M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 31, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. ,4.
:11.1featticii.ltitu.,'1.114ifOpr - 4;;*
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61: 4 1 . 10; S.. t..!.3011.N.Eft gv..rtrigab 9QU 8E
TE1111111: $1 50 in. A4vance
iates of Advertising
I.Column - oho yon.r..--
1.. . •
- • t{ . ... . ...
Oue equaro of 12 lineffor. loom, J insoctions,..;
Ka el. SubseqUent .. :.. . .. ....
•Buninessuerde; with paper . .. ..... ... ...... ;5 00
Ruh er figure work will be double the above. ratog.
TWelve tplio,. or Wine nouparoll,:in
'rated a Square. - : • . . .
jr. .'.These terms will be strictl,ooherod
DR. W. Y. I;I'COY,.' .
.DR. D. R. WISPfER,.
• . .
Physician aril'Surgeo, , l2lo.lliiort, wi I l'attend to all
professional ',Jolla with prMalitiniss. Utica tai - . doors
north of tho Dutotoriit. • • ,
.. .
Smaliport.3l , fienn Co.:, I's. 11.; •';MASON, ,
,—opp6Aite . the Court
- nun and wnll faroWted house. • •.. • • -
- • • •
• •A. .T. NOURSE; • •• • .• "
Droler in Stoves; Tin Ward,, Jappaneil Vitro. ike.. west
• 'end of the Oinothoort,. , Pa., Custoni
. work dono:to orthicon the shorrest.notiev,. and in the
most sobstaptiol initoneri.
Dealer iu pii . Grulthrq Grocerie, C-rnekert, Ilardware
• Booti., Shues, 11.titl,,CapA, Glass,
1-4. t nikle el therrublie Square, Sinetllport,• Va.
. .
• • • BYRON Th.•HMLIN. •• •
ATI4/Igqir"AT LAW, 4.inwthport,.. liMm County, Pa,'
`Ageut •tor Messrs. Keating & Co's hands. 'Ahead'
• m4,oo:flirt.) the' Colleetieu of .Ula)ma; Examination Of
Land Titiei; Pip - Omit of !faxes, and all busineoa :rola
tinito Real Estate Unica m Hamlin
1833's Spec:ialtV.
GRAN D . IVOROI3. 0 F A11 . E111(..k.N GENIUS
'.'Correct with eloqu'ent with Dear,
. /lilll, to rio6.lm, or pyllte to pleAFe."
, . .
- his with no fear, ot War'sellect upon their
literarY fdt'tunes, 'that. the: . publishers. of.Tusi
NEW YORlCJ\lotcuits acknowledge the dawn;
Yet : Mg loyalty their TWO .ISITSORED
*Vl3sbnlo.4ls, and - announce to them, and to.all,
that:TUßNsw looslllmtdonY tar ''this' year
0863> will be richer in 'every j uxUry Of Polite
f,itersiture than . vier before..- it is no upstart
speculation, .temporark:c!Sensntion;7' but
first . elass literary weekly, which haS been *fa-'
milker to the l:lnited . States 'for *quarter of a
century ; .and While the' .wishy-washy.riish
routnprints of yesterday'are cutting down their
.talent even while' they rnise:ibeir subscription-•
price, Tue NEW Yons 11timcimy maintains 'all
great.Staff . of RonianCers,)oets, Hitmorists,
. Essayista, Story-Teller's., ivEd Edit Ors, and pr -
•inkes to make it still treater for 1§03.-
It is the one Paper for'e'veiy - brute'. Its flirty
cniumns of Tending matter per week constitute
nn unparalleled ' , •
'VON ili:1:V.1.111 4 o1OT 'Or
nod its NOtiels„Mise,elaneous Tales, Beauties of
Verse;.Gossip, Fauilletous, Broadsides 'of Ha
truiti-tind' polished Ellitoriah, eombine.•to
toinize 'all the, charrria. of • .
the•busband reads it to his. wifei the mother
to her children, the lover i to his.sveet.hearti
the aeddier to MS comrades, - and the villige
scheOl,master to;:the circle arourul the •stove.—
It is familiar to the Fight ofevery man, woman
and child iu otti, country; and has regular sub
qteribers in several.Countrtes
itlkw .1791tK.• MF.ACI.)ItY is also identified with 'the
grandest petrtotisin .of . the., age, for several
members of its•brilliant Staff hold. high.rauk in
OUr'nettld army,: and have Made themselves '4
'famous witlft.he, Sword as, with • the Pen.; , The
great illustrating, artiiCof :Toe New Yeas
Mancuit,y, the inimitable . Darley, gives the
.paper,` the higheit artribetes of Fine Alt ; : Anti
: yet this largestliterary weekly of the,day pro.
'mists to surpass itself in•all these respects 'dn.
• ring the . Newt Year I , • .•r • . • • .
. Thefirst 2 NF.vi - Yous MERCIfRY Novelette for
,the Nei)? Year, to be 'commenced , tn 'the issue
'of Janbary 3,1863,1 is called •
castlo CliiTh
. . . .
~ , . •
~- 41 , oposiN MAY CARTAVTON.,.. '.
ALIMOU oi. "mat ..00wfut, ,, ! , g5r01t..0AN1P13151.1.," !:ER
- ' MINIII,i , "LAVoQIIIty! &C., &c. . .
. .
The productioas of this . distinguished authoress
.'ne‘d.to eulOgy..• Public Opinio n. has long since
pronOtineed, therri superior to any, other
,published on this Oile,of the _Atlantic ;
~and the true test of their ii'found in the
fact 'that. they are eagerly reproduced, niter.
their: .publication, 'in the ' MERCURY, by the
:'English' press. We may add that the new.tale
• “Victoria," is•fully equal , in interest and depth
•• of plot .:to "either.of those, which have secured
,',Scilarge•ii share of public apProval,:and we can
earnestly'recommend it. to all Story-readers. •
. .•Toa Naw.YORIC igsaolitor is sold.bY•all 'news
men and periodical 'dealers, in. , ; America. To
:a,lihscsibers;it•is regularly. ailed every
day mprning, for s2.it year; three, copies, (or
*5; six copies for $9; eight copies for $l2, Vvith
extraicOpy,:fred, to the the getey up of the club,
! ,six tponths' subscriptions received.
write, plainly tke itirme of 71 641i:-Past.o,llice,
• 4y take Ana. nateiof all solvent,
banks at par. , Payment must invariably be 'in
Iq7 Specimen Coril'ei gent free to all ; appli !
• ;• 1 1dresit•alllefters 4ptl remittances,. post paid
•• • •' . .Proirhiters '9l the. IYelit' York ..
, • .113 Fulton street,' NeW.Yoik
‘lllr s tiOLlGL . i . tS A.
Therois ,nspot In jilt Virglnin, 7 dear . to. every. IMeets
Whbro• the'Sation's. balatod Hire in bls 'glory at
In the lisping on Childhood - Its familiar name • Is
Round that spot -a POople's•heartstings, with, IdeOundy , L
And ii-World bows down In..homage at Mount -Vernon's
It ,is freedonila renered.. birth-right! and shall-Treason's
- -Pare to, strike It from -the Unioni Let the Nathinthun
• v• ' .
535 00
. 00
.. 12 00
. 20 00
12 00
1 50
l'ltere , si a Sprit pf einfet, beauty in U1(3141641( TenneSsee.'
Where'the.nons of patriot sires bare'the )ind bend
la the Nation's hour of peril, when the-storm klug rulen
the sky,
And the angry 'wnfeauf faction slink° their Posey emits
• on high—
In that dread and gloomy hour, doubly halltiweri to the
Of the lion hearted kern, to the l'and he laved to..save!
'And shall treason tear it • from us? 'The' the Nutlet:Oft
• blond Should- flow,: . -• . • • ..
Crimsoning river, lake and ocean, lot her People answer
In the heart af:buld lientuekikentuclry -that le.a
flock-like unshaken 'by the ~irtrvi, s or fierce 'Heeennionn
'Where thn'tvillow - drpope in Barron', 'and . the; pine..to
heaven uprciarn , • .
In a grare but newly. %opteimi"by . ri -ireeliing Nation's
04! gentle an gushing• love.that •In iroll:liA 4
in tfie lore that'warms..tlie Nation'a befirt, tar Harry or
the West!
AO quill the Nation yiefit bin to any . . threatening'
- Noel •
I:of ill her Patrint'Sons arise and nhnut her answer; No i•
See ! gleaming in the. Western sun'Lseo , flushing 'from
A million bristling bayonets rlitea mill ion swortle leap
fortL L .
They're borne by 'yeoinan siciwn l7to . crush 'the tiiniert's.
hatea,foee, •
'rho' warmed beneath Snutheru enn or cooled by . North-
Nen tucky . sliall not' pleadin wain—VirCinla fiee;
And once again the starry flag shall, ware. o'er Tennee,
Back: Tiaititrst trniu . tlie Hallowed Grouna by Patriots'
footstep:, pressed - •-• • • •, ,
Within their • Linton,. let, lio Hero& ashes
reet t •
Abolition Blasphemy
The •leni)ing : : spirits- ip:.Presi4e . nf, Lincoln's
unebnstitutinnal crurle at, , ainst slavery ar o.
the, radical, infidels of the air., 'blaspheming
.Wretches who neither loye, fear, nor respect
the Majesty of Henlien, 'and seize Upon all
ctlicins to dishonor : the name . .of Jehovah; and
shock. the moral feelints of •Matikind" by the
most profane and impious exgresStonS.
schirilof devils, incarnate Henry Ward Reedier
occupies the•pid.-
pit and the. press:to . propagatebiS . pernieious
• and revoltitt ideas. Heds no more,. inreality,
'than Greeley, Philips,.Pillsbury;.LovejoY; Sum=
ner, Wade and others, lint he is. more amili
,tinuspf notoriety, end hence'morei frequently,
obtrUde his demortiliiing doCtriries upon the
public; A late number of paper;the . HeVrYorit.
Independent; contains Atte
and • shOcking i .tirticle: • .• • • • •
Goii Ann Tttk . l`Zicito—The interval between'
the • destruction and: the salvatiuU uf the Rep
ublic. is measured by. two . eman—
riP.ltiont ;the. other, military stmesS.. The
'first is taken; the oilier How is*.it to,
be achieved? . . Therais but cue answer; by
' They .(the neorne') are the forlorn 'hope of
the Republic.. They nre the last safe keepers
of the'good. ,cause. must . rialte - allinnce
.with them, orour final.success is imperiled:
Congress is in, dispute'over a bill to arm and
equip 15Q,000 negroes, to ;serve in the..war. 7 -;-
Let it stop. the :debate! The case is settled;
the, problem is -solved; the argument, isdone:
tet,. Or . recruitidg sergeants beat their
drums!.. The next levy.of troops must not-he
made' 'in the North, but. on 'the plantations.
Marshal'them intoline by regiments and brtg
rides I The men.that have picked Cotton meat
.now hick Iliritst 'Gather the great third army
For two years.,the government has, been'
searching- in an enemy's ,cpuutrY, for. a , path,
'for victory; only the negro can . find it GiVe
him gun and. bayonet„ . and let hitt-point the
way I Thelnture is fair; God, and. : tha negro
are to save -the Republic.;-• •'..
1' What could be more herrible'than; thii? is
it nOrclear r palpable, lie yond.question or,douht;
that.: Abolitionism - ;infidelty ,run mad, and
that to . it we owe the tremendous - evilsWhiab
efilict•and are destroYing the nation 1 0, , that
t he people would open their eyes in time, and
crush this curse which will otherwise certainly
c rush • them! - • • . • • •
. . The Negrp Tax,:,
. .
The legitimate ~expenSes of war are: heavy
enough,witheut adding to 'them millions upon
million's for the 'purpose of emancipating, and
supporting the riegro . slaVes of the South... We
Protest against Congress voting a [Jolley for
this unwise and unconstitutional purpose':.:We
protest against the payment, of any 'tax. that
may, be. levied to Pay' principal or' interest on,
anfloan thatrnay ,he contracted by' gevern 7
meat' for ;such , a purpose—and we urge upon
the Legislature the 'duty und Policy, of passing
at once a - joint resolution declaratory of the
intention.of the General Assembly 'and 'people
of the State to resist the,payment of any tax
levied for the purporie' of negro emancipation,
or:for any•other uaconstitutional purpose. The
following resolution; adopted at a receni De •
•Resolved, . That the general government hail
'no poweg under tbaconstitittlon to tax': the
people of the State of Illinois for,the purpese 01
raising meney 'with which to buy:the slaves of
Southern States, and:we :now 'deClake, in
entice; debts contracted, .or bonds
which may bp issued, for the purpoie of paying
for. anyi:Such ,tilaves;,ive; hold to be utterly
void, for want of authority to issue the 'same;
and 'the State, of Illinois will never "consent'
'that -her be taied r .lo(..ttny such
' The:•isseneo . or . M>olitionism isi
as 1 tlO;'o . r yktu.'ira,a cuned traitur." ' •
•., . , •
R • 4 ., .
(1.1 14, I t 1 4 1 t: ty , 4 *;;,1 fV, , t tWIINWW. Wait
SgETHPOWL,. , 31. KEAN •,.1J .DAY.
.N t o
„ . .
To ite. tori' F f the;Peitriul and Union
As many rumors Oren-float
Inin-tiansnetionwhieh t'ookpliteeliettivepVOen-:
eral Cameron andmysellon:seieral'Oceasiehs.
preViOns to ,the late election of quited ~ Statec
Senator, 1 think it 'Tr duty, tO
Unvarnished statement of the faCts;:so that there'
may he'hereafteine misuedrebtanding - .'or2mis , - , ..
.representation. :PplieVing . that there 'would be
atterrips.tebribe.niernbers in orderto tjefeat4he•
eleetiennf,al).etnocrat,,,l. conceived the. roject'
of initting myself in the way . of
. thei:operatorir
and try inghow far ihey:were.disposed te' go in'
the Matter. Once conceived; I:determined itel
act tquiri it, anit . e.ainmtinieeted.tny intention
'several _friends.'The , ,first. opportunity, that ,
offered I embraced—and berejsthe - tesille,
.1 had been to Philadelphia, nail oniny return;
merlieps• a wr.ek,or more • before . the';,.eleetinn, -
'1 'met Mr.• Wini •probst, ,of LewiSburg,„ With.
whom I, wag Vespal*(l, at the. Pennsylvania,
Houie, in fiarrishiirg, for the Ilr'st time this
- winter; and noticed 'some. imusital:hervotistiess'
oh 'his - part, antlfrorn 'conduct Was 5e0n. , 10 . 1 -
suspect t is, usiness at.. Harrisburg was.
riot'of a very ,public character. In the after noon
he curneto - me . nnd,askell to' 'sue privntelk;
-and we. proceeded ot 011CO:to:.my
he very .soon - commenced disparging the; several
prominent DerriociatiC . . Candidates , for Illnited
,States Sena tar;
.and • coneluded. by 'expressing
his deeided.preference tor. Gen. SinionCeirieron.
Thie, of coirrse,left me nä doubt, as to the ohjert
'of 'his visit JO the State Capital and to me, and
I 'atonee asked him whether that ivas 'the , oh,
jeCt..Of his visit. He said it. wit'S; Irpreply-.10
-mfrpiestion,whether General Caincrop ruithor: .,
dud hintto conic 'to.mq in this wey...he said . he
was . ntithorized. by Caineron.to see - n 4 Heino
crat of the house or Senate, and ehter into.the
I. preliminitry.tirrangetrientS .: to secure vete for
cumeron.....f herrnsked him: in' what 'mariner
they: qxpeeted.to-secure the efection,of
\yei:ed ' , by getting :three Demo- ,
crate to absent , themselves on the Aar , of the`
election'.” 1, then askedhim what they . , Would .
pay. He-said he was authorized' by ,Cameroni
to offer $5,000: told him the figures 'WeiO too
low, and desired him to tell me. who. the other
members Thii herefused to. do at 'the .
tiine i ,hut wrinlii try and ' vet permission of his
principal to themleft,arid finilyetarn.
ed in 'a short time, and said that General Cum- .
ofoti Wanted to sec'tne, perSounily, at his r esid
once, out of Om city that
,evening. 'I told. him,
.I, could not .mnlie.the engagement; • but would
.answerrini in one hour, and if I coulilget clear
'Of another ertgagemient - I.had would go .
with In the meantime I .consulted With .
'Or. Earley; oftlie Hbuse of ReriresentativesOny
colleague, to whom .I related the foregoing facts„
I;then saw Probst' ag:nin'antiteld him 1: would
,go. He told me he mould . have ncarrigeready
in front•of Herr's Hotel at 7 'O'.clock;
was Miami ized by Cdinertm to get ti.earringe at
any time. When the time arrived Dr.l.-Earley
and myself N:valked doWn to Herr's anti saw the
carriage and 131.01)0. there... I then' made same ,
eXcusu , to arid ....told :him- it woulid : lie
'hest riot• to'go.' (I deemed it prudent
stoie of the Proceedings not to 4.manifiSt ::too
much eagetness,least'l,might'defeat the object
in 'view.)',..Tlio.next diry . he (13r,flisOlerilded.Ond
said Cameron wanted to: see me State
e'upital Bank; `.l called, and was, ushard into
a . back seam Of the bank; and . found ,Cameron
there alone,.. .He.- addressed rule
"Topir,' thi. you think you . : entilil.linve ceerage
plioughlo.vdte for MeV! , ...II answered , C h it -
was a very
. b.usiness-liked question, anditliat' it
Would depend very: much on euroStancear , -
He then siiiil,"“srippose the circumstances ire
nil right." LOSked , him ho.w he 'meant «all
right." He answered, i.. , thtinaticinl considernr
two; in short, the dollars anti cents . • .:1
him, <icerteinlY." He't hen 'asked' me Whatl
wonlif:tatie."-1 told' him hail not been in..this
business Ion?, end did not :'know. exactly., how
td answer, bet:Wished him to' name , the sum:
He . asked Whiit I' thoiigh of
down,' alter. the woik ,was done. ,nsked .
him, whether .be.‘vautecl a 'vote or •im:absentee.
Be ansWeied,' , !a vote,". and that it be ,
vary tiOublesontOo. get the men . a way, and
. sideahe only regarded the mone y;. pall. as : the,
first,instalment,and that.he felt in duty.heptid,(6
, tak . e - eare, of the person that. matlelim, Senate':
afterwards; antrif: he had so marry to take'ettre
'of, it 'would, embarrass hint; het if. he
,had but
-one he could 4g it well:and 'peolital)).jr• as: Jong
'as we , lived; and-said besicles„there watild :be po
more danger in .voting direetly c fer hfm than; in
being abient; for they would make every, provis::'
ion for the protection of the men that WouliiVote
for-hien. This
,ended,.the and We,
agreed to meet again to fix-the , compensati . on.
The next day he s,ent jlrobit for'rne.' I declin.
eil going . tO see him, but agreed *see ',hit' at
'my room, 'No.. 'ls'. Pennsylvania' House.' 'Mr.
'Brbbst,,who Was still, : up.td this , time, figuring
for Simon, Went after him; andi, „Cameron then
.said, let's come .to an understanding."
1 ,said; ;'What for?.", Ite:ansvvered; refer
ence,to the Senatorial question." I .then said,
g‘l said,i , l. will give
it,"' and wanted to know who I would.prefer to
arrange further interviews and do s the financier.
,ing . „of the buSineas, I told him, my limited know
ledge of his friends did net. enable me: to. name
•that person. - ~He then pronoSed.Jirn ,
I said he would 'do. He ibenleft; stating ;that
he was going .to Philadelphia taorrange another
.tinatiet which he liaddri.vieiv, and . vVcruld return
on Saturday .everiiii. This Was . ,Wednes
•On thursday-I met - John J. Patterson; lle
desired te'see the, inifitskeil me M'eall - at his
room et Heirs Hotel. When I tnet . .hitnjesk ,
eil Min where Roma toltbme hewria
sick: 'lle thin; said, .saoyer, the nicineY 'will
be'rillright."'L'asked him, i4Whiit money'?"
•He then .s'aiti, 1 4 0 h ,I knowall about it, I !saw
. (1. m u st tint forget' to state here that
prior' to,rnrineeting,Pattarion, Brobsit told ma
Patterson wanted to see:me, omthat businessij
'and; bY Ciimeron!s; arrangement, be .-Would ge
doWn in . the care On this Lebanon Valley road.on
:Frhlay, ,at fiotelinrit, , and that we woul&:go -to*.
:gether ndsettle the entirwairair: •.• • .•
;We Met according to 'arrtingetnapti anti In
begga.e anitrinient'of the ear;
ceneiniledflie bargain tor .529 . ,000. for a vote for
cenehO Cameron fortbe S..
Senator, with the egreement't hat no 'Other Melia
her :Ohould." bciughi,,' tied - thaf this' '
antlthe mutter--Pr . evidril Cameron Would'agree
to ,the thims„ ant' dettns'fte:'the rrieneY • in; the
hands qtroterschi; tole paid 'to immediate*.
ly after the - election 'wee over,' and thattheiiiko ,
tnem hers. (W it ti what* Patteradtr'seitt CarnetOn
wini,elsoin treaty) Who , Were tin:.the..‘Care . inn's
their, way to Philadelphitiothould return out Sat ! .
urtly. • We coriaidered.the laat , thati if • they
were . setit'off, , the'Honse-mould'not to
election, end 'our agreement' viouhf , tiot .lieenn
stimmnted. ititterrieat-acenned2 . 4o..i deter. ,
mine mind in tavir'oft he !iort ft oigniitytt r.rato .
tersontventiMmediatelyto Cerriermfliwtioiwis.
Inthe earl and retained in a.feW tninutea;!itut-
Itit.thnt, hlthodo Cameron regardedlthe-priee ,
big, he would pay; it -in . , order aneejurt her
trouble,; a nil "..would,th'efelorecroot - say. Anyth ink
'to the.merribera then on their way.toik.PliihnloY: .
Phis;'and that theyttnip t ht returniand
:vent any - disarrangement , of tho . plan,that,might.
arise - *- trent their;ableneel. ,, Salurday.evellilng
'Wee then agreed upon as tha.::t into for.the next
interview: 'I pioppe&at . R.eadingt . edirdidoPuti .l
Who:returned ..thet . -)lnmiry eveningi , Ml,
flitiristnift; , 'Cerneron - wenr;ttilPhiladelphic ,. . l .
carne tip on Sattirday:evening,i and found. Cam ,
eron on the train; us saat , ftistlone Of, the•
men who,Went. to Philadelphia tha , dayi . hrfore;:
and 1 think.hotil. ':'At the depot at-Hairiabart ,
.1 met Patter'son; - who Coil] the:inteririew
be at Don Catiferon's'.. Acenrdingly.'Patterscim.
and Myself went direct to the: holism and..lband! .
the Gene . ral there 'ahead. of He invited: us;
up! stairs, "and, by. ri - dismal light,' we. agreed
upon the prier; vii.t'Carneron assented,. to the•
bargain between Patterson 'and ..mysell by. •
agreeing pay' the•s2ll,ooo—ss.,ooo of which
,Wns In be , paid in hand—and would': deposit
in Patterson's hands in My' presence' -at :some
tiru int erview,' subj.ct to my -inspection.' A •
little incident . whieli neenired hero. would.;be
a, pity. to lose tollie world:- After. the bargain .
. 000(1111.1q Silllntr . straightened., up on his.
cbair; rubbing his:legs with his hands; aaying,,
Well, this onds'iti I will be Senatnrantl you.
shall never regret it",:-(addressing - hitriSell ;to
will be the Most imwOrful mati!in that
Senatm'the entire' write of altiits•cif thlitGiwL•
'ernmentwill chnngeknothing . la more car.
tain trio that the South will gain' her , indepen.
- .knee; iounded.like.lreat;oll,) 'n. l l ll .lhem
we will hold,thit vont rot 'of the Gdvernnient and
I Will he able to Serve tni•frienden" andan' we
part ell agnin,tO dream.of Southern Confederacies
and Wiiinebegoes for Senator.' Petterson . .and I
thew agreed to meet on Monthly. . •
We met at 5 o'clock,' in Patterson's toom'at
Iferes','on Monday-afternoon', 'Here Patterson
told me , hail - .the., $5,000 'band ~giney
'locked up . .in'the safedoww.itairs,' but wanted
Me to See Simon' agaill;befor& Pat Mg it, over
to me: I insisted on.the hand money. This I,
deemed necessary to keep, Orr the delusiori. Aye .
'then parted to Meet at the same placa'early the ;
next morning. Immediately rifler breakfast ,
on:Tuesday,' (the day *of. the , electlom) Met-
F'at terson, occOrding "to ire,reeMento,'.
room;Simon being present, lying on • the , bed,
aomplaining of a disenee ofth'e It was
then'delired that I 'should see some' Republican.
member of tiie Senate or House; who,',,would
he sent to ine,'and inforni.:liim of my willing 2
ness'td fpr Cameron .in case 'ndMi
tinted . 'To this I:malle al:Mud:Pretended , C,,bjee.
tied' and . derOanded.to.know the trecessit,Y:fdr
; Simon It Was . dsr.' diil
this they. might think be: just' wanted•thei'i•
d--'4 nomination - for 'effect," , afbich 'tot
.11e . 'ddelriied he yreald.nol. have ili&nOM;
inatien and 'id'afent for the. Wholel;eilalatare . :
SO', of eourseo 'consented; and the voting ' ' price
the gentlemen: whit "would wait: oni me there
was Dr. , Fuller; of the :Senate, 'whn *mild' he
present nsisocin as I a'as . reirly' to 'receive film
.I:said 'that - was- artight, ,but - 'triust'o*
convinced' . thrr.thlr, money year; all light too:
Patterson' theti'hurriedly 'Showid` me large
bundle of notes,. he, renresdnt rts. t?eingt
ihe'dniounr Of the final payinent. rHe assured
Me - ' the day before •shorilehaVe' !the' hand
Money,' and - again 'on TueideY'Mcirruitig'adid
could havelt.' h!qi I'deerned . ,it better . ,
oil .relleetiOri, not •to'have 'it atioef:me; •iriatt;
mdelrai there niights be •a, raw• , after die 'ele;
- • .
tion and 'said I would trust .it to thenr,APat
terson • rindicarneroa,),..ln.owitig them. to Ire-
Aouest,, Patterson, again assured me the hand
money wa's ilOwn in 'the site, - tin'd' taltOliel•
. aith the reridur . e; siMuldbeforthcomingainiobir
'as the,election. Wes °Yee', ..(I.may here- state ft,
did not come.) Cameron then Said his carriage
would beat the. State Capitol Bank After the
electidn; and I siMbld came' right' down and it„
over' td 'twine an . ..re am 'there awhile)
This; of coursi,'Lagreed to do,
'Now, then, all being , iarrengcd;;,Dr;
fuller was ushered in •by*Patterson. , The imire
driction completed; I, .seid preaunie
I understand • the object OF, 'this
'He then talk 4 , l. , ern.chairmaniof
eotrirriittaelippointed by the Republican caucus.
to tYait,on your to see -whether yon would y 9 te. l
for Ca rnciron,": tessnrelyoulhat
if 'you nominate.'qem , ,Carnaron (painting to
the old Winnebago lying, on, the. hatl) it •will.be
all right." He said: Jqoui.give ote that assu
rance?" I said. arcs." then, 8411.1
' 44 Yoil , need bit'v miljeurs of , personal, , ,iliunger,
or anything„ of of that, sort.. „Walleye, : made
every provision to meet all dertger.?,' l J'hu,s4lre_
last.scene in this strahgeldrce ended., . ; Simon
assured me that he would,he ever grateful, and
hope be , •
It is proper , here toaarthatduring this entire
adventure with,Simon 'and his agents, my auk,
league, Dr. f l arley, , W.. ; A..Wallace, the !ens,'
tor - from Clearfield, and. ilohert Yaugri,: ; the'
preprictor, of ,the Pennsylvania ,Rouse, , ..iti
city.. were,in,thejsecret,•aird . Dr: espe
eially,lcnow,contently what .was , ;
In one of, , my interview,mithyitttesson,on,.,the
cars goihg , to Xteat4rm, ite; said
should any Investigation grow out of
action he would.be the only,.,witness,that , knew
nnYlhing•nklut, it, and he wou ,avvear - ,taitiely
and petit_ ~ .'y . ;
In regard, to theAntea. given. in the' abode
slat ement,,at made. •no memerloile„ nt ; the,
time, 1 cennoubeicertaitt that,thekare• correct,
b u l 1- believe they Are, ,
Jcvyclisosi .Bottast.!;.
...I:ii t.: ..B ti Milo Ceitrier';giv es. piC.the„.follovFjpg,
Capita! tqi , tlt . . gVaPhs i.,..:;:.i0
.A . Cit'AnCs Fan VOton,Wilinkn'Cz-liitlieWiieti
iiigtOn co,rtUipontienee , of is 'said.
t he • President is inxiOas tO engagti the service
of ` enterprising ' ct ive, touti men to'd
but, copies of . emancipation" prielamation.
thinaghotit 'the" 'Cotton- . States. (lead Wives
Here an'opPbrtunity 'fbi
l.terpristng young e , .
:;31 1.0•
' vszj,
COAL At:1110NC) :L0CQ . 111071179.—"F. rei ton,
a a Tr? * M I . ' ift Yt
t .fi 7.4 : • 1
19 ,
, !ir !PIO re !ti tetr . ettivert pi
COO ns, furl,jor' ic . ieomOti;;;ellt'''
Coal ti ng . Vir'ii‘rio'tiVe;lll l inii l colti;4 ll4 ;
tipti earn t„but a' well ertiblielittillirt
eitritamjt..W Wliett
roady:tnote than ,eigtit , ' . yeortAsinkeiv. itt,,llt.r. clo ll , l h
hase s meAter.,.cit.,;greaf,donkty,
bud made the. nttemM enirtieS or
Ir pe• d, and had s uceee`aelf•i I n
meas te,
biti'lhe'eniinee l Weri•eluMeyant. l heavy:T.mnd
Of :slow The;fuelfor Teti se)) ges,,Arein,
.wati, ; ero Trofll , AH' 4!,,9C. ; , )"PFV e N,
k4Owiedae thy engine men, end enatur
10 a -• ' • ehaege"f r initi •Altif httbitil‘‘
roe4o . y of entire see:
.reas. , l. W. 6 waxer oftod!mortifted.J.l4„Abe-speeto,
c14 .0 (a CP!itilttl,P?.Pl'l'.!lro4‘ lll „-,i t ?q , CYSISPi
. . .
twp tt tinnil for ‘s-not,,,oll.titeittn,"ond ootninnots
ere .
!ielves, or thehi Vre Vtiere`+flen - geit:
. •.• •
ithot•hbvisoifor:onlylc. , ptrtier';lniluro ,l lC.ittle
tiriteolutt.to' ,the i syuitt•sis expitt tice,.fini
the Are n n the py!,, , 9f
Potseretelnee rind.a
thb.regtifiiii;. , lttrintint Poe
pi;ni trail ittiowl.4leit in montigiok'it he firfi,mod
the trial ..was. no longer:liii,..i.xpoiirrto,nt, , ,M4l a.
1311$1 . NRS. t ilespipei! cintt,,ititty, coal from,
•Ihuit time,hecurriethe cit.voilte
iinikinP.man:nifd 'fireman wig found to dlto
.thito ever 1010 re . ,.; Inatentl.otlinvittg tri,weod
e cry . tri',ent y .1 bitty; roAl.es,,
that eon' enough ceoliilot,pll:o3 itt nt one 'fi;r
hundrhil miles. `' The'iost: of furl"'per mile'
ruin' 15.11.1 rettiteed or.e. Move, -nnti ; t:htrW n
vory intwirtdotteletnent twitEttevelopetli.in.the ,
neottorriy l gi, mgnhgittg „rtiilpiptfi; J D9
te beotritsorv"t not by ru do of{ snvinglhert i ist
rofll ad 'tint 611 - 'l'l'dpi:oh rail
rnh'itE; wnndlcoiilil Imrdty , :bove.hrormohtnitted
:now sufficient to supply, the dororttot. ; - , ~.t
T ' l,l riF:(lit 141.71 e
a ST I 0: , 1 - - 7 de' 'verrinerney,ol
Qhto ‘ is(rina r io riinrefe;
rie'y'are efetormin'eil t
this Statesbil ,niot.bec s iiinii . et
igriorarkt ni4illiternte 'flenpid;
v. hick
Innuticiern nth' etntenvoring' hoiden - the libel'
In the I;dgieln'tu W.Tr':'rriiik'' hits;
steps WhCch,we trust, iettle'tte
of n'egrO t'Othi4'gtnie reet, -
offering thp tollowing resolLitihiinenit'trnette
rvient . lo the Conetitutiont..
`tThat ;the ..:001baMT, Assembly at. Its ,
firat,acsatun to,he 4 hchl aftertheatlbiplion;of; this,
amendment, pass•auch'.lti%4S.,tut'will
Prohibit tree persons ftoiir.inti t ini*riitilkitsoAtt
teettline•in; , ` lists-'State; •OndtWefrectually.pie7,
`vent •
•tbittownersrocialavea.from ••tigi9OngeOlflr
i f7e to; . .this_Stote . l . t l. pc . the, put pose .of s etti
• Th e radicals, as a Matter- of .c time, raise a
•••tt mi n d'
dbmoußCe' the yer t noctauvporitigly.` Bithhat
availa ill i ' them .nothing, is is' no Wrie r ititi
can fail to seiMaS the etfeats of. n'egbo
gritian h i d 'ititni4ts
of "'cite State- .b7dats delid i 'Maiiilealir. I`' t - °
Lion OC, a „United -,Slut9P!Pha,t9r,..i!)'F.l ll f l l3;. l A .
vanier.that t chPtce o l-Ntr.',PPOC 4ll3 VY.flis . 'Pg.
cause for ;Out' entisfactiojiointio9 Ihel 0 (41
hapd;it , a,malancholly,],comasestkary..an,:sbe
state -of ou'r.country to Rad,. zso-;),argep:.;party
voter Cast:Joe his: oppolsenti tis:trusn ~whorests
under, .the : censumlf-tho- country ,sor: snake
'which ought, unexplained .and.unrepaiital, to.
bat i,im forever r lrorn public t rust , :f ,But,St, js' to
. ,
be hoped we are : now, seeing . tho„leat-days;pc
,ShikfaeticM,.,ssihich;tsacrifieei all ...maraliminci-
Plc, all teitetti,W,,OPe!ttrt 001 :ittttetsr9t!lPikkiPs
on the , .altarto(negroPhillam ! ' l : • , :tf
The Philadelphia 'Liquirei,' an ablo;,, and.
.candid Republican Murcia! sayis..;
Buckalawo .:`llthoitgls ''widely-,known
throughout the ( Stela us "iteading Men.lin„,ttia
party, is , Olt p.,y,otsug , man,babsy, about Nr,ty
thkee;feafs of Re la a reildebt of Biaoma.
buri;.iii'CO!iiiribitiTebtiniy, att.! ti'Menitiol'i tit' the.
bar. Prior to 1847; he had served @arta yews
in the State *nate; andWavin 41,44...,..t . trm
when be ,rcßit ' med ,tts, accept the • appointmen,t,p i t
Miniater fesidetif to -the Arienitne'''COnfideYa
tion, which place he' held Moi' i'a'eallott; bY
'President Lincoin':--tThemew Sanatoria a man ,
of ,p ret,,,,bitte„",ibty; c,tul I , s ithi lax ipb f r strict'
integrity, i ,lleyfpi once liipplly,dasCribc4
a tpeclatni , fe•lad alsapplfltad,'
'thasissinftls;i- j^il tt , .”41
tt'aisri4&ntithingi with Bucikle'w;i • ho's: just
tika , oh'e ,of ear': mountain ;atroarnsi_,cokt, ,Ak t iFp
been tratify,Ml tom hbi
kiatitis„b(he,taiitiottrA,:thaiiiiieriat Ve •
cordance witibthefr vie2wsilt ielimattek;ifor
congatuletionthat the gtterctt democracie' have
malls Min, personally, as
tErirEn IMOSI A." VOCE OP-'rift' tr. S.' SILI•;;
: , ;••;1- , :iIPIRPESiCOPIRIT*IIr "
•,.s •
Sorne.tierte , in the letter part of tiro „rust sum,.
trier Predirleilt" , Lfeettln 'appointed Daniel
'filitier"aJiiilde r e ' f' the' Siiprenie' Court of the
AkiiteA,Sitgtes• ,s)l,,°t'
when, Aber. appointment , wrkss,ahoonneed, , the ,
everybidy, 44 W , kni
que"e'tion was, asked by a lmost
is Mille! F`. Miltert" isms Unknown - ,
, r$ r .„ ~.$$ rss. r rr.h
Es t.
tnfeme t anti, tne„generat,trinpAessnilLs, w a
. .n
legal tribunal of tko, , natlpis .fAltroicilliPfPnY4# PO,
whom lid bad been; adenstomed
term` in 'tha t 'We - Stern fiditt-;
man frqm cl4PnoF
he is, we are at leasbinfortned , edkatkliela*.aasi:
the inforthal ion au tia cac tory (I , ' last I ii , N d g e l
; 0. , ' •
Miller is'ne sound a liw . yeouvhe is a potitleisitto
iv"ethitisifdivd !Ptiiistioit/erestir.vhelsirti*
. . .
t rt rardrinisightullippreiitnisdstifi.at ai 1 1 - kion .1., o T
aTherfudgei hew Itneistmealt,tlFellsasit ifio 49sll)
;sloV.t 410 000. P? tlteti riterend , a,ege. l 4eki R4)01 1 4
P1 01 1 444 09 11 4,1tcn0gM lt 4 e t. litteniks't - utrl l ll l otl
juttillo of cb4 Rignlii, Af, 0 0 9 11 04.09PP1 AlWats
taisl,of Ole ,P,nlq.n o '',.44!ti ; ,4 1, 0 01i(1 1 , 2- 1 4 4P4AlIglif1,TA'
F•e•Plqh.; :11 ~ !11 1 ~c f ii owl 0061044 * zifqtto
. fr4 4 q4Sen•tieak4q l o4 ,l4 h.'4 ,1 1S filt+lcroyoffti
more thou 4 gin fi nd languigi,to *pre.," g r,
I felt jba t 'by 'iliiiiiAso.'irillilllk r iintil v rlt . i e
Will Hiatt)" ii siAesti'qestO'rAithtflot 11111ATideled
told CohstitiatiotOsP libiell,vg*,l slit to elta4tar.aci
rl I:M4m eld•Cley,Whiparyotkellltkliososedtr
Wherethottparty,. went dawooksgitoifieklolo4l4
Repo hlitun si i ntho ltoe.,Aniie gig iy iv r!opt o
succerd to sil l e loyll dnalna imp! vlit eib(
thg'Whig , ii.artylaetcartifitile l e 4.ita ea . hil.
pvitieitoo, him . t owy, t orpvgip,thwer goothiwe
r ims..- Bus racaSamerslralsarsi,aliurgiifiedAlr .0141
wa . TKPL i'l Or
.. cf/Yiff"l/lt .. . , ,t)H4,ll7l'at i r i t l a l grak s d iprl
ciy m wir r ap 4 apas,ene4o o. opu a,, can c
gess; that "the public Ireaslitylitita iiili/P"Pe O
alaiiid' b Whilleialor'fhie 44 lrgsf , 'ltall 44 littila*o
St it tek to Ittrulth hi.otwered P,wilb ;mart•keli sieleto
I hllt g `f fe‘PPe , eghtkA bou if l y oo / vo ll r ian,aelkAnOts
aNugoonspf ihk.bat st il ph, Oat free`noms ghoul
'Ur, saiked to tlesel;itiOri", era tlfe leenhoi t ilit 11..
hiF raid ned'ltf its fiVa'ciletilwejit4lifitiottofotTho
neOrtaelt ortii 0 0011111i , e0Iht he -titholltiois t Wl4l
of tho Republichnisertynt the:640;1,1.w ~,N,l.trol
Wo old 'Whig , . 1 11 P. lll lie4CY, l lkk Ihet z ,llart i hrfnu
paity,,- did,nnt coneeet le, Pa a Pir'Y . • ! h r.
Hitch vialatio,nitif'th`e'ClittSfllittiOhalllittilit#Ylh 4
ilia the. dnii'seli °rani: liccift; , 111111i411/1N144
morn, John ..I..Crittelitluris St.ool llll. 4 • Psegi is; ti
and-hul l oed of 01 the,Wite a r/4.l l .°94.4 ll tatitt,ef AT '
ettli(l. )°Pnittegdvliltr?.l"Mtilii[P°l, l 39l irAftn i lre •
11W ; 1111, nl.lO Itlp civil Vtir .that ,is, upaiit vs.—
r They cool() hol hair; Pie4bnik. 'SAW Clil4llo
fi 'w ( c ord 1;6? fit fainiarerie rei/oltit ion; botltbef Ctrivil
I ,0 0 , 1 , i)., o ttosi t ion , wotild;.htivetmayed 4 011M14.1.
rest) of,lipoikuilhetetsl4 l °!tr , ',el444ll4lob.flutiWflt
this, at a trifling rtpense 'of money, an a
%mall loss of life, that ' rebellions' Stile would
IWO heel{ Ktilitbled . betre ttiollat cifytheriskiii ,
ion:."; ~,,,;, ~, , f '
.-1 1;, 'l* ... t ' !h s M'4ll Vi gi hi Frei*
' 'rßuto bow ~ olid.lhe Phtle;Yy..Plahavat h etliAl
Basle flfal.'•Mll 3 t OP; PC,rs imai i Thal ja i
away with it, 'away \Nit i ,'"aql"Fielti tir
who advocated it "11111 1 Talttith' SIMI 44110 1 41 6 / 4
Slitin'Stieei POI. 'l , llaeganVilo withoetithelinAlld
Werwill *modal" ,roupjbe.mtvaffitiout,4t font
".00.... ,whlnAt,4-AoPstriTlerkiit*
tile nation procla i med tts'A fo r t e II ON en_
the Abolitionis assumed thal th'Ili 4 ;1 1 610 flir
War party, and denotiliced ntrothers `as - rebel
sylppathitere, , 1 3 zr-,if 1 14:51/4 et. ..)I"; , lS'e'rilt , P
' l'hitt lIIPAINIkIiC I O. 2 " I4 SP9I. II - 0 , 1 1141 ) ilisql
61 5
. culin# oft: war lor_lneir I?vr of The t
ele ell r 'tiviidt' ilery via:: hillleirali °.. 4 . Ilk
Add iih Ishivety Olity end s+!(! %Edit 4iitemiliti tett*
they.,wili %aid kolooeibly raiser' their sikosikhoco
”Le./the, IMO', 3 /# 1, 41 ,. ...Atf , .r , 31 Nvt i lmfo kil'M
9,enklqi9l"4l'; ),ailt7fPa i ll UT ihr, uTf°B l tr at
party to save t h e m oo s
~ ,,
l't lids 'al WaYi Iteesrrrti4vi tritjhoketiwillriA 4
tylvitlisioevtit tipheitt Vorott it ittloostailem *my
the,pnly tefegustilif 11100111-v 411 Nert tkettalkt
1tY,:. 3 .44 A,l!Ka._ 1f 1 11.4 Wm, I
_ k rttain the t ,l47Pi•l r i t 4Va e l
slum oho "edition 'tws t ristry yeaoi .or d
!far ill' Ole p et leniqll;ylelildfd'otkiihiparStitte ll
stfeetrofellywnd kloriosslytthrough , thovitreeeill
dr civil conamotionell444 , Itutsenet9if-Rlaillac
, Lar, , ,, , ' , VA lion ~kpli: s l Azitx
1 regard the Clay,progperti, Wel 1110 090-
101 DeleoCrlii i eii io 4lll fllliVaiiii ilisl(filiiWeldl
rielillll4lltlelibilit o f iinisv2il"lw; et4Piv#l 4
...', When flee 0110. Scott stinl,lll4l4l4l,4)lltwereo
un d
. c r ixop ix lpo o onfl a Icllt. l ,crßt 51T1.4 5 1 0. 1 1 14 4449441
411,1 - 1 .ra' 1 ,4 Pr? , -9 , P, P i t , 1 .1 1 . IT tw4triAirir
years ago, no,tv uplee'rite te iiblre fril t if'
Da rnoc racy; , i cionglittee4nri'llbohelilartift lleil
immortal sage of A shland i that pureat of- patri
coi,;;roosoelortnenttafr elwtercriePlitiv,taVialg.
etaoswoo. #AorY P l, l77sVVe,t l )ll7,:rillAßß.A\
ini,tst,,lii too; would lettil hie 'stoical, to Javan
of th a t party .whose iiiii eh•i'viiiith iiA tfiaAieafil
ttitotiiih its it '.ift"46l 4,l The!Usioni siviltiit
*dal shall. be preset.* etlV"ut.. , I* v,z, , la nli , ezAri` ed
The Abolition ,ksuiplatrletl4l4944,4l,4llll l lo
the character of the conteit they were enter
ing upon, that they ptabtfthed - the war: would
be over I in, ejety, dila-, gbf714811101 , 4 1 1 r k ell
.thelrife,ner?o,er , iqt#,d , for,i, !!1 1 11 Illgtlg.
,a9ted`, for and y l c,ti,ihe war
,wages wi t3f1. 1
i g athpled 'Uri et the. end 'bf'sool"lifit intik
foi the rait,'lltrinoeihe:lletrotOtretsie — eleiily
the necessity of woniveral feisnifilffi MIMS
AlldPht,Virhigif , cla)l l ,l,P sl?tPailafial al
more,,thit9,,Pack .. l,llope th,e l y,wf I ill ape iiX
lieder.thit'Aemogititidlig;'44a itielfiliitisit
`of mit. • triiitin. l ' . 00 ' ;., 'i' , 1444' 1 :mdl ct0itr..,0.4 tir.'(
1,1, ; ,,,i ~,..,•61RlespeetfillyointlIP•11- 4 114*
, , r .;• lo :;,1i0ni, 1 4. 1 1 1 1141 XblMPaßkl , i
Tlttriito* ivgitittTilitirsisotteeitnizior.
or.: bi Firm. ithen stibilW VsttellillSl4olll ll odf ,i.l
r. , Chf,R `lagle,', .P.Plakilrl b aVpn h VII Is ti mn,tl
is presenlei 'affirms Ivory. .as
Peiltir-iille4Vinot4diesriii`'foYath tilirticei4it*
tvillNbdri.tivitosdrltivit Nrtmt , ityreottingiiio , llol
enderstootlydes many, L seelst.rte.; belle (II 44414111?
.440.1),4.. , „0kal a)Aliii 4 t l l 91, °ffitleieitim i Pfilf
,Prflvoil I fl the it,olloilnisttation; the g o' .PM iginmenj
40111,1;4416 polder to iinXiettid' the w;ier,'itiftl
11;6;4611r; When tlie'polfitefftlitiiti l itell
'the, p OO Oll l , •ever sejeeted 'itaritoliticiltflib illift-
AufninAttfc in , the AfilPiejitollklo,nrtt% 1 1,8191 l
.40.. 6 ,Pvga? 4 aratla9 I P9l4T4.l l rlat a l&all
toil r'' tiiiii iiiet rote - is il l'illaiii'ettilite'isilkliiithtlit
rim ' , witty ."irtad,'A .11frthispewillw IT* trolkills
North wat,,nnited , /s I IO II4 X 4,4eptedfilll 4
Kaufe , ctuth tfelify i lf VA ItrPt e Pttl ilk , t• '
r tr.
ernmeni. The Non is not' and ea lee
united ino,iiroseeotingfakh, a boi t i os olgo v , ve,,
The. pe0p1e,..4111 Inut , ,, attePtoOrgleilftWitltliftfi
g tqes,' as t willisiank r iokidesx#o•iyoultlAt
or':., ,h,v-° ell+Xts,f,"!111,0111117 attleteiko,
or 'enttgro'g lilt:lilt i`o rith iiirtlit a I..lolr a lV i te
'eirterti thiethe:;o4lilviiillohilelliseilikekieli
follow 'thothismetiitflith44,4 ll ,lo4 ll 4 l ol.4
to,ccet S,ltUrtge.ittilmikr fie l toiv)s.
isalpays t4 i ,fa4144-.Ata icatn ii &frau e earl
PVrtilitate"rits oduillisolitaturh; 'iklioilileikiie
olaeitsTiliViraeovitiiithtlitothislihreilml ,
ih,-,..mbi.scArientoti:vtauentitbscoo Imo) tire'
, ,Vitylaseinaw, wi.000$,:00/!l 111.04leriO
, it , ,I ? , . 7,, , ••• i.., , air,i , w , i , JA T.14:11, , A , Ktit if,1.14.
. , a .
#Wilitliiiebllthilli(NOVliikiti ifilmilisc94lo.o*-
fiveradionAtt4 l4l4 l - i s eh il .WlVOq ta f t Ne
i#4 1 1 1 1! INo ll i t 10 rg l OgAl b r PrrU%
4,ottippiets,witenelref the? meeriblimt hit
lifghWaY; r iiiia kiiiiligrtireil ,sligheribealligi,
OflcOtiisit: V 74,1 0." N' d 411 ' i 4ol *Vi' 6 ' ll • Diist!kit ri
. , 2 '.• °3l . i',.. 1 '7,0..4 , 41:4 V l fOtt.l44, 04%