C IVATIONAL PLATF,ORI,!I! . Pll iiP 0'5E5:ri,,0..1. 7 . ...* E:!... WAR; B. A VOTE NEARLY :UNANIMOUS - VASS= row.pwoo . RESOIUTIONj..MMICH SS ISSSS ' S -4 1 1 . 4 . viin-pi..T1:16 TION AND. IS THE, TRUE .15TANOARD.OF . . .trhit present , deplorable civil war his been. foreed upon the country by the Disunion lets' of the Southern Stateioow in arme against. the Ccinstitutionfil:qoyernnient,. and. in , arms around the Capital.; .That in this' emergency Congress, banishing all, feelings of mere passion or resentment, will recollectoely its, duty to the Whore , country.,; That this war is 'not :their Bart, in any spirit of op pression or.for any purpoimorionqueet: • or sub jugation, or "purpose of . overthrowing or .inter redo& with the rights pr.establishd ilis.titu tions of those States,',Liut to . : defend and main taidthe . supieutieyof 'the ..Constitution- and: to 'preserve' the Union;vvith all the dignity, equal lily and rights of.the;several Stittes,unimpaired, and that aelpon as these objects are accorn 7 plished the war ought to teasef'.' Tux NEw YORKY.EICLIC AnOes;--In every department of newspaper, enterprise the Nig . W Youx Anoili will friVOiably compare. In Poli tics, in -Literate's, Business and in - -Finance,- in:Agrletiltural information . , in General News, and especiallyinthe completeness and accuracy -of its reports Of. the . Money, PrOduce, Cattle' anclother Marltets, it hoe no superior: - Its ed itors have-made arrnngements for articles, upon the. great questions , . which now agitate the • country, from the, pens of Hon: Horatio:" Sey mour, His. .Chas. G'Conor, Sanford E. Church, Samuel J.lilden, and others of the . ..al:oer statesmen Of, the day. : . --Its Agricultural D c riartment, Which receives the e4iecal care and attention of one ol ,editors,• In addition to the usual Vatiety of originaland aelected mat 'ter, will.be enriched by articles prepaied. ex-, preasly for the Armes, hylion: Wm. Kelly; W.. C. Watson, - A. B: Cc.ng,er, - Benj. P. John ion,' Prof. Geo. W. filickland,of the University Totento, C . ; W.; awl' one or more . distin-. tingudshed writers upon Agricultural Scienee, subseriptionper annum, $2. Three copies one year, $5;00; eight copies Cone . ydar, $10.00; twenty copies, to one aidress, ddrcis COMSTOCit & CASSIDY, • - . . . . . '... . • - Pro p ' ri etors .corner Broadway & Park Place, New York. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE irty VIP,TUE ‘ pf an order issued by. the Or. -pban's Court . of. the County of NP.K.Pan„ State of Pennsylvania, • to me directed, I sball ,sell atjittlic . outcry At my house . in Norwich. township, in. Said Cotiutf,.on Saturday the 14t h day of February next, at one o'clock, P: to the highest and 'beit •bidder the folloWing '‘li.sctibed* Reol.state iitoated in Norwich. township,' .county .aforesaid; end 'bounded as. 'follotais:- , -On the North by lands of .7. 3- Bldg..' way, on . the West Potato or Sixes Creek, the South .by lands,.formerly. owned by 2 John - '•Abbey, deceased, now by G: W. Burdick, , on the. East by public' road on theeast side of "iaid Containing acres, with 'toot fifteen acres improved and one ;frairte itottie .end one frame Barn on .the: sortie.= .Tenxis l 'Cish. • .. .• • W., J. • ' Administraler,OTthoEstate of . ' • • • • ' • 2:,4. - White, Deceased Norwich, Jahuary 16,1863. • , • . COURT PROCLAMATION. 1 - VW:RDAS the • Hoh. .Robert G. 'White VV President Judge, and the Dens.' S. Dar• ling and N. Peabody Associate Judges . of-the Courts.ef.oyer 84 Terminer. and General Sail. Delivery, Quarter Sessions.of the Peace, Or .4rdiena'' Court and Court of Common. Pleas for Couniy of M'Kean have issued their precept, b'eathig: date Friday, the twenty sixth day of D'epetner, in ; the year 0f . ..0ur Lord one thou, sand eight hundied and sixty-tivoi emit° me. direCted, • for holding •a Court of Oyer and Terminer aka General Jail Delivery,.Quarter - Sessions •of . Peace,'. Orphans' •Court; and. Court of Common Pleas, • in the Borough or . Srnethport, on Monday, the 23d day of .Eebrua ry:nekt, and to 'ccintinue one . .week. ••• .• - Notice is therefore hereby givento the Coro iters,' Justices of, the - Peace. and Constables within the county., that they be then Mid there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. :M.• of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisition's, examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which their offices appertain' to be done. And those who are bound by their rec ognizinces to"prosecute the prisoners that are Or shall•he in the jail of. said County of NV/Kean; areto he then and.. there to prosecute against . them as will be just. • : • .•• • Bated at Smethpor', this 23d day of Dec., 1862, .and*.the :86th year of the /ndepen&" vfice 'of the United States of America. , • . • .• JAS. E..BLAIR, Sherijr. STLI OF SORORS-FEB. TERM, 1863. I=l LaereY—A. P. .Barniby, S. Rowley,..Lean der W A Wright, S S Lillibridge.. Nortoials- . -0. S. liurdick,... ' Lafayette—lsaac Foster: , Barrett,, Jr., I H Curtis . Ceres,HeUry Smith, G B Gilbeit. . • . Eldred p —W Miller Annix=4-M*Hadley - 3:argrsaPftD W HowardiLawrenee Boyei Brad ford—S Ml'ibbets, -F A Moore, Lorenzo Drake, Wm Howard Corydon—,E G Turner . 'Bora—A N -Smith • Min/in--Orrin • Perry . . ' •• NEW YORE AND ERIE RAILROAD. . . . • Chanz,e of Hours. . Commencing Monday, Nov. 17th, 1862,:—. Thins will leave Olean at about the following hours, ' - • • MOVING WEST Night Expresi • Way Fieight No. 21 MOVING EAST • Night Expreire ' Stock Freight , . N05.•.3,.4, and 'B, run every day.:• No: 6 runs 'gundays, but not Mondays. Train 3, pr slic u r..: . days, from New 'Stork, rune through to BuffalO, ilia &ea not run to 'Dunkirk:. • ' :. ' . NATHANIEL lteeeiver. CHARLES I‘lll , lo" . f i lie . ry'l Supt:' ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC' AMERICAN;'. , THE BEST THE 'WoRLa EIGHTEESTH YEAR. Volurne NeW Serier. A new volume orthis widely. circulated pa per commences on , the 1!t at January: 'Every number contains sixteen pages of übeful .infor mation and, from five to ten .original, engravings of new invantione-and, discoveries' all of which' are'prepared, expressly for its.ealumns:- To - The. MechtiMs and Manufactererl... . . - No' perion ..engaged in' any of the mechanical pursuits.. should thiek:of.doing. without the Sciercrtmc AisartfeAri. It costs but. sixtents' pet Week; every number':cantains from six to ten engravings'of new Machines ` and .iriven tions,:which cannot be (bend in any . iither liab lication„ It is an established info of the pub fishers to insert none but original '.engravings; and those of the first•clesd , in 'the err, drawn and engraved by experienced persons. Under, theirowri supervision. - , The - SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is . indie pensable to.every inventor,,as it not only con tains illustrated descriptions of nearly all the . besf.inventions as they come out . ; but each number 'contains ail Official List of the Claims of all , the,Pitteritie !alined :from, the United States Patent Office during the week , previoua; thus giving a correct : history of the progrese,of in ventions in this Weiire also receiv-. ing, every week,:the best.scientific journals of Great Britain,- France,• and .Gerinany; thus placing' in - our possession allthat is transpiring in , mechanical science end . W I in' these. Old countries.. We shall continue' to: tranSfer • to our colomns copious , ottracts from these joiir nale of whatever . We may deem:of :intere.st to our readers. - „ Chemisti Architects,' :Millwrights, And • ;•Tbe SCENTIFIC AMERICAN, will be fOunda most 'lselin' /puma! to them. All the new . discoveries of scietice of cheniistry are arven in its columns, and the interests 'of the Atchitect,and• carpenter 'are not overlooked; all the tiew inventions and discoveries appettain ing to these pursuits being. published ,ftom week to weed:. Useful and practical informs •'h tion pertaining .r . 11 . • Interests o nrig..ts 'and milhowners Kill be foilnd published in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN which information 'they cannot possibly obtain from any ~ other. Source: Subjects in which planters and farmers'are in.' terested will be found discussed in the SCIEN- Tyne AstalCAN; most of the improvements•in agricultural implements being illustrated:in its columns... To mail subscribers:--Three Dollars a Year; nr One Dollar for four months. The •ol• times commence •on the first 'of Jansari and Specimen copies 'will.be sent. gratis to any part of the country.. , Western and 'Canadian money or Post-office stamps..taken at par for Suhscriptions:., Cana dian subsc'ribers will please to remit 25. Cents extra on each :year's ,sabscriptiOn to pre-pay mu.N.N.B, •. No 37- Park-row New York NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. WINTER TIME TABLE Three daily .trains to,and . fioni Baltimore nod Washington City.; Connectiona made with trains on 'Pennsylvania' Railroad to and from Pittsburg and.e West, ; .:Two.trains:daily to and fromlhe Ninth and. West Branch, Basque hatMa, Elmira.and.ttli Northern New York. ON AND' AFTER . MONDAY„November 17, 1862, the Passenger Trains oftheNorthern• Central Railway ., vvill arrive and de'part . from 'Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows . , vie: SOUTHWARD.: • • • • MAIL TRAIN .leaves Sunbitry daily('exeept Sunday)-at .1.45 p. m.; leaves 'Harrisburg at 5.20. p; m., and , arrives at Baltimore at 10.20 EXPRESS. TRAIN „leaves Sunbury daily. (except Sunday) at 11,20 p..m., leaves Harfis burg (except Monday) at . 2.45 a, m., and ar rive§ at Baltimore daily (except Monday) . at HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION Train leaves Harrisburg m. • • .••••'.'. • . • MAIIITRAIN. leaves :aaltimore daily . [er, cept Sunday] at '3.30 , a. 1.45 p. m., and a.rrlies at.Sunbury at 4.50 p. m. •: EXPRESS TRAIN. leayee Baltimore daily at 8,40 p, na.,;arrives afHarrisburg at 1,50 a. m., and leaves trarrisbiird [except Monday] at 3.20 a. m., and arrives at Sunbury .20 . . Snb at 6, , . . HARRISBURG ACCCI MMODATION Train, leaves Baitirnore•daily [eiceept Sunday] at 2.45 p. m., and.arriveti at Harrisbuig of 8 p: m. For_ furtherin ( orthatiod apply at• the . Office; in Pennsylvania Railrbad Depot,..) J. N. DuBARRY, • ' Strperiniendott: Harrisbuig Nov 14, 1862-n29. , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having LA been:granted to the - undrsigned on the Estate °I. E. A:, Werra, deceased,:, late . of. Norwich township, M'Kean .county, Pa., -all persons indebted to said estate are'requested to make immediate,payment, and those, having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement and allowance. o W. J. COLEGROVE, • .Admdii istrator.. Nofwich, Jinuary 16; 1'863,) • ' • •, . Clara S. Jacobs and, j; . • .- • • . •. Mary A.'Boyd ' vs 1 • McKean .County Benajiah. COmmon Pleas with notice'. to • ...I: . A. P. No. 20 Alvin • I Sept. Term, , 1.862. Served, as teire rentsn;. j Summons in Ejectnient for the Wowing de'-: scribed lots of land, situated in Corydon town ship, County _afoiesaid, viz: , . • Warrant. No. three thousand six hundred and ninety-nine , [3699] bounded'North by-Warrant No. 3700; East by Warrant No. 2874; South by Warrant s NO.:, 3718; and West by .Warrant Ne. 3711; containing one thousand [looo] acres . . more'or less. '16:11S, A. Al 4:13 P. M I:O5'P. M ~ 1;00 A. M 7:IO,TCM 10:17 A. M 3:10P:M . 1:15 P. M Also—Warrant No.: three . thousand seven hundred and twenty one [No. 3721]; bounded North by Warrant No. 3707;. East by War rant No. 3732; South .by Warrant No. 3731, West by the line of Warren county: contain To the loventort TERMS NORTHWARD • ing . ono thousand [loo6] acres more or lees. Rule.ct defendant to appear and plead On or before. the third . 'qay of next [rebnickry] burn; • 1863; and for fot an,order d publication according , . , * • HYRON D. HAMLIN, • .Dite.' 23, 1862 Rule granted and' Court. direct übliention'of ,the same threetiinee, siity.dige bdforwtbe . return day thereof in . the.McKean Democrat: °ice of . SAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT At `JAY . .000$E & :.C0.,, tankeea 114 Solna ninon Philadelphia,' Nov.'], 1802. .:The. , .undersigned .havtng . been . 'appointed SUBSCRIPTION - AGENT by the Secretary of the• Treasury,.. is now prepared . to furnish, at New Twenty Year-6 per et. Bonds. of .the United States; designated as. Twenties," redeemable at.the pleasure of. the Gotfernment, after five years, and authorized by Act of' Congress., appro . ved. The COUPON BONUS are issued In sums of $5O, $180; $5OO, $lOOO. • ..• . ' 'The REGISTER •BONPS in Sums 'of. $5O, $100,'$500; $lOOO and $5OOO. . Interest at six per cent. per annum 3011 commence from'date 61 purchase, 'and is ' . .PAYABLBIN - GOLD, • . . • Semi-Annually, which is e(jual, at the present premium on gold, to about' EIGHT . PER QENT. • Farmers, Merchants, Meehan ics,,Capitalials, and all who have any money,to• invest, should 'know and remember•. that these' Bonds are; in effeCt,. a FIRST MORTGAGE upon Rail roads, Canals; Bank Stocks and Securities, and the imMenso . products•of all the Manufactures, &c., iu. the countrye end that the full and ample provision madeJor the payinent . of the interest and liquidation of principal', by ,Cus toms, Duties, Excise' Stamps and Itittrrial.Relt enne,serves to make iheSe bonds the —.. . Best. Yost Available' and Most Popular Investmett in the Market. . . - - Subscriptinop.receiveirit PAII.M.Lag;aI,I - fm , dir . Niiti.s, ortintua and checks of baoksitt par n.Philadelphta. •.Subscriberi by' mail willre caive'prompt attention and eoary. faailty and explanation will be.atiorded On,application , to . A full inpr4 of Bonds will . be kept on ban( for iintnediate delivery. , JAY eoOKE;Subipriintion Agent; • • . • • • • _ . • NEW CASH STORE OLEAN' PRICES :HARD TI2WE t 3 MADE ..EAST !..! ' • • would respectfully announce to the citizens of McNean and•iadjoining Counties .1 hat they. can do'ns well in, Stnethport,.in . the Stove and Tin-ware line..as in. Olean. I shall; at all times; have oti hand a large stock of • . . . - 000EING; PAEtOR'& . BOX.STOVES! TIN , WARE • Sli..eet4ron. ..t.'Copper-Wrure; LEAD PIPE AND PUMPS, • and llonselemers'ilard.Ware, Sc he. •• . .o • J .. h Work ; . of all kinds 'done, with . dispatch, and in 'a eatis 'tol manner, at the 'lowest :possible prices. ' Orders promptly fitiended to. • 'Give me a call=L-at the building known as "Side Hill Tin Store"—fortnerly occupied by .Geo. H. Mason—Smethport,Ta.. •.. 'KG , - the highest" market price, in goods or cash, for• any quantity of . Sheep Reit, and .Wool. Mareh 1.862. . • . A, 7.I4V.THSE, • Proprietor. TRAVERSfi.:SIIItORS "Liberty-.-Green, Augustus4Ames;Joseph,; Wesi, Marsha Abbey, J. John; Fitch, EA Y.; VansickleS, JOhn. Colpie,i---Houheton, Artf , ma's. • Bead/bid—Lafferty, M.. Jewett Benj; Baker, Li. S. . . . • •.` Sergeatit—Eaaterbrook,.D. Lower, Mar= tie; Hertsog, Geo. ' • . • a Keatin g =—Botid, „Jae.: A.; Acre, Wm.; Cal— kins, C. D.% • . • . • • • • Jas.;PeabodY,D.; . E/dred—Stull Joseph,Jr.; Stull, A. B.; Can field, Asa. Borovh—McDonald, Jamea; Corwin, G.r Bennett, D. R.': . . . . . • Annin--Bellows, R..' E.; Hodges, Joseph. LafavAlle—Smith, Edward; Hoop, James: Harnitton—l3eeman, John. Jas.; Gallup',.l. F.; Mor— rison, Zeph. •• . • . • • . J. E..BLAIR, Sheriff. StriethPort,'Dee. • To Consumptive:s. . .. . . . . .. /1111 E Advertiser, having been restored . to health In a -IL few weeks, by a very simple remedy,' after haVing suffered several yearn with a - severe lung ageotion, and that dread disease, - Consumption—isautions - to make known to bin fellow-salTerers the.ineans of cure. .. • TO all who desire It, he will send a 'copy of the.preeerlp Lion need (free of charge), with the directions for pre- paring and using the saine,'which they will tied , itseit CURE rm. CoNRUMPTIONi ASTINA:BRIISCUITIS, R. Tlie only object of the Advertiser fu sending the Vrescripthan la to benefit the "afflicted, and. spread information which, he conceives to beinvaluable, and he *mimic every niii fere! will try his remedy, Keit will cost them nothing; and may piove a bleceing., • ' .Parttes wishing the prescription will'pletme address ; • Ilse. ADWARD A. WILSON, - , Williamsbureh. ( 07-3111 .)': -;.'lKings County, New TOrk.' • ME. DElloltillt , S ItIIIIROTI OF FASII.IONS.-4he ..14J1 best and .inost - reliable Fashion Blagatine in'the wor Id; Contains the largest and 'nest flashion.Plales thegreatest number of fine .E•grav kiwi, the .latest'and most reliable information, three full-eked Patterns for Dressaes, and a sheet of new Brade-Work and Embroi dering Patterns. Every Mother,'Dressmaker, Wiener and Lady, should have it. Published Quarterly, at 474 Broadway, New York, sold everywhere , or sent by mail at &I Gaeta. Yearly El, 'with - a valuable premium. Tha Antonia member _ now reedy, ' • INATHPORTLIVERY-STABLE.: rriFIRSUB§CRIBEithis operied 'new 'Liv • ery Stable in Srnelliport, at O. ..t.tt 'Ben . nett's Old Stand, on Main *street, just eitM. of, Mehanies'i where curt be'found the hest of,'Hoi ies and Carriagea at low,prieirs. He ; intends'lo make. share of ,patronage.. Smethport a permanent resldence,, 'and asks a - • ' • • Smirthport, Auguit 21, ,_ 1680. • .n2pti. 'j' s Confe6sforas and Exp . orieritoci of ain Invalid: • • . . 10eUBLI8IIED.FOR TUB BENEFIT AND AEI A IV AIM 'lnd and - a oantion to'young men who suffer from .Ner roue Debility, l Promatu re D.ecay,.&e., supplying at. the same time the means.of Self-Cure -By.one who has cured himself after being pat to'greet aspenne through medical , Imposition and guaeltory, •By enaloeing poat,-paid ad • dressed eatelbpe ' EiISOLIC COPI May be had of theau• Amt., 'N.ATIIANIEL MAYFAIR...Esq., Bedford,'.K.inge . , ABIERICAK iciiictrinnusT. • A rtoirmon-antrier, RELIABLE end PRAC TICAL Journal, devoted to the diflerent' de narttnents of Soil culture, such as growing Field Crops ; Orchard' ' and' Garden . Fruits .; 'Garden Vegkables and Flowers ; Trees,s. ,Plants,. and Flowers, for :the 'Lawn or. Yard; care of Po mestie. Animals, '&c., and: to'Household Labers. - It his also an interesting and instruc tive depertrnent for children and youth. • 'A full Calendar. Ol Operations evury..month. Teree Fmir Hundred, nr.more,• illustrative Engravings' appear in each volume. • , Over Tivelve littndred *plain, :practical, in structive article's und *usetur.itema, are given . The Editors and Contributors ufe all prae , tical Working Men: • / The - tradiinAis 'o/ AGiocu;rurtt ST ' are con fined to orrStitti.or 2 critOry, int Ors de/apseal to Psi wants of all se . rtiOns of tltS..coniitry--it is, q.t . Its name abiteS 'lO i" flee vitals' Ast n ICA IV of,the Name .size and price se the English, and c'on taining.all'af its reading; matter, and itanume yang illustrative engravings. . . . TE.RNISINVA RIA AQVANCE. One copy; one,year, ' $1 00 Six, Copies, one year . 5.00 'Ten ni mere co Pies one year 80 cents each. 0:7- Add .to. the above rates: •Postage . to Canada 6 tents, to England 'and France, 24 eents t• to Germany, 36:cents.. • - .• Postage anYwhe're In the United . . States end, Tetrijories.must be'paid by.the subscriher, and 'is' only six cents ,S year, it paid advance 'et the.olfice where received.,' . • Allbasiness and Other comrhosications should he. addresseete the Editorand Proprietor,. • • ORANGE JUDD, 41F'ark-Row,.N..P. City TIIE WEEKLY JOURNAL OF CHIIIEJICE. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. '• The Coinmentement of a new year. is, - R good time for renewing subscriPtiOns•arid increasing - the-circulation of the Journal of Commerce. We IlddreSS 01J rselVes to the Old readers or the paper, with entire confidence nesSA9 aid us, and'extend. the itilluenecof the sound conservative,principie;andporals which have hitherto characterized and Will hereafter characterize this paper, Evsni SurtiCittoua to ther.Jouinal.of Commerce might (i: a ireat . service .to 'these principles, and strengthen , us in:our ability to support and eiyculate. them,ly sensing ua the -name of at least one new still, - sriber in his town: : • ' • • Devoted firmly as the have:beenitO our Conn try's interests, and,. having lone . been called "union Savers" as a•term of reproach, we are and shall beam 'firm upholders of, • ~ THE. UNION AND THE 'CONSTITUTION oppniing wish heart and pen everyman, South or,'North;.who . ie an enemy to either.: Every form ordisorganization.and revolution will find ',u.s.ready for • the combat, Among the toes of the Ainerican Union and• American 'principles, we rank Ode s. • . • ABOLITIONISM A ND SEOESSIONISAI, propose With ail our strength tg.defend the n4tion'egainsuthe etterits of bot is A LIBERAL OFFER. • . . ... , . , . To encoarage., those who mar.iolunteerto aid in the. organization of Clubs, we . . hereby offer . an extra copy athe Weekly to every per,. son mho shall forward twenty new.subseribers with the rponey!.... • .• ', OLTJBS . may he organized in 'communities' with great 'advantage. The present is the best period for 'their' commencement. The terms on which we can furnish the paper are as folloWs To companies taking .20 cepies.or.tipwards': ONE POLLAIt each . 13 copies • . rtilesn nokr.s.ns..•. . 3 copiei Under 3 coPiCs each The papers will be addressed to dilTerent persons at.the same Post. Office, if desired, 'ex cept in cases of. clubs of 'l3 or mme . copies; Which . to one address. • , • ' . ADDITIONS TO CLUBS . •. • . May be made nt.the following rates :—.l:!apers added to . a dub during the 'first quarter of the club!s.year will pay the full rate. of , the origi nal club fora 'year, during, the second quarter three-fourths of the original : year's rate, , during' the third quarter one half, and deringthe last quarter one;fourth, ane all such subscriptions , will terminate with. the year. of .the original club. • Fr:om liolbr'ooßt S. Mai/ Where packages of newspipPr; or periodicals are • received at'anY post Office directed to one address, and the names of the club of subscii. hers' to which they belorri, With•the postage for'a quarter in advance, shall be handed to the postmaster, he stall deliver the same to their . . .. • . respective ownets. - . . Hut this does'. apply to weekly nevrspapers Which eitenlate free in the comity Where prin. ted and published. . • .• . • I:lj.°' 'Address Editcrvof rho'Jointed of oars mireic, No. 91 .Wall.s4iviett ,Arnza YorZ. STONE,.HALE4g HALLVICK; . •• Elliiors and . rropiietore XOLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. This preparations. made. fr om the befit Java tinflee. is recommended by physic:iamb as a superior NUTRITIOUS ONTRRAUE . for General Debility, Dyspepaiii ,aud all billoua disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use.of 'coffee will use .this Without 100- owe erects.- One can contalua theatrength of two pounds of ordinary collbo. Price tat nents.... • • • .. KoLpp.cic , s.LEVAN I • The!pareat 'and best. DARING POWDER known, tot making light, sweet and nutritiousAlread and cakes,—. Price 15 cents, • • ' • • • . • . ItANUFACTIIILD BY 'M. H...KOLLOCK, • corner of !road aiod'Clu , stnot **ruts, ,FIIILARRI;1111A, • • And 3 4 :411. br all VIA.qO4BV3A , • 'STOCICIA STOCKHOLDER ' S satzEnlll3., THE:. STODKHOtDRRB of ,thh .141!Ketin • Rail Rand ~and Navjgation Company are hereby !tut ifietl 'nieet 'at the.' oillice.ef.'S ! D. Hyde, in the Boro4h' . 61 ' Smiithriiiiii'un the second Alconday of .Tsinuary, (it heitigthe.l2th) for the purpose of electing a President and six Directors, tor' thU ensuing year., • ' SA.W.L. C. HYDE,:diuiritliry.. Srnethport, Dec. 18, 1862.. • . . „ . . . . . .• ••• . •. , • . LOOK ArTHIS? . . Al) persons indeted to me for costs, in Mc. Kean county; sre 'regnestadld psi the _ eame'ta P. E..'SCULL, clinwicx, end all in Cameron county will pay.to:P. SCHLL or JOHN' " Th All .attending_ to this call will very much oblige ma•and save :tharnselves costs. . , JOSEPH MORSE, Late Slieff.. • 'SmailiPort, Dec. . . . . • *. TIMOTHY , . . FIFTY BUSHELS.OVt be. beaCqualqy :rut ()THY S enn, raised b , y and. for rare at . • • - L. H. DOLLEY'S Port•Ayegany, Decomtier 28; .1801... $4O. •• WAGES PAID $lOO To sell, goods for t kIriASiIiSEW,Ir4O . MACIIICIVE COSiPANY . . We will give . a Co.lllllnitSioll On eli goods.sold by.our A ients, br pay'wagos at' frOm $lO to $l.OO per monthi and pay all necessary . expenses. Our Machine is perfect in it me. chanism. •di child can .leatnio 'operate it by half en hours' instrtiction I. Itis equal to any family Sewing Maehion iii use, and we ht,ve reduced the priCe to Fifteen Dollars. . . EaCh machine is wutranted P.r three, veers. Address ,_ '.. • . C'. RUGOLtS, . Geh...Akt., Detroit, Mich. A.SA_NHOOD. , HOW LOST ! HOW ItE'76RED!! Just P Wished, hi e'Sialed Eriftel.opi:` Prier Sientuts. . AI,NOT RE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT. AND 'Radical Cure of Stii.frontorrhoen, , , or Seminal Weekorea; 141T0iUntury W1114,14'4.4. Sexual Duhilty. and Impedimenta to Kai-rive' generally. Nervouimema; Ounetatuptiun, Epl• !operand Fitx; .Menial and Pliyalcal.lncenacity, mutt.' tug from Self-Abuse, Ice. Rout, J Oui,venwitt.u, IL' . Author of the Grridi oid,i .;'• • •• • . The world•tenowned author, in t h is admirable Lectern clearly.Trovem from his own experience' that 'the awful ounaequencei'of .87if-nbuee may-be 'effectially removed .Withoutmedicinoond willunitdenkoroue 'indus] opera. thine,hotaglea; Instrumento, flop, or Continlqr pytoting out mode Of cure ' at once ,certaln and effectual, by which every .ulTer6r,.ho • Mattir wliat Isuccondition. Wow he; May curelihnielf. cheanly, privately, and radleally. Thin lecture will prove a Loon to thoueanda thou, . . , anode. • Bent under neat, In a plain envelope, to any Wrens, on :receipt oral: , conic,' or two pnotage etnnipa, 'lug.. • • .• 1)r.011A8. ,7; 0:1CLIN10,. ' 147 y -Ne4a , Yoik Ifor4 KENDALCREEK HOUSE KENDAL-CREEK, WIEBAN CO., PA , . . E Subscriber htiving purchased this.wel knOwn stand, and re-furnished BPA Tern! . ted the prepared to entertainfloard ers and the Traveling public. AND A „ IVilrbe apppli#4, arid:everything dime tn - merit.a.libernl „share of pati.onnko—. 'Haft filen Will always find the ' ' • . • •P. M. PULLER.; lioridelCreek„innintry 1:800.: • 313.1 y. THE OLD IKEY STO lq.E • gT.Olt 2 - LT OLEAN ! STILL TAKES TICE LEAD .!-' J..A.:, COMSTOCK , . RESPECTFULLIE, ANNOUNCTI . S TO 1114, . old.filends in McKnon 'County, that heiti .... , ,- on hand thia:Spting Ott usual, with . the• ,- .. , • LARGEST AND: BEST, • , Selected stock of Goods is the Oleso MariCet To iTholesale rash itayers I 'Wonid Say, . . •• I can offer you better inducements than ,yott can. get west of New York.. . . „ (t . makealio difference what yo 4 waht., thingin.the Ihie of. . erROCERIES 4 -PROVISIONS, Call at the .. . . . OLD .KEYSTONE And'you find ihe . article fiesh.aild cheap it's ‘ nu use talking . the • • XEYSTONt 'STORE' . , . always ' hae . aritl allways ilcotake the lea(l,.ead regulate the market in • .• • : Groceries and Procisions OLD ,Flilvbxis AND. Ntw'PNES) . . 'Don't fail to ball and , See m e when'. you'.liiait Olean.; I shall not hurt yoti, bin shall certainly, try to do you good. , • " • • . • • • J.. It.:•COMSTOc.K.. (Neart,.llay 23d,•1980. • . . ' THOIVIPSON , BANK' IiATB ° :A-4)&oi° JOHN; THObtPBON.: Quotatioaceoriected by .i 1 itoxis4n 46.2,r0, : • • 2 Wall Street. Pliblishod ripkhi . SC • • . . , TERM OP SUMWILIPTION " AD' i'Atillin • • . mail Sul:lentil:tato .19a0t0y,... 43 I somi-monthly,„-.,nt I atontilli.-:4.25a0 , ... To Poitousitere or • Oben, who kirm e wartvus the money In advance, we ;wlit neod the ,Ittpor tei.edin Winft 11.(tinliet ,t Deactilitive Liib b 'sar NV."' 5 cop LOA of .the Wookly; Opt .Yaar ? . t , •,. 0 .10 OD • , 5 copies or, the,,Send-m0nth1y,.....«....,4 01 ) , 1 1D Galilee or the 3110Pd1if:::.«...;%.1. v. it 00 ;We wilt 'forwn rd tO a'OlfetitOta ienditig,i club' '6'f $2O afithetlitioidliiitial,lt any one Scale;,. AdttrisaY'' 1 ' 4 NO: Ao4.riorif4ri: . ATH•AR ••• .. • . :Arm sou, ellekt Orbit, am! !ompluining /. Are you onrof Mee, with•yistf nyalinirde r . tegeti, and your ittellnp niffotlatiolef , .• I 'Obese +,synsp. ' ails are Often the prelude to . whims. Illnens.".' lekneni IN Clapping won son, qd should be 'trotted by; • . ugly .iine, of thet,right Lew: ly. 'Yoko •Ayor'e• PlliA, and" •• 'Knout Ant the'diserdered ,forn-- purify ..thellood,,Mul rnovetib trile!sll In • Mil l'hey n Imitate. tu b• . of thelliody Into',elfferi•te ash, ..;vity; purify the systemitem. ",""- the ahstmellotts.whieW ieA t..' dleeitee; : A cold settlell aome . witure the body, and tartlets Its naturel fund long.' , These; ' uot t leant (Mon thmunelves mid the norroundiug mons, pr 07,... 'tinning general egg:nitration, suffering, and,. AltWeis. l While In thin roollitino,opprealled,by the lerengementiti ..take ityer'a 11 , 4rdIreCtlYtil resteri the I natural. ifiction'.of the 'Velem., and. oth.it hhoyiwili , • , feeling of heel th again. What Is troe sold so apparent IG tide trivial and . coin mon 'complaint, le aine•trusl Innmany,, of the doep.saated and" dangeronn dietempers. "The same purgative effect expels them. Canned by similar obitillt.,', Nona owl durangemaute ord Hp Mauro! functione firths Insly, they are ,rapidly, mid many of .thopf enrely, pnrad • by the moue menus, NOlld who know (he.virtuen of these .• • • Will' neglect to out playthou, triton suffering Ails • the dlsoiders they curs; '` • ' . fitatenients frvnu leading phynicifins In, some of the. principal citlesoted, ftgitAltneet*ff!,l'iltuon P!44 l° .Ps r `. FL .ardireapt4f.*: np. AYER: Irot'l4thi are the•jon4Mon dr . all ;WA ' if , groat In modlrlue„' , They hive cured; toy httlefdai ..n...ah irtgarri of u keratin HOMO 111/011 horttanda I Ind tea UMW, incurable Par years, :Iforluothoi.„Senit.fronjoit76lX , misty, nfilleteil with bleibhewrinlVOlMPlill•SS",„ _befijeUliMY • her hait., , •After env AWN , frOtr ir . your Pete', and they have cured . q.. " • . • .. A. ifeittilly P 11 , 10104. . ; - khan, Dr. E. 111. thilieriehtilttiteChiertite: tivr tti Tonr• tulle . Are tile prirtiCaL PurgeekTheir eraihniel qualities angina any , cathartio- wry nolitesiklifibis:Auw ,. • mild, but.vory certain anti offuotnityn their action pa bowels,. which makes,theni Invaluable to , utiln the ding' -tteetinent of 41110111111. 1;' ,114 1, •.b in` t , Hendsielte,hic krtnialtiobe,rotit ' • :4"lrom Rultuard Dotfdi 1" : " - • ;taut ilne. , A rem I.ffannot'Altswer tahotLlALPlllfitff,- I have oftre4 with 'mg better, than to leg al; tftaf . pp. ere,' treat unlit' it purgalireintedraftie, Make donee on as effectual t•atliarlics in' nay daily fotisteeteNtt diseane, and believing:44hike tinkyour rills afford us the beat we have, I et coured - vique then) highly.. nay 1, IMO. 0. AVei. T.,ItIVVO boon repeatedly 'used of the world hmduchn p,gdy.eity hart by et4ofesoff),ero Of your Pull& It armful to arise from n foul' itomnrki . trhey,ohntitee RE 01361.,,,, " great respect . "( 't „ • • • , aerk or hrtraintr, e . 4li Dillouli Dhoordere Liver 'Ottuipluteelpit dd .ffoon Dr. Theodore RN, tf .A7eva,llll* ihly t r n .•• Not only are your Pills adniltably adopted to their. 0it0 , ,. pose an an aperient, but T ,find their hitheirchtl saheb upon the Liver ves‘y -marked 'lndoett.''- 'nether& hem,' Ptstott Gee proved, more effectual:fur, the pitit, 51'4104 pop &bus then any ono remedy 1 cait mention. '1 einopreti , - rejoice that we have lit. length , rt mitgatlet ;Aids Is 1000. ' thy Lhe coullilumw of the peefenaloti cud 4 1 • 1 1 11 11 0 Pkt 'B l. B .8 . 8 • , • t DEPART/41MT ,Oi ens lerstdoz,4.l , ; , . . • ~Washinglini,.O...C.,:ith • alit t I , hero used your In my general And burial' practice over since yetionado them, and cannot lieedtatelo • , say they aro, the best eutffertie weemploy., Th eir, rage.'' luting, action on the liver la Quick mod decided,• cones ' quently they elven mintirehle - nainecly for deraugementel • `of that organ..l iked, L,lhave seldom , Annul • ceati/t0 • bilious tlistosc no obstinate Nett it did net reality: 141 i them.' • ,ffraterindly yenta, ~ 'A LONZO' BALL, .•;;;Pherefeian of lhealaritee Flyeeittery,' ' Aran Dr.j. (keen, Chiensni , P,l. - ,rOl7l Your rills have had a lung trial Inuit practice, nig .h hold • theta lei esteem :am ono 0(.010 beLLPP9TientA ?A: ever found: Th eir Alterative (Act Upolf-theilv ' them au excelleio remedy, when gireft.hi'ailbalkdatieike • ‘l,yeenh. , ry, anti, ,tliarrio e cru.Atelf,Jelllg , vmatb makes akeN thou very aceeptableaid donieufill ' ' 'Miff* • •of women and children. • ' •"••••-' • 4 .' 0, 0 1 - • yelp re, mpur. tr. e • ott '' Proof Rev. J..' l' Wows.st)no 'of -Advent rAllittik , ThatOßk. . . . Int.'. Area :' l lirtVeitsEll' youe AIN with issii 111cC0911 1p fitsull,y and /W 1011,14 VlUtle 1 tun tart := distress:”'re Vegetate the orgeff I 'et. titration .tud . purify the bleed, they are the tory, bestlitimodo 1. , lure ' • or' known, and I ten confideutly, x ecoMmend them to my friends. • ~ Yours V. 111148.. • • • 14XfulAtv, Wy e mlng,CO:,, N.Y., Oet„,2t, ISO. • . DEAR SIR I UM, Rplitg yonr Cathartic Mlle in'tntprtn‘: eye find find them an' excellent purgative (A amulet the • nyideut And puriry , the- ,fonntains qf the lintel, • ~. . • ' • ' ".101IN G. SIEACIIA.if f Couittipittioi;Cortii;ei ''' ''' `i'hitporeie , 'ltitetuhintlaut, gout, Neuralgia, Drop. Parnlints, Fitai.etn. • : • . Prion Dr. ,7, l'auplot, • .lhaterent, awe& ' Teo much cannot be mid of your PM. the,ount Olt • • addirruot. If of hereof our iluiornitY late Lank thin AN efficacious as I have, they ahoutd Join ids to proelalin tog It for - the benefit of .111 u multitudes echo sulfortfriei • . 'that cOmplaint, which, although bad enough in Welt, le .. the progeollar of other.; that are lehte. belle** too. arenas to originate In the liver, but your Pllle etteletitia, : organ and cute the . • ' / I,lkl et rd v . ' mita.. • • Penni dirs. R. Sum t, P n ‘ an e v • • r , I find 'one or too largo due e, your Pine, Wan* No: . • .pr9l , or t lin 001Ve excellentrrotnotlres,ot the unterat,etene, Lion when %Omits' or larthit inplitintood lasi eery. offoenal to 04 , aose ilto.rotenel4 Mid 414 eieuto. much the host physic Ate,AVl:f no other to my patleute. ..• . 'Boat the Rev. Dr. Dalai.' o the ettoxiket • PULARRE HOUSE, ENtßii • .11exoncn Sinn: shotild bd union fellawnteit NW* • your el.ilt 11101 brongla null did : not repowny one 10 .. you; A cold settled In nue , itnibesfillitinaW tuoeterfe, • elating fICIWilbliC endtut in eieutie Meow& lire. Notwillostanding ; thetiettertipiego, the. • tlideene grew WOiEll phd'wortio; Otitlthethe et your. 'excellent agent Ittliett , rinv M11e.., Their effects were itine. , huteteit v ;l4 l , 3Pf.lll ll #l*& , . tho ueo of than, t our now (althea, - • • • Srstic 01410E4 IlittmittOne,,bi4 5 111;14118811. An. AYER: I haul heon 4utriod, yt,tle mut. or • .fittutinik diteseetiturhed,',. 8 15'Jfa o. ' • V.INCICNIF: Mott , of .the' .rilta..la nieniten.,Oehet it 1:! 1 0 164 13 4 4.: . Wlttek,,itithoitgli ft valutakt remedy, 111.111=11_,,. ••ffnnierolla'. 1n..•." public, pith (new Ns* titeleMlN'illot , qu°n'o , ' that iVeoile•ll3i . MffAlklit•lacoll9lo Roe,' Votelh contain' no mercury ur ,• ..•: ,•1 1 04x, 26. °tint* toefrpor, ti, 520 .: 400 Propired by Dr, /: C.4.YEE COI !Ile PR . Biadford; L. o:paljit„:Vo4 o so,4 ! gaps.)ol . o. • dealfi:s everxisture. • MEE =MEM =MEM ~., A 't F , VS'