M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 07, 1863, Image 4

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    ArgOva '
*ft Cokx
kg - I'or
1 ;T
-7 1 1 E• / 4 1 'Dolt AND „13...Tr1N
'irau# szkropiiito op. Loya l :mt.• • ..••• :
• ' deploVatitit '.war , has
10.4 )& 4 ftheld Orion tifiCk'n'untly , by?We
late* the Soother!' Statos, now in arms against
• .flisiConstitatiOnal:Goperainent, and in arms
'owe' ad,,,Ottr Ca pital,; That'. in this' Natiopal
siiiirrinsniCiongreis; baniihing all. feelings of
'. 'MINI piston or ,resioatment,
,wili recolleptonly
• litaihiti•tti thi wholi Point!, : That this war .
. • spir it of op•
noirstßY lefivose. ot.conquest, or•sab.
1. .4
' PFowi9it of.,
• •
Atkoklttitt,h i - , Irctiiiiild.4,l.nfi*dar
-•• , I t 4
'll**ll/euaioN the 4' 41 ;
t•Aaitaip t ia : iiktfiaSasairal Sta:(ei umapairad,
~.-alnyeit '.thii 4; 6l 4"l":4the.ee- t9klfllllth • see..°.m•
• • s'riai r opaht•to anise. k
Tete New•YORK Wesicr.i Aaoes.--In every
ellepartrnent of newspaper enterprise the film
Yeair Azoos will favorably compare. In Poli.
ties, I. Literatuie, in Business and in Finance
In Agriseltisteyelorrnetioni In . Genets, Neiva,
gad eapWalljr In Hie cAstil.t.inesi end ricaritcy
isiporti 'of the Froduci, tattle
and ter' esitas no su erior. s e
d k
hots have goade,arrengements for articles, upon
the great questions which now agitate the
marry, from the-pens of Hon. Horatic! Sey
mour, Hon..thas.CVConor, Salford F.. Church,
SaMuel , ViVildcrt, 'and others of 'tile '•blret
rellteemin of 'the day: Its Agricultural Ha
gliatalent, *hldb reeeits thq'especial care end
a l trq " p ost oono ( is editors, In , a di l iti on to
theletruel.varlety oteriginal and selected mat
ter, lard! be' 'enriched bt articles jpepaled Ot
, *kali I...retioe; by lion. • Wm 2
Conger; Benj. P. John
soe,.Prof,,Geo. W 1 Buckland, of the University
of Tatiinlo, and one or more " dieting
'eriitere'uPon Agricultural , Science
in Europe. •
Terms,' - Single • • • •
subscription per anniimi $2..
thinteiejojes one.yeir, srhoe; eight copies one
.year, 1110;00; twentycopiesi . to; one a•Nterr;
•• • Addretis'COMSTOCIC & CASSIDY, •
'' . .L,„6T . '''.....'' ' •.: ;. Riaiiirters
corner Broadway . & Park Place;.Nevr• Yi;rk:
, 'VIRTUE of an order issued by the Or.
tibajek.Colite . Of . the Coiinty:of
, :to ins directed, I shall
outcry,at my , house in • Norwich,
• torillibiP,.inlitaid; County, On Saturday the'lath
lops/ February at= one o'clucki.P.' M.,
*l4ol4h:eat 'and "eat bidder the . following .
t state .aittiated NorWieh
tOwnsilipv eounty aftiresaid, and •• bonnded av
. follaivii:49,h!tiiiNorth by' latifle"
mai; eit',llia'Weit by , Potato4r •Sixer Creek;
and liteStuth by . lands formerly owned by.
Abbey,dite ea sed; OW by G. W.'lltirdick,,
theAtst.by public road' on the east side of
eifirlMereldt; Containing •'.28,9•• acres, with
about fifteen acres, improved and 'Onei.lrome
Montle and one frarrie Barn on the same.—
T4iftoe, Cash. • • • '
. • ; Administrator of the Meats of
' E. A. While, Dreegised.
, ,
Norwich r hyntay, 16,1863
. .
' . HERtAS "thelliftr'.2 Rob'e'rt 'O. White'
f 'trident Judge, and the lions. .f...par.
. inng t enilli,sPestrody. ASsociate,ludges of the
copittii,roYer,&'"Ternliner;_,and „General .Jail
Zielivery,',Quarter .SessiOns of the, Peace, ,', Or !
.nhans' Ceur,tand Courtaf,' . .Opinorim, 'pees for
tlincountynt M'lCearihave issued their precept,'
Ceiring'daterttridey, the twenty.sirth'dn of
belirnist,'ikthe:lriar of OurLirtd one 'th y u'
sari elglatliiiidied;land 'sixiir.tirer and to 'me
..4:4*(itir;` tOi 'ttoling * Court, of Oyer' and
mgrTentl aari'Veneral 'Jail - Delivery, Quarter
Sessions of the 'Pence, Orphans' Coart, and
Curt of; Common , Pleai,. is the . Borough of
Bontirputout Monday, the 23d dey of Fehrus.
. ry nextourd tn continue cue week.
Notiee.is therefore hereby gieenro the Coro ,
' silitrollailieisitset cthe..Peace. and 'Constables
within the county,tbat they be then , and there
In shnifnsOper persona - , at ttt,, o'ciciet A. M. ol
said day," with their rolls; reiorde, inqUisitions,
..examinationyand,:gthet%re,nwrebrinces, to do'
thole things which their ()laces appertain to be
done. - And(hopts;Who ; sara
itrii bound • hy their rec
agnixantA titrl:raebuteths?prisimers that are or
shall be in the:jail of said county ,of M'Kean,
rialifisbli titiiii) Ind .'s there, to <piosecute *spinet
than atririll tie juit. , , , is. '' 's .- .s -s .•
patsititt ., Bmstbport, • this 211.a0y of Dec.,
11862; and Atte .86th• year . of the Independ
enee:of theifhtitod,fhtittits ofAmerips. •
.o.itltslt 44' *i,JA,44*
op,.fußolif.4*. 'mut. pea
aunLiienty-4..l% , :tlarnaby, , S; Howley; Lean
der Gallup, W A Wright, 8•11.
• • ; Norsiiek-0.: S. Burdick, . •
• t criefftlihg - nisiOtitoaker.l-7!, • • .
Kearimg-O.‘E. , Haven, T .; .l4trolt, Jr.. 111
. • G'ereamHearylimilh;G,p t Gilbart.
141 , ; •
• . ,
Annin 7 4 M Hadley
•..ler/reaut-D W. Howard, Lawrenie Ihiyer
BradAtrd-A M Tibbett s F A Moore, Lorenzo
• ,Drake,Wirk,HawartiVT',l
Coriial4LE Turner '" '" A
• ,
• Av,iffisfinr•Orrio ; ; - ! ,•• .
, .
• . Q u ango • .
.9.loMeo4ng- c'f'Hourm‘ • .
• - u - . - Nov •
. 1 . 41 ! Agave - • • 17tb, 1862
.4;; vi' ivot Omit tis..
.Titu,SisT Afiacti:s'xicALTiimrit IR I"ki 'Wooer.
ljew, Seriem.. • • • .
.A ric'w.volitm. of this . .widely eireulated pm
pee, commences on the;lst at • January. Avery
',number conrsins sixteen pages of useful info!.
,nation arid,from,tive to ten original engraving.
of,flent inventios and all of vihich
are prepared , eipressly tor it. columns.
• ToThe bfechanli and 'Manufaeturerf •
No person engaged in . iny of the inechaefea
pursuit. shotthi of'fleittg..without the
ISOI,II4TIFIC AblgiliAN: At costs bit aiircente,
.pet week; every. number contain,' from.eig. to
ten siegrAvinge. of, new ,maihinee and ..)even
tiona,"whiCh•Mtnnoi be found in any Other pik
lication. .1t is an established'rule of, the ; pik.
fishers to,lnsert none:but original engraeings,
Ind those.of the, lint class , in the arty drawn
and 'engraved ,hy experienced Verson. ulder
i4eir. own ,supervision. •
. ,
• To the inventor!
;perusable to every inventor, as it not only, .cson
lain' illustrated descriptione of nearly, all; be
!bait inventions as they 0611,10 oat; but , each
number contains au Official List of the Claims
,the Patents issned Born the,United States
Patent Office . dutlne w
,tha eek, previous; thus
;Riving a
•correct history of ihe progress . of in.
. F er i tionsin . country.:We are. also receive
tog, every week, the best scientific. journals of
Great, Britain, France, and. Germany thus
placing in our
. po ion all that.is transpiring
in' 'rnrchanicel science and art in thc;se old
countries.. We . shall. continue - to transfer to
our cOlumes Copious extracts from these jour
nals'of whateier we may, deem of interest to
'our readers. . • ' , • .
'Chem4ti, Architects;; ; Millwrights, An
:". The AMERICAN: w il l be
,fonnd. a most Wain] Journal to them. ~All Ithe
new iliientreriesof
‘ scienee of. chemistry, are
l ar'ven in its columns, and - the interests of the
Architect aid carpenter are not : oVerlookedvall
the new inventions and dis!•overies' appettairi
in; to . these ,pursuits' • being' , published from
week to week.. Useful and practical, informs',
tion pertaining to the interests of • millwrights
and mill 7 owners will be foontrpuhlished in. the
Sotsrrirto . , A MERICA'N which inforniition . they
Cannot'pnesibly. Obtain from any other Source.
Subjects in.which planters and formers pre in
'4restetr will be found discussed in the .Scins
TIFIC Aficalcsn;most of the.. improvements .in
agricultural_ implements being illystrited in it.
' To mail subacriberen-:-Three Dollars s _Year,
or One Dollar for four months, The vol.
omen commence 'en the. Ara of January and
Specimen copies will. be sent geniis . te any
,pitt or the countty.,. ' .
Western and Canadian': money or. Post-Ade
•stamp. taken at. par for subscriptions. - Cana.'
dian subscribett Kill..pleassto - tenth • 25 cent/
.extra on each year's subscription' ta pre-pay
Three daily Patna to and from Baltimore und
Washington City. .Connectinns., made with.
tyaine v on Pennsylvania Railsoid n to, and from
Pittsburg and the West.. Two', trains daily to
and from the North and West Brandt, , Simon
binns, Northern,New TOrk.
17, 1862, jhe Passoinger Vain. of.the:Northerii
Central Railway will arrive and. °depart -.from
Harrisburg . and' Baltimore ' as follerwir,.
MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury, daily (except
Sunday) at 1.45 p. m.l leaves .Harrisburg at
5.20'p. m., and arrive! at Baltimore at
Sunbury daily
(except Sunday) at 11.20 p. leaves Harris.
burg (incept Monday.) at 3:4.5 a. tn., and as;
rives at Baltimete daily (except Monday) at
:llartiabt4 daily at 0 00 a. ta.
MAIL' TRAIN leaves . Baltimoti'dail) [es.
cept Sunday] at SAO a. m., Illarrieburg. at 1.45
p. m.,,and arrives at Sunbury at. 40 p. m.
• ; EXPRESS TRAIN,' Baltimore daily at
8.40 p. m.; arrives at Harrieburg it 1.50 a.nl••
and leaifea Marrieburg daily (except - Monday]
at 3.20 a. tn., and • arrives ut Sunbury at. 1.20
. .
.(except Sunday] at OAS
p. andirrives at Harrisbtirg at Bp. in.
' , For further information apply at the 011itte,
in Pennsylvania Railroad Depot.
_ i • • - Bfirtrintendont, •
Harrlsburk Nov 14, 18112-n29.
- _
been' granted to' the undraniiied on the
Estate - of E. •A.. Murry, deceased', date . 61
Nrirwich township,' M'lCelin cinity,
persons indebted to said •eatate are reqUeeted
to make inimediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement and allowance.
• •
Norwich, Japuary 10, 186,1.•.•'-•.
Clara §,Jacobs and
'Mary oyd
":• 'ys : '.. • • • :1 Niel Gin County:
Benniah P. Bailey,l Common Pleas -
~.with notiee,. t 0..; ;:/1 . D. No. 20.
, • ',.: Attlin:'Smitht:] -: . Sept.: Term, 1962.-
Served as' tern . tenant. j• ' ' •.'
siimmons in Ejectment ;for the following de—
seabed lots of land, situated in Corydon town.
ship; Cohnty atoresakil; yin: :,' : ;'-- •
:; Wariant No.'lbies thousand siehundred . and
ninety-nine [2099 bminded North: by. Warrant
No; 3/00; East by Wariout fi0.:2874; South
by Warrint - ak'37lB; ,anik wen' bY'Werrant'
Ne.,3711; elmtaleing ono thousand [1000) aeres
mere or leas:" r -
TOO , A.
f:O5, P. M.
. 3100 A. M.
7:lo P. M.
10:17 A. 01 ..
';r 3:10, 1 1 :. M.
1:15P. M.
f , Na. o inns
Tri,49 4 10 6 &duo.
VOoll l l.tg .f 3,1111410,
Arco.--Warrant No, three..thousand seven
bandied and twenty , one [No... 3721] bounded
North bY ;Warrant No. 3707;. East by War
rant.No..3732; Smith ~ b y'Warrant No. 3731,
West by:the line of Warren 'cmfy: eontain.
ari,.t , , , q , !
: .
1111 INN & Publishers,
Nil, 37. Par 14.7, *et&
nR theilifto;ool* "ems !wcwowi,less.-.
:Rule defenduftt.tp appear and :•01""d on ir
lefore , therthird, dif . pft . next [Febrult3f) tom,
889 4 sed-lor ari ordir, oilieblication ;according
to Isw.
Alt's tor , '
Dee: 23.18621Di/1e ireetad'end .Coert direr!
publication of the' fame 'three time., sixty. days
before the. trial. day .therett 'in ..the. Males
011.4 i et JAZ COOKS,
• • 111711801111PTION AUNT,
1110:011111 Men
114 imam 'mire'
. , PhiladeliMa, Key. 1, left..
The enderailleitd .been appointed
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by ,theSeetitery or
the Tr y, preparedto (ogreish, at
once, the
New Twenty Tear. pir, et. Bond s ;
Of "ther,United pito., designate& as alFivio,
TWonties," redeemable at .thri pleasure of the.
Government, offer live years, and authorised
by •At t oVeritiiress; ipprovod . Feb.• 25,.11102.-
, The COUPON BONDS am'isonotlin owns of
$56, $lBO, $5OO. woo. •
The REGISTER .BONDS ,in sums of $5O,
$lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and 5000.
Interest at six per leent. per anunm , will
eornmenee . frorn ibite .Purehase, and is.
Semi-Annually, whielris equal; at the.preient
preinitimon told,,to,about EIGHT . PER CENT
Fartneri;ketehants,Keehanits; Capital Sts, _
and all wholave. any-money to invest, should
know and remember that these Bonds are, in
effect; a FIRST MPRTGAGE.ripon all Rail
roads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities; and
the immense products of 11l ,the Manufactures,'
ilse.,l l / 4 c:,•iu the eountrYs' and that•the full and
ample provision wade • for the psynient of the
interest - end liquidation of . principal, hy .Cus
toms, Duties, Eloise Stam ps and Internal Rev
entre; to nuke these bonds the •
Beet lest Attila* . tat last Foliar. loveable
the Illarhet.
Sittoseriptiona received at PAR in Legal. Ten
der ?lates t or .Notea end checks of banks at par
Philsitelpliia. .• Snbocribeis by mail will re
ceive prompt atterition and every 'faailty and
explanation will be afforded on.application. to
A lull supply of Bonds will be kept pn hind
fOr unniediate delivery. .
JAYTODlCE,Subseription Agent.
I would respecittell, announce to the citizens
of McKean and adjoining :counties "i hat they
can do as well in Stn'ethport, in the Stove and
Tin-ware line. as in Olean.. 1 shall;,at all
timed; hive on.hand a large .stock of •
Sheett;lroix de Coviper-Ware,'
iiiirei ill. 11 . 0**ipets . 1 . 1F41ar.e,,. b dt
. .
of all kind. done with diipatch, and in 'a emir
tory manner; at the lowest possible prices.
Orders promptly attended to.
- Give me' a .eall—at the budding known as
ortlide Hill Titi litore"—formerly. occupied by .
'Gee. H. Meroa--flmethpOit, Pa.; ; ,
crir.t will pay the. highest market price, in
geed' or embalm eny.quantity of Sheep Pelt/
and woe..
March SC 11145.
AAA iERSIC immas.
Laerty—Green, Augustus,; Ames, Joseph.;
West, Marshall; Abbey, J: J.; Talmage, John;
Pitch, E 4 Cone, J. LI Vansicklea,- John.
. Iliadfoiti-4aderty, .E.. M.;
,Jewett, Benj;
Sirgwww--Esiterbrook,'D. A.l Lower; Mar
tint Hertaog, Geo.
Seating- . -Bond, Jae., 4.; keret, Wm. 4 Cal-
•• Cerra:--Trumball,.l . ae.;P.eibmiy. D.; Palmer,
leseph,Jr•Cbtun, A. 13.1,Ca
:Borough—MeDonald, Jamas . Corwin, 4 ,0.;
Bennett, D. R. ",
Amnia—Bellows, R. E.; Hodges, Joseph.
Loloyerte—Benith, Edward; Hoopaaraes.
Hamilton—Beeman,. John. , •
ifansliti—Aandall, Jim; Gallup, J.-F.; Mor—
rison, Zeph.
J. E. BLAIR, Sheriff.
Bme,thport, Dec. 31, 1862. •
To:: Consuraptiv -
fIIRE. Advertiser,' having been restored to health in a
J. few week,,, bya.very simple-. remedy', after having
suffered years with a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption--is ainioaa to make
kriown to his fellow-auffirers the means of cure.
To all who desire It(he willeind a copy of the preacrip
Lion used (free of charge), with the directiolla for pre.
paring and using the same, which tboy,will find a suss
Owns roe Consamrnog, - Aavriss, Bsoscutris, &o. ' The
only object of the Advertiser in sending
_the Preserlitien
is to benefit, the MICMAC and silfeatflhfol'ciatich which
hi eoneelies to be invaluable,' and be hopes every suf
ferer will try his remedy; as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a bleallag.: . ,* ' ..
Parties wishing the presieripthin will please address
Klolfh County, New. Yoric-:
.Mau.loutoiursvm antoos or ,NArfllONS.—The
Mat Mid Most • reliable Fushkon Magasino firth*
mai m. .Cloitislas the largest...ad Guest Pashion•Platea.
ahograntosthumbor of Dm Engravings r the.-Isteat end
most reliable Informatios, , three halbhiset Patterns for
Drawee, ant a AMA °thaw Drade•Work and XwilDre,.
deriss.Patterns. Every Mother Dressmaker, Millener
and - Lady,.shoald hairs it.- Published Quarterly,. at 474
Broadway, MIAYork, sold everywhere or sent by mall
nth, gent.. Needy It,
.with ot valuable premien'', •
The Rummer immbm; sow ready, ' • •.
.• ' "
THE SUBSCRIBER , has opened liv ne
,1 ery Stable in Smethport, at: Or R. •Ben'
nett'i Old Stand; OrENfain street; ',just east of
klehanies'kirbere nail bb fotiridlhe hest of HorL
.ses and Cirriagenkilif*.pridie.' 4 He intendr , to
make Smethpbrt a. permasent residence, ••and
asks a @hare of patronage:
Snrethpoft; Aissiii 24, 1860.. ' ' • 'n23tf. '
The Cemafeetdone , and: Ei.perienee
• Duniisives Top TWO B.BWItIIT NOND., AB WARN.
lad mid weal:Hon to'youiug,l9otl who anger fro 6 Ner
sou Premature Decay, BC, rkipplying at :the
Tame thae.themeami,o(dell•Care , . By 0 1 / 1 1 who has mired
himself after bele( pat to treat eepensi thriaagh medical
linpialtieti sad qiisokoin ,By eneledap a •poet•paid ad;
dreepad eiwelpe, szaoaa,Co/1111 may be had °Ugh* au.
thor,NATE 111..)141TBAIB,.111.,
, Bedford, Biagi
• . ... • •
' • A TsioiTtrom . uoino, RELIABLE end PRAC
TICAL ..160inal, devoted to the 'different de.:
partments'of soil 'culture, such as growing Field .
Cropis Ofehard AM! .Garden FrUitiff Garden
lregetables and Flowers ; Trees, Plants,. and
Plowcra for the. Lewn 'or Yard ;'care . of Do
mestic Animal a , &c., and • , to Household
Labors. 'lt his
. Islso an interesting and instruc
tive departMeekt tocehildren and youth. •
A full Caliendo - col Operations every Month. -
Tercets Four Hundred, or More; illustrative
Engravings appear in each volume. . • •
Over . Twelve Hundred plaid, practical, in
structive ankles and useful items, ere given
. • •
• The.Eilltorsind :Contributors are "all prim,.
ilea' WOrkinF..Mon. • • •
•TO loathing* . of iho A rat ibtrriuir "Oro
I(ned'io no State or 7 critory, bill pre
, treldpeer! to
the wants of 01 the reoetneiy—ll:is, as
Os name itaiiales; foi *the i4401s AMU:4OLN CON..
. A.GERMAN EDITION is • published, of the'
same size and price as the -English, and con
tainincall of its reading matter, and its nume
rous illustrative emgravines. . • -
One cOpY, one year, •' ' • ••$1 N. •
Si* copies, one year . • 5 op.
_ . .
Ten or more'enPies one year SO cents each
MT' Add Ithe - above rates: Postage to
Canada "6 cents',. to . . - England and France; 21
'eents ; :te.Ger!inany, 36 cents.
Postage'anywhere In 'the Uhited - Stateeand
Terriprtei most , be paid by the sobscribi.i, 'and
is ofily , siag coda ,a yrar,' if 'paid in advance at
the office where reCeiVbcl. -•
. .
All business and other ecimmosieatioas ahoul
be addressed to the 'Editor and Propriefot,
ORANGE - JUDD . , 41Park.Row; N. 1C..-City
The' commencement' of a new year is. a-good
time for renewing subscriptions and increasing
the cireulation of the Journal of Commerce..=
We address ourselves .to the old readers or the
Paper,. With,,entire confidence to their willing
ness tn'aid us, end extend the influence of the
sound, conservative principle and moralti which
have hitherto characterized•and will 'hereafter
characterize this Piper: EvEtty.Sunscnenta to
the:Journal.of Commerhe inightdo*. iF,great
service to ; these principles, and O!rengthen'
in, our ability•to support and circulate them, by
senoing•us the name of at least one pew 'sub-
scriber in . his town. • .
. .
. . .
Peyoted ftrroly.as ivi have .
been to our coun
try's- interests, and .having• lone been: called
"Union Saveis" as a term of reproach, we are
'sad ihall,liathe 'firm upholders, of-., ' '. -
'opposing with . .beart and pen'every'nian; South:
or North, who is do enemy to either. • r:Very
form of . disorganizatiori and revolution will find.
ue ready: for the 'combat..Among the toes o f
the American Union' and•Annericansprinciplea,-
WP tatik side by,side • • •
AsoLreransm ANb s Ei.Tsq.razirr s
find we propoie with all chit' strength to defend
the natiork'agaimit the' ettarlre of both.
. ,
. .
To ancottrige : . those who may volunteer to
aid in the .organization of • Clubs, we hereby
offer in extra copy of the 'Weekly to' every net:
eon who shall for Ward twenty new ittbsertbers
with the money: ' •
.. . ' - • ' .
May be organized in • communities. with great
advantage: The; present is the, best period for
their commencement, The terms on whist
vie can furnish' the paper ate :
To companies taking' . .. ' , .
20.copies s or upwards • ONE DOLLAR each
13 copies strrun
0 copies " . •
' 4 copies • •Tix • " • '
Under 3 copies • Two ' each
The papers will be aildrassed" to different
persons at the same PostDflice, if desired, ex , '
capt in, of clubs of. 13 or more copies,
which will be mailed to one address.:' •
,• Proprietor
may be Made at . ‘the.following rates i—t Papers
added to-a-club during the first quarter of the
year:vrill pay the full rate of the origi
nal club fora year, clueing the, second quarter
three fourths of the original year's rate, during
the, ihirdquarter one half, and during the, lest
quarter one-fourth, ane all such stibeeriptiUns
will terminate' with the year of the original
club. - •
• From gonroWs U. S. Afiti4 . •
*here packages of nempapers or periodicals
are recelved,at any post, office directed to•one
address,. and the names of the club ot subscri
bers to which they belong, with the postage
for a qtiarter in . advance, shall be handed to the
postmaster, he shall deliNler the same, to their
respective. owner's.
. • • . •
But this does apply to weekly newspapers
which citculate free in the county where prin.
ted end ptildished: • ._ • ,• • •
Address Edlters of. Me Journal of COM;
twice, No., 91 Wall street New York. . • . -
_ . •
•• • • • . . &Mois 'flint! Proit !into, s
, . •.• • • • •
. ..
• • This:preparation, madi from the -, Java best Coifed, Is
recommendedby physic:Unitas a auperfor'NUTRITIOUB
RIIVXDAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, . and all
bilious disorders." Thimands who ' have been compelled
t o aband on the tumor cogree'will tine this without War':
one °Zoete., • One can contains the strength otr,wo pound s '
of ordinary coffee. Dill's ps cent,. .. . . _
. .
.. .... . . . . . ..
,• -" . , . . •... .• •
The melt and best BARDid•POITDEN kaolin, 'fits
'tithing light, t sweet and nutrition, Bread and cakes.:—
. •
Price . lb cents. ~ - .• • • .*: ,
M. H. KOLLOCII, Chemist,
Gmae, &Likud and . Chestnut Streets,
• • •
. „ ,
• And Old byAll.Druggiste and - Grooeis.
1ea.i 4 .3 • •
rrtHE STOCIEHOLDERS,. of the, ,WlCean
Itailload and PiTairigitiiiii Company are
hereby notified to ineet at ths,office of S.. C.
Hyde, in, the Borough, Smethport, on the
liecond:4loidaybf Jan,riary, (it being , l2th)
for the purpose of eleciing II President and six
Directors, for the ensuing year. '
• ,= BAWL. C HI,DE, Ssiretary.
Smethport, Dire..-18, 1862.
. •
. .
All potions. indebted•to roe 101 COM, in Mc-
Kean •county, ave•requested•te parthe. same to
E: SCULLi or.J. 11 CHADWICK; andel!
in Cameron' county, Will pay to P. g..SCULL,
or JOHN M.:JUDD-4mmediately.. • •
All attending -to this, call Will verrmuch
oblige me and save themselves-costs. • • •
• - • • JOSEPH MORSEi. Late ShrP.fr:• - •
Smethport, Dee. llth 1862. •
IFTY BUSHELS of .the but quolifY . ,Tni
orni Soil', roiled by and for tile. at
• •• • L. H. HOLLEY'S.
...Port-Allegany, t,Peceinber.2B,.-11861: .
To sell , goods for theAriams Snwtrro MACItIiE
COMTANY . . We sycpmmissimi on all
goods sold by ourAcents, or pay w ages at from'
$4O to $lOO per. month, and pay all necessary
expenses. Our.Afachine is . pegfect• in its tries
chtinistp; A child can learn to •operate it by
half ari hours' instruction t :It is equal . to any .
family .Sewing• Machine in use,. and Vie have
ebb/re/Ohs price , to Fifteen' Dollars.
• Each'machine is warranted eeir three years:
Address " C. RUGGLES,
, • • Gen. Agt., Detroit, Mich.
.luse.Paddished, in a Sealed Eavelope. 'Pei& Six Cents
A L'ihrrunt ON THE riAtintE; TREATMENT, ANO
Radical' Oure of Opersaaterrhoea, or Seminal Weeknesi,
Involuntnry Emissions. Sexual Debaltr. and Impedimenta
16 Marriage generally. Nerrouanena.Ooesumption,
lepay and Fits; Mental ilnd Physical Incapacity, result.
Jag horn Self-Abuse..dse. J . CULIERWELL, M.
Author or.the (Been Book, he. ,
, .
' Viewerld-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture
`clearly troves, from.his own experience Met - the.awlel
consequenc.es of ?elf.itbusa . May be effectually removed
without medioinp, and without dangerous Forel* upers,
tions, boogies, instruments, rings, or cordial■' pointing
ont, a mode of cute at once certain and effectual, by'
which every sufferer,: no matter what hie condition .may,
he. may cure himself cheaply. privittelk.'and radically ;
This lecture will prove a loon to thounands and thou.
. .13ent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address. on
receipt of mix cents, or,two Pilotage !damp,. by siddreog
!Er.CllAB, J. C. KLINE; .
127.1owerT, New Vorll",Pt ailicilloxt 4 trc
, .
. .
rvHE Suinieriber harin; purchased • this yell
•known stand; and. re-furnished' and re -fit:;
ted the House, is'prepared to. entertain Board
ers and the Traveling public.. ,
I-ILS .13Art AND AB F.', •
, Will be.evell supplied, a nd
, eyerythin& done
'to merit:a Hberal-share of patronag e.' Raf t -.
men will alwaye find the •sAiatch-st rine" otit.•
, . •• • '. P. M. FULLER. •
Kendal Creek. Tannery 2,. 1860... • .38-Iy,
. friends in McKean County, that he is
on bawl this Spring as initial, with the
Selected stock of Goods in the Olean Market
To Wholesale rash Bayles I Weald Say,
I can after you better inducements than yot
can get west'of . Nevi; TOtk. ,
, It makes no difference what you want, any
hing in'the line of
Call at the
And you will find the article fresh and cheap
t'a no life talking be
alivaye, has and always will take the •lead, and
regulate the market in . • .-
Grocertia and IFrovisiOns,
Deti't"fair to call , and sae me when you visit
Olean ; I shill not hurt you; but shall certainly
try to do you good.
Olean, May 93d,'1860
Wi k , NOTE.BII‘,OIII/11CIAL ,1 ITIRD . • .
•• • •
Quotations corrected by : T110:11i6SON BRO
• • ' , • '!
PubliiheJ•liy'CHAS. t
: • OF SUBS:O4ll , Tfori IN , AtIVANCI; •
'To mail
Wepkty, $2.1 Semi,Toontlq,.....::sl 3f0ih1t1i::: . ;...750;
Tril'Oetniestera or othere f .wlio form- 0 tube 'and- for:
ward uethe'money losediance, we will send the, Ripor,
for Cain" Chart Manneli and Destriptiq List 04 fol.:
• , - 5 eopieirof tho'Weekly, one y0ar.,...!..••53,00
.s.coplee of the ..... 00 '
• 10 copies of the goo
. , . . . ,
We will forward gratuitously to •atiY"Pertlini
sending,a club' of s2o.at the 'above •rates; of
any one time,. our Ameiican'oold .:Coin 'Tea
Scala.' Addiess, .'
, ' : - :'- •• "
No. 2, Wall St, N. Y., Piofiietors
./te obstructions- Which 11161,
disease. A told settles somoxylkere lu the laxly, and' ob
iltructs Its natural futictiotts. - These, if not rellovoid,
• rotot taPoti roe and the stirrthindipg Organs, pro
:thaVing general aggravalhin, sulfuring,- and. disease.
Millie in thitvconthtlnit, oppresded by the derangements,
tithe dyer's Pills. mid moo how :directly they restore - the •
natural action of the syStem. and' with - it the buoyant
listing of health again. What Is true and mu apparent In
this trivia and common complain is also true in may'
of the deep : s.stitst aml dangerous. dixtempurs. ' The-samo
purgationenoct mipols them. Caused by similar obstrno,
tions and. IrrittogimioWs of life natural functions of tim
body, they aro - rapidly, and many of them surely, euretk
lay the Ammo means.. None who know the virtues of Wean'
'Pills, will 'neglect to employ tlieut'udion suffering 'front
the distirdern thy (neg. . ; "
Stateniontd 'franc leading.: physician§ •in some of the
principal, cifks and tin' other well known • ptitale: par
. • •
. ,
'roara Fit / warding )ferchientV St, ,Louit,..P.b. 4,.18511. .
. . .
' Do. - Aiett: Your: l'llle ere the paragon of all ,that M
great In. nu:divine: . They have cured wy.littlo•daughter
Of ulceroas'euree upou her lanalx and feet that had proved
incurable for ywire. Iler mother has teen - lank grteP.
ously)tlth,ted with blotclun andphuplee On her ekln sod
-lo her,liair. 'After 'our, child woe cured, elie elan
- tried
your - Pllls, and they have tared her. • ' " • ' ' •
.. • - . •
- • —• . • As a. V'Einilly, PhislC. • .
FYont Dr:. E. Chricurtoht,....Weto &team.
Y,ortc•Pills 'aro the 'prince of purges.. - -.Thelr excellent
qualities surpass any. cathartic we .posSese. •. They. ac
mild: but very certain alurefroctual In their.actlon on - the
.bowels; which makes thorn lnraluublo to us In the daily
treatment, of klisensu.
Headitche,lelil!e • iiila . che,Foial StomaCh.
• Boyd, lialii!nore.
• 'Acta Bap.. A via*: - T cannot annwer yen what complalpto
have Cored with icier Pills better than to say an that 108
.lreat with
,a puripitiiie medicine. l place great denote.
,delicsi on iinleffeetnal rathartio• in my dally,contrat with'
dlecnie, and believing ne I do that yeur•Pills afford WI th.
beat We have, I of course value them : '
• • .
. •
• : • • . Finset:um, Psi:, May 1, 11350.
• .
Da: J. C. Area. Sir,:,! have been repeatedly cured or
the worst headache any body' can havoby a dose or two
of your,' MIN."- It. seems to arise front a, foul stomach,,
:which they deems at'once. ' • •
Yours with-great leaped, ED;
•." : , eitei* SecumerCfari9ii.
. .
Fran Dr. Theodore of Ire v; l'ork.
Not only aro your Pills nthulrahlyMinnted
pose as an aperient, but Ilud their benenchile'ffeets upon
the Liver very marked , indeed. Tbey have .Irl my vac!
taco, proietT more ellbotnal for • the cure of. bilinist cow
ptaints than any ono remedy I
'p an'inention; Isincerely
rejoice that we have at.. length a purgativo.vrldeh in yroni,
,thy the confidence of the profession and the people,:
' ". . Washington,.D. C., 7th Feb., 1868. •
..-111m: I have used your rilln in-my general and hesplig
. m0110)013, since you mado4bent, and cannot heeihstei,
may. they era the best cathartic 3ve employ. 'Their' rept;
lettng action on the liver la elith' end decided,, tones ! ,
gnentlY they are an admirable remedy for derangements
of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of •
bilious disease so obstinate that it did not, readily yield to
them. ' Fraternally yours, ALOIV,ZOBALL ?
' ' ' fhprisign'of iferitte Hospstal.•
. • . • .' • • ' •
„ .
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, ..itolax, NVormi,'
Oreao;f chimp°, ' • •
•• Your Pills' liii,Vo had a long trial. in my pactice
Laid theta in esteem ai.one of the hest aperieunt ' l .hare
ever found:, 'Their alterative effect upon thellter maims
them an excellent remedy; Yvlied given to swill dome for
Winer. 'dysentery and itliarriecem. Their sugar-coating .
makee them very acceptable and convenient for the .use
of wounitiainichildren. •
„. • • •
. . . ,
. .
Dyspepsia, Impurity Of ' ;Ito. Mood:
.. . .
, .Pi•inn Rev: J. V. Mimes liistor of .Adven4 church, 1100074{:'
'Da. Arca: 2 have 'used yone Pillsivltli'oitiundlnary
'success in 1421101 y nod among those I am called to Want
to Wares& To regulate, the organs of digestion • and'
• purify the " blood, they' are the awry best remedy.l have
ever known, andj can cmindentlyrecommend them to
my friends; •. ' ' • '. . Yours, J. V. MINES.
. .
. .
Wtes.tvv,Wyomingg Co., N.'Y., Oct. 24, 185.5
" Drtn gin: I Me using your Oathortie Pills In my prev-
. fl ' ee and find them nu - excellent 'purgative to cleauo th e
. system and puiiry.//se ihuntaiits'af ' The blood: ' . . •
• • . ,JOHN- (I. MEACHAM . , lkli:tv' - •
. .
. •
Conatiptitlou, Cog tiveness, Suppreislorki„
Ithetitliatismp . (out s Drop..
my,' Paralysis, Pits, etc. .• • ;
. • l'iymt Dr. J. 1S raft/Jim, Montreal, ainada.
. . .
• . Too much cannot be Pa hl of' your Pills for the cure of
enslireimas, If others ef, our fraternity have (bend them
as efficacious is I have, they.should jubilee:in prostates.-
ing It Mr the benefit of thommititmles, who suffer from
that complaint, which, althhitgit bitid'onouth In itself,' le
the progenitor of Otheci flint era worse. I believe 4100=.
tivencsa to originate In tbe liver, Out ystiu• idfoci Oust
organ and curo the disease.' • •
. From Nrd. E. Stuart, c" ,
I find OtiO'or two large doses of your rills, takon:at the
propertimo,tureaseellent promotives of the. natural teem
!ion when wholly or partially ettopreseed, and alio They
effectual. to cleanse the siontqc/pand cepa tearyns ' Thw
.aro'no much the 'best physic we have thet,l . fece
no other to my patients.; ' `," • ,
From the Retp.'Dr.' the MOthodlat
' • *Potifititifouss, Ravrtinali,Ght:lan: if, 11861 S -
melfillaitglennoo btrreopuogrhttplbaY.Pateezitull
:li.orfontr, sin:: ,I g io uld he ungrateful for the retie(
skill IrashrOught
yr ii' l Y ilett ended in 4110)We rhetimat
Non. Notwithstandingl had the ben of physicians, ship
penile grew worse and worse; until by the advice of your
excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Idachenale,.l. tried•your
Their effects wore sloW,hut sure. .Byperseleritug:
la the use of them, I ant now entirely well.
SENATE 017AIIIDER, Baton Rouge; r,il:; 6 Dec:l6ss.
Ana: I have boomentirely.ettred, byyOnerills;of
Rheumatic. anst :7 h pftinful disease that had afflicted pre'
for years. ' • ' VINCENT SLIDELL. ,
Ard — ::tfost of the Pills In market„contain • Marcie'' ' .
Which, although, a the,
-remedy, In skilful',hando;
dangerous, in a publlC front the • dreadful cons,-
grien6on , thaefrequently. follow its incantiopkuse.'.Tbeso
contain-no mercury or mineral substanco whatever.'
8rid0,'.25 oontipor B ox ,o orb Boxes xor $l.
Trap ared by Dr. 7. C. AYES & CO.l LowelVirelleL
. .
. . •H;
, Hamlin &Ca., Stritbport; c...F. 11%9041,
Bradford; L.H. Dopey, Port Allegany end by
deale:s evirywhavo.
.... : -.41r.E.4.! : :: : :
Are you. iick E feeble;' and
complaining? . Are yintoueof.
.orilie.; with your;
ynuged, and yout , feelings 1111-
COltifetlable? • These , symp.,
taus are 0nt.1., the prelu k . to
earburulihiers; ' "Some tof
ilekuess lacreeplng upon . you;
end should be averted. by a.
timely use of the right rem.
Take Ayer's Pllbi, and
Meanie out the disordered Mr ,
morn— purify the blciod, itid
let the Ilnids.movo on unob
structed lit.- health.., again
They stimulate 'the. function's
of the. body' Into vigorous
firity, purify tlitiaptesu from
the us,h'