M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 07, 1863, Image 3

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:Showing the Receipts, and Expetiditires
of h['Kean Coitnty, for the year 1862.
Reeeived. seated 4ax 1858,1859
'onc11 860 ) $ 169 65
Qn ieated tax for 1561 &-1502 3;358'60
:Unseated for 1560 . & 1561 - . . 9,180
Received of Treas. Cameron ca. -813.1,1
Total Reedits,. • • $13,627 63
. .
paid Trawers Jurors, $ 461 08
Grand Jurors : . 214.50
Shelia' Blair t • •• • good
• Public Printing; • 2Ol 1 25
Tax reiunded,.. ' - 323 26.
• Election,,pxpenses,, ; 5,05,1:5
' Aller,fov'Clerk „Hire,
. 310, OS.
For addition' to :Jail; ' ' • 110 00,
Roed damages,' iiii'•oo
Auditors,.:.... • ' • • .' .76 60
• • • ." 2.1 7
Bedding rind, Tables for
. Jail.,;' • . .10:1
COinrnonvenlth,CoSfs, •
••• - ko • N.S . P4lpi;;••• • :.: " 12 A
ChEidtvoi,.l 3 j:pthonoOry . 's*Ftie - A, 191 .
• •. . 19(1 1
.•RepairS. of T'Ulilic Thtiltlingy;•• . 1 . 55'0
WeStern.Penitentlary,- ••!
Constable Returns, •
QuitillfdatiOns, ' ‘
Oil.for•Lights, .• • • • - 4
Cl6anitig Courill9tisei . . • 17 Q
33 0
.Tip,Stitves, • . • . 66 6
Grand Jury.COstable,. • "
rodosel Fees, •; • •'""
Blanki3ooks,. 1 .• • •• .
Interest, .; ••. • .11,50
12ederaption. order, . * 463(
Ditch around Court •
•Chairs lorToort.llourse•,.. • , Gri
• StOve for•P•rothonotary's office, 32 00
Wood floilse; ,
,8G 85
.Ilanning T(itvhship Line, • ; I, .79 . 50
InqueSt• on 'Nit •Kellery,' .• „ 12 22
:Paid on judgmefit agnins:t county, • ' 1,0.17 22
Costs of ndvertisinl . .l,l tracts'l4lld, F 7 00
'Recotiling'rriastirers)loildi •- • .1 2ri
•Treasurer's commission, • . • :40,2 SI .
Lialiililies of for.mey•years,• • •.' 3,587.'21
Interest Orders•taken ,qp,. • • • .. .•'1,27.:x70
Excess of, liee'pts over Expeoditur.es,'l,734 20
• Total Expenditures, . ;" ' $13,5'27'53
' , • • 1.14.111 Li TIES. .
To Orders, outstainling, (Ordina . ry
OrderS on' interest, 00,00
Judtt'ts atzeinsi • :,tOO 00
Commissioners 1Vi14e5,. • Si rJ
Excess iit fa , ver,of, Ceurit, ; • 8,263 03
.Amount:due from CollPctors, $.31113 .
..A:roo'unt..dw! irorir Coll!ctors;lS62, 1 . ,550
.Unseated Tax for 1502, 1,152 IS
Unseated Tax. for 1 5(33., • • • 2 4 273
Seated-Tex forlS(33, • ' •1•1 Kt 35
Due from Sheriff Blair, • • 30'00'
,Total Resourseg,
. •
• Bonds fo . i..lcqn mpiley for :VOI
- Relict orders out§tanding, ' .
By Seated' tax for 1562,
Unseated tax tor
-Seated tax'fcr 1.663;
Linseateil tax for 1563 . ,.
Balance to lie prai.ided for,
. • • • • 81,500.97
. .
We,' the undersigned, • Cominissioners . of
M'Kean County, do, certify:that the loregoiwt
statement olthe.funds,.Reer•ipts .antl.Exped
iture of said County forthe.year ISo2ls.corL
reet, to the best of our :knowledge.' Witness
our hands at Srnethport, January 1563.'
3..,W.• STARES,
B: . - •
Comnissioners, •
Attest, • •
Ov Intr.; Cirri:
186.3. . 1863.
. groat •line traverses. the ..Narthorn and
Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city'
of Erie, on Lake Erie. .
lfhaSimen ,leased by the ,i'er+.OrINANIA. R.
IL Co:ern:iv, and under their nespices is' being
rapidly.operied throughout its entire length...
, • It is now in rise - for Passenger and freight
busine99 llAuutsudno to • btsENAttoNisa,
OstFork)•[l7•l'.miles] on the E.astern
:ion, and, irons SIaFFIELD to Erie, (78 miles.) on
the Wastern*Division..
.* •-• .• .
prpreseltrain arrives 12 •15
E"' lekves
Cars' tun through CHANGE both
ways On these trains bet ween.Philadelphia.and
Lock Haven;anil between Baltimore and LOck
. .
. .
ELEGANT SLEEPING ears on , Firiress trains
, both ways, betvieen.Williatn9Ort., and Balti
more.and WilliamspOrt and Philadelfihia.
For '-information respecting Passenger busi
ness apply at l the S. -1.:,.. Corker 11th and 'Mar:
ket Sts.
And for kreight business of i.be'Company's
Agents: • . •
S. B. iCingston,'Jr., Cora. 17th and Market .
Sts.; Philadelphia..
J. W. Reynolds; Erie. : . .
J. M. Drill', Agent N; C. R. R:, Baltimore.
. . • •
ien'l freight
LEWIS L. Haturr, ' •, • • • .
Gera'/ Dlzzzag r,' IV(lliauz.liorl
411 HE SUBSCRJOR - Ints opened a tnew
er'y Stable in Smethporti at •O. :R. Ben
nett's Old Stand, on Main 'street,:just east of
Mehanics',.where c'anbe found the best ofHor
ses and Carriages at loWprices. He intends to
make Smethport a peimuhent residence,, and
asks a share.of.patronafie.• e
Smethport; August 24, 1869. • •". • • n93tf.
101FT17 13U41k1S- . (if.the best quality
SEEP, raised by and. for sale at •
•• • L. B. DOLLEI",
.•• . .
Tort-A!lcdany, Deccmbei 28, 1861..„
ki.t-NWriW - (7 .-- t
ke '' ... / ,,, ',....A"%' .
.64:4,- -,: r: t 4 ,
I.lo .4 c ve:';': .
, 'l,,
illit.r...L ef— r , tO _:;41
Artv.yoti . sick; feeble,' and
,C0111fIllillitIg? Are' ypit kutt‘of
ir ‘4.1c1k...r, with, your system . de-
A , 0 .• tame ,t, mud your ti,ettugs un-,
Av 4 ; .: co,orwitqpi,:t•- TheNe pump. ,
0,1 i •••,..:
„.h t t , : r ii i i ,, S . l .. il . ,i t u u l , t , i .: ; , l , l I 11t. ,,4 , j o i i ci i l 6 llu l. to
g , i*IN altkil;;i, k ereephni tipon you,
Irf ai,
.:...,,..,, ~,..,., ; ''',ll.'loel . iat,unlit be iivertter by it
••..... ''' 4 e.:, t":.: " 1 :-,Y.:..Y; timely me, oUthe right rent- .
c ......,. ,;;;.,..4. ? , Aitif..ri . , cly. 'Jot, Asi•etp - Pllk, and.
f 5 ?4,:••:•,... 4 ...•/?!* ,i 1 4 , ,,,r1 - • eleamn out, tie , tikki,l,:tetliuk
Cii").,?ir t. f,4:: t. s r pinlty, the blood, ittO
• 16,-z' ~. ~,,' , 0 1,;,.CP 1 ' ' . let. lb, noels IlloVe , Uti 1111011-
t'(‘'' s , ',1,1' . ., ' ~K(,11,1 , 1 4 , ' ,'. tt'1111..41 he Itealtli • again.'
e„„,,,.. , ,,r,• , „ ~ 1., 71, , :v.,tii,,,it0w tii. r filfictimis
. 2..... ~....:' Lc ' '..;..,",-,-.: (.1 . the body lino vigorous fie
,.. 1...•••: ' 4 ' l- re. , • - •-•--; , '.t . ..!P,"tivity. purity tile , sYhtelli , frOrn '
~.. • .. : ; ~ , ~ •, :tlle:., , I1,11110ilrlog ~,liit•ii illid(p
diie:l6o., A 124111 t•, , itleg, SOliiAlli . ••1•0
,lit tile Ludy, :put 'ob.
struettiltl, vinturpl - futtetionA,. 'l'li ,,, e, 11 mt:• relieietl,
roan twon,thetnEetvws mill tier surOplttelitr urgung, pro.
• (hieing , • itenernl.;lntpuv.ti i,er,••• Slaw inw, jiltill ' ti 1.951150.:
'lrliilo.llll.lil4 voii,litio4,.tliiir..4l , l,l"illo fl ,, fttllgi!teptl, '
tnlte 't C .0' .I.ifi-i
./iil nett ItoW - 1;eeell y
OAty 1..it010•010 .111 mid adios or llif usteil.and' i ,. 4ll'it. tlt' bloj'ilt
fueling efb ,, attl,
.oil tin. - Whet it It Lie MI , I •'•o appart!ni hi .
dill ITkilh.lol , lllllo,ll',llllplaitit, it Al-. t 1 Ito in ninny
of the elet , ,,:pente,,l unil:il3ligutoll4 liitollitilin,.;. TIIO.IIIIIIIO
pUrga,tiv,.. , elleet-,lpxj,eli I hent.,,-Cete,, , ,l . IV t,lntilai; oMtrue, •
lions unit itewiugeininlts'er OM Ittaitretitinetiote, et' the
body, they ere' rhi,iillk.tmil - 11111113' 001.0,, surety, cored
1,,,,, , 1j k , ,A,,,, inoun.l... • N,41,4 40 ' 4 litT. ha: yirtilei , , ~r (hued'
l'ilks Will twnlk:t• to enwley them loltem- sulllnitus from
7 ~.....„____,,,
,m,LwAtitc i i. : :"'
~ . . .
. . .
'. 81.5tonott14 - 1: mu liquliii,t 014, ,
. I.llani in •
,sonio of lb°
princip;tl.eilii,s, awl Prow . utliet . .r. ell lcutOi, Public pd
. •. ~
.. .
• .
'Final a nru•thl i•v ,14:)elfrtu ,, .I •
~st. _
n tliS ; M . „
. 4 4,'1&,0. Dr..AY1T:: 1 ., 117 filly nrd theltragafaf
all' that Is
greitt ii, thedieha. They have cured lay 'Little tlatightai•
of tileetenv soi,a a poll het' 11.0i,b4.11111 rea that h a d proved
Ineuratle f 11. yell t. Ihie Inathor 'hat •beeit lo u t grlat ,
tan!) , Iltlliettnt tvillt•hlotsliet . aial pimples an her skin nod
11l tier hate, Aft, •aor .011 , 1 n'ii cured, ahit ulnae tried
your Pilhi, and they Mire cured her. •.' - . • •
• .11s.
Pmni• rE: 11: 'eln:berigla, ,Vvv Orriani
Your' MIN urc;
q unlit iFH tiny rat rt ,Tlmy•Or . o
mild. but vorf....rtairt,lusol ettr . qutl'iii thoir action ori tho
,kims tip.4l inralquWe to 'tflu
I plument, • . ' '"
Ilciidu( le,Si .hI n lneiic(T'gnl StomnCh
_ . . .
. .
De in !Um. 4 vilic i I ratin: - It ...tu , •,y,or t•,tt, lulrat &lin pluintil
I. tense cure , ' with your 11114 lu-t.:..r tlotu to gay ill thy, we
ei.erire•i/ ic'elli :rpitt.,4•ltive. ni , licii,m. 1 oh, Li'great tlr•pot.,
iletwe Oil on ',1r00,,a1, ..m.11..1ic. iii 'my .11iil yecaa , ..it with
dir+ea,, , . au.ll.oi,vin ; ; As I. ,I, Ova ywl. fill. utlura 1 . .14 iilb
hest it aha Vt., lof ,:ouv,t, bat ! i., tlik.w.highly. ", • '
• ,
. . .
. , . '1 . 1.T1 , 111'11 , c r.t.,'...‘Ply• 1, 15F.5..
nn. d. C. ATT:tt. Sly: T. lom.. ht.tm ri.l...;ll . oiTiv-yorell of
The Ivorst h• faiavh... lay , l, )dy ( , :m 17:Iku ipy'a 11:141)-or 1,..t)
Of.yo , lr I'lll4. It .t.0.0t 1 IL, 'rims rum a h o ut. bti t mach,
Irliirli thoy oloao.';'.nt otli, ' ''
, . :• •
Ythir,s llt4 rvat et;ii?et, ,
• • ll. rff,,zio(hiir
, . ..•
rlinofts' Alsorilf f. (otlii pin tuts.
• , P. 11: C .
:c44 only pro- u d nphh. pm,
tho, Livvr thy Pruc•
plovol 11,14: 41,1 tua fcx flue 0111, i l f 6.11 ,, c3
)rjoilet. that.. Sit• Ithis at ,i , 111;:il EQlrtill.. , A. 1 5 ,41 is ,yur-
Illy two cuuEd..l.l of , • :
. .
. .
. .- • - 3.)::PAIrI NENT .1' TIM- I\ I LI:I,R, 1
. .. , • . 1" l. i'in.•ln II li.. l' 7th 1.',.1,, Is:, , t. • ' .
Sir.: F !Mr , ' n ,,,,, 1 .‘ , :tiv NIL. in Illy g-',,,, 1,1 :,,•:1 1,,,1,ital
. praP, ,
ti,ol , :••i,,,7:• p,i, m.,,.1,• 1.1)01,,;i:pi re fund 11,11!itil tO
~,y t1ivy.1,,,',11,,, .I,p-4 ,1,11,,,t lit 1,,, ~,,1.i..y., ' . I 1,,,h,:,,. gn _
haii,•:. a, ti• ~ 'qv th,: tit,t• i , , - ',1,1i;:: :,,, , I ,te,i,:,••i. ..., , 11,-
•,11,:litts tit:,•:,• :,, e tl.ll i,.iltlit :1.1 . ,1.., 1 t :11. , 1 . ‘" f..V. c1.1 . :11.Zi711.11 . t.. ,
i.f lint;;,2,:l1: - ...,)11.1, i.;1: 1.. h.,,,:, ~., , L.,E , ; ,9,,;1 a ca., of
Itii,iis, fit'',...,,,.,, o .1 , 41 ha :L. ' LI/.il. it W,I ii. , : 1 .. , :t.1P.:.• Visit iii,
'llietn. I.tuttri.ally 3',414, •A1.,,, , ,Z•1.1:A1,1., M..ir, ,
. •,.. . . .. .•
.1'1,3 ,Nita ~ 111,..,11,t,,.0r 11.;:pital..
$9,790 75
'Dyseikt ery J)lnirl !tell AVQrlias.
•• • • ' i; 0.. • • „
Nth- 4..v0 lt , ttg 11'131 itt ivypiucl ito . nthl
11(.14 thoit in • o.tf .4' the Lett 1 l le)11,i-.1 hit% o
ilfh-14111,!, r,,,t tiro. halite
01,111 MI CM'Clitqlt rt•ttpAy. - witkltt
bt/pfits rd tioat
awl ~,tt“.l4jent ILL' lLu us.
Of wonivii titid c1;11-11..11.-• ' •
$9,790 00
• •
Dyipell4lli., Itoptirity oC tire Illoc)tl. •
Priu,t lie v. J. r. ehtirc.'l,•ll,sfon.
AVI 0: I hove 1 , 014 •rtlitutry
111 lily fmnily ;Ito tk?
in r!,tulltvE Ogc=tiau and
. plltify 111. , d, thoy.n,
.lf•dy I hire
:11/1.1 lil,lll to
Illy It ; 1.
$1 5 310 MI
;1 ; 600 U 7
$767 -12
1,076 21
. .
. .. . Ir11:.-ASs% IV . S , IIIIIIg (n.. \. Y„ Cleft 21. 1'55. '
...Dr...N. Sul: I :0:1 tr....he.... 3.. i,, 4.' 01, of , :l'ili• in !.iy J•T•ac-
I ico; Inl i fillir ii , 111 MI V.. , ' ll , .1:1.-.1 . 1...,111 .• 1.,51V,,,1!!:!.. (ilo
, ; , _ .
~ . ):. . t.t. 1 1.1 it11 , 1 ) /11/';:4 Al, fol10!1 ,. q. •:I . . 4, T. , " , 1.
•• • /ii - U. 5 , 1 1 ).1.1:11. , ,11,..M. D.
. , . •
. .
1,113 oil
1,070 11
CnisKtipn t lo )1;4 ( ! ni.:l
it ilia Golti Drbp
sy,'l3.l‘l.lcl3.;:i., •
•.• ' •
• •
curo 4
It 7,
01 I kit' tip I 1110
11111 it I. 710 1 lit who huller-L..ln
Ow. 1.1 ., 0,trif,' all otlt: that. I
i Pill, aiFtic,t that
clgitii "lid cur,.
1 find 111 , or Iwo f vi , nr ink.ilia' tlio
14114•,:n.'t•NI•5•1!, Yet.rts
/UM 0 , 11.. WY, •Ify 0V f 1•••ry
efll'rt nail to
On. 14.41 1,11): it 0‘• hood (Ilk e,utnntend
110 10.111)' lu.iil nto. . • •
• fi'viy lot Dr. iLur , :±s,..:f
" '
• irri:simi,rfl r. t.2."1.ti1r0 •lor 1,114
'your lironP i litlti t i it lii i 11 , t I ...pprt• coio to
-you. ~A Inv 60..11,0Q I,lCoNern.
'lnn/ it'
11)-1111::: , 1 1,141 titi.
Wei.' pr , ,; 11,50,1;6.1.1,r, yinir
Pia , . '111,4 ••1104:1 , Cv•.•re .
In HA! too 0r than , 1 alt nolv',llN.•iy
. . .
, :Fr, krr•riro:nr, nit.ozz Tt 0 0,., 1.3.. 5 1). , e. l'`znr.
. .1)n. ATEri:I.II3,, heeil ' , kith 01,',:ti1...,1, be % nor l'illi, of
/1/, o.rorh.c Cmt a. ilaiorol ,ii.vi,,, I Ira , 1,0 . 011 ii:t.4l 1110'
for yt ar, , „ .. ' '.- ~: NINI. , I;ST;1.1..•..
, .
. . ,
••••• ,e - . 4-"Nr. : 4 cf.• I/it!' Pills , in - in:irkil r.on't•tin
which, fh10p..,11 n 1 - 4.1nn1.1n renn.,f,y , in, ,1;11ful lands. In
lltintWl ,, llt• . ill ,i ‘plittli.3 • pill, front the fli'mdul come
litlellt'eS Illut, frettlithitty III? Its illetttlitt9l 4 Us.. Titt=s o
et , lltatti no unTenry Cr mith.ral_gnlonnion, ‘vinktover. . •
25 Coqs - per.l3ox;cr 5 Boxee rot' $l.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER CO., Loyi9ll,)liasse.
IL Hamlin & eq., Snietbport;
.C. F. Ofzeorl:
Bradford; -Dailey, Pore A Ilegae:yi owl by
dealers . o:very wh:efe. • ' . •• •
23; P. M
4111 E Suli)seriber.lia purchased .t hi s•
known - stand, and re4nrnrshed and i.e.-lif
ted the•ilotiF•e;iii prepared to entertain Board
ers and the•Tiareling ' •
' t-Ft;;; A..N Al 3 Will be.« ell •• .
supplied,, and everytning done
to 'a liberal. share bf,.patignap.i. - ,
willOways. find' the. “late Ont. •
• , 'P: FULLER.
Keo4il'Creek,. T9noary • ,3S-Iy
Nil 0 A:6 . I . llt I:1E ILHAMD
. . .
, . . C..! hit rt ,, c , ... t.i . F.. 'Ft , w vs: • -• • .
Commencing '?%leirlay,• . ,Nov. 17. th, 11362.
'lrains - will lealie Olen' atiout the following
hours, viz.:.
Night Express
' •
Way Freight •
No. 21 . •
Niglit Express'
Stock •
Way Freight•
Nos. 3, -1, and S, run.eveyy day.. No. 6 runs
Stindays, hi, not Mondays. Train 3, of
day's, frrirn.Netv•York, runs timing!' to ' nuffnlo,
but does not run to 'llunlork., ."
ASA IktOltdltlDGE.
I Toni 1), _!iiw<id ll~.~ t ~f, ILilli,, rc:
1:05, P. Al
'.1 . ;06 A .
7:10 P.lll
10:17 A. IV
. 3:1.11.1)."1‘1
, .
. ,
A ,; ,Tit'onrucrl-c0iNt..7,1•11:14.k131.E.and PR AC .
TlCA.T.: . •Yottrnal,' devied to 'the de:
prirituenis of sod culitire;-sue't ) as' growing Field
Crops; drrhartl''Ettid :Gardetr. Fruits Garden
Vegetables and.. Flowers. - Plants,,and
Flowers , :tor. l tht:•hawn or- Yaril.;•••et4e.of Do
mestie• aim: to Ifousehold,
Labors. • It has also, an iiitar; - .:stintr,' and itistru
tive department for children a'nd•youth:
A full'quiendar, ol.pperthitins •eytiryrnonth.
Tpree•to Four littudred, mOre',. illustratiYe
Engritving s'appear 111 each
.4.ltiridred" pr a ctical, irl
.str-riative artietesarid ,
every year. ' • . . '
. , .
. . .
. .
rlia , FMitois 'and Contributors Lire .411 prae r
tic Warliib'fr.. Meii..•
Tho''tpitellings o/• Me. A iiicicilTuitt ST are. eon
if ti ed . .10 .. no' St at e .:or 'lcritury,'Atit,are tylop;•N to
I the ivaots o:foli:seetionv.ol , the . re Otilt . , 7 lt 4.v, fer
i', /6 )Io me' illdiecitek , foi'ikeiplialt , ASIER:IdA S CON-,
. . . .
•A ! ofthe,
.same • size and:. price as) lie English; titid con
taining. all of its reading matter, tind its Mune
t-6us illust ratite.engittYM gs. • • -
• . • .•
.AD . VANCE-... r.
one Copy, one •• i
- •Six copies , One:y,ear - • • •.• ' 5 00.
Ten or Morecopiei•one• year . 'SO cents each. 1
•• 0 Adel. to! the above rates: Postage to
Eanipla • cents,. ,to England -and France, 2 1
rnt's f..to•Germariy,.36 cents. • .
Postage . anywhere* 1n the United States arid
must - be -paid - by thcrstibscrib • er; and
ds. only sry ccnfa ay . cat', if paid iir ad vithce: a
the office- where. received. . •-•
• .-All husiness and othereorritromications should
be tuddressed 16,the Editor' and Proprieio • i,• • •
ORANGE . 11711 1),d1PtirlAow.,.N. I% City
- • •. TO' OUP.:SUBSCRIBERS. • •
I'ho: commencement 'of a newlear is. a- good
tirre•for . ,renewing;sobsOrirtiop t and' increasing
•I he 'vi rcula t ion of; the .Totirm i I CorPrneCce....2-
We ifddrii:i CPI rSOI V('S to the 'old ieiiilers. if the
grip r, with entire cOnfitlenc e to ihoir Willing
ness to aid no, aid esilotid the influence of the
~m ini.,eonServative'peim i ple anaTripriils which
have"; , itherM•ehOrpctrrizeih n d will hereaff e r
chardcrerizethiilitijolr, ::EVEIZY
tie .1011f11'.11 of Commeiee great' .
•:to these principles, and strengthen iis,
iu otiC.Elriiit., erreiliate.ttlem, Uy
us:tin; 'name ryi , at bast. .
, ieriber IN Itf)'W 11.
• lievOteil;llraily m:isee have herinto onreonn,
rt intorest , , and having lone beep called
“ririon.Savers" as 1 teem 'of roproaclr,:wp Pro
a tel. shaft he the lam upholi". l ;:rs - of
oppo-iii_ with heart and pen. every ruin, Soti.th
is ; in (Mem , / to either. Ev e ry,'
fiprmof iiganizatio m and revolnyor r asill find.
114 fir
and. A
'A BO Ll'." : /(J'Avii'7'.lll SS I (,)
and we propose.ivith' our'sttenvh ho lelen f,!
-the option agiiinst the'zit tack,: of both. I
..A• LIBERAL - CiFFER. • • -
• encoura g e 'those Ivtio triaV I
aid: in the. crzarriz;ition of ClObs, we hereby';
0f1...r.' an extra copy of, thell'eplily to' ev e ] y per.
spit' who shall for on 1 twenty new'siihscril)ers
with,the money. . ' • • .
('.l.i' I;;K
.oliy lie oritiiniz , ol in communities with great
ts. the liest'ptiliod tor
their cornineneenient. termS, on'
we cats furnish the. paper a'reinsfoilows 1- • 1 ,
To rottifiiiiiies taking
BO.copics or til•walOs ONE erehil•
17 copies — r•• r r' •
• s —; • Ti s -N — • •••:'". •
'.I copies. -• •rix 1.1
'tiro •' each
pipets ki-lrifroli.nt •
perPors at t he . Isatili! Post 011icc,,'iffh;sifi.d. ex-1
cept in c9.s e..lubspr 13 Or
”-hick . •
may he made' it the tollowtOg:ra tes : 7 .Pape'rs
added to - a chill „rftiSih' 7 , the 'first qutiteent . the
eltib's - yetir pay the full. - rate . .ol; the pkig-F
-nal club- Tor.a year, aitritig the seeptel quarter
three-fourths ot".the originali.nar.'s rate, during.
the'third qaartee'One.half, nil (luting- the lASI
quarter - •nne-fotti,t It; tine such subs - cript ions
will terminate with the year. of.- the' original
club: -.
. • ,
.. . ,
From Hillbrook',.;. 1.T....9:•, - 1r.,11. ..
.• - Where . ,paekrilieg of mn•ist , rpef- s or periodiehl•s
are 'received al . 'ally poit office direerrd to one
rrildress,-and, the .thimes of rho dub of subseri
hers . to which they •helomi,•with the postao.
fOr n rfunrfer in advaffee r 'shallb e hnnded to-the.
'postmaster, he shall.M‘liverthe.-sanie-tiitheiri
respective. Myr : Mts.' ' • ' -:* • .
. .
thin does to tvreld . .rtp‘rFpapers.,
, .
which cjicniata free in tllecounty where
ted and , • • • • ..•
- ',1,..6.e.vs • .I:7d rs, e • , ro rhid 4.4 . Co m
liter,re, No,' 91 ,f Fed.' AtJ•ct Yort., • .
. • Editors AO Pypii rietoi s
.. • • . .
. .
Tbk..r.reparatino, made from tlal best lava. ColT,e;
. reenanottiolo4 by idlysician4 rai a ,111.e.-ioi• R UT 1 11110171. ,
It t.V1ilt.1(111 for (I...laird Debility,. ljtaipi;pidit,' nod all billow
iii , orders; Thou.o . ti•t oloi lone beotreonioall e l
to I,handi/n the co ff ee will use this oit hbitt kind'
nuv tdreetq, One ran Ppllls j 1 1, 4- 1)101 , ..f relljt.:l•Ot twoppu
al ordinary aurae.; Prlce crate.. ' . .
Tin . pbeest and . 14KINO POWDER knewti, fo.l
nr~kir.~ light. :41veet u.nd
Price 15 eents.
ilto'ne'r of Brood 'tiOtt (h tout streepc
• . • • I Elif-ADEGPIIIA, .„
. And 'sold by all Druggists and Grocers.
1.5,41 •' • -
Juct - nlsli3hid inril'r•irr6:n:x
. •
• •
. .
A I,I:CTr WI.: ON Tlit: N.A.Trltt.:, 1'III:.1TAIE&T, AN ).
Illotimil Cure or Sl,N.mati.rilloti.. or Sl.lllillat Weeltnes.s,
Involuidnry•lbgbeton,SexuAl Debilts . and impediments
to Alarriatte umicrally. ...c(.1 . 1,111,11t. r •S: C 01,.. rapt iOll. Bpi.
lips ant, Fitst• ; Mental not Phi,ival, Inummeity, result.
int; from Setiathise."A,c. --Ity ifont: .1. et.threntxrutt., fll.
I) • Author oldie Uri, ii Frei; A.c.
- Tho world-renowned author, in this admirablii Lecture
clearty -proves from his, own experience that the - awful
consegnencee of .rtelts'altumn - may be "Wee tinily i•eintieett
without intslivitte, antrwithout dang.crorm rtirgieaboperas
(ions, Imuirie;s, instruments, tilm's.,'or etirdials, pointing .
.11 mints -of mire' tit-ono, certain laid elTectual; by
it bide every AII ITorer,-no!nuftter 'what 1114 CO Wilt ion may
l'f`• to ll e.mtre-toiiiixelf clteAply, privately. and radically.
This lecture will pro'ee'a Loin to
.thousands .init thou
. ,
. .
. . ,
Sontrundor spit], in a plitin II ni - elopo, to any tilltlresA, on
treitipt of sic ci.nts, fir two )48tare stanwß. by Address-ing, Dr. (SILAS, .1. (..1: fiLIZIE,‘. - '
197 Bowery, Neu , York, Poet Office Bei, 46t56.
eb.ls, 'O2: ly.
. ..
. .
• • 5U . 880.111171 Or' AU EIT,
JAY CU ONE •sk CO Bankers
TA 50171 . 1 , Thrill) 6ThrET . ,....... •
. •, " • ..• Philadelphia,lB' 62
• The undersielied he been aOpoialec.
17pSCRIP1'ION •AGKN't by the 86eretary - o
the •T'reasu ry, prepared to. furnish, . ,
(Mee, , .
. . . , .
...New Twenty Year;6 per et .Bonds:
of .:the • Linitycl.States,: desigin eli as'
Twr•nifr.;s;" , redeOnnble at the, pleasure.of tI
Dbye.i.roont t iafter and noth.orizk
. by,Act C.onzfess, ktili 'Ov.eilFeb: 25;'.18G2.
T 11•6 'COD VON BONDS aro o
$56,..5,1§Q, $5OO, -§loo'o, . •
'Tlie REGISTER • BONDS . in sums: of
$lOO,. $500,,$!000 an $5OOO.
• jot,Lriist - .1311 . - 1.. per'. atiuyin
, .. .
. . . .
.•;•'•• -• •- • ' PAYABLE,S•ord:Ann'thill•• .• , In..GBLD • •.- •:...- -
roviiieli' ik 'vqtEil . .,. iiiTt ' lie ' : .. prgsont
' p p r i ,i ii i i .. i , u . n ._... l 0 .. 0 ..... z_0y . .1,'t0: u„'!111 . t 1.::1G LIT PER CENT
. .
Fittmei•s,./Ilerghtints, Ilechauics , Copitalit
a.n.l nr.mtiney:.t•O , inyest, 'shot!
kn . 9sY antf•i•etrn•inber •tl . ,art :ere •
ti•iil'et, n FT !TEA' AfOltil3 A 11. -
StcicicS and Securities, find
tlir, immense peoqticts of all flie - lganuilicturosi,
'&c.,Bz.c. - ,•iu the caiind - ry:• and. that : the full and
ample Priiedsitiu itniln -for dhe payment
.of the
interest and of:principal, bS , .(lus-.
toms, Excise Stamps lied Internist Rev:
011110, S@tOeS to make these bonds the' • •
• - .
Iles( • 'Most Inil.thlc lfost -Pop thr Inves nt
.1 he lia riot.
.50)5cripanns receive() qt PA R
(ler Nntrs, or tif4(.'s and c)l6eks of •batilis
Sill)cribers I y moil u jll re.-.
mice Tiorilp! • (neilt'y' and
e' p 1 t rntiori : will be:aliciMetl cu app . l!(iation: to
A fill supply of' f.lonil:e. will lie
for ittirneclidte de : livery. • ..".'
rAy COOKE; Subscription A'gei;
,Ariv'o.LTE.2vx_ . .!
• old •fvonid-a. in i‘lcKnan Colnty,. that ho is
',al hand this'Sjninit. .
Selected itock_of Goo is
.. . . . .
To 11 . 1tolr:4itIO ',Call Pfliyi:ri...l.....lVoold So',
. . . . •
; . .
'I eat: Mior you hotter illoo•oeinints than . yo
can g'ot' woo of Now York. '
tnq ki!s pry'AlifThrence
t4itig It) th . e (:)1
.(1 l; . oc Et II: :S: 4..1 , R . o l'iS 16
'C'ell,at the
Atid yeti ivild hind the article fri_;idi and rhea'
it's no use talking,:tbe
nl tviiy'R has awl ill ways will !Ake the . leacli'aii
- i . i , gulatethelnallpt in . .
s find: rivrishorn
. .
'Don't fail, to.eall . and see me v: , hen you visit
Olean , •.I shall 'not hurt you, ; but shall certainly
try. to do you good., •
.. .
. .
()Ivan, .11ray'
. 4 231, ISGO'.'
---•:':A—tiky:' I'lD4'rtt - iii - fif.ta - , 7 7
so,i,,NDip ANI)A.PPRnirhfAIt.IIOI,I,I).A.I
. .
, •
The. etphitnrl,ini , n t . practical t arty, and n
marvel of sitnpliit . y- ; kes ruuning..stiteii
very rapidly' and pert', r, uses a eorritrign needlir
oaf will la st•a:. lifetithe. At the
..New York
St are_ its simplicity, arid'.goal
practical utility., was . epryi me.ll by tlu.i • award
.of the Vir.“ .Pifemium. • • • • ' . . •
It will , Goflott,„ 1:14116 . —Shirr,. Tuck,.
•Bretlths : ,'etc . ,, *with sitiL:Co or - 'tlnoblo, t,I t odd
on Any .tnatcti,tl s.tiaptothto
:The Olionost, otittalry't he rttC4t-tlttlietilt to - stitch
fiy other sewinti macltito's,. !with.; sewed OH ,
FOr klit'S'..llll,l • ohildrons!' optiarel,
nod cutlet' articles roatlo'n(light fiihricA; it will
rhort - lore, be loom! 4,1ti1051),: , ; VA 1;1'.l • 1
• . It.is atlaelied to the table like . ..a wain,
a .
nd haying no tension, and requiring•nolubri
caljon or change of stilch,..is• nl , vitys ready roe
operation, and. such a marvel of siniplicily I hat
a child six or eight, years can .t:snnnsrAxn it,
a - nd-use it, ' . • . •
. .
. .
.. .
. . .
' It is not itt•all liable.to giq out of order. , '
, 'Eactroiachine is put up in 1 nodt box, ite.e.orn
ponied .with full nod e.xplicit di'rections,.'lLnd
lwenty:live needles. , '
Sent in' any .itticiressin State's.on
receipt of an order, incioniu the
may be collected , by Express oh delicvry ol ihe
.. . • •
. .
• \\lien the.m6ney-f= sent with. the . orde,r, and
re'gititeied,. NYO . gOorariteo its tAtfe teeeipt . and the . 0 1
delivnery of
, the roaeliine;anyWhere within 2000,
trifles; free of any.E.xpress . charges. - • .. 1 : : •
Very liberal atrangetnent a for agencies.. • • c
See. Mtunon or. FAsnioNsl, or for•filll partie . n.. to
Inrs, - spe'ciirneti of seiving, etc.,-sentl,a:staitp for
rettvii,p.ista'gei. • • ''. •
. . ,
. .
• -Address, ' ' 111 ME. DE:WRIEST; .'.
'• . .... • 173 Proati why, N.' Y.
Every. Indy, tnotheroniltiner, and dres.—mn:—
ker., .should haVe one of these' - valunhre sewing.
'machines. • ' . ' . -
. . :
LT f 4.11.1% jilt: lantru , tlpermnix luirn liltet S h sic relgpec
live , pOithin ftir.4 Tar ein LiFentie,',:tteco . rdirlg' to Nil
N':' L. 1/IKR.• . .
. . . . ... .
L. It ;CooK ; ,
..-- • •
. . .
• .
. .
.. .
.. . .
• .
. .
Me ' 15'011(44s my .11:tadith.1 Real of CliiirCat Sliippon
Curler9ti County, Pit , this pclirilliry 19,1663, • .
• ' ' . ', ~ . ISAAC ILVII.M.ig, ['nit/el/.
.i . ::' , cAmEiiorf . cou'nty
jic;;...ill'iA .iiitiO
1)Y VIRTUE; of .7)l,;prir.v.
13/;frOill.r, i'SsullfOrit of 'the Court . of Crittunott
Pleas . . of. 1:a me ron•coun ty,',ltit(l to metlireet
thOr . e. ..be exposed to' public
CoOrt. ilnose, iti, ShiPpen; 'on .Monday, the' 0111
ai,y: ofAlorch•-1.8(13;.nt one o'cioelr',.. I'. 11.1„
aelieribett Lots of land turd prom .
tocs'i;ihiri of Shipper,, count of
"Come".ron Otitl'.Stete.of Pennsylvania, hounded
'tind rlOst;tibed • .I . OIIOWV,'.
at, the i'WerStt'etion - Qt . the Werth,
lino of worinot No. :10'1' and ~tho west bank of
Port nip: Cleric, thende, along, said North li!tir of
woriant•.:lo3, south fat x.e.iglit.:(sB)deirsties
east onei 'forty thine (113),yeas
and ilireo'letitits X.1 . , , , 111) of O roil Ito a post : t hit
porlbeirst corner Jot dt;of nail 'llde t4rtliStottSf erir
rope soutli'six'((i) ch.gricds.tiod 'one balt(o II
deg fe 0 . 'west tWo Ittind red 11'1)11 % y fon
121 . ..1j rods..to [hi! north . hunk•df, tho'
icoiling Creek, the .!iotith‘ . rei!..t. ruttier of"land: of
said UN:Sage tan Sent hdast.eottidr horiCtif,
thence Try, tho.north'
sikl.prour. [•r!,l] degrees ;'vest tWittnly ffetli2s]
rolls and twoientlisF . l2'-10].:Of it JO to the east
point of WittratiONo. Ulf/7;in the twine of John
Earl: I 1110i0;T• 111014'0' along, the, southen
ilndiorsaia nt:No. (1107:,:sontli sixtyfron
iffl).'dtigr.ees nita'6ne 'half (1. 9 ) . of . 11 ' 11 1i1:!r! ,
Wrest . .
and seven ;toot Its
(7-19) of. ti 'rod' to .witness 'to o corner.olstlid
Warrant . No. 107, North. sixty nice (It! ytle•
- 4rees syos[Cone liciodted. tccid..to . rtyefght:[A , lB]
•thls,. and' sQvi•n [7.-1.0) Of :a 11)(i:krid..riorth
tiglay • se'edn (.57).dr . cgr0.....cr. and'
. m 1 4 ,11 1 . 1 .0 (1.2)
tlect - r re. w,;St foitytl9l rodsii a baech the
triginal Nor, heti:sr./tot tier uT - iv!!!rilot Nti. 4951;
„.rdityrnaii -Nort It t ww(l2)
lett toes and itne.bi11i(1.,.9...j,0f llde,ree one
pentlred nod lit t'eci...(lls)..crOds to'dloe north
book of the'liiiin t i too hinitittr..ereek; thence tilort'e
=aid north ltti olc;. hy . hind of .5 Frerttinin Swat
bit); three [0;1J degrees 11 nd.rule. funr;thli 7 .l3
itegten.Eust Seventy it it;:- [.711] roll' and st.te ol l.
.11t i 0 1 .0! !..011111Wi!Ft .C . 0110..1
of' ‘iard.lol.l%:o. d tho 'oatnic at .I.4llkricirt;
I.Claitic;, lidilf•cC -.1111)112... the. ssce.s.t- -- lines of said
11'ottow:No. 163 end lard of Sl, , re'etic4ti•Nor.lll
'(tan and ere.hnlf 1.1 . et
lit tlifts fit•'•[:r•i]`rutrut Nui !It thilti , : j . wo'l.:4l
argreesLool-010. hulr , [.l•2 j iil -!!' .thurr,l e
*to dsco [.121m oils, North .1 wit e .]tlittz 'am
oice. ball [[-'93 sit .it
rOdsNorth• 1 laity hiro. 001 . d02r0..s aro!'
half.[ 1,2J.0f . ‘ a t cyriity t crrri
rods to a post . , dhence South eif4l,4 sore:111.1 - r
flo:zroes 'noir one. 'rt degred I.lac'd
to the: west . of Port ow
Oreelc,:t littnee along the westliaok of. saicl•cr'erl;
..snd 11111 . S Fro, , tclapi• iNorth .t *Noy Lev a n
(.97) , 1.!.c.0•6(c5,E45t t mds'ami seven
.r.ml.lts (7 19) of a rod . , North tsreh(y,thip) ,. (2(t)
foottern (hh) trouts :nod fOttr
tenths ( : 1 : 12) of: Ninth sixty fotir.(o . l)
dcgrrep nnit .or.e fnntih (I.—I) Ole !li , fzi'r , ( . ! West
KW/Nay (20)' rods,tutd !our tenlths . (1-f0) ol'
roil and North t Wedt y et 2 ',(2.7t) decrees West
, owlm (;)•rorls ;furl. tier i tenth's [5 191'nfa. 'Oil
Fn the 'woo - line, of Wiirrnnt No, 331,
slow! said. tilll; north tivo • pl . (letrrops'.niiil curie
-2] or ii-dogrve. Easrei2llf [S] rods thence;
lry'the west 'ban); of POt age erne!: and hod
of S Freeman 'North •irirlf:t [42.]dr,gr!uu:,
ocistt.w/ctriy one.o.l) . crilkolid six total's [C,, 101
of rit . od, nod North [37.] flogrer:s
nnilrotro"otirt h. [l.l] of it (legrep East .iwsuimy
two t22] rod's to ihe - 014 . ce:nt beginning
tainii4; thre•hOndred !cod . I . )crolsri'.l . 3l.2l.nres
Oue bowl 1 . 1.1 . 71 slitinre
. rodS;,
'm'ore cut Ipo - 9,'ltr:il.:buil2.. u party; of Wit rinitt's
3/.1 and.1.07',1 tind cow:lining
..fitotit• two,niti:
(fret'. [2oo] .nottis of depraved orld'tipplt
orehara; noel poach . .. 0re.1!,,r,1, 11 . Welli IA!
honses awl onitrailtlipt.ts,s . stw;On tWa rtl 'shanties'
one three - ba.ros,orth'r;ciro itonsetind
grawity; one `hi) 0111! black
!loose', one arnatlO saw
mill etigerottett throe' wells:of Water t hero-
. . . .
. . ..
- tl',lc.ll said loi of ilitid and . premiso. i'F . coni
136::(! 9f three set'rrtl, cottt itztioiri: hi:si 'tvh id
are &i.n4r4tely dtiser.ibed 'as' inflows :
..' . ',•
Ti m rinst—Begillnina at • If . p oet ,
north. line•or•Warfant No. 33:1 ln..the.nante . of
dlphraitrr,lllaine, s the northeast' eitrufW hereof
and the 'northweQt e.O . tner, of land of C 41. Saae
tinnierby land of sai d C 11 Sae,e.SOnth..six V)]
degrees and one 'half 11..12 . 1' of a tlet?, tee west
tiro handred
. and seventy four L 127. 1 .1. rods 'on a
line.ofihirly-three•yea f :; to the north i•hank of
the Sinnainahonia:4 creek ! Iheoce Meng, din
no1•111-bank sixty•iOur (f,l) .
IVe‘r twenty live (25) rod, dad, .fwo tenths
'O-10) of a roil to-the east point of :Warrant No,
11107 thenee.'st aloag' the • tiortli.bank• of dhe
creel(' North. • thirty, three . .. de•••
grees and one' half-1121-o( ' A degree Welt
'seventy nine E. 7 .91 finds »uli opti
a rod. to Simthwesf corner: Of • the 1,11.;
Coli.grote . lot "anir the SdathWegt cornet: hereof,
thence by dlui late Colegniee let . Nortdi.fiix I[G] .
degree and one hall [1.21 of degree . ..l:last
twO'hunil red
.11 nd forty [2l ( i.ri - migtoj..l . l.p os t i n
.the north ne•of •Warrant N0.'11911, thearea lona
snid`uorth.tineof Said WarraurNo:3oll. South',
:fifty eight (r.,. 1 3) de.gtee.Aeighty twu (1332)
rode and One:teal) (1,-]b) of a'rod 'to the place,
of it?eginiink raining ;one doindred and
twenty tide.ll22] acres And forty.thrae . [l4
woke On int being the epitt6il
Tait of \Verr.trit Ni). - .301.. ini thi tinrnu'of
Ephraim' UPaine .afor'esalid'r eontainihe dhow
one haindrv'd aril le.ir .
'(1 : 10) acres, of impr.Wed
one. peach Oreha j•d;.. - one divide'
d in.: house and :out
rwo: 'one • gr . o lie ry r'dfn tidu,;:fr, o u r
cow 'sta)h or hey-barn, one tddeltsinith shop' apt!
tool shed attirched, and 'One board shanth•
well of water. • • - • • • . • •
Titt:Scco . st , --131, , ,Ltinnivz 01 a post tho south
vst corder of NQ.,303 tramp
. ..
111:iine,•theile . e along .th e west
oondary lines Of .said IV.i . rrant 1V0.,393 :Vottir
win - Pirlatl,rnes PO One half (1-!?) of in dog! P
fifty live (2.5) rank, 'North thirty tw0132 . 1 .
kr.r.reng.nralmort - half [1.21' al a 'rlngrr..rr East
lardy 1 win (12,1 'rods,-Nor h two (2) riaarae , i rind
nine Italftd:2l . al'a dergrenl7..iAt cr.ventero
rods and Mirth thirty nine itirgr. , ras and
, ire hall (1-2).01.a, degree Irfartt twanty two
2), rods to in poOl..lhenct by. land
. (if Seises
'reerilan [ ji7]..k.g.rers. pod
aria half (I-2) of p de rye eight.[sl fads
the vVe . at•btrirk- of Portage, ( 7 1 . 00. k, thiritc.a
along the n( the hest., hank pf snit!
. .
Portadfn . ereeli NOrt le t went y seven
Gast •twelve (12) Inds nnd• seten.teriths [l-10]
of a rOd, l :North t Wonty t
East flitateen 1 . 1•11 Inds' and lour intths,(l,lo)
of It rod,Nortli'sixtYr , ton r [o,l].tlegret.s and ape
fir)l[l.4] of • degree West I Wenty [2.6].rods
and •liine t nths (1-10) of a• rOd . Nord h Wenty
floe (4) dogrons , ‘Vost, seven (7) rods orrd•liye
tontlitt'Vt.l . o) of a rod . ti, the:west -Etre of said
warrant JCO. 793, :.(2)'degren arid .
one hall [l-2].of a degrle East . ei . glif ; (8) rods
•thencOly. land of said Sonnea rreeman and the
west baillr of ttiej'Ortage' creek, IN'r;rth forty
two [l . 2]Alegreeit . 'E4st. twentyiono ;[2l] 'rot&
' and' diai; tenthe(.o=,i4cilifod .titid .! ,lo Alia irty.
seven] 31]''deftrgq82.i0.4,:qtre.AeitrAll:' vikettilit
degree . t , ;,.itst tiv, ent y l tvOttp'l;! . roAli, 3 4,o' qg nm• n
line of "seri) wuynn'tit....,Nill,".:3o4l . hotlce al ong said ,
'Ji m. , end le tid '. i n tiniies a lititt
,01 , /% 1; • Aii:itOta'athit
4 .
, WOE h,, i., ( 0i1t11.. flay:eight :1483.-; deginini Ikinft•
Sixty. one . (GI) toils iihd two trrithe 040140
.rod In 'a .p0 , ..f ~ t Keil e:e h q i hi!
,"tild teoleigti . *ttrili
South six (t) degrees 'oh d ' aria:- litt If , ofiStrdeigiritet,l
wilt Ova . i.tiundred end , Toriy.: (210), rods to • the
riot tli .firi tile . of the•Siontithe honing' 'crailtitheiiite
tip the you li dittok:of eilid ciiialt:Nairt h :m . o (50)2.
.ti rg r q t. R. illll.l 011 e 'four, 1r ( 1-;1)' oi. i de'gree
one. inindr"9(l . and. throt...() 0 . 1) :: roilat4ind:ll4li
tenth r.. 1 -I.o] Ole rod to st he 'plane Otbkinninifii•
containing 9no _kw:l6.N! 'n nd eight (108)tiernit:
arid: four (,1) . .tyjua re rode, - ninie . ot.iessi;lind. •
.) . 9ing the.•wesrerly .part.olWarra.o:l4;f3o;iii
the mum s' 01' t .1 . ;01),!:041..131iiirie es 0 ftirOnide*-4 - .
coti!tiir, itig sh o ut-ninety l.(pg), agren 01 ; improved`'
in no,•.six «,Iti.E.llinic.,ll6ysesr:ttaWonthiliNkligykiAlx
b4 1 ,,,i.: 5 h il i l i fee, 'one :'sfu.ry . , house, ilne - biol . ; :pw....
5y,,..(1,,4,0,. 0 dolipiquw mill nint.o.cf4eriiiit.thrnki.
wOl t t 9 1 Avatey, and.apple, peacligincl,otilet fr.nit
u. t
. .
n. point- on; ,
north' • boll: ,of the Slnnarritilionltit letitek;
iityWritilt Not t • RIX 6' four '(L). cdOgioei!twese
twenty lint PiiY.rods pod two. to . niittiptfo) . of
it rml •fteni thtt t..soil thwest 'cotniirttif '14101.W
htiltu r t tho 'attat•poihf , ol
yarr , int Ng, 6107, lllthico eiXty , foai,
[(1-1], .dt.greps alai' one half (14) or'tfile'grei
Weiit 0 . 81 tods • •aittl" , .Beielri '''oll l lhit•
(.7.1O) o 1 n rod to wit'nesaeB .
(aid IV.it runt Np. (1107,. t [leapt)
soot twrti•litii.s of F-n War,funt No; . 8107. Npitli
sixty ono 01 ) degrf 'ono .bitadred , init
ft,t(y right (r is) r0,14,:u1d seven tenthit(74oy
of: a toil clid Not th eighty aovon'(B l 7.) , ilo'greaal.
and on, 11111.(1-2) of a ilogroe 'West forit.E4orf
rods to n .bi.ot‘h"t 11it original . :tiortheast.i.corniti.
.No. 111,1
,thrnee•by:innd o(, .Sprermaii
NOrth t wn 121 ot.'gFatis ' , and one" . .ikff
t'/1 it tleit!.ret', 1 , : - ka-ono'f,andred-and :fifteen-,
(110) rod , . tital • 'Vivi , tent ha:10 - 40). Oft , 4l..rtid
of . ( tht , 'Sittna ma fionlilg.Creak;
titerteiy.along . Sti:td rWtrt II hank 11'13 . 11dt:of •S:
. tion :11 • 11 . ify,tlii4o , (511) ..dogfeek , and
n''' Riti . llll - ti..
[lOl ta.k ob.! seven•tentits.l7.-'10)..0t ..ai rod "ti)-ti
pest ill, vont tiwese'corti . /tr. of Warrtiat , N05:399/-
t hent-.0. ity the t: I et:lt ' o r . so Wal'ritirittltl4l,'
1 , 911,' Soul it y„ [fin] antll;ine-fbuitTi..
I et!..'.l;:ilflir'ollti intndrod.lnd it rer.
H &])ads and one torpli.
t 11 y . h row .: ',doarea'm and ;Ontr half'
1-21 of a ilegr,4,l7,:t'st *beventy . nine (IQ). rods
nil one tend) i ()Fp! a• Matti . of
to•t:ionit , a-; voatuiniag eighty 182] acres
stplarw :rOds; . thoie or, less,. beirt
it . peii pf Wn`rt.dot [co. 9107-L=7611'6100..
. . ,
•-• •• •. •
ectit,imi' and -will .
nk (lie('. eptyliiy;
:I.ir,ce rod f %alai •cy J. llionro. .Pciljainiii
frrr . e • totcrYtts; 111 of
', • ~1 01111. A. Et.Dri,ED;'•
•. • :
Simun.'s (fincic t.'
• Fi,:bilidry":l:l,•A ' .
r):, .1863. • j-• •
11:13 11.117i5 . ArADE EA S ! ?
. -
. .
resiieetfully . oonotiare to.the citizens
14..N1t.:.1ea0 and.. adjooline, that they
can do as well in 'S!'nethporr; in the Stiivo..and,
Tomyare hne.; as
tones, .have - no hand h..laige stock
7'ol ;6 11:.
. .
mid Inin .
Jol,f . N.lTothi-; , .
of OH klttth done with dispatch, and in.. a sails
tory iniviiney r ot tfiir.otepst.possible priceu.'r,k
Orderepromptly rittrndcrl to.
i ye' Me II •
,Cp 11—‘4t, hp ',l),oll,(liqgtPn9VCrip
Side Fli~l Tin S,.toi Occupied by
Gerb..li. Ma son —Sluethporf, - Pit. . .
f_ rill pay rho; highest ~ruaricet pritev - itt
good.; or oath, for atis^quaidity 'of libeep. Pelt!.
etur • •
March 20,1862:„ ' .•
. .
.. • . .11,coprieturb
. .
( -1 •--
v• • • 11. • • ,
rent4oVtO heillthiq
roy• 'himpio • ropetly nfter.linlOng.
.roul , rue yeor, alt het Never , , Thing - ntrticiiof; aehr
th.,Cotrod d'kyasi.,.4),,tp,utaptionis unxionn."to'unalin
knoo u to tferors the teeunu of (min,
It , ho win , f one .1 copy ortilii picscirp' .
lion upol.f tioe of charge); with the 4iroctioriir
/T nirrl 0.4 Om saliw:Wititli floCaBolll,
CCO(l'ol• (..703.811-rt6ST;:.l.oTtim ThloNantrt 0,•& C.
only 1,1 ject , rf tho A , teurtionr to nenditucthe i ` ruserirtion •
5 Lowell the unik•te,l„,llll suroal'infertuAlleu which
he forierivoi to 1.1. livery' cut
to gm'i , jlr - try his remody, ft:Lit wiil.Cost ihinn . nothlnif,
,f.cd omy.prive a i4y,sio , ,r, . ,
ties ti , T , :stlpt SOO ivill illaaen .11,14r68.9
v, A 1)1.'0 in) it WILSON ; •
. . . .
.Wll.lllunliburuh, •
(,7411n.) . • • . liiogn.peaut,y, yyrk.„,,
•• • •
. . •
• .•
313 f R. DE t,(1111:Ell''S 3111tROR 917 - I`4enroNs:.....Thb
11 N hoof, au.l oot,t, 31agathei in . the
, ror. Ropfafaa,tho larArkl. and fliomt k'ashipil4 . ll,tes,.
tto.;g.' roatO4 moabir.4 Eir,raviog4, thu late-st and
ourferrliatilo.ill'ormatino;fltrou . 4all-sized kattoiffirfor
Ihroto3. nut a divot of ,lOW :Erlhbroki
denim, Raft,rua. Ifywy 3futlo2 Dropaoakor, /111.111mr
i ti o t C o o'. o , oo.llrivo if;' ,l 'of , lriard.Quaiterl.k,'fit 47.4
fr,larty: Ned- sold overvaloar or hen/::71141U
25 roots. Y,•aly..witit ,ll.ral,l4.ofaillutr.k,
Thu Fottoorenolnbor'nriw rr ' -
, r'r!( 1
s'4o. WAGES PAID •
To soli good's fiii•
iveo s tifritisiiilptiloiVii It
,nods koi I by our A.licr4F;rir
$lO to $lOO • rut nib "alf:
.'.)(priises.... .0
. 11r clj n is . Ruler t
:c. k in. bad. I , , , : iyqn ? r , o wffi l p, h.
114 ho., itioji'
Carr Hy: SetVing . Mitcliiii'e •in ;411(1;ii•ii . :i ia 6 .;
-rd , terd prjeti.tp •
• V,ltc 1111)613 •\ca
10,(1 • i t tS: - " ,4 •
•• • Gen. gr.;'ptitrOli; Ig it' Ir. .• •
, .
A I I' pg.isci6 fii'efir"&i:if;lVr,lit,c,
li.edo:cioott y, a ro. refinested ?o payfhe sameir
P..1,.' *:1114.,, qr J: - :..k:',Ctlit'ply,lVV4nrl all
in Cami.eoli!:i4iiiity «ilt pay to p. SCULL,
or,JOIIN AL' UPP , —lmaieoioel:„'lll
All t to vault= irk
obligo'sme inul; h(iins.; , l vas •. • .
. SiPe-lbPbrt2l l c. •