• 041* - 4004444ilualipendituies . • $.16 6 s. , 9,180 10 Caii4rop co 819. 11 Total_Reefifits, 'JI . PND/TUIRES• r '.• Grind,lniors; Sheriff, stair;` • ' ,:';•,l„Paitilie :Printing, 7Tix:refunded, ..'•• ,Baildirigend.repiiring Bridges, • ~.„Bleetion expenses, , ,Allen for Piet* ;Hire, • , • addition to jail,' • -,:•BoidAinui n ges; Auditors, ' • . ' Betiding and Tebtes for Jail, • COmmonwealth twits . .,,,•Cbadwick,•Prothonotary's Fees, :.,"consinissioners!,Wages, itejmi its 'of' Public. Buildings, Western Pepituntiary, .ooglstable'Returns, Qualittotions • Oi{`foi,Li~bte; `Cleaning 'ourt'House, EitEZEI Grind Jury Constable, =UZI Blank Books, 141ereat, ; Redemption order, Ditch tiround•Court House, ,Chairs for, Court Honker, StosM , for Prothenotary's office, Wood House, - Bunning Township Line, liguest on Pat Kelley, ; Paid du. judgment against county, Cost. of. adeertisin; 14 tynets land, Recording Treasurers Bond, Treasurode coinmission, 405 86 Liabilities of. former years, . .3,897 21 Interest Orders taken up, ' . 1 ,^+5 ,70 Exeessif Rec'pte over Expenditures; 1,731 90 Total ..Fxpendi t u'res, • LIABILITIES. • •To Qtders outstanding (otdinary Issue) • . . $1,060 03 Ordertton interest, • 1,00.00 Judg'ts• against County, 300 00 Cornrnissioners Wages, Excess in favor of . County, Total - • $0,190 RESOURCES Amount . due. from Collectors, 1861, $341 13 Amount doe from 'collectors, 1802, 1,550 73 'Unseated 'Fix for 1862, - 4,15248 'Unseated Tax tor 1863, ' - • 2,273 06 Belted Tax.for 1863, 1,443 35 Din from Sheriff . Blair, . 30 00 Total Risonrsea, VOLUNTEER' RELIEF:FUND Bonds for loon of money' foe Vol. Relief orders outstandint, • Seateiltax for 1862, Unseated tax lor 1862, Seated tax for 1863, • Uneeated tax .for, 1863; 141ance bribe' pinvided . Ice,• :the" undersigned, Commissioners . of If'Kean County; do : certify that.the foregoing statement 01, the funds, ReCeipts and Expend kids of eiid COunty':forlbe . year 1802 ;fret, to, the berif,of our knowledge. . 'Witness per hands at Sinethport, January 1803: A. P. BREWER, J. W. STARKS, ' ,B. C. CORWIN, . • C'oinniseioners... Odiarr, Clerk. . . TIMINTKW - YORK. WEEKLY ATIGUS.- every „ ...rlepartment,of • Oewspaoer enterprise the NEW TorucAttoofi Will favotably•compare. • In Poli. tits;. in Literate's, in }luridness and in Finance, • hi Agricultural . information, in •General. News, and especially in' the completeness andaccuracy 'of. its reportsof.the. •Afoneyl. Produce, Cattle andotber.markets, it 'has no auperior.. . Its On itoribinienisde arrangementS for articles, upon the great ...question§ which now agitate the ,nofinlry,.fraM the. Tens . of Hon. lioratio . Bey. •Inour,llis., Chas. o,'C'onor, Sanford- E.• Church, Samuel...T. Tilden, and others of• the ablest atataimen Of the. day. .• Its. kgrieultural De partment, which 'reeelves 'the especial Caro and attention Of one of its editors, in additionib ; the usual variety of original and selected flint ier, will be enrichedby'articles prepaied• pressly for • the • Almos,.by.lion. Wm. 'Kelly, Watson, A. B, Clinger, Benj...P. John son; .Prof. Geo. W:tuckland, of the University Totonto; C. W. and one or More' . distin thignished writers upon Agricultural Science in: Europe. • •• ' • !Ternis—Single autiscription per annum, ,$,2. Three'copies one year, $5.00; eight copies one year, $10418; twenty copies, io one address; Address COMSTOCK & CASSIDY, .Pi oj:fi,elers eorner Broadway & Park Pl4ce, New l'oik. :SMETHPORTAIVERY . STABLE, ItaIE.SUBSCRIHr.:I2, has opened anew Ziv . 1.. ety.Stable.in Smethport, at 0. fl. Be.n netra•Old Stand, on. Main • atreet;,•just,.east of -Ikflehanice, where can be found the best of Hoe 4,seit and Cirriligesiltlovir pricqs. He intends to make Stnethport. 'a..permanent residence,' and itaks,a shire of patroaage... • &oath ;• A uOt'at . .ll:l, 1860. ' n'23 t To Cons-iimptives• ;. tplEplidvertiser, 'baying heen' restored' tp - health.in a - '"i.i firee'Weelsc, by a very. simple • remedy; alter having . calikripd aeasial years with a..seyere lung direction, and Utak..Arsad-diseaate,' Ponsaingition—ls anxious ' to Make ;,kokows,o hhilellow.itufferers.the mennirof cure'.': ~. •• ' ~t ,i.ivat l who - oas it, he will send a copy ri . rescrip AloWeiriselilfireel or dhargo, with the- directlons.for.pre. n5.1.144:.,5en5e . , which they. will - nod a SURE 'rsnpfisionii VOIMIIMITION,'ASTHMA', DRONCOITIS, AS. 'The .;:..inititidgitetjelftkli.Advertiser in needing thei.' restrinti au : 0 0 WfillMeiblOgbil , sane kid , and spread information which Asik . miaalpvaluabje, and , he hopes every nut- A' :•,', ' Al4,reipsierkfiee 4t lOU 'crest thim nothing, '; "• • '" " • ailiTiodog , - - '.. .''••.• -. , • . ; ":4, 4 Jadaworthivrasefilitlon 'will 'please address'; a gli " . .,: . .,q: . : . -:,APIF,W. k.:inicoN, i....iL14,:?.,i: , .,,V?:- •. '' '' • r ' ': WilllalnlibU r rlal.r ' tt' ( 11 1 4 44;.. 1 4.,V;!• : ; : ". 35. '•'.:: Kfnils9Pudty, New York. • b„' , s; xi'.:: , :; i;^. , :: : :'&'. , :':.' c•:' ' ;'' . c . ' s4o‘. .WAGES PAID' $lOO Td sell , 00ds \ for'th'e AnAa,is wiNo Aikeni COMPANY.' WO• wil f . vet. a ipmtpission , U.n all InOtii . sOld by. our Agents, or pay ,wne,e's di from $lOO per rnonttf, , •atitl pay all nc'essary exknses.- Our Af . ae.hine is perfeC.t in. its rue:, chanlsm: •'A chili leitriilO-cpehitiArby. half an houie instruction. t •It is .t•qual, to any family Sewing Mitdiine use, and ave.. have .reibiced the pricp . to Fjlteeii pollnrs.• .Each machine - is' ivarranted ti:rtlrrea.years.. C. Addiess -• Gm. Agt.; Detioit, Mich..". $]3y537.63 $.401 08 211 50 go oo 1 - ,11 25 32820 1,032 14 508 15 235 83 310.08 410“10 15 00 75001 .54.7,5 10 16 122 52 12 12 10:12 ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ..E INT EC11.4 ;V I 04T, V.111:I4 TUE . . 1.'0111.1, • YEAR.• • Volume New .Seriee; A new volume thriv . eidely circUlated , per. commences ort:the Ist of Janpary-: Every. Rumber contains aixte.en piges of useful inationand from dive to ten original cagravings of ii - Cfv.inventiona and:. discOy . eries;ald:Of are prepared -.expresslylor • To.Tlie•Mecbanie And .Manidacitrret!. • . No. person'ettga,getl. in.. ani . .of the. •theellitnira pursuits, should•• hi.fik of doing -the SCIONTJFIC costs hat :six refits pet :week; every , nornher..coritains froth. six to ten ettgraVinge of new irdtc tittles" . ainLinven tions,. ink cannot .be found in anyl6thei:Pub lication. It.iS:un established' role•Oi' the. Pub. , , lisberifto insert.' , .nono but original engravings:, and tbose of:the . first class in' the art, drawn' 'and engraved by experienced per.spns • *tinder their:ovyks:tiperviSion: • 40 35 11 50 16. 3G 65 00 46 65 32 00 261;5 7050 12 22 1,017 22 700 The SCIENTIFIC A MERWAN periskble ito . ewry.thveritnri as it tint only eeit7 tainp..illtistriteth:clescriptions di nearly all the best inventi'ensas nu;,. but: ntunlief of be 'Clain - Pi . or all the,T'a - tents ute United State 0111 Ce . 11111 - 111.,.f. the week pre;,ieiiii=i Gus eiorreo . -bistory'ef the preeri.ss of 'in ventions in ft his ry: Well re also r ere i • orra-, every, iiveek, ti e ' bestHeil - 3011e Great - Yrillice;• ;61,1 • ih.o, pl4ing - • in nirr proseSiinn all -t ha rii , I in irreellanieni.seienee and, :art thiiii4- : • 011 ;Ulan entitinfie to...hair:der to riarTriliiirans soplotis - extracts • our !NITS of viliateve! we.truty.. - Lieeni of iti.tereAt to our. readers . . . . $13,527'0 chetnist, • ,-Arc:bilevis t .•:,Atillt6:r., , ,l,ll% A.1:11 8,"63 93 . The' Sc ENTI 1( AII E'RIC .fonnd , MoSt.nse.litir'Joinlierto•thern. the new: discoveries of scieinie . of clognisity . arVeo. in its columns, mid 'tlw 'interest; of Ole . Architect and: cotperifer o:Verlooke!i; all the invention's . atuddiSr. o'veries.'onpeitikio dng'. to these mit . suits being ''joililished •Week. M-week.. Useful anitpac tica) eitnipiogto the .-interes.ts'ol— ond mill-Owners . wildbefotind fintdisheiditi •the Scjinicitstc . Al•lll:RlClN the.y" cc Onot,possitity obtain from nut other, son re.-. Subjects in. which . plant In. Sand femniers are terestett wildbe' found disytiisr . d the 54,t11:;\ , : . nests IMproiMtiltllti' iu agricultural implements being illustrated its' $0,790 00 $1,310'00 160 07 $4,800 07 $787 , 1^ 1,070 21 To mail isub . s'el s One Dollar fOr; lon r womb. v(',l u man cyroriietfce . t of January anti 721 67 1,106'50 1,079 11 : Specimen cppss will be Kent gcot Rti y patt'oc the country. • $1,900 97 Wes te rd. and C‘6lfttlian rr oney Post.o flier ii•taTnjm:tn . lcen . .for ipt iniis.•. djan subscribm pliqiso Co !emit - '25 cents eivra ‘ on each. yeat'.i subscription i 9 ,pre.-Oty 111.CINN . bb.;- . • •No a 7 Nov; Vo n ORTHERN,CENTRAL RAILWAY • zi.rtuv 17, 'P:SISr E.• Threii daily train's. to and from' Italtiinore and . WaShing,ton.City: tlannnetions . rrinda with trains on Tenn Sylvania ..rtailrnail . to and fiord Pittsburg and the West, . Two . .. rains daily In and :rpm the tli and• West 'Susquci• hanna, Elriiir: . a.and all Nortliern.Nnw York'..... - ON AND :'AFTE'II .I\IONO.A . YI - November 17,`1862, 'the Passenitwyrdins of tl4eNortliSfn Central Railway. willhorn flirrisburg and Baltimore as follow ~.viz; MAIL. TRAIN leaves Sunbury SOnday) at- 1.40 p.rrt : ; . leaves llarrisbut Si 5.20 and at tiVeS lialtilunr6 at 10.'20 EXPII'ESS • TRAIN Sunbury - . daily (exe4t Sunday) at 11.20 1). m. , leaves nutria- Wig (except.. at 2.15'-a. • M., and ar rives at: Baltimore' daily (except Atunday)-At 7-.39,a.' tn. •• • . , . • . • IIARRISBIIRG• ACCOMMODATION . Ti ain leves liarristimg daily:at..9 05 A.tit.. • • • ••• ; •' • NORTUWARB.. I- .: - • • MAIL TRAIN I , aile's 13.1iiinora 411 [ex_ cepi.Sunday) at S.:IQ a: in.,' llati.;abarg at p.ra.„.and arrives at Stialm6—at ,• . . EXpREss .111.,N1N roa ves.. 13.11 t i [ Ln! dail ' lat 5,.10 p. at., arrives at flarrisliais. , ai I,rio a. rii., and loaves 'l'm I iibars; ;daily Lexeopt ' Maildayl at 3.20 ti. m., Mid' arrives at Sunburs. at ti.2o Ii.ARRISBUftG . ACCOMIODATEON • l ihr 11:dtitTiore.drOyipt ,tina.l; - iyl at 1.5 ilrri , ies' at 114rtiklitirg For ftirtt;Pt information an'pfy at t h e Office, Pen.ll4l-voi4 - Dopt. - • I - larlisbuig, Nov; 1 , ]t>B" Enttql: Demni;tlAT,,DE.l.l: WWI permission I wish 40 gay to the re,Mers Of yoe.r paPer (bat I etiE•l by rettnii !nail ..to. who Wish it; [lfi.e]'a-itecipe . , 1011 . direr - tioni for making and using; it aininfe 110 m; that will effect.M,lly remove; in teit flay Piniples; . l3lofi!hes,.Tan, Ireekles,:aMlll - satne'soff; smooth and beautiful:- • . f will mail' free to those haYing - :Buld ,fleadS or - Bare niece, sitnple directions and in formatio'n thut .. will enuble.thern to' staq, a full growth of J.,uxurient or'% u Moustache, in less than 30 dais. All appllea lion saii”yered by return rnail,withOu! charge: . Respectfully yOurr.; , THQS. F. CHAPMAN, ". • • . Chemist, • Na. 831 BrOadway, New York. I . To 'the ven;or! F,AJOIJAI! "I I' 1211 S SOUTiIWA4I), J.; N.. Du jiA ft RY; 'S 4, p r!," . 1% I e Cyld 0 11 I POCKET BOOK. LOST. . . . • , • .riiiti::.sui3scßlDEnol,is day, )6,1 a =mall souteWhat. irdrr. , - •oritaining tWo . s2..liet vs, cwo Si ti n tf t 'l fitty•6liCtiin phiifer, euri.t.s eai9i, receipt from pain to and h . opte . niainst Li Crynd Cook, wiitteii -with a pencil, AO. person .liOiling the above ileseribeil wa let a.n.ir ret:tbriiig it, with Ceiktitits, will , be , - • .Marehi J. Nr. .F Rn. 1 1110NEI.IVOTS . ,SUrfEi:EM.OV,:1,1y81 .sEES . . . A'Reverentl gPiitletnAh having. beOu.regtoed to health iii ti few clays - , after tinclergoiejlill usual.rotitine and irregular exp'ensFee modes of treatment; , with"otit. sueeess; .. gonsidt.fs: it ;his 'speredduty, to eornfroluicate to his .Itftlieted fel— low creatures the - sittass or ettnc . . the leceitit of - an aAressed enttelnpe,. he' Will scud (free) ti . prerexiut iiin used.- 7. DireitC. Co DJ :DAGN.AI,.L., • Itt't Simi t, ftro'nlclyn, • • • ADMINIsTBATOkS:NOTICE: - ETTET . Z.S . OF. A OAllti tSTRAtION haying gra titod . to lho oti . desigiled (hot aie 01' O'gr,os NCIATMI 1:0 116 lV II RS 1.10,: lOs , A. ,Roolj Ltifayot to to‘i;nship, coun'ty', iiidotifed to sill& etato sol 0 rotiors.loll io ritako irrunrdiate paOtiopt; atol [hose hac,i'ne''.elaU is against ‘tho same,wilf osoot hetrulorj• ttotlteli tine red fon . settlo.4oot . ,atut -AllowitLeo„ - . . . AI3IZA [JAM: lErt SPN, : - --Adming.stra6i.i• I.f;)' IP, I.b. LIST JURORS-JUNE TERM, 1863 Cre ,. .—l'utrti - frii Bathe'', .1.'0.01. C El. tipith;- A. 1-;itc.l;o4, \rih: \ 1.xa),der,..6:110rt1 . ,, Z. R. •• • N.. Prik.vil; . 0a); , , - :•• • C c ia i mi. /,,,)a ;-/ti I , lup.rn. 111:1;11.. t A. =ME y airl'ai r.1,l .lfiu-Ije e r • N 11; ilebto Prri nice. •: r. VAlber,Jvio:Rih , .}lflicir, .11ks' in, F. P. 1-1 i -chop.', •: •• - . E i ji., 0. S W. (3,11111 i, ••• • .• PrliA:; - P., I), I,V•. mote) Liu p, T. ..• , , • A; . • 11 , ir0i , 44e-A-:-.A.: ;N: . ,I. I:. 1;1..1.1ll ~`. 7 nzethliort; llairli 1,1 . . . . Ntw..CA.si".Srront 'll.ll - : D 'T Eli ES ,11,11)1: L':.,1,•317,..!. . „ of 11,, it(11 , 1o111 , , , ivouhtiPs .tiwy can do cts toil:ili S:ptqlolorti nll,l us in Ulan. I:shalf, at:al in'iles(,. l .l(ive on . 11n11(1 ald(ge:slock of 006XING, PARtOit & BOX STOVES! TIN-WARE„ . 5••••••ct, J „,,...,..v,:„,,,•,,• • • LP:A.I)4'II'E A.ND 1f;,;( (roll -:tiiil . llutts!; : kel4's . llant : ll . ans,', & .:', Job Work, kiinls done- with cli.pal ell, and in a' stEi lokv,st nossibie • ()Hers promptly iittenilittir: , . Give - wai . a call—at the bothling known - a , Side 1101. T in .tinne"--forniorly occupied' 1p ; Geo - . H. i%la . -on--Sinotliport, triatket'iiriro; nr • Cit , h, for- any '4 ad Wdo • . .Ma l'Ch '2O: 1 SGQ. I St; 3. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE -RAIL . , This e:YeaLlito , N,„ti ov „ s t . ,,,, l ioj e , of Ptt,i'll % )' 1%;.111"1:1 . to . ficr: cif 3; of 1';ri0,•,09 f.alo' Et it.. . ' • • liy t N--Y CA: R. -R. ri)AI ,'1111 , :l tind , r 1.1 , 01.i . 1y 0p . ...10;d 'Ountighout letitf,ihr l'af,elluxr• 1;.•1" Ihrieht II 'Jrit • ti, r y wo( ,, ('2 I• Poi k) Ea•tem c h id IrmilSur imiLictif 1%41'6 wilec.j.oh 01,1i.•,,teri) I)ivkloij. .• • Talc 'I:1Z A.T , I .1:1.1:1'1%,)(111 L":iVe %%Pad. ' Expros . 4.troin Ira rs ~:;. ;iirier;, Le,iei•: Aec6ti - lod,lli'an . , rl;rs Orr lirijUg.l.T: WI I 111 , UT• .11,1.11 Ott botiy . e . (l Loejc 14rv'el , ;,iinti bet ween,rialtirriore:and Loch cart on Express triiris 'both ays, between ‘Villirnsport, and bbati... Nt'll4 . lnport anyl • .li'or infornyariiin •I',l•sseriLcer-lisi- ness upply.rrt r',.• Corner 31(11 Icet Sta. • Ahtl rot' Prtti . ght..ittiii-:ss . cif the Corivany'i Car..' 13th '.arte . .:7lfarke •••• • • • \V.' R , ,y , x , lds, E6P. . ." Ilt 11. 4., phltirrme. 11:11..11jusToic, L. , lTorrb, .. • . '„ • Tian Afft'PhiPq, - .Fcs. D. 1',. , t - rs;; • •• • 117//iam,r7t • ,- s - iii - 1.7. , ..-.. :, -:, i, ::'- . 7,:; , ,=..,... . ' , 41 , 17k;J r -14.1 , q E . .e g ',. • ' :•:;•,, '‘ ... '2"," ;1,, 1 `;ll,i,\''', ' . - "?z: 1 4.,;', . 1 . • L- .: , .. , .- - -,t... 1 • '• rc''', , l ::V• 11 1.A.111 , (IF.:' r l'l' °- 1...., Y 1 ig,,t ''... ~, 5 ~'','2 ' ; e . , ''.:, '4. -,.... - e. i. , ":„ t ',‘', ,1 : 'it'','.. '' 1`'', t. , ,. 7 7- CV:•:,'l..:- ' ' ", 3 ; ". t:.'-; :',,, ..' r', - ..: • "'" ij ', "..',,:- v .. , :`l%-' A Coll art I , i)M 111,11 p,,,,rDt :114 4.r. *2, • thi.. , c ,r I ontl 1,1 0 0. v.. Hwy r 41 . 10 N11:0. Ili• •• , i lIP 1 . :'( • 1 , 4 , 1 , I0 tau I ' .• , ak ti P;1 : 11' . 1,,11 , 1,7 . ,. , ) t,it 1.1 MI=IIIMI yilnr !'L;y uu,l IL.._ i~.i }' , nv I'iiJ~':~ .. U r i ~ h',. L. ~. ..., .0 ;~ N.. 1 l':( ? I 11111011"4 '1 I I I 1 Con-,lipp'll4",f.o k.-J.NOURST.;:; • .•'. Po.;/;,,ir 1863. 25 Cen nt per )3 H. h~(1!4ir • I•'I 'L'ot : • •' • .Ir.F4I,DAT,-(1t4i.'1.c . ; rill:.'l;.P.Ali £O,, PA' ry i I‘,• - mid awl 2:10 P. 11 11~ uirrit Ui ii,~•i,a ti , r• P1'1,1.11: '.1.10 A. 1T I. I I'. 'l7 111111. . \77 1,1: E it .1.11,f10.11t • "'..• • hI I • 1 • • "i'rains tvill it'd'. oit!,111 hots, oiz Nigh( Express 11',;y . I'i fight No. 21 Express :Way. 1 7 rei • • Ntis. 3,4, : and S, run ' , very day, 'No: 6' Stindays., blit not nim•lttyse. Ti.tin 3, 01'S:to: days, flow N•••tr throW.4li•to• 13O11•110, but does tiol run to Dunkirk, • • • • ...NATHANIEL ,MARsir, - -• CHARLES 'MINOT ; r:•-•CI - '• : : . 41,04 , .5. -- .:: - Q - .4.OIATZ ,LL.s •Tj.O . . Mu y • ft,.bli,; and ; isili r. il s Ci . .,olil".3'Sl . ql;i• ilc I . . 01141$ Illy.1,1;.•:11 . 040 17,110' of t th t t t l.ll. , llr,i) 4110 : ,:t.:ltta shit :t•Olti IT a 71,1 tl,ll iik,.! OP, ht rOctk. I ir.=. ntid rod.llll. 'l:t h:l Ito", t 1 itl: . .h:htlt ll apti'D. • • 1 - 0)1 ;41,,11:11t1. livily. p.t'rrA'.t) ,'..4111,,t111.,- , Ina! 51::11.j t • •, S , 1 , .“11 . 1• 41 I I .:t.'o.l.ttrll to 1:1 0,1,v; 1,1 , 1 s Ti1.1...11111 , ~•t:1; 111. , 1.11 111 ii II ;1,1 1 1:;t111.: , ):; :!11 , • • •: :I t;1 II Ir j.f.i1,14:, ..r. l';rd !li.kt . •,11,1 ;' , 1...i4 ; 1 . 11 ;i A tc E=MM r nr?;r :-'tn,Fhp 'rl t 1,11;IV !.. vr 1. VENDAL-Cf.t:LK Tr, - 11;'(11 I 1 MOVllG'.wl:'l MOVING .EAS:I ,:11 P. AMERICAS AGIIICU.L'ETEIST A •iTioirrtir:ll-0INC:, I1F; Id ABLE and i'll'AC - -: tiCAL .Sou rttal i ilren . ted to; the r ililfore - rit de poi-to-Hints of snil eulforo,'spch lks.gr9tving.Field Crops . ,- Orchard -so& Gcirile'n . iri sits; (7 , - . riltiil V.,;.;?,e6 - ,bl4aild, Fleweti , ~..Trres, ,Plants,., and Flo‘i•eis . tor: 1 - hi. Lyt v 6 -41 or': I . ilr(l4.ca re Of Do- Oirstie AifitrO - t!z s, e„ hc,. . .0 nil. to llo n eh,,-1,3 Lehots."' It has I , ..lslll:interrsting and instrud live:dejfaf,inen.C4or (;hil4ii - trp off- 'yotit - h. •.. A scull .C.flteirclar 0 . 1 (}protion's ih. 7l'vrrf... , to FoilrIllitott,(1,!Ii• F:ogmvin.v . ),lpp.or v.610t00." • o . verpracticil). ,ttrio•tive.aiticles . itenN3 are iren e v V. V car. „ . The'Editurs. and Contributors'i t all pr'ay the X,;1:10 ron lined in np,.`"'hit,e.rr C7ii , ry: 110 . to lire 10111118 el:ll6l.'ol%.the . „efilt truly—il 1 . : s) (I.S , fOrAIIO W . fit , e t ;;;(.,` .;; . , • plict! e11;01 it S.I tj.r, •." ,•... -*I -.60', nt e..;h. • (.7 7' •.1 to I I'o 2 ' j:tt , y • • .. i)i,' ; k • O , f (11.1 1 I , . . :JiT1)1) : ~'.l.`.(`[ 1 1 :\ 1,1 \ .; . ;1 1 '11:i 1; 'i.' () , 0 - 7.`ti: •:: I ,r.'l:'; - ,c_ :;'ll ll', ;E.*:. ::.,, tF.~ ,rig ~ e','. ~~ni ni. ir,. MINI= I, . n I t =MET T . l •••• uLiJfS n u 4 •:b i:urii -;„ 1,,,t'qu0jt . ,..i. rity I I rtr I •,1 i1,,1i I I t ti , / a 1 t , 110, .r . ti` Witt, yo,11',o1:11;!! • • re pi :lied 7.l:eeil's til e • • 7• nr lrul:a;: •;,r't ir,:..., : , t's or pprinJii•alc' rq duir,F;( tf, .1,01 iv ..„„.;...\•;11;.1 , f'• • ,or a qua; ho: O . IS • • • • .KOLCICV3 IMMI=INIE .... . - c LOC K' prop,l (.I,,,timi '1 , ) 1 11,0\ 1 7. 112:07 HE, ToniAY!! Ar r •vp. 11:1: .) i ; 111 . ! 4 t:i1111.t . ; •?. I 11, 1 • Utt- Pio 4il (;t:IA Elivvr.r:t., M. r" if 1;001. .• . . 0. • T. v. h 0, rwt. ..,:,..1.2111 0 llpri in itaro . I,lll 4 rjonc, Iltattillia. ,, llll rlsl)." , ed .Is:`hto.l . :31c1 Wil)1011t .1371 . .frf . 1 , ;115 6 1l1 . (4i 0 “, 1 th. 11.. TrIWIVV, it:truen 1,1.. rin S,, or .001,11111, liuinting t.l"cure at nnrn yertait, itta viatier witnt. hit tnrolitinu 111.1 y !any itinrOoltarid taaieilt'• !,..t.ttre Ntiilt:proyo :t.L0....0 tnolWitmili thott- A. M P. 1;00 I:1 P. 11 N• MD1.,..41,1, ill rwiveinr. f0.0 , 1,'4 ,, N1 ,,,., • will 14, . , 1(1.1NE, • 1:27 Bowery,, Neyv York, Pokt Office Box,l/Poh. 0. 15, ' 7r. • . 1,.p•[;:.1 Tr,' 7.11 A T., 0: EIMMEISINI is ~. ( 1 ' . : 1 : HILL.% .i"l..iu ,1.1'.., ,: ~.~~ COFFEE. "'„ I_7l/Ai: i.. '..L I,.i' .. i,i i. i .. , •• • • ••• • Office of, IAY• COORS, • • ,•• • • • • •• SutsFITIPTI9N. •At 'JAY :COOKE .& CO Bankers 111: s.ouirtt • 'r it rmi' ! • • • • 41 - • • • •• • • .I.'iiiltideliihiti:Nov . ...l,lBo . 2. T.he :undersigned having Awful Et:ll l 9iPted SUBSCriniTION A by; the Seeretary : ut ; the 1 . 3:1 1 0 . w .prepared, to furnish;-. . . . . . .. • . , ~ . . }:..Nev... - Twenty . Yea,r 8 per. ct, - Bonds. ,• of: the' -I: f f ilefl„ef,li E3fif.tes,....fle.sigoatetl ifs-"YiYe”. 11:tic , s,'?•i•efleeabl e atr the iflegsure' of. the ,•Cioverarrietft, a 1 ter fiv,e years;, oral nil! horiz'e'd ,b y xf. f . of .con Tress.,.a pprovell:Peb...2l;.Tsp2:.. !.• -The •GOtrPON : I:OI , ;.DS a Flf ir.s.suefr in. slims' of 1 f:: . .IO,'SSSO, $5OO. $lOOO,--"- .• .-": „ ' . . . . . •TI r R EGNT ER 'BON DS :in'stims Of !$1:00:$100;.$1000 $5OOO. . . • restint at.sitc, pot. cant. pitr . uiuntin'.tti ill ao . nitor frntit.-dain.t74.ptireltase,'and is: • ~. . , .•.PAYABLE.:LN•GQLD., ividol;iS - equal,.' ! ,at tin?. pres'ent pi .niiun't on attiti; to ; about PERCENT . . . :Fe I tintst , ..;\ 11.rithitn•ts,31..eltnn (tapitalisfs,• a!;t1:all uhn.Lptrafty ttinney . Itive'itt,,,s . hutiht hiuin r o . e.retti,e;: :tt at IleSeY•l3olloS.' it te, •:t1()ICITi; GE Nein' roads; (.'.,,thaft, th i - din , ••eee.prodte•ts-cil`•,alt- thi? .Al.anufuelitre,• iall;'e contt•tty.:' 'nit& Inn. a 11P .p.ty men t of the iht ere-1 a'."ll. li(in tinn o(, pt incdpa!,. be Cus 10n,,,..1)e•tie,,,. Ex , In Cerjial ,Ror -1-r.y,e: bonds the . • =EEO .kui1;11,1,... nil 1161 l'oidar linestinent iu tiw r_i•e•it r~l ri t.PAY:'in'Lrg,il Ti- . . . ttt'r . N..'.:•. i;f. N61 . ,.:i r.t. , !_t . ltoelt•lol . bankfi cit.pdr n pL11,.• , .11 . 1: , i1: 9.ti1i ., ,.1 il;er s 1.. Y. /1) Aij Avillre c .;;.,—",i: 0.,.pt "ott,.l::;,ll:iin.l ~- vi, l . ,: , , .'facilty. end . ,:, y: in, 1,— . 1•II)r.:,1 na a .. pplicaion' to. y ~f he kept : oil hand ,I.ll' 01(11: iption ilgcnt Ili'.:; ! ) ! J niSTOCK t'' ; ' ;• I A.N..\ - ov,Nui: , 4 TO lll'' , ; ; ' t „t 1;e- ..! : .?;1?:1;;:'1'. • • ;01,a .10 1 . 11te1.11. Fa . . • % . , , 1 l'or oI :~~ r; yl_ , r 10:\'..5% 'A. OLD:;, KEYSTONE tin.1:0“1 article freFfpai):l chesaii KEYSTONE' STORE I.E:. an.l arid the ... . • Groceries and Provisions, 0r..1)-rno:NDs ANIi NEW ONES, al • oea and EPP 'too . w len you ()loan ; •1 shag 11,,t you ; lititsliati certainly cOms.TbcK o: . , an,•:\ fay 21lil, 1560 A GEM FOR: THE: MILLION, . . :S.PLENI)IV ANL) PRF ENT, ll= 3131 E., DE3IOREST S 11CSNING • • •.• • . . MiichinC ein!whfri,ti.i. prat?tival:pliii.i.ys . - aall n. •. • . : ks ill .1.e.-; •6,- tit,tirri( invtl , j..)y wat (1 .6hirr, Ihn iip x . % ,1041),.•thi ( , Fl to•.rho.lbinpinv,Stitcti. 111, , Inn4i tlil& nit to ~filch by otl4 the rijirdion s s' vViarel ; 1 61 01;0•: -. ;111!',.1,•*.firif!r of ii.zk . igibric.c, it trill ' PO tyl: , 1;11:: nud r, qui; ing or r ' n rift) vir,l cil , imprieiiy"tha: UNDERSTApir.; it, gol mit : a . on =Ell r i n t lup in a neat 1??.?'):,, tiecom ? ;??? .?.? 4, 4 l';:nrii•Xli;jeit direetipns, find lip , i,,.!j.h :„ I}), - ; f)ti f •uogoont, or 10. , y i r t ,11,0 2! 1 •I:::ipress on, delivery ol.the Avith 111 e order ,nnd . safc!,rocript and the ,1 I.iv;-ri , any.‘v.here•tvitliin 20'00 . . 11111 t, cl' 'it I raiu.;! nuq!! fur Nlluarai in , • FasnlONs,'nr fir full uarticu 7 501%*,;(1(4.:'., 5i.'.11( . 1 tm sta) fur t ueri..p.' g'd , st a Address, M)IE 1)E1110fiES1, • '.• . 471 Blomlwny, N; Every-la I . other, 11110 diess—,rna 7 h'er, ,11n.01(1 have . one• of' these vitlusb . le sewing • 1.1:11,0TtI.V1 :SEED, . Til IPT V. I:ITS:IF:LS of the-host quality Tnu .. 7 . 1. (any Si:Eri, raised by ‘ and for sale at ' . . : . • T.._ II: DOLLEY'S.;. . . Port-Allegany, Deeeinbcr.2B. ) ls6t. . . . E7EAD want tliy "a. r , inTtnott At tltt, Ni 4, I'm lc