M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 14, 1863, Image 1

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VOL: 21'.
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• • "Rates of Adveytising:'-- 1
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14. . .
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1 .„ t , • ; ale . .... 20 00
.• • ' YI I"'c' . .. . 12 00
- One•equatiof 42 liner; or lose; 3 insertions, 1 50
Dinh enbeequaat . .• .. •
-.Hu einepa,carde, .. ....... 0U
Rule,'Orlignre . work Will .bct' double the; above: rates.
'Twelve Droller type s O r . eight lines nonpareil is
rated k square. r
• ,11:7- T hose feints , elll strictly adhered to: •
Business I.4lireristV.
• w y '
Si're: s thport;
, . . .. •
... . . .
rhxsiciiiti and Surgeon , Stnethliort, Pa., will attend to al
prOreFisional calls with pronipthesti. ' .. OLlicii two doors
..•ti ucth 'of thnlleniocrat.Office., .• • • . •'.. ' •‘ . '
sm,thport i . S AiASON, Proprietor
—i,ppooltti . tho Odtirt •liefi , , large, coniniotil.
pan and hell furnished hoese. ' ..•
. .
. .
:. . - - . ..21. ,L•NOttßst: ~. , -.. , .
praler in Stoveß; Tin Ware, /apprized, W'are.. & e..• yea (
.end, of the' Public '
2guaro "likuetlipert, Pa., Custom
work ilune•to order on thoshortent notice; and in the
antiat substnut fat manner.. - - . ' r....
. . . .
Dealer iu Dry* Goods, Grocetles, Crockery,' Ilardwait ,
Boost, 9hoea, Hats., Gap, Glass, Nolls; 0114 ,4
,Etkst old!. of the l'abllo Square, Smethport,' l'a, : . ..•
ATTORNEY AT LAW,' ,S111•4)11.61 t,. M'Nean County, Pa.,
Agent for Messrs. liCatilig; itteiols
especially to tho'Collectiou of 'Claims; Exaiiiimilien of
Liontritles .• Payment of Tams, and all. bu'sinessrela
t log 011 ice in amn!' Block.• •
I_B63's Spec,inJtv-
.. .. ..
"Correct with. f p'74.; eloquent - Nrit4 ease,-
. Intent to re4gon, orpolite . tu please."
. .
It is with
: no fear of War's effect upon, their
literary,fnrtbries, that
. the• publishers of Tim
Ncw YORK -MERCVRti, 'ackooydellge the.unlya
'irering loyalty of theirTWO . IIR . SPRED TROUR.iND,
BtrisCrit4as, and announce to them, and to all,
that TUE NEw YORK • MERL:I.:RV for this year
(1863) will pd richer in every luxury of Petite'
.I.lterature than ever before'.' :Ilia no upstart_
speculation,' no . lemporarp ‘sensation," bet a
first class literaryi.yeekly, which],haS•been fa--
. miliar to the.• United 'States ..fOr a.quartor
century; and v.bile the ,yishy:yrashy . mush . .
'tenni prints of.yesterci'ay Lire cutting down their
talent eyen'while they raistheirsubscriptiou- .
iffiCe,'TßE NEW t - ottu.,lllcacunx maintain's all
its greatStaffof Romancers, PoetOlumoriSts,
Essayists; Story•L'tellers,'ar.d".E.ciitors;".ana 'pro,
mises to Make it still greafOr for IS(3.
It is the one.paPer for• every home. , Its forty
. coitErmso . f.reatlirtg matter per „week constitute
'an unparalleled, ' •
mid iis,No%4ls . ,..MiscelaneonS Tales, i3eanties of
Verse, Gossip, Feuilletons, of Hu -
Mor,,and.pol!shed.Eilitorials, combine to'
Zomize, all the charrits of •
Th01'141)40 re•ads it tohiswife v . the mother
to her children, the lov.er: to his sweet-heart,
t(ie.'sol liar to .his .comrarl'es,, and .the village
school master to the.circle.stoirnd the stove.—.
It is, familiar to the sight:of:every Man; woman .
and child:hi:our country, end has regularsub
scribers in . SeVerarchiintfres '; in Europe. 'l' of:
New YORE MiRCERY is also identi6ed' With the.
:graride'sqPetrietism of . tOe :age, for several
merebere.orits brilliant .Stair hold": high rauk in
bei . nohleirrriy, and have rnarler - therriselvei as .
Arnotie with, the Sword as with "thelPen. The.
'great illuStrating artist . of .. .THE KEW YORE
, 'Maircitni, the Inimitable ,Darley, gives t h e
paper the highest artributes of Fine Art.; • and.
yet this largest literarY•weekly of the day pro.
coker . to surpass itself.in' ail these respects "dn..,
'ring the Nivi Year ! . • • . •
The first . Nie,i , Yana MERCURY Noveletie for
'the New Year, to be commenced an, the issue
01,,retittary 3, :843,1a called
. .
The Heires4 of Castle Chilli. .
, .-: ' Iry•O6I.7SIN :%lAY•CARLETON, ‘.
.itillOn,ol . ,o . lP6r.GOWErt, ,, • , .$1 . 1114 CAMMIEL" L, g 'ER
.. ;
'lii:6lr. : ?, "LktiAsqUii, ,, &C.i &c • ' •
; ; .
the'productions of thisAlistirig,uished atithoiess
need :no eirlegy.. Public opinionhas long -since
prOnotitice'd them superior to'. any Other nov
eletteePehliehed.on this side of the Atlantic ;
end fhe , true teat of their Merit is folindin the
fact, that they are,' eagerly.rerirodoced, after
,their, publication in 'the Ifinotialr,', by the
gn g li o l press. We may add.that, the hew tale
"Victoria," is 'fully equal in.interest and depth
,;..of plot to :either of those which have 'secured
,;; So large a share Of public 'approval; and, We•can
,oiernestly'recbirimend.it to all story:readers..'
Tan NSW YORK MERCURY by•ell news
men and. Periodical dealers , in /inletice. To
_subscriber's, it is' regularly. Mailed every Scour.
r idey. morning, for .$2 a year; 'three :copies for
ti; six copies for $0; 'eight copieslor sl2, , with
an-extra copy, free, to, the getter upnf the club.
..Six ; ,ltriontiis' subscriptions reeeived. • • Ativey
lhO'name of -your Pore Office, Conn
We : tokethe notes of all solvent
at pat. . 'Payment must invariably be in
Rtivahee• • -* .1 • • • .
ar,Specitnen collie, Beni, feee 10 all appli:"
, T .Ad4reps all letters and rernittandes, post paid
ta • • ` •CAULD.Wtr.L 8r 14 7 1 - IITNEY,
; -..,/tr ? prietiffiv the New York illierew ry,„
.li3 Fulton street, N.ew York City.
. .
An ingepio4B , •inind:;c9bl4,'N;rtiaps''sugiest
some promising method of over
the DerrioCiatS to a 'cordial support. of the .ad
rninstfation-than.the perstiaSiVe one of:Malign
•.,, . •
iag.their - motives an. happily'', hit .Uped by - the
Republicans Thercharies of fliAloYalty again S t.
theDee-meratic partralMost•refute themselves.,
!ray what r,r trreat have Deinoerats in the .pei
manent dissolution of the Union,? If; _like all
political par ties , i they aim at.posver, are they
lesslikely than the Republicans to. be rein=
fOrced by:•the Seuthern .yotel -Rat, ',aside
,frotri considerations', what interests
have half the citizens of the North which *con
flict with interests. of pie ',miler Wif? ..If 'the
vessel - in *hich we are all .endiarked shell
. . .
founder; will'not Democrats: . and . Republicans
,common fate T The charm of "dis-;
lOyalty againit large masses of citizens Who
form a'majoriy in most of Ihe'Northerti States
•is abSfirilon its frtee They live intermingled
.with theii fellow•cifizens of the Opposite party,.
pursuits and ihdustries, selling. in 'the same.
Markets', paying the, same taxes, relying for:
the protection of their, persons- and* prop.erity .
on the eame laws, educating tl3e,ir children in
the same schools, attending the same churches,
and having a common interest with them in
the. moral, soCial, . andreligious . ; improvement
of the cornmcinities in which they dwell.'
blight falls on the Country,. it must affect theiri ,
and: their itepuhlicen . neig,hbors 'alike. It •ie
as.preposterons as it, is discourteous and un- .
charltable to keep charging them,- month in
and mouth out, %with conTirfng 'against. the
SafetY, honer,'and' welfare 'of their
The grounds On' which I lidse'corislart ;accus :
aliens of disloyalty are made against the Demo•
eratie party are ,principally these: .
I. ihseveral of. the most important
of the No;thern' Stete.F, elected. Democratic
GovetnoTsanil legislatotei.
2•' It. has vehetpentl.y.opposed.ar—
rests, roade'is- violation of, the
Coristituiicin, and
.have no degree
contributed, and.. which ,bad sid;:tendeney . tq
eontibute, to. thosucceis tlie..4ar. •
, 3..bas . exiireSseil strong disanprayal' of the
emanciritiOn'proclamatiOn; *befrig
se. tpiconstitutional, mischieviatts, andlqatire. - ;
ly. futile ine.t;airre;'‘i'bich' .ipive to the: :rebel,.
Itiade,rs.the great ;moral Odyantage derrion.,.
•stratingto the SoOthrenpeople that, they were'
correct their earl:• predictions: tharthr tie r
publican party woOld'attemPt to abolish sla very
in th'e States... ' • . •
'These facts :constitute the head acid front .of
DeinocOtic offending. DemVerats.ha've, to lie
sure, diSapproVed of the•regiil tender treasury
notes; but .the . Tritiette anj:the• Evening Post,
lending Organs Of the party in'power; have dOne .
the.same. , Democritalitive arriinailverted with
'some severity on•the• •imbecile management,-ofthe bat.in• this.kind of critiCkrn they have
, been 'outdone:l)y ns. ; The chief ev i
deuce of their iliSloYttity lies in the Pact : Olaf
they haVe carded eel - Jai:l.state, Cie.ctieng, and
intend to carry other tdord., that
they are pursuing, in tiate•cif . 'war; the .citatern
'ary constitutional methods for hatliiing up
consolidating a political party, with a view •ro
.the better . proteCtiCiti , ..of the public l liberties
to the election,'aS'sOon as :the *.forini of
:the chnstitation .will .of, a
. mere
peteht adirtinistratien: And • thit, exercise DC
the ordinary: HO : JCS of citizens 'under a free
go%ierninent is denbtinced as "treason
said; indeed, that Democrats: are
prised:to the Wail'and . it is quite' true that a .
small portion of. the party 'disaPproyal of its
tuttherProseeption f .the'whble Party'
were of this opinion, 'it is note soy to r see:hoW
.that circumstance would'either imply disloyali}'
could' interfere with the sticeesSof the
test. Public opinion may carry ClectiOns, bnt
it is a" feeble agent in ;wit. - War is a. , comliat,
of 'physical. force; peinocrafs have no : power,
.oven'if they had to With hold 'from.
the'administration the..men'arma,•munitions;
apdsupplies•Which are its instrument. :These.;
in . Sufficient abundance, ',Will secure sucie:ss .
with generalshiv.hut in war' nothing can
succeed withciat it. Has not Mr. /..ANDOpi men
'enough? He has unlimited 'command over . .all
the able•bodied men - inthe 'country.- Dees he'
lack :prigney He has power %to 'Strain the
credit 'of ::the . .government 10 . . the utmost•
If he ha 4 not:epmpetent generals it is his Own .
fault, for hcappoitits his 'osyn• officers - and has
a Senate
.of hiS'O;n party confirm them.
If there is anything helaCkS to enable
him to prosecute. the war . to's successful' and
•honorable, Conclusion, - it is those; high elements,
of.personal :character which it is not in the
competency : of - any ..political party to give . or
to withhold., . If he knows bow' to manage the
resournes which no. • pOliticl party : can, for
many months tp•comc, tekemit ofilia 'heads,
our "armies will whip the rebels; • hat...if. •theSe
resources shall he'Squandered ao,.nopurpose s it
. iaa.mattey .of reasonable precaution that
political organizition should to,. tePlace:
Mr. LINbAN by, a more competent 'successor:,
PoilticalSsUpport - administration nuisht .
.Unable hts pa s rty . to:carry the riext• presidential
efec.tion lbut it has riO''tendency rto:inspire him
'withthe vigor ant sagacity which are the only'
meariapf success he can lack. If • he whips the
rebels he will beat down their 'confidence; but
any expectation' that' he will intimidate or dig-.
Cottrage them ' until he' first whips; them, is
;SIVL,E!IIIP:O,Rt . I:',• : „.AIIiE - O . ,,COVNTY . P:4,' . 2S4Ir : pu - kpAz.,MA.11 . .0;14;: 1861.,:',
sheer lolly: 'there were anything . the Deno 7.
ocruts could possibly' do. to qid success,
which they, are, not doing;they.know not .:whiit
it is, What .more can men,out of • pol!a•ee:do
than send their:SOo'site to. •yy.er
.anit„pay their
takeal?. : l( rheir . -.loyal!y, must fakerho form
Of, perSonal homage LiNcor.x,':lef. him
,first do
. .soniething . tii Y
• ' I A soCietY is orpniz.ed.for the purpOse of
eiriOng . the iieople c.O r rect . tio'w I e . tl Oen . t
.the ConStitn (ion ainrthe Mine iples'of. r goy—
eronnent: InSttintly a terrible picit . trient is pro-laced among the'ratlical PolitiCiani'and political
-manners; they proninince tho' society. a • crnt—
epilaey; and exert, tilr.thair weak eninc;s to
stop it's in'lltiehee. Does . any. one need' better.
evidence 'that theSe radical men are: enemies of
the Constitution, t.,they. see - the •doom'. of
:their own schemes in the idea that the:: people_'
may 1i:0e theirheartstfirtied.fo- ihe:Cortstitu
tion?.We never' .Seen 'se
thorenalily'clistorbed btany public .movement
.as by:the niere•prhpoial . .tq'educfite 'the 'people
in the principles of the Constitution. Doubt
less thareducation is the
enlist-M b u t the curious Matter. is ihitthe
.cal men shinild slims their felirs to and
'confess thefy ‘'refik spot so difinklY, . .
. : plan . of the' abolitionists, to' de—
nonneeenyroan Wilt) does not denounce the eon
.No.:ino.re foolish delusion' has been
alloWed:to posSess.san* . minds 'Alan' the belief.
that the ifiiiieodaboliiion new ,, papeiS , andjih;n
country fire friends of thelfnion
sire its preservation.: • .
Radicalubblitionits . ...may lie tle•ftnett. now us
one bo(ty of msn, - whOse public orea:os are ihe
NeW York T , ibitne,. the Posten . ./Aft'aior,• the
NpW Ynr lcEven Poet,-and" ryi
Stazirirml,ti•ith sundry. cmispieuors•new—
simpers. It is. to he: noted that
,two . of these
papers;.the•Liberatoi ariefiai,slatiery;tafritfard
are publishe] by organizations of.. me‘n whose
names do nut:appear !heir Columns,. but' of
course it is well known that.COOSplCUOUS . priliti—.
clans' and editors of other papers are .ißembers
of these'siteielies, R i nd assume thC;reSponsibilty
ortheir, publlcations, sayings and doings- It
has for loir years beeriti'ne.. thot. some. ' . of the
mast tiCtiKe -ragical politicians here in New.
York'were.se . cretlymemhers pi the., Ameri c an
'Anti.Slavery Society, and gave mon'ey' and.
countenance to ihe.puhliCation.of,thcir disloyal
For m a ny years, and up id a pericid _ . river a
Months after the atttek . .bo.FortStinter and ..113:e.
eensequent wnr, tile Liberatttr kept at - thehe ad l .
of its coldmns the . rnotto of its • society;' ".T/if'
Ceic.scioction it in loittit with,deatia and . .'ca...rot:;e•
'law. with hen!" This yeas O.
the ~ ., 0 s ., ed cre e d of
the:inemb - ers,.anil the destruction of . 1 he Union
and the•ConStitncion ivas.the.objeet of their,la
•bors ant P.iblications. . The'pedPie .w-ere . not
fast eno - tigh torec,ogiiizq . the'(act that these per
..siteitt enernies 'of their country- were steailfa . st. ,
ly laboriiiiisly, • enerzeticallv laboring to. undc;r 7
aline tliefotindat ion of t fie gov!rnent. . No seci..
'ties' were'orga'nizeil.to , lefend the Constitution.
No one thought that it needed. defense a siA lost
..such treason. .: The error, has ti . ici , n . . disovered.,
at.rast,, and at a moment ndren these men:" are,
so. bold - in sin that they have the citidaefty to
eall'ihe - organ nation ofi6oeiety for the defence
of the Consiit it ion "treason.,". . . " :
IVboo :the . war
. was approacbinz, the abol
tionists foresaw it as. well ill 'the , constituti'on •
ist,s; but the latter tnaurneii:;.the Cornier
in 'it. t ; hey intended Volt, if posslble, ii
uh; . r for the The 7.ritiiie
tinhisitatingly espoused the .cause of the South,
:and not only declared that secession.whi - rigitt,
tnit'quoted and. commented on , . the'O.eclarat
Of Independence as estahli thing the 'and
.promiSed openly :ite - aid in lirMeing •.it'. about
'ineCeSsfully whenever.there should seem to be
a 'united wish -I°r itott the part dl the Southeri
ers: ' The Ebelitlr Pose Hifi:Oiled the
idea 'of war,-, roofed Mother Gooia!s . Metod les
as oc:exponents of its doctriiies,:and, chuckled
complacently ae'they'saw the 'enuntry rbehittg
onto ruin. The Liber'atorllealt irrfetociOus' de_
nunciations of any on/. who,shonid suppptf the
war until it was made( im anti'-'elavery war, pub
lished articles .declaring: thit "obodience to
'WO a government was . treason to God" and.
openlY. di,scouraged enlistments for the war • in .
the most bare . ,faced.and Violent publications ; .
All this time•the anti-slavery, leagues end soo
'eties Were at work. Our readers will rerner&
"her Mir, Various exposures of the lists of: names
of editor's ofthegovriqg Poiti Tribune and ...44-
ii-Slavery.steendatYl in close fellowship, engaged
in. t hese designs, for.which one of Mr, Lincoln's
Cabinet advisers pronounced them "Milers' and
abet fors:of . the'Southern 'Confederates.?'' This
terrible accusation was never even .denled • by.
'the subjectsnf TheY .accented . the state=
Mott, anesilently n • adMitteil. its 'truth. • That
they we're such then, noene doubts'. • Are they .
any lessso'noW? . •
Plot, 'after plOt, conspiracy after, conspiracy,
has bi , en . 'started by these ratlic'els and put down
by the bold front of cairn, loyal conservatism.—
So many' are these plots that half of .them are
tol-gotten— Whene;er they. feared that . .there
was any prespecr of saving the U mon.they be—
came:desperate and held 'secret conventions to
devise treasonable idani of.ruin: As early •as
Octoheri.lB6l., they plotted hc4e in New York
to calla mail convention .of, the people gcroi the
purpose of srlstairiing, Generdl FrepiOnt" Old
. •
substituting him for Mr.''i,incolns as..Piesident
of thes T.Tridtad States:s...lu. ptlratiance' of- this
same_ intention 11 - jey • liay'e held frequent • searet
t:neetings.sin6e:s•td:Mt time, iOany' of Which wee'
•tneWofn; the, time'theis . we're' all
which were•diilli . kal in , sidi.it.4nd'obje'cl.' ',the
wintr (CM $61.- . 2 Was prolific 'bf.such treasana-
But- fhe'constaiit'Lliffigulty‘'s'aa'
derstOod to • -•ha the•ambiiiiin 'df certain indivithr ,
als, which: on any
Ondinan'as:thti...liu'aul-i)! . .rlierevolutfon . bryhtch
they proposed to sa pat ce'itel6,
' plisthe
.2.6.lanttari, I 86'.;tbe„Tribuiqe: threw .
ofF the, •inask. tion: is ; fi~rltting_, for .
1i fe—thortet . all tkc paper constitutions on :forth.
scatteiedto the ininds'?, said that paper. and
again on the 28th;Jiinmiry, the Tr ibrttic said .
boldly, . tt TVe Can . .itone.itlysoY that for i• Ant : old
rraunt r ialtic/t toa.e.A-cpt, existence bY„,Snullten
- menaces and Nor qi ern.. • ion cessions, :toe.
,hoce no
iVrets, a net itotoish far its. recoditruction TY7tO
loOnts. any
: Union which i:an 0n1y..1 2 e nrssi;lVed , biJ
systematic union g. and, orp:an zed • poi t'ral ; blast':
tiers/ Who' limos any . 17 11 . 10 11 nothin,E •
brit a 'sentiment to lackqr Tonrth ,Toly
lions I . villtali",, • From that date . nryvul a •the,
entire coinbination 'cif . 'papers. referred ' . .to have
With hteadfnit 'energy altaeked•the Constituiion .
and 'opposed,theideaof union. The) hava . fluir
fished .r . iintle'ss articles on tlie•poliCy. cli„ the
PreSident, mt the . Union.- on generals intire•ar;•
n4,Which, if :published in conservative papers.
would have. vecansigneil the editors to dungerieni.
Day after day for more 'ttiati'ay . par these,eorn
.hined enemies_pf the
,country,.tsking advantage
of the mi'isring 'war; have plotted the .over1)310
of the Constitution, have exerted every
to re'adorpolon•hOpeles., - tin . l to •convin . ce the:
people of this Country.6a;
: the eonstitutien
a,s their old motto aseerts, •qa_league with•death
add' a covenant'wii h hetl.". ' at
work plotting esAct:4-ix,niSi.,snix-:' •
, .
'gen ClCAmeriaa,,yoll 'were sle?ing:whea the
enemy this.came.into; you r . .Y . Ou
girded that:infamous motto of.the American
Anti-Slivery Sociaty . aa 11 harmless phrase, on
idle sound. Mean IS ?tits S' Nvitrti,: ' Look a ro ttnrl
phi and behold the terrible results of yO;l•r * inis--
take: - :There is .no:hattilet, so co r . t il p o ,: . ii,. , rh r
land into' Which These 'enemies or your- Country
'have noterept-viih•thirvile doctrines, their
treasonable initilicationsl• - *They shrink am
their favorite pastitne. They.
are living la Ischerfils, •Oatling..f tehoseNes Union
'ists While 'on tlteir hearts is burned, with . the
Ora rid of their socie't'y, horabl,:e motto t.ve
have sontreri'quotei. ;Li the. garb of ne w s-ven ,
iiers-thoY poison your family circiiis 'with their.
trC • aSonable.doCirines,.and
attack:a:On thi•Unirin. which you' priza.
are admitted to yoursocial circles, your lyceum - 1s
Yoor:churches,.. yoir:ifiresde , :ghtherings— carol;
mittil, *pretending to•bethe. most .devotCd .
of patriots . —and:theY but' . ittirt the - mimic - sr * . to
us hisper in the ears of. yoSr'cllildreniVords . : fa
(ended to shake their::faith in the otil trtrilis , of
the C,n lmrtition,_Uii. I,tupdation principles 'M I
the rpn,
meni on' whom the f•fittre of your, courfiry
pends : ----are you stULslurnbek lag * while they sow
the credo of destritetion nh the - tali..fields of
your-once glorious country • • '
)No, thank 'God, you. are' norsinrpitering.:Y6 . 9
ire awake, and the waking vision :is ft•ar fa I:: A
'and rnburning 'arountrynn.und nidark-
nes.; kmfoi . e yn'n nre, the incentives t'o': earnest
lotnl Idbor.: • From th.e t for Weit we fiea'r : - the
shokit: of rpillions. • Frbm:the Frast.
the eell'o.notbes ; Al I. afound.us:rti, , n' are
:rallying to the.Constitution,..the hope : of . , the
rand;th? only -none now. The riidical conspi7
racy is frightened; trvmhfing,.now rampant in
now submissive in fear: These . radical
men must themselves he encouraged with -,the.
pliUlgris.nt the restored:pow
Though.hui Im:d.wenti they were, threat- .
erring c'onteirmdraries !upPressipn,. :they
sbonld he taught that.the pOWer of
the law' and the Constitution is not to be- used
for their suppression, but to keep them. With.
tt the safe rules of piMiic motajity and decen
cy. 'And the . country 'asks now thiit the . prin—
ciples of American constittitionitl lib erty should
be every Where 'inculcated. „In vain the radical
combination charges that ;Ito teach the Gun-
stititionis treason." • We trove ••(..ome • 'irito a
•newei a since:thnt. idea could beliirced on the
Well may the poor advoeutesH,or this
worst of treasonahld ideas tremble in view rif.
flee.fct that all the country is awake and Incik-
ri4 for. :consifititional - instruction. If. this
change.in the tendency of the public mind had
not oecitrfed, ittidical.powerover the poptilai .
intellect nnd'pass.ionslntd continue'd n few mo's.
onger, the cons.titutiqnal Presitient,.M . r. Lin
coin, would unquestionli I)6* have liden den'osed,
the war. ended by a disoplution che Union,
and anarchy bi .. opat ism" established in the
Northeili Stat es : JNow tilerels n piosTect th.o
. .
the Constitution he. restored to powei . ., the
constitutional President, ho` protected and 'sus
tained by Lt:loyal,' conservative„ Conti
ovjn peoplei. and the •nation resened 'from stbe
radical tlisunionists
.We earnestly I.!eg' the thinking than to - .Coll.
sider.th'eaeiacis. The men 'who 'are leading
he'radical Rarty pledg - 01, 'sworn.
• .•,
DISI.T.N . IVNISTS... Their policy is intended td de
siriV the Unic;tVatiii•ereht its ruins - a tidied
'tlespatism l cornbinitik a radical Church and
in,. 1 --' . ----- " ---- T - - 7"" " --- i - """ ' M'''''''''''' .. ""'"'"" . "''
110 I State.. Freedom o r thou g ht, .of 'lsm.. ' ' ' ' '-': A" Brautiful. r7 r pra,ttor f .•''.,",, '" ,'''''to -',,
ship, of discussion, of pieporty) of family , oil '..,., Mr. VALltAnvimitoeit.gretit spi.eci; :sivat'irie ""`'
would be suppressed t, these 'obi 'enemies of l 'i nn'et ' in ClThgre " . Vetare:h" deliv'erieteel4"" '3
tr ;,, t ir w h i vi n t , it i i i fli i 1 .1. pe Trot ion. It : ' is! ' l'iiisa : 9 4 (
American tree principles: No.
his country's joterest'at .heart can a'ct with' ''l hove n"11711 Usbngr,e'atO7j',l;.P)citib '1%"!".•
novv,, , , r'.l peittser fintsheti i iviatql'''
them:; All honest mon ought'. to net aga ittst I ili:s2re(l't e o ' ll Y , ,l ll 'h : _ i s 1 2 i 711: :. M p e o P ~..I Y 4 :g21,1..1ift; II
them. If•the opposit bin Party here or there is
; ?'7,.' im i . l. n ' i t ' o l l":", u h nr ri n "L E `,:i7 e j;:„ t i r t 7 ;t :p . "I v; ; I " .. I
not suited to ; your views nevcitheless it is al. iirpar ton . t r i e e e ' ro , -- 8 `;` ) -1 '''''' 'rP.,, 'P ews: il7 l 'o ." .! '''"
ways better than this radictl perty. The true , but Most ' v ' visely i f t :ir 'l) : : L f e o iti rn t l ' i s a I(111 . 17 : 1191 13:4 : :;"
and only hope unit We now have is, in sustain- conntry. Not courting cohatir,ll a lo l ndiWO ' italekT ' 4 "
ipg the Cousthittsen and the governrnentigaim
from. if, My- ovvn
,irontiitlittfu:,riersiiiiit % re 6,
the attacks at; th,,... gi , ert3 miernie's. 'This is l iT e m r `,";: i n i " " T Y °ham " J b li i at i " Ow l i l a r :l j i i i h t l lii l a il ' 7ll'
no time to st aMI a loot and take et) pa rf. Yo•ii t :end' er a ,, r h P o w st a a t g d e s „i 9 to b t u r ' i t i Ci f , " t e r' );.-;., ' o r,e(y e s2 : 7 i t h — lt ' ll l •
must act with the radical abolitionists" ,and as echo of whose leotsnp`s u t;lr r ett a di;T r Piii4ilii : ti ' ;' ) '":
; seat in the, it cotriplishment of their plans for thn th' l . hitarwaY of tunO. Wllintotwer,!'heriPt i or r " l4 . l '
ruin of their country, and take your &h are of 14. . e ` vhere ' h°11 "" that wa r "n .1 ° "- t i fil 6' iri." "1
onion et these States who o ve ''' '' 'l4 ' ' O 4
the responsibility, or yen must vote and act a war for the ab ni l ' ° l
q yer r' 'i wP r . ' it ild" iii ild ' A
against them, alld are the nation froth,, their and , he who de o rn i an o t n ls' a S t o s tAern y t o n.lifk rlli ti fti ojell; sl4Bl
plots. Can any man liesitatc? Can any man owl final separation t let hitp,spelik,' toil liiiii gine' 410
I offended. Devoted to the Ottien'' ridtri' fliitql:
excuse himself because he does not like this or
beinnine. Will not desire it -' i' P Ihrl, "that' " 4
that co
man in the nservative ranks, or beeia houruse" 7 - 9 011 ! - r -
of its sorest trial, , , an--. 4 sr
be thinks this or tli : it in in i " radical Demo t , Sir, it was the day.dream 'of "triilleyheind,,r/
neat?!' it.e no tune to' consider` p o rim,a. 'll.the cherished desire al rey heart in 'Ytfhtli', ll4 t . : ,
that 1 mieht live to see the , hitrithqulth Brant—:, .
you do this, you ITIII9 t choose to act With the
orator.. of
! notional indendence . , ; and,. as . ,
Cid rrisons, and rhillipses, and Abby het reys ;
awl Fredereek 1)0u , 41.144P9, or rill the °the r Aide. et
i aY' 7 c r i) , lt i, f rlll t rt h'n l ' ‘ ell' .. l l. andint t
()Ties BIM griuit rieS9 01 me .t m‘ythieu otites.,,, , r
It y : 611 -,Cgrq,:p With tlatn;•ii
you to be
with Itell,•ttil with:theatkit you peeoppospii
; T y future politient or reJigionv ttni9it
x•een North dii I -South, act , 4A:
'of CUM 7111714 • •• •.•
The . Chj'maoq: COrner.
The Ohl chitinney coiner, I It in endeared 'tn
the heart rein the ittlesl• rerollectied. What.
dreilins..havd been'. ilteatried there T. Whet
stories tnld!--vvliat hours. pdss4! It - was - a
. plore to thitdt in, a piecolo' weer in,. to 11ingh
in,.anilitnich the coziestinloce.in the house to
rest in: S.l't. Wan There' whore dear ohl grand
iniimmn Used to : sit at her. knitting, warming
her poor, lheinpatid hack-ug , iinsr. the. Wlll m
wall; where.- eriirihnit niod;tii. asleep . oyer
hisnewspapel; Where matr,tim .riser!' to :place
her spitning•wh . eel, and poppd used •to sit
there,' too, anti read in thii.ereot arm.vhair.
•. - It•was there where son,..uSeil to' teat!' laity
talesliCyour childhood', lidded all 89 and
wet and cozy,"lii..its great warm lop, while
the Wind of a ‘viitteris„iiight we whistling
rotir favorite plum , eake win's . ..never
. 50 sweetrrs,Wliedientl;n there,. and the
yen . road by the -siring. room, fire.s s ide's. were .
never half solasrinating• as those. read. in .1 he
.chinmey . venter. 'lf 'yea. Weil!' soil; yon 'wet f
lher'e ely,;. If you' Were. glad,.with . :hrothers
and 'sisters, nestled there . to . kave right'
rm4ry litne,i; Even . puss dm!' the house dog
loVed the.ollt •vhiMiwy. •
• Look hack 'to' the:6ld every
room, eve!): trodk ls 'so:.o1 pleasant:
- 'revel
lection-the . wlrre . were
sn mahy happy •ineetingsi Y o ur chanther,
its little Window,. where the- Sue vittne
.peeping in 'tit morn; mother's reordi . still cacrett
with . her pres:Mee...But, , oiler all; the .bright
. oi. „..
emorios cluster shoot. that • churrney
cor'oer: Ynu long to bO• loltlyd in:its,
01(1 ligsom•ogeiti, svi'yon 'wein in chilliripd,ond
have • a•-gooil cry over All
• 'Tt-;sdr•latate • bright f4yes .tint
clustered there nt.yrire'•will.'.nevir. oeme hack
•Tilnclt and itiirtty ari' th loved w&ls,
and .the . 'srimke from the kitchen lire never
makes thrm warm any more*. still
memory sMs up some of the
beautiful startles of tier Cdrviiiv, in dire:chimae.y.
. . • .
4 ruinOr since: th . at the .
It"Ptildica , ro; were ort.(anizirii.t secret essoetti.:
tiOnS or lodges ire this firete, : Since - that time
the report is nkrtidlly -eontirettih, I.'he
ne.ratie :Tonene/ et r;a Crosse says hat shell
•ore.nniAat ions are neing•fortroil in that county,
soil there ere other•fortsiooking in, the. samo.
. .
tVe. clip', the..abo'im • piirngtapit 'front the
,Militrqhkee Others norm t ,
.have.oflnte.npper.i.ii frequently. in ii.P . voinnivre
ere not 'nlone enneertied.in tho.movetnent her'e.
noticed. The. -t,har.ee %egret colythinittions
isenhiie.hy.both nettle's, and•it is safe to OFilllllll
140 both are rortvet, '• Sorriet imps, if 'we
as.nriafinni are of a
: Ttro disposition-here , ionCe4— . thi . 4 rTadi
ness.to resort' fa face .in•a• cptta in contingency,
rather than 'to rel,tiloti the. prescribed formed tit
laW,ls among the .evil signs of •the' day and
should every wliere . .be.tlfscountatiitireil,, this
'is one
. ot.those things,agn lost Washing
ton yarned: his countrymeniii,'hiv Fareelell
Address". fie used fills memorablelanguagii;„
t? Alt obst ruction' to-the execution of the. ittws,
all combinations nod a'ssociation's,-under wbat
evermlaosiLle.eharscter, with the real design
to direct, control,. counteract, or awe. the - yet:-
ular *liberations 'or:actions of the" constituted
iiiithorie,s, are ileteuction 'of this fundamental
.principle [the' tight of tile people' ;to estabtish
ga'yernment], and 'of fatal tendons}.". .They
serve.to organize to become potent
engines by which.cuntiing,..amtiitioUs - and „tin.,
. may,. Subvert • Revenment.'e It
is'not- too latete •beett,the'cOntisels . of Ole ..greq
President' cif -the repiiblic.iTo or. Commerce.
A dispatch; it is. said, haS been received
from Gen. Grunt, which Ifs given' much en
cotiragement to the President' and the 'Secre—
tary of War. • They expresS the. utmost ••eon—
lidence of''favorable .resufts • ' lt ,
seems that Gen.. Grant n , ,ka only foot' or five
dhys of good Vceather to complete entirely all
his arrangements, a hict`i nre.such that military
atiihiVritiesAteCe are'emiViticedlhey will .result
not merely capture of .Ir,ielt.Ourg, bat
also of tile:relief artily cencentrated at: that.
Titnar.nw WEED kost;s.— The Washington
corresspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette., ondor
date of , blareh ist," sayS: '‘4Thurliiw 'Weed is
here again. It , is Said in
. 1(ome that
he is
,pressing the . hopeless moyement.-for
:McClellan being restored to his. , comninn&,
.The'presitlent faiis.to see the neCOSsitylfgr
Ex:ifdrernor 'Morgan is said to; Opethtiog
to the saMO s end," . • •
. ~ . . .
'Phut.Os ioir lingeiq yet • Wrote irey , eyelp„ePr l ,;,' , . x
9oribd , initt,(l).q'thri eleutlp:eeil thikHfirkpepg:. :
awl biood of civil:i.y.er. , : jitiv p .96 1 1 ; )1 the 6.:1
' , , qi'' 7.
of thiq gi:neratiee pre wire eniitiith..td - ritOfit'br'!" , , , l.:
the bertiexperi;6eC'e.
~, o ( i he' _ "Inky two , .yoartv,—mi.
. ... .. ...
. . . • .
will:turn • t htiir .
n'ow .
intent; to' the'words 'and arts - of Nice ? . that , t
day tcili find nit 110011 tint'
it noccorliei, ns:l w . ottld itqgitql
in •Iftro , t upoti.t thy; Jet • the • ". , reat.:'WO'fieli
grunion be c‘ngtiinstliitedt . 'ttint.heiicettirl)Plor , . , ff
flat' 1/1!.801 . 1 . P . 8• tititl •Oorile ieho shallrfill
tin thisintighty" continent; 'united under
conati . int lion, and in quit' , Union; and: j.hg•!tfrne •
ecichtafejt as the blithOttit l
Indepc:ndence and : of•• the great •40taitt4'•':,.
- . .
, . • ..•
~.. "Sir, ',repent. it; wears in the midst. .of . ,tllle i •
•v! . .ry crisis:of Ili ii te . voltAiOO; • If to clOy. 'Vvii .
secure pence and . ,begiii thevi.oik,l3l' .reinitinr..!
*we' stialll yet' ese.itpvi if nn'e, j si, e ' . l;pthink . te:;,.-•
tore usittly.unlyCrs.'il • political.'revilliit(an,.:an. - ,• ,•
ai.ehr soil. liloo(1.4i. , (1, comPaied 'witirr which'. `
1 fie Reign of Terror in France- was a ;rtiiircir,.
fat . visitation:" ' - .
Tho'Cloak,of Life,.
'The 'Bible de scribes .1110 yeiirs, Mon
Ike' tlyeeseore find len, lotliiedre• •yeekr
.Now;.lifo is wgrY,lin'e'ertiliti;
Ike a sioglo day longer '; but if wg,' dly,111 . 1: 4
the lonrseore years on old man'e'lite into •'
.p . srts, like*.the•ilint - th:)'cliicit . Prit •
will 'allow altpot.s.,iven Ydais' for• , -piety
ore.. Whet, tko'y. is" !seven ..y!0t4 . 9 •olii t • then
t one o't;lock • nt . . his .Ikle t.,Sv4rl,llo,4frives
at fourteen•}col's . it. 'will be tWO . oQ . Oar; l tind
'when et tweuty•one yettrs,: it', Will' be
sn'i•rock, sh'oUld it. jiti!esC God:, tlitts2,lb , soree
his' li re. Id this Micimer: we may. altinys itng 9l !
the time. Oflooking a!, Abe .sl4F,k,
. pe!haps . remind Of what hOut •
you, and I shalt iii.*; is only. knoWn` to kinir
whOin all filings me known. ' •
.! know mit. what o'clooK moy , be with, !lull;
render,Thitt know very . well whit -.tirnel)t
with myself awl Ito( if ~I "yrein: Jo' do • . :Itiny— •
Ihing thii : World hiiheito I havi
is high Mime to set ' about it:'' - 1.;00kf.'4,
;Omit you, Fer,irnestly . entivat you; encknow,,
unil then ask yourielves :whit o'ocloelc',
with, 3,out
I)etrion rit t pogi t ion • jt 'one'lnf
exclidngO "ii-1611) , = clotuly• define! l fly;
it foie w go. (0r; , 7 42 i4A,Lt 1 / 1 0 11 ,1 1 '-ii4.
.Chiiistitiotirjil..as and .tlie ration, i . e .,
riottni to:i
. . ,
.ate 11,0 y ethabri:
,destroyed. ''They':oppriiri St!eeision-Ontr , Moli r r..
fichrt-tia allies,,.hOth,;lir „vynio
rttilie,.l on t. hefore : Peace and b"aßlli + neea ;M}ct .
retard to -the. nation. / • e • '
The • p.epti hl ins h posit
orpbsite ol this. . They, ; , r4!udiate
tution as the :fathers- made 'anir , itinlinisie . red , ..
it, and declar. Vtierr
'Union as . •
pl . Wo . rin; .defined. by,
. •
Laitrahleri . .Chpirrganolthe.Viriq . s6 . :
ut!.V'ays aid Men
ripxt to that of Spelker.
week; since; he - said:
I•,"The t!ilkt:4l . . eest grjri . g t t . JA
.ttpd(4. 1110 Ciipstitmlii?p . ,ftis'4 : ,pi, i ,
absurditieswhieb I I,ln v,e,
Sun lloy'erbo
many things , reirder' • 14 '4f; ' :;ni .1 ;,; (ii i P it .
impossible,.ri,llA:p if . Oat! ifilia;•`:ibetA"4lo .
co!),ipni be re,c4orlyi Coi!..tit . ution as' it,
is,,+oitic:a(4r'nt,yto:by Pr4l.lc:ll(4ll4l.f,c''''
Patriotic of 'Etio — lwre ,Rrf,Ape:,,tw*.•
.Whkch.do ,-yot!, prof
Soh thern a(!Oces showthnt 'the ~i -ebo...iiressr
ardexedetlihily' rampahtuticM:maiterd-Of ,
iyianny and'outresitiMial vishorveoiniatc..•
A kill has' heen Ildbateci thd.SoutileirielirmisT .
of ReKeeentative'4 th decipt. vicilukeririrr‘fromil'
Kjiituelry . dnd Missouri for ,less-,tiartrribree•
, .
A large meeting Of planters'Wps'liild •
Orleans, on the ' l 6th'nll..;'w,heli :15reni"Bieriks,
mule a speeeh;a,'Sarint,the'plit'nt eke he konoich
'o e very; fling fVossAle . to riV et '
the • slave addhave .
them employed?
• • . • • . il=llll,
WAsuirwenN Feb: 20.,—Tbe second regiment- - • ,
of Nevi: 'lleriirshite.. volunteers,; Col.: •Nrorlitimi
n nmberi n about 320 men' (hr Anal' been '•
ordered from the army of tiiiPPOt . ph*
New Ilernirsti re 'el eitioild•skss lilacs on
the: second TotSdair'in -4, l44ch.;.ldierlothdloy,oF•
the "zin;,iitli:` "Cchniiheneds'onrikossery.."-• ,' •
';The.Honse ,• Friday ,hdoproild'a.nviVrtsh,t• - :
amendment tO yelorifin t th . plmere,aee,i .
or .Generale,
Preiddentfo•sefetv,forthorhoOon , 4ltAts!Vdek , ' ,, • •
from officeri•ivhq have. ear ne st 't1 . 40f342 , 1% ,b)r.
I Veit services . • the .• „ :;`•
. ..• • ,•
44 1 . - 9";;Y.Ortd,ritti
, .
• "6