M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 21, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. 4.
.S . Vtienti
By S.. M. QVIATT, .
smExproßT,,lvicEAN .cpVlsi,fr;y4
FiloE,. 9: : .E: 'CORNER 'OI';,kIBLIO:EqUARV
TEEMS: --8150 in A4v4n'ce
Rates of Advertising
1 COlumn one.year:.4 : . ' 4
Uue eq tiar,e or 1:2 lin.es ur lase, 3 hisertiont,
klaeh eolperpient ... .
Be SieeNi o•Itlt paper , '
. .
Ituly, or 01.11ra work will be. 4ouble-the tbove
Tw..bve lines Brevicr, typij or eigbt lines nonpareil is
rat c.l a-square..
'417- These t . sirm3 6ttletly.i'dhered
•. • DR.. W. , Y •M'COY, •
DI!.. L. :,R. WISPIER,
Physician abd F.orgenn,..Sanstlinert, Pa.,, attend to al
prpfesaionel calla with promptne,,N., % Of:nee two doors
•". north of the Deblocrat. Qffice; •
. .
Sme . thport,Keno Ca.. Pt. E. S • MASON, Prsprietnr
—apposite the. Citolvt 'battle. A new t large!, counnodi.
`l.ou,s . itiot, well furnished house. ' . . .
Dreher stbvee, 110 Ware, dappaned Ware. ke..- :west
end of the., Public, •iiquare,• timetliport, Pa. Cinithin
• , work. done. to. orderon the shoitest notice, and in the
joust autistentiat nionner'.• •
Denleein'Thi fl'oodic • C roee ri us,. • C roc ke ry, Ilaidware,
.1;opts; Shoes, lists, Caps, Cis ss, Nails: Oils ke.;&c.
•},:ust, side of the Public 61uare, Stnetilpor,i, Ps.
ATTORNEY AT:LAW,..•Silltithjoit .County, Pa..
Agent - fur. Messrs. Keating . t r, Co'o' LOIIR, Attends
especially, td.tla Collection of lilaimst Examination of
Lahti Titles; Payment of Taxes', and business rela
Cog to Real„Estato Wien. in Hamlin 11loelt, ' ,
1863's ~Sp.e:c.!inlt.N.'..7
. •
-"Correct with 'spirit, eloquent with ease,
Intent to'rOason, or polite to please."'
. . .
It is With no; fear'of War's effect upon' their
literary fortunes, 'that the publishers Cif.THE'
NEiV YORK MERCURY HClEROWledge'th . e unwa...l
yeringloyalty, of their s •rwo RU . NURED TUOUSANii
scnsciticalis,.and anno unce to them,..and to all,
that TUE-NEW•YORE. AIERCERY 'tor this year
0663 j will be richer in every luxury of . Polite
Literatute thin ever before,' It is no-upstart'
speculation, no- temporary ( . .‘sensation," but a
firit classy weekly,. which has been fa
fofhe United States` for.a . .quartet of-a
century;. and VI the 'w ashy-washy 'mush
room prints of:yesterday are 'cutting iloWn•theif .
talent •even• while they -raise their subscription-.
New Voitti 31Eacrrtv•maintains
'its great; Stair•of Romapcers., Poets;-Humorists,
Essayists; Story.-Tellers, ai:d.Editors, and pro
rnlies'to Make still'greater for 1.50.
• It is the one paper. for evety•horne. Its forty
Cold:tins Of reading matter per week oonsliture
an•unparalleled • • • . . • 1 . •
nod its. Navels, INtisc.eltineous Tateg, Beauties ot
Verse, Giissip, Feu'lletmis; ffroadsid • es of" Hu;
mor, and polished combine to epi.
,tomize all the, charms of
The husband reads irlo, wife ; . -the' Mothei
toPe.rchildren,.the lover ...to hii sweet:dieart,
the soldier to;his • comrades, and.: the.,villaze
•schhol•Masterlto the.circle around the' stove.—:
I'.is familiar to the "sight 61every man, xvoman
and : . c . thild stotintry,.and has renolay
scrihers.in several cOuntries in Ettrorie..
Now,YOttli MIIRCUItY 'is also ilipptifit.d With th • e
gr p o desi patriotism 'of .s.e'rerdl
inemintrs 01 it•; brilliant Staff' Mdd 'rank in
..our 'llol.le 'army, find have. Mak thimuitlvel.its
fityrUnis . with , lMt . SwOid as with
great iflustritting actist . of Tnit NrAk' Yyith
.MEituatt p lhe 'inimitable, parley'," giVe4 .the
paper ihelii:th'est artribtites et. Fine Art "awl
.yet'llii‘ i,es't literary weekly of the day pin,
tuisA . to surpa.Fejtsell in Ull.these'respects'ilul.
Nittd! .Year! . . •
The . first - Is4lw MElicunit . ..Novelette for
the Newyear,,iu be commenced in the' i s sue
of'.lUtfuary called
,Thej.-144.ires of•.Caetle.Clifre
. M1:418," "LAMM.QUE," &C I &O
..the productions of this distinguished authoress
need . no eulogy: • Public Opinion. has lung
pronounced them superior to `any other nov
elette's published .be this' side of; the • Atlantic ;•
find - the.true test of, their • merit is found.in the
fact • that .they are
~ear„erly reproduced, .afith'
their publication in the. MERCURY, by the
English Press. We
inay add that the new' tale
."Victoria;'.'.iS fully equal irrinterest and depth
of plot.to either of those .which have secured
*splarge a share of public approval, 'and we can.
earnestly receinmend it to all story:reach:is..
. E• N Off YORK MERCURYiS sold by all newT o
undperioica . l•dealet's in. America, .
siubacrihers, it is regularly mailed every Satur
day morning, for $2 a year; three . copies, for
$5; siX copies for $9; eight copies for $l2, %%it%
'an extra copy, free, to the' getter up of the club:
.Six months' subscriptions received. Ain.2:ye
wits plainly the Walla of"yort . r Poet Ojite;
wand Stegs. We take the mites of all solvent
banks.nt par. Payment .must invariably' be in
og — Speciined Copies sent • free to all aPpli
'Address all letters and remittances, poifpaid
PrOpriatfirs ihe New York * Mercury,:
Fulton streit, .New York City.
The Amendments and Alterations Coin-
Full PartiO4aig pt * tie E;iroilm.6it,
An net for enrolling and .eatline out the- nu
tional forees; and 'tor other purnos: ••••
• .
11!lleciw$, There now exists 'in ti; United
States•an in•urrect ion and rebellion ngitio4l. fire
Mithority;therecit, And it the Consti•
tutioti • of the' United States, the iiMY
. Government to suppress insiirreetion'and -• • re•
liellion,to gnarl - it - 116e .to each State a." C • epubli;
'cad form of . govcrn Men t,' and - to., preservc,tlie
Publictrishquilify; and 'whereas, firs th ! Se high
I • pti rpos.es, a, y tbrUe ixdralispensible, , tn.
taisedind sin/port irtii•ch nil persons 'ouxlid
li n g -to coot itrid.ittherrii.v, no service rah'
More praiseworthy and honorable than that
which is ter:dere:it : lot' the rintinrendrice, of the
Constitution. and •Union.,.an.l. the consequent
.pre:serviition'of :free government, lifer - Hole •
BC it cq • urcredßY. the,. .. ! Sei,at! avid Iroyi,e . uj
'Repre.reirtativerof the , Un 101 l Stab s'n . f A merica .
Cri;lgres.," as rembled. That all ,able boilieo
male. cit iiens Of the United Stntes and - persons
MO/tin:birth' who shall babe declared on
oath their intention to Become citigenS under
and in purstianceof ...the laws thereof, between,
the, ageS of 'twenty...and feirty•frve ',years, ex ,
reps as hereinafter' e • xerptciri,, 'are beret/y . (le-
Clared to constitute the national 'forces, and
ball'tie liable. to. 'perform military- duty in the .
senvice ot the 'Ft:lite& States when called' out,
by 'hi' , President fer shut purpose. •• • • .
• 85:c..2. And • be it further onaeleil,,thal the
follo•wing:persons be, eiid. rlrey aro.hereby ex
eepterFaild'exempt frorh the provisions of this,
Act, and shrill notbe liable to, military duly
'under - the same, to wit: StMh as..are rejected as
physically•or mentally unfit for Servite;
first', the Vied President.of! the' United States;
the judges of the various courts - of •the United
'States, the. heads of the : various executive'dc
partrrients.ot- tho government; and the gayer
nen:, of the several States..., Second-the only
son.liable to 'military duty of a.wi.low tiered- .
mit - upon Iliklabbr . for'support., Third, the only
son of aged ordnfirm parent or pareniidepen
dent inion : hiS labor for Support: Fourth, where
there•are two or more sons:of ailed or. infirm
parents" übjeet'to. draft, the father, or if .he' be
dcail.'thernother,may elect which son shall be:
exerrnit. • Fi'fth', the only brother.
,of ebillfren
tot-twelve years old, having neither father nor
mother, dependent upon hisdabor••fa: suPport.
Sixth, the fatherof m.otherles.s children under
twelve Yearof age, dependent 'upon his. labor
for. s : upport. • Sevent it,'where. there. a ri,/. a father
and scins in the .same family'. and, household,:
and two of' theinare in the military service of
tliellnited States as n'on'commissioned officers
,or privates,, the' residtie of surd
farnily.and household', not exeeeiling tiro,' shall
be •- cxermit., 'And' no Person but such AS Ernc
herein . ' excepted ',shall be .exem;lt; PrOvided;
however; That no person who has been con
victed cif
,any. felony ;shall 'be enrolled or :per
mitted to'serve in said hire's's: ••• •
Sec. 3: ' And be it:further enacted, That the:
national lot eeS of the United ,States not tio'w
the military service, enrolled' Under•this act,
Shall be • dlyldeddrito two classss, the'first. of
iviiich shall comprise-all persons shbject,to do
military duty bet ween, the ages• of t wen ty. and
thirty-five ,yeare, 'and &I'm/married 'persons
subject fo;clo military duty alini.e the age of
thirty five: and under the agd of forty five; the
Second. olass:Shall comprise .all otler. persons
-subject to do military duty:-;and fheY.shall . not:
in any district, be oalled into the' service- .01'
the' United States Until duns& of' the t
shall have beer/stilled. -• • '
$35 00
20 00
12 00
..20 00
1 .0
SEC. 4. And be it further'enneted, That; for
greater convenience enrolling,_ cslliriz nut
aid ofganizing the national forces, and for the
arrest of deserters and spies of the enemy, the
Milted States shall be divided into districts, ot
which the ,dis.trict of Chlembirt shall' constitute
one, caeh.Territorypf iho United 'States shall
constitute ono:fir:more, as the President shalt
direct, and 'oach cnhEreSsional- district Of the
respective StUteS, as fixel, by:law of the State
next. piecedituz the eyroliment,.shall cobStrtufe
nne; Provided, That in Siate's which•have not
by their 1.1 , ; . be6l divided into tivo or,funre
Congressional districts. The Pr•”idenf. of : the
'jolted States shun 'diVidet he :sarneiete
Iriat.y enrollment -iiistrit,s; ;is he may den fit
hod.ctinvitient. ••.: .•. ; • -
:Y. And he it,ftir - ther enacted., That for
each of said iii , tlicts •anuointeil
4•the .Presidema provott•inaistiar, With the
rink, pay and larnoluments ruf dr:await, cif ii.av
iulry. or an r;ffteer of said ;611(shall ileNtled
hy . thePr'esident, who• shall be tinder the di
rection Anil sulhjeci to .the - otdu4s.. of n provo , t
martial ize'nernt, -appointed or. detailed. by the
P.l•sillent of the United State., whose loftier
shall be arthe seat ph ,erwernment, foinslmt
separate bureau) olthe Muir nepartMeni, whose'
rank, pay stud :emoluments shall be those of 'a
colonel of cavalry: '
SEC..O. And.he it further enacted,' That it
shall he the duty •theprrivosfrrirshal gen-,
oral, with the ..'approval or 'Secretary of
war; to wtalre. rules nail regulations for the e:ov,
ernment of his subordinates: to' furnish them
with, the' names and 'residences - of .all 'deserters
from the ',army, or any of •t he land forces in
the service of, the. Milted State's.; itichiding the
Militia, when.reporfeuk to . hint . by,the
minding offirersr.to 'Communicate to theM.all
ortlers.of the Piesident 'in reference to callina
.out the national forces; to fur . niSh'proper blinks'
and instructions 'for enrolling and drafting; '
file end 'preserve copies'Of all enrollment . lists;
stated reports of - all. proceedings on
the part of Ilis . subordinates; to • audit, all ad,
counti. connected 'with' th . e service 'under. his
.direction, Anil to perform *sueli other duties-as"
the- President may 'prescribe in carrying out.
the provisions Of.this act..... , •
Sec. 7. And be it further, enacted.;' That. it
shall be 'the 'duty'of the, provoit Marshal's to'
arrest all.deserters, whether regulars,' volun
teers..militia men, or. persons - called into ser:
'vice under this or any other act of ',Congress,
Whereved• they.may be fonz.d ; end to 'send them
to the nearest military - commander or military
postrtcddeteet; seize;; and :confine spies Of: the
enemy who shall, without .unreasonable delay,
be delivered:to the custody of the:general corn-
mending the department - in whi c h they may be
'arrested, to be tried as soon as' the exigency
permit;.tci' obey all lawful :orders and 'regale.
lions of the provost marshall general; and such
SIVJETHPQRI.',: 11'.KE AN. (1',0u.N1..7 . y;- . PA;; :5.ATUttpAY.,:,..M0Cff.;,::.2f.,:4.6.:3:
alp. may ba pre'seiribo." , by law concerrqn,-Ihe
eniollmefte..and calling into serricd'tlio Rational
. . .
8.. And 'be rt. further enacted, that .in
each of.-said districts there shall b'oard of
to• be composed thit:'•prilvotit
prsident - and two
to he. a ppajnted.hY the Plesideni of th'e - rotteil.
.States', • otte of which" Shill! be a lic'ensed - and
....... .
practicing physician and surge on. • ,
Silt.. 9 And be it further enatterl, - . That - it
shall, be the dirty of the . said board tir
thedistrictintOsubalisttivs..of convenient size
if they shall deem itnecessary.,.not•exiMerltng
tWo,.Witlionitherdireclion of the Secretary of.
to•appoint,on'or befiire the. 10th day
. .March - . next, and.- to each alternate. year.
t hereinter;. - ad enrolling offiser foi each sob di's
trict;' end to' furnish. 'him with preper blanks
anti instructions; and lie 'shall itrunediatetY
'creii to enroll tilt perSOns* . subject 'to military . :
duty,. noting •tlieir.respective, places...of resi—
de,,eos.:;rl;vis on the fitstday'of July following;
and their occupation, ,na il - 011;ot % before
the fi rst day: of. 'April,.repott the Same.tp the
beard of - enrollment, to be :consolidated into
one list; a copy of. which shall he: transmitted
tothe'rirovost marshal general. on 'or.hefOre the
first (ley SuccWoding the 'enrollment. -
Provided nevertitelesS, That if frem'any cause
I dut iers.'prescr ibed. by . i
thise.ct ion e
cannot b
performed within the time specified, then the
shell be performed as soon thereafter . as
practicable.;.' •• •-•
5E0...10. And be .it further' .enacted, That
the : enrollment' ofeach'- class shall he mink
separately, and' they 'shrill only -diptirace
whose. ages shall be. On 'the
. firSt :day. 01;July
thereafter between . ..twriniy and...forty five
. .
... •
Aid he it. further enacted, That all
pe'rs'ons . this 'enrolled shall be stibieM; (9r:two
yeaiS after the.first da,V.ol July stiece,eding-lhe
enrollment, to he 'called into.tlie rililitaCy
vice Of. the 'United States', and iocondone in
service . thr,i. years . , or-daring the war; and
when called into.sereicceshail be placed on the
same looting, it all ri;sll , ..cr,s,•iis voltinteeis dn ,
ring the present • rebellion; mit, , howeyer, ex ,
cestling the term 'of. three': yeirrs, including
advance .pay'emri bdunty. as 'now provided by
• ..S . cc. 12'. 'Ant, be further enacted; That
whenever it may be . necessary to: call out the
natiotint forces for military service, the 'Pres
ident lit 'hereby authorized tb:assign:.- to -each'
disti ict the nurriber of men to. be furnish.-41 Try
said district; .and thereupon the enrolling board
shalLunder the direction of •the.T.resitlent,.
make a, draft-of the required number, and fifty
perCenttlm 'in addition, 'and shall make an eg—
rict..andclorriplete roll:of the names 'of the per
sons so drawn, so that the first drimn• May
stand first upon the said roll, owl the second
May stand seCond r and so on. And the persons
so drawn shed) he notified of the' same Within
ten days thereafter, by a
.written or -.printed
notice, to he serv'ed personally or brieaying
copy at the lust place
. residence, .requiring
them to appearar a designated . rendezvous to
report for duty. Tn as,S . igningtri the:number of
mento•be furnished therefrom,:tile President
shall take' into consideratiOn the number—of,
volunteers, and militia fOrnished.by. and" from
rhe• . several States in which' flid districts .tire
situated, antTthe.perfod. .their service since'
.the commencement of the present rehellion;and
shallso make otiCsairl assignment "as to equal=
ize numbers among-the districts of .the several
States . ; . Cons'itTering. and a llowlrig for the cam
hers. tiln;rirly furnished as aforesaid and the
time'of 'their service: .• • .
Src. 11. And be it fuither en trted, -That any
.peison•di aired and 'notified to appear as afore—
said, rpay,.nn or 'before die, day hxiiil.tnr his
apPeitrinre-, furnish .arracre - ptable substitute
take his- place in the. draft . ; or he may pay 'to
uch persoMis.the: - Serretary of War may' inn.
'thorize' to receive,' such .ssin, not exceeding,
three hundred:dollars, as.ihe Secretaty may
determiiie, for , the. procuration or sonh sithsti 7
lute, which sum shall be fixed as' a uniform-
Irate hiY . ll general. order made at the,' time of
orderiint . a.draft:for any State or Territory; - and
thereupon such person soitirnkhitig'.the sabsti•
tdti;;•or paying, t he:money, .5.ba1l lie dischagaed
from farther liability under.that draft.' Anil
• any:parson failing to report after due .Service
of not ice,fas.. herein preSe . ribcif, without.. fur
nishing 11 . substitute, or .paying the required
siiin thkefor, be: deemed
. a deserter, and
be arrested by the: provost marshal. and
sent 'tn,the nearest militaty 'post fOz' trirul by.
courrinartial, unless upon piorier..i.howitig that ,
he is norhalife'l6 the board of
inirottnieirt shall relieve hib fruit, ;the draft;
SEC. A nil, he. it further ei.acted,.That all
Persons arriving at the :rein..
be'earefully.. in.ipecti;il•byf . he' surgeon
of the;board.' who shall truly report 'to the'
hoard the. phy.deal. cmiditpir of •eitch
,one; and
all Personsalialteil • and claiming. exemption
f fool irfilitaiy duty nn account of disability, or
any oilier cinse',' , hall 'present thitir claims 'to
be.exempted to the board, whose decision shall-
Scc. 15,.. And beit , further enacted; That
ar y'srirgeomeiirged with the drityof each
spection• - who shall receive from' any person
whomsoever Osmoney mother valmible thing
or .agree,direetlV.of indirectly, to receive the
seine to his own or another's use for making an
impel fect.-iusPectiOn pr a f - alse.- or jneorreetre
:pint, or who shall wilfully, neglect to' make a
faithful inspection and true: report, shall be
jrii.M.hy a coutr martial, and, 011 conviction
thereof, he puniShed. by . finemot exceeding five
htinclieddollars'nor lesijthan two' liondr - eil, and
be imprisoned ai .the Mseretion - of the. court,
rind be cashiered and tlisinisseil . from the ser-.
. . .
•.S.tic.'.lo. And be it further enacted, that as
soon as the number of able-bodied
men liable to do Militiry ditty shall be obtained
from the lialot'those drafted, the remainder'
shall•be dischari4d. . And all the, drafted per-
sorts repoiting, at the Place of rendezvous sball
be ~allowed ['ravelling pay to.t heir; places, of
rmsidence; and•Ull expenses connected with the.
enrollment, and draft, ',including subsistence
While at' the rpndeivons, shall•be pitid'irom the
...• . . • , .
appropriation for enrolling and drafting'. under
such regulation as the President . ,of the United
States shall. prescribe; and •all expenses con
fleeted• , ..vith the•arrest . an d return of deserters
totheir regirrienfs, or such.other duties , arthe
provost marshals .shall he called upon to per;
form,.shall be paid from the appropriation foi
arresting deserters,'under Buell regUlations as
the. President of. the United Stajes shalt,pra-,
,Provided,. that: Novoet marshals%shall
'in no,onse'receivo conirrintatkon for transpO
,tior for' fuel and quarters, but onlyfor'for- 7 .
nge,:isten not furnished by
to . gether with .actaaj expenses :Of:pos . tagei.sta..•
tlonery and clerk'hire Outboriiiil-by the provost
•'. Scc..l7.•:A That
any pCrson enrolled arid ilrafied . . according le
thCpocisions of this act whb shall furnisb an
acceptable substitute, thertiepon'.rcei!io
from . the board of enrollmen . r.. a certificate
,o 1
,(Itic.harge fromsuch draft; 'which. Shall exempt
hini from ~ military duty ;luring the.. time - for
which lie was:drefiedv:: and . - such, suhstitute.
shall be entii led to . the'same pay 'nail allowance
.providefl bylawas-ir he. he& been' originally
drafted ifliO thfservice:of ibe United States,...
Sisc.'lB.'.And'; be t. - .f u rtherLeti e eted,-. Thar
such of -ihe .•
velonteers'and noWivahe
service o fthe Tjoited•States as may - re-enfixt to
serve one year, unless inioner,disChamed, alter
'the 'ekpiration 'nf. present term of eel Vice
shall bc.entitle•l•tp, a bounty of fifty dollars,
ime.hilf. of widish upon 'ouch re:enlistment, Sad
the balance at the endof the:term of re,-enlist.
'meet. • And such es,ttery reenlist to serve for'
two years, unless'Sooper diseharged,. aftee the
expiration et the'tr pte.sent term'. of :enlist - fleet,
receive upon siieti-re-eilliitment, twenty
doflisrs of the rride,.
for enlistment, provided.by .the 'fifty. section 01.
the.ict' . aperoved I %Verify sec'ond of July, •eialt•-••
teen hundred and Sixty one, entitled' act
to authorize the einpleytnelif of volunteers to
aid:in enforcing theliiVsis•and pnotectini . Publie
firotierty." • . , •.
Sec. It)'. And. be • it (tether enacted, That'
whene'ver, turegiineet of. ,volunt•eers rf 'the"sarne
arm; Irtricr the siiine State, is . reduced tootle
half of the' Maximum rminber Presceibed by
laVc,. the President may direct the consolidation
of the' companies of such. regiment:' Provided,
That t•M'cons'peity.so to rued.' shall exceed the
maximum number preA . cribri4 by law. When•
such cs maile, the regimental, effi•
sera Shall be re , itieed ih proportirin to-the reilue•
lion in the number of companies. "
SEC. 2.d, And be it Niftier: enacted,' That
. .whenever a fegiri . lent is reduced below tho min
imum number by,law,.no officeri,•shtill
ppOill , Pd wich.,.regiinent beyond those
necessary far the 'command of such reduced
number. • .
. Src. 21.' And be it further enacted, That so
much - or the filth' section of the :act - approved
17.7111 hundred-and sixtylwo en;
titled "Art ant,' to amend'an Oct; Calling birth
thetnilitia to execute the laws'of 'the Union,"
and . so forth, as-requires the appr6'al, of the..
President to carry- into: execution' the sentence
of .a court maitial lie; and the. Same
, i
repealed, as far as relates to 'carrying nto' etC.,
ectition t'aCientenc'e any court. martini
against any perkon conviCteitai a spy, or . deser•
mutiny'ter, or 'of uiliby or murder; and ..liereafter.
senteneeS in punishment of these °Duties may
be carried into'execution upon the approval
of the commanding general -in, the fiehh, '
Sr.o. (23...,And be.it further enacted, l'hitt 'the
.clothes, arm', military outfits, and. acdutre
ments - furnished try the United Stateslo • any
soldier, not he sol' barteredror-exchan
pledged,..loaned, of,• given away; and no
person rico' authorized officer
'of the', United States,'who juts . .possession of
'any tech •Clothesi...artris„:-Militark outfits,, or
acoutrements,' furnished as albresaidi• which
have been the subjeds of any such sale, iarter,
exeliangei'pledge, losen,'or gift, shall, have any
right, title or •interest .therein, hat: the - same
'rosy he - seized and.: taken iwberever. totind by
.any officer of 'he:United States, civil or mil:
itary, and shall thereupon li(i deliveicd to tiny
quartermaster... or'other officer .authorized to
,receive. the EilifiP; 7111,i 01.4 , possession .of any
such arms,..toilitary oil ts; or .accou- .
treinOnts,:by.any:personfiot a . sbl(llCror officer
bf, the United Statei, 'prima
. Mcitrovi : ,
defied of such a sale, barter,' exchange, pledge,
loan g ift, Ili-aforesaid, • • • ••
Sec. 21.' Anil'be •it, further 'enacied,
every. person, not subject'" to, the - rules.' find Sr.'
lid's orwar who procure •or • entice, at
sit I empt.to pineltre or'entice,..a 'soldier in the
ssryie. ,- of the l'Ynited State'S in desert; or Who
shall harbor, •cor.ceal %, or • giyb employineot to,
deserter, or carry him away,.br aid rn carry;
ing him awa y, hirrr to-be s tic b:'or w'ho
shall paichase.troin any_soldier his artils, equip:
Moots, anirriunition;'tioitorin, Clothing or ally.
part llieroolh aritlany'captaiii . ir coininanding.
officer of any ship orive'ssed
eat or conductor of any' railroad, or any (Abet
public conveytince, carrying !away icily such
soldier as ono fib his crew or. otherwise,-.knoW 7
'brjri to litiVo :(10'serted, ,nr shall refuse to
up to the orders'of his. command-
dug - racer, shall upon legal cOnViction; he:rled,
at the .(11scretion of ;in) , court haVing cogizance
-Grillo same; in, tiny sum not live
hundred' dollars; and lie shall be' imprisoned 'not.
exceeding-two years nor less than six -mottds,
Sc.. 21. :And be-ibinriher enacted', That if
any parson shall resist any draft of nuns enroll s
',ud.iinder this hi.t into the serviOe of the United.
States, or shall counsel' or aid any - *Person •.to
resiSt. any Such men fir draft or shall assault or
obstruct any officer in making such (I(aft,-oriti .
the Teibirmance 'of -any services fn relatiOn
thereto; or shall counsel any person to aSstioill
or obstruct any 'such
.officer or shall counsel
ariy dratted 'men not to appear, at the'-place of
rendezvous or willfully dissuade them frem.the'
parr( rmance of military duty 'as required , by
law, such person shall be subject to summary
arrest by, the provost marshalotridshall , he (Or s
t h With dervered to the civil authorities ••and,-
upon.eonviction thereto, be punished by a fine
iiot exceeding five hundred dollars., or ..by
prisOntnent not exceeding two yn,firs; or by both,
Of said 'pubishipefits. • •
Sec. 26: And he it' furfher • enacted, That, ,
irbiriediately - after the passage fit this JO; the
-President issue his proclamatiOn•declaring;
'that all row absent from ; their regi
ments withourlerive may' return within a time
. ireifieti to Sach place or places - as lie may in
dfcate'inhii•proulamat ion and . he restored to
theirlcspecirve regiments withOutriuniShinent,
except the corfeitureof their pay and allowancea
during, their .'abience; • and all, deserters' ivho
shall -net return' within the 'time so speeilled.
'by the President•shall,fipon. beirig - arretedi be
punished as the taw , • • .
Sec. 27., And be it further enacted; .That
deposition's of witnesses !residing, beyond the
limits of the State,Teiritory,or district, fs which,
niilitary. Courte.shrill be ordered to sit, may be
taken in eases not capital by either'' party, , and •
, .
••••. . . „ ,
4 . •
'• •- 44.
. t i y:
. .
- • .
. ,
real provided. the samr, shall be
itikro UpoirreAsonable .tiotiie. to thO . oppoOte
,patty, and dulyouthentioittrd... .•
• • And i r nirth,r,erincted, Thatthe
judge ' adyocate shall have ; Pnwei to appoint ,
reporteri 3A'hnse y. it . shall'he.:to; record . : the
Proceetilne,s. of ,aritl' test imony, taken before•toili
'tary courts initead judge advocate;' and
such rePorter may.• take down aileh' proceedings
and testimony the first instance . in shorthand.
The reporter shall 'be sworn or affirmed faith
fully to perfoim his duty before enteringUpon.it.
~ 5ec.,,20- Ahd be it farther enneted,' That the.
eMirt•shall,, for reasonable cause,' grant' a' con
tinMiticolci either party for : such time end as
often as shrill spear tribe jast; • l 3 ,rovid , ..d; That'
it the pristmer he in close roof' tiement the trial,
shall ant:be : delayed, for a period longer .that
. . . .
brit -forther'enneted, That
Ohre' of war, iasurreetiori;or tnarger,
assault:and battorywith nfi.iutent..to kill; man•
•slanghter, 'mayhem, ~wolindirig,,by'shaoting. or.
staldtfng...t.cith ari 'intent to cOmtnit•muraef„. rob
berg, nr~nn, burglary; rape; assault and buttery
with an_intenffa commit •rarro, 'and larcrmey,
shall be itunishAle'by.llM. sentence or
erul court 'mateigal cummissinn,
When'comniitted,bir,.persbns'who are In. t h e
'serviee of the United. States,.and sub-,
'jeer, to the artirtrs of war; and . theiumisment;•
of such offences shalt nevr-i...he.les's. than ...those
ittflicfe(l.4 . the laWvirf,State',.T.crritriry di%,'
triet in which they May ham.lifien crimmitted.
• Sec. 31. And be it further enacted,
any officer abs'ent from. dotyl . With.leave; except
'tor sic k nestor won iids;shal l', dining hiti alisenc,
receive hello( the pay MI allowance prasCrib•
ed by law,' and. on'ttiore; and 'any officer absent
without leave shalt, in addition to the penalties
prescribed by, law' , or 1.1 court Material, -forfeit
all pay,br
,allowances darina absenco.':' •
- Anil.bg it farther enseted;Tha! the
commanders of regiments and batteries. in
'the field. are 'hereby Mithoriied and ; empowered
to.grant furlonana fora peood 'not exeeeJin_
thirty days at. any otitiAtine to per ceninrri .
of the, non-commissioned officers and piivare4,
!or - amid conduct 'in the line of_ duty; ties.,' and,
subject tp the approval Of the commanders of
tbeforces•of which such non-commiSSioned•off.
ems and privates form a . part. ..• •
Sec. 33. And he it funiberenacted . , That the
Presidniit of the United ei is hereby ant iz
ed and eropoweiiM , 'during the 'present rebellion,
tAcalltorill the mationsl forces, by draft, in
the manner provided for'iri this net. , •
Anil be it further enacted, That
person's - drafted under. :the'provisions of-this.-act
shall.be' assigned by the. President to military
Anty.in sneli corps regiments, Or other bre vb.:.
e.a of:Ole:service as the exigeiicies 'of *gr. sof,-
.Aec. :35. And be• further That
herenfter details to ~ .pecial service Shafforily'be
Made' with 'the: consent cif. the rommand ,
ina, 0 . 16.4 of. forCesiin
,the field; 'and 'enlisied:
'men, now or hereafter detailed to special ser
vice, shall not receive any' extra - pay for, such
servicesbeiOnd that alloweitto.other enlisted
Men. . - • • • •
See:: 3n. And be. further . enacted, That.
generd'orilers of war: Dep:lrtment, , numbered'
one hundred and lift y-fotryrind one hundred and
sixty—two! 'in...reference: to enlist Ments',from
the Yalonteres intodhe iegolar service, be and
the same are herety.teendrled;" and , hereafter
on each enlistments shall ..•
Ser. 37. 'be it further enactedi•Tbat. the.
trades created in the 'cayalry forces
United States by sect ion eleten of the net aggro=
yed'neventenn duly, eighteen-hundred and'sixty
two nedler which no - Mtn of comerisntion tae
horn p.ovided, she II be paid ns follows, to wit:
--Regimental commissary- the sante as regi:
mental minter: master; chief trumpeter the same
as chief hit cler;' the saddler sergeant ilie,rritte
as regimental enmrniss.tr,y Sergeant; company
'f..nMminsary, sergeant' the same' as company .
quartermfister's sergeant: Provided, 'That ;the
grade 01nupeninumernry serOnd licuter ant, Anil
two tertmastern(ur each company, and onto chief
farrier and blacltstor'fi .for.• each regiinent.
ulloWed by.snid section oft hat net . ; he,;a nil they
are l i enehy abolished; and 'each ;cavalry' com
pany may baVe two tzutnpeters, -to, be paid n 9.
',buglers:rind each -regiment shall have :pile yel
'min:try slingerm,Witir the rink nrn regimental
sergi‘ant rnijor, whose compe'nsation shrill be
seventy flee dollars. pen,,innoth; - ' .
Sun 3S. A , irl further- enaeted That All;
persoils who, in-.time' of
. war 'or 'rebellnin
against the: snpreme:aUtborily of the, United-'
Snatea;shall be found lorkine:M'oeting as spies
in - nr . a I) . (1 , 1 ,of the fortuentions, posts,
guar:ern; or eneampments'of and of the- atimes
of the Umted .Stades..olaliCwlreteoliall be try
a Melly color rnartiiti or' mititmy
cominissio'n, :IA shall, up . ou'eoncietban, nuffir
deutti:• • • • •
In an etiort to enuro.l.l tatiler•than
t o t'cilich the 11;rniorta(c pirty °Wes its
successes in the fall 'and spring. elections, Mr.
I.4 r ,j a v,in his Trihune OfSaterrhiy, says:—;,.•
X Certain active, unprincipled i.p.ecula.tors in,
polities; who choose to be us < , Sevrard
Men," but . Whose cardinal rule is to • take ..care
of No. I, and wrin to that end net tinder. the
personal ,gitidanee ot Mr. ThitrloW 'Weed.%
I stated, three months 'ngo,that the Tribune,
ratter 'oiterated insiiertatiou,c„ Would• finally
make this Specific accusation. 'lt will'he seen,
rherefore, that I kneW•the habit and.,trature of
thel`rilitine. :Though' tardily obtained (for .1
was verdant enough to believe in .Mr. Greele)os
patriotism and,simplicitY for lift . enn years) Ido
know him now. Indeed,'as•the ranadian once
said of a long since. departed friend; Alderman.
Braiher, I , should''. g‘kbow Iris hide in a tan
- • T he•causei of the defeatof the RePt.lilican
ticket last fall tirebow ro patent that !idol space
only is're . quired to explain them. T . h.! Tribune's
enormous circidation had infected the popular
mind with, its politleill heresies,
,A State Con;
vention coruposediargely of - worthy - and .de•
• - doted Union men .whoie juilginents had., been .
thus misleil;sithrnitted.itself to•the.guillance of
Mr:Greeley - and abotlf a.dozen . ciiher..ctufiptin
cipled speculators' in politics.'.' • Gov. •Nloirgati,.
whose renotrtination was . suggested:kr:every
consideratiob of fitness andpoliey, - %Vris Ignored..
Gon. Dix,• whose •nomination':tvould have united
the whole Union sentiment and strerigth'.'of the
State, securing us a - triumphant:re - Suit; was' re
jected.' Metsri. Oreeleyi, Orly Ice:and, Fieid;
aspirants. for the United Slates Senitp r p,iipms,,, , ,,,,
tog the State
venture their elintices,upon that . issee ..dernand
.With a ticket, so r0r(117.1110 to !01 , 10 0
i‘011( in. Ih e. pol d,".- St a t e'en
Pr t.elrcnnaltieution". character Wii!idee . ige . aieri.'....
That coin inittee.:..hpety.' Otow.
and.thet.seerns to' have , been the
s 'ettteitLei.lits*,,...
hnovvledge. Like'the,reclilpos'heir,' to a;
;State; Mr. Greeley; (whose State-,,, nromittre, ,, ,
e . stablished
blindly upon 'the,hi;thdre'd
tbou4arid Union majority., of the proylouo :,etto;
vans.. lie evidently, it :.iMpos,iihl4,,to„ ..
squander'no rich an-inheritance in it : „tiing . le'
.When, a fortnight h'efro the eleCfrOri;.'.,CMi:i.; - ;
ing events cast' .their shadoWs
to New York; and ih en • -nperation With knsa4;,•;-
Sherman,,,lVakemen and . florris,'Oninerity' l bot.,,
dive - members of the: Ptecittive - ,Commiaeey
Aid. all.' in my, power to
.1a ve the electiOn: . l .
earnest:Srremonstrated against preasirht ,
ition. idea in diet locality; and I urged the, Coita:, t .
entice to forecn.tboir xehetne of br, 1 9404 ~..Gel l .,
Wadsworth to pz w York Air the, purpose; . of , .
making an epeech..:..'
. I. - have oply •to appeal to the eanv ‘ ase to re - 1
lute and: confound Mr. Greeloi's
against, electors, whom ha.chooles
ward men." for 'whatever those wfie,ll,o,sibtn.
may do,..Figures themselves
Seymour's, majority in the • State was,
00n. tlis majority. in the''of :NeW. . mile: :19,000, and Kings enmity 6,5;00. r This
13;000' more than. the majority age:loaf GoV.
Mnrgan New York and kingaill 1 • 8 0 0 t !Low
ing a loss there greater than GeV. .Seymoor's
majority iii the Stnte; Geo.' Wadsworth .whs
heitteni. therefore tinder Mr, -Greele'y's'.
Winne he madly. Persisted in voinitifig ,
his abolitionism.. • • • :
'rhe Repithlican;. who, since Mr; • Greeley .
di5.;n11.44 with Mr. Seward, . because, as 'he
complained,- he did Mat get his stare'ofnillea's;`:
have . incurred his displeasure, •didlheir:*difty'
faithfully, and Mr. Greeley knows'" it', 'f e 'r l ite'
was with:them lot enoilgtv to 'knaw'• -OM(
they are always faithful. He •finds the permle . '...
now, in their town and City eleetions, re'pudial-'.
•ing the issue. he' hag forced, and in.' his
appointment end rage ; endeavdra
. to . ' shirk the
responsibility: But he 'cannot dodge
this or more fearful ronserfue.nces,.Ere lobe
those• who are bereaved or some, busbninlo"ttnC
hi others will begin., le .inquire who f.onire,4 the
991t0n States to secede? who told: tben'llier
,to Widmer trom,:the
who. stigmatized an'a tsui,tad the BorderStal4t,
'who Intensified the" rebellion and pervorted..the
,w conspirenwith
when the life of the nation is . dependent-
uninii„ 'deals faithribald -ilenunein thin „"tigaigil
the Democratic patty?asho;`iin:ithe darke`st.
hour of.the-;war, traitorously, prochilmisit'tt bite
we must put 'tiown . fhP rebellion
or “enalce pence upon the besthtfiiitiable terms
The day is comic`._;. I icp - rit. when'these'llinj
other questions will be' sternly' asked'of"en'erli:i l
tor who, won the confidenee end' !tetra:ye : J:ll4,i
Welfare and happiness of hu . ndreds thausariiis
01-rmider.s. The day coming' When
lent journal will not Miltile,e its licentiontiitangnir
or . apply its indiscriminate laid, with Impunity
w.hen air
. editor who int • rigiies' secretly -With
foreign minister and a. disloyal, member of Can:.
gress for 4Peare noon the hest ettainable•teiiiiii
.inay not shower. his fell prcesatione epee better
and tiller meet; whett.th'ose.wito fio
the 1) ihune•stripe. end .simport Tlr `Greeley"
foi• Governor, Seoator and President, :Will . .not
siibmit In lie imathernatiged in itti,eoluoin'S,iinir .
above . all, when a ilnittk; dozed, Mutddle-dien'tf.,'
et] Fpit ant for ;Alice may 'dot' a rrogantlY; leet
titre .ll the President, defame his eillaihet,',TOlS'
striiet Congress,:depeon generals,' and :rissitintl ?:
to •entnnitind the
•The..lm-i of an election, in ordihrtrY
was of but slight , pinetical
Grp. hey could indidge his : yagarles.than'•Wiih 42
.00Cserious. injury to the general Wellarn.'''...r . ll4e'
now liis.incendiarism imperils i'itai'..interea`ts;
now' he wantonly 'scatters • whatSitbsetm e ne .
prudence can neither . gtither nor 'fil;'
however,'. nut laying up wrath; rtinflet'hiMlp4:
nilmonished'in MISCH; fir it, he -continnes'Plii
Mg away .all that:good min I . wise Men 'cherish'j•
be lie prevoliing -, rett ibutions compared ."taitt&
v;hich lii.. , remorse fdr the ‘ , On to Riehitieti'd
braeadii will he as nothing.
Ilaptily, Public:Mind
healthies. time is • discernible.
sidea,' Neither Opilyke, nor Mir' t.l l o4t!'i l •
thrust,theirohnlitionisto open the .tiiiietintis'at•
the Cooper Institule on Friday eVening.''"
resolutions and the Speeehes wP re pafriotin'iihd .
sells ibl.e. 4aCtliis'spfrit be iiriong'tho
poople; het us . hear less of epithet and &monde:.
tion, emit we may hope fora rettlili• Of that Oni
on rind devotion to tbe*goverimient,Whieb; dor—
'Mg' the first year of the rebellion, sent 'hilt a '
million of gallant. men, irreipective'ortiarty,' to
'he field, the reinains nne- ! thiritof whOm, ,flre
rants they's:alight to rescue
frorn•rebellion. But if, for notweathngatt tit?
olition liveyy;-nen are to ',lie iniliscriininately•
stigmatized as ‘tecimierbeads,7 we nielicirielee,-4 •
eider!, and nor country irretrievably
Ciangre . Ss has n trned-the governineni.Withall
the pqwers that its exigencies' regitired'.
Administration is • eloilieCwith extraordinary
financial antimilitary antherity..."The Fedor:al.
glverurnent is TIOW it s•own haidcar,. and .
iriieS are to
,he levied iirelepsnd'ent:nt Stitt e
•In the first year ot pie' war- I:My -
I Men ,rushed imhintaritY trrthe. and
,`iit)i.l -
hanks as stoluntaelly suPPlied ~t ho' government
with Wiys and Meting.. ..714 , 4 the t•lttt'Niii;', l
reettnot In'.son it teacites - carelr.tdy;! .oVerotra
laWs can only be carried hito effect * : ”Satith'ipM•
consent of- :the g,oirerneil.!
was eiMsen by as lairb theonsetiptietilaw Wiiit
enacted; there . fiiii been rt• Pnlitical iresiolut iota'
to four of the largest Strifereitfthe UniOn.filiere
are causes for with re=action.'.;' Lett thoSe 4 whh
are responsible for the:'Coutitryks':welliiat-seelc
rd . pleat br them':
ThO comp'ulsorytlx l's of he i, t.dot es if
,e)ceelftea',rittii,e +Ore . the cbtieurr
renee of. t *gairin 'The' iiiitilid 4 i Veritltt-r-%;.
Ment , must a Open v 4 . tbeiri":‘This
not be Obtained by prOsCiftilion odd de>ihcl~44ttoFt:,
Halle millieniat'Aeh,will not.gainf4otalWfr*
gravei like. beds, tindee,tbe,threata
cal hYetnaa'ishci,
'his, by th'e a"
fa na tic iirn. '7".tlietktrielde`a Men,":lliittittpvia , !„ . l.
most aggravate, theor..ro tlt of
take ideeigus Co ,110,0 • t•
'• • • '74
, . . . . .
ill It .5,
~ ~,f :- f MS, fd
L~'+ri D~'.
`~. ,
'~ i.:,^i~~~~~~lF K,