M=MOMMINMEZEMEII :77 t , sT273 O f - t!„.. -44:11t ' • IMPOPF,,,TILE ,lt„ 131100.4 ted exptti and , Expendituros , Ottirq = for the year , lB62. •-• Atuchirt.s. 11 ,ecriyOthJ,VTIA,04 11 4k 138, 11 $ 5 P • ' 4 l/Tle'Or *;.1 4 $ .1 no 65 (0 9 0111111fx' inr, 1861 & 4862 t,' a.;);',.8 . 60 11114.1,04 , 0 4 1 861, - $0 IWej . virl utLajeAki. , me run' or. , 810,.,11 Total ..11•500$, EXPENDITIIIIE.S BY*id fitsit clurors,, GrOdlJfirofo , „sher ~ ' • Public ,P,Y1 1 11 1 14, - If.f. • '• • 1144,ing andleriairing Bridges, Election testicrises;' • -Aihire/A . • ' - Por•addittoti .Jail, • - J1 4040 1 iii00... `‘ Be Tubas for Jail, 'Controotile'ealtli Costs,' reKgealfss.: Chin:Trick, -riot nonotsry's Pees, 19 12 CoftiintsSioners' '196 16 Repair. id. Public Buildings, 158 59 Weoaril IPealte l ariarY.' 3 ,s 12 Coiukeide 4 , 1 15 QitaliAeitiane,": ,+ • ' 25 10 Oil;to! Mooing Court House, „e • 17 00 Crier"; '` 00 Tip Wrong" • 1 • ' (3000 Gripsdayry Constable,l' , ; a• . 450 coulAso,Fee,, . • 00 BlankHooka, , "35 • , . 1150 Redtmiption-orrf 16 3 0 DiOkerralad CoOrt, 'o3 Q 0 Chairs for Court 'House, . 46 65 Stord Protlionotary's office, -' 32 00 ' • ' • 26 88 R„ elsoirni•Trisenibip tine, , "':-7050 inquest on Pat Kelley., • ' 12 22 Paid fittliidgiVii .r of , 1,947 22 crlti ix 4 4 o' errituing, i I tisiete land, , 700 Recording Treasurers'l3ond, • '25 Triiiiver'sr , conmission, 405 80 144 kilill i ii: 41 ' ( miner ' Years. 8,837 21 lnter•etiOrders taken tip, • • 1,2 . 75 70 Ei.ol,l4(itie, ' Pts'oer ,Kicpenditures,' 1,731 90 Total•Tipehditu'res ' To!.lelltr.,o;:ontittindipg- (oidihary , • ' , $1,069 03 Oritaisibit j ‘ ntierelit; 1 ' 'loo'oo 40a11411,IgiVist etinnty,. , 3o o 'oo CoMmissionerrs Wages,: ' . ' 57 79 Exesis (avorbt- County, •.. • 8,263 03 Total, , „. ItIESOVIICES. • • Arnoutddoe from.Collectors,lB6l,• s ‘ 34l 13. Aitotsit dictum Collectors', 1862, 1,550 73 for 1862 i • . -4,152 . 48 Unsettaci Tax_ for- 1863, , • • 2,273' 06 Beitid.lai for 1863 t. • • 1,443 35 Dui .friirt4l3heriff Blain 30 00 Totil Resogiles; VOLtINTER RELIEI FUND. Donde for lOin of money for yl. $4 , ,310 00 ROW' orders optetending,.., • 460 07 • •. KZ= By 'fed ,ax.for 1842, • tik for 1862, Bee4ird tee , for 1863, 'El4teeiledlex•for;ll463,. Bo 111104.10 be provided for, : 54,800 97 Itte; th e tihdersigned, ,Commissioners of Mitesas.Cfieitty, do .certify that. the foregoing stipierieet Of the funds,. Recaipta end F.xpend itue:fitsikt CiountY for the. year 1862 is col.— ,eiblo: the beet Of our knowledge; Witness isuihefide et SnoethpOrt, January 1863: • . • *I. S. Ovieere, Clerk. 1863. f. . 1863. PHILADELPHIA- AND ERIE RAIL. • This, igtr4!'linii,traveriles the Northern. and Ntiritiwest aointies of Pennsylvania tO the city Fritii otti.akeErie:. , • It has beir2,leiteed- by ,the PENNSYLVANIA IL .11:CourAirsr, aiid under- their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout itientire - lenktl. 'lt is -"Iv,: in p.o.e. tair/.4'itiisen ger e ,b"re ight birpirriss to GA riv kLATE; (172 miles) on.the .Eastern Division . , and from Sisasiraitur.to •Erie, on the - Western Division, (72 • • , • TISIIZOP,EASSIVIGER TRAINS AT QI/OVE FLATS; Aecom train lea veil. arrivee •x, • •• Tlar OF TRAINC AT SIIEFFIELD ACCIIIIIRIOdati r OII train leaves 910 A. 'M arrives 5 00 P. M. 046_46n through without'change both ways enttidas between Philadelphia and Lock ' r-eHa ? . Xieviat.'ileeping tars accompany the Ex piiilClAlKb4th,Vilys, between Baltimore and lifikiiisaiport, and ; Philadelphia and Williams port': iiifermithiliP'reliPecting Passenger busi , mita apply at the B.".L:Corner 11th and . Mar inAS;n 11-fi eigh' amines. of r the , Company's 40115tet,, ,- ). jet klEinallt€l9; cop. 13th %and Market , • ' _Rertlaids. , 0t4 4 ,114; /Mils Agent N. C. R. It., Baltimora. 4,, , S.H t , ,lleattton„Genil Freight Ant. Phil'a. Liwia L. Houpt, Gen'l Ticket Act. Phil's.. J. Ri-fetc t, Gann Manager, Williamnport.l ‘.51144,1P JURORS-PIM TEEM. 1863. ' 414,64; ,$:401`08 214,50, •-•; 90.00 , 25 a2B 20 /4 605'"15 2 , 35 ' 03 31698 , . 410.00 45 00 . 7t/ 00 75 , 10 16 122 52 • , 12:12.. $13,5:11 03 $9,790 75 $9,790 00 $l,BOO 97 $787 42 1,076 24 721 67 1,136 53 1,079 11 1. lir: §TARKS B. C.. cort,ww,. • ‘.. Commissioners . ling anti N. Peabody Associate. judges of. th Co u rts of °zee& Terminer., and General. Jell Delivery,.9,tiarter. - Seskioni of the Peace, Or plln.o Court and Court of • Corritrron'l'leaa for the.Cou rity of M!Keitn have issued the.irlweeept, bear'ing . date Friday; the twenty sixth day ,'of beeemer in the: year of our Lord one:thou= sand eig hthnndred anti sixty-two; and to /HIP direCted, hribling. a .Court ; of Oyer and TCrininer G'eneral jail Delivery, Quarter SesSiOns* ot the Peace, Orphans' . .Cotrt, and Coart • rof COinnion Pleas; 'is .the Borough , of Smetliiiori, on Monday,' the 2 . 11 day of Februa ry...next, and to continue one .. week.' Notice. is therefore hereby given to the Corp neri, 'Justices of the Peace and Constables within the County, that : they he then and 'there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A.' M. of said day, Withitheirrialls;.reeords, inquisitions, examinations; and, other, retnembrahees, to ;do those thingsyrhiCh - their offices appertain to be' done. .Arrd , ,those who are hound, by their yed ognizances to jirosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county .of 111'Kean, are to be then and -there to , prosecute against them as Will he just. . Dated at Smetiiport, 'this 23thiny,of Dec., 1862, , and the .68th - year of . the Andepend-. .ence of the United States' of A merica.• . JAS. E. - BLAIR, Shari f; 8 00 M 420 P.M Change • of ..1 - .Eours. *. No , i. 17th, 1862.- .Traini.will leave'Oldan tit abd'ut the following 'owlet'; Lean— Ilibridge. Night gxpresti Mail .. Wai,Freight. N0..21.• • '' . - - NighiE*Firees • .' 7:10 P. M. ' • • • • 10:17 A. M. W.ay Freight : • • • - 1:15.P. Not. 3,.4, and 8, run every illy, - N0..6 runs SunditkOutnittMondayn: ' Train of Satur-: daytOroari runs. through to Buffalo, but , doekhat4tin.to Dunkirk: • •,:• • •,.' , NATHANIEL .MARSH; , ...OHARLtS*MINO'I`, Apt,e , ta(iie,torenzo =I!MM 0,11 Vt • ti A' • . SPLENDID AND A Ontopßfivil7; DAY . • . • • • . - . . RUNNING mrcrt Sowinw Machine. en . ibodi meof of in‘potical •n r eyd. .•of very rapidly Mid - pert eel; uses. a cam mom sieedlit and will last tte:Now - .York State fuiry,ils of4eiency, 'and gloat 'practield.ntiiity, was cidli mud by:f • award of the, First., Pretriiiiin: . . . , It will gather, Ituflle, ....11irrotTueli„ltun up lireadths r ete . .,yrith ur single or double thread 11II', ani 'Mil terj . al adapted to the guMiing t it'd - 1 . . The )11iniiaat, , 4S44117,t he tinist.dyfig t at tp* . f.itsi) kV otker. 'ikeWiiig, triaChinei; ' heirig seWed.the easitist. . .1;'Or ladi'es' ;rind :chiidre.os! apparel; and oilier attialsii:tii . aile . of light fahries, i t . 4'ill. thiret*e be forA itftiniosi:lNVAt.u.o4.... it is attached to thelithleli lie a sewing bird; mitt havin.; ad : tenSion'and requiria. 'no liibii.. cation . or change ofstitclr,' is 'aluVtiys ready (Or . . operation, md each a marvel of simplicity that . a Child six: , or eight ?years Call UNDERSTAND . it, and use it . attomisFimt.LY.. ;,, i . • . - . '..• • It ms.not at all liat)le tp get;otit of order. ,tach . lllllChirie is pii t• op in . a *llea t hox,. (mann panted with fall, and . explicit ilirectioas - , and tvventy,five neaiiies: - " .. 1 :- .—• . . 4 Sp.ntto . ; :apy aghtriss in the United States on receipt Af r , an order,' inclosing , the • amount, or may he collected by .I.4press ori . deli.v,ery; of the machine. , ..„,...,,). - : '.... Whriri the money i= sent with , the order. arid registered; we panate° its,sale receipt and the deliv.ery af the machino t anywhere within 2000 miles fregor any Fxpress..chargeq•., Vary arrangpmcrits for agcncies.. See-Mitt.rtott .FASIIION,S, orfor fall particri• lars; . speeimen 91".edwing; etc,, send a stamp for return. postage Address, PEMORESI', 473 Brohd way, N. Y. ftvery; lady, and key, should have one.of..these vuleable'iewjn tnnchines.: • , . WEEKI.it A nottu.---4d.everY department.'of 'newspaper 'enterprise 'the.' . Nnw Yotetc Ationa will fa vOrahl y comps •In Poi j: ticS,.in,L.iteratnie; in ItuSinesi 1;0 in Finance, in Agricultural informatiOn, in G.eneral and eiPeCiallydn the Completeness and accuracy. of , its: reports of the, Money, P.roduee,Cattle suit other markets, ithas• no superior.. • lt,s'.eo - have Made arrangetnents for articles, pon' the' great now 'ngitate'the ,questions country, froth the pens of Hon. Horatio Sey monr,.Hon...ChaS.O'COnOr, Sanford h.. church; Sainuel . : J. Tilden, .anthothers of the . ablest . 'statesmen of the. day.. . Its Agricultural De .partinent,Which receives the Pspe'qinre . ineand• attehtien. of 'one of its editori, In addition to the. usual variety of original and selected mat ter, will be enriched by articles piepaied ex. pressly for the Asous, by Hon.'.Wrn: j(elly, , W. C'. Watson, A. B. Conger, Benj.' P.• John-. son; F:rof. Geo. W. But:Hand, of the - University oT Toionr.o., C. W.; and one or 'more Allstin 7 tinguished writers, upon Agricultural ,'Science in EdroPe•.' • • • . • TerrnsSingle - aubscription per annumis2. Three copies one.year, sfi.oo;.*eight . .copies one' year, $10.00; '.twenty copies, to . one :$20.00. . ;..-' Addresi COMSTOCK & CASSIDY, •• ProprielOrs • . . cornrii,BioadWay & Park Place, New York. • ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE WY-..VIRTUE 'of lin:order ii4uedl.by'the B Ohea's Court of the County of .M'Keaii, State of Pennsylvania, to me directed, Lahall sell at poblic.outery at my bouse•in NorWich townshiN in 'field Gotintyom Saturday the.'l4th dayol' February next,.ar one o'clock, P. M., to the 'highest and best' bidder the following deieribed Real Estate :situated in Norwich township;, 'county' aforesaid, and bOunded follows;-On. the North lty lands;of ,J. way,,on'the West by „Potato or :Sixes . .Creek, 'and the South by lands' formerly owned by JOhn Abbey, &Celle:ea, DON' by G. W.:Burdick; cin.tbo East . by *public road • On.the east side of said . .Creek; Containing 28,9 • • acres, 'With about fifteen • aeies inhproved : and one frame Rouse and one frame. Barn on the 'same.— Term's, , • ,• • W. J. COI:EqROVE, • ' ' ' • Admipistratoi the' E,aate of:. . • • . E. A IVhite Decease( Noyvfrich, Janualy 16,186,3. • . : •- COURT PROCLAMATION,. - : WIII4.:ROS - the Robert'- G;, White President' Judge, and•the..Hons.Ditr• NEW YORK ASO.ERIE ILAILROAn MOVING . .WEST b!ovING:EAST itasTRATEI) ;. ;::. . SCIENTIFIC , .i.AMERICAW.i.t,I. 1 . i 16', B risT,'Al KCII A ill OM. riP,Eli 'I:4 THE,. - W(iftl . ,(l . 7)3 ;(-$ Ili':gFN l' lli: Ar'r,Aß.:!: , !: • . ~' , i Vpluine . :Vlll. Nevv Series A ngw voluble of din;widely Pa 'per corrirnencea on the Ist of .Jimunry. Every surritier coMains - six.teenyages'ol useful . infor , Mation arid from Wye to -teri , original engravings Of.nevy invinitions mid ..discciveritfo,.all of which 'lire prepared oxpressly, for its. columns. ~TO:The Mar:hank and Manufacturer!:. • , —. • - - . , 1 , 16-pei,ion•: -, Crigiiketl in any of the meehenicii, piirsnits think orykiing . . wilhook. the Scipiti•iivid.AreAttiCAN: Ai costa . but SIX eenk pe r , week; pyery number contains' from ,six - to •teti . eintrtie.ings new'of'.' • machines : HMI invert. tionii. which - cannot he. found Uny'Othe'r put!: lielitron. • If .k an' established, ride of the iiiihrialoinsert none hut originiir.engra vioo, and, thrisd of the firat.elans .. in the:. a rt,'drawn and engraved 1)V-experienced: persOns•. under:, their own supervi si on. • • .;.•' • • . The SQIENTIFIC AMERICAN is ',iedis pensable:to.every tatientor,.as..it not only -eoh tains deScfiptions. of nearly 'all! the. best' invenlicitis as they 'come' out; hitt .e . a . ch' "number contains:nit Official List of the" Claims' of,oll the ititientS issued-from the United States' , Peteot.olfice tiering the thus . giving a. correct history of the. progresi of in- . . yentioits in:this• country. We . a.re also receiv leg; every •Week,the best scientific joiirna,ls of Great lititairt, France,. and Germany;_ • thus phteiug in our possession all I het' 'transpiring in -MectiSitical science end, art. in, these old eountricti. ..•We.sfinll coneMtie to, transfe.r to fur cnla'tnns coniousext.racts from these jour nals of iivlitheyer we. may deem of " interest 'to, . . , .• nor, i`etiders: Architects; :ItillacrigLts~ And . . The •.SCEN"'•I .A ERIGAN • will fciunda.mosniselful Yournallito them.' . 111 the new discoverirk of science - Of : chemistry are ar.ven,in its col uMnit,•and irite'reMs of the Arehiece - Frind ce - epenter,driZriot overlooked; all thk•new imientious•and discoyeries•,appertain•- ing. to these per=nits- 'boing published 'from, Week to'Week.• iTspfutanitpractical :informs; tion pertaining to the.. interests of millwrights and•milkiwners wiltbe found published in the Sd . II::NTIFIC A AllklliCAN which jilf:C4Millinti cannot posSibly obtain from any other' source., Subjects in which planters - and farmers are' jii•• arrested will be [mind discussed tile , Scirx -111,1c; • AMERICAN; moat .of the improvements in tigricultdralimplements being illustrated in its colitmns. ' • —• •• • . • To mail subscribers:— , -Three. Dollars a Year or One Dollar, for four thOnths.. The vol umes-commence. on the firil cif 'January and Specfmeri'eopies wily be sent gratis to any 140 of the eciuntry.- . . West ern' and Canadian . dr:nney or Tost-ofsce stamps taken at par forf.ubscriptlonc. 'Cava dinn.sn.bscriberS will please to 25 . cents n. extni o each yenr's übs cri pt ion ...to Pre-pay postage.; ". N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY W I NITER Time TABLE. . . Three tlaßy' trains to'and f oin 13altirndre end Wathingtoit Cit . V. • .:Connectitnis' mails trains on' .Pen n sylvania' Raiboad to mid:froth Pittsburg and the West. :Two. traina,ditilyto Mid from the North and West Branch..,Stianne; hermit, ElMirmand all Northern New York.` ON •.,AND . ..A . FTER, MONDAY,..Novarnher. 17; .IK2Ohe'Pakse:ngr Trains of theNoriliern Central .Railivay' 'will arrive, and . depart frpin liarrisburg.anil Baltimore as follows, riz: leaves Sunbury !taily (except Sanday):at 1,1.5 p; an.; lenVei Harrisburg at 5.20 P:np., and arrives at .13altipiore at 10:20 . . PXPRP SS TRAIN . laitetr-Sunlntry (except Sunday) at 11.20 p.-m.i leavesflairis- buig (xerpt Monday) at 2,10. a. en'.,' and ar rives at • J3altimora ,daily- (eXcept Monthly) at rn..- • • • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION Train . qavel Hayriqmrg.tlaily at '9 95'n, ti. . • . . .. ~ MAP', TRAIN :leaves Baltimore daily (ex.' cent Siluditylat 8.30 a. m.,• Harrisburg at,.1.40' p. m., and .arrives at Stinbury'at 4.00.p.•m*.: EXPRESS T421-10 . 1.1eaves Baltimore daily.at 8,10 p: ni., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.50 q; m., and leaves . ,Ha rrisburr, ' daily Lexeept .Monday,l, at 3.20 a. in., and ,arriyes at Sunbury at 6.20 '11A4113.18111111.d AccoSnioDATIQN Train leaves Baltimore daily [except Sunday]nt.24s p...M.,,and'.arilves at Harrisliurg at 8 p..m. For futther information.apply at the office; in Pennsylvania Railroad Depot.: • " • ' ' Stiperiniendeiti. Harlistitgg • Nov-1.1; ISG2'-n29. ." • •, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE QFADAIINISTRATION having L. been granted to' the.undrsigped on. the Estate of E.A. Synii•E,' deceased; late. of Norwich township, IWKcan. county, I'a., all persona indebted to said.eatate are. reipleated to Malee immediate' payment, and those , having claims against the same will present ' then duly authenticated rot settlement and allowanee•-., Norwich,l:Janu'ariF 16,.186 Clara',S. Jacobs and: • 1 • ~ . • Mary - A., Boyd •. , • . vs 'lVleFean .; . County } Common Pleas notice •to • A. D.. No. 20 • Alvin Smith.': : ' ,Sept. Term, 1.502. . Served as terre . tenant: . . . • Summo9a in' Ejectment for the- fopowing de-: scribed lots of land; situated•in Corydon . tOivii= ship, County aforesaid, viz: Warrant No. thrie thousand six hundred and ninety-nine [3699] bounded North by Warrant No. 3700; ,East by Warrant No. 287.4..50uth by Warrant No. '3718; mad 11r€41t by Warianl Na. '3711; containing;pne thousand [looo] acre's: 10:08 A. M 111 P. M . 1:05 P. M 1:00 A: 'M ' , Ar.so.:--Wairait No. • three thousand seven hundred and twenty.one.[No. 3721];• bounded North by. Warrarit No. - - 3707; East by War rant No. 3732; South by Wari•ant No,. 3731., West-by the . line of .WarrCn county: contain . Tolh'eCntor! AiiNfglis! T F R , lll S MUNN & CO., publishrs, • .No 37 Prtrk-ro'v . .New York SOUTHWARD p:QRTAI WARD; W . . J. C9,I..EGTZOVE,. istraio r ,1 OD] • t or„ 'lesa., ,PPP O 4c , P I . I q7 I ) lPad• 6 4' o 'l lia.fare.tl4l thil4,l,tlay .91 nextllfcbytiaril tarth, 15DO, and for 'an publication .11cZ6rdiiig . . . . 11'11011j).'11:AIVII.IN;' . ' ..))0c: 9.3, 186j , Rtile.grant . ed and 06iiii Ili - Fee poblic . ation of the ikirke thre'e times, y. tl sixty tore tho.ret.urn,day theteof in the ' 111c.lit.nin ()flip() of ..4A-17. • • StIIitiO,RIPII.ON AI EN'T 40. Bankers.' •. "... sTitEET',, • Philatlelphiu,'Novni 1862. The . • LII ersninetl having, been nplloftited SUBSCRIPTION I;1'1' by the Sereterynl. the :yiensery, • is now .. eepartt: tele rflist, at . . New Twenty Year 6.. per et: . :Bonds.• . of the United Siates,..ilasignated as . ”Five- Twenties',". redeemable ilt.the pleasure of. the G6v . ernment, afcrr :Jive:ye:ll.S; and authorizil Aetril.Conaro . s, , approv . eil ' The. cOUPON BONDS ara.issuedirisuma of $5O; $ ISO, $5OO, .slooo.' • The REGISTER BONDS its sums . of $5O, 5I00; $5OO, $lOOO $5000,.. . • lnterest at six. Per • ceiit, per autism' trill cornmerfro frrimdate of Purehase,.ansl, is PAYABLE IN GOLD,: • Sp . mi:Annually, :11t14e . prrsent pr . o . iniutil on cold, to shout EIGh T PER CENT PER-ANNUM., • • • • • .F . armeis,Merelinnts,Meelianics„CmitaliSts; and all WllO.. havP :any money to 'iniiest, 's hDIIIII knomi, and : remember,' tilat:lbese • Bonds Are: ill ellbet, a FIRST MORTGAGIi: span alt Rail roads',. Canals, Bank Stocks - and.B'ecurit ies, and the immense produets'of all . the' Manufactures . ; the:cm - intr.:el • ankfhat the full. and ample provision, trade •for't he payment of the interest.and li'quidation f rinripal,,by . Cus. Starart; and Internal Rev: vitae. serees'tO make the'se bOnds the' • • . r KS'', Must hal!able . . :anll,.3lost yot_te.# Iglos.tniont iii the Tar .S.iibsOriptloOs received•iit•PAßiin'Logal Teo der Nntes, or Nottis.atoLcbeck . s: of banks par .-Soliscriber . s by Oinil will rii cOive • prompt:olioation anyl every faa.ilty l a id; explanhtipii .00.applica0oW 1,6 A'Aill•supply of.BePds will be kept on hal for immediate defi . viify. • • • ' • 'JAY-COOKE, SPbseription Agent. NEW. CASH STORE t T - P RIOTj_I:4I . .71 APD TIMES brAn.E. 73 )1S '!. .1 would resjiecttnilY an notince• to izPii Of McKean and htliC;inia.g. counties (hat' the can do as well in' Strethport, in the Stole an Tin-ware:shall, at' al tunes, have on hand a large stock of • COOKING, PARLOR • .& BOX STOVES! TIN-WARE, Coppor-Wave, :LEAD PIPE AND PUIIIPS, Hoof iron and lionse.l;e(Ters Ilard.lVare, , Job Work of all kinds done With dispatch, and in a Sat is - tory.rnanner,.at the lOvvest faissible prices. • Orders promptly. at telided to. •'. Give me . a. 'callat . .the building kno . yvn,as ""Side .11111 Tin Store": 7 formerlrocenpied o e o. 11.,MasonL.. Sme't,hport, Pa.. . • • pay' the highest m arket goods or cash, for any quantity of SheeP Pelts" ant Wool. March 2 . 0 1862. A. J; NOWISE, M=l • Liberrif 7 —Greett; Augustus,; DAmes, Josrph, West; D,lttrsbalr; Abbey, J. J.; l'aimage; Johll Piteb,•E:;.corlo,J; V•;; rausickles, JOU'. Coptoit—lloubiton, A rtemus. . • .....Bo;rdjerd—Lafferty, Jew9tt, .13enj -Bakur, • . • ; .S . ergennt—.P.iisterbrook, D.:A.; Lotycr,,Mir tin; Hertsog, GPO,' • , • ' . talCilaild/L?—)3tititl, Jas, 'Aere,,Wrp.; Cal kins, C.D. .•• . . . Ceris—Trurnbull,'Jas.;PeabOtly, D.; Palmer Eldred—Stull,logephi Jr.; Stull, A. B.;.Can • lidroigh.- . -MeDonald, James; Corwin, -G,; Bennett,•ls,.; R. , • • , • • • Anpin--BellowS,-R. Hodges, -Jo s eph . . Lafayette- 7 . Edward; Hoop, James. /Fami/ton.--Beeman; John. ' ' ' • Jas.;. Gallup, J. .1 7 .; • •Mor rison, Zeph.. ' • . . . • • _ . _ . . J. 11.1., Bl..A.lll;*.SheTiff. Smethport,•Dec. 31, 1562: To. C . O.TisiiriaptivO....- -P !MIR Ailvertitier, having.beeli restored .to health'.ih u w weeks..by.a very. simple: remedy, , itre.,ll - • having suffered several years with a severitiung . affeetkl i 'and that dread disease; Consumption—hi anxious to make known to his fel low-suite rerif the means of cure. • To all who desire it, he will fiend*.a Copy .r.thil pr6crip - Cott Weed (free ofeharge),,witli the directionn for pre paring afultudfig the - fattno,'Which they will find a none - CURB rm. (2.o.ileti3lPTlON,.'iltiTllllA, illteNClllTle. &c. Tile 'only object of the Advertleer itt smiling the l'reeeription In to benefit the afflicted; and - spread. information %Wile he 'coneeiveil to.be anti-he hopes - every our; ferer will try Itlardminly, as It will cost them nothing, and-may prove a blenking.. 1 - • l'artlea wishing the prosaription will please address . Iteff..ADIVAIID' A ." WILSON, . • , . • ,Willfatifsburzh. (i27,3m,) • ; Binge County, New York: lu ME. EM °REST MIRROR OF FASIIIONS.--The AT.I 'beet and most reliable. Fashion Mainline In the Contains the largest and- finest Fashion-Plates, tit e grentest.number fine' Engrir logs, the. latest and most reliable Information, - three fall=sizeil. Patterns for Dressses, and a sheet of new 'Breda-Work and'.Embrol daring Patterni:- Every Mother Dressmaker, Millener and Lady, should hive it. Published Quarterly, ' at,47.t Ifroadway, New York,. sold everywhere or sent by mail at 2.5 cents. Yearly QI, with a valuable premium. Fiiram.r•nitihor, now ready,- , • ..SMETHPORTLIVERY STRBLE'' THE' sUB It SCRIBEhas -opbnod : . ory,SStable in.Saitithpoiti Ben,, (nett's Ohl Stand, 6n 4%4 stro6t, just eaSt of Mchanics',.Where be found tits. lies4,of ;Ho- . ."ses• and Qatriages at. low prier:six. r.pe hand s Inako SnnothpOrl pefmanatit , A'esideni.e,.„ and, asks a share of patronage. • •• • ,Smethport,. August 24, 1.86().'. GtanfeFis:i.t3rir4 • • • ..: " c)l' !%; • . . PUBLISTItI) PAR TIIE . I3EN'EPIT AND" A 9 A . ARN • and 111111 li citation fo.young rnen.who .suffer'froth Net. ,;ons Debilify,, Premature Penny, &AL,. sapplying itt the sitwe time tie mecum of If-Cure. By one who hal cured himself aftee being.Mitti) great fixpenge thibligh inedichl heensition end quackoryi• Ry enclosing a, poet-paid ad. .diat•sed uuvolopc, •duidLE.col.la9 way be had of the au , tlMri .NATHANIEI, MAYFAIR; Esq., Dedford,, Kings . ' • • " •" AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST . , ;61, RELIABLE and ,PR A c .TICAL • lournal deVoted•Ad. the different de- PartMents:of such as grinVing Field Crops , Orchard and . Garden:Fruita ;.• Garden' Vegetaldes - ,aad Flowers; Trees, Planta,: and Flowers or the •Lawn.:or , :'Yard . ; ; care of Do mestie'.. Animals, &C.,,•&e., and 'to Household Labors. It has alSean Interetting:ind instruc tive department (or . children•opl yonth.,! . • A full-Calendar Ol.Operdtiona.every month., ..Tereeto Four Eltindred,.or snore, illustrative Engravings `appear in each . volume.... • Over :rwelve liunilred plain,. practical;*- stroctive articles and - useful' are given The, Ed i tars . Contributors 'ore all. prae ticitl Working' Aten. • • 'The' teaehing . s-Of the .A Sy are CfM• fined to no State or . 2 i•ritofy,--bui are.odor:Red, to the' wapiti ol'oll.vretiont of the 'egtentry . ,:= it. t.t, as iis'>rome indicates, for thewhole Ale oiticAs cON, A. GERMAN EDITION is published, o(the. same' sire and price as.the Engliin; and con twining ali of its reading:matter., and its mimes rons illuS•trative'engrayings.•• • • s—l NY A RI A IN 'A twANtE, One•copy,'..ono: year, • ••, • .$1 00 Six• .... cppie's, one. year ••. 00. more copies one year '5O Mints. Add in, the above .rates: . Postage . , to Canada' 6. cents, to •Thig•latid. an,.l 7 rance, 21 Cents; ChifillilllY;•() cents . . • •. • . Tooia:M.anyWherei Tinjte:d States and ri 4 ories rolist be paid by thmSubs.erilier,.and is pnly sivcfa/13 a your ; it paid in advance at tile Hike where i.eceivecf. Alt business.a nil other rom.rnanidat ions:shot:lbl he'aililetNited•to 0,6 Editor and Proprietor,... • ORANGE JItDD,-.llPark ., Wow,,N. Y. City IVEULY MiItNAL OF COMMERCE.. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS . The commencernent ola•fiew year'is . a good tiMe for I . miming subscripiions•and inereasini I.ligcireulation of the:Journal of Cornmerce:•— lye address ourselves :to the• Old readers, of the paper , tvitli:entire confidence to their willing maid us,- and citeinV the'inflUence‘tif the sound conservative principle and morals . .which have h.itheSto-ch"aracterized and-will'. hereafter . sharacletize thiS paper: Evimv Si:use:Min:iv to 'the Journal of Commerce might great .ervice •to these.prinOplest, and strengtherills in ouy'Aitity to.soppoiti(nd circlilnte , tbem,-by, senang•us•the• name of at least one,neii..suh scriber•-io his , town.• • • . . .Devoted. . firmly .as„ we ball , ' e been to.car coun try's „interests, and having .long *called "Union Savers" as i.terrn of ieprpael),.we are a'ral shall.bellie lirm upholders of . ' . THE UNION AND THE CONSTITUTION *losing with heak every than, Sriath or. North, Who is ari enemy to.eithe're .Every forni of d*rganizatinn and revol u tion will find •tis ready for.the'combat.,' .Arnotig , roes, 4 the AmeilFan-Union and American principles, Nye rank side by side - • , ABO T,I TIO N 111 AN D (E S .10 NIS lir, prcilOse•with nll ou r stieneth;to defend the ha . tion 'against the.etta'rke of both. .A. LIBERAL OFFER. •' • •• . , . . : To encourage -those .who may.Volunieer tp aid ..in the organixation'or Clubs,:We hereby Oiler en extra. copy •of the.WeeVynevery.pef. SOIL who'shall fo . rwartltWeniv'new subscribers with the money. -,. • .. • . • :.. ,• -.• .•: ~_• • 'May be - organized ..in coMmuOities•Witli'greftt advantage: .The preseut'is the hest period for their commencement. The, terms on .which' we can tarnish the paper, are as •follaws • ' .Tri companies Wane; .• ' . ." 20 copies or.upWardS :pNEDOLLAR:eacIi 13 copies. ' . FIFTEEN.I-)CIL.I..ARS.. S copies - ' TEN - • 3 . copieS'. • . FIVE " • .Unilef3 copies Two each .. - The papers will he addressed .to different. persons at the same Post . olfice;if desired, ex cept in cases 'of. clubs of . 13, or more copies, .which will he mailed tonne address. . • „ • • ADDITIONS riv - ercps • .may be made at the, following rates.:—Tapers added roa club during the first quarter of the club's year pay the full rate:Of, the origi nal club for a year, during:the' second qudrter three,fourthS of the original year's.rrite, during: the third quarter one halca'nd duringthe last: quarter one-fourth, ane all sucliaubseriptiens will terminate with the year. of the original club. . • From litopqnqk'sTl. S. Mail. Where packages of newipapep or periodicals are 'received at any post office directed to one address, and the names Of the club of 'subscri bers .to.which they, belong . , with ,the .postage for , aljuarter in advance ; shnll be handed to the postrnaSter,',he the.Saine to their reSpecti.ve owners. . ..1 : 30, this • does apPly:to weekly' newspapers , which circulate free in the county where prin. teirand published. • - • ; U. At'tires,' Editorspf the:Journal of Com mow,' No. 'Ol IVall street 'New York. PRIME,. STONE, HALE & HALLOCK,. -1 Editors' and Proririotors KOLOCK'S. DANDELION COFFEE, . . . . . , This peepaiation, made fr,orniho best Java .oolTen, in reeMnmended by physicians as a Bawler NUTRITIOUS BRVI.:841011 . for General 'Debility, llyspopela, and . MI bilimis disorder's, Thnusecels who have been compelled to abandoirtlin URO or. toiree..iyil I use-tlibi'witlimit Ichi ri pus effects: One can contains the Strength of two . pounds .of ordinary coffee. 1 rice'.26 cents. * .... '', ' • ... :• ' .. .. . .. KOLLOC K'S LEVAIN . The .purest and tied BAKING I>OWDElticniiwnjcir making light, -sweet and . nutri Untie Bread and ealiex. - I'rtco 16 cents, - stArrur,A.cruunn An" M. it KOLLO'ClC,',Chamist, • . Corner of Broad and ebentuat. Streets, 1 5 11 ILADELPH lA, • - And•sold by all Druggists and Grocers. pth•vl,l STOCUttit,4IIMI, I „, , . C!' , , mHE STOOkO4DERS" of_ ,I.he'M'kear) ; .1 FOR load, torniginy. are ' hereby notified to, meet,:a k ffyidq, , tke: ir9ri3Vgfi l ;0,1 - OA tieeprid . It . loßdrty , of Januit,ri,",(ii for .11e . ,or,pcise of eleCtingfir, President arid biroctors, for, tbe,,e'nsidrqu' ea t. • SnreOpo!t, LOOK-As:ndil All persons indebted-to Me for posts; in Me- Kean county; arc requSsted. to pay the Norris to .p;' . E. SOULT..,',or:J.',R. CHADWIOK, rind all in Cniberon , conrity, will . pay : M.P.'. EJSGIMI. I ,. or JOHN M. :JUOO—itiimediately. • All attending to , this : call-rill very, much ' oblige me and. save thennselyes . ' • JOSEPH . , MORSE J - Late'ShOg.'... Sinetbport r llec. 11th 1862. • . IFTX BUSHELS of the best. qu.altty Trar- , 17. catty: SEeb, r aised by, and for rale at • L H . DOLLED'S • , . Pci.rt,Ailgany, December 28,1861. •. ' -* $4O: ...WAGES •PAID, $lOO. To sell 'goods for the ADAMS Sstw!rldM.soMtiti CotttrAlsy: We will give a commi's ' sion on' .zootle sold by. our Aeenta r or pay WargiSitt.fi . Olil $lO to $lOO per month, nod pay till necess a ry exPerisei. Our Machioe is perfect in its me, Chanism. A:child canlearn tO operate 'it by half an , itti . urs' ihstructiori rf r is eqital to any. ftimily,Sewing„ Machine in.use, and vre .%are redqred the price to Fifteen •.' Each Machinels warranted for three years.. .• Address . C. raraGr.F.:s.. •Gen.Agt,., Detroit, Mich. MA :NI-100D. HOW .LOST ! HOW RESTORED!! Just PublishelLin'a Seale!! Envelope. Price Six Off": I,ECTII am ON THE NATURE , TiIItATMENT, AND Cure or Sperinatorrlmea, or.Setainal Weeknesa,.' Inveluntory Ihnimoni. Sexual Dignity. and Impedimenta to Marriage generally. Nervousness. Consumption.: }:pi• lepsy god Nits; Mental and Rhyaical Incapacity, result • ing from Sell-Abuse. Runt. J OULVICRWELL. M. D.. Author of the Green'itimk, Ber, . The world- ranowneattuthor, in thiti admirable liecture clearly sroves Irom his oWn'.experience that the awful con4equences or - Self-abuse .map be' effectually removed. 'without medicine, and without dangerimq surgical opera thins, bodgiett, instrnments,rings, or cordials, pointing Out' a 'mode of cure at once tertain.and effectual, 'by witierr . every anfferer, ruitnatter what his condition may he,*may. cure hims'el 'f cheaply., privately.' nod radically. '- 'This lecture will probe a itoon to thoutianda • and thou- nandq... ' , . , Sent nnaer seal, in n plain envelope, to any ntldrerm:nn ree1p1..0(2411 c,entm,.ot two pontrigeltrop.' by Addroes itig,, , •. • Dr .CIIAS.. 4. KLINE, '.. 127 Bowprf, New York,•Pest Office Box, 46tiO.' , • • KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE, KENDAL-CREEK, M'KEAN CO., PA., TE Subscrilierhaving purchased...this well known:stand, and re-furnished and re-fit.; ted the House, is.prepared to entertain Board ers and the Traveling public., • -. •• .. • HIS ]SAIL AND ABLE, • • . . be vvell.satiplied,.and everything. dding to merit a . liberal... Share Of . patronage:,. Raft men will itYways . find the "latch-string" • ' P..M.'FIJLLtR... • • Kundal Creek, January 2, 1860.'. 39-ly THIS STORE. AT GLEAN; I STILL TAKES THE LEAD J. K. COMSTOCK 11,E"ECTFULLY'ANNOTINChiS TO HIS old frieridsin McKean County,' .that, he is: on hand this Spring as usual; with the ' • ' LARGEST •AND BEST Selected stock of Goods in the Olean Market To Wholesale Caslr Buyers I Would Say, . . . . - I can oftar you better inducements than 'you can get tvest of New York. - '. It makes no differenn what you }vent, any ing in the tine Of erROCERIF.S ¢ rnovlsiolvs, Call at the OLD KEYSTONE A nd . you will And-the article ffesh and Client): We talking the. ;.,'. Al.E'isTotM.:.§?'oltE always has anti, always will take the, lead, and regulate the market •.. , • • Groceries and .Provisions , . . OLD_ EiIIENE. AND:, NEW. ONES;, Dop't fsil s to see mg when f. / you..!visit Olean ;, I shun no; butt.yoU, but Oiatteertainly try to . do yoti. good. , ! ' ' • i..K. COAISTOCK..: • Olean, Mey 23(1, 1860, i ~ ~, !' i