M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 04, 1863, Image 3

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    STATEnNT,OF THE pules.
Showing the ,Receipts and ExPenditures
of M'Kean Malty, for the year 1862,
ReOrived Aln seateiltax 1858; 1859
aiiil '1860," , .
On seated ti!x'for.:lB6l. & 1862
•Unsea • te4 for 1300& 1861.'•
Received ort,eas. Canieion cn
Total Receipts,
By • liaid'Traver"s Jurors, • ,
Sheriff Blair , • -. .
•Titx refundell,
Building on)] reitaicint :Bril!ges,
Election eXPeriSeS, • ,
Alter,' for Clerk
, ,Asses=sors ' ,
. . . .
For addition 'to 'Jail,
Auditors, ••
Bedding and Tabres•fur • .10 . 1
Commdawealtli Costs,' :• ' 122 5
Fox Scalps, • 12.1
Proththhitary'i Fees, .• - •
Commissioners.' Wage's, , . 3 , t3
Rert,iirs'Of..PulAic ..• • :158 s‘.
. Western Penitentiary, • ,• ; . '
.35 11
Constable Retuilis,• ,
Qualifications,...• •'• • . . • ; 25 1
Oil for Lights,.
.1. • •• • . • 4' 2,
Cleaning Cour t House; ..••• 170
Crieri. • . , • . •„33 . 0
Tip Staves:, . ' :•''OG:O
Grand Jury Consfable, 4 50
,Counsel •' , .• ' • • 50'0
Blank Booksi- .
Interst, • •• . • • . l,l :in.
Redemption order,,: •• . • • 16 36
Ditch araand.Courtjionse, • ~ - 65 00
Chairs . f.or Court • Honce,-• „• : :46.65
Stove . for•Prathonotary'a office, • 32 00
Wood House, • • • 2 . 26 OS
Running Township. Line, • 7.9 . 501
Inquest on Pit. Kelley, .• • •12 22
'Paid on 4u,lgtnent, against county, ; •1,047 22.
Costs of .advert isims,ll tract's •land; • 7-00
Recording Treasifrers Bond, ; • 1 25
Treasurer's comMissiotii.' ' :405.86
Liahiliiies of former years, '3 2 88T21
Interest Ordarstahethip, '•
Excess of•Rec'pts • over Exp'enditures, 1,7 . 31 VO
i'ot.al . Rxiientlitti:rrs, • • • $1 . 3,52.7 63
• 1.1:1111LITl1N.
• .
To - Orders
—lssue) • .
Orders on interest, •
Cpunty 7
Cnmrriiesioners Mutes, , , •
cess favor.of
' • Imount.clue from f 1861, '*;11.1.1 13
• Amount from :Collectors,- 1662, 1 .1; • :1•10 73
• Unsrmfeil:Tak for • *I 862, ' • .1.15:1 •IS
Unseated Taic.lm= 1663; • •• • • 2,270 06
'Seated Tax for 1563, • '1,11&3:i
3":)116 . froth . Slmrill Blair, • ' • 30' CO
Total liesourcos;
'Bond; of iniiney liar Vol. . $l,llO
orders-ouls!aqing, • •• , 160 07
BySeat , id.tax ffir 15132,
Viaseated tax for 1862 0 •
B,ea tax fiy 1863 . , •
tra.ra.teo. tax 10l ISO;
Balance to be=provideo,fo'r,
• the ittulprstanel.,...CritnibiF.:siop., , rs of
Ciftioty, 41o: c'pitify that
-,c,tliteiretit tit 't
hr fond.;
.it ore or sail h.Colit;iy for tltt r I i
eet, .io the' host.mt
JannitrylSCO. • '
A. 'P. lllll 7 .A . l'.Ert,
B; C,
COM'ii.csio net's.
Jllfrst~. • • •
Tut; isi'Mk Anr'rt.--An every
departmerrt of newspaper nnterPtise 'the Nnw
Yeart - A nous willlav6riihry,!.!o . lllpare. .lit Toli.
tics,. in L i terature, in
. litisiness al.d. in Ftinture,
In Ag,ric.iltural information, in G. timel
aril especiallyin the completeness and accuracy
of. its reports' ofsthe Money, Produce, Cattle
`..ndother Markets, it has'nei Superior.- ifs ”
it. 4l-
ors have made arrangements•for articlesoiprin
•the• great questions whielt rime asitate Ore
country,from the' pens:of. Hon. Hor.itiWSey
mour, Hon. Chus.O'Conor,'Santord E. Clittreb,
.Samuel J. Ttlden,..and otherS-Ot the a4lest.
statesmen of 0164111 y. .
partinert,"-Wlriclrreceives theespeoial care and'
• attention of one 61 editors, in•addition to
the variety original and Selected mat
tor, will be . ' enriched:by articles. prepnied
'prescly:for.`the,'Aaui':r, by lion. Vrn. belly,',
W...C. Watson, A. 13. Conger, Benj. P. John
son, Prof. Geo. W.J3uckland,6Adlte. ljniyrfsity
of• Totow:6, G. W.;• atril one'. or more • ilistin=
tintmished. Writers'upon Agricultural Science .
Terms:—Single subscription per annum, $2.
Three copies one year, $5.00; eight copies one
year, $10:00; •twenty copies, to one' alriresr.
• Addreiii cONISI:tiCK &-CASII)Y,
• rairririars
cornei.Broadway & Park Place; Nett/ York.
THE , SCPSCRIBER . Iins opened n. newLk ,
ery Stable. in Smethport, at 0. R. Ben
nett's Old. Stand, on.Main..street, just east, of
Mchanics', where can belotthd the best of 'Hor
ses and Carriages at low prices. intends to
make Smethporta permanent residence, and
asks a share of •patronage..', -.• •
• A. N, SMITH.
. .
. Smethport, August' 24, 1869.. ' nUtf./
To .donsimiptive.s.,
Advertiser, .imeing been,restored to health in a
few ,weett4.,by ft•very sifiiple remedy, after having
suffered several years with a mover, lung affeCtion, and
that dread diseasei. gensineptfini—islinxious to 'make
knorin to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
.• To'all who desire it, he will mend a'copy of„thdprescrip
tiott used (free of charge), with the directions for pre
paring 'awl using the same.lrtiieli thee will find-it SIMI
01711 e OQNSUMPTION, kC, rile
only object of the Advertiser in sending the t'rescription
Is tn.benellt: the afflicted, and 'spread Infermation which
he conceives to . lie invaluable, and 'he hopes Overy suf
ferer will try.his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and tinny prove a blessing,. ' ,
Parties wishing the pronsription will please address
?UV Consty, :New York.
• • .. .
. . .
• • • WA G ES
• To. sell goods for thO.AD4AIS SRWIN . OIMA . OI.INE
give n.'eolornission 06 all
ttoods's'old byoo'r,'At:e'nt ; s, orpay sages at (foot'
- slo'l9 $lOO per 'moith, end pay all necessary
'Otirikfachitie perfect
„in rtS'ine.
eliaikistti. 'A
,child:ean learo•to operate it by
half on , hours'' instruction,! It is rgiial . to noy
fa S;tvi'ng INlochine. ii•e:
redttrid the prir•to'lFiltr.'ell:D o lla re.' .:•., ~ ,
',Each machine is - S . vort anted tliri‘eveSrs:
Address : . • • C. 13.E.TC;(31.1;:*, .. •
.• ••••• -Gen:
• .1.. 1 - 9-: L.I • - • '•
$ IC9 G:i
3,:158 60
9 : ISO1r
810 I I
$13,327 03
$ 161 OS
201 25
3 , 0 20
1,032 11
505 15
. -• TEAR.• ,
• Volume. VIII:= New F;erieg. •
, . .
A . neiv,voltime•orthis, willety,:cirgulated pa
per ebnirr;Onces:on the let 61%tanuary. 'Ev6'ry,
,mo'iblt . ry orifaitrs sixteen pa . gecti useful .itifor-,
marlin) alfil from five to ten . origfifill - entziavings'
..6f ne . tv,:ittvotitiolts'afirl. discoveliPe, ail nf. which
are prepared) expressly for it:, columus.
'''' To The' Mechanic. obi] .itlalinf:ietioilir'.. ' •
.• •
No per.son 'envaged.in.: any ofihe - 111?thiinlica .
'pursuits should think Of - doing .withotit•Ahe
SCIENTIPIC )lEIZICA it itostsi•but• six c'ents
pei.W.Oek; . eroy;niimber ointhins . liotn,t.ix to
ten.enpravingsof new triechines
tions, which cannot be found In 'any other puil
tienticiry. It is enestahlilted rule of the.:pub
iisirrifo insert '•nottobut otig•inal . . - eng•ravintir;
and those of the first . du •-t he art, drawn
end 'engrayed by exteriette'ett persons
their, own supervision.,- •." • . ..:•
.• :To the InVentor! •
. .
. •
pansable do' ey.pr.y inventor, as it.oot pity colt-
tarns illustrated descriptions - of•nearly
'best itiveitions.as they hot enneh
number rotitainiain Official Lust of nine Cl.ni.ans
of all l:J (7M
,the Patents. is-Del; the UinitendS!nntys
'Patent 0111 , ...e dining . the week thut:.
giving a correct iristork'of the 'progt,;ss
vett tion3.i'n. this country.. We N e also r 1.0 ( .1e .
rag; every week, t lie.best scientific oil I nal sor
Great. Prit in ,
..Fraticei . ;and Gen Inainy; . ;inns
placingin' out' poi.sessiornalf that i.s.trdripitnint:
in weeldnuical science
,and 'art at titesin'•
countries. Wo eontitrue to,. tian'Zrnr. to
Oar c.ol'unims cripidug nixtraefs - 110111 jdur
tiads of Whateveir, we' nay doom of intere t .
our' readers. • . • .
Qhemikts',. • A'rc.hitects,- Aid] ;
• • • ' FARMERS! • '
$l.OOO 01
1)( 00
300 1)0
07 79
5,2 ,; 91
T . .
he, §CEN"'1 . 1 , 1(..7 .AAIFIIZIC.AN'": will .lte
'found most osellol Jootoal *to them: - All he
new (lit.eoveries 61'. science, of eloqnia.ti i:•a re.
arven in its -columns; ;trill. the iliterasts of
A reiiiteet amt carpenter Are not 'Overloiikedi all
the new im'etitions
ihg to' theFe:portmits - being published from
tdrek',to week. Leful, 11,1* ro act lea] ..iot.mt.ita•
sn,. - ,00 75
on rrrtainiri to the intiiti:cts
wit! be found (111!
c,i.iinot h ••••sib.ly nhtarri from
in w and fartners•ari; in;
Twic AMEEICAN; most O!1Q 0 ih
impternents!thing-illustrated in it.r,
si.soo 07 1 . .
• .. •
$9,7)0 00
$757 •12
1,(1,0 21
'72) C-
To moil !,trii-crilierf...:-Tl'rrOo ]Dollars n Year,
or On Dollar
~for four tootol'o-,.. • - .The r o l.
conuniocO •on the r . 0.0r January and
I,l ^ r
c?otrt ry ! • .
~l's~iern and Caua lion 'rrouPy
'timlrs laL••n at liar for Cftha
,li.lo•lllsi-ribers to Q , .tnit' 2 cetit.i
f:x!).a.pn'e,ach 34 , .at'9 pre-pot :
ppstage. .
$1.500 97
NICINNC c 0.,• '
• ,P;lik-lOw ,New York
/Nu •
W 1/.% TER 771:11E .T:ylo.l,:'
. .
- . ..9•hrn I.rily tt ins to a inl• frotit o , ll[in - tore -and
ly„§j,i,i i tt o ir•ciry, • , Connections nmtle
Ir.iinti on H .Pt.nnsyi ran ia 011, to and frOm
o'l ts litkrg ittrl
,t IVo.st, trarns.tiaily to
and front 'lt', Not ill anti 1 1 ,'r• faro r •SllSqllt ,
liattna; Elmira 1111,1 all North-pro :Neiy Yolk. •
. . .
, .
..' ON . AND A rrEll.. •
AIONPA V, :Noyemilin.
17,.1Seq.tliePac!enifer Twigs of t::.f. Nortfr ro
ceoi ra I liailwar • wil) arrive afor . depai I , float
'Hairisbdrg . a'il - „l.;ititriery ,a foliC4F,. viz:
;.%I Al L TRAIN Irav Sunbtuy
Soulnyrat 1.4:3 p. m.; le, a.i rs flarri.i•to . irt; itr
:5.2 . 0 In., and arrives at Caltinint.n . at
~ • . •
. .
EXPRESS TRAIN . kavos . ..Stialai:.(y
(rxeept Suatlay.) at 11.20 p . -m., lea VP', Hairi,
11.1r;;:(0Xt`epi .11»iida)') at 2.15 a.:IIL, litt.l-ar
tiv.-3 at -11.11thnote daily. (axeppt ;\fontlay) at
I,e4l*.ilafristrtiOaily at 9 05 a. tit..
MAIL :FRAIN leaves ..13a1riinnre [ex:.
cept Sandaylat'S.lo a, nt. , 1 - larristnirtr, at 1..15
p. in., arid arrives at S0111:oxy at 1.50
• EXPRESS TRAIN leaves lialtitrinri!Oily at
'S,IO p. RaniStiar4lll a. tn.;
and li , riyes Harrisburg' daily lexript:\ln.adavl
at 3.23 a. in., anti arrives at Sittilinry at 0.20
leaves.Baltimore•daily Lexrept . .titinit,iyl 'at 2:45
pi rri., and arriVes at.liarii - sbur t z al Sp. 16 ! -
For fel the'rinformation apply at ~the Office,
.. . • . 'J.' N..DrIl'A 1i.11V",,
.. .. . .': 4 l , pefiitlendet
liarrisfiurg, Nov. -.14;. ISGZ.
. •
EOrTOR OF DP:IIOCP at, Di:-tit h your
permission. I Wi'Sh• to s..ay. 'tci the readers at ynni.
papet that.' will%sond hy,rctoril 41141 •to all
'who wish it, [fine] a.Recipe;. with
tions. fin. making [lint nsingn.simple yoget able
Balm, that' will effeettnilly remove, in ton
PiMples, Blotches, Teti, freckles, and all impu
rities.olthe Skin, leaving the same soft, clear,
smooth . and benn;iful.
will alSo mail free to thoSe having Bald
Heads_ or.B . a . re 'Faces . , simple . directions and in=
formation that. will *.ena•ble.thern to start. a (101
growth of Luxuriant ' Hair, Whiskers, or a
Moustache, in less than 30 days'. .All
lion sanswered by, return mail without Charge.
Respectfully yours; •
. •
• •No. 831 Broadway, New York.
~ • .
SUBSCRIBER, tliia day, lost , a ••amid'
.Wallet; sotnelvhat wtirn,..copfain,ing wo
V . I. notes, - two' notes; .one, fifty cent ,shin—
plaster, two sliin•Lphisters . of ten r4nts.eisc,h, a
receipt from T. S.
.-Shaw; for paint, of $2O V);
and a note' against LeGtand . • cook, , ii•ritten
*wifha.penei I; $ 7 :02. •-• '• - •
A ny !persMifind ingthe .above descriml % wa I
fet. nit -restor'ing tri,flCrorirtint?, ti ill ho'ssib
1M a rot) t Sti:t
. •
• A Re vrrenil tistving hetin . rosto'ri..l
to liv.ilth•-in a I".vv.days . , - Afte'r ututergoitiv,..ail tht!
115 sal ' lolltinr; and r nt •
treatinedt, without. giirces„ .cnosiilaru it L}s
sacred dors , to ' rtitcurviiiiqate to his Willi:tint lel—
- On
rho receipt of an ailllsnssed envelope, lie' will
send (ftee)a'. ' copy p - the" preseritnierCusnd.--
I) . itriet .i6 . 1))1...J011N DAGNALL,
r eet,'Broirklpi, ' • • :
.• ADMigigrEA.Talt'S VOTIOE. •
T 1.71"1 , 1:11S - 0.1 0 A DIVII.NIS'I . V.A.TION . having
-lie : en .trained. tp .
oroirs . igne t l on th
Est.ite *Drer,r; Non•rtrun'o
IZOtifl • itorposo:t,. Into:, :of Lnfayot te
to‘i•P1:1)IO, ;tit 'pors:,tut.
fidrb!• - •;1 soOl'osrl . to tiro -regfirstil Cooke
iptro , ••iliaf, ..claims
„Igains, the i ; i111 ,1 w ill pi r=4.tf.t thero'cloly.out.bett-'
licated (or Eettfet.nont - On' , l'ailosi•alit:o.
. .
, stratoi-
Li? fliyr.i t.?, .FA*; :2;9; .18()::
• -
OF liftOßS:---jUx•IE TERN -1563
l',tcr id
P. Si'apson,.N.
BOY,. A: pit r, =, AN. Tayl6r.
:11 i 1!,1 t!.•;3t,cid.
A 11,Na
, 111 I.vo R. W,:.
(10/ A - IViH:.ii).on.• • • •
• , .
7t - elt;m::—.M. K.' Ila ,• A. W. Mc Fall,
iir;• 1?..3 •
Ifj•tnno. l'armOr, r; Isiah .11.7(.11 isat7
• •
• LPstei.,
pi;11•11.:T:11,..z fZi-r. • • ••• • .•
.1.. F. CoL E. C.
C.. 11 , i . rber',4t.rerriiah Riley,:Thos..
nst in. F. • F: '•
' • , •
Ritl; , ..b:s: Burdick; 0. Vv.
• , •
Puree, E. D.•;.Noi ton, Goo.
ty, . Al
czn•.inl tn,op 7
, A. Gr'ny, Peiei Cor•-•
00, Ti:\r..nosk,.r. • . •
CO3 // /,,,—;‘101 , 0 A. .• •. , ,
• ort, , h--= A. N..;•:•:Eriith: . • • •• '
r. E;: BLAIR, •sr, ~r;tr
'Smethymit, - Al.trell .11, 1.5t12,
. . • . •• • . •
alutourxe to • ldle.citizPp
'of • Mk:Ke...l), and
.adj roiinfivs • that Iliey
calri .\y,ll ii).Sfuottrior, ~
S..ot.e kind
.01e,1111.. : 1 shall, at all
hav(o.4l llarid a . l . ;,rg'e sloelc of•
- rem ("<vpper-W•cro.
11 0 0 1 Jilin :Oil. 11011:;0.1a4 . 10.s . :1141.11:11 - are,, &e,...L!
Job Work-,
ni :all Unds',lmie‘yill) and in. a Fairs
!My ma.tiner. it! the InlVeSt . po , jiillle prices.
•Orders promptly.atteM)ll to. • '
• 4;it-o •mo a 'C.:0.1-0.14e.
Salo by'
GeO. - 1-I.;‘l.o.oa—Sretlifnil. Pa. •
market Niro, it
e a ' a ls, ar cask, for
- • Alarcii.2:9,l,Sce?
tine. t u‘t
thwe , t vout..l t`e . urozyl....utiFt to. t City
r:i i”, ••• • . • •
it lin, 17,•'m j0a.0,.il 11V The, I ) IINSSYLVANI.I R"
R. t'nvir l ANl', and kind...r . tln•ir en.:niees i 4 being
raj:ldly niiened throneliont its entire
It is n.ow in Ds- .tor l'its.lenger and
bn ness Y . rorri h 111:1 , :loit: to 1)1t.11 . c . w0, , 0,
,011 the I:astem. ..
find from SIII , X.'II - .1.1.1 .Erit , ,.(7Son
the IVestein
`mil,: or pasSi:Nritit Trzaixs sr. Enif • TW ; oop..
• 'Lr ave East 'word . .
Eicpress loavp's 2:10
c, • • arrives, • • • . 12:1`, P.
.1 . „; av I! W4ttrard
A cvnmod.,itipn ti.ain,
Car .11111 thrangh eIIA . SM; hi,th
ways on these h ius bol wo ,, n Philadelphia and
Look „Haven, and bv.t.ween Bait int9re. anti Lock
. LEGA NT Sr.l:l - .l'iNwedrs on'T,Npc6ss
lioth %%;ays, I.,twoen lClllloin port ,, a1441•13a1t1-
For lespecting'Passetivey
moss apply at the S. E. COrrier I Ith 111)(1
/Nil& forTrvight busine's's of .the'Comp!ln?s
S. l 3 Kiriasion, 13th and MiKket
• . •
J. W. Itiyriolds, Eriq. • •
J. ilt. Drill. A cent N. C. - R. R., Baltimore.
11.13. HotrsToN, • •
e;en'l FreigligAg'e
LEWIS L, 'Hoerr, ' •'
- Jos: D. Pores ,. - r
Gees? Manager, IViiliameglet,
'..Sat.s',4ob) , i.'-.11,14'
,Srf, the spornly•
.•ur ref - 11,1 It ngt +; rt,l - 01 1411 , $l * . A rep( Coitu. s Ice fi
• IIr," '1..0 lc - i • f; , .l • r.s ,, urs.
• 13 :1140{11 111,1, ,LlOLtli,
.'• /.1111ink, .1.:11.4 All S .I.lluuviurs', s •
". • ..„*. ••• . „ fik•ita Nu, I od„,,
n ue. l' 4 51 1 ;
• C„kyon„ osss.lls f$ : I ol It my, duty - t $
' know losl.,:cr ',AI tort .)
•• Itity itAiph!.l 111'10
frontitl,llsvullou. w ' 3 , lor 1..,1
0111 .hors on Ore - 1(1(01.1 • and 21 . 151 . 4; ris,:tuulluok If
sssssl $1 111$••$It ii,u - kt.sssssss
(In 111 iuo 1,1',01,t1 ;1,(1 0(1
111111 1•,111 11 . 1111. 131111 3,110: 1111,11 11:1:4 1,11111111 :11111
103'01111 4111,91. 1 Ill .: A irufly unati int, 101 l tiovoral
sfelahs. I Ili NI 111.0111 . 111 1 1 t
flit% •19. dl 1, 11;t/I-1 ,1 1 , 1%1.1041
to tvallltl sllol' ,0 111,1 yrupars 11
114 Islll9 utl y ,,, Wa'ss..„lolislss.
• I‘ll- . 11" . 1g!111/ t/111 . (111(18.
.1i0:1 111;11 slus3• tithr,s--yozonza, I. s4s 401. A
1 01,0 t, 117
111311 it. 91.1 id NAM
I.'; Yt/ii jo/ ~9 , ,,1;1 it ,1
'llOlllll, 111111 1k1110 1 .: , i 011l...01!!.111.... .1\ Ott itilt.t.fivalt by
eltin b ., 1 .1 11 . 1. III;1111r 111 1:11•11I Uto ' oi - tll.' - vtlileit alloy tt
6(11 011, - il-11 9 0' (11,1 r. :$l.l kuis ' o
• feellnwi flint I Imp slllc,o Isssss gouisl • lolit 0.101 0 511... I . ssss
• 01111 mot! 1 , ..1i,v0' fool u i};(11; :up ',III iito,..‘t.lion. 1 toll
(L o t 110111 you 1,. Isssssss(o 01 1110 ap.s ss aly , s ' l4;Alto ago,
and roliodu 0,100 gtiaultilly.
.„ . .
• • $A LH% 1:1)' 11. r,LF.Y. •
9t. 11'0•14.
a.cr (101 l • l.•$ : 11/1.1 - ...ft , :tim:
: 11111(..; tvorzea,...!l.litio .• •
I , fo'.sls .Ivs IrtUrt
tlosl.-1$ Is•.sl 4 • 111:0$1..$(1 . 1 Ant, ug
Di ,c Welt 1.1 o' $10.011 , , - LYho ,
. "tr 1r,Iii?11111,1, 11011 111,, rvun
tnt .1' 110`..$f •tio.
/Id 0.90.9,::15.`/,
1,11 7:0 . ,41.,0 by •"
. .
'S ivy I
l illl..tlil 01.1
(ho of y 0 ur hit , ;sls .1 $1;:t otils,l so •fo it
0011.1 'lt the 110 - 11;.t$ lath. 1 lual llorti . .
or,r t o fat - 0." , .
• •
Le lir °Till .
or If 4 . 1 -1 '.'0% - atirtri .'l",[txtl or;
• tf., kizie Vi curat .10.rn ad nsen•
'•• Dr. 1
eon NI 1 Int re I , l , lti?f iip..•nt In,
l'n• in: hiii'i? - 1 2 f;itr1 rine itt•is.t
tbq t0th1 , .•.11.; ii•i• 01 hid, W
1 . 1
!-,r - 1.1 ininty
• it. OA but
,ithant. •u. n. .11ty ht., 111 , l t
Ilion i'O it \ins .
,1111 , 4
odor° i• I • •
tint S. I A thin.
runih of 11r/010.1 , 0:VW 1.1CQ11 ,, ci lii illy,
find' .10101 Jinn
lit I• , n-ih /6•11 I,oli•Ji•Jy •1•1•1. Fitrf
rof••trillA. • 01:y4,V; • ti•htti ; 1 , ,11
i tint it t
Fni . Al; • jrl,lt . ... , 11:101. • • • ,' Lt.(.. 11114.1 i
. •
nn. rt.:: with O.'. to-
It .. , 91,3 of thv chats
.0; :it . '
I pl:‘l.lr it: in cn attic
r„, 1;.11”10 1 , 4
. 01,14 (I,IIV ir Fr ,u.ll
f trtet.• I .Itttlittillt; hi, 1,11:)1( Inri Ifni
tun (.1'
.CCIIVtI II Iti !It 111 1; tut n •• Ej. ”, w s »itihri.l 4 l lir 1 ,, 11.
4fidiir 111;• tti!itt; ;In t l hil,r-fhti.t, 1,4
. cat.lr .t !hal Lit.ll,•ll ,
,flAot n hits. Ilnt it
ridded L, wt tt , t,hlittit.ft,t l .•tti :ww . 1: , .kr,411.1 !.11...
1- titti; t , :t.t1 , 14 .or
ti,:tt.l • 11 11,, 1.. t. 11,74, fir'," t0tt.,,1111., .1 tr .
1;4 11itt 1,1 hip Irt - 1 Ip , ,, , ftw. It'll
• 311 ,1)111 IL 4vop tlti) (!st
irt 11.•11111,1,h,,t n1-10.
I . lll..q.Jrtc sit - ,1;,.. I
' 1101;1./1, Itti.h.itil::‘Vittttli )uill' ugyut (tart. 111, that
11 . 01 . I'ltittil t :it.tt I.tutt ualoiy rind' fin ln, glet‘t
'Toni : 01. , 0 1011 y teettal liable'it-sails
fiatt oially 3,1.3, • 0.. e. LAIZ1311;It, ..If. D..
111 it);lis In Go gal 1,1 ver C'(,ttq,la
• I •, 1 „.
Pit A y , with fi •
' ll'l Clu tltit - /• ",,, /tout': ,,, l rr n 101, tiwn, trhirh 1 01111 , 111.0
I'll 3 to nie it, titilt , .1 till
tra1 . ."4.-11 ta:;:I Itt 3,a , L ary.ti 11011 a. •Uiie
1..t0t. ~ :01 , 1 1. • 1,3,1 Illy gonettll
Int•littt ht pit , 1 1 tit tt I HID r.., .r, than 1.../..t0 I was
luta:LA:ll. 111,114, it ,L
I '•
I 1 tut y;v , tl tttti ;,1/ //, it„ir(r,
urt ry
1,,,11 Itlttirun dttl‘11111:in
r titafl )ji,kl r ! f:
, r. !“; t . ;l u,-S t il,i•
t, )..tl,.
1111.1 Vplth it
)1 v1;41 . 1,01, nUttilti , tt
ft, tt't lit :kr it tll:1, .I.f 11 1 . 111 Nttlitt,t! tlttzttitt. Tlm
got t ut Ott,tli." •
rlct - utt I
• lIn: ,
rAp.irt , l In tt, r,10;ro
" ; ' '';;; ;,;,; , 1111 11 , 1 tltuli.
•..t ,111,;1
, l'lv
tt - t uti> O. t;;;;1 . 1. Hi; at;
133 - 4Ltt`it,:la.
31,1ny •epi
Ow.; ill,; I. It t.iin '
'6;7 ,, ll 4, Ipt” t;:;tt
• b; t ytpt,;
r0f;11;1 ,. ... Iv' I 4•;.,,;t1 ;•t„ littt %tin
61:4 . th;n:IjII
Pivrir'f;. 101
•• . •
; • ' i . ipiutt . 1i11{1., 4. :I t.:relief •
• • • 'irk rif c •
:v . 70.'1111.7.3 0117
C.tti , ? 1.1 f ... , :111,1 it
11. io 1 , V).111 , . tidnrrz. lit
l It tv all.l <o' it illy
~t 1.111
tI.I.'Ow 4111/.
• re,: 1114. , .r • . 0,,..'“it
..1.1 - r.nu.ll,f lii In
. IL 0,0 'not•-1,, •
• A' nit&
;!,- ivincout Lot
11, n , tyi I/ 111, Nit ,
1); •11,0, < uit't whit II lulri
n 11 11;. 5z..1:i111,1, ! •
: r 1 Dr. C. :LT cO.,
14. k t:, C. 1:‘. !.
ra.,(l:oi 1:.•11.•
feal , r, .
' 1•""l'cil i I , 1 3- I' - `'';• f!! - ,,,1• ,If" . . ,
' '''
' 6 l t...P‘ l .:.):' ' ' ' ll• - tiFi. ' '' 7 J . ..ii 'iltiU ,7. .A.% .
ITENIIAL-CI.LF..ET . C, 2 , 'l'lCl:ifil'l CO., PA,
§iibserf . ll , r .17
.11if p;11 - •!:*.tso.:11. this
titd.th, liotKo, is rii7i.11 . , (1 entr.rWiii live l-
t.ll thy
'l'sai dies •
Will oVeryti - .);:g • !kin,.
to merit. a libefol Ardromf patioringo:
Ellen frill till vat's Pu,l the “Inte.ll-, , rime; outs
• • P,
Tollitary ;;Sly
9:10 A .
:,:011 P. t 1
NEW . I'oll{i AND IE
. ~
. ..
' ', . (IL;111 , . , ;,• .. , 1! 1 I(; . 11.r.-4.; ''' s '. .
entrnvrriii4: 'l.>/iday ! . Nov. I 7 1}i, I C; 2 .—
Tratn.4 :i., ilk. r,,,t , ..;. ()loan II about. the iOI/OlVill.
.11.1111.5, ViZ: '
.. ..
. .
Night Express
M4ll • .
Way, Er6ight
Artriil • ,
.W4y Fr4.ight
No -3,
.1, and 8, rim ( 1 171 1 ry 110% Nu. R rlftS
SIIIIIIIITS, but not Moll(!ity'3. Tfain'3,of 15.1ror
aayi4, from New - Y9ll:,.rlioS tbrimlb to Butialo; .
but (lops not. hip to I)uulprk. • •• •
. • 'CHARLES MINOT, qeu'l Supt.',
A - 1;
5y iih~l : u :+II,A ZScri•u;•ir.L en-ie
•.- iI•L y. h
. 1;00 A: NI
10:17. A. Al'
3:10 P. 31
5 P. 111
rtioaiiou-c01Np.,11.1. , ...L.1AT1LT.7.ani1• AC'.
c sa e . .
purtmcOta tifsotl, col,to re, snch t as gro,wioeFielt.l
Crops . ; OrCtiaril and Gardioy .I?tuits;.• Gattlan
VegC in bl•a- and. Flpwe r ; ::17fees. elnnt9,. and
Lt to ni's fol'.the .Litwp 'or Y.ard4 care of 't)o..
ninstic "to•licoelkold
Labnra..' It has also an itite.rvet:io...:".a•aellati
ti • ee.depa.rtniciit ter el:til,!ren and youth:. " .
•A Caleia'or;ni*Operatioiis.Overy
'l'tre•e to ronr'llinvlred, or more,,illattrut ice
• .
I. , ,a4rnemg.F appeal' lin cae.lleoliotlJS. •
Oeer •'l'welve I;orolfaii, ptairi;
strOctiee useful, jteiPeoiro,..giee•ti
• l'Io; I:;o;t9ifi
heal Wort, itir,:lllon . . •
. . •
. . . . .
. .
, r, C , tr(ichi ttz:s tir Ma A(11: IC:I'Ir 1: : AT; .rt.olt
17 ue , i to' no .t"..F la le ty• 2 c
. ri Jury 4 hut
,eit . e. : tag ir..Pel.. to
Illo' W;int,s of .0 q 8 'cilou:I 0 1'14 •• Colf , ttry/-1 . 41., (IS
.1 - 4 . B , n;V;ile iYilli.CilirS;lol.: tho.l-V:It0 . 10 . A ;dm: to,ix Cos.
. .
AG,ERNIANIII)IIION - 11 . mblkhei!., of the
wren; .sizo n id. pt . lcc as 1)10 l'.oglisli,•llllii rein:
tisinioli . ol . l of its tyn , tliii , 4 i;s
roux •
1 V . A'R I
.1:; .1.1? v A IN
qpy; $1
• J..; i ropin , s,..tqw 5.1)0 .• •
copi;• 1 prfr . p4tr $O ccn). , ,
. _
s ‘ t lit. •1i Yosl fi j e:
111111 - Vrimer,
o • PlitY ; - to y
. . .
. . .
..I'cil:) , .;.iilly.vilinro I I h:l.in—linitnd sritys. mut
1 , " tr, , ,,i,..,: ion,t
.1),.,,,1,1 !,. ) ,,i t h,; ~,bs ji ,ib,.r . „i , d
is Mill' .fj7 C'i'it/t . S'j yri7r, 11 . .1)?iill' . in - ntl6lli!e
I lil! 'iliflt.!, Wl)6.t
. t . ` rve . vi t:i'll. '-• '.. : . l . •, • •••.'
. .
. . . • • • ..
A 11 . 1,iisini.s i and o.th;r:rofniiititlitationlintilil
and ,
l)c : B,i(lifigto,l" tr) thr:Ydilor .PinpriOnl::.
% 011.A . N(.; it: jriljP, •I 1 Pal iv•Jio . w, N..)',.c ify
iptslyroilS-.lgagi: - ..111: NITRE;
1 ._: TO, OUR
.. ..
... .
. . .
... .
'no ctiimtlttbct.txtttltt . t;f 0 troys }'Grit is' a 'good
titna for rttattt - iitiz: . t.tibiit•ii . iptittit . 3.atitl ittartta4itig
!ht.. itirttaltit lott:01- rho ,Foot 11)1 ' Ol (:liinlill'lCl!,. '
AV.: aiiilrt;sa'ottrst•lvea to I%iit illtl.,rttlitlitra;ot - ibe.
p , ll) , ..l . ,'' , , , htl.lp.ritirt. at r ttift.it:prt. lo !li . e.ir'l,yillipt!.:'
s.j , i I I 1 . 6 ii• Os., lincl . .'sl ,- ! . tnt iii , .iililtit'ni:e of the
. i. , 11111 eviiiie.t6i ' li‘'”' pri I' ill! . 0.“ 64' 9) , .ii .- ,lls which
bar,. I,i 1ti , .1 to. ehat ak'tet rib.,l a ittl'Aril I Itttrotiff,`T'
i'i arat-Itlt'o,t tilts littilim.. , 1,: - Iiii-y Sl • llP ' Crtilr.ll. to'
f ir, , J 0 ,01141 AI Ci,,rittorcirr ipial,A 110 . ' ii. g.rf , ;ll
-,i vi..e . in I 1fe , •21, I.ltieji,l4:co,r.4l ~.! rvil - g . o.ivrt .lIK
In 01:[.., , , , iiity. fn , popoit.iiiit rl.reitlote tlit , its, by
, oti ,. .to2;•tt'!.t t li't , .. na ',laid at 'Jetta . t . t.u.e otAv P 1,1,- .
•(' II h 1 . 1 ill , 1,1 till.
.. •, . • 1
. . . . . . ,
. . .
•,1);•.,,,,1, ;1 6, r 1 ;1) . , .a, A ~.. - have , : l i nt} I o.fpir pwri-
I es'i, 1nt..)‘, , ,z1, - ;•ali'd • .1111 , .:111;.! 'l9/1" il,Seil . .Nlll,ll
o, 1! iyir)i, Silt . 1 . 1 ,..... a . i.:il RI NI 01 I o.lli(JaCh, NV. tl.ll'
, . ,
..11),) ‘.[JIIII. ile I hl'.llllJl 1.1-0,11) , E , r , 'Or . . .
tOatr, Solt!f;
• ;Co ;..frertly to ottli , lts.
fri.rtrir. , iii.ote.(miza tofi find tothltiti6ll 011 fin!'
114 . leady' rooov. iho jok .0 1
flif';. to.' , l,fl:ollll.7ni,lic HO A11'1 , 4 I)Fincip!t , s,
' . .
i! nd ks otir s.tuetirtb I,i clefellil
iiilti011:1:2;16,1 (4.1:1.111). • ' " •
. .
( . .1100111 . 11.;:e thgvr, tirLn triay volunteer to
in Wt) I 0111)s, Ivo
ra . cotsy of IV vv.ki yto every lie,.
' , otl Avlio - slin I 1 torwa t tVeilt v new enbarribrra
with 11i'e • •. ' • •
I:10y 10 (,)I:::titiz.,.l. li.aront
(proud for
'Fla; rms. of)
crr can
art To efitnpanif.4 '. • •'
r.o pi o or: iLf , %varch,' O : NE' 1)0LT. A R ettcit
. • ' 0 . 1111:1:S DOLLAR'S..
". . •
3. CV . PiPS . • •
!lode, - :3 rop,iY;4. •" ' . • .each'
The 1);11) , ;rs • IVi1l• Fie. nflilr,v.t . : so'..l To tli(Lirt:pt•
l,njson< at the same -if : dt•sirecl,ex-,
•itt ra , f . 5 . • 0t •. '610.1)5.0f fir , mute copies , ;
to'nnf-fid;lroh-. 1
".' • ADDlTliifilZi. *.CU.'t.,LUBS •• -
•.tr,my bo marl“ The fidb)%yii.4.c.a!oB—..l'.•ll)ers
Afl,il,ll.tl) (inarto.y. nt the
11;t1filto of t:br.oi-i-,j
-vdl tho , Feconil tpraoi..r
ttirof;,liy,i;:lvi 'or ate during
Altii . jig the lost
go,irtor.frill ..ovv•iouyik, ;,ne stibsciiptions..
yeor:of • the,•origttial
• •
.Irt , ll,,r;ii,PA' U. S. 41Pil
. .
. . . .
. .
Vi Herr Railitgt.!s(.)e 11 ete:.),7p, rS. or illqindienl4
aio rec(y.vi..l. 41 . 4 ally plist . aria!t diir-eted to niii.
affilr;!l , , ittltl the I . lllblHs (,e (I,j. erlib of, 6'ilbsilri
lwis :to lil,ich '..111 , y 1:411nt.; , ' ' , .vitii. tl.,i portage
for.a . fri,i. let in ad vAti,. , .-...7 . 11 ill 1,0 . 11 4 0. 1 f 11) tl: f i .
piii.trq; , ..:i.,r, he. :.,1--01 d. , ftver . .tlw'sante•to.tiwir.
I,44r),•ctiVo o'SIO . I.S ....• , •
~, . • .
' Guf t 111,1:;• tr, WN
Vkq. i Ot"
• • Eilitt Jo tjotn
'bit • . •
\ f.I; 11.11,1:0C1C,
an , l Proplioto,i
. . .. .
1 1 ,;3ifiCin Dilc. , :Dillilil • • .CEFFEE,
rlll h.., . 1 ,;/ WI en
1 .1: , y. ,irt.i
I,llimih Itkonl..N. •
”N”,.1 e rr:!i a 111-ll ill.utrl icji/11
Ilnr rary4 I lILr+ , IItI gtn 01 twoptilidti
011,0;111:1u roiro..r. • otolfs. . • • ..•
. . . .
• • •:•KOLLOCK':::;:LEVAIiNik -
The 1 , 1111,i• 11.‘1; 1 . 11W1)1.:11 knnwn,
tovent and nwti.itinu,liit.;o and cak es,
Prit,3 'l5 o,,T,ts.'
•:. tr. 10t,LOCK, eltemist;
co r m, of It road .nad Clis,sfauf.Strefts,
•Anl.sold`by nil DrUggiStS Grocers.
11 , ithtl, hi a Fr;rl•v! P,
1.1 . .01 . 1 . ;(11 ON Till:'S'.l'l•.flil7, 'Tll
Thtli't!il Cute er '.'.ltoontot.rriet ur Sottleit
lii'veluttt 'try Bnti-,6n:c. .'eeua thtleite.,tritti linittelittients
Ut t_ , tgc.tiortllV. ‘',..911•6$
. s1:11 I'l , -4 0 .1 It.'
is+g' frtirn t l / 4 ,. Irr t nt. J
Au:tee. t.11)10 arr. .
• 'Phil wotioi•Venoww-ti author. in this ittliikieitldolwiroirii
Opal ly i ro`i.skt fru nhi oyn ox)wrien,±o th,tthn 11.01111
ilon4eijni',.neos Self,htiv,.. .
v - bn rin . povt:ti
nidivino, kur,,ietit opM•tto•
lioudex, rat ~4i 'coi.liAl4,..pginting .
ont' a 111010 Or rare •itt Ottel , vpctital, by
.tvia.,b•bvei..b,ulb , roy, no:nntttor what Ani cnri,iililin rimy
be, • bbt.rensv binvolif privately,' unit rtylirstily.
p . ror . o it 110 . 4.0 tothnuxanEU and thou,
• Sent Ithaoir ml.O, in, a plain envelope, to 11113; ftddrefill, on
Or ,I Ceuta, urtivo vr,(ll,!ei ;tamps. by address-
Dr. eIIAS.
1f27 Bowery:, "'Cu , York, Post Offico Box, 4i1` , (5,
el. li, 'slf.. ' ••• • .
'ollloe of , - Oe
Al: IA 1',.. ' • •
1 4 • sod. tr .,
- •
strnscn irrloNri:NT-17 , thd fibilOtrify of
the Trra.,tiry, is n'ocv j.preps itiitiiol, -at
NeNV Twey,f,y Year: elptr tt:lqrtdß. ' •
,of the 'Vaud S,tath 9, dOsignettl a ,riyi,V e .
T,won,tios," redriernable 'nt..lfie,:pl.eAfix«,rl ; ! hf.t
C.;;,.!,) , ;rritne'tit,.nftei- liye . ' ketihi, iiridl,'tvithnriz , .(t.
by Aot:01 . CrOwresq, epprOvFiEk - 03,..01'i02.
The. CO.IIII"eiN : P,ONDS . Ittp ililie'il i'Aile . a cif
;)11.,$ : 1Si). $50a:$1000. •
.',.. •'. ~ „..,‘./'. -..
The REGIS:I'ER' .iiONDS niii'sAirrisi '4: , ..,540;
$100,•$a0, $lOOO end Stipob: ,• : ''''-: , •
I nter!ast. nt fti.?; •per
,iont t per ., o , ri N i 7l ,. , on ill
entnmene l'rorn . .dalo 6 1 . i iiii,ll o" l s:9:ii(r,,li.'-..'..•
.. : •. ' ' • •:.PAYABLE I.N,bQp; :,,-,,,,• ..'. 4 , .,
serriilA nnitelty, Whicli•ln . 'immil,' OP tiloi'Prp,tonti'
pr - orilitIlll'on*:iolfr,lo übou.l ...161.:IrliEter Nl'
I , ,ER. ANNEAL ...: • ,' . . ~ .:'''''''7' 4 ' . ; , •
, 'F it r rhe rs:, Areichlin!S,'Nfec fon ic gi c ot)ll:nyi,tr„
purl 01. ~,1.0 ica,F - .. 3 ' ,, ,,,,,,,y,.1 . 0....f.nii6iif j iti r u1 0
know end remember tint 161 , 0.. Iltiliiii'dift i 'iri:
eifno, n .FlllST..MOlZTGNG(";•.'tiliiiii"iill,..f,,tai)
retic, Capnls', Bank tit6.cks tititl . So6l'lo,„;Nentt
the' intlzionse proiltoete.or ell the 14i! hit
&e,.&,•:,'itt the ecliTtry'e :en'if thaftiii";il,4,l:and
ainplo proviiion rrudo rei -1 li'e'lli,l'rri!iiie..jit (hp
i0,,,,,,t nod liquidation' of pritiviol43"' tis,-'
torn , ,l)Mien. Exeirw Stamps und'ltite'rne,l:' irv
none, ser e-e 8 to tnidie i iiPse,henthi•ttie';'!"•"'.
hest:; : ISt AVailalk aid 310 st Poplar. jnipitmten
-'.. •, • :a the Ilathet.
. „
Slil.grtiplii4.:!.e:roivetl lit PAR frri g nfinl Ten
f`'. NA , 14 , 9 and rlir.elcm of
It ts
erivtl, pr:Ouirit tfrotioneyory.;faciltii;and-
expla:i,acion will lm .tifloitfed nn npplidntik'n- to
A, Inn of 80rid..4 w!llYba linnd
kir Jiimiedi.ito •
.•' •
••:. •• A Y
jj EA'ST 0 *170:14E
0 _LIE .A.N•
3., K...C41115T00K?;::,1
.... , . .
/1, old It irn()s'ip I\l6i:dim County, -that hp is
nu hunt( thix Swing as'ostial', , wit!t:thi;.l .
(:;.00111i, hothe Olean Mitiket:
To I . liliolosalo , Buyers' . 1 IfoOltl
. . .
. .
• I . ean.ollt.r. you b • et ter inducements I Hin you
Cil/I gel, N'e'st UiNnts. l'orti: .. .-•,.
t Ina 1it .. ., tit) Ififn!retice whit,ycku,tvapt,,.gny
thing in ..;
. .
. . .
r;l:c)cri 17 , 3 4. ror • •
Cull hf tbo
Ant you Neill lied the article freolijiacheati
It jib"use talking the,
ky§ir . o - ;4 i ,5 i i0)1. - . "...::
tiwdys ha: and al•.riiys will 4ike.lliii .lead, and
ragulate im' • .
Groceries and Provisio
.04N . gS,
Don't lnil to call. and' see me when • kou..visit
Olottti 1 . 6411 hot .Ithrt'you, hut shill eot,tainly.
. .
try to do you good._ . • • .
. . .
.• ' •.• K. COAISTOCK
.plfan; May .1860:
. . . .
.• • : nursiNiNo-sTrirmi •. ,
11'5 .. Seiving.
-(kr i „bodi„ipni practical .
jrnarx.rl al *simpli:•itly alakas runninttatitch
r'ary rapidly riini parl, , et, Lies a cnminini.tuiPdle
(1114, ill At thfhN . evi•.Ycitk
stari., P rir, i t i c rr plirity, ellicippey; apd great
utility, bras. corilirmeti by the: award
or 1' r't Prim:limp. •
. .
. . . ,
It wrllGati l er, ShiCr; Tucli. 1111'11p,
13re4(11119, • sincic or doulilo thread,
adapted . to t iie ßunnirittStil t.
rnoit.dillieult to stitch
11.y . c..Jtier• inachines,' being sewed the
For lddles'•and ...cliildreOs , apparel,
miille'of right fabrios,.it will
th .rt lei re tie 11 , 11111/ almn,t INV;AT,T/4111LF:., ' '
. . .
• is attached to iit.tabin a,sewing bird,
and lia Ong and - regairing no luhri 7
cation or cliango•nl stitch,. is. uI %u%s.rondy for
opri - it lion, and <11.21 . 1 a tha rye,
simplicity- , that.
.a child six eight your s can 11:01cItSTA:SD. its
and use it•succi:s74o,l,y. . - . .
:It i.nut tit alf liable tai get out of order. • -
T?nelrptaellieeis piit up in n neat box, oceorn
puttied with full and explicit directihnii,,:tiM
imentli five needles.
. .
Sent to .uny aAiress: in 'thr United Statee'po
iTet;ipt'uf lin order, - irvelnAing . .,the .
rimy he enlfreted by Expres,orrAeliiterpolike
. _
I1"11,11 . tlip money , ip Nit:With the.ordpr soil
;mere'l . ,..l2k,tere,loi.o. 'tee its pure receipt a rvithe.,
(1, I i nnywher*within'2ooo
finite froe oto.ny Express ehafges:•.'
Vcrylibrral arrangeinents
See . lllntizore.thi.. FAS!! ioN.q, or for full rprtiCll-
Itlrs, spvcirrien pf'sev . .ing; etc..;
return pus? uge
'41.6 Broiclivir;M:T:'
. . . .
Every, tootheri'm
kier, should have'one of Oese , ;valnakolileiilng
•-" D IFTY IifiSHELS of the: beet que'llii Vim=
'by 'and far 4ele,at•
. • . L. EL .DOLLEY'S:i-. , ...
Port-.kileOrtii , Deceinbr 28;