e. likt 1 01iii:040i , no , nok , ahrtlys. l so , fortunate: ,„. if - ,:iiit, * ! l ,4i4i,t , hr! '. .4o,t_itsianelly.• ,• .I:lO. , "was 'of. , ;'';'', '' :n"o.gitift: f ,i,4l4i' o ld firrj.jit . ai;:.;i ec &it ry, t').4 tE, "iiiiaciele.:blielftii r'itto.k, tiPOhlt, ' The i. , ..Xk**iikitJr4kl(i*fi**di.',lii'qiOars'iiii4 ii , ady •- !.'tkiiiiioiiiiiiii,t .4600 ! . Ih i; ptke:•detifitoried• ty-, '':.; ik Co44ihtla, 0;06 ~r a t her I! s ti!ti , ' '..‘ .: . :r tift two, /, "'it;iiiiity;:o l oiljfiiki! - Ei - i'p 0 0 T hi: ..'!'n1l! f.g i i) •P'L. *'t 00i n tr a tt,Oi*On s ,to tbs . ,: le rr y• ~, coni pa ii y g kyri ioliq?.)y, sttipatat es Id. tithe, the::bci'af. - at ~,,, , vocrit ti* C tiptain : : a i-the.' t;spirtt),ion Of the t ~n •;; , .iii . f.e‘t - 10 - hot , I.lt ,cottree Aft er that .tbe Captain i:'.4lstitt4j,4.lintiossible.to , s ell • the entliraCtOr the '..":',110 . t sit any prii•e. -When* t he, ton days w;, i.e . up J '-I..'PlevOptiactor's , _b,l*.cithern-14w litiught thij Lai( ...-Tikr-S1 ooirmid sold bei to ih • - co t - - i • h'' : rett - I'Or;OoFet'onient Use et :30,000. 'Flow' they "-l . 4V- ( 40 , ( 6 # . ii r otrii i' 11':111e - net • len r ne . d,.. ill; - €1 -iiiri if9t . likely . to fOr,eOtito'iinie to come. • But 'pin . , ':."Pi t Y:rf i fe. i *: . : frem.thie ho* easy it ieio "inpke • ; ‘ ; :#totteir!,'lf *On,arelonlY in _the. .'line 'of. . siiio. liionedititi."—...Piit. & traion. • , ' ........ , (tory rest of an,lltnols Ctr colt 4turge. thisdistriet,.acting: friirri.the War Eripartnien t,. , c'a ; , Tiiiitoni,camtnindarit of thig post, was directed Illinciis, and 'arrests' ..SOljtsblia'rles:ri..Chinata hie, of the CirCo it,..f4forliarbtiring :and prot ec ting deteiteri s ."-.the facts reprF.sent: ,eti . to . us' iheiet, Four deserters,'Jarnes irtioni"and'qugh'ScotiCof the 130th I Mil— ,ltotillelor 'Of the 31stIllinuis,. Milton trivet, 'of ,the Veit ..and Sohn 'X'anner, of the ' 31:116.1111noit, were arrested • hy . .twoseigeanls. 14th ifliliatitr; tiCting tinder the ins , rae. Timm of Capt; Lindstey, of, that regiment, whO . , dOailed tipol 'that seryaiee.. plaint *as filed bilore.. a -justice of the peace theAwnsergeants for .kidnapping, and hti .. ct was transferred 'to Judge Const ' able's dismisied. the 'deserters : . open d i d 'giobnd of their hating been illegally arrested 010 held the-sergeants to hall'opon the - chip These facts,were Tepresented . to .the'Fejleral iuthorities, and:aOrder waa immediately is sued to General Wright for . the arrest of Judge. 'Constable for - the discharie ofthe iieS'erters,* not `tit holding act, wider the laws.! of Illinois, `tit holding thesse'rgeantelo bail lorlcidespoina . . Upop-the receiprel the.orcler,' bol.•Cah:ington detached'ixbout.two hundred men to assist 'ititil in makinaihe arreit. . • • '•' Theditactiment rettiyned to the •city, with 'Judge Copstablo and the.'de . aerters in charge, yeslardq aft4noim.. The . ' offence, • of judge Constable was entnmitted in Illinois t antrthe 'United States District Cqurtof that , State hue suritidtctiehof the case. 'll6 probably be reached to . that State - for trial,find.ln the mean -tin) e.held opportukiitY 'hold 'pouct:in thebalatica of his circuit' without '4l'etrittieht th•the:'pai ties interested.: This is the first arrest:et he kitul;anl 'the : date] mien ; tip") of i sett e es in :controversy, the •contliei 'of State and . natiohal.authoritY; will doubtless excite a diep. interest in the public !hind. • The'Richmond Euquirer and Newyork Tribune shake bands. • The following , . article :from . " the •Ftichrnotid slEuqyerer,. of tho - 7th, .shoWs what perfect. aceord rescsits' .between the rebels -and . :the medicals,, They'are.each others best triends. -Behold therit . shrike hands: • , The Now 'York ' .7lerald of . the. 3d, in an .-article on:• Sia ator . .. Stunner's resoled:3ns- . . 11'061 foreign inedifatio'n-resolutionahicli the Herald calla in. attack 'o'n..Selyard and . 16 Adthinistration ,- ----uaes.thii language:. ''We treat the Senate • will. vote . down tfie , resolutions.' Mr. Seward and the :President the, fesoftition of ' the Union kith . or without slaveryi Sumner and •bie• ean lspitatOre, ineluding'Oreeley, regard the Ilidon ~with slavery in It aft' ft iovenftat with death *nil an , agreement with and will never . partnitits,restoiation if.they can help, it:. '. We lilegin . to love ; those, worthy consr:iinlois • . . . . . einc!uding Greeley)..; Ire alio iigarti :the afi, .Pisioti 'at a' covenant with death and titt : .!eat: • 44,€/a hell; • Only' end . hell were iii the same region' where Satan .of old' must er ed his hOft- , -”in -the tegions. of the Nortfr." , We ids°, •like the inestimable, coneiiirators aforesaid: i ,'W)ll,never iiprrnit, the restoration of that•foul coienent and agreement, if we• can Treyentit.: Therefore, go ahead. co.nstiiratork.. The Orin of 9everniitants they Want.. . . • It itionald be kept before the people .that the :.AbOlitiOnista have, resolved to , change the form aphis governnient; They want more power : ; t bait the Constitution gives them; and they ~Vil!.haie it:unless arrested in time. by the .people. They are not Set uPulous as to. the .means they use, and are now endeavoring to 4a6LiFt Xhi#! . :niY, so th'a't the bayonet may have :'more poteney.in settling'the question than the 'ltis to . the b'ay'onet they are-now up pealing,, .. {alsehbod and Ilattety, and, if the bayonet should yield to ' their. appeals—WiliCh 'rte wilt not yet believe—the people. will be co, eiced‘ by the bayonet and the power..of the 'ballot be lost. In that event we shall have n fornsof 'government, established giving great „, 'power to the rulers and freedom to the ,people—irtothpr words,we.shall have a Central ''Despotism; without .a vestige of, State rights kw,- if any, popular rights, and no re— 'a raiping . power at'all but the. despot's Will; .:Thisla.:"whai the Abolition - leaders are- strivl 0:1 . 6 Philadelphia Press "Ailot er prineiple must 'certainly be •em '.lmiiiitd in our 'reorganized from of government. ' 4 l" belrrien ; Who -. shape the legiilatiOn of this •cislin4l, whan - ,the war., is past, must rernem; be! that what: we:want ie power and strength. Th8'0461671' will bo to. combine the forms of Re. Ppt3l"e:peiierovtent with. the powers of a IVlrinar. shied gylvtii2u4n't." . In the same, strain the North 7 Ainerirau re- tgThis, war 'hes already shrlivn 'the bsurdi• ty o goreniMeitt 'Mille: 'limited .Imteirs; it .the!tem . that .the powir or every got er . ument :ought se itarttilast.be 11NLIMITED . ;" : • , , . . . ' .This is clear enough r ive think, for the, most ghtnee intelleci • fo comprehend; and if. the peo• refuse to be'; warned agiainst the.,encroach- . merits upon :their rights 'contemplated by the ihey must take the conSequenc'es. lye. shill do' our part . to defeat the projeCt. ..., k ainkiclielihal.have. nothing to reproach our— ,:,sselves.with.L.Pairiot & Union, . . • ' I 44,IM , WAP OIL .'Remora . -The Oil I ,c!ilOcir.nysins4 in,. bein g pushed: down 'tepidly. i,1 ,- i ;yligir t riktpeykitle''te, Oil Pity.: ' Operations . hive :. d •e4remneensed en, the Meadville and Frank it.,expteted; be in The Pennsylvania ',lppipy . ,%4l.Ye;tlilsoatmounced. their V4oolollooCtii , the nit region with n ... "40 1 /0.4 4 0. 41, 1V , AFt; fflorirog . !rummer.. firm tountv pent° crat aturday, April 4; 1863: §eßit:ic;')?.i.no.leN:--:-The•eljtieif reit" les every: iieetien . ef , the'Staie ho'eu• • , . Derwieirt tie eniils,.:...We lin ve.el?rrit ; .( l . eitiee,-tovik9 ero fireet.:Aheli . - tiop..hereiorete.• Tho2 , enflieihendi".tile • r.p. idly inereeeing. eye.ky . where; - .ntid . ..&•i)l:ptierly exteririinete ihe Oeteher. price of.,Sof - ar lAill ti n itoubtei'.ly• atiinolate•the'•people to.: the mannfactnri.of maple angur: . • it is , necessa'r ' y ikeictimes; to incOnie'.our hoine tnatitifii'etures as are pleaaied „aM increased activity • among our citziols :in that INTURTAST rtIESOf.tit9IN,S.-011 ' llie first 'Nig! tO:tlayi Will be, found the resolutions lidoptrd by the Aieeinbly . of recommend- appoilitmekt of Pe:ace*.Coinroisphinfirsi also reioluthio.s Leg . isfattire - 2,2;.f, .Penn— RESTO'RNTILEY.--L4•. believe a I : o.B6)l . :iiidrie of the Uniori State's to -:be still 'of Possible • Ochievmentj but r not . .,thronghwai. t the autset of the tivar the secession element vi as iu the, IninOrtfy sonthern State; exceia.,• • perhaps, South•.l.l3a . r,olititt.; That this:it no Inn, ger co is attributable to the 'existence of War against the people of-. those' State . 4.• . .A' War: whichtbeyre'Presentai tinjust- 7 .lhat invadeo their homes, arid is is aged in a • wanton and re, vengeful 'spirit, a - ntl'fcr .their i on. • '•li would be kitty to expect. an Uttioti-feeting.to evince itseff war rages in all its.fury 11 still exists : iteVertheless;..und .•I t it- is not . , •more PreValent.is.fairly.eltargeable to the and. lanatieismrthat, has .ruled'oar.governmiu.tt. ' eaMint;be•..expeeted•tltat out: goveraittent tint! that .Ijavia..vovz tittunt . will ever r.store. tbe Uition; ihcp'can-neverb•gtcc iixceptuprin.lbe terinsorepa'ration. 'l36th . g,overninettto are • the OhstacleS to a restoration, and both oreth In be actuated-by the same desire lo: - sUbvert 'th : e n conotiCatlOn and change its character. - - In- flit , south.the Voiee , and the wishes :or the• p . 1;41., were stilliut by their leaders, who are:itow . lnaso .. tore of, the situation: ,In the. - Itorthllie same n i tie . ropte,d (out yet .oritirely aCeotri... ptished), and thOsanne arguments uscd—“rnii , itary.necessity,". Itisevldeni-the onlyt hOpe for the the country, Is .wit h 'the peoples Vt'ere•-thOy• left free.:•to act -.throughout -all the - States, we . should have.no fear-;t• lt-May hr 'asked -how Oati..:this' eiTectiql; Simply .by , a Convention.. of States... . By that nieans . , •Union Was fOrmed,and the general.Gollernment: created, and by : that. means: alone Can if, be..re . - stor'ed and .n coPstittitionni governirkent mafn iuiudd. And no\v'is a fOvoraide time, while the. border . States'still adliete .. and•before North.‘VestOrn States are driveti to desperatiOn; delay only increases ourdtfficaltieS'and render's the restoration, mareLopidnba. We can.see no reasonable, oblepirin aim armtstice, and direet tifirieill to the ... poople, Who; .are coyruioontto - .pettl our dilfiOul A ma jority Of . the NOrtliv.in people ate;•tindintbteilly in favor. of notion; aril there :rema na with; our rulers .one -spark- ,of:patrlotisrii ht st.atespanship .w;e lbok to see itadopted.. Sup posethaCCOurse to and the WOr . sh.citild he . : res•uthed - , Would the Union canoe sutler by this attetritt'io . solve our. thfliOuliies Withnuf furthe r bla'odshed; on the coot i - !..ls.reasonubletO suppole weaken the sects sion elefrient, while . it ,would'tinite' thO 'people of the- Northern States;l as,: ono man,- for til'e ogvigorotis prosecitt . lOnlor the war." • , EQUALIT-r Ct".irdillg,'l.o Mr.. trneolna standeril, /rundrri/,,rlollara .. .i's the price we now paying' for . .nr:grees.. Under. 'the Con s cription et the some price—failing to fork over they 0e,9 . t enter the reeks-cif:that 'arroy }rich Tad ißevenajellel'us not to ~r est Ore thetTO. ion as it wds',"::Thuri we have ix rrectiii hihitiOn of the 4..erittality'of , itrehmond papers of :a late -date; stto;A:. that considerable apprehension is telt 'in the-South or. account Of the -rapid -decrease - of rood.. the great difficulty, if .not,frnpriSsibility of sup 'plying enough for, consumption.. A : frOititioti was ofi'ered•on the Ilth instant in the Ctingreis of the,Confederacy hy Mr.:Conrad; propoaine, terms of pence, and Was referred to Corn : . -mitten on Foreign'Afrairs. In effect it pro ,iiifes that "the - Semite .and - Homae of •flepre• sentatives of the Confederate States do there- fore resolve-that they Will cordially cooperate with the'Executive ,in, arty • Measures - be may adept, consistent with the honor r the dignity And inder;endence of I heae States, tending to a speedy restoration of peace, with ail - Or with any of the States of the Federal Union."' That That proviscni about tiindependeoce spoils the whole thing., Serairote,inependence is out . of - the question. •JiMependence iii the Union:hitt At/ CRIME- DISAiiTICRS REPORTED IN MARCII.-: There were. 2.9 A nieriCan mercantile see-going crairepurted durink the past Month hs 'totally bait or missing. They comprised 1 steamer; 7' ships, barks,..s bries.and 10' sehonners. .0f these 15 were wrecked, 1 , 5 burned, 1 .foUndercl 3 abandlined,.l eopsized,and 4 are missing. 1 fi,enrrEaliExt." - RrisoLliTiox.--This ia ,one of the Indlan . a .I , Coppertientl" resolutinni:; let every man compare it with the resolutions the "Loyal tenguei:" Resoled, That. notwithstanding...our :went 'ofcConfirience in the administrations wo yef hereby Pledge ourselves to pimpresithe• rebel lion at the,South and restore to the govern ment. the'proPer and full exercise . of its legiti mate-authority. • •• . . . . . • 'The Moine:Legislature. adjourned .on.. We., dnesday last. ":It paised a series oeresolutionsY Pledging support•to - the national government; and In its ordinary- legislation was unusually ; ripe frorn• partisan bias.:' • - • ' LETTERS VIIO3I 71110:AR11V. .S. : rAr;a.n.linpireu..H,,,T:sp: 10 :Ab l e yeiir ugo..l,rectienitier•tbe .I.lle iaing Mani a: it lain 'a pitrtiebiat• spite to :era , T betruin , te , ll iii . toriettts;• nod the.4ribil ••tv • a 9 iiile."!li 4 l' • ••• t Oleo - %visited': itiys • i• I f nd tototly thotittlit • tiefiiiia . cocoa r'nud Cli a' •, he •:11(iv dreary llrii>r-ila.s':; tified - , to 5een4...1.--ttibUgi:t ihr 'vir•tq • and soon toll enonigh 100 a I ti.ii•••. lice •• to my cost:. • -Winter 1111w.gbol and (tilt olhope •t wits to r. • Wr:. Were lie...omit . tfieitee oer .e'utOpaitrii :on the : lot Flail' ea get we 'all .we to mint :t ..11.-bel";Jiittl . strew, • them rii:what aiateriat,we:.srere .nide• '§t rt (414 lie 1 00) • 0r..1,,i-oh;.:, %re:, hopral to trie.et them int Cepliir t•ille, retrieve thee bat• • tle ol . .13g11 liriYi. ..11ow_ebeerieltk•„‘Vir the tnire•,anil• aim id,. Dirty 'lii find•at•iiiight that thir,• • •iii4ll • This '.warible•(llll( thin •of lii " 1 k,..! • • •• .1(3•'‘'•'••- e3,i,e'rleitined•th'e'il•tlf•ettee hot iveeit • being*, '561.1 • tiietsitt.4 , l•lYlit • rt.‘3; l, . l .iei ;3. moreplointy .telt tr.an'sreii;•tying,,i,l4 the l oot I a in. is •iiil..vi etougli fo read a bout; t .it . practicat.expei ienee is ;motion thing,. to talk, •As there iva•s. no ettetriy - at Centerville !Li fight, We, is nre reheiht.lo: toga r.olll•eilinit iigiete'vee stayed one.iiak,'ort.rt ben esrvonietwerl ntiftraniiititig. • All • su ironer • ivitl it ill . tot trot tigli4o rot 111 I rdl,:ii•jllVlle next'. All ,%e. asked wits to ineet.the•iiibels in' • it /ai r "nd•vie•-"•oll6l;rnitli'e scarce.-. 'St '1,1.1 Ave; t IV . e' Itairttareheil three goys wily •, Ci ht Lard rcat-bets lo'rat;,:iml lien days . - with Eoili. •ing to•••••:311; %ye fought..Ott day Firtita.:•• v,•it •einply'atorniteh., t)tiringoisiou train hog been seoptiereit,.iiiiii not hibg'was.:lis ought : us, to eat.. tioituitiay innining'chir•ang.with - •it,sbowera thaslcet 'Pot 'no tti•tihti4•eUt S.ttnt , • n.y fell pot irtoppa,• tint starki;il - Ilnit he ••1:voril, . rye,' - mill ',yi e hell' 'bade to Ceittervill3;,.there. wegot wine 'rotten emelto4S to etie,ilitil•Atariclity night, we :lay in. the t illePits with thit'Avati•ir !fp' to t - itil• it roiried all night. .Tilesilak.Were ive all day without anything to eat, and iit•iikttlit mar bark to Hill. :We their kink' a trdnip thrtiegli more 'tie, c• - •t• 'bet had niatehing iiii,:ig; : then again' lye ivere °4 • 11 " til " ! ` ). Vuguii•'• • • •\' , C.l'onittit the •rehels•,oltzinst every-day . tin Otti , anil the 'weittlier•ktilib. •trien %vele Without. stioi•a or proper riot 19 eke i ern c:,ttn . t.i - ,0111)1 , . • • ,1 I rail nil tket: itit1 . 1;01•:: • %von) tlitotnzh the ' , viten'', ol .s tf.'.) t Ave 'not a Tent ol !non ••• though the rn-n•ha,trtelit aeon tent still' they•wanlii •not•liave titt;il,l•l , l • bitt; lIP n%* roni.t , row' .1: L ! y, day ilicrirboving a; •Irge .t...0 ,1 y • tininey and girl rietlo:s • to• sveitr• Th:• new ,t 1 , 011 , VIc•TI• to ee ,elyd I • t 'a k liv whil e I hu :o11011i:ve 10;j!..1111 bn'eveiy: iit ; Viri:inia. iv-re stinken of iu eenteilipiible34#tros,.. a•••• • in,. 'we•fo be•ringtallitis nil chicken r thie‘•est ' • Let tii.• Ireo,i mien nl Washington ragstver..• They can. I IP; 4-; see, is nrit•ol the hatilshipS Icuilipiath,, but' beeatiap Cliak ate tint April eiriati•il by cotin. try. • The oitly•Getieforthe army any coo.' tiger-ice in, •1 hey iemitveil toreause . h t ? %vas 1-v-- entnit . ig to popular wh . it tie nials•Ses, thii cense 41tieiFe was Ito• ins•aet e at Frez.l.; irk Om! I'ha'te fie searcely eitengli lest-or boy; regiment tor a•ernporal • Tin! flint that are are .I.yorii ont and •iltspiiiteil tif•Y be kept in the 't hose IleA'‘' • .1'P:61111'1AS I.liat air 111111:11. xv i 50 nt about itrt he city oil! -of iliinget'ri tO• r a y. „T he too pnnnt, of BOrklaiis . inein city. gtnue.`,in4 to-keep tiwo I lint.ean't• (;I,iNvl,..ttotn .rtnininti ninny. • Eiteln one iye.it a it hate : toil as long as a is 1111. •%N• to. : v.•4 • P.•4l,iiris tL:iir is iitcnssaryi• it 1 •go fain Ism ry,. . • 1 he vitstintr here. in NN'asliingqori a;rn , )st , every . .ility mot • i•ar- Ti, runt tint f ever, soy' - :*.A I:1;1,10p • Very effeeiltil, I' pi e , •inite•hissi.iiti•ebo.ve• Greeley is in the city liaTirbing•anot lire .1 • bubo 'plat. i , pri••=ll,lth [nail I ili lIA' city; feat afe 2.04' fly .'11 • 0;11) Ole itioi.t they get is ti bri•keo head it•ltley ••• • • ..• (); , . . . :..* Mat iih. $ '•• Dr:Art Paarislsb-7'n day .being lUnespme one, I .corteltided to' Write to you (al 'thong:h . 1 had previously resolved n(it to Write until I grit'azt aussver -to. the Jastleiter •1 wrote.-you.), The weather stillteinittpuete la tat, unit are.the'prayerS 'the - two,. r•ars 'tegiinents) that will pont mutt so Until thtir bitne Of. eillisrtnet4 terminale's. "l'hat will be for, us you niay li.asSineti; !Jody— en. linotys it wilb•he Air tree. i neVer want to see tinOtherltehel,•ittid. When 1 'wriftit Lis; I If;- lies , e that I w rite,b-he continents of is of t bwo .year • s'bnen't nod I. shonib,, oot • -.be sill - prised it it,tv,rs t he' Wisit of tie whpie: i tmy, i.do not niean to have }top lilac troto this I •want.ii Sotal;ern . C'on:l;derezey no, fal'fri!tn - it! f.t he, powur...al SV•ii wo 'd , stop fight hitt. for he .4. 1 y and livl to put down the t.thellion . would stay:anl see. the thing thrriugh or die iii' sei ring toy .colin; Cob hon•.when thy rno instead of tor the 'constitution of the liniien Spites as I swore' to when I ~ .nli. s toift thenl say that as soon' as I cap get out shall mis t zi - s Sarrilly do so. l'iesid e nt ' fi nd opt in time that the army (or a portion '6f it 'lli Last) did not : enlist to *ma ke the i.iirturni.'hetter•tlian a White roan; Hof one did not. .-I have' a 'chance bib see and I do say that, (as tar . :5..1 - . .ha've seen) the nigger is hitter off binder the eyes othig overstterarid master titan he- wo'il, be if he were tree. - In corning doWn Iron') renton tc(this:phiee last December, . eliatte'ed to run aeross about a don (Hides and female's) working in a'eprolieltit- I askeu nue, 'a girl altotit fifteen years old-if she had a kind mater. Shtbsaiii' Yes sal deal sight hotter than'olu massii down in Sout,earline!'' I then asked her if she had to wink ' hard, she 'said; • ciYes• Bahl sornetirnes . "„ , I then' said..wlty not run rway arid ;et , your Irneilorn. Iler answer vies ‘.4(inny!. 1).3p I w tr.lab. do one to bake ea re of i tnel.no sahl 'no; neither run a wa.y.l ) • I went away ti little inorelhoughirpfiliatCl. ear - rte . :there .1. tell ye ii. 1.114 NMI/ 01' Of this. '•• iNly. health is good bind rive tit hopes of seeing you in'obout tWo "maul th's. • • . .Your.tiffee't son, • .• G. L. Y. • . . BEI.Lti - LANPING ? ISt II ;63. Dear Aant.—Yo I may think' it Some What strange' to receive a leitr•.r from me,'hut it is all plain enotia.h to me. 'The fact of it is, I am one (lithe worst hands in the world. to 'write letters, - nnd hardly ever write ill Can. help it and as' I woe thinking .to'.dasy that I had , ought to write t6.you, I concluded to' make, the trial; but I ilo not It'n4w howl ithall...euee.erld; • but - .3 t toilt sliai?t of }la I isno.oarnowe edtiritty . worth.' T h . ey art! F.ofnel . lilth.0 . 01(1 fror;pq .:101,1rnittiOlt•-noiN onth: iii theirplaiie,...lloi Itei>rYt. hifyoj.,betiri ( relieved lunul' gone , t-Iltivatt ittnib , " Hats hourir welt outi I sit %%. 'idai,l)'eliei - th;•:nlbei''iltiy; bc. entio, d6ltn unit 'Stayed all tug Inv; t healthy ne I.:l3,prionols. Ilr f'ays. 'hey ate ; etlearrip,oilntily two -or three Itide They sired Yrisetly haul s'lrf gut 111 - Oke:in 'rho •4.oLne here. :it.s.nowed 1.11111 rained all nitilo,.llll.l :theyFord:no teit . s to *get' Owle . ll' -bat Pel cap le ,1 . 1).1...4 y P . d . yt• Inv and kwunp. of ,it . ttalpriot , o:.you'lmew tbal tvas nt the I.l6s the. lr t.I heac'd ltvin ititn his &dint WI 11. We lire -gettiint, noxious tee the. ftist of.ilext,,Mity, for t %Ye ...slot II bo tree nirli an'ia.rt 01; "Then l"colt