CAMERON,' COUNTY • ....She r lit'a Sale. -• . • y VIRTUE of two writs of Pleririf:a Fierj . Prseias f iimuf d out of thesCourfof Common Pleas' of Cainerop . Coirnty, and'to me directed there will be exPosed to public sale at the Court House, .ip ShippeP, on Mort:fey, the 9th day of Mareit_ . lBB3, at one o'clock, P. M., the following described Lots of land.and Prem• iselt,.situeted in township of Ship Pen, county of :Caineron 'and•State.of 'Pennsylvania, .bounded and described as' follows,. to wit : • • ~ . ..Beginning‘ at the intersection of,tlie qsrorth line of warrant N. 393 end thewe'st.baOk at !Portage Creek, thence n aiopg Said•NOrth line of `warrant :393;,south *fifty eight (58) degrees' 'east one hundred . and forty three; (143) rods and three, tenths (3.10)'0f e' post .the ~ aortheast- cornPr i kerecif and the.nOrthwest coy. per of lend .of C 1-1 Sige,,thence.bY land•of !said - Sage South six (B).degrees and one half (Dig dee,rees.weat two hundred ;'and seventy lour .[274]•the . north bank - Of the Sinnama .lionin.l, Creek, the trouthwest 'Corner of land of said C , 13 Sage and the southeast'corner hereof, .thentie :by the of • seid . creek-North mr ; [64] degrees west twenty live [2s] .‘rods tintl•tvvo tenths [2-10] of a rod. to the east point of warrant No. 6197, in the name of - John warrantee, thence along thesouthern lines of saidwarrantNo: 6107, south sixtyfour ~(64) degrees. and :one half (1-2) •of . a degree -West eighteen (.1 B) . •rOds - and . seven'tenths .(1.10) 6f 61.0 to Witnesi to a corner of said WarraneNo. 6107, - North sixty. one . (61) de- . grime- West one hundred and forty eight [l4B] -rods and seven tenths [7.10j of a rod and north . eighty seven(B7)degrees and one half (1.2) of a degree west forty [4o] rods to a beech the '.original Northeast cornef.of *atiant No. 4951; thence by land r of g: Freetaan Noah UV° (2) .degrees and one half (1.2) of a degree East one. ...hundred s.otl . fifteen (115) rods to. the north bank of the SiOn . amahoning.ereek, thence along north bank v by land of: S .Freemen.Soilth Afty.three [s3] fourth [l-4J of degred Eas-seven . ty six f76] rods and Seven tenths [7-10] of a.rod' to. the southwesrporner , of warrant No. 393 in the . name of EPhriam :Blaine, thence 'along,. the • west liries of 'said Warrant N0..392 midland of S Freeman. North wo [2] degrees and•one* hal [l-2] of a degree East fifty five [4] rods North thirty two [32] %levees gild one. half Tl-2.1 of . a 'degree - East furtrtwo [42] . rods,North two [2] degrees and' .cine'hali[l.2] of a degree' East seventeen [l7] rods'North thirt3r"nine [39] degrees 'land one half [l:2] . of a degree. EaSt. twenty two [22] .rods to a post, thence South eighty seven [B7] degrees and one • half; (1.2] degree East •eight [B] rods to the west bank of .Portage creek, thence along the west bank of said creek and land. of S Freema seven, .North twenty seven, , (27) . degrees East twelve (12) roils and seven tenths.(7 ID) of a rod, North twenty three (23) degrees East . .faurteen (14) .rods and' tour tedths ( . 4.30) of a „roil; North sixty four (5.1) degrees and, one fourth (14) of a degree ,West 'twenty (20) rods-and • four tenths (4-10)•of a. rod and North twenty fiVe (25) degrees West seven (I)'rods.and five tenths (5 : 10] Of a roil tto -the west line of Warrant No. 393, thenhe eking eaid,line north tWo . • [2] degrees and One' ;half [l-2] of a degree East eight [o] rods thence by the west bank of. Portage creek and lend -of IS Freeman North.., forty two [42] degrees -emit twenty one (21) rode and six tenths [o' 101 of a rod,.and North thi r ty seven [37] dege , e • fourth,[l.4] of. a - degree East twe et) , 'rwo . "22] rods to the place of, beginning ;,con . , latning.three 'hundred and twelve' 13111 acres -one hundred and seventeen : lll7] square rods, more or less, and being parts of Warrants Nos. :393 and 6 1 1.67,•and containing about two hun dred [2oo] 'acres Of , improved , land, one apple . .orchard, one•peaCh orchard,, seven dwelling houses and outbuildings, seven . board shanties, storehouse, three7berni, one corn house and granary, one !hay barn, twoaheds, , one smith ship and !tool house, one' double saw mill and edgeroind three wells of'water there-, . . . ' •Which saiii . bit•of land anti pretnlies ht rem moiedof thred severtfl, •COntiguotis . io:s, %eldet) . folle.tFs•:•: .. : :. THE TlEsi--.3eginning . at a. 'OA in' the morth or.Wariak Nol 393 iirthe hEme 'Ephraim Blaine, the northeast cornet 'hereof 4ind'the.nortlpvest corner of land'of C Sage 'thence byland of said C H Sage South sib [6] 41egi”a and•one [l.2] of a degree west two hundred anitsnvenry.tour [2743 'rods on a lincof thirty three years to the north. bank of , . . the Sinuanahnning. creek; thence along the said north batik North sixty iour.(64) degrees West.twenty .hve (25) rods and :two tenths (240) of a Tod to the,eastnoint of Warrant NO. GlO7 thence still along the north bank — of the creek . • 24orth.. .thirty • • three [23] de grees and one half [l.2] of i 4 ;tiegree West seventy nine [79], rodsand onelcrith (1-10) of . a rod to' the Southwest corner a the late Colegrove 'and the Southwest corner hereof, thence'bythedite Oolegreve lot • North eix [6] degrees and one' half [I.2J •of a degree East two hundred And:forty f24o] rods . to . • TIOS! the, north line of Warrant No. 393; thence along eaid,north line gf, said %Varrant N0;'393 Smith • fifty eight (58) degrees East eighty. two (82) rods and one tenth L&40) ore rod to 01 beginning econtaining one, hUpdred- and twenty two wn 11221 acres anit forty three. [43] square rods, More or less, anctbeinethe central part . of' Warrant No.. : 393 in the name .of Ephraitin Blaine aforesaid; cantaMing'about one hundred and ten (110), acres of .improved land, one peach. • orchard, one apple 'orchard, one dwelling house and outbuildings, two • barns, one granary or corn house, one cow shed or hay, barn, one blacksmith shop and tool shed attached, and one board 'shanty, une. well of water. Ter!. SEcorni—Bestinning . at a post: the 'south west earner of Warrant No. 393 in th4ame :of • Ephraim .Blaine, thefts, along the West boundary lines of said Warrant No. 393 North two [2] degrees end one ba1f.(1...2) of a ['epee East fifty five (55) rods; North thirty two [32] slegrees and one half [l:2] of a degree East forty two (42) rods, North two (2) degrees and one half [l-2] of ft degree East seventeen [l7] rods and North thirty nine [39] degrees and one half (1.2) of a . degree East twenty. two (22) rods to a,post, thence by land of Seneca 'Ereetnan South eighiy'seven[B7] degrees and one half (1.2) of a degree East eight [B] nods to the west bank of Portage - Creek,. thence along the courses of the west bank of said .Portage creek North twenty seven [271 degrees East twelve (12) rods and :seven tenths [7-10] of a rod, North twenty. three. [23] degrees, East fourteen 11,4) rods . and four tenths . (4.0) Of a rod, North sixty four.[64l degrees end one half [l-2] of a, degree West twenty [2o] rods and four tenths (4-10) of a rod North twenty five (25) degrees west eaten (7) . rods and five tenths (5.10) of itrod.- to the west:firma said warrant N0..393, North . . two (2) degrees. one' half (1-21 of a degree . East eight (8) rods thence by land of said Seneca Eieeman,and the 'west bank of the Portage creek, North forty two 02J : degrees. East twenty. one [2l] rods . . , "and six..tenthir ( 6 -10) of 'Tod and North thirty •seyen].o). degrees r and one . fourth [l.4] 'of degree East twenty twor[22l lads' to the north line of said warrant'NO..393 thence along Amid line and land in possession of J.:Brooks and Welsh . , South fifty.eight , [at] 'degrees East sixty one,(6l) . rods and two tenths [2-10] . oin rod, to's. post, thence . by the old. Colegrove tot, South six (6) degrees and one half of a deg r e e , West two hunched and - forty (240) rods to the 'north, bank of the Sinnarnahoning creek thedce ,up.the north 'bank of said creek Nortb fifty (50) degrees and one fourth (1.4) of ,it degree West one hundred and ' three ,(103) rods and. One tenth [l.-10].of rtici . to the Place.of.beginning, containing one, hundred and eight (108) acres and four(4) snurire rods, more Or less, and bring the westerly'part.of Warrant No. 393 in the name of Ephraim Blaine' as •aforeolid,- 7 - 'containing about ninety (90);aeres of improved * land, eix dwelling houses arid outbuildings, six board. ihanties,.tine store .honse :one barn, two sheds,- One double'saw mill arid edger, and three welleof'viater, and apple, peach , and :other fruit trees thereon:' • • " • • • • Tira.THlßD—Biginning . at a.point. isri•. the mirth bank, :of the'. Sinnamahoning Creek, bearing North slaty : four (64) degrees' west twenty five (25) rods and two tenths (2-10) . of a rod.flom the southwest corner of 'land 0 i H. Sage , and being the .extreme east point of Warrant No.. 6107, thence Smith' sixty four [64] degrees and 'one half (1,2) of a degrife West eighteen. (18.) rods add seven.. tenths. (7-10)of is' rod. .to witnesses to a Coiner of said Warrant No. 8107, t thence along the soothern links of said.Warrint No. 6107 North . sixty. one (il) degrees West one 'hundred and forty eight (148)*roda:and seven .tenths (7-10) of a . sod and North' eighty seven (87) degrees and one half (0) of a degree West;forty [4Ol rods to a•beech the original northeast corner • of Watrant No. 4951 'thence by land of S. nn Freean - North.•fwo [2] degrees' and one half [Ol Of a degree East one hundred and fifteen [ll5l foils and- .five tenths (.5-10) 'of . .a.rciii •to the nOrih. bank.of the-. Sjimairtalioning creek, thence along: said' north hank by land:of . S. Freeman South fitty • three (53) degree,. and one fourth [l.4] of • a degree, Eat seventy six 11 . 61 foils 17-19] uf 'wind to a post•the south*est coiner. of Warrant No. 393, thence by' the creek line 'of saiid:Warrant No.- 393 South fifty [so] de4rees . , and. One fourth [l.4] of a degree,East One. hundred and three. [lo3] rods.and one 'tent h [l.lo] of • rod. and South thirty three' [l3] de2rees and oue.hall [l,2] of a degfee East sev.enty . nine (70) rolls ,and one'tenth [l=lo] of a rod to:', ;he place .ol beginning; containing ' .eighty two 18 . 2] . acre s . and seventy square •rods,.mnre. nr less . , 'being tkeEast part of ••Watput No. 6197—Luniropro Inquisition .IYaiVed . • Seized,. taken in F.xecitt intl .... and will. be sold es the property of Z, C. CoWlek . , anii•Jatiles .G. litertereau, Chauncey J. Moore and :Bepjamin Harrower • terra tenant.,, •at the . soit • of Jonatban Colegrove , now 'tot th e . usp.oi,j9bn • ;-'JOHN - ' A. Ei...DRF.D„. Slier,?. 911E63r-es Omer., SietrrEir, Pa.; • February 3d, A. 11., 1963. • NEW CASH STORE . -EARD TIMES MADE ;EASY!' °- 1 would respectfully announce to the citizens of .iticg.ean and . adjoining counties that they can do as well is Snrietlip.ort, in the Stove and Tin-ware, line. as in • Olean. ,•1 shall, at'all times, hive on hand' a. largestock 'of . COOKING, PARLOR '& BOX STOVES TIN-WARE, Sheet-I..riirk. S Copper;Wine, LEAD. PIPE AND PUMPS lloal Iron and lionselefpers Ilard•Ware,. &c: ..kc: Job Work, of all linds done with dispatch, and in a satia tory' manner, at 'the lowest possible prices, •• Orders.prOtnptly attended to. - •• ••Give me a celtat the building known as 'Hill Tin Store"—formerly occupied by Goo. H. Mation—Smettiport, Pa. Mr' I will pay the'highest' inarket price, in goads, for any, quantity of. Sheep Pelts March 29, 1862. A. I ) NOURSE, Proprietor. . , Liberty-Green, Anguttes,; .Ames, Joseph,; West,,Marshell;• Abbey, J...T.;.Telmair,e, John; Fitch, E.; Cone, J. P:; Vensickles, .Tohn. • - Co,ydon-Hophgton, Arti:m . as. • . ' • i3aqdford••—LetTerty, E. M.:;- Jewett, Benj; B . aker, L. S. • • • Sergeaiit 7 -Easterbrook; B. Lower,..ll.lar tin; Hertsog, Geo... s a.Keating--Bon'd, Jas. • A:; Acre, Wm..; Cal— kins, C. D. . • •• • Ceres—Trumbull, Jas.3Peabody t D.i.Palmer, • Eldred-Stull, Joseph, Jr.; Stull, A. 1;1:; Can 7 field; Asa. • •• • Bororret—McDonald, James; corwin, G.; 'Bennett, D. R. , • . • ' • Annin.--Bellows, R. E. Hodges*, Joseph., Lafayette—Smith, Edward; Hoop, James. Hamilton . —Beeman, John. . Hamlin—Randall, Jas.; Gallup, J.- F.; Mor— rison, 2eph. : • • • . J. E. BLAIR, Shetiff. Smethport t Dec. 31, 1862. • ' • . To - Consumptives. • • rplIE Advertiser, having been restored •to health in a few .wcelca. by a very simple remedy, after having suffered (several years with a severe lung affection, and that' dread 'disease, Consumption-1s anxious to - make, known to lae felloW-sufferers the. means °tenni. .. • To all who desire It,•he 'Oilseed a copy thoprescrip Ulm used (free of charges, with .the' directiOns for pre paring and using the, earn°, whiCh they will god •a suss Cuss YON OoNstlxvvloN,,AMlts ,IlitosstwlrtS, dtc,.. The only object of the Advertiser in sendhig the ;;'rescrrptlen Is to benefit. the afflicted, and. spread Information which lie concidiewto be invaluable, and. he hopes 'every suf ferer will try his remedy, salt will 'coat them nothing, and may proven blessing. ' • • , , Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. AWARD A. WILSON,' . Williamebursh., .. Rings County, New York. MIME. DEMOBEST'S :MIRROR OF FASCIONS.—The best and most reliable .Fashion Magasine in the war Id. Contains the largest and tinest'Fashion-PlateS. .thegrestest number. of fine Engravings,. the West and moat reliable inforthation, threw full-sited' Pattern's for .Dresoses, and a sheet of new Brade• Work and . Embroi dering Patterns. Every Mother; Dressmaker, MiHeuer and. LW,, abould have 4. Published Quarterly, at 47,s Broadway, New York, sold everywhere or sent by Mail stl.s cents. Yearly >!l with a valuable premium. ThO Enimirr Dumber now reedy. . STATEMENT OF THE FUNDS.. Showing the:Receipts andlaPenditurei of. M'Kean county,' for the year 1882. RECEIPTS. Reedited on seated tax 1858, 1959 . . • acid 1860, On seated telcfor 1861 I, 1862 Unseated for 1960 & 1881: • Recejved.of !Treas. Carnerlio co. 'Receipts, ' . . AEXPENDITURES. By; paid Travers Jurors, : •$• 461 08 Grand Jur'ors • •• • • 214 50 Sheriff - 610r, • • "90 00 Public PrintingL , • . ' 201.25 Tux . refunded, ,; , 328.26 Building 'and repairing Bridges, - 1,032 1 . 4 Election expenses, . 5 05 15 Alley. for Clerk Hire,.. „ ' 233, 83. Assessors,; . . ; ' • . ; .316 . 98 FOraddition to Jail, •• • • • 410 00. Road damages, 45 00 AtidiforS,. . • . •,.- . 75 . 00 34 75 Bedding2and•Triblei for• Jail,. 19.16. CommOnwealth Costs, ' ' 122'52 Fox.Sealps, • .12 42 Chadts:iek, Prothonotary's Fees, . : 19 12 Commissioners' Wages, . ..• 196-16 Bepaiis of: Public Buildings, • •. . 1 . 58'9 Western Penitentiary,' . 35 12 Constable 'Returns, • ' - • 44 15. Qualifications, . : 25 10 •Oil for ,' • 4 25 Cleaning Court House,, • .• '17.00 Tip Staves, .. ' • 66 00 Grand Jury Constable,. .• 4 50 Counsel Fee's, ' • . 50 00 Blank' Booki, ' • 40 35 Interest, . •• • . 11 50 Redemption order,* •. 16 36' 'Ditch around Court House ; , • ' 65 00 Chairs for Cciurt House, . 46 65 Stove for•Prolhonotary's office, .• • 32 09 Wo6(1, House, • • 20 88 Running Tnwnship'Line, 79 50 Inquest on pat Kelley, . 12,22 Paid on judgment against county, , . • 1,047 22. Costs of adv,ertisinz 14 tracts lahii , . 790 Recording Treastirerst•Bond, . , 1 2.5 Tieasurer's commission, ~ • 405 86 former .years. — • , 3,887 21 • IntereEkOrders taken up,' • '1,27.5 70 ' Excess of R&pts over Expantlitures,..l,73l 90 . - - Total ExpUnditures, $13,527,63 IJABILITIEj To Orders outstanding (ordinnry Issue). Orders ioterest, • Jacig'.rs :against Cotioty,. Commissioners Wages, Excess•in favor of County, RESOURCES. ,Amount flufromcollertors,lB6l, ',5341 .13 Amount due from Collectors; .18621 1,55073 Unseated Tax for 1862, • • ~ 4;152 48. Unseated Tax inr 1863, .• • • .2,273 06 Seteii Tax (or - 1863, , • ...1,44.3 - 35 'Due . ••. • -• 30 00 Total Resaurees, VOLUNTEER RELIEF FUND Bonds for loan ,of money, for Vol. $4,340 00 Relief orders outstanding, ' - .460 97 Total, 13• fdr.1862, Unarated ta?c for 1862,. .24 Sated tax fdr 1.863,. • 721 67 Unseated .tax for 1803, : 1,136 53 ISalitrice . to be provided for; 1,679.11 . . We, •The undersigned, Commissioners of Nftean County . , do certify that the Inregoing statement of. the funds, Receipts .end Expend iture 9f . tiaid.Counli for the year 1862 kcor.—.• sect, to the hest Of cinr knowledge. .Witness our hands at S.methpart,..lanuaiv'lB63. A. P. BREWER, ' • ' W.• STARICS, • ' B. C. CORWII.ST, ComnissioneiT. W. S. OvvrT, Clerk. .-, , • 1863. 1863. PHILAD:ELPHIAAND . ERIE RAIL ROAD. . This great line traverses the Northern" and Northwest connties of Penneylvaniit'to of Erie, on Lake Erie: • • . . It has been leased by the I i fiNSYLVANIA R. R. Costensr,'and under their auspiCes is' being eapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in' use for Passenger and, Freight fro R! (172 miles) on the. Eastern Division, and from SHEFEIELD to Erie, on the Westefn Division, (78, miles.). . TIM!OI , PASBEZiGIVR. tamn dnovr.hsTs. Acrommodation train leaves .B 00 A. M cc cc arrivee • 420 P. M TISIEdF 1 ; I:t INSIAT .11E.V1,1f.i4) Accoinmaelation train leaves . • k , arrive s - . .Cars Tun throogh without change both ways on trains between Philadelphia , and Lock Ha- r..legant sleeping 'cars accompany the EX; press train bath ways, bet Ween Baltimore and Williamsport, and :Philadelphia, and. _ Williams- For information. 'respecting Passenger busi ness apply at the §..Z. Corner 11th and Mar ket Sts. And for Freight business of the Company's '.S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Ste., Philadelphia. • J. W. Reynolds, Erie. ' J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. Baltimore. • H. H. Houston; Gen'l Freight Agt: • Lewis L. Mitmt, Gen'l Ticket Agt. • Jos. D. Potts, Gen'l Manager, Williamsport. STLI OF JURORS-FEB. TERN. 1863 Liberty—A: P. Bar . no),y, S. Rowley, Lean=. - der Gallup, W A Wright, S S 2 Burdick, . Lafayette—isanc Foster: • Keating-L.0.. E. 'Haven, T Barrett, Jr:,ll-1 Cr/vs—Henry Smith,.G B Gilbert. • Eldred r —W Miller... Ann!'4l-4 M Hadl e y • • Sergeant --D Howard, La wrence Boyer • . Brat/V(I44—BM Tibbets, . Moore, Lorenzn Drake, Wm Howard . • Corydon-P G Turner ' • Boro.• , —A N Brriith • • Haellin—Orrin Petry A OEN FOR . THE MLL.IONi SPLENDID, 'AND APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY MME.-. DFAIORERT S RUNNING STITCH $ 169 65 3,358 69. _'9,180 15 81914 . . $5 Machine.. • The embodiment of practical utility,' and a marvel &simplicity; makes the running stitch very rapidly and perfect s uses a common needle 'ind•will.last a l.lifetime.• At .the "New fork State - fair,. ts simplicity, efficiency, and great practical 'utility, was cOnfirnied •by,the award olthn .Eirst Premium. • . ' it wiltGntl!er, Rutile,ShirrAyuck, •kt/ 0 UP' Breadths, etc„ with- a single or •double thread on any material adapted to the Running - Stitch. The thinnest, usually the most diffiCajtto stlteh biother AlPwing- •kleing . 'seiveil the eagiest. • For laaieik and childrene:apparel, and-other articles made of iight -fabrics r it. will therefore be found elMost iNyAr.u'Aut,E. . . It is attached to the, table like a sewing bird, and having no .tension, and requirietno lubri. cation or change of stitch; is always ready for operation, and suet' a: tiarvel of.sittiplicity.that kchild six or• eight . years tan iinexinvrarie it, and' use it STICP:SF - FirLIN. • • • • • ' It is not at taliabla to get gator' order. Each inaChinefs put upin a neat box, accom panicd , • with :full directions, and twenty . tive.needles. • ... - . ...• , . . . .. i • Sent'to any address n the-united States on receipt, of en, order, ineloaing the amount, or may be collected by Express on:deliyery Witte „When the money is sent with the order and registered, we . gunrantee its safe receipt and the delivery of the: machine,. any Where within 2000 Miles free of any. Express charges... • Very liberal arrangements for agencies. ' . See Altaamt or• FASHIONS, or for full partieo. Tars, specimen.of 'sewing, etc.; send a stump for return pOstage. 'Address, MAIN. DEMOREST i ' . ' - 473 Brosdwiy, • Every lady, mMher,.milliner and dres..-rna key,' should haVeone :Of these'..v . aludble sewing machines. • every :department of ki:ewspaper enterprise New Tonk,..Airous widl•favotnbly'coinpare, • In Poli tics ; ;in;Lilerata~e, iri Business ar d in Finance, in Aerielittoral irrfornrtEtion, in General News,' and espeekallyin the completeness and accuracy' of it reports of'the 'Money, Piodnce, Cattle and other markets,'it has no iiiperior..• Its.ed 7 itors have thade - arratigemputs for art it;les, 'mon the , •great questibriS s no w' agitate •the country, from. the petis of Thin.' Horatio Sey: miniC, Hon; Chills. O'ecinor, Sanford. F., Church, • Sarnuel J..Tilderr, • a.ri- s ritheri'or the • •ablest statesmen of. the .ilay.. •Its . Agricultural Ile • pa rtment,. which receives the.espeeial raren.rid attention 'of one 'ot s its to addition to s -the tisnal variety of eri s ginel end seletted mat - ter, .\vill be 'etirichid . hy. articles •prePaie s il . ex. pressly for -the Anaps,,by .Wm.' W,. C Watson, A. 13. Conger,..l3eni: P., Jolyl - Prof. Peri. W. Burl:land, of the. University of Totontoi C. W . :; . and one or more• t inguislied writers upon 'Agricultural • Science in Europe.'.. . . Terms—Single shhseription..ner annum; $2.. Three ' conies one year, Sti s .oo;. eight -copies one. year,l.lo.oo; twentY.copies, t o l outs iadress, $1,069 03 100'0O 300 00 57 79 8,263 01 $9,790 75 $9,990',00 • .Address COMST9CK &CASSIE/I', corner Broadway St PariPlac . e, York:: $4,800 97 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. . . . VIRTUE of an order issued.-by the 0r... . I •Pphan's Court of the' County of M'lcatto', Suite of .Pennsylvania, to.rite directed: I shill sell at ptiblic outcry 'at my holise in NorWich township, in'eaid Connty; on Saturday' the 14th day or February nei,f, at one o'clock, P.. M., to the bighest • and best bidder 'the followin. dPseribed • Real :Eitate situated in Noiwich township', ,county ••a foresdid, and boundE;il an follotyr:LOn. the North by lands of J. J. Ridg nYiori..llle West by . :Potato Or Sixes Creek, and 'the South by:lands formerly owned by John :A bbey,'deren'ited, vow by. G. W, Burdick, On the East ny.publip iroad..,on the east side of ,aid Creek; Contninin 28,9 acres, about 'fifteen• acres 'improved and one :frame House' and one warms .Barn on.. the - Terms; Cash. • •' ' • • . ' W J., COtEGROVIt; • . $4,800 . 97 •:- - . Adininistrator . of the : Estate B. A. Whits, Demand Norwich, .4m4aiy. 16,, 1663. , -• . • COURT PROCLAMATION. uitHEREAS the Hon. Robert .9... White VV President'Judge, and the Hons. J. Da'r• ling and N. Peabody Associatejudges of the Courts of Oyer St, Terminer , and General Jail -Delivery, Quarter Session's of. the. Pence,: Or.. pkans' Court and ',Court of CommOn Pleas for the• County of 111 ) Reanhave'issued their precept, bearing. drite'Friday, the twenty sixth day of Deemer, - in the year. of our Lotd one thou= sand eight hundred and sixty-nil); and to• me directed, for'. holding • a Court . of Oyer, and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court', and Court of Common Pleas; in the .Borough 'of SmethpOrt, on Monday, the '23d day Of Februa,.. ry n..xt, and to'continue one week, • 9'lo A. M 500 P. M . Notice is therefore hereby given to theToro• ners, Justices of the Penes and. Constables within the county, that they be then and ihere id their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M.of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememhrances, to do those thing's which tWeir offices.appertain to be done. And those: who are bound by their sec mtnir.arices to prosecute the'prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of M'lrean, , are to be then and there to prosecute against. them as will be just. 'Dated at • Sthethport, this 23d day of •Dec., .1862, and the 'B6th year .of the IndependL erice . of the United States of. America. , NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. Commencing Monday, Nov. 17thy 1662. Trains will leave 01E0 at about the folloWing . ~• hours, viz: Night Exp . ress Way. Freight: .Night Express Mail '•: • - Stork • Way FrPight . , • Nos. 3, 4,,and 13, run everi4y. No. 6 runs Sundays, but not Mondbys. ; Train .3, of , Sotur day's, from New York, runs throUgb to Buffalo; but does net run to 'Thinkirk. - • •• . N A THANIEL.. MARSH, Receiver. CHARLES. MINOT ) it,;(in'l Supt..? PRESENT. Shi4. moyiSG WEST 10:03` A.- M. 4i IS . P. M: 1:05 P. M. .1:09 MOVING .EAST. 7;0 P.M 10f17 A. :t1 ' 3:19 P.M 1:15 P. M ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THE BEST MRCUANICAL PAI ER IN TILE WOitLil EIGHTEENTH Y .Volume *Series. • . A new volume of this Widely circirlated•-pa -per commences on the :Ist of January. EVery isurnbot Contains sixteen' pages of pitiful:. infor. motion and fro 4 five to tell .original eniravinge 4r,new itiventionitand discoveries . ; all of which, are prepared - ,expressly for its columns'. .• : 'To The Methatile and ManUfacturer! 4 No person, engaged in 'any . of the mechanical pursuits' shoulti think of doing without 'the ,fictuirviirc Asprile.4. It costs but six cents . per every number, contains,' from six ter' ten, engravings of new'maehines tions, which•cnnot be found in any other pub lication. It is an established Cute of the pub lishers to insert' none but original :engravings . ; and those•of the first class .in the art; drawn .and engraved hy eiperienced persons under their own stinervision. • • • • • - • • -To . the Inventoil • - - • • : . The SCIENTIFIC . AMERICAN is indis . pensable to everyinventor, al it not only ton teins:-illustrated descriptions of nearly itll the best inventions as. . they come mit t . . but e.sch number 'cOntains an Official List of he • Claims of ell the Patents issued from the United States 'Patent Office doting.the 'week 'previonsi: thus giving a correct. history of the progress of ventions Ibis country.. We . are. also reeeiv ing, every week, the fleet scientific journals of Great Britain, France, . eiia Germany; 'thus, placing in our possession all transpiring in • inechaniCal. science. and. ; art' in these old. countries. We shall.. . continue to -transfer to our columns copious extracts from these dour-• mils of Whatever ;we may deem of interest, to our .readers. • . • • . • . • chemists, :Architectis, blillurig4te, , And FARIVIERSi :The SCIENTIFIC JAMERICAN will be found,a most isselfulJotirnal to there. All the new discoveries of science of chemistrY are 'arven in ite colutnni, and ,the. interests. of, the. Architect end carpenter are . not civeriodkedvall the new inventions and discoVeries ; eppectaio: ing . to, these pursnjts ,• being`,published from week to w.eek. Usefulandmactical .inforritr tion pertaining to the interests of millwrights :and mill• Owners will be found publiaheri in 'the SCIENTIFIC which information they cannot reu‘sibly obtalnTrorn any',orher. source, Subjects in which, planters and.fartners rtre in trested:will be found discussed in The Setex 7 TITIC A MS.T.ICAN; most of the. improvements in a.ricultnral implements. being illuetrated'in colon - ins. - • ' • ' 1 F:RNIS To mail subseribere:—Tlirea Do Yenr, or One Dollar for four months:' • 1'11,6 'vol. times.'eommence on .thki tint January and Specirnen copies . wilt be sent gratis to any art Of the country. ...• . • . . . Western and Canaqian money or Post-office stamps token . at Or' for Subscriptions. 'Cana ilion'stilascribers will..please to remit 2 . 5 coati extra on-each year's subscription' to pre-pay postage . . MUNN & CO.i 1 5 111)lishrii, • ''..No 37 Park-row New York ORTIIERN CENTRAL. RAILWAY, WI! TER TIME TABLE. . Three•trains to'and from Baltimore and Washington City. Connections made With trains on Pennsylvania Railroad to :and from Pittsburg and the West. Two trains daily to and from the North and West Branch,. Solite-7 henna, Elmiriaand all Northerri New York. • ON, AND AFTER -MONDAY,. November 17, 1862, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railivay will arrive and depart nom Harrisburg and Baltiinore as follows, Viz: SOUTHWARD . MAIL TRAIN" leaVes Sunbury daity(uxe,ept Sunday) x¢..1.45 pi m.; leaves Harrisburg at 5.20 p. m., . and arrives at Baltiniqie at. 1(0.0 . • . . EXPRESS TRAIN l e aves' Sunbury. daily (except Sunday) at 11.20 P. - m.; leaves Harris burg (except Manday) at 2.45 a. in.,. and ar rives 'at Ssltiinore daily (eiccept Mondayyat HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION Train leaves - Harrisburg daily at 9:05, • a. ' • . • • . NORTEIVITARA.• MAIL TRAIN. leaves Baltimore dal!, [ex cept Sunday] at 840, Harrisburg at 1.45 m., and arriverrat Sunbury at 4.50 p. m. EXPRESS;TRAIN letives Baltimore daily at 8.40 p. tri, arrives at. Harrisburg at 1.50 a. m.; and leaves Harrisburg daily [exeopt Monday] at 3.20 a..4n., and • arrives at Sunbury at 6.20 HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION.I'rain leaves Baltimore daily [except Sunday] at 2.45 p.. m., and arriveS at Harrisburg at B.p. m. . For further idormation apply at- the . .PlRce, in PennsylVania Railroad Depot. . • , J. N. DuBARRY, • . • Stiperintendani. . Harr.sbu'rg Novl4, 1862-n2a. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE' . ' • ETTEP OF ADMINISTRATION haying I_4 been - granted to. the •undreigned on the Estate 01 E. A. WHITE.; deeeaseili: late:of Norwich . township, M'Kean county, Pa.; all pereons indebted .to said estate are requested to 'make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlerrient.and W. J.' COLEGP.OVE, , Adlirdiaistratoi' Norwit4l., January IG, 1863 Clara S. Jaentn and.. Mary .A.l36yd . •. • - NfeKean . County .Benaliah P.. Bailey, ' — Common Pleai '• notice 'to •A. D. No, 20 ' • Alvin Sinith':. • I.l.Sept: Terri, iS62. 'Served is C.Wrrlenalit'.. • "Sumrhons in Ejectment for the following scribed lots Of land., situated'in Corydon -town shin,'Connty aforesaid, viz:, . . • , ,Warrant No. three thousand six hundred and ninety.nine [36.99] bounded North by Warrant N0...3700; East - by Weirant -No. 2874; Smith bY.Warriint No. 3718; and West by :Warrant No. 3711; containing one thoosand*(loo44, rims • A t.sor-Warrant No...three- ` thou.' nit !raven hundred and twenty on (N0.".-3721j1i-lioundeil .North by Warrant '370 7;' East War. rant -No: 3732; South by Warreni No: + 3731, West by the line of -Wittran ctatittyt..., contain. oneltiouientt LlO9Ol eet,s, Tercet!, . Rufe'oidefe'ndeiliAo before the,third!. t to in k t r y*. 1 8 133, for'an order , of publicitiess ,ffeepilitts - • .•• • BYRON D. 1141M1,11 1 1',, •' '' 4••• Attiy, for., • Dec.• 23, 1862 Rohr:greeted and Coart'iltireei!,' publication of. the same three tinterOlisty4eys' before the return diy thereof In the'lleKenie. ~•. ...-........'-.. ~..:. -154:ib.g4P.011,14: ' • FOR PURIFYI NG ': THE; BLO BLOOD • • .. And .for the apeedy cure' of Abe' folltnelnyettenitdallitit' tabrofislairsd Sorer,' este ifteetiollaiinitell'' is /ruiner/4'14 corm ores, Noneptliessoas:;.t.: • pimples, ' • :11111eizoo, ,11sad sktia : Dlseatatta., ;•: . • • ~ • Utli . Jiineatair ••'J. C. Assn Co. • (Junta r duty,ltt ••.; knoirledgo whet - your Parsaparilla his done GO: ISA; , . fleeing inherit ' , rn Berul'ulu i ilifeution r t bin mires& from it .11) vorloite trays for yents..: Sometimes 'it tbent . out tu - Ulcers my band.. and:siren I; *onetime. turn', inword'and distramett moat the stomach. Two ••,,, year. ago It bingo out on my bead and vorered sty semis' end ears with oue sre; which werpaluful and lootissome, beyond tleserlntlen....l: tried. ninny inedleinewanil esteral. physician.; but without much relief front any thhig."..' foot, the disorder grow. Worse, t Lam a ; tit rend In the tinned, 31tiartutgerlbot,you on alterative (Stinieperllla), for I knew fr*, your ropiltil.' tints then any thing you mode Must•he rad, •Cluirlunsti and, and Meal It till It eine, me. . -it, en you atirlse, Ins. ..twill - Matelot I toespeoufel • OvOr •Anotath,tand used itheuist three bottise:-'llew end het,* elan soon began' to twin uu,ur . the meek whialt:ttikaael" while full nit Aly akin is now elmr, and I know by, say: t , . feelings tbartbe Mame Iles gone front any spitiontr You .• ' - can well bellow dint 1 fret-abet I tutriayfug,likeori yows' l', I la d pti at to bo uo,of the apostles dolls apt ; • ;- • . cud remain ewer gratefully. • . Yount. • • • , •• • . , '• : . . . . St. A nthonr ll a.Plre,'ame t lEe' allnillw~ ,' . Totter.. aunt Salt Itlaimin,' Scald pima, Itliagrvairmai Soto Eyes', .Decipay. • . Dr. li,beft able Write,. from 'Went, N. Y. . ; Sept., POP, that he hate cured .an leiveterote eaurlof ' Digo, which threatened- terminate' bp till • litheyering uso of Our eareemorillo,siod elite donprowi . Malignant .Briinpelas by.large. dome of the Web $. .•• lie culls the common .firaptiims by cotistetillpM Broneisiie e'er iloilre or • Tobillon Moat of *'respect, TOsae, ,wrlteer,"4ll4.lo...ti. . ties of - your Sarsaparilla inured ivam a sous swelling on - the neek,..arldufs LI bad- tulta•Cltvat•.„ , Lersoirtrisooft or Whitrui Overfill 'Uterine Ulceration,- iresseite, 1/11 • - . 11. B. 'York Mout cheerfully mainly with the renttestityOur agouti,' ,ovum I .burr (And your, Surouurini A moo inoolasud,..;-, atterativo.ln , the numenins,compleinbt far wldeh • employ such it remedy, but rareeinily • of the Scrofulous dlet heels. • hwie pined many ate cease of Isomerrhom by It, and mamawke a 41111140111P . ' ! . pliant wet roused by ulceration of tlio Uterus. 'Tbe Melia. • mien itself wee loom cured.' • Nothing within my keewi! edge equals It for 'these famalideratopmepte n • ' Edward S. illarrow,.of Newbury, Ala., wrltei„ 4 .'A - tennis snowier' tumor on ono of the females! In my . ' defied all the remedial we amid employ, bee ' been roMillelely owed by your' Extract ; Smoirille. Our physician thought nothing' but iithpr• 'Non cabs! Rifted rrlief,An4; he misfiled the trial OiryOur • • .Smeepet ill' the Inset' rentirt before - cutting, ,atotlit• • , Inured Ofectiml. 'After lokhOour ralawly uo eymplont or the dieease rounding,* ',- • , .• Syphilis atilt mercurial pi . Now. clitts.tne ‘ 2eith•AtigtlstitgOL C. A ton Mr, I cheerfully comply with the -re. • moot of yont agent:mid report to yin' lOW thgo,llhCia • ['hove realized with %Min. • I• • ..1 love enrol with In my Kaolin% MOOt of lb. C A M . • .pialii hi for n Melt it is iernnittiended,And bawl *Mild Its 'eftect:l Ituly,oquderhllin therein's; of Ruined wilt Mae h inwe. lhlu of toy patlants had gyphilltio utcww. , , • • in hie, i•in(t.• ill,irh weru..eepauutiug hb peu t ie,oo um' or 111. m o nth. Vitur Hsrsaparilla • steadily taken ;. cur e d him in five weeks, A pother Er na 'shacked brews, iiduiry..syniphulii in lift tinge, and the nizeratlen h: .• oaten away a ci.S•l nuoralde part of !coi a* n Old,belTorii would noun teach fils hmin i , yielded to .ntrudinlidatratlnn, of, your Nernaperillet th is • oleos bolded, and nu la well 'twilit, not of:course without • •• Nonni illsillmuttlon In hie face. ,A•-winnitti who had' Welt . •Irteded for tiw satuni.disnitler 141,martury WaS auguring, • pulion 'flames.. • They lutikbetouse,so pen-' tiiii tile l.ventlit.a'. bid On datnp day she nuffittedoot.Y. Cl 'Ain • 1141100 Joints einfimusw.'- int reit entirely by yiatr'tlttraapatlllit in..efeWr know 014111 Ito formula. Which vont agent gate =Oh* Ihis • Prep, rat 11 rim your luile net ory must' be a- great • • rein,lll • , •iiusennently, llteula • truly remarkable'. mulls -1• ulth It limo.not sorm luied urn.' • •- • • ' , I •• • • Prate -sully yours, • 4), •" Rh nutnellsurt i • Gout, • 161vair CiamOsilltate . • • ltintrES nznek, • l'irudint Co:, NIL; et.ii IIe.J.C. A iri,ll: bir,.J have Wen ettllctedWith'S pale. NI chronic 111“, "nulled' fora long time, widah.hatitettthie.—. :skill of physicians, and stuck to pan 'ln ipita of all: the rat... Oval 011114 find; emit I hind yotir garimpatille. 'One' ''• lantle mated the iii• two weeks, and textured nay general . Health no much that 1 ant far bettor:thion .bitaure I.was tnelcud., 1 thialtit a waaAlerfulmedhilue. J:fltiAdk . ;intim of St: fointa, Nilitrisifor basil til 0.41. (or yeani with an . pjfictioti ett, the Zany., Wolk aisstioyti.l toy !with. 1 lrfcd overftliing,ondaviletthipc ! „; failed to relieve toe ;•and I have been it tirokin•dbaro l tilt . 1.. r la from no 'other enungohan ArrafigentetAlt'— llic 1.)• beloved pallor, tlip line. Mr. kooy,•advl • • ' to I ry, - .our Fiirsonnrlll4,•,treeitune lie paid he knew yon, 'nod any thing you worth .11y . the Iiftoo• - • •• log of Ondit lain curd tile, mutt line Fo purified my blood, . .3111 11)11111k0 11114, 10114 of use. 1 feel•young ngnlu. . Tina • Loot that can in Bald of you in not., half goad utkotigh.r;., •• , . . . Sehlrinin,Concier T umor., , Enlorgeraent L . • . Cicerone's', Cities and Hatonotion '01(3 , the ilosaes..• • , , ~.• ..!••••• ;"•/'; :* • . A gi rot yorltynr.ritlui, 11[1111144m - top/rind tOnsoloco' . rote, of thenn rorinkfithlo complaiuto Lace, remitted. treat• use of this. rounkly, Wit nor 'Apace hero wilt notschollli .E.TIPI of limo •tong Lie. found to our ApitiOsia ageOts bolow namod col illsased . fo mirth gmtle toull oho cell tor )' ' 'D ri p ps Ilenre PIO, EPI/eP my, 111clarellsOly, Neuralgia, . • Draa'y routurlinhlo (.urns, afisidlohi Otte •beeils mute by.tlmaltennlettponer M thlimediOlno ‘ etltot , ;- into* vital foucllous Into :vigoroos ,. .aktion•attaNili:! overcomee.dloorilere• with ' 'woottl:ls imposed beyond its • reach. Finch a roininly..lons long been reen/reaby the' pfs• cessltlos of the poos,lO, nod Castro-confident tlictible aIIL ;1 do for, them nll 'lint medicine out do, i • Ayer's Cherry PeMral; POIC .RAPID ••• 3 . Cettli . /11, Cottle, lloarsienallaW.'• , ; Crotty, Bresnelt ft la, Itstelplank VOIR, at Inn And. tor • the let • ' • or. cfbill ' • . -• .ln. adyntutood,:Bltagas • • • . , of. Ditietian. • • . . : TUN is n rototoly 'so unlversidly !yowl' to saran's ast7 cither'for the 'cur., of throat and itnc.contpletnts, that II Is in...lean lime to poldiali the' evitionre of. Its elittuw. untie/tiled excellence for .'ivisgheatid •eoldilerld tretr. 'teosiolurful 11111,11 or pnlatunnry have. an* known throughout the .chdlheed , nations Of the ear*: Few are the - e.muniltili } Pe; or even finis .• *hit leave not. mono. , portenuil : expeilenne of *ellfeals...n, , ; ennin living trophy in Iheir tilldet of. Its skimp, ever. tin , ' ante la mid dung/mle diamilvia or the 1k At nit know the'drendfsil fatality Of, them 00 1 • they home, ' too. the offeete or. this rounutirlie WWWI IB , I do more than to minim them that:it his. low all iitos,thst It did lune. when .nieking earn ebititstAintlfH. -.well' to striongly - upon the confldt,:twa ef atanitisaL *- • , Prepaid by Dr: I. iI...O.YER* 004161makiiIiiik SMETHPORT. IjVERY..STABLE;i'' SUBSCRIETER 6'6.i:opened . * T ery Stable its Smethperi ?. ne. 0. j .4 . . 11 1te5s nett's Old . Stand i'en Main stretit;:julit4iiit;iiii Mohan (co wh are can le'fiseinttOter bat eillliter see and Carii.epedat,lowpeiesse: to make Smetf.iperi a permenerit'stesislinc4. Visa asks a she.» of patrohsslr -1 . ` . z , • 1 ":": A 4'Ne*Mtreil . rne . chPiwt, ituipst 2 4, 3 8 6 0 .' . •-• r••I ;' ;S 't - • Tile CoAxfosiiiionnf and ,Extidiopance •• • • . of • EIVRIOSItRIitOR TItpIIIICNRFIT,Attif ~ 14;.*,1141121b •' ind nal a caution to younio mon roes ibibllitY„- Prom eta re.Decay,ko,onfiplyinciit.,tbo onmOthno Ship mono of SOlt:11** Atria* Nieut ' Whims llnflor toping pitt topent in *moil ,u jbaNYeab hnyoilition And quaelcOry,By Imola** iIb."PD.I I V4 a4 doomed envelope, Slytiitar comas 'say be ion lir tbor, ZIATRANSZlillailltI111114 , 54111•0 1 ••14' "m".. Cloasuty, N.Y. • TIN , rtIFTY BU'SI-ISLS at t belif,Olitittrilk• army Szsp, raist4 ) • • DOttritts" Port-Allcgapy, Deornber B= ,