M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 28, 1863, Image 2

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    r.h.trqy,A4 , ..:!!.0 5 tP10
i iiios y: ~,;`~ t ell -.d in, or ft , ii.il)l?t r•cii, , :2 * ., e
retP:eithil '.),'• tilr2,ttetttliiii,:. if 'llipißioilei4
• OqrAttpaiiii'e *feel. oujiiiite us to • their: griti
• 'itltentletts ,‘,..tint ;the' `,' bele9is succeesorsi ` to our'
illeteirireriftlet here lefirereer• _,To shift *Pure
-'it 'bort we shiiild bear, if' ,We create
I is '•w ,biet. weWtfornn 4 . ..with, itriptittitY;
w' ' "it'l'el tleh eas'es; inankirid are most like
,Ifireigantit•grave errors. There are but fed
.tietai,LVesy„ l tew and rare instances, av where
pabWillilskiilonld oat have been oided, for
'asitii!laitil ,nii,ild have been, only, for the illu
iiirtfeiVcht,t - itie 'future, demanded of.. the
• OTOWie,", - thi Miiiitires.s, 'There , are very few'
tiliktinnteliiihich 'Will justify the reasons urged
ia tlNtlilietanee'i mind the nationaklelits, of 'the
40 ilit*ZinhatlV,.without any' equivalent to
i " i'dheriVennehained by them. If a ,man
it r giotAlor hiiheirs to purchase estate
Int thetailind pay for them; ' lt is well; but •
ItErilostitittilielitefor them to 'pay_it is not
iiiiltir u lltit ibeanalogY bet Wee- an individual
alii.kitinitiion", does not hold; for except it be
illiWie ciintries, where the children era held
ittliithivealintil the father's debts ate paid,
titiPtitir iiictit lintile;`farther than" he receives,
mia'itedi;teeitticel the debts:- In titions; the
AVE iedlithidlit,: Or, deb tis ais ins all genera.
t ier n re igeltWii only'ltdherles and is et never '
atillitifboildidge:Wbere it is too large for liquid
ation; tkirl4 prang 01 il l the creditor class,
lkitOlftiegtivirnntint isef; in its hands. Only
filir:difro to `deli:Ent against inVaders, can a debt
briiitillidt'inior tan it then` if created before
alfritiliiiiis relionrces are exhausted. Ihe ore•
ishogriti:i . ertivlitcit' deli is, itself a great evil.
, Affehe'nalicin 'held for it, and in time it Berta.
''' sitiiii Ind diiides effectually the people: Wealth
itilisliattir: Never`so completely so, as when it
bola public dema nds against a State.
..„ , ~
Therei has not yet been anything like evi=
tienie, that a people ever so esslas.ed, can free
tbeniselirei. Indeed, When we •consiiler the
etilifr;',rierirring necessities of a nation so, i'n—
volved'we can" realized, that the creditor class
tin oblige the `government to protect it. It is
slid that the Jews held, the mighty armies of
N'apileton' in' their :long purses, •and when, no
longer probia,ble for them to continue the ean•
solitary atrtiggip, drew the string,' and closed
hie 'career:l En'w are the "people of England,
, .
it*Forking,thultitude_who'earn all, benifitted
of,the Revalution, ' which added
50me,700,000,000 tollui national debt? What
deilbey gala from thelong war again.t the pac.
pt. of Franoe,to hied upon them a government
they detested) - What has the Russian _air(
gtsinedsbk:the warewhich caused its national
debts „ ; .,Whst kali . ..Austrian industry to,console.
Itselffer the grinding taxatiOn it is for the
sanistcause„stibiticted tot What consolation
. ,
.(10 ,the distreised subjeets . ot Napnle . on .' de--.
iiyo.lturn the inereasing , ttertiends, the
,milita 7
trootobljohinentraud'finuncial budget, puts
opoo,t r lierni. Tliree.thin . gs, our fathers' intend
edletiliti us Upd.oo.descendentefrin.
. .
t)etionel .debt. •
. . .
Socond.L-Paper mone y. .
Third--A largo Army and 'Natiy; and these
'throe cankers of 'nations one 'term of ,abolition
kW/m . 4i fastened upon the countrY• '
-glad theadministretion known, and honest—
'l7 •told:the people, 'what the • war . would' cost,
they Woad , never have been able to seduce
it,'but . would at the Outsetbeen coin-
Assituted totornpromise. Had therknovidand
told tbaleople it was a deceitful .tontrat and
bUndred thousand lives 'would hive been
. ,
eaCkeed thej would not, have been permitted
to eaerifice'd them •. • • •
antfairly' informed' , ' the
country of tfie,plan;.for making paper the On
lr'coViencjr, in consequence . Of it, the people
weirld love resisted the innovation. Had the',
.111144 it 'first,. to.thit people, i.tir.ou end your de
. seettilnntit to.the latest generation must toil to
`for the, war We inaugurated," they never
Weald .linvibeeti suffered to proceed in it. But
tbsi'adrile iqefiqton, iti. , No
~ man pretends to
Vell . itswhet year', or ienturrit will be finished
• Vetii'policy'now proclaimed is to continue.,
.'Ntit only do we fend. down' a debt to• Manacle
posterity;' but it is more .4 heO•proba
blithe war which 'caused it will go 'clown with
it;" If vre.ell ' OW abolition much longer, to , direct,
• imilfe itaire. If in the course of time' Some
:wiWsheitalti! to prevent nations from
.teestiaCtieg,debte, war would In a good
Ssuibithise. Weknovi of but one way to pre.
veriethein, that way is (Or the people' to repuili 7
;eitailbe botimbraiice..Against this there are
tereirildable obatatles; ,
First the binding char.
tailbeillseiraiti . must 'ever assume .in.. civilized
I All Who rerilize , the importance
of U6;111,111 hesitate to admit khe
, proposition
. of.vemidiation. Secondly; The p ower'which is
.arbeterfin, the creditor class, gives to it the
mean..of enforcing their demands. Wrong ab
eolutely:.eriong, it'Vve believe it robe, to cre- ,
Ate.oollo.4iverlasting . deitts; we see no prospect
of toliefit oice'etaited.: Every 'Year of exor
bitant tagetiois,!watibes Out, upon , the . suburbs
of elinfortablirsubstance into poverty; quite
a percentage of the •people.:' They , loose; by
tip continual life of poverty,: they, are thus
siiikOed 'to e,edure aspiration " for iniprov I
sekint;Witikthellisi of all hope.ofa illtietter cop;
didn't:7 ~ ThefavOred class encroach as the de
pieseskane recede, and. leave tor it the mer:.
. esitiditinee required to be drudges, and: it •is
aftnillj,:Worse enslaved that) Africans are in
t6` Sooth. It was formerly believed by many
. (an vret con ess we were of t e.n mber,) that
gene.al and' wide tweed intelligence, wo'd
be ',hillier eier which this fell, foe,of huinan-,
ify:conld 'riot leap; and that here,
the infant,
Weelitisist . neon Ais.entrance into life be chained
,bi r c„h i te national debt. A great standing ar
reftrien(rirciohedience to its rapacious ere
ps, rere which in Europe
sitrou*d'e r ery huinan tieing..
~But, alas!, the
helfar wale falsOme; From the school, the
• aeaderrry, and college; (vim printed books and
da aewepapere, the people. with their boast
-ellintelligence, under the baleful %nuance of
asOtiOnitt, hate, rrished oVer the wise maxims of
their:fatherifarid 'in that get, perilled all the
feed',.hopea of mankind ..' X..et us strive to•make
*lir ilia Or the accumulation as soon as we can.
Nint.4A paper currency always redeems
Ilidatiiipeeie, is practically 'all,' the 'founders
ilikctiattitiitionintended. . The 'prenent :one
whet thiy Int ended
,to guard'agatnst
Damocrst. •
rr : , e Navyi bepertment has received die
:Dr Dnpont, date'd
reintation of the. State.
ire,nard's proclamation
tarle'stoa published in,
innah papers, and ac—
ins, !nide . with the ap
-Inin, foreign faoctiona=
Of ;Ike various . . is
4,:er4ssidron unite in a'
10 ; #1 this action', as set
KAU* In flinty par!icu
-01 00. 0 m Ayer. ,iet
fflOter'..(tbe• ./klerceditat
4111itatt tour ty gionotrat.
gatirday • Feb. 28th 1883 •
mEkTialb or
• - . •
.• Purseint 'fp • cell, tkiii,;pervioeratie .
Commute met.at the ,Bennett Mese in Smeill
port, on•Wedneeday evening; yeb. 25th, for
the: transaction of any busineis •inought
Om' . jiereens were .eir
IpointerVas vigjlent committees for.the several
A s ertin, ! --F. Sherwood, A. 'Torte; Hugh Brod-
Bt caley,
.11enj. Jeweil,•lsaac
; •
. • - .
Qoryde E. S: Sunderlin. ‘'' •
•••. - • .
*le:ander Dennis' .
Abiani Stall; • : '
C'sris--0,8. Gillett, E. .1. Berber, Wm. 1-1
dalltip,'.o; Perry, Wm
iramilroilerd..N, Powell,- JAE, .. A: - Andvspn
Wm. K..Strobridget,
. .."
Larayrite,-R. J. M. Boldritlge
• O. 13 hyir,.: John. B. Kimbal);
C. 11; Burdick. • • '
Otto,—Jai: McCord. ..:• •
Sergeoni,—Lawience r toyer, Peter Ba:rns,
Bishop Lucas.: •
• Spiethport Boro'--Jas; ROswell
Sartweh,: Miles Irons.
..,/iiittin4;—.-.ll:latbilis Otto,: James O'Dalcyi
GeOrge 0. Tyler. ' • . ,
The Committee then adjourned . to 1 o'clock.
Tlitirsday.' : • • ' • "
ThursdayiFeb. Comroittee 'net ptirsbant
to adjournment, and.proceeded to : the'eelect ion
`of. delegates to the-coming State bonventibn. ,
• ,
On motion of 4: X. Johnsoi, seconded -by
B. D. Hamlin, D. R. Bennett-was the , iinstni- -
mous.choice for-Repiesentatiie Delegate, with
poWer .; •
On motion .of Wm. Wilkins, Ar M. Bentnn
was chosen as Senatorial delegate, with powei
te'substitute. ' •
On motiop•the Committee suggested that the
gertiVrtord•county system?' of nominations be
placed before 'the Democracy' of • the 'county,
through the medium of the Democrat; that such
action as is thought proper may be taken,'ai
the next' county convention, 'in •regai•d%.tO 'its
adoption in this county. ' . • . . .
On motion adjourned, sine dir. .
• .• • J. B. °WATT, Ch.dt'n.
. .
W.Virociras, Seery. •' • • •
Sinetliport, Feb. 26, 1863. . :
RICHMOND ADD. VlcKsitso,--11 we' may be
lieve same of the military. editors, .neither of
these places is worth taking., Lest °month the
Everti,:g Post said of Richriond: , ' •
• The capture'of the rebel capital would lie ..tt
pretty thing to talk about; the.phrase.. hail a
magnificient soUnd.'yet;so tar 'ai .regards. its,
substantial effect on•the'renuleof the war; the
redels dread it inlfinltely less thad. the . capture,
of Vicksburg or the - preserve of, 'a forMidable
Union army in Rest: Tennessee. • •-• .
Now itrange to' say,..9te Tisisna.comei,to the
same conclusion in' regard' to 'Vicksburg, and
says: . • . . !
But why try to storm 'a place like Vicksburg
and.pcil thotfitauds of liv.es, when the military
'value is gorte e andit wust be evacuated at ,en
early day? .‘ • '
It might be;argued With the same. propriety,
and equal ?oe, that no part 'Of thii South • is
worth conquering. •
Fo'recas.‘—SenaaOr Wifson'a • bill for ,enrolling
'and, calling oat the National I . orcei nioides as
All 'able-bodied Male. citizens between eigh
teen and Iterty-five are liable to perform military
duty on the Presiderit' call. Tha only exempts
are,firsr, 4he iihysica lly, mentally; or , morally
unfit ; second, 'those necessary for the support
of aged or infirm parents;orphans or children;
rhird,. the Vine - President, Judges of Uinted
States Courts,.beads of Departments; fourth,
'only 'sons of aged or infirm parints. Wherc
lhere 'rve two or pure such sons, the father, ,or
he, be dead, .the. mother, may elect which
shall be exempt.. Fifth,'only brothers of father' ,
less,or motherless childreh under 12 years de
pendinton his living; sixth, where two olfaini
ly are in Bernice, the residue - notexceeding two
are evempt; seventh, fathers of two or more
ckildren under 14, residing on farms not over
50 acres, exempt; eighth, no person convicted
of felony shall be permitted to serve.
National forces not fn.-service are divided ,
intolwo classes. The first comprises all be:
mieen 18 and.3o years, and all, unmarried be,'
tween 30 and 45. The secerrel comprises al;
The United States are divided into districts
lor enrolling and organizing forces and arrest- .
ing deserters and spies. Provdst Marshals are
appruntedior each ,*
districtwith stringent aut
hority. The provisions for the arresting of de
'setters, particularly, are most'ample..: ,
-Each of the two Classes enrolled for 'service
shall •be *abject to tiro years from July 'after
.enrcillmintOo be, called out , and continua .in
service (pit*. years or during : the war.
••„ ProvisiOn is made for the acceptance of sub-
Stitutes. Men now iniervice• who shall re en
list for one year shall receive a-bounty of $5O:
Those who may . re-enlist for two •yeurs. shall
have 000; $25 being paid down. • •
Regiments reduced to , below one-hali their_
,nutnber from the State are to be coniolidoted.
Officers who 'ace absent horn doty withoirt
'leave :are to be . reduped to the ranks, to serve
. three' years. Officers absent ' from duty
?without leave ) unteint . iiick or ivoundedP shall
'receive ball. pay:andalloirioscs. : '
Pygit!d! -Fratid!i! Thie is tlyt proli fi c
theme Of every journal lathe land, .olive . those
'deiotedto the radical interest, or Whose' . prop
rietois••are interested in* these plunderings.
FrSMils in the army, frauds to the .navy, frauds
lnaiftbe . viriounftlep artmentS Of•ihe goVerment,
Mitiertiind when are these c orruptions to 'end?
• • • . •
'andsaid that Secretary Chase has n one hundred
'aui engaged timing, Out.
“ireen!backs i ".and• Yet fails to , me e t the bun..
gry-de man for inorel :••
yever;ln. the history of onr . own 'or any,Other
nation; has there .been . :develetted : such a • syste ,
Mafia series of stupendous peenlations.:• And
yet, with all these. startling iruths, what . single
step, has been teke'ri by, Congress to , arrest , the'
evil... Where ii,,the eVidenee of public thieves?
'deniiess:bas loenao deeply; interested :iulegis:- .
listing,ier :negro, that it . ..ineMbers.: have.
failed . tnfind time to: look :afthr . ..the . pecuniary
interests of, nation.: •Hoiv fone,•shall these
•. , •
things, be :permitted? „
. • •
effects open the . IniMan .system every Where
apparent, that the common', crude kinds of'. Sal
eiattia.are bad, ought: to teach wisdom to-peoT.
pie tWeVoid such . poiitonon4•compoutid• They
costae mach as DeLand's CheMical
and ihen donotinrodtice those beaufll9l light
and nutri:ions biscuits enjoyed only by thm.e
who use the better article: Th'e time may
never 'come that everybody willlearn to take
the good in perleience to the, badbut the speed
of knokledge.in thisparticUlar isindeeti wonder
ful: People in thousands 'of ..c . it:ieS 'and towns
callior,lieLand'sChenicalSalerattis only; and
will have no:other, • • '.
limitwailteausy.L-Last,night,:abont [wave
o'cfockl as Richard Gardea, a - .diseharged sol
dier of .00e at the 'Pelinsflvo nia Regiments, and
who had just arrived on . . the' aceeuntnadatioli
train,' Wes proceeding on friot tawar•ds Partville,.
he was Wet by Iwo men' near .6tirtin's
'who knocked:down and robbed biro of
dollars in • money.,: -..Phis, it will. bereinemhtrid
isthe'sunne I,vhere : Whipple,.onei:4 . the
,in our: co.ro — rnea seln'ol,.. was rubbed a
few weeks ago.-70 Pair
Green-'hoCho thrown Ova in thr titato _Minh of
lire' not taken on Deposit.
Green backs!'seenf.tohe in bad : odOr
the Bank, of theStitte of Indiana,. : We' learn
tram a reliable source, that the brariehos.ot the
bank, in antiiipatiOna a further decline below
tht•gOld standard of tt.ensurk: notes, end • ;Ill
'prehending i hat the .Snpreme Court may decide
that Congress cannot make paper !nanny a le—
gal tender, have given notice that they will no
fonder receive that kind of 'earreney.on deposit
'unlessithe depositor. will receive pay' in..itind.
It is also said that .the bank is retiring its notes
from eircPlatian, and that jtis paying` tor them.
a . pieniium of frornone to two . per cows: . FiOrri
preient.iadieations the financial .operations
of the eoUnt.ri , we Wonld advise'ail 'stand
from under .. ." . ' •
The IteCognitou of the: Southern Confederacy fiy
The New York Tinies bn i .were little .doubt
of, the .reeo,inition , of the Southern- qontetteiaci
by• France. iNithiri..the next two mottlbs T to be
followed'Oi'neepinpnied by 'the breekuig of the
•lilncknde.•: wr.iites•ffom Witsiiington to
the 13iiltiMore Srrn chat a my uneasy feeling
is inevalent . !here on• this sal ject.. He says: .
It is not robe denied that the Emperor' has
'given us
.Warning• once, twice and again, Ot his
purposeslo interfere directl . ir in our a flairS,-
Ilis - Offer orco-operation—intnediation to other
'Europatin - powers. involved 'ultimate. interveO—
tiou.bY force. , His, last proposition cmitetn—
plates and eV.en•romes separation : as a basis of
pacification; and his letter to Cen. Forey• de—
clares, so'rhany . words, . that • this ';republic
shall not become the Sole.dispeaser of the pro.
ducts 4111.6.. new .world!'--:or, lother words,,
,that . ,he claims 'for France a share of our cotton.
gold; and -silverrhearing• regions. fourth
time hi may..knOck et our dodri., 'as soon as his
.ladt reinforcements, black' and white,' shall'
'reach their•destmation. '
. .
. Ges..MCCI.IIIII6AN' AND., l'11!,•
WaShMF, , ,ton correspondent' of the .-Springfield
Pepyblie:ln indignantly denies . the correctness
of the rumors that the President thinks 'of te:
calling Gen. McClellan. lie says:'
'The President, u Nether upon sufficient
grounds'or net, dislikes.. Gen: • McClellan,. 'and
that dislik.has not been lessened' .within. the .
.last Siz•weeksi• Is it possible that...any man
he so stupid, alter the . president dismissed Fit z
John Porter.fiorn the seri , ice,. 'lli to liellev.e
that he his been thinking of recalling:
There ore to be'ros Cabinet changes so far
as 1 can see; though some of the. 'correspond-,
ents keep up a continual bow-wow• upon' the
subjPcti and-tbetieve Mr: Lincoln.' means to
go through his term withotit a s chan. , e if possi,
• TII6 RUMORED CAPTimS of the Federal ram,
Queen of the West may possibly prove correct.'
She. Was but imperfectly protected—her quell-.
ties as a' lighting ship being ceiefly In virtue •.of
her iron prow. She succeeded, however, in
runing the gauatlet of the - batteries of Vicirs
burcand destroying several rebel boati latter
With provisions, but gave as a reason . lor not
goini.through t o . Port Hudson that her supply
aerial wes notsufficient for 'the.• Therebpon
a.coalbarge was sent down past the 'betteries,
affording all needed facilities for doing service
and it would now seem theta run up Red Hive!
wait 'resolved upon, to intereeptsthe supplies
comiag..frorn Texas; I:ut•thet•she was fsiled in
the attetnpt. The :indianols, which ran the ,
bliselcadeatVicksbUrg a few dayis.lafer, is Is'
thorugls built iron-clad, much .better . adapted
Perilous work, and no doubt we shall
hear lrom her Very soon. .• - .
patches state that.the privateer 4.296"-is about
to leave the Mersey, on a cruise, snit -that ..the
Sumter has sailed from Gibralter. •
. .
Mob Sale in Keokuk,
KEOKtricObwo Feb. 20
, . At . 3- o'clock yesterday :_afternoon abbot
Seventy..five, conv,alekcent: soldiers from • Ot t e
hospital • Torched to the Cpuoititlidn
ollice, of this city, 'beaded by three, or'. icier
persons .with ,slebge' liamoters.„ The greater
portion of them took a standalong'the streci,
in front Of ',the Office:. Those• with '-hemmers'
proceeded into. the., building, ; demolishing the
press on, the first. floor,
:while, others went in,
and altogether, Cleaned the' room. out.'. They
then proceeded to the 'second floor 'and elerined
that the'., type,* kc, throwing them Nom • the .
windoiv: .They demolished a press on this floor:
,tiext 'ffiroCeeded, to' the third floor and
'demolished anothe.r prse And throw it• out ...if
the, window, and bad nearly cleaned the,. room,
of type and all otherfizings, or - the office, When
a squad ,of armed. io,ltliOrs were marched. in
front of the office and the ring-leaders of the
mob. ordered to make„their,men desist and form
in line; Which - Was not done until the-squadhed
been. ordered to takeairn,ort the. parties:
v.:ivers and carbines wer•drawn `the con'-
'vnie.sceints, end threats unite qhilt ilthe squad
.fired a shot,.they,.along.withtheir commander,
were dread, men. The excitement was intense;
bet the"convaleseenta were forrneti.,.into tine.
and Morelli, off; but not till the destruction •of
the office was complete: . A part of the' •bress
es were dragged to the river:, • . •
Flee 'at Titusville,
Cuter & Co.'s banking houie; two storns,
and the qa.cetra.printing office*, thiq • place,
,wereilestroyed lire last, night'. Lost on
the •bank 81 . ,000, iusurrea
'J. P. & C. 0., goods, loss . $8,700,
iniurecd 1 54600. p. Jamonan;• .bonts;: and
11h . 91 .10 5.5 , $7,300; insurrof Gacctro
•pritiling bfliCt . , lois s2,ooo,:insurre,d• $500.'
. .
. ••
Nirariwns"r lust -Same•'nf
the 'WeStermeditors•are aridioyed by
he failure of tlie.ship•clinal project,. rind show.
no disposition to suMnit, in silence. • The Chi-•
ragn'Tribrqte is quite' ferocious, 'as will be. seen
by'tlie lelhirtirg. extractit—', . •
The cort l mr!retil.iOfffiTi, of: New York 4S :in
• tolerable, arid.onr 'Peo'ple-bave, groaned 'under it
nut if every instinct cif sfdipreServatfon Outlands
; Otir .indusdry• is. grievouly 'nett , nn. - -
IWCPSSII taxedyn rid the amity, that. should
mark-,,the. ntercourse of the Altlrerebt - :Srates is
J u s t ra gl , d;liy - t he iMrdeMitpoM - our staples', that
imposes, unit our. people are' . ...um
- andmous in thi:ir dt;telmination to serk• hi yen
dioindi, t hoiteh they leaddh.rough-Cahada the
relit4 that Nvss York denies. And'•tkey are in
i;arnetit. Epithets will not: turn them front their
purpose:They...htindlega:matter. of con s
•cer•uporrylikh hangs tbe pos'sibilify. of fudifif,
political combina tions of absording interest and'
importunce,'as well as the immediate pros
perity/Air-the Northwest, - and we assure . the
East' that they wild be• neither btrllierd, coaxed'
ner awed into silence; • .; .
. New:.Yoik - having..recfivetl' this terrible : lid—
Piiiinsylvania is next'.io 'oiier. tor.
her) base o~hosi
tion" will nnt-Fooh eit her be forgotten or t.or•
and • ano(lious compa'rhioti-made,':-au
the one State has ..brien struggling
like a giant to . oyetthrqw the deMorf rebellion,'
.the other' has been fattening on :Contracts, and
high, protection, and her delegation in.Congreii
haye been chiefly intent in defearimt a
. gresit
measure - Of national defence, in 'which.the' peo,
pte 0,l Illinois have a deep, interest, both naval
and., commercial. .Let Pennsylvania' beware
. rd the - consequences Of this 'exhibilion of Mean
nesS•and selfishness toward the .)%cninti llibnt of
the West.
,::TlHre'roilf a . settleMent.day.
Feb. 21
the-,Tor(c/ia/,'of thk city, gives variousreports'
concerning the rebel invasion of the•State'on..oe .
bioders of the - Blue GrAsi - •region, ' . • , -
; •
'The• - ellitor•of 'the Joitriny, -thinlcs . .that
echoic are ihreaff ning •Lexingtop, • FTatilcTort ,
.thinville and Louisville.• • ~; •,..
• :116:Jonynai,.'also learns .by telegraph • that
seven hundred rebel tavalry at NiCholas—
. • .
ville7Yesterday morning, supposed to be about
cuttinggthe Louisville.and.'Lexiogton railroad
near rriedw - ay. • •
The Journal expresSes the. belief that...ibis
last rebel invision is a formidable one. , -•
The' Democrat le4rns that the mnight before
last “velve.. to fifteen hundred ,rebels occupied
Ribrilonti:arid it Was generally • believed that
theylwere'tbe advarmeof• about ten' thousand
rebels; who'Nyere marching on ll,exington . under
the rOnimand the rebel General' Long
TheDerrioerat discredits the sdea that there.
are any:large niiniber of rebels iriKeiitucky. •
above reports have:created 'considerable
'excitement heie; . liut the airily,. headquarters
here are.anadviseil'afthem, and the officers ia— .
dividualki colfectiyely.deni their correct—
- Diening.
The'exciting,Slatements Which.have.heen'made
here during the past two days turn out to arise
fromlhe fact that.aboat SOO.reliel cavalry, an
(ler. Col . .. Leroy Clarke; enterd Richmond', Ken•
tacky, on Sunday, stayed ahouttwo hours,, and
then passed through Winchester, wvhei•e a
Inish.w . ith..slight hisses oceurred,• alter 'Which
the yebel cavalry clearer) out in the diretron of
Mount Sterling. EverYthing is quiet in the
vitinity•of Frankfort and Lexington. No ap-.
prehensiona are entertained.
The Richmond Examiner of the . ..2st instant is .
received here, .It contains desiiatch dated
Port Itudson,: February 1.8 th,. announcing .the
report of ihe,.Ca . pture o!the. West, the United
States ironclad gunboat. recently . run
the rebel , batteries' 'at. Nickatturgh , She was
attacking the fortiffeations on Red River, and.
after 'a :brisk 'cannonading struck "her colora•
Tliirteen . C4 . the - offipers and crew were. captur-,
WASAiNGTON, Feb. 2.5'
Judie Wattii, .delegate from New .Mexico,
received. adv ices from 'EI Paeo, that the French
8,000 ,strong, have, captured Guaymas, and
were marching, on Hedmosilla, the capital of
the Mexican State of Sonora.
'The ieasen forAne invasion is stated, to be in
consequence arGovcrnor peiquera confiscating
the goods of Frenchinen, and banishing thetb
frem Sonora... . - • •
aesnaeh from Memphis, . datet .. on
Saturday,. furnishes us. with Ovine§ from sick , .
sburg tcr the.lBth_hitant.; , .1‘• • •
• Active hostilities, agaitist, •vicksburg
?naked on-that ' • •.
.Im,mertar bdata were towed into position
abil'opened!lje ball by . fting t
of their shots ,was not ' ." .
• The firing was respond to:by threetodeber
ate b'eitteries, when I;tir ponition.. wan ..foundto .
be too much .'exposed for e ff e c tua l -ppetuti)-
Un s
.• • -
and Was changed. ' - -• .
The bombardrrient•was then.reneWed. •
The gunboat. Indianola. yvoieVtun the.block.:
adeliad piOyisic;ns.ind coal sufficient .lto' last
her three months'. , :
. .
. . .
-A- serious controversy iSioing "in . -Ileney..
Lake valley;nver.the boundary %( - juestiOn, bet=
ween.•Califoriiia and Nevada; beth,Climiug
jurisdiction ov - er the :land
TherCafiornia:sheriff attempted. to" serve a
civil Proc.zsis r " on : the 15th'/instant, when the
residents Of the valley 'armed themsehies end
fired" on • the sheriff and , his- pOse cornitatus..
Six of the-.Sheriff's . men Were wounded.
The sherd] . then seri( for reinto . rcements and
his assailants alc, expecting rein(oreements:
BOth parties' are 'very - defiant, and at least
..iccoutits were fortifying . themselves - in' log
A sOupne just arrived brinis adoces from'
Maazadan to-the, :22d ofJanuaty.• . •
Four .thoifs..and MexicqUs -commanded
GenerarLirvefia bail 14iled tor.AculktileO.." The
o ).,jbet of, the Uipv-um'ent ‘kas.upkiws'.u: .1.
A iitriA CREF . h,• Feb;
. .
was celebrated . yesterday. bythe arfny.of the
Pplomacomtwithatariding . .the prevailing ',tem- .
pest. ; by salutes. from several Mittetigs:
thing ol,tlui kind. tvas heard from the Rebel
'lint [Mies on .the south Sifle.or the Rappabunnock:
A snotsstorni - *corritrieneed
night, antrcontinued till. yesterday_ifiernOon„
drifting in some places two_to, three fem. -The
,leprh 'rd . snow averages, about• seven . 'inches::
The.shelter tents of the soldiers: afforded but
poor profecifon fromthe . sform.. Last : , night.
the atmosphere
. wasmereeiiigly sold, causing
Some Trobit•bliten extremit.iis. • Previoua to the
storm th e m o dliu,l partially dried, up, hilt Only
Many d,iys must olap . Se..iSibis pecitliar itittality
belorethe:rolniq . mill' heroine' passable,' under
.the most.favorable anspices.
NEw 'YORK, b 55
steamer Coninental at • this: port from
New Orleans, Wing , : up papers to the 130.
The only itenr•natnpordance.. is the unncilin'ce:-
tnent in the Picayune :Of •o,at date of, an•
tempt. to shoot Major•Gencral Banks as'he.was:
alpint entering his ladires'
trance ni the•Citi Hotel, aliouta quarter '.'past
Tu'elqcic, on'.the a ; the: 12th.... The
weapon 11.4:n1. ‘iit's an air gun, and .the - bulled;
alter. passing near '. where the: General ;-"stood,
was dnutirl on the opposite sidewalk. •The pee: ,
sot . (lolo',mit'cle the attempi,• it is stated,
apgeared at once, and .at lo . t'actounts the po
lice ha'd snot been suOceastril in id acing. Out his
identity:, • • .
. . . .
. .
.. - • ' •. • CAIRO, Feb. 25.
.. . . • • .. •
A large, fleet of boats left Memphis on • Suri
da'y for belew. • - • 1 - ' . • •
. ..
.6: e of our guinheats passed info' Lake_ Provi
dence anti found.a band, of rebeliwith a large
nuinher of negrees WI ing trees across" the Mar=
few' passages, to Obstruct the phriage of , •our
hosts. She shelled one comparly.of . them away.
• We are assur'e'll by officers from Younes
Poitit.tMlt'the health of the army is :slightly
~ . .
. .
. .
NEW Ccnn.,;
' At the Dernbera tie Congressional Conven—
tion hell! berd;tmilay for the 2d district," the
Edon. James E. English',' the present incumbent,
received 58 out of.Bs'votes,ca'st o and was thin
unanimously deClared the pciminee of the' .con-
HA a-cenan; Ct.; rob., Democratic
.10roai , entiOn of the
,Ist district nom ' i'nated
Alvin P...1-Iyde . for•Corigress on the first regular
.1:1110R7 • AN.T ST.ITy.MENT Fft..o3t . GCS: HA):LSCK•
The IVahinglonreisrrespeindent. of the Cinein7
nati;o;ziettn.inalcas the following statement. on .
the authority °lgen: .
•.. TO,day,.as a:member of the Military ,corn-,
mil tee well observed, the'question isnot
,you adopt this or iotpe :other. way 'of raising
yourreinforcements:i" but .you draft,:
by. a. sweeping and universal eonicrintian,'. or.
will •you•abandon the • struggle?"
,This 'Very;
morning. Gen . . Halleclt declared that-there were
over twenty two thousand delirteirs fibM, the ar—
my of ihe•Potomac. alone! ..011r other ar ‘ inles
are depleted in 'tt,Sirnilar degree., • We must.ei. ,
!her see' them gradually. melting away till we
Stand powerless before. alined and . triumphant
rebellion;' or we . . must , enake.the whole tnilita:
ry strength of•the republic.tivatlible .to .defend
the life of the republic. . • •
' This agrees , with the statemettt'of the Louis
' ville Yonrnal one day s last week,. that the Ke—
ntucky quota of troops has Materially ditniniheci.
from desertion, added to natural Causes; yet the
editor expresses a doubtwhether the evil pre—
yells to
,a greater- extent thin among. troop.
from Indiana and other States, ',This is D. SUb—
ject which demands serious inquiry: .
At`Nashvilte,, Tenn.', in hospital, ef Typhoid
Fever, Joni; W.' •B.Anavrr, - son of. Thornion.
Barrett, of this place, aged 24 years and
- .
All persons arehereby notified that . . 'a 'eer=.
tale-note of the s um of . Twenty-one Dollars,
given by S. S. Hackett, and payable'to me - , da
ted at or near the- first dey'of Feb. - inst . . due
six ninths from, date, has passed from,mY pos
session, 'without vhlue. All riers'one are there
fare'cantioned against purchasing it, 'and the.
maker is forbid paying said note to any. other
Keating, Feb.
.LIST .OF LETTERS Remaining in the
Post Office, in Smethport, semi—qUarter. ending
Feb. 15, 1863. • • - •
•• Mr. Tompsen, • Mrs. Hannah''Sheldon, Mr.
Oved, Lafayette Lockwood, Catha,
rine M. Hall, Miss Nettie Birge, Mrs.. Sally,
Burger. , • 'Mrs., 'Jane Belles, • Mrs.. Amanda
Brigs, James V.. Brown; Mr. John P. Miller, 2,
J. W'.-Mizter,•Jno._S ; Mann / Esqr. •
'Persons calling for any, of the above letters
will say itadvertiserl." • . . •
A Revetend gentleman having', been restated'
to.heajth in, a few daye;:aftei undeialnkill the.'
usual routine and irregUlar expeneive modes ot•
treatment,` Without Succesg,..conaiders if his
sac red duty to communicate to hie aillieted fel—
low, creatures tho,sreAlis oc . *cues., •.!inee, on •
the receipt of an addielso entielori, he will..
senil'(free) a
,copy of ~ t he preacription
'Direct to PR . ,
Fulton Street; BfoOklyn, N. Y. , •
. . .
U.S . .lnternal Toenlio . LEJOig,ollandlicOnse -Notico.
•••• • • ' • • • •
'.That the duties taxes a nd • •
cences assessed
• .
.upon persons during the fall of 1862 reSiding . ,
or deing,'husinesswithin the. Conntiei ofM'Kean
Elk and Cameron,being part ofthe
tiara district *ot Penna. and'v.rhich.by,an act .of
Congress entitled i.Arl'actito . Prevkde ' internal„
revenue tO Suppart:•the Government and - to.psy
Interest 'on . .the pubike,debt 3 ? they' are Jespect
ivelY liable to pay, have become due and pay,
*able,. and that I:shall attend tn. receive .pay 7
mint of the same at'my •Office in Smethpert.
ill'Kette County - , daily . from and after.this date.
to Sa . turday, the .28th day of : Peh. 1863. ••• I will
afso attend to collettion .ai•the Hyde House. in
Ridgway the :3‘) 4th and -51.1).., days '.of March
nixt:'and..nt Hike'sHotel. in Shippen the 10th, ,'
and.l2thdays of March next.` : • .
' psrsonswho shall neglect to pay tome
the-Duties Taxes anil Licences as aforesaid
'sessed within.the' shove epecified,time will be'
liable to pay•ten . per cent •additional -Upon.. the•
amount, thereof. • - • •
• • - P.. FORD,- Deputy Col: o:
U ; S.. R.A.OthCollecting Diet..for.M.Tean, Elk;
und Cameron . -
... - §methport, •
• •
13 1- UE.of a writ of trendiiren I R . zportay
issued out [ll s e Court ofronerrion Pleas of
Cameron', county and•to..nie clireeted,l .Shalt
expose to pUblic sale at' the - Court . :lloatie.,.in
Shippers; din . Moclay the: ninth day. of March,
A. D 1 86.3, nt one o'clock 1 1 M.., the folloire
ing'tfeseribeti Reid Estate, to • .
The following property of the iletendant
SiStY Inui.aetes unimproved Land, Situated .
s'hippen township Cameron county
ded and desertbd 'astollow's . ; North and West
by lands:or N.T. Mitardoitid':' . .Easi arid Soutis
by hinds of John Brook'S. • .
•• Seized; taken in execution, and will'. be sold'
as •the property of C. Aylesevorth'at • the suii'of
William Nelson. • . *. .
• • • JOHN A. ELDRF,D, Sherd'
SIIERII4 9 01 , 1:10E SIIIPPEI4, PA.
Febitiati•Okl, „186.3.4 •
VIRTUE of, two : w! i!s 'of ‘Pleticiies
out , of the. Conit of 'Coin
tnon.lileas.ot Canieroncontity; Pa.•,•anilto me
direeted, • l - haye find shall expose',
to 'ptittlie,sale, a,t.the-Coutt Boone in Shipper),
on Monday, ttreinth day. of : March,:•A. D.
1.563„ at one - o 7 eloek•T: ikl.;• , rap w hid des
etitied,Real,Estate, :• • •
. A lot of Land s,ititated in. the l'o%Viiship 'of
Shippen, COurity of,. qame'roti and . State 'of
Penn Sylvania; hounded and described as fol
lows; to wir:—On the ;North by . ..tondo of King,
and .. . Bell, 'West •by lands of Aden• 'Houeler,
Shutt - 0)y B. H. Freerminj Foot
,hi,the..lando of
More; containing one hundred . acres., be
the same . more or less; havfng thereon one
Hange; one. Barn and Qift Houses,
two small . ..Streams or Springs of., ATaferi• a
ntianttfy of . fruit :trees; and 'about icitty five,
aerei . r.,1 improved biol.'
Seized arid:taken in Execution .and will be
sold as the propeily of John T. Lewis at the
suit of A..N.—Taylor..
• •.: • VILDRED,
silEnii-F,s PA •3.
February 3d, A. D„ ISt;3•., . • •
B .
y VIRTUE of-,a -writ of Pi:ettiies FieriTa
*. eiar; issued out of the Cou'o , Common
Pleas of.. Citmerob couotY;pa., and to me 'di
rected, I hove Jeviet'uport and shall-eipOse to
Onhlic sale,.at the Court House in Shipper.; on
Monday the ninth 'Clay of 'MarchJ.:A. D., 1 . 86.1,
or one o'clock P:M., the folk4ing- described
Reid Estate, . : :
, All 'that certain piece, or parcel•of' IMtd — sit -
'ante in . Gibson' toWnship, Cameron county,
Bounded and described as follows . ; beginning at
a pOst.on , the East Dank of the ' , Driftwood
Creep, thence Notar, seventidegrees East, to
a. post,- heing ' an'. original course . of . a
warrant-surveyed to David Grier (distancemot
known);-thence South, sixty one'degrees East,
nineti:nine perches tan Chestnut Oak;. thence
South,' severity fouf.degrees East, perches
to a'White ' Onk; thence up the said Drift-
Wood creek, by 'its several courses and 'clistan , -.
.ces, to the place'of 'beginning,' containing 57
acres mitre , or les!,•aliont tlO'acres ,of .which is
improved, end liacin'g erected thereon one Log
House, one Log and Bmird;Shanty.Stable, one
Well' of - Water..
,and some Apple Trees and
some Peach -Treei. • • • ,
.Seized -arid taken in EXecution and will be
sold• as the properfy,of George W. Smith, at
the snit of. Churchill. Wakely & Johnson, ,
Februrry 3d, A. D,, 18G3. ,
JOHN A•_ ELDRED, Sherijr.
. .
EDITOU or Re:110C1 - !AT; DEMI. STR:—With yopr
permission I wish to say to the readers of your
paper that I will send by return' mail , to' -all
who wish it,lfreej a Hecioe; with full direc—
tions for making and using a simple Vegetable
Balm, that - will.effectually remove, in ten days,
Pimples, Blotches, Tan, freckles, and all -impu
ritiesof the Skin,letiving the same soft, clear,
-smooth .beautiful„, . • -
I will also mail free to. those having- Bald
Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions arid in
formation Olaf-will enable-them to'start a•full
groWth.ol.Luxurient :Hair, .Whiskers, or a
Moustache, inless than 30 days. Allaprilica—
tion sariswered by return mail withoat -charge.
• .Respectfully . yoursi
" '•
. . .• Chemist,
. .
No. S3l, Broadway, NeW,Ydrk.
1:4 • been' granted to the undrsigned on .60'1,
Estate of . Dsios A. NonTn uOr
. (knoivn
los . A Root) :deceased, - late. of :.Lafayet,ti
township,' - .M'Kenn county, ,Pa:, all . persana l
indebted 'to. said estate'ate requested . to make :
immediate payment, and those having claims .
against the same will pregent thetn duly itutlien
ticated for settlement and allowance.
Lafayette, Feb. 28, 1863.