M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 07, 1863, Image 1

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' -.•• • . • -
„ ' '
VOL. 4.
- - .
* I can tirounti) cuto(rat
By J; B. O*IATT, •
.erFteg, 8 . E:OPRNER,OF
TERMS: $1 50 in Advance
• •
• • Bates of* Advertising.
1 Column one year
..1 .'• a nix months..- • ' - 4 • • •-•
One square. of 12 linewer leas, 3 Insertions, '
Each subsequent insertion,....:. • .... .
Businees cattle, with pities.: ..r. ..... ..... • 5 - W.
Rule or-flgure . Work will be -ilouble the above rates:
Twelve Brevicr or eight lines nonpsrel I, is
,t These terms Will' be . Strtetly'atilahred . ,to.
Businests illirectori).
. .
DR; W.
. • . • Sliiethporf, ' • .
..Pkraichto sort Surgeon, Smetliport, Pa,, will attend • to all
professional calls with peomptneen .. fillies two doors
north of the Democrat ()thee.: : . , ' •
, .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. •
salsothPort,'WEean Co., Pi. IL' S. .74.1.%.5eN, 11 r9piletni
• h.-opposite the Court lioqsq . .. A now, !sego, cOniniofli:-
.yes aid well fuinished hbuse . . ' •
Dralerin Stoves, Tin Were, 'J . :LIT:wed
end' of the. Public niplitli'vort,„ Pa. • elliaoll
work done'to order on tlinntiOrtet notice, and in"•
:: . 'moat substantial manner, ' • .
. .
.Dealer in Dry Goods, 'Groceries, CroFlttiry, hardware
' Boots, Shoes, Hata, Caps. (Hass, N.iils; Oils X ci, Se
:East hide anti - . Public
. ,
ATTORNEY:AT LAW, Smellivort, Wliean Gonotr, Pa.
Agent tor Itieesre: Reath . lg... A Co'N . Linda. Atientl.
:especially to th e . Collectir.o of Claims; Ex'.oonnithlo * o
Land Titles Payment of Tasee, and all 1.111,n/um rely
ting to ILeal Estate., - Office inllamlidDloek ' ' ,
1863's Speci Hy.
4, o6rrect with Fpirit, eloquent. with onso,
Jute&'to reltion, or pol.•tn'tu pleah',"
F 0 T E N E:Ny Y r lf. Al 3
. .
It Irwith no . fear of War's effect ,upon their
,literary forfunesY . thet, • the Pahl ish'ets" of Tim
Naw YORK MERCIIRY:.11 , C1:1104190(Ige.Ili
ierjng loyalty of their TWO 1111NI.RE:D
IitIBSCRICERS, and announce to them, and to'a.ll,
.that tHE NE* Yona Nleaccav tor. this •year
(1863) will be richer in 'eyery.ltixitiy of Polife
Literature than ever before.. It is 'no Mistart
epeCulation, 'no, tempora.ry "sensatiotr,". hut, a
first.class literary weekly, whiCh has been fa,
miller to the.. United StMes for. 2 quart er•of
century.; •and the
.wishy-washy•rnitsh : .
roam prints or yesterday are cut tinf. , ,,:cloWn their
talent even while they,raise their : subscription-
Price; TUC New Yoke Ilrucenv maintains 211
itirgreat StalT.of Itornancete, Porte, Hemarists,
Essayists, Btor'y.Tellets, and pro
mises to make it still ureatei . fo(1863.; ' • •
It is the one paper. flir every hnpne. Its forty
.01t13111s. of reading :Hatter per wee . k constitute
an aninuallded
and its Novels, MiscelaneoOsTales,'Beauties of
Vvrse,Oossiti;.Feuilletons,, •of
and polished. Editorials,.. combine 'to epi
.tomize all.
,the charms of . . • • •
The' husband rends it to his, •wife, the mother
to her childred,.the loVer to sweet-heart,
to his comrades, 'and the Village
school Mister to.ihe Circle Around the stove.--- .
It is (airliner to ttie-sight of every man; woman
and child itt our country; - and has ,regulpr sub.
'Scribers in several countries in* Europe.
NEw Yortir Mgactray,is also identified witlithe
grandest petrtotism of the age,. for several
membera of its hrilliant Staff hold high rank fri
our noble army,•and'have made themselves hs
famonsswith the Sward as *lth the Pen. The
great illustrating. :artist of Tna Nnw YORK
MEnCtlar, the inimitable parley, gii , es the
paper the.higheSt artributes of Fine Art ;. and
.yet this,largest literary weekly of the day pro
mises to surpase itself in all' these 'respects du,
ring the New . Year! • ••
The.first NEW YORK ' MgILCIIItY Novelette for
the New.Year,•tO be commenced m the 'iSsue
of January 3,1863; is called •
kietres Castle Cliffe
nyaoti . stN 11AY'cAnt.ETON,
. , .
AVVBO4 0/ "GIPSY. GOWER," 44 84016 0.(11CU11,1.L, ,, 'ER
• ~.,A ~'' • . mixtis t ","LA,4esauE,J! &0 ., &c ...
. . . .
Tk;Oproductions of this , distingoished pothoress
Peed no eulogy. Public •opiniOn has long. since
pronounced thrres , uperior -any other
eletleti:published onthis shle of the 'Atlantic ;
and,the true'test of their . :Merit is founiljntha.
faci'Ahat . they,are' eagerly reproduced, after
their iinklication in the MEnctiny, by the
English press.. We may add that the, new tale
clriatoria,"' is fully equal in interest and depth
of.plot to, either of those whicb have, secured
so large a:share of public approval, and we can
ournestiy.recOmmend it will itory.readErs.
TH 6 NEW YOUK MERCITILV•iS 6 . 0111 by all news .
.mem.and . periodictil dealers in . To
subscribers, it.is regularly mailed every. Satur
day morning, for s2'a year; three. 'eupies: for
$5; six copies fot ii s9.i.eight'copies for Sd'i;,wii 6
an extra copy,fr/s, to•the getter up of the club.:
Six.months' - subscriptions• :received: .A/roar
•terite plainly the Mime! of your. fiost °flea, Conn
ty and State. We take the nptes . of'all solvent
b,inkr; at:ratr. Payment must invariably be in
a'dvanee; ra
[1:7" SPe.cimert Mmies sent. free to all appli.
eants• , • : • .
. Address all•letters and remittances, poSt 'paid
rropristor4.o the New York Mereury,
'll3 Fulton street, Neiv York City. •
The following' letter was written by. a. 961-
dier . noW in the•uervice.:Of the United:States--
a native epl.resident of this 'county.: It is not
necessary uS to'exp,lain, how . we . ..ahtaioed
po . isession it. if is enough that 'We':arrure
,our readers that it is , genuine . :in'.every partic
ular, and that - the author Wire. one of:, the most
ardent,:entlitisiastic anddevOied'supporters of
this :sortie; GeO";.PATtsiN and' " old Abe."..19 the
campaign of. .1.860 . .-- .. C/earfield Verdi/qi;
'. • WAstlitO . TON, D. C.,.Dec': 22, 1862. •
t liberty ake.the libeftolet y • Ou.. know
how•I 'feel on the great question - that.islearing
.our Republic to atoms. am a man of:obser'- -
yatlon, and tylie Hook. Viier . this great. -o . oum
try, and'aver ..this great people, 'and over - the
disposition of men :in geherali • .1-feel.cOnfused
-mind,. and . . iri• the simple lanatiaga - of.ll-01 ,
6 , rtain, we. are•iti•cone : of the. g,i - eatast.. wars
ewer known, 'and sinee,l .ob?eree. the .- doings. of
-Mir - loading men .I,think'the blarne4.on them.
4.y0u.100k at all. the edtusisiyciaredll . .think:as
I.llm fn.. the beginning Of • this' trouble
Snail wanted a sinadl,MoportiOn Of the territo
ries;, it is right in them. to claim a,shata of the
territories, for theiy money sPent,
theirblood has been shed in the purchase of.
the same. . 50.4 think , this is'one mistake,:of
the prps ,, iit. A'dmini'stration. . And again.to
provoke the•Snuth to .Ft fighting• pftch,' the Ad
.• • •
, .
rnioiStrntioit abolished slaVety in• the' District
: of Columbia. This ei hoy d the South :that the
tiolicy.waS to abolish'Strite'rilthtS and - the in
stitutions of a peat. and . iropojtant iliare. of
,tlie RepubliC: fur fear that their inst
riot)! wo , llll not be 'broken hp, the. -i?reshterit
out h proeluthation . that the ii - Ave
be set Ire'e.on ,Tanwtry Ist 1863.. This•lya
zrrat rnktale, in my - mind, Tor irdesperates
• .
the Soa zth
bh .1 tndkes,thern ctfat ;with . ttrva,ter
etteray, • and.maltas thoinsore that the
of the. administration .
.is abolish tt.eir
.tittions. Then, alter all these things he, to
desperate the : SwF , ' arid tl!shear,ten :rbe , North,
has put'iniae. of .t he hiithersnme gnestiiinslie;
fore'ns, which is to buy' thmniggers...• This is
t he' must' contempt i ble.prepMil low of all, Now
when - our-nation is al Most rained, Jiy. la rJje. taxe's
'arts trouble about the'. Neer°, We are led . to
think that rl4ht 101, the. die
for-the niugerauil their our Children. must: pay
for the Nixizer. This policy not do, . for 'it•
takes the borderStafes,frorn 'us, and thereby
'makes,the Southern ConsfetleraCY 'fixed faut.'•
The AiltnitiistrstfoMousht.to'do•all Priwer
to satisfy the bkirifer was in Con
res,s, I would -take great pains .to give to ' the
border Siatei allihm.the.C:on'S'titnfionWifl ad
snit of',:fOr the majority in the late:elections is
evidence. • that thu:..people" of the North are
cyilling all•th,ft the 'borde- States
455 k for.. Tar: if• we Can •SII.'/C them, the Soni
'fn Confederacy is &far - co .- anti fae:ll 4reat'.
nutioni.litit to :Jose them the thin . g, is
out,•ns thelio) s•say. ' I.•fin've said, and v
heard.rscitheri'say that they Mid.rather:kht for
the South' - than-to pay for kh'e
. .
Yon should ktiepli*.io'mind that the
.rirrny. is
11..Trernocraiie; end lizrfrilly dolph
. . . . .
gers for-we liegin to fee! that.
.eve are fighting' te liberate' n perrple that are
net willing to raise a hand to linetetelh.e-m—
-stqves;' and when, we look' at the'se thing,s,
have.a. Wed!: nerve to - 00'into battle - and diejoe
surh a poor muse. The cause Fs:unjust on our
side; 'for men ;that are in handage'ehonhl sutler
and die fr-rr, oWn,- and : nouliose that are
.60 . 1 in. The Noz:is slow to rusk his, I.
was in bornia4e I would fight Mrd: even die' for
libertS't . and freetne; or help-rrie
get ntri liberty, I Would try and pay'yunr for
your trouble; but the Nig isuot of that dispO-1
Sidon, he wants inigh:wagos lie is not'satisfled'
with forty cents a tiny, and itis. as much as us
Whtte men get.. So that onirdiVes and- roperty.
are loSt 'on a poor. thing,' as-a Principle. :The
way the Dig's , 'aught to bet their liberty: is to
tell their masters thatthey-: Won't work with
out -pay, and die rather than work for nothing.
-The while . mitti and Indian canner be enslaved;
but if -we dO liberate the Ne,gtohe will nnon - he
in bondage again;" for-men that- cant let:their'
libei,ty can't keep it when they - have-it; •at all
events they are not wofthy of •theiriiherty. I.
know this to' he true froni my own observatioP.
Lest spring when I was at .Fredericksburg I
saw lots of: Niggets there that. Were too- lazy,
to Work; the lay round' in the • woods like
`Ovine, and when they got hungry they canoe out
land- gatheied• the crnists'out •of the slop hole
'the CuOks• he'd to:throot their dirty 'Water tn..
Men Who act .so,are-not worthy. to dle- for;- and
I think Yon.wchild not - : he more. willing -In die
for theM than I ant,' on wit! say,LaM !tot
dying inr:the Nig, but for the Union, his
not, plain:Co' iny mind; for - the. 'South -WU"'
ling to stay idthe Union -if the Ndrth, had
en them thrir rights. • I think:yone.constitn
ents.are all,...orthe majority, -tolet sla;
'rety . go by the hoard and agree' that all the
States might. have slaves that-want them', and
Congress let the . stinking.and fi lthy thing clone
-willing to'pass the Crittenden prnposiz
ion, and ,thereby.seetiretbe bottler Sta(es,
hink.the botnestead, bill. is enoulth' ro satisfy
he abolition p4tty,.foi 'yoli told' tia-it world
have a teniLincy.toluil : slayerrinto the ground.
You was right in that Metler,..but' 'when you
told ine•that.. the Sout h 'would be Whipited, in
sixty days, and' once 'you told 'me iii thrity
days, and ;when 1 told' you, about leaving my
wife and children to help our men in their 'bat
tles; you told me there Wotild be no more fights.
I said I thought entire .regiments woilld 'be cut
Off at a time. .iliit for sorne'eatise'or anOther.
I have:not .beenin those'. hard.fought, 'battles
that have. swept . off' thouinnds of our :friends.
Since yea said there:Wobld be no more fighting',
.there.hris.bean 'three awfill • fights:, the'second
:Bull Run, Antietam, and this ill .contrived and
bloody fight ai-.Frederieksburg; shish has laid
so.many brave sons of Columbia low in'the dust;
and all the Use they have .been is toTmanure
Southern 50i1... How wrtiild you 'like to be led.
•uplo the slaughter like those poor men Wee
The General Jet the rebels geralLreatlY, then`'
ledodr innocent but braye:brotheratip - te .the'
'Slaughter .like Ulot'of hogs.'
,'FiS• too bad. to.
talk about.• Ball's Blue we's. not - as badly
inanaged 'a coticern as this.inte battle. 'Some
of our men tnink old Abe wants te.get all the
White men'killed off to make.roorn for the Nig-
.5111 . p . "?',Tf - WOR'I. I ; . ...IWKEAN...cOUNTY, 'PA.j. I ., SAT . u . . RDAt
,pli.lß - RTJ'AR*.7: 1'8,63.
I thinlc'..if you.. Want the good will of 'the
army, and-Of the
.good people, at home, - you will
oppose the policy of• the. President. , , I want
Sou to get, an 'arrnistree;
.try and bargain. with
the Satith; then,When we liow.they have:all
their rights, We Will - fight to the •bitfer
end if' they will not corrie But
ive all want Little
. 'll..rae:6 to lead usi for'lid• has
not lost a .batt .
fe, 8044 arn'sitisfied that - he
Wouldniitmake . streh - a mistake as was male in
the last battle. 64-the .fixed ,: uP
Without the loss of our lives, - for ratii.satiscied
it can he done . if pnr.leaders 'Want to do it. Tf
you Will let. :Me prophecy a little; I• will.. tell
You that - the army, and all the • border, States.
and .nearli.all . the - feee States are just on a hal
ance,s.and if- they, fall ~on. the leaderS, • wo to
them—for I itni Most; as arigry.at our . lea lerS.as
I..am at •tbe , - . rebeli—and . Ipe . Men - all Seemto
feel the same, - -If 'there is not something done
soon, stand from under! for an outraged, army
and an au traged.people..will make things get, iii
a harry. -The :rebels van:he. whipped, 'but
- they ntintt,he dividott,' nod the way td: divide
them is.lcs. give 'all the .I.Jnion pcirlion a k&for,
The'y ask one third-of the 'Territory; let them
have half: It will ITIP: in tree States, Let
them have all;it 'they want it, for. I believe in
two or three years the &ig.' Will
. tie driveti
from-the free states like wolye's,. arid sold to
pay - tl . !i • expenses of this war. It :is just-What
daiihi.ta be drine. . •• • • .
The.men hate dheiN6it'oes,. and some Say .
they wildshoot them if they come 'about them
when they : tiethome':. They say•iF. the Nigtter
is treed we will have tolceep therm plter . ;:vards,
and, Tiny' :Mr': sending them off. You " and old
Abe,ouuht to pi round. !among the—'hesnitats
anal look at„the pier is;punded.scilifieTs and hen
think...what it.is,fo;...„: Then think one of yoLit
nsittfilMrs it is detiriv,:t 'the States of ,u;
. . .
have slaP.es or
There is not hing• r‘vortbY of going to Warlisr,
'only 'our liberty: ;Now oar. libel ty. is net at
Sic.ke and think the war Is jusCon• our
part, hitt ic , jiist.oil theirs; for if you were in
,the South,anitati army was trying' to lake"
..yourtilierty froM - yoit; you Would fight like
itarrinatierr—anyhow And if the
Soth -comes up in . onr nionntains,•l 4104, if'
they:wan% to take my property from me.. U
but I woilld ifight.,lthink I could lick
aliont rice 61' But.;:f ilon%;feel as if I
c told get
: them now; neither... Neither do I.
'believe you and old Abe will'go in their way;,
for rill Abe is afraid' ,to .go opt of t he : city;,-
with-Mit-a guard,. • If you law Makers Were .
put ,;-in front a :time or two, , y'ou' YouliTsay
imongb! ; enough) OGO4, enou'ghli . but you
are-safe.-- I hear some say that the offieers
chin% epen - golo:see the younde'd-inen...l have
been-to nearly all itre.hospitals, - and. never saw
'old Alta in hat saw, him pass, turrountleil
Tr.guard of 'cavalry: • ' • • •
COQS tavArt . i , E - 11Etrru.,1CAN Alp TilF:';abri,x*
—The course of the Administration has. been
'injudicious and ntiferdunare, :-.in.that: it has
peoduceil on the entire mind' of the country. the
conviction that idle a partizan Aciffiiniatration.
It was • `claimed by 'n''pritty,ita•b'elOnging to.
- and it was therefore' liable. to be_reje'titeti
by•the othe'r'party as nOthelonged 'to ihe.coun
try at large: :When' It was" 'inaugurated; both
parties expreseed'asordial
port. it as.the reprevent'afive of-the goYernment
of the' United Silt (es . ; But.tbf.. radical . portioh
'of the Surrounding; iiarty . cornnellcd i t to reject.
.all such offers. except droni its own'political ad :
'herents, rind the't melancholy' .restift is t.:it'
stands now distrusted-by a i , reudrijnOrity who•
are iii.ohen polititial.Opriosition to -if, end by
thotisandswho are itominally . of its ewo party,
who, are.slient spectalors in - the . iii6ating-state
of affairs.
..The weekneSs.proditeed fly'
state of things is too , mailifest to: need pointing l
out. 'But where is the •remedy. - • . ••
Therei.can be' hut one, and thatis a.returti
to national and catholic principles, tlie- entire
remodeling 'of the califnet, and the ,adoption
of a new .line of policy .saited the' views 'of
conservative R.Miblicanaflemberata, who.form .
the - vast inejority'df thejieople. . Is there any
hope of such a .course . ? 'We * - perteiesi'• none.
at present,'.beeause the' conservative Repub
licans ,do not act. Tile line 'which
has ;narked hut-for himself; lead's 'fo no such'.
bright spot. in-the future' because he. believes
Cris Whdle party are .with liim....The e riticipt inn.
of make! - counsels; radical advisers, - -radical
-views, must necessarily - lead on, to the appoint:.
meet, of radical generals arid lbw:adoption Of
every. measure which the 'radical prditibians
have demanded. - lit the face' of a
.I.argi' ma
jority.of the people - , and. in
. spit.e. the.warti-..
ings of the elections, ~this course
,is pursued,
What','' 'theh As the. duty. - .of.
,the conservative
man? We look tollie conservariVe Repubhearts.
for a reply, and suchmen. as Mr: Wted dell us
the present' course leads -to inevitable ruin ,'hut
tell us of no way of escape. We - submit to
Conservative Republicans . that they may yet
'flake - one strong effort, to_ save their' conntry.,
They. have'acceis to the President: The); have
spectrilelairndo he heard by-him. They ought
to he netive... On' them to-ilay rests a fearful
'responsihility..: They haVe no - .right 'to relapse
into silence. This is• their .Administra
They . belohg to - The Administration party.'
They are- the stipparters.-of the Administraion .
.pOlicy, unless then, come, out of the ranks and
stand - openly against •thrit. policy.. -Let them:
take-united, vigorous .Public meetings
,called .by Demricrats and 'managed by them
'are - - unheeded :at. Washington. But a - .great
public meeting of conservative Republicans,
with' Well-considered resolution, well selected
,speakers, and a clear, frpnk - and full expres—
sion. of sentiments, must he felt. at Washington.
and 'rnay.stek . the progreas
Pose—This place taken' by Gen.'
ItleClernand is On. the Ark., river, in the ..Slate;
of Arkanias; is the capital of:Arkansas county,
and is the oldest.town . tho:State. ;It was
foultded'hY the Frenchin 1665. 'lt is located
thirty Miles , above:the inouth'of. the •rives, on
hlth bluff...Jo 'the rear of thetown; howe'veri
the land; is, lOtv.end Ireinently inundated. It
contain's . a coert , house, jail,:and• at' onetime.,
boasted of a -printinti.'otlice. The population,
is bet w een 'four and ti , ie hundred. The place
IS: situated on the 'north 'branch of the '.river.
'As 'a military position' it is wsll chosen.
. . .
• Postvon Sti'ititeittri. 7 -It is better to:gai to
'Sleep on the light sido,lor then, the stomach is,
: very :rottch in the IpoSitiorit - ef * Louie ...turned
tipside down, and 't he' contents of it are 'aided'
•in passing 'out b'y ; gravitation:. • -If . .one 40,es't?
,sleep or. ielt side.the operation Of emptying
'the .6.1.0:M14:II-of -iOntents is.litte'rbaw
water from. a. ...weld. - A tter'':going. to
sleep. let the
.body take its own' .position.
It.Yeu sleep'on yourback, especiallylspori after
•a heavy.i finest,. the t•welght •:of• the: tligestive:
Pyle nsoand dilator the. triad rest Big •on the•great
vein. - of the' body,, iirtar'...the back:borte,'eoro•
pres See and arrests the flow of 'lti4.thipod
rhoreordes...... If the arrest the: aiettp
is' distnrbed, rind there arempPleasapt dreirns..
it - dhe meal has .lieeti recent .antl• beartY•the
arrest is' more decided; and' the various 'dien•
sations,Atuch.as folditigroVer, w s preclpicei or _the
'pursuit 01 u will beast, ,or other. impending
danger, and the desPerate efibrt to get rid C l it,
arouses us, and sends an the staimaiing..bloodi .
and' we wake in• alright,• odirendring . , or: pey 7
spiratiOn, . - or feeling exhaustion, ageording.,lo;
the .degree'or - stalination, :and
.the l ength 'hod
strength :'of dhe
madeto escape 'the.'
danger._ But, when, we: tire not, able to escape
the dang•er—when Over Ihe l'preci.;
pice•e-'.Wherthedurribliridlipilding crushes •Ws--
what then.? • Thai is dea t hd.. That Is dhe death
of hose•,wliom it is Said, .wilen found lifeless
in the'.ineriting--"That they were ps.'well. as
ever, 'the day , , before;", and often. it is added
Hand ale. heartier than cornett - id"- This' last,.tiSl
a, trequent cettse'of death. to
.thosa who:have
gone. to bed to wake no'inore, w . e love merely
as a private • opinioni.... The; possibility•of its
truth is 'enough. to deter a' man from a late anti
beartYineal. . This We do kilow; . 'with cepi iii=
t Waklng.tip in the night with 'a painful
diarrheii,• of cholera, 'oe billions .
in »death is a very. short,. time, : ii properly
traceable. to a liirge late. :tneitl....The't rely
wise'Will fake Itin safe Vor persons Who.
eat-three titrti;s•a..dgy, it is arpply sullicient•
make lie' let:t, {Peal of cold bread whit linnen
anti a cup of c•tirne''warin one call
starve on aperserVerence in theßabit
soon' be,v , ts a vigorous, .ppli t 04. for' breakfast,.
so •prornising'of a tiny of tionntort.—.l,/atrx.'iuni
This.gentleman, 5 . 6 %i.ell.iinnivn in the redid.-
- wm kadmit. men . M . Th . & 11.1mblimitt
party. , has Vet ired -from the .4.49.,.?;
pe.:i•,! of
. 01 which he .bas been trrinetp . al editor
for thirty-dwo year's. -His whole etletortal. ca:
reef; e.mbtacts a iieriod•,ol fifty year . s . ,..durine.
ri - iost 01 . which time he has..l.!..er, controllin g
spirit of . the Republicnii - party of:Nevi; York,
and rifle of the ,most piomineht tirrd influential
lea'ders of. thelsame ually in, , the Union,
retires pew, because lie is unwilling
,to tnicArrie
abolitioiiii,eil• With the - party,,and disapproves
the mad
,pidiey et the national adinirdst ratioi';
:which . iS bin vying the country to itestrnctirtn..
Unable.hinger theontrol :t.viserfounsels.
d'ejeCted, his sage expeiience rtdtciris4 aril re
[waif tett ;• he retires from actrit . ry . :
in .with him his• <to
'thht tt'we have fallen . - upbti
Alint tt.Our .country is. in. ittarpediate and im—
minent.riang,er," Solemnly should this we . '
ing vbirearf an old and tried.le - ailer:fald Litton
the: conservative portion of the. Pop . iil;tie,in!,
if the I - 11 re. yet ally lef ft solemnly shoubl it
fall iippn the whple.peolile,,'ant) instigate.them
to renewed boldne=s 'mid; exertion to
' save; if
inri•sild,i, the . old Union.or. the Etitheri,. from
the . ruin. with which, •ii is ;hreaieni•d,. • •
• 'litr,•Weed, in the course. of his v , iilellici'ol - y
• .v.lVii. -have ' fallen. up'on• evil . times.. Our
country is in immediate a ml.•itnitidinitit.-ilanger.
J,•differ *Wnlcl v :With • niy . patry About- tin. bosh
menps of Crushing the rebeltion..s•Tlfut &flat
iincels radical nail i.r4i.ionrilable, f "can rd
thCC imprestothers.with my views,. nor sur:
render' .toy own . isolenni •ciinviction. ' •The ' al
termit ice of living in strife with those - whore I
have estceineil;•nr withdrawing, is prestinied."
fie chooses the - laiter.:—,peihrips, at his time
ntlife . , wisely.. Were - he youngeri•it mit:Rad be
his ilmy,.as . we - doubt not it. would be his'plea;
snre,.tojoiri thnse who'nre ivarring•against the
destructive' Measures , which he so• greatly In
- andfenTs. 13tit,,happily, - his influence
'.sill ::nt quite, cerise . with.-his retirement.' 'The
•worila•lie luis written, though - fhey . they not
affect those whii - haVe fully comMitfed them-
sedves to, the - ahntiiiiirible••doctritiess of radical
libolitioiiisni;, 1.011 . fall - with 'Weighf'upon lire
masses of loyal •'.llepublicans, .wiiii'- - will, join•
with the Delnnetratic party in arresting' the
wild; career of the .destructives by -the- ballot.
,that 'secret,' silent but formidable,
- Weapon, we may - ••depend . tot' salvation, if the
day of redemption shall notalfeatly ha.vai passed
- before the time' arrives for undther:general.ex •
pressiOn of :sinitiment :lit the polls. • ' ''... •
.51 lON 11 t: UNITED SfitTEs."--AITIOIIg
ilisplizirnitige . iirrespoitilenee just issued. inFranee
is tiletter from the EnipisrorNnnolenn .
Forey,•ennitniiniler•nf the. Frepch fpreeir in
in Mexien, froth which the following . ts,nn. ex..
.tract:.—There.svill . not he wanting people 'who'
will ask yen ' WhY. , . we 'go to ~lavisti 'mCn..and
money lot regultir
eten . tent in*gexico. In the present state of the,
civilization of the world, the prosperity , Arn;
erica'is not tnatterof indifference to Europe,.
for it.is she,Who feetis rnitnittae:eries and
gives life to our corm - tierce. We:have on in—
terest fit th hat the republic .0( the U n it e d
StateS be po wean! olid - Proiperous; butt'vi?e.
mcrs in this—that she sheuldnet seize po'ssess.?
ion of all 1 the Mexican Gulf, doolinate.from'
thence . . the . the antilles, as : well . iss.
at jea; and he,the sole'dispertser . of the_' product's'
Of the 111.1{'.%%'0r1(1 , . 51'e see flaw :by stnt,eipii . ri,
elicti how petrel ious is.the fate of our ;indestry
Mild) is reduced IS .seelc lea. its chief raw the t.
erial 'in one ttiarket to . alll he vicissitudes
of which it has . the other
'hand. 'Mc kicapreserves its' ,independence and'
'maiittnins the ii4egrity of its territory; ifs sta.'
ble,.government is constituted with'. the assist=
once of France, we Shallhove'restived, to the
Latin mice on the'ether'side of, the ocean its
strength and 'prestige;
,we'sholl have estahlish-
• ',. •,. ''., 4 ' ''' ' ' - , l • ,:, .
r . ' . : ' •
~' r
f . ' . s' i; i ,' ' : ,', ~ . t ? r. , ,• ,
'),:: e l l ' , ..„.1, , i 7,, '. „, ~,.. , , .::: ~.
, 77 "
401 , A ?, -- •
.. ~ , 1 ,1 • v. d. • , ' 4 ' •
~ ~...,,, , , 4. * ,
„ ,
our bithe&;Otth the centre
:pree'enting im•
tpepse nitt4tlifos for .oitr: cOmmoiee; , Wilt procure
us the indispenio tile to:
~. (kur :industry..
Mi!)tico; this regonorittet! Witt slwsys - ho favors
.bje us; - not:etily troot Kritliudrl, but
ettoseAer in'terest's wiltlbs Tn. horriihny With ,
ours', - nni sh'e will , 6ml powerfhl support 41144.
gond..rreletioss with ths - Eitroifean powers;. To
'honk, the ,ex—
igency gt stir pokey; the interest.of est., iotlits—
tre shit o(our entnmerce.) . ell :make' it'a 'duty'
riireh stifiti• Mhtico, - anti hop 1)
ly.lnnt theto.pur
• n
0,.t0 etdhlish,either . 'n mennrchy,jl it is not
'itteorriat woth the. Jest hies' st iypent s: of
the country; or, at.: 's government
which yrdmises some istathilitY. , •
. , .
That- tlii.re is cniisidernt,l'ellitynan .tiattirct Ih
the followin2 , ,,'no mtn gen: deny'. .It' .cntneg
tis horns rievotes in one of 'the city .churches;
nail Ave pubbstrit without conithent
We' priiiie,tbee, ,0 Abe! We ucknoMeAge
thie•tn In' P 0.1.1111 1 .011 !lie ' : '
. . . .
Yaoloo , lotid !hoe,
hiPling-olt!,joker; •, • , •••
•Truihoe al • Otlir,it qoo(4l,cry nloool..'6Frun
tber-Oa.' •
To Itoo,•Si onion amt 1'e11e..9,,
blilly. boy plasi
npol.llliiois nro fullr:f !by rilajes !
• • •-• . '.*
' Tito! 'dot lottg ciprniiarty - or. Pk;litircir . Gehoftfls
The goodly filloivship of .Pcistmas . tpre. p6iso
fhe noble nnny of emit pr,aise thee.•,
The tnielity ih . ru'ont
Columbia ito.nehowleilg:e thee. ••
7'he•iathee nrintinite rroelamittiohs,• thine
Irne and only . • •••• •
.Also Brevei LiruFeuunC lieu, Winfield SCOLL
71mit art th. Rini or rnil . splittrrs, 0 Abe!
Vin, air the'
. 6.i;etiditi . nif sonolthe, kiqr Mr
Ile . •
. . ..
, W 11..9 tifou'lohkest - ruporl..thre to 'ran. far
1 - ',l:«s.irl . e.tic..yiilid ` , loyer Ihe thlion,• - • ttioli. clidt .
1:11:ilble 'tyself. to .4tattil ' ilium.' thd ' d‘ohic4,4;
l'ldtforrxr.". •• ' :.. .. . - . ..' •: •• •
. •
tVhen thou (I".(l.gtiireteoin tilorptiess'. o
if the 'Whith' Hottle-kit
'rho' to olltkelieeers. • r • •
Tlmu..sittelt ni .
mf llle ilgbi.hamtaf "'Uncle Sam
in Jhe glary 'ol:.the. coal.",
IV.e ttipti . s.balt 'not 'cbm6'.ll) . be
.K#4verthdrqs- 'pray' thy:serwanti
whom thnii tins kept from, and
i•Pareigu'lntervewion;'...sakt, ‘1,4 to kni rem,
~ r nb,, r ed vthtily favorites in -office , eyerl*4t7
. . .
t'Sttve thy' 'people acid bless thy . pen.
nsitest Govern their undinciease their sal.kries
ljayhy. (thy we puff thee. . • •
• And we exalt thy name foreyer in,tbc doily
Atle I to Rerpriis th 4 thy with
,ottist . itit!rif,re•ofGetieials: , • ' •
. tO Abe) bniie:therci upon - tho.'airny .of the .
•O ,A 14.1.1; t
..thy•inercy be 'upon. us.ne our'trust
is not in ydilsworth,.,.." • • • •
o.Abe! for .thee - heve to!ell,, let me never
!: • ' THE ILEA tr ' CAEE:
In.refeneeto theareSf of :qr., D.• Boileau;
•“(As nn'partic . ular.charge; such as the tinatt
, thorized - Publication of
,intelligence, is
shadedto; nor toy spectfic, article mentioned',
it 'nay be that What ' the administratio n iihjets
to is the political course ni the paper,—.ll . this
he en, the arrest is . in intention 6 warning, but
inject n confession :that the administration
too vulnerable to stand critlarn, and a Warning
meant for neiv'eptipers'of more pretensions and
and circidation:'So fur a 5 it • .ronfession,. , it
proceeds . open..just' Views; :it .the administre ,
thin persists in present course,..it must put .
an end to, free discussiOn or' free discussion will
iniquestionablY • ptit ati..end to it . .. But SO far as:
it is meant as n warning, iSextereMelY
judged,ris we donut know of any newspaper,
irimortant enough to attract much public notice
none in. this city, certoinly--that:Wi . ll be 'Pre.
vented by this arrest froui • discussing any
queStion it "chooses to discuis,..t;r from publiih.
ing any.o;dnious which its'eoriductors mak hapl;
pert.to hold, or even
-from Making,,such personal .
,ittacks'on .Puhlic 'functionaries as many, seem
to them *ell founded; subject, 'of course, for
the abuse of this freedoM to. actions for:
triable, by an impartial jury, whe, by the Con-,
stitution of New-York, are made judges
. bot h of,
the law , and the tact. The Sedition Low; IN-a
rightly remember, eipired by own Halite'.
non ip . the year . 4Boo, after destroying the ,
ministration.and irretrievably tnitlin g.the par
ty:that passed it. But odlims,as.that'.iletesta . -.
ble Statute was; it form - a in;e'.
Scribed a" regular course of, proceedingi., and
persons arrested- under., it, knew what .to extinct
and.had.the benefiti.of a trial. When:warse
interference with•the freedoni of the press than
theSetlitinn I..aw'permitted islperpe‘tralcd'with
indthe slimicrvy oHaw and in the teeth of, the
Constitution, there are some localities-or to speak
. the strict limit , 4 tit our knowled g e— . there:,
is at lenst one hien lity, where it Will 'nut be sub_
inittedto ;.and. it is iperhaps as„important'for
the' existing administration to know ..this fact
as it i. : fer the picas to know the , disposition:o
SriairuAnJt.§rit:tm4ansitS.'?- 7 -Iti. Sangertiee;
N. Y., an enterprising tavorn-Iteeperihas. just:
issued 11,.series.. Of. ; spiritual .;ttaliinplasters"4
nothing less ihait ',pint. bottles .filled
whisky; and it is said they pass current among
all.his 'customers. ; -
'. 1 ,4 1 1 1 5'S .f •
• 41 14-1' ,
• cirusa n ergrottli
• ,tAn dccotint'ol' Signor..Pintottei
ho -'sttlfinu , ti'
hitS beeri..tmblislio;Y.Eittploynd' • 'the;
/iins.::it-igirteer he' ; hos . discovered' thntitOlif
mOdnin city , Of!Jernsaletn . ':storpls„ - On•
lavers of Ira ned thn,Angerrnast•R:
IsitF r h, ;comtio;sti,n,r- OM!
moo s'atorit4, flyb'utes to th e tign,ot Snlojnopj,
th 4 It a e .
of..HsFddiltfeneit'lisft of 7iistihniti,;('itifirnist•
en lilt he.:.timi of:ihe &Oilcan/ Ind emihdireo
He I fnceti. tteries.nicenfi.9ktf
lending. frOort`iffn ”fltinomf 411?tgis
standingonthein Ihn'Tenipli;'to the
means of which . the, priests
flood the yholn":Tninplit.in.',*.ith:T444:rsAP.{.l4.
,0f,r.1 he blood
. 4110.4:41of the mcqUet':
to. ;he it
'.The nidnner of tPintiottiq'O.iffiroittiliViilfil
interesting;—He • got , . an. '•Art4if.'•tni''.µ4l'
through: Thera •:iitrOlooraraviter . s,,
out Weiv4lo..4umpet, ;y0144 ,kllr9rlf t -ibt.
folio t‘ : -.ihs'''lllo enu
,lirl, was t,!11.4
,x,;(q . A
couel they took.'' • Ahnit'iwc.P . irenrs.itio!
'lst''fiitirftifri? - nftbil , •
pool of Alethesda,• f 4 iorioninii it "l'?
copiout..sytiom :,)egilittikt.
tiotiv, nod has ,flovind ever
'w.flet:'ct it inines
tin ttsQd gr'i4item APeite
Jews, ;who. 00c1.e,l in 'crowds ;tn;d,rinkniiiii;ll
bethr. themselves„in' . it,• , • T. h by” fan ie fL . ittv#v.r".•,:t+
one.'ot Alm signs Of ,thn ilvlessieWe,poming,jtpai
porianclact I,her'speetly restoration of -1110r.•,,conn
monwenliht:-:7Thls' fountliiti;
lint test', lilie tint:of milk
tified. Signor ..PierOtti 014 , 1r/0014n :..
~thirl , builtAnd vibinloll: 4 dnyrl44"'
by..fbc . rphits. T.lte%rneitlttpern . en4
,t(od:.po!.,ition •
0 r rcf ieKiiiOns"'ix&.Priii
the li.wbtft hißtnrlab l e , deticiiplietive:;4rattiet.lltV
'thh Signor's conclusions •nre ailepotad;. but no
Inks:succeeded . lit.
, 00. tlilintnt:ring4#o4*
of the.: Holy y nt et icrat
••• . • • . Jr:lt 'I.
. .„
Wo At 0:n Fri; Discr.bitiiiAeltlri6(cirsiViiii: •
to pny garnet hing'acit'irio 'pay nothint 7 -th!!i, :
it 'is ensier: to pny alarge's‘initlitifi , , itll's . ..6oo'r ~.,
`a:inter ahe-nut' that if is iitiatoi.ti;irirytit.. ,
'sum when weire a _than b _than deli l'alitiyAi r ,:ith;:,:•
fore 'yve Ore ''able."-- 2 -Seii riitcd/h9 '''iliiiitiio, l
Tins is something that'noPer'atin lineVel4li;l4, 4 '
and everyone ought . to glyefhanks?9:lA , 4lle
fur the OfOrpanation,•akdmiug t,: ;' ,;; '.' . .",vk1i.,,,,:
i “Ft om Aft.ica tha Regrft: o,illei'll , ';S yy7,q,:f' , l - 0 , C . ,.
:Arise 'oh Codg ress; , : 11)4r, his i . l4olatt tnilt . if.,
:Sian& tip'; ie. a Ltivjj#,Vio'su . 'oll l - , ....-'4ll
'. • —, , 'JO ~ i., , 1L1t.N 43q 14
Thy, tiegro',CrririefrosO 'Aft iqq,4‘..."
. Ho. is the ohlnci* J iiir,liq,e,4op-; ,i A .x,:ir'.3/',
4n him we l ire;io: illrnAniii'lnkei:.•.•tor•i , ;.':.
Pb i, h int w e OteriCh'ffor'firdl - wp'tiqe c-g , 1,,.
For iirirr:„,.. n.rdriri q i 4 .i.1-B , .:ddir,.v,,
That, colored mar lom,Aliics,..•; l ..,..v ~...fo.
• - •
Soma enthusiastic' friend of.Joitri'dO4Okti'a=—.
chairman Of tif..flimotts''srifilfffig..Tanif lylogYr
committee 7 , -baying. made hint fit presintlorte .
gold-hilted ti,word, 00y90ii , ,tbus.*PinsciPriatOY4i
copments . ,on
"On' the Whole; 'though . :
to rt•gard' the:gife'not as d
symbol, • • S o o• do we. And• :4dPritisityi` ,.
'symbol it: eras„' : The . : he . : a woril;;of Zotrotie , .:l7oA44 .
gold. hilted Sword. cnOld'
Covdife..and Came . r:on, - . . and
the feirot them;
war has a hiintfle. of grilif... :
will only come.o. be nd, , wet dOrt4'. b'o4
Hove they .will much cure what.becornelofibs%
• 'STArtvEri . TO .DF:A.i I O.—Mra. , .. Magi.
KI.DSO; Of itiginnati, the u . wifee(ti flpion;spl tt
flier; died of starv4tinp : in.thai cily 4 ,4. (Ivy,
etnee. - Ifer hit'shnnd firird''rereiVed ' o n' for'.,
.Incurths, in ebnOrriene'n er*hieli ihie'paorikii; t
man died froyn .0 cilia! %wont ciff.food 'tfo
life. When. the ...(leeth, was discovereciw,twei 4
childen, 011 e nino• and ,the 0ther,,;1 1 ?41.141,41 1 0,
of age,, snore la agany,ta ; theJifeliini
body, all that remained what
den'rest on elirdb""
it . ts. a coiinv4.
'of the injua,tice:'of,tbe
'gallant Major :Slemmer ) . who del'enAeii
. piakenf,'af'the: corn inOliePniatit tii"filteitelluon;
and saved' it 'from falling' into' t4ir."iiiiiiet'Ordie,
`rebelßi femains';.onl3r an Affii;er.:jof4minori
vFbrie, such, nlisershie,:paljlicalto9lll.A.,
CA.4.s(us.lll.y az, pAcii,131.17,F41 1
and dozens ol otliera .na r lielter,"liavn'riiii to
41. , nitY 'of 111 ajoi"ainl
l'o'Frev.int.A.like.r.o.t.tiet. ow
• In o,rdcF. pscsnt Ccoodan posts
,atiil piles,
from rotting while ,n4'round;'the
rec'eiPt hes ticen licit to the Societe d'eneourtfiri=v
mast, Paris, •A cetain paint, is used. which 60#
the hardness of stone,,whicktesiers diAmp,,l4o4
Is vt4y•eheiap.: It has 'beet! in use' iq . i the' last
;ye rs:—Goparts al ' 'pail of
:riwdered chalk; 'shoat 300 parts' ei fineklariF
sand, 4. puts oflinseed‘oil, 1 part, of red .tl lid
of lead', end part, of.solphoric acid. Akre - T lOFfitt a
tdttetber. The' -resin,.chalk, sand, and Jitiseed
oil 014 'healed 'toetther - in. an = . l'riill.hiiileV:ihe'
'Ted lead and the salhhuric'' acid allithe'li t.
They are rilretallylnixel, rod . tlie : eompesitiento
is applied while hot... .if it he:not ' . ..fo9pd
cienty fluid, it may. . he made thintiey,,l4
some ! f l are linseed nil., t
and : foi•uls varni s h ' of • the hilFdpeosk , of f. ,
.WitAT is the elel,,eirpl,of,Alicilixiomvpi'aeit;
appeers jiitigeil' by.: theiMeasureti fittpl : usiowed.l,
policy of the ettibiniiitilaiiin'aristlirilliei'ittts - j:4*
prominent party To 'steel: vieroesi'o
corrupt gongrC:,sitrt,len
pluniler,the,niiti.op#l rels . p
army,-spiCupomthe Ciiiiititption,i stir ups itillor! - 4.
to the, le
ereroty,;:e:rtil4tertmtqd freet4tnilligtsruPt: 2 4 o TVlr4,
the Ildon* overthrtivii the preserit.forin*igor,ii
erettient-t arid 'estebi ish . o centrallrtilfultry';itliir o,t
sotism ThiS .
et 4! Uniqn. • • .;
sg l / 4 #
. I' ,', .r. , .. i.::,:iti.,);,74!