t...45*,. wr• r,~ _ _- . - . ____--.....-...... -. 01i4 1 4 1 !NAOMI bad Expeaditirei 6 ~qiy ow ;Cori !bribe year 1862; re4 , 11 , c , q4,‘...3. 4 , , t. ,lascalere. „, ' , ikieelveitee 'kited to um, 11138 . r111814:4= , . - Ge0e14441 for lBBl ' ag 1862 laillisitterllBllo 6 1861 • aokeitfPli ild,T,sits: Cameron'co: e ' TetiltitiCtilite, 144aid.rviivers Jur . Ori;* • .. •• • • . . 90 00 IMMO 201 25 Tokilotoodedi't. • • ' • .„ 328 26 Roildhoi'avid_repaiehg ' 1,032 14 , 30,5 Allik'for Clerk Rice,'' • , 235 83 fate*: 316 98 te, Jail; - • • . 610.00 _Rood damages,, • = 45 00 75 DO 741e1f4 ; . - • 34 75 .11.41joilk14,tibles ter Jeil,, • 10 18 Colleyeevrioldi Costs,. 122 52 thadwiek, Preihabotaryte Fees, - 19 12 Coaapiesionors'. Wages, ' 196 16 Replies GC Pobtie.,Boildiogs, 158 59 ,Penitentiary; , 35 12 Ciestable Rebha‘n, • ° -44 15 ; •. . 25.10 VOID, ' . 25 Clearkig court Howie, . '17,00 finkitiorreemstable. CoOn's.' Amok Book's. • • • Itimilemptioa order,. Thiel" aroned.Conit Hotee;. Obeli* for. Court Howie, ' Stec. for Prothonotary!. oltie., Wooel,Hoote; • . • ~• • Paid est judgment against - county, Costa ef•adeartising 11 tracts land; Receidiag Treesurers Bond, - • Treserrer's commis:ion, • • Interest Order' telteri up, . .. • 1,275'70 Envie et Iteepte over Expenditures,. 1,734 90. Ibhi Espenditurei, LI.AEILITIES. To - Orders outstanding (ordin • Issue) - • . • $1,069,03 Otdois qn tottreut, . 100 00 .ogainst County, - • 300 00 Oitmainiiiioners Wagei, • 57 79 - Siena ii faitir, of County, _• • ' 8,263 ' 93 Total,.:. . • , • • $9,790 75 . . 115111OURCES. AfrmUnt deo from Colfectors, 1861, • ;341 13 Amount due from C0110ct0rn,,1862,. • 1,860 - 73 Unlisted Tax for 1862, .. • ' ; 4,132.48 . ifas t eated Ti* far 1863, • , 2,273 06 SistrorFax• ler 1863, . 1,443 35 Pliflietin.Stilltit Blair, • • . 30 00 Totel,Reis aaaaa , .110MINTEM utisr Bondi for loan of money for Vol. Bolior feribso outstanding, Er !karat tax for 1862, Unseated tax for 1862, floated tax for 1863, 1181161.11 10x for 1863, .' fstaaee (e be prOviArd for, We, the undersigned, Commissioners of 10Keen Couaty,'do certify thit the: toregoing statement of the (undo, Receipts -end Expend.. Rote if laid County for the year 1862 is col.— ieet;ti the best of our . . knowledge. Witness tali hinds st.l3ntethpott, Limitary, 1803. A. P.' BREWER, I. W. STARKS, CORWIN, C'emnisailiners. Ir. S. Oviarr; Clerk 1863. 1863. 5114=21114.A.ND :Zate . Tbisareet .line t ''' v eeeee the Northern and r er ck* .it O uiltiei of PerietsPienia to'the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. , . It has.been leased by .the , PrmisymtritA R. 11.;,,Ceire.mr,,iind under their auepices is bebig iiipidly,opened throughout- its entire length.. It is now in . ma.* Passenger and. Freight busineii. front HARRISIIIIISCI to GROVE FLATS (t7gadies) on 'the. Eastern Diviiion, and from Sissrrint.ti . to Erie,;on the Western ,Division, . r im or PAlfilltNOll TRAINS AT GIROVZ FLATS. , Aceertintedation train leaves 8 00 A. M. is • arrives . . 4 20 P. M. 411111110i.1141 ♦T .11111611111111 iAccommodapen tratrleares ^.{ " arrives . 00 P. M. MI through without change both waoi ww trains between Philadelphia and Lock Ha- ' , .. 4 l44priat. sleeping ears accompany the Ex. press trace bpth ways, between Baltimore and , ifillibinepert j aind Philadelphia and Williams- H . • For ilikirmation respecting P. ger busi "11Mill OPply at the Corner 11th aid Mar . , Aid Bir . Freight business of the Company's B. e. Kingston, Jr.; Cor. 13th and Market Sts ;:Philadelphia: -Ji-W:Raynolds, Erie. , Agent N. C. R. Baltimore. H: H+ Witten, Glen/ Freight Atit. Phira. Lewis I. Roam, Ge'nl Ticket Agt. Phil's. %Potts, Gin'l Manager; Williamsport: ..:,.:elalolllllBll persiiima Maginot Oak. rasPee• Atte rill, for altar eta Lteaase, .ateertlag to bmi . . . area . . Illita way band awl seal of qoart at IthitiPera Cleasty. Pa.; Mk February 1111i I I 1863. • lIKAO 11011011 Profit' • ~1:: 4 •416, , , i -010....--7, - ---, A i s 1101101 — : . f,;!411.0141:0/ ADMINISTRATION . having :i' ..`'' . ';' , 4lo ll **4 Aocthih otairsigned on the i 75. :: • . '"ireirm'Ac. Wine .d a. ,;tat... 4 ". 1 . 4",' , tn ~m • l ' ' , "easa 1 of la i ll ~, , t op lat s .:ll44as ,goantyp. Pa.,' all , 7, , *aid estate are requested - , i , Istkporneetioasid Ahem, having ;';`, '``',,,.,,"' ' ` litOlip.gimo. wilipsio.nt,th•in duly I '-'' ' ;* iiplthimiNo mid 0 Ili wi neg. r.lv`iieg,t:;l44o!".4o ol staßOVED ... '':•Y, l F. , 'oo` . .gaillaf#ol9r• • _:,-7.iiii*ii1ti.;1441440'.:)114,16:" 0,1 A CeEif poi THE '§PLENDID Alb APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY $ 1 0$ 65 3,338'89 9,180'19 819 14 MME. DEMOREST S aurnazgaslnca $0 _:„:***ltig .11aChii*e: . The entbodiment..rd practical utility, and. . marvel Of simplicity.; snakes the running stitch very rapidly and perfect, used a cotpmon needle and Will , last,a,. lifetime. At the ;NeWy'ork 'State Fair, its simplicity, efficiency, and great practic.nt utilitYs Wis-,Confirtried, by the award of the First .Premium: • ' , • $ 461 08 214.50 It will Gather, Rale ) Shirr, Tuck, .Run up r Breadth!, ete.with a s ingle or. double thread on any material adapted to thellunning Stitdh. The thinnest ) usually the most difficultto stitch .by,ot her .aewini being sewed the easiest.' , :;Ecir.ladles'.i4d children! . _apparel, ind'other *Wales Made'of light labries,.it th.reforelbe.found . aintost INVAMUSLE. . . it is attached to the table like a sewing-bird, *DO having no tension, and requiring no. lubri. cation.or change of stitch, is always ready for operation, and ,sueh,a marvel of simplicity that ehild.six• Or eight, years can UNDERSTAND , it, and tusk. OUCCSS6FULI;Y.. • • It is not. at all liable to get Mil of order. Each machincis put up in a. neat box, accom wiled with full: and explicit directions, and twenty. five•needles.: . • Sent to :'any. address in the United States on receipt.of an order ' inclosing the - amount, or. maybe collected by Express on delivery.ol the When the money:is sent vrith ..tbe order and registered t we guarantee its safe receipt and the delivery of the, machinn, anywhere within ' 2OOO miles free of any Express •charges. Very liberal arrangements for agedcies. 11 50 1696 6500. 46 65 Sae Mtnaoa , ov FABItIONS, clf for full - portico lan, specimen of sewing, etc., send a stomp for return postage.. • • Address, 'AIM& DEMORESI', .473 BrOldway.,' N. Y. Everflady, mother, milliner and ciress—m.a— her, ithould.have one of these valuablisewing 1,047 22 7 00 125 405 86 Tx Nall Yong WEEEtv-Artraisi--In every departinent of newspaper•enterprise - • the. NEW Yong Agora-will favorably . compare. 'ln Poll , i lics, in Literature, in Business anii.in Finance, in Agricultarajiriforniation, in. General News, and espeeiallyin thetompleteness and accuracy of its report. of the Money, Produce,- Cattle and other markets, it has no' superiOr. Its ed itors have made arrangements for articles, upon .the great • iluestions . . which now agitate the county, from . ' the pens of Hon. Horatio §ey: moor, Hon. Chas, O'Ccinor, Sanford*.E.church, Simnel . ..J. Tilden,- and others of the 'ablest statesmen of therday. Its 'Agrieultural : De pertrnent, whictireceives the especial care rind attention of One ,ot its editors, in addition to the • usual -Variety of original and selected mat. ter,.will be enriched -by:articles prepaied ex. pressly for the Annus, by 'Hon. Wm. Kelly, W. C. Watson,. A. B. conger,• Benj. P.. John,.. son, Prof; GeO.W.•SuCkland, of •the Univerlity of Totonto, C. W.; and 'brie or ciiitin-• tiniiuisbed writers upon Agricultural Science, in Europe. Terms-4ingle subscription per. annum, $2. Three eapies one year, $6.00; eight copies one year, $10.00; twenty copies, to one address, , $13,117 63 $9,700 00 $4,340,00 460 97 ••• s Addreee COMSTOCK & CASSMY, • proprietors corner Broadway & Park Place, New York:, $4,900 97 ADMINISTRATOR% SALE. $787 42 1,076 24 • '12167 1,136 53 1,079 11 By VIRTUrof an order issued' by the Or. phan's Court of the County•of M'Keait, State of ,Pennsylvania, to me 'directed, I shall sell at public .outcry at my., house in'.Norwich tewnship,in saidCountf,'on Saturday the 14th 'day of ' February next, at' one' o'clock, P. M., to thi highest and best , bidder the following described Real Estate situated, in 'Norwich. townihip, county aforesaid, and bounded as follows:-:,On the North by lands of J. J; Ridg way, on the West.by Potato or, Sixes Creek,. End . the South, by lands formerly owned by, John -Abbey, deceased, now by G. W. Burdick, on the. East by Public road , on the east side of said. Creek; 'Containing : 28,9 acres, with aboutlfteen ''acres improved and one • ; frame House and one frame Barn on , the same.— Terms, Cash $4,800 97 W. J. COLEGRCITE,' " Administrator of , .the Estdes of , • E. 4. .White, ,Deceased .buivary..l6, 18(0; • - • COVRT PROCLAMATION. lITIISIREAS the . Hon. Robert ' G. White. -1 1 V President Judge, and the Hons. J. Dar. ling and N. Peabody Associate Judges of the Courts er Oyer & Terminer and . General - .)*ail Delivery, Quarter Sessione of the- Peace, Or phans' Caurt and Court of CoMmon Pleas for the County of M'ltean have issued their precept, bearing . dato Friday,.the twenty sixth day: of Deeeiner, in the year of our Lord. one "thou-: sand eight hundred and sixty-two; and to me directed; for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer slid General Jail Delivery,, Quarter . Sessions' of- the Peace,: Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, la the Borough of SmethpOrt, on Monday, . -the 23d day of Februa ry next, and to' continue one week. Notice iv therefore hereby given to the Coro ners, Justices of the Peace , and Constables within the county, that they then and there in their proper 'persons, at 10 o'clock . A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do tholio things which their . o ffi ces appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their lee ognizances to prosectite the prisoners. that are or ' shall be in the jail of said county "of M'Kean, are to be then and thereto prosecute against them as will be just. . Dated at Smethport, this 23d day of Dec., 1862, and •the'• 86tli year". of the Independ ence of .the United States of America. . • JAS. R. BLAIR, She r d) 9 10 it.M NEW. YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. Chance of Hour,: Commencing Monday,, Nov. 17th, 1862. Trains Will leave Olean at about; the following hours, via s 2,:IOVING WEST r. , • Night Express . 10:08 A..M. Mail. • 4:13 P. M. Wa,tFieight '• • * 1:03 P. M. NO. 21 • . , . 1:00 A. M. • • MOVING EAST. . • • Hight. Express • • 710 P. M. Mail .' • ' 10:17 A. M. Stock ; • , 3:19 P. M. Way 'freight 1:15 P. M. N0e.,3; 4, end 11, run every day, No. 5. rine Sunday.. but-not Monday.. " Trsin 3, of Satur— days, from New,York, run. through to Ruesio, bst does not , run to :Dunkirk. • NATHANIEt MARSH, Raceiver. • - CHARI,RB MINOT,AIiaI Supt.' PRESENT. AMERICAN AoßidutztuusT. • • , • . ~• . . ,• A•Titoirtt CM- ammo, REL IABLE and PRAC TICAL, Journal, devoted to the•diflerent de partmenta of sod culture, such as 'growingField eipps, Orchard .and Garden ,Fruits; .Gardeil Yagelahles. and • FloWers ; Trees, .PlantS, and flovrerijor,,the Lawn or. lard cariof Do- Militia Animals, &c., &c. and HousehOld Lahore . ... It has 'also an interesting and instrua-, tive.deriartment for children and youth. ."A full Calendar ot • Operaticinieoery month: ..• Terse to Four Hundred; oimore, illustrative Engravings'appearin each volume. ' Over-Twelve Hundred plain,''practical, in structive artiClee and; uaelul. items; are given every year. . The Editors and Contriblitors are 'all :prac tical Wotking Men: , • • ... . The teachings of MS Aotticurttosor ars ron nned:to ito of or• 7 critoiy; are adopeq the Wants of 011 secieons of the coitatyy-*.is,:.as its flame Falcate's' for the whole A . *4 . I A GEYtkAlf EDITION is putitished;of the size" 'and . prlce al th'e Englinh, and con ! taming all of its-reading maiter„and its nume rous illustrative engravings.' : TERMS—,--INVAIOAttLY IN AOVANCE.. One copy,* year, • • sl* 00 . .Six copiel, one year. • 5 - 00 Ten or more, copies one year - 80 cehts each. CI.P" Add to. the above rates: Posto,te . . to Ca7a(la . 6 cents, to: England •atul:Francei 21 gents ; to• Germany, 36 cents. • ' . . ,postage.anywhere In the . United States and Teiripries must be paid by the subscriber; and' is : only rim emit., a year, if paid in advance _' at the office Where received. • . • . ' • All basieesi and.pt her communications Should be addressed to,the Editor and Proprietot, • • ORANGE JUDP;44Park . -Row, N. Y. City ••• • • • Pig lIIEKLYAOURNAL OFTOMMEIICK.• •• • , -:•'' •TO 43:1111::.STIBSCRIi3ERS; • .The comtnericetnent , ofi•new year is t good . time for renewing subscriptions and increasing the circulation of the Journal of Commei . ce.'—: - We address ourselves to;the old readers 'of the paper, ..vvit hentire confidence to their ness.oairl us, end extend the influence - of the sound conservative. Principle and, morals which have hitherto.char'acteriied and.will, •herenfter . charitekeriie - this Paper.: EvertOrrescrtier.:a.to . the • Journal of ,Comtherce '.mrght do . a great .service: to theselainoiples, ant strengthenns moor abiiity to aupporr and circulate them, by sending us the name of at' least one'netiv•sub acriber in'his'town; • • • • • Devoted firmly as.'we have been to Onr.coUr“ UV's interests, and:havingione been called AcUnion:Savers" its a 'term 'of-reproach, we are ,and• Shall be the firni , upholders of 'THE UNION AN,D THE CONSTITUTION opposing with heart and pen every man,' Smith !or .North,'WhiLis• an enemy to either . : Every, f to citdist;rganiption• and revolution will . find 'us ready. for t he, combat., Among the foes . of ' the American Union and Arnei lean principles, we rank side by side .• • • ABOLITIONISM AND SECESSION : I:qt, .and we propose with ell oar strength to.defend the nation against the attacks of both: • A. LIBERAL OFFEII:.*• . • To 'encourage' th‘ose who may 'volunteer' to aid 'in thi organization'of Clubs, .we hereby offer an extra copy of the Weekly to everypei, son who Shall forward twenty new silbscribers• With .the money. CLUBS may be organized in communities' , with great ,advantage. The present is, the best• Period (Or their. commencement. The -terms on Which We can, furnish the - paper are as follows To companies s taking • . 20 copies or upwards .•ONE DOLLAR each 13 copies . FIFTEEN 'DOLLARS. 4. copies ' .. TIX, • ",, 3 copies- . ' VE ' ii Under -3 copies Two eaCh• • The' papers: will be addressed to different Persons at the same Post Office, if deSired, ex cept in cases of clubs of 43 or mole copiei, which will'he mailed to one address. • . ADDITION 8 'TO. CLUBS May be made at the following rates :--:.Pitnere added to a club during the first 'quarterof the club's year will..pay the full rate of. the origi nal club for a year, during the second 'quarter. three-fourtlarrotthe original year's rate, during the third qiiiifer one half, and• during the lust quirter :one-fourth., ane all etteksubseriptinns will terminate with the 'year ' ,of . the' original 'club. • From Holbrook's H;§'. Mail, .7here packages of nerevapers. or periodicals are received at any.'post office directed to one address, endthe names of club (id' 'subscri tiers to which they belong, with the postage fOr quarter in advance,:shall be handed. to the Postmaster, he shall deliver, the same to their `respective, owners. . • But .this does apply to weekly newspapers which citeulate freein•the county. where prin ted and published. . . ... C 177 Address Editors of the Joiernal of Cont , pierce, No. 91,1Va1l street New . York, : . • P,KIME,'STONE, HALE & HALLOCK, . . • . Editors and Proprietors KOLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. • This proparation, made from the beet Java Coffee; ix recommended by pbyalciant as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dy.pepsia, .flnd all bilioits disorders, Thon.ands.who have been compelled' to abandon the Use of coffee Will use this without iejuvi• one effect.. ' One can contain. the strength of tiVolloombl of ordinary Coffee, Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and best •BAKINII POWDER known, foa making light, sweet and -nutritious Bread and 6nlces.. Price 16 cents. . . • MANUFACTURED BY •'. P 4. 11, KOLLOCK, 'Chemist, Coiner d(Broad and etwritant,Streets e PHILADELPIHA, , • •: And sold by all DruggistO and Gyoceri. j05..4.] . MANI-100D. HOW LOST.! HOW RESTORED !.! • . . ',Net Published, in a Sealed Envelope: Price Six Cents ' &LECTURE ON TILE NATURE, TREATMENT, AND Radical Oure of Spermatorrhoes, or Seminallf vein:tem:l liivoluntnry Imitations. Sexual Debilty; and Impedimenta to Marriage generallyi • Nervoustiess. Connuouptien, .Ipi leper and Fits; Mental and *Physical limapticity'; result • log from Self-AbUse. &c —By Runt. J COLvgawstc, D., Author of the Gran Book, dic.• The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture clearly troves from bin own experience that the awful consequences of Self-abuse' may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical opera. dons, beagles, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out . e} mode of cure. at once certain and effertual, by. whieb ererysnfferer, no matter what, his cendition•may be, may Mare himsey cheaply, privately. and radlially. This • lecture will prove a boon to' thousands and thou. wade. • •• Bent aeakto a plain envelope, to any address, oit reeskipt dale cents, or two postage stamps, by address log, ' .11r:OHAB. 3. 0: .197 Noweryi /tea Yerlt,Telieol;litell•:, 4091. Office,bf JAY COOKE, • SUBSCRIPTION AGENT , • At. JAY COOKE ,L. CO., lankep ...„, 1 . 14, SOUTH TlitllD STREET'. •• ' • . .Pldieilelphla , Noy. 1; 1862: The undersigried- baying been ,appointed SWISCRIPTIOO.:46ENT by the Secietary .the 'Preas , ury; id new prepared to tarnish, ...at . . . . . , . New Twerity Year.6,per \ et,' Bonds, of , the. United. States,' designated as , t .. Five- Twenties . ," redeemable pt the Vleastire of the, Toyertinseilt, after' five years, sin! . authorized by • A et ot Toneress; approv.ed Feb."2o, 1862.. •The,COUPON"BONDS are issued in sums of $50,1180,4500, , sl*ooo. • The REGISTER MiNDS. in stain's of $5O, $lOO, $500; $lOOO and $5000: ' *. ' 10ereSt at..six per 'cent. per aneptr ! will commence frthrildErte:rif pureliase';,and is PAYABLE IH'(3OLD; . aythelpreserit. aljoilt EIGHT PER CENT . , Farmers, Merchant's, Mechanics-, Capita l,ista, and all, yvho haye any money to kanw.and-remember that e . thes 43onds are, 'in tipon' all Canals, 'Bank Stocks and Securities, and the immense. products of all 'theMantifactUres, &c,; &c'., in the country: and Vint sthefull and ample proVisicin Made' for the payment. of the interest and . liquidatioa of principal, by -cus toms, Ditties, - .FoteisoStamps and Internal 'enue, serves to-make these bonds the. Best i Most Avail Ole .: god 164 POitu* hive:B(lo4 in the Markt'', .Stibscript inns received at.PAR in Legal Ten der Notes,• or Notes and checks of ..bankn atvpar Subsci ibers b'y mail will re ceive pilompt attention and eyery fan ilty . and explanntionwill . be afforded on;application to this pflice.... , • . . `A full win . pIS, of Bonds will, be . .kept.on•linq for itntnedinte delivery. " - • JAY t OOKE,'Subscription Agent. KEYs'paltl.sTort OILEAI\:4 T . STILL TAKES THE LEAD . COMSTOCK ESPE Ur FULLY ANNOUNCES TO um . ; R• old.friendsin McKean County, that lie is unhand this Slit ing as usual, kvith the • • • .LARGI;ST AND BEST. Selectedstock of Goods iii the Olean Market To . {Tholoale. Cash . Boyers 1 Would . Say, %I can 'ofter.yon•boterincluceinont's than you can get west•pt Newl'ork. • • :It inake9 no ilifFervneewlini you wail, any •• thing in.the line of ' • GROCERIES 4-.. P RI) I'l. , Call;at the OLD KEYSTONE And you will tind the article fresh.and cheap Tt's no uge'ialking-t.lie KEYSTONE STORE always has and ali . Fays take , the leiid;-'dmd regulate th e market •. • • . :.• Gi•oceries aiad . PiOeisCons, , . OLD FRIENpS. AND NEW ONES) Don't fail to call, amf•see ale when you visit Olean Ishall.not hurt 'you; but,shall,certaitnly try to tloyou good. ;...„. , . ,T. K. COMSTOCK Olqan,'May 2311, ISGO KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE, KENDAL-CREEK MTEAN CO., PA., • rriHß.Stibscriber laving purchased' . this well `lino . wn stand,ind re-furnished and re-fit ted the'House, is rrepared to entertain Board ers andthe Trave.ing AND Will fie well s.ipplied,'and everything done to. merit a liberal. share of patronage. Raft, men will alwais find the r‘latch-string" out. • . P. M. FVLLER. Kendal Creek . ; TanuarY 2, 1860.. , $4O, WAGES PAID • $.1.00. • . To Sell goods, for the ADAMS BIMING MAtIIINE COMPANY'. We will giye' . ri cOmmission . on all goods.soldbY our 'Agents, or.pay wages at from VOA°, $lOO per month, .andspay all necessary .expenses: Our Machine is. perfect. in its me. chaniern.• A child can learn to .operate it by half an hours . 'instrtiction.l It' is equal, to any family sewing Maohine in use, and we have reduced the price . to Fifteen Dollars. - Each nachine is warranted for three years. Address - C. RUGGLES,• • ' Gen—Agt., Detrdit, Mich. . (.19-4.] LOOK AT THIS ! . . . All persons indebted 'to Me fdr . costs, in Mc- Kean county,.arc 'regnested to pay the same to F; E. SCULL, or „I; R.' CHADWICK, and all in Cameron county will pOr to P. E. SCULL, or' JOHN M. JUDD—immediately. All spending to .this call will very much oblige me and save theniselves costs. • JOSEPH - MORSE, Late Stiff. Smethport, Dec., I.lth 1862. ' STU OF JURORS---FEB. TERM. 1863 ORA,EID . Jtinons Liberty—A. P. Barnaby, S. Rowley, Lean— der. Gallop, W A Wright, S S Liltibridge. Neridch-9. , 5. Aurdick, • •• • Lafayette—lsaac Foster. • . , E: • Haven, T. Bartetti Jr„l H Curtis, • Cerii—Hinry Smith, G B Gilbert. .• Eldred, -L-W Miller. . •. • . • . •• • Andin—J M Hadley . • • • Sergeant—D W Howard, Lawrence Boyer Bead fidd—SlM Tibbets, F A Moore, Lorenzo Drakb, Wtri" Howard • • , Corydon—E G Turner . • o —A N Smith "• • • •Ilanslin—Orrin Perry •.• , .CAMERON' -COUNTY Ski'erif2'i+' Saio. 13.1rVIRTITE of two writs of „I:ln:frit* Fieri JL)Facias,•-issuel outpf the . Court ol„.Common Pleas of. Cameron County.;. and to ine - directed - theft will be . exposed-:to public sale at 'the Court House; in.:Shippen, on:Monday, the 'oth day of March 1503,. at one o'clock, P. -M,, the following deScribed•Lots of - lend antl.py:om .ises, situated in tOWnship of ShippeM county ( ~ r, Cameron' and State of l'ennsYlvania, bounded and described": as follows, to wit : • • Beginning:at the intersection' of .the.,North of warrant• No. 393 and thewest bank or Portage . Creek, thence along said Norfh• line of warrant .393, south filty . f eight (53) degrees east one. hundred and forty thfee (1.13) rods a - rot:three tenths, (1:10) of , rad to a:post- the •northeast eOrner. hereof and, the, riorthwr..st ner.af hind by•land of said - . S a ge , siMth,SiX:,(6) . ."!ir.grees:ald'Olin;half (2) of degree west" iwo . ..hundied 'anti" seventy four (2,7:11 roils to the . north*.hank of he:•Sinnami. honing CreCk,:the 'Sirtit.hsVeSt Fortier . ..of:Fund of said Cll Sege and th.e southeast corner hereof, thence : by the. nor! h. Inruk - of „said: creek N'orib• sixty four:l - o.lf degrees 'West tWerrty five [2s] rods'andtwo tenths [2.10] of krodtO the east point of.warrant N0..6107, iii the name . ofJehri Earl . warrantee,'' thence ' fhe.southern litres of.saidwarrarit No. - 6107, south sixt - Yfour (6-o:degrees. and one-half (1-2) 01.,a degree West eighteen rods . and ..seien - tenths (2. 1.0 ) of a rod to' witness to a corner of said Warrant 6.1.07,• North sixty. one (61) de. green west-one - .hnndred and forty. eight 0481 rods'and.seyen. tenths L740_1 of a . rod and north eighty 1 . seven . 071 - degrees' and one ha1f . (1.2): of a degree West:forty [-10] rods to a beech the original - Northeast corrier.of Warrant No. 4951; thence by land of :S-.Freeman North two (2) . degrees•and one' half (I-2).0f a degree F.zist one hundred ,and fifteen (hl5) .rods to the . north bank of the Sinnainahoning Creek, thence alorig said north bank,•by lend S. Fieriman South. 'fifty thiee.[s3]. degrees . and . Onelourth : [l-1] of a degree East seventy. six Ll6l .rods andsevan. : tenths [7.10] of a rod to the southwest ,corner of.tviir,emit No. 393 in the' name , ot. Ephriam .11fainei therice the West. lines of said :Warratit,No. 393 and land.or.S Freenian'North tWo'[2],degreels end one, half [l'-'2] of a' degree :East filtv. five U 1,51 rods'Norila thirty two' [32] egrees and. one' belt [l-2) of :degree Eta' foity itvol.l2] ro.ls;.Norih"two [2] degrees and one'halt ['l'•21 - of . a 'degree' Ee;t seventeen [l7]. rods NorfOlirrty nine .1 : 391 -degiees:and 011 P 'half [1.;21•61 . ' degree East twenty two [22] rods to "a post; trielif.e..S'outh,eighty.seVen [B7] dc'gree's 'and.one half [l•2] of a degreir East night[S]'rods to. the: west Aiank of. Portage' .creek, thence. along the well bank of said creek ern! land of . S Freeman .North twenty seven .(2.7).fiegreesF.alit. twelve (12) . rods.arrit seVen tenths,(? 10),Of a rod, North t)versty•lhree' 03) l green Ea-t :fourteen'. (It) rods. rand 'tour tenths (•l..10),Of a io t, 'North six!) , fofir (61) deir,reec - on!: fourth (1-1) of a degree .West . twenty (22) oils and four:tenths (•1-10) of a rod arid North•twei;fyfiye• (25) -degrees. Wt.st seven (7) rods and, five, tet?ths [5 1.0];of a' rod to the wCWlirie. of, Warrant No 393, thence along said .line north two [2] degrersand one ,half [l-2] of codugree East eight [S] rods the'nce by the . wes't bank of .rottagir creek and ' land of S Treetnan ZCOrl'h, forty t : Wo. Ll2] degrees east I wenty one (21). rods arid six tenths [_6, 10] of a rod, and N'o 11, thirty Se.ven degrees and one fonrili . [l 4] of a .degree wenty two [22] rods to. the place of ;"con taiging t ht:ee heedb;d - end [3l2] acres one hund.red,tind seventeen [ll7] square rode,' more Or Jess, and being parts ,of Warrant's Non. 193 and 6107, and caniaining -about two ~hrin, dred [300) ' acres of iniprovedland., one.apple. oreharir; one peach orchard, seven: ilWelling houses and outbuildings, seven boo rirshantres, one : storeriese, three, barns, one:corn honse.and granary, one , hay'ba.ro, two eheds,..on;,:black srnith'shop.anil tool house,. one. doubde,sew• mill and irilg,er:, and three wells of water there- . . . . . Which said lot of lund.and premises' is coin. posed oiihree. Several, contiguous IcitS, :which are separately descr.iberl_ as follows : THE •at post ' in the north Ifite of Warrant, No.-303 in. the name of Ephreim.Bittine, thenortheast' corner. hereof and th'e northwest cOtner of lariil of C H fhene.eby land of 'said C 'tiage South - six. [6] degrees and one half [l.2] of n•.degree west two hundred end seventy It:int. - 1274] roda . on•ri line of t Flirty three year's to the, north bank of the Sinnamationing• creek, thence 'along the said'nos th bask North.sixty four (61)% degrees West twenty five (25) ..rpds !intl .. two tenths (2.10) of a.rotl to. the, east point of W . arrant'No, 610.7 - thence .still along Abe north, ba nk Of the creek • North • 'thirty • three , • [33] ..de 7. strees and. one halfp 2] of a degree.' West seventy nine [7o] rods atid'One tenth, (1.10) of a rod to the Southwest earner 'of the , late Ccilegroje lot and the Southwest corner thence by 'the late Colegrove . lat North ,six [6] degrees and one half [l•2] of, a' degree :East two hundred and forty [.210] .rodS•to a post in the north line of.W.trri - int 'No: 313 i thence along said•ncir4b . llne of said Warrant No: 303 South .fifty eight (SS) degrees East eighty two (S 2) rode and one:tenth[l-40) of a rod to the plaCe of beginning.: containing one „hundred and twenty two. ,[l22Dicres ;and forty three [4l] - square rods, more or less, and being the Central part , of Warrant No:'• 393 in the name; Of Ephraim •13laine: aforesaid; containing about one hundred and ten, (110) acres of improved land, one. peach orchard, ,one apple orchard, one - dwelling house and outbuildings, twp bards,.one ~ r anary.,oicorn..house, one 'Cory shed or hay . b7arni.one blacksmith' shop'and tool she d attached, and one board shanty, one well of Water.. • . Trig-SocoNn—Beginning.nt.ii poSI the south West 'corner •of Warrant No. 393 in the natne of. Ephraim 'Maine,. thence alolig• the - I:vest boundary lines' of sairt.Warrant N0.'39:3 North tw,o [2] degrees and one half (1.2) of a degree 'East fifty five (P 5) roils, North,thirty(wo [32] degrees and 'one : half [l 7 2] . of -a degree East forty two (.12)•rods, North iwo (2) degrees and one half [l.2] Of a degree East seventeen [l7] rods and North - thirty nine [39] ilegfires and 'one half.(l.-2).61, a, degree. 'East .twerify'two (.22).rods to post y thence bYland:' of Seneca. Freeman . ciuth eighty•severC [B7] degrees and One half (1 . -2) of a degree East eight [S] rods to the. West batik of • Portage Creek, thence along the courses of the west .batik or said Portage creek North(wenty seven [27] degrees East twelye . (l2) iods'and seven teniha [7.1 . 91 of a rod, North twenty three [23 . ] degrees, East - fourteen [l4] roils and lonr.te'oths.( 4.l 9 of a rod,.North sixty; four [o4] degreeS and 011 P, half [l.2] of a degree West twenty [2o]' roils and four'.tenthh (1-10) of a rortNorth twenty five(2s) degrees ;west seven (7) rods'and five 'tenths (5.10) of a rod to the .West line "of anirl warrant No, 393; North two. (2) degrees . ar.d one hall [1...2] of a degree: East eight (8) rods (hence by land of said §erieca Freeman and the 'went banlu : of.. the , Portage creek, North forty 'two [42] degree' Fast twenty..one [2l]. rod. . and ni x tenth;i6-105-of ii rod 'and-North thirty. seven] 37]'.degrees and. one fourth: tI49',OESS'. degree. East twentytic() i 221 reds -It! thst:POIO line of said Warrant No. 393 thence along iid i lirie and:lend • iMposseasion of Brooke and! Welsh,,South fifty - eight . [risi degreee sixty one (GO - rods bed 'two tettihit [2,40] of,ii rod to a post;:thence by - the old tolegrove lot South six , (6)•degrees and oniihalf-of a degree, west .two hondred and : forty (240) rods to the north bank of the Sinnatnahoning creek thence' up the north hank of said creek North fifty (1)0) . , degrees and one: (1.4) . of a degree. .West' one hundred and three (193) 'rods find One tenth [l4o] of a rod to thepla - cp of beginning,' containing; One Inn - mired und:night 003) eerie,- and four (4) square rods, more or less; . and being :the westerly Part'of Warrant. NOI 393. in the name of. , Ephrtiiin Blaine as eforesaid,--: containing. about ninety . (90). acres of impieved land, six dwelling houses andoutbuildings, sir •h bard one store house, one bareowo sheds,-011 double*salw. Mill and edger; and three Wells Of- .water', antf , e'echdher fruit appl,pd an other . •. trees ther eon. - . - • — tits Titino—Begiimitigat, a . point, on. pia north bank of the *Sirinarriahoning Creek,' bearing North sixty four (64).•".degrees west twenty.five (25):inds . and two, tenths (2-10)' of a rod limn the southwesreorOer of land ot IL Sage and being the extreme *east point of Warrant No.. 13107, thence South • sixty' four [64] degrees and one half (1-2) of `a,degree' West eighteen (18) pads . and'• SeVen' • tent hs (l-10) of Ji rod to witnesses a 'corner of' said Warrant' NO. 6107;. thence along the southern-I ines•of said 'Warrant *No., 6107 North" sixty one (61) degrees Wee Lone -hundred antic forty eight (148) rods and.seyen tehths•(7.lo) of a :rod and North eighly•seven (87) degrees and one half (1-2) of a degree.West.forty [4o] rods to a beech the original northeast, cornea of Warrant No. 4951 thence by land of Si. Freeman NOrth. two [o] degrees • and one half .[1.07'0( a . clegree East one hundred ,an'd fifteek [lls] rods and foie tenths .(5-10) of ..a rod to. the north :bank of the Sdnndmehoning ,- Creek; thence ,along'svid north bank by land' of S. Fre , niian South; filty.three (53) 'degrees - and. one fourth [l-1) of a 'degree, East•seventy six [76] 't oils and seven tenths,[7-10] of a rod to a pcist the southwest cOrner of Warrant NO. 393, theoci by•the•ereek line •of sadd•Warrant NO: 393 'Smith fifty [so] 'degrees 'and one -fotirth. [l'4] of degree EaSt one hundred and three [lo3] rods aod•one tenth [l.lo] of a rod and. Solith. thirty three [33] degrees and one bill [l-2] of a (levee East. seventy nine"( 79) rod and one tenth [l-10) of a rod .to the placo. of beginning,•coritaining eighty , two , -[B2] acres -and s.eventy squarC . rodsdrnore or- less, being 'the East pelt of Warrant No. 9107 7 -unimpro-* 'lnquisitidn Waived. . • • • Exacutinn' and will be asthe:pi,perty or andJaines. cr. Mersereap, Chapricey j':'Moore and Benjamin Harrower • terra lolaitt,t,' . at the. suit . of Jonatban . Colegrove, noy,, for. the use ol J.ohn. .. .. •.. . ' JOHINVA.; ELDRED, • S4eiii . .. . , . . . . , . SH . F.IIIFF'S' OFFICE, SIIIPPEN; Pa•, t ' ... :Efriinuary 3d,.A. D., .IW, . NEW CASH STORE . . . . • OLEAN' PRICES ! • • . 'YARD ThlllEB :MADE •F,ASY ! ! • . • ~ • ! I would respectfully announce: to the citizens 'of Nlcliten and , adjoining counties that they can - do as Smethport, in'the StoVe and Tin-ware line, as in Olean. .1 shall,'at times, have on hand a large stock of • . . • , COOKING,. PARLOR & BOX STOVES! - . • 'TIN-WARE, . • • . • Sheot-i.r . on . . • LEAD. PIPE AND.PUIIIP.S,. . . 'l6l.lron and . llonsc.h6pers ••• " . • . • : - Job. Work • of all kinds done' with dispatch, and in .a satis, tory manner; at the 'lowest possible OrderS.promptly attended to: Give, me a Call—at the' buddingknoWn as crSide Hill Tin :Store—formerly occupied by G; n: IMascini—Sindthport, Pa. • , • ay- I will pay . the highest market. price, in , goods or cash, for any quantity of SheepTelta •. Marchand Wool. 29, 1862: A: J. NOURSE, • , TRAVERSg JURORS . . , . .. . . . . Liberty—Green, " Augustus ;; FArnes, • Joseph,; . West; Mitrshall; Abbey; J. J.lTalrOge, John;: Fitch, E.; Cone, J. F.; 'Yansickles,: John. Co!rion--Houligton, Artfmas. Boadford—:Laflertx, E.• :M.; Jewett, Beni; Sergeant7-Easterhrook, D. A.; Lower; Mar tirk Hertsog, Geo.••• .• • • -./Ceatio:—Bond, Jas. A.; Aere,.Wrn.; Ca 1.,.. .,.. • cere,--Yrutithull, Jas.;Peabody; D.; Palmer,. Eldred—Stull, Joseph, Jr.; Stull, A.. 134 Can field, Asa. Borough—McDonald, James; Corwin; G.; Bennett, D. R.'.. ./oia,--Bellows; R. E.;. •Hodges, Joseph. Lafayette—Smith, Edward; Hoop, James. Hamilton—Beeman, - John. . • • //andin—Randall, Jas.; -Gallup; J. F:;•Mor rison; Zeph J. SLAIR, Sheriff. Smethport, • ToCoils . iirp...l7t iv'es..• • P r om• Advertiser, having been restored:to health in a tow ..vitelcc. by a very.,simple , remedi,.aftor•having iinffered several years'with n severe lung affection,' and that dread disease; Consumption—is anxious to make knowifto' the meant of cum..' . • T6.allOvhodaiire it, be will send a copy of • thepyeierip thin usinl.(free of charge), with the' directions for pre patinu and using thn `'Famoovlitch r- thliv will:find 6 a 066 Cline FOP OthiSCOcPTION,' ASTHMA ,lianticalrishc.. the only (Meet of the Advertiser in sending the 'irescriptien iii_to•belvdit'tini afflicted, and !Tread Information width he elincsives to be invaluable; and lie hopes' every Suf ferer will try his remedy, as If will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.. ' „ • s• • , ' "Parties wishing , the proscription *lll . pleinie addries . • Itsv..ADWARPA. WILSON, .•• • • • Williiimsburgh; (0 -3113 •) . Iprigli 'County, Nei York, • DEMORF,ST , S lICRROIt OY .YASIIIONS.—The best and most • reliable. Fashion :Alagasioe In the wir Id. - Contains the largest:nod finest leashlon•Platen; the greatest no'ndler of floe'. Engravings, the latest and most reliable inforinatlon,.three full,;sised :Patterns:for Dresisen, and a sheet of. new . .lirade:•lyork and Embroi derius. Pa tterok • Diary Mother; Dressmaker; 'Millener Should'have it.. Published Quarterly, at 473 llroadvray,New York, told everywhere ,er spotby mail attd ceote. ' Yearly BA, witfi s . raltOi• preinfam. The Eummeroumbevnew, ready; •' • • . • •