. „ 4 "4 - • . viiiitittitoitiire . , - s r ass - ;8,59' „ - •d . 60 On '* tai lnelt36l , 1860hid14- Received , : 1801 , , 8 t t • tootA lc arpt.,. , • , :7 E[PENDITUREb. By 11isidlritirrs /131r0111, 5 .461 08 Chod • " • '- 214 50 . 90 00 Public Printing, ' . • , • 201 25 Tag:,raqindedi ' '328 26 = repairing Bridges, '1,032 14 ; • . . ' 505 15 (Of Vlerkilire, ' ' ". 235 83 : • • • 31 . a' 98 l'OCaddition to Jail, '" 410 00 itoid)tatitageg, : . 45 00 *- • - ' • , 75'00 34.75 Bllddiag,and Tables for Jail, • • 10 ,'1.6 Cisimminwialth Outs, : • • . 122 52 Chadwick,' Prothonotary's Fes, 19 12 'Commiilioupre•Wages,, • . 196 16 Rep*. of .Public'Buildings, • l5B 59 WeaterriPenitentiary,‘ . 35:.12 C 01 1 .0141. Retains, ": '4 ' ,15 • , 25 10 . ' Lights, ' 4 25 - Cleaning,COOrt House, • . 17 00 Crier, jC; . • - 33 . 00 • Tip:Btaves, . 66 . 00 . Grand Jurreonatable, i 440 Counsel Fees,: , ' • ' 50 00 Blank Books, ' • , 40 35 . Interest, • • • 11 50 RedeMption order," • • • • 16 . 36 Ditch around . Court Hon'se, • • : • • .65 00 - Chairs for Court Rorke, ,: •• 16. 65 Stove tor Prothotiotary's 'office, • 3200' - Wood . HoUse, - • 26 88 Banning Township tine,. 79 50 Inqueit on Vat Kelley, . • . 12 . 22 Paid on judgment against county, 1,047'22 • Costs of advertisins 14 tracts land, 7 00 Recording Treasurers Bond, 1 25 Treasurer's commission, 405 86 • Linbilitlei,of former:years. . • • 3,887 21 Interest Ordirg taken up, . . ' 1,275 70 Excess'of Ref'pts over Expenditures, 1,731n90 Total' Expenditures, To. Orders outstanding (ordinary lieue) ' • . ' '• 81,089 03 Orders;on interest, ' 100.'00 Judieto against Connty, — . 3OO 00 Commissioners Wages, • 's7 79 Excess in favor of County,'. 8,253 93 RESOURCES. • •Amount due from Collectors, 1861, $341 13 Amount due from Collectors, 1862,6 1,550 73 Unseate . d lax:tor:lB62, - • , 9,152 48 ^Unseated Tin for 1863, • 2,273 06 Seated Tex for 1863, • 1,4'43.35. 'Due from Sheriff Blair, .. 30 . 00 Tot►l ! VOLUNTEER BELIEF. FUND. and. for of:money tor Yol, Relief order. outitanding, • . By Seated 'tax for 1862, Uneeared tie for 1862, geared ,tax for 1863,, tfaseated ax for 1863, ialance to be provided for, w., ,the . .'u ndersigned, Commissioners of M'KesitCoiftity; do c e rtify, that the foregoing atattimint ot. the funds, -,Receipts ,and Expend iturit,or:sitid,Odunty- for the year 1862 i 9 cor= teat; to the beet of our knOveledge. . Witness not hands at Smethimit,'Jantiark 186'3. A. :P. BREWER,' J. W. STARES, 11. Com' nix.tioners. W. 8. OttATT, Clerk. , Tins Nsw Yeas WEEKLY Asave. : —ln every • departmentnoTnewspriper enterprise the NEW • ''Yoat'Air.iiirs viilkfrivorably compare. In Pali• tics, in" Literature, in• Business and in PiSance, in Agricultaral information, in General News, and napeciallyjtithe completeness and ac curacy of . its repOrts - ,okbo. Money.Produce, - Cattle and other marketi," it has no Superior. • its ed itors have arrangement* for articles, upon . • the _guest questioni •whith now. agitate the country; from the penSof. Hon. Horatio Sey. `Moor, Hos. Chas. 0"Conor, Sanford E. Church, ,Samuel I'. 'Tilden, and, others of " the ablest Cetatestiienf the•day. Its Agricultural De pavtaient, which receives the - especial care and ittention of . one .of its editors, In addition to the risuai variety. of original and selecteil mat .ltriV, b n _enriched by articles. prepaied ex ' prieslifor, the Aeons, by Hon: Wm. Kelly, , :11r ! :"C".-Witson, A. B. Clanger, , Benj. P. John ' ion,riit.'Geo.'W. Bud:land, Of th'e University . "of ' Tiotrinto;,C. W.l and one or more , tikuished writers upon Agricultural Science in urope. •- „T.ernis—rSirielli subscription per annum, $2. Three copies: 000 yar, $5.09; eight copies one , ljeai $10.9,14 twenty !ivies, to one pidreas, Addrisi COMSTOCK & CASSIDY, citraiti.Bioidway'Si Perk Pfac; New..Yori. • • SMETHPORT LIVERY 'STABLE, iIip,,SUBSCRIBER bia.opened anew Liv T Stable . in Sunithport, at 0. R. Ben • '• 'natt's Old !Stand, on Main etreet;. just east of • lidebinitai, where can be found the best of Bor Cirriagel at:law Pikes . . He intends "to ""*tikaffmetlipart 'p4inanont residence, and eatlite patronage: ' • • --. - 'l, , amethporti.Auxust 24, 1880. ••• n23tl. i.'• , ,n'T.'.;.• - ,11. , 413;) ;-ii:i:.(1:',.;;,,.;2!..'.i $13,527 63 Chemists, 'Architects; . The 'SCENTIFIC "AMERIPAN will :be found a . most riselfullournai to them. All the new discoveries of science. of chemiatry are .arven in its cblumns, and .the interests "of the Architect and Carpentrir are not overlooked; all the new inventions:and discoveries appertain ing. to these pursuits being published from week-to week.' , Useful and practical m. infor a i .' tion pertaining to the interests of millwrights 'and mill-owners Will be found published in the SCIENTIFIC AMER ICAN . which information cannot possibly obtain from any.. other., source: Stibjects in which planters and:farmers are in,, terested will be found discutised 'in the' ,SCIEN TIFIC AMIT.StICANj most of the improvements in agricultural implement s being illustrated-in . 'its $9,790 75 $9,790 00 $4,340 OD 460 07. $4,800'07 $797.42 1,076 24 ' Tomail.sulascribers:—three Dollars tr,Year, or .one - potter' for four month's: The vol. 'umeacommence on this first of January :and Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any . part.of the country.' •• Western and'-eanadian money or Post-Office stamps taken at par for subscriptions.: Cana, dian subscribers will ,please to; remit. 25 cents extra on each' year's. subscription to pre.pay 721 67 1,136 53 1,079 11 $4;800..97 NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY . - . Three daily trains to and from. Baltimore and Washingion.City.. .Connections •inude with trains on .Pennaylvanin Raihead' to:and from Pittsburg and tile, West, • TWo .trairis•daily : to and' Item Abe Net th . and West 'Branch, Snique hanna,.-Elmira and all Nortilern'New. York. ON 'AND AFTER MONDAY, November 17, 1862, the Passenger Trains orthe Northern . Central Railway :will arrive and &part (torn Harrisburg and Baltithore as . folloWs, vii.: MAIL TRAIN" leaves Sitnburk.dail . V (except Sunday)gt leaves Harrisburg at 5.20 p. m.; and arrives at Baltimore at • 10.20 . " EXPRESS TR A IN . . leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at 11.20 p. m.,..leaVes Ha rris . - burC(eiccePt.lfonday) at 2.45 a. m.; and ar rives at ''Baltimore• daily (exi:ept Monday),ai HARRISBURG . ACCOMMODATION Trail eaves Harrisburg daily at, 9 95 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves .Baltimore dail). [ex: cept Sunday] at 8.30 a. m., Harrisburg at 1.45 p. m. and arrives at Sunbury at 4.50 p. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily at 8.40 p. rn : .,' arrives it Harrisbnrg at 1.50 a. and leaves Harrisburg ,daily,[excePt Monday] at: 3.20 a. m., and arrives at Sunbury at'B.2o HATIRTSBURG•ACCOMMODATION Train leaves . Baltimore daily [except Sunday] at 2:45 p., m. and arrives at Harrisburg at S p. m. For further infohnetiori 'apply' at the Office, in Pennsylvania ftailread Perint, • J. N. DuBARRY: • Superintendent.., Harrisburg, Nov. 14, '''. g.DITOR OF DfMOORAT, PEAR SIR:-With your permission I' wish . to say to the readers of your ,paper that will send by return- mail to. all !Ai) wish it, [free] a Recipe, with hill direc 7 tions for - maktni and uitinga simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, .Blotchel, Tan; freckles, and all impu rities of the Skin, leavini the same soft, clear, . smooth ,and beautiful. • • • ves. to health In a dy, atterhaving ettecitlon,nad umlaue to , make Of the:p,reserlp Inletlone for. pre: I 1011 and *ease earns, tee: The ihe,Preseriptien 4f ilMitiiiki Which ..bopes:,everrent `t Oem pottin g, . , •:I will also mail free to those having Bald Heidi or Bare Faces, simple directions and in ftirmatipii that. will enable them to start a f4ll growth of T..uxurient ''Hair,.. Whiskers, • or -a • Moustache, in less than 30 days. A 11. aPplica—: tion'sanswered by return mail without.. charge.. Respectfully yours;". •. • • • CHAPMAN, • • Chemist, • . 831, Broadway, New York. ,lease address 'Wjllistaiburgb, Kiags.County, New York, '..WAGES PAID .$lOO sell' goons , . To se goons r.lne 4.15A:11 13W11.10 bfACIIIrin 001111PANY. , ,.. We gi%e . It commisliOn on all gooda.kald by our A:louts, or pay wages at. from. .$4O - 10 $lOO mont,ll,.'end pay . all . .necessyry .expenses.. - Our Archine is perfect in its me. ' . A . child can learn to .opernte it by half .en hours' instruction I It is equal to any Cannily Sewing - Machine iii rise, and we redripq.the price 1 , 0 Fifteen . ' t • Each 'machine ia 'wilt:anted for:three years.: • Address • RUGGLES, ' Gen.' Agt., Detroit; • ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Tx - s-136si MsciisNicsr. PAPER- isi.7rie WOBLV EIGHTEENTti ].EAR. Volume' VI'IL.- New Series.. - . A new volume of this widely circulated pa- per commences on .the let of January. Every number contains sixteen pages of useful - , in for mation and from five to: ten original engravings of 'new inventions end iliscoveries; all of. which are prepared •exPressly,toF , •-To The -Mechanic and - Manufactured .• . . No persion• engaged in any of the. mechanica Pursuits shOuld think, of doing without the 011 4 :NT7FIC . .A:119t,thAN. c9sts but Rix:cents per•week; - eyery number' crintaine from six to ten engraving's of "new. machines- - and inyen tiona,.whieh•cannot-be found in any other pub lication.:' It - is an estubrished.rnie of the pub. Ushers to insert none,bitt original erigravinge,- and those of the first class irt, the . ari, draWn and .engraved by experienced .persons -under theft Own;supervisioni • • 1• . To the inventor! . • ' The . SCIENTIFIC' . AMERICAN is Ind's' , peniable to every taventor,,as it.not only con tains, illustrated descriptions of nearly' all the best inventions as • they, coMe odt,Mit••each number contains att'olliCial, List of the Claims of aldthe,Patents issue - d tiond the United States Patent Officedtrilng the week thus giving a correct : ..histblrYof the, progiess oll'in veniionsin this country.. W,e ere also reCeiv. Mg, every, waek,..tbe best arientiftc journals,of Great Britain, Freice, 'nod Germany; thus placing in ourrioseession all•fhat islrenspirdng in" mcchanicel science and art in these old countries: We shnll . continue, to transfer "'to our columns coOlous-extriicts from .these•jour nula -whntever'we May .deem of •,interest„:to our renders. FARMERS! TERMS MUNN & CO„ Publishers, . ' . No 37 Perk-row New York WINTERTIME 'RADIX SOUTHWARD NORTH WARD • • POCKET BOOK LOST. • •• • •tlayilost: .small,' 'eorriewhut worn, roilloinng two $3 nOteS, 'tiko $t notes,..one filty cent. shin two'. shir—phistets Of :ten cents each, a rifceipt froiri'.l.. S. ShoW; for, $2O GO, And .a -I;eGrand Cook . , :.written• With.upencil,. or $7- 62. .•' . • Any perion finding" the shove ilesOibetl,gir ret it 3: with "contiinti, - will 'be sui , tably .26,1nrch,1 1,. ISG(i. TO :NERvous SEMMES OF - .NTH :SEXV: • .A. Reveind geittlerrianhfivine, : •beett restored . , to heal . thjo a.fewdilys, after underpiingnli the Usual lotttineoiitl, experisii4, mode 4 of Sreuttitept,,withoitt tsticcesS', cattiiirleis' it • his et .red duty , tn cornmottichte to his. a (Pic tcql Nl—, crenturr.s or.ottßk.. the'receipt^ofen 'ddressed etittelppr,• he - will send (fre'o);n copy of,the pre s scriptien used.— Direct'. to . pti JOHN M ..D.AGNA4L," 18t3 'Folticu Stieet; AtAINISTRATO.II,'S 130TICE. LETTERS. OF.k.DNIINISTAATION•Iiaving been trOptPd • to the undrsnoed on The. Estate o(known as De— los A ./.Itoolj - ; deceased, of Lafay'etie . I\l'Kean . county, -.Pa., all ' , persons . . indebteil• to-maid.estaie' are fequesteir rnake, immediate nSyment,- and those. baying'. elbims against the - Same will presOittliem duly. iiiitheti ticnited for settlement and allowinee..: • • A BR All ..01'"t NDERSQN, • • • • Ad ni in iitralor. Lpfikette; Feb. 28, ISO LIST OF JUILORS--JUNE TEEM, 1663 I=l . . Ceres—Putnam• Barber,•:Peterri‘l Ettinii , g • C. Loi;ejoy, Satnne.l Barber. ' P..SiropsOO, N. Donnis, : Thomas Kingsbuty. Burp'. = S, A .-ilitcicui; A. N. Taylor. •• C. Stic.ldes, •A'll , :cai.der Gifford, Tubb:. Librii!j-s—J..h . .Ahbey. • • •• . N,.. Brown,. it. W... Davis; Arnos,Kingsbory. . •••. • .. . •• Cor . d t—A Wi'kin=6l3. • • Laldyette—.John Htitson. • , Dehn .• • ; . • campl?ell... • • • • lioatio2 7 -M.' , K..• Hoekett, A. W.• *McFall, R. Ikek with, fr.. • *. . Lyman - Pal meter, Isiah Moi•riSon ' . .Ebtred—Johii. ,Stilll,.jelottp , 'Nuning Lester PEp•H,:J.t . l,!4:Rire; • • ' ' • . L/he try }Villiam 'Eimer, J. F. Corte; E. C. Ctire.c-D. C. Barber,. Jeremiah Riley; Thos Cartwell.: • .. Aastin;F.."F.'Bishop. • I.,oj'a yet in-.- J. G. Tidd. •. , •-. Seroaone—Evo Conk. iVortviclt —A...1.. Rifle., 0. S. Burdick; O. W Ja!r;.5 . .11.. Carter. • • , Boirdford-01)Or Pike, R. D. Norton, •Geo Richardson, A. W. Olds,. Daniel Lalfirty; • AI mond Loop: ' •.• • , . . Otto-O': A. Gray, M.' Baldwin, Petei Got .don • T. M. Banker. •• •. •.• Ctoydoo;-Morse A. Weclitnan'.. • •.. Botoilgh-L A. N. Smith: • . .•. : . 2 • •J.-E. BLAIR; Sheriff,, Strethonrt, March 14, 1862. • ••. NEW CAM" . STORE • Ca_.;111, 7 PRICES,? pAR'n TIMES MADE •*EASY I. ••• . '•I would' respecitully'unnounee to the Citizen; of McKean and iidjoining counties' that they .eau do a 4 Well' in .tiniethport,lti the Sroie and Tin-ware line. us iii .Olean. Lshall'; at: all .ttmes;hrive'on hand a large stock of.. COOKING:', PARLOR & BOX STOVES! :TIN-WARE, • I * . •, Si eet.-Trotistkf coppei"Ware, • LEAD P11 ) E AND PUMP:B 7 .. , . llooF Iron and Itunse"-kiepers . k .Sc," •. . . • • . Job Work • ••••• • • of all hinds done with dispatch; and'in a satis tory manner, at the lowest' possible prices, • Ordere promptly . ittended to. ' • Give me a- call---at the building known as "Side Hill Tin .S . -tore"-formerly . -oCcupied, by Geo. IVloqm'..-Smethpo'rt, Pa. I. will pay the highest.' maiket . prieC, it goods or cash; for 'anit.quadtiiy of 81,6,p Pelts and Wools .. March 29, 1862.• • .• A. I.NOUI2SF.,' •., . - 186 . 1. 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD This great-line traverses the Northern city 'Northwest chanties ot Perinsylcania*.to the city of Erie,•on Lake Erie... • . " It haS been' le.dsed by tho-PHNNSYLWANIA R: R. Co3lC;ANY,nriduntli+r their auspices is-being rapidly opened throughout its entire lennth. It is now in use for Passenger and. Freight business from HARRISBURG fn DRIFTWOOD, (2st FOr11)1177 miles] on. the Eastern pivis-, ion/and froth SIIEFFIEI;I3 . to Erie, (7 miles.) on the We - Stern Division. • , TIME OE PASSENGER TRAIN• Al' bRIPTWOOD. Leave .Eastward. • . . . Ex . FiressAr . uinledves 2:10 P. NT gr. g!. ayrives ' .12:4:5 P. M TIME OF" PASSENGER TRAINS AT SRETFIRLD . '•. • • Leave Wastwaid, Accgmodatinn train, Cars rifri through WITIIWIT CII'ANGE both ways on these trains, between Philadelphia and Lock Haven ; and between Baltimore and Lock • . ELEGANT' .SLEErir4oears on: Expres s'. trains .both..iyays,-hetyee'n. Williamsport, and Ba more, and Wiltiainspert . and Tor information inform4ien-. iiesimcting Passeager busi ness apply . at , the S.' E:Corper. 11. th. and Mar ket .Aniffor Freight businesii of the Company's ` S.lL:Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and garket Ste., Philadelphia. • . . • - J. W. Reynolds, Erie. • ' • • 3; M. Drill, Agent N: Cr. R. R., Baltimore. FL H. HOUSTON, • . ' ; • ' gers'll:reight Ag't Phira. LEWIS L. 1 - 10tIPT, • Geinn Tic et: Ag't Phtl'a. '. Jos, .1), Porrs, • • Gen'l ?Tviagrr, Williamsport • Sar'sApar,'" a voR PURIFYING- THE BL I I And' tor thb !moody, cam of thelollawing 'clunp • , ts' Surofulatind Sei ; ofkilinigAffettiinii t sue as •Tumprs, :Ulcers, 'Kumes', •Pimpls, Pustules,. Blotches, -Bolls; 14114 . 111 Skil; . • ; " (Ali June, 185 D 3: 0, Ann .& Co: 'atdu f I fed- ft my duty . to 'ac. k . nowledgo 'lrhat . luac Streu'parilla hay douu..for ma. Haring iYtheritud tv'Scrofnious MfecOan, I hay° aufrereil from It In I'arlimsymye for Icare, youirtimea it buret but in Ulcers •on vita arms; ronletfinesit turned inward .pad dittrosatal Mc a the atomach, Two 'J. - M. FAR, years ago.it, brolio out nis tliy bead - arid Covered my,scalp mid ears With .0011 bore, which 11,1 S painful peal roatimunio -• beyond descriptien. ; 1 tried nous). issi !Deities 11101 several physicians, but without Much rellor trent any thing. fq • . fact;tini disorder gcsiw: . 'I.:K.111;01'1mm rejoiced torcasilis tins .I.losTel.rsiesseliger' that. you had prepared ;rtziniteiativa (blareseparilla), for, aelv Irian - put-repute. ' thin that any thing you 11111110 mast at good. • Isent.tO Alinelnistitl and got it, and 11.11,t1.1t, 011-k cured mo.'• took -it, ses yon advice. in hooch doses Of. a teaspissithtl oier, a mouth, and nocil almost three bottles. • New Mid -healthy ' Skill 60011 began tug firtmunskr tile semi, *Well after a vrhilu fell off. 'AlTillsin is new clvar,assal lama , by my feclingi that therslixenxe has gone irons toy system, You 'OOO Mehl Uehieve 411114 IbiOi allessayitig'when I Leff .: you. that 1 hold to he ono of tho apostle 4 of the: . ago, Ponmine.ver.giatefully. , .' • - • • •". 'ALFRED. 11. TALIIEY. • St. A tuthomvOi Fire, Thri:to'or Etyglpiaag, • Metier Lund. Stilt.'filt Seraldlllead, •, , Dr. Hebert, writes from Salina..N. Y.,l2th Sept.; 1.4,1.4 . 11 W: he .11110 in invrterate Casa of Dropsy, which. threatened .to:terodoato fa;ulty,' by:. the perso,verlug,llso of our earsapai 11b; ; and 04. a dangerous Malignant Erytipslas 'by largo slosen of the Faine soya' ClllOl3 filo 0111111.11 trapiio/5.11y . • Bronphorele Gditre or; Swelleilltiech. . • Zubillon Slam of Prospect, Texas, ernes':'" - Throe bot tles of . yotir iharsaparilla 0111 01.1 -Ind 1101(1 It Goitre lild- Coils ewrlihtg.oh the neck; whtch 1-had hulfeised from, • over t‘yolears,'? ' . . „ Lencorrlinen. or AVltil.cos,VvOxinn Tumor, Utcrlno Ul'eertitiOn, Distascs. Dr. .T n: ft. (Intoning', of Nevr Yorlt - ,rity,'lvrites ; most.eheerfally cap ply with 010 reunesinst youp agent in p;iying,lmre f oun d-ro a r. Sou:matins a 111001 shcellent - alterative. ht. the nitunexons complaints' fur •widell employ snob a ri-in'esly, bat t•Npvcially.ln Thaale nistasci 'of the Scrofulous sliathels. • .1-have cured many foster ' ate 5'1101.0 Of Lolll'oll ham bysome where lhe corn n plaint- Was causes: 'by las:erotism oft 110 utersr.s. The-nleers: mica itself Was soon mired, Nothing within my 6u0w17 • edge equals it-fur the.o rentals, : derangements" Edward S. Morrow.of Newbury, Ala., oilmen, don entails argrian ttlonnr al one attic females in Iny which had, dolled all the rentrsllo.4 vnx'csistisl employ, has at, length been .completely cured by your Extinct 01 Stir-: Our physician thonglit nothing but xtirpa . tiou'enulsinffuisi relict, but lie advised thestristi of your :Sanisrlirtvilla Ws the lost tesort before cutting, a n d It • proved offeetuitl.. - After lalsingyour remedy eight weeks • 130,sympto0 of the disease remains." . . • Syphilis' gtitil D.fsens9;' • Drt. J. C. ATE::: Sit, I clic6:rfully svitlpillt: re• quegt•nryntir to you Homo of the. ellectd Sm•snput - Illit. I Any., cur.,: ileticey moot I I tin to for which. It IA termailiended, and have Patind its etiucts truly n oliderful In the 'ciiro of Yetterarrl and .11, curiot Ins-race. - One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which wells coirautuing his palate and the top of 'lda mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily . talt . ani cm.] him in - tivaweetat: , Andther wan . attacked by tec oridaiy. symptoms . in. his nose, .and the -ulceration had eaten away h culefilorable part Of Way flint 1 believe the disorder would anon each Ills bralu awda.ill him. But it• to thy administration .01 'yeur Sarsaparilla,t :the ulcers healed, inalrlio Is well again, not of course without some diatigoratitat race. ti woman who hod been treated for. the Fame dirurilnr .bytirei oily seas autrelitig from this. iibsou In her botiee.• They had become so au:t ail ire to .t be -weather'? lint on a damp day alio 'antlered ex cruciating pain in her. Joints and bones. Sho,lco;xias cured • call. eiy by your riaraaparilfa In a few , weeks. I 'know horn itd fermula, which your agent gave 'me, that „this Preparation from your laboratory: nfust bo a great remedy 1 conaeroati tly, • these tily, reinarkable results with it have not Out mitred ins. '•, • . Fraternally yours, G. V. LARIMSII, 71. D.. 'Rheumatism,' Gout, Llyer Complaint. I,NInyk.M.ENCE, PrekOli Co., l'a., GtliZuly, , lBs9, • • .Da..l: C. itivrit: Sia; I have boon alltlcted.wlth 'l'd chronic It/mount - ion for ti long.tinte, which begird the. skill of 0104'1111F, and stuck to me In .spite of. all the. .romedice I could tholotittll I tried your Ettruaparlt la. One bottle cured me la twWweekts, and. restored my general health 'so much that I am far better thah 'belbro I was ¢ltaciled: I think it ti ondelful mellteina. J..FItEA/11. Jules 'Y. Getchell, of .St. Louts, wrltest..'. I haVe helm afflicted 'far years 'with. au njliOtion nf Licari which thetita3 01 my health: .1 tried ovary thing, and every thing luilpd to relieve me; and !Alava - been a broken-down maw' fwbolltif yettra' intorno other rause than derangement of the Liver. My belevell pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy . ; ads:ha-el • a le' to try your l.. , .:arsapttrilla, le:valise Ito said holt caw von, and tiny thing you' notticwes wrath' trying.. By the bless.; tog of dial It has curial me, and has so purified my bleed. male make 1111 . 111 Of:111C. 1 feel young ,egitin. 'flat beet Cott.can be said itf you le not:1101'0nd enough!' Sclitrrits,Cancer Titintiroi.Enlnrgernent, • Ulceration, Cuirliis andExfollatlon ,of A greitt.vitrhity of cases' Itatabeen reported to us where . (.1,111, of. efli , 101 . 1111(lablo complai it la "have remitted. froM the use of this rentedy, tut our space• lay will:not admit Saute of, Ilion, may Ito Penal' in Oar A inelie/M A1111:4111C; whisk the '11gP111:: below named fire pi . 1,114.9(1A0 1111'1)61i gt a tie to till who call' for them. . • • ,Dysiiejila,.llcart I)lseasc,,Pits, ay, . . Manykettatylittl•lit ctit'es 'óts. these forqctiond havU been • l'i I«ii-i lt 'ti' M 11,11,1 by tlin ititenttivy tamer o f I 13 Il • ..Ile. t,.. nut- Int. tint vital intattiotT Into .Nifinirtnis action . ; and th'int. oVervoralee disorders . , Web %%Vold be bat on sudi it fvtuedy line i6l‘ g tai'u.required by the wS ceenitles of the people, anal ire are •cuufitient that this will do for.them ill that lii.dif/0116 ' rall do. • Ayer's Cherry. Pectoral, „ . . . Coughs, Colilk,'lntluctizo • Itoitrsenesh Croup, IlrouritHis,- Incipient Coll.!. .r . ' suo,tption,' and -for - the .Itellef . , ' .or Consumptive Patients , • -2 An advanced Stage 4 . . ',• of the' Diouriitie. ' • • ''. • .. • This is a reuusly ea universally hauwn to nurposn oily -other fur the cue of threat and lung comphilitts, that it it nneless held to publish the evidence Of its virtues.. Its unrivalled 'excellenrefor enughs and colds,-and its truly wonderful ourOg of • pulmonary disease, have mpdo it known throughout litriviiifwl tidbit of the earth. Few are 'the vutantunttlen,;Or even faMilles, among.thetu who have WA triad ill.l,4olilll..experi( . llco of its : effects-.- 11d1On 11,011 g trophy in their midst of its victory over rho subtle and dlingea oils, disoi dor, of the throat and lunge. AS all know the dreadful fatality of these dkOrtlers, and as they know, took, the:el:feels of this remedy, we nred : not do. erne than toowl's them that it has .11aw nil MO VIT.. tiles that, th.dfd have. when narking thenures'whiei thou : Wan so strongly upo n the, coldldwieo of mankind:- • Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES Sp CO., Lowell, Maee. . . H. Hdodto C 9.; Stpetlifim Osgood, upon!, Holley, Port Allegany, and by dealers everyivh6 . ." ' - _ KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE, SZNDAL-CREEK, TEKEAN CO., PA , . T HE Snbseribeihving purchased' this.well known'stand,..and re-furnished and re=fit ted the House, is preParecl to entertain Board ,ers'and the Traveling public. • . •-• • 1-lIS BA[? Will be well supplied, w . Hd everything done to merit a liberal •Share of patronage.. 'Ralt men will always find the "latch-string" out; -P. M. FULLER. Kendal Creek, Tantrary',2; 1800. 3g ly 9:10 A. M 5,00 P. M •YOR AND'ERitrRAULROAD C7hanue. 61f - fours. '.'Commencing `'Monday, Nov. 'l7tb, 1562. Trains will leave Olean at about the. following hours, viz: • . MOVING WEST : Night Expresi Mail. • Way . . Freight N0.•21 Niihitxpreia Mail Siock • Way Fieight Nos. 3,4, and 8, run every day. No. 6 runs Sundays, but not Mondays. "Train'3, rif•Sator— days, from New York, runs throughto Buffalo, but does not run to' Dunkirk. • -.NATHANI•EV MARSH, Receiver. CHARLES MINOT, Gen'l Supt.' A hR'S N 1.17 Or,ttAse, 25 . 1.1) A it , , kitsr, ISO vole Tun. itA P II) CUICII oc• 10:05 A. M . 4:13 P. M 1:00 P. M 1:00 A. M MOVING EAST 7:10.P. M 10:17 A. AI ' M 1:19 P. M AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. . . . . . Ttion...rnoti-Cmtrto,'REL4433LE and PR.A.C-. TICAL . , - Jou'rnal, devoted.. tethe.difre'rent de partments-of aoll culture, such si grovVing Field rops , 'Orchard and Garden Vegetables 'and Flowers . .i Plants, and Flo‘yeri Ibr". Laivi,Lor :Yard care. of Do rnest CC: . ni ina &C., and, 'to 'HouschOld Labors: ; It-has also:art interesting,and ins'truc tive department for children and:youth:, • . full Calendar ofOperations 6 , ery, month.: • 'reree to:Four Hundred; ,nr F.ngravings-arMea'r each Tolurne.. , Over Twelve.-Hundred. 'practical, strtict I_ articles and' useful . items.; are given ; the:Editors:and "Cotitributora' Li . re pll pruc• ticarlYtirkin„ Aleri.."... • • :'• " tiachings 'of ills Ilj611,:11IST ScJiateal to • State:o7f 2,elito'ry,. bat ais.Ofiti2ived to the 7thipts..of all.SectionS of tits cytintryitlii, as its ?loyal inflicales,flis. the zoltOle 'AM:IP:MA[I'O3N, ;A GERMAN EDITION is imblished, of .the same Size and price as , thelilitglish, mid •crim tainfee; all of its •rearing matter, and its Humes riaus illust ati.ye engravinge....- . • • . • Tr:R:ll.9-4N V.ARIAIILY IN ADVANCE.. • • ' One 'copy, nne•year; • . Si • • ix•copiiis, one..y.car .. Ten tir'rriore.:eopies tine your: • •80..•cetitS IL' Add 'to the. tabove "rates:. Pbstage tai Citnit'iltil "6 'cents, to England andFrance,.2.4: ecnts ; toGermany, , 36 cents., . Postage anywhere IM the, 'United States - 41nd Terri t ories must be Paid hy -the. subset ihar,' tit ,! is . otily ~c cent! a yr*ir, if paid 'in advance at the oftice4bet - e'reciiired.. , • • • A llibitsitiesis'und•other immiminications should' be•tddressail to the , Eilitor anti•Propri: , in,r.;•_ ORANGE JUDD, illPark-ROW, N. Cit:y•• .111 E. 11 - gIii . :.. I.IJITNAL OF q1)1 . 31111C1; :: TO OUIt SUBSCRIBERS. - ' . • The commencement of a new yearls a gond . iimelor renewing subseri.pticinspnil increasing be eir.cillatiop'qt 'the Jot Cntrimerce.,. atitireis Pl• the paper; with entire ritinfidenee•Jo their n~Fsd•r .aid us, and extend th e Influence nr'the• reriserVative principle and Morals which have . hitheitn •eharacterizeil and will hprya tier eliariwierize this'paper, .EvnitY SUBSCIiIkIER 10 yiie...jou rip! . o - C l ortimerce might ;!to •11 ...erv . ice,',to these pripciple.s, and. strpngilien. us in curability to Support and circulate them: by, ,enaingtis the' name pl. at least one new ant - etiber iMhis. town. • • • • . . ''Devoted: firmly, as li.e have been !o, onr enun:- . . frv's intPjestc, end 4inving (nn2 been caned . , cuniim Savers'.'.a.• a ter 111 ol reincnieb, n e nr . e ,%nil - shall be the lirrn upholdem ot • • .. ; PF..U.NION• AND TUE CONSTITUTION opposing with heart anti nen eyery'nian,..Smit.h. or North,.who ati enemy to Obey. Everi,; form'ot disorganizat .and' revidut ion•will timid 'us.reatlj,. for the rotriba.t. Among-the foes of the. American Union- and A'tnetican 'we rank side •• : ' ABOL4IION/S,llf 'AND SECESSIONISIII, 'Eind we propose With all our strength - todefend the nation' against.the attacks of both. A .LIBERAL..OFFER: • • To encourao. thoSe who may i , olitnteer to aid in the organizatiod,ol. 'Clubs, we hereby offer an extra copy•of the Weekly to subscribers A Son who'shall foywar4 wenty new with Ike money. • . . ' . CLUBS '. . . may-he orgahized : In communities !with great advantage.: The preseill is the. best period for theit : . commencement.: The' terms:on which we can furnish the paper'are as folleWs:' , --- 7 To companies taking . : 20 copies'or upwards :ONE DOLLAR. each ' 10.cupies.- : . ' ' .. PI FT 1...6 iror.r..kas.... . . copies . ' :- TE . N :.••• • " , . • .. .t copies : . • I'm .-.. "•. .. :3 copieS' • ' *. 'Nye .. ." . . . • .Under 3-copies . ' .• ';rwo• • • ' each The' papers :will be,' aildre.s'sed to,'ill(rerimt 'persons ;it' the' same rost'.office, if desiired,,e'k, cent in-cases, of .clubS o r 13 or mote' copies, 'which will'be mailed.to one address. ' . :. . • . 7:0 .CLUBS . S. • 'may hi , made at the following rates e'rs added to a club daring the firSuntiarter of the yeirr will paY,the - foll rate of the pal club fora, year, during the 'second gharter three-fourths 'of the otiginal year's - rate, during. the third (patter one half; and .t.lurig the last ridaiter..one-fourth, 'sue all such subscriptions Will terminate with the year of the original From . .M.lhi'6;ok's U. 8 . . Mail, • • • .Iherepacliagcs are received et any post offtcedire.ctsti tonne.' addreSs,.:and the names or the clitbor subicri 'hrs..,to which they belong,. with the. Moorage tor. quarter in adVnce, shalt be..hantl ; qlio the iihstmaster, he. stnll deliver. th.e . ,same to their r'espeettve.-ownete . . • . . • Rm. this .ifoe's applyln weeitly.riPwspapers Which . free lii the Ted anti published.• . • • [l:7 - Addri•ss Editor : v or tbo Jo rdato (Com merro, Noi: 9l' IVafr.qt 're,/ Arm. Y o • PRIME, STONE,. HALE IVIIALLOCIC, • •'• Eilitgra Propci'etws KOLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE; • Thia preparation. made From tho bCFit Sara . Coffee , recommended, by physicians as wsuperior i)r (Intl PIOUS lIKVVRAGE for flenerat Debility, Dyspepsia, nod all bilimta ilisorderii. Thousands oho hare beam compelled toabandpn. thwuse of entree will use. this without irj,n i ous Weds: ' One can contains the strength of two pounds of ortilnary coffeo. rice .25 cents. • KOLLOCK'S LEVAINI, The purest, and best :BAKING POWDER finnten, fua nicking Itglat*, meet and nutritiotbr Bread aud'crkkes, ['rico 16 cents. • • ' AIANUFACTIFRED BY, ' • M. H. KOLLOCK, voiner of Broad and ,('llt;:dniit'Strects, •. IbILADELPIIiA,‘ ' And'sold by all Druggists and Grocers. MANHOOD. HOW LOST ! HOW REaORED!! Just - Published, fie n .Setiled Price Six:Cents I.EOTULIE ON VIE NATURE, TREAT3IENT,.ANO, Radical. 0 ore of Spernintorrhoon, or Seminal Weekness, In'dnluntnry Emi Woos: Sexual.D.obilty. and. Impediments to Marriage generally.' Nervousness Oonsamption, Epi• Itipsy and Eits ;. Mental end Physical Inespaelty, result• ing frinn SelLAbuse. &c. Mint. D , Author dr tho Cii•ept.Boolc, &c. .•.The World-rouowiied author, id this admirable Leotuie clearly proies from his - own experience that • tho awful consequences of SelLabuse may be effectually removed without medielne,and without dangerous surgical opera tions,bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a.. mode of cure at once -certain and ef(ectual,' by which every sufferer, nomatter.what tits condition may be, may cure himself cheaply; privately, and radieally.- Thls lecture will prove a boon to thonsande and thou• sands. —Sent under seal, , ln a plain envelope, to any address'. on 'receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. by addrese tug, . br.OIIAS, P. 0. KLINE, • 127 HoiveryiNew Yo**, Pon Officeltox, 41t16. Offtoo of 'SAY COOKE, . • • SunsCRIPTION 4 AGENT,. At JAY =OOOKE & :CO.; '.llAnkers •• ' • Philadelihin, N0v,1,1862:- .-The tintlera4me.d been -.epppinted. SUBSCRIPTION' AGENT by IheSeereory.of tileTreasarY; is now . firejlareq'to,fuiiiish, at • once; the . , Tivent3i.Te4r.6 per et. Bonds.' of:0c United'§tates, • designated as,•.r‘Fivn 144.entieg," 'reaeemapie nr .. the: plerisure of tho' Gocc,romeht, a fter• 'lrye years,".and authorized. by Act ot Corzies, npprovdd Fe). 2 . 5;1862.. .•, The. COUPON BONDS are: issued. in nods of $30,'.5180; $5OO, .$1000.: , • " The RF,G)STt'R BONDS insums' of .$50,. $1.00,.5560, F,opoo and $5600.' . • .• . , ~ ~ .. , . •.. Interest'at Si?t,. pet cent. . 'pet a'nuititi ~witi; 'etinoni:ente•frnm ilate - .or;warehose,,a . nd is ..-. ..' . PAYABLE.IN -GOLD; ' '•. • ' ' Sinni..:Apniiall.y, wtire.ti is f , tiosi, at the present prominition gold, to abOiit Ejc HT PER CENT PER. ANNITiq. • • ' . ' - :' . - . .. . . .Moreltant:Oreeltan its,. Capitalists, 'and all 'who ha ve.'any roontsy tit itiv'ettf, shOuld • looNt; slid rementlior . .ll,ar these : Bonds•are,. in' efFee.t..,tl .TII2.ST OB.TGA GF, dittoti' 1 . 68- I - omits; Canals, liati . leStneks :roil Sot•tirt t too., : nod the immense itrodiCets 'Of all the Nlatiti faerureq, is the tionottyl . : atil that. 0101(111' and . ample provi-:ind Ott' the y tnent; of the ilieft , sl anti '.l.intlidation' of principal, Cns tOms, Ditties, Exeise it3tiimp's and Internal Rev-. 'Rose. s'erves - tn'tnalie those hnods.the Test,, llosf'AyailAle : ii . tiA- I . lo_st ~ Poi iar'lnvis 6164 in. die-11.01d , Subscriptiori. rec,irod at PAR in ",14e,"tialT.;n dPT NpteF, nr No.Ces ati,l.ehfek's of banks at liar 41 , s mini] ivill'ire c:Piv,lt ploolpt att.q.dion 111‘1 evory : fadilt . y.al”l 1.),••aff0rd . ...(1 on appltcallon•io foll.sopply of. B2rols' . will' he ker . ) t ofi'ltiaoci for Immedidfo • JAY CA)O4CF.,, ‘tiol),:eriptior(Aeent. ()I,D 1.1,n-s•I'()NE T O. Elf, STIU TAIOE ' • el• comsTocK EF9Ii.:CTFETT,f,Y•ANNOUNeI;;S,.I:O,, •Vt. old friends in 11frKoln County, that on hand Spt ing ;is usual,- wit h..the , ,• LA RGEST AND• BE "C. Selectd of. Goods in 1..14 Olean :Market To, illiolesle• Cash liui ers i 11 auld Say', • 11(.1ln:oiler you batter itnlnceinents than 'yon can get. tv.st.o'f NeAl t ork. . , • It makesno difference- 'ivhai•you rant, • any thing in the line of • . • GROCERIES 4. IR.9ITIS.IONS, C. 611 at the OLD. KEYSTONE And you trill, firi(theartieldifreshndchiqp It's no use talking 'ttie KEYSTONE STORE always .has. and, alWays will take the 'lead; aed' regulate the .market in • • .6; i•ocei.qcs and• I'roiis toi,s, OLD ERIEND .ANO. NEW ONES; ,call and 'see, me when Olean ; I shall' not hurt you;'hnt shall certainly, try to do you good.', - . . J. K. COMSTOCK Olean, ,INfily 2:3d, 1560 A GEM FOR THE MILLION, . . AND SPLENDID AND A PPROPRCATE HOLIDAY • • . PRESENT. • NME;;DE.MoIIEVS ' itUNNIN9 ryClf •-• . . .ss . ....SeivHing Machine. .tite.h very rapidly a romryloli find will last lifttirrie.' A t..the. New ]oil: Ft e Fair, :brat .. • proetictil ‘v : itt rpulitm d• by tlib: . It will Gather,, Itif Shirr,.Terilc,.. Riin Lip 13readth:3i,, etc:, with 'it sies.lenc &Debbi thicail no' noir nateri.il adapted toil he : Reindict! St it h: The thinnest, iisnally diffic.idt itch by artier S -, .WinV, tnaci . drws,. hying..etverl the easiesst: • Forlailics%itiel chiblrens' .cpparel, and othernitteles made ollight fabrics, it vcill• .th ri fore he loorid alrne , t ixvardiant.r.. It is ait.icheil tti the table. like.a sewing bird, rinil•haiiing no tension, and riiquirins. cation Or eyeiige of stitch, is 'always ready for operation, and Such a marvel 'of .sirriplicity that a child six or eight • yea . rs can .LlthililtSTAND it, any! use it stecirs.sCi,j,y, - It k not at, all liable tio4tetont of 'order . . tach machine is pit itp in a nest box; actor() ponied, with hilt ,and-explicit directioae, and twenty' fiVe . needlee,. , Sentto . ,anytiddrees'in the llniteitStates on receipt of,an order, itirlosing•rthe a meant, or may lie collected by .E . xprceton delivery of the' . . . .. When the money is:sent:with the order and registered, We guiira Mee - its.-Safe'receint-and ihe delivery of !he.maehine, anywhere within 2000 miles free orany. Express charges, 'Very liberal.arrangements for agencies. See Mi . nnon FASHIONS; or rot. full pert icu 'tars, specimen of sewing, ete. , i send a‘sternp for return poStage Address, MME..DEmpREsr, . 473 Broodwriy;"N. Every.la . !y, mother, millider and dress—ma— ken should haveone of these valuable sewing, machines.. . . . . TIMOTHY SEED. IFTY BUSHELS of the best dualityF TIM rroyßcco, raised by and for sale at L. H. POLLEY'S. Port-I . lilegany, December 28, 1861.