ho advised the trial of your
Sarsaparilla as. the last resort •Itelhae cutting, and it
'provadoffectual, A fter faking yotir reinedyolght weeks'
uo symptoutpf the diseaso remains." • ',
, •
iond'lllertir4l Disease,
Now Gabes:NS, 20th August, 1860.,
• 'Do. J. C. Mtn: Sir, ,I cheerfully comply with the re.;
guest of your agent, and report to you item of the effects
I haveyealized-witit your •-• •• '
I have cured with it, In my radio,- moat of the tom;
plaints for Ivhicii . it is. recemnientled, and hobo Ibund its
effects truly:n . ooo44 in the cure of Vedereal and Ater.:
curial Disease.: (me of my patients hail Syphilitic ulcers
hi hie throat, which were consuming his pal/00.11nd the
top of his Month; • Your Sarsaparilla, Steadily. taken,
, cured' hint to tire wdeltii. , Ailother..was attacked by•seo:
.oittlary symptoms in his nose, and the Meerittion had
eater" away a conaiderahle port of it, so that 1 believe the;
disorder would Non reach his Main and kill him. 'Butit
yielded to ally administration •of your SarsaMil ilia: the
ulcers healed; and he in welti,igntin. not of worse withent
route disfiguration to his thee. A woman who bad been
treated' for tho.snme ditnirdor by mercury. was •tiffering
from, this poison in her hones. They liad.heronto so sen
sitive to the weutl o that on A damp day she suffered ex
cruciating phin in lier . Joints and bones:, Slivtco, was
cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla lit It low. weeks.. I
know - tram , Its birmula, ...Which your agent gave me, that
this Provocation limn 00110 labiiratory niust_bo It great
remedy; consequently. loson tlnly,,renitiritable results .
with it have not sorprined me
• • • Frittbriially yours,
0. V. LARDIEII, M. 1% .
Ritettinittlinn;','Gibitt,, Liver ConVplitint.
• Co., Va:,titli ° July, ISM/.
Da. T. C.. AV: M I Miro been 'afflicted with a pain
ful elironle•Rheroadasza for a long 111110, Which - honied this
pklll of physicians, and
. aliplz do Me in Spite' of all tho
remedies 1 eimiddlial, Until I tried your Sarsaparilla. Ono
bottle cured obis in two.we.eiza, anti reidored my puieral
Await!' fitilllllCll 111111 1 tau bir better 'than bezhro I was
attacked.' I adult It it wonderful inedielne: J. PilllArtl.
Jades I'm Oetritell; 'of 'lt. 'Look' wrgeS . :. "I have been
'Misled for yeato with an nifectinn of 'the triticbt
dostroycsi my health. 1 iriid every thing, mud every thing
baled to relieve me and I limb Leen add'olten-down man
Li r 1100113 's, , nrs•truni no otliq eatira than deran9cinent of
the I,iner. Uy beloved pastor, .31r. Espy, advleed
Me totry your Sarsapa - ri11111,:l/Q1.11100 Ito said Ito been' you,
ntid any tlilm.dy.didinolo'h as moth trying. .Ity Om bless
ing of tiod , it lutedMi.:il zna, and had So purilleddny biodd
..as to 11111111111 new 1111111 of inn. I Again.. The.
hest Melon) Le sold of you is not ludf,gooll enutigl4". ,
Seltirr. nil:Cancer 'rumors, Enlargeinent;
'Ulceration Caries and Exfoliation. or:
Altti 11onils. • •
' , A great .vltliefy .
of en , es have lamp reporteil to us whote
- muss of these lJfm Nat.+, complaints bars resulted *from
tied of this iel) . 10113., hub 4)111 . NNW° hero I . l{l
them; fdiuo nr - thcin. luny: he !Mind in our Am:iron
A !manse; which:he agentiofielote usuiedore lamed to
[ills to hill who calf filr.thatm • • -. .
pyiileps in;flptly eitip,
•• • •
. • Many ieniarhal•loulr~s of Ili 111ThClii111.5 . .11AIT biTll
Inado.bydbo nltnratlt o er of this tuedielne: It stindi-
Isteo the %dial funetinna foto vigorous . action . and tln , L,
,overeonies•disorderd x bleb would by supposed beyond its
a remedy Jilts long Levu required by tho ne
eassitlert of tba oeopin, and 19.1/trufiplit, that ibis null
do fur theih all that,.thedicine caw dn., . • ,
Ayer's. Cherry Pectoral,
Foot, rill: :11.8 k nE OF
Coughs; Induenza,:lloarsenessi
Croup, Bronchitis, illielplent .COm.
suniption, and for the •
• of Consumptive Patients . . ' .•
• • „ in advanced' scatged
Of. the'. Disease. •• •
„ .•
This la a reintily so: known; to sarpass any
other for the Mire of tlirnnt and lung coutpl a ints, that it.
in useless hero to publish the Midenen of its virtues. 'lts
.unrivalled mccellence for :coutths • and colds; mud its truly
trotniceful cures of pulmonary disease, have • made:it
kitorn- throughout the civilised nations of the earth:
Few are tine Wllllllllll' or even families. among them
•who havo not
. soino perSonal ekperieneti of its effects—
sonic trophy in their midst'of its victory over the
subtle and dangerous disorders of the throatondlitnite.
As all know this dreadful faistlityof flies° disorders, and
as they know, too, the effectiof illls remetlypwe need not
dci.more than. to assure them tkat, it has new all the tir•
tiers that it did have when making the cures glitch have
Wan vs strongly upon tine confidence of mankind.
Piepared by Dr. J, C; AVER 64 CO:, Lowell, liztei
. . .
& Co., Smethport;• C.. F. Osgood,
Bra&Ord; 'Dolley, Port Allegao',:Mid by
deniers'. every where, ' .•
. .
THE Subscriber having, purchased thiS well
knOrn stand, and re-furnished nod re-fit
ted the - Haase, is . prepared to entertain Board
era and' the Traveling public,
'Will be:well supplied, and. everything - done
to merit a liberal share ot , patrenage...
men will always find the. , glitch-stiine out.'
• • , . , . P.. M.'-',FU.i..PI. L.
Kendal Creek; Tanuary 2, 18 . 6, 0 . .... .184
ChLfnge or Hollrfl
Commencing' 'Monday,. Nov. Ilth,
TtOins,willleaveOleanat.about the lollo~yiog
Night :Express
Mail `'
Way Freight
Night Eilireei
Way Freight.-
• • N05,..3, 4, and 8, run everyday. No. 6 runs
unclityi;but'llo'f.Mondays. • Ti - sin. 3, of
days, from New York, 'runs:through to Buffalo,
:but does not ruti.to Dunlarlt..
.N . ATHANIEJ., MARSH , 12;rceivor, • • • •
• • CHARLES Gen'! Supt.'
, .
1863. 1863.
. • ROAD.
• This.great line traverses the Nathe'in and
Nortintrest counties of Pednsylvania to the city
of Erie, on Lake Erie.
It.has been . leased.by,the • PgurtsyLvAtlts. R.
R. CO . 3IPANY; 'aiiii:untii!r their auipice.s•is being
rapidly oPened.throngliont its entire length,
It is no vti:in use for Passenger
business • Troiri .Dnit4vVoon,
(`-st forlc).[111 miles) 'o'n the :Pastern
and . rrSifn ShEFFIEi4D to .r.tr0;.(78 mileso•On'
the Western • • . , •
• Leallet• Eastwurd
(g arrives,
Leave IVe.
. . ..
.„. . . .
Gars''run • through \V!TTIOIiT ,CHANGE. both
ways.bn.tiiese trains . betiyearrPhiladelphia and
Loelrglavtn,:.and . between Bakimarb and Lack`
Harem... , ,' • . . -• •" S. ‘ • •
ELEGANT •SLEEPINCT ears on :Express - trains
bath‘yayls;betwee'n Williamsport, .and 134lti=
More and IWilliamsport-anil
'Eor iniormatidn . respecting Passenger liusi
nesS,4l;ly at the . S; i Corner 11th' and Mar.;
And foi• Preight.
fhe Copany's
S. B. Kingston; jr.,.Coy. 'l3th :and 71farkt4
Sts., ' " •
J. NV. Reynolds.; Erie. . •• • •
J.:M.'Drill;':Agent N. C. R. R., Biltimore:
. .
01 , , EAN.';PRiCES..!
..• nAni) : TIMES' MADE EASY'!
I yratticirespectfullY announce to the c'itizeas•
of McKean and 'adjoining counties 'that they
'can +la as well in Sunethport,in . ,the Stove and .
Tin-ware' line. as , I shall, 'at all
tiines; . ha've on harta.large stock. of
copiie:r- w a,„
• -
. . .
'Hoof Iron. ilit.l 111111.11 - are, - &o
. • . • . •. .. •
• Job .. 'Work •
of all kinds . .dOlie with &HE-Taft+, and inn. eatis
tory manlier; at 'the lowest nossihle prices;
Orders'. promptly attendedlo. ' •. •
Giv.e the -a call-. 7 .at:the' building known as'
"Side 4jll.Tin Store.':':—..formbrly occupied .by
Geo.• H: Mason.-:—Smethnort, Pa. -
•I'will'pa'ythe. highest
.market price;ir
goods or cash, for any quantity of Sheep PeltE.
end Wool.
.March 29„1562.: A. J.*NOURSE,
, .
THE SUBSCRIBER; this -day, smal.
Wallet, somewhat worn. Co' taining two
s'd Cotes,; two-$1: notes, otie. 'fifty: cent shin—
plaster, two:shin—plasters of ten cents each, 'a
receipt - from.J. S. ShaW; for riaint i of $2060-,
'llia! a note against I..eGrard • Cook, written
with a pencil, of $7 02. -•
AttS person linding.the rtliova•described wak
let and re.storin . g.it, }with coin:lilts, will he sui
tably rewarded.' . • ' • .
_March 141863. . ST:FARR:
. .
. .
. .
A Ritlierend e'entleinan - hatting ,. .:heeMrotred
to health, in it - leiv days, alter underOing all the
usual rent,ineiintlir'reguiar•expensiye modes'of
treatment, without sitecess, 'considers.` it his
sacred duty to communicate to, It 4.ailikted
low.•creatures the ItIENISOr.CIIRE.•
the receipt:.ol,'tin addressed. eritelope, he will
send ('free) a copy of the. prescription used.—
Direct :-to Dn. • JOHN .111..1)AtiN'ALL,. ,t13 : 6
Fultoii Street, Brooltlyn,'N. Y.' • :
. . ,
' ..
granted. been ranted 'to. the undrsigned on the
tstate :.or. Drums A. Nna:ratior (known as. D
e. .
IoS A Root) deceased, tote . of Lafayette
township . , .;11 . 7.erin • county, Pa.,. all persons
indebted to said estate. are requeited to make
immediate paynieril, and those having' claiis)s
against the same will. present them duly authen
ticated for:settlement and allowanee• ' ..
Lafayette, Peb..28,, 1863
.. . .
. .
, .
,Tiiis iiroparat ion. made. from the best Java Coffee; lo
recommended by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS
BEVERAGE fur. General ,Deldlity, DYspopida, and •all
MI hos disorders. •Thousands who have been compelled
to,elandou the, useof coffee will use this without injuri
ous effects.. One can contains thostrengtli of ttvopounds
of ordinary coffee. • Prica26 cents.
. .
' The- purest and best BAKING' PoWDEll.lcuoirn, foa
making light, .sweet, and nutritious Bread and
Price 16 cents. . • • • .
• • • ' 111ANI1FACYfIRED 11Y ' .
, •• M. 11.•KOT.LOCK, Chemist,
C!;11.11er oi.ltriad Streets;
11 11LAIJELy111A . , • • ,
' And sold by:all Druggists and.Grooors.
.Tt!s! Publishiti,in a Sealed l'ill . elope;:.Price Six Cents
. - .
. .
Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea,. or.SeminalWeekneeA,
InvoluntoryErnisstone, sexual Debilty, , and ImpediMents
to Marriage gonerally,,Nervousness Consumption, Epl..
lepsy and Pits; Mental and Physicat:lncapacity, result,.
ing from Belf-Alame, &o. —By Boat. J,'onnianwsw.,,,lll..
0., Author of the Green llook;A:e.• . • • -
• 'The world-renowned auiluir,.in , this admirable Lecture
clearly rri,Vee front his null experience -that theawful
consequences of Self-abuse . • may be etTentnally removed,
without medicine , nod without dangerous surgical opera
tions,hougies, instrumente r rings, or aannals, pointing
out 'a- mode of -cure at one certain andaifectual, by
which'every Aufferer, , no matter s what Ins condition mayy
lie may cure himself cheaply, Privately. 'andradinPUYl .
Thls , lecture Will-prove it Von to -thousands_ and Mann
sands. '
' etutt '
dent under seal, hie plainenveleto, Viany ' wimp On
recelpt . of air cents, or two postage staiePll..b addr Y,... . .
tag,- . ' - ' ,• Dr. 01101.• J. 0.- .E,LlNai,.
10:08 A. Al
.1:13 P. M
1:05 P. Al
1:00 A. M.
7:10 P.. M.
145 P." M.
127•11ciweri, POit Officillex, 406
eb.15 0 :62.• •3y. , ". •
• • •
. .
. .
.•' • ....,• . (leit'l Freight Ag't PlAil'a
LEwis L. Hourr, -•: .. • : z . -
. ' . . *WAY Ticket Ag'f Phq'!l.' .
.'; Gail- illizitagtir . , Willigm,..).,ort
Cade of 'JAY ,COOICE,- .
Strimoil4 , Tori.ACCENT,
At :JO •.0001i1.16 Bankeis!'
114 souriel•iirim
~ •
"' PLtladelphla , Noy. 1}.1882.
The, underaigneJ.':hnving '' been appointed
StI3SPRfPTION AGENT by the Seo.efary of ,
the . Treasury, tit nOoi 'prepared — tb furu :l
.. • .
.Year 6 per 'et. Bonds,
of . .the :United States, .dei!gn4ed es''
Twenties,?.' redeemable at the, Oe,asuie of the
:Goveri3neht,. etior five years, end' nothoiized
by ct et - Coriv.iese, nppfoved Feb. 25, 1802..
The COUPON 'BONDS iqe issued in atimeof
$5O, $lBO, - $500; $lOOO..
The REGISIVk. 13ONDS . 'of $5O,
$lOO, $500 . , $lOOO and, $5900.. • -
. „
Interest' at six 'pet', cent: rrer antrum will
commence !foal data of puraliase, -
• . '
Semi-Annpally; wkich :is equal,. at the. prvient
prerniiinn EIGHT PER CENT
' 9 : 10 A. M,
5: 00 P. m,
.. . •
' Farmers, Me'rehantS,,MeehanrcS, Capitalists,
and all ,who 'have any reoney.te invesr,.shohld
knoviundqemember%.that .these Bonds are, in
effect, a' FIRST MORTGAGE upon all' Rail
roads, Canals,.Bank Stocka andSeearities; and .
the immense produeti of all the.Menefactures,
iu the'country: and that thefull and
ample prpiisien- made for the payment of the
interest and . liiluidatien or prlheipal s 'hy,'Cus.:
toms' bailee' Eieise Stamps and Internal Rai
enue, serves to make - these bends.the
Best Most' Available and lost Papilar, larestment
Subscriptions. received at PAR in. Le . gal. Ten
der Notes, or Notes and check's of • banks . at pir
.n Philadelphia. Subscribers.by mail Will re
cei.ve prompt attention and eyery..fitallty and
explanation will be •afforded .an application. to
this office. • •
A full supNy of Bonds will
.tiakelit. an hind
OT ithrnediate deli Very ,, . • •
JAY COOKE;.Subcripfipti . A gent'.
.Arr oLEAN. !
. • . • - • .
••• J. K: COMSTOCK •
. oltl friends in McKean Cininty, that he is
on hantl this Sprink,as usual , with the
Selecied stock of Goods in the Qleen.ilarket
To IV holesale Cash.. Buyer . I WoOlii Say,
'.l enn.Offe i r yott better io,ducemeilts•thart you
can get west of New . York. •-• • • .
. .
. makes no . ailierence,whnf yon . .vatit i , any
thing in . the line of • •
Call at the
And you will tind the article fresh and cheap.
It's.no use talking, the
always has and-aki-ay.s will lalce the lead, and
regulate the market in
Groceries ant; iprovi.o,6 as,
Don't fail to call. and .see me .wheh 'you visit
Olean .; I shall.not hurt you, but shall certainly
try to do you g00d...
Olean, May 23d, 1860.
$5 . ..Sewing Machi ne. :.The embodiment'of practical
.utifity, and a
.marvel 'of siMplicify; . makes the rtinning s`titch
very rapidly and perfect, uses a'comtnon needle
and :.will last a - lifetime.. At ; . the New York
State:Pair, its:simplicity;efficienCY, and great
pricticul utility, was confirmed by the award
of the First Premium.... .
It will Gather, : Rutile, Shirr, Tuck, Run up
'Breadths ) etc., with a single or double thread
on any material, rOanted to the Running Stitch.
The thinnest, usually the most difficalt-toatltch
.by other. sewing machinea,. heineseWed the
.easiest'. • For:ladies' and childrens' apparel,
and other articles made 'oflight tabrics, it will
Therefore be (mind almost INVALUABLE.
It is at lachato the : table like 'a Sewing bird,
and having no tension, and *requiring no lubri.
Cation or change pf stitch, is always ready for
: operation, and 'such a marvel of simplicity that,
a child six or eight years can. UNDERSTAND' it,
and use it BUCCEBSEULLY...
. •
. . .
It is not at all liable to getout of order..
Each machine is put Opin.a neat box, aecom
mulled with full add explicit directions, and
twenty five needles.. . - ' • ..' .
'Sent to any address in the United Slates on
receipt of tvn order - ,inelosing the amount, or
may be collected ily Expresion delivery of the
machine.' •
.When the money is sent..voith. the order and.
registered,ive guarantee its, safe receipt and the
delivery of the machia!, any Where within 2000
miles free of any . Express charges'. '
• Very liberal arrangernenti3 for. agencies.
See MlaltOp. OF. •FASIIIONS:, or for full
4ar's„ specimen of sewing,. etc., send a stamp for
return postage
473 Broadway, N, Y.
Everylady, mother, milliner and dressma—
leer., should have one , of these walyable sewing;
FPTY BUSHELS of tbo, best quality Tat
°TRY SEEP, raised by and for sale at
• • ' L. H. DOLLE.Y'S.:
Port-Allegany, December 26,.1861.
in the Market.